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Ilsundal - O Sbio
Ilsundal foi um dos elfos da primeira gerao, nascido na
terra de Evergrun no passado antigo. Evergrun foi invadida
pelo gelo e destrudas no rescaldo cataclsmico da Grande
Chuva de Fogo (a catstrofe que obliterou Blackmoor e
deslocou o eixo do planeta). Ilsundal levou muitos elfos longe
do continente sul para uma nova ptria e de volta para as suas
tradies de magia natural. Depois de alcanar e
estabelecendo-se uma nova terra, o Reino Sylvan, empreendeu
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o caminho para a imortalidade, durante o qual ele criou a

primeira rvore da vida (os artefatos de vida que ajudam a
sustentar os elfos). Depois de se tornar imortal, Ilsundal tem se
preocupado com todos os aspectos do bem-estar dos elfos (at
onde os elfos da superfcie acreditam), e adorado por elfos
sobre muitos outros mundos (como Corellon Larethian em
Oerth). Ilsundal aparece como um elfo com olhos sbios,
geralmente vestido com um manto azul-celeste.


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Ilsundal: The Wise One, Corellon Larethian

Symbol - A silhouette of the oaken Tree of Life

Alignment CG

Clerics CG, CN, NG

Portfolio - Elves, magic, arts and crafts, music

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Domains - Chaos, Good, Protection

Home Plane - Arborea

Weapon - Longsword
Ilsundal was one of the rst generation of elves, born in the
land of Evergrun in the ancient past. Evergrun was overrun by
ice and destroyed in the cataclysmic aftermath of the Great
Rain of Fire (the catastrophe that obliterated Blackmoor and
shifted the planet's axis). Ilsundal led many elves away from the
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southern continent to a new homeland and back to their

traditions of natural magic. After reaching and settling a new
land, the Sylvan Realm, he undertook the path to Immortality
during which he created the rst Tree of Life (the living artifacts
which help sustain the elves). After becoming Immortal,
Ilsundal has concerned himself with all aspects of elven welfare
(at least as far as the surface elves are concerned), and is
worshiped by elves on many other worlds (as Corellon
Larethian on Oerth). Ilsundal appears as an aged, wise-eyed elf,
usually dressed in a sky blue cloak.
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Mealiden: A Flecha
Mealiden aparece como um guerreiro lco andrgeno
armado com uma espada e arco. Ele representa os aspectos
mais marciais de vida lca, e serve como um aliado prximo
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de Ilsundal. por causa de proezas de batalha do Mealiden que

Gruumsh chamado de "Caolho".



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Mealiden: A Flecha Vermelha

Symbol - A rainbow with one star above it and one star

Alignment CG

Clerics CG, CN, NG

Portfolio - Elves, war, music

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Domains - Chaos, Good, War, Protection

Home Plane - Arborea

Weapon - Longbow

Mealiden appears as an androgynous elven warrior armed

with a longsword and longbow. He represents the more martial
aspects of elven rule, and serves as a close ally to Ilsundal. It is
because of Mealiden's battle prowess that Gruumsh is called
"One Eye".
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Ordana: Me Natureza, O
Grande Carvalho Me

Ordana conhecida como a criadora da raa lca, e

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reverenciada como amiga e protetora de suas orestas

amadas. A maioria dos elfos fora dos elfos da oresta de
Minrothad reverenciam Ilsundal e Mealiden agora, embora
muitas outras criaturas e seres da oresta ainda a reverenciam.
Ela uma divindade de rangers, druidas, caadores e
agricultores, bem como grupos de gnomos e halings, assim
como treants, drades, duendes e outros povos das fadas.



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Ordana: Me Natureza, O Grande Carvalho Me

Alinhamento: Neutro

Weapons: Standard, Club, Quarter-staff. The favorite weapon

of these clerics is a hardwood or ironwood club, which is +1 to
hit because it is carved to a perfect balance and t in the
individual's hand.
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Holy Symbol: An oak leaf, or an Acorn.

Ordana is believed to have created the elvish race, and

serves and the friend and protector of her beloved forests.
Most elves outside of the wood elves of Minrothad revere
Ilsundal and Mealiden Starwatcher now, though man other
creatures and beings of the forest revere her. She is a favourd
deity of rangers, druids, hunters, and farmers as well as groups
of gnomes and halings, as well as treants, dryads, pixies and
other faerie folk.
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Lady Callarii - A Senhora

dos Cavalos
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Os elfos de Ilsundal viveram por muitos anos em paz no

Reino Sylvan, que seu campeo Immortal tinha fornecido para
eles. Mas o rei Mealiden comeou a car inquieto e procurou
algum outro destino para o seu povo. Mealiden descobriu o
Caminho do Arco-ris e levou aqueles que iriam segu-lo a uma
nova parte do mundo, assim como Ilsundal teve uma vez que
levar os elfos de Grunland. Milhares de elfos decidiram seguir
seu Rei.

Acompanhando o seu Rei Mealiden, foi tambm sua amada

Lady Callarii. Ela era justa e sbia, e segundo alguns dizem, to
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lder seno mais do que Mealiden era. Os elfos atravessaram o

arco-ris no que hoje Thyatis, ento governada pelos
Nithianianos. Os Nithianianos atacaram os elfos, levando-os
para o oeste. Os elfos foram ajudados por outros elfos mais
antigos que j habitavam aquelas terras, conhecidos como os
Vyalia, mas estava claro que eles no podiam car l por muito
tempo. Mealiden decidiu continuar a sua grande migrao para
o norte para as plancies de Canolbarth onde ele iria
encontrado seu novo reino. Mas muitos elfos caram feridos,
cansados demais ou jovem demais para viajar. Outros
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decidiram permanecer para proteger esses elfos que no

puderam viajar.

Eles pediram ajuda a Lady Callarii. Ela era a nica pessoa que
poderia lev-los, disseram. Lady Callarii foi forada a escolher
entre seu verdadeiro amor e as pessoas de seu povo que
dependiam dela. No nal, ela escolheu o seu povo. Embora a
tristeza de seu amor perdido permaneceria com ela nos sculos
que se seguiram. As terras estes elfos estabeleceram era
conhecida como Traladara e os seres humanos j viviam aqui,
falando sobre velhos tempos de glria sob o governo do Rei
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Halav e seus companheiros. Os elfos foram autorizados a

permanecer em suas orestas e formaram um cl, e nomeou-
se simplesmente os Elfos de Callarii. Mas estes elfos guardam
um grande segredo. Para Mealiden no cou insensvel
escolha do seu amor. Como presente de despedida que ele lhe
deu um dos ramos da rvore de Ilsundal, a mais santa de todas
os relquias elfos, de modo que o Callarii poderia plantar uma
rvore de vida prpria. Diz-se que esta rvore da Vida,
conhecido como a rvore da Callarii tem poderes especiais,
diferente das outras rvores da Vida.
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Lady Callarii nalmente alcanou a imortalidade como uma

herona pica, e tornou-se a patrona de seu cl e da equitao.
Ela lembrada por sua solene regncia, ainda que sbia. Ela
frequentemente retratada ao lado de um cavalo uma vez que
os Callarii so tratadores famosos de cavalos e consideraram o
cavalo um animal sagrado.


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Lady Callarii
Portfolio: Horses, Nature, Elves

Domains: Nature, Animal, Good

Symbol: Sad elven maiden sitting on a white horse

Favoured Weapon: Shortbow

Allies: Mealiden, Ilsundal, Ordana

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Enemies: Orcus, Demogorgon, Leptar

The elves of Ilsundal lived for many years in peace in the
Sylvan Realm, that their Immortal Champion had provided for
them. But King Mealiden grew restless. He sought some other
destination for his people. Mealiden discovered the Path of the
Rainbow and lead those who would follow him to a new part of
the world, just as Ilsundal once had lead the elves from
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Thousands of elves decided to follow their King.

Accompanying King Mealiden, was also his lover, Lady

Callarii. She was both fair and wise, and some say, as much a
leader as Mealiden was. The elves travelled by the Rainbow into
what is now Thyatis, then ruled by the Nithians. The Nithians
attacked the elves, driving them off to the west. The elves were
aided by other elves, known as The Vyalia, but it was clear that
they could not stay there for long. Mealiden decided to
continue his Great Migration north towards the Plains of
Canolbarth where he would found his new realm. But many
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elves were wounded, or too old or too young to travel. Others

decided to stay to protect these elves who were unable to

They asked Lady Callarii for help. She was the only one who
could lead them, they said. Lady Callarii was forced to chose
between her true love and the people who depended upon her.
In the end she chose the people. Though the sadness of her
lost love would remain with her in the decades that followed.
The lands these elves settled in were known as Traladara and
humans already lived here, talking about old days of Glory
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under the rulership of King Halav and his Companions. The

elves were allowed to stay in their forests and they formed a
clan, and named themselves simply the Elves of Callarii. But the
elves guarded a great secret. For Mealiden had not been
oblivious to the choice of his love. As a parting gift he gave her
one of the branches of the Tree of Ilsundal, the holiest of all
elven relics, so that the Callarii could plant a Tree of Life of their
own. It is said that this Tree of Life, known as the Tree of Callarii
has unique powers, different from the other Trees of Life.

Lady Callarii eventually achieved Immortality as an Epic Hero,

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and became the patron of her clan and of horsemanship. She is

remembered for her solemn yet wise rulership. She is often
depicted next to a horse since the Callarii are famous
horsebreeders and consider the horse a holy animal.

OD&D Elven Clerics: Elf Clerics of Lady Callarii use the elf
class, but gain Clerical spells rather than elf/magic user spells.
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Rafiel: (ShadowElf)
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Symbol - A book-cover with a star in its centre,

representing wisdom and celestial learning.

Alignment LN

Clerics LN, LG

Portfolio - Shadow elves, engineering, knowledge, wisdom

Domains - Magic, Law, Knowledge, Fire

Home Plane - Mechanus

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As patron deity of the shadow elves, Rael exhorts his

followers to maintain a erce independence bordering on
xenophobia. His priests are excellent scholars and researchers,
and under his guidance a powerful artifact was created in the
City of the Stars which serves as a symbiotic conduit for the
Sphere of Energy on Mystara (much as the Radiance once did)
after the Radiance was altered to serve Entropy. As the Shadow
Elves have moved out into the Outer world and begun a partial
integration with elves in Alfheim, Rael's priests have been
instrumental in serving as able negotiators. They have a erce
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hatred for the Schattenalfen, who have been corrupted through

the worship of Atzanteotl.

Calitha Starbrow
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Symbol - A giant pearl lying in mother-of-pearl

Alignment NG

Clerics NG, N

Portfolio - Sea elves, life, sea

Domain - Water, Animal, Good

Home Plane - Elysium

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Weapon - Trident

Calitha is worshiped primarily by the sea elves of Minrothad.

As opposed to Protius who she considers a wild thing who does
not appear to concern himself with the careful preservation of
the seas and sea-life.

Atzanteotl: O grito do
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Symbol - The silhouette of a feathered serpent

Alignment - CE

Clerics - CE, NE, CN

Portfolio - Shadow elves, corruption, destruction, tyranny,


Domains - Destruction, War, Strength, Evil

Home Plane - Acheron

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Weapon - Flail

Some 3,700 years ago, Atzanteotl was an elven clan-lord

named Atziann living in the Glantri area. When some of his
fellow elves found and accidentally triggered a dangerous
Blackmoor device left in the Broken Lands, the resulting
cataclysm drove the surviving elves in the area underground.
Atziann and his clan traveled the labyrinth of clan-members
perished. These experiences made him very dark, fatalistic, and
bitter. After years of wandering lost below the earth, Atziann
emerged once again into sunlight...but it was the wrong sun.
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He found an exit into the Hollow World, in the lands of the

Azcan Empire. With his magical abilities, he was able to conceal
himself from their eyes and hide among the Azcans until he
learned their language and culture. He gained quite an
appreciation for the lethal, uncompromising Azca and their
culture before continuing his wanderings. Eventually, he
became an Immortal under the sponsorship of Thanatos. Under
the name of Atzanteotl he began to turn the minds of shadow-
elf and Azcan clerics to his own twisted evils. Certain Shadow
Elves, especially the Schattenalfen clan, began construction of a
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city, Aengmor, built along Azcan lines and dedicated to the

glory of Atzanteotl. The Azca, both those in the Hollow World
and those on the outer world, increasingly turned away from
the following of Ixion and Ka the Preserver and to that of
Atzanteotl; they introduced human sacrices into their way of
life. Since those days, he has driven his Schattenalfen further
underground and reoccupied their city Aengmor with orcs. He
has inspired all Shadow Elves with a hatred and envy of Alfheim
for their own homeland. His religion is one of utter evil under
the rigors of law requiring human sacrice and utilizing serpent
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imagery, and many humanoids worship him as well. Atzanteotl

appears either as a handsome but sinister elf dressed in black,
or a jet-black feathered serpent with the face of an elf.

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