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iner Files ee LY CTY Role-play Chris/Chrstine: You are meeting Robert/Roberta Brown, 2 supplier from Britain, athe airport in Frankfurt. You have never met before but have spoken alot over the phone. Robert/Roberta is carrying several heavy bags. Greet him/her and ask about the light, Make some small talk (weather, plans for today) and take him/her to your car/a taxi Role-play 2 Michael/Michell: You are visiting the Outen subsidiary of your company. A colleague there — Daniel/Daniella~ismeeting you a te station in ‘Amsterdam. You've met before. Your tain was delayed by twenty minutes. There were no services ‘onthe train and you would lke to buy a bottle of water before you goto the company. DS You are visiting a company and are in the meeting oom. You want to know how to get to different, laces inthe building. Ask your partner for ‘directions tothe kitchen, Sue's office and the ‘reception area, and mark them on your plan, Then change roles. When you have finished, check your partner’ plan to make sure you gave him/her the Tight clectons. PEE ee eee eee eee eee eer ee You are visting one of your customers at his/her compary. You have been working together for several years and you hwuw alu of the same People. Ask your partner about his/her two. colleagues below. How are they and what are they doing? * Hilda Pearson * John Young, Your partner will ask you about these people, who ‘work at your company. (Complete the gaps below before starting the rle-piay) Frank Smith __You sai Fronk ata trade farin | (odd a city ast month Hl sends his regards te your Perine. His wile hosjusthoda baby __bey hey aheady have a daughter), Juliette Lang You haven't seen Juliette for ee Lee, SA 1ang?), but one of your colleagues: recently told you that she has been having health problems and was off work far a tong time, You don’t know! any mare. details. You can ask your colleague for mare information when you get back 26 your company, if your parbner wants. cece CE ASESEY eR ‘You are looking after a visitor to your town/city. You would like to spend as much time with your business contact as possible. Here are some places ‘you could visit rth him/her. Make suggestions about what todo, City Leioure Contre, | “Has huge suinaming | pool with sides and wave machine. Alst | quash and bait courts ti Traditional Swiss restaurant ~ speciatizes in cheese dishes — 30 minutes dive from the Behemian Cafe f Historic caff built in | 1920. One of the big | tourist sights in your city, Specializes in cocktail UNIT 5, EXERCISE TE You are having dinner ina resteurant with an important business partner. (You are the guest) Ask your partner questions to keep the conversation soing, Here ae some things your partner mentioned earlier: * He/She plays bacminton in Fer fee time, * He/She has an adopted son. + His/Her mother is visiting atthe moment. Begin by asking your partner aquestion about the restaurant SS a Role-play You are standing in the queue t get a coffee at the trade fair café, There at lots of people in front oF Yyou and the queue is moving very slowly. However, You have an hour before your next appointment and you are not na hury Start a conversation with the ‘erson next to you. You see from thelr badge that they work fora company whichis a potential client for you. Find out who they ae and what their position inthe company is, Role-play 2 You work fora company called Tramax. You are Visiting the stand of your competitor Misuto to see uhich new products they have. They have avery Interesting new scanner. Speakto the person on the stand ane do the following things: ‘Try to find out as much information about the new product as you can. * Also, ty to find out what th plans are. * Invite the person to go for a coffee so you can talk to them for longer. mpany’s future on a nee ‘You are at your company’s stand ata trade fair. You are talking to one of your most mportant clients I's important to build the relationship and you have to keep the conversation going. Dont let them get vay! Partner Files Es Role-play 2 Robert/Foberta: You have ust atived atthe airport In Frankfurt and have made arrangements for your business partner, Chis/Christin, to ick you up You have spoken alot over the phone but have never met before. You ae carrying several heavy bags. Your fight was fine and you had a DVD to, watch, You would lke to use the toilet before leaving the airport. Role-play 2 Daniel/Danella: You are picking Michael/Michelle Up at thestation in Amsterdam, He/She works for the European dvisan of your company and you hhave met him/her before, The tain was delayed by twenty minutes. DS You are siting 8 company and are in the meeting ‘oom. You want to know how to get to diferent places inthe building. Ask your partner for directions to Bobs office, the toilet and the photocopier room, and mark them on your plan. ‘Then change roles. When you have ished, check your partner’ pian to make sure you gave him/her the right directions. One of your supplies is visting you at your compari. You have been working together for several years and you know alot af the same people. Ask your partner about his/her ta Colleagues below. How are they and what are they doing? Frank Smith © Juliette Lang ‘Your partner wil ask you about these people, who ‘work at your company. (Compete the gaps below before starting the role-play) Hide Peon aie all 90. You think. she has gone te werk fora company in — ——— —————— add city), but yon ate nate You have her ne email advas fy he hee if ye partner wed tke 4 ntact her, oe ae a John Young Y You have been working a lot with John ona project recently. eis very busy at the moment and quite stressed. He's going ‘an hid t (add a cannery) mext Weck and you think he needs a rest. J Y CASTE cen You are visiting an important business contactin another town/city. You would tke to spend time with hier, but you have alot of things to think about today: ‘+ You have an important presentation to prepare for ‘tomorrow. tl take at least two hours to prepare ‘+ Today s your son's birthday. You have to phone home this evening to wish hima happy birthday. ‘You hurt your knee playing squash last week and you car’ sit for long or walk fa. Your partner wil invite you to do different things. ‘Respond ta his/her Invitations. Don’ forget the things you have to do today A the same time, remember that this an important business ‘relationship and that you have to accept atleast one invitation! NEALE ise a na You are having dinner in a restaurant with an Important business partner. (You are the host) Ask your partner questions to keep the conversation going. Here are some things your partner mentioned earlier: ‘He/She has recently bought a new house. + His/Her partner has anew job. ‘He/She wants to go totaly on hol this year, Begin by saying something about the Food, Ca cra Role-play s ‘Yu ae standing in the queue to geta coffee atthe ‘rade fair café. There are lats of people infront of ‘you and the queue is moving very slowly. You have Just glven a presentation about one of your ‘company's products toa group of 100 people and ‘are feeling very tied. You really need to sit down land relax. However, your presentation went well and you feel satisfied witht. Lots of people talked to ‘you afte the presentation and asked for more information about the product. Role-play 2 ‘You work fora company called Misuto, which you care representing at tale ft The person ea you is looking at one of your new products, a ‘canner. You worked on the project and are very pleased with the product, which isthe most modem ‘scanner ofits kind an the market. Star a conversa- tion withthe person and do the following things: * Tell them about the new scanner. * Find out as much information as you can about the person, Are they a potential customer? ri TE roe You are atthe stand af one of your suppliers at a ‘rade fir, talking to your contact person there. You are going to change to another supplier soon and You are not interested in talking othe person (wha you think is very boring anyway). Ty to get away fom them as soon as you can. Use any excuse you can think of

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