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British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

November 1984, Vol. 91, pp. 1096-1102

Permeability of the human placenta to bicarbonate :

in-vitro perfusion studies
F. E. HYTTEN Division of Perinatal Medicine, MRC Clinical Research Centre, Harrow, UK

Summary. The effect of maternal acidosis on fetal acid-base balance was

studied in a dual circuit perfusion of a single cotyledon in normal, term,
human placentas. Both the fetal and maternal (intervillous) circulations were
perfused with a Krebs-Ringer solution adjusted to pH values between 7.35
and 7.45. After a control period, the perfusate in the maternal circulation
was replaced by an acidified medium (mean pH 7.06) for 30 min. This was
followed by a second control period of 30 min during which the acidified
maternal perfusate was replaced with the original medium. During the 30
min of maternal acidosis, fetal vein pH was not significantly altered despite
the large decrease in maternal artery pH, but there was an efflux of total CO,
(tCO,) from the placenta into the maternal circulation which was not
matched by an influx of tCO, from the fetal circulation. The tCO, trans-
ferred was in the form of bicarbonate rather than dissolved CO,, but the
maximal rate of tCO, transfer of in the form of bicarbonate was lower than
the rate of placental transfer of tCO, necessary in vivo. It is probable there-
fore that bicarbonate does not play a major role in placental CO, transfer
but the placental tissue bicarbonate pool may play an important part in
buffering the fetus against changes in maternal pH or blood gas status.

During the second stage of labour maternal blood ever, other workers (Rooth 1964; Newman et al.
pH tends to fall and maternal ketosis may also 1967; Jacobsen 1970; Chang & Wood 1976;
cause a fall in blood pH. It is uncertain whether Kastendieck & Kunzel 1979) reported bi-
maternal acid-base status has any influence on carbonate transfer across the human placenta and
fetal pH but such an effect could become import- showed that maternal metabolic acidosis was
ant if the fetus also has a metabolic acidosis accompanied by fetal acidosis. Goodlin & Kaiser
caused by hypoxia. Blechner et al. (1 967) showed (1957) reported a 4-h time lag between maternal
that maternal acidosis induced by ammonium acidosis, induced with ammonium chloride before
chloride given intravenously during anaesthesia delivery, and evidence of fetal acidosis.
before caesarean section had a negligible effect on Studying the inter-relationship between
fetal plasma bicarbonate and pH and they con- maternal and fetal acid-base balance in vivo
cluded that the fetus is well protected against presents several problems. The first is the impos-
maternal metabolic acidosis. Longo et al. ( 1 974) sibility of separating the influence of maternal
found no appreciable transfer of bicarbonate acid-base disturbances on placental bicarbonate
across the placenta in sheep experiments. How- transfer, from acid-base variations caused by
changes in fetal and maternal metabolism. The
Correspondence: N. P. Illsley, Division of Perinatal second is the difficulty in assessing net transfer
Medicine, Medical Research Council Clinical Research because of the problems of accurate measure-
Centre, Watford Road, Harrow HA1 3UJ. ment of umbilical and uterine blood flows. Finally

Permeability ofplacenta to HCO, 1097

there is the complicating problem of the added integrity of the fetal vasculature was assessed by
equilibration steps between maternal and fetal adding dye to the fetal perfusate at the end of each
erythrocytes and plasma, superimposed on the experiment. If dye was detected in the maternal
measurements of placental exchange. Animal perfusate, the experiment was discarded.
studies on maternofetal acid-base balance are not Metabolic viability was assessed by measuring the
necessarily instructive because of the wide species placental oxygen consumption as described
differences in placentation. previously (Illsley et al. 1984). If during the
To overcome these problems, we studied the perfusion, oxygen consumption fell below 180
effect of maternal acidosis on placental bi- pmol/min/kg, the perfusions were not included in
carbonate transfer using an in-vitro placental per- the study. The mean wet weight of the lobules was
fusion system with dual circuits as described 30.2 g (SEM 0.8).
previously by Penfold et a1 (1981) and Illsley et After 10 min, artery and vein samples were
al. (1984). taken anaerobically and simultaneously from four
sampling ports located next to the maternal and
fetal cannulation points; the samples were immedi-
Methods ately analysed for pH, PCO,and Po, on a Corning
165 pH-blood gas analyser which also calculated
The flux of CO, across the placenta was assessed bicarbonate concentrations. (The blood gas
by measuring the umbilical and uterine artery and analyser was routinely calibrated by standard
vein pH and Pco, before, during, and after techniques using calibration gases of known
acidification of the maternal circulation. This composition.) Samples were taken at regular
could be achieved while measuring the flow rates intervals of 10 min thereafter. Thirty minutes after
in both fetal and maternal circulations. the first sample was taken, the maternal perfusate
Six placentas from normal pregnancies were was replaced by an acidified Krebs-Ringer
obtained immediately after delivery and the fetal medium for 30 min. The pH of this medium was
and maternal (intervillous) circulations were adjusted to between 6.9 and 7.2 with HCI. Finally,
cannulated and cleared of blood as described the acidified medium on the maternal side was
previously (Penfold et al. 1981; Illsley et al. replaced by the original one for a further 30 min.
1984). After clearance of blood, the fetal per-
In three experiments, antipyrine clearance from
fusate was recirculated using a total circuit
the maternal circulation was measured as
volume of 300-400 ml, while the maternal
described previously (Illsley et al. 1984), before,
medium was perfused on a single-pass basis. We
during and after acidification. Lactate pro-
used a recirculating fetal circuit for comparison
duction was measured in the perfusate as
with previous studies (Illsley et al. 1984). The per-
described by Engel & Jones (1978). Tests for
fusion medium in both circuits was a
statistical significance were made using one- or
Krebs-Ringer buffer containing NaCl (6.92 g),
two-sample t-tests. The results are expressed as
NaHCO, (2.10 g), KCI (0.35 g), KH,PO,
means (SEM).
(0.16 g), MgSO, (0.29 g) and CaCI, (0.37 g) per
litre plus 30 g/l of dextran (av.mol.wt approxi-
mately 63000) and 1 g/1 of glucose. Both
perfusates were gassed with 95% oxygen, 5% Results
carbon dioxide. The perfusates and the placental Perfusion conditions
lobules were maintained at a constant tempera-
ture of 37OC during perfusion. The antipyrine clearance was not altered by acidifi-
Fetal inflow pressure and the flow rates for cation of the maternal perfusate or during the
both circulations were measured continuously. recovery period after acidification. The mean
Maternal flow rates were kept between 15 and 20 clearance value (2.3 ml/min, SEM 0.9) indicated
ml/min. The mean fetal rate was 6.2 ml/min (SEM an appropriate rate of transfer at these flow rates
0.6). If the fetal inflow pressure was >SO mmHg at (Schneider et al. 1972) and demonstrated that the
a flow rate of G3.5 ml/min, the perfusion was manipulations of the maternal circulation had not
discarded. Fetal to maternal leakage of perfusate altered the relation between maternal and fetal
was detected by measuring the volume of the re- circulations.
circulated fetal medium. Experiments in which the Lactate release into maternal and fetal circu-
volume altered were discarded. In addition, the lations is shown in Table 1, before, during and after
1098 J. G. Aarnoudse et al.
Table 1. Release of lactate into fetal and maternal circulations and tissue oxygen consumption before, during and
after maternal acidification

Phase of perfusion

Before During After

Lactate release (pmol/min/kg)

Fetal 37 (7) 33(10) 36 (9)
Maternal 194 (25) 188 (50) 218(42)
Placental oxygen consumption (Fmol/min/kg) 284 (39) 27 1 (47) 239 (32)

Results are means (SEM) for six perfusions.

acidification respectively. There was no signifi- Perfusion and acidosis

cant change in lactate production between the The mean fetal and maternal pH, pco, and bi-
three phases of the perfusion. The oxygen con- carbonate values from the inflow and outflow
sumption of the perfused tissue is also given in samples before, during and after simulated
Table 1. No significant differences in oxygen con- maternal metabolic acidosis are summarized in
sumption were detected between the three phases. Table 2. The differences in inflow pH, PCO,and bi-

Table 2. pH, Pco, and bicarbonate values before, during and after maternal=

Phase of perfusion

Time after start of acidotic perfusion (min)

Before After
10 20 30

inflow 7.418 (0.016) 7.072* (0.051) 7,054* (0.034) 7.005* (0.045) 7.339(0.034)
outflow 7.305 (0.025) 7.085 (0.045) 7.020 (0.027) 6.980 (0.024) 7.224(0.051)
inflow 7.374 (0.014) 7,378 (0.024) 7.373 (0.015) 7,388 (0.026) 7.382 (0.024)
outflow 7.261 (0.028) 7.188 (0.008) 7.178 (0.027) 7.225 (0.023) 7.233 (0,046)

Pco, (kPa)
inflow 4.03 (0.35) 6.16**(0.95) 6,03**(0,88) 7.11**(1.03) 4.99 (0.59)
outflow 5.22 (0.50) 7.66 (0.74) 7.26 (0.67) 7.72 (0.61) 6.46 (0.78)
inflow 4.52 (0.39) 4.70 (0.37) 4.88 (0.29) 5.16 (0.24) 4.86 (0.41)
outflow 5.72 (0.63) 6.87 (0.16) 6.80 (0.28) 6.68 (0.56) 6.13 (0.92)
HCO, (a)
inflow 19.0 (2.0) 12.7* (1.5) 11.9* (1.2) 12.1* (1.2) 19.4 (1.5)
outflow 18.6 (1.7) 15.8 (1.0) 13.4 (0.8) 13.2 (0.9) 18.9 (2.1)
inflow 18.9 (1.4) 20.0 (1.0) 20.5 (1.1) 22.6 (0.3) 21.5 (0.9)
outflow 18.4 (1.9) 18.9 (0.8) 18.2 (0.9) 20.1 (0.5) 18.5 (1.7)

a Results are means (SEM) for six perfusions, values for time points during initial and final phases have been combined.
Significance of differences * P<O.O1 compared with maternal inflow values before and after acidosis and with fetal
inflow values during acidosis; ** P< 0.05 compared with maternal inflow values before acidosis.
Permeability ofplacenta to HCOr 1099
carbonate values between maternal and fetal circu- tissue tCO, during the period of acidosis, followed
lations are a result of gas diffusion out of the by an uptake of tCO, by the tissue during the
perfusates in differing lengths of perfusion line at recovery phase. The apparent depletion of
differing flow rates. During the period of acidifica- placental tissue tCO, during acidosis was not
tion, maternal pH and bicarbonate values dropped constant but rather peaked and diminished there-
significantly (P(0.05) and Pco, values rose after, possibly reflecting a decreased gradient of
(P(0.05). Fetal pH, Pco, and bicarbonate values tCO, between the tissue and the maternal
were not significantly altered during the acidifica- circulation.
tion period. Before acidification, fetal inflow pH,
Pco, and bicarbonate were similar to maternal
values. During acidosis, a significant gradient in bi-
carbonate developed between maternal (m) and
fetal (f) circulations (f>m; P(O.01). At the same The in-vitro perfused placenta originally
time the Pco, gradient was aligned in the opposite described by Schneider et al. (1972) provides an
direction (m> f). attactive model for transfer studies. Using this
Flow rates, lobule weight, Pco, and bi- system it is possible to produce considerable
carbonate concentrations were used to calculate concentration gradients across the placenta. It
the net flux of total CO, (tCO,) into or out of the also allows acute replacement of the perfusate.
placenta from maternal and fetal circulations. The This provided the opportunity to study a control
tCO, flux is illustrated in Fig. 1. During the period before and after acidification of the
period of maternal acidification there was a maternal circulation.
significant gain in maternal tCO, during passage The study reported here differs from previous in
through the placenta (P(O.01 at 40, 50 and 60 vivo investigations on bicarbonate transfer across
min). This was paralleled by a smaller but signifi- the human placenta because only with an in-vitro
cant loss of tCO, from the fetal circulation perfusion system can one study the effect of
(P<0.05 at 50 and 60 min). maternal acidosis in isolation from fetal and
The net effect of tCO, changes in the maternal maternal interactions. The viability of the perfused
and fetal circulations is shown in Fig. 2. This placental preparation has been discussed
demonstrates an apparent washout of placental previously (Illsley et al. 1984). Rigid criteria for


*r T

-1 L I I I I I I I
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (min)
Fig. 1. Changes in total CO, (AtCO,) in fetal (0)and maternal (0)circu-
lations during placental passage before, during and after maternal acidifica-
tion (mean & SEM for six perfusions). Maternal A tCO, at 40,50 and 60 min
significantly greater than at 20,30,80 and 90 min (P<O.Ol). Fetal AtCO, at
50 and 60 min significantlyless than at 10,20,30,70 and 80 min (P<0,05).
1100 J. G.Aarnoudse et al.

-2 L I I I I I I I
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (min)

Fig. 2. Net changes in placental tissue tCO, (AtCO,). Positive values

equivalent to tissue uptake of tCO,, negative values equivalent to tissue loss
of tCO, (mean i-SEM for six perfusions). AtCO, at 40 min significantly
less than at 30 min (P<O.Ol).

mechanical as well as metabolic variables ensure across the placenta in terms of three compart-
the integrity of the preparation. The values of anti- ments; a placental tissue compartment in addition
pyrine clearance, oxygen consumption and lactate to the fetal and maternal ones. In the acidotic
production attest to the stability of the prepara- period, transfer from the fetal to placental
tion during the perfusion period. compartment does not attain the higher rate of
The absence of any significant buffering in the transfer observed between maternal and placental
Krebs-Ringer perfusate apart from bicarbonate compartments. The rate of transfer from the fetal
means that changes in PCO, will have little or no circulation therefore appears to be the slowest step
influence on bicarbonate concentrations. This in placental bicarbonate transfer.
effectively makes bicarbonate and dissolved CO, The placental to maternal transfer of bi-
concentrations independent of each other. Thus in carbonate did not remain constant during the
the acidotic period, dissolved CO, will tend to period of acidosis. Rather, it diminished, pre-
travel down its gradient from maternal to fetal sumably reflecting a decreasing gradient between
circulations. The bicarbonate gradient during the the tissue and maternal circulation and re-
same period, however, was in the reverse direction inforcing the suggestion that the bicarbonate was
(f>m). The net tCO, transfer (Fig. 2) was there- being washed out of the tissue. The transfer of
fore the sum of these two processes. Since the net tCO, into the placenta in the recovery phase would
tCO, transfer into the maternal circulation took also seem to bear out the idea of depletion of
place in the opposite direction to dissolved CO, placental tissue bicarbonate during acidosis.
transfer, it seems reasonable to suggest that the Although maternal pH was restored to a level
tCO, transfer into the maternal circulation was approaching that observed in the initial perfusion,
actually transfer of bicarbonate. transfer of tCO, out of the circulations and into the
During the period of maternal acidosis, the gain placenta continued to take place.
in tCO, by the maternal circulation was greater These data would tend to confirm the suggestion
than that which could be accounted for by the CO, that placental transfer of CO, takes place pri-
lost from the fetal circulation plus that which might marily by the transfer of dissolved CO, rather than
be derived from substrate oxidation. This is despite of the bicarbonate form. This seems likely because
the 10 m~ fetal-to-maternal gradient in bi- the maximal rate of bicarbonate transfer from the
carbonate, larger than that found in vivo. It may be fetal circulation to the placenta observed in the
advantageous therefore to view CO, transfer present study is below that required to remove
Permeability of placenta to HCO; 1101
fetally produced CO, from the umbilical circu- under these circumstances (Kastendieck & Moll
lation in vivo. The required rate of tCO, transfer 1977), but as lactic acid is also produced in the
for the average term fetus (3.2 kg in weight with a placenta, even under aerobic conditions (Illsley et
0.5 kg placenta) is likely to be of the order of al. 1984), it is not possible to measure in vivo the
500-1000 pnol/min (for references see Lorijn & effect of maternal-to-fetal lactic acid transfer per
Longo 1980). This is greater than the maximal se. The question of lactate transfer and its influence
transfer rate observed in our experiments (300 on maternofetal acid-base balance is presently
pmol/min), despite the 10 m fetal-to-maternal bi- under investigation.
carbonate gradient. The maximal rate of bi-
carbonate transfer was also well below the
probable placental capacity for transfer of dis- Acknowledgment
solved CO, (>2500 ~mol/min/mmHgdifference in The authors are indebted to Professor H. J.
transplacental Pco,; Longo et al. 1974). It is un- Huisjes, Professor W. G. Zijlstra and Dr. T. E.
likely therefore that bicarbonate plays a major role Stacey for critical review of the manuscript. Dr
in the transfer of CO, across the placenta. Aarnoudse was a holder of a Royal Society
It is possible that the bicarbonate lost from Research Fellowship.
placental tissue is in fact replaced by or
exchanged for another anion. The stable rates of
oxygen consumption and lactate production References
suggest that placentally produced lactate was not Blechner, J. N., Stenger, V. G., Eitzman, D. V. &
replacing bicarbonate. On the other hand, an Prystowsky, H. (1967)Effects of maternal acidosis
exchange of chloride for bicarbonate, such as that on the human fetus and newborn infant. Am J Obstet
observed in the erythrocyte, is a possibility and Gynecol99,46-54.
requires further investigations. Chang, A. & Wood, C. (1976)Fetal acid-base balance.
The decrease in fetal vein pH after maternal Interdependence of maternal and fetal Pco, and bi-
acidification was not significant, despite a pro- carbonate concentration. Am J Obstet Gynecol 125,
found and protracted decrease in maternal artery 61-63.
pH. It is probable therefore that severe maternal Engle, P. C. & Jones, J. B. (1978) Causes and
elimination of erratic blanks in enzymatic assays
acidosis in vivo, unless prolonged beyond 30
involving the use of NAD+ alkaline hydrazine
minutes, will not adversely affect fetal pH. In the buffers: improved conditions for the assay of L-
second stage of labour both maternal and fetal glutamate, L-lactate and other metabolites. Anal
blood pH values are lower than normal. Our Biochem 88,475-484.
results suggest that the low pH levels are not Goodlin, R. C. & Kaiser, I. H. (1957)The effect of
linked but rather that the falls in pH occur as a ammonium chloride induced maternal acidosis on
result of independent processes in mother and the human fetus at term: I. pH, hemoglobin, blood
fetus. gases. A m JMed Sci 233,662-674.
The placental bicarbonate pool, though not Illsley, N. P.. Aarnoudse, J. G., Penfold, P., Bardsley, S.
important in overall CO, transfer, may protect E., Coade, S. B., Stacey,T. E. & Hytten, F. E. (1984)
Mechanical and metabolic viability of an in vitro
the fetus against changes in maternal pH and
placental perfusion system under oxygenated and
blood gas status by acting as an additional buffer anoxic conditions.Placenta 5,213-226.
between the two circulations. Thus bicarbonate Jacobsen, L. (1970)Studies on acid-base and electro-
transfer could take place between tissue and the lyte components of human fetal and maternal blood
maternal circulation while minimizing the trans- during labour. PhD. Thesis, University of London,
mission of maternal pH and blood gas changes to pp.99-118.
the fetal circulation. The effect would be to buffer Kastendieck, E. & Moll, W. (1977) The placental
the fetus against events such as maternal acidosis, transfer of lactate and bicarbonate in the guinea-pig.
as suggested by Blechner et al. (1967). Pfliisers Arch 370,165-171.
In the present study maternal acidosis was Kastendieck, E. & Kunzel, W. (1979)Der Einfluss des
diaplazentaren Bicarbonattransfers auf die meta-
induced by adding hydrochloric acid to the per-
bolische Azidose des Feten. Z GeburtshPerinat 183,
fusate, whereas, during labour, particularly in the 35-44.
second stage, maternal acidosis is caused by lactic Longo, L. D., Delivoria-Papadopoulos,M. & Forster,
acid production. It has been suggested that lactic R. E. (1974) Placental CO, transfer after fetal
acid in the maternal circulation, is exchanged carbonic anhydrase inhibition. A m J Physiol 226,
against bicarbonate from the fetal circulation 703-710.
1102 .
I.Aarnoudse et al.
Lorijn, R. H. W. & Longo, L. D. (1980) Clinical and Rooth, G. (1 964) Early detection and prevention of fetal
physiologic implications of increased fetal oxygen acidosis. Lancet i, 290-293.
consumption. A m JObstet Gynecoll36,45 1-457. Schneider, H., Panigel, M. & Dancis, J. (1972) Transfer
Newman, W., Mitchell, P. & Wood, C. (1967) Fetal across the perfused human placenta of antipyrine,
acid-base status. Relationship between maternal and sodium and leucine. A m J Obstet Gynecol 114,
fetal blood bicarbonate concentrations. A m J Obstet 822-828.
Penfold, P., Drury, L., Simmonds, R. & Hytten, F. E.
(1981) Studies of a single placental cotyledon iri
vitro: I. The preparation and its viability. Placenta 2, Received 19 October 1983
149.154. Accepted 22 February 1984

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