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Journal of Chromatography B, 836 (2006) 111115

Short communication

A demonstration of the use of ultra-performance liquid

chromatographymass spectrometry [UPLC/MS] in the determination
of amphetamine-type substances and ketamine for forensic
and toxicological analysis
Luigino G. Apollonio a, , Dennis J. Pianca b , Ian R. Whittall b ,
William A. Maher a , Jennelle M. Kyd a
a National Centre for Forensic Studies, University of Canberra, Bruce ACT 2601, Australia
b Department of Toxicology and Forensic Chemistry, ACT Government Analytical Laboratory, Weston Creek, ACT 2611, Australia
Received 9 March 2006; accepted 10 March 2006
Available online 17 April 2006

We have recently seen the emergence of ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled to mass spectrometry as an alternative to
traditional high-performance liquid chromatography techniques. The strengths of UPLC technology promote the ability to separate and identify
drug compounds with significant gains in resolution and sensitivity and marked reductions in the overall time of analysis. As increased throughput is
the desire of the practical toxicology laboratory, the aim of this study was to trial commercially available technology by assessment of the separation
of several commonly encountered amphetamine-type substances. From injection of a poly-drug reference standard and whole blood extract, we
successfully separated and identified amphetamine, methamphetamine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phentermine, MDA, MDMA, MDEA and
ketamine in less than 3 min using the Acquity UPLC-Micromass Quattro Micro API MS instrumentation (Waters Corporation, USA). In addition to
this significant reduction in overall run time, all peaks exhibited acceptable resolution using selected ion recording (SIR), with analysis indicating
the capability to separate 511 peaks in 1.75 min using the current system parameters. From this introductory data, it is therefore indicated that
the technological advancements defining ultra-performance liquid chromatography will allow it to serve as a powerful analytical tool for rapid
throughput analysis.
2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ultra-performance liquid chromatography; UPLC; Amphetamine-type substances; Mass spectrometry; Methamphetamine; MDMA; Ketamine

1. Introduction now promoted the widespread use of LC/MS as an analytical

tool [1,2]. Since review articles by Maurer [3] and Marquet
It is only within the last decade that the use of traditional and Lachatre [4], the number of publications directly rele-
high-performance liquid chromatographymass spectrometry vant to applications in forensic and clinical toxicology has
(HPLC/MS) has been readily accepted by the practical working increased, mainly with a focus on improvements in separa-
toxicology laboratory for high throughput analysis. Relatively tion and identification relative to gas chromatographymass
recent advances, notably the use of atmospheric pressure ion- spectrometry (GC/MS). Hoja et al. noted that nearly 70% of
ization (API) techniques such as electrospray ionization (ESI) everyday samples encountered in toxicological laboratories can
and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), have be handled using LC [5], and the advantages of LC have been
well described, particularly the capabilities in analyzing polar
or thermolabile compounds without requiring derivatization
Analyses performed at the testing laboratory of Waters Corporation,
Rydalmere NSW 2116, Australia.
The use of LC/MS is now commonplace, therefore it
Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 2 6201 5866; fax: +61 2 6201 2461. was only logical to push the technology closer to the the-
E-mail address: Luigino.Apollonio@canberra.edu.au (L.G. Apollonio). oretical capacities of the instrumental components. Much

1570-0232/$ see front matter 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
112 L.G. Apollonio et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 836 (2006) 111115

more recently, the desire for significantly reduced analysis 2. Experimental

times with increased sample throughput, sensitivity, and res-
olution has resulted in the development of ultrafast sepa- Amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDA, MDMA, MDEA,
rations and identification using LC/MS techniques [10,11]. ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phentermine, and phenylethy-
Termed ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) or lamine (hydrochloride salts) were obtained from the National
ultrafast liquid chromatography, the improvements in such Measurement Institute (Sydney, NSW), and a methanolic
parameters are largely due to advancements in the par- stock solution was prepared in a concentration of 10 g/mL.
ticle size and bridging structure of the column packing, Four microlitres of this stock was then injected on the
though complemented by additional instrumental modifications Acquity system (approximating 40 ng of each drug of interest
[12,13]. injected). In addition, a whole blood sample was spiked with
The Acquity UPLC instrument (Waters Corporation, USA) amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDA, MDMA, phenylethy-
is an example of a commercially available UPLC system lamine, and ketamine for a final concentration of 2 g/mL.
with full instrument modifications: advancements in the sol- Extraction of this sample was then performed using an Oasis
vent delivery module, in combination with the column tech- MCX solid phase extraction column (60 mg, Waters Corpo-
nology, allow the Acquity to run routinely at pressures up ration, USA) by the following procedure. Two millilitres of
to 15,000 psi; the Acquity sample manager has been modi- 100 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6) was added to the
fied to inject down to 1 l using a needle-in-needle probe; 1 mL of spiked blood, followed by vortex-mixing and cen-
and, the UPLC photodiode array and tunable UVvis detec- trifugation. The column was conditioned with 3 mL methanol,
tors have been modified accordingly in terms of increased 3 mL deionized water, and 1 mL phosphate buffer (pH 6).
sampling rate and detector cell dispersion [14]. At the center The sample was introduced to the column, allowed to pass,
of the advancements, however, is the column, which utilizes then followed by 3 mL deionized water, 1 mL 0.1 M acetic
pressure-tolerant 1.7 m hybrid particles containing a bridged acid, and 3 mL methanol. The column was then dried under
ethylsiloxane/silica structure (BEH) [15]. It is the combination vacuum at approximately 5 psi for 10 min, then elution per-
of these technological developments that produce increased sen- formed using two 1 mL fractions of 10% ammonium hydrox-
sitivities and improved peak resolution, while significant reduc- ide in methanol. Five microlitres of this was injected on the
tions in analysis times provide the rapid throughput desirable Acquity system. No concentration step was performed, lead-
to the working laboratory. Recent publications examining its ing to approximately 5 ng of each drug injected assuming 100%
application in drug discovery and metabolism have been pro- recovery.
duced demonstrating the improvements in sensitivity, resolution,
and analysis time [1619], and have also included the sepa-
2.1. UPLC conditions
ration of the common Ephedra alkaloids ephedrine and pseu-
doephedrine [20]. However, few studies to date have examined
The column used was Waters UPLC BEH C18 (2.1 mm
the separation of common and novel illicit amphetamine-type
50 mm), with the target temperature set at 40 C. The
substances and designer analogues often encountered in the
Waters Acquity TUV single wavelength detector was
forensic laboratory in solid-state form or in biological speci-
programmed for analysis at 254 nm. The mobile phase
used for the Waters Acquity UPLC-UV and MS system
Therefore, as this technology should be of significant practi-
was aqueous pyrrolidine (0.5 mL glacial acetic acid and
cal advantage to the forensic/post-mortem toxicology labora-
1.0 mL pyrrolidine in 500 mL reagent grade water) and
tory, we initially tested the system with a poly-drug refer-
methanol under isocratic conditions (flow rate 0.4 mL/min;
ence standard containing eight amphetamine-type substances:
50:50 for methanolic standard; 52:48 for whole blood
amphetamine, methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphe-
tamine (MDA), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MD-
MA), 3,4-methylenedioxyethamphetamine (MDEA), ephed-
rine, pseudoephedrine, and phentermine. This poly-drug stan- 2.2. MS conditions
dard also contained phenylethylamine, a commonly encountered
putrefactive amine indicative of decomposition [2124]. In addi- A Waters Micromass Quattro Micro API mass spec-
tion to the standard mix, we also evaluated a whole blood trometer instrument (data analysis software MassLynx V4.0)
extract that was reflective of the high toxic range observed was used in positive electrospray ionization mode. Nitro-
in forensic/post-mortem toxicology. This sample contained gen was used as the drying gas. Desolvation gas flow was
amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDA, MDMA, phenylethy- 648 L/h, and cone gas flow was maintained at 58 L/h. Des-
lamine, and ketamine, the latter of which was included due to olvation temperature was 445 C and source temperature was
its increasing occurrence in club- or designer drug street sam- 119 C. Observed capillary and cone voltages were 3510 V and
ples [25]. From analysis of these two reference solutions, we 22.83 V, respectively (note: improved response was observed
provide a demonstration of the new UPLC technology and gain for MDA using a cone voltage of 50 V, therefore this param-
an indication of any potential in improvements in analysis time, eter was included for MDA in the range for the whole blood
peak separation, and identification power when coupled to mass extraction analysis program; similarly, 15 V was used for
spectrometry. amphetamine).
L.G. Apollonio et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 836 (2006) 111115 113

Fig. 1. (A) Selected ion recording (SIR) chromatograms of a methanolic drug poly-standard containing eight amphetamine-type substances with phenylethylamine
putrefactive marker ([M + H]+ ions monitored are in right hand margin; isocratic 50:50 aq. pyrrolidine:methanol at 0.4 mL/min); (B) Selected ion recording (SIR)
chromatograms of four amphetamine-type substances, phenylethylamine, and ketamine from extracted whole blood (baseline at zero, non-linked vertical axes;
isocratic 52:48 aq. pyrrolidine:methanol at 0.4 mL/min).
114 L.G. Apollonio et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 836 (2006) 111115

3. Results and discussion In the analysis of the extracted whole blood sample (Fig. 1B),
the change in isocratic conditions (from 50% to 52% aq. pyrro-
The injection of the polydrug reference standard showed lidine) caused an expected shift in the separation of the five
favorable separation and acceptable peak resolution with regard compounds (phenylethylamine, MDA, amphetamine, MDMA,
to the concentration injected (Fig. 1A), and it was observed that methamphetamine). Again, there was favorable separation and
all eight amphetamine-type substances separated in less than resolution taking into account concentration considerations, as
2.5 min under the 50:50 isocratic conditions. While analytical indicated by the SIRs (Table 1, Fig. 1B). Note that ketamine
methods using MS and MS/MS have been described for such is observable in less than 2.5 min as well. Thus, while there is
substances with individual peak retention times ranging from potential for ketamine to coelute with MDEA when using UV
1.5 min to 13 min [6,8,9,26] none of these exhibit both the peak detection, there are markedly discernible fragmentation patterns
separation and total analysis time we observed from a drug mix- in the mass spectral data that would allow positive identifica-
ture by both tunable UV detection and selected ion recording tion and quantitation of both. Should coelution of ketamine and
(SIR). This is strong indication of the potential of UPLC to MDEA be observed in a toxicological or forensic chemistry case
significantly reduce analysis time while promoting baseline sep- utilizing only UV detection (e.g. at 254 nm), altering the iso-
aration for these licit/prohibited drug compounds. cratic conditions or employing an optimized gradient too would
The individual SIRs for each of the eight substances are likely correct this. Also, it should be noted that a major fragment
shown in Fig. 1A, in addition to that of the decomposition from ketamine occurs at m/z 180, the ion used for the identifica-
marker, phenylethylamine. Note that the protonated molecular tion and quantitation of MDA. This is observable as the peak at
ions ([M + H]+ ) monitored are indicated along the right mar- 2.37 min in the MDA SIR of Fig. 1B. From the separation using
gin of the SIR chromatograms. From the elution order and the stated conditions, this ketamine artefact does not interfere
approximate peak-to-peak resolution (Table 1), the observed with the identification of MDA in any way, but could possibly be
potential for coelution interference appears minimal under used as a secondary confirmation for the presence of ketamine.
the applied instrument conditions and sample concentration. Therefore, from the data for the extracted whole blood speci-
Approximate baseline peak-to-peak resolution was calculated men, the UPLC conditions again indicate favorable separation,
from R = (trb tra )/((1/2)(Wba + Wbb )), where tr is retention time sensitivity, and resolution when challenged with the task of tox-
and Wb is peak width at base; the value of 1.0 indicates 10% icological interpretations of therapeutic to toxic drug levels.
overlap, and 1.5 illustrates complete resolution of two peaks of With peak widths (Wp ) ranging from 0.1 min to 0.2 min in
equal size [27]. From our results (Table 1), the resolution of the both the methanolic poly-drug standard and the whole blood
phenylethylamine putrefactive base (0.87 min) indicates poten- extract, the improved resolving power of UPLC is evident in
tial concentration-dependent coelution with either ephedrine reference to the total run time. The initial peak to final peak
(0.79 min) or pseudoephedrine (0.91 min), but it is unlikely this analysis time in the case of the standard solution is 1.75 min,
would interfere with mass spectral identification in a forensic providing a separation range of 511 peaks based on a res-
toxicological case with the use of selected ion recording. Sim- olution factor of 1.5 for complete baseline separation (calcu-
ilarly, there is partial coelution of phentermine (1.72 min) and lated as 1.75/(1.5 WP )). Resolving power for the whole blood
methamphetamine (1.81 min) observable at m/z 150. This poten- extract is similar at 710 peaks in 1.60 min. One could then
tial quantitation interference could be alleviated with the use of imagine the further power of the ultra-performance instrumen-
an optimized gradient in the circumstance that these two com- tation when considering adjustments to column length and run
pounds are encountered in a toxicological specimen. time.

Table 1
Retention times and peak-to-peak (PtP) resolution of ephedrine, phenylethylamine, pseudoephedrine, MDA, amphetamine, MDMA, phentermine, methamphetamine,
MDEA, and ketamine (by elution order)
Peak Retention time (min) Next peak Approximate PtP resolution

Methanolic poly-drug standard (isocratic 50:50 aq. pyrrolidine:methanol at 0.4 mL/min)

Ephedrine 0.79 Phenylethylamine 1.0
Phenylethylamine 0.87 Pseudoephedrine 0.5
Pseudoephedrine 0.91 MDA 2.1
MDA 1.07 Amphetamine 1.7
Amphetamine 1.20 MDMA 3.6
MDMA 1.56 Phentermine 2.1
Phentermine 1.72 Methamphetamine 1.2
Methamphetamine 1.81 MDEA (2.38 min) 3.8
Whole blood extract (isocratic 52:48 aq. pyrrolidine:methanol at 0.4 mL/min)
Phenylethylamine 0.93 MDA 3.3
MDA 1.18 Amphetamine 2.2
Amphetamine 1.35 MDMA 5.6
MDMA 1.77 Methamphetamine 2.7
Methamphetamine 2.04 Ketamine (2.38 min) 3.4
L.G. Apollonio et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 836 (2006) 111115 115

4. Conclusion [6] M. Wood, G. De Boeck, N. Samyn, M. Morris, D.P. Cooper, R.A.A.

Maes, E.A. De Bruijn, J. Anal. Toxicol. 27 (2003) 78.
[7] P. Marquet, F. Saint-Marcoux, T.N. Gamble, J.C.Y. Leblanc, J. Chro-
These introductory trials of the ultra-performance technology
matogr. B 789 (2003) 9.
have demonstrated the potential of rapid separation and identi- [8] M.J. Bogusz, K.-D. Kruger, R.-D. Maier, J. Anal. Toxicol. 24 (2000)
fication of illicit drugs such as amphetamine-type substances. 77.
While more research and system optimization are required [9] M. Rittner, F. Pragst, W.-R. Bork, J. Neumann, J. Anal. Toxicol. 25
before reporting the full validation of the instrumental method, (2001) 115.
[10] K. Yu, D. Little, R. Plumb, Waters Corporation application note
analysis has indicated prospective gains in sensitivity and res-
720001120EN-KJ, 2005.
olution, with a strong illustration of the reduction in time of [11] Agilent Technologies application note 5989-2108EN, 2005.
analysis. The ability to separate and identify eight amphetamine- [12] Waters Corporation application note 720001140EN, 2005.
type substances and ketamine in less than 3 min with acceptable [13] J.W. Henderson, Agilent Technologies application note 5989-2908EN,
baseline resolution is a powerful tool providing opportunity to 2005.
[14] Waters Corporation application note 720000880EN LL&LW-UL,
increase the throughput of the working toxicology laboratory
without sacrificing the quality of the analysis. [15] Waters Corporation application note 720000820EN AG-UL, 2004.
[16] J. Castro-Perez, R. Plumb, J.H. Granger, I. Beattie, K. Joncour, A.
Acknowledgements Wright, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 19 (2005) 843.
[17] K. Yu, D. Little, R. Plumb, B. Smith, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
20 (2006) 544.
The authors wish to thank Henry Chan, Brian Walker, and [18] R. Plumb, J. Castro-Perez, J. Granger, I. Beattie, K. Jancour, A. Wright,
Steve Wilson of Waters Corporation and Dr. Ian McNaught of the Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 18 (2004) 2331.
University of Canberra for their professional advice and assis- [19] D. OConnor, R. Mortishire-Smith, D. Morrison, A. Davies, M.
tance. Dominguez, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 20 (2006) 851.
[20] M. Churchill, N.C. Twaddle, L.R. Meeker, D.R. Doerge, J. Chromatogr.
B 825 (2005) 134.
References [21] J. Eichorst, Forensic Sci. Int. 50 (1991) 139.
[22] J.S. Oliver, H. Smith, D.J. Williams, Forensic Sci. 9 (1977) 195.
[1] M.J. Bogusz, J. Chromatogr. B 748 (2000) 3. [23] S. Patterson, Med. Sci. Law 33 (2) (1993) 103.
[2] J. Cody, Mass Spectrometry in Principles of Forensic Toxicology, second [24] J.S. Oliver, H. Smith, J. Forens. Sci. Soc. 13 (1973) 47.
ed., AACC Press, Washington D.C, 2003, p. 139. [25] K.-C. Wang, T.-S. Shih, S.-G. Cheng, Forensic Sci. Int. 147 (2005)
[3] H.H. Maurer, J. Chromatogr. B 713 (1998) 3. 81.
[4] P. Marquet, G. Lachatre, J. Chromatogr. B 733 (1999) 93. [26] M.J. Bogusz, M. Kala, R.-D. Maier, J. Anal. Toxicol. 21 (1997) 59.
[5] H. Hoja, P. Marquet, B. Verneuil, H. Lotfi, B. Penicaut, G. Lachatre, J. [27] D.T. Stafford, Chromatography in Principles of Forensic Toxicology,
Anal. Toxicol. 21 (1997) 116. second ed., AACC Press, Washington D.C, 2003, p 89.

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