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De-acidify With calcium carbonate, which can leave remaining calcium,

which you try to combine by using both E. tartaric acid and

D. tartaric acid together, creating double salts (not soluble).
What plants need Water

Sugar (carbohydrates) C6 H 12 O6

Can a plant be missing any of it Sometimes they are needed for the plant to function
trace elements?
Process grape ripening Sure Total acid
Beerengewicht Total mass of the berry
Mostgewicht must weight
What can be observed
In a few weeks, the grapes are building small fruits
and flowering
Then the DNA in the small berries will be copied
over and over again, the nucleus is growing, and the
information must be given to other cells, its a plan
At first nothing seems to happen, after a while you
can see the cells are dividing (very small cells in the
All of this takes place during the second phase
After a few weeks, 6 weeks, the number of cell is
fixed, the berries are very small
There are high levels of acid to fend from pests, and
most bacteria (will dont like low PH levels)
All things are increasing must weight except ethanol.
The leafs are still growing and still slightly pale, there
still building cloryphal up
When the become green the sugars can be formed
through photosynthesis
The acids levels drop
Tartaric acid is the precursor of sugar
Berry weight is increasing, through the filling of the
Vacuoles are bubles in the cells of plants that are
filled up, in the case of grape berries, with must.
Aromas Found in the skins to
When ripe attract the animals
When unripe repel the animals
Polyphenolic substances To ward off animals, doesnt taste nice
To protect from enzymes, fungi
Extracted from maceration time, which is either
good or bad depending on variety and what is
wanted from the wine.
Botrytis Light so they can be transported by the wind
Polyphenolic substance are a strategy against
Wax layer To repel water
Penecyline Many microorganisms are coming
It creates a war
There fighting against each other
They have their own weapons (methods)
Rotten grapes might give you cancer (microtoxin)
Sugars Glucose and Fructose
Different properties
Reducing and nonreducing properties
Sugars can form chains, long, long, long, chains, and
the longer the chain the more What?
Sucrose Poly Saccharose
Starch a cellulose is polynucain
Starch and cellulose
They both consist only of glucose
Difference =
o If you dilute glucose and sucrose
o Starch is a alpha connection
o Cellulose is a beta connection
o This make a big difference
o Starch forms spiral molecule
o Cellulose is a non-helical molecule
Pure cellulose is difficult to rupture because it forms
strong fibers (to reinforce the cell walls). This is why
wood is so hard. To grow upwards.
It times of missing glucose vines have a storage, this
is the glucan. Botrytis have a special enzyme to split
the glucan, which creates glucose.
Sugar alcohols Dont form ring structures
Sorbitol Peer, plums find this
Found when grapes are rotten
They would assume apple juice had been mixed with
grape if Sorbitol was found in the wines by chemist
Good for interjection
Whats with the grades?
Hey Felix, nothing is there as of yet, Ill keep you
posted. Cheers, Dudley.
Inositol Cyclic
Phytinic acid Used to prevent iron staining of the
wines, but it is not aloud anymore (FDA/EU
forbidden) because it binds also minerals in our
body which is not good.
Substance groups
Inositol Contents
Understand pK value
pKn (constant) = 4,75 +
+ H








Melic acid Hydrogen Malate Malate

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