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NAME: ______________________________________ CLASS: _______________________________



TASK 1: Read Part 1 and answer the following questions.
1. Where was Sherlock Holmes staying? Why?

2. Who is Hilton Soames?


3. What did Mr Soames receive that afternoon?


4. What was lying on the floor when he returned to his room after tea?

5. Why did Mr Soames refuse to call the police?


6. Who is Bannister?
7. What clues did Mr Soames find?

8. What does he think has happened?

NAME: ______________________________________ CLASS: _______________________________

TASK 2: Who and what can you see in the picture? Are these sentences true ( ) or
false ( ). If the statements are false, write the correct statement in the space provided.

1. The tutors room was on the same floor as the three students. ( )


2. Holmes couldnt see into the room through the window. ( )


3. He found a clue on the carpet. ( )


4. The papers were next to the window because it was easier to

read them in the light. ( )


5. Holmes found another clue in the bedroom. ( )


6. The intruder saw Mr. Soames returning. ( )


7. He escaped through the study window. ( )

NAME: ______________________________________ CLASS: _______________________________

LISTENING TASK: Listen to Part 4 of the story and answer the following questions.

1. What was it about the culprit that made 4. Why does Bannister apologize?
Holmes suspicious?
A. Because he locked the windows
A. He is an athlete and a long jumper B. Because he did not clean the lumps of
B. He is an excellent student mud
C. He is hard working C. Because he put the papers near the
D. He is poor
D. Because he forgot to lock the door
2. Where did Holmes go to solve the mystery?

A. The study 5. Why can the examinations take place?

B. The bedroom
C. The sports ground
A. There was a scandal at the college
D. The students rooms
B. Mr. Soames had a spare set of
question papers
3. What does Watson say to congratulate his
C. The other students had not seen the
exam papers
A. Excellent work Holmes! D. The exam questions were very difficult
B. That was a job well done! to prepare
C. Brilliant, Holmes! Just brilliant.
D. You are a great detective!

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