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10 Things I dislike that I could be grateful for

1. People judging my lifestyle could be viewed as they care for me enough to do so.

2. I dont have friends but that gives me more time to develop my personality and not be bothered.

3. I dont have a car but that gives me more time to sit and read and reflect and study at home which I
am grateful for because it signifies that I have leisure.

4. I dont have a girlfriend but I am grateful that I also do not have a family or a bad relationship that
could potentially ruin or upend me.

5. I dislike not having a million dollars but if I did I would still be doing what I am doing now and I am
grateful for the opportunity to sit and do nothing.

6. I dislike having to pay back my loan but it gives me an opportunity to learn about how money is
transferred from person to person and what value is which I am extremely grateful for and motivated

7. I dislike how women are fickle and how nature deceives people into false relationships but I am also
grateful that I am aware of this and this saves me a lot of mental anguish and craving.

8. I dislike not having any connections or work experience, yet this time has given me the most precious
opportunity to find things that I absolutely love and am beyond passionate about studying, learning, and
contributing so it is more than worth it.

9. I dislike that people dont all know about the SCARF model and that it affects me indirectly because
they are not aware of this but it also gives me an opportunity to create a system of mindfulness based
practice that I otherwise wouldnt have been able to contribute.

10. I dislike not knowing whether I am doing this exercise correctly but it has led to a cool insight in that
I am able to still make a positive out of a perceived negative.

10 Apps I would like to personally use.

1. An app for a dating service where girls talked about their interests and wrote an essay or
something so I could see a bit about their personality, or maybe a personal video!
2. An app for instant guitar song chords that are produced at random with metronome and
teaching to help me learn how to write songs quickly. It would have chord duration and
sponsorship from popular artists to teach people how to write songs, maybe interviews with
musicians on the songwriting process.
3. A writing app that gives you templates that help you make strong rhetorical arguments, or
perhaps add metacognition or counter-points of view, or use E-prime, or show similar things
that have been written about before, or re-frame your argument.
4. An app that tells me the thenegativepsychologist.com perspectives every morning so that I
know I am nobody and unlimited with neuroplasticity in a podcast or something.
5. An app that tells me the percentages of finishing moves done in BJJ competition.
6. An app that uses book reviews on Amazon in order to produce good copy for new book, music,
or any other consumer related product ideas.
7. An app that shows me fashion or a new fashion trend with a marketing story that I could tell to
self-identify with somehow and spread, such as a jacket made in Europe that people over there
are wearing, which goes well with certain socks or shoes, maybe based around the cast of a TV
8. A barter or auction app where certain weird intangible services are traded or auctioned.
9. An app that gives me the latest neuroscience and research in all of the academic fields and
applies it to my life in two sentences. Maybe examples are provided.
10. An app that has a daily recommended video based on my past views, or what if someone made
a video for someone in particular that they requested overnight?

10 Minutes in which I could shut my eyes and maybe activate the gratitude muscle

1. Every time I go take a dump

2. Before I eat food
3. Right after I get up from bed
4. In between playing guitar and recording
5. Before I go for a walk
6. While I am out for a walk.
7. Before my mom gets home
8. Right before I sleep
9. In the evening when I am reading
10. At random occasions when I need rest.

10 Courses I would like to see on Coursera with curriculum:

1. A course on applying Buddhism to daily life. Curriculum includes, dealing with other people,
dealing with stressful grades, dealing with death, loss, and violence.
2. A course on how to make good music, what are the limits of subjectivity, how to lose fear of
recording and being judged, dealing with ambiguity in music and peoples tastes, how to
promote and market your work.
3. A criticism class on English literature. How all books are subjective in a very high sense, and how
to get the most out of what you read, and how a creative destruction can help one gain
empathy with other worldviews.
4. A class on love and transpersonal love and the different types of love including the love one can
have for a crunchy green leaf on an Autumn day. People will write a poem, set it on fire, then
send it to an old friend, then take a nap on a park bench.
5. A class on the limits of consciousness and language and how the two mix to create and manifest
the world that we live in, the lack of reason in the world, and how we can use our voices to
change the universe.
6. Tonality, rhythm and pitch of voice, and how it dramatically affects the quality and scope of our
interactions. And how body language is so much of communication including tonality.
7. How to make money. What money is, how it abides in consciousness, and why you should think
symbiotically in order to grow faster and quicker at any endeavor you choose to start. Also,
what true financial freedom is. Freedom is not having to worry about the stuff at all. That is
financial freedom. Also, creative usages of money. Barter for instance, and vending alliances and
relationship capital. People will learn how to trade for things they want and develop abiding
alliances that nurture them in the future.
8. Relational capital and the power of trust along with network science, or the untapped power
latent in all of our social connections and how they will be more important in the future. People
will be tasked with reconnecting with people inside of their social sphere.
9. What a good life is outside of cultural boundaries, or how can we pick and choose the best value
systems and beliefs to further our cause and power and not rely on the shared reality tunnel
that the herd has adopted synchronistically around us, coincidentally, of course. People would
occupy the reality tunnels of other people by viewing journal entries and the causes and effects
of the beliefs that they had, and those of the people around them.
10. How to joint venture and think divergently about self, language, and other people, and the
universe itself, and why subversion is the most profitable and fun thing that you can do for
under twenty dollars. People would learn how to speak differently, talk differently, and act

10 Things that a Refrigerator Could Do

1. It could set diet plans for me and prescribe my meals.

2. It could check my blood sugar levels.
3. It could recommend new meals.
4. It could provide recipes.
5. It could plan out meals.
6. It could order the recipes for the meals that are being planned out and have them delivered.
7. It could give me motivation to continue a diet by letting me access people who talk me out of
eating something or give me some sort of social reward instead.
8. It could lock itself so that nobody could eat.
9. It could connect socially so that it becomes the hub where people gather because it has their
favorite dishes and use new orders as social invitations for others to come over.
10. It could show you what other people or celebrities have in their fridge.

10 Ways I can make my travel on plane easier

1. I can buy all my clothes from the city that I land in.
2. I can get someone to buy me amenities in the city I land in.
3. I can steal someones underpants when I get into said city.
4. I can become a nudist and go without clothes or bathing.
5. I can pawn my hotels TV for cash for amenities once I get into a new town.
6. I can bring necessities only and plan ahead.
7. I can wear the same pair of clothes all day.
8. I can organize a week in advance.
9. I can buy refurbished clothes from a swap meet.
10. I can mentally rehearse for the trip and see what I could imagine myself needing to wear.

10 of my favorite books and what I learned from each.

1. Your Brain at work humans are not rational mostly and social factors come first and you can
cognitively mindfully restructure your perceptions of yourself and the world. (All feelings have physical
sensation as their root.) People dont see you, they see your role, and they very seldom look past roles
at the things that you do or say.

2. Success Cybernetics You always find what you are looking for.

3. Fighting to Win you can over-extend your fears verbally by exaggerating them deliberately.

4. Software for your Brain Plato Truth Virus affects most brain-users.

5. Will-power: Meditation actually increases willpower and emotional regulation.

6. Mistakes were made but not by me: Cognitive dissonance is an amazing self-improvement tool.

7. Enlightenment The Damnedest Thing: You cant write anything down thats certain.

8. Cosmic Trigger: Reality is plastic and arbitrary.

9. The Politics of Self-Determination: you become whoever you share space-time with, and it is the most
powerful transformational tool.

10. Mediocrity to Millions: Joint ventures are powerful tools for starting a business.

Meetups I could run in my area and rules for participating.

1. Jiu-jitsu after dark. Everyone would have to show a move.

2. Book lovers anonymous. Everyone would share a passage.
3. Guitar players anonymous. Everyone would play a riff.
4. Meditation lovers. Everyone would participate but not participate.
5. Useful people association. Only for useful people, who would then take it upon themselves to be
useful to others.
6. Hypnotists convention. Would be interested in hypnosis and hypnotizing each other.
7. Alcoholics for the legalization of cannabis. Everyone would get drunk and high.
8. 24 year old Caucasian males. Everyone would have to high five every twenty minutes.
9. Inveterate liars who have moles on their necks and live in a box outside of department stores.
They would have to smash their left shoes with a can of paint and then moo at the moon.
10. Meet up junkies. Everyone would take out their cell-phones and scream at each other.

Ten New Yoga Poses

1. The Aristotle. Crouch and assume a thinkers position and ponder the universe then try to
encapsulate it in concepts.
2. Sideways Bermuda Triangle Form a triangle with your torso and then bow down to the creator
of the Heavens.
3. Sit up Smokey Joe Do a crunch and hold it until the chakras are aligned with your bank account
and cosmological birth origins.
4. Duac rub your face with the cream that was used to polish the zits of individuals who were too
young to know better about diet.
5. Scream at self crouch and scream at yourself silently for the best reason that you know.
6. Igloo form a teepee and make a shivering motion with ones arms.
7. Duck be a duck. Say quack. Its for world peace.
8. Be an emo emos are creatures who need love, so mimic them, and spread world peace.
9. Jump and freeze in mid-air do that to promote the end of the Bushs theocratic hold on
medicine in igloos.
10. Be like water an flow with each life situation for the good of mankinds oldest brother.

Ten Questions I would Ask Timothy Leary:

1. Which part of Eastern philosophy is the most important for the integrity of the human soul on
2. What is the widest one can expand their reality tunnel, as in the utmost limits (beyond
3. What are ways to overcome imprinting aside from LSD?
4. Why are common people so unaware and uncurious about life?
5. What is the Easts conception of Enlightenment meant to you, for humanity?
6. How much LSD could be made at what cost? Enough for everyone?
7. Are people mostly afraid of their children being unable to be manipulated?
8. Does God reside in nature?
9. Which ancient civilization had the most insight?
10. Why do people form consensus realities and then forget that they formed them?

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