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Historia del caf instantneo

El caf instantneo, ese bote de polvos color tostado y con aroma a caf que todos tenemos en
algn armario de la cocina. Seguro que ms de una vez al utilizarlo te has preguntado de dnde
vino la idea de crear un caf que ya viene hecho? Y es que aunque muchos levantarn alto la
cabeza con aquello de que el caf soluble no es caf, hoy te queremos contar su curiosa historia
para que si te ves tomndolo, al menos te venga una sonrisa sabiendo el porqu de su existencia.
La versin ms antigua de la cual se tiene constancia es hacia el ao 1771 en Gran Bretaa, fecha
en la cual se cre la primera patente sin demasiado xito cabe decir. En Norte Amrica se tiene
constancia de su aparicin all el ao 1853, con una versin experimental de la britnica en forma
de tortita, que fue probada durante la guerra Civil, sin demasiado xito tampoco.
Unos 50 aos despus, en 1901, un qumico estadounidense de origen japons, Satori Kato,
consigui patentar una versin de caf instantneo basndose en la idea de preparacin del t.
Cabe destacar que no consigui comercializar el producto, dado que no entusiasmo en absoluto su
sabor al pblico.
As que pasaron casi 10 aos, hasta que George Constant Louis Washington logr comprar la
patente y realizando algunos cambios, lanzarlo de nuevo al mercado. El problema es que el polvo
tampoco gusto esta vez, ya que lo perciba como un producto de baja calidad y con un sabor
desagradable comparado con el caf recin hecho.
Finalmente, all el ao 1938, la compaa Nescaf realiz una mezcla formada por los polvos del
caf que se venan utilizando, junto a carbohidratos solubles a partes iguales. Con ello
consiguieron al fin, mejorar sustancialmente el sabor y as hacerse un hueco en las casas de todo
el mundo.

Beneficios del caf instantneo


El caf es uno de las fuentes ms poderosas que podemos encontrar de antioxidantes.

Esta cualidad se cree que es la responsable de los muchos beneficios para la salud que tiene el
tomar caf a diario.


La cafena es el estimulante ms consumido en todo el mundo, y el caf es su mayor fuente


El caf instantneo suele contener un poco menos de cafena que el caf normal.
Una taza de caf instantneo tiene de 30 a 90 mg de cafena, mientras que el caf normal contiene
de 70 a 140 mg.

History of instant coffee

Instant coffee, that pot of roasted, coffee-scented powder we all have in some kitchen cupboard.
Surely more than once when using it you have asked yourself where did the idea of creating a
coffee that comes "made" come from? And is that although many will raise their heads high with
that soluble coffee is not coffee, today we want to tell your curious story so if you see yourself
taking it, at least you get a smile knowing the reason for its existence.
The oldest version of which is known is around 1771 in Great Britain, the date on which the first
patent was created without much success. In North America, evidence of its appearance there in
1853, with an experimental version of the British in the form of a pancake, was tested during the
Civil War, without too much success either.
Some 50 years later, in 1901, a Japanese chemist of Japanese origin, Satori Kato, was able to
patent a version of instant coffee based on the idea of tea preparation. It is noteworthy that it did
not manage to commercialize the product, since it did not excite at all its flavor to the public.
So almost ten years passed, until George Constant Louis Washington managed to buy the patent
and made some changes, throw it back to the market. The problem is that the dust did not like this
time, as perceived as a product of low quality and with an unpleasant taste compared to fresh
Finally, back in 1938, the company Nescaf made a mixture formed by the coffee powders that
were being used, together with soluble carbohydrates in equal parts. With this they finally
managed to substantially improve the flavor and thus make a dent in the houses around the

Benefits of instant coffee

Coffee is one of the most powerful sources we can find of antioxidants.
This quality is believed to be responsible for the many health benefits of having coffee daily.
Caffeine is the most widely consumed stimulant in the world, and coffee is its largest dietary
Instant coffee usually contains slightly less caffeine than regular coffee.
A cup of instant coffee has 30 to 90 mg of caffeine, while normal coffee contains 70 to 140 mg.

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