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Summary 3

Introduction to Martinists Texts 5

PART 1 - The Martinist Tradition 9

Tree Martinista 9

Martinez Pasqually 9
JB Willermoz 13
Saint-Martin LC 14

Facets of Martinism 19

PART 2 - Martinists doctrines 2. 3

The Martinezista Doctrine 2. 3

Age of Enlightenment 25
The Martinist doctrine 29
Martinism of Papus 36

PART 3 - aspects of contemporary Martinism Four. Five

The world Martinista Four. Five

initiatory and esoteric order Four. Five

Grades and practices Martinists 46
The symbols 48

Great Masters 49
The Martinist Temple fifty
The egregore and the Masters of the Past 51
Martinism and the Gnostic Church 52

Deviations from Martinism 53

The division 54
Teaching 55
Martinezismo and Martinism 55
Orientalism and exoticism 56
Mystical illusion 58

PART 4 - The secret heart of Martinism 61

Part 5 - Rituals and practices 67

Rite Martinista from 1897 to modern developments 68

Officers of the Lodge in the first four grades 71

Martinists rituals from a contemporary lodge search 75

Ritual individual contact with the chain Martinista 75

Theurgic ritual disciplines 85
Rite of founding a Lodge Martinista 97
Cruz Kabbalistic practice 125
Ritual operating Martinista 127
Exorcism prayers and consecrations 141

PART 6 - The Martinist Orders contemporary 149

OR.. Martinista Lyon 150

OR.. Martinist Papus 150
OR.. Traditional Martinista 152
OR.. Martinista Inicitica 156
OR.. Knights of Martinists 160
OR.. Martinista of the Knights of Christ 165
OR.. Martinista Synarchy 175
OR.. Free Martinista 175
OR.. Martinista S ::: I ::: 176
OR.. Rectified Martinist 178
OR.. Martinista the Cohens Masters 179
Sovereign Lodge Martinezista 179

Hermetic Order Martiniste 179
Summary 181


Suggested a study guide on Martinism 185

Work symbolic reflection and study (examples) 191
Masters of the past 191
Consideration of the word "LIFE" 195
The sword 198
The Martinista Credo 201
Objectives of the Martinist Order 203
Table of major affiliations Martinists 205

Introduction to
Martinists texts

apus said the Martinist Order: "It's a mystical (...) society. As a society, Martinism is

the union of the invisible forces evoked by the search for truth (...). The Martinist Order

It is an active center of initiatory diffusion. It is made to quickly and broadly propagate the teachings

of the occult and lines of Western Christian tradition. Martinista society has as its first principle to

respect human freedom (...). The second principle is to accept into its ranks men and women. The

third principle is that of being Christian. Martinista defends the action of Christ ... " (Incidentally the

Martinism, Papus, Grard Encausse Doctor).

According to this definition, Martinism principles seem

relatively simple to understand. But in times of Papus, things were very different from today. Indeed,

different rites have evolved from specific symbolic elements. Some teachings, practices, customs

have been developed to give birth to various Orders Martinists. Finally, various characters from the

past and modern and built have marked its history. Some were creative and innovative, doctors and

other conservatives.

Thus, it is interesting and important to present this tradition, its origins, its role, its philosophy

and the essence of their rites. It is not a work more in the history of Martinism. Our goal has been, on

the contrary, make intelligible this current to those who had only a vague idea or misconception. We

wanted to revitalize the Martinism the past without doubt the contemporary if not kept anchored in this

or that dogma necessarily reductionist. Indeed, it may be for some a means of imposing a very

personal vision of Christianity, while for others the knightly dimension or theurgical be predominant.

The search for roots can

lead to the magic of Elus Cohens and the simplicity, sobriety and freedom. All

referring to the Martinists ...

Thus, anyone who wants to approach this

tradition, and move towards its mysteries and rituals must adhere to the sensitivity to be found there.

Is it Pasqually Martinez, Saint-Martin, Papus or simply Martinism?. But, under what criteria I

directed?. The aspirant, will not be guided by meetings, according to the "destination", or by chance?.

Often they are become Martinists, like others in Rosicrucians or Franc-Masons, or do you

think become, by the simple fact of being initiated into an order that runs this beautiful and mysterious

nickname?. But what are they really?. Hundreds of people passing the site of this tradition, few will

after a few years. Less numerous are those who succeed in penetrating the heart of what has been

called the Christian esotericism. And consequently, is not this one of the most important aspects of

this diligence?. Among all these people who think they know Martinism, many reject the call to a

search that would advance in the depths of his being, leaving it as a utopian ideal that the reality of

certain fraternal orders has vilified quickly.

Consequently, behind each call, a force that directs each mysteriously into these portals. All

those who have approached this tradition have felt this desire, this fraternity that would allow them to

deepen what they had addressed individually and often intellectually books. The prospect of a

productive exchange, the attraction of the rite and its value today is even, makes them many people

who sign up after having gone through several existing orders. Beyond this apparent diversity,

sometimes this insult,

daily experience shows the permanence of a

thinking and an independent martinistas character of the visible structures able to germinate in each,

what we call the call or desire to search

Are not many who, with a book in hand Papus have fantasized about what the Martinism at

that time?. This brotherhood, uniting each of these friends in a full search is attractive in every

moment of his life. The fraternity was not for them a purpose. She was the consequence of his

mystical walk.

We do not believe that this state of affairs has disappeared today, because around us some

martinistas or some searchers having them integrated into this ideal, held by incognito and silence. It

may be students belonging to various orders, but also of all those who, uninitiated, perhaps not

knowing this way, as embodied in his life as ideal.

Because it's not enough to be started to become martinista. Some who do not belong to this

school, might even give some lessons. This tradition is thus more than just a puzzle of different

currents, of which we could be missing a piece; is the presence upon us of a thought, an egregore

that synthesizes a communion of spirit and symbols from different people. Beyond cracks, beyond

oppositions, Martinism remains one to live, because their action and their role are fortunately not

subject to the visible structures.

It is based on this certification we have been able to describe this western stream avoiding

getting lost in a sterile history or a reducing bias. Indeed, there is a martinista objective transcending

beings who have made history. It is the invisible defense and service of Christian esotericism. Parallel

to this somewhat indefinite work, the discovery of herself and her own divine expression appears as

the essential axis of work.

If this doctrinal body was not alive, he would have disappeared long ago. We note that this

has not been the case.

First part:
The tradition

Tree Martinista

o understand Martinism and its various expressions is desirable that delineate the outlines

of your building. This Martinist tree has indeed roots that can not be ignored if you want to

understand its evolution and discover its original character. We will pay attention not excessive

detail, in favor of clarity and simplicity.

Today there is a distinction between Martinism and the Martinezismo,

underlining the difference between the oldest founder, Martinez de Pasqually and one of his

successors, who has scored more this stream, Louis Claude de Saint-Martin. We must go back to a

time when none of these doctrines existed in the form as we know it today and talk about Martinez de


Martinez Pasqually

Everything in life and the origins of Martinez de Pasqually seems dark. We are not sure about his

real name, place and date of birth, their religion and doctrine. Everything has been, or may be even

discussed. However, the numerous historical works, those of G. Van Rijnberk, Robert Amadou and

Antoine Faivre be a relatively fair allow their different characteristics idea. Rijnberk writes: "According

to the marriage certificate of teacher Marguerite Anglique Collas and certificate of registration

catholicity of the passages of his trip to Santo Domingo, it would appear that:

1. Martinez born in 1725 in Grenoble.

2. Your full name would be: Jaime Joaqun de la Torre of Martinez Pasqually House.

3. His father was called "the Tower of the House."

These remarks are, as you can see, very precise, if somewhat flawed. As evidenced by G. Van

Rijnberk, should rectify the date of birth to more accurately locate it in 1710. Regarding the place of

birth all known records indicate the city of Grenoble. Only Willermoz believes that Martinez was born

in Spain. The real name of the teacher is a real puzzle. One quoted above all signatures used in the

name of Martinez. Thus, we can find Don Martnez de Pasqually, Pasqually de la Torre, Pasqually de

la Torre de las Casas, etc. we simply note that the name was used more Pasqually Martinez and his

disciples have retained the name of Martinez to commonly call. Part of its name, Las Casas, is used

in the romance of Saint-Martin "Crocodile". In this passage he points out as Eleazar, Jewish

inhabitant of Spain, having been a friend before returning to France, an Arab scholar. "The fifth or

sixth grandfather had met Arab East Las Casas and had obtained some very useful secrets, hand in

hand, came up to Eleazar."

Why - Van Rijnberk wonders - Saint-Martin twice used the name of Las Casas to designate the

person of Eleazar, representing Martinez in the romance crocodile ?.

According to known documents, we can move Martinez came from a family of converted Jews

who lived in Grenoble, but whose roots lie in Spain. Esoteric traditions regarding family, we know

little. We note, however, that his father appears in Masonic patent August 20, 1738, under the name

of Don Martinez Pasqually, Escudero.

Now let's summarize what could be called the apostolate of Martinez.

1754. Case in Montpellier Chapter of pure Judges.

1754-1760. Travels and starts new brothers in Paris, Lyon,

Bordeaux, Marseille, Toulouse and Avignon. Tolosa fails, the lodges gathered in San Juan, but

Joshua founded the lodge in Foix.

1761 joins the lodge "La Francesa" in Bordeaux and there built his temple


1761-1766. He resides in Bordeaux.

1766. Martinez leaves for Paris for the purpose of establishing a body

Central: the Sovereign Court of France, consisting of: Bacn of La Chevalerie, Saint-Martin,

Willermoz, Deserre, Du Roi D'Hauterive and Lusignan (then Prince Christian Sze). In April he

returns to Bordeaux, through Amboise, Blois, Tours, Poitiers and La Rochelle.

1768. Birth of the first child of Martinez. He was baptized on Sunday

June 20 in the parish of Santa Cruz de Bordeaux and then received the first consecration within the

hierarchy Cohen. The abbot Fourni later became his preceptor, but the first son disappeared during

the revolution.

Saint-Martin is presented to Martinez becoming its secretary in 1771 before the master partiese to

Santo Domingo.

Willermoz is ordered Rau-Croix in Paris, March, by Bacn of Chevalerie; premature ordination,

on the other hand, according to the teacher.

Martinez finds great difficulties two members of the Order: Sr Bonnichon, called du Guer, and

Blanquet. The balance of the order is threatened and the two members are expelled.

1769-1770. Within the Order broke a major upset. "Martinez founded his Order without sufficient

preparation. Instructions and catechisms of different degrees, the ritual ceremonies of loggias, the

necessary requirements, all existed only in a vague and embryonic situation in the spirit of the

master, while the lodges were fully operational. "(G. Van Rijnberk)" the Rau-Croix, to which they

were reserved operations magic-teurgia, lacking in many parts of precepts, advice and instructions as

necessary, while the existing requirements,


contradictions remained. "

Complaints came to Bordeaux, but Martinez reacted too late, when his disciples had calmed

down; He upbraided them pretend to high levels, rather than instructed and advised them to begin to

deeply study the instructions he had given them.

Meanwhile, as stated GVRijnberk "regarding the practices, their recriminations were reasonably

well founded."

The disciples were resigned ...

1771. Saint-Martin is leaving the regiment to which he belonged and settled in

Bordeaux where it becomes Secretary Martinez, replacing the abbot Fourni.

The real work of organization then begins by Saintmartin and 17 years after the first instructions

of the teacher !.

During the years 1771 and 1772 important packages full of papers left from Bordeaux to the

Sovereign Court and to the loggias.

Martinez is clear that if the organization could continue with Saint-Martin, we would even today

still a very fragmentary order.

1772. In the month of May, Martinez embarks for the island of Santo

Sunday with the aim of collecting an inheritance.

1773. The teacher founded in Port au Prince for a Sovereign Court

colony of Santo Domingo.

1774. After a regular job, Martinez died on September 20

of that year.

1780. Most of the chapters are dissolved and

activity becomes Rau-Croix, from that moment isolated.

At this point, three main currents drawn initiatory transmission start. First, clear and

understandable for all of us, it is to JB Willermoz. The second, hypothetical past, and appears to us

today is clearly that of Saint-Martin. The last we know nothing or little. It is that of Rau-Croix initiates

who transmitted their initiation to their descendants or the next.

JB Willermoz

Broadly examine the broad lines of the first stream just quoted. Willermoz project was to integrate

the knowledge acquired with Martinez in certain Masonic degrees. Thus,

1778 Convent Gaul confirms a modification of Masonry Templar or Strict Observance Germanica

demanded by Willermoz. This becomes "The Benefactor Knights of the Holy City".

Willermoz created a college consists of two levels: Professed and Great Professed.

Willermoz desire to know thanks to a letter of 12 August 1781 addressed to Prince Charles of

Hesse Cassel, in which the relations of the doctrinal basis of Martnez contained in theoretical

degrees of the Order of Cohens Elus required. Willermoz remark that had been initiated Rau-Croix

in 1768, ten years before. It is interesting to digress to say that after investigations V. Rijnberk has not

been talked about a Russian Martinism out of Saint-Martin, but a Templar Freemasonry restored in a

Lyones system.

For those who know the value of the Masonic structures, it is absolutely clear that these degrees

created by Willermoz have been kept to this day, although some Masons try to announce an

uncertainty that does not surprise anyone. It should be noted that this branch output Martinez has

become masnica. It must be understood, therefore, it is possible to find the Masonic degrees

Willermoz introduced with much wisdom, but not being the same as those of the primitive rite of his

master. This is an adaptation of the teachings of Martinez F. '. M.' ..

LC de Saint-Martin

The second trend that we intend to develop here is Saint-Martin. Many are those who put in doubt

even a possible affiliation among contemporary groups, claiming to Saint-Martin as its founder.

However, we realize that it is data derived from misinformation or a misconduct. It has become

common quote that which the Count of Gleichen writes in his souvenirs: "Saint-Martin had opened a

small school in Paris in which I had been his disciple." Clearly, such a mention school does not at all

mean that it comes from the initiatory transmissions, but simply that meetings around the course or

exposed were organized. We quote again V. Rijnberk, much more precise:

"Another important information is in an article by Yarnhagen von Ense on Saint-Martin. (...)

"Saint-Martin was drawn into multiple companies tended or seemed tend toward the higher

knowledge. But his superior spirit soon discovered his deep flaws, and withdrew from society at large.

He decided, above all, found himself a society (community) where the purpose would be the purest

spirituality, and which began to develop in their own way the doctrines of his Master Martinez ... "

"But the foundation of society is not made more slowly: Do not accept more than a few members,

and always with great caution.

In all this, many things have remained obscure and will be impossible to clarify

them. The new company, initially seems to have no more than a form of ordinary

Masonic lodge. The aim of the great trips that were later was probably seek a

wider participation "" In

time, Varnhagen von Ense details given on the intended society Saint-Martin are more restrictive, but

you can not deny the perfect consistency with the sensitivity of the time. It's quite a remarkable fact

that some serious and knowledgeable of their time men have spoken of the existence of this society

as something true and verified. "

"It was always amazing and good judgment that the Unknown Philosopher has thought of

distributing this degree (SI) to his disciples. Now, following what I have already stated in a previous

chapter, the

explanation, it seems, is presented herself to the spirit, Saint-Martin has not provided more than what he himself has received regularly

from his own teacher. At first glance, it may seem extravagant Saint-Martin has given his disciples as a sign of initiation received from

him, the hallmark of the supreme dignity of the members of the Sovereign Court of the Order of Cohens Elus title. But when one

penetrates more deeply into what might have led Saint-Martin, a simple explanation appears. In most secret societies initiation is

accomplished by degrees. Saint-Martin for the thing had to be presented in a different way: the key to the hidden or possesses things

not possessed. Or you know how to open the inner door of the soul, which communicates with the spheres of the Spirit, or this door is

closed. At this point, any conditions, any intermediate stage, is an alternative. Initiation confers possession of this key and power on

this door. She is one and indivisible, as the mystery of unity manifesting itself is a whole under thousands of different aspects. The

Initiate is King in the Kingdom of the Spirit, Sovereign ignored by the world of the profane. This reasoning might have been to

Saint-Martin and would have taken to give to his disciples, rather than successive degrees, one degree and supreme at the same time,

one of Unknown Superiors of the Order in which he had received initiation . Thus indirect affiliation could be conceived by Saint-Martin

of modern Martinists with Martinez de Pasqually. " any intermediate stage, is an alternative. Initiation confers possession of this key

and power on this door. She is one and indivisible, as the mystery of unity manifesting itself is a whole under thousands of different

aspects. The Initiate is King in the Kingdom of the Spirit, Sovereign ignored by the world of the profane. This reasoning might have

been to Saint-Martin and would have taken to give to his disciples, rather than successive degrees, one degree and supreme at the

same time, one of Unknown Superiors of the Order in which he had received initiation . Thus indirect affiliation could be conceived by

Saint-Martin of modern Martinists with Martinez de Pasqually. " any intermediate stage, is an alternative. Initiation confers possession

of this key and power on this door. She is one and indivisible, as the mystery of unity manifesting itself is a whole under thousands of

different aspects. The Initiate is King in the Kingdom of the Spirit, Sovereign ignored by the world of the profane. This reasoning might

have been to Saint-Martin and would have taken to give to his disciples, rather than successive degrees, one degree and supreme at

the same time, one of Unknown Superiors of the Order in which he had received initiation . Thus indirect affiliation could be conceived

by Saint-Martin of modern Martinists with Martinez de Pasqually. " She is one and indivisible, as the mystery of unity manifesting itself is a whole under thousand

Presented in this way is, then, a coherent fact a combination is perpetuated after the death of

Saint-Martin. This will allow us, then, to understand what has been the Martinism for inspiring. and

they get more accurately reported what the founders of the Order Martinist, structured in an age

where information and documents had not yet been discovered. It should be clarified also, and this is

not unimportant, that tradition has a real history and a no less real mythical story, which does not

obey the same rules as above.

Papus says Henri Delage, known as the author of several spiritualistic works, when he felt death

approaching, he summoned his bed the young doctor who considered worthy of receiving the

initiatory treasure he wanted to convey. This legacy was made "by two letters and some notes" .

Many have been numerous detractors who have ironized Papus on his fevered imagination and

desire to create what he really did not know. But those who are interested in the life and character of

Gerard Encausse, regarded him as a teacher, Grand Master of a large number of orders known or

even today little known, I did not need to imagine an order or new affiliation. He would also be able to

create a completely personal Elus Cohen or Egyptian structure if he wanted. But knowledge needed

some reunification. History provides us to ensure this reality with another affiliation linked to

Saint-Martin and Agustn Chaboseau, through the Abbot of Lanoue, Enrique de la Touche and Adolfo

Desbarolles, just to mention a few. It is the reunion of these depositories of teaching and heirs of

Saint-Martin was born the first Council of the Martinist Order, which has been called the Martinist

Order of Papus. Clearly these two allegiances were not the only ones. It was established in 1884 by

Papus advice, Chaboseau, Barlet, Guaita, Michelet, Sdir and Marc Haven.

One year initiations were transmitted without ritual and not until the period from

1887 to 1890 when notebooks initiation saw the light.

Among the various council members, many orders and different sensibilities were created after

the death of Papus. Let us quote, for example, Michelet Traditional Martinist Order, the Order

Martinist Bricaud, the Order Martinist and Synarchy Blanchard, etc ..

Not detail here all its various branches would matter outside our work, but we have collected a

summary outline in our annex.

Having stated so far the most indispensable for knowledge of Martinez elements, we will remain

limited to the analysis of Martinista current derived from Saint-Martin and Papus, in order to define

what constitutes, in our opinion, the spirit of Martinism.

We define the tree Martinista discover its extraordinary solidity and respectable antiquity, but also

his weaknesses, which are the human counterpart. We can say, in fact, there are so many

Martinismos as martinistas and sensibilities as many orders. It is then important to get to clarify this

scene and this philosophy hidden, seem complex for the layman.

Facets of Martinism
The first question that can be treated is one of the choice of the founder of this tradition. We could

very well and a justifiably decide that only authentic Martinism is one that comes from Martinez de

Pasqually. Its system of degrees and theoretical teaching would be our credo and we would be, in

this way, Martinezistas. The other movements may seem to us deviations, as "old ladies doing

meetings agujeta" (an allusion to the Master Philippe de Lyon, discussed later) to recover some

words heard.

However, some achieve progress penetrating the doctrines and practices of the noble path, but

possibly thanks to Martinez. In this category, described by many foreign, names of angels and

demons will no more familiar than that of Christ doubt. It is easy to imagine what the point of view of

condescending smile theurgists, acting as "worthy sons" creator face these followers of a mystical

way trying to live according to the desire of his heart.

If, on the other hand, Saint-Martin seems to embody the true Martinism, then the practices of his

way will lead us to another perspective. She is by initiation or not, this inner path will lead to

Martinism eliminate the pomp of the rites. It will bring to anyone who wants to approximate this

"condemned" outside via, sometimes called "operational pathway" via Magic and the Saint-Martin, via

the "destruction". It seems evident that the latter is enough to learn to open our hearts, to live in spirit

and in truth leaving reinterpret the texts of the Christian tradition. Despite these issues, it seems that

approaches lead to what is commonly understood by Martinism.

This tends to two main issues:

- The rites are used rather symbolically. They are intended to put indoor conditions to starting

a job or

receive an education. There is then called angels,

supernatural contacts and passes

mysterious. The Initiate operates in the mystical domain.

- The second reason arises from the fact that the route of

Saint-Martin is considered very accessible and linked to Christianity. Is obviously the view

that "esoteric" remained of Saint-Martin. It seems obvious to consider that the opinion of

philosophers would be substantially different.

With regard to Papus, the problem is a bit more delicate, since many contemporary Martinists

orders have changed or diminished the importance and the real value of his work Martinista. Thus,

their contribution is often regarded as too old or too masnica. Incredible paradox, since it is precisely

this structure that could ensure its longevity. However, the system developed by Papus exists now,

after a century of that Martinez was operated only 8 or 9 years !. It is understood that the construction

of this renovator is actually a very important and valuable building that would be difficult to distort or


It would be tempting not to see in these different stages more than an evolution of the Martinist

doctrine and not an opposition or a divergence. We must realize that this attitude would be too

simplistic. There is in this tradition a unit around a common point, we seek to perceive in the


An indefinable point, an unknown source that illuminates and nourishes the Martinism in its most

pure and noble, conditioning the clamor of future initiates. Most Martinists have not investigated until

today its unity. Now, those who were custodians of this tradition, or those that have adapted to a

particular time, actually have externalized various aspects without revealing all.

It is, indeed, absolutely essential, to achieve the source of this tradition try to

evade the different personalities who have made their visible existence.

If we did not, despite our own, we would martinezistas, Saint-Martinists or Papusianos, but would

not be what is meant by Martinists. If you prefer the study of the visible to the invisible, we limit

ourselves to a structural or historical study and we can not understand the heart of Martinism. Not

then we would see no difference in this need, between one who seeks to know what Martinism and

one who has already crossed the door of initiation.

rivalries that can result from unconscious identification with any of the preceding Martinists models

easily imagine ... But can we ensure the superiority of one or another of the visions of the Martinist

initiation ?. In other words, is there a real answer to this question ?.

We think that claiming exclusive inheritance founder as the only Martinism, is immediately

separated from this stream. Nobody is or becomes Martinista by the simple study or initiation at

school by appealing to one or another of the founders Masters. This means that the candidate may

well be starting but without ever comprehend or penetrate the mysteries. On the other hand, it is not

impossible for a sincere soul gets to connect with the heart of the current Martinista never having

frequented such circles. Martinism is not, then, a school that is entered by the simple fact of having

played a "rite of passage". Martinism is discovered in life, in the city or in the mountains and, why not,

in the church.

This view may seem paradoxical. Indeed, where to find and how to get started Martinism if

existing schools do not guarantee us the acquisition of their heritage ?. What should one who feels

the call of Martinism ?. Is it necessary to give up his desire ?. To answer these questions, it is

necessary to remove the outer crust to reach the heart

Throbbing under its cover and keeps the flame burning for more than 200 years

ago. It agrees to reconsider the essence of the doctrines and thoughts of Pasqually

Martinez, LC de Saint-Martin and Papus, without deforming them for political or

partisan needs. Come on, then,

develop a synthesis, as fair as possible, the spirit and the will of these three men in the bosom of his

time, in order to reconstruct what we call the heart of Martinism and who makes it her own life.

Seal Martinista Reformed Order

Second part:

The doctrine Martinezista

onviene start with a brief presentation of the doctrine of Martinez de Pasqually. Let's refer

to supplement the analysis, reference other French authors: Robert Amadou, Serge Caillet

and Antoine Faivre.

GV Rijnberk presents as follows the teaching of Martinez:

"To get an idea of his teaching, we have three types of documents: 1 His" Treatise on the

Reintegration of Beings in their first properties, virtues and spiritual and divine 'powers; 2nd rituals

and catechisms of his Order of Cohens Elus; 3rd Letters on magical operations led by the Master


The Treaty contains the secret doctrine about the fall of the spirit, of the fall of man in the field, the

hidden history of the cosmos and Earth, the esoteric role of evil and demonic powers and, in short,

the possibility of a return humanity to its first state of glory.

Rituals and catechisms of the Order exhibit this same doctrine, but hiding under legendary

ornaments and fantastic details, following the Masonic procedure. They teach, also, as a man can be

purified and try to be worthy of enjoying, after death, all their old privileges.

Finally, teach letters Willermoz theurgic means to contact the spirits of the upper and supreme


You find an interesting summary on the work of Denis Labour entitled

'Martinez de Pasqually "of SEPP Editions, pgs. 18 to 22.

"The doctrine of Martinez is a doctrine of reintegration

of beings. Reintegrating former implies expulsion, drama and outcome. Through worship and

operational practices (evocations), man must get his reconciliation with God and, consequently, their

reintegration and their primitive state.

It is interesting to note that this doctrine could, in some respects resemble the hermetic

conceptions of the Platonic tradition. However, the speech is often confusing, cumbersome and

overloaded with complicated aspects. You can not find anything what style were Greek or Roman


For Martinez, God has emanated some spiritual beings who gave pride and sought equal to God,

also becoming creators. To punish them, the creator threw the spiritual world in which they found

themselves. God created once an androgynous, Adam, to master these spirits. But he became the

victim also willing to be creative. It was then exiled on earth without contact with God and shall,

thereafter, spirits use intermediaries to rediscover this communication with its creator and reconcile

with him. This is the goal of all operations teurgia taught by Martinez. It may, then, be reinstated in

their form and in their original roles and train all creatures even separated from God.

Obviously, he was a man of detail and enriched this myth structuring theurgic practices.

Thus they are presented under a very simple way, doctrine and ideas of Martinez. Saint-Martin

will, as we have said, to reject exterior route without thereby denying it. He recognized, however,

always, the value and effectiveness of studies and teachings of his master, but judge

this way too dangerous. Your sensitivity will guide, then, to other horizons. His doctrine remains the

same at the bottom, ie on the conceptions of the fall of man spirit and matter and the possibility of a

return humanity to its first state of glory. Cone is the best known path name reinstatement or, in the

words of the Rau-Croix, on the reconciliation.

Age of Enlightenment

Before addressing more precisely the doctrine of Saint-Martin, it will be useful to say a few words

about the cultural and religious context of his time. Let us place ourselves, then, for a few moments,

in the eighteenth century, the century of "lights".

"The lights, the Enlightenment: in most European languages, the same metaphor, underlining to

the" darkness "seems to designate the culture of the eighteenth century. The triumph of rationalism

and critical spirit, in which philosophers are the champions, crown the intellectual evolution of the

modern era; in the words of Alembert, "it was begun by erudition (century

XVI) was continued for literature (seventeenth century) and was completed by philosophy (Century

XVIII). ".

"The first movement the leader of this philosophy is a magistrate of Bordeaux, president of the

Parliament of Guyenne, Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755), who writes in

1721, in the" Persian Letters "a trenchant satire on the institutions and customs of their country,

presented in the form of a striking correspondence between Persians. "(...)" The great work of

Montesquieu is "The Spirit of the Laws" (1748), which proposes a systematic analysis of all political

regimes. The Republican government, based on virtue; the despotic government which is based on

fear; monarchical government, which is based on honor. It is that moderate English monarchy type, in

which freedom is ensured by the

2. 3
separation of the three powers, executive, legislative and judicial, which led

Montesquieu to identify with Franois-Marie Arouet, son of a Parisian notary who

took the pseudonym of Voltaire (1694-1778) (...). Voltaire critical talent is

particularly evident against religion, assimilated

superstition and fanaticism. (...) It is particularly hostile to clericalism, to theological discussions and

established religions, but it is not about natural religion. Voltaire accepts the absolute monarchy,

provided it respects civil liberties and believes in the law; the most natural thing and at the same time

the most chimerical. (...) Do not dream in vain to raise the people, because that "when the mob gets

to reason, all is lost.

Fusion of ideas that accompany the philosophical movement, include those of the major

characteristic themes: "Philosophy is about the man who always acts accordingly to reason. "The

religion founded on a tradition, a script or a revelation is particularly submissive to the fires of

criticism. The philosophies are often deists or pantheists; some become atheistic or materialistic.

A second pervasive theme of philosophies is that of nature. While God loses his rights, nature

becomes theirs. Only care about the world around us, in which man tries to stay. The objective of this

moral is human kindness, because for Diderot there is no more than a duty, to be happy. "And deep

belief in the goodness of man, he deduces a third: that of progress.

It is not, of course, but some features of the movements of thought of this century. Regarding the

economic issue "despite significant regional gaps and inequalities of rhythm, eighteenth-century

Europe knows a real beginning of economic changes, sometimes summarized under the term" first

industrial revolution ".

Indeed, transformations, linked to a demographic increase, affecting both agriculture, commerce

and industry.

During the eighteenth century a kind of demographic takeoff is made, despite the persistence of

epidemics and famines generating hardships. The birth rate remains very high (30 to 60%), but

decreases mortality. Hence the life expectancy increases and the population. "In general, it seems

that the European live longer because of better nourished. Development of agricultural techniques

with the help of theorists, who are at the same time, practical, increases agricultural production. Four

wars happen in Europe during this century due to the problems of the clergy, who want to continue

influencing their ideas.

Speaking of the clergy of the eighteenth century involves mentioning a stream that has not

disappeared even today, that of galicanismo.

One that was, in a way, defined by the declaration of the Archbishops and Bishops, meeting in

Paris, by order of the king, May 19


Let us sum up these four points:

"1. St. Peter and his successors, disciples of Jesus Christ and the Church have received the

power of God over the affairs of the spirit and concerning eternal salvation, but not on civil and

temporal things.

Declare therefore that kings and sovereigns are not subject, as temporal matters that are, to any

ecclesiastical power at God's command ...

2nd. Holy Apostolic See has the fullness of power and general councils religiously observed in all

ages by the Gallican church.

3rd. The rules, customs and constitutions received within the kingdom and the Gallican Church

must have their force and virtue, and uses of our fathers remain unshakable.

4th. The pope is responsible in matters of faith and, consequently, their

judgment can not be altered unless condones unhampered Church.

From this statement, the French church determines its

relationship with the Holy See of Rome and, despite the vicissitudes of history, the current opposes

the ultramontanos remain alive and strong to this day. In 1789 the church property are secularized.

the Civil Constitution of the Clergy appears with the aim of creating a national and institutional church

in July 1790. Lode King, but a schism occurs between the priests who have sworn and refractory.

In July 1801, Pius VII Bonaparte signed an agreement ending the constitutional schism.

Catholicism is recognized as the majority religion of the French. The agreement was not recognized

by many bishops who followed his apostolic work outside the Holy See in Rome. In 1802 Bonaparte

enters the

text of the agreement agreements

reestablish the political Gallicanism.

Then, in 1803, the death of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin occurs. It is then, in this context of

struggle between the three powers that the work and apostolate of Saint-Martin is located.

Institutional power struggle between Rome and the Church of France, jealous of the tradition of their

fathers and their autonomy. The voice of the unknown philosopher sounded, talking philosophy to

philosophers of religion to the religious, Theosophy Theosophists, rising above all, and above all

independent in relation to everyone, but will not be recognized rather than a few and remain so to this


The Martinist doctrine
Now let us stick to the teachings and evolution of the thought of Saint-Martin. R. Amadou

writes: "Saintmartin was a Freemason, Saintmartin was Elu Cohen, Saintmartin joined the

mesmerism. It is given in good faith to the rites and customs of these societies. He became a

member of initiatory fraternities irreproachable. But this attitude does not represent a stage of his life.

"This is an important issue to be noted without, however, extrapolating. Secretary Martinez,

practically had deviated from the teurgia. "Master (Martinez says one day), so many things are

necessary to pray to God? "This trend is becoming stronger at it. Indeed, above all, the search was

God. No truce will boost the thirst of goodness, beauty and truth that only God can incorporate. Also

inside evolution will lead you away from the phenomena to join the inner track, which will be later

called the mystic or cardiac route. After practicing the rites of Martinez, read fashion other authors:

Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, we talked about before, "very little mystical writers." But

Saint-Martin is able to think for himself, to develop his work and to synthesize their thinking.

Later "revelation that transforms her life occurs: Saintmartin discovers Jacob Boehme. "We say

transformation, but we see it as a real interior lighting amending thought and life of Saint-Martin until

his death. Jacob Boehme's message is reflected in the unknown philosopher, it purifies giving it a

truth that none of the practices of Elus Cohens could bring him. So was the appearance in the French

esotericism of the inner track, thanks to his work, but also because he did the translation of certain

works of Boehme. Analyze in detail the Unknown Philosopher thought would take too long on this

exhibition Martinista route. It is therefore so give the most concise possible view of what for him was

the inner route, the search for the divine Sophia. Thus, the broad outlines of his thought will be

drawn, and located within their personal vision. Examine everything he wrote of Jacob Boehme in the

introduction of its first translation:

"Jacob Boehme, known in Germany under the name of the Teutonic

philosopher, and author of the Rising Aurora, as well as many other theosophical

works, born in 1575, in a small village of Upper Luzacia, called the old

Seidenburg, half a mile Gorlitz. His parents belonged to the lower class,

poor but honest. They took in their first years of life in keeping livestock. When was somewhat higher,

he was sent to school, where he began to read and write, and there was to learn home from a master

shoemaker at Gorlitz. She married at 19 and had four children, one of whom taught his shoemaking.

He died in Gorlitz in 1624 of an acute illness.

While I was learning, his teacher was away momentarily, and a foreign dress very simply, but with

a venerable and beautiful appearance faction, enters the store and taking a pair of shoes, ask to buy

them. The young man felt entitled to collect shoes and refused to sell, but insisted abroad and set

them too high a price, hoping to safeguard it from the teacher scolding. Given the proposed price, he

took the shoes and left. Stands a few steps from the house and with a loud, firm voice, he said,

"Jacob, Jacob, come here." The young man was surprised to see that the stranger calling his name,

but it was to him. Abroad, with serious air, but amical, looks at him with a penetrating gaze and takes

her right hand. And he said, you will be important and will become another man, so that will be

admired. That is why you will be pious,

fearing God and will respect his word; especially carefully read the holy scriptures,

where you will find the consolations and instructions, because you suffer much, you'll have to endure

poverty, misery and persecution, but be courageous and persevering, for God loves you and is


Saying this, foreign squeezes her hand, looks even more intently and goes without that tell

whether or not return to see.

After this time, Jacob Boehme received naturally, in many circumstances, various developments

that opened intelligence on various subjects, of which he tried in his writings.

We are in a very different situation from that which met with Martinez. This is not a theoretical

occult or a wise teacher of magical knowledge, but a simple shoemaker, a man without great

intellectual knowledge. It is noteworthy that, in the thought of the eighteenth century, such a man

strikes the esoteric or mystical means. We found no ceremonial initiations and wise; only encounter

between two men: a shoemaker and a foreigner who opened or revealed the only door leading to the

realm of the Spirit.

They then will flow, through such opening, all knowledge

This extraordinary mystic who illuminate a large number of individuals and, in particular, Saint-Martin.

Thus the message of Gorlitz cobbler guide your thinking, will guide, you hold in your search and will

open the doors of "beyond spirit" away from the pitfalls of philosophers. important point in his

doctrine, for Sopha will be at the center of debate between multiple theosophers of this century.

Let us mention this idea to place a snippet from the book of Proverbs VIII-

22.23 and 30.31: "The Lord possessed me at the beginning of its activity. Before his older works, it

had already been established after eternity. From the beginning, before the origin of the earth. [...] I

was in the work with him and made his delight every day, playing before him all the time, playing on

the surface of the earth and finding my delight among humans. "Within this perspective Koyr writes:"

Divine wisdom is, so to speak, the plan, the existing model creation. She has not been created for

herself, she does not beget. She is simply the ideal world or its image. An ideal and not a fiction and

is therefore possessing certain reality; It represents the harmony of the creative powers of God .... "

Boehme writes: "This virgin is similar to God, his image, His wisdom in which the spirit is reflected

and in which the Eternal reveals its wonders ... ". "Divine Wisdom also called Sophia, the eternal

Word, Glory and Splendor of God is, then, a mirror, a fourth term opposes God to be able to reflect

and made fully aware of itself." In the introduction to "Ministry spirit of man" (Paris, 1802) summarizes

a remarkable

clearly the basis of this Western sophiolgica tradition, representing the essence

of the idea that Saint-Martin had such a notion, and this text of great importance:

"The physical and psychological nature current elemental is nothing but a

residue and altered a previous nature,

Boehme called the eternal nature; (...) this current nature that was before the empire and the throne

of one of the angelic princes, called Lucifer, (...) that prince did not want to rule rather than the power

of fire and anger and let aside the kingdom of love and divine light, which should have been its sole

flame, blazes the whole of his empire; (...) divine wisdom that opposes this fire to a coolant

temperante and strength without limiting extinguish this fire, what makes the mixture of good and evil

that exists today in nature. "Man, Saintmartin explained below, is in the nature to put Lucifer in purity;

It consists of fire, the principle of light, "and the principle of the quintessence of psychic or elementary

nature. " Thus, It is attracted by the temporal principle of nature rather than the two other principles

"and falls into sleep and matter. (...) "The other two tinctures, igneous and the other Achaean, which

should be gathered in man and identified with Wisdom or Sophia - but are separate - seek each other

ardently, hoping to meet with each another by this Sopha they lack.

Thus, the divine wisdom is in a key position, and that man must identify with her to reconnect with

the principle of light.

"Man, discovering the science of its own magnitude, learns that, based on a universal basis,

intellectual Being becomes the true temple, the flames that should enlighten him are the lights of

thought that surround and accompany him; that sacrifice is necessary confidence in the existence of

the principle of order and life; This is the ardent and fecund persuasion before which death and

darkness disappear; perfumes and offerings are his prayer, is their desire and zeal for the Kingdom of

Unity; the altar is this eternal convention founded on its own emanation and it is one to which God

and man come to warn, to find each other glory and happiness; in a

word fire intended for the consumption of holocausts, this fire that is never extinguished, is one of the

divine spark that animates man and that, if he had remained true to its original law, he would have

kept forever as a lamp bright belonging to the throne of the Lord, to illuminate the footsteps of those

who had been away; since then, man must not doubt that he had been living testimony of Light and


This quote from Tableau Naturel It leads more clearly the features of Saint-Martin. All visible and

outer flames, perfumes, offerings, Altar, aspects are internalized. The purpose is not to pursue its

conquest by the intermediary of the visible rites but to start from the inner life conducive to the throne

of glory, where the headquarters of the sons of God resides and rise then the straight path to the

eternal present in US. This purpose was that of the Unknown Philosopher, but without becoming a

pure speculation. This became an inside elevation through prayer, zeal and desire for unity with God.

Some phrases of the "Ministry of Man-spirit" illustrate this well:

"On one hand the magnificence of the natural destiny of man is to be able, really and radically, by

his desire to desire the only thing you can really and radically produce everything. This one thing is

the desire of God; all the other things that drag the man, the man does not want so much and he is

her slave and toy. On the other hand, the magnificence of his ministry is able, really and radically, act

only after the positive order marking at all times, as master to your server and this the sole authority

that is fair, good, consistent , effective and in accordance with the eternal desire.

One who feels this call, this will to tread the upward path, thus becomes one man of desire, animated

desire for God. This path leading to spiritual initiation becomes, with Saintmartin, a path of prayer and

asceticism, all independent of the

External routes known at the time. He rejects nothing and no matter if in a

symbolic ritual does not have an open flame as magical priority support, but what

matters is the manifestation of an inner state. This does not prevent Saintmartin

study the universe in a way that we feel today

modern day, and cite as evidence a few sentences: "It is incontestable that matter exists only by the

movement, as we see that when the bodies are deprived of it, imperceptibly dissolve and disappear

(...) Clearly what is extinguible exists only by the movement ... ".

For a famous picture, the universe is then compared to a book, "the first cause or God would be

the writer, nature would be written the book and the man

reader. But this reader comprises or does not understand

often the exact meaning of the book's pages. Intelligence requires patients to have meditations.

It is quite evident today, for everyone who Saintmartin is the quintessential inspiring an inner path

like that of Jacob Boehme. It is also classic oppose it, as we had done to the outside via Martinez,

with the aim of rejecting or discrediting it. But for some mystical practice it is limited to the observance

of a static, immobilizer, described as "cardiac Martinism way" passive path. What do we call a

mystical immobility?. This practice or this state of mind is, under the pretext of an internal practice,

content to suffer events, with prayer and internal monitoring confused with passive and sterile

meditation. Believe that you can, in this way, move towards God by cultivating such a mental attitude

is certainly an error. We would say the same if we were talking about some other way. But we write

here what the Martinism and not of this or that oriental school, which will also have an undeniable


Men desire of speaking Saint-Martin are men of action, not a fatalistic fire and

taking a fugitive and condescending attitude towards life and its circumstances.

are left not immerse or impressions

influences of the invisible. He resides in them the desire of God, the desire for knowledge and

wisdom. They are left not disheartened by this ocean that are the universe and life. The Martinista

rises and moves toward the portal. Does not the Gospel "Knock and it shall be opened"?.

Man of desire is a man of action, but no, depending on the route of Saintmartin, a magician.

However, as stated above, Saint-Martin does not advocate passive path,! but waterway!. It is often

believed that if the route was inside was passive meditation, different external action via Martinez. Now

it is not the same. It was enough support on the path of Master Philippe de Lyon for what Saint-Martin

wanted. The man turned to his fellow really helps at all times, not only by the invisible planes - which

would be too easy - but by their effective presence alongside those who suffer. The inner path is

developed with prayer, for prayer, meditation inside the temple itself.

Cardiac pathway Unknown Philosopher is paradoxically a path which lies both in the visible and

the invisible. It is a way of desire, understood as a pure dynamism, a will.

Not by rituals and symbols white dress as Superior Unknown will be presented both to the sick

body and the soul, but covertly, unknown, acting through the heart that speaks the language of love.

There is no trait of passivity in this man of desire that can rise meditating on the holy scriptures itself,

the route of the old, seeking union with God. External action is nothing more than the manifestation of

an inner state: "Seek ye the kingdom of God and the rest will be added unto you ...".

Thus defined, Martinista pathway is discovered in a new direction, with a strength and splendor

that is far from over, even for some hard to recognize. Saint-Martin wrote some books that would be

of great interest to study it out because they are apparently arduous. A message, a direction and one

lane for those who are present can

access the flame that lights up. But if Saint-Martin has written to us, we could

have seen that it has also passed "two letters and notes' said Papus; but also an

influence, an initiation. It is opening a door, that of S. . I. , Superior Inconnu,

Inconnu Server -. What the term matter -

the door of the heart that has perpetuated the tradition Martinista. Opening yes, but also transmission

of a spirit, a symbolic concretization and in addition to the two letters, some additional lights. The

legacy of Saint-Martin was safe. Papus and others could, 80 years later, revealing, giving a shape

and a supplemental content.

Martinism of Papus
We will not do here a complete new biography of Papus. To do this, we can address simply works

published on this extraordinary character, for example, the introduction of

Book: "ABC illustrated

occultism "of Papus, Editions Dangles, where the son of Papus, Philippe Encausse, trace the outlines

of the life of his father. A more complete way you can address the book by Philippe Encausse who is

devoted solely to Papus.

Simply indicate who was born in 1865 in Corua (Spain). French father and native mother of

Valladolid, Gerard Encausse spent his childhood in Paris. He is interested in studying medicine

Hermetic sciences and their extraordinary abilities led him quickly to the first rank of the occult

movements of his time. Doctor, magician and mystic, he entirely avoca his ground mission until his

death on October 25, 1916.

Given the personality of Papus, opinions are

divergent and opposite. For all occultists and students of these sciences, it is clear that this man was

a genius who studied, practiced and worked in the world by writing a considerable amount of works

that are still authority on the subject. Very few have sacrificed like him for the work

3. 4
He had undertaken and charisma attracted to him extraordinary researchers and mystics.

Papus live in the golden age of occultism; He is the man who intends to grant a letter of nobility to

the sciences called occult. He is the one who wanted to make serious and appreciated Martinists

workers. He was a man of action and prayer and synthesized and organized a myriad of hitherto

scattered currents.

It is, in a sense, the hero of this period of history hidden, the man many companies and students

owe much. But if he is the

founder, hero us- We say begat

indirectly all defects. Certainly, the brothers around him at that time, were with him a solid group,

coherent and active.

Nothing prevented him from getting down to work to "move mountains". "The work was done and

they helped their teacher and friend." The home office was always active with many issues to deal

with. They applied in their lives the ideas and behavior that resulted from his studies and his

diligence. Rites, catechisms, were to be established, they did; but for them it was not a work, a heavy

task. It was, on the contrary, the natural consequence of life of men desire. It was working, to seek

enlightenment, to guide their brothers.

Papus, the best of them, was the guide, teacher, friend and brother. Such efforts often appear

today as useless or outdated. Certainly, it is easier to criticize what they did to make himself.

Papus is being relegated gradually, the range of antiques, dream in this period, in which a

personal and synthetic study is still possible.

Before a little closer to the creation and supply of Papus, I see what he was

asking its members in the appendix of the "Ritual of the Martinist Order",

published in


"For Martinista is useless entertained with digressions on psychic studies, while men of science,

or spirits" positive ", who start the study of occultism, spend most of their time speculating on whether

the facts of magnetism and mediumship are accurate. Instead, Martinism considers as acquired. Left,

then to the other children's discussions on the good faith and on the trance mediums such subjects; It

deals with higher problems.

What they lack the Martinists is to have a general idea of occultism in its two main traditions of the

West or East or Kabbalistic and Sanskrit, originating both from ancient Egypt.

They lack the tools Martinists a positive research of ancient science to verify proper names and

sacred words used.

These tools are the sacred languages of antiquity, or, especially, its first elements, so you can

check each term in a dictionary. The Martinista must then study three alphabets: 1 Hebrew alphabet;

2nd and 3rd Sanskrit alphabet the Egyptian alphabet.

Once in possession of such tools will be necessary to apply to the study of Kabbalah and

Hermetism, to study its symbolism of Freemasonry and its various rites.

That's when the Martinista be able to apply their knowledge to act on the invisible plan. Mysticism,

theurgy and psychology should especially attract attention.

Books are only instruments for guiding brain meditation and prepare

digestion or assimilation then intelectual.Ofrecemos model study cycles, model

may be modified by each student and to serve as a general guide. Each cycle

may cover a

month, although all studies can be done in 18 months. Obviously, each cycle may be extended or

reduced by the student, depending on the speed of comprehension or their previous studies.

Stories of human races, traditions, etc. General Theory and

Philosophy (Saint-Martin, Saint Yves, etc.) A sacred language:

Hebrew. Psicurgia (first practical elements)


History and symbolism (Masonry and secret societies); The Cabal;

A sacred language: Sanskrit;

Magic and adaptations (hypnosis, magnetism, etc.)


History of alchemy and Rosicrucians (Martinism); Eastern religions: Buddhism,

Brahmanism and Taoism; Une sacred language: the Egyptian;


Spiritualism: processing since antiquity; adaptation. Cults and esotericism in all religions;

Ancient initiation in Egypt, the Pyramid and the Temple; The secrecy; Alchemy; astrology;

The Arqueometre;

Freemasonry practice: creation of a rite; various social adaptations.

Thus, in one year, Martinista is able to look up the meaning of the Hebrew

words, Sanskrit or Egyptian, is

begun in the history of alchemy, Freemasonry and Rose + Cross, as well as in the religions of East

and West.

Papus as accurate: "It is clear that these cycles can be lengthened or diminished by the student

depending on the speed of their understanding or their previous studies. "Today, the scope of such a

study would yield to most of the above initiated. Although the curriculum may be revised according to

certain modern developments of investigations, such an effort is relegated to the past and often

designated as useless. We shall see the result of this lack of interest, but let's say for now that this

has led today to a ridiculing of the occult sciences, whose aforementioned initiates often have not

been able to maintain a coherent and intelligent conversation about such issues.

That's one way to discredit, by their inaction and incompetence, years of efforts and studies of his

predecessors. Some argue that it is not necessary to study to work, to be kind, generous and

charitable, in a word, to let the heart speak. "The way Martinista is not a way of scholars and their

curricula are of no use." We fully respect this and our criticisms of efforts to study only intended to

emphasize the underlying inactivity. Papus, who has shown us the importance of the way the study,

wrote: "A Martinista is not necessarily a scholar or a wise given to the study of the forces, science or

the occult arts. It can be a pure active, a sower of truth, a modest and humble in profane science, but

whose heart has illuminated the brain with the practices of devotion and charity.

There is, then, he asks Papus scholarship, but activity, Man desire result.

Having thus clarified the view of Papus, let us now discuss their contribution

to Martinism.

As we said, history shows that he received only a tiny Martinista heritage. It is from his encounter

with Chaboseau born will bring together some initiates Martinists in a structure, thus allowing, replace

the existing disorder before. With the talent was recognized, Papus attracts brilliant personalities

around him to form the first council of the Order. Initiations begin immediately and initiatory books,

catechisms and the bases of study saw the light. Saint-Martin was gone. It was that Papus place a

foundation that had always lacked the Martinism. It was convenient guide individual efforts,

channeling, form a frame around the heart of the Martinist doctrine. As Papus was a Freemason, he

conceived a structure of Masonic type for Martinism. Another reason, even more strongly, was the

founder and initiator of Saint-Martin, Martinez had begun to structure their order according to the

Masonic system. Martinists anti-Masons of our time (if they exist) should recognize that Papus gave

heart of Martinism support two centuries of stability have proven to be the safest.

They also appeared decorations, rituals and catechisms of Martinism that were graded "Papus".

They were, in our opinion, the greatest contributions and fundamental that met Martinism. It is thanks

to this structure that this tradition could take flight, remaining intact until today. We do not believe,

however, that Papus had laid the foundation of a new Masonic system. He did nothing but take what

was good about this system and adapt it to the Martinist doctrine. It is necessary, before knowing the

contribution made, some details regarding such structures.

Martinism organized by Papus is not a school or a higher class led by the Masters. Gerard

Encausse writes: "There are students, but all are equal before the divinity. "Sowing, teach and grow,

said Papus, but to plant must have found the

seed and is about her that will place the accent as that which is the heart of


However, without the appearance of a new character we would certainly

today a Martinista or Martinezista Freemasonry as a single stream, but has not


so. Papus knows the Master Philippe de Lyon. Their encounter was fundamental, transforming his

spirit and influence in a lasting way his Christianity, ie its Martinism.

Papus wrote about it: "He who our heart always longs for living words taught us called the oldest

spirit of the earth;

He had power especially on the Ray, who obeyed their

requirements, and also it ruled over the air and water (...). He had a full notion of life present in every

detail, of all terrestrial beings with whom he was related ... '.

"It has taught me try to be good, she has taught me tolerance towards all and on the faults of

others; the need not to curse, absolute trust in the Father, pity for the suffering of others, finally has

shown us that you can not evolve rather than participating in the sufferings of others and not locking

themselves in an ivory tower for fear losing the purity and wisdom.

Here's why try to change a little humanity to spread around me some ideas that do not come from

my brain and propagate the two great virtues that come from Heaven: kindness and tolerance.

"It is on this earth where exceptional beings come here as El Salvador and descend into hell, that

is free and nothing to pay; they are sent. During the course of our earthly existence we have been

fortunate to meet some of these beings and have had them as friends. All those who have known

have been surprised at the wonderful radiation emanating from them (...). They would be pages and

pages necessary to say everything that makes an envoy of the Father on earth. It is a little sun on the

stone, it is a ray of light in selfishness and cruelty around us and this leads us to love life. "(Extracts

cited by S. Hutin).

One can say that the doctrine Martinista Martinez was born, he became a Christian and interior

with Saint-Martin, ritual took shape with Papus and began its exterior and invisible work thanks to the

influence of Maestro Philippe. The Martinist Christianity was, then, more accentuated and defined. It

became truly a Christian chivalry. The Order, which has become solid and emerged alive inheritance

of the Unknown Philosopher as "a school of moral chivalry efforts to develop the spirituality of its

members, therefore the study of a yet unknown world (...) and by the exercise of devotion (...) and the

creation in each spirit of a strong faith. "" Martinism of Papus and consisted of a cavalry opposed to

the selfish appetites line materials altruism.

Third part:
aspects of

The world Martinista

initiatory and esoteric order

AND l Martinism is today what is called an initiatory and esoteric Order. This means that the meetings

are not accessible to those who have not been initiated into their rites. The initiatory structure could

be externally equivalent to Masonry. We know that there are multiple ways of transmitting knowledge,

in writing, orally, etc. Initiation aims transmit knowledge with the help of rites compounds symbols,

words, gestures that awaken the unconscious and cause the transformation initiated should continue.

Waking emotions, deeper psyche, initiation transforms and really conveys a hidden content that the

initiate take some time to discover. It is a seed that has been planted and germinate if it has been

deposited into a good land and has been maintained for long enough. Such transmission may not be

intellectually, because then it would lead to a power that does not correspond to the psychic

dimension linked to the sacred. An initiation implicitly tells us that the unconscious, the imaginary,

towards which are directed rites, is nothing but the feeling of sacredness.

It is then easy to understand such initiation rites that have existed for millennia. They were used in

different religions and cultures to transmit secret and sacred knowledge. You can then talk about

Taoist, Buddhist initiation, Rosicrucians, masnica or Martinista. We think that none is superior to

another, if each has ambition to perfect being and lead to the discovery of the sacred.

The differences lie in the myth that supports this awakening and obviously in the rites and

structures. A lot of literature has popularized the Masonic myth of Hiram. Without going into the

details of this tradition, we see that the goal is to get to know, to perfect, to put to death the old man

to be reborn into a new world. There is, however, in the French freemasonry particular religious

ideology. Dedication is left to each of the brothers or sisters to express the sacred and they discover

in themselves the way they see fit.

It is not the same in the Martinism, where myth that underlies the rites is often closer to the

Gospels and the Bible. Likewise, for the Martinezismo the myth of the fall of man, of the prevarication

of rebel spirits, is central. The world has fallen and man must be reconciled with the creator to refund

the divine plan. It matters little to develop the details of doctrine. It is enough to know that we, with our

individual efforts, redeem us and rediscover the path of the creator.

Martinists initiatory rites should lead us to become aware of this state of affairs and offer the

means, whether theurgical in the case of Martinez, or mystics in the case of Saint-Martin.

Grades and practices


As we said, Saint-Martin transmitted only an initiation, the Higher Unknown (S. .I. .). The

structure was developed by Martinez Masonic type. Today, Martinism is generally structured

according to three degrees. Denominations are, however, different according to

Orders, but typically it is Associate (1st grade), started (2nd degree), Superior

Unknown (3rd grade) and a 4th grade, Unknown Superior Initiator Libre.

There is no time for grade, as this

It depends on the degree of maturity of the student.

Initiation procedures involve one or more interviews aimed to find out if the spirit of Martinism may

agree to the applicant. Then, it is received in the first initiation.

A part of the rites a Martinista group meets once or twice a month. Opening and Closing ritual of

the meeting are conducted by responsible, assisted in certain rites by some brothers or sisters doing

just symbolic functions.

During the work itself, various possibilities are offered which differ between orders or groups.

Some own texts of the Order can be read and commented, some work done by the members can be

read and discussed in common. Some periods of prayer and meditation can be guided by a Superior

Unknown, balancing the theoretical dimension and mystique of this current.

Investigations of members, read during the group work, aim to allow work and individual reflection

on a particular symbolic motif or any matter that is the subject of the concerns of the participants. We

offer some examples of works in the Annex, so that you have an idea about what kind of work are

elaborated reflection. It is, for example, may reflect on the symbolism of the sword and highlight the

elements that can affect a greater understanding of ritual and, by extension, of certain elements of

personality and psyche. In a more explicit way, work on the "Masters of the past" about "love" or "the

role of women in the esoteric tradition" allow take a broader view of the world in which we live look.

suitable for initiated and reflect their understanding

personal. How could it be otherwise?. These jobs are not, then, the last word on

Martinism. To speak in the name of tradition, it would be necessary to consider

the stages of initiation.

In cases of other orders Martinists, a set of mystical practices as theurgical both the brothers and

sisters who can implement them, both group and personal oratorio is transmitted. You find some

examples in the practice. The object is to provide a truly operational elements that can help the newly

initiated to advance on the road. Prayers, prayers and individual rituals are very useful tools. Group

meetings then take a vigor and have the same impact and strength, as individual practices are

frequent. Here's a real process of impregnancia that will enliven every day the unconscious psyche of

the practitioner to make it extremely sensitive to the ritual and the energies present in this type of

work. We do not think it's enough to attend the rites of Martinists meetings to really advance along

the road. The individual work is a need for one who wishes not depend solely on the group he


The symbols

Obviously, there are a number of symbols that are unique to this tradition and constitute its

foundation, the sacred deposit. Brackets are symbolic work and must be on the basis of the rites that

may be made or written, as was the case in past centuries. Order notebooks say in the first degree,

on the subject of symbols:

"[...] The first objects that appear in the eyes of the profane had been arranged in a particular

order and referred to certain aspects intended to make him understand the existence of symbolism.

Four. Five
The symbols form the background of teaching and some of them are

absolutely essential; any initiator can prevent present, although this development

may delay what he deems appropriate. The essential symbols are:

The three lights and three hierarchical arrangement; The


Originally layer. [...] "

We might add: the sword, the three black, white and red symbolic colors, the seal of the S. . I. .

and certain elements of the initiations to be discovered by the initiate. Find these elements in each of

the rites of this tradition, whatever the Martinista School.

Great Masters

As you discover those interested in Western initiation, initiatory orders are usually led by a school

and a Grand Master. Martinism the case of Matre. Without going into complex developments, we

simply say that the Grand Master is a Unknown Superior Initiator Libre, renowned for its experience

and knowledge, he will be invested with the roles and responsibilities of management and guidance

of the Order. It is a temporal and spiritual direction. It's depositary both legacy and future of the

Order. At the same time it becomes its depositary, as it is associated with the authority of the Order

and its destiny. This means that a Grand Master can not transmit more than a single individual and a

definitive charge. Martinism exists within a certain belief in the invisible reality of power, of a deposit

which is transmitted from Grand Master to Grand Master. One imagines the difficulty of choosing who

should convey. Let us add to finish that unlike Freemasonry, Grandmaster function is not limited in

time and not dependent on any vote. She is, in principle, Ad Vitam, but actually

Grandmaster retains its function until he decides to transmit his position.

The Martinist Temple

The place where Martinists meet is called with different name: Logia, Temple, venue, etc.

Obviously, there are different nuances in each of these names. If we ignore the qualifiers of the group

itself, we may be concerned about the meeting place.

At the time of Martinez de Pasqually, a room large area was required to carry out operations.

Indeed, a number of signs, circles, symbols were drawn on the floor. In addition, numerous

luminaries were to be stationed at certain precise points of these figures. The same was true theurgic

operations group. Regarding the actual Masonic meetings Elus Cohens, local arrangement not much

from that of other distinguished Masons.

At the time of Papus, the temple was decorated at the beginning of the simplest. A simple place

where a table covered with a tablecloth served as an altar. On the wall of the pentacle Martinista

East. The group's president stood behind the altar and presided over the work.

Somewhat later, the rituals of the Order Martinist designed by Teder, they provided a much more

important decorated and resembled Masonic decorated. The temple was divided into several spaces.

According grades on which they worked, ornaments of different colors were placed, some symbols

were displayed or veiled, etc.

According to the rituals performed, contemporary orders are attached to this or that specific

decorated. The decorated justifies the use of a temple dedicated exclusively installed in a room with

these activities. In

other cases of less complex rituals, meetings are held in private house, which

condition the room for the occasion and uninstalled later. In these cases, there are

simple rites of purification and consecration of the room, executed before the


Indeed, the temple is regarded as a sacred space within which who has not been initiated not

have access. Different symbols are elements that correspond to some concepts and ideas that

develop this or that idea of the Martinist tradition.

Is often the Pantacle Martinista, the portrait of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, the altar on which

stands the triangular tablecloth with three colors: black, white and red, the chair of the past Masters

coated white tablecloth , the torch of the past Masters, the Bible, deck, mask, etc.

The egregore and teachers


The last two points we would like to evoke here are those of the Martinista egregore and the

Masters of the past. The common idea is to say that individuals who come together to fulfill a rite

generate an energy higher than one. The word energy conceals something indefinite which refers to

the environment, group dynamics, emotion environment, etc. In short, the energy corresponds to all

that is difficult to name and is the invisible part of a ritual corresponding to several individuals time.

One realizes that the rite and tradition give off a specific "environment". It is customary to call it "the

egregore". But this word is associated with a belief, consisting of expanding the egregore to the

energies of the entire group, further the Order itself and even, sometimes, a church, Christian, for

example. The past Masters tradition are the most important individuals who have contributed their

work to the development and enrichment of the Order. his

printing is indelibly inscribed in tradition. But this feature exists in both visible and invisible, and then

contributes to energy and hidden force of the Order. An important and Martinism own part of the work

involves placing under his protection and actually invoke them in the assembly. We give in Annex a

working example of reflection on this point.

Martinism and the Gnostic Church

Since the beginning of Martinism of Papus, the notion of hidden and invisible Church has become

one of the aspects of this tradition. This is not to confuse the rites, initiation and Martinista tradition

with those of any church. But we must emphasize that those responsible for the Martinist Orders

received generally valid episcopal consecration according to several lines of apostolic succession,

like that of the Church Gnstica call, founded by Jules Doinel in 1892. She was structured largely by

Jules Doinel and by Johannes Bricaud, who was the Bishop Prior, while responsible for the Martinist

Order of the time.

According to a presentation text of this Church, "Gnosticism is as old philosophical and traditional

doctrine as humanity, a moral, a cult, which is a universal religion. Taught and practiced in all the

mysteries of antiquity and in many secret or hidden societies of the Middle Ages and modern times,

[...] it aims to restore humanity to its primitive religious unity, rejecting religious errors arising from

different religions, and to work for the intellectual, moral and social development.

Gnosticism is not intended to be imposed on consciences, or by the force of civil or military power,

nor by vain threats of punishment post-mortem, nor by false promises of future rewards. Based,

firstly, on the universal tradition and not only on the Hebrew tradition of the Bible and, moreover, on

philosophy and modern science, its truths are not

They presented as an object of faith, but as objects of demonstration,

philosophical and scientific; It does not cry more than reason, which is the same

for all men. Is supported, then the absolute freedom of conscience and

examination in each of all men who are capable and demands

its members tolerance for those who do not think like them. "

This Church endures in the Martinism until today, but without preserving the rites, very complex,

made at the time of Doinel. We do not think we can really talk even of the Gnostic Church in the

original sense, but a religious and priestly dimension present in every high levels of Martinists

structures. This is the case, for example IMO, the OMCC and OMSI. We will have the opportunity to

return to this aspect of the tradition and the gnosis in another similar work, with the most important

texts of Bricaud. We need, finally, that although this priestly aspect is very important in the Martinista

way, is based on what has become accustomed to call the invisible Church, which should not be

confused with external and temporary structures.

Deviations from Martinism

Contemporary Martinism, is not free from defects or problems like human structure has all ?.

It is important that certain aspects are treated here, both for Martinists and for future initiates. It

must be to know that what is necessary to pay attention, not to be fooled by interpretations that are

not properly Martinists. Martinism we talk about it and say something about its flaws. His greatness

and the importance of their role imply that should be minimized.

Contemporary Martinism, can be classified into, what we might call today, esoteric currents ?.

One might therefore believe that it is one to be found within these orders

an elite of mankind, a group of individuals concerned about moral perfection and serve. However, we

must recognize that there, there as elsewhere, a number of individuals more concerned about human

passions than by virtue. Surely, a tendency to disassociate respect to the profane world, often based

on specific doctrines, causes an inability to express develops fact-stereotyped formulas taught by the


For others, the stumbling block in the path will be the pride of being initiated, to know the secrets

that ignore others, aspects of life that "profane" unknown. The accent will be put on the secret, false

secret that shown! ....

The division

After the first Order of Papus, the Martinist tradition has been divided and is today in an apparent


A number of orders are considered authentic and occasionally want to go to court, openly or not,

to prove the illegitimacy of its competitors. Although not come to this, yours come to discuss the value

of the other teachings and even omit explain to his new initiates a clear and comprehensive story line

involving all currents. The result is a narrowing of the field of understanding of students Martinists

having confidence in their initiators ignore others Martinists. How many times have found ourselves in

cases that were ignored even the existence of the other orders ?. Although it may seem like a small

thing, it reveals a real bug regarding the unity of thought and purpose of tradition.

Martinista. This leads to the risk of leading to a form of sectarianism,

rather than being a unique and respectable current diversity of interpretations

such as Freemasonry. The only way, in my humble opinion, to avoid these

obstacles is to introduce students to a complete history of tradition clearly stating

differences between the Order all their own and others. Should also introduce within the Martinism

the opportunity to visit other groups working on other streams. This custom of visits is from a long

period, a fact within freemasonry without affecting the quality of the work.


Regarding the method of teaching itself, no one from Martinez to Papus through Saint-Martin has

advocated an identical system. Our teachers knew the dangers well. His method of working was to

propose a frame of studies which the student should work. Then came the moment to present their

ideas to their brothers, to discuss certain aspects later. Only this method could allow advancing on a

path avoiding dogmatism or indoctrination. In the Franc-Masonry, it is the method of the sheets or

reports. This does not mean that there is no study and use of catechisms or instructions. Certain

current orders offer their members texts written by this or that Master of the Order. Read its


Martinezismo and Martinism

Another aspect to stress is the ambiguity sometimes interspersed among Martinism wisely and

Martinezismo. Without revealing the exact Martinez rites which are, however, today, is intended


stress the importance of a return to the sources of Martinism, ie Martinez

rehabilitate the system and practice of magic.

At the risk of inconveniencing, should attract the attention of the researcher on the texts studied or

read without prejudice. Then it will be easy to realize that this system is dusty and archaic. No point of

comparison with the clarity of the hermetic philosophical and theurgic way.

Do you think that Saint-Martin had wanted to follow the path of Martinez ?. Do you think Papus

has wanted to do magic within the Martinism ?. It is not obvious. Martinism is not the outside via

Martinez, even less that of Rosa + German Cross or Golden Dawn, even if not in contradiction with

the latter. It has become a philosophy of life simpler, clearer.

Orientalism and exoticism

As we have shown, Papus has brought many things to Martinism. But not everything has

contributed has been successful. It was fashionable at the time interested in the Orientalism. Initiatory

comings Eastern societies flourished, the masters of Tibet made their appearance while the

Theosophical Society knew its golden age. Present in the curriculum of Papus, Oriental knowledge

were part of the basic knowledge needed, but they were not based on work and the Martinist

philosophy. However, we must recognize that today the eastern conceptions are so used as Western

knowledge. In addition, important confusions are fundamental points, distorting not only the eastern

contributions but also,

We can quote here, for example, the question of reincarnation. This theory, very attractive,

gradually became evidence that it was not necessary to discuss !. Christian theories were dismissed

as archaic. The

students, to some extent, were biased. If your job is not enough, other stocks will

have to supply the deficiency. Karma obstacles and, moreover misunderstood,

becoming undisputed theme also appear.

But many Martinists have been surprised to learn that Martinez and Saint-Martin, who knew such

theories, not approved. This seems so incredible to most quoted here a letter from Saint-Martin by


"Kirchberger criticized Lavater, who believed in good faith in all the fantasies of the Northern

School: the pastor is convinced that San Juan was still living with them corporately and that" would

make a trip to Zurich "to visit him. Le Bernois not admit this possibility that San Juan was to visit

Lavater: "! Judge for what they are" (K in SM 30/04/94) This idea of the apostle traveling the world is

curiously linked to that of reincarnation which it is an argument of faith for members of this sect, but

that neither Saint-Martin, and Lavater, nor Kirchberger can accept (K in SM 12.24.93). "

The opinion of the Theosophist of Amboise is interesting:

"A system that never needed to be taught in the lower schools and is suitable for sleepwalkers,

but that does not suit any of the great principles of deep divine spiritual theory, unless you llameis

metempsicosis the possible return of large elected God, such as Enoch, Moses, Elijah, etc. Which

may occur at different times, to find and contribute significantly to the advancement of the Great

Work, that good will always flow through the channels that he has chosen. But evil, out of this world,

find new more alive than land regions, and purify besmirch us or even more. So that the land may not

be sufficient evidence for the extent to which we are; this is what determines me to reject this kind of

transmigration, I seem to be just a reflection of several similar powers to those of the astral race,

habindosenos actually believe them. The names and different

theatrical costumes decorations are not you own the actor that view, rather than

the time of the work. "

This illustrates well the possible deformations of which we have spoken and that may seem

incomprehensible to the knowledge transmitted by tradition. We understand very well that is not to

say that reincarnation is not a reality, but simply not deface what the Masters last thought or said.

This exoticism of thought invades discourse itself. Like many other streams, it transforms

Martinism centers body in fields; the law of cause and effect in karma, etc. States of consciousness

become in the monadic and buddhic planes, instead of Christic planes. Christianity, Martinism base,

is then disfigured and becomes almost incomprehensible.

Mystical illusion

Another obstacle is considered characteristic gradually, as superior to religion and the world.

Some occultists and Martinists initiated in the knowledge of hidden things, become "naturally"

different from the profane. They know, others do not; They are awake, others sleep; they are light,

the other darkness.

It is common to fend off such an attitude, but is wise enough to try to explain these theories to the

brave men who have never understood anything in his life. We understand, then, the importance of

the words of the Imitation of Christ:

"Every man naturally desires to know, but science without the fear of God, what is it ?.

A humble peasant who serves God is surely beyond that pride philosophy,

neglecting himself, considers the course of the stars. He who despises is well

known and does not flinch at the loanzas of men.

What good it is I have all the science in the world, if I have not charity?. "

Although this does not mean, however, that we should neglect the study and reflection, but

simply that the theoretical acquisitions do not separate us from the world in which we live and all our

human brothers.

Fourth part:

The secret heart

of Martinism

we might identify these errors say Martinista underestimate the work and it is not useful.

But paradoxically this is not the case. There are no vocation crisis Martinista, but on the contrary, it

is precisely the paradox where questions we posed at the beginning of this investigation arise.

Martinism portals open up every day to admit new members. The fact that this is so shows that the

real Martinism is beyond the structures only show us the crust. We find the key in a text of


"Christianity is the religion of brotherhood and freedom (...). Christianity spreads throughout the

land as the spirit of God (...). Our faith leads to the bright region of the eternal divine word (...).

Christianity expands and extends the use of our intellectual faculties (...) It shows us God revealed

within our being without the help of forms and formulas (...). Christianity is no sect because it covers

the entire unit and the unit still can not be divided only by itself (...) ".

Saint-Martin clearly explains what is the basis of Martinism, what makes it real unity, is the Christianity.

Not the absolute doctrine, but simply It is the Martinism. The indoor track is, then, that of

Christianity, which must not be confused with Catholicism, which is one of the external aspects.

Saint-Martin tells us well when he writes: "Catholicism is only the seminary of Christianity (...).

Catholicism does not fill only part of the whole (...). Catholicism abandons us to ourselves we find

God without the apparatus of ceremonies (...) ".

Thus it seems that the Martinism is essentially Christian, "because it is at the

bottom of the Christian religion independent of any cultural form, but not"

Catholic "in the sense of the external form. We must see, then, what it tells us

about Papus. In its

article entitled "About Martinism" writes: "The Martinist Order is an active center of initiatory diffusion

(...) set up to propagate the lines of tradition Christian (...). The third character is the Martinism Christian.

Martinism defends the action of Christ. The Martinista is "the gentleman of Christian idealism." By the

oral teaching of Christian Western tradition He hones the soul to perceive the vivifying action of

the divine Word of Christ glorious ... ".

You can see in these excerpts from the two founders of the Order and the base unit Martinism are in fact in Christianity. This

may seem obvious to some, but you have to know that most of the current orders have borrowed this aspect to make mystics

politically correct ". Now, the Martinism not taking for himself the role of the practice of Western and Christian esoteric tradition, it

belongs not to betray this heritage. Martiniste call is, then, the desire to discover the original tradition of the Christian mysteries. It

is the call they feel all those who want to cross the bark of Catholicism, to penetrate the mysteries path and started on what does

not represent much in the eyes of many and not for most of the clergy. Are, for example, blessings, exorcisms, the sacraments,

the symbols of foreign religion which are taken as superstitions, taken as exotic things. Now the school is Martinism that allows us

to the other side of the mirror of this matter. Text says: "our main study is to meditate on the path of Jesus Christ (...) But it

happens that many, by dint of hearing the gospel, have lost the spirit of Jesus Christ. Do you want to fully understand and

appreciate the words of Jesus Christ ?. Apply yourself to conform your life to yours. " Martinism is the school that allows us to

move across the mirror of this matter. Text says: "our main study is to meditate on the path of Jesus Christ (...) But it happens that

many, by dint of hearing the gospel, have lost the spirit of Jesus Christ. Do you want to fully understand and appreciate the words

of Jesus Christ ?. Apply yourself to conform your life to yours. " Martinism is the school that allows us to move across the mirror of

this matter. Text says: "our main study is to meditate on the path of Jesus Christ (...) But it happens that many, by dint of hearing

the gospel, have lost the spirit of Jesus Christ. Do you want to fully understand and appreciate the words of Jesus Christ ?. Apply

yourself to conform your life to yours. "

It would seem that we read Saint-Martin and "Imitation of Christ" which is expressed as follows. It

is, then, a call to this unique tradition they feel those heading towards the Martinism. Papus wrote "By

the oral teaching of Christian Western tradition."

One who goes to the Martinism is not necessarily a practicing Catholic future. It's what we say,

which has been called by the heart and not the crust. Martinism exists in Christianity, an oral teaching

perpetuated to this day. Not a dogmatic teaching against which we put ourselves on guard, but a sign

that allows us to learn the essence of this Western tradition. To penetrate these mysteries, the

Martinista penetrates the heart of the West, hides and disappears into the eyes of men. It becomes

unknown is that one of the representative characteristics of this pathway. The study can then be

made simple and important rites. Saint-Martin has never denied its importance although warned

against the magical rite, explaining that this was not the way of Martinism. Papus has given us

simple, clear and inspiring rituals and up to us not to deform the symbols and structures that are part

of them. Martinists, while closed school must meet to share their experience, research, search and

jobs. Requires the rite, however, that the exchanges do not become mere "chatter clubs". The

Imitation of Christ says: "Avoid also be the tumult of the world; because there is danger of

entertaining with the things of this world, even with pure intent. Vanity soon emerge in the soul and

the captive (...). What we look for in these entertainments is a mutual comfort and relief to our hearts

fatigued by various (...) thoughts. If allowed, should speak; speak about what can be carried out (...).

Pious lectures on spiritual matters, among people united by God and animated by the same spirit

serve as much progress towards perfection. "

And it is right in this regard what we consider the study of Martinista group, beginning in the

Christian mysteries. Papus received, lest we forget, two letters of Superior Unknown if some say,


Unknown server that would be more humble and more justice would complete

the first title. It should indeed not forget that the Martinista is an active man of

desire. Must act not only for himself but also helps even lost their brothers. This

assistance is made in the invisible

for the study of Western path but also and above all in the visible, with concrete supports. It may be,

in the words of Papus, "a sower of truth, a modest and humble whose heart has illuminated the brain

by practice of devotion and charity ..." .

The characteristic of Martinism is to act on all levels, but covertly, unknown to the world's


That is by visiting the sick, for social aid, aid to friends or strangers disturbed, lost. In any domain

that is unwrap the Martinista acts without this "tag" which must remain hidden. If you are religious,

while religious acts, if doctor, as a doctor, if operator that acts as operator, but above all is


You should help their brothers by particular service driving men to God, to the discovery of the

divine principle. Their goal is not to lead people toward esotericism and his Order. It is to serve

Christianity and guide their lost brothers into the light of Christ that they have forgotten. If they find

someone the call, then lead him to be tested. However, this desire will come from the other and not

be provoked by the Martinista, who, acting under pride would cease to be a Christian and started.

If the Martinism includes hidden action initiated to help men in their daily lives and lead them to

God, why Christianity ?.

Martnez from Saint-Martin and Martinism has a sacred trust that each of the

brothers discovered through their study. Make a mystery of this

treasure is useless, since we have already revealed; It is the guardian of the unity of Christianity and

its understanding. Vela secretly safeguarding this rich Western tradition so that no one can

undermine it.

When the outside Church weaken or dissipate his treasure, Martinism be there to perpetuate their

wealth. It is the guarantee of this tradition accessible to all, it can also be damaged. The clergy is the

visible action of Christianity, while Martinism is the invisible action. It exists a duty and not one

of the children. the responsibility to be borne by those who forget our traditional deposit, as are

perhaps unconscious depositaries understood. If there is, as we say, a deposit, there is also a

transmission from master to disciple succession after the founders. Saint-Martin has just passed an

initiation, that of SI For him the door opened once and that was enough. Papus organizes many

degrees, but leaves the real initiation for S. . I. . . Through her current can descend into us and

clarify our being that will approximate the ideal and Martinista service.

In conclusion, in a text of 1899 Papus wrote: "Every slander is a future victory; accused of being

the devil by some, clerics by others, and black magicians or mad about the gallery, we remain just as

fervent Knights of Christ, enemies of violence and revenge, sinrquicos resolute, opposed to any

anarchy at the top or softly, in a word: Martinists, as have our glorious ancestors Pasqually Martinez,

Louis Claude de Saint-Martin and Willermoz ".

"Poor, these impudent sowers, sometimes in sabots, casting seed on the fly symbolic truths in

secular land and then hiding in his cloak, coming back into silence and the unknown."

Fifth part:

rituals and


interesting pipelining based on a comparative study of the various rites Martinists after the

onset of the Order, but this study lead us outside the framework we have set. We will content

ourselves, then, to give some basic elements designed to make you perceive what may be a

Martinist ritual.

The first document that we will play is the simplest ritual of meeting Martinista and is also the

oldest. Data of the revival of the Order of Papus. It will then greatly increased and developed keeping,

as we have said in the preceding chapter, own symbolic elements of this tradition.

Rite Martinista of


to modern developments

Rite Martinista 1897:


Unknown philosopher - Associate Brother, what time is it ?.

Associate brother - El Oriente lights ... the sun rises. The eye of the world is to be opened, the truth

will appear.

Originally brother - Will the sun be darkened for the uninitiated ?. Rebut the warmth and life to the

ignorant ?. Is not distribute its beneficent influences the wicked ?.

Started brother - visible manifestation of the invisible center of all life and all light, the sun does not

refuse anyone astral influences, and every creature receives a ray of the divine substance.

Unknown philosopher - Why, Oh, my brother, because the truth was not revealed ?. Why

rehusaramos to involve their influence the man of desire ?.

Associate brother - the sun rises. Let the veils fall like the shadows of the night vanish! (TO).

Unknown Philosopher - Da 3 strokes slowly. . .

Associate brother - Da 3 strokes slowly. . .

Originally brother - Give a coup.


Unknown philosopher - Da 3 strokes slowly (Siblings rise).

Associate brother - Da 3 strokes slowly.

Originally brother - Give a slow blow. (B)

Unknown philosopher - Oh, unregenerate men, O ye you reveal the invisible divine incarnation, Oh,

Masters of East and West, we thank you for coming to preside over our act. Our joy, strong against

all our pains, our operation magnetized to your astrality.

Associate brother - Oh, God made man, Oh, Ieshouah our guide !. Oh, Crucified in the Invisible Sun,

assists with your vivifying emanations our work of light and redemption.

Originally brother - In the name of Iod-He-Shin-Vau-He.

Associate brother - By INRI. Amen.

Unknown Philosopher - Together my brothers: Ampersand

(All brothers do). Touches.

Unknown philosopher - Da 3 strokes slowly. . .

Associate brother - Da 3 strokes slowly. . .

Originally brother - He gives a blow.

Unknown philosopher - To the glory of IESHOUAH, Great Architect of the Universe, under the

auspices of the Unknown Philosopher, our venerable teacher,

the work of the ............ No. ............... . They are suspending

momentarily during the time that separates us restart our work, we will behave, my brethren, with

prudence and discretion. (A hit)

Some years later, in 1913, new forms Masonic rituals, which were published

and signed by Papus, President of the Supreme Council and Grand Master of

the Order were developed.

They were published in 1985 by Editions Demter under the title of "Ritual of the Order Martinist

designed by Teder." We include the complete texts and rites.

We discuss here some useful elements for the general understanding of the tradition that we try.

It should be noted that in the simplest ritual gatherings, rituals are designed to enable the

Unknown Superior Initiator only the transmission of all grades.

Without taking the preceding rite current initiatory rites that are not have been completed. (You

may speak to the first rite as an indication.)


"... Triple mysterious and Divine Light, Sacred Fire, Soul of the universe, eternal principle of

the Worlds and beings, revered symbol illuminates our spirit, our work and our hearts and in our souls

spreads the vivifying fire of Truth . That same light, emanating from three different luminaries,

revealed us the wisdom, strength and beauty that govern, sustain, and particularly decorate the

temple that we build to the Glory of the Great Architect of the Worlds. These mysterious flames

illuminate their clarity to the Sisters and Brothers who access their knowledge and enable them to

appreciate the greatness and holiness of our work ... ".

Pour out a little incense on the glowing charcoal.

"Receive, O Great Architect of the Worlds, you pay homage in this temple,
the Sisters and Brothers gathered. Do not let it be desecrated by bigotry,
enmity, falsehood, discord and Charity, Peace and Truth reign constantly! ...

The closure was often developed and retaken, usually with invocations closing we know the

rite of Papus and Teder. We have developed some excerpts so that you could only feel the spirit.

(B) .-

"... My sisters and brothers, it is time to suspend our collective work. Indeed, none of us is
exempt from multiplying individual efforts that need daily, make him more worthy of the
spiritual benefactors, as Martinism is the dispenser. [...]. The Holy Ones, who want to be
disciples, we show the Light that you seek and will provide the powerful help of his
compassion and wisdom! ... "

Officers of the Lodge in

first four grades

AND L F ILSOFO D ESCONOCIDO: ( Sometimes he called Brother Initiator).

It is the first light of the lodge. Members owe the greatest respect and greater obedience; is

irreproachable in their functions, is not subject to choice and meets his lodge every time it deems

appropriate; presides over the opening and closing of the work; signs all records and documents;

orders all expenses, appoints all committees or commissions and chairs; confers degrees according

to the Ritual ....


It is responsible for certain invocations characteristics of the Order. Gives

the content of the work, it states the conclusions. Martinista represents the law

and must fully understand the structure and the traditional rules of the Order.

AND L H ERMANO I NICIADO: ( Originally master, master of ceremonies).

Brother Initiate (S ::: I ::: I :: :) I make skilled in the initiation ceremonies. Must therefore fully

aware of the rituals. In the absence of the Unknown Philosopher, you may find it given permission to


AND L G UARDIN: ( Brother Porter).

It is responsible for the confidentiality and discretion of the meetings and assemblies

Martinists initiation. Martinista controls the regularity of the Sisters and Brothers visitors. Candle all

brothers and sisters conveniently carry the symbols of the Order.


It has entrusted the collection of any contributions from members, to ensure sound financial

organization of the group, collecting donations, visiting the Sisters and Brothers with moral, physical

or other problems and to help them in the name of group, also effective and materially, always within

their power and taking into consideration the decisions of the Unknown Philosopher.


It keeps track of verbal processes. It is the repository of files and sends calls as demand

Unknown Philosopher.


Brother Started: It sits on the top of the column South.

Unknown Brother: He sits in the second column of the South.

Brother Secretary: It sits on the top of the column North.

Brother Treasurer: He sits in second place in Northern column.

The Guardian: It sits on the west, facing the Unknown Philosopher.

Martinists rituals from a

contemporary lodge search

Martinism has not evolved, as some might think, to a large body of rites. On the contrary, research

has continued and new rites have been written. Respectful of the essential symbols of tradition, these

rites seek to complete and meet the needs may have suffered. This is the case of the two rites that

reproduce later, the rite for theurgical meetings and ritual for the foundation of a Lodge.

The first is intended for groups who want to channel their jobs in a theurgical perspective, without

practicing the proper way Martinezista. The meeting is therefore essentially dedicated to operational

group practices. The second is intended to be based Martinists desirous lodges a really operatively

considering the invisible dimension.

Contact Individual Ritual

with chain Martinista

Martinism history shows us the fragility of the actual historical transmission. We conclude,

then, that the transmissions, the great masters, the revivals, etc., often derived only from the spiritual

dimension. A historical chains are born then, but they were born

a specific operation has aimed to contact a plan and some teachers who have been able to infuse

energy, a truly initiatory authority.

Obviously, the previous initiation into the hidden strings attached to the corresponding egregore is

a not insignificant in this kind of work triumph. Thus, it can be considered that an individual who

possesses the initiation of the highest degrees of the Scottish Rite Rectified and certain spiritual

affiliation with JB Willermoz, will be more apt to try to create a spiritual relationship with Martinez

Pasqually and egregore of Elus Cohens. The closest example to us is that of the magical operation in

sympathy that had been made by Robert Ambelain, Robert Amadou and other brothers who used a

rite Elu Cohen to awaken the Order and connect again with your egregore. There was no certainty at

the time regarding the historical affiliation,

At first no one distinguishes this type of operation processes individual contact we describe

here. It has done everything possible to make it so, to proceed in the same way and seek be related

to a particular egregore. The help of a particular asceticism, prayer and operations, to the extent that

the intention is pure, sincere and selfless, will clearly necessary.

We are not enthusiastic when we say that such an operation must be met to reach a Grand

Master and create an Order in which the operator will become obviously the "big boss".

What we propose here it is not intended to have a formal initiation with this transformation

process. It is simply to allow one who would not have the possibility to receive, to connect to the

egregore and able to operate under the protection of the Masters.

It is useful, before some practices, imbued with the spirit of tradition and

then meditate on the texts which might lead the spirit to a kind of unconscious

communication with the invisible planes. It is, however, important to avoid reading

too theoretical to

They appeal to the intellect. We seek, instead, act on the imagination and faith of the individual.

To do this, please use one hand "Imitation of Christ" and on the other hand works of

Saint-Martin LC. Every day should read passages of the first work so that you impregnis slowly and

regularly. In the case of the various works of Saint-Martin, you must not read an entire work

beginning to end. It is random enough that you open as often as possible one of the works of this

author that you read the relevant passage. It matters little that it may understand; it is essential that

you impregnis, understanding will come later.

We advise then use simple sentences, which are drawn from the Christian tradition or

Martinista (10 prayers of Saint-Martin, for example). It is important that this practice daily and regular.

The goal is a slow, but steady action. We could use the image of the drops falling regularly on the

granite rock. The hardest rock is pierced, which would not happen if echaseis a lot of water. It is the

same regarding the practice of prayers or some other technique harmonization.

I advise you to follow these preliminaries during a cycle of 40 days duration of traditional

Western techniques asceticism.

Then you will choose a significant day which is situated in full moon, or at least Crescent

Moon in the spring. You can choose a Sunday morning, beginning the rite to the magic hour of the

sun. Obviously, these indications may be ignored if the rite has no theurgical structure. They are only

an aid in the process of psychic construction started.

If you can, you will try linen (identical to a tunic), a black cord, three candles, a white

tablecloth, three (black, white and red) ribbons and a censer.

If you you can not try the above, we advise to wear a dress that is broad and

that you can feel comfortable with it.


4 to 5


1-2-3: Three candles 4: Three

horizontal bands 5: censer.

Sit facing the altar that you have installed and Give yourselves for a few minutes.

Then you get up and you begin to read the text intelligible speech opening following:

"- El Oriente lights ... the sun rises. The eye of the world is to be opened, the truth


The sun will be darkened for the uninitiated ?. Is Negara warmth and life to the

ignorant ?. Is not distribute its beneficent influences the wicked ?.

- visible manifestation of the invisible center of all life and all light, the sun does not

deny anyone their astral influences, and every creature receives a ray of the divine substance.

- But why not Truth has manifested itself ?. Why are we would deny us to share his

influence to man


- The sun rises. Let the veils fall like the shadows of the night

vanish!. "

Abide few moments in silence and recollection.

After ignite a light and Utter the following invocation:

"Triple mysterious and Divine Light, Sacred Fire, Soul of the universe, eternal

principle of the Worlds and beings, clear my mind and my heart and in my soul ignites the

quickening fire of truth.

The wisdom, strength and beauty manifest in this ceremony under the auspices of the

Great Architect of the Worlds.

The flames illuminate my being with clarity. "

then ignite the three flames arranged on your altar, beginning with those closest to the East

after the right and then the left.

Be silent for a moment.

Light the charcoal and let down a little incense, saying:

"Receive, O Great Architect of the Worlds, my homage. This incense I offer a true

image of the purity of my word and my intention for your greater glory and justice.

This perfume is the image of the prayer I offer for eternity.

That is the emblem of the fervor with which I invoke to achieve reconciliation, to join

the angel whom have given the order to accompany and assist me.

Get this perfume as the testimony of my love. "

Elevate censer and balanceadlo 12 times to the East. After you place us on the altar.

Golpead then with the help of a bell or by hand, twelve strokes slowly and

solemnly on the altar.

Gather the book of the Bible and open them by the prologue of the Gospel

according to John. Read the text: John 1: 1 to 1:14.

Put the book on the altar open this page.

Abide few moments in silent meditation in the position that you believe most appropriate.

Recite after prayers or prayers utilizabais in your preparation so that you coloquis in relation

to the invisible and divine planes.

Take the Bible and read the text of Genesis: Genesis 1: 1 to 2: 3.

Abide few moments in silent meditation in the posture that you believe most appropriate.

Get up and begin the invocation of the past Masters of the Martinist tradition:

"I call at this time the secret Masters of the astral Martinista chain. The pure desire of

my heart turns to you and will invoke. Hear my voice and call.

I invoke the influence of the Venerable Founder of the Martinist tradition:

Oh Martinez de Pasqually, you who founded the Order Martinista with the support of

the Living Principles Invisible, hear my call and turns to me your protector and vivifying

influence so that my soul is placed in the stream to which I'm leaving. Give me the support of

secret and astral forces your order.

I call upon all those who worked for the glory of the Order Martinista

in the visible world.

also invoke Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Jean-Baptiste Willermoz

and all his disciples of the

invisible order.

Oh Invisible Masters of the Order Martinist, all who have known the secret light and

have participated in activities, you always have been the faithful Knights of Ieoshuah, come

near me to bring me your blessing and your support for the work that I meet today. That on

this day the influences under which I stand allow the fulfillment of my desire for physical,

moral and spiritual development. "

Stay a few minutes in silence. Then say:

"I invoke now Invisible influences. Come to me, oh

Noudo-Raabts! Come to me, oh Ieoshuah Omeros! In

the name of Yod He Shin Vau He. By INRI, Amen! "

Observe a moment of silence, then dry and ceremonious Dad 7 blows on the altar or the bell.

Then say:

"That in the presence and under the protection of teachers rite is accomplished!"

Visualizaos wrapped in a white and incandescent light. After this display densificad dresses

and imagine a white linen tunic. Then say:

"Sir Emblanqueced and purify my heart, so that having been

washed by the blood of the lamb enjoy a day of eternal joys my soul at last

regenerated. The purity of this dress bud in my being and can progress to

my spiritual reintegration. "

then visualize a black cord around your waist and say:

"Deign, merciful Lord, extinguish the ardor of my evil passions so that virtue, strength

and purity remain in me. This tie is the visible chain me to the past Masters present at this

moment around me. That at all times my actions are deemed worthy of being inscribed on the

records of our tradition. "

Visualize who are then coated with a white coating that surrounds and protects you will. Then


"That this protective layer allows me to enter my being, disappear before the eyes of

the world and penetrate the invisible world."

then visualize a black mask over your eyes and say:

"Through this mask my profane personality disappears. I become a stranger to

thousands of other strangers. I shall fear no more petty susceptibilities which I am bound in

my daily life. I am protected against the traps of ignorance and can, whenever you wish, enter

my to discover the sacred shrine in which the truth shows its oracles. "

Get up and Grasp the sword. Raise the arm directing the tip of the sword to the sky and say:

"Let the cherubim present in the east of the garden recognize this

sign and know that I vow to cultivate virtue, respect and praise the Great

Architect of the Worlds. You, Guardians of the land where I was born, know

that at this time

undertake the path before you to take me back to my heavenly home. "

Kneel before the altar facing east. Remain silent for a moment. Then say:

"In the presence of the past Masters and the powers and invisible creatures of the

Order Martinist, I take at this time the name of ...................... ( esoteric name to be adopted

during activities Martinists) and will do so you can take it with dignity in each of my activities

on the path of Martinism. "

Remain silent a few more moments, then mentally Utter consecratory the following

sentences, imagining that this is one of the Masters of the Martinist chain that goes to you:

"To you ....... (Your civil and esoteric name) you receive and you introduce at this point

in the chain and egregore Martinista. Get your consecration of man to desire that each of you

approach your steps towards the day of your reintegration. "

(You can spontaneously answer the above words.)

Abide few moments in meditation. Get up and Utter now the Our Father in the language that

you choose. Then proceded to the closure of the rite.

Dad 7 strokes marked and slowly over the altar. Then say:

"Oh men unregenerate, you who

or reveal the Invisible divine powers, you

I am grateful to have been present in this rite.

Oh Masters of the past, be lauded for having brought your


O ye Holy Ones, of which I hope to be a disciple, deign to show me the light I seek and

offer me the powerful help of your compassion and your wisdom!

In the name of Iod-He-Shin-Vau-He. By INRI,

Amen. "

Extinguish candles saying:

"Let this be placed triple light under a bushel and continue to expand its purified light

in my soul."

Dad after 7 strokes slowly and marking them on the altar.

Terminad saying:

"For the glory of IESHOUAH and G. .A. . Of the Worlds, under the auspices of the

Unknown Philosopher, our venerable teacher, our works are completed today. I can cultivate

prudence and discretion about my work and contacts with the invisible chain of the Order

Martinista. "

Give a thud on the altar.

The rite is over. You can dismantle the set and keep your day or evening with some quiet

and virtuous activities.

Ritual of disciplines

The temple is decorated in the usual way. However cartons or drawn plates are placed on the

walls around the room. On each of them is a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The first is on the east

wall to the right of the pentacle Martinista and the last on his left.


Candles and light incense on the altar of the form


The Philosopher Unknown gets up and takes the censer. He goes to the center of the temple

and placed facing east. Raises saying:

"By the intercession of the Blessed Archangel Michael, which is to the right of the

altar of incense, through the intercession of your elect, from all Saints and all Your Angels,

deign Lord bless and sanctify this incense and convert perfume sweet odor of sweetness.

This aromatic composition is a perpetual defense against all evil spirits, against all

enchantments, spells and other fiendish humiliations proffered and promoted by the World;

This incense is a perpetual expulsion of all the spirits of prevarication and never any curse

can occur here.

I ask, however, that the sweet smell of this aromatic blend, to come and present in this

place all the Angels and Spirits of light and all the souls of our brothers finally regenerated


By Ieshouah. Amen!"

Unknown Philosopher is oriented east and incenses 4 directions. Then he heads to the

South describing a semicircle around the workplace. Incenses there again in all 4 directions. Then

does the same to the West to conclude in the East. It quickly joins the center of the place remains

some quiet moments and will leave the censer to your site.

Then take the light of the past Masters and goes to the center of the temple. After a few

moments of silence, the flame rises and says:

"I call on you, oh Masters of the past, so that your presence may bless this Temple

and be placed under your protection."

The Unknown Philosopher heads facing east and trace with the help of light a cross within a

circle. This means that draws the flame as described, as if it were in a flat, vertical surface. Then

extending the light level center of the cross, he goes to the south and trace the circle with the cross

again. Then he does the same in the West and North, to conclude again in the East.

Then leaves the luminaire in place.

Then sits on your site.


A) Prayer:

Unknown Philosopher: "O Heavenly Father, merciful and gracious Creator, purify !. Deign

spread over us thy holy

blessing. Stretch out your mighty arm upon us so that by your orders we

can participate in your divine work, be endowed with all wisdom and

worship and glorify your holy name. I call upon you and I beg you from the

bottom of my heart. These forces

we invoke by your power come to comfort us and cleanse us. These forces manifest,

quickening our work and bringing peace, balance and love that we ask in your holy name.

They manifest without causing fear or terror to anyone, without hurting us, not harm anyone. "

B) Ring:

Officers get 3 convolutions around the temple starting from the East.


All they invoke the divine spirit declaiming aloud Veni Creator:

"Come, Creator Spirit, descend into the souls of those who are with you and fill of

divine grace the hearts you have created. Comforting Spirit, the highest gift of God, source of

life, charity and divine unction. Under God's right to Expandis us your seven gifts, according

to the promise of the Father, colocad his word on our lips, iluminadnos with your light, fill our

hearts with your love and Fortify at all times and failing our intimate flesh. Put away from us

the enemy and give us peace. Guided by you, we will avoid everything that can hurt us. Teach

us to know the Father. Teach us to know the Son. Always be the object of our love and our

faith. "

Latin text: "Veni Creator Spiritus, tuorum minds visit, imple supernal gratia quae creavit your

pectora. Qui diceris Paraclitus, altissimi donum dei, fous vivus, ignis, charitas, et onctio spiritalis. Your

septiformis mumere paternae digitus dexterae. Your rite promissum Patris, Sermone ditans guttura.

Accende sensibus lumen infuses amorem cordibus, infirma corporis nostri virtute firmans perpeti.

Hostem repellas longius, pacemque protinus gifts; Ductore sicte praevio vitemus omne noxium. Per

te da Patrem scianus noscamus at that Fillium, Te utrius that credamus omni tempore Spiritus. "


A) Genesis:

The Unknown Philosopher read the text of Genesis, either in Castilian or in Hebrew. After

pronouncing the formulas 1st day, 2nd day, etc, battery shock occurs.

"I-1. In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. But the ground was in the loneliness and

chaos; darkness was upon the face of the deep. 2. And the breath of God hovered over the surface of

the water. 3. God said, "Let there be light ..." And there was light. 4. God saw that the light was good

and drew a distinction between light and darkness. 5. God called the light Day and the darkness Night.

the afternoon was done, it was dawn on the first day.

6. God said, "Let a space extending between the water and form a

barrier between them. "7.God made space, worked a separation between the waters below and those

above it and remained so. God names this space heaven. the afternoon was done, it was the dawn

second day.

9. God said, "Let the waters under the heaven be distributed together in a

same place and the land appear. "And was fulfilled. 10. God appoints the Earth soil and water

agglomeration of the Seas. And God saw it right.

11. God said, "Let the land produce plants; herbs hide a seed; that fruit trees after their kind give a

fruit that perpetuate

his seed upon the earth. "And this was fulfilled. 12. The earth gave birth to

vegetables: herbs that develop their seed after their space. And bearing trees

after their kind, fruit that hides his seed. And God saw that it was good. 13. The

afternoon was made, it became dawn, third


14. God said, "appearing celestial bodies in space

luminous, to divide the day from the night; will serve as a sign for the changing seasons, for days and

for years. 15. And serve as luminaries in the celestial space to illuminate the earth. "And so was

fulfilled. 16. God made two great lights, the greater for royalty of the day, the lowest for the royalty of

the night, and the stars. 17. And God placed them in the celestial space to radiate on earth. 18. To

rule the night and to separate light from darkness. God saw that it was fair. 19. The afternoon was

made, it became dawn fourth day.

20. God said, "Let the waters form a lively crowd, alive; and that

birds fly above the earth across the space of heaven. "21. God created the huge whales, all animate

beings moving through the waters, where they swarm depending on the species, and all flying by

wings, after its kind; and God saw that it was fair. 22. God blessed them saying, "Be fruitful and

multiply !. Fill the waters, inhabitants of the seas; BIRDS, multiply on the earth! ". 23. The afternoon

was made, it became dawn, fifth day.

24. God said, "Let the land produce animated beings according to their

species: cattle, reptiles, wild beasts of every kind "And so was fulfilled.. 25. God made the wild

animals according to their kinds, like animals, and so all those who crawl under the sun after their

kind. And God saw that it was good. 26. God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness

and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle; . Anyway, over all

the earth and all beings therein move "27. God created man in his image; is the image of God who

created it. Male and female were created at a time. 28. God blessed them saying, "Be fruitful and

multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue !.! ! Mandad over the fish of the sea, over the birds of

the air, upon all the animals that move on the earth "29. God added:" Now,

grain takes on all the face of the earth, and every tree with seed on all the face of the earth, and

every tree bearing fruit trees that will become the development of its seed. I used to nourish you. 30.

And the wild animals, all the birds of the sky, all that moves on the earth and has a principle of life, I

assign them to plant vegetables for food. "And so it was done. God examined what he had done: and

was eminently good. the afternoon was done, it was the dawn sixth day.

II- 1. Thus were finished the heavens and the earth with everything contained therein. 2. God

ended on the seventh day, the work done by him; and he rested the seventh day from all His work which

He had done. 3. God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because on this day the repose of

the whole work that had produced and organized.

B) Invocation of archetypal powers:

The Unknown Philosopher directs his gaze to each Hebrew letter that decorates the walls of

the temple. The Initiate Master accompanying holding in his hand the censer. All focus on for each

letter that will be invoked power. After Initiate Master hike the censer to the letter and the Philosopher

Unknown vibrates invoking the letter aloud. All come together quietly in this invocation.

6 - I NVOCACIN OF gregora OF L ogy:

This ritual invocation elaborates each particular lodge under its

denomination and the auspices chosen since its founding.

7- A BJURACIONES Preliminaries:

The expert : Access to the camera are empty, everything is silent, the Guardian is in place

and all Martinists present their pass word.

Unknown Brother: Give me the word pass ( this order is executed).

Unknown Brother ( A blow) (Officials take

their places). wise, we're

suitably protected.

The Unknown Philosopher: Unknown Brother, are you ?. Martinista

Unknown Brother: I am a Philosopher of Unity, Wise.

The Unknown Philosopher: At what point Martinists begin their work ?.

Unknown Brother: The job of a Martinista is never interrupted, Wise.

The Unknown Philosopher: Why?.

Unknown Brother: Because the objective proposed requires the constant use of his

intellectual faculties, except in moments of bodily rest required by the weakness of physical nature.

The Unknown Philosopher: And when those moments of bodily rest place our traditions

attach to Martinista ?.

Unknown Brother: Since the sun, visible manifestation of the invisible center of all life and

light, spread over every creature its vivifying influence.

The Unknown Philosopher: When is the Martinista is more devoted to work ?.

Unknown Brother: During the hours of physical darkness, in the

silence of meditation, when lighting, penetrating the heart of nature, discover

the source of all kinds and of all truth and joined in spirit with the virtuous

agents Pleroma .

The Unknown Philosopher: What time is it?.

(12 strokes occur in a slow gong)

Unknown Brother: It is midnight for the uninitiated, but the intellectual sun rises over this


(Here, the main light is on)

1. Reading of the Charter of the Supreme Council.

2. Standing Order and my brothers ( All attendees get up)

The Unknown Philosopher: Can you you, O Master Associate, joining the Lodge that we

constitute the visible and invisible powers that guide our Venerable Order ?.

Associate Master: If, M. .P. .M. ., We can by the invocation of the secret masters of our

astral chain if the hearts of HH ::: here present are imbued with a pure desire.

The Unknown Philosopher: Associate teacher, call the influences of the Venerable Founder

of our Order.

Associate Master: Oh, Martinez Pasqually, you who have founded our Order with the

support of the Living Principles Invisible protects this

Loggia open to Gloria G. .A. . of the universe. And give us the support of the secret

forces of the Order in the Astral Plane.

The Unknown Philosopher: In addition to the founder of the

Order, who are our invisible braces, P. .M. . Initiated?.

The Initiate Master: All those who worked for the glory of our Order in the visible world and,

above all, M. .P. .M. . Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Jean-Baptiste Willermoz and all his disciples

of the invisible Order.

The Unknown Philosopher: P.M.. Originally, call these venerable


The Initiate Master: Oh, invisible Masters of our Order, oh, you who, following Louis-Claude

de Saint-Martin and JB Willermoz have known the secret Light and have participated in its activities,

you always have been the faithful Knights of Ieoshuah, the Repairer , come to permeate your

influence with the work we started today with a pure heart and with ardent desires of physically,

morally and spiritually perfected.

The Unknown Philosopher: ( He gives three strokes; Brothers rise).

my brothers, united in body, we are united in life and in spirit; Invisible invoke influences, visible light

to dazzle our eyes.

The Unknown Philosopher: Come to us, O Noudo-Raabts!

Unknown Brother: Come, O Ieoshuah Omeros!

Brother Started: In the name of Yod-He-Shin-Vau-He.

Associated Brother: By INRI, Amen!


The Unknown Philosopher: It gives three strokes slow.

Unknown Brother: It gives three strokes slow.

Brother Started: He gives a blow.

The Unknown Philosopher: In the name of the Supreme Council of the Martinist Order, We,

special for this purpose Delegates, declare Poderosa Lodge No. .......... opened by the glory of

Ieshouah G. .A. . of Lu.. and under the auspices of the Unknown Philosopher, N. .v. .M. .. Sit

down, my brothers and sisters.


Reading and the Philosopher Unknown, or an official appointed by him, tight text regarding

the theurgic and magical way.


Exposed by a brother or sister on a particular issue regarding teurgia or magic.


The bases of the various techniques of Western traditions be treated, taught and practiced.

This point will find its continuation in practice individual work after the meetings.


a) The egregore of the Lodge is ritually at rest.

The Unknown Philosopher: "We thank you, teachers of the past have

been present in our work. Receive the blessing of the Lord Iaveh and His Son,

our Lord and Master Ieshouah. "

b) Officers perform three ring roads around the temple, from the East, meaning anti-clockwise.

The Unknown Philosopher becomes the center and states:

"In Lux Pax!"

12 - P AX IN LUX:

Officers and all Brothers and Sisters form the chain in the middle of tempo and recite the

Pater in Hebrew or Greek.

Pater Noster (pronunciation of the Hebrew text):

"Avinou chbachamam, itquadach chmra, Tavo malroutra iassh rtsonira kmo

bachamam baaretz ken. Et lereum rouqunou ten Lanou AIOM. Ouslar Lanou eut rovotnou,

quaachr salarnou gam anarnou lraiavnou. Veal tvinou lid nissaon ki im raltsnou min ara, ki

LERA hamamlrah veagvourah vehatiphreth leolm Olamim; Amen. "

- the candles go out.

- Brothers and Sisters leave the temple led by Brother Porter.

- The officers remain silent for a few moments and then leave one on one temple.


Rite of founding a Lodge Martinista

Weather: All year. Ideally a Sunday early morning. (Day length divided by 12. This result it

provides the duration of the magic hour of the day. Dawn is calculated by where it operates. It is then

easy to calculate the duration of the first time during which the rite must be performed. it should be

noted that the beginning of the rite affect the proper operation magical time, whose influence

continues throughout the work.)

Temple and Operants:

Part 1

The Martinista temple is installed as mystical taken. In the East the pentacle Martinista

mounted on Ieshouah name in Hebrew, framed by two banners. The first is white and wears a red

cross, the second is white and wearing a red Crismn. A West portrait of Saint-Martin is located.

On the ground, the mat first degree is not placed. Master serves the altar altar for the liturgy

to be developed. It is illuminated by a seven-branched candelabrum.

They all wear the insignia of their degree in mysticism stands.

Parts 2nd - 3rd

The set is identical. However the arrangement of the altar is decorated Martinista replaced

by first grade.

The green carpet is placed on the floor.

Parties 4th - 5th

The specifics of the decoration for theurgical work are

built again. For example, Hebrew letters 22 may be incorporated into the wall, installed columns, etc.

Brothers and Sisters flying the Hebraic pentacle and carry their own insignias of this work.

Note: The rites should not be distributed to Brothers and Sisters in order to avoid reading

rather than constant attention at the ceremony. Until their participation, vibration or gestures, the

officers said softly. While it is recommended that everyone has read the rite before participating, not

keep after him, or has been explained separately by the responsible.


Lights and incense are lit in the normal manner on the altar.

The Unknown Philosopher rises and lights the censer. It is placed in the center of the temple

facing east. There him up saying:

"By the intercession of Blessed Michael the Archangel, which is to the right of the

altar of incense, through the intercession of all Thy elect, from all Saints and all your angels,

deign Lord bless and sanctify this incense and accept this perfume sweet smelling savor. This

aromatic composition is a perpetual defense against all evil spirits, against all enchantments,

charms and other diabolical vexations uttered and promoted by the

World; this incense be a perpetual condemnation of all spirits of prevarication and never any

curse can alter this place. I ask, however, that the sweet smell of this aromatic prepared to

come and rush to spread here, all the Angels and Spirits of light, and the souls of our brothers

finally regenerated.

By Ieshouah. Amen!"

The Unknown Philosopher remains facing east and incenses in this direction in four

movements. Then look to the south describing a semicircle around the workplace. Incensar there

again in four movements. He goes to the west and north before finishing again in the East. Returns to

the center of the place remains some quiet moments and places the censer in place.

then take a luminary of the past Masters and goes to the center of the temple. After a few

moments of silence, the flame rises and says:

"I invoke, O masters of the past so that your presence may bless this house and be

placed under your high protection."

The Unknown Philosopher heads east and trace with the help of a luminaire a cross within a

circle. This means that draws the flame as described, as if he were on a flat vertical surface. Then,

always keeping the luminaire up to the center of the cross, he goes to the South and repeat. so it

does in the West and ends in the East

then deposited the flame on the site that is reserved.

It lies, then, in place.


A) Prayer:

Unknown Philosopher:

"Oh Heavenly Father, merciful and gracious Creator, cleanse !. Deign expand upon

us your holy blessing. Stretch out your mighty arm upon us so that, by your orders, we can

share in your divine work, be endowed with all wisdom and always glorify and worship your

holy name. I invoke you and I beg you from the bottom of the heart. These forces, we call

upon you for your power, come early to comfort us and cleanse us. They manifest, quickening

our work and bringing peace, balance and love that we ask in your holy name. They manifest

without causing fear or terror to anyone, without hurting us, or damage to any creature. "

B) key Enochian I:

I Enochian key is pronounced in Castilian or Enochian if the Unknown Philosopher has a

habit of pronunciation of the language. The Unknown Philosopher begins in the middle of the temple,

facing the East.

The Unknown Philosopher:

"Kingdom upon you, saith the God of Justice, in power exalted above the firmaments

of wrath. In his hands, the sun is like a sword and the moon as a piercing fire. I I adorned your

garments with within my own dressings and that you have come together as the palms of my

hands. I've trimmed your brambles that with ornaments and have beautified your garments. I

have given a law to govern the holy beings. And I have delivered the blows with the ark of

knowledge. In addition, you have raised your voice and you have sworn obedience and faith

to Him who lives and triumphs,

without which nothing begins to be and nothing comes to an end. Shines

like a flame in the midst of your palace, and reigns over you with the

balance of righteousness and truth. Come then and show yourselves. Shew

the mysteries of your creation. Sednos favorable, because I am the servant

of the same your God, the true worshiper of the Highest.

The Unknown Philosopher invokes the three Archangels:

LEXARP ( pronunciation LEKSORePIR)

Comanan ( pronunciation KOMA-nane)

TABITOM ( pronunciation TA-BI-take)

C) Ring:

Officers perform three ring roads around the temple

starting with the East.


All they invoke the divine spirit declaiming aloud Veni Creator:

"Come, Creator Spirit, descend into the souls of those who are with you and fill of

divine grace the hearts you have created. Comforting Spirit, the highest gift of God, source of

life, charity and divine unction. Under God's right to Expandis us your seven gifts, according

to the promise of the Father, colocad his word on our lips, iluminadnos with your light, fill our

hearts with your love and Fortify at all times and failing our intimate flesh. Put away from us

the enemy and give us peace. Guided by you, we will avoid everything that can hurt us. Teach

us to know the Father. Teach us to know the Son. Always be the object of our love and our

faith. "

Latin text: "Veni Creator Spiritus, tuorum minds visit, imple supernal

gratia quae creavit your pectora. Qui diceris Paraclitus, altissimi donum dei, fous

vivus, ignis, charitas, et onctio spiritalis. Your septiformis mumere paternae

digitus dexterae. Your rite promissum Patris, Sermone ditans guttura.

Accende sensibus lumen infuses amorem cordibus, infirma corporis nostri virtute firmans perpeti.

Hostem repellas longius, pacemque protinus gifts; Ductore sicte praevio vitemus omne noxium. Per

te da Patrem scianus noscamus at that Fillium, Te utrius that credamus omni tempore Spiritus. "


The Unknown Philosopher read the text of Genesis, either in Castilian or in Hebrew. After

pronouncing the formulas 1st day, 2nd day, etc, battery shock occurs.

"I-1. In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. But the ground was in the loneliness and

chaos; darkness was upon the face of the deep. 2. And the breath of God hovered over the surface of

the water. 3. God said, "Let there be light ..." And there was light. 4. God saw that the light was good

and drew a distinction between light and darkness. 5. God called the light Day and the darkness Night.

the afternoon was done, it was dawn on the first day.

6. God said, "Let a space extending between the water and form a

barrier between them. "7.God made space, worked a separation between the waters below and those

above it and remained so. God names this space heaven. the afternoon was done, it was the dawn

second day.

9. God said, "Let the waters under the heaven be distributed together in a

same place and the land appear. "And was fulfilled. 10. God appoints the Earth soil and water

agglomeration of the Seas. And God saw it right.

11. God said, "Let the land produce plants; herbs hide a seed; that fruit trees after their kind give fruit

to perpetuate his seed upon the earth. "And this was fulfilled. 12. The earth gave birth to vegetables:

herbs that develop their seed after their space. And the

bearing trees after their kind, fruit that hides his seed. And God saw that it was

good. 13. The afternoon was made, it became dawn, third day.

14. God said, "appearing in the celestial space

luminous bodies, to divide the day from the night; will serve as a sign for the changing seasons, for

days and for years. 15. And serve as luminaries in the celestial space to illuminate the earth. "And so

was fulfilled. 16. God made two great lights, the greater for royalty of the day, the lowest for the

royalty of the night, and the stars. 17. And God placed them in the celestial space to radiate on earth.

18. To rule the night and to separate light from darkness. God saw that it was fair. 19. The afternoon

was made, it became dawn fourth day.

20. God said, "Let the waters form a lively crowd, alive; and that

birds fly above the earth across the space of heaven. "21. God created the huge whales, all animate

beings moving through the waters, where they swarm depending on the species, and all flying by

wings, after their kind, and God saw that it was fair. 22. God blessed them saying, "Be fruitful and

multiply! Fill the waters, inhabitants of the seas; BIRDS, multiply on the earth! ". 23. The afternoon

was made, it became dawn, fifth day.

24. God said, "Let the land produce animated beings according to their

species: cattle, reptiles, wild beasts of every kind "And so was fulfilled.. 25. God made the wild

animals according to their kinds, like animals, like all those who crawl under the sun after their kind.

And God saw that it was good. 26. God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness and

have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle; . Anyway, over all the

earth and all beings therein move "27. God created man in his image; is the image of God who

created it. Male and female were created at a time. 28. God blessed them saying, "Be fruitful and

multiply and subdue the earth .Llenad !.! ! Mandad over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air,

upon all the animals that move on the earth "29. God added:" Now, I grant full grain vegetable that

takes over the entire face of the earth, and every tree with seed on all the face of the earth, and every

tree bearing fruit trees that will become the development of its seed. I used to nourish you. 30. And

the animals

wild, all the birds of the sky, all that moves on the earth and has a principle of life,

I assign them to plant vegetables for food. "And so it was done. God examined what he had

done: and was eminently good. the afternoon was done, it was the dawn sixth day. II- 1.

Thus were finished the heavens and the earth with everything contained therein. 2. God

ended on the seventh day, the work done by him; and he rested the seventh day from all

His work which He had done. 3. God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy,

because on this day the repose of the whole work that had produced and organized.


Unknown Philosopher proclaims the face to east from the west:

"Proclaim a rite of founding a Lodge of the Order Martinist ............. (designation of the

Martinist Order). This ceremony will give birth and found the power in the invisible that will own. She

collects the texts and intent for which the majesty of the Most High and His Son will become tangible

by the manifestation of its wonders. "


This is accomplished according to the ordinance enforced by the Brothers and Sisters.


After the diptychs, the following intention is hailed by the officiating:

"The Mysteries of the Eternal are unmentionable and ....... priest (or bishop) of the

Church of God, by the powers that have been me

granted, I declare this ritual act in order to found the Lodge ........ of .........

and give birth to their hidden life.

She becomes a living entity that allows the awakening and

progression in the noble path of the Brothers and Sisters who are attracted

here and those already present.

The rite is performed followed by the Holy Liturgy.



The temple is installed according to the descriptions "Temple and operators, Parts II and III".

9- A BJURACIONES Preliminaries:

The expert: The entrances to the Chamber are deserted, echoes are not heard, the Guardian

is in place and all Martinists present their pass word.

Unknown Brother: Give me the word pass ( this order is executed).

The Unknown Brother ( A hit). The officers take their seats). Wise, we are adequately


The Unknown Philosopher: Unknown Brother, are you ?. Martinista

Unknown Brother: I am a Philosopher of Unity, Wise.

The Unknown Philosopher: At what point Martinists begin their work ?.

Unknown Brother: The job of a Martinista is never interrupted, Wise.

The Unknown Philosopher: Why?.

Unknown Brother: Because the objective proposed requires the constant use of his

intellectual faculties, except in moments of bodily rest required by the weakness of physical nature.

The Unknown Philosopher: And when such moments of bodily rest that our traditions attach

to Martinista take place ?.

Unknown Brother: When the sun, visible manifestation of the invisible center of all life and

all light, expands on each creature its vivifying influence.

The Unknown Philosopher: When is then the Martinista dedicated to his work ?.

Unknown Brother: During the hours of physical darkness, in the silence of meditation, when

lighting, penetrating the heart of nature, discover the source of all kinds and of all truth and joined in

spirit with the virtuous agents Pleroma.

The Unknown Philosopher: What time is it?.

(Twelve strokes are slowly produced on a loud gong)

Unknown Brother: It is midnight for the uninitiated, but the intellectual sun rises over this


(The central light lights)

1. Reading of the Charter of the Supreme Council.

2. Standing Order and my brothers. ( All attendees get up.)

The Unknown Philosopher: Could you, O Master Associate, joining the Lodge that we and

the visible and invisible powers that guide our Venerable Order ?.

Associate Master: Yes, M. .P. .M. ., We can by the invocation of the secret masters of

our astral chain if the hearts of the brothers are impregnated by a pure desire.

The Unknown Philosopher: Associate teacher, call the influences of the Venerable Founder

of our Order.

Associate Master: Oh, Martinez Pasqually, you who have founded our Order with the

support of the Living Principles Invisible protects Lodge is open to the Glory of G. .A. . of the

universe. And give us the support of the secret forces of the Order in the Astral Plane.

The Unknown Philosopher: In addition to the founder of the Order, who are our invisible

braces, P. .M. . Initiated?.

The Initiate Master: All those who worked for the glory of our Order in the visible world and,

above all, M. .P. .M. . Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Jean-Baptiste Willermoz and all his disciples

in the invisible order.

The Unknown Philosopher: PM Originally, call these venerable


The Initiate Master: Oh, invisible Masters of our Order, oh, you who, following Louis-Claude

de Saint-Martin and JB Willermoz have known the secret Light and have participated in its activities,

you who have always been faithful Knights of Ieoshuah, repairer, come to

permeate your influence with the work we started today with a pure heart and

with ardent desires of physically, morally and spiritually perfected.

The Unknown Philosopher: ( He gives three strokes; Brothers rise).

my brothers, united in body, we are united in life and in spirit; Invisible invoke influences, visible light

to dazzle our eyes.

The Unknown Philosopher: Come to us, O Noudo-Raabts!

Unknown Brother: Come, O Ieoshuah Omeros!

Brother Started: In the name of Yod-He-Shin-Vau-He.

Associated Brother: By INRI, Amen!


The Unknown Philosopher: It gives three strokes slow.

Unknown Brother: It gives three strokes slow.

Brother Started: He gives a blow.

The Unknown Philosopher: In the name of the Supreme Council of the Martinist Order, We,

special for this purpose Delegates, declare Poderosa Lodge No. ... open for the glory of the U.

Ieshouah GA under the auspices of the Unknown Philosopher, N. .V . .M. .. Sit down, my brothers

and sisters.




The Unknown Philosopher is facing east to west. Declaims the second key in Castilian or

Enochian Enochian, according to what the knowledge of the Unknown Philosopher.

"The wings of the wind can understand your prodigious voice ?. O ye first the second,

that have shaped flames burning deep within my jaws. You, I have prepared as cups for a

wedding, or flowers in their beauty for the chamber of righteousness. Have the strongest that

barren rock feet, and your unmentionables more powerful than the voices winds. For, behold,

ye are become a building like no other, except the spirit of the Almighty. Arise, says the first.

then come to your servants. Appear in power and make for me a vigorous provisioning,

because I am one of those who lives forever. "


The Unknown Philosopher recites the key Thirty aethers in Castilian or Enochian:

"O ye heavens that dwell in the First Aether, are powerful in the

regions of the Earth and commandments Judgment of the Highest !. To you

I say: Behold the face of your God, the beginning of comfort, whose eyes

are the brightness of heaven. He who has given you the government

Land and untold diversity to you, proveyndoos of an intelligent force that can provide

everything according to the providence of Him who sits on the Holy Throne and charted at the

beginning, saying that the earth is governed in the regions where it has It has been divided, so

that his glory is always lush and fertile. Your orb is in harmony with heaven and she is

obedient. Follow a station to another and that no creature quite like it, or on it or in it. All

members should differ by their qualities and that no creature is equal to another. Rational

creatures of the Earth, which is distressful and uprooted from each other and that residents

forget their names. The work of man and his pomp, to be effective. Their buildings bear your

lairs for the beasts of the fields. The intelligence of the Earth is confused by the darkness.

Why?. I regret having created Man. For a while, that war is known. At one time it away,

because she is the bed of a whore and the abode of one who has fallen.

O ye heavens, arise. The bottom feels skies are below yours, do you serve you !.

Govern those who govern. Abatid those who fall !. Grow with those who grow and destroy

what is rotten !.

Make that no place remains only in number. Aadid and disminuid until the stars are

listed !. Get ready, come and appear before the covenant of his mouth, which he has

sworn us his righteousness. Open the mysteries of your creation and make you partake of

the Immaculate Wisdom. "


The Unknown Philosopher goes to the center of the temple and trace

with the help of the flaming dagger heptagrama invocation to the sun.

simultaneously vibrating the word "Chemech".



6 officers perform circumambulation around the temple clockwise.


In the center of the temple, invokes the Unknown Philosopher Ieshouah. The name is

vibrated while the figure is drawn with the help of a flaming dagger. The Unknown Philosopher

vibrates the name "Ieshouah".

C) The officers and the Philosopher intended Unknown declaim:

"Proclaim a rite of founding a lodge

the order ..... ( Specific name of the Order). This ceremony will build on the birth and invisible

power that will own.

She will become a living entity allowing the awakening and progress in the noble path

of the Brothers and Sisters who are attracted or are already present. "

12- S PLICA:

Officers and brothers and sisters kneel around the green carpet of the lodge (in the middle of

the triangle), forming a triangle directed eastward. Join hands forming a chain, the right one with the

other and left and below. The Philosopher Unknown (A), Brother Unknown (B) and Brother Initiate (C)

form an inverse triangle directed towards the west.

This O
B or or C
or or
or or
or or


All dressed in yellow robes undulating and the same for the temple are displayed.

After a few moments, all six times vibrate the divine name: "Iaveh Eloah see Daat".



The temple is modified according to the description of "operant Temple and Parts IV and V".


Brothers and Sisters stand with sword facing the sun. The Unknown Philosopher is in the

center of the temple, facing east.

A) the greatest hexagram ritual is performed.

Facing east, tracing the hexagram as follows, in order to invoke the powers of the solar

sphere. After tracing the hexagram, Utter the sacred name "ARARITA" (Its trace is started from the

center point.):

Devise, with the help of the sword or dagger, a semicircle at the height of the center of your

hexagram (chest) to be ye of

facing south. Devise again after the preceding figure and invoke the same sacred


Then proceded in the same way to the west and north.

B) Invoking invisible Powers:

Iaveh Eloah Go Da'at








Unknown Philosopher recites the intention in the same position:

"Proclaim a rite of founding a Lodge of the Order ........

(Specific name of the Order). This ceremony will build on the birth and invisible power that will


She will become a living entity, allowing the awakening and progress in the noble path

of the Brothers and Sisters who are attracted or already are. "

16- L TO VIEW:


"IV-1. After this I looked and saw a door

opened in heaven. There was a trumpet. The first voice that I understood said to

me up here and see what has happened. 2.

Then I was raised in spirit. And behold there was a throne in heaven, and on the throne had someone

sitting. 3. He who sat looked like a jasper stone and sardonic. And the throne was surrounded by a

rainbow that looked like an emerald. 4. Around the throne were 24 thrones, and on these 24 elders

sitting, clothed in white, and on his heads golden crowns.

5. the throne proceeded lightnings, voices and thunder. Before the throne were burning

7 lighted lamps, which are the 7 Spirits of God.

6. Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. In

between the throne and around the throne, four living creatures full of eyes before and behind. 7. The

first living creature was like a lion. The second was like an ox, the third-faced man and the fourth was

like a flying eagle. 8. The four living creatures had six wings each. They were full of eyes inside and

out. cease not saying day and night: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty "was, is and will be" !.

9. And when the living creatures give up glory, honor and thanksgiving to

one who sits on the throne, to him who lives forever and ever,

10. The 24 elders bow down before the one sitting on the throne. They worship him who lives forever

and ever and place their crowns before the throne, saying, 11. You are worthy, our Lord and our God,

to receive glory, honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they exist and that they

were created.

V-1. Then I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and

without, sealed with seven seals. 2. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming out loud: Who is worthy to

open the book and break the seals? 3. But no one in heaven or on earth or under it, could open the

book, nor read it. 4. And I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open the book and read

it. 5. And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not; behold the lion of the tribe of Judah, the scion of

David, has come to open the book of seven seals. 6. And I saw between the throne and the four living

creatures and among the elders a Lamb standing that seemed immolated. Having seven horns and

seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into the land. 7.

one who is seated on the throne. 8. When he had received the book, the four living creatures and the

24 elders fell down before the Lamb. Each had a harp and a gold cups full of incense, which are the

prayers of the saints. 9. And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to receive the scroll and

to open the seals, because you were slain, and hast redeemed by God, by thy blood, men of every

tribe, of all languages, of every people and every nation; you have made them a kingdom and a

sacrificadores for our God, and they shall reign on earth. 11. I looked and heard the voice of many

angels around the throne of living beings and the elders, and their number was myriads of myriads

and thousands of thousands. 12. They said aloud: The Lamb who has been slain is worthy to receive

power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and praise. 13. And all the creatures of heaven, earth,

under the earth and in the sea, and all that in them is, I understood what they were saying: To him

who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, praise , honor, glory and power for ever and ever!

14. And the four living creatures said Amen "!

"Also, oh" Taleh ATIK "deign to transmit your blessing and your power to the

egregore of this Lodge ................... ( Name of the Lodge) until its final destruction by the

appropriate formulas. "

All they sit in their places and stay a few minutes in silence.


17- E L GLOW S ER:

All are displayed in silence dressed in white robes gleaming golden rays.


The Philosopher Unknown gets up and face the West declares:

"The Lodge ............. ( Name of the Lodge) from ................. ( Place) He is born in the visible

and the invisible plane. It is now a living entity allowing the awakening and progress of the

Brothers and Sisters who walk the path of Light. "

All they sit and meditate silently for a few moments.



After the Unknown Philosopher declares: "Brothers and Sisters Rise up!"

Everyone appreciates the presence of the powers present in the temple. Then recites the

Unknown Philosopher:

"Oh Powers present in this place, we thank you and we welcome your presence, by

the Holy Name of the Lord Iaveh and his son, our Lord and Master Ieshouah. I bid you

welcome !. I bid you welcome !. Welcome! ".


The Unknown Philosopher goes to the center of the temple, facing east. When their brothers

and sisters are standing, fulfills the rite of banishment from heptagrama. His stroke is done in four

directions: North, West, South and East, starting from the center of the figure. no name is vibrated

while the layout is done.



All deeply attached to thank the powers of the sphere.

The Unknown Philosopher:

"Oh Powers Chemech, thank you for your presence, by the Holy Name of the Lord

Iaveh and his son, our Lord and Master

Ieoshuah. I bid you welcome !. I bid you welcome !. Thirst



The Unknown Philosopher, always facing East meets heptagrama exile of sun, without any




The Unknown Philosopher:

"We thank you, teachers of the past have been with us in this work. We appreciate

your presence, by the Holy Name of the Lord Yahveh and His Son, our Lord and Master

Ieshouah. I bid you welcome !. I bid you welcome !. Thirst



Officiants perform three ring roads around the temple, from the east, in the counter

clockwise. The Unknown Philosopher returns to the center and states:

"In Lux Pax!"

22- P AX IN LUX:

Officiating and all the Brothers and Sisters form the chain in the center of the temple and

recite the Our Father followed the Hail Mary and the prayer to the Guardian Angels.

Pater Noster (text in Castilian):

"Our father who art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Let your kingdom

come. Thy will be done well

on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, as we forgive our

debtors. And do not allow us to fall into temptation. Deliver us from harm. Amen!."

Pater Noster (Latin text):

"Our Father, qui is in coelis, sanctificetur Nomem Tuum; adveniat Tuum REGNUM; Fiat

Voluntas Tua, et sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie nobis et

dimitta debita nostra, sicut et dimittimus we debitoribus nostris, et ne inducas us in tentationem, sed

libera nos a malo. Amen!"

Pater Noster (pronunciation of the Hebrew text):

"Avinou chbachamam, itquadach chmra, Tavo malroutra iassh rtsonira kmo

bachamam baaretz ken. Et lereum rouqunou ten Lanou AIOM. Ouslar Lanou eut rovotnou,

quaachr salarnou gam anarnou lraiavnou. Veal tvinou lid nissaon ki im raltsnou min ara, ki

LERA hamamlrah veagvourah vehatiphreth leolm Olamim; Amen!"

Ave Maria (text in Castilian):

"Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with you; Blessed art thou among women; and blessed

is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of

our death. Amen!"

Ave Maria (Latin text):

"Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum, Benedicta your in mulieribus, et

benedictus Fructus Ventris tui, Jesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis

peccatoribus, et nunc in time

mortis nostrae. Amen!"

A Guardian Angels:

"Angels of God, divine goodness guardians entrusted to us, iluminadnos, protect us,

dirigidnos and gobernadnos. Amen!."

- the lights go out.

- Brothers and Sisters leave the temple led by Brother Porter.

- Officials remain silent a few moments and then turn leave the temple.


practice the cross


This practice is a classic texts and contemporary rites found in the same form in the various

Western traditions. It was developed within the Golden Down, but is Kabbalistic essence and can be

used by all those who wish to take advantage of their authority and power.

Kabbalistic Cross aims to intensify the energy of the two axes of the human personality, vertical

and horizontal. This energization increases personal vibrational energy, allowing stabilize being and

thinking. Names are able to generate a magnetisation of the Sephiroth Tree of life, since the cross is

drawn in this scheme archetypical invisible body.

it is not necessary to know all the theory in order to reap the benefits provided by this dynamic


It is facing east, standing in silence. The arms are relaxed throughout the body. (You can practice

this exercise with the help of a knife or bare hand).

Inspired by displaying a luminous sphere above your head. Expirad and make light down to your

forehead. Inspired and blow your forehead with the tip of your dagger or index, displaying an

intensification of light.

Then Utter, exhaling, sound "ATAH".

Inspired by displaying a vertical drop light into the sex center and Devise an imaginary line a few

centimeters from your body with

using tool used. Paraos over center located approximately three fingers over the

navel and tocadlo.

Expirad vibrating sound "MALKOUT".

Inspired by displaying a column of light that ends its descent to the foot and into the ground. Your

body is then a column that unites heaven and earth.

Inspired by keeping your useful over the left shoulder. Vibrad then exhaling sound "OU


Inspired by visualizing the light of this center extending to the right shoulder, while trazis a

horizontal imaginary line a few centimeters from your body with the tool used. Halt on the center on

the right and tocadlo shoulder.

Expirad vibrating sound "OU GUEDOULAH".

Let your arms extended along the body. Inspirad and visualize this horizontal force line extends to

infinity on both sides of your body. Expirad quietly.

If you have used a dagger, depositadla on the altar. Then cross your arms over your chest, right

over left. The fingertips must come about on the clavicles.

Inspired by displaying a radiating center of light and strength to the level of your chest and

exhaling sound vibrad "LE OLAM VE AD".

Remain in this position a few seconds breathing quietly. Relax your arms then and then cross

over to your work or exercises.

ritual Martinista

This rite, made to strengthen the egregore of a group, is inspired by the text and structure of the

operating and overall Martinista ritual, which was composed by Martinists of all grades that were part

of the Union of Martinist Orders. Also describe Philippe Encausse (Jean) and Robert Ambelain

(Aurifer): "... This rite is intended to allow all Martinists scattered around the world, whatever their

initiatory degree, whatever their affiliation, operate jointly and severally, in certain monthly periods, in

the common work of the Universal Reintegration.

This ceremony, so that is followed by Martinists from the two modes: "operational" and "heart" is

necessarily mixed, relevant of the two traditional ways ... "

In the same way that the formulas of purification and blessing, has been rectified in the spirit rite

to tend to maximum effectiveness and avoid obstacles with useless theological perspectives in an

operation of this type.

Weather: following the full moon, between sunset and midnight (Solar) Sunday.

Personal decorations: the officiant leads decorations grade.

Altar: red cloth.

Orientation: The altar is located in the east of the workplace, the officiant is in the west, facing


Team on the altar:

1. The candlestick
2. The censer
3. The blade tip toward the east.

4. Pantacle
5. The lamp
6. The sail of the past Masters




3 officiant

The Pantacle is located on the East-West axis, midway between the stanchion and the west

edge of the altar. The censer is near the North Rim. The sword is in the East-West axis, close to the

South Rim.


It is essential that the objects used in the ritual are enshrined. However, it is not necessary

that this dedication is effected in each operation. You may renew after cleaning of a particular utensil.

You can inform in "exorcism prayers and blessing" for formulas preparation.

1- purifications and costumes:

Wash your hands and face with cool or cold water. Drink some water and then id to where

you are going to be clothed.

Clothe yourselves with the linen, saying:

"Blanquame Lord and purify my heart, so that being washed by the blood of the

lamb, can enjoy a day of eternal joys my soul at last reconciled. The purity of this clothing is

reflected in my being and thus to progress towards my spiritual reintegration. "

Taped black lace around the waist saying:

"Deign merciful Lord, put my ardor of evil passions so that virtue, strength and purity

remain in me. This link is visible chain that binds me to the past Masters present at this

moment around me. Every moment that my actions are deemed worthy of being inscribed on

the pages of our tradition. "

Prepare appropriate grade decorations saying:

"Grant me, O Elohim Tsebaoth, to always maintain the honor and faithfulness this

precious ornament of my regeneration and this tahal stay for my actions as a symbol of

victories over vice and adversidad.Amn! ( ) "( Make the sign of the cross on your body.)

Go into the oratory and instalad the altar after saying:

"That everything is arranged according to your word Lord Almighty, you who regulas

all with measure, number and weight. Amen! ( ) "( Make the sign of the cross on your body.)

2- Opening:

The room is lit by a lamp or a small light will go out then.

Make the sign of the cross ( ) standing, facing the altar and east. Then say:

"Venerable Masters who have crossed the doors and completed

the last trip, hear my call. Now present yourselves at this ceremony that I

meet in union of heart and spirit with all the brothers and sisters of our

chain hidden. "

Draw near to the lamp, encendedla again and ignite the candle of the past Masters.

Place yourself again in front of the lamp, Raise hands to the sky and say:

"I call upon you, Oh Uriel, so that your spiritual fire conflagre the stuff I consecrate

this place the Eternal. The elemental fire therein lies one yours to contribute to the spiritual

Light of Men of desire, my brothers and sisters, and they are all so encouraged by your fire of

life. "

Light the altar candle saying:

"Mysterious and Divine Light, Sacred Fire, Soul of the universe, eternal principle of the

Worlds and beings, enlightens my spirit and my heart and my soul expands in the life-giving

fire of truth.

This operation is done under the auspices of the Great Architect of the Worlds and

that these flames illuminate my being with clarity. "

Abide few moments in silence. Then move your hand above the flame and once heated,

pasadlas on your face. Do this three times. Then say:

"Oh, pure Light, symbol of my soul whom the Lord has entrusted the care of my

thinking, my will, my work and my word, do your radiant heat that my soul is purged of its

dross and

my lips are sanctified so that the words I utter operate for the greater glory

of the Lord, to my instruction and preparation of my peers. "

(Extended arm toward the light, the palms skyward and follow.)

"Oh, pure Light, which allow me to remind you all that I will be communicated by

spirits I invoke thanks to the power that is in me from the beginning. Let me distinguish and

keep things fair and true for the greater glory of the eternal thought of the eternal will and

eternal action. Amen! ( ) ". ( Make the sign of the cross on your body.)

Extinguish the lamp start.

then ignite the coal and in depositadlo censer.

Then say:

"Oh, Fire, I purify, I bless you ( ) and I sanctify the Name of the Eternal Ieshouah

who created you and who appeared to Moses in the guise of a burning bush. Is, as before

the altar of incense in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, the instrument leading to the throne

of the Eternal, the incense that is because of his glory and goodness. Amen! ( ) "( Make the

sign of the cross on your body.)

Arms extended forward with palms open up. Then say:

"Come, Holy Spirit, and surrounds the fire that is consecrated you to be your radiant

and dominant over all regions of the world universal throne. Your power fill this place of light

and heat away everything Spirit of Darkness, perversity and confusion, so

my soul to take advantage of the fruit of the work of those who have

become worthy of being penetrated you. Amen! ( ) ". ( Make the sign of the

cross on your body.)

pour the incense on the coals and make a first

Ring around the altar, saying:

"Oh Lord, this incense I offer here is a true image of the purity of my intentions and

my word, for the greater glory and justice."

Echad more incense and proceded to the second ring, saying:

"Oh Lord, this perfume that I offer in testimony to the purity of my soul has the same

accomplishment that you offered Zorobabel within Babylon for the liberation of the people of

Israel. Deliver me from darkness imprisoning me and prevent me perceive your light and your

science. My words are fulfilled, provided they are in conformity with virtue. "

Echad more incense and proceded to the third ring, saying:

"O Lord, my prayer is, hereinafter, the real perfume that I offer. This fragrance is the

expression of the fervor with which I invoke upon you my feedback, so I can be so sincerely

attached to that which you have given the purpose of guiding me, making my Guardian. So,

then, I call upon you in this place, protective guardian, I can not see with my physical eyes. I

am my adviser, my guide and my support in this world and the other for your greater glory

and for my perfect sanctification. Amen!".

3- evocation of forces:

Let the censer on the altar and always facing east arms extended

forward with palms facing up. Then say:

"Eternal Oh, ineffable God, Father of all things, you who see and brogues all, hear my

prayer, and listen to me. Grant me recollection, fervor, sincerity necessary for the feelings

they want to express. Sedme propitious, ineffable Father, as well as those for which I address

to you. For my brothers and sisters in the Order, for my family, friends, enemies, for the living

and the dead, like all creatures, O merciful Lord ...

. Hear me and grant me the gift of praying efficiently. I put myself in your hands oh Father, be

my protector. Amen! ( )

And you, my patron saints, freed from the bonds of matter Spirits, ye that ye rejoice

hereinafter the fruit of your virtues and I've been lucky enough to take the names, I conjure to

contribute to my eternal salvation by your holy for your intercession and protection with the

Father of mercy, with the children of the redeemer, with the Holy Spirit conservative. Obtain

for me and all my brothers the graces of divinity, his favors, his clemency today will reward

the fighting that you have to rid this dwelling where I am yet. Do you, for your healthy care, I

live and I die like you, in peace, in joy and holiness. Amen! ( )

And thou, O pure spirit, my guardian commissioned by the Lord to watch over me for

the reconciliation of my spiritual being, I will spell the name of the merciful God, to come to

the aid of my soul every time I'm in danger of succumbing to vice, all the times she will call for

their wishes, their sighs and his meditations, all the times she will have hunger and thirst for

advice, instruction and intelligence. Help me, or my guardian, to obtain the assistance and

protection of the patterns just invoke as spirits and those who

I still evoke in this operation. Ieshouah by name, Amen! ( ) "

4- taumatrgica artwork:

Meditate for a moment and pray for peace in the world:

"O eternal God, merciful Lord, deign to grant peace to men so that our hearts remain

in the light of virtue and are far from the perverse influence of enemies. Our days are quiet

under your protection and that of your angels, and the life of nations. Ieshouah by name,

Amen! ( ) "

Meditate for a few moments and pray for disasters related to land are avoided humanity:

"Almighty and eternal God, you who have created Heaven and Earth and have given

them the original permanent stability, I ask you to join the creatures hit by the bowels of the

earth. Make no transformation or disaster involving the death of human creatures. Ieshouah

by name, Amen! ( ) ".

Meditate for a few moments and pray that water-related disasters are avoided humanity:

"Almighty and eternal God, you who have deigned to sanctify the waters of this world,

make the living source Horeb, used in Jordan for baptism of your divine Son water arises. I

ask you, with the help of your angels and your saints and not be victims of outbursts of water

in any form: storms, tides, cyclones or waterspouts are away from the places where your

creatures inhabit. Ieshouah by name, Amen! ( ) "

Meditate for a few moments and pray that disaster related to air are

avoided humanity:

"Almighty and eternal God, you who have deigned to sanctify the breath of elemental

Air Pentecost, when you made down the Holy Spirit upon the apostles in assembly in the form

of a" big wind ", I ask that with the help of your angels and your saints, the rage of the storms,

the maelstrom of waterspouts and cyclones stay away from places where your creatures

inhabit. Ieshouah by name, Amen! ( ) ".

Meditate for a few moments and pray for disasters related to fire are avoided humanity:

"Almighty and eternal God, you who have deigned you show yourself to Moses in the

form of a burning bush and you did down your Holy Spirit upon the apostles and disciples in

the form of tongues of fire at Pentecost, I ask that the help of your angels and your saints,

subterranean fire flames, those of terrestrial fires and those caused by the celestial fire are

staying away from places where they live and inhabit your creatures. Ieshouah by name,

Amen! ( ) ".

Meditate for a few moments and pray that epidemics are avoided humanity:

"Almighty and eternal God, you who have deigned to heal Israel, wandering in the

desert and victim bites of the fiery serpents, I pray in memory of the faith of your people, by

the merits of the bronze serpent, your divine son, separated from all creatures diseases and

epidemics that threaten them from a cruel death and keep them in health of body and soul.

Ieshouah by name, Amen! ( ) "

Meditate for a few moments and pray for the fruits of the earth:

"Almighty and eternal God, you who have created all things for the

benefit of mankind, deign

spreading the benefits of your benevolence on the surface of this temporal world. Therefore

we look with greater confidence even the bread of eternal life. Gives all your creatures daily

nourishment and not suffer all the specter of hunger, thirst, misery and death. Ieshouah by

name, Amen! ( ) "

Meditate and pray for a few moments wandering souls:

"Almighty and eternal God, you who have saved the children of Israel from attacks by

burning during the long exile of 40 years in the desert snakes, I ask you to give the wandering

souls lost in the darkness of beyond the grace of escape from evil spirits and find the light of

divinity. Ieshouah by name, Amen! ( ) "

Meditate for a few moments and pray for the sick, the afflicted and prisoners:

"Almighty and eternal God, I ask you to give all the weak, sick, bereaved and

prisoners, health, freedom and they can also find the path of divinity. Ieshouah by name,

Amen! ( ) "

Meditate for a few moments and pray for the spirits residing within the mineral kingdom:

"Almighty and eternal God, creator of all beings, I ask the spirits to help all enclosed

within the mineral nature. Let them find the way to improvement, light and divinity. Ieshouah

by name, Amen! ( ) "

Meditate for a few moments and pray for the spirits that reside within the

plant kingdom:

"Almighty and eternal God, creator of all beings, I ask help all spirits locked within

plant nature. Let them find the way to improvement, light and divinity. Ieshouah by name,

Amen! ( ) "

Meditate for a few moments and pray for the spirits that reside within the animal kingdom:

"Almighty and eternal God, creator of all beings, I ask the spirits to help all enclosed

within the animal nature. Let them find the way to improvement, light and divinity. Ieshouah by

name, Amen! ( ) "

Meditate for a few moments and pray that the spirits are malefactors away from the earth:

"Almighty and eternal God, creator and defender of mankind, you who have formed

the first man and all pre-existing souls in it, your image, hear my prayer and turn your gaze

towards me. Away from the earth all wicked and evil powers so that the powerful sign that we

draw on our forehead mark is the light of your presence and of our divinity. So be defended

our soul and body. Ieshouah by name, Amen! ( ) "

Devise on your forehead the sign of Tau.

Meditate for a few moments and pray for the health of evil spirits:

"Almighty and eternal God, I ask justice and mercy for the wicked and evil spirits.

Make a ray of your divine light

wake up at last and forever, goodness, joy and desire for perfection spirits of

the slaves of vice. Ieshouah by name, Amen! (


Meditate for a few moments and recite Psalm 68:

"May God moose and his enemies be scattered !. May their opponents flee before him

!. In the same way that the smoke clears, the candle melts before the fire, so evil spirits

disappear. The righteous rejoice and exult before God. Sing then in honor of God, sing

praises in his honor !. Open the way to one who rides on the planes, for Eternal is his name.

God in his holy residence, he is the Father of orphans and defender of widows. God causes

the solitary to dwell in a house, brings out the prisoners to their satisfaction, but only the

rebels remain in arid places. Ieshouah by name, Amen! ( ) ".

5- Closing of the rite:

Meditate for a few moments and recite Psalm 133:

"Ah, how good and how sweet it is for brothers to live in close union !. It is like the

perfume oil on the head down on the beard, Aaron's beard, and wets the edge of his coat; like

the dew of monte Hermn that descended upon the mountains of Zion; because it is there that

God has placed his blessing, happy way to eternity. "

But go now to the spirits invoked during the operation:

"Heavenly spirits that you have assisted me, I thank you. May the peace of God be

always with you and me. Deign to continue protecting me, both me and my brothers and

sisters, with your holy and intelligent protection. We can you and I be forever and

always written in the Book of Life. Ieshouah by name, Amen! ( ) "

Extinguish the light of the altar, saying:

"That in the invisible world is restored invisible and spiritual light, as well as the

elemental flame is returned to its elemental natural source. But that divine fire and divine light

remain in my soul and those of my brothers forever. Ieshouah by name, Amen! ( ) ".

Extinguish the light of the past Masters with silence and recollection.

Then Dad 7 touches and terminad with the sign of the cross or classical Kabbalistic.

Exorcism prayers and consecrations

It is essential that the objects used in rituals are

consecrated. However, it is not necessary that this consecration is made in each operation. It is also

possible to renew after cleaning of a given gown or utensil.

All prayers have as sources: 1 Robert Ambelain in his "Sacramentary of the Rose-Cross" and

some of his other writings; 2nd Tradition and Catholic ritual. We, however, have adapted certain parts

or phrases that experience has shown us as being useless or harmful to a real operation. This is one

of the first aspects of the review work done in this tradition.

Sacralisation tunic and lace:

(Raise both arms skyward with open and Utter the following palms.)

"Lord, you who made Heaven and Earth,

Hear my voice rolled up to you.

My strength is in Your Name,

And I respectfully invoke. Give me, O Lord,

your peace and your power in order to participate in

God's work. "

(Extended hands palms down on the tunic and lace, to bless. You must trace the sign of the

cross ( ) on them. It is drawn with the index and middle open and the other three closed fingers,

thumb touching the ring.):

The name of the Almighty and in the presence of the heavenly powers, I will invoke ( ) Robe

and lace, sacred destiny that the Cult of my regeneration Celeste dresses. ( Devise then over

them the sign

allowing staff evanescent purify, along the line indicated here followed. ( ) Then you

continue with the following text).

I am from now sheltered from all power disharmonious and action of satanic

creatures, whatever they are.

Conservis not in you any evil force or influence.

(Pass dresses over the smoke of the incense, which previously will have on).

By the power of the Lord, the Eternal God, Almighty Sanctifier, that ye may be

blameless now dresses ( ) benditos ( ) pure ( ) and radiating ( ) able to assist me in the work in

which I work. So be it by the powerful name of Ieshouah. Amen ( ). "( Do this last sign of the

cross over himself.)

Sacralisation dagger (or sword):

(Raise both arms skyward with open and Utter the following palms.)

"Lord, you who made Heaven and Earth,

Hear my voice rolled up to you.

My strength is in Your Name,

And I respectfully invoke. Give me, O Lord,

your peace and your power in order to participate in

God's work. "

(Extended hands on the dagger.)

The name of the Most High, Yahveh Tsebaoth, the Lord of hosts and in the presence

of the heavenly powers, I exorcise ( ) Creature

metal destined for the Cult of my regeneration Celeste.

(After the sign of the evanescent Devise staff.)

The disharmonious and harmful powers disappear right now. Become a exorcised

blade, a dagger (or sword) Justice my hand I want to brandish man to his creator.

(Pronouncing this sentence, pass the dagger from the smoke of incense that ye earlier on,

after a few moments elevadla skyward.)

Eternal and Almighty God, in your hands lies your victory. You have given David a

prodigious force that has allowed him to defeat Goliath. I ask now that I bestow the strength

and authority to bless this dagger (or sword) so that enshrines for the divine work.

By the power of Almighty God, who is this dagger blessed at this moment ( ) purified ( ) and

full of power ( ). To become able to assist me in all operations where necessary, that is to direct the

invisible power or to act on this or that creature. So be it by the powerful name of Ieshouah. Amen ( ). "(Do

the latest sign of the cross on oneself.)

Sacralization of incense

(Raise both arms skyward with open and Utter the following palms.)

"Lord, you who made Heaven and Earth,

Hear my voice rolled up to you.

My strength is in Your Name,

And I respectfully invoke. Give me, O Lord,

your peace and your power

So you can participate in God's work. Mikael Oh, blessed Archangel,

you who are standing to the right of the altar of incense, hear my call and direct


powers to me.

O ye angels, saints and chosen come to me.

Oh thy Lord, give me your strength.

(Extended hands over the incense.)

That everything that could hinder the use of this substance is rejected at this moment.

(Devise the sign of the evanescent staff.)

(Extended hands again over the incense.)

O merciful Lord, that this incense (or this aromatic composition or perfume) is a

perpetual defense against evil spirits, against all enchantments or harmful actions that could

meditation be sent. This odor is a constant protection against all visible and invisible

creatures led by evil wills. In all places where incense is burned and expanded, peace, light

and love are also expanded. This soft scent is like an invisible call to the Angels and Spirits of

light and for all protective souls of my brothers and sisters.

Thus, by the power of Almighty God, before whom remain, full of unspeakable respect

armies of angels, this incense is blessed at this moment ( ) hallowed ( ) and loaded with power

( ). He is the invisible presence of the Most High and the saints Guardians I just invoke ( ). So

be it by the powerful name of Ieoshuah. Amen. ( ). "( Do this last sign of the cross on oneself.)

Sacralisation the altar cloth

(Raise both arms skyward with open and Utter the following palms.)

"Lord, you who made Heaven and Earth,

Hear my voice rolled up to you.

My strength is in Your Name,

And I respectfully invoke. Give me, O Lord,

your peace and your power in order to participate in the

divine work.

By the power of Almighty God, that everything that can be

obstacle to the use of this tablecloth is rejected in this


(Devise the sign of the evanescent staff.)

The disharmonious and harmful powers disappear.

(Pass the cloth over the incense.)

O Lord, Eternal and Almighty God, heaven and earth can not encompass you and,

therefore, can reside in a dwelling in which your holy name be invoked. I ask now that I

bestow the strength and authority to bless this tablecloth to consecrate to God's work.

May the Shekinah and descend into this place and your Angels and your Saints and

this tablecloth visit the preserve from every stain and keep it always pure and undefiled.

By the power of God Almighty, this tablecloth is currently blessed ( ) purified ( ) and

loaded with power ( ). He is the place of the divine presence. So be it by the powerful name of

Ieshouah. Amen ( ). ( Do this last sign of the cross over himself.)

Sacralization of the luminaries:

(Raise both arms skyward with open and Utter the following palms.)

"Lord, you who made Heaven and Earth,

Hear my voice rolled up to you.

My strength is in Your Name,

And I respectfully invoke. Give me, O Lord,

your peace and your power in order to participate in the

divine work.

I call upon the powers of the living God IOH of IOAH the true God and

of IAOH the Holy God !.

That everything that could be an obstacle to the use of these

Luminaire is rejected at this moment. "

(Devise the sign of the evanescent staff.)

The disharmonious and harmful powers disappear.

(Pass the tablecloth on the incense.)

O Lord Almighty and Holy, I ask you now bestow the strength and

authority to bless these luminaries to consecrate to God's work.

They can then be health, both spiritual inspiration and

enlightenment as those material

use them.

They can be a sure defense against every evil influence and against all invisible spirits

that do not support the presence of this light.

By the power of God Almighty, that these luminaries are in this blessed moment ( ) purified

( ) and loaded with power ( ).

They are the visible manifestation of the divine presence. So be it by the powerful name of

Ieshouah. Amen ( ). ( Do this last sign of the cross over himself.)

Sacralisation censer:

(Raise both arms skyward with open and Utter the following palms.)

"Lord, you who made Heaven and Earth,

Hear my voice rolled up to you.

My strength is in Your Name,

And I respectfully invoke. Give me, O Lord,

your peace and your power in order to participate in the

divine work.

I call upon the powers of the living God IOH of IOAH the true God and

of IAOH the Holy God !.

That everything that could be an obstacle to the use of this

censer is rejected at this moment. "

( Devise the sign of the evanescent staff.)

The disharmonious and harmful powers


(Pass the tablecloth on the incense.)

O Lord Almighty and Holy, I ask you now bestow the strength and authority to bless

this incense burner to consecrate to God's work.

That is the place where perfumes and substances offered to spiritual beings burn.

Regardless of the location of the terrifying odors emanating harmful for all creatures

and who can not come.

By the power of God Almighty and the Santo Arcngel Michael that this censer is

currently blessed ( ) purified ( ) and loaded with power ( ). So be it by the powerful name of

Ieshouah. Amen ( ). ( Do this last sign of the cross over himself.)

Sixth Part:
Marinists orders
You contemporaries.
We found interesting in this study include a part dealing with greater precision the existing

Martinists orders, and some episodes of its history and its peculiarities. The neophyte attracted to this

tradition can also get a general idea before you actually and seriously compromised. We have tried,

over our investigations, taking into account the opinion of many people who have belonged or belong

even to these various structures. In the rest we have founded as possible in the original documents

we have consulted. However, we call your attention to the fact that an order can evolve in grades

successions in a different sense than others.

then we present two synthetic tables summarizing the essential allegiances called martinistas.

The first concerns the affiliations derived Martinez Pasqually until Papus.

The second, present developments and creations of different orders from the restructuring of

1887, made by Papus.

Martinists is necessary to distinguish the really active orders, also those who are in an embryonic

state whose cash is insignificant. Without attaching a pejorative to the number of members must

make a few observations.

1st- An Order can not have a large audience but have some brothers who have a good education

and have become the detriment of sectarianism, true Servers Unknowns. become

Initiators then free to act as teachers have done. However, such a school can

not be considered as a whole. His doctrine, if any, is not general, but each

function. So we do not talk about them here.

2nd - Sometimes some orders are reduced to one member who takes the title of Grand Master

and transmits his inheritance. We can include it in the category of free Initiators since they do not

actually run a constituted group.

Martinist Order of Lyons

This order seems today inactive day. Since we talked with his Grand Master, JP Bonnerot

few years ago, one of the main objectives of the Order was driving the brothers interested in

Martinism to the "active" Christianity, and more particularly to receive holy orders in the Church of

which he was Patriarch, the Apostolic Gnostic Church Primitiva. It should not be confused with the

ancient Gnostic Apostolic Church official Martinist Order of Papus Church, since it refers to the

apostolic succession of the latter. It should, however, note the ambiguity between this Order

Martinista and this church, since one of the characteristics to become councilor is not part of certain

initiatory fraternities and even less of another Martinista group.

Martinist Order of Papus

The Martinist Order of Papus, we know today, it is the one that has been coated and restructured

since its revival in 1952 under the impetus of Philippe Encausse. His affiliation appears under the

previous scheme and note that before becoming know as was the Martinist Order (of J. Bricaud),

then the Martinist Order of Lyon (CHEVILLON), before becoming the Martinist Order of Papus.

As our purpose is not really to talk about history, we have not considered this past but, above all,

to examine some general points of current job.

The Order is following the traditional hierarchical structure. President of the

Order directs and the East is assisted by the Supreme Council. Locally, only one

can be president Unknown Superior group and organize work in a new place. In

an interview general rules

between a future member with the president precedes the eventual convening of the first initiation. It

is expected about a year before the second initiation and the same for the one true start of the order,

that of S. . I. ..

The rites of initiations and meetings are different from those of Papus, as it is revised by his son

from his resurgence. We do not deny the need to simplify the rites, but simply regret that, as in many

other reforms, it has gone too far and certain parts that should have remained deletion. The general

concern was to recreate a Martinista spirit that had become Masonic. Papus lodges were abandoned

to allow the rituals and initiations take place in members' homes, rather than in an installed temple.

External riches of the lodges were suppressed and poverty of Christianity restored. Strife and power

struggles disappeared, the pursuit of wealth was abolished and the numerous contributions that could

be drawn from the situation of local avoided. This remarkable restructuring made the Martinist Order

the example of a poor order and wanting to remain so.

With regard to theoretical work, the brothers of the group propose a topic of study on which each

perform their individual research. After these works are exposed group and a synthesis and a

deepening provide the necessary clarifications to the development of each. Work is not, then, rather

than the expression of what each brings. Let us not forget then that with such structures Order is

nothing more than what members do. We specify that if the study takes a great place in the group

work, the ritual opening and closing ceremonies and the mystical work are intended to balance the

intellectual part.

You can, however, regret the abandonment of certain practices of the rites of Papus and a

tendency, however, Orientalize certain notions.

Admittedly, this order seems to keep the chivalric ideal of Martinism defined by

the Masters.

Traditional Martinist Order

To understand the structure of the operation of this Order, we must say a few things from its

particular history. To do this, we quote a passage from the brochure presenting the O. .M. .T. .

"Light Martinista": "In 1931, the Order was awakened, especially thanks to the efforts of Augustin

Chaboseau was one of three survivors of the Supreme Council of

1890. Augustin Chaboseau served as Grand Master and President of the Supreme Council until his

death on January 2, 1946. "

Jules Boucher writes: "In 1931 some members of the Supreme Council of the Martinist Order

founded by Papus, (...) created the Traditional Martinist Order, in which Victor mile Michelet, then

Augustin Chaboseau were on the Great Masters. This Order is inactive

1939. In September 1945, the O. .M. .T. . takes strength from the Great Master of Augustin

Chaboseau. He died in January 1946 and appointed his son Jean Chaboseau to succeed him as

Grand Master ... "Thus, curiously, the O. .M. .T. . Modern does not mention Victor mile Michelet

as the first Grand Master. Why? ... historic error? ... Who knows ...

But let us continue the examination of the official history of this Order: "In August 1934, in

Brussels, Belgium, Augustin Chaboseau who was then Grand Master, conferred with the approval of

the Supreme Council, the title of Sovereign Legacy of the Martinist Order for the United States to Dr.

H. Spencer Lewis. Dr. H. Spencer Lewis had been initiated in all the rites of the Order respectively in

Brussels, Belgium, and Lausanne in Switzerland. Letters and documents accompanying the title of

Sovereign Legacy gave him exclusive power to activate the Martinist Order, then inactive in the

United States. "

A passage from the text of Jules Boucher cited above states: "In September

1945 O. .T .M... He rebuked his

activities under the Grand Master of Augustin Chaboseau. "Now, with the O.

.M. .T. . modern, A. Chaboseau was a Grandmaster since 1931; absolutely

contradicted information

by Jules Boucher. Then why such statements ?. It would be tempting to dismiss the error on Jules

Boucheur, but we talk about who was one of the members of the Supreme Council of Augustin

Chaboseau founded in 1948 and one Rectified Martinist Order.

But if this matter is not ambiguous enough, we see that the very basis of Belgium is uncertain. We

quote Serge Caillet in his book "Sr Hieronymus and FUDOSI": "In the Paris Convention, Victor

Blanchard gave a mandate to Spencer Lewis to represent the Order Martinist and Synarchy in the

United States (but did not, contrary to what some indicate here and there that Spencer Lewis has

been mandated to represent the Martinist Order Traditional in the Americas, and I put it in doubt). "we

add that it is indeed extremely unlikely that Spencer Lewis has received such a charge, already the

O. .M. .T. . Augustin Chaboseau did not make his entrance until the third convention

F. .U. .D. .O. .S. .I. ., In 1937 !. In 1934 the convention fourteen fraternities were represented

with one Martinist Order, the Order Martinist and Synarchy !. the coincidence with the current official

story then noted with great surprise. From the fourth convention of the FUDOSI in Brussels in

September 1939, the attitude of Victor Blanchard, who dedicated car Great Universal Master of the

Rosa + Cruz had, was unanimously condemned. He was replaced by A. Chaboseau, then he

replaced the Martinist Order and the Order Synarchy Traditional Martinista. "After the convention,

Ralph Lewis asks the Martinist Order Traditional obtain a general delegation and great advice

Martinista in the United States. With the favorable votes of Belgian brothers and the report of Jeanne

Guesdon and Georges Lagrze, Augustin Chaboseau Appoints Ralph Lewis "Sovereign regional

delegate and Grand Master of the O. .M. .T. . for the United States. "

In conclusion, we can say that Spencer Lewis should have received the Martinista light

intermediation of the Order Martinist and Synarchy and its Grand Master Victor Blanchard to

1937. Then his son of the same parentage, gains the power to establish a general delegation

and great advice Martinista in the United States and that in September 1939.

Then it seems clear that an important part of the origins of

O. .M. .T. . It has been deliberately distorted to create a different affiliation. The question is why ?.

Is it, as some pretend, for lack of a real affiliation ?. Is it to cancel the "Synarchy" mention of their

roots ?. Do you have because conflicts between personalities? .O is because something else we

can not imagine? .... For lack of documents we can not go further in this direction. But from the

moment when Ralph Lewis is named "Sovereign regional delegate and Grand Master for the United

States", filiation and history indicate no more problems. We are then "family" ....

The Martinist Order is structured in two ways:

1- heptad, consisted of 7 officers.

Correspondence 2- while "Oratorio members".

Let us take these two points:

1- is in Heptad where initiations and mystic rites are passed, during which the study takes place.

We must recognize that the

O. .M. .T. . He has managed to retain similar to those created by Papus, both for initiations as rites

ritual grades. Some minor differences have been introduced, but without the profound transformation

that we noticed in the Order Martinist Papus. The most contentious in relation to the philosophy of

Martinism point is the teachings in Heptad: identical, on the other hand, the three degrees of oratory.

After the meeting grade, grade teacher reads an "official script". made this

reading and meditation fulfilled, members are invited to ask questions. They

should not disassociate the manuscript nor contradict in any way. It is the

fundamental text of teaching. We need these papers were written largely by

Spencer Lewis, then Imperator

AMORC (Ancient Mystical Order Rosa Cruz). You can then in any case not be presented as the

absolute detector Martinista doctrine and philosophy and knowledge. As we test the theory of

reincarnation taught as evidence, conception Saint Martin did not accept, as we mentioned earlier.

While we could praise the rites practiced, we can only deplore teaching and the method by

which it is practiced. Some have criticized correspondence teaching, but we must recognize that for

many of the brothers away is an effective and important way evolution. However Heptad attitude is

absolutely contrary to what Martinist doctrine and tradition teaches us. Brother must be guided

individually prompted to deepen itself, the message of the masters of the past and the mysteries of

Christianity. A dogmatic work can not fit inside a Martinista minded men desire. If we emphasize this

point is only to clarify the desvelo future, present or former members. Many are, indeed,

which attracted Martinism fall within the

O. .M. .T. ., Either due to an external propaganda or A. .M. .O. .R. .C. . Many are leaving the

O. .M. .T. . after following a few months or years at this school. "Martinism is not made for me,"

they say ... But you have to understand who do not speak the Martinism, but the

O. .M. .T. ., Ie one of the channels, aspects of this tradition.

Martinista order Inicitica

The Martinist Order Inicitica was born in 1968 on the initiative of Robert

Ambelain. We speak broadly in its history.

In 1942 Robert Ambelain "wake up" "Martinist Order of Cohens Elus" born of "Traditional Order"

and "Order of the Rose + Cross of the East". - (Philippe Encausse, Grand Master from 1960), "the

Martinist Order" (Philippe Encausse, Grand Master "Martinezista The Martinist Order": the October

26, 1958 a 'Union of Martinist Orders "comprising three Orders constitutes ) and "Martinist Order of

Cohens Elus" (Robert Ambelain, Grand Master).

On October 28, 1962, it was decided between Philippe Encausse and Robert Ambelain: Merge

the "Martinist Order" and "Martinist Order of Cohens Elus". Ties are maintained between this new

"Martinist Order", the Gnostic Apostolic Church Universal and Kabbalistic Order of the Rose + Cross.

There is a corresponding outer circle to the "Martinist Order" and an inner circle called "Order of the

Cohen Elus". The presidency is assured by the two signatories brothers.

On June 29, 1967, Robert Ambelain resigns and appoints Ivn Mosca as his successor at the

head of the Order of the Cohen Elus.

On August 14, 1967, a protocol is signed by Philippe Encausse and Ivn Mosca reveals

fundamental differences existing between the "Via heart" and "operational track". There are, then, two

different orders at this time.

But on August 14, 1968 (or May 1968 as stated by R. Ambelain) Ivn Mosca decreed that his

order is put into sleep for an indefinite period.

On June 30, 1968, Robert Ambelain, create a new order, "the Order Martinist

Initiation" that became Grand Master. Published in a medium Martinista a text

entitled "Origin, principles and methods of rectification 1968"

Its writer, who gives birth to the Order of which we speak, is based on the following key elements:

- An analysis of the Cohens Elus system, practices, signs, etc., shows the archaism and

unsuitability to the modern world system. Necessary, then, to reform.

- There is no real French Martinist filiation which dates back to Louis Claude de Saint-Martin,

having been Papus the inventor of filiation.

- However there is a genuine Russian descent, having specific rites dating back to Saint Martin,

Nicholas Ivanovitch Intermediation Novikoff and Eugene Schwartz, then Galitzinz.

- There was an antipathy between Saint Martin and JB Willermoz. It is also found between the

two concurrent Masonic rites, ritual renovated first and second rectified.

Consequently Robert Ambelain is restarted in this esoteric affiliation and change "name". He

created, as we have said, a new order, divided into two temples:

First Temple: Originally


superior Unknown Doctrinal

Unknown Superior Initiator

Second Temple: Knight of Palestine operating

Masonic quality is required to enter the second temple, as it is a Masonic


The first temple works under the Russian ritual forms preserved by R.

Ambelain since 1800.

The Willermozismo is abandoned and the visits of the "apocryphal" Martinists were rejected,

except for some brothers "particularly qualified in the fields of the esoteric sciences."

In short, this rectification and return to the rites and Russian parentage is given to all Martinists or

willing to sign orders.

On October 29, 1984 Gerard Kloppel succeeds Robert Ambelain in the Grand Master of the

Order. After this date it seems that relations with

Orders sisters had I eased

considerably and certain visits were, at least in principle, possible.

The recruitment was done by brothers and sisters Masons, but the order demands an interest

marked by esotericism, alchemy, astrology, Kabbalah and mancias. This requirement is not accurate

in terms of mastery.

O. .M. .I. . It is today, divided into three temples. The first is that of the Martinist Order same

Inicitica, considered foreign Order. The Second Temple is the internal order, Shrine of the Knights of

Palestine. It is divided into three ways: theurgical, priestly and knightly. The first is the Order of Elus

Cohens (identical degrees of those of that tradition), the second is the Esoteric Gnostic Church

(minor and major ecclesiastical degrees) and the third the Grand Priory Martinista (High degrees of

Rectified) . He

Temple is the third of the Hermetic Order R + C,

comprising "O + R + C + E +" upon which have not yet been reviewed.

On March 21, 1994 Richard Gaillard Gerard Kloppel succeeded as Grand Master of the O. .M.

.I. .

Gerard Kloppel retained the presidency of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the

Knights of Palestine.

We also need the O. .M. .I. . retains close ties with the Masonic Order of

Memphis - Mizraim (also

the Great Master). Since 1995 Marcel Laperruque the World Grand Master of Memphis - Mizraim and

has always had privileged relations with the Order of which we speak.

In the view of some people of this Order, the Platonic metaphor of the tripartite formation of self

and society adapt to this structure in turn. Then correspondences are as follows: the first level

corresponds to Freemasonry symbolically associated with the stomach, the preparation center. The

second level would be the Martinism, one heart and Knightly guard. Finally, the third would stand in

the spirit, the head; It is the spirit of the Rosicrucians essential.

We issued some reservations about this view, which would tend to correspond with the plebs

freemasonry of ancient Greece.

In the Paris region, at least, IMO try to work on

operatividades on spagyric, etc. Logia work is based on a system of plates that tend to the practical

dimension and to group experiences.

Order exists in an active priory comprising classes of the Scottish Masters of San Andrs,

Escudero Greenie of CBCS (Benefactor Knight of the Holy City) of Professed and Great Professed.

Richard Gaillard has now made a rectification of the Order as operating and traditional principles.

At the time of Ambelain, the Order was closed, which does not happen under this masterfully.

The structure of the order itself seems serious and disinterested in place if

you can stop taking certain weaknesses or obstacles to a certain style of

Freemasonry are usually attributed ...

According to sources, the current spirit of the practices of certain groups would be directed

towards a more marked influence of Maestro Philippe, with a more mystical brand theurgical.

Order of Knights Martinists

call later Martinists College Knights, and actually College Temple of Man:

If we mention this Order is because it falls within in one of two orientations, intention and

resolutely Martinists rites. However, it takes an orientation gradually more linked with esotericism and


This order was founded in 1980 by Pierra Crimetz, then primarily responsible for the

Traditional Martinist Order. Devino Sovereign Grand Master while his wife became Grand Master.

The birth of this order caused a clamor within the

O. .M. .T. . and A. .M. .O. .R. .C. . Pierre Crimetz of which was one of the senior leaders for

many years. O. .M. .T. . I was at one time under the direction of Raymond Bernard, Supreme

Legacy for Europe and Christian Bernard, Grand Master for France. It seems that the Supreme

Legacy was linked to the creation of this Order, although no official text stipulated. Brochure extract is

talking about the beginnings of this Order: "P. Crimetz contacted in 1980 with a senior official of the

traditional domain of chivalry (...). He received on Thursday, October 23, 1980 one

high-grade initiation, from which was proclaimed founder of the Order of the

Knights Martinists. This ceremony took place in a traditional and authentic

temple somewhere in Europe. During this ceremony, he officiated the initiator as

a representative of the Primordial Tradition.

Twenty Unknown Superiors have attended this exceptional event in the traditional domain ... "

Contrary to Martinists traditions, no affiliation is mentioned, no precise location, no review. A

feature of another cavalry mentioned, but not required anymore.

Leaving aside the nature of the Martinist affiliation, we can ask about the chivalrous

affiliation. We might think that is a spiritual chivalry without historical origin. However, if that were the

case, we must recognize that may well be respectable and serious, though different from what could

be for historical affiliation.

We have suggested the problems the Order met in its infancy. He was actually accredited

and sustained by the Supreme Legacy

O. .M. .T. ., R. Bernard, then Grand Master. C. Bernard, remains, about all this in silence. A letter

was sent to the heptad

O. .M. .T. . Legacy by the Supreme explaining the resignation of P. Crimetz in these terms: "... I

have a duty to inform you that our dear brother Pierre Crimetz leaves today its role and activities

within the Traditional Martinist Order to continue his work in other services for the sake of tradition.

His wife, Andrea Crimetz our dear sister, is also going to assist you in your task ... ". Some, few,

understood, but part of the O. .M. .T. ., Members and leaders began a campaign of calumnies very

effective. Raymond Bernard was forced to write a second letter to calm things down.

Agitation of the O. .M. .T. . He not calmed down only slowly, over time. Slanders

disappeared on a large scale. At first, indeed, O. .M. .T. . He took sides with him who embodied

the mystical

Traditional and this greatly disturbed the brothers who hesitated to follow in the

new order. Time of doubt was used to offset this impact and preserve the

maximum number of members.

We wanted to insist on the broad lines of this creation to demonstrate how an order can be

established and evolve. A few years after its founding the Order changes expression and takes the

name of "College of the Martinists Knights" for a while after leaving the expression Martinista and

become the "Temple of Man College." Remarquemos association between the Templar tradition

concepts and the name of a work of Schwaller de Lubicz: "The temple of man", corresponding to a

personal study of the temple of Luxor, where an Egyptian dimension appears.

We try while giving the great features of his teaching during the period in which the order had

even his name Martinista.

During the three years following its creation, the various initiatory rites and group were close

to those practiced in the Traditional Martinist Order. The evolution of the order accentuates the

chivalrous character.

In our work in the Order it took place at this time in three ways:

1st- a) On receipt of manuscripts traditional teaching developed by the Sovereign Grand

Master on the following topics: Martinism, Kabbalah, symbolism, esoteric history, chivalry, ... These

texts are within the set much more serious and deeper than those of O. .M. .T. . without being too

unorthodox from the point of view of the Martinist doctrine.

b) On receipt of manuscripts prepared by the

Grand Master concerning the "art of living" and trying to fact today and everyday

problems of life partner.

2- By oratorio work. The Grand Master of the Sovereign manuscripts are read to members.

Concerning the same issues that correspondence. A mystical exercise is then practiced by the group

before discussing the knowledge acquired. All with the same drawbacks as we have noted earlier

about O. .M. .T. ..

3 - For work from withdrawals: Members are invited to retire at the headquarters of the Order

to make some withdrawals from two to three days. Them members receive an oral teaching of the

Sovereign Grand Master on operational issues. According to the Order is Martinists practices.

Members who have completed these retreats follow the teachings in their private oratory and send

reports of their work. Us specify that these withdrawals are staggered in degrees, allowing cross the

initiations of the Order to the extent gentleman.

This practice was a kind of innovation in modern esoteric orders and allows a serious body of

work for members at home. However we must recognize the indirect brake derived from these

withdrawals from the financial point of view. According to the texts we have consulted the operative

teaching is little Martinista. It is rites of the Golden Down English. We recall that the Golden Down is

an English magical order founded on an active practice of Kabbalah.

We conclude the study of this Order with a letter that we have been led by its Sovereign

Grand Master in response to the presentation we have made of his Order. The reproduced verbatim:

"Firstly, I note that my affiliation Martinista is, on the one hand, genuine, since she has been

given to me entirely by Raymond

BERNARD in 1966. The branch that is what was called the principle of "Order of

the Knights Martinists" not then start with my

own affiliation after Christian

Bernard, and according to your diagram, but directly from Raymond BERNARD. Chivalrous respect

to affiliation, if I can say that flaunt for many years, having had the privilege to have served in A. .M.

.O. .R. .C. . and have certain important esoteric functions and above all as Master of the

Illuminati, I have received certain legacies concerning the Cavalry Templaria. So ceremony October

23, 1980, enabling us to form a new branch of the Tradition, has been nothing more than a

confirmation of allegiances and the ability to broadcast or retransmit the influence of chivalry.

Rosicrucians who belonged to the circle of the Illuminati know very well that Raymond BERNARD

had the Templaria affiliation for some time,

That said, I must add, with regard to the Cavalry, the December 27, 1985, have been armed

"KNIGHTS OF THE ORDER OF SAN MIGUEL" by the Knight Michel SWYSEN himself armed by

Paul, Pierre, Jean NEYEU, Geneva Baron, born in Fleche April 1

1882. "THE ORDER OF SAN MIGUEL" Call our time

"ARCHICOMPAA MICHAELITA" was in essence strict observance Medieval Christian and had a

direct line to the Templar Cavalry. Transmission is effected through numerous personalities of history,

especially some kings of France and Spain. [...]

With regard to our organization, its development and expression continue as a very precise plan.

Start your name has been "Order of the Knights Martinists" then "College Martinista Cavalry" and

after September 27, 1986, bears the name of "SCHOOL OF TEMPLE OF MAN". This name

concretized the Templar influence existed since creation, without being, however, precisely defined

because the starting points were Martinists. it is not a matter for us to rebuild an Order of the Temple,

but simply returning to the origins

a portion of Martinism and on the other hand, of a particular branch of

freemasonry. [...]

However, we continue teaching and practicing what is called today the

"Martinism" and that, in fact, has had its origin and esoteric proves files in the

Cavalry former Templar ... ".


Sovereign Grand Master

Martinist Order of the Knights of


This order was directed by Bishop Armand TOUSSAINT until his death in 1994. We thought

it interesting to reproduce here a short biography of this great man, little known and played an

important role in the field of Tradition. Rmi Boyer appeal to the author of this letter on the occasion

of his death and has given us permission to reproduce.

"Armand Toussaint has abandoned us to attend the Eternal East on July 4, 1994. He was

born on January 28, 1895 one who was a central character, but unobtrusive, the esoteric scene and

left only a few months before the end of the century.

Alumnus of the Royal Ateneo de Charleroi, where he conducted scientific studies, Armand

Toussaint worked his entire professional life in the SNCB, the Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer

Belge, principal inspector, which allowed him to make numerous trips and have decisive contacts for

his "career as Hermetist" race we will summarize here.

ARMAND TOUSSAINT and Rosicrucianism

Armand Toussaint was President of the Belgian branch of the Rosicrucian Max Heindel

Association from 1933 to 1970. After separated from this organization, disagreed with the dogmatism

of those responsible for Oceanside, who had qualified as an officer too. Beforehand, he had always

been suspicious about the American tendency to transform a spiritualist or initiatory school in a

supermarket. In April 1971, therefore, he created the Rosicrucian Fellowship presented as a

continuation of the teachings of the school of Max Heindel. Until the end of his life, he was related to

an old R + C College, becoming the Friend, the Brother of many of its members.


Armand Toussaint plays an important role in the control panel of the Gnostic Churches

(apropos of this, read the article about the Gnostic Tau Jacques Iglesias appeared at No. 3 EDC). Is

Roger Dechamps, who died on 23/12/64, who consecrates Bishop Armand Toussaint as the 1-6-

63, under the mystical name of Raymond Tau. Roger Dechamps was Bishop and Prior in Belgium of

the Apostolic Gnostic Church. He was consecrated by Robert Ambelain (Jean III) on 05/31/59, with

the mystical name of Tau Jean Rudiger. Later, Andr Mauer (Tau Andr) who succeeded Robert

Ambelain as Patriarch of the Apostolic Gnostic Church, contrary to constitute a Church too centralist

and bureaucratic, the Gnostics considered as free Bishops Bishops.

Hastily, Armand Toussaint proposed in the Synod of the Church Gnostic Apostolic "abolish

all discrimination on grounds of sex in the ordinations and therefore admit women, with all other

fulfilled conditions to the highest degrees of Presbtero and up Bishop "(Excerpt from a letter of 8

April 1972 Roger Caro). Given the rejection of the Synod, Armand Toussaint founded in 1969, the

Rosicrucian Apostolic Church, open to both men and women, with an old traveling companion and

one of those he considered "children

spiritual ", Marcel Jirousek. The influence of the Apostolic Rosicrucian Church increased in the

second half of the 80s, until today, with the action of three

characters of occult scene: Charles-Rafal Payeur, Triantaphyllos Kotzamanis

(Tau Hieronymus) and Tau Pl Lysis. The first was consecrated by Armand

Toussaint in 1985 and founded the Priestly Colegio de la Rosa + Cruz before

joining with the Catholic Apostolic Church of Brazil, not hostile to

You esoteristas. Later, Charles-Rafal Payeur, continues to develop teaching through courses,

cassettes, lectures and books, in which the occult merges with a deep humanism. Triantaphyllos

Kotzamanis, also World Grand Master of the Masonic obedience, Universal East of Traditional Rites,

Archbishop Prior in Greece of the Apostolic Rosicrucian Church (called in Greece, as in France,

Gnostic Rosicrucian and Apostolic Church), struggle for legal recognition of this church, against the

hegemony of the Greek Orthodox Church, who saw it as an attack on its sovereignty. Tau Pl Lysis,

Archbishop Prior of France, Switzerland and Italy, by contrast, has retained the discreet and esoteric

nature of the Church, which provided Armand Toussaint, reserving the Martinists, Rosicrucians and



Armand Toussaint was accepted and consecrated Martinism Unknown Superior Initiator (S

::: I ::: I :: :) from his Master Serge Marcotoune of Kiev, Maestro Hermius, which instructs you to open

a lodge in Belgium. After the death of Serge Marcotoune, on January 15, 1971, Armand Toussaint

founded the Martinist Order of the Knights of Christ, vehicle assembly affiliation of Russian Martinism

and chivalrous affiliation. O. .M. .C. .C. . little is developed until age 80. At this time, Armand

Toussaint authorizes Triantaphyllos Kotzamanis and Pl Lysis to open lodges with features

Hermetists, under the name of Lodges of the Green Knights. This stream of the OMCC is developed

in all continents and early 1994,

International Grand Lodge of the Green Knights, very independent, but remaining under the bosom of

the O. .M. .C. .C. .. Armand Toussaint was legally a member of the Order of Knights Masons of

the Cohens Elus universe, but it moves away quickly, considering it too complex and

ineffective the

proposed operations. Although reticent, he never opposed the relations between the

Martinist Lodges of the Green Knights with the orders of operant Elus then Cohens.

Humanism and Ecumenism

Armand Toussaint maintained throughout his life a convinced humanism. After the Second

World War, he contacted the project "Stop War" spiritualist project that attempts through conferences,

international congresses, publications, guide national and international policies in another direction

that we all know. This project was supported by the late Queen Elizabeth of England. Not giving their

desired fruits such project, Armand Toussaint takes up the general culture studies and devotes

himself to his spiritual struggle. He was also secretary general of the World Spiritual Council, who

worked for ecumenism without conversion, under the chairmanship of Frans Wittemans, personal

friend of Armand Toussaint. All his life, He made a real test of tolerance and great wisdom to crises

waving both individuals and societies. He supported projects regularly responsible for creating

contacts between traditional organizations. In a letter dated 20 March 1973 addressed to Roger and

Madeleine Caro writes: "My congratulations also for your great truly ecumenical sense. The

spiritualists of all kinds talk endlessly of brotherhood and the same God, inadvertently, however,

encounter and dialogue with other civil or military constituted with opposing ideologies and often

strongly conflicting. Not spiritualists and should set an example in this way ?. We are far from it, in

general. " The last years of his life, can no longer travel,


Armand Toussaint is passionate about Alchemy. his

It reunion with Roger Caro was decisive for both

men and organizations going. Since Armand Toussaint writes for the first time Roger Caro on

08.20.1971, it is presented as "Alchemy student for 25 years without any practical realization" and

requests benefit from the teachings of the NSAIDS Frres de la Rose + Croix . This date will then see

the birth of a friendship that never decrease between the two men, despite the time and distance and

the first steps on the path of Cinnabar, the lead until the end of his days, becoming one of the best

specialists in this way, investigating all medicinal uses of the Quintessence and the Red Stone.

In 1992, it authorizes the creation of a Lodge Martinista "Cinnabar", like the Brothers and

Sorores of O. .M. .C. .C. . which they are devoted to the study and practice the way of Cinnabar.

Armand Touissant does not seem to have practiced intensively other alchemical way,

although some contacts with Eugne Canseliet.

Armand Toussaint had also received accurate knowledge of an inner Alchemy of the Body of

Glory, based on the Song of Songs, was published text commented.


The meeting between Armand Toussaint Roger Caro was to be the origin of the birth of the

EUNA, Universal Church of the New Covenant.

Since Roger Caro received the first letter from Armand Toussaint, there was a sign in

Heaven. Indeed, after 1969, the Order of Frres

Ains + Croix Rose has not had another Great General Prior (According to the mail directed by Roger

Caro to Armand Toussaint) that the proposed Armand Toussaint had to accept without leery. Roger

Caro put him in contact, in accordance with the tradition of the Order, with a guide who will assist him

to master his Adeptship, received in 1972, which corresponded entirely Adeptship being a Frre Aine

Rose + Croix. It was later named Imperator fee of F + A + R + C.

Armand Toussaint Roger Caro consecrates a bishop on Saturday June 10, 1972, at the

residence dels Angelots in Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer, home of the F. .A. .R + C. Having devoted to

developing the Apostolic Rosicrucian Church in France and abroad (at this time, the ERA was almost

nonexistent outside Belgium) Roger Caro proposes to Armand Toussaint found the Church of the

New Covenant in communion with the ERA, the first for the alchemists and the second for the

Rosicrucians. To found his Church, Roger Caro is based on the documents of the former Templar

church, canons and rituals, found in the archives of the Order of F. .A. .R + C. This project was

essential for him, and grateful for life Armand Toussaint haberselo allowed to perform (31/09/1971

According to letter, directed by Roger Caro to Armand Toussaint and his wife). Later, Roger Caro

closed the Order of F. .A. .R + C, inviting its members to retreat within the bosom of the Church of

the New Covenant.


Armand Toussaitn had traveled widely and met many eastern masters. Adept school Zazen

Soto, was in favor of an ecumenism between East and West. Prepared original technique, called

Yoga Panaghion, joining the base Martinists taught by Serge Marcotoune what denominate

"l'accord-end", to the techniques and concepts that had been marked by the line Santones Hindu. At

the end of his days, often he made reference to "green, very tangible, Shamballah City of Glass".


This brief summary of the career of Armand Toussaint inside the secret

world of esotericism allows us to understand

the influence of this discreet man and lively intelligence on many western traditional flows, and help

bring numerous searchers knew, Martinists, Rosicrucians, Freemasons and alchemists. Very rational

and pragmatic, having followed the evolution of psychological research until the end of his days, he

was a friend, guide and companion, Brother, always on good days and bad hours. It is, therefore, a

friend of God has abandoned us to return to the Kingdom that was always theirs. the highest "

We address lines following the presentation and the various discussions we have had with

those responsible.

The Martinist Order of the Knights of Christ brings together Christian mystics, Rosicrucians

Hermetists, who follow the path of spiritual Reintegration Inicitica or Catharsis (spiritual perfection).

He presents himself as the heir to the tradition of the ancient Stoic Mithraic initiatory societies, such

as Johanita, Rosicrucians and Gnstica.

The objective of its members is "free human beings from the dam Prince of this world and to

realize the mystical union of personality (consciousness) with hidden individuality


Its members strive to access the expertise reigning in the Kingdom of enabling the descent of

the Paraclete Center sent by Christ through with the help of the Initiator, a connection with the

protective Egregore of Occult chain. "

One of the important features of the Order, is the initiation of the Unknown Superiors

Initiators. In almost all of the orders Martinists, initiation is transmitted as "low condition". That is the

Unknown Superior future demand to be bound not to transmit the degree of

consecrating without the approval of the hierarchy of his order. This is obviously

not correspond to the old ways, but explained only by administrative concerns.

.M in O. . .C. .C. .,

the S ::: I ::: ::: I are

truly free and no limitation of his power he is imposed. They are therefore free to teach and transmit.

The affiliation of this Order goes back to Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin transmission chain

according to the following:

Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin that passed in 1780 (*) to: Prince Kourakine, graduated in

France deeded to: Nicholas Nokilov, writer and editor, one of the main drivers of Freemasonry

and Rose + Cross Russia, which transferred it to:

Gamale, poet, who transferred to: Posdv, who

transmitted it to: Pierre Kasnatchv, who

transferred to:

Serge Marcotoune, lawyer, Master of mystic name Hermius, which aired in 1930 to:

Armand Toussaint, mystical name Raymond Panagion Master, Grand Master of the Order

and Patriarch of the Apostolic Rosicrucian Church until his passage to Eternal East in 1994.

O. .M. .C. .C. . It is also legal custodian of the filiation of Papus, and the Russian

Martinist affiliation of Robert Ambelain, filiation which also dates back to Nicols Novikov, but in

another way.

This Order states with respect to the Martinist affiliation, adhere to the thesis of Robert

Amadou, according to which Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin never Martinist order founded or

transmitted iniciacion Martinista under ritually. It would, then, an affiliation of desire, of a spiritual

filiation which, little by little, has been formalized ritually, under the influence of various personalities,

especially Novikov and Papus.

The Grand Lodge of the Green Knights is under the authority of a master

director and a Supreme Council. The latter is composed of the Unknown

Superiors and

the Unknown Superiors initiators Free

(S ::: I ::: I ::: L :: :) of the Order.

Women and men are admitted to the three traditional degrees, interpreted as follows:

Associates: They are integrated into the Egregore of Occult Chain watching and listening, no

right to speak.

Initiates: Sustained and protected by the Egregore of Occult Cadena, who follow the path

Inicitica for personal reintegration. Experience.

Higher Unknowns: They are guardians of tradition Martinista. Deepen the Way (we give this

word a next to the word "Tao" sense). Through its operational work and research, it is prepared to

convey the traditional heritage.

The Free Initiators: few in number, are responsible for preparing seekers Initiation. and

freely transmit their responsibility alone initiation those who have been properly prepared. They are

responsible for the order and conduct their rituals.

This Order has fraternal relations with most orders Martinists world, as organizations

belonging to other streams, which also perpetuate, according to their own customs and rituals,

alchemical and Hermetic tradition of old Rosa + Cruz.

More chivalrous dimension appears as an important component of this Order. According to

the texts of the Order, "The initiate finds, in the course of his wanderings, deep untold jewels that

confirm in their direction towards the Light of Christ. You must also purify your

layer (subtle body). Must purify and strengthen this layer,

freeing inhibitions, complexes and

repressive psychological crystallizations. He is the Knight Errant of Graal, going

to adventure, to conquer the Citadel of Being ".

The Order is the repository of many chivalric traditions, distinguishes up to 28 steps, or

encounters liberators, or pieces of armor Knight of Christ gradually acquired throughout their

enriching experiences to spiritual light.

"The shots are presented to the initiate consciousness (that which begins), until the layer of

this inner truth seeker is perfectly pure and bright, thus allowing for the operation of the Great Work,

the creation of the Body of Glory.

The Knight of Christ continually washes her "clothes", or karma (or destination), the result of

their previous experiences deficit.

Purify your karyotype (astrological birth theme). This perfection will assert more and more

until, through their efforts, accrues stable and invulnerable. "

We need also that the study is done in Lodge or Oratory. The work is basically theurgical and

martinezista. Prepares two types of teurgia, the teurgia Cohen and Solomonic teurgia within the

framework of Higher Unknowns. In this Order, the Circle S ::: I ::: really exists and is a true Order,

which does not correspond to isolated cases, even used the same name.

There are also practices of asceticism, psalms and anacrisis, which are observed according

to the rules and precise techniques. It is the Initiator which is in charge of individual progress within all

these practical aspects.

This order is privileged ligmenes with the Rosicrucian Apostolic Church

and the Order of Knights Masons Elus Cohens of the Universe, which should

not be confused with those we have already discussed in the analysis

O. .M. .I. . .

Martinista order Synarchy

This order was founded by Vctor Blanchard Teder's death. Their rites are directly inspired by

those of Teder. It is today represented by three distinct and independent branches from each other:

1 A .M O. . .S. . which is based in England and is under the Grand Master of Louis Bentin.

2nd A .M O. . .S. . headquartered in Quebec. (Was it possible that this branch was a split of the


3rd An important branch located in Barbados under the responsibility of David Guittens.

Free Martinist Order

Created in 1983 by the initiative of some sisters and brothers, it regrouped around the person

of Pierre Rispal. It maintains friendly relations with the Martinist Order Inicitica. It is mainly present in

Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland. Some recent reports tend to show that this Order would be

about to be put into dreams.

Order Martinista S ::: I :::
Founded relatively recently by M. Marc Jones, his Grand Master, it is presented as a branch from

the prestigious tradition Martinista. (We specify that Marc Jones was Deputy Grand Master of the

Order Martinist Free before he retired to form its own structure).

The Order distributes men and women different traditional degrees. Its goal is the reintegration of

the human being in its primitive purity and union of man with God. According to the first booklet he is

Martinist Order "wants to divest himself of all Saturnian structure: no official structure nor statutes, nor

headquarters, nor membership cards or contributions or entrance fees. It exists only in the invisible. "

However, "includes simple associates and" insiders "divided them into three degrees, being two

degrees and a level of evidence (the


This order comprises:

"- An outer circle of esoteric studies, a training school for the first two grades, which meet in"

loggia training ".

- An inner circle of the SI, who meet in "Chapter" and "Grand Chapter" and whose will is part of

the elective community called "inner sanctum", "society of the elect" or "inner Church" (from

Ekhartshausen and Loupoukhine). "

It would be interesting to know how you can run an Order which brings together its members if they do

not own or head office or administrative structure, etc.

Members meet in Chapters (group having a Worshipful Master, which is the

only suitable to start) or circle (in which no initiations, since the higher degree is

represented by SI and not whether LI. )

Grandmaster has tried to compose rites founded on the ancient rituals inspired in part by the Blitz

and Philippe Encausse via its founder, Pierre Rispail (Grand Master of the O. .M. . Libre). A short

invocation has been added in the form of prayer, which was written by Cagliostro.

The work is done in the form of plates with a particular focus on the question of reincarnation and

Master Philippe de Lyon. (The latter is both the identity and the most important reference of the

Order. It is in a way its raison d'etre, passing over the same Saint Martin).

In the same way that most of the Martinist Orders, chains prayers are dedicated to one or more

persons who suffer.

This Order is, above all, implemented in France (Paris, Beziers) and Luxembourg.

It is linked to Rosicruciana Apostolic Church, which is responsible Armand Toussaint. The Grand

Master is also responsible for the knighthood of the Holy Grail, whose gnosis refers to Chauvet. The

ceremonies ended with a strong religious aspect, concerned having made a cavalry transmitted

during a Mass without imposition by the sword.

Contrary to what happens in the Martinist Order of Papus, many of its members are not


also we mention:

Rectified Martinist Order

Founded in 1948 by one of the members of the Supreme Council of Augustin Chaboseau. You

may Jules Boucher, who has in his pamphlet entitled "From Martinism and Martinists Orders"

appeared in the magazine "Symbolism" September-October-November 1950, he has been active in

this Order.

According to statements of principle of this Order:

"I. O. .M. .R. . is a spiritualist group uniting fraternally all those who support the need for

individual and collective redemption based on the teachings of Louis Claude de Saint Martin.

II. According to the teachings of LC Saint Martin, O. .M. .R. .

He recognizes the truth of the Fall and affirms the need for reconciliation of Man with his Principle.

III. O. .M. .R. . It is based on the Christian tradition, which is

truly "universal" as it would if it had not been infected a exoterism, whatever. Initiatory inheritance

preserved and transmitted by the

O. .M. .R. . It is a transcendent spiritualism. O. .M. .R. . respects the different forms of

Tradition, which are nothing more than a fragmentation of the Primordial Tradition. [...]

Martiniste initiation does not involve more than one degree, that of S ::: I ::: [...] The O. .M. .R. .

Martinists wants a sincere and does not give initiation to those who would not be able to receive it. "

We know nothing more of this Order.

Martinist Order of

teachers Cohens
The headquarters of this Order is in Brussels

Sovereign Lodge Martinezista

The headquarters of this Lodge is located in Belgium.

Hermetic Order Martinista

This Order relates to an enigmatic character that is found in many issues of the hidden

scene, Joel Duez ... Brothers and sisters continue to work alone after approximately 4 years after

having broken with him who had sent them this affiliation. This Order has ten people.

"We recall that the physical purification by the regime is somewhat childish, if not supported

by the astral purification, for charity, silence, spiritual purification and efforts to not think or speak ill of

the absent. It is good to know that prayer, which gives peace of heart, it is preferable to all magic that

does not give more than pride. "(Papus).


At the end of this study, it may be interesting to reminisce about the Martinism and question their

place within the domain of spirituality and Western esotericism. Indeed, we are obliged to note that

Christianity does not represent the entire Western tradition. It is one of the main aspects that has

structured the West for 1500 years.

Esoteric traditions existed before the birth of Christianity and persisted during the following

centuries. Thanks to them, the egiptohelnica tradition, which has been called Hermetic, has

transmitted its fundamental heritage through centuries. Platonic philosophy and Neo has developed

an interpretation of the world that has had a fundamental foreign and intellectual resonance in the

history of thought. But we must not forget that this philosophy, we know from the texts, is merely the

visible aspect of an oral teaching to students of the school of Plato. And it was the same with respect

to their successors.

You could say that part of this tradition is included in the origins of Christianity and that is really

true. But it does not follow that this affiliation was complete on the knowledge transmitted.

The transmission is properly sealed certainly hidden, and it is certainly transmitted individually. It

is found in Alexandria, Byzantium and in Florence, at the time of the Medicis. In contemporary times,

many streams can be placed in this perspective:

freemasonry, the

contemporary pitagorismo, etc. . Obviously, also those who do not reject the esoteric dimension

Christian, which has taken the form of a Christian Cabal or otherwise.

It should be noted that the secrecy has an important influence on the Christian tradition in many

moments of its history. In Renaissance Italy, a mutual influence occurred between hermeticism and

Christianity. The Christian Kabbalah was the vehicle of this union between one of the

aspects of ancient gnosis and esotericism of the new religion.

some currents initiatory Christian is

They developed from there and mixed what had been handed them to his new

cult, to reveal the actual esoteric content.

We could say that Martinism in his theurgical and mystical practice is one of the facets of this

reunion between the pagan Hermetists currents and the Christian religion.

Martinism part, then, of the Western tradition, but not the whole Western tradition. It is one of its

aspects, one of its components, respectable much as the others, not being superior to them. In

addition, we can say that in the higher stages of initiation, practices and issues are the same. They

differ only in the doctrinal and esoteric aspect, and in the view of the world and society.

Today Christianity seems in Western and modern societies undergoing decline. But this does not

mean that discoveries, conquests of certain Christian mystics or theurgists are doomed to disappear.

Time undoes often exoteric work, but the esoteric imprint endures through the centuries. Martinism

can gather this knowledge, which will be preserved and transmitted by initiates. Indeed, it has never

questioned the superiority of one religion over another. All are regarded as sincere efforts to achieve

beings who seek God and understand it according to their sensitivity and culture corresponding to

their age. Appearance is contextual, the heart remains timeless.

The initiatory path is one that leads to a deidentification with external shapes and structures

visible. Exotericism may disappear and his power with him. The heart of the tradition, we have

described, remain.

Finally, we say that Martinism is important that predisposes the seeker to discover the power of

desire, of love. The latter can lead us to the heart of beings and nature. But Martinism, spiritual or

other traditional groups, can also generate a latent exoterism, a reducing dangerous and totalitarian

dogmatism. If Christianity is important, it is not because, as some claim, religion par excellence, the

synthesis of all other forms of worship. It is only thanks to the fact that he has managed, despite his

mistakes and weaknesses, gather in certain parts of their expression, Western timeless initiation.

Nor should forget Martinists humility of heart. She is the essential element that allows you to

discover the unique character of this tradition and its place in the multiplicity of paths to divinity or his

own divinity.

They can those who have discovered the Martinism here, preserve the memory of a respectable

Christian esotericism.


Tip a guide
studies Martinism

1. Associate

Objects of study: History of traditions; Introduction to the Cabal; Introduction to Occult; introduction
to astrology; The symbolism.

to) Western tradition: value, features and particular subject Dion Fortune: The mystical

Kabbalah, 1-2-3-4.
A. R. Joly and Amadou: unknown from the unknown Philosopher agent.
A. Faivre: Mystics, Theosophists and illuminated in the Age of Enlightenment. Sdir:

B) Martinism history: elementary history and doctrine

A. Viatte: The Hidden Sources of romantismo.

A. Joly: A mystical Lyones and secrets of Freemasonry .. The Enlightenment in the eighteenth
century, in the notebooks of Saint Jacques, Paris, 1960 series.

Freemasonry in the eighteenth century ..., 1-2

Occult and mystical freemasonry, Martinism, history and doctrine. Robert Amadou: The

Louis Claude de Saint-Martin: Errors and Truth. Louis Claude de

Saint-Martin: Ecce Homo.

Martinez Pasqually: Treaty on the Reintegration of beings. (Introduction)

Emmanuel Swedenborg: Celestial arcane, Vol 1.

C) Symbolic Study: definition and meaning Papus order: ABC

illustrated occult, etc.

R. Ambelain: In the shadow of the cathedrals, etc.

Fulcanelli: The Mystery of the Cathedrals. Louis Charbobbeau
Lassay: The bestiary of Christ. Zodiac Collection: Symbols.

Objects of study: The tarot; Ritual function; The magic; The process of initiation;
The Cabal; Introduction to Zohar; The constitution hidden man; history and role
of secret societies.

Study of the Bible (Genesis, Gospel and Revelation of St. John);

Practice: visualization training; meditation on symbols; prayer; occult meditation; self-analysis.

2. Initiate
A) The biblical sacred texts: value study.

The Bible: (. Translation Darby to study translation for Second Reading oldest translation of Matre de
Saci studio, studio Chouraqui translation Translations ecumenical calls should generally be avoided,
being far from the original text.)


A. Abecassis: The Jewish thought. Chouraqui comments

on the Bible. Works of the Fathers and Doctors of the

B) Mysticism: introduction.

Imitation of Jesus Christ. It is a wonderful text that heritage revives ancient stoicism. It gives access
to a very close to the heart of Martinism sensitivity.

Sdir works. Friend of Papus, his reunion with master Philippe transforms him and his writings
completely exposed in a very interesting way what is the heart and essence of Christianity and
therefore the Martinism.

Works by some Christian mystics St. Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, J. Behme, ....

C) The past Masters: biographies.

Papus, Matre Philippe de Lyon, Saint-Martin, J. Behme, Martinez Pasqually.

D) The Cabal: introduction.

Hebrew Kabbalah: works by G. Cholem.
Christian Kabbalah: works of Christian Kabbalists, Pico della Mirandola, etc.

Modern Kabbalah: Dion Fortune, Gareth Knight, Israel

Regardie ...
Robert Ambelain: Practice cabal. Collection "What do I
know? "On these issues.

E) RC Tradition and FM: introduction. Sir

Edward Bulwer-Lytton: Zanoni.

R. Edighoffer: R + C and ideal society as JV Andreae.
B. Gorceix: Revised R + C.
J. Boucher: Complete Works.

F) Martinism:

Louis Claude de Saint-Martin: Numbers, the new man, Ten prayers, on the spirit of things.

Martinez de Pasqually, final of the Treaty on the reintegration of beings.

G) occultism:

Eliphas Levi: Dogma and ritual of high magic, the Great Arcanum, etc. Robert Ambelain: The
Sacramentary of the Rose + Cross. Isha Schwaller de Lubicz: The beginning of the way, the
light on the road

3. Superior Unknown
Study topics: angelology; Alchemy; secrecy; theurgy.

Practice: theurgical operations; regeneration processes; meditation.

A) The Number Three: Pythagoras example study

Plato: The Republic. St. Augustine: De Trinitate San Anselmo: De

Fide et de incarnatione Verbi trinitatis St. Toms de Aquino

J. Behme
Saint Yves d'Alveydre.

B) Sacred texts: deepen

Hebrew tradition:

- The study of Hebrew is the only key that can actually approach the biblical
- "Biblical Hebrew, elementary method" J. WEINGREEN (A book of courses and exercises, a
second book contains corrections).
- Go to the universities where introductory courses are given.
- Addressing the Jewish community centers.

Greek tradition:

- The study of Greek is very important for understanding the "nuances" of the gospel key.

- "The Greek New Testament" of JWWENHAM, Beauchesne

- Go to the universities where introductory courses are given.
- Go to Catholic seminaries, where there are good introductions.

Latin tradition:

- Collection "Christian Sources".

- Go to Catholic seminaries, where there are good introductions.

C) Martinism:

Louis Claude de Saint-Martin: Ministry spirit of man. Louis Claude de

Saint-Martin: natural picture. Teder: Ritual of the Martinist Order.

D) Occult:

Giuliano Kremmerz: Introduction to Hermetic science. Giuliano

Kremmerz: Dialogues on the inscrutability. Heinrich Kunrath,

amphitheater of eternal wisdom. Jollivet Castelot: Becoming Alchemist.

The sacred book of Enoch.

Clearly a research proposal is not exclusive and that everyone should choose what will look good in a
logical and gradual progression.

Special note on the subject of study:

Some orders have submitted various documents Martinists training, some interesting, but most of

them for internal use. Only one school, to our knowledge, has made available a serious set of


Martinista training on tradition. Its about

International College of Esoteric Studies. ( The courses are available in

French at the following address: Le Trois Parks, BP 68, 33034 Bordeaux Cedex,

France). In addition to the Martinist tradition, also develop the fundamentals

of this philosophy, ie, Gnosticism, cavalry, symbolism, etc.

Reflection and work



The three works developed in a Martinist Lodge, which we offer here below as an example, are

not intended to be models within the genre. They are, however, reflect a vivid reflection within the

seeker diligence, which will allow him or her who has never participated in the work of reflection, get a

small idea. We choose three different styles that are a work of general reflection, a cabalistic sketch

and symbolic work.

Past Masters
"Teachers are beings who have lived on earth and have reached an elevated level expertise and

initiation. Once physically disappeared, they constitute a kind of invisible college within which each

have precise terms of reference. Each of us works then on a particular note and is therefore indirectly

related to access, and later directly with the corresponding Master.

It is this building that has built what some call "the great illusion". From fragmented and isolated

events, it has built a building and we sometimes do not perceive well what lies behind. We are afraid

to pierce the crust because it is inside where the precious gems.

These ideas have found their sources in many streams and traditions. For the first time in the

book of Ossendowski "Beasts, Men and Gods", the notion of King of the world is evoked; Yves Saint

later with d'Alveydre with

his "Mission India" who was lucky you already know. Theosophy under the

Mme essential impulse. Blavatsky was

determinant. All subsequent groups borrowed this idea of the hierarchy of the

Masters and adopted. It was easy, then re-read in the spirit of the texts of the

seniority and find abundant references. We understand that it is a human development that gives

security to the search engine, and should provoke our distrust. As a result, many have been false

teachers who have abused this for your benefit.

West having never made a mistake borrowed, has tended to assimilate the Master pejoratively as

what we call the "guru", ie one to whom we must obey blindly. Is it possible that this assertion is over

and we should look more closely if true ?. Certainly it is a mistake and it may be a true master ?.

Before going further, we should define the adjective "past". They belong to the past and only their

memory remains, could be materialistic replica. They are the past and have become, might be to

those who believe in reincarnation. In the East, there is the doctrine of the bodhisattvas, who claims

that the Illuminati reject its merger into Brahman or Nirvana in order to return to help those who are

still not free. Theosophy could then us believe some idea of the hierarchy of the Masters.

We believe that you can go to the bottom of the issue, both materially and spiritually, without any

discord between the views. We know that every being lives on earth for those experiences,

regardless of their nature, and to progress toward what we call reintegration. Each of us plays a task

that will inevitably be judged and appreciated. For Catholicism this is the final judgment, for the occult

it is the self judgment beyond death, but what matters. Each pathway explains things according their

particular vision, but the goal is the same and is to rise to approach the divine.

A master is then judged as having one that given example with his life. This

is what constitutes a totally subjective criteria.

A Master is one who has been revealed to us as such as an initiate or medium. We can see, for

example, the Cosmic Masters as Maitreya, Koutomi, Zozer, etc. Here also is a subjective criterion.

Crowley wrote: "Every man (or any woman) is a star." Everyone is, then, a teacher, not power, but

actually, tangibly and concretely. What then is the difference between us and Papus, Matre Philippe

de Lyon, Sdir, Cagliostro, etc.?. How then do we call the Masters ?. We have said that each of us on

earth to have experiences and to play a role. Master within a tradition becomes the character who

could embody an impersonal stream and discover their brothers and sisters. His mastery is then to

have helped impersonally. While similar, they become part of the great family of the Unknowns

Servers. Say that this is a reflection of its evolution may be just, but insufficient. Effectively,

All the invisible form a kind of family whose core is connected to that other, the interior of

Eckharthausen Church. The masters of the past are, then, etymologically, advanced spiritually to all

those who have incarnated creatures and at some point on earth. More precisely, it is those

individuals whose name has been inscribed in the history of a tradition for having played a direct or

indirect role, but decisive in its history. While his spirit never ceases to encourage this thinking and

creating, for us, for example, Martinista unseen family. We are all brothers and sisters called to

become Unknown Superiors and teachers. The term "Master of the past" should be understood

as an invitation to a dynamic and not a sterile cult promoted and perfect teacher.

The adoption of a new sibling results presentation with those who have

embodied the tradition in the past. Every time we act while Martinists are active

members of this chain

and we must rise to the heights of those who have gone before us.

Therefore, we are asked to consciously place ourselves in relation to them these privileged

moments. At the beginning of our ritual, but especially in our prayers the private oratory.

Hear one of the prayers of a Martinist ritual: "O Eternal God, you who dispensations forgiveness

and want the health of men, we ask your Holy Clemencia to grant the brothers and sisters, and

teachers of the past who have left us in this century, to share with your saints and angels, eternal

beatitude return to celestial origins. "we see again that the Masters of the past form a family way in

which we have been introduced. While they know us and expect us to be worthy of them free and

strong. "Do not accept anything from anyone without having experienced it yourself." Buddha said. "I

live in my own house, I have never imitated anyone and I have mocked every teacher who has not

mocked night" Nietzsche wrote.

The teacher should then not become a divine and unreal being, but the goal that everyone should

aim to achieve, but never to perform.

This is what we expect from our brothers, the Masters of the past.



the word "Life"

May be of interest based on everything related to the meaning and use of this word in the sacred

language is Hebrew.

The first striking point about this word is that in Hebrew is plural. "Life" is written actually "lives". I

leave to your imagination the different implications that could be derived from this simple note.

However, before now writing a masterful text on this subject, I prefer to get an allusion Torah

regarding this concept.

We wont read in Genesis 2: 7 "The Lord breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. ". Then in

Genesis 6:17 "I'll flood the earth beneath the waters, to destroy all flesh animated by a breath of life.

"And in GENESIS 7:22" Then he died [...] everything that had a soul or breath of life, their noses. "

In Castilian we emphasize not anything in particular, but in the original language, we can re-read a

number of things. The following words are used: Genesis 2: 7 "Nichmat haram" Genesis 6:17 "Rouar

ram" and Gn 7:22 "Nichmat rouar ram".

God breathes life into being. It is the soul, the breath of breath. When God decides to destroy the

infidels creatures, it is the word "rouar" which is used. This word is related to the wind, the breath, the

space will encourage a relief (Ravra), a release (Revar). When everything is destroyed it is the union

of the three touched by the flood (maboul).

Thus life in the Torah is not a complete element and appears only as a qualification structure of

man may be subject to change.

When the text speaks of the "breath of life" (Gn 2: 7), it is the "soul of life" and

talk about the 'soul resides in the blood (Dam) "or Adam contains blood and is

animated by the soul and, consequently, by the breath of life.

When, as a result of the flood, the soul was separated from life, it meant that a particular essence

was released from the flesh of Adam, the earth (Adamah). Noah (Noar) will play this character with

the use of wind and relieving him of any evidence life.

Life (Haram) is characterized by an unusual duplication of Yod, the germ, the hand of God, who

appears on two pillars to contribute to the prophecy vision within the circle beyond the other side of

the mirror.

To analyze in detail this sentence structuring the contribution of life, let us examine each of the


The Heth refers to the notions of fencing, receptivity word.

Mem is the inversion of visions.

This is the Chariot, the Hermit and the Hanged Man Tarot taking picture of these letters in the


It is necessary to be related to universal life to lead to an openness to God's word and change our

vision, thus allowing understand the purpose of our journey on earth.

This feature can understand the word of Sepher Habahir, the Book of Clarity: "Life is the Torah, as

it is said (Dt 30:19)" You will choose life "and also said (Dt 30.: 20) "for it is your life and the length of

your days" and whoever deserve to despise the pleasures of the body and accept the yoke of the

mitzvot (commandments). "moral laws then become the guarantors of our openness to life , ie the

Eternal significance of drawing us to our journey towards reintegration.

Thus we read in Proverbs 6:23 "The way of life is made of instructional warnings" as it says Isaiah

3: 6 "the danger of falling will be our guide" and there are things which man can not take without I


symbolic interpretation of the word life in Hebrew:


Traveling through the clouds on my car

Diviso palaces and delineo strong walls

around cities.

Once, I had raised me to heaven, but a cry of

suffering I was rushed to the earth, having

Dear win without suffering.

What I care today darkness,

Since a flame shines on me, advising

me of the presence of

The Eternal Father.

A gust of wind on my forehead, the caress of

a soft plumage, the softness of a diaphanous

hand on

My mouth and I become broken

In the murky thickness.

But who has forgotten, then who could miss this gem vanished in the

depths of the earth?

And discovering life, I gave the spirit

In a breath, murmur sweet time.


The sword
The sword is a common offensive weapon in the ancient Near East. Primitively in bronze and then

iron mentioned in all battles recounted in the Bible. And compared to all other traditions. She

symbolizes, then, courage and strength. This force can have two positive aspects:

The destruction of ignorance and maintaining peace and justice. It is necessary to emphasize the

association often makes the sword with the scales of justice. This symbol is in the Tarot card called

Justice (Key 11). In this case it is made of steel, metal Mars. Linked with the balance as a symbol of

government, Venus is balanced by Mars. Thus, the Venus comes into action, Mars also becomes

active. Both are perfectly complementary. The T-shaped handle golden color is associated to the sun.

Saturn exalted in Libra it represents the limitation and strength.

When this power that holds the symbolism of the sword is used positively, combined with the

radiant energy from the sun so that the illumination exalts form.

It is necessary to consider the sword in both its form and its matter. That is, similar to that study,

one that has two edges and a tip. It is in this sense that the Martinism uses the following words: "...

this sword, the emblem of power and strength, whose tip indicates the eternal principle of things ..."

The two phyla, Mars-Venus symbol, balance of artificial duality of matter that forms the two poles

of the same energy, which is the beginning of everything. The shape is then a living summary of a

cosmogona accurate. Besides representing an action, the tool, as an extension arm, becomes a

significant attack weapon and protection. I speak now of the visible and invisible use of which you can

avail. It is necessary, then, that our sword is as similar to the symbol in order to be active at all levels.

Its symbol is also close to that of the Word, or active thinking. She is the only weapon "of the

initiate would not be defeated only by the power of the idea and the strength she carries herself." It is

what is mentioned in Revelation 1:15 where it says about the son of man: "from his mouth like a

two-edged sword came out. "Ibid. Ap. 19:15.

The verb is therefore this force that can be used both to destroy and to create.

It is now interesting to recall that the symbol does not take its true value if it is not integrated into

our being. It is in this way that we ask about their use. Use in the Teurgia ?. Certainly. Use it to

display ?. Necessarily, but also and above all in the Martinista way to the inner sense that she raises.

She just discrimination means used by our spirit desembazarnos of all that is useless, to free us from

the shackles of prejudice, resentment and regret. By using the right word and the right thinking we

can address these mental and psychological problems. This weapon will then return to live sword

ready for our initiation.

If possible, we will keep our swords in our oratory, respectfully holstered, our mystic name

engraved on the blade. But she will come alive in us when we cut the invisible threads that

immobilize us.

She is a part of our interiority and we respect the grant is a reflection of


Let's say that for men, the sword had a personality that had been dubbed:


Durandal, Hauteclaire, Corte, Bautraine, Musaguine, etc.

It is then by this awareness that this cold symbol, theater, difficult dissimulation, becomes in fact

the core of our being, breakeven and strength that allows us to act justly and to speak justly.


The Martinista Credo

"Meditating on the sublime symbolism of the Rite Martinista, we are

compelled to make the following profession of faith:

1) We believe in one God and one religion like him, in a God beyond all Gods
and religion is a synthesis of all religions. We believe in the infallibility of the
Spirit of Charity rather than dogmatic temerity of some men.

2) We believe in absolute freedom, in absolute independence in Royalty same,

the relative Divine human Will it be regulated by the ultimate reason. We
believe it is necessary to enrich themselves give, and that individual
happiness can not go against the happiness of others.

3) We recognize in Being two essential modes: the idea and form, intelligence
and action. We believe in the Truth, which is Being conceived by Idea. We
demonstrated or demonstrable in reality by
The science.
We believe in reason, which is the Being manifested by the Word. We
believe in justice, which is being in action, is following their true relations
and reasonable proportions.

4) We believe that God Himself, the Great indefinable Principle of Justice not
know the despot or the executioner of his creatures; which can neither
punish nor reward them; but the Law of Universal Harmony carries in itself
its sanction, so that the good itself is the reward of good and evil
punishment, but also the remedy of evil. "

Ritual excerpt of the Order Martinist

designed by Teder

Objectives of the Order


"That the profane, the Initiate and Initiator, know well that the purpose of the Order is not to

turn them into dogmatic teachers, but turn them into devoted to the cult of eternal truth students. The

teachings are elementary, not numerous symbols, but enough to modest goal of our Order. Its

members know few things, but know well and have the elements of a personal development that can

lead them even further. Ignotos and silent, do not expect anything else from their jobs infinite

satisfaction that seeks the security of a pure conscience and a ready for any sacrifice for humanity

heart. "

Extract notebooks

order Martinista

Advice to novices who wish to study the Occult:

1. Choose a place to be carried out prayer (whatever the cult).

2. Remember that true teachers do not write books and put first the simplicity and humility above all

science. Distrusting the chief priests and men who are called perfect.

3. Never lose freedom, whether for a relationship with a person, a cleric or a secret society; only God

has the right to receive a passive obedience.

4. Remember that all the invisible power comes from Christ, God made flesh at all levels, and never

get in the invisible, with relations with a being

astral or spiritual being confess Christ. Not seek to obtain "powers", expect

that Heaven offers us if we are worthy of it.

5. Never judge another's actions and not to condemn our neighbor. All being spiritualist, by tests or

suffering or a life of devotion, can achieve salvation whatever your church or philosophy. Which is

a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist or freethinker, is equal. Every human being has the necessary

powers to evolve into a celestial plane. Judgment belongs to the Father, not men.

6. I have the certainty that man has never been expelled from

Sky, whatever the time of denial and doubt, and we are in the physical plane to serve others, not

for us


Translation: T TO

Typesetting: Sr Camael Coreeccin Br



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