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Agile Success Factors

A qualitative study about what makes

agile projects successful

Prof. Martin Kropp

University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Northwestern Switzerland

Andreas Meier
Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Andreas Meier
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)

Prof. Martin Kropp

University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)

Publisher: FHNW and ZHAW

Date of publication: May 2015

Website: www.swissagilestudy.ch

ISSN: 2296-2476

1 Management Summary........................................................................................................ 4
2 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 5
3 Acknowledgment ................................................................................................................. 6
4 Overwiew of the Interview Study ........................................................................................ 7
5 Results of the qualitative study ............................................................................................ 9
6 Other Findings .................................................................................................................... 14
7 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 16
8 References .......................................................................................................................... 17
9 Contact ............................................................................................................................... 18
11 Appendix A - Theory of Complex Adaptive Systems and Agile Competences ................. 19
12 Appendix B Project Report Forms ................................................................................. 22

Various studies show great improvements pion who motivated and inspired the team
in software projects when agile software to use agility.
development is applied. However, there
are still remaining problems and there are On the value level we found that success-
also reports about project failures in the ful agile teams live a culture of openness
agile community. This raises the question and transparency. They establish an agile
of what factors distinguish successful agile culture at least on the team and organiza-
software projects and teams from less tional level (we found only one company
successful ones? who had established the agile method in
the whole company). Third, they live an
The authors of the Swiss Agile Study attitude of craftsmanship, being proud of
wanted to shed some light on these ques- their work and striving for high quality
tions. We conducted a qualitative inter- work.
view study with eight successful agile IT
companies. We asked them about the Finally we noticed, that while putting high
essential success factors in their agile pro- emphasize on the above practices, mature
jects. The findings are divided into three agile teams start adapting these practices
different categories: Engineering practic- and the agile process to their needs, when
es, management practices and the values, they notice that some of the practices do
or culture, they live. not work or that following the recipe is
insufficient. A constant probing, sensing
On the engineering level it was found that and appropriate responding was ob-
these companies apply many technical served. This is the typical pattern for mov-
practices in a very disciplined way, with a ing forward in complex adaptive systems.
strong emphasis on quality assuring prac- Applying a sense-making methodology like
tices like unit testing, continuous integra- the Cynefin framework, theoretically ex-
tion and automation, and clean coding. plains the observations in the present
study. Companies should therefore be
On the management level it was pointed aware, that software projects are often
out that clear requirements, which are located in the complex domain, i.e. can be
verified and validated in very close collab- modeled as complex adaptive systems.
oration with the customer, are essential. These kinds of problems rather require
The same was true for very close commu- emergent practices instead of good or
nication within the team. The third aspect best practices and an understanding of the
that was found, was that in each success- implications of complexity theory is of
ful team there was a kind of Agile Cham- merit.
2.1 Motivation 2.2 Scope and Goal of the Study
The Swiss Agile Study, an online survey on With the new study the authors wanted to
the state of software development in find out, what the essential factors for
Switzerland, was conducted in 2012 and successful agile projects are. For this they
2014. The studies clearly show significant conducted an interview study among eight
improvements as compared to traditional Swiss IT companies about their most suc-
approaches, i.e. faster time-to-market, cessful agile projects.
improved change management, and high-
er satisfaction with the overall process. The main goals of the study were to find
However, the studies also show, that a out:
significant part of the agile projects fail
due to various reasons, though most of What the essential criteria are that
the recommended good practices for agile make an agile software project suc-
development were applied. So the studies cessful
also raised new questions. The predomi- If patterns of behavior can be identi-
nant question was: What makes agile fied for successful projects
teams successful? Which factors distin- If these patterns can help others con-
guish successful software projects and duct successful projects
teams from unsuccessful ones?

The authors would like to thank the Swiss We would also like to thank all the partici-
Hasler Foundation, www.haslerstiftung.ch, pating companies of the study for taking
which has generously funded the Agile the time and their willingness to answer
Success Factors project. In 2012, the Has- all our questions. Last but not least we
ler Foundation also funded our first Swiss would like to thank Jenny C. Ivarsson for
Agile Study, a quantitative study on soft- proofreading and improving our study.
ware development in Switzerland, which
has run now in a bi-annual survey. The
Swiss Agile Study was the inspiration for
this project.

4.1 Interview Method The interviewed companies operate na-
tionally, internationally and globally. The
The aim of our study was to show by ex-
following table gives an overview of the
ample how agility is successfully realized
industry branches covered.
in various kinds of projects and different
kinds of companies and branches. To do Table 1. Branches covered in study
this we conducted an interview study
Branches # Companies
among eight Swiss IT companies that have
adopted agile methods in their software Product Development 2
development. The companies were asked Public Service 1
to provide a written description in ad- Manufacturing 2
vance of their most successful agile pro-
Insurance 1
ject, including a reasoning why they con-
sidered the described project as successful IT Supplier 2
from their own point of view and from
their customers point of view. The interviews were conducted with a
total of nine participants (at one company,
We conducted eight semi-structured indi-
we had two interviewees). The partici-
vidual interviews and used a self-
pants were mostly project leaders, group
developed interview guide. We structured
leaders, or department leaders. The inter-
our interview questions according to the
view duration was between one and al-
Agile Competence Pyramid (see Figure 1)
most two hours. All interviews were audio
with the three different competence lev-
recorded and later transcribed. The tran-
els engineering, management and agile
scription facilitated the evaluation of the
values, as formulated in [7]. Since all in-
interviews with a statistical text-analysis
terviews took place in the German speak-
ing part of Switzerland, all interviews were
conducted in German.

Figure 1. Pyramid of Agile Competences (from [7])

4.2 Organizational Level of Agility these companies, agile methodologies
In this paper we use the terms team, or- were either introduced bottom-up or top-
ganization and company to describe on down. This means that those team where
which organizational level Agility was in- typically embedded in a classical, hierar-
troduced: chical organization within its own compa-
ny. In one company, agile methodology
Team refers to the software developers, was introduced in the whole company, i.e.
testers, Scrum Masters, Product Owners was applied also on management level.
etc., i.e. the people who are directly in-
volved in the software development. All 4.3 Interview Questions
the teams in the study follow an agile In preparation for the interview the inter-
methodology like Scrum. viewees were asked to send us a short
description of the selected project, includ-
Organization refers to the team plus other ing some basic information like duration,
people who are involved in the project, i.e. effort, and team size. Additionally, they
customers, end-users, and management had to answer the following questions:
sponsors. They work together with the
team in an agile or non-agile environment. What makes the project successful
In the former case, the team supports the from your point of view?
organization in becoming agile. In the lat- What makes the project successful
ter case, the team provides an interface from your customers point of view?
to facilitate the communication between
the different environments. In the one-hour interview (in average), the
interviewee had to provide further infor-
Company refers to the enterprise within mation about the company and the pro-
which the software development project ject (industry sector, company size, in-
is executed. Currently, most of the com- house/contract work/product develop-
panies we questioned are not agile. In our ment, main project technology).
interviews, we had seven non-agile com-
panies where at least one team or organi- We asked the questions listed in Table 2
zation was agile. about the topics, Success, Engineering,
Organization and Management, Culture
In seven of the eight companies the agile and Values, and Improvements.
approach was applied either for one or
more organizations within the company or
on the team level for the project teams. In


1. What makes the project successful from your point of view?
2. What makes the project successful from your customers point of view?
3. What are the reasons for the success from your point of view?
4. How much do the engineering practices (according to [7]) contribute to the success?
5. Which engineering practices do you apply regularly?
6. How much do the management practices (according to [7]) contribute to the success?
7. Which management practices do you apply regularly?
Culture & Values
8. How much do the cultural aspects / values (according to [7]) contribute to the success?
9. Which cultural aspects / values do you apply regularly?
10. What would you change to make the project even more successful?


5.1 Basic Project Figures as scrum-of-scrum teams.
Table 3 showsan overview of the basic pro- 5.2 What is Success in Projects?
ject figures. The projects ranged from
small projects to intermediate sized pro- The question about why the selected pro-
jects, and covered in-house projects, em- ject was considered successful was an-
bedded software projects and product swered in very many different ways.
development. The team size ranged from
5 to 12 persons; the latter being organized


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8

Type of Product In-house Product Product Product In-House In-House Product

Company IT Solution Public Manufactur- Manufac- IT Service Insurance IT Solution Manufac-
service er turer Provider turer
Method Scrum Scrum Scrum Scrumban Scrum Scrum Scrum Scrum
Size 24 PM 30 PM 30 PM 100 PM 30 PM 12 PM 72 PM > 120 PM
Duration 3M 10 M 12 M 9M 10 M 8M 24 M >
Team 5P 10 P 5P 3x4P 6P 8P 5P 5 (current) 9
The most frequent answers were: most important practices in most organi-
Very good communication in the team
Continuous delivery 5.3.1 Testing
Delivery on time In almost all the organizations automated
Very few bugs testing on unit level is well established and
Satisfied customers is seen as an absolute must for providing a
No overtime good software quality. More mature or-
ganizations also apply automated testing
When asked for the reasons for the suc- on acceptance testing level using new ap-
cess, the following main aspects were proaches like Automated Acceptance Test-
mentioned: ing (ATDD) and Behavior Driven Develop-
ment (BDD).
All team members were committed
Continuous and extensive testing 5.3.2 Continuous Integration
Requirements were very clear Continuous integration is seen as an abso-
Very close communication with and lute must for being able to deliver soft-
intensive feedback from customers ware with high frequency. Thus all organi-
Team workshops for team building zations have established an automated
build and test environment, which pro-
5.3 Engineering Practices vides immediate feedback to the develop-
In the interviews, all teams reported that ers about the quality of the system being
they emphasize applying engineering built. Some organizations already strive
practices. These practices are seen as very for continuous delivery to automate the
important and as a kind of foundation, delivery process for faster and safer deliv-
which ensures that software can be devel- ery to customers with less effort.
oped in short iterations with the required
quality. There is a constant process of im- 5.3.3 Clean Code
provement and refining of these practices. Continuously paying attention to writing
Depending on the maturity of the team good code from the very beginning is con-
and organization, this is triggered by the sidered more and more important. Some
agile champion (see below), the team of the organizations started applying the
members or, in the case of an agile com- Clean Code [13] approach with the goal of
pany, even by the management. This can establishing a constantly high code quali-
happen ad hoc or formalized. Engineering ty. These teams also apply further practic-
practices are mostly well-known good or es like continuous quality control, regular
best practices. Many of them have been or even institutionalized code reviews, and
popularized in eXtreme Programming [8]. regular pair programming.
A quantitative overview can be found in
[1], [3]. 5.4 Management and Organization
Practices for Success
Refactoring, automated tests, continuous
The success criteria on management level
integration and deployment, pair pro-
that were mentioned most often were the
gramming, test-driven development [18],
short iterations (typically two weeks) and
etc. are the tools of the trade [19]. Unit
the self-organization of teams. Other im-
testing, continuous integration and clean
portant issues mentioned were User Story
coding were mentioned as the core and
Grooming meetings during the Sprint;
close communication with externals; open non-functional requirements on cards in
office. Management support was also ar- the interviewed companies.
gued to be very important by one compa-
ny. For one company, that has remote 5.4.2 Agile Champion
teams, daily meetings with visual commu- Leaders on all levels of agile organizations
nication tools like Skype was very im- need to adopt a Catalyst Leadership style.
portant. These leaders thrive by inspiring others
without losing the cohesion within the
In the eight observed projects, many dif- entire system. They know they can trust
ferent practices and paradigms were used. the organization and its individual mem-
Their usage depended on the size and bers. Most importantly they know, at least
domain of the project but also on the cul- by own experience, that software devel-
ture of the respective company. We found opment takes place in several domains
a small but powerful set of underlying (see appendix A) at the same time.
characteristics common in all agile pro-
jects. The interviewed companies especial- In the interviews we found, that in all the
ly emphasized the following management projects there was at least one person
aspects: who was championing agility and we
therefore use the term Agile Champion to
5.4.1 Customers and Requirements refer to the role of that person. Why is
In all the interviews, it was pointed out such a role needed? When an organization
that an intensive and frequent communi- wants to become agile, change is inevita-
cation with the customer was of utmost ble. Of course, it would be nice if positive
importance. change happened magically with no effort.
Unfortunately, experience shows that it
Successful agile teams are implicitly or does not. On the contrary, change is very
explicitly aware of the fact, that technolo- challenging.
gy sometimes brings solutions previously
unknown to the users. Because of this, What is the role of the agile champion?
gathering user requirements can be a
problem. The users cannot know they To lead and inspire agility
want something if they do not even know To help define which change is neces-
that it exists. It is important to note that sary
software is developed in a co-evolutionary To convince and bring on board oth-
system with technology. ers to support the change
To help show that the change is hap-
In all the successful projects there was a pening and is bringing good results
very good understanding of the needed To avoid cowboy agility and back-
requirements by all team members. sliding to the former approach (e.g.
Communication solely with the Product
To lead modifications to the change
Owner is unsatisfying. Developers feel the
To remove impediments from the
need to communicate directly with and
get feedback from the end-users.
To lead the people to the next level, if
User Stories [16] were the premier meth- it starts to plateau
od used to express functional and even

This all requires huge amounts of talking es relationships for about 5-6 weeks, and
to people. The role of the agile champion then the next physical meeting is due.
is not to tell them what to do, but to in-
spire them with a vision of where they and 5.5 Agile Values
the project could be. It is more a role of All interviewed organizations realized that
pulling than of pushing. developing agile is not only a matter of
changing processes, but foremost, a
5.4.3 Collaboration and Communication change of the culture in an organization.
Intensive and open communication among Thus values become more important.
all stakeholders is seen to be one of the Scrum defines the following five Scrum
key elements for successful agile projects. values [17] (in no particular order): Com-
In our interviews we identified the follow- mitment, Focus, Openness, Respect and
ing three major communication scenarios. Courage. Extreme Programming [8] de-
Firstly, the team members themselves fines the values a bit differently: Simplici-
must communicate intensively with each ty, Communication, Feedback, Respect and
other. Secondly, the team as a whole must Courage. In the Agile Manifesto [12] the
communicate with the customers and four core values are: Individuals and their
end-users, and finally the team must es- interactions, delivering working software,
tablish good communication with the customer collaboration and responding to
management (which is often organized in change. Of course there are also other
a classical hierarchical way). important values like trust, safety, securi-
ty, quality-of-life etc.
To foster communication in teams, almost
all organizations implement co-located Because we each interpret the values dif-
teams in an open office environment. ferently as individuals and as teams, we
Most communication is then carried out need to take a look at each value and de-
informally at the desks. This helps to re- cide as a team what that value means to
duce official meeting time significantly and us. What is most important is that the
make the necessary meetings much more team behavior is aligned to the team val-
efficient. ues. Below we present an overview of the
most important findings.
Regular communication with the custom-
ers is established through short iterations 5.5.1 Transparency and Openness
with reviews and continuous feedback Transparency and openness are highly
loops. However, developers have a clear valued in agile software development.
need to communicate directly with the Different measures are taken by the team
end-users instead of the product owners. in order to keep the organization as well
as the customer informed about progress
Communication and collaboration with
and to get feedback quickly. For instance,
remote teams is always seen as challeng- in Scrum there is the Scrum board and the
ing. Companies invest a lot in establishing daily standup meeting, where the whole
a good communication between these world is invited to attend.
teams. Means are regular chat sessions,
remote participation in meetings, and vid- In the study we found that in all projects
eo conferencing. Despite its high costs, both aspects were very important. How-
some companies value bringing the peo- ever, transparency can be either good or
ple together physically at regular intervals. bad. Sometimes, transparency can pre-
A week of common work usually refresh-
vent people from innovating [9]. Agile In the study, we found that seven projects
leaders know that for innovative ideas or started out with the third option and after
things to be created, sometimes privacy some time and effort managed to move to
and protection is needed, because other- stage 2. In the eighth project both organi-
wise people outside the team may chal- zation and company were agile (option 1).
lenge the ideas and there is a risk that In non-agile companies we observed some
they get prematurely rejected. Therefore, tension between the different cultures.
they create protected spaces to allow for Some of the typical problems are differ-
new ideas to evolve. So, the right amount ences in hierarchy, responsibility, open-
of transparency depends on the context of ness, trust, reporting, management, com-
the project and the culture of the compa- pensation, planning etc. For instance, if
ny and should be carefully balanced by the agile values such as transparency and
agile champion. openness lead to promotions and praise in
the company, those behaviors will be the
Openness of the individuals also means, ones which individuals select. But if the
that the team members not only take re- agile values are at odds with the organiza-
sponsibility for a dedicated area of the tional culture, they will not be reinforced,
project, e.g. requirements and compo- and no agile culture can evolve.
nents, but are open and willed to under-
stand the system as a whole, to have the Agile leaders know that they cannot
big picture in mind. People in agile teams change the company, at least not in the
take responsibility for what they do in the short term. We found that usually they
context of the project as a whole. respond by creating an agile environment
within the company as well as possible
Another aspect of openness is the will and and proactively manage the boundaries.
capability to learn. As the market place is This requires a lot of skills and patience
always changing, agile organizations deliv- from the agile leader.
er value through the process of learning.
Any change in the organization is based 5.5.3 Craftsmanship
upon continuous learning through suc- The idea of highlighting the importance of
cessful and failing experiments. In other software development practice was popu-
words change happens as a sequence of larized by R. Martin in [13]. The author
learning events that combine to create introduces the disciplines, techniques,
paramount value, rather than by execut- tools, and practices of software crafts-
ing a master plan toward a static goal. manship. Craftsmanship is much more
than a technique: It is an attitude. The
5.5.2 Organizational Culture
author shows how to approach software
It is important how the organization and development with honor, self-respect, and
the company that encompass the agile pride; work well and work clean; com-
team and project are organized. Principal- municate and estimate faithfully; face dif-
ly there are three possibilities: ficult decisions with clarity and honesty;
and understand that deep knowledge
1. Agile team, organization and company comes with a responsibility to act [14].
2. Agile team and organization, non-agile
company In our interviews, we found that members
3. Agile team, non-agile organization and of agile teams and organizations take
pride in their work. They seek mastery in

their (programming) skills. They know the tivated to become better experts. We
importance of producing high quality found that they challenge themselves and
software to increase the business value. In their colleagues to continuously grow and
the interviews, all the teams and organiza- develop.
tions pointed out that craftsmanship, (or
the equivalent thereof), was important
and that most developers were highly mo-

6.1 Changing the process tive is a good example of how to han-
When analyzing the interviews and exam- dle the dampening of the parts that
ining how the teams organized themselves fail and the amplifying of the parts that
and behaved in their successful projects, succeed.
we observed that all teams in our study Thirdly, and also very important: the
originally started with Scrum [17]. Howev- team members get the feeling that
er, most teams have carefully altered their they are the masters of the process,
processes and practices over time and not vice versa.
customized them to the specific needs of
their organizations and projects. 6.3 From Best to Emergent Practices
It seems that a list of good or best practic-
Some of the changes and extensions we es, which the team carefully follows, is not
noticed, are: sufficient. It takes more for a project to
become successful. Mature agile teams
Introducing User Story grooming adapt these practices and processes to
Changing Sprint planning 1 their needs. We observed a kind of con-
Installing Product Owner proxies stant probing and sensing and appropriate
Using Use Cases and User Stories to- responses. In other words, the participat-
gether ing organizations do not see these practic-
Establishing an Agile Champion es as a recipe to follow. They are merely a
Bringing distributed teams together collection of emergent practices (see ap-
Introducing testing days pendix A). This is the typical pattern for
moving forward in complex adaptive sys-
6.2 Reasons for Changes tems [10] in complexity theory [5]. The
The ability to alter the process is im- teams create safe to fail experiments and
portant for the team for several reasons: act according to the outcomes. The ob-
served emergent practices may then be
It objectively allows the elimination of useful as a starting point to create safe
impediments that hinders the team to fail experiments in other projects.
from being efficient.
Secondly, it becomes apparent that Applying a sense-making methodology like
Scrum is a good choice to start with, the Cynefin framework, explains the ob-
but that it is not sufficient for all situa- servations in the present study theoreti-
tions and thus should be customized cally. Therefore, it is suggested that com-
to the various needs [19]. Retrospec- panies be aware, that software projects

are often located in the complex domain, ous and complicated (see Cynefin frame-
i.e. can be modeled as a complex adaptive work in appendix A). A lot of expert
system. These kinds of problems rather knowledge is necessary to master the en-
require emergent practices than good or gineering practices and that is the reason
best practices and an understanding of the why it takes a long time for the students
implications of complexity theory is of or developers to acquire it. For instance, if
merit. the good practice of Automated Unit
Testing is properly applied, there is a re-
6.4 Theoretical Background lation between cause and effect, i.e. the
As mentioned in the previous chapter, the more (good) tests you write, the higher
observed behavior of successful agile the quality of the software. Additionally,
teams is typical for the behavior in com- the software is also easier to refactor. It is
plex systems. Complexity theory deals well known that many of the XP-practices
with understanding how organizations like Automated Unit Testing and Refac-
cope with conditions, constraints and un- toring positively reinforce themselves.
certainty and how they adapt their behav- This causality has been well described in
ior accordingly [23]. [8]. In general, most engineering practices
are in the complicated domain where ex-
The complexity theory of constraints dis- pert knowledge is required and good prac-
tinguishes between chaotic systems, tices can be applied. However, some prac-
where no constraints exist, complex sys- tices can be placed in the simple domain.
tems, and ordered systems, which are An example of this is Clean code.
highly constraint. Depending on which
system your problem is in, the solution is Moving up the pyramid we get to the
clear and you can either follow simple management practices. On this level there
recipes to solve your problem, or there is are more people involved and things are
no known solution and you have to exper- more complex. Communication outside
iment to a large extent. Complex Adaptive the team, within the organization or with
Systems are special kinds of complex sys- customers becomes important. Customer
tems in the sense that they adapt to the relationships are difficult to manage and
changing environment (typical for soft- so there is a transition between the or-
ware projects) [10]. Based on the theory dered and the complex domain. There are
of complex systems and Complex Adaptive no simple recipes to follow. Strategies that
Systems, D. Snowden has developed the worked in past projects might be useless
Cynefin framework [5], which provides or even dangerous for the current project.
some guidelines on how to behave in the When the agile (project) leaders are aware
various system spaces. A more elaborate of this, they can take appropriate
discussion of the complexity theory and measures and apply emergent practice in
how it relates to software development order to adequately keep the project on
can be found in appendix A. track.

6.5 CAS and Agile Competencies On the top of the pyramid are the agile
We found that the Theory of Complex values or culture. Cultural aspects are def-
Adaptive Systems and the Pyramid of Agile initely not in the ordered domain but be-
Competences (Figure 1) are related. The long in the complex sphere. In this do-
practices at the bottom of the pyramid are main, the agile leaders and their teams
typically in the ordered domain, i.e. obvi- often learn by doing. Or more precisely,

they must dampen the parts that fail and ing up the pyramid means transitioning
amplify the parts that succeed. from the ordered to the complex domain,
or if you are unlucky even to the chaotic
In [7] the authors argued that teaching domain.
and learning the agile values on the top of
the pyramid is much more difficult than
the practices at the bottom. With the the-
oretical insight of the Cynefin framework,
it is not difficult to understand why. Mov-

The study shows that software develop- In the qualitative interviews we saw that
ment is a multi-domain problem, i.e. prob- successful agile teams and team leaders
lems are in the ordered or complex do- apply various strategies. They are - implic-
main. When different people or groups of itly or (seldom) explicitly - aware that
people are involved, we are typically deal- software development is a multi-domain
ing with a complex (adaptive) system. In problem and act accordingly. In practice,
such systems, there is no or only weak they sometimes find that the agile method
causality. This means there are no recipes they are following does not work and then
for success. What worked in one project try to find a different solution strategy.
might not work in the next one, or even They amplify what works and dampen
worse, it might be outright dangerous. what does not work.
When people are not aware of this, they
tend to apply best practices or call in an Agile teams think differently about differ-
expert. Experts and best practices only ent problems. There is no one size fits all
work in the ordered domain but not in the approach and the action they take de-
complex domain. In the complex domain, pends on which domain the problem is in.
a different approach is required.

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Andreas Meier
Dozent fr Informatik
Zrcher Hochschule fr Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW)
Institut fr angewandte Informationstechnologie
Steinberggasse 13, CH-8401 Winterthur
E-Mail: andreas.meier@zhaw.ch

Prof. Martin Kropp

Dozent fr Informatik
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW)
Hochschule fr Technik Institut fr Mobile und Verteilte Systeme
Steinackerstrasse 5, CH-5210 Windisch
E-Mail: martin.kropp@fhnw.ch

Website: www.swissagilestudy.ch
11.1 Complexity Theory and Software ant colonies, and any human social group-
Development based endeavor. A software development
project is therefore also regarded as a
In recent years complexity theory has
complex adaptive system. [9]
been widely discussed in the scientific
community. In this paper we argue that Listed below are some of the characteris-
some parts of software development pro- tics of complex adaptive systems [9]:
jects should be treated as complex sys-
tems, i.e. the problems are in multiple A CAS is highly sensitive to small
domains. changes. There is a danger that weak
signals are easily missed or even dis-
11.1.1 Ordered and Un-ordered Systems
missed. Small changes can have un-
There are different definitions of complex predictable consequences. This is also
systems. In this paper we use the defini- known as the butterfly effect.
tion of constraints [9]. Basically, there are There is no (or very little) causality and
three different types or ontologies: chaot- therefore hindsight does not lead to
ic systems, complex systems and ordered foresight. In other words, a CAS is not
systems. A system consists of agents and causal but dispositional.
the interaction between these agents. Retrospective coherence, i.e. the fact
Agents interact within the system or on that a system worked in a certain way
the system. Examples of agents in soft- in the past does not mean it will work
ware development are: the project goal, the same way in the future.
the project team, customers, the compa- Proximity and connectivity are key
ny, the culture within the company, man- There are dangers of confusing corre-
agement, competitors, technology, market lation with causation and simulation
place, etc. It is important to note that with prediction
agents are not usually single individuals. Need to keep your options open.
Premature convergence is the main
In a chaotic system, the agents are not
danger of complexity, i.e. converting
constrained and thus independent of each
too quickly to a solution and not keep-
other. In an ordered system, the system
ing multiple possibilities open.
constrains the agents. These are the two
extremes of the spectrum. In between If we look at agile software develop-
there is the complex system. Such a sys- ment projects as complex adaptive sys-
tem slightly constrains the agents. The tems, there are a number of consequences
agents modify the system by their interac- that follow [9]:
tion with it and among each other.
CAS cannot be reset. Wherever you
11.1.2 Complex Adaptive System are, is where you are, e.g. it is not pos-
sible to reset a sprint and start over.
A Complex Adaptive System (CAS) is a spe-
cial case of a complex system. Here the Relationships between agents are
constraints and agents co-evolve. Exam- more important than the agents them-
ples of CAS are the Internet, cyberspace, selves. It is more effective to improve
stock markets, manufacturing businesses, the relationships than to try to change
every agent, especially when the un-ordered domain. This is important be-
agents are groups of individuals. cause problems in the ordered domain
Management of ordered and complex require very different strategies than the
systems or domains is important. The ones in the unordered domain.
team has to know, what kind of do-
main the project is in and how to re- Its value is not so much in logical argu-
spond accordingly (see Cynefin ments or empirical verifications as in its
framework below) effect on the sense-making and decision-
Praxis 1 makes perfect. Agile teams making capabilities of those who use it.
value both theory and practice, e.g. The Cynefin framework has been used for
they do not only apply Scrum in prac- knowledge management, project man-
tice but they also know the theory of agement, IT-design, strategy making etc.
complex systems behind it. Its purpose is to give decision makers (e.g.
the team members, agile leaders, man-
11.2 Cynefin agement etc.) powerful new constructs
Cynefin [4] is a decision-making frame- that they can use to make sense of a wide
work that recognizes the causal differ- range of unspecified problems. It also
ences that exist between chaotic, complex helps people to break out of old ways of
and ordered systems. It is valuable be- thinking and to consider intractable prob-
cause it proposes different approaches to lems in new ways [4], [5].
decision-making in complex social envi-
ronments like those found in software

The name Cynefin, pronounced ku-nev-in,

is a Welsh word that signifies the multiple
factors in our environment and our expe-
rience that influence us in ways we can
never understand. The name seeks to
remind us that all human interactions are
strongly influenced and frequently deter-
mined by the patterns of our multiple ex-
periences, both through the direct influ-
ence of personal experience and through Figure. 2. Cynefin domains (Source [11])
collective experience expressed as sto-
ries. [5] The Cynefin framework does not automat-
Figure 2. Cynefin domains (Source [11])
ically provide the right answer, but it will
The Cynefin framework is also a sense-
help the agile team members to use their
making framework. It is used to help de-
skills and experience to look for it in the
fine the system we have to deal with, i.e.
right place.
lays the problem at hand in the ordered or
11.3 The five domains of the Cynefin
As can be seen in Figure. , the Cynefin
framework has five domains, four of which
There are different definitions of praxis. Here
praxis is defined as the combination of theory and
are named, and a fifth, central area, which
practice. is the domain of Disorder. The right-hand
domains (Obvious, Complicated) are those approach is to probe, sense, and re-
of order, and the left-hand domains spond. In this domain we apply emer-
(Complex, Chaotic) are those of un-order. gent practice, i.e. new practice and
some combination of best and good
Obvious Systems: In the obvious (aka practice.
simple) domain, cause and effect rela- Chaotic Systems: In the chaotic do-
tionships are obvious and predictable main, no cause and effect relation-
in advance. The causality is self- ships can be determined. The ap-
evident or obvious to any reasonable proach is to act, sense, and respond. In
person. In this domain we apply best order to effectively understand and
practice, i.e. established examples of function in a chaotic system, we must
what works in a particular context. The act very quickly to either innovate or
approach is to sense, categorize and stabilize the system and therefore
respond. learn from it. In chaotic systems we
Complicated Systems: In the compli- apply novel practice.
cated domain we have an ordered sys-
tem where cause and effect relation- Depending on the system or ontology that
ships exist but they are not self- applies to the situation, we should think
evident. There is a right answer, how- and analyze accordingly. One size does not
ever, the answer is not self-evident fit all!
and requires analysis and/or the appli-
cation of expert knowledge. With the Disorder: The central space in Figure.
right expertise, there can be several is key. It is called Disorder, the state of
different ways of doing things in this not knowing which system we are in.
domain. Applying good practice, i.e. a The danger of being in Disorder, is that
range of examples of what works well we tend to interpret and assess the
in a given context, works well in com- situation according to the system we
plicated systems provided we have the are most comfortable with, i.e. we
right expertise. The approach is to compete to interpret this domain ac-
sense, analyze and respond. cording to our preference for action.
Complex Systems: In the complex do- For instance, those people most com-
main we have an un-ordered system fortable with order seek to enforce
where the relationship between cause rules, and experts seek to conduct re-
and effect are only obvious in hind- search. This can be dangerous. Unfor-
sight. The causality can only be per- tunately, it is not uncommon to be in
ceived in retrospect and the results are the domain of Disorder.
In this domain, we need to create safe
to fail experiments. And we do not at-
tempt to create fail-safe designs. We
cannot solve complex problems with
best or good practices alone. While
conducting safe to fail experiments,
the key is to dampen the parts that fail
and amplify the parts that succeed. In
this domain we get emergent order
and practice that is often unique. The
The following tables contain the written project descriptions, which were given by the inter-
viewed companies in advance of the interviews. It especially contains the information about
what made the projects successful for the interviewees and what they think made it success-
ful for their customers.


1. For confidentiality reasons the descriptions have been made anonymous and any con-
fidential information has been removed.
2. The written descriptions have been translated from German into English

Project P1

Company Type IT Solution Provider Project Type In-house

Methodology Scrum Project Size [PM] 24

Duration [M] 3 Team Size 5

What makes the project successful from your point of view?

We had a dedicated team

The team had the domain knowledge
Highly motivated
Strict timeframe

What makes the project successful for the customer from your point of view?

The labels produced by the software could be directly used in the shops due to the
Deadline was reached.
Project P2

Company Type Public service Project Type In-house

Methodology Scrum Project Size [PM] 30

Duration [M] 10 Team Size 10

What makes the project successful from your point of view?

Direct communication among all stakeholder. Especially between the developer and
Prototype as reference architecture
Common focus on the main goal:
First payment on due-date for the whole region was successful
Motto: Keep it strictly simple!
Autonomy and self-responsibility to find solutions and in system design
Very high identification of all stakeholders with the project goals (commitment)

What makes the project successful for the customer from your point of view?

Agreed goals were all reached

Efficient and in-budget

Project P3

Company Type Manufacturer Project Type Product

Methodology Scrum Project Size [PM] 30

Duration [M] 12 Team Size 5

What makes the project successful from your point of view?

Much less hectic development phase

Established refactoring process
No more overtime

What makes the project successful for the customer from your point of view?

Improved robustness
Faster because focused on important features

Project P4

Company Type Manufacturer Project Type Product

Methodology Scrumban Project Size [PM] 100

Duration [M] 9 Team Size 3 teams with 4 per-

sons each

What makes the project successful from your point of view?

Involve key accounts into prioritization/planning: Ensures that right features are ad-
dressed and we understand the requirements.
External tests and early feedback from key accounts: we get better results faster. No
late, negative and expensive surprises!
All time requirements and quality requirements were reached.
At least the most important customer requirements were implemented
The ambitious goals spurred the team, motivation and performance was improved

What makes the project successful for the customer from your point of view?

Involve key accounts into prioritization/planning: The product contains the most im-
portant requested features.
Frequent delivery of sprint versions: enabled tests and early feedback
Frequent delivery of product increments: generates early value for the customer
External tests and early feedback: Can take influence during the development. In
general goals are reached faster, better und more in the sense of the customer.
Trust, that the product will contain the most important feature from the customers
point of view in due time.

Project P5

Company Type IT Service Provider Project Type Product

Methodology Scrum Project Size [PM] 30

Duration [M] 10 Team Size 6

What makes the project successful from your point of view?

Requirements Engineering
Focus on quality during software development
Very disciplined with respect to all aspects of the project

What makes the project successful for the customer from your point of view?

Requirements Engineering
High quality of solution

Project P6

Company Type Insurance Project Type In-House

Methodology Scrum Project Size [PM] 12

Duration [M] 8 Team Size 8

What makes the project successful from your point of view?

The replacement of the old software system could be done, without any restrictions
for the end user.
The teamwork was empowered.

What makes the project successful for the customer from your point of view?

Reduction of the operation costs in the team, and thus

More time for development of new features
Reduction of annual costs of approx. 500000 CHF/year and thus higher profit

Project P7

Company Type IT-Solution Project Type In-House

Methodology Scrum Project Size [PM] 72

Duration [M] 24 Team Size 5

What makes the project successful from your point of view?

Through the usage of agile artifacts like:

Planning in 3 weekly sprints
Frequent multi team telephone conferences (2x/week)
3 weekly sprint plannings (face2face)
3 weekly sprint reviews (feedback)

Very good team work (especially for problem solving)

Fast progress of project, progress was visible and measurable

What makes the project successful for the customer from your point of view?

Customer was continuously involved during development process

Provided transparency from development side generated trust in the project
Customer saw results during the development phase and could give feedback

Project P8

Company Type Manufacturer Project Type Product

Methodology Scrum Project Size [PM] >120

Duration [M] ongoing Team Size 5

What makes the project successful from your point of view?


Regression tests are executed for each created baseline

Each baseline is shipped to the Product Management and a selected group of core
users for early feedback and detection of stability issues

User friendliness
Agile development approach (Scrum) with deliverables for user feedback at an early stage
of the project
User Feedbacks on usability collected via formal feedback channels and informal
feedback given by Key Stakeholders

System Validation

Schedules Time to Market

Agile development approach with (approximately) 3 weekly baselines that cover an
agreed scope and functionality

Tracking in project development report

Proactive communication with Product Management, R&D Stecos

Scope of Delivery
Early pilot projects defined with the Engineering Center brought proof that the scope
of the current release was met

What makes the project successful for the customer from your point of view?

Reduced project execution costs by substantial engineering efficiency improvements

Integral engineering process optimization serving the strategy of decentralized pro-
ject execution


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