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This Encyclopedia
Contains spoilers
(For Okhlos mostly, but we spoil
a lot of very old myths
And history as well)
A la gilada, ni cabida
Pliny the elder
t o m o s
l i b e r

nits were the main
force in ancient
mobs. From Slaves to
warriors, they were
the bulk and cannon-
fodder that allowed
the mob to advance
through all Greece.
They were also con-
sidered as curren-
cy in some circum-
stances, mostly when
dealing with heroes.

he philosophers are he citizens are

the mobs intellectual the most basic unit
pushers. If you have no phi- you can gather in the
losophers left, Game Over! mob. They have no perks,
which is sad, but they can
vote (technically, women
couldnt vote, which is bad)
SLAVES Warriors

ome say that slaves he warriors have high

were the real price attack power and they
of Greek democracy. are always red, like in that
They are the only units film with the semi-naked guys.
that can carry items.

he defenders have h! They are cute!

high defense. The more Completely useless,
defenders you have, the but cute. The good news
better - for the whole mob! is that they dont count
Poor attack power, though. towards your mob size.
l i b e r

eroes were what made
mobs so unique and
different from one
another. Having a partic-
ular hero could be a game
changer under some cir-
cumstances. Usually, he-
roes were so important
that mob leaders would
exchange a crazy amount
of people (pejoratively
called units) in order to
gain the favor of a hero.
A cool fact about heroes
was that if they died in bat-
tle, they would magically
revive in the next world.
There were also some spe-
cial heroes that got so
attached to the mob
that they would gath-
er around the agora just
to be there for anyone to
choose them for the mob.
Achilles AJAX

jax wanted some special

armor. When he lost against
aybe one of the best Odysseus he committed
warriors of all time. He will suicide throwing himself upon
make the mobs attack go his own sword, proving that the
up. And he was played by Brad armor would have come in handy.
Pitt. Life is full of ups and downs.
He boosted attack by 25%
He boosted attack by 50%

Agamemnon Alexander

ot to be
confused with
A l e x a n d e r
The So-So or
Alexander The Poor
Tipper. They were
ing of Mycenae, he OK kings, yeah, but
commanded the Greek not that great.
forces during the Trojan war.
He boosted
He boosted Mob capacity by +10 Mob capacity by +25
A-chillies Andromache

e all know that A-Chillies nfortunately, the first

abilities came quite handy thing we learn about her
in the warm Greek beaches. is that she was Hectors
wife. There is a chance that
Homer would have failed Bechdels test.
He freeze-attacked enemies.
She boosted defense by 25%

Anaximandros Andromeda

ot only a great philos-

opher, astronomer and
geographer, but also one of irst chained to a rock then
the first people to start writ- rescued by Perseus, Androm-
ing stuff down. Impossible not to get eda decides to just hands
your morale boosted around him. out bonuses. Much safer.

He boosted Morale by 25% but lowered She boosted max hp by 40% and moral by
Critical chance by 25% 40%
Antigone Archimedes
y sticking to
the laws of the
gods over the
unjust laws
of humans, she gives
a hefty bonus to the
mob. Even though they
want to kill the gods.
titan of mathematics, a colos-
sus of physics, Archimedes will
She boosted Max HP by
get the mob into shape fast-
25% and Morale by 25%
er than you can say, Eureka.

He boosted Max HP by 40%

Arachne Arete of Cyrene

thena turned
Arachne into
a spider after
she beat her in a
knitting contest. The
moral of the story is
never to win against
a god. They are jerks.

She constantly dealt nfortunately, none of her works

damage to all enemies survived to present day. But she
near her is in Okhlos TM! Good for her!

She increased Critical Chance by 50%

Ariadne Asclepius
he healer of all heal-
ers. He was so accom-
plished in the art of
healing people that
Zeus killed him to prevent
earth from becoming over-
populated. Once again, Zeus
doing humanity a solid.
aughter of Minos, Ariadne gave
Theseus a ball of thread to find He healed nearby units and
his way out of the labyrinth. increased healing ability of
other healers.
She knew the way through a laby-
rinth or two.

ne of the great-
est philosophers
to have ever ex-
isted. To this day
his influence is reflect-
ed in western thought.
So we can surely blame
him for lots of things. his Athenian had a huge
impact in the
He boosted Defense and political life of Pericles era.
Speed the more Rulers
were in the mob. She increased Critical Chance by 40%
but lowered Max HP by 25%
Asuracenturos Bellerophon
his picturesque Perseus! Give me
character is a back my steed!
full bard, al- Never mind, I
though his music was fight better
not always well received. alone, anyway.

He boosted nearby units He had higher Attack,

Attack by 40%, Defense by Defense and Max HP the
25% and smaller the mob was
Morale by 25%


age can be a very power-

xcellent hunter and the faster ful thing if channeled into
runner of her time (although making your pixel larger.
easily tricked by golden apples).
He made units who were about to die
She boosted Speed by 50% fly into a temporary rage that boost-
ed their stats.
Cadmus Castor & Pollux

ight before becoming a con- wo heroes for the price of one!

stellation he was hand- Their boxing prowess inspires ev-
ing out HP to everyone. eryone to up their attack game.
Neither is Nicolas Cage, though :(
He boosted Max HP by 25%
They boosted Attack +10% and
Defense +10%

Canabaltos Chiron
henever there erryman of
were collaps- the under-
ing buildings world. Wan-
and lots of na glide down
running around, you the Styx river? Give
could bet on finding Charon a coin and
this guy in the vicinity. hell make it happen.

He boosted Speed by 50% He turned the mob into

but lowered Attack by ghosts, allowing them
10% to go through build-
Circe Darth Clonus
here is some-
thing fishy
about him but,
hey, free clones!

He cloned every person

that is added to the
mob but permanently
Temptress, a sorceress, a char- decreased Mob Capacity
cuterie tycoon whose prod- by 10
ucts I would never sample.

She turned enemies into pigs


e knows how to make things,

ne of the many wives of Hera-
he knows to undo them, too.
cles, she is mostly known for
the story of Nessus tunic. Nev-
He made props and buildings
er wear anything she gives you.
are easier to destroy.
She dealt damage to enemies over time
Demosthenes Diotima
is slogan was: A character in
vote for Demos- Platos Sympo-
thenes is a vote sium, she argued
for democracy about platon-
(and less deadly traps ic love. She might have
in the public roads). been based in Aspasia.
He won by a landslide.
She boosted Attack by
He replaced some of 40% but lowered Max HP
the hazards in each by 25%
level for
great-looking boards.

Diogenes of sinope Drakularos

iogenes is not a
cynic. He may be
ime to start drink-
a liar, a pig, an
ing the blood
idiot, a cynic, but
of your enemies
he is NOT a porn-star.
(and healing your
units in the process)!
He boosted Defense by
Drakularos is here!
25% and Speed by 25% but
lowered Morale by 25%
He healed everyone in the
mob a little each time an
enemy was killed.
Einsteinos Elviros Presliros
e increased a true master of
random stat by imitating the
25% each level mythical Roc
but at the same call. Some would
time lowered anoth- even say he was the
er random stat by 25% king at that. He should
increase mob capac-
Everything is relative, ity but he does not.
even the presumed
utility of my ability. He boosted nearby
units Attack by 25%,
Defense by 25% and
Morale by 40%

he will give the is theory of the
mob a speed boost, four roots (el-
accelerating ements), earth,
the revenge pro- water, fire and
cess against the gods. air, got the Greeks very
close of having their
She boosted Speed by 25% own Captain Planet.

He gave the leader a

shield that recharged
7 seconds after being
hit but permanently de-
creased Mob Capacity by
Epicurus Eratosthenes
e advocated a hanks to trig-
life free of fear onometry, he
of death but was able to mea-
wasnt a huge sure the size
fan of the gods. Epi- of the earth with-
curus was a great as- out satellites or
set to the mob. He also even leaving Egypt!
encouraged tran-
quility, but hey, you He revealed hidden
cant have everything. objects in the minimap.

He boosted Max HP by
10%, Defense by 10% and
Morale by 10% lowered
Critical Chance by 25%


rnestos is the Greek version

bscure character, the first re- of Ernesto TM, the new game
corded victim of post-trau- from Daniel Benmergui (TM)
matic stress disorder.
He made the leader leave a trail that
He made critical hits heal damage blocked enemy movement.
Euclides Forkus Parkeros
he father of
g e o m e t r y ,
we wouldnt
have back-
grounds in Okhlos
if it wasnt for him.

He increased Critical
Chance by 40% but orkus runs a little stand
lowered Morale by 25% of Magnificently
Handcrafted statues.

He did nothing but take your money!

Falstaffos Galen
uess which f your units need
Shakesperean healing and
character was no one else can
the only one help you, and,
returning our calls! if you can find him,
maybe you can hire...
He boosted morale by Galen [cue to music]
He slowly healed nearby
Gerana Gordonos

ome say that Gordonos

ueen of the Pygmy, she was trans- made the music of OkhlosTM.
formed into a crane by Hera.

SHe boosted Mob capacity by +10 He boosted nearby units Attack by 40%,
Defense by 40% and Morale by 40%

Glitchos Gungeonos

e made it that when an al-

hey worked as bombs, exploding
lied unit died it dealt dam-
one at a time when activated
age to nearby enemies.
What? He doesnt shoot bullets?!
The magic thing about a
What a ripoff...
glitch is
Hannibal Helen

he face that launchd a thou-

ne of the greatest strategists of sand ships, incited a lot of
all times (with a very small ency- combat fervor but was not so
clopedia entry, sorry Hannibal!) good for the mobs defense.

He boosted attack by 50% but lowered

He slowed nearby enemies defense by 25%

Hector Heracles
he strongest
ne of the brav- man alive! A hero
est warriors, amongst heroes!
Hector will add He can wear li-
tons of defense ons fur like no other!
to your mob, as com-
pensation for having He boosted
been played by Eric Bana. attack by 75%

He boosted
Defense by 50%
heraclitus hipocrates
e boosted De-
fense by 25% and
Morale by 10% but
lowered Attack
by 10% and Speed by 10%

No man steps into

the same mob twice he father of medicine.
he once said. So much He is like a healer unit...
wisdom this man overpowered... on meth.
He slowly healed nearby units.

Hypatia Hipparchia of maroneia

athematician ynic philosopher

and a female phi- and Crates wife.
losophy icon, she But do I appear to
was murdered by you to have come
a Christian mob. With to a wrong decision,
time, she evidently rec- if I devote that time
onciled with mobs. to philosophy, which I
otherwise should have
SHe boosted spent at the loom?
Defense by 50%
and speed by 10% SHe made enemies drop
Hippolyta Isaakos

he boosted Attack by 75% and De- othing better to throw at

fense 75% of Women in the mob. your enemies childs tears.

Not affiliated with He had a special ranged attack.


Icarus Jacketos
e flew too close ou have one new
to the sun with message! *BEEP*
his DIY wings. Our Greek friends
The wax holding are having a par-
the feathers together ty and were wondering
melted and he fell into if you felt like drop-
the sea. Technically, ping by. Please bring
for to the temperature some snacks. *CLICK*
to increase to that ex-
tent he would have He boosted
had to flown above Critical chance by 60%
earths magnetic field. but lowered Max hp by
He boosted Speed by 40%
Jason Karateka
ason assembles
a team, the Ar-
gonauts, to re-
trieve the gold-
en fleece. Jason is Sam
Jackson, the Argo-
nauts are the Aveng-
ers and the fleece (the
McGuffin), the tes-
seract. #mindblow fearsome fighter with fists
of fire. Dont mess with
He boosted Morale by her or youll get effed.
50%, Max HP by 50% and
Critical Chance by 50% SHe burnt enemies

Kalaveros Legacy Knight

alaveros has
no friends
because he
ly turns them into
strange creatures
with yellow capes.
e increased one stat by 1% each
Turns enemies time a unit died but permanent-
temporarily ly decreased Mob Capacity by 10.
into cowards.
Luckily, this time there is no castle.
Leonidas Medea
he fearless Leo-
nidas will in-
spire courage
and fierceness
in all warriors, in ad-
dition to doing some
serious ass kicking. So
who cares if you end up ou dont want to get on
dining in hell, right? the wrong side of her.

He boosted attack by
100% but lowered She boosted one random Stat by 75%
Defense by 40% but permanently reduced the Mob Ca-
pacity by 10.

Lycaon Meleager
ing Lycaon once eleager was a
tried to deceive tough guy. But
Zeus by serving him despite his brava-
one of Lycaons own do he also knew
children as a dish. He was how to treat a lady.
a great king, people say, With Meleager you get
but definitely a deranged the full hero package.
psychopath as well.
He boosted Attack +10%
He boosted Mob Capaci- and Speed +10%
ty by +20 but killed 30% of
the mob immediately
Memnon Midas
ing of Ethio-
pia, he rose to
the defense of
Troy and killed
tons of Achaeans un-
til he faced Achil-
les, the only warrior
who could best him. great guy to have around,
just skip the high five round
He boosted Morale by after defeating the baddies.
25% and Attack by 10%
but lowered Speed by 10% He boosted Mob Capacity by +10 and
converted touched enemies into gold

Menelaus Minos
rother of Agam- ou can ask
emnon and cen- him anything
tral figure in about how he
the Trojan war. ruled Crete or
He appeared in The Ili- about when he was a
ad and signed on for judge of the under-
the sequel, The Odyssey. world, but refrain
from asking him about
He boosted the time his wife gave
Mob capacity by +5 birth to a minotaur.

He boosted
Mob capacity by +10
Mithridates Narcissus
is father was poi- emesis made Nar-
soned; he lived cissus fall in
in the wilds for love with him-
seven years; he self to punish
worked at developing him for his vanity. So
an immunity to poi- Narcissistic should re-
son; then reclaimed his ally mean Cursed per-
throne and attacked son by Greek anthro-
Rome. This guy should pomorphised concept.
have his own movie.
He reflected upon the
He poisoned enemies enemies and the damage
and increased he sustained.
Mob Capacity by 5.

Baron Munchausen Nestor

n one of his e s t o r
many journeys participated
the baron end- in the Hunt of
ed up in ancient the Calydonian
Greece. He tends to Boar, the Trojan war
exaggerate a bit. and he was also an Ar-
gonaut. If there were
He boosted a lot of famous Greeks
one random stat by 40% gathered togeth-
er, Nestor was there.

He boosted
Mob capacity by +5
Noah Oedipus
oah has a sacred
task of gath-
ering two an-
imals of each
species. If he grabs just
one, he will have to
clone it or something.
edipus will boost defense and
He duplicated all
morale but at the cost of very
animals that entered
awkward family gatherings.
the mob
He boosted defense by 25% and morale
by 25%

Odysseus Omaros
dysseus the Cun-
ning. He cun-
ningly stuns en-
emies when he
hits them. Never trust
his cunning gifts.

He stunned enemies total badass, even by An-

that he attacked. cient Greek standards.

He increased Max HP by 40% and

Speed by 10%
Orestes Panacea
uring his life, he he goddess of
was always under Universal reme-
the shadow of his dy, we demoted
father, Agamem- her in Okhlos
non. Here he has to live to a demigod status.
under the shadow of Mortals = good.
every other ruler who Gods = bad.
has a greater mob ca-
pacity bonus than him. She resurrected nearby
He boosted Mob capaci-
ty by +5

Orpheus Pandora
is singing is so ox expert, she
amazing that it gets a lot of
makes everyone stuff out of
that listen to them, but some-
him be the best they can times she gets more
be (which is a set per- than she bargained
centage). Has bad luck for. She can also guess
with chicks though. your musical tastes.

He boosted nearby She made props have

units Attack by 50%, De- a greater chance of
fense by 50% and Morale dropping items but also
by 50% made them spawn
Paris Patanjali
rince of Troy; atanjali can
ogler of na- stop projec-
ked goddesses; tiles in mid-air
s k i l l e d using the pow-
with a bow. er of the mind (and
some camera tricks).
He made heroes have
a chance to instantly He stopped projectiles
kill enemies but perma- in mid-air.
nently decreased Mob
Capacity by 10

armenides may e boosted
be the philoso- Attack by 10%
pher of noth-
ingness but he
still insisted on giv-
ing the mob something
of a morale bonus.

He boosted Attack by
25% and Morale by 10% Stop describing me as Achilles friend,
but lowered Defense by said the Achaeans companion.
10% and Speed by 10%
Pelias Pericles
he leader of Ath-
ens holds phi-
losophers in
such high es-
teem that each phi-
losopher raises the
mobs defensive power.
on of Tyro and Posidon,
he sent Jason in search He boosted Defense
of the Golden Fleece, set- more the more
ting himself up as the first Philosophers
supervillain of the Argonauts. were in the mob

He boosted Mob capacity by +10

Penelope Perseus
ielder of the leg-
endary cap of in-
visibility which en-
ables the whole mob
to go undetected by ene-
mies (and tax attorneys).

hat does years of weaving and He made the mob invisible

unweaving get you? A whole to enemies until they at-
lot of hit points it seems. tacked.

SHe boosted Max HP by 40%

Pheidippides Pirithous
e ran for days heseus friend
to deliver the will not only
news of the wrestle cen-
war but died taurs, he will bind
after delivering the enemies to the ground.
final message of vic-
tory. The Marathon He temporarily bound
is named after him. to the ground enemies
he attacked.
He boosted Speed by 25%
but lowered Defense by

Phillip II
ne of the great-
est kings of
Macedon, best-
ed only by
his son, Alexander.

He boosted
Mob capacity by +5
e boosted Attack and Morale
the more Rulers were in the mob.

In my ideal realm, I am much

Plotinus Ptolemy I
he father of
Neopl atonism.
His writings in-
spired gener-
ations of Christians,
Jews, Muslims and
Gnostics. Not
a fan of selfies.
ne of the Diadochi. He was king
He boosted morale by
of Egypt after Alexanders death.
He boosted Mob capacity by +5

Priam Pyrrhus
ing of Troy art of Pyrrhus
during the Legacy is the
mythical war, I e x p r e s s i o n
wouldnt have Pyrrhic victory,
liked being in his shoes. which implies winning
a battle at a high cost.
He boosted
Mob capacity by +15 He boosted Mob
Capacity by 5 and
Defense by 40% but
killed one unit each
Pygmalion Pythagoras
ygmalion, a id you know? Py-
character cre- thagoras theo-
ated by Ovid in rem is attribut-
his book, Meta- ed to him, but
morphosis, defined it could had been dis-
fetishism to Freuds covered by any Pythag-
rejoice since 20 BC. orean, which was a
school of thought.
He summoned Galateas
that would fight for He enhanced the
the mob. effects of items by 40%

Galatea Retro Warrior

ygmalions cre- different
ation and ob- greens, 8kb of
ject of desire. RAM, and 8mb
Luckily for all, Cartridges. She
we can avoid the men- is the whole package!
tal image of them to-
gether because Galatea She boosted Defense by
only focuses on de- 50% but lowered
stroying whatever she Speed by 25%
has in front of her.

She was a sculpted

Rhadamanthus Socrates
ike Minos, he ocrates can ar-
went on to be- gue his way out
come a judge of anything and
in the under- give the mob a
world. It seems they bonus in the process.
would give these judge
positions to anyone He boosted Attack the
from Crete back then. more Philosophers
were in the mob
He boosted mob capaci-
ty by +10

Sisyphus Sophocles
aving to roll an Hey, Freud. Soph-
immense boulder ocles called
up a mountain and said that
only to watch he wants his
it roll back down and characters back. Jerk.
having to start over
must be a torturous He made that killing
task, but it has wonder- an enemy increased Max
ful results for his biceps. HP in 1 to everyone but
permanently decreased
He made most enemies Mob Capacity by 10.
attack him instead of
the leader.
Spartacus Stealth Warrior
partacus is a pop-
ular hero and
He will make
the slaves revolt and
earn a bonus to both
attack and defense.

He boosted Attack by
75% and Defense by 75% of he reduced damage
slaves in the mob. done by hazards by 25%

Definitely not a ninja.

e who seeks,
finds, but ev-
erything comes
with a cost.
He hates snakes.

He made props have ing of the jungle, although a lit-

a greater chance of tle bit out of his comfort zone.
dropping items but also
lowered Max HP by 25%
He boosted Defense by 75% and Morale
by 75% of Animals in the mob.
Terpander Theano
true master of ife of Pythago-
the lyre. He was ras. The golden
so accomplished ratio propor-
that he won the tion has been
676 BC Olympiads ( lyre attributed to her.
playing was an event
back then. He was ac- She boosted Defense
tually a lousy athlete). by 25% and Max HP by 25%
but lowered Speed by 25%
He boosted nearby and Morale by 25%
units Attack by 25%, De-
fense by 40% and Morale
by 25%

Tessereskheir The Bomb Gang

umor has it group of an-
that he could thropomor-
be an illegiti- phic consum-
mate son of the able living bombs
penultimate boss in a that acted as one?
mortal tournament. Sure! They had those
in Ancient Greece, too.
He could carry
multiple items They worked as bombs,
exploding one at a time
when activated.
Themistocles The talking dog
The man most
in achieving
the salvation
of Greece. Unfortu-
nately, he could do
nothing to avoid the
humiliation of the
second part of 300. e spoke better than he smelled.

He increased Critical
Chance by 40%
He boosted Max HP by 60% and Morale
by 60% of Animals in the mob

Theseus Thucydides
e dont real-
ly know much
about him but
his Wikipedia
page is quite long, so he
mustve been a big shot.

He increased the area

of effect of heroes
inotaurs beware! Theseus is here abilities by 25%
and he brings might to the mob.

He boosted attack by 25%

Tithonus Xenophon
eus granted
him eternal life
but, oops, not
eternal youth.
So he got older and
older until he was
nothing but living dust.
Classic Zeus. istorian, soldier and an-
other of Socrates students.
He boosted Max HP by And except for his pro-oli-
40% but lowered Morale garchic views, a nice guy.
by 40%
He boosted Attack by 25% but lowered
Speed by 25%

Toxicos Zenomnibus
protector of the eno of Citium,
meek, an aveng- on an Omnibus!
er of wrong-
doers. Down-
side is that he leaves
quite a mess behind him. He increased Critical
Chance by 50%
He made the leader
leave a toxic trail that
damaged anyone enter-
ing it.
t o m o s
l i b e r

tems are one of the
most important aspects
of any healthy mob.
With them, they will be
able to heal and wreck
havoc all around them.
Items were to be found
when destroying props, or
sometimes between areas.
The items though, were
not transported to the
next world. What the
mob grabbed at Delphi, it
would remain at delphi.
There are also some
secret items that
escape this classification.
Ham Bomb

hen the people on your huge enemy is approach-

mob are hurt, tired, ing, half of your mob is
poisoned, or you just sim- diminished, and you just want
ply want to watch some fun- to finish your foes quickly.
ny + signs, the ham will give Well thats exactly when you
your mob that extra push want to use the bomb! It will
they need. It will instantly not hurt you or your fel-
heal units and cure poison. low units! Only the bad guys!
Aegis Stygian Horde

ith this helmet, the mob

f you really care for your will summon 10 extra
followers, you will want phantom warriors for a few
them to avoid as much hurt to minutes. The best part is that
them as possible. The legendary its cumulative! So if you hap-
Aegis, a shield stolen from the pen to grab a few of these,
gods will make your units in- prepare to unleash hades!
vulnerable for a few minutes.
l i b e r

ities (sometimes called ach city had its own set of
worlds because we are in- dangers and hazards, and
consistent) are where the enemies, and gods, and se-
battles took place. Each city crets. From the slippery Atlan-
was formed by small villag- tis to the blazing Lemnos, each
es, and when the mob defeat- city felt unique. Homer had a
ed all the enemies in a village, hard time trying to remember
they were able to move to the how each city layout looked
next. At the end of each city, like, but the particular details
the mob had to face its god. on buildings are quite clear.
Agora Delphi

h! The Agora! A place for elphi was the first city

new beginnings, filled the mob went through.
with reminiscences of past ac- Lots of weird smoke that made
complishments, well-kept se- everyone dizzy, mud that
crets and where the mob could made the mob slower, explo-
choose its starting heroes... sive barrels, why is all that
spread through the city!?
Ephesos Sparta

hat can we say about

Sparta without mock-
ust chill. Green every-
ing them? They had two
where, ponds, wild an-
kings, a very powerful aristoc-
imals. Ephesos was a city for
racy, and they were kind of
hunters and people who
jerks regarding eugenics. Eu-
wanted to live in commu-
genics is symbolized in Okhlos
nion with nature. Just ig-
by those annoying spike traps,
nore the satyrs, the plague
so every time you encounter
thrower monsters and all the
one of these, you will remem-
traps that hunters forgot.
ber how bad eugenics was.
No 300 Joke? Of course
not, we are mature people.
Atlantis Athens

uring the recollection

of THIS ENCYCLOPEDIA, At- thens was one of the
lantis was in the middle of most important cities on
sinking. Which was a little all Greece. Cradle of knowl-
annoying to everyone. People edge and democracy, Athe-
of course WERE NOT comfort- nian people were really full
able, because they could not of themselves. Funny place to
cook or dry their clothes, visit. Just avoid the medusas.
and aquatic creatures had re-
ally small maneuvering space.
META GAME: Every time a
Harpy goes down to at-
tack the mob, Yell *SPLASH!*
Lemnos Hades

he reader of this ency- ades, the underworld,

clopedia can think that the domain of the dead.
Lemnos was the generic lava THere were lethes, rivers
world you see in most games. of oblivion that disband-
But truly, there was much ed units, lots of graves
more in Lemnos. So much that and a few Hecatonchires
we could do an entire ency- that guarded the realm.
clopedia about Lemnos. But Hades was also the name of
before I run out of space, one the god that ruled it, so it
of the biggest features of was very confusing when we
Lemnos, the kind of feature had to set name conventions.
that makes you say wow was
t o m o s

old, marble and all the

luxuries one would ex-
pect from a holy city. It is
said that gods lived there,
but that is an obvious mis-
take. They would not fit
in those small houses.
l i b e r

hen the revolts start-
ed, the gods decid-
ed to send their minions
to control the crowds.
From cyclops to centaurs,
all kind of monsters start-
ed appearing in Greece. It
is said that once upon de-
feating all the monsters
from an area, the gates will
open and the mob would
advance to the next area.
It is also said that if an
enemy spawned in a later
world, he will be stron-
ger than before. But of
course this might very well
be just cautionary tales.
Olympian Soldier Olympian Gigantes
either Gigantes
nor men. Some
say these are
the first pro-
to-men created by
the gods, sprouted
from planting snake
fangs into fertile soil.
he basic Gigas (plural
His thing: Gigantes) wants to crush
Melee attack to your mob. Dont let him do it!
the leader
His thing: Melee area attack

Coward Soldier Hosioi

nother kind of proto-men. To he Hosioi are cryptic and mys-

them, being brave is something teric priests who worship Apollo
that happens to people unaware above all gods. They move funny.
of the escape route behind them.
His thing: Ranged attack
His thing: Runs away from the mob
Prophetai Mecha Gryphon

eing attacked by a Gryphon is

scary. Imagine being attacked
he Prophetai are anoth- by a mechanical one! Blame He-
er group of priests devot- phaestus for building them.
ed exclusively to Apollo. They
summon minions to attack His thing: Fly - Snatches and eats units
the mob because they are cowards. from the mob.

His thing: Summons minions.

Prophetai Minion Olympian Cyclops

hese little au- he Cyclopes are
tomatons are not just about
created by He- brute force.
phaestus and They can iden-
stored in a giant ware- tify the mobs leader
house. Random fact: and crush the rebel-
Summoners can open a lion from its source.
transdimentional por- B e w a r e !
tal between the ware-
house and the action. His Thing: Melee attack
to the leader
His thing: Melee attack
to the leader.
Talos Olympian Rock Thrower
nother one
of Hephaes- othing says
tus cre- Please stop re-
ations. Talos is the volting like
very first weapon a giant boul-
of mass destruc- der aimed at you. These
tion. If it cant kill subtle Cyclopes are
you, it will explode very dangerous if
the s### out of you. you dont stop them
q u i c k l y .
His THing: Melee area
attack - Explodes His THing: Throws
when killed rocks at the mob.

Savage Berserker
Olympian Shield Bearer

yclopes from the north.

They dont take be-
hats a huge shield. Can you ing attacked very well.
say, overcompensating?

His thing: Blocks attacks from a side - Temporarily increases stats (and size)
Pushes units with the shield when hit.
Savage Cyclops Satyr Warrior
hese fierce war-
riors know how
wice as savage,
to retreat, but
three times as
dont trust
c y c l o p s .
them. They will re-
turn to finish the
job. Not Shakespearian
His thing: Melee attack
Satyrs, though.
to the leader
His thing: Jumps away
when attacked

Savage Gigantes Savage Plague Thrower

he only thing worse than

having a friendly boulder
hese forest Gigantes aimed at you is having to deal
are very powerful foes, with a plague-infested boulder.
but not very bright .
Throws plague-infested bombs
His thing: Melee area attack at the mob.
Satyr Shaman Atlantean Cyclops

hese OP Satyrs will

retreat, then attack from a hese Cyclopes are the
prudent distance. With the Greek equivalent of surf-
invention of the magic ers. Except they dont surf.
missile, the era of the brave ones ended.
His thing: Melee Attack to the Leader
His thing: Ranged attack

Centaur Atlantean Gigantes

id you know
ew things scream that these
THIS IS GREEK MY- Gigantes were
THOLOGY like the original in-
a Centaur. The habitants of Atlantis?
very first men thought They ran off when
that they were mere men Atlantis became more
riding horses (you can fish-friendly but were
imagine their surprise). summoned by Posidon
to maintain order.
His thing: Charges the
mob. His thing: Melee area
his kind of La-
he nymphs
mia secretes a
are Posidons
corrosive and
daughters. They
have an over-
poison. And when you
whelming control
are not watching her,
over men, which can
she eats whoever is
be turned against
passing by. Not nice.
popular manifestations
of discomfort.
Her thing: Eats by-
standers - Throws
Her thing: Turns
plague infested bombs
bystanders into enemies
- Melee attacks

he Harpy will wait until the

lease dont confuse Tritons
moment is right to attack,
with mermen, they REALLY
and then will dive fiercely
hate that. Half men, half
into the mob. Too bad the
fish, the Tritons are skilled
giant orange glowing thing in
arcane users and can control water.
the ground ruins the surprise.
His thing: Shoots water blasts
Her Thing: Fly - Melee area attack
Medusa Nemean Lion
edusa was raped he terrible
by Posidon in Nemean Lion had
Athenas temple. so thick a skin
The enraged that no weapon
Athena turned Medusa could penetrate it.
into a serpent-haired Heracles was able to
monster. Athena was beat the Nemean Lion by
not so wise, after all. strangling it to death.

Her thing: Turns people His thing: Snatches

into stone and eats units from the

Blazing Cyclops
Blazing Lamia
he voracious
Blazing Lamia
were cursed by
being unable to
close their eyes, The
image the image of
devoured children
was constantly n case you thought a regular
in their view. stone rain was bad enough...

Her THing: Eats

bystanders - Throws His thing: Throws blazing rocks to
lava bombs. the mob
Undead Cyclops Hecatonchires

he undead Cyclopes tend to

remain hidden in order to at-
tack at the right moment.

His thing: Melee attack to the leader.

Undead Gigantes

ons of Gea and Uranos, the

Hecatonchires were giants
with hundreds of arms
and heads and the worst
he undead Gigantes tend to possible nightmare of an animator.
remain hidden in order to
attack at the right moment. His thing: Melee area attacks

His thing: Melee area attack.

Argos Panoptes Necromancer
he necroman-
cer will always
use death to his
advantage in
order to
increase his ranks.

His thing: Summons


Necromancer Minion
he only thing greater than
the number of eyes in the Pan-
optes was the bill for eyedrops.

His thing: Disbands units .

tortured soul whose rest

was interrupted in order
to serve the Necromancer.

His thing: Melee attack to the leader

Elite Gigantes Elite Shield Bearer
his group of
Elite Gigantes
watches over
Olympus. They
are much more
dangerous than
their predecessors.

HIs thing: Melee area hese Elite warriors have a

attack much higher defense rate. Try
to attack them from behind!

His thing: Blocks attacks from a side -

Pushes units back with shields.

Elite Rock Thrower Scylla

t is scientifical-
ly proven that
being hit by
one of their
thrown rocks is detri-
mental to your health.

His thing: Throws

rocks to the mob ONT disturb her!

Mayhem and Chaos if disturbed

l i b e r

ach city has its own
secrets. When mor-
tals were able to de-
cipher these secrets, the
reward (or maybe the pun-
ishment) for such feats,
was to face what it was
called a SubBoss,(Greek:
Sub (inferior) and Boss (Fi-
nal enemy from an area)).
It is said that all of these
abominations held heroes
in captivity, and if someone
could defeat the monsters,
said hero would be released.
The Delphi Oracle The Hydra

t was prophesied that t had lots of heads.

one day it would be And Everyone knew
crushed by an angry mob... that meant lots of fun!
or the other way around.
Prophecies were always
so confusing.
The Calydonian Boar The Sphinx

monstrous animal pparently the Sphinx

responsible for could change its
hundreds of deaths; number of legs according
terror in the form of a ham. the time of the day, or
something like that.
The Minotaur The Manticore

t spent way too type of chimera from

much time in that Persian mythology.
labyrinth eating virgins. Its name means Man-eater.
Deimos Phobos

e was the anthro- e was said to be the

pomorphisation of representation of fear.
panic. Unsurprisingly, he And no one really
didnt had many friends. doubted that.
t o m o s
Qua rt u s
l i b e r

he gods ruled over
all Greece for eons.
They ruled with to-
tal disregard for human
life and common polite-
ness. They were cruel, they
murdered people, they
raped people (in both cas-
es, in pretty inventive ways).
The divinity is a complex
concept which inquiries
about our constructions
about reality, cosmog-
ony, morals and ethics.
If for the judeo-Christian
paradigm, god is a sphere
whose center is everywhere
and circumference no-
where, we could say that for
the Greek paradigm, gods
are spheres whose collid-
er is in the center and cir-
cumference around them.
Aphrodite Apollo

oddess of
beauty and
love, she was the
Greek equivalent
of the sexolo-
gist who appears
on TV today.

e was the god of Poetry,

had a funny toga and
was not so good at parties
ARes Artemis

he was the goddess of

hunting and wild
animals and very vocal
e was the original about climate change.
God of War (and a
p2p distribution pioneer)
Athena Dionysus

ine and
e c s ta s y
w e r e
he was strengths. If
real- you invited
ly good at him to a
g e t t i n g party, you
others to wouldn t
fight her regret it (un-
battles but til the fol-
carried a lowing day).
really big
shield (just
in case).

a n d
We hate her
too much to
do a proper
e n c yc l opa e -
dia entry.

he god of sculptors,
blacksmiths and ar-
tisans. He knew that if this
being a god thing didnt
work he could always
start a handicrafts stall.
Posidon Hermes

nd it was spelled like

this. No e. That is the erald of the gods. He
proper phonetic translation. was someone youd really
*adjusts glasses and scarf* want to invite to your parties.
Hades Zeus

od of the underworld. od of gods, god of olym-

He definitely had a pus, bad tempered. He en-
bad rep amongst his broth- joyed overthrowing dominant
ers (and mortals in general). entities until he became one.
The Philosopher

corrupt entity in the

same mold as those
he deposed. Not even the
Cyclopes liked him,
and they liked anyone
with a lightning bolt.
The contents of of this encyclopedia are fictional and any similarity with reality is
a pure coincidence. We do not think there was never an Aristotle or a guy name
Alexander who conquered almost all of the known world.

Its very likely that your perception of reality has been tampered by this book,
and you might think that you read before of a guy called Plato, but this is only a
perception. Some people might start uploading stuff about any of these characters
to Wikipedia, creating facts and accomplishments about them, deluded by the
thoughts of knowing them before the existence of Okhlos, but in fact it is just that,
a delusion created after reading this book. Others might start forging evidence
about the existence of such characters, but this is all made up. There is no Ethikn
Nikomachein, nor there ever was. There was no Hannibal, and there was no
Chartage. Pericles is no more than a funny name we made up.

If you start seeing elements described in this book permeating its way through
your reality, it is just an attempt from ill fated individuals to distort your cosmog-

And these ill fated individuals will own us royalties.

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