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doc Bill Hart 12/23/2015 02:33:00 AM pg 1

Tutorial on the Trimble 4000SST

Checklist for Gathering Data
CONTROL / pg3 / REF POSITION correct within a fraction of a mile
CONTROL / pg4 / MASKS 10 or 15 deg, PDOP 10 so tracks sats
CONTROL / pg4 / POS MODE / L1 and L2
Let it track for a few minutes (15 minutes if no/old ephemeris)
SURVEY / SETUP / QUICKSTART 10 deg, min 4, 15 sec
Measure slant, calculate height, record
STATUS / DATE / Note incorrect GPS week as displayed
Power Issues
Note: This receiver forgets its clock every time it is turned off. It appears to have dead
Lithium batteries inside. It also drifts badly if not receiving satellites. It will reset
when it finds its first satellite.
NOTICE: The receiver forgets the ephemeris and your collected data if all power is
interrupted even briefly. To preserve data, it must be transported with the external
battery connected at all times except for when on reliable AC power (such as when
charging the battery).
NOTICE: if operating on battery and you plug in the Office Support Module to the
receiver with AC power on, it will shut down the receiver and interrupt the session.
With most of the battery bars showing, connecting the OSM without AC does not
seem to bother it, nor does cycling AC power after connected. But if only a few bars
are indicated, then turning on AC may shut down the receiver and give a power
fail message on restart, and it will appear to be waiting for the wrong satellites until
you cycle power again with the panel switch.
Replacement in later 4000-series units of the internal lithium batteries (several wire-lead
half-C cells) has been reported to require reloading firmware. No firmware has been
found at Trimble or UNAVCO for the 4000sst, so changing batteries seems risky.
The old external battery when fully charged is only good for maybe 20 minutes of
operation. With 3 bars, it may have less than a minute. A fresh charge will hold
memory for a long time with the receiver off. The external battery pack contains one
12-volt 7-AH deep cycle lead acid battery, Interstate PC1270 or equivalent. A new
battery should be good for maybe 8 hours of operation.
Planning good observing times
Trimble offers a free planning tool that will plot various kinds of Dilution Of Precision
(DOP), number of available satellites, etc. for a location versus time. Be sure to
download a recent almanac from their site.
File almanac.alm goes in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Trimble\Planning and the
program may copy it elsewhere.
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Settings for POSITIONING

The receiver seems to have independent settings of some parameters for POSITIONING,
as displayed on the screen or sent on the serial ports via CYCLE PRINTOUT, versus
SURVEY data collection. The distinction is not made clear in the menus and manual.
POSITIONING does not consider antenna height, as only SURVEYING menus provide
for it and setting it during a survey does not change the status display of height.
Set receiver CONTROL pg 3 / REFERENCE POSITION to near the expected lat-lon
and height above the ellipsoid. This is not at all critical and appears to be used only
to find satellite angles before a measured position is computed. I see no way to
transfer the Current position or Position / Navigate / Waypoint to the Reference
HEIGHT. L/L/H requires 4 satellites to display results. L/L/Fixed will use fixed
height (last computed?) if only 3 satellites are received.
Under CONTROL /pg 4 / L1/L2 select L1 AND L2. OPUS-S requires both. This unit
does not do P code so will not work with OPUS-RS. Other software might process
L1-only and that mode allows up to 16 satellites instead of 8 with dual-frequency.
This setting also controls SURVEY data collection.
Under CONTROL / pg 4 / MASKS_SYNC check what elevation mask is set. Usual
settings are 10 or 15 degrees. This may not be affecting data collection under
SURVEY as discussed below.
Also under CONTROL / pg 4 / MASKS_SYNC check to see what maximum PDOP
mask is set. The display position will not update if PDOP is higher than the mask,
and a SURVEY will not start. It is best to have used the planning software to assure
your session will avoid times of poor satellite visibility which produce high Position
Dilution of Precision (PDOP) values. However, there may be no benefit to setting a
low PDOP mask unless you are leaving the receiver to start itself when the masks are
met? Does it affect the collection of Survey data after start?
On that same page SV SYNC TIME sets the rate of update for CYCLE PRINTOUT. It
does not seem to affect the screen update or SURVEY data.
Settings for SURVEY data collection
SURVEY data collection uses the L1/L2 setting listed under Control. Similarly, PDOP
mask is used as a criterion for starting a Survey. Elevation mask seems to be an
independent setting for Survey.
Set the elevation mask for survey data under SURVEY / SETUP CONTROLS /
QUICKSTART . Usual settings are 10 or 15 degrees. It is not clear whether this is
used only as part of the trigger to start data collection, or whether a low angle shuts
off data collection from each satellite. OPUS-S may apply its own mask?
Also on that page, it is not clear whether MINIMUM SVs is only part of the trigger or if
it stops data collection that has started.
Also on that page, set MEAS SYNC TIME to the desired rate of logging data. OPUS-S
uses 30-second data epochs. Faster collection may be beneficial only if some other
processing is done. The Teqc editor and OPUS-S perform their decimation to 30
seconds by simply discarding any in-between samples. Smoothing would be
desirable in some respects, but would make determining cycle slips more difficult.
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REFERENCE POSITION: The receiver will use the value as set above if needed; the
measured position is used if available when data collection starts. Either the first or
last computed position goes into the file? It is not critical, as it is only used to find
satellites, and by OPUS-S to select CORS and possibly to compute satellite elevation
angles. Some people think OPUS may compute its own starting point if necessary?
The reference position appears in the Rinex file as XYZ coordinates and can be
corrected there if necessary.
SESSIONS may be used to start data collection automatically at a planned time or when
the mask conditions are met, or to store unique settings for a station. However, no
way is seen to display those settings under this part of the menus. Are the settings as
seen in other menus linked to the station number?
Collect Data
Let the receiver acquire satellites for a while to stabilize the clock and update the
ephemeris before starting to collect SURVEY data. A full ephemeris update takes 15
or 20 minutes. Using an old ephemeris risks looking for the wrong satellites or
expecting wrong times/elevation angles.
Select SURVEY / QUICK-START. The receiver will perform a calibration and start
collecting data if enough satellites are received.
You can measure antenna height while collecting data and enter it under SURVEY /
CHANGES/ ANTENNA. Measure the slant height (hypotenuse) from monument to
the top of the antenna plate at the inside of the notches, take the average of a few
notches, and calculate height of the Antenna Reference Point (ARP) as the vertical
leg of the right triangle from the measured hypotenuse and plate radius 0.2334
meters. You will be prompted for height when the survey session ends if not entered
during data collection. However, OPUS-S ignores this value in the file and requires
manual entry at the time of submission.
You can alter the default file name under SURVEY / CHANGES /FILENAME The
hyphens are not in the file name when transferred. The default numbers are the last 4
digits of the receiver serial number, the day of the year, and the sequence number of
files collected on that day. A reasonable practice is to change only the first 4
characters to something suggesting the monument location.
Take note of the (incorrect) GPS week number displayed under STATUS / DATE for use
in later processing.
OPUS-S requires at least two hours of L1/L2 data. If there are gaps, it is unclear whether
this is total data or span. The data from this unit will not do OPUS-RS because it
lacks P code. This receiver supplies squaring L2 data, which seems to have a very
poor SNR, and typically fewer than half the observed values are used. More data is
always better, so long as the data does not include more than one UTC midnight.
When you decide you have enough data, press SURVEY / END SURVEY / YES.
Transfer to Computer
Use GPLOAD to read the .dat file from the receiver via a computer serial port. Default is
COM1, 9600, 8, odd, 1. You may want to see if the transfer is reliable with a higher
rate set on both the receiver and program.
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Batch files to run the Teqc editor program will minimize typing and mistakes.
Note that Trimble ConvertToRinex appears to ignore L2 data, needed for OPUS.
Otherwise, it may also work if you select the right Rinex version in its options so that
further work can be done with Teqc.
Edit the meta.bat file to contain the .dat file name in 3 places.
Run meta.bat
OR Open the .dat file with WinTeqc and note the start and end date/times displayed,
except change year 2096 to 1996. If you want to use WinTeqc instead of the batch
files, put options in the AdHoc box.
Edit dat_chk.bat with the week number suggested by error messages in the meta run, or
recorded from receiver when data collected (1024 weeks before actual).
Edit dat_chk.bat with the (1996) year month day and times for start and end as shown in
meta.txt (remove punctuation and spaces), or a smaller range if desired. Be sure to
start at xxxxx00 or 30 seconds to match OPUS-S. If the data spans UTC midnight,
be sure to globally replace BOTH values date values.
Run dat_chk.bat and examine the *.96s file to see how good the data is. Note any useless
times or satellites. Make sure it has a reasonable lat-lon or XYZ approx position
(derived from Reference Position).
Prepare RINEX
Edit dat2Rinex.bat with week and start/end as in dat_chk.bat
Edit dat2Rinex.bat to exclude any useless satellites as -G3 etc.
Run dat2Rinex
Edit dates in .15o file (one long form and many short form) and gps_nav.txt to actual year
mo day. They are column sensitive. Be sure to start at 00 or 30 seconds.
Note that the Wavelength factor appears as 1 1. It should probably be 1 and 2, but
changing it seems to have no effect.
Edit the file name in the RinexChk batch file and run it to see if the data looks ok.
Wait a few hours after observing before submitting the Rinex .15o file to OPUS-S, in
order to have the CORS data available.
If submitting soon after data collection, OPUS will report using "Ultra Rapid" (broadcast)
predicted orbits. After a couple days, it uses "Rapid" orbits. After 2 to 3 weeks, it
will report using "Precise" orbits. The differences between ultra and rapid may be a
few cm but very little difference has been seen between rapid and precise if the
signal and multipath conditions are good.
The antenna is Trimble TRM14532.00 NONE 4000ST L1/L2 Geodetic
Enter the antenna ARP height in meters above the monument. This required value
overrides the value in the Rinex file.
Be sure to check the extended report option.
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You can optionally enter CORS stations that you want used or excluded. The main use of
this would be to see how consistent the results are, as the automatic selection is good.
Different CORS may give a cm or so different position, especially with ultra-rapid
Using OPUS-S Results
The reported position and elevation are the average of solutions obtained by using
corrections from three CORS stations. They are followed by the peak-to-peak
difference between the solutions.
I havent figured out what the overall rms number near the top of the report means.
The horizontal network accuracy is the radial value computed from the 95% confidence
limits (1.95 sigma) on the east and north axes. It is not exactly the radial 95%
confidence limit. You could calculate the confidence ellipse using the covariance
The square roots of the diagonal elements in the covariance matrix provide the sigma of
each axis. If they were equal and uncorrelated, the horizontal radial 95% confidence
would be 2.445 sigma, which is 2.445 / (1.95 sqrt(2)) =0.89 times the given
horizontal value.
However, it is commonly noted that the OPUS-S report is quite optimistic. Does it ignore
the likely correlation between errors in the three CORS vectors?
Star*Net will accept covariance or correlations. The best results when combining OPUS
data with other measurements may be to use the coordinates from each CORS with
the covariance matrix given in the report under G-Files. Or use the vectors if you
want to give the CORS a position tolerance.
Cycle Printout Serial Data
CONTROL / pg 5 / CYCLE PRINTOUTS allows you to enable serial data streams on
either or both of the rear connectors. They can be captured by a dumb terminal
program on a computer. These may be of some use, but someone who asked for a
sample says they are not NMEA or RT17 formats. You may need to write your own
software to process them.
Open questions
Should you set a moderate PDOP mask? Is that only for starting or does it interrupt
How important are the Met observations am I at risk by ignoring them?
What is the easiest graphing software to use on the Compact format files generated by
Why is the L2 data so poor? Squaring alone shouldnt have that much penalty unless the
squaring is done it too wide a bandwidth, in which case the extra noise will get
incorporated into the squared signal and cant be reduced by later filtering.
361557659.doc Bill Hart 12/23/2015 02:33:00 AM pg 6

Note on batch files use the ^ character to continue a command to the next line.
Batch file 1meta.bat
@ECHO . Batch file runs TEQC to get metadata from Trimble .dat file
@ECHO . Use GPLOAD to transfer .dat file from Trimble 4000sst
@ECHO . Edit this batch file to contain the .dat name 3 places.
@ECHO . Then run this batch file.
@ECHO ==============meta================ > meta.txt
@REM Be sure all lines of command except last end with the continuation carat
"C:\Program Files\Trimble\teqc\WinTeqc\teqc.exe" ^
+err teqc_err.txt ^
+meta B02N1270.dat >> meta.txt
@ECHO ------------teqc_err.txt----------- >> meta.txt
@TYPE teqc_err.txt >> meta.txt

@ECHO ==============config=============== >> meta.txt

"C:\Program Files\Trimble\teqc\WinTeqc\teqc.exe" ^
+err teqc_err.txt ^
+config B02N1270.dat >> meta.txt
@ECHO ------------teqc_err.txt----------- >> meta.txt
@TYPE teqc_err.txt >> meta.txt

@ECHO =============summary ============== >> meta.txt

"C:\Program Files\Trimble\teqc\WinTeqc\teqc.exe" ^
+err teqc_err.txt ^
-O.sum . B02N1270.dat >> meta.txt
@ECHO ------------teqc_err.txt----------- >> meta.txt
@TYPE teqc_err.txt >> meta.txt
@REM ======================================
@ECHO .......................................................
@ECHO . Next steps:
@ECHO . Edit Dat_Chk.bat with the week number suggested by error
@ECHO . messages in meta.txt (1024 weeks before actual)
@ECHO . Edit Dat_Chk.bat with the 1996 month day shown in meta.txt
@ECHO . and likewise start and end times (packed yyyymmddhhmmss)
@ECHO . or a smaller range if desired.
@ECHO . Run Dat_Chk.bat
@ECHO . Examine the *.96s file to see how good the data is.
@ECHO . Edit dat2Rinex.bat start/end/week as in dat_chk.bat
@ECHO . Edit dat2Rinex.bat to exclude any useless satellites as -G3 etc.
@ECHO . Run dat2Rinex
@ECHO . Edit dates in .15o file and gps_nav.txt to actual date.
@ECHO . Run the RinexChk batch file to see if it looks ok.
@ECHO . Submit the Rinex file to Opus.
361557659.doc Bill Hart 12/23/2015 02:33:00 AM pg 7

Batch file 2DatChk.bat
@ECHO . Batch file runs TEQC to check Trimble .dat file
@ECHO . Process steps for Trimble 4000SST data:
@ECHO . Use GPLOAD to download the .dat file from the receiver.
@ECHO . Run the meta.bat file on the .dat file, OR
@ECHO . Open the .dat file with WinTeqc and note the
@ECHO . start and end date/times displayed,
@ECHO . except change year 2096 to 1996.
@ECHO . If you want to use WinTeqc, put -week ### as shown
@ECHO . on the receiver in the AdHoc options box.
@ECHO . Edit this batch file's start and end times to
@ECHO . the 1996 values.
@ECHO . Edit this batch file with the GPS Week as displayed
@ECHO . on the receiver (1024 weeks before actual).
@ECHO . Run this batch file.

@REM Be sure all lines of command except last end with the continuation carat
"C:\Program Files\Trimble\teqc\WinTeqc\teqc.exe" ^
+qc ^
+ap ^
-O.ag INDIV ^
-O.o "Bill Hart" ^
-O.at "TRM14532.00 NONE" ^
-P ^
+L2_2 ^
-st 19960506180830 ^
-e 19960507033830 ^
-week 852 ^
-O.dec 15 ^
+plot ^
+err teqc_err.txt ^
@REM Be sure all lines of command except last end with the continuation carat

@REM ======================================
@REM Put options not used below this line to remember them
-O.obs L1+L2+C1+S1+S2 ^
+O.obs "L1L2C1C2P2" ^ Didn't seem to chg anything
-O.obs L1+C1+S1 ^
+sym ^
+out "Club0780DatChk.txt" ^
+L2C_L2 ^ Didn't seem to chg anything
+eepg ^ Dumps position to screen, not file
361557659.doc Bill Hart 12/23/2015 02:33:00 AM pg 8

-min_L2 0 ^ still didn't show P1 P2 C2 data

+pl ^
-root "xxx" ^ explore this to save editing?
@REM ======================================
@ECHO .......................................................
@ECHO . Next steps:
@ECHO . Examine the *.96s file to see how good the data is.
@ECHO . Note useless satellites and times, to exclude them
@ECHO . when setting up the dat2Rinex batch file.
@ECHO . Edit dat2Rinex.bat wiht the 1996 times
@ECHO . or a smaller range if desired.
@ECHO . Edit dat2Rinex to exclude any useless satellites.
@ECHO . Run dat2Rinex

batch file 3Dat2Rinex.bat
@ECHO . Batch file to run TEQC on GPS data file to create Rinex
@ECHO . Update this file with the week number displayed on receiver.
@ECHO . Edit start/end times in this batch file
@ECHO . to the reported 1996 values or a smaller range.
@ECHO . and make sure to start time is xxxx00 or xxxx30
@ECHO . If you use WinTeqc to find them, change year 2096 to 1996.
@ECHO . Exclude any satellites with useless data using -G

@REM Be sure all lines of command except last end with the continuation carat
"C:\Program Files\Trimble\teqc\WinTeqc\teqc.exe" ^
+ap ^
-O.ag INDIV ^
-O.o "Bill Hart" ^
-O.at "TRM14532.00 NONE" ^
-P ^
+L2_2 ^
-O.obs CA+L1+L2+C2+S1+S2 ^
-st 19960506180830 ^
-e 19960507033830 ^
-week 852 ^
-G1,7,11,12,20,27,29 ^
-O.dec 30 ^
+nav[file(s)] gps_nav.txt ^
+err teqc_err.txt ^
361557659.doc Bill Hart 12/23/2015 02:33:00 AM pg 9

+out B02N1270.15o ^
@REM Be sure all lines of command except last end with the continuation carat

@REM ======================================
@REM Put options not used below this line to remember them
+L2C_L2 ^ Didn't seem to chg anything
-O.obs L1+C1+S1 OPUS won't do L1-only ^
-G9,17 ^
@REM ------------------------------------------------------
@ECHO .......................................................
@ECHO . This run creates Rinex file *.15o and gps_nav.txt
@ECHO . Next steps:
@ECHO . Edit the date (globally) in those two files to the true date
@ECHO . while maintaining column alignment as found.
@ECHO . at every block of data in each file.
@ECHO . If the data crosses UTC midnight, youhave 2 dates to change.
@ECHO . Change the long-form starting date line in *.15o
@ECHO . Edit RinexChk with the file name.
@ECHO . Run RinexChk to see if it looks ok.
@ECHO . Edit dates in .15o file and gps_nav.txt to actual date.
@ECHO . Run the RinexChk batch file to see if it looks ok.
@ECHO . Submit the Rinex file to Opus.

batch file 4RinexChk.bat
@ECHO . Batch file runs TEQC to check Rinex file
@ECHO . Before running RinexChk, you must have edited
@ECHO . the date in files *.15o and gps_nav.txt
@ECHO . to the correct actual UTC date, while
@ECHO . maintaining column alignment.
@ECHO . Edit the Rinex .150 file name in this batch file.

REM Be sure all lines of command except last end with the continuation carat
"C:\Program Files\Trimble\teqc\WinTeqc\teqc.exe" ^
+qc ^
-nav[file(s)] gps_nav.txt ^
-O.ag INDIV ^
-O.o "Bill Hart" ^
-O.at "TRM14532.00 NONE" ^
361557659.doc Bill Hart 12/23/2015 02:33:00 AM pg 10

+L2_2 ^
+plot2 ^
+err teqc_err.txt ^
@REM Be sure all lines of command except last end with the continuation carat

@REM ======================================
@REM Put options not used below this line to remember them
+out "C:\Trimble_Club\Club0780RinexChk.txt" ^

@REM ======================================
@ECHO . ......................................................
@ECHO . If .15o file checks ok in the *.15S file, then submit to OPUS
@ECHO . http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/OPUS/
@ECHO . Antenna is TRM14532.00 NONE 4000ST L1/L2
@ECHO . Be sure the antenna height is true and not slant distance.
@ECHO . Be sure to open OPTIONS and select EXTENDED report.

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