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Development of AUTHORS

Amgad I. Younes Fault Dynamics

accommodation zones in the Research Group, Geology Department, Royal
Holloway University of London, Egham,
Gulf of SuezRed Sea rift, Surrey, TW20 0EX; current address: Shell EP
Technology Applications and Research, P.O.
Egypt Box 481, Houston, Texas, 77001;
Amgad I. Younes and Ken McClay Amgad Younes received a B.Sc. degree in
1985 from Ain Shams University, Egypt, an
M.Sc. degree in 1991 from Ball State, and a
Ph.D. in 1996 from Penn State University, all
ABSTRACT in geology. He completed three years of
postdoctoral appointment at Royal Holloway
Basement rocks on the margins of the late OligoceneMiocene Gulf University of London and Stanford University
of SuezRed Sea rift system contain penetrative west-northwest, from 1996 to 1999. He then joined Marathon
northwest, and north-south Precambrian structures, including fo- Oil Petroleum Technology Center in Denver
liations, fractures, faults, and regional sinistral shear zones. These from 1999 to 2001. He is currently a senior
have been reactivated during the Cenozoic rifting and have exerted research geologist at Shell Research Center.
fundamental controls on both rift-border fault geometries and the His interests are focused on reservoir
location of accommodation zones within the rift system. Two ac- problems involving quantitative structural
commodation zones, the Zaafarana accommodation zone in the geology, fracture analysis and characterization,
and fault seal prediction. He is also interested
northern Gulf of Suez and the Duwi accommodation zone in the
in problems and structural characteristics of
northwestern Red Sea rift margin, have been analyzed in detail. In
rift basins.
both accommodation zones, the southwest-dipping, eastern rift-
border faults (EBFs) consist of reactivated, Precambrian north- Ken McClay Fault Dynamics Research
south and northwest foliations and fractures, which link together Group, Geology Department, Royal Holloway
forming a rhomboidal zigzag fault pattern. Each EBF intersects a University of London, Egham, Surrey, TW20
Precambrian shear zone then splays and loses displacement. In con- 0EX; ken@gl.rhul.ac.uk
trast, both of the northeast-dipping, western border faults (WBFs) Ken McClay graduated with a B.Sc. (honors)
consist of a reactivated fault segment colinear with a Precambrian degree from Adelaide University. He
shear zone, and this is hard-linked to a north-southnorth- subsequently undertook an M.Sc. degree in
northeastoriented, less well developed fault system via a discrete structural geology and rock mechanics at
transfer fault. The change in dip direction of the half grabens is Imperial College, London University, where in
1978 he also obtained a Ph.D. in structural
related to initial reactivation of preexisting regional, intersecting
geology. He was awarded a D.Sc. by Adelaide
north-south and west-northwest Precambrian shear zones by late
University in 2000. He is BP Professor of
Oligoceneearly Miocene N60E extension. This conguration al- Structural Geology and director of the Fault
lows initial left-lateral and right-lateral oblique-slip on the north- Dynamics Research Group at Royal Holloway
south and west-northwest zones, respectively. We present new University of London. His research involves
models for the localization of the accommodation zones and for the the study of extensional thrust, strike-slip, and
development of the rift half-graben architectures. inversion terranes and their applications to
hydrocarbon exploration. He publishes widely,
consults, and offers short courses to industry.

Copyright 2002. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
Manuscript received May 26, 2001; revised manuscript received June 4, 2001; nal acceptance January
2, 2002.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 86, no. 6 (June 2002), pp. 10031026 1003

Intracontinental rift basins such as the Gulf of Suez (cf. Patton et
This research was funded by the Natural Envi-
al., 1994; Schutz, 1994), the North Sea (Glennie, 1990), the Re-
ronmental Research Council (United Kingdom)
concavo basin, Brazil (de Figueiredo, 1994), and the Gulf of Thai-
ROPA grant # GR3/R9529. We thank Mara-
thon Petroleum Egypt (MPE) and Gebel El Zeit land (cf. Morley, 1995) contain signicant hydrocarbon accumu-
Petroleum Company for providing the logisti- lations dominantly trapped in extensional fault block structures.
cal support for eld work. We also thank Bill Both prerift and synrift plays are common in these rift basins (cf.
Bosworth, Marathon Oil Company, for provid- Landon, 1994; Lambiase and Bosworth, 1995; Gawthorpe and
ing background data and discussions in the Leeder, 2000). Considerable recent attention has been focused on
eld; Adel R. Moustafa for a critical review; the tectono-sedimentary evolution of rift basins; the growth, link-
Samir Khalil for fruitful discussions; and Fathy age, and decay of the bounding fault structures; and the evolution
Ezzat (MPE) for assistance during the eld of rift basin sedimentary lls (cf. Gawthorpe and Leeder, 2000;
work. T. Dooley kindly assisted with the gure Gupta and Cowie, 2000).
preparation. This article is Fault Dynamics Re- Intracontinental rifts are typically formed by a system of narrow
search Group Publication 89.
(1040 kmwide) half grabens, bounded by rift-border faults and
with alternating dip polarities along strike (cf. East African rift sys-
tem [Rosendahl et al., 1986] and the Gulf of Suez rift [Patton et
al., 1994; McClay et al., 1998]). Individual half grabens dene sepa-
rate basins within the rift, and they can be linked along strike by a
variety of combinations of overlapping border fault systems (e.g.,
Bosworth, 1985; Rosendahl et al., 1986; Faulds and Varga, 1998).
As a result, complex patterns of structurally controlled synrift stra-
tigraphy may develop in the individual rift basins (e.g., Gawthorpe
and Leeder, 2000) (Figure 1). Individual basins within the rift are
separated by accommodation zones (Bosworth, 1985; Rosendahl et
al., 1986; Lambiase and Bosworth, 1995; Faulds and Varga, 1998),
which allow along-strike changes in both fault dips and bed dips,
that is, the polarities of the rift basins change along strike (Figure
1). Zones of along-strike displacement transfer between oppositely
dipping rift-border and intrarift faults have been referred to as ac-
commodation zones (Bosworth, 1985; Rosendahl et al., 1986; Lam-
biase and Bosworth, 1995; Faulds and Varga, 1998), transfer zones
(Morley et al., 1990; Moustafa, 1997), or interference accommo-
dation zones (Versfelt and Rosendahl, 1989). In this article, we
restrict the term accommodation zone to the region separating
oppositely dipping rift-border and intrarift fault systems (i.e., a
change in both half-graben and fault polarity [cf. Bosworth, 1985]).
This usage is somewhat more restrictive than the general form dis-
cussed by Faulds and Varga (1998) and reects the characteristic
features of narrow rifts where accommodation zones typically sepa-
rate distinct subbasins with different fault polarities (cf. Gulf of
Suez [Patton et al., 1994; Schutz, 1994; McClay et al., 1998]). We
use the terms transfer fault or transfer zone to describe a fault
or a fault zone connecting individual intrarift faults, regardless of
their dip direction (cf. Patton et al., 1994).

Accommodation Zones and Rift Basin Architectures

Accommodation zones in rift systems are typically 1530 km wide,

commonly higher in elevation than the surrounding sections of the

1004 Accommodation Zones (Gulf of SuezRed Sea Rift)

Figure 1. Conceptual model
of a narrow rift system
(shallow-marine intracontinental
rift) showing an along-strike
change in the half-graben
polarity. The possible variations
in synrift sedimentation pat-
terns and sediment input points
are shown. The accommodation
zone is modeled on that illus-
trated in Ebinger (1989).

rift, and cut by many steeply dipping antithetic and segmentation at overlap zones (Rosendahl et al., 1986;
synthetic faults (cf. Bosworth, 1985; Rosendahl et al., Morley, 1995).
1986; Morley, 1995; Faulds and Varga, 1998). In gen- Intrarift accommodation zones are generally rela-
eral, accommodation zones lack signicant strike-slip tively positive structural features and, as such, may ex-
faulting, and in places, gentle folds due to draping may ert important inuences on the dispersal of synrift sed-
occur where normal faults terminate (Cofeld and iments (cf. Figure 1; see also May and Russell, 1994;
Schamel, 1989; Morley et al., 1990; Vargo et al., Lambiase and Bosworth, 1995; Gawthorpe and
1993). Interpretation of seismic data indicates that sec- Leeder, 2000). The evolution of accommodation zones
tions across accommodation zones are typically sym- and, hence, the effects on synrift sedimentation are in-
metric with a characteristic horst and graben style (e.g., timately linked to the initiation, growth, linkage, and,
Lambiase and Bosworth, 1995; Morley, 1995). Large nally, decay of the rift fault systems (cf. Gawthorpe
accommodation zones share several geometric attrib- and Leeder, 2000). Initial rift fault systems are highly
utes, such as curvature of the bounding faults at depth, segmented (cf. McClay, 1990; McClay et al., 2002),
curvature of fault tips toward fault hanging walls (Bos- and individual rift basins are isolated. With increased
worth, 1985), transfer of displacement along relay extension, the rift faults propagate both updip and
ramps within the overlap zones, and pronounced fault along-strike until individual fault segments become

Younes and McClay 1005

linked (e.g., Cowie et al., 2000). When fault linkage solved issues concerning the origin of accommodation
occurs, extension is focused on a small number of faults zones in rift systems. Bosworth (1985) suggested that
that rapidly accumulate large individual displacements: accommodation zones are related to opposing, deeply
this is typically the rift climax phase (Gupta et al., seated, low-angle faults such that one fault locks up
1998; Cowie et al., 2000). At this stage, along-strike as the other slips. The half grabens switch polarity
linkage of basins occurs, and axial drainage patterns at some point along the incipient rift zone, [as] the
may be established (Lambiase, 1990; Gawthorpe and opposing detachment gains the initial advantage
Leeder, 2000). (Bosworth, 1985). Other rift models, for example,
Wernicke (1985), Lister et al. (1986), and Lister and
Relationship of Basement Fabrics to Rift Architecture Davis (1989), invoke extension on oppositely dipping
low-angle detachment faults and the switches in rift
Many rifts are formed in either crystalline basement half-graben polarities being accommodated by exten-
rocks or prerift strata above crystalline basement that sion-parallel strike-slip transfer faults. What is not
contain prerift structural fabrics such as foliations, frac- clear, however, are the mechanisms that form these
tures, faults, and dikes. These prerift elements weaken structures, how they are linked at depth, or what
the basement, reduce its strength, and can be reacti- governs the location of an individual accommodation
vated if they are favorably oriented during later tec- zone. If the geometries of rifts are inuenced by pre-
tonic deformation (cf. Illies, 1981). Reactivation is existing fabrics in the basement and prerift strata,
more pronounced in extensional terranes where planes and if half-graben formation is a common, early rift-
oriented normal or oblique to the extension direction ing process, then we should expect an association be-
can lose from 25 to 75% of their strength (Youash, tween the location of the accommodation zones and
1969). Therefore, during later rifting it is naturally these preexisting fabrics. The fundamental question
more efcient to reactivate favorably oriented pre- is why do half grabens switch polarities, under a uni-
existing fractures rather than forming new ones, at least form, regional extensional stress eld?
during the early stages of rifting. Examples of rift basins In this article, we present the results of detailed
controlled by preexisting fabrics include the East Af- mapping in the Gulf of SuezRed Sea, Egypt. This
rican rift (McConell, 1972; Kazmin, 1979), the Malawi area was chosen because it is a superb example of a
rift (Ring, 1994), the Baikal rift (Florensov, 1966), the well-preserved marine rift system (Landon, 1994)
Yadung-Gulu rift (Armijo et al., 1986), the Rhine Gra- that is anked by excellent exposures of basement
ben (Illies, 1981), the Oslo rift (Bederke, 1966), and and prerift cover rocks. Mapping was based on
the Rio Grande rift (Faulds et al., 1990; Beck and Landsat airphoto interpretations, together with eld
Chapin, 1994). mapping at 1:25,000 scale. We examined the link be-
In many hydrocarbon systems, reactivated base- tween the basement fabrics and the late Oligocene
ment faults both control the depositional environment early Miocene Gulf of SuezRed Sea rift structures.
(e.g., offshore bars, uvial systems, and algal mounds) In particular, we focused on the inuence of large
and may also control the fracture density in the cover Precambrian shear zones on the overall architecture
(Gay, 1997). The likelihood that a preexisting fabric of the Gulf of SuezRed Sea rift basins and, more
will reactivate increases for shallow, long, steep, co- specically, on the location of accommodation zones
hesionless fabrics, where they are near orthogonal to within them. The structures of two particular accom-
the extension direction. The amount of slip on reacti- modation zones are discussed and are related to re-
vated multiple sets of fractures is larger on fractures gional basement fabrics and rift fault architectures.
nearly orthogonal to the extension direction than on We show that the locations of these northernmost
those oblique to it (Morley, 1995). Thick prerift sedi- and southernmost accommodation zones in the Gulf
mentary cover on top of basement faults could also of SuezRed Sea area are strongly linked to reacti-
possibly inhibit their reactivation or restrict their ver- vation of preexisting north-south and west-northwest
tical propagation (e.g., Moustafa, 1997). Precambrian shear zones. We propose a model for
the formation of half grabens and accommodation
Present Study zones whereby they are controlled by the reactivation
of preexisting regional basement fabrics and their in-
Despite the extensive research on rift basins (e.g., teractions with the propagating rift-border fault
Gupta and Cowie, 2000), there are several unre- systems.

1006 Accommodation Zones (Gulf of SuezRed Sea Rift)


The Gulf of SuezRed Sea rift system (GSRSR) is a

type-example of an intercontinental rift (Landon,
1994). Rifting commenced during the late Oligocene
early Miocene (cf. Purser and Bosence, 1998; Bosworth
and McClay, 2001) as a precursor to Red Sea oor
spreading and separation of the Arabian and Nubian
plates. The evolution of the present GSRSR occurred
in two main episodes. The rst was the formation of a
continental rift extending from the southern Red Sea
to the Gulf of Suez (cf. Omar and Steckler, 1995). In
the second stage, the Gulf of Suez section of the rift
(Figure 2) was abandoned, and displacement was trans-
ferred to the Gulf of AqabaDead Sea transform (Gar-
funkel and Bartov, 1977; Bosworth and McClay,
2001). At the same time, the southern part of the rift
continued to develop, forming a young mid-oceanic
ridge south of lat. 25M (Cochran, 1983).
The rift geometry, in the study area between lat.
30N and 26N, consists of the Darag, October, Zeit,
and Duwi half-graben basins that display stratal dip
polarities to the southwest, northeast, southwest, and
northeast, respectively (Figure 2). From north to south
these basins are separated by the Zaafarana, Morgan,
and Duwi accommodation zones, respectively (Mous-
tafa, 1997). The exact geometry and extent of these
zones is not well dened in the subsurface because of
the poor seismic quality in the central Gulf of Suez and Figure 2. Location and simplied tectonic map of the study
Red Sea due to the thick Miocene evaporites (Patton area. Black bold arrows indicate dip direction of half grabens,
et al., 1994). This article focuses on the Zaafarana ac- whereas large gray arrows indicate extension direction during
commodation zone, located in the northern Gulf of the late Oligoceneearly Miocene. Solid lines are normal faults
Suez, and the Duwi accommodation zone, located in with throws corresponding to the thickness of the line. Major
the northwestern Red Sea (Figure 2). We chose these Precambrian shear zones are shown in stippled lines. ZAZ
zones because both separate southwest-dipping half Zaafarana accommodation zone; MAZ Morgan accommo-
dation zone; DAZ Duwi accommodation zone.
grabens to the north from northeast-dipping half gra-
bens to the south. The accommodation zones are sur-
rounded by extensive exposures of both basement and
prerift strata. lain by a 450480 mthick sequence of Lower Cam-
brianLower Cretaceous clastics, dominantly shallow-
Prerift Stratigraphy marine to uvial sandstones (informally known as the
Nubia sandstone [Said, 1962]). Overlying the sand-
The prerift of the GSRSR consists of Neoproterozoic stones is a 400500 mthick succession of interbedded
basement unconformably overlain by unmetamor- sandstones, limestones, and shales of the Nezzazat
phosed Cambrianlate Eocene sedimentary rocks (cf. Group (Ghorab, 1961). These are in turn overlain by
Said, 1990; Patton et al., 1994; Schutz, 1994). The 2050 mthick Paleocene shales of the Esna formation
basement consists of gneisses, metavolcanics, meta- and a 300 mthick earlymiddle Eocene carbonate suc-
sediments intruded by late tectonic granitoids, and cession (cf. Patton et al., 1994; McClay et al., 1998).
mac dike swarms (Said, 1990). In the eastern Gulf of In the northwestern Red Sea, the basement is un-
Suez, the crystalline basement is unconformably over- conformably overlain by a 500700 mthick sequence

Younes and McClay 1007

of prerift units that range from the Late Cretaceous of these is the Najd shear zone (Brown and Coleman,
Nubia sandstones through to the earlymiddle Eocene 1972; Davies, 1984). It is a 250 kmwide, approxi-
massive Thebes limestones (Moustafa, 1997; Mon- mately 1100 kmlong, left-lateral shear zone that has
tenat et al., 1998). The Late CretaceousPaleocene a cumulative lateral offset between 240 and 300 km
Quseir, Duwi, and Dakhlah formations (Montenat et (Brown and Coleman, 1972; Davies, 1984). It is be-
al., 1998) are interbedded clastics, carbonates, and lieved to have formed during the nal phases of Pan-
shales very similar in character to the Nezzazat Group African deformation (Shackelton et al., 1980; Sultan
(Patton et al., 1994) on the eastern margin of the Gulf et al., 1988) or as a late Precambrian rift-related trans-
of Suez. form fault (Stern, 1985). These Najd faults crosscut
earlier north-south fabrics, for example, schistosities,
Synrift Stratigraphy faults, and veins, and some were reactivated later as
reverse, normal, or oblique-slip faults (McMahon and
The prerift strata of the GSRSR are unconformably Al-Shanti, 1979; Fleck et al., 1980; Abu Zeid, 1984).
overlain by late Oligoceneearly Miocene red beds and The northwestern 4050 km of the Najd shear zone
volcanics of the earliest synrift deposited in isolated, occurs on the Egyptian side of the Red Sea, near the
fault-bounded basins (Said, 1962, 1990; Sharp et al., Duwi accommodation zone (Abu Zeid, 1984; Stern,
2000a, b). These red beds were followed by early 1985; Sultan et al., 1988), and is called the Hamrawin
middle Miocene synrift clastics (cf. McClay et al., shear zone (Figure 2). Other late Precambrian north-
1998; Sharp et al., 2000a), which attain thicknesses as west-trending strike-slip faults in the northwest Red
great as 6 km in the center of the Suez rift (cf. Bos- Sea basement have also been interpreted as being re-
worth et al., 1998). Middlelate Miocene synrift strata lated to the sinistral Najd system (cf. Unzog and Kurz,
include thick evaporites (Montenat et al., 1998). 2000). A northwest-trending basement shear zone
(Rihba shear zone) occurs in the Sinai basement (Fig-
Basement Characteristics and Structure ure 2) and is also perhaps a segment of the Najd shear
system. The Ar40-Ar39 dating of synkinematic micas
The crystalline basement underlying the SuezRed Sea along a northwest-striking strike-slip fault that borders
rift was deformed and metamorphosed during the Pan- the Meatiq granitic dome in the basement of the north-
African orogeny (620580 Ma in the northern Red western Red Sea rift margin gave an age of faulting of
Sea) (cf. Kroner et al., 1994). This event marks colli- 588 0.4 Ma (Fritz et al., 1996).
sion, north-southnorthwest subduction, accretion, In addition to regional northwest-trending shear
and suturing of the Arabian plate into the African con- zones and faults, pervasive northwest, north-south,
tinent and the formation of the Arabo-Nubian shield and east-northeastoriented faults, fractures, and foli-
(Gass, 1979; Engel et al., 1980; Fleck et al., 1980; Stos- ations occur throughout the basement. The most com-
ser and Camp, 1985; Kroner, 1993; Kroner et al., mon Precambrian fabrics are west-northwest faults and
1994). Basement rocks include ophiolites, together penetrative metamorphic fabrics, such as slaty and
with related magmatic and sedimentary assemblages, pencil cleavages, and gneissic foliations. In addition,
thrust over polydeformed and polymetamorphosed north-south fractures, faults, and minor dikes also oc-
basement units during Neoproterozoic convergence cur. The third most common fabrics are the northeast
(Kroner et al., 1994). The late stages of the Pan- and east-northeast faults and dikes. The relative-age re-
African orogeny are marked by intrusion of post- lationships of these pervasive Precambrian structures
tectonic granitoids (Greenberg, 1981; Stern and in the basement show that the north-south faults are
Hedge, 1985; Sultan et al., 1992) and widespread east- older than, and are displaced by, the east-northeast and
northeastnortheasttrending mac to andesitic dike the northwest faults. At least three phases of Neopro-
swarms. In general, the basement rocks can be divided terozoic northeast-oriented mac and composite dikes
into competent granitic intrusions surrounded by less have been identied in the northern Arabo-Nubian
competent zones of metamorphic rocks with intense, shield, ranging in age from about 580 to 540 Ma (Jessel
northwest-striking foliations. et al., 1998; Jarrar, 2001). In the southwest Gulf of
One of the most characteristic Precambrian struc- Suez younger northwest-oriented mac dikes intrud-
tural features of the Arabo-Nubian shield is a system ing preexisting fractures yield Ar40-Ar39 ages of 550
of regional, linear, deep-seated, left-lateral, northwest- 560 Ma, suggesting a reversal in the extension direction
oriented faults and shear zones. The most prominent (i.e., to the northeast) or an association with northwest

1008 Accommodation Zones (Gulf of SuezRed Sea Rift)

strike-slip faults during the late Precambrian (Younes east. The prerift strata in the Darag basin dip 15 at
et al., 1997). 5.0 km below sea level, suggesting a total throw of ap-
Neogene faults and fractures formed by late proximately 5.5 km on the Darag fault (Moustafa and
Oligoceneearly Miocene rifting in the GSRSR prop- El Shaarawy, 1987). The southeast tip of the Darag
agated upward from the crystalline basement through fault terminates at the Wadi Araba prerift anticline off-
most of the overlying prerift and synrift strata. Major shore. Its northwest tip, however, continues onshore
faults mapped in the sedimentary section of the Suez toward the northwest, where late Oligoceneearly
Red Sea rift cluster around north-south, west-north- Miocene extensional faults, for example, the Abu
west, and north-northwest orientations, in addition to Shama fault (Figure 4), trend in the same direction.
a small maximum oriented east-northeast (e.g., Khalil, The north-northeast fault segment bounding the
1998). Only the north-northwest faults propagated northwestern side of the Darag basin (Figures 3, 4) has
perpendicular to the late Oligoceneearly Miocene a throw comparable to that of the Darag fault at their
N60E extension direction (Angelier, 1985; Steckler et intersection, but its throw decreases toward the north.
al., 1988; Khalil, 1998); the remaining Neogene fault The eastern margin of the accommodation zone is
trends are probably rejuvenated Precambrian fabrics bounded by a series of zigzag north-northeast and
(Lyberis, 1988; Jarriage et al., 1990; Younes, 1996). west-northwest fault segments that form the Baba-
The youngest rift-related movements occurred on the Nukhul fault system (BNF). This system has a throw
east-northeast and north-south faults, whereas the old- that exceeds 1200 m near Wadi Baba, placing the Eo-
est occurred on the north-northwest and west-north- cene strata against the Precambrian basement, and Pa-
west faults (Jarriage et al., 1990). The late Oligocene leozoic sandstones next to the same basement rocks
early Miocene north-northwest faults are commonly north of the Nukhul block (Figure 4). The main
dip-slip faults, whereas the north-northeast and west- bounding faults for the October basin, south of the
northwest faults are commonly oblique left-lateral and accommodation zone, are an intrarift north-northeast
oblique right-lateral faults, respectively (Prat et al., oriented fault of the Coastal fault system and the west-
1986; Chorowicz, 1989; and Abu El Karamat and northwestoriented Hammam Faraun fault system
Fouda, 1990). North-northeastoriented faults in the (HFF in Figure 4). The rst is a reactivated oblique left-
Araba-Durba area were rejuvenated as a transfer fault lateral normal fault (Chorowicz, 1989). The second is
system linking the north-northwestoriented late a rejuvenated, southwest-dipping, oblique right-lateral
Oligoceneearly Miocene fault system (Moretti and fault that has approximately 5.0 km throw, half of
Chenet, 1987; Chorowicz, 1989; McClay and Khalil, which postdates the early synrift phase (Moustafa and
1998). El Shaarawy, 1987; Vargo et al., 1993). The Hammam
During the late OligoceneMiocene rifting, the re- Faraun fault is linked to the BNF by the Markha trans-
activation sequence of these preexisting fabrics de- fer fault, an oblique right-lateral normal fault (indi-
pended on their orientation relative to the regional cated by marker beds offsets and slickensides) that has
N60E extension direction (these age relationships are approximately a minimum of 3 km of down-to-the-
summarized in Table 1). south throw. Normal and reverse faults, local folds, and
fault splays are common in the hanging walls of the
Baba-Nukhul and the Hammam Faraun blocks near
ZAAFARANA ACCOMMODATION ZONE, their intersection with the shear zone (Figure 5).
NORTHERN GULF OF SUEZ A prerift structural high intersects the Darag and
BNF faults approximately at the accommodation zone
The Zaafarana accommodation zone is located in the (Figure 4). This high is believed to be an extension of
northernmost part of the Gulf of Suez and is sur- a northeast-trending Syrian arc inversion-related fold
rounded by the relatively gently dipping rocks of (subparallel to the accommodation zone) exposed at
north-central Sinai to the east and the North and South Wadi Araba, southwest of the Darag fault. Synrift de-
Galala plateaus to the west (Figure 3). The zone sepa- posits unconformably overlie the eroded and thinned
rates the southwest-dipping Darag half graben in the prerift section of this structure (Soliman et al., 1965).
north from the northeast-dipping October half graben Moustafa (1997) proposed that this high controlled the
to the south (Figure 3). The western margin of the location of the Zaafarana accommodation zone. Off-
Darag basin is bounded by two faults, oriented N55W shore three-dimensional (3-D) seismic data show that
(Darag fault) and N15E, both dipping to the north- faults within the accommodation zone are steeply

Younes and McClay 1009

Figure 3. Interpretation of
major faults and shear zones in
the Gulf of Suez area. HF
Hammam Faraun fault block;
HA Hadahid fault block; ZAZ
Zaafarana accommodation
zone; MAZ Morgan accom-
modation zone.

dipping and are dominated by N50W and northeast- tion of Landsat images of this area shows a major Pre-
trending faults (Moustafa and El Shaarawy, 1987) cambrian lineament, named here the Rihba shear zone
(Figure 5). Some of these faults are prerift faults, which (Figures 3, 4). This shear zone is well exposed along
were reactivated during the initial rifting stage (Vargo Wadi Rihba, a tributary of Wadi Feiran. It extends for
et al., 1993). approximately 40 km in the footwall of the BNF before
disappearing southeast of the Hammam Faraun fault
Basement Elements of the Zaafarana Accommodation Zone block, near the coast. The shear zone is more than 200
m wide and consists mainly of cataclasite with granite,
Pervasive basement fabrics in the region of the Zaafar- diorite, andesite, and quartz clasts embedded in a ne-
ana accommodation zone cluster in three sets: north- grained crushed-rock matrix. In thin section, brecci-
south faults, fractures, and foliations; east-northeast ated, crushed and deformed quartz grains are common,
faults and dikes; and west-northwest faults, fractures, but the lack of foliation and banding indicates strong
and foliations (Figure 6). At a larger scale, interpreta- cataclastic deformation. The Rihba shear zone cross-

1010 Accommodation Zones (Gulf of SuezRed Sea Rift)

Figure 4. Simplied structural
map of the northern Gulf of
Suez (modied from Moustafa
and El Shaarawy, 1988;
Chowdhary and Taha, 1987;
Said and Basiouni, 1958) and
subsurface map of Warda eld
on top of prerift strata (modi-
ed from Vargo et al., 1993).
ASF Abu Shama fault; DF
Darag fault; BNF Baba-
Nukhul fault; HFF Hammam
Faraun fault. Dip symbols indi-
cate block tilt direction; black
solid squares indicate down-
thrown side. The border fault
begins to lose displacement at
Wadi Baba (WB). The Darag
fault dips in the opposite direc-
tion but maintains the same
orientation as the Rihba shear.
AA and BB are cross sections
(after Patton et al., 1994) north
and south of the accommoda-
tion zone.

cuts the north-south faults and north-south and north- existing gneissic foliations acted as a directional weak-
west foliation but is itself cut by the late Precambrian ness within the basement during rifting. In addition,
northeast-trending basic and andesitic dikes. Although interaction of west-northwest, north-northwest, and
Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks cover the northwest north-south fault segments gives the border and coastal
termination of the shear zone, several structures trend fault systems a characteristic zigzag geometry, for ex-
along its strike, extending across the northern Gulf of ample, in the Nukhul and Hadahid blocks (Figures 3,
Suez. For example, the Abu Shama fault system, ba- 6). In rotated fault blocks, for example, the Durba,
saltic ows, and hot springs form a very strong align- Araba, Mallaha, and Zeit fault blocks, north-south
ment with the shear zone, extending for 300 km in- north-northeast faults have a passive left-lateral sense
dependent of the stratigraphic level of exposure of displacement, in agreement with this being Miocene
(Figure 4). reactivation of a preexisting north-south fabric (Prat et
al., 1986; Abu El Karamat and Fouda, 1990; McClay
Basement Control on the Zaafarana Accommodation Zone and Khalil, 1998).
The Rihba shear zone intersects the BNF near
The BNF footwall is made up of foliated Precambrian Wadi Baba. North of this intersection, the BNF splays
gneisses. The strikes of gneissic foliations measured in into several segments to the north of Wadi Nukhul and
the rift footwall cluster around northnorth-northeast progressively loses offset until it arrests at the northern
and northwest trends (Figures 5, 6). These foliation end of the block (Figure 5). On the western rift margin,
trends are parallel to those of the border fault seg- the Darag fault follows the trace of the Rihba shear
ments, suggesting that these favorably oriented pre- (N55W), in contrast to the coastal fault trends farther

Younes and McClay 1011

fault, the Eocene Thebes Formation dips 15 to the
northeast and is juxtaposed against the basement rocks,
with a minimum offset of 1200 m. The fault system
loses displacement to the northwest and dies within
the Paleocene shales, whereas the southeast end either
terminates at or interacts with a system of north-south
to north-northeastoriented faults (Figure 8). A hang-
ing-wall extensional-fault propagation fold occurs in
the immediate hanging wall of the Nakheel fault. Here,
bed dips average 55SW, and in places vertical and
overturned strata are found. Synclinal lows associated
with the accommodation zone and the Nakheel fault
were lled with the late Oligocene(?)early Miocene
Nakheel Formation (Figure 8a).
The west-northwesttrending, northeast-dipping
Kallaheen fault is exposed for approximately 10 km
(Figure 8). Fault offset reaches a maximum of 1100 m
at its center, juxtaposing Eocene limestones against the
top of the basement. At the lateral tips of the fault,
offsets of only a few tens of meters are found. A doubly
plunging syncline exists in the hanging wall, with rem-
Figure 5. Simplied map of the Baba-Nukhul area. Inset nants of the Cretaceous sandstones and shales in its
shows major basement fabric trends and late Oligoceneearly core. The Kallaheen fault links to a north-south fault
Miocene extension direction (wide arrows). system to the north, which bounds the west-dipping
fault blocks of the Wasif and Huetat blocks. The Nak-
heel and Kallaheen faults overlap for approximately
to the south, for example, in the Zeit, Araba, and 6.5 km and enclose the westernmost part of the Duwi
Durba blocks, where they follow the late Oligocene accommodation zone (Saqi block [Moustafa, 1997]).
early Miocene fault trends (N25W). The fault that links the oppositely dipping Nakheel and
Kallaheen faults has a maximum displacement of 80 m
and is called the Duwi transfer fault (DTF) within the
DUWI ACCOMMODATION ZONE, Duwi accommodation zone (Figure 9).
NORTHWESTERN RED SEA The surface expression of this part of the accom-
modation zone is manifest by two southeast-plunging
The Duwi accommodation zone is exposed onshore in synclines separated by a transfer fault and an array of
the northern Red Sea, extending for 710 km north of small-scale faults that form a twist zone farther to the
Quseir (Figures 2, 7). It separates the southwest- north (Figures 8, 9). The southeast plunge direction of
dipping fault blocks (e.g., Mallaha, Zeit, Wasif, and the synclines indicates an overall right-lateral displace-
Huetat) to the north from the northeast-dipping blocks ment component on their bounding faults or on the
to the south (e.g., Duwi and Hammadat blocks) (Fig- Hamrawin shear zone. The twist zone consists of an
ure 7). The offshore extension of the accommodation array of small-offset (50 m), east-dipping, normal
zone is not readily obvious because of the north-north- faults that fan from north-south orientation to the east
west faulting along the Red Sea margin and because of to a northwest orientation to the west. These faults are
the poor quality of the offshore seismic data. The west- antithetic to the Nakheel fault and die out to the north
ern margin of the Duwi accommodation zone is as displacement is transferred to the fault bounding the
bounded by two northwest-oriented, oppositely dip- Wasif block.
ping faults named the Nakheel (Moustafa, 1997) and
the Kallaheen faults (Figure 7). The Nakheel fault sys- Basement Elements of the Duwi Accommodation Zone
tem consists of three southwest-dipping, left-stepping
segments characterized by offsets and breached relay The Precambrian fabrics of the Duwi accommodation
ramps (Figure 8a). In the hanging wall to the Nakheel zone cluster around trends similar to those found in

1012 Accommodation Zones (Gulf of SuezRed Sea Rift)

Figure 6. Lower hemisphere plots of fabric data collected from the Duwi and Zeit fault blocks and Sinai. (a) Landsat faults;
(b) fractures; (c) mapped faults; (d) foliation; (e) dikes; (f) synoptic. Fractures, faults, and dikes are plotted as 2 r Kamb contours
(equal area density contours). Foliation is plotted as poles. Synoptic shows loci of sets mentioned in text.

the Gulf of Suez (Figure 10). Precambrian west-north- and dipping approximately 8075 to the northeast.
west faults strike parallel to major shear zones and in Fold vengeance to the west, sheared veins, secondary
places have an up to 3 km left-lateral strike-slip com- shear structures, and offset of dike and magmatic con-
ponent recorded in the offset of dike swarms. Away tacts indicate that this shear zone has a Precambrian
from the rift margin, north-south faults commonly av- left-lateral strike-slip component (Abu Zeid, 1984;
erage a few kilometers to tens of kilometers long and Stern, 1985). Upper Cretaceous rocks above the base-
consistently displace the Precambrian granitic intru- ment were down faulted to the north along the shear
sions 13 km in a right-lateral sense. East-northeast zone, indicating post-Cretaceous (probably late Oli-
fabrics, although present as dikes and faults, are far less goceneearly Miocene) reactivation of the shear zone
intense than in the Gulf of Suez farther to the north. (Figure 8). The Hamrawin shear zone offsets a north-
Interpretation of Landsat thematic mapper (TM) south fault that separates metagabbroic from metavol-
imagery shows that the northwest-trending Hamrawin canic and metasedimentary rocks by approximately 2
and Queyh shear zones are the dominant basement km in an apparent right-lateral sense (AA in Figure 7),
fabrics in the region of the Duwi accommodation zone indicating a reversal of motion during or after the Ol-
(Figure 8). The Hamrawin shear zone borders the east- igocene(?) (Abdeen, 1995). Absence of comparable
ern side of the Anz block to the south and projects to offset in the cover rocks indicates that this slip on the
the northwest where it intersects the Nakheel fault. It Hamrawin shear predates the movement on the late
is dened by two pronounced faults oriented N55W Oligoceneearly Miocene Nakheel fault.

Younes and McClay 1013

Figure 7. Interpretation of major faults and shear zones in the
Red Sea area. The Hamrawin and Queyh shears are outlined.
DAZ Duwi accommodation zone. AA is a Precambrian north-
south fault that has been displaced approximately 2 km dextrally
by reactivation of the Hamrawin shear.

The Queyh shear zone strikes parallel to the Ham-

rawin shear zone and is located approximately 20 km
to the north (Figure 8). This Precambrian shear zone
displaces a granitic intrusion approximately 2.5 km in
a left-lateral sense. Conjugate brittle fault sets, intense
fracturing, and mylonitization of the granite suggest re-
activation of this shear zone. Similar to the Hamrawin
shear zone, the northern tip of the Queyh shear zone
joins a north-southtrending fault that bounds the
Huetat fault block, whereas its southern tip is termi-
nated by an east-northeast fault (Figure 8).

Basement Control on the Duwi Accommodation Zone

Segments of the Nakheel fault system strike parallel to

the northwest-oriented slaty cleavage of the meta-
sediments. Field observations show that the northern
segment of the Nakheel fault propagated along the

Table 1. Tectonic Summary of Gulf of SuezRed Sea Rift System

1014 Accommodation Zones (Gulf of SuezRed Sea Rift)

edge of the Hamrawin intrusion, exploiting a 150 m mation in these blocks is faulted against both fault
wide mylonitized granite zone exposed in its footwall. trends, suggesting that, at least, one of these trends was
Moreover, several block-bounding faults propagated reactivated during the late Oligoceneearly Miocene
around this unfoliated igneous intrusion, opting to ex- extension. In places, north-south fault segments ex-
ploit the weaker contact between the foliated meta- tend into the basement (footwall), whereas another
morphic rocks and the intrusion. Orientations of meta- segment follows the northwest rift trend (e.g., Gebel
morphic foliations correspond to the orientations of Um Huetat in Figure 8a). Such geometries suggest that
the block-bounding faults (Figure 10). the preexisting metamorphic foliations, fractures, and
The Hamrawin shear zone intersects the south- faults controlled the geometries and orientations of the
west-dipping Nakheel fault system at approximately rift-border faults but not the coastal rift faults, which
15 to its strike (Figure 9). At the point of intersection, are generally orthogonal to the overall N60E exten-
the Nakheel fault jogs 0.7 km to the east and loses sion (cf. Figure 8a).
displacement, then arrests farther to the northwest. Fault block geometries in the eastern Gulf of Suez
This jog was later offset by a dip-slip component on have distinct rhomboidal forms, reecting the strong
the Hamrawin shear zone. The abrupt loss of displace- control by reactivated preexisting northwest and
ment (Figure 11) and jog and splaying of the Nakheel north-southnorth-northeast basement fabrics (Khalil,
fault at the point of intersection with the Hamrawin 1998). Similar rhomboidal and zigzag fault patterns are
shear zone suggest that the latter caused arrest of the also found in the northwestern Red Sea margin, reect-
Nakheel fault. In addition, the segment of the shear ing reactivation of basement fabrics. In particular, both
zone in the hanging wall was used as a transfer fault the northwest and north-southnorth-northeast
(DTF) that eventually links to the northeast-dipping trending fault segments have early synrift sequences
Kallaheen fault. The latter follows the trend of the deposited in their hanging walls, indicating synchro-
Hamrawin shear rather than the Nakheel fault trend nous rift extension on both trends (Khalil, 1998).
(Figures 8, 9).
The Queyh shear zone was reactivated during the Inuence of Shear Zones on Accommodation Zones
late Oligoceneearly Miocene rifting as an oblique-slip
normal fault with maximum displacement at its inter- Map relationships (Figures 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9) clearly show
section with an east-northeast fault that strikes parallel that switches in half-graben polarities in the Gulf of
to Wadi Queyh (Figure 8). Thick late Oligoceneearly SuezRed Sea rift system occur where rift-border
Miocene conglomerates were deposited in the hanging faults impinge on or are inuenced by preexisting base-
wall, but their thickness decreases to the northwest, ment structures, particularly the Precambrian shear
indicating a reduction in dip-slip offset on the shear zones. The change in half-graben polarities at points of
zone. intersection with older shear zones is not unique to the
Gulf of SuezRed Sea. In the Rio Grande rift, New
Mexico, the Tijeras accommodation zone coincides
DISCUSSION: LINKS BETWEEN THE with the intersection of the rift-border fault and a shear
PRECAMBRIAN FABRICS AND zone that divides the Albuquerque basin into northern
ACCOMMODATION ZONES and southern, oppositely dipping blocks (May and Rus-
sell, 1994). Similarly, in the Kenya rift, the intersection
Geometries of Block-Bounding Faults of the rift with the Kerio-Bogoria-Marmanet shear
zone marks an accommodation zone that separates the
Field evidence for reactivation of preexisting basement west-dipping Gregory rift from the east-dipping Tur-
fabrics includes faulting of late Oligoceneearly Mio- kana rift (Smith and Mosley, 1993). In Lake Tangan-
cene rocks along the Precambrian, mylonitic fault yika, the change in rift basin polarity is also caused by
zones and the concordance of Precambrian gneissic fo- a basement shear zone (Versfelt and Rosendahl, 1989).
liations with the late Oligoceneearly Miocene fault These similar observations in several rift systems indi-
orientations. Figure 12 shows sketches of fault line seg- cate that preexisting shear zones are a fundamental fac-
ments for several block-bounding faults in the eastern tor in controlling rift architectures, especially in the
Gulf of Suez and the northwestern Red Sea areas. In early stages of rift evolution.
both areas, northwest and north-south fault segments In the Gulf of SuezRed Sea rift, a comparison
make up the border faults. The Eocene Thebes For- between the Zaafarana and Duwi accommodation

Younes and McClay 1015

Figure 8. (a) Geologic map of the Duwi area, based on a photomosaic geocorrected using the Helmert 1906 spheroid and transverse
Mercator projection. Continued.

1016 Accommodation Zones (Gulf of SuezRed Sea Rift)

Figure 8. Continued. (b) Cross sections across the Duwi accommodation zone. Note change in dip direction across the accom-
modation zone.

Younes and McClay 1017

Figure 9. Detailed map of the Duwi accommodation zone. DTF Duwi transfer fault, which hard-links the two oppositely dipping
faults. The location of the accommodation zone coincides with the intersection of the block-bounding fault with the Precambrian
Hamrawin shear zones. Squares on faults indicate downthrown side. Area between G. Abu Aqarib and G. Abu Zarabit is the twist
zone. White arrows indicate sense of earlier motion, whereas black arrows indicate later motion. Thin solid lines are faults in the
basement rocks.

zones shows that both of their border fault systems 4. Both the Darag and Kallaheen faults are linked to a
share the following similarities. north-south or north-northeast fault to the north.
5. Both accommodation zones are formed where a
1. The eastern border faults have a zigzag pattern northeast-dipping half graben terminates at its
with an overall average orientation perpendicular to northern end against a northwest-oriented base-
the late Oligoceneearly Miocene rift extension ment shear system.
2. The border faults arrest and die out in splays where In both accommodation zones, the location of sed-
they intersect regional, Precambrian shear zones iment input points to the rift basin, and the synrift stra-
(Figures 7, 9). tal architectures are likely to have been strongly con-
3. Despite differences in the magnitudes of their trolled by the accommodation zone structures (cf.
throws, the Darag fault in the northwestern Gulf of Figure 1). In the following sections we develop con-
Suez and the Kallaheen fault in the northwestern ceptual models, based on eld observations, for the
Red Sea margin are both straight west-northwest evolution of accommodation zones controlled by the
oriented faults, parallel to, and colinear with, a re- intersections of rift fault systems with preexisting base-
gional Precambrian shear zone. ment shear zones.

1018 Accommodation Zones (Gulf of SuezRed Sea Rift)

Figure 10. (a) Orientations of faults measured from the Quseir Landsat TM images. Sets A, B, C, and D correspond to the north-
south, west-northwest, northeast, and north-northwest trends, respectively. Sets A, B, and C, are common basement fabrics, whereas
set D is a common Neogene fabric. The trends of the major shear zones and coastal faults are indicated for comparison. (b) Fractures.
(c) Mapped faults. (d) Foliation. (e) Dikes. (f) Synoptic.

Accommodation Zone Model hence, set up local tensile or compressional stresses

(Figure 13). At the obtuse angles of intersection, the
The proposed model is based on the rift-related reac- north-south fabrics reactivate by the sum of resolved
tivation of both the west-northwest and north-south stresses, which promotes normal, dip-slip components
preexisting fabrics and interactions with the newly on these preexisting fabrics (Figure 13a). In contrast,
formed rift-border faults. The models unit-element is at the acute angle intersections, resolved stresses pro-
based on the setting at the Duwi accommodation zone, mote local compression and may inhibit fault propa-
and it may be repeated elsewhere along the rift where gation or block fault movement.
regional preexisting basement shear zones occur. The Interaction of the propagating rift-border fault
development of the accommodation zone can be ex- with a preexisting shear zone depends on the direction
plained in two steps: (1) reactivation of the west-north- of the strike-slip and the dip-slip components of the
west and north-south fabrics prior to or contempora- shear zone and the propagating fault, respectively. If
neous with rift-border fault propagation and (2) arrest the slip components are divergent, that is, plunge away
of border faults and transfer of displacement. from each other, the local tensile stresses around the
Kinematically, north-south and west-northwest intersection are enhanced, allowing the dip-slip fault
fabrics under N60E extension move with left-lateral to kink or jog (Figure 13b). These kinks later can
and right-lateral slip components, respectively, and, evolve into transfer faults linking the two main faults.

Younes and McClay 1019

Figure 11. Fault displacement prole along the main fault system of the Duwi accommodation zone. Shaded area indicates area
of overlap between the Duwi transfer and the northernmost tip of the Hamrawin shear zone. Displacement is measured from cross
sections, taking into account thickness variation of prerift strata and slope of basement top. Note that these are minimum values, as
in most places the prerift sedimentary section has been eroded from the footwall fault blocks.

In contrast, if the slip components are convergent, that This generated an independent crustal block, which re-
is, plunge toward each other, the movement of the dip- sponded to regional extension and behaved indepen-
slip fault either terminates abruptly at the shear zone dently from the propagating border fault. In the second
or cuts completely through it (Figure 13c). If the dip stage, the north-south fabrics initiated as faults,
of the shear zone is opposite to that in Figure 13b, c, whereas the southwest-dipping border fault arrested at
it promotes interaction and linkage in the divergent the shear zone (Figure 14c). In the nal stage, the bor-
case and impedes it in the convergent case. der fault linked to the north-south system by a transfer
Using these principles, we may explain the fault fault and all slip was transferred to the new north-
patterns and formation of the Duwi and Zaafarana ac- northeastdipping north-south system (Figure 14d).
commodation zones. Figure 14 shows the initial con- The array of the small-scale extensional faults (twist
ditions at the Duwi accommodation zone. The border zone in Figure 9) is perhaps a manifestation of in-
fault, the shear zone, and the north-south fabrics all creased local extension in the area. Similarly, folding
experienced late Oligoceneearly Miocene N60E ex- may occur within the compressional quadrants (Figure
tension. Initial movements occurred as oblique-slip 13).
movements on the west-northwest and north-south In the case of the Zaafarana accommodation zone,
fabrics and set up local tensile stresses (Figure 14b). the structure is complicated by two elements: (1) a

1020 Accommodation Zones (Gulf of SuezRed Sea Rift)

Younes and McClay 1021

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