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Secrets of Amen ti

Volume II
Expanded Second Ed ition

By Ashaya na Deane
(Anna Hayes)

Information transcribed from the Guardian Alliance

regarding the 2000 to 2017 Time Continuum Shift,
Humanity's True Origins and Hidden Evolutionary Destiny, the Arc of
the Covenant, the Halls of Amenti, Keytontic Science, and the Process
of Entering the Higher Evolution

Wild Flower Press

Columbus, NC
Copyright Cl2002 by Ashayana Deane
All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any fonn or by any ek>ctronic or mechanical means,
including infonna.tion and retrieval systems, without prior pcmlission from the publisher in writ
ing.. with the exception of the charts in Appendices I, 1I1, and V, which may be copied and
used publicly and freely, but not distributed via thc intcrnct in any way.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Oil iii

Dedicated to
Deane, Ashayall<l 1964-
The Guardians
Voyagers: the secrets of amenti 1 by Ashilyall<l De.lne.
of all Races and Realities
ISBN 1-893183-25-4
1. Human-i1Hen encounters.
2. Spirit writings.
I. Title.
And to
The Guardian Alliance
for their patience and wisdom
and for the creation of this book.
The Voyagers Series
Volwnc II, Sccond Edition

In Memory of
Cover i1rnvork and internal illustrations: Ashayanil Deane
Fin.d cover work: Suzanne Makscl and Pam Meyer
Manuscript editors: Brian Crissey, Pam Mcyer, Julie Sherar and SUs,ln Westhoff Richard G. Herhenreader,
Indexer: Brian Crissey, Ph.D.
Beloved Voyager
Printed in the United Sliltes of America.

Address aU inquirics to:

Wild Flowcr Press
Granite Publishing. LL.C.
Post Office Box 1429,
Columbus, NC 28722 U.S.A.

Granite Publishing.. LLC., is committed

to walking lightly on the Earth.
Table of C ontents
Table of Contents 9 TIme Shift . .... .. .. .... ... . ... ...... . 160
Ascending and Descending Planets ........... .. .. . . ...... 160
Three Tracks of Time ... .... . . ...... . ..... . . ........ . . 169
10 Opening <he Halls of Amenti .. .... .... ........... .... ..... ......... ..... . 185
Context ..... ......... ... ............. ..... .. ......... 185
iO/1986through6/1998 ...... . .... ... ... ........... .. .... 187
The Arc of the Covenant Opens ... . .. ............ .. . ... 193
Palaidorian Birthing Contracts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 194
Preface to Volume II ..... .. ............. ....... ....... .. ........ ..... .... .. .... ... ix 11 Things to Come .... .. ..... ..... .. ...... .. ...... ..... ... .... ..... ........ ... 199
Required Reading ..... .. ... .. ..... .... .. ................ .... .. ... .. ....... ...... ... xi Ascension Schedule ..................................... 199
OR IGINAL MATERIAL The Amenti Ascension Program Schedule ................... 201
1 The Secrets of Amend ........ ....... ........... ............ ......... .... ...... 1 Final 1998 Comments from the Guardian Alliance ....... . ... .. 230
An\enti Transmission 1998 ........... . . .... ........ ...... I 12 Author's Closing Srafement, 1998 .. .... .. ... ........ .......... ... ... .... 234
Origins and the Fall .. . . .. ..... .. . . ............ ... ......... 2 The 1Am Prayer ...... .. .... . . ....... .. .... .......... .. . 239
Amenti Rescue Mission ...... .. . . ... . .. . . . .. .. ....... . .... 6
The Halls of Ament; .... ........... .. ...................... 9 2001 UPDATE SECTION
Root Races C loistered Races ..... .. . . . ... . . .. . .... ....... 15
13 Emergency Release GA .... .. ..... ...... .. ............................... . 2 41
A New Level of (Continuous) Revelation ..... . ........ ... ... 241
The Electric Wars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ............ . ... . .. 18
Anunnaki, 1992 PleladinnSirian Agreements & Fallen ET races. 242
2 The Second Seeding ........ ..... ........ ...... ......... ... .. ... .......... ... ..27
Solar Star Gate4 & Anunnaki defection from
Sirius B ......................... . ... ........ . . . .. . ..... 27 . 245
the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreemems .......... .
Me1chi!edek Races ................................... .. . . 29
The July 5, 2000, T reaty of Altair & Anunnaki Sabornge
Science of Ascension ..... ........ . ... .. .. .. ... 38 ..247
of the 912000 UK Expfilition ........... .
The ThousandYears' War ............... . ... . 43 The September 2CXXl UIR and the Edict of War .. . .... . . 250
3 The Third Seeding .... .................. ............. ....... ..... .... .. .... .. ..50 The D I 2 Planetary Sc<:urity Seal, Planetary Shields Clinics,
The Arc of the Covenant ............ . ... .. .... . ........... 50 and Crisis Intervention . . ............. .. .... .. . . .... 255
Lemuria Destroyed ..... .. . . ......... .. ........... . . . .. 58
Invasion Agenda, HAARP, MerkabaReversal.
Giza to Atlantis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 59 and the Rude Awakening .............. . ..... . . . 257
2017 AD Appoimment .................. . ........ . . ... ... 65
Merkaba Mayhem, Real Ratios, and
4 A]oumeyTowardAwakening ................ ............................... 71 the Nibiruian Chc<:kerboard Mutation. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 259
Sinking Adantis and Earth Quarnntinc .... , ... ... . ......... 71
Dreaming, Ego. and Higher Sdf ............ . .... .. ......... 77
14 Angelic Human Heritage & Rainbow Roundtables .......... ....... .. .. 261
Genetic Ascendancy of Angelic Human Lineage .. ... ... ... .. . 262
Akyone and the Templar Seal ..................... . ....... 82
12.Tribes Seeding3 G enetic Ascendancy .................... 263
5 Return [0 Alnenti .............................................................. 87 The Alurites, IAFW. Omphim.Angelic Human. MC Priests of UR.
Pharaoh Akhenaton ............... . . . . . . . .. ..... ...... .. 87 and Indigo Child Eieyani Grail Line . . . . ...... ........... 264
The Three Christs ... . ........... . ........................ 96
Creation of the Oraphim-T uraneusiam Angelic Human
6 Ascension Mechanics .......................... ..... .......... .............. 106 Christiac.Rishic Grail Line ........................ . ... 266
Humanity's Evolmion ............ .. .... . ................. 106 Seeding the 12 Unite.Cloister Palaidia Empires .... . ..... . .... 269
Earth T ime Cyc\~s ....... . ............ . .. 110 Unite-Trl-Cloister Maji Holy Grail Line Flame Keepe~ . . .... . .. 270
The Holographic. Beam. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ....... ....... 114 Shambali. Bhrama. and AnnuMelc.hizedek Races of Inner Earth .271
DNA and the Halls of Amemi ....................... . .. ... 117
The Three Primary UrtiteTri-Cloister Maji Flame Keeper
7 Countdotvn (0 Amenci .. . .. .. ......... .. .. .. .... . ...... ... .. .... . .......... . 122 Holy Grail Line Seed Races of the Palaidia Empires ..... . . . 272
Receor History ........ ... ........ . . ... . ... .. .. ..... 122
The Two Secondary UrtiteBi.CloiSler Maj i Flame Keeper
Merbba Fields ...... .......... . .. . . . ....... 126 Holy Grail Line Seed Races of the Palnidia Empires . . . .. 276
TIle Philadelphia Experiment and Solar Crisis ......... . 130
The Riddle of the "Roundrablc"- Location of Race Seedings
Solar Crisis and 11:11/lZ:12 . ... . . . . . ... . ..... .......... 133 and Rites of the Rounds .................. . ........ .. . 278
The Montauk Project .......... ............ . . .. . 136
Four Evolutionary Rounds. CoResonant Cominuum Alignment.
8 Current Events .............. ............................................ .... 142 T rans.Time Connc<:tion, & Christos Realignment Mission .. 284
The Bridge Zone Project ................. . ... .. ........... 142 The Cyde of the Rounds Seeding.3 ......................... 290
Bridge Zone Mech:mics ........... ... . .. . .... ........ . .. 145 The "Cyde of the Rounds" . .. . ...... .. ........... ........ . 291
Time-Cycle Mechanics and Evolution ... .. .. ...... ... . . .... 146 Evolutionary Rounds ..................................... 291
DNA ......................... ...... . ... . . .. ...... 156 Fire Lener Sequences ......... . ........... . .... . . ....... 291
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Guardian Intervention and the Bridge Zone Project 1983-1992 ... 379
AngeliC Humanity's Original Sacred Mission . 292
The Pleiadian-Sirian Agreemenu; and Hurric,1ne Andrew 1992 ... 380
The Planetary Shields & 12 Signet Star Gates Temporary Cap on the Montauk Phi-Ex Womulole 1994-1998 ... 382
of the Universal Templar Complex . ... ........ . ........ 294
Anunrulki Defection, Falcon Un-Capped, Indigo Hunting
The 12 Tribes and the Rou ndtables . . . . ...... 295 and Edict of War 1998-2001 ........................... 384
12-Cycles, Simuirancous lncarnation, and DNA..... . .. 296
The Reality of Spirituallntegrntion ......................... 298 19 WaH in TIme, Adantian Secrets of Phoenix & Falcon ........... .... . 386
Activating the Tribal Shield .............................. 299 Dimensional Blend Experiment, the Wall in Time,
The Silicate Matrix 12Strand DNA Template with Hova Body, Illuminati Master Plan 2003 ........................... 386
Scalar Shield, and Identity Level Correspondences ......... 300 The WTCtpemagon Disaster and
The fastest means of naturally activating the ~SecreLS of the Phoenix and the Falcon" ...... . ....... 389
the Personal12-Strand DNA Template .................. 301 The Real Founding of America-"Spiking Out the Territory" ... . 393
Christos Identity Integration .............................. 301 Our Hidden History of Sorrow, 9558 BC;lrescnt . ..... .... .... 398
Reality of the Roundtables ..................... ........... 302 Spiritual Manipulation ................................... 399
12 Tribe Names and Sacred Psonns ......................... 30] Breeding a Final Conflict Army & Planetary Shields Reversal .... 401
The Three Key Elements of the Cycle of the Rounds .... . .. 30] 20 HAARPs, Trumpets, Horsemen, and Heaven ................ ........ . 403
Tribal Shield Dynamics ........... . . . . . .. ]07 What Really Happened on 9/1 1/2001 ................ . .. . ... 403
IS The Atlantian ConspirQCY and Roundtabb ...... .. .. ............ ....... 310 The T rumpeLS, Towers and Terrorists-
Long.Tenn Problems and immediflte Solutions .. .. . .. .... ..... ] 10 The Hidden Realities of the WTC/Pentagon Disaster. . . . . 407
The Arlantian Conspiracy ................. . . J II UIR OWO Master Plan Agenda..................... . 410
King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable ...... ......... J 15 Decoding "Revelations"- the OWO Schedule ............... . 414
Progression of Major Events in the Atlantian Conspiracy ........ J 19 Revelations and "Saint John the Divine" ...... . ........... . .. 416
Core Template Gridwork is Required . . ...... ................ ]28 The "Seven Churches," "Seven Angels" and "the Dove" . . ...... 417
Creation of the Levimhan Force & Related History ............ 328 The Seven Seals and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse .... .. 419
Angelic Human Seeding3-Contemporary Lineage Begins ...... 328 Return w Innocence .................................. . . . 422
Summary of the Atlantian Conspiracy ................ ... ... . 330 2 1 Conclusion- Earth Changes POfential .......... ... ....... .. .... ...... .. 426
The REAL Atlantian-Lemurian Mflps . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Planemry Shields Crisis, Seals and Earth Changes ........ ' ..... 426
Note On 12Strand DNA Template Activation: & AI.I.'W"c' 333 Climatic Disturbances and the Labor Day 200 1
16 The 9/11/2001 A,rack & ,he /IIuminali OWO ........ ................. 335 Sonic Pulse Interference ........................ ... ... 429
~UFO Invest igation~ and "Trigger Events" ................... 336 Epilog ... . ............................................. 433
One World Order (OWO) Master Plans, GA State of War Alert APPENDICES
and Imminent Crisis Order ..................... ....... 337 Appendix I Daw Summaries & At-A-Glance Blow-Up Charts ......... 434
Star Gate6 and the Selenite Cr)"Stal Temple Nelwork .......... 339 At-A.Glance Blow.Up Charts ........................... . . 434
Trion.Meajhe Fields and Expedited Amenti Opening .. ........ 342 Original Amenti Ascension Program ... . .................... 438
The October 1999 Classified Document, Psychorronics, The Six Silent Ascension Avatars ......................... . 446
Montauk and OWO ... ................ .............. 344 The Three Tracks of Time ................................ 447
Sleepers, TerrOrists, Remote Viewing, RITs and the NET ....... 347 Choosing Your Future. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 450
17 The Phi-Ex Wormhole & muminali OWO ......... ................... 354 Appendix II Introduction to Keylonll1 ........ .. ............. .. .............. 451
The Bemmda Triangle, Phi-Ex Wormhole, Falcon Matrix and WW II ]54
The Science of Light, Sound, the Sub-Conscious Symbol Codes,
The Phi-Ex Wonnhole, and the Phantom Marrix "Pit"-1943 ... 359 and the Base Codes of Matter ......................... . 451
NecromitonAndromies and the "Unholy Alliance" ............ 359
Six Primary Elements of Keylontic Science ............... .... 434
~B i g Brother Drac," the Andromics, Hiroshima and Hitler ....... 361
Welcome to the Fifth World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ...... 461
18 The Hidden Game-board Final Conflict Drama ............ .. ......... . 366 Appendix III Ascension Cycle Dynamics .... .. ........ .................... 463
APIN Systems; The Falcon, the Andromies and the Dove 1943-1951 ]66
Stellar Activations .... . ....... . ...... .... . .... . . . . . .... 464
The Lion, the "Lamb," the Sphinx fUld the Eagle .............. 367
Stellar Wave Infusions . ...... . ...... ... ... . . .. . ... ....... 466
The White Eagle and the Melchizedek Deception ............. 370
The Stellar Bridge ...... . . . . ................. ............ 470
The Sacred Cow, Faces of Man, Easter Island Heads & Trion Field 37l
Morphogenetic Crystal Seals . .. ................... . . 473
The Falcon, Phoenix Project and
The Silicate Matrix . ....... ............... . .............. 477
the Andromie.Rigelian Coalition 19511983 ...... 374 DNA 101 ................................... . .478
Andromie.Rigc!ian Coalition, Dragon, bin Laden,
Ascension Cycle Dymlmics At-AGlance Blow.Up Charts ... 484
and the "War on Tcrrorism~ 19802001 ..... ... .... . ..376 Crystal Seals and Chakras Correspondence Chart .............. 485
Montauk Project, "War in the Heavens," Sonic Pulse
Stellar Activations, Spiml Alignments &
and "UnNatural Disasters" 1983 . .. ......... 378 the Star Crystal Seal Acth'a[ioru Chart ................ .. 486
Table of Contents

Crystal Seals, Dimensional Placement and

DNA Correspondence Chart ...................... .. .. 487
lS.Chakras & l5Star Crysrn! Seals Anatomical Placement Chart 488
Six Personal Stellar Activations and Wave Infusions Ch:m ...... 489
Planetary Stellar Activations and Wave Infusions a,art ........ 490
Stellar Activations and Wave Infusions Schedule .. . ........... 491
Stellar Spiral Alignments Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
Append ix IV Field Techniques ...... ... .. . .... .. ..... ...... 493
Field Technique I: Exercise to Release Crystallized Thought
Patients from the DNA and Ccl!ular Memory Imprint
Field Technique 2: The Maharic Seal .. .
. ..........
Preface to Volume II
The Personal and Planetary Maharic Shields Chart ............ 497
T cmpornry Maharic Seal Technique Steps ................... 502
Field Technique 3: TIle Maharic QUick Seal ............. .. ... 502
Field T cchnique 4: The Maharata ................. . . . .. ... 503
Appendix V 2001 Upd""SummnryCham ..... ....... ............. .. 505 For there is Ilollling I,iddell except to be revealed, Ilor is allyt/ling kept
Smr Gate Master Grid lines Map ... .. .. .............. . .... 505 secret except il1 order tlmt it may be made k110WIl. If any mml has ears
Star Gates and the Halls of Ament! Chllrts ... ... ............. 506 to Ilear, let him be listellillg alld let him perceive and comprehel/d.
The Halls of Amenti Smr Gate S~'Slem ...................... 507 -Mark 4: 22-23
Universal, Galactic, Planetary and Inner Earth Star Gates .. . .... 508
Planetary Star Gates Location coordinate Chart. . . . . ....... 509
Expedited Amenti Opening and Voyagers: SecrefS of Amemi is a remarkable achievement. The magnitude
Christos Realignment Mission Dlam; ................... 510 of the implications fostered by its very existence is, in a word, stupendous. In
Earth's D-12 Pre-matter Christos Divine Blueprint ............. 513 the inspired writings of India, Voyagers wou ld be regarded as Shnl.li, which
Planetary and DNA Seals Release Schedules .................. 514
12-Strand DNA Template, VCCtorCodes and Seals ............ 515 funct ions as its own authority, since it is the product of immediate insight
The Real Christ Crucifixion, Oleckerboard Mutation .......... 516 into the nature of ultimate reality. Ashayana's experience with the Guardian
Christos-Trion - Meajh~ Fields, Veca Codes Alliance represents, in my opinion, a uue Gnosis-a direct experience with
and Universal life Force Currents .. . .. ................. 517 higher intelligence-the direct experience of knowledge, with no loss of res'
Progression of Intruder APIN Templar Conquest: Atlantis to 2001 518 olution.
Sonic Pul~ "UnNatural Disasters" 1935-1992 Summary Chart . . 522
9/11/2001 Imrasound Sub-Space Sonic Pulse ProjCC[ioll Map .... 523 Ashayana, by her own admission, functions here solely as scribe. Voyagers
24 Nibirulan Crystal Temple Bases ...... . .. .. .......... . ... 524 is the product of nearly 30 years of direct, physical, consensual, and-most
24 United Intruder Resistance Nibiruian Crystal Temple Bases ... 525 importandy-on-going contact with pro-human higher intelligence, be they
The Four Faces of Man/Guardians of the 12 Pillars LPIN System .. 526 Extra-, Meta- or Ultra-terrestrial; hence a G nosis in the truest sense. This
The Great White lion Guardian APIN System .......... .. ... 527 G nosis is passed on to the reader, engaging a higher level of cognition-or
Golden E.1gle APIN System ...... . ........... . . . ...... . ... 528
The Falcon and Dr'dgon Intruder APINs ..................... 529 precognition, if one is already one step ahead of the game.
Anunnaki and Anunnaki-Andromie-Ncphite Intruder APINs ... 530 Voyagers is a precious jewel in "Indra's Web," spoken of in the Buddha's
Angelic Human 12-Tribes & Indigo Maji Grail Lines Summary .. 531 Flower Garland Surra, itself a testament in previous times to a profound
Intruder ET & Illuminati Races, 2001 UIR OWO Team Summaries 532 knowledge and understanding of ad vanced Keylontic Morphogenetic Sci
Appendix VI Crisis Intertlemion Exbedired Amemi Opening Schedule ... 538 ence. in [he following pages, you wiII be reawakened to a model of inrerdi-
Events Leading to GA Crisis intervention and
Expedited Amenti Opening ..... . ... .... .. .. 538 mensional physics, time mechanics, DNA construction and multi-
Expedited Amenti Opening Crisis Intervention Program I3cgins .. 540 dimensional identity structure that will revolutionize your comprehension of
201 1 Meajh~ Field Weakness, UIR Jehovian Seals our world, our universe and yourselves.
and Trumpet Pulse.. . ... .. ..... . .......... . 552 These teachings are being returned to us at a most critical juncture in our
UIR, "Wingmakers," the Labyrinth Weapon and 2011 . ......... 553 tenure as embodied souls, "in order [hat you may, as free and prouJ shaper of
your own being, fashion yourself in [he form you may prefer.,,1 These tC'dch
Index, Volume /I ......... .. ....................... ... ............... ........ 558
ings are submitted, as Rod Seriing (The Twilight Zone) would say, not "for your

Preface to Volume II

approval," but rather for your consideration. Do consider them carefully. For Required Reading
"If most of us remain ignorant of ourselves, it is because self-knowledge is
painful and we prefer the pleasures of illusion.,,2 The second edition of Volume II of the VO)'agers series has been vastly
As so apdy put, in The Adornment of The Spiriwal Marriage,) "Knowledge enlarged so as ro include much important, current information about what is
of ourselves teaches us whence we come, where we are and whither we are happening on Planet Earth, up to and including the tragic national events of
going. We come from God and we are in exile." You, the reader, are about to September 11, 2001, when hijacked airliners were intentionally crashed into
cross the evem horizon of a ground-breaking work of singu lar significance for the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Earth and its inhabitants. Vcryagers is, quite literally, a road map to the
scars ... and beyond. Inside these pages is truth, not reveiled ... but unveiled- To ensure that yOli have an appropriate understanding of this infonna-
stripped of the distortion, dogma and elitism still so pervasive within tradi- tion, it will be necessary for you to obtain and read, if you have not done so
tional and contemporary works of higher calling. VO)'agers establishes a cos- already, the second edition of VO)'agers, Volume I. See ''Ordering informa-
mographic paradigm through which all others can be organized and unified, tion" on page 580. Specifically, the fo llowing holded sections of Voyagers 1,
provid ing a most compelling and impressive body of information regarding second edition, are essential to understand before proceeding:
the true origins of the human lineage, as well as our hidden (until now!) evo-
lutionary destiny. . 'ntroduction ....... ............. ......... ............... ....... .............. ................. Lx
We stand on the threshold of the fulfillment of a covenant made a long . The Azurite Temple of the Me!chkedek Cloister, Inc .......... .............. ..... xx.ro
time ago in "a special pre-existent place"-a place known to the Acoma as About the Author ........ .. .............................. ... ................ .......... .. XXXtli
Ha Ku, to the Mayan as Hunab Ku-the Egypt ian Ku, to the Lakotas' . CDT-Plates, Emerald Cooenant and the Mass Drama ......................... ... xliii
.Administrative Levels of the Emerald Order Melchitedek Cloister .............. xlix
Peschla. The Yunas<li ................................................................. ..................... ............... xlix
To the Dorothy in each of us, the Emerald City of OZ, the heavenly yanas .............................................................................................................. xlix
Tula ... Tara ... Home. Prepare for a new level of revelation. Breneau Order Founders Races ........................................... .................................. 1
IAFW-Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds ...................................... Ii
-Philip L Gruber Density-5 MC Eieyani Master Council ................................... ....................... . Iii
Azurite Universal T emplar Secumy Team ....................................................... Iili
Founder/Director, GA.Guardian Alliance ...................................................................................... Ih,
Quantum Access Group I UFOs, Visitors, and the Interior Government .................................................... .. ... 1
2 Keylonta Science and Abduction ........................................................................... 21
3 Human Origins and Hybridization .................................... ...... ............................... 37
4 H idden Motives and Mechanics .................................................. ........................... 50
~ ~wareness, Emotion, and Imuition ...................... .................................................. 74
7 ~~~~I~;~ ~~~i~~ .. ~~ .. fM: .. .... .. ............................... 105
. ty po n150 md ........................................................ 134
-HIstory, Motivation, Meaning and Message ................................ ... .. .. ................. 158
Guardians and Foundcfli Races ........................................................ .. .......... i58
The IAFW, Azurite Security Team and the MC Eieyani Master CounciL .. 162
The GA and the Angelic Human Lineage ..................... ................................. 165
The 12 GA Signct Councils, Star Gale Security & Royal House Deception 167
The) GA Signet Councils Of Ethcric Mauer Density-)<D78-9) ................ 170
GA Signet Council.6, Sirius n, Indigo Children & Christiac Gmil Lines .... 171
The Maharaji, Angelic Humans, Priests ofUr & Me1chizedck Priesthoods .. 175
The Final Conflict, Star Gate6, Majl Priests of Amrline & Christ Drama ... 182

1. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Ortuion on the Digniry o{Man, trans. A. Robw Caponigr'
OticilgD: Gateway Editions, 1956. I.
2. Aldous Huxley, Tht Perennial PhiWsoph:y, 1944-1945 Haq:oer and Row Perennial LIbrary.
3. Jan Van RuysbroJtck, London 1916 xi
The Secrets of Amenti


Throughout Voyagers: The Sleeping Alxiucfees various speakers of the
Guardian Alliance have provided you with information pertinent to your times
and to the success of your species evolution. We have provided glimpses of your
future, your distant past and wh at is raking place behind the scenes of your mul
tidimensional present. All of th is dara is relevant to various peoples of your
times, but there is infonnation not yet addressed that is perhaps the most signif.
icant of all, for it will provide you with the missing links afknowledge through
which your past, present, and furure can be united.
We of the Guardian Alliance have an announcement to make: It is a mes-
sage your species has waited over 800,000 years to hear. Our announcement
will be made in later chapters of this book, fo r without the infonnation con-
tained here within, this announcement would have litde meaning for you. In
order for you to understand the importance of this message we must fi rst pro-
vide you with a sequential summary of the true history of your evolutionary
journey. Within these missing passag<!S of time lives the purpose and process of
your evolution as a people.
In previous chapters we have explored the beginnings of your spec ies lin-
eage beginning with the inception of your race as the Turaneusiams upon
planet Tara in the Second Harmonic Universe, 560 miHion years ago. This is
where your Earth drama began and the place to which you wiil eventually be
led through the course of your evo!urionary progression . To explore your
entire history from 560 million years ago to the present would require many
books. Here we will simply provide you with the data most important to your
understanding of the purposes for your present evolution.

- - - - - - - - - - -... ::::nl~"'" I.,;''''' l'.t: _ __
L ' UI~

The Secrets of Amend

Mll, the Lllmians, Ceres and the Priesthood of Mu
ORIGINS AND THE FALL 550,750,000550,700,000 YA
Origins-the First World -Tara Keeping a close eye on their Alanian antagonists, about 550,750,000 years
560,000,000 550,750,000 YA ago (YA) certain members of the Lumian race foresaw a cataclysm in their
Approx imately 560 million years ago (YA), upon the planet Tara within future, brought on by the increasingly dangerous Alanian experimentation
with power generation through Tara's planetary core. The Lum ians petitioned
the Second Harmonic Un iverse (your Earth is presently in the First Har-
assistance from the Hannonic Universe 2 (HU-2) Sirian Council and the HU-
monic Un iverse), many IT and metaterrestrial races combined their genetic
3 Elohim. Under direction of the Sirian Council, the Lumians set up amongSt
anJ energetic make-up to create a master race of beings that would serve as their members an organization called The Council of Mu. Through the Coun-
Guard ians of the planet Tara. The Sirian Council fro m Hannonic Universe cil ofM u the Lumians moved large numbers of their race across the oceans, to a
2, along with several other groups were appointed as directors and overseers small continent on Tara that was primarily uninhabited by organized culture.
of the project, the Turaneusiam-l (T-l .) experiment. Meraterrestrials from They named this continent Mu , and for 50,000 years (550,750,000 YA to
the Fourth and Fifth Harmonic Un iverses were the founders of this project, 550,700,000 YA) the Lumians ofMu worked with the Sirian Council to redi-
working through a seed race called the Lyrans from the Third Harmonic rect the genetic digression of their race. During this period the E!ohim of HU-3
Universe. T he Lyrans created a race of beings in Harmonic Universe 3 called interbred with Lumians who carried the Cerrasz Turaneusiam sub-race strain in
the Elohim, who would become overseers for the Sirian races in Harmonic their gene codes, creating a race called the Ceres, which purified the generic
Un iverse 2. The Elohim became one of the numerous supervisory groups strain of the Lumians of Tara. (Descendants of the Ceres later became known
within the Turaneusiam- l experiment, due to the Sirian race contribution of as the Seres, who interacted with IIU-l Earth humans at various periods.) The
Lumians and Ceres co-existed peacefully on Mu attending to the inter-galactic
genetic identity to the experiment.
and spiritual business of the Council of Mu. The Ceres created the Priesthood
The Turaneusiam race evolved for about eight million years on Tara, with
of Mu, an egalitarian spiritual collective with a strong matriarchal slant whose
12 primary sub-racial divisions among them. Each of the 12 Turaneusiam sub- practices centered around the teachings of the sacred Law of One, or Unity
races carried a genetic slant derived from the 12 primary contributors to the T- Consciousness. The Mu priesthood ex ists to rhis day and is a primary motivat-
1 experiment, but all of them carried the unique 12-strand DNA package [he ing force within certain Tamn communities. The community of Mu continued
T-l's were designed to embody. The 12 Turaneusiam sub-races were the Bra- its evolution through the re-aligned l2-strand DNA gene code unril about 550
ha-man, Dhr-ah-men, Atoni, Trin-i-ten, Azurtan, Celtos, Addami, Yut- million years ago.
arans, Luri, Cerrasz, Nezack-tai, and the Melchizcdakz. After evolving suc-
Alania, Templar Solar Initiates & the Sirian Rebellion
cessfully for many years the Turaneusiam race began to digress, their genetic 550,750,000550,000,000 YA
code breaking down and their culrures falling into dishannony. Manipulation
Throughout the evolution of Mu digression continued within the Ala-
by and inter-breeding with various unrelated ET strains was the primary cause
nian race and anti-Lumian sentiment ran high within the power hungry Ala-
of this digression. About eight million years into their evolution (552,000,000
nian elite. The Alanians employed subterranean grid technologies in hopes
VA) the Turaneusiam race divided into two primary racial strains, the Alanians
of bringing the now bountiful continent of Mu under Alanian domain. The
(sometimes referred to as the Beli-Kudyem) and the Lumians (frequently
Lumians and the Ceres foresaw the cataclysm of Tara that would result from
called the Adami-Kudmon). The twO strains of Turaneusiam evolved together
these technologies about 900 years prior to the events. The Ceres tried to
on one large land-mass called E-[)en, creating twO cultures known as Alania
wam the Alanians to no avail. Peti tions to the Sirian Council to redirect the
and Lumia. Both cultures evolved on Tara for about one miHion years
Alanians had failed, giving rise to the Alanian rebellion and Lumian-Si rian
(551,000,000 VA). Both races carried the original12-strand DNA genetic code
resistance. The Alanians were controlled by an elite group called the Tern-
of their Turaneusiam lineage, and both carried mutations and digressions of
plar Solar Initiates, who had been entrusted with rulership and guardianship
that code from inter-stellar breeding. Culrural disturbances escalated along
over the Alanian continent by the Sirian Council. The Templar Solar Ini-
with the continued digression of the Alanian and Lumian strains, and hostility
arose as the Alanians sought dominion over the more passive Lum ian culture.
Origms ana the raIl
The Secrets of Amenti
Cataclysm of Tara
tiates became sympathetic with the Sirian root race Anunnaki in their Sirian 550,000,000 YA
rebettion against the Sirian Council and refused to follow d ictates of the Sir- Approximately 550 million years ago the Power-generator Crystals deep
ian Council and advisory Elohim (who based their decisions on the teachings underground in Alania exploded, due to the Templar Solar Initiates' misuse of
of the Sacred L'lW of O ne). Through the Templar Solar Initiates the power power from Tara's planetary corc. This created a chain reaction of implosions
struggle between Sirian Anunnaki and Elohim/Sirian Council-loyal Sirian within Tara's planetary grid . Portions of Tara's grid were blown apart and frag
"blues" (another Sirian root race) was brought to Tara. This period in Ala- mented, becoming detached from the Morphogenetic Field of the planet. Por-
nian history is known as the Sirian Rebellion, and through this power strug- tions of Alania were immediately destroyed and the entire planet suffered the
gle planet Tara was almost destroyed. effects of rapid pole reversal. For a period of tWO days Tara ceased to rotate on
its axis. It took 10,000 years [ 0 fe-stabilize Tara's environment, during which
Ur-Tarranates, Mu and the Priesthood of Ur time the few sUiviving Taran races still on.planet retreated permanently under-
550,750,000 550,000,000 YA ground. Descendants of those dvilizations who survived this disaster still flour-
Certain groups of Alanians became aware that the Tempbr Solar Ini- ish within elaborate underground communities. Surface life also retumed to
tiates were misusing power in a way that would result in the implosion of Tara following this 10,000 year period of healing. Because portions of the
Tara's planetary grid. This group of Alan ians approached the Lumians and planet's energy structures had been ripped from the main planetary grid, planet
Ceres of Mu, asklng fat assistance and many of them defected to the territo- Tara could not continue its evolution of dimensional ascension into the ThirJ
ries of Mu. The Ceres interbred with these A lanians, (primarily those carry- Harmonic Universe. Tara could not re-emerge with the energy grid of its
dimension-7 counterpart Gaia, until its own grid system was repaired . Tara
ing the Yuraran Turaneusiam sub-race genetic tine) re-aligning their
became trapped in the tracks of time within the Second Harmonic Universe.
digressing genetic code, and these Alanians further interbred with the Lum;-
ans. The original Turaneusiam 12-strand DNA gene code was rebuilt and The Fait to Hannonic Universe -! and the 12 Planets
II purified through this Ceres_Lumian_Alanian blend. This fe-vitalized Turane-
usiam race became known as the Ur-Tarranates. The Ur-Tarranates created
550,000,000 YA
The fragmenrs of the Taran planetary grid that became dismembered from
the Temple and Priesthood of U r upon the continent of Mu. The Priesthood Tara's core energy supply rapidly fell in vibration until they could no longer
of Ur shared most practices of the Priests of Mu, bur developed interest in resist the nafural magnetic pull of the descending interdimensional energy cur-
more scientific applications of Spiritual Law (such as portal mechanics). Like rents. The planet fragments were pulled into a sun within Tara's universe,
the Priesthood of Mu, the Priests of U r exist on Tara to this day, and they vaporized, and the morphogenetic field carried in those fragments was pulled
serve as Guardians and gatekeepers of the time portal structures that link into a black hole at the center of this sun l and re-emerged into a galaxy within
the lower-dimensional fields of Harmonic Universe L Entering this system as
Earth to present day Tarn. gaseous substance, this morphogenetic field broke down into 12 pieces, which
During the Sirian Rebellion on Tara the Priesthood of Ur stood against
set up a "mini-solar system" around a Star within an already existing HU-l solar
the Templar Solar Initiates of Alania, eventually retreating underground
system . One of the 12 pieces of Tara's fragmented morphogenetic field fused
wLth the people of Mu, unable to stop rhe Tempiars from mi~using the power with this sun , while the 11 other pieces began to build up matter density and
of the planetary core. Small wars within the local galactic sectOrs were fough t re-manifest their fomls through their portion of the morphogenetic field. These
during these times, which became known as the Taran Wars. Under direction planets did not birth into existence in the usual accretion fashion, for they car'
of the Sirian Council and Elohim, the Priests of U r began to prepare for the ried with them the organi~ational imprint of part of Tara's planetary grid mor-
pending grid implosion. Many people were evacuated to other sympathetic phogenetic field. These planets did not birth into Hannonic Universe 1, they
srar systems, where they evolved, safely intermingling with other races. fell into it, literally. Their original morphogenetic field feU in vibration, reorga-

1. All suns have sets of black and w!mc holes:n theIr core: they oper:IIC as portals dllOUgh
which energy Clm pass through dunenslon;;ll fields.
niLed through the morphogenetic field of a star, and re-manifested wirhin a Palaidorians. Working through the Breneau Rishi (beings of pure conscious-
slower vibrating dimensional scale. The 12 new planets entering HU-[ 550 ness) from HU-5, the Palaidorians petitioned further assistance from an entity
million years ago are the planets of your local solar system-Mercury, Venus, gestalt within the Metagalactic Core; this entity is known as Ra, or the Ra
Earth, Mars. Maldak (imploded to become the asteroid belt), Jupiter, Saturn. Confederacy. Of the lZ primary identity gestalts within the Ra Confederacy,
Uranus. Neptune. Pluto. Nibiru (very long orbit, not yet discovered by Earth members of irs four largest gestalts became involved and allowed for the rescue
scientistS), and your Sun (the part of Tara's morphogenetic field that fused with mission to take place. The four primary members of the Ra Confederacy
this already existing, non-Taran sun). The fragments of Tara became part of the involved within the Covenant of Palaidor are the Azurites, Atona, Amonites
Unified Field morphogenetic structure of HamlOnic Universe 1. and the Brigijhidctt (a sub-group of the Brigijhidett are presently incarnating
in your Earth system as members of the ascended masters family of Viragi. Sev-
The FaJl of Man and the Lost Souls of Alania eral other groups associated with these three gestalrs are also involved with
550,000,000 YA E..'lrth at this time, including the consciousness gestalt Aza r~Azara and a HU-2
The event of Tara's cataclysm became known as the "fall of man." Thi:; his- ET race known as the Zhar Confederacy).
tory became interwoven with other eventS on Earth that occurred since that Time Travel and the Sphere of Amenti
time, appearing in various forms throughout human mythology. The Adam and
550,000,000 YA pre-catacl}smic Tara
Eve drama of Biblical stories combined this event as the fall from God's grace
and removal from the Garden of Eden, wirh other earthly eventS, including the Using inrerdimensional portal mechanics, [he Ur-Tarranates of the Cov
Drnkon infilrration of around one million years ago. The stories became a enant of Palaidor t ime-traveled into HU-l to a time/space coordinate pasi
depiction of multilevel events from various time periods, woven together into a tioned just after the cataclysm of Tara and the fall of man. Once on Earth,
symbolic event portrayed in the stories. This was also done in relarion to [he with the help of the Sirian Council , th is group of Ur-Tarranates transmuted
Biblical Flood and Noah. The consciousness of the beings who were blown their body forms into pure energy (Keylontic science) and metged into a
apart in Tara's fall, also fell into HU-l. They became ripped from their race gestalt energy fie ld of consciousness, which served as a morphogenetic field
morphogenetic field at Tara's core and disengaged from their original soul for the 12-strand DNA Turaneusiam race prototype. Also contained within
matrices through which they needed to evolve in order to pass out of the Time this morphogenetic field were the Keylontic Time Codes (electTotonal fre-
Matrix and dimensionalized systems, and return to Source as pure conscious- quency patterns) of the pre-cataclysmic time/space coordinates of Tara,
ness. The souls of Alania became trapped in time, fragmented as unitS of con-
which would allow Tara to re-assemble the lost portions of its grid into the
sciousness within the Unified Field of HUl, and there they would have
fabric of time. With the assistance of the Ra Confederacy this gestalt of con-
remaineJ if a rescue mission had nO( been orchestrated.
sciousness/genetic and planetary morphogenetic field was entered into the
AMENT! RESCUE MISSION remaining morphogenetic field of Earth through [he II th and 14th dimen-
sions. This morphogenetic field of consciousness energetically took on the
The Covenant of Palaidor and the Palaidorians of Tara
shape of a sphere, and was called the Sphere of Amenti, named after the por
550,000,000 YA
tion of Tara's morphogenetic field that contained the imprint for Mu and its
Just prior to the cataclysm on Tara 550 millio[) years ago the Ceres, Ur-Tar-
inhabitantS. Amenti was the part of Tara's planetary core that connected
ranates and Lumians ofMu devised a plan to rescue the Taran souls that would
energetically to the portals upon the continent ofMu.
be lost in HU-I during the approaching disru.ter. Being skilled at time portal
mechanics and interdimensional portal ttavel, the Ceres created a plan lhdt By placing the Sphere of Amenti within the Earth core, a '\vonn hole" or
the Ur-Tarranates would fulfill . Wirh the assistance of the Sirian Council, Elo- portal link was established between Earth!s core in dimension tWO and Tara!s
him, and HU-2 Pleiadians, the Ur-Tarranates formed an agreement with sev- core in dimension 5. Though numerous other portals between Earth and Tara
eral other HU-2 races called The Covenant of Palaidor. Through the existed, these had become unstable and their oper.J.lions unpredictable fo l
Covenant of Palaidor a rescue mission for the Tamn souls of HU-l was set in lowing the fall. The Sphere of Amenti would create a stable portal structure
motion. Those involved in this agreement (the Sirians, Pleiadians, Ur-Tarran that, once operational, would stabilize the other portals and allow open tran-
ates, Elohim, Lyrans, Ceres, Lumians and Alan ians) became known as the sit between Earth and Tara for beings possessing genetic codes that could

6 7
.- --_._-- - J - _ .. . _ .. _-

endure portal transit. The Sphere of A menti wou ld link into the space/time Tarranates to enter incamational cycles on Earth, pick up the fragments of
of Tara's pre-fall past_ With this sphere placed within the Earth as Earth re- consciousness fro m the lost sou ls by pulling their energetic particles from the
evolved through dimensional ascension back into the Tara grid following the H U- l Un ified Fields into the DNA, merging the consc iousness of the soul
morphogenetic imprint fro m the sphere, a link between the future Tara and fragments with the embodied Ur-Tarranate consciousness, thereby allowing
its pre-cataclysmic past would be reestablished. Tara's past would be re- this composite identity to evolve through a sentient life fonn, back into its
attached ro the Time Matrix grid and Tara's future time cycles. Through the original soul matrix (the Turaneusiam 12-strand prototype).
Sphere of Amenti a bridge was constructed between Tara's pre-cataclysmic This evolutionary plan was not immediately set in motion . Though the
past and future tracks/cycles of time. Sphere of Amenti was set within Earth's morphogenetic field nearly 550 mil-
When a planet undergoes such a trauma, having a portion of its grid blown lion years ago, the Earth grid had to evolve and pick up grid speed before the
apart, not only does it lose the portions of its evolutionary history stored within Sphere of Amenti could begin birthing its new races. Between 250 and 550
the cellular memory of the parts that blew apart, it also loses a portion of its million years ago various other species seeded by HU-l ET Visitors evolved
energetic thOlst. Without this thrust the planet cannot evolve our of its Har- on Earth, some of whom became members of your plant, animal and insect
monic Universe and into the next. The planet, and most life fonns on it, kingdoms. Various groups of etheric beings (without matter density) also
become trapped in the fabric of time. The Sphere of Arnenti not only /rdve spent time on your planet. The races of the Sphere of Amenti fi nally began to
hope for the continued evolution of human{furaneusiam lineage, it held the appear on Earth about 250 million years ago. Before their appearance more
hopes of ascension and continued evolution for Earth, Tara and their seventh-
imer-galactic wars were fought by races who did not want the Covenant of
dimensional counterpan Gaia. If one was trapped in time, they would all be
Palaidor to be fulfilled . These wars were primarily fought on Tara, becoming
trapped. The only other option available in such cases of planetary morphoge-
netic field fragmentation is that of a Host Matrix Transplant (as previously dis- part of a long history of confrontations that were simply termed the Tarall
cussed in relation to people), and this is exceedingly difficult to achieve on a Wars. Once the Earth territory was secured the Ur-Tarranates of the Sphere
planetary level. Each of the 12 planets in HU-I that emerged as a result of of Amenti began birth ing on Earth. This began what came to be known as
Tara's fragmentation received a similar morphogenetic sphere from the the Turaneusiam-2 or T-2 experiment. This represented the seeding of the
Palaidorians to fulfill the same purpose. But here we arc only concerned with 12 Tribes out of which your present human lineage has emerged .
the Sphere of Amenti, as through it Earth became an ascension planet, able to
achieve dimensional ascension through re-evolution. THE H ALLS OF AMENT l
The Sphere of Amenti and Sou l Ascension T he Cloistered R aces of Parallel Earth-
Rescue Mission from Tara the Second World- Rescue Mission Stage 1
550,000,000--250,000,000 YA 250,000,000--25,000,000 YA
The Sphere of Amenti was entered into Earth's core within the second- From the Sphere of Amenti five smaller sphetes were created, which
dimensional frequency bands (often called the "Cave of Creation") about became the morphogenetic patterns for five races known as the Cloistered
550 million years ago from a position in HU2 space/time that existed before Races. Collectively the five Cloistered Races were called the Palaidorians, as
the Earth existed wirhin that HU-2 time track. The rescue mission for Tara's they represented the beginning of the fulfillment of the Covenant of
lost souls was begun before those souls became lost, in tenns of linear time. Palaidor. They represented the Eanhly counterparts to the larger Palaidorian
Such things are quite practical within the structure of the Time Matrix. group from HU-2. Of the original Turaneusiam-l 12-strand DNA package,
Through the Covenant of Palaidor and the Sphere of Amenti the souls of each Palaidorian race held the morphogenetic imprint for DNA strands 7-12
Earth could re-evolve back into their original 12-strand DNA body type. (which held the electro-tOnal frequencies corresponding to dimensions 7-
This process can be viewed as the Palaidorians creating new bodies (and mor- I2), plus the imprint for strand I, and each of the five groups carried the
phogenetic blueprints) for the now fonnless consciousness fragments of the imprint fo r one add it ional DNA strand corresponding to dimensions 2,3,4,5 .J
fallen souls. The Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic Field allowed for the Ur- and 6. The Cloisters served as "Guardians" for the evolution of the add itiOnal/ " ~

_ _1~
T he H alls of Amemi
The Secrets of Amenti

-20 million YA) the pathways of evolution through dimensional ascension

DNA strand to which they were assigned. Each race had eight strands of
DNA manifest within the body structure. The five Cloistered races Jid not were reopened for the lost souls of Tara.
These races anchored the morphogenetic fields of dimensions 7-12 into
possess gender, nor did they originally possess the degree of matter density
dimension one and Earth. Through their evolution, the one strand of [he 12-
with which you are familiar. Density of fonn developed over time throughout
strand DNA package was pulled together in Eanh particles and connected to
the course of their evolution on Earth, between 250 million and 25 million
years ago. The five Cloistered Races were: the Turaneusiam morphogenetic field.

1. U r#Antrians-brown skinned-strand #2 T he Halls of Amenti- R escue Miss ion Stage 3

2. Breanoua-red skinned-strand #3
25,000,000 YA
3. Hibiru-white skinned-strand iJ"4 The morphogenetic consciousness of the five Cloistered Races held within
the Sphere of Ament! began the third stage of seeding humans on Earth 25
4. Melchizedeks- yellow skinned-strand.::-5
million years ago. TIley opened the Sphere o( Amemi within the Earth Core in
5. Yunascti-black skinned-mand #() dimension 2, which opened a portal bridge to Tam's core in dimension 5, a por-
The C loistered races populated the Earth for many generations, creating tal that linked the Earth of 25 million years ago with pre-cataclysmic Tam of
various racial mixtures through which many of the lost souls o(Tara were able 550 million years ago. Working with the Priesthoods of Ur and Mu on Tara, the
to ascend. Th is period of great civilization became known as the Second consciousness 0( the five C loistered races created five other portal bridge exten#
World (250-25 million years ago) within your present Native American Cul- sions from the center of the Sphere of Amenti , each of the five opening imo
tures. Many of these souls ascended. Those who digressed returned to the dimensional fields 2 through 6. Dimensional fields represent positions in spacel
Sphere of Amenti to re-birth on Earth in the particle universe as members of time within the Time Matrix, stages a planet or being will pass through in its
the Root Races. The First World represented the original Turaneusiam cul- evolutionary progression of dimensional ascension. The six portals from the
tures of Tara (560-550 million YA). The Palaidorian Cloister races left no Sphere of Amenti {the original one to Tara's past and five new oncs into various
remnants in your present world, for they evolved within the faster moving stages o( Earth's future} linked Tara's past, through various time periods on Earth,
time bands of Earth, within the anti-particle universe. The morphogenetic inw Tara's fuutre, creating a new track in lime through which Eanh could Tc#eoolve
into the fifth-dimensional freqw~ncy bands and merge with Tara. Once this merger
fields of those races were then drawn into your parricle-Earrh and out of these
was accomplished Earth would become Tara, new lands would open up within
came the next evolutionary stage.
and emerge upon Earth, and Tara would reclaim the energetic thrust lost in the
The First and Second Etheric Root Races of Gaia fa ll so evolution into the seventh-dimensional Gaia could continue.
Rescue Mission Stage 2 The six portals in the Sphere of Amend also allowed the five Cloistered
25,000,000-20,000,000 YA races to incarnate into dimensional bands/time fields 2 through 6, pulling into
Before manifestation into embodiment on your Earth the five Cloistered their consciousness and body fonns the fragmented consciousness of the lost
souls from each of those dimensional bands. The time codes (frequency pat-
races divided into twO groups. One group held the DNA imprint for 1/2 of
terns) from the first dimensional strand of DNA that had been built up through
the first strand of DNA (which corresponded to dimension-one frequencies),
Root Races one and twO would link into the frequencies o( dimensions 2
the other group held the remaining 1/2 of the first strand. This created polat-
through 6. The consciousness within the Sphere of Amenti would leave the
ization and gender within the Cloistered Race morphogenetic field. Both morphogenetic field and express into manifestation as Root Races within each
groups held the dimensional codes/strands of 7-12. These two groups were 0( those dimensional bands, building up into the DNA pattern strands 2
seeded on Gaia, the seventh-dimensional/HU-3 counterpart ro Tara and through 6. Through this panem o( building DNA through time, incarnates
Earth. These twO races were the first nvo Root Races, the Polarians of Gaia within each time period/d imensional band would be able to pull together the
and the H yperborneans of Gaia's antiparticle double. These beings were of a frequencies of [heir dimensional stmnd (through a series of 24 incarnations/tWO
much less dense, or "etheric" nature, but through their evolution on Gaia (25 12-cydes), link with the morphogenetic field o( their Cloistered Race, pick up
strands 7# 12 from the Cloister, pass through the other Cloisters and pick up the
The Secrets of Amenti '1'he Halls oJ Amenn

remaining RoO[ Race Strands, re-bundling the 12-strand DNA package. As the The Staff of Amenti Blue Aame Morphogen etic Field
12 DNA strands were assembled, the body form of the incarnate would progres- The Ivory Gates of Tara
sively transmute into a less dense state and ascend into HU-2 on Tara. Origi- 25,000,000 YA
nally only one Earth body was needed for this process, as the form would Once the Halls of Amenti were created 25 million years ago, the priests
assemble the DNA patterns within the twO 12-cycles in one very long lifetime of Ur on Tara drew out from Tara's fifth-dimensional core a pattern of fre-
and then transmute and ascend . q uency that represented the morphogenetic field for the entire planetary grid
The ascension occurred through the portal from the Sphere of Amenti to structure. They removed from Tara the morphogenetic field through which
which the incarnate's dimensional band/time period was connected. Once
Tara drew its energy imprint for its grid line structure and matter fonn. By
passing through its dimensional portal into the Sphere of Amenti, the incar-
removing this form-holding energy field from Tara's core, Tara could no
nate cou ld enter one of the other portal bridges, and appear on Tara in a
future space/time coordinate, becoming free from HU-l. Through this pro- longer build a bridge of frequency between irs core and Gaia's core at the
cess the consciousness of Tara's fragmented parts would be returned to Tara's eighth-dimension Metagalactic core. This removal of Tara's interior morpho-
planetary grid piece by piece, progressively de-densifying the matter particles genetic field was done out of necessity. If the morphogenetic field had
of Earth and transmuting them back into Tara's grid. As the lost souls remained with in Tara's core, Tara's progression of dimensional ascension into
returned to Tara, so did the lost portions of Tara's morphogenetic field. the Third Harmonic Universe would have continued, up to a point. When
Though the dynamics of this process are complicmed, the principle is sim- the planetary grid of Tara had pulled in the remaining frequency bands from
ple. The portals within the Sphere of Amenli served as a time-lmuU smlCture through
the Unified Fields of dimensions 5 and 6, through the morphogenetic field at
which the lost substance/energetic thrust of Tara could be retumed, and the lost souls
its core, it would next begin to pull in the frequencies of the seventh dimen-
of Tara could Te[um [0 their original identity as souls incarnated upon the planet Tara.
sion and begin its ascent into the Gaian planetary grid structure. This is the
In ancient Taran history this planet had once, long ago (eons before the 560
million year ago Turaneusiam seeding) been located within the First Harmonic natural path of evolution for a planet. However, if rhe seventh-dimensional
Universe, and had successfully evolved into the fifth dimension and Second frequency bands entered and expanded Tara's morphogenetic field, cef[ain
Hannonic Universe. The fall represented a portion of Tara being thrown back portions of these frequencies could not plug into the grid lines of the planet
into its own pasf, through which it had to re-evolve in order for the planet to as they needed to do, because portions of these grid lines had been ripped
evolve into its natural future. The portals within the Sphere of Amemi operrued as a apart during the fall event.
warp in lime mrough which re-ellollltion could rake place more qUickly. The human The energy carrying the frequencies of D- 7 that could not pass into the
lineage is an intimate part of that re-evolutionary plan, and this plan is the framework of the planet's energetic structure would build up within the mor-
underlying hidden dynamic and purpose for present human evolution. This phogenetic field of Tara's core, eventually causing the entire grid system and
plan is part of a larger Taran/Gaian evolutionary plan which ultimately will the planet to explode. The morphogenetic field of Tara had to be temporarily
lead to all consciousness involved returning to its Source. removed from the planet's core, which would leave Tara with the ability to
The Sphere of Amenti contains the purposes and mechanics of human ity's draw energy through its grid from the Unified Fields of Dimensions 4 through
evolutionary blueprint. The time portal structures within the Sphere of 6, but would not allow any higher frequency energies to enter into its grid sys-
Amenti regu late the processes of humanity's dimensional ascension/evolution tem. This meant that Tara would be trdPped in the time bands of Harmonic
or "return to God." The portals widlin thc morphogenetic field of ,he Sphere of Universe 2, unable to evolve out of those frequencies until its morphogenetic
Amenti are known as the HaUs of Amenti. They are the dimensiOlUIl pasSClge field had been returned to the planetary corc. The planet had to remain con-
nected to its motphogenetic field in order to retain its fonn, but the field could
ways one must pass thro[{gh in order to ascend from Earth, out of the Time Matrix
not be stored within the planet stnlcrure.
and dimensionalized reality. The Halls of Amenti have been a closely guarded
The morphogeneric field of Tara had to be placed within the portions of
secret since the time of your inception on Earth, and the Priests of Ur and Mu,
the original morphogenetic field that had been blown apart, broken down
their earthly descendants and the ET and metaterrestrial ancestors of your
among the 12 BU-1 planets. Each of the 12 planets would hold a portion of
Turaneusiam lineage from Harmonic Universes two through five have been the
Tara's morphogenetic field, and Tara could draw in sustaining energy from
Guardians of this secret since the time of irs inceprion 550 million years ago.
The Secrets of Amenri
sents the TTlimifestation of pauerns of dimensionalized elecrro-tonaJ. freqwmcy.
each of those areas. Meanwhile, the other planets would process the dimen-
Through linking the frequency bands of dimensions 1 through 7 within the
siona l frequency patterns that Tara could not synthesize. Once a HU-l planet
morphogenetic field, a planet or a person can ascend/evolve out of the matter
pulled in its portion of the higher dimensional frequencies, it would then based systems and into pure sentient consciousness. This is the evolutionary
undergo dimensional ascension back into Tara's grid, bringing with it its por- process. So the Blue Flame Staff of Amenti, stored within the time warp mor-
tion of the Tar,ln morphogenetic field. Tara could not ascend to HU-3 and phogenetic field of the Sphere of Amenti, represents the key to the evolution
become Gaia until each of its HU-l planets completed the manifestation of of Earth, and the human lineage, and one of the keys to the evolution of the
their portion of the morphogenetic field and ascended back into the Taran planets in your solar system, Tara and Gaia. The Staff of Amend is the gmeway
grid. (The time when this will occur is many millions of years in your future). inw Tara's morphogeneric field. Whether the Staff is held within Tara's core or
But each planet in your solar system has its part to play in this program. within the Sphere of Amenti at Eanh's core, it represents the gateway to which
Each planet received its portion of the Taran morphogenetic field. Earth the Halls of Amenti lead. One can pass into the Halls of Amenti, but must pass
received its porrion 25 million years ago when the Halls of Amenti were con- through the Blue Flame in order to transmute fonn and appear on Tara. In later
structed .2 The five Cloistered Races of the Sphere of Amenti retrieved their Egyptian mystery schools the Blue Flame gateway became known as the Gates
of ivory, which became translated in Biblical terms as the Pearly Gates of
frequency pattern 25 million years ago. This pattern of energy/morphoge-
Heaven. In each case the writings referred to the Blue Rame Staff of Amenti,
netic field had the appearance of a standing wave pattern, composed of
the energetic gateway to Tara. Needless to say, the Sphere of Amenti and the
fourth- and fifth-dimensional frequencies, and thus appearing as blue in color.
Staff which allows the Halls of Amenti to open into Tara are quite valuable
Visually, this standing wave pattern looks like an electric-blue flame with a commodities. Every human on Earth now is in some way energetically con~
pale shade of green, several inches in height. The blue flame, which consti- nected to the race morphogenetic field within the Sphere of Amenti, and it is
tutes Earth's portion of Tara's morphogenetic field, was brought into the through the Halls of Amenti (or through the Taran morphogenetic Sphere
Sphere of Amenti by the five Cloistered Races and the Priesthoods of Ur and within one of the other 11 planets in your solar system) that you must ascend to
Mu. The fifth-dimensi onal frequency patterns held in the blue flame allowed fulfiJl your evolutionary imprint as souls and return to your Creator/Creative
for the Halls of Amenti to open so the seeding and evolution of the five Source.
remaining Root Races could begin on Earth. The flame was stored within the
Sphere of Amenti and as long as it was there the IXlITals between Earth's ROOT RACES CLOISTERED RACES
dimensional time periods and Tara remained opened . The souls of Earth Forming of the five physical Root Races and their Cloisters
could ascend out of HU-l incamationai cycles and continue their evolution Blue Print For Evolution Through DNA Assembly
through Tara. Rescue Mission Stage 4
The Blue Flame became known as the Staff of Amend which is the item 25 ,000,000 YA
referred to in your Bible as the Staff of God, of the "rod and the staff." The rod After the Staff of Amenti was set within the Sphere of Amenti at Earthrs
represents the standing wave pattern within Eanh's core in dimension 2,
D2 core, rhe fonning of the five remaining Root Races began. The five Clois-
orange-gold in color, and composed of the frequency patterns of dimensions 1,
tered Races within the morphogenetic field of the Sphere polarized, splining
2 and 3. The Blue Flame Staff of Amenti was composed of frequency patterns
their energy fields, each creating twO smaller morphogenetic fields within the
of dimensions 4, 5 and 6, and allowed Tara's morphogenetic field to link with
Sphere of Amenti. The 10 new spheres collectively held the blueprint for
the double flame at Gaia's core, the violet and pale-gold flames that would
DNA strands one through 12. Each of the five Cloistered races was responsible
allow Gaia to link with the white-gold flame of the Metagalactic core. When we
for the evolution of one pair of these new morphogenetic fields. Each sphere
speak of me colored flames we are referring to multiple bands of frequency of which became the morphogenetic field for one Root Race plus its companion Cloister
morphogenetic fields are composed. Colors represent specrra of ugfu and ugh, repre- Race that would simultaneously man ifest into physical expression on Earth,
during the time periods that corresponded to the dimensional DNA strand to
which each race was appointed. These five morphogenetic fields became Root
2. The other plrmets had undergone a similar Sphere and Halls creation at various other Races 3~7, through which DNA strands 2- 6 would be assembled.
times, each set being named after the portion of the morphogenetic field it carried.
The Secrel.'i of Amenti
allow the DNA particles to merge with their anti-particles, creating transmu-
Each Root Race was responsible for evolving/assembling one strand of
tation of the maner particles and anti-particles, through which DNA strands
DNA while its companion Cloister Race would hold the imprint of that
7-12 could "plug into" the operating genetic code.)
strand plus strands 7-12. TIle Cloister Race wou ld appear first and through
The Root Race held the lower frequency base tone codes of this Earth.
this race its Root Race would emerge. The Cloistered Race broke down into Once both sets of DNA codes were assembled in the DNA through the 24
five Cloistered Sub-races, and each sub-race further broke down into five transmutations, the oven one activation codes from the Cloister would allow
Cloistered families. The Root Race would then break down into seven sub- the incarnate to enter its Cloister's morphogenetic field within the Sphere of
races, and each of the seven sub-races would further break down into seven Amenti, where DNA strands 7-12 would "plug into" the activation codes. This
families. Soul fragments from the dimension that corresponded to the DNA would open the morphogenetic field of the Palaidorian collective (five Clois-
strand of the Root Race would be pulled from the Unified Field of that tered Races), where rhe codes of the other Root Races could be assembled and
dimension into the body form, progressively pulling the frequency bands of the fuJi 12-strand DNA pattern would be restored. As this process of DNA
that dimension into the DNA until aU the frequencies of that dimension activation took place, the incarnate was enabled to enter the Blue Flame mor-
were assembled into the morphogenetic field of the body. This process was to phogenetiC field of Tara with its consc iousness, which began activation. of
be accomplished within 24 incarnations, i.e., two 12-cycles, that were lived DNA strands 7-12 within the body. This process increased the rate of pulsation
in one body. With the morphogenetic field in rhe Sphere of Amenti holding of the matter particles of the body into HU-2 patterns, which allowed the
incarnate to tum its body into light, pass through the Halls of Amenti as pure
the pattern for the body form, souls trapped within that dimension could
energy, then re-manifest within a less dense version of that body upon Tara.
begin merging their consciousness with the new body form, and through 24
The 24 transmutations were lived in one body, which progressively transmuted
cycles of incarnation pull their consciousness into a pattern that vibrated as the DNA assembled, until later genetic distortion. Originally the human
high enough to merge with the Sphere of Amenti . body was designed to transmute and ascend, not die and reincarnate. The 24
Soul fragments would incarnate once then transmute through each of the cycles of transmutation later became 24 cycles of incarnation, or birth and
seven families of its sub-race, then through each of the five Cloistered fami- death, through which the DNA would assemble as the consciousness passed
lies of its Cloistered sub-race, building up the lower frequency patterns (base from one life to another. The original human body was immortal.
tones) of that dimension into the DNA through its first 12 transmutations The First Seedjng~the Third World
within the families. Next the now-more-evolved soul would transmute into 25,000,000 10 5,500,000 YA
each of the seven sub-races of its Root Race, then into each of the five Clois-
The pattern for the evolution of the five remaining Root Races was set in
tered sub- races of its Cloistered Race, building up the higher frequency pat-
motion 25 million YA. In the first wave of souls moving out of the PaIaidorian
terns (overtones) of that dimension into the DNA. In the fin al morphogenetic held and into physical incarnation The Five Cloistered Races
transmutat ion, in which all of the frequency patterns for that dimension were were entered into Eanh in various geographical locations on the Eanh.
pulled into the DNA and the completed strand assembled, the incarnate Through budding/fission/replication the five Cloistered families each mani-
then carried the full base tone pattern of its Root Race and the particle over- fested six male and six female beings all Earth, and the same number on the
tones of its Cloistered Race with in the DNA. In this final phase, the incar- parallel, anti-panicle Earth. So in the first wave of physical creation on Earth
nate's body, DNA and consciousness would transmute, the base tones and 60 human beings were manifested, in adult fonn, out of the Cloistered Races
overtOnes within the DNA strand merging to create a resonant tone through morphogenetic field. Each of the five Cloistered Races began with a family of
which the identity could merge with the C loister Race morphogenetic field 12 humans, six male, six female. They entered Earth together, with equal
in the Sphere of Amenti, where it would pick up the remaining "activation" standing, seeding the brown-Ur-Antrian, red-Breanou3, white-Hibiru, yel-
DNA codes/overtones from the Cloister. low-Melchizcdek and black-Yunaseti races. Earth populations built up through
The Cloister Race held the higher frequency DNA codes/overtones for this lineage. Th' d
After about 10 million years of evolution (25-15 million YA) the ~r
that dimension, which match the base tone frequency patterns of the body
Root Race was entered through peoples of the Ur-Antrian Cloister. The ThIrd
double in the parallel Earth (these are called the Activation Codes, as they
The Secrets of Amenti J lie eLectrrc wars

Root Race, and first physical Root Race to appear on Earth were the Lumari- Amend or were relocated to other I-IU-l planets with the help of the Elohim
ans. They were a brown race that appeared about 15 million years ago, who and I-IU-2 Palaidorians. Those who lost their immortal genetic codes and did
were assigned to assembling the second strand of DNA. Following the Lumari- not leave Earth perished, along with many animall ife-fonns, as Earth's plan-
ans and their seven sub-races and 49 families was the Second infusion of the etary environment was thrown into chaos. Earth would have been destroyed
Breanoua Cloistered race and their five subraces and 25 families. They entered if the Breneau from HU-5 had not intervened.
through the peoples of their first incamational wave about 12 million years ago. The Seat of Amenti and the End of the Electric Wars
Entering through the peoples of the Breanoua Cloister came the Founh Root 5,508,100YA
Race, the Alanians and their sub-races and fami lies. The Alanians appeared The Breneau entities negotiated a treaty between these opposi ng fac-
about nine million years ago, a red skinned race, who were teSJX>nsible for tions. In the agreement the Roor Races of Earth would be allowed to evolve,
assembling DNA strand ;;3. The five Cloister Races and the Lumarian and
but the Halls of Amenti-the JX>rtals be(\veen Earth and Tara-would be
Alanian Root Races evolved together on Earth between 25 miltion to 5.5 mil-
sealed to humans until the mutations within the genetic code of Root Races
lion years ago, developing high culture and much diversification. Incarnates
who kept the imegrity of their genetic cooe transmuted through each of the 3 and 4, which had contaminated the morphogenetic fields, could be
races then ascended within their immonal bodies through the Halls of Amenti. reversed. In terms of souls evolving out of HU-l, the sealing of the Halls of
This period in time is known as The First Seeding, and represents the Third Amenti meant that they could evolve into the morphogenetic field of their
World in Native American tradition. Cloister Race and pick up DNA strands 7-12, but they could not pass
through the Cloister morphogenetic field of their Root Race into the collec-
THE ELECTRIC WARS tive Palaidorian morphogenetic field where DNA strands of the other Root
The Electric Wars & Palaidorian Resistance E ntity Wars Races, strands 4--6 could be assembled. Without the imprint frequency pat-
5,509,000 - 5,508,100 YA terns of strands 4-6, the incarnate soul could not plug strands 7-12 into the
operational genetic code. The Halls of Amemi were sealed to the human lineage
During the course of the First Seed ing all went well as many soul frag-
ments from HU-} Earth successfully ascended through the Halls of Amenti by removing from the morphogenetic fields of the Third and Fourth Cloistered
back into Tara. But many members of the races from the First Seeding had Races, the activation codes/overtones 3 that would allow the particles and ami~par~
also begun to digress through an imal interbreeding and contact with HU-l rides of the body to merge, transmute and assemble strands 7-12 into the opera~
ETs, some losing the ability of genetic transmutation and thus their immor- rional DNA. This morphogenetic alteration effectively sealed the particles of
tality. About 5,509,000 years ago members of the Sirian-Anunnaki race from the physical body out of the etheric body (anti-particle body), making the
HU-2, along with several other groups of ITs and metaterrestrials from the final transmutation of Cloister overtone codes 7- 12 impossible. This mani~
higher Harmonic Universes wanted to stop the evolution of the earthly races fesred as an energetic block between me physical and emeric bodies within the
and abandon the Turaneusiam~2/12 Tribes experiment, for fear that the
human bio~energetic allric field, and a sealing Oltt of the Primary D~l overtones
mutat ing genetic code of the 12 Tribes would contaminate the races of Tara
as they ascended through the Halls of Amenti. Many HU-2 species did not within the base chakra of the ht~man-<ln auric configuration still camed today
want. the digress ive human element to return to Tara, for they were already within the comemporary human. It also created perception of duality between
creatl ng damage within the energetic systems of Earth, and those of Tara consciousness and body for those baring this genetic configuration.
needed protection from such activities. Numerous other groups simply Nonnally an incarnate would build up the DNA strand of its Root Race
wanted .Earth territories for their own purposes. The Resistance groups began then build up the activation strands from its Cloister Race, which would
a war WIth the Elohim from HU-3, and those of the Covenant of Palaidor in allow it to pull strands 7-12 into manifestation from the Cloister morphoge-
HU-2. Entities of the higher Universes descended upon Earth, and great bat- netic field. The seventh strand (a primary base tone strand), which contained
tles of pure energy were fought in Earth's local galaxy and within Eanh's the frequencies of all of the strands below it, would plug in to the single
atmosphere. These events became known as the Electric Wars. The wars strand assembled through the Cloister, then assemble all of the other Root
lasted around 900 years as Entities of these opposing groups battled for con-
trol over Earrh's natural portal system and the Sphere of Amenti. The human
races caught in this battle either ascended to Tara through the Halls of 3. The frequency pant'ms 1I1.'1t corresponded to theLf fonn double in the parallel universe.
j fie t./ecrnc w ars
The Secrets of Amenti
Seal of Amenti. The Halls of Amenti were not in themselves sealed or
Race strands as their frequency patterns were contained within the seventh closed, they were only sealed to incarnates carrying the altered genetic strain .
strand. Once strands 1- 7 were assembled an interdimensional resonant tone
Some ET hybrid strains of the humans in exile in other planetary systems,
(three resonant tones) was created. The body could then rum into light, pass
II through the Blue Flame in the Sphere of Amenti and re-manifest on Tara,
where assembly of strands 8-12 would continue. By removing one of the acti-
who did not have the Seal of Amenti genetic distortion. returned to Earth
following the Electric Wars to pass through the Halls of Amenti. It was then
vation code/overtone frequency patterns from the morphogenetic field of the discovered that a much greater problem had occurred as a result of the Elec-
Cloister4, the human incarnate could not plug in the seventh DNA strand, tric Wars.
which meant that the incarnate could not a~mble the mands of the other
The Seal of Palaidor~Pole T ilt, Quick Frce.4:;e. Sphere of Amenti placed
Root Races so it could transmute into light to pass through the Blue Flame.
Humans carrying this code distortion became trapped in their matter bodies in D-4, 1st M a jor Earth Flood, 5 .5 Million Year-Old Wall in T ime
within HU-}, and the supply of transmuting energy available to the matter 5,5(X),OOOYA
body became finite as the DNA strands that would have fed the body with Summary: As a result of damage from the Electric Wars the Elohim had to
higher frequency energies were no longer operational. When the body place the Sphere of Amenti in 0-4 creating a fourth-dimensional frequency
reached its genetic capacity for assembling frequency, then the physical struc- block within the second and third DNA stt'dnds. sealing Root Races 3 and 4
ture would begin to deteriorate as the consciousness was transferred back into out of their morphogenetic field/soul matrices, creating build-up of soul frag-
the morphogenetic field. ments in 0-2, D-3 and DA that would have to integrate into Root Race 5 con-
Following this morphogenetic distortion, the consciousness would birth sciousness. This created the subconscious mind D-l emotional body which
into its Root Race, complete the 12 family and 12 sub-race transmutation would draw in elemental Lamanian/Lemurian-Root Race 3-soul fragments. a
cycles, then run into the genetic frequency block. The body would die and D-3 egotistical mind that would draw in Alanian/Atlantean-Root Race 4-
the incarnate would pass into the morphogenetic field for its C loister, cilen soul fragments. and a D-4 astral mind-body that would draw in soul fragments
have ro rebirth into a body within the next Root Race. After completing the of Root Race three and four from the astral plane. Manifested as an extra D-4 fre~
mmsmutation cycles of the Fourth Root Race the incarnate would pass into quency pattem within me second and mird DNA strands. a blockage wimin ,he sec-
its Cloister's morphogenetic field. then have to wait until the Fifth Root ond and third chakras mrough which !heir energies could only mage through the fourth
Race manifestation cycle had begun, before it could complete its final incar- chakra. and as an energetic oonier between rhe frequencies of rhe second. third and
nation in the Aciran RoO{ Race and release the Seal of Amenti. Once assem-
fourth dimensions within the bio-energt![ic auric field. this created seJxlrariml between
the emotional . menud and asrral identity aspects. RoO[ Race 5 souls became
bling the fourth DNA strand through the Fifth Root Race incarnation the
responsible for integrating {he soul fragments of the Lamanians and Atlanians
Seal of Amenti would release from DNA strand one and the activation
of me Second Seeding and the Atlanteans and Lemurians of the Third Seed-
codes/overtones from the Fifth Cloister would plug in. assemble the fifth. ing. which manifest as blockages within the second-emotional body, third-
sixth and seventh strands creating an interdimensional resonant rone. Then mental body and fou rth-astral body chakras and corresponding levels of the
the body could tum into light. pass through the Blue Flame and re-manifest auric field. Seal released through assembly of the fourth DNA strand and inte-
on Tara to continue evolution. The Seal of Amenti made it necessary ro gration of soul fragments, which must occur before Seal of Amenti can release
incarnate three times, once within Root Races 3, 4. and 5. in order ro com- from DNA strand one. Human consciousness lost awareness of its relationship
plete the dimensional ascension process into HU-2. After the sealing of the to Earth and the higher dimensions, and its species evolutionary memory. and
Halls of Amenti. the Sphere of Amenti at Earth's core became the collector souis of Root Races and Cloisters from the Third and Fourth Races could only
of souls awaiting rebirth into the Fifth Root Race through which the Seal of evolve through the Fifth Root Race. Auric configuration remains in present
Amenti would be lifted. so they could ascend and be set free. day human descendants of Root Races three and four and within Aryan Root
Race 5. The present Aryan Root Race is now responsible for integrating the
Following rhe Electric Wars. the Third and Fourth Root Races would
soul fragments of their Lamanian/Lemurian, and Ur-Antrian and Breanoua
have to be reseeded on Earth, and the new seeding would carry wilh it the
Cloister ancestors from the Second and Third Seeding. The Aryan Root Race
is also responsible for integrating the anti-particle overtones omitted by the
4. Th~ sixrh subfr~qu~ncy oond overtone of dimeruion one was removed from ~rrand one. 21
The Secrets of Amend

Seal of Amenti, which appear as a build-up of electrical particles within the morphogenetic field, they would incarnate into elemental consciousness and
etheric body called miasms, which distort the natural functioning of the chakra evolve as second-d imensional life fonus. They would be trapped in the ele-
system and accelerate the manifestation of physical disease. The Seal of Palaidor mental incarnations until the fourth-dimensional Seal of Palaidor was lifted
must be released before the Seal of Amenti can release, both achieved by assembling from the morphogenetic field.
the fuU fDunit DNA srrond. The Palaidorian/Amenti morphogenetic field within the Sphere of
For a period of time following the end of the Electric Wars, Earth could Amenti represented the collective Soul Matrix for the human lineage on
not sustain life. For over 4,0CI0 years Earth was plagued by erratic weather Earth. Because of the Seal of Palaidor the races would emerge into Earth from
patterns, tectonic shifting and climatic anomalies. Earth experienced a slow, the morphogenetic field from 0-4 instead of through Earth's D-2 core, they
partial pole reversal and tilted several degrees on its axis between 5,508,100 would experience one incarnation, die and become part of the consciousness
and 5,504,000 years ago, as a result of damage done to Earth's energetic grid of Earth, loosing their sentient identity. Meanwhile, the portion of their
and portal systems during the Electric Wars. Numerous ET races visited the essence that had picked up the fourth-dimensional base tone frequencies
planet during its more stable periods, some serv ing as Guardians over the while passing through 0-4 in birthing, would rise back into the lower fre-
Sphere of Amenti. Various animal fonus were aga in reseeded by visiting quency bands of D-4 at death. These fragments of identity became disembod-
races. Approximately 5,504,000 years ago a sudden, final shift in Earth's grid, ied astral consciousness without a body fonn or organizational identity
as its poles realigned, caused a "quick freeze" Ice Age to occur, which wiped imprint. The Fifth Root Race Aeirans were able to retain form in the astral
out most life-forms on the planet except for some of those residing in deep identity as the D-4 frequencies were already contained within their fourth
caverns beneath the seas. Following this shift the vibrational rate of Earth's DNA strand. Though the Aeirans could not plug the second, third and
grid dropped swiftly and it could no longer hold the higher frequencies of the fourth DNA strands into each other until the fourth strand had been fully
Sphere of Amenti at its core. If the Sphere of Amenti were not removed, the assembled, the identity pattern manifested itself within the second, third and
Earth would explode. fou rth dimensions, creating an emotional/elemental body in D-2, a mental
In order to avoid planetary destrucrion the Elohim of HU-3 and the Ra body in D-3 and an astral body in D-4. As the Aciran race progressively
Confederacy entity families detached the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic assembled its fourth DNA strand, unity between D-2 emotional awareness,
field from Earth's core in D-2, 5,500,000 years ago. It was placed in a secure D-3 mental awareness and D-4 astral awareness would result, allowing the
position in deep space within the fourth-dimensional frequency bands. consciousness to separate from the physical body and [ravel through [he D-4
Because [he Sphere was placed within the D-4 frequency bands, it acquired a astral planes. Once all of the fourth strand was assembled and the ancestral
fourth.dimensionaJ frequency seal, which meant that souls who had not yet assem- soul fragments integrated, the Seal of Palaidor would release in the Aeiran
bled meir fourth strand of DNA could no longer merge with their Root Race mor- genetic code, the emotional, mental and astral identities would merge, the
phogenetic field/soul matrix or rhat of their Cloisler. Root races 3 and 4, and their activation code overtones of the Fifth Cloister (the Hibiru) would plug in
Cloister Races, who were to be reseeded on Earth with the Seal of Amenti in and release the Seal of Amenti, allowing ascension through the Blue Flame
their genetic code, could not evolve to assemble the fourth strand, as this in the Sphere of Amenti to occur.
strand was assembled through birthing through the Fifth Root Race. This The Third and Fourth Root Races did not have an astral body as their
fourth-dimensional seal on the Sphere of Amend became known as the Seal genetic imprint did not include the fourth/D-4 strand of DNA. Only mem-
of Palaidor. as it sealed the races out of their Palaidorian morphogenetic field bers of Races three and four who participated in inter-stellar breed ing were
once they had entered manifestation. The Root Race 3 Lamanian/Lemurian able to create the organizational form of an astral body in D-4 and splice in
and Root Race 4 Atlanian/Adantean souls of the Second and Third Seeding the imprint for the fourth DNA strand. Members of these earlier races from
could not reincarnate into the Fifth Aeiran/Aryan Root Race and became the Second and Third Seedings could not pass into their race's morphoge
trapped in time within the second, third and fourth dimensions. Following netic field at death and thus they could not reincarnate into the Fifth Root
death, these souls would enter 0-2 Earth core and their consciousness would Race. At death their' soul essence f e d IOto the n
ragment U tfied Field, of
fragment into the Earth's 0-2 Unified Field. Having lost their form-holding
The Secrets of Amenri J M electric wars
dimensions two, three and four where they would have to merge with Aeiran Amenti could be returned to Earth's core, releasing the fourth-dimensional
consciousness in order to ascend. A great burden was placed upon the Aeiran Seal of Palaidor and the souls lost in 0-2 and 0-4 could ascend.
Root Race and its Cloister Hibiru, for they became responsible for assimilat- Not only did the Seal of Palaidor create problems within the incamational
ing the fra gments of consciousness from their race three and four ancestors, process, it also created problems for the physical incarnates on Earth. The race
before they could fully ascend. These ancesual soul fragments appeared as morphogenetic fi eld through which a mce incarnates represents the living
fragments of incamational memory and chaotic identities, sub-persona lity memory bank of that evolVing race. If the morphogenetic field of a race is
fragments from the elemental, mental and astral planes, which would assem- removed from a planet and its energies are no longer running through the plan-
etary grid, the entire race memory is wiped out of the planet's cellular memory.
ble into the conscious awareness as the astral , mental and emOtional bodies
People alive on the planet cannot find the content or sequence of most of the
merged through assembly of the fourth DNA strand. Along with this burden
race memory. They do nor remember their origins, the pUflXlSes for which they
the Aeirans and Hibiru also had to integrate the missing sixth oven one in
came, or their desti nation through the course of their evolution. The portions
DNA strand one through which the Seal of Amenti could re lease and ascen- of the race morphogenetic field removed from the planet take with them the
sion take place. DNA strand imprint through which that memory would be stored within an
Until the Seal of Amenti was released, the anti-panicle codes that could incarnate's bodily cellular memory. Corresponding DNA particles break loose
no t merge wi th the physical body built up within the ethedc body level of from the operating DNA strands, lose their sequence of linear order and cannot
the auric field- the anti-particle double within the parallel Earth. This elec- translate through the neurological structure of the human into conscious per-
trical build-up in the etheric body caused the physical body particles [Q ception. DNA particles breaking loose from the operating strands become what
become overly dense and manifested as blockages (called miasms) within the Earth scientists call "junk DNA," stored within the cells with seemingly no
natural energy channels of the body, accelerating the manifestation of physi- purpose.
cal disease and the cellular deterioration process. The Aciran and Hibiru After the Seal of Palaidor was set, the races of the Second Seeding would
races, and their Aryan and Hibiru descendants would inherit this burden of enter incarnation with no memory of their identity or of the higher dimen-
cellular clearing. Most humans of the present day have the fifth race coding, sional worlds from which they had come. This knowledge would be stored
and are subconSCiously involved with this process of cellular clearing, inte- within the fourth dimension and could be accessed only through the astral
gration of the emOtional, mental and astral bodies, and assembling the fourth essence. The races would also forget their connection to the Earth and to
DNA strand in order to release the Seal of Amenti and ascend. The Sea l of each other, as this memory is stored within the second strand, and is blocked
Palaidor would create a build-up of chaotic energieS/identity fragments from mental view. The human of the Second Seeding would have a new kind
within the elemental, mental and astral planes. until the Fifth Root Race ful- of consciousness, a perception of exaggerated duality and a sense of separa-
fi lled its genetic imprint and assembled the fourth DNA strand through tion from all things that would bury the memory and the truth of the teach-
which these soul fragments could be released. An alternative to fragmenra- ings of the sacred Law of One. Through the dismantled DNA codes stored in
t ion was offered to the races through the later inception of what came to be the cells, the human would develop a subconscious mind, containing the
called the Third Eye of Horus. consciousness of its second strand and soul fragments drawn in from the 0-2
Though the burdens of evolution placed upon human consc iousness elemental Unified Field. A time of dream assimilation would have to take
under the Seals of Amenti and Palaidor would be great, the Elohim and Ra place in order ro begin assembling the astral awareness of the fourth strand
Confedemcy knew this before orchestrating the Second Seeding, and they and the soul fragments drawn in from the 0-4 unified field. A new kind of
allowed it to occur as a way of assisting to purify the digressive genetic codes. multi-layer consciousness would develop in the human, quite different from
The lower-vibrating genetic imprints would dissolve into the Unified Field of the earlier unified awareness of its immortal body. Even for Visitors of non-
D~2 , while the sou l essences could re-evolve through the Fifth Races. They human lineage, the memory of the planet's history would not be found unless
knew that one day, when Earth's grid vibrated high enough, the Sphere of it were accessed through the Sphere of Amenti in the fourth dimension. The
Seal of Palaidor placed Earth in a frequency quarantine, through which it
became temporarily disconnected from its inter-galactic community. Humans
The Secrets of Amenri 2
on Earth would not be able to remember what ex isted on the Earth, or that
Earth was a member of vast multidimensional reality fields comaining innu-
merable sentiem forms of life. The human developed tunnel vision, a condi-
tion which remains today within the majority of people o n Earth.
Great hope was placed upon the success of the Fifth Root Race evolution,
for the Fifth Root Race was designed to assemble the fourth DNA strand, the
strand that corresponded to the fourth dimension. If the Fifth Root Race could
fully evolve its strand, their astral awareness could pass through the Seal of The Second Seeding
Palaidor. While they were still al ive in body, they could consciously awaken in
their astral bodies, discover the secrets of their missing codes and begin to con-
sciously heal the mutations in their gene codes. The Fifth races would become
the Keepers of Records for Earth until the Sphere of Amemi was returned to SIRIUS B
Earth's core, as they could pull the lost race memory from the Sphere of
Sirius B and the Third Eye of Horus
Amenri in 0-4 and bring it alive once again upon the planet.
4,000,000 YA
Follow ing the removal of the Sphere of Amemi from the Earth's core
5,500,000 years ago, the Earth grid rapidly plunged in speed, then began an In an attempt to revitalize the human evolutionary program, on behalf of
the Ur~Tarranates who had sacrificed their freedom 550 million years ago to
even more rapid acceleration as erratic energ ies left over from the Sphere fil-
rescue the lost souls of Tara through the Turaneusiam~2 experiment, about
tered through Earth's bioenergetic system. Climatic changes again occurred,
four million years ago the Sirian Council of HU-2, working with the Elohim
land masses slid beneath waters, and great quakes rumbled through the and descendants of the Taran Ceres (a HU~2 family known as the Seres) and
planet. Within three years of the removal of the Sphere, a great flood came several other HU-2 groups created a plan through which h uman evolution on
that covered over 85% of Earth's surface. The memory of this flood, along Earth could be restarted. Earth's grid still could not sustain a life field with
with that of two others, was given to you by the Elohim and recorded in your fourth-dimensional gene coding, so a plan was devised to allow the souls
Biblical history as one event. The flood of 5,500,000 years ago JUSt described waiting within the Sphere of Amenti in 0-4 to be re-entered into Earth by a
is the first major flood on Earth, the second flood occurred about 849,000 process called Down#grading. Through this process [he vibrational essence of
the race morphogenetic field could be "stepped down" to a slower vibrational
years ago and the third during the Third Seeding of the Root Races. There
pattern, by passing a portion of the morphogenetic field through the core of
were many other periods of flooding but these three periods were the most
another planet in HU.l. This experiment would require rhe use of a plane-
notable. With the Seal of Palaidor came a walt in time behind which the tary I:xxiy within the same time spiral cycles as Earth, which had a core vibra-
truth of human lineage was hidden. Humans born in the Second and Third tional speed/particle pulsation rate sl ightly higher than that of Earth. The
Secdings would be marked by the Seals of Amend and Palaidor, baring the planet chosen for this experimem is in your Sirius star system and is known as
burden of a past of which they would have no memory. It could take millions Sirius B.
of years for the Earth grid vibrational rate to rise enough so that life with An artificial portal bridge was construCted between the core of Sir.ills B,
fourth-d imensional coding (the fifth races) could be sustained and the Sphere the Sphere of Amenti in 0-4 and the Earth core at 0-2. A small portion of
of Amenti returned so the Seal of Palaidor could be lifted. Human evolution the Amenti morphogenetic field was placed within the core of ~irius B, the
part that contained the energy essence/souls of the Second Seedm.g. Some ~f
was stunted 5.5 million years ago and would have remained so if it were not
these soul essences combined their consciousness with the evolvmg ethen c
for Sirius B. Consciousness of Sirius B and created a hybrid strain of Sirian-human con-
sciousness which came to be known as the Kantarians. This name was
derived from the Kuntureaz, the non~physical Sirian sub-race of consci~uS
ness with which the h uman consciousness had merged. The Kantanans

J he ,:)econd Seeding

' h b ,' d race known as the Europhcrites (sometimes called the

became semi -dense physical beings upon merging with the morphogenetic embersof t h IS Y r , S" B' b d
field of humans from the Second Seeding. Much later the Kamarians founded on )mlgrate' d fromthe HU-1 Pleiadian star system to IfIUS . .,mter
. h' re
Eune s , . hen the human and Sirian Impnnt m t etr
the Kantarian Federation, gaining approval from the HU-l Galactic Federa- "th the Kantanan race to strengt D Th h h
tion to serve as a guardian and educator race for Earth humans of the Second WI . ad ' 'ng a smaller hybrid race called the agos. roug t e
neUC c e, iOnn! . . ed 'th the
and Third Seedings and they became heavily involved with o ld Sumerian ge . d HU 1 Ple'adian lineage became mtertwm WI
Dagos Kantanan an . I Seed Th D ere a
and Egyptian cultures, as well as that of Adania and Atlantis. .. 'I Turaneusiam-2 imprint during the Second ing. . e agos w .
The portal bridge between Sirius B, the Sphere of Amenti and Earth ~ntr: wn skinned race whose genetic imprint would be earned as a recessl~e
allowed for greater evolutionary options for the fourth and fifth races, those ar r~. the human strain of the Second Seeding. The Dagos were broug t
who carried the third DNA strand in their race morphogenetic field. This gene w~ ~nset u small colonies in various locations about 3,995,7~O ye~rs ago.
option was not available to Lamanian/Lemurian and Ur-Antrian cultures, as ~=in~ of th:Cloistered and Rom Races of Amenti began, startlllg With t~t
they did nO[ carry the full third stand imprint in their morphogenetic fie ld. The U Antnan CI'
' OI J 700
st ()()()
r" ago, followed by Root Race. J, three d ml. -
option assisted Atlanian/Atlantean races and their Breanoua Cloister who suc- . r- Root Race J the Lumarians, became the Lamamans, enofmg
cessfully assembled the third strand, and also the Aeiran/Aryan races and their han years ago'h h 5" 'B The Fourth Root Race and its Cloister entered
their passage t roug IrIUS. cd b th
Hibiru Cloister who were not able to fully assemble their fourch DNA strand [ the Breanoua Cloister, aoout three million years. ago, follow y e
prior to death. For these races, instead of the soul essence fragmenting into D.2, nex '. R R 4 at 2 500 000 years ago. The Alantans became known as
Alalllan oot ace " . CI' H'b' h
D-J and 04 following death (as would be the case due to the Seal of Palaidor),
the At Iamans. The Fifth Root Race Aeirans and thelf OIHcr I lru t en
the soul essence who had assembled most of the third strand cOllld move into cd h Hbiru 1 500 000 and the Ayrians, I 275 ,()()() years ago . The time
the race morphogenetic field in Sirius B. Within the morphogenetic field of ~;~~ ~gi~ni~g wid~ th~ Second Seeding J,?OO,OOO years a~o ~nd :t~~i~~
Sirius B the soul could evolve here fat a time as disembodied consciousness to through the Third Seeding into the present time represents t e ou
assemble more frequencies into its code, then pass into the Sphere of Amenti of Native American legend.
through the portal bridge. Souls taking the Sirius B path of evolution could
release the Seal of Paiaidor, but not the Seal of Amenti. They could return to MELCHIZEDEK RACES
the Palaidorian morphogenetic field and wait there for the seeding of the fifth DNA Strands and the Races, the Sixth Root Race, the Melchizedeks
race into which they would incarnate to assemble the remainder of the fourth
and Hibiru Cloister Mix, Agartha and the Essenes,
strand. This was a much better option that fragmentation. which would create
loss of the personal identity imprint as the soul fragments merged with the con. Hebrews, and Christians .
sciousness of the fifth raccs. Individual sentient identity could be retained The Fifth Root Race Aeirans, now know~ as the Ayria~s~vere \:~::~~
through evolving through Sirius B. During the Second Seeding this portal ~ - bl'ng the fourth DNA strand, which correspon to ~. 'b
m assem I d th gh h the Earth grid would raise III VI ra
bridge became known as the Hall of Amorea, in the Third Seeding, during the dimensional frequencies, an rou . t e~ be ed to the Earth core. As
tional rate so the Sphere of Amentl cou return .d Id be
, times of Atlantis and Egyptian Pharaonic rule, it became known as the Third
Eye of Horus, and represented the culmination of the "Leh Eye of Horus" and
"Right Eye of Horus" mystical teachings. The Tnird Eye of Horus was a closely
they fulfilled the assembly of the fourth strand the Seal of Palal .~~ ~7~ race
lifted allowing the soul fragments fromI 02 and 0f4 to IJne:~~ ~i who waited

I guarded secret, and passage through this dimensional bridge was reserved for
the few elite races who carried the needed third strand genetic imprint.
d I
consciousness an eva ve, a
nd the sou essences a races
. h fit h
ould be set free.
within the Sphere of Amenti to rei.ncamate IIltodt e tbera~e ~ 3 and the base
The Ayrians contained within their DNA stran s num r. ' '. assembly
Tile Second Seeding. the Fourth World
codes of 4 their Hibiru Cloister containing these plus the im~m~ ~~A (dou.
3,700,000 - 848,000 YA f d '7-12 Both Ayrian and Hibiru races have two stran sOd ife.st
o stran s . . bod' Ea th and twO snan s man
ble helix) mani~est w.ithin chelf les o~ I ~rth. The Fourth Root Race
The morphogenetic field for the Second Seeding Races was emcred into
Sirius B approximately four million years ago. The races began incarnating on within their ann.partlcle doubles on para eDNA d one and tWO and
Earth through a small group of human hybrids who had found exile and Alanians, now the A danians, had three ..strand. ~~~'~l~ the imprint for
evolved within the HUl Pleiades star system during the Electric Wars. the base codes of J, dleir Breanoua ClOISter havl~g 1 5 t ........ ds within their
Through the Sirian Council of HU~2 and the Galactic Federation of HU.l, 7-12. Adanians and Breanoua wou Id eac h manliest . S leL...
bodies on Earth and within the parallel system. Root Race three Lumarians imprint for strands 7-12. They are free of the Seals of Palaidor and Amenti,
now Lamanians, had strand one and the base codes of strand 2, their Ur~ and can thus undergo full transmutation of bodily fo rm in order to ascend, if
Antrian Cloister had these plus the imprint for 7-12. they are able to fully activate the base tones with in their fifth strand. Because
All of the races of the Second Seeding carried trace codes of the Pleia- of their advanced genetic package the Melchizedeks are able to pass through
dian-Sirian Dagos. Races of the Second and Third Seeding, like their ances- the Blue Flame in the Halls of Amenti and experience teleportation through
[Drs of the First Seeding, also carried grounding codes within their the portals into the Taran environment.
operational DNA strands, which contained partial frequency panerns for The Melchizedeks assisted in repairing genetic digression toward the end
each of the 12 dimensions within the 12-strand Turaneusiam imptint. The of the Second Seeding, becoming one of the Host Matrix families, then
grounding codes allowed each race to manifest with some degree of three- began their race birthing cycle during the Third Seeding. The first wave of
dimensional, physical matter density and also allowed for transmutation of Melchizedeks appeared about 35,000 years ago, the second wave 3,500 years
t~e physical matter particles once the overtone activation codes were opera- ago, and the third wave began about 250 years ago and continues today. The
tional. Though all of the races carried the grounding codes, not all could acti- family of the Templar-Melchizedeks established the Esscne Brotherhood and
vate them because of the Seal of Amenti. As long as the Seal of Amenti the Priesthood of Melchizedek, a priesthood that still exists on Earth today. The
missing sixth overtone of the first DNA strand, was contained in their :nor- lineage of the Essenes was one of the 25 families within the Melchizedek
phog~ne[ic ~atte~, none of the races could activate the grounding codes of Cloister, descendants of the first wave of the Melchizedek cycle. The
the lugher dunenslons . As races 3-5 of the Second and Third Seed ing would Melchizedeks assisted the Hibiru Cloister of Root Race 5 in repairing genetic
be bo~ with the Seals of Palaidor and Amemi, only those whose imprint damage at the end of the Second Seeding, then during the Third Seeding the
contamed the fourth DNA strand (the Fifth and Sixth Root Races) had the Templar.Melchizedeks once again intervened, creating a mixed-Cloister race
potential to activate all of the grounding codes to ascend. carrying the genetic codes of both lines, which accelerated the evolutionary
The Fifth Root Race, which was also born with the Seal of Amenti, held potentials of the Hibiru and Ayrian/Aryan races. This mixcloister breeding
the hope of activating the grounding codes, if they could fully assemble their would later become a major problem for the descendants of this lineage, due
fourth DNA strand. This would give them astral plane/D-4 mobility of con- to events that transpired 10,000 years ago during the Third Seeding. The
sciousness through which they could pass into their Cloister morphogenetic mixcloister Hibiru/Melchizedek race became known as the Hebrew race
field on the astral plane, then merge with their double there, through which during the Second and Third Seedings. The Essenes, Templar-Melchizedeks,
the Seal of Amenti would release from strand 1. Then strands 2 and 3 could Hebrew and Christian lineages of the Third Seeding, including those of
plug into their doubles and into strand 4. Once strands 14 plugged into each present day Earth, aU carry this genetic advancement. And following the
oth.er, the matte~ particles would begin to fuse within their anti-particles, events of 8,000 BC (10,000 YA) those affiliated with the Templar-
whIch would activate or fire the fifth, sixth and seventh grounding codes Melchizcdeks would also carry forth a great genetic burden.
allowing the body to fully transmute through the Blue Flame and the Halls of The spiritual influence of the Templar.Melchizedeks has touched aU of
Amenti to reappear on Tara. the major Christian and Jewish persuasions, and they played an instrumental
The Sixth and Seventh Root Races and their Cloisters carried the role in the fonnation of the modern day Mormon-Christian faith. The
remaining fifth and sixth DNA strands of the 12-strand package. Neither of Melchizedeks are a primary force within the present times on Earth, as they
these r.aces entered full manifestation during the Second and Third Seedings. are now within the thitd wave of their race birthing cycle. The Melchizedeks
The Sixth Root Race are the Muvarians, their Cloister the Melchizedeks hold within thei r lineage the promise of ascension, even more so than do the
they will assemble DNA strand number 5, corresponding to The fifth-dimen~ fifth Ayrian/Aryan and Hibiru races. But nOt all Melchizedeks presently bear
sional frequencies and represent the transitional race cycle through Earth's the same genetic coding. Two primary groups of Melchizedeks have evolved
ascension passage into merger with Tara. The Melchizedeks are a blended out of the original Melchizedek Cloister morphogenetic field, the Cloistered
race carrying various racial strains. Though they represent the Cloister that Family of Mclchizedek and the Templar~Melchizedeks. The difference
originally began the yellow-skinned races on Earth, they are not limited to between thei r spiritual teachings denotes not on ly a ph ilosophical prefer-
manifesting through th is racial line. Melchizedeks appear within strains of all ence, but also a genetic propensity that came into being 10,000 years ago.
the races as they became involved as a Host Matrix/surrogate morphogenetic Spiritual teachings that have been either directly or indirectly influenced by
field for many of the races toward the end of the Second Seeding. The the Templar.Melchized.eks will have an distinctly patriarchal slant, often pro
Melchizl...-cleks carry DNA strands 1-4 and the base codes of 5, plus the moting gender subservience, elitist philosophy and subjugation of Earth's ele-

30 31
-----_.-----..-----.. ~,--

today. Ouring their first appearance. th7Y creat.ed..the . Priesthood of

mental kingdoms. These attributes of the Templar-Melchizedeks were n Ot Melchizedek o n Earth, a spiritual orgamz3uon s~c lallZl~g III t~e process of
origina lly part of the Melch izedek C loister strain, but rather evolved through ension, which over time developed a strong elitISt. seXISt, patriarchal slant
ET distortion. The Cloister Family Melchizedeks are considered to be the : e to Adantean and S irian-Anunnaki i~fluence. A~ut 32,000 years. ago
pure strain of this race, the Templar-Melchizeclcks and their descendants a e of the Melchizedeks joined forces With the matriarchal Taran Priest-
mutation of that strain. In the follow ing pages we will explore how that dis- ~~ of Mu, creating a mo re balanced Melchizedck Priesthood which more
tinction came [Q be, as the duality within the Melchizedek race has created I sely followed the teachings of equality promoted in the original
an intense, hidden undercurrent within the ideologies of present day Earth, M~lchizedek Priesthood. The balanced Melchizedek priesthood became
greatly influencing the development of many of your world religions. And known as the Cloistered Family of Melchizedek , for they carried with them
this distinction also directly affects the genetic code and ascension process of the original sacred Law of One teachings of the Melchizedek morphogenctic
descendants of the Melchizedek races.
TIle Melchizedeks of both Templar and Cloister persuasion draw their The egalitarian Melchizedeks became known as the Speakers of the
name from their original genetic affiliation to the Turaneusiam-l sub-race Mel- Blue Flame about 10,000 years ago (about 8,000 BC) when the Priesthood of
chazedakz from Tard, whose name also denoted their genetic affiliation with Ur and the Palaidorian Council of Tara transferred Earth guardianship of the
the Entity gestalt Mclchazedek from the realities beyond the Mctagalactic Staff of Amenti/Blue Flame/Tara's morphogenetic field out of the hands of
Core. There are many divergent races baring craces of the Melchizedek line the unbalanced, patriarchal Melchizedck Priesthood and into the hands of
throughout all of the Harmonic Universes. Members of the Priesthood of rhe balanced Mclchizedek Priesthood. The Taran Priests of Ur disassociated
Melchizedek, who special ize in dimensional ascension training are not neces- themselves from the patriarchal Melchizedeks, attributing their elitist, sex ist
sarily direct members of the Melchizedek/Melchazedek race line, but often slant to infiltration of the Sirian-Anunnaki cultures, who brought with them
work under the teaching programs of that C loister. to Atlania, and later Atlantis, the distorted teachings of the original Templar
During the Third Seeding, about 65,000 years ago, the Melchizedeks Solar Initiates whose elitist, aggressive misuse of power for materialistic gain
appeared in Adantean culture, and prior to the sinking of the Atlantean had culminated in the cataclysm of Tara 550,000,000 years ago. This transfer
islands (30,000 . 11,500 VA) retreated [ 0 an underground haven deep below of guardianship of the power of the Blue Flame 10,000 years ago resulted in
the Earth's crust within a three-dimensional frequency modulation zone that the instrumentation of two more genetic frequency seals being placed lIpon
exists between Eanh and her anti-particle double. This area is known as the members of the sixth race Melchizedek C lo isters who were associated with
Inner Earth, and large civilizations exist in these lands since times prior to Templar distortions of (he Sacred Law of One and also on any descendants of
Atlantis, when the Melchizedeks and others began to retreat from surface life. the Templar-Melchizedeks or races who interbred with them and picked up
These underground civ ilizations exist to this day, and occasionally members their genetic coding.
interact with surface Earth through the hidden caverns that link Earth's surface The Templar Seal, as the fi rst alteration became known, was imple-
mented 10,000 years ago, and represented a sixth-dimensional seal upon the
to the modulation zone of the Inner Earth . Both C loister Family Melchizedeks
Halls/Sphere of Amenti . The second Templar Seal was administrated about
and Templar-Melchizedeks reside within these lands, under the primary guard-
3,500 years ago when descendants of Templar-Sealed Melchizedeks infiltrated
ianship of the Speakers of the Blue Flame and Melchizedek Priesthood, and
Egyptian culture and violated the Covenant of Palaidor by opening the D-2
Priesthoods of Ur and Mu from Tara. These sub-subterranean lands were origi
Earth portals as a way of orchestldting ascension through the 01 and 0-2
nally called Ar-Ratoth, later Agratath and since aoout 3,000 years ago have Underworld. Through their misdeeds many chaotic forces were unleashed
been referred to as Agartha. upon the Earth, and humans with distorted morphogenetic imprints were
The Cloister Family of Melchizedeks, Templar-Melchizedeks. the Staff released from the Seals of Palaidor and Amenti and allowed to pass into Tara.
of Amenti, Th e Speakers of the Blue Flame and the Templar andAxion Many tragic events since took place on Tara as a result of this misadventure
Seals, the Eye of Elohim and the "666" Symbolism 3,500 years ago, and a seventh-dimensional Seal was added to the Templa~
Melchizedeks who participated in these events. The second Templar Seat IS
called the Templar-Axion Seal. Both Templar Seals made physical ascensio.n
As we have mentioned, the first full wave of the Melchizedeks birthing through the Halls of Amenti impossible for those who carried this genettc
cycle began during the Third Seeding, about 35,000 years ago, the second configuration, and only under certain circumstances could the soul essence
wave about 3,500 years ago and the last about 250 years ago and continues on
pass through the Blue Flame. Those baring the Templar-Axion Seal could seventh DNA strand. Those bearing the Templar Seals must be assisted by
eventually pass into Tara and enter incarnations within the sixth races but the Elohim, Azurites, Amonites or their many helpers, in order to pass
the Templar-Axion Seal did not allow them to transmute into their imm~rtal hrough the eighth dimension ro heal their DNA of Templar disrortion. Oth.
seventh race bod ies. The TemplarAxions were destined to repeat innumera- :rs who rightfully bear the Templar Seal~ can find freedo m through working
ble incamational cycles upon Earth in order to clean up the mess they had with the lessons of love, unity and equality as taught through the sacred Law
made by releasing the chaotic forces ofD-2. of One. When these lessons are learned, the incarnate's consciousness is no
Only the Elohim, the Axious Entity Family and Ra Confederacy families longer a threat to interplanetary security, and assistance in lifting the Tern-
of the Azurites and Amonites, from the Metagalactic Core, or the Breneau plar Seals will be provided.
Entities from HU-5 had the power to release the TempiarAxion Seal. and Though we will not address the mechanics by which the Templar Seals
would do so only for humans who gai ned their favor through serving the operate, we will prov ide a bit of infonnation regarding the DNA strands
truth of the Sacred Law of One. affected. The Templar Seal is a sixth-dimensional seal affecting the second,
. T~ Templar.Axion Seal became as a curse upon the human lineage, as this fourth and fifth DNA strands. The sixth base tone of strand Z, the sixth over-
diSWTUOIl was passed on genetically; as the Melchizedeks and their Hebrew tone of strand four and the 1Zth overtone of strand 5 were all removed from
~ybrids inte~bred with other racial strains, the Templar Seals were passed on, the morphogenetic field of the Templar-Melchizedek Cloister. The portion of
10 whole or m part, to incarnate souls who did not have this prior affiliation. the Melchizedek Cloister morphogenetic field containing the Seal was
~ragmen.ts of the Templa~ Seals that passed on genetically created a variety of removed from the Sphere of Amenti and placed within the planet core Alcy-
mcarnatlonai and ascenslonal problems for anyone involved with them. The one within the Pleiadian star system, which required the Seal bearer to
Seals were to remain intact for those whose prior affi li ations with the Tem- evolve with in the Pleiadian star system for a time as pure consciousness
I plar Solar Initiatesrremplar-Melchizedeks warranted such security measures, before being able to ascend through the Sphere of Amenti to reb irth within
the sixth race on Tara . The fourth strand distortion of this seal created a
but attempts we[e made to help purge unintended Templar Seal holders of
I their genetic burden. The Elohim, Sirian Council of HU-2 and the Pleiadi- polarization within the fourth/heart chakra (which corresponds to fourth-
ans all assisted in this plan, offering ascension teachings through which the dimensional frequencies), and a barrier within the Nadial Capsule that sepa-
burdened races could purge their genetic code of the Tempiar Seals. Tempiar rates the mental and astral awareness and separates the third/mental body
Seals can only be removed when this is approved by the Ra Confederacy and and fourth/astral body levels within the auric field. It limited astral ttavel to
its Axious, A monite and Azurite gestalt Families, the Entities who orches- the lower astral planes. It created a separation within the astral awareness,
trated the Tempiar Sealings in order to protect Earth and Tara. creating a lower and higher astral identity. The lower astral identity became
The .Templar Seals stiU affect a majoriry of ,he present human population, and known as the "evil twin" or the udwcller on the threshold" within some
the Elohlm, PIeiadians, Sirian Council and mher assiscalllS from the higher Har- religious teachings. The Second strand distortion created a division within
~~ic Uni~rs~s stiU work to assist unintended Templar Seal bearers. Through the D-Z elemental/emotional body, which created two levels of the sub-con-
splTltual trammg, humans are led to at least a rudimentary understanding of scious mind, a higher level and lower level. The higher level held identity
the sacred Law of One, and once this education has taken hold, the Elohim fragmen ts of sub-personalities, while the lower level created a chaotic emo-
or other helpers take the incarnate through the astral planes (if the incar- tional force that came to be known as Uthe shadow self," exaggerating the
nate's fourth DNA strand is plugged in) into a meeting station within the human's primitive emotional impulses. The Second strand distortion also
eighth dimension Metagalactic Core . There the incamate's personal mor- made it impossible for these humans to successfully interbreed with other spe-
phogenetic field is evaluated to detennine if Templar Sealing is in order as a cies from Earth or from the stars. It created an amplified blockage between
planetary security measure, and if the Seals are unwarranted the Elohim peti- the first, second and third chakras, blocking out clear communication with
tion the Ra Confederacy to remove any trace of the Templar Seals. If the Ra the body consciousness and with the Earth's elemental kingdoms. The fifth-
Confederacy agrees, the Seals are removed and the incarnate's consciousness strand distortion made the physical earthly body unable to transmute or
is allowed to pass through the eighth dimension where the DNA imprin t in ascend, so the consciousness would have to rebirth into the sixth races on
the morphogenetic field is repaired. The eighth-dimensional meeting place Tara to continue evolution.
and ~assage way into the Metagalactic Core is often referred to as the Eye of The Templar~Axion Seal did all of this and more. It is a seventh~dimcn
Elohlm, or the Galactic Core. Humans not bearing Templar Seal distortion sional seal which meant thar once the consciousness had managed to ascend
can pass through this dimensional portal once they have fully evolved their to Tara it could not evolve into the sevendl races, reclaim the immortal body

34 35
and ascend out of matter (arm. The Axion Seal required that the soul con- stery schools of old and those of the present were all designed to assist
tinue innumerable cycles of birth and rebirth within the earlier races, until ~he;Yascension passage. Many were designed specifically to rele.sse the Tem-
the time when Tara and Earth would merge. The sixth base tone of the first In 5 Is and to protect individuals from inadvertently adopting the Seals
plar ea , .
strand, sixth base tone of the fifth strand and sb(th base tone of the sixth through interbreed mg.
strand of DNA were all removed from the morphogenetic field. This genetic Many people of present day Earth carry so.me portion, ~r al.l, of the Tem-
configuration of the Templar-Axion Seal was the original meaning behind the s)'m- is and they will experience such a review after passmg mto the astral
I S ,
holism of the "666", and these numbers also figured prominemly in the earlier par in death. Others can begin this review be'lore deat.h by work'mg Wit
lane ea .h
building of the Great Pyramid, for this Seal had origilUilly been applied to the Sirian- p .. al principles and guardians/ascended masters, who Will help them learn
Anunnaki in HU-Z, who assisted in the construction of this machine. The "666" ~h~I~W of One so the Seals can be removed prior to death, which will allow
became the trademark of members of the Sirian-Anunnaki who refused to me individuals to transmute the body and pass through the Halls of Amenti
accept leadership from the HU-2 Sirian Council, and who would not uphold sO T ra Immortalizing the body as it was originally intended. The enforced
to la , d h
the Law of One. The "666" became a part of the human genetic code through ur of duty of some of the Templar Seal bearers is almost at its en , as t e
the interbreeding of the Melchizedek Cloister with visiting Anunnaki, who to er of Earth's grid and Tara will take place within [he next three to four
created the hybrid races Ncphilim and Annu, and then again through the ~l generations, a process that will begin in the year 2012. ~he Ea~h will
imposition of the Templar-Ax ion Seal following the opening of the D-2 por- "ascend in waves," as portions of its energetic systems merge With their dou-
tals in Egypt during the Third Seeding. To administer the Templar-Axion bles and transmute inco Tara's grid. The first wave will begin in 2012 and end
Seal, part of the morphogenetic field was put under the jurisdiction of the between 2072 and 2084, i,e., five to six 12-year cycles following the opening
Arcturian races and part within a planet in the Andromeda galaxy, which of the Halls of Amenti, which is scheduleJ for 2012 - 2022. Humans who can
meant that the sou l essence would have to evolve a disembodied consc ious- assemble their full fourth DNA strand will be able to riJe this first wave into
ness, first through the Pleiadian system, then Arcturus, and then imo ascension. The Second planetary ascension wave is not scheduled to occur
Andromeda, before it could finally rebirth on Tara . Once its Taran cycle was until about 4230 AD. Templar Seal bearers who have their Seals released can
completed, the soul had to return to Earth. By passing the consciousness ascend on this first wave, and be freed of the Earthly incarnational cycles.
through these other star systems, teachings of the Law of One could slowly It would be helpful to humans if they could realize the reality of life after
heal the identity, until eventually its tour of duty on Earth would be fulfilled. death so when encountering this event some level of preparation can be
This tOur would /as, until Earth had successfully re-evolved inw Tara and the Cov- applied. Most humans would prepare for a trip across town, yet they make lit-
elUlm of Palaidor was fulfilled. tle preparation for the greatest journey they will make; the voyage between
Due to the Templar and Templar-Axion Seals the concept of "soul har- dimensions when they leave the confines of one life time and their conscious-
vesting" became part of many religious teachings. Soul Harvesting referred to ness moves into its next experience. All humans will have a personal review
souls bearing the Templar Seals being brought, by one of the helper organiza- of their life content upon this transition, but not a judgment placed upon
tions before the Ra Confederacy for review, at which time those souls deemed them, The personal soul and its higher levels of consciousness are aware of
safe for transit to Tara or higher systems would be released from the Templar the evolutionary process, the purpose of which is ascension. The soul aware-
Seals and allowed to end the perpetual cycles of birth and rebirth on Earth . ness becomes available to a human after the veils created by the confines of
Those passing the review would have evolved to comprehension of the the physical genetic code are lifted, and the identity as soul the.n chooses .the
necessity for the Law of One, and would have actively employed these princi- next living experience most appropriate to its own evolution, learnmg,
ples within their present incarnation. Passing the review meant the soul desires and ascension process.
would be "harvested" or cleared of its distortions and allowed to ascend to Much help is available in the higher dimensions, and there are m~ny
Tara for rebirth within the sixth and seventh races, and following its com- institutes of higher learning, bur one does nOt have ro die in order to rec.elve
pleted Taran cycles, the soul could ascend out of matter. In some traditions this assistance. Edllcation through the astral idenrity and projection of comCI~ltS
this concept became translated as "judgment day" or sim ilar ideas of having ness is accessible to l7Iost humans while they are still alive in body, and through mte-
to "pass God's tests" and become "worthy." But in truth, God's universe is gration of the astral identity (which comes through building the fourth DNA stra~)
free, and these concepts applied only to beings bearing the Templar Seals, the comprehension of the so1l1 becomes otJailable to the human on Earth .. It IS
who wore the armor of their disregard for the Law of One within the configu- through this level of understanding that an individual can discover If th.e
rations of their genetic codes. Processes of initiation that developed through Templar Seals are an issue, and if they are, how best to proceed (or thelt

36 37
removal. The is~ue. of the .Tem.plar Seals, and of the dimensional freque ncy . , ness ,., the result of the body's biochemical/neuro-electrical
h t consCI OU
patterns he ld wlthm the Imprmt for the DNA, will have to be addressed t a. Following these erroneous beliefs they draw an equally erroneous
either in life or after the death transition, fo r it is the frequency patterns held functllo~, that consciousness ends at the death of the physical body. Yet at
conc USlon me they are unable to idemi fy t h e creative, . .mte IIIgent ,lorce
there within that will determine the dimensional bands within which a con_
t he 58tne n
h which an ordered system, such as the body, could be create. d C Uffem
sciousness will next manifest. It is not a "judgment caU" by some authority
fi gure that determines where you will next travel after your present life time th.rou~fi thought creates a paradox within itself, as an attempt is made to
sclennc mechanics of infinite reality wit h 10 t h e confi nes ate
fhfi nne, 3-
but rather an energetic compatibility between the frequency bands held de fi ne t.he I mind This paradox can be overcome once .It .IS rea III cd tI)at
within the pattern of your consciousness and those within the multidimen_ dimenslona . f bod d
sional un iverse. . usnCSS and intelligence predate the manufacture 0 the y, an
<Dose'o ts fin'te life span Once thiS ..15 rea IIZcd
,SCience WI11 be con fronte d
DNA is built upon mimlle electro-wnal j>allems of multidimensional fre- transcen d I ' .
quency, and the energetic im/rrinr of the DNA goes with ),OH in the death transition. with a whole new order of multidimensional reality, and a whole new science
The content of that electro-tonal pattern will determine how high your con- h
troug h wh ich that multidimensionality can be understood. h
The process of
d f
sciousness will be able to travel once it is released from the body. The DNA nsion is not some quasi-religious concept based upon t e mean ermg a
can be directly affected in life by working to bring higher-frequency, higher :ehuman mind. Ascension is a highly scientific process of multidim.ensional
dimensional energies into the operat ing DNA strands through using the energy mechanics that represent the universal order through ,~hlch con-
chakra system effectively, and the work that is done to increase the electro- sciousness experiences itself as being. There is an order to the uO\verse, and
tonal patterns during life will directly affect the experiences available to you there are indeed natural laws of energy mechanics that govern and uphold
fo llowing physical death. For some of you immortalization of the body and the functi oning of that universal order. Ascension represents the path of order
passage through interdimcnsional portals will be possible, but on ly if you can mrou.gh which consciowmess evolves through a structured, multidimensional sys~m.
learn some of the mechanics by which these events take place. It is for this In terms of planetary ascension, this process involves the transmutation
reason that we have provided you with this information. YOIt will go on a voy- of particles and anti-particles into progressively less dense states. of m~tter,
age when )'our solll awareness brings this life time 10 a close , with or withouf )'ollr through which a planetary body is able to evolve from the lower dlmen~lonal
body, whelher or not )'OU are prepared; this is the way of life wiUtin the universe. As frequency bands into the higher dimensional reality fi.elds of the 15 -dlme~
with any journey, preparation can make the trip much more enjoyable. Most sional scale. Ascension also involves the understandmg of morphogenetic
of you would not journey to a distant land wirhout a map in hand, and so we fields, or the form-holding energy constructions that allow maHer and ami-
offer you a rudimentary trail guide for the journey of consciousness with matter panicles to build into individuated form. The process of personal
which you are presently involved. There is an order, purpose, plan and mean- ascension involves precisely the same process, as the human is part of [he
ing for your personal evolution and your ex istence, and it is intimately inter- greater morphogenetic field of the planet, and the progression of dimensional
twined with the evolution of your planet and that of your species. Now we ascension of the human and the planet are intimately intertwined.
will offer a bit of information as to where your journey will next lead . Without delving into the technical mechanics of the ascension process,
let us JUSt say thar planets and people ascend/evolve through the dimensional
SCIENCE OF ASCENSION scale through the intrinsic universal laws of energy which form and. ~)old
together the structures of consciousness that fonn identities in time. Splr.mlal
The Fifth World, the Seventh Race Cycle and Waves of Ascension ascension is not separate from these laws of energy structure, for con~C:lous
Beyond 2000 AD ness is sentient energy, and must therefore abide by the natural energetic la~vs
The Seventh Root Race and their Cloister will emerge upon Tara after which hold universal structure in order. Ascension is a science, with speaJic
the energetic grids of Earth and Tara reemerge. Earth's merger with Tara will mechanics that allow for the evo/u rion of corucioltSness from simple to more. com~
mark the fulfillment of the Covenant of Palaidor, and represents the coming plex forms. In the highest states of evoluti?n identity ev.olves into the hl.gl~es~
Fifth World of Native American Legend; it is often referred to as Earth dimensional fields and then beyond, movmg from the SlIuple forms of blo ?g
Ascension. It would do man)' of you well 10 rea/izl! that Ute LeTm asceruion repr~ teal expression into the more complex structures of pure consciOUS identity.
senlS much more lhan some lofty spiritual concept invented by lhe finite human Every being in existence is involved in this evolutionary process, and so the d)'rm~
pS)'che in order w give purpose 10 its fini te existence. Many in the earthly scien- ics of the science of ascension apply directly to each and every one of )'ou. I YOh
tific communities believe that life is limited to the physical expression and . . 1"11
can realize the significance of thiS science your eva uttan WI occur muc

more rapidly and with less effort, for you will learn to work with the natural . h cycles of time designated by the dimensional bands in which they
laws of energetic Structure to which your consciousness is bound, instead of Wit 10 At certain points in these duneoslOna.. I time
cyc 1es th e frequency
working against these mechanics because your consciousness has yet to com_ 'Ppeds" f e dimension blend into the one above and below, which allows
prehend the forces through which it manifests. ban a on d f h
and anti-matter particles to merge, transmute an re-mam est Wit 10
The evolution of planet Earth is intimately connected to that of the """,0<
the dimensional bands above and be ow: le pan~c es a.n antl-partlc es t hat
1 Tl 1 d 1
planet Tara, which is the original planetary mass OUt of which Earth emerged. 'n be ble to shift upward, out of thelT home dimensional band, are those
This means that the morphogenetic field of Earth was originally part of the t: ha~e fully assembled the frequency patterns within their home dimen-
t. at During this point in a time cycle the energetic tapestry, or grid, of the
morphogenetic field of Tara (and both were part of Gaia's morphogenetic
field) . In order for an energy structure to fully ascend through the l S-dimen ~:~er-particle planet passes through the grid of its anti-particle double from
sional scale it must assemble all portions of its original morphogenetic rallel universe, and through this energy fllsion certain portions of those
imprint. The morphogenetic fields exist as tapestries of inter-woven energy {hepa ,c grids transmute sending a Morp h agenetic . Wave tnto
. t1le dImen-
energe, ' . . . 1 1
particles, composed of literal substance, and so the process of assembling mor- . I band above. The morphogenetic wave [hen projects Its partlc c am
slana th h d
. particle form into manifestation wi in t e new Imenslon an Its . d .
phogenetic fields into their original pattern is the process of recombining the
antl- . . . 1 h h d
portions of this energetic tapestry that have become separated fro m the origi- inherent time cycle. The portions of the particles and an[~-partlc es.t at . a
nal, back into the original form of rhe energetic tapestry. Planetary ascension t fully assembled all of the frequency patterns from thelf home dimensIOn
is the reuniting of energy units that had been separated into various dimen- ~~n not be able to merge, and will thus manifest from the morphogenetic
sional frequency bands, pulling those energy particles back together by merg- field back into their home dimension to continue their evolution through
ing the frequencies within which the particles reside. There are naTural assembling the remaining frequency bands of that dimension.
energy dynamics that govern the merger of mu lt idimensional frequency The morphogenetic field of a person exists as part of the larg~r morpho-
bands, part of which involves particles and anti-part icles merging. genetic field of the planet. and so when a planet approaches the dimenSIOnal
Particles and anti-particles are composed of units of multidimensional blending point in its time cycle, the people on the planet also re.ach that
sound, or tones, and within each frequency band there are base tones and point. People's bodies and consciousness are compos~d of energy ~rucles . and
overtones. The process of merging particles and anti-particles in order to cre- when the planet approaches transition and transmutation of some of Its parucles,
ate the merging of frequency patterns is the process of bringing together base people on the planet wiU also undergo this particle transmutation. Just as a.nly por-
tones and overtones that emerged out of the same morphogenetic field. tions of the planet's particles will be able to transmute and ascend mto the
When base tone and overtone merge, a resonant tone is created, through next dimension through the morphogenetic wave, only portions of the
which particle and antiparticle merge, and transmute into pure energy. They human population will be able to transmute and ride with the planet on that
return to the morphogenetic field carrying with them the new frequency pat- wave of ascension. People who have fully assembled the third- and fou rth-
terns they picked up from the Unified Field of the dimension in which they dimensional frequencies into their DNA (fully assembled the dimensional
appeared, which in turn expands and adds energy to the original morphoge- frequencies into their thi rd and fourth DNA strand) will be able to ride thar
netic field . When the particles and anti-particles are next expressed into wave of ascension back into Tara's energetic [apestry, which perceptually
manifestation, they will appear within the next frequency band up, as their constitutes a leap in time. The personal morphogenetic field and conscious-
rate of vibration was increased by adding the frequency patterns from the ness will be carried within the planet's morphogenet ic wave, which will
dimension they just left. It is through this process of building dimensional frequ.en- merge with Tara's fourth , fifth and sixth-dimensional particle and anti-parti-
cies into the morphogenelic field, throu.gh the merging of panicles and ami-particles, cle Structure. The matter particles of the portion of Earth and its people that
/hat matter forms ellOllle up through the dimensional scale. Tara and Earth will were carried in the morphogenetic wave will then re-man ifest out of the mor-
merge through this process, as Earth moves upward into the dimensional fre- phogenetic field into the Second Harmon ic Universe frequency bands
quency bands in which Tara's matter-body is positioned. (dimenSions 4, 5 and 6) . These voyagers will find themselves in a new time
When the frequency bands of Earth and Tara merge, changes will take cycle, upon a fut ure version of Earth-Tara, whereas the people who did not
place within the matter-body of Earrh. New land masses will begin to rise in catch the morphogenetic wave will conti nue on in their own First Harmonic
the oceans, new waters will emerge in places where they were not. But this Universe time cycle (dimensions 1, 2 and 3).
process does not take place all at one. Planetary ascension takes millions or For many people there will not be enough time between now and the
billions of years. Planetary ascension takes place in waves. A ll planets evolve height of the ascension wave of 2012-2022 AD, to completely assemble the

40 41
necessary frequency patterns into their DNA, which means they would end up of the Seventh Race is the Yunaseti, and they carry the full 12-strand DNA
remaining in the present time cycle, and having to reincarnate into that cycle ckage of the Turaneusiam lineage, in operat~o~al form. . The Seventh Root
to continue evolution. Many of these souls wiil choose to leave their bodies at ~ace is the Euanjhechi, often called the Paradlslans; they carry DNA strands
this time so their consciousness can assemble the needed frequencies in time to 1-5, and the base codes for 6-12.
catch the ascension wave. The soul, not the personality, will make this deci- Members of the Seventh Race cycle do not experience death, nor do they
sion. Only T\awral, soul-orchestraled death transilion will allow for the consciousness breed through physical means but rather through replication of combined
wascend. Suicide will not assist in this process, because, if the soul is ready to energy fields. They do not carry exaggerated phys~cal g.e~der dis~inctio.n, but
leave its manifest body, the death transition will occur naturally or through soul are rather primarily androgynous, soul-awakened Identities. Their bo(hes are
arranged events, and not at the hands of an un-awakened personality. We composed of less dense matter particles and so they are not as strongly ~und by
heartily request, to those who may be thinking along such lines, do nOluse SIli- ravity, wh ich allows for mobility far beyond that of your present bodies. They
cide ill an anempt co release )otmelve.s from Ute body, far this can ocwally swp the ~an travel through time, and often do, such as when they visit your system.
ascension process. If the body cannot transmute, but the soul essence is ready to Man)' of ),our IT Visitors are aclUo.Uy )'our Seventh Race rdmives from Tara. (Not
ride the ascension wave, the soul awareness will arrange for the appropriate all Visitors ate direct relatives to the human.) They represem the races of
death sccnario. The soul uses the body as a means of assembling frequency pat- which you will one day evolve to become members, when you walk the beauti-
terns into the consciousness, and if the body is released prematurely, the COIl- ful lands of Tara and Gaia. The Seventh Races mark the fulfillment of the
sciousness of the individual may not have reached a high enough level to catch human evolutionary imprint and a return to the glorious beings you all once
the ascension wave. The body helps the consciousness evolve to higher fre- were before your fall imo HU-l. Evolution beyond this stage will take you into
quency, and only the greater soul identity knows when the consciousness has the realms of pure conscious being and into the "God Worlds" where Entities
reached a high enough level to ascend properly. Taking matters into the hands play. You ate the Voyagers, and have always been. It is time to awaken to the
of the personality, such as is the case in suicide, usually botches the sculls ascen- reality of your journey. And now we will return you to the times of the Second
sion plan, and during the coming ascension wave it is very important that the Seeding 3, 700,000 - 848,000 years ago, when your present Fourth World began
personality allow the soul to direct its ascension process. Under no circum- as the reseeding of races 3-5 was orchestrated through the Sirian-Human
stances do we endorse suicide as a way of making this transition. If you are sriU in hybrid race Dagos. Through understanding this history, you will discover the
a body, then that is where )'0!4r grea/er soul identity wantS )'014 w be, in order w beSt truth of The Arc of the Covenant, a well kept secret that will directly impact
facilitate )'our eoolulionary process. the course of your evolution over the next 30 years.
The ascension wave offers the souls of Earth the opportunity to reach
their next level of evolution. This evolutionary fulfillment of Earth was fore- T HE T HOUSAND.YEARS' W AR
told in ancient stories as the " R eturn to the Garden of Eden ll or Man 's T he Second Seeding, the Drakon and Dracos, the Anunnaki and the
Ascension to Heaven.
Nephilim, the Elohim, Seres, Serres and the Egyptians, Return of the
The Seventh Race cycle will occur upon Tara many years in the future.
Presently the Sixth Race cycle is just beginning with the third wave of the Sphere of Amenti, and the T housand Years' War
Melchizedek C loistcr birthing onto the planet. This cycle represents the trHosi- 3,700,000,848,800 YA
tional race cycle as Earth begins to merge with Tara. This transitional cycle, Great hope lived within the promise of the Fifth Root Race Ayrians and
and the civilizations that will be built through it, represent the coming Fifth their Hibiru Cloister of the Second Seeding, for they held within their mor-
World prophesied. in Native American legend. For over one million yearS all of phogenetic field and DNA imprint the frequency patterns of the fourth
your spiritual traditions have, in some way or another, attempted to prepare you dimension. The Elohim of HU-3 paid special favor to these races and assisted
for this point within Earthls time cycle. In the Fifth World, the sixth races will \ a few select families, whose codes were not comaminated by mix-breeding.
evolve, followed by the seventh races, and through this evolution you will tran- The Elohim assisted these families in releasing the Seal of Palaidor within
scend the mechanics of death, disease and aging, and rediscover the reality of their genetic codes, by transplanting their energetic bodies into Elohim mor-
the Immortal Body and a fully consciousness connection to God. The Sevenrh phogenetic fields.
Race cycle will assemble DNA strand 6, and open the potential of ascension to The Elohim hoped that, by the accelerated evolution of these chosen
Gaia (Earth-Tara's HU-3 counterpart) following the Taran cycles. The C loister groups, the vibration rate of Earth's grid could accelerate more rapidly so the

b !
.-.-_ ...- _....... , . .
, .,.,

Sphere of Amenti could be returned to Eanh's core and the Seal of Palaidor human populace. These intrusive Visitors of Dracos l ine.ag~ are in r~aHty a
lifted from all of the faces of the Second Seeding. If 8% of the races could hybrid mutation of our human ancestors who evolved wlthm the Onon star
assemble (he fourth DNA strand and incrcase the vibration rate/particle pulsa- system. As they are members of the human lineage they feel entitled to use
tion rate of their personal bodies and bio-energetic fields, the particles of the territories of Earth, even though their race was banned from here nearly
Earth's grid would also accelerate to D4 frequencies, high enough to hold the 850,000 years ago by the Breneau. Like mOSt Sirian-Anunnaki strai ns, the
Sphere of Amenti with its fourth-dimensional frequency coding. Once the J)racos also carry the genetic configuration of the "666" Templar-Axion Seal
Sphere of Amenti was returned to Earth's core the souls of the Second Seeding (previously discussed). The soul essence of the Dracos is part human and part
races could return to their morphogenetic fields upon death and would no Drakon.
longer suffer the fragmentation of consciousness into the 04 astral and D-2 The Drakon and their creations became a menace to the developing
elemental kingdoms. With the return of the Sphere morphogenetic field the races, and so plans were orchestrated to dispose of the Drakon problem.
About 956,500 years ago, with the assistance of Anunnaki Visitors from Sir-
memory of the races would be re-entered into Earth's grid and the strand pani-
ius A, the races jointly employed a plan of using the power within the Earth's
cles of DNA that brought that memory imprint into the persunal cellu lar mem-
grid to destroy the underground habitats of the Drakon and their monitors.
ory would reassemble within the operational DNA strands of the entire fifth
The plan backfired, creating an explosion within the Earth's crust, which cre-
race, returning (0 the incarnates the memory of their place and purpose within
ared climatic anomalies, flooding, a slight pole tilt, destruction of part of the
the evolutionary drama_ Opening the Sphere of Amenti within the Earth's core
land masses and finally a small period of global ice that ended about 950,000
would automatically accelerate the process of building DNA strands and incar-
years ago. Most of the Drakon left Earth during this period or were destroyed
national evolution for all of the races, and for those who completed assembly of by climatic conditions. Most of the human races retreated underground, cre-
the founh strand the Seal of Amenti would be released, allowing for ascension ating sophisticated cultures beneath the Earth's crust, some races being per~
to Tara through the Halls of Amenti. mitred to enter the portals of the Inner Earth. Once environmental
The Lamanians and Ur-Antrians and Breanoua, and the Ayrians and conditions stabilized, many races returned to surface life, rebuilding their civ-
Hibiru of the Second Seeding evolved on Earth together 3.7 to one million ilizations. Though most of the Drakon had vacated or perished, they left a
years ago. Approximately one million years ago a race called the Drakon legacy of genetic distortion behind them, that threatened the continuation of
from HU-l Orion star system came to Eanh and tampered with the genetic the human lineage.
cooe of the races. They created hybrids within the Root Races called Oracos , Earth-animal interbreeding became a problem in the races of the Second
contaminating the human genetic code and altering the evolutionary imprint Seeding and Host Matrix Transplants (see Voyagers " 2e, p. 76.) were being
for numbers of the Amenti souls. The Drakon race is a sentient, intelligent used to realign the human genetic codes. The races of Amenti began to digress
race of up-right standing, dragon/lizard-like beings with a tendency toward further due to Drakon contamination of the genetic lines, and several other IT
aggression and warlike behavior. They represent a digressive strai n of a supe- races used this opportunity to experiment with the human evolutionary
rior reptile-like race from HU-3 and frequently had poor relations with the
imprint. Some of the more primitive human~like foons of "early man" arose
HU-I Galactic Council. They were expert geneticists and scientists, but
from such experiments, as did some of the apelike human varieties. But the
showed little regard for mher life-forms and lacked spiritual development.
human lineage did not originate from these primitive fonns. These fonns
The Dracos hybrids were more lizard-like in appearance, with body structure
emerged from the distorted human imprim. Many such mutations were also
more closely resembling humans, but facial features and temperaments char-
I I acteristic to the Drakon. The Drakon also tampered with certain strains of
created prior to the Electric Wars. The Lamanian and Atlanian cultures frag-
Earth dinosaurs (who were seeded on Earth about 375,000,000 years ago as an mented, became factions and began warring. The Arlanians of the Second
experiment by other ET races), creating aggressive, carnivorous monitors for Seeding were influenced by descendants of the Sirian~Anunnaki race from
their captive human populations. Many of the cultures of the Second Seed- HU-2 (which later evolved for a time on HU-l planet Mars), the same race
ing abandoned their advanced surface cultures and retreated underground to ~hat had instigated the Taran Templar Solar Initiates' rebellion against the Sir~
escape the terror of the Drakon monitors. The Phalzants (Chupacabras) l~ Council which culminated in the cataclysm of Tara. The Alanian civiliza-
were also created at this time, combining certain animal strains from the Dra- tion began to systematically disregard the Law of One. The Anunnaki brought
kon planets with various Earth animals. The Phalzams and descendams of the to Earth Atlania the creed of the Templar Solar Initiates from Tara, an elitist,
Dracos are presently assisting Zela Visitors with earthly agendas deuimenral w the materialistic distortion of the principals of tbe Law of One, which had created

44 45
1 ne .)econa .)eedmg - - - .tIle J JIOU-lUJIUn: un' wU" --~

the cataclysm of Tara. The Anunnaki added their own sexist slant to these The original morphogenetic field fo r th is sub-race became distorted through
teachings, so women would be viewed as subservient to men and therefore able Anunnaki interbreeding of the Nephilim, at which time the Elohim and oth-
to be used as breeders of hybrid children. This teaching was a tactic used to ers removed the distorted portions of the Egyptian morphogenetic field from
socially dis-empower women so they would have little support to reject the sex- the Sphere of Amend, placing this portion of the race under the care of a
ual advances of the Anunnaki males. The Anunnaki created teachings that Host Matrix Family from the Ra Confederacy called the Aton-A. The por-
made them appear to be the Gcxls of the human race, and through these teach- tions of the Egyptian sub-race that remained in the Amenti morphogenetic
ings were easily able to man ipulate the Atlanian cultures inro cooperative sub- field were fused with the morphogenetic field provided by the HU-2 Seres,
mission. which created a hybrid Egyptian race called the Serres, who became the
Pharaonic line within Egyptian culture. The Serres-Egyptians began a new
The Anunnaki proceeded to bring forth a race of human-A danian_
Anunnaki chi ldren who were caUed the Nephilim , who entered the Earth line of Egyptian bearing an advanced genetic strain.
Later, during the Third Seeding, the Egyptians carrying Sirian-Anunnaki-
system about 950,000 years ago. Having more developed genetic codes via
their Anunnaki fathers, the Nephilim quickly dominated the less developed Nephilim morphogenetic fields were remix<.-'Ci with the Serres-Egyptians so the
humans, creat ing a highly advanced materialistic culture built upon exploita- morphogenetic field of the Sirian-Egyptians could be integrated into the
tion of less evolved life fonns. Many genetic experiments were carried out, Sphere of Amenti. Descendants of the Serres-Egyptians held the line of Egyp-
creating varieties of anima l-humans, terribly distorting the human genetic tian royalty thtoughout the early dynasties, but eventually the Sirian-Egyptians
imprint. Lamanian culture was not affected as greatly by the Anunnaki infil- were integrated into this line and, for a time, open relationships with the Sir-
tration, as many members of this race retreated into the underground, becom- ian-Anunnaki and Sirian Blue Races resumed. The Egyptians carried a special-
ing involved with the Priem of Mu who guarded the portals of the Inner ized genetic code because of this early morphogenetic manipulation. During
Earth. (The Taran Priests of Mu commissioned many of their immortal mem- the Third Seeding this imprint became even more specialized as portions of the
bers as guardians of the Inner Earth since the beginning of the Turaneusiam-2 Egyptian line were adopted by the Sixth Race Cloister Melchizedeks, who
experiment). Around this time, 950,000 years ago, the Elohim and Ra Con- served as a Host Matrix Family to realign an.over-development of Anunnaki
federacy orchestrated massive Host Matrix Transplants, removing the dis- genetic coding. Of all the human races to walk the planet, the Egyptians call)'
torted Nephilim racial strains from their connection to the Amenti the most diversified genetic code. The Melchizedek Egyptians of the Third
morphogenetic field and "splic ing them in" to the morphogenetic fie lds of Seeding orchestrated the Atonist movement about 3,000 years ago, in order to
other entities fro m HU-3, HU-4 and HU-S. redirect Egyptian culture back toward practice of the Law of One, teachings
T he transplanrs were conducted in order to prevent the human morpho- tha[ had fallen into digression through Anunnaki involvement with Egyptian
genetic field from becoming contaminated by the Anunnaki and Drakon culture. The Serres were created during the Second Seeding about 945,000
genetic lines. which would have taken human evolution in a completely dif- years ago, their Adanian sub-race morphogenetic field being merged with {he
ferent direction. In order to orchestrate the transplantS certain frequency pat- Breanoua and Hibiru Cloisters of the fourth and fifth races, which brought the
terns within the DNA were dismantled, but left within the cells Ayrian and Hibiru lineage into the Atlanian-Egyptian line. This realigned and
(contemporary "junk DNA") so the souls involved could eventually "plug in" advanced the genetic blueprint for the Egyptian subrace, creating what would
the frequency codes and re-evolve into the Amenti morphogenetic field , become the primary Egyptian lineage throughout the Third Seeding.
once thei r code distOrtions were corrected. The humans involved in the After a period of development, the hwnan evolutionary imprint began to
transplants, who were already geneticaUy altered by the Seals of Amemi and
prosper, and about 900,000 years ago the Elohim, and the Sirian Council, Seres
Palaidor, now had even more genetic distOrtion to repair, but without the
and Palaidorians of HU-2, re-entered the Sphere of Amenti into the Earth
transplants they would never have fulfilled the human evolutionary imprint
to ascend. core. At this time Sirian-Anunnaki from HU-l and HU-2, along with Drakon
and ocher sympathizers, decided to take human evolution in another direction.
During the Second Seeding the Elohim motivated the HU-2 Seres race
(descendants of the HU2 Ceres) to assist in realigning the genetic imprint of Still angered over Elohim interference with their Nephilitn race, rhe Anunnaki
the earthly race strains, and the Seres energetically interbred with certain from Sirius A devised a plan to desnoy the Sphere of Amenti and utilize the
members of the Atlanian and Ayrian races, creating a superior guardian race Earth humans as a worker race to harvest Earth gold for Anunnaki purposes
called the Serres, who later became known as the Egyptians. The Egyptians (the Anunnaki of Sirius A needed gold to replenish depleting elements within
their planetary atmosphere). Wars broke out between the earthly Nephilim
were originally one of the seven sub-races within the Atlanian Root Race.
46 47
. . . . . .........._.- ... _ , . .... ,
' '

and the Serres which escalated about 850,000 years ago into a great intergalac_ 1 Sirius A with the Anunnaki joined in the Anunnaki Resistance, and
eXI e on
tic war between the Elohim and the Anunnaki, each fight ing for control of the . d their Drakon fo refathers to join rorces Wit. h t he A nunna kI ReSls-
motivate . h fA j
th the intent of destroymg the Sp ere 0 ment!. n an attempt to
Earth territory and the evolutionary direction of the human lineage. This war tan ce , te
WIinter-galactic peace and safety for t hose to evo lveE ona hrt, t he SIr-
became known as the Thousand Years' War as it lasted approximately I ,200
years (850,000 - 848,800 years ago) . Most of the Earrh races sought exile in f:~~uncil ofHU-2 peti~ioned the ~a Confederacy and Axious Family Enti-
. f the Metagalacnc Core to mtervene on behalf of the Treaty of EI-
other planetary systems, some retreated to the Inner Earth and most of the ~ rom . . . 0 f t hT
These Entity Fami lies agreed, and the first ad mmlStratlon e ~em,
Nephilim were relocated to Sirius A and later to the planet Nibiru. The few Ann u.
lar,Axion Seal (the "666" genetic configuration) was app jed I to t he mar-
Phogenetic field of those of the Anunnaki Resistance. !he ~e~l was a~
races remaining on the surface were destroyed by the ravages of high.tech war.
Again the Breneau of HU5 had to intervene, and about 848,800 years ago
p Ied to the morphogenetic fie ld of the Draws hybrids. Neither stram
they assisted the Elohim and Sirian-Anunnaki to negotiate a treaty through app Id, now inter-breed WIth . other specIes
. wh0 dd h f
1 not carry t e Imprint 0
which both the Anunnaki and Elohim would assist in the Third Seeding of the
human lineage. ~~:ir gene code. For those of the Anunnaki Resistance, ~he children of Annu
offered the only hope of their hybridization or reintegration on Earth , so even
Th e Treaty of El.Annu, the Annu-Melchiredeks, and the Anunnaki before they were conceived in flesh the chi ldren of Annu became a target for
Resistance and TemplarAxion Seal infiltration by the Anunnaki Resistance. With the Treaty of EIAnnu the
848,800 YA Thousand Years' War was brought to a close, and the division between those
who served the Law of One and those who did not became more clearly
The agreement the Breneau negotiated between the Eloh im and the defined. G reat protection was needed for the races of the Third Seeding, for
Anunnaki 848,800 yeats ago was called the Treaty of El.Annu , through the Dracos, Drakon and the Anunnaki Resistance desired to see their
which it was agreed that the Nephilim would not return to Earth but wete destruction. T he T housand Years' War between the Elohim and the Anun.
allowed to evolve in other systems, and that attempts would be made to cte- naki brought an end ro the Second Seeding of the human lineage on Earrh.
ate another Anunnaki-human hybrid, but only if the Anunnaki agreed to
uphold {he Law of One. The new hybrid race would be entered into the
human morphogenetic field through the Sixth Race Melchizedek C loister,
and through this cloister the remaining Atianian-Egyptian-Nephilim_Aton_
A souls from the previous Host Matrix Transplants could be re-integrated
ioro the Sphere of Arnemi. The new hybrid Melchizedek/Anunnaki race
would be called the Annu, and would be entered into Earth through combin.
ing the fifth race Melchizedek Cloister with the fourth race Atianrean,Egyp_
tian sub-race, during the Third Seeding. The Melchizedek C loister would
serve as a Host Matrix Family fo r the Annu and later the remaining portions
of the Egyptian-Nephilim morphogenetic field, which had been place with
the Aton-A Host Marrix Family, would be imegrated into the Melchizedek
line. The treaty was created in order to end the war through agreements that
were fair to everyone, allowing the Anunnaki to advance the spiritual aspects
of their evolution through working with the Law of One, whi le allowing
human evolution to remain on course.
The Treaty of El,Annu created a division within the ranks of the Anun-
naki races, and between the Anunnaki and their sister race the Sirian Blues
from Sirius A, who like the Kantarians of Sirius B, served the Law of One and
accepted the authOrity of the HU-2 Sirian Council. Not all of the Anunnaki
agreed to this treaty, and those who continuL-d to pose a threat to Earth secu.
rity were banned from Earth visitation, and became known as {he Anu nnaki
Resistance. The few remaining Dracos hybrids that had previously fou nd
48 49
----'-- _. -, ... - -~-~,- .. ~

vide security. Races from the Arcturus and some from the Pleiadian systems
offered assistance, as many humans had, during the course of their troubled
evolution, found exile within the Pleiadian and Arcturian cultures; coopera-
rion was given from both HU-l and HU-2 members of these races. The Sir-
ian Council ofHU-2 formed an organ ization with pro.human members of the
HU-l Sirians and several cultures from Arcturus, called the Sirian-Arcturian
Coalition for Interplanetary Defense, through which the hidden Sphere of
Amenti, Earth and its all ies would be prmected if need arose. This organiza
The Third Seeding don was later invited to join a much larger interdimensional guardian group
known as the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds, whose member
ship extended well into the highest Hannonic Universes. Though many races
in the Andromeda galaxy were already members of this collective, the Asso-
ciation of Planets in Andromeda would nOt agree to military involvement,
as they were not entirely supportive of the conditions of the Treaty of EI-
Creation of the Arc of the Covcnant, Removing the Sphere of Amenti, Annu, They did, however, allow the Sphere of Amenti to remain hidden
the Flood, the Andromeda Galaxy, the Sirian-Arcturian Coalition for within a secret location in their star system,
lnterplanetary Defense and the lnterdimensional Association of Free Following the removal of the Sphere of Amenti 849,000 years ago, the
Earth once again endured a series of cl imatic and geographical changes as
Worlds, the U rtites, Serres-Egyptians and the Priesthood of UR.
Earth's energetic grid re-balanced foilowing the removal of the Sphere.
849,000,800,000 YA Again flood waters rose, covering portions of Earth's surface. In historical
The Sphere of Amenti had been returned ( 0 Earth's core by the Elohim, record, this time period became interwoven with the early flooding associated
and the Sirian Council, Seres and Palaidorians of HU-2 about 900,000 years with the Electric Wars, and a later time period of flooding, all consolidated
ago, accelerating assembly of the DNA strands and releasing the Seal of into the story of your Biblical Flood. The Guardian organizations knew that
Palaidor for some strains of the races from the Second Seeding. Some groups the Third Seeding of the human lineage would have to be orchestrated once
were able to evolve enough to release me Seal of Amenti from their DNA the planetary environment re-balanced. But the Third Seeding cou ld no t
which allowed them to ascend through me Halls of Amenti hack to Tara. Ali talee place directly through Earth's core as the Sphere of Amenti morphoge-
was going according [Q plan until the out break of the Tllousand Years' War nNic held was now in the Andromeda galaxy. The Third Eye of Horus portal
850,000 years ago. Following the outbreak and escalation of {he war and {he through which the Second Seeding took place would no longer be useful as
Anunnaki's intentions of desrroying the Sphere of Amend in order to use its connection to the Sphere of Amenti had been severed, so a new portal
humans as a worker race, it was no longer safe to keep the Sphere of Amenti bridge needed to be created between the Andromeda galaxy and Earth in
within the Earth's core, as Anunnaki operatives could easily discover access (0 order for the Third Seedi ng to take place. The Third Eye of Horus portal
bridge remained open as a passage between Earth and Sirius B (frequently
its D2 resting place. Under the command of the Breneau and the Ra Confed-
eracy, the Sirian Council of HU2 assisted the Seres of HU2 and the Elohim
used by the Kantarians of Sirius B for visitation during the Third Seeding),
but it no longer connected to the Sphere of Ament i and so could not be used
in once again removing the Sphere of Amenti from rhe Earth. T~ Sphere of
for ascension to Tara.
Ament; wa.~ removed [ram the Earth and placed within a secured location about
849,(XX) )'ears ago. The Sphere was placed within a planetary core in the The Arc of the Covenant
Andromeda galaxy, under high security and held there in exclusion until the 840,000 YA
close of the Thousand Years' War-848,800 years ago. A portal bridge between the Sphere of Amenti in the Andromeda galaxy
With dle implementation of the Treaty of El-Annu, and the threat of the and the Earth's 02 core was constructed by the Guardian organizations
Anunnaki Resistance, a multidimensional, intergalactic effort was made to about 840,000 years ago. This inter-galactic bridge was called the Arch of the
ensure protection for the Sphere of Amenti. The Sirian Council of HU. 2 Covenant of Palaidor, and later became known as the Arc of the Covenant.
petitioned assistance from numerous star systems in HU] and HU.2 to pro- Through the Arc of the Covenant the race souls of the Sphere of Amenri

50 51
lhe I hErd ~eeding 'j'he Arc of the Covenant

could once again be reseeded on Earth. Souls from the Sphere of Amenti Blue Flame within the Sphere of Amend . The Blue Flame would then send a
would pass th rough the Arc/bridge as pure consciousness, merge with the corresponding spark of fifth-dimensional freq~ency back into the Earth's core,
Earth's morphogenetic field in 0-2, then birth into physical manifestat ion. A which would open the Earth's morphogenetic field to accept [he Sphere of
fifth-dimensional security seal was placed upon the Arc of the Covenant Amend , while raising the Earth's grid speed high enough to hold the 0-5 Blue
which meant that this portal operated as a "one-way door"; souls of the race~ Flame morphogenetic field of Tara.
cou ld descend through the passageway but could not return to the Amenti Upon the second spark. the Sphere of A menti would begin its descem
mo~hogenetic field for ascension unless they had fifth-dimens ional cooing in through the Arc of the Covenant. while the Blue Flame remained within the
their gene structure. This genetic ticket to freedo m became known as the Andromeda planet. O riginaHy, the descent of the Sphere of Amenti was to
Shield of the Arc, and the incarnates who bore this fifth-dimensional Shield take about 2,000 years, its energies becom ing progressively more available to
within their genetic cooe could pass through the Seal on the Arc of the Cov- the peoples of Earth , stimulating the assembly of the fifth DNA strand and
enant and return, through A menti, to Tara. As races 3, 4 and 5 did not have the raising of consciousness. During its Z,OOO-year descent, [he Earth grid
the fifth DNA mand within their genetic imprint, they cou ld not return speed would rise in increments, allowing the Earth's energy system to adjust
through the Arc, even as consciousness, unless the Seals of Palaidor and to the increasing infus ion of high~frequency energy. Once [he Sphere was re-
Amenti were released. positioned within the Earth core, there would be a period of several years for
. Rele~se of. the Seal of Amenti would allow these races to merge with the Earth grid to assimilate the new freque ncy, and the race memory would
the lf antl-parttcles and pick up the fifth strand, but first the fourth-dimen- progressively infuse the Earth grid. As the race memory from the Amenti
sional Seal of Palaidor had to be released. Evolution would take rime for races morphogenetic field filtered through the Earth grid, this energy would stimu-
J-5 o~ the Th ird Seeding. Those who could not reenter the Amenti morpho- late the DNA of everyone on the planet, and the lost memory would reenter
genetIc field would evolve within the fou rth-dimensional astral planes the cellular memory of individuals as their DNA strands began to assemble
between incama~ions, along with those identity fragments created through through the new fifth-dimensional frequency now available to them through
the Seal of Palatdor, until the time when the Arc of the Covenant was the Earth core. Over the course of those several years the races would evolve
opened and the fifth-dimensional Seal on the Arc released. The sixth race rapidly and a mass awakening to the lost memory of multidimensional reality
Muvarians and their Melchizedek Cloister chen held the key to ascension, as would occur within large numbers of the population. Through these ener-
the fifth DNA strand was included in their genetic imprint. The sixth races getic processes the Earth and her people would be prepared to receive the
would be .born with the Shield of the Arc in their genetic cooe, and as the Blue Flame of A menti.
Anunnak,-human hybrids Annu were [0 be seeded through the Melchizedek The Blue Flame would begin a rapid descent w Eanh care following <he open-
CI~ister-[he Annu would also bear the Shield of [he Arc. Those bearing the ing of the Arc of [he Covenam. It wou ld take approximately 12 years for the
ShIeld of (he Arc would become the Earth guardians of the Arc of the Cove- Blue Flame to descend to Earth through the Arc of [he Covenant. Return of
nant and the Sphere of Amenti. the Blue Flame was a very precise process, and had to be orchestrated in syn-
The Arc of the Covenant was designed in such a wa)' that the Sphere of Amend chronization with the natural time cycles of which Earth was a part-enter-
could evencuaU)' be re~eJltered into the Eanh core through. the parra! bridge of the Arc. ing Earth during the period of natural dimensional blending that occurs at
In this way the Arc became self-regulating. The return of the Sphere of Amenti various times within Earth's time cycle. Timing was very important in the
would depend upon conditions in the Earth's planetary grid, and the Guard ians return of the Blue Flame, as certain conditions had to be planned in advance
would not have to reenter the Sphere. The fifth-dimensional Seal on the Arc of its return. During the dimensional blend the Blue Flame could not directly
of the Covenant was designed to be released once a certain percentage of the enter the Sphere of Amemi as the Sphere would be connected to the Earth's
Earth's population had assembled the fifth DNA stI"J.nd, which meant that a morphogenetic field at 0-2. The Inner Earth portals to 0-2 open during the
certain number of the Melchizedek Cloister would have to be born upon the dimensional blending period, and if the fifth-dimensional frequencies of the
planet. If 8% of the living population could assemble the fifth DNA strand the Biue Flame merged directly with the second-dimensional frequencies of
Eart~'s gri~ v~bra[ion would rise, affecting the vibrational speed of the e~ergy Earth's core, Earth!s planetary grid would explode. The fifth-dimensional fre-
particles wlthm 0-2 Earth core. As the 0-2 particles began to vibrate faster a quencies had to be dispersed through the Earth grid, via the energetic fields of
blue-white spark of fifth-dimensional high-frequency energy would be sem up certain people alive on the planet. The bio-energetic fields of those individu-
from the Earth core, through the portal bridge of the Arc of the Covenant. als would serve as frequency modulators for the fifth-dimensional energy.
These individuals would hold the 0-5 frequency of the Blue Flame within
This spark would penetrate the fifth-dimensional Seal on the Arc and enter the
S2 S3
frequency high enough to allow the Flame Bearer to fully activate
their own energy system through the height of the dimensional blending,
plane~ry Due to the bio-energetic mechanics of the human body, the Flame
then when the natural cycle of dimensional blend reached irs close, the Blue the c es. Id have to be female in gender the avatars all male, in order to
Flame would be returned to the Sphere of Amenti at Earth's core and the Bearer wou ' ..
Halls of Ament i-the ascension portals to Tara-would open to those on the keep the energetic balances of the planetary gnd mtact.
During the opening of the Arc of the Covenant there would also be a fam-
planet who had assembled the fifth DNA strand and could pass through the
Blue Flame. For people who had not yet assembled the fifth strand, much il of individuals appointed to em~y the Rod,. t~e orange-gold Flame mar-
information on how to go about accelerating this process would be made ~ogenetic field of Earth, during the time of tranSttiOn. The Rod Holder would
available, as the memory banks of the race would be restored. As long as the ~ Ie. Members of these specialized incamational groups would have to
Blue Flame remained within the Sphere of Amenti at Earth's core, the ascen- . rnaate in the proper sequence, within the right time periods in conjunction
sion portals to Tara would remain open to the races, allowing them to evolve :~i~he Eanh's time cycles, and within the appropriate genetic lineages t~at
ovide them with the needed genetic imprint. The process of openmg
rapidly and complete rheir [Our of incarnational duty on Earth. The souls wou ld P' . Earth
trapped within the 0-4 astral and 0-2 elemental kingdoms could also com- he Arc of the Covenant and allowing the Sphere of Ament! to return to
plete their evolution and ascend. ~equired a tremendous amount of multidimensional organization. The fulfill-
The individuals who would be responsible for holding the fifth-dimen - ent of the promise of the Arc of the Covenant would take over 800,CX)() years
sional frequency within their bio-energetic field during the time of transition : fulfill , and meanwhile the races of the Third Seeding would begin their evo-
are called Keepers of the Flame, and they would, over a period of years, dis- lutionary journey toward that dcstination.
pense the fifth-dimensional frequencies throughout large numbers of the pop-
The Third Seeding through the Arc of the Covenant, the Hebrew,
ulation, assisting the populace to assemble the fifth DNA strand, expand
their consciousness and transmute their bodies, so portions of the population
Serres -Egyptians, Urtites and the Priesthood of Ur, Races 3-6
could "catch the morphogenetic wave" (discussed later) and pass through the and the Annu-Melchitedeks
Halls of Amenti on the wave, while the dimensional blend was still in effect. 800,000,55,000 YA
Once the cycle of dimensional blending was through, the Flame would be For a period of time following the creation of the Arc of th~ C?venant
placed back in the Sphere and the remaining populations would continue to 840,000 years ago the Earth went through .a period of re-balancmg tts,ener-
evolve on Earth until the next morphogenetic wave. The people who were getic grid, and during rhis time rhe races did not evolve on rhe planet s sur-
able to catch the first wave would find themselves teieponed into the future, face. Some descendants of the Second Seeding prospered within the Inner
where they would appear on the Taran land mass that was once called the Earth communities, and a few scattered groups had managed to survive
continent of Mu. This Taran location represents the primary reality of Earth within the underground tunnel systems created by those of the Second Seed-
as it exists about 2,500 years in the future-the version of Earth whose grid ing. Most of the human population had fled, finding exile within other plane-
has completed its merger with Tara. This path of accelerated evolution con- tary systems. The Nephilim had been evacuated to Sirius A, joining
stitutes leaping past 2,500 years of evolution within Earth's present time con- remnants of the Dracos race who had found exile with those who became the
tinuum, and represents literal, biological time travel into the future. With the Anunnaki Resistance. About 800,000 years ago several groups of the now
opening or "sparking" of the Arc of the Covenant, this path of accelerated
I evolution would become available to some humans on Earth.
extraterrestrial humans returned to Earth to begin preparation for the Third
Seeding, which would be orchesnated through the Arc of the Covenant por-
II The Keepers of the Flame would be responsible for assisting people who tal bridge. Two primary groups of returning humans, descendants of the
were ready to take this morphogenetic wave voyage in preparing their bodies Serres-Egyptians and the H ebrew (Melchizedek-Hibiru hybrids) from the
and consciousness for this transition. The Keepers of the Hame would receive Second Seeding, were commissioned by the Palaidorians of HU-2, the Elo-
their infusion of 0-5 frequency from one primary individual who had the him and the Ra Confederacy to orchestrate the Third Seeding.
genetic code that would allow the Flame to be fully embodied as it passed Upon returning to Earth, these groups discovered that there was a small
through the Arc of the Covenant. That person is called the Flame Bearer or group of survivors remaining from the Second Seeding, descendants of.the
the Staff Holder. The Flame Bearer would have to activate the 12-strand Third race Lamanians and their Ur-Antrian Cloister. The Serres-Egyptians
DNA package within the body before being able to embody the Flame. This (Who had been exiled on Sirius B and in rhe Pleiadian star systems, and t~US
person would incarnate with a support team of six fully activated 12-strand now carried a stronger ET imprint within their genetic codes) interbred WIth
avatars (souls from the fourth Harmonic Universe), who would ra ise the
1 he 1 hlrd ::>eedmg 1 ne Arc OJ ute Co(}~nmH

the Lamanians and Ur-Antrians, forming a new guardian race through incar_ f life. The Anunnaki who had joined the Si rian Council through the Treaty
nating souls via the Melchizedek Cloister morphogenetic field via the Arc of Of El-Annu, and the Sirian-Kantarians and Sirian-Blue races of Sirius B,
the Covenant. The new race was called the Urtitcsi they appeared on Earth ~came a primary motivating force within Atlantean culture, and the Pleia-
about 800,000 years ago and, working with races of the Inner Earth and the dian races of HU-l assisted in the development of Ur-Antrian and Lemurian
HU-l Palaidorians, the Urtites established the Priesthood of U r on Earth. culture. These cultures thrived under the influence of the advanced stellar
The Urtites lived primarily underground and within the Inner Earth civiliza_ races. The Annu-Melchizedeks organized their cultures around the spiritual
tions, serving as guardians of the Arc of the Covenant. When conditions on and scientific teachings of the Law of One. Members of the Hibiru Cloister
Earth were conducive to supporting mass surface life, the Urtites were given and the hybrid Hebrew peoples migrated from other regions to both Atlantis
authority by the HU-2 Sirian Council, Ra Confederacy and Priests of Ur on and Lemuria, each bringing with them the teachings of the Law of One char-
Tara, to begin the Third Seeding of the human lineage. Many sub-races and acteristic of the Melchizedek Host Matrix.
families emerged through the Urtite genetic serain, as each of the five Clois_ As civilization on Earth prospered, the Sirian Council allowed the
ter races birthed their race line through the Unite Host Race. The races were Atlantean and Lemurian cuhures to receive gifts from the advanced stellar
located throughout various regions of the globe, each developing surface cul- races, which rapidly developed the technological aspects of society to heights
tures from about 750,000 to 75,000 years ago. The Unite lineage developed far exceeding present earthly cultures. The Sirian-Blues of Sirius B brought
divergent cultures extending from what is now known as Africa, through large crystalline power generators to Earth as a gift to the Atlantean and
regions of East As ia, North and South America, central Europe, Egypt and Lemurian cultures. They taught the Ur-Antrians, Lemurians, Annu and
into what is now called Iran. Through development of these diversified cui. Atlanteans how to draw energy directly from the D-2 Eanh core, and store
tures, the Host Race Urtites created a new cradle of civilization through this energy withi n the crystal generators. Permission was granted by the Elo-
which the Root Races and their Cloisters could be reseeded on Earth. him and Ra Confederacy to allow power to be drawn from the Blue Flame of
The Third Seeding of races three, four and five began again via the Arc of Amenti through the passageway of the Arc of the Covenant. The fXJwer of lhe
the Covenant, under the direction and through the lineage of the Urtites. The Blue Flame allowed Allantean civilization w access multidimensional frequency,
third race Ur-Antrian Cloister began birthing about 75,000 years ago, their through which me marphogene(ic fields of Eanh's matter panicles could be direcdy
Lamanian Root Race 73,000 years ago. The Lamanians of the Third Seeding affected. Earth's gravitational pull could be neutralized, objects could be man-
were called the l..cmurians, and they were seeded on a land mass that existed in ifested and de-manifested , objects could be teleported to desired locations,
the area now occupied by parts of the Pacific Ocean and also within the region bio-energetic healing became a way of life and genetic evolution was acceler-
of the Andes Mountains. The Breanoua Cloister of the fourth race entered ated. Using the power of IT technology the Atlantean and Lemurian cul-
about 72,000 years ago in lands that ex isted in the area now occupied by parts tures thrived.
of the Atlantic Ocean, and into the territories that became known as Egypt, The Annu and Hebrew peoples of (he Melchizedek Cloister Host Matrix
followed by their Root Race Atlanians 70,000 years ago. The Atlanians of the became the primary Eanh guardians of (he Arc of the Covenant. The original por-
Third Seeding became the AtIanteans. The fifth race Hibiru Cloister entered tal passage to the Arc of the Covenant was located within the land mass of
through the Host Matrix of the sixth race Melchizedek Cloister into various the Adamean continent, and through this interstellat passageway power was
fed through the Earth's grid to the Lemurian continent and varioLls other
positions throughout the globe, about 68,000 years ago, followed by their Root
developing civilizations. Earth civi lizations thrived following the Law of One
Race Ayrians 65,000 years ago. The fifth Root Race Ayrians of the Third Seed.-
until about 55,000 years ago, when members of the Anunnaki Resistance
ing were called the Aryans, concentrations of this race were seeded intO
~gan to infiltrate Atlamean culture, creating genetic and social digression
regions near what is now called the Black Sea and in the area of what became t at nearly brought Atlantis to an end.
the Carpathian Mountains.
The Annu-Melchizedeks were seeded into the Atlantean Root Race-
Egyptian sub race through the Melchizedek Cloister Host Mattix morphoge-
netic field about 68,000 years ago. The Annu prospered in Atlantis, many
migrating to various parts of the globe and interbreeding with other races.
The primary concentration of Annu remained in Atlantis, where open lines
of commerce with their Sirian-Anunnaki forefathers became a standard way

56 57
LEMURlA DESTROYED . nment stabilized most of the remaining races returned to the surface to
en -ld Atlantis again became a cul turai but never agam
center, - reached -Its
Anunnaki Resistance, Ann" and the Dracos, Destruction of Lemurian
. us height of development. Most of the Dracos were evacuat edr,om ~--h
Muarivhi, & Relocating the Arc of the Convenant preili~ir Anunnaki-Resistance accomplices, and the Templar-Annu continued
55,000-51,750YA by h ld their ground within Atlantean and Egyptian cultures.
As Atlamean and Lemurian culrures thrived, other stellar CUltures to ~ol1owing the cataclysm of 52,000 years ago the Anunnaki of t.h~ Sirian
watched and waited. Members of the Anunnaki Resistance and their Drako n Council and several other stellar neighbors returnt--d to Earth, asslstmg the
and Dracos allies had long planned to overtake Earth territories, waiting until hans to rebuild. During the explosions beneath the ground the portal pas-
the growing civilizations had reached a height of maturity. Motivated by their : ; to the Arc of the Covenant had been damaged, and the energetic grid
own desires to utilize Earth as an evolutionary option, the Anunnaki Resis_ beneath the Atlantean continent was unstable. The Elohim, Ra Confederacy
tance quietly infiltrated Atlamean culture about 55,000 years ago, covertly d other guardian groups from HU~2 restructured the Arc of the Covenant,
moving within the ranks of Anunnaki of the Sirian CounciL Once re-estab- alloving the portal that connected it to Earth out of Atlantis and into the
lished on Earth, the Anunnaki Resistance inter-bred with the Annu, and :giOns of Egypt, where the Earth grid ~truct~re was more stable. The Serres-
over a period of generations distorted the Annu genetic lines with the Tem~ Egyptian races would now share guardiansh ip and control of the A rc of the
plar Seal (which had been placed on the Anunnaki ResisTance following Covenant with the Annu-Melchizedeks and Hebrew peoples who migrated
their refusal ro accept the Treaty of EI-Annu) . The teachings of the Law of there followin g the explosions. The cultural hub of Earth was re/ocared from
One were slowly distorted as the creed of the Templar Solar Initiates of Tara Atlantis w Egypt about 51 ,750 years ago, and Egypt began w thrive.
(which the HU~2 Anunnaki Rebell ion had helped devise), came to replace
the sacred teachings, crearing division and social unrest within Adantean GIZA TO ATLANTIS
civilization. The Anunnaki~Annu began to spread their influence into other Anunnaki of the Sirian Council and Earth Protection, the First
cultures, ga ining covert control over Egyptian lands and several other smaller
cultural centers. Building of the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx. Ankhs ,
Abouc 52,000 years ago the Templar-Annu allowed the Resistance allies, Outpost on Mars, First Birth Wave of Melchizedek Cloister
the Dracos, ro secretly return to Earth, promising them an earthly home if and Rc#establishmcnt of the Law of One.
they would assist in infiltration of the Earth cultures. The Dracos infiltrated 48,50035,000 YA
the Lemurian continent of Muarivhi, creating an extensive network of Following the relocation of the Arc of rhe Covenant 51,750 years ago,
underground lairs within the tunnel systems that ran between Lemuria and Egyptian culture prospered, and Egypt became a center fo r the Annu-
Atlantis. Systematically the aggressive Dracos began terrorizing the Lemurian Melchizedek, Hebrew and Serres-Egyptian guard ians of the Arc of the Cove-
culture, extend ing the reign of terror into Atlantis and various other places. nant. Adantean culture also prospered as the generator crystals were once
Meetings were held by representatives of all the races through which a plan again restored to operation after being put out of service during the Lemurian
was dev ised to end the Dracos problem. The humans hoped to use the gener- cataclysm 52,000 years ago. The generator crystals were once again charged
ator crystals to create small, pin-point explosions within the underground with multidimensional frequency using the Arc of the Covenant in Egypt.
caverns in order to seal the Dracos within their lairs until the Sirian COllncil Through this period of rebuilding and expansion the influence of the Tem-
could come and evacuate the Dracos. But the plan back-fired, as the Earth plar-Annu (Annu whose genetic line had been contaminated by the Templar
grid became energetically overloaded by energy from the generator crystals Seal through interbreeding with members of the Anunnaki Resistance) con-
and a massive explosion occurred within the lands beneath Muarivhi. The tinued to spread, creating a growing chasm between races serving the Law of
explosion desrro)'ed the land mass of Lemun'an civilization and remnants of the One and those falling under the influence of the Anunnaki Resistance Te~
Lemurians integrated into Arlantean territories. plar Solar Initiates' Creed. In Egypt the Templar-Annu were at first met With
The explosion caused massive volcanic activity, earthquakes and floods, resistance to this influence, and many of them relocated co Atlantis where
and though the Atlantean continent did not suffer massive destruction, it took the Templar-Annu had a stronger hold over the cultural env ironment. The
generations fo r them to rebuild , and for the Earth to rebalance her grid. A small Templar_Annu of Atlantis began using their influence to corrupt ID.e
period of ice fo llowed these events, during which most of the races retreated Atlantean priest cast and eventually the soci al and moral climate in Atlantis
underground, some permanently entering the Inner Earth . After the surface
58 59
declined under their influence. Motivated by the Anunnak' R ." I . e beings ofHU-2, who were large, upright, fur-covered (elines of advanced
Templa A be d h I C:.IStan ce, [)e
r- nnu gan to aminate t e races of Atlamean culture and ~1~eJligence, were revered as Godlike by the early Anunnaki civilizations,
plans to conquer the lands of the Inner Earth. They plan _..I 'h made LIl d the Anunnaki of the Sirian Counci l pa id tribute to this heritage. The
Is b k nt:U to use t e genet
ahtor crysta to rea through the electromagnetic barrier which prote _~ ~nunnaki of the Sirian Council drew strength and comfon from their affilia-
[ e portals of the Inner Earth. Ct'"\j
on with the Leonine people, and, by constructing this monument, intended
Conce~ed (or the welfare of the Inner Earth Civilizations, and the hi h t~ show the power of the Anunnaki united and built upon their Leonine
c~~cenrratlo~ of ~~nu-Melchizedeks residing there, the Anunnaki of t~e t nces tra1 allies. The symbolic design of the Sphinx was intended to show the
Sman C~u.nc" petitioned the Inrerdimensional Association of Free Worlds ~unnaki Resistance that they were alone in their conquest and that the
f?f penn l.sslO~ to ma~e a show of strength on Earth, offering the races prOtec_ true Anunnaki heritage stood behind the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council. In
tion agamst mcrcasmg Anunnaki Resistance infiltration. Perm"s . practical terms, the Sphinx was constructed to serve as a fort ificatio n (or the
granted and rI S A . C I I s[on was
Inner Earth portal and also as a safe house and library (or the storage o( sacred
lC Inan- rcturlan oa irion (or Interplanetary Derens
called in t . . h e was
. a ass.lst Ifi. r IS protective mission. The primary target for Ammnaki records and texts. It also served the purpose of housing the great energy-
Resmance mampulauon was the area in which ,he Arc or _c C transmitting mach ines that were charged with UHF fifth-dimensiona l energy
located E be .. lne ovenant was
S. . ,so ~p, came the focus of Sman Council activifY. Anunnaki o( the from the Arc o( the Covenant, and the smaller Ankhs which were infused
man Council were firsc sent co the planet Mars to recreate an observational with energy in a similar (ash ion.
out:P0s t that had been co.nst.ru~ted there during the Thousand Years' War Historically, the larger machines became known as Arcs of the Covenant,
~vhlch they hoped would intimidate the Anunnaki Resistance from furthe; and the true identity of the Arc of the Covenant as being a portal bridge was
Interference \~ith E~rth. Undaunted by the presence o( the Sirian Council lost. Bll[ during the time of the original building o( the Sphinx the truth of the
~he A nunnah Reslstanc~ ~scalated the ir involvemenr with Atlantis and Arc of the Covenant was well known, and the objects were understood as tools
ega~ a rer"hlrgeAnCC orr the ir Influence in Egypt, posing a greater threat to the which could draw, hold and transmit energy that was drawn, through the Arc
secunty 0 t e rc 0 the Covenant. o( the Covenant, (rom the Blue Flame o( Amenti that was stored in the
About 48,500 ye~rs ago the Sirian Council instructed their A n unnaki Andromeda galaxy. Both the large and small tools were designed in the shape
mem~.rs to make.a d~r~ct show of power in Egypt and Atlantis. Anunnaki of of the Ankh , which allowed high frequency energy to be synthesized in specific
the Sman Councd vIsited these civilizations en masse reoe,, _c . fl ways (ollowing the natural laws of interdimensional energy mechanics. The
fh La f ' ......., mglnelOU~
cnce ate ~v 0 One and driving many Templar-Annu out of Egypt and Ankhs were used 10 create the Sphinx, various pyramids, and other struCtures as they
back to AtlantiS, w~ere they would {Xlse less threat to the Arc of the Cove- provided the power fO reverse gravitational pull and direcdy affect the txIrticle make~up
nant. I~ Egypt, and I~ several other locations on the globe, the portals o( the
and morphogenetic fields of Earth matter subsumce. They served as major construc~
In.ner Earth were (o~tdied as the Sirian Council Anunnaki built bases of oper-
tion tools, weather modulators, healing tools and as interd imensional transit
ation on the Earth s surfacc, directly over the portal regions. The pyramid
devices. The original Sphinx served as a proteccive (ortress in which these
structure was a trademark o( Anunnaki architecture and scientific achieve-
devices could be stored and kept out of the hands o( the Templar-Annu.
ment, and several small pyramid structures were constructed above portal
passage areas throughout Egypt. The greatest o( these operations bases The second major construction o( the Si rian Council Anunnak i was a
constructed over the main Egyptian portal opening to the Inner Ea~~ massive pyramid centered directly over the portal opening to the Arc of the
throug~ which the Arc of the Covenant portal could be accessed. A t th~ Covenant. This pyr.:lmid was originally constructed during the same time
sarmhe time another massive structure was constructed over the nearby portal period as the Sphinx, about 48.459 years ago (about 46,459 BC). The reco n~
o t e Arc of the Covenant. struction of this pyramid, which occurred about 12,550 years ago (10,500 BC)
The first monument to be created was the original Sphinx. Th is bUild ing cov- then again about 11,000 years ago (9,000 BC) is what has come to be known in
eted the portal to the Inner Earth and linked directly into the ponal passage modem times as the Great Pyramid of G iza, the Cheops pyramid. This struc-
t lar led t.o th~ Arc of .the Covenant. The Sphinx was designed follOWing ture was reconstructed and repaired on numerous occasions. It was designed
Anunnah henrage, hav1l1g the head of an Anunnak i warrior placed h and erected by the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council. the Annu_Melchizedeks,
bod yo r a rlon- Ik I upont e Hebrew, and Serres-Egyptian peoples from that time period. Thc pyramid was
. I e scu ptute. The lion's body of the Sphinx was a symbolic
~nbute to a ,.raceIof beings from HU~2 known as the Leon,nes h not constructed to serve as a burial tomb, though much later it was used as
h ,wowere
IOStrumema m aying t e early foundations o( Anunnaki cu lture. The Leo-
60 61
1 Anunnaki The Anunnaki of the Sirian Council developed a strong
such. The primary purpose of the Great Pyramid of Giza was to fortify me portal of Cou nci E ypt for a' time creating a system 0 f pyramlds an d a th er Structures
!he Arc of the Covenanr and to Sertl(! as an incerdimensionall.efeportation center. hoId an gd a network of, power points through whIC h energy was d rawn from
The original pyramid was designed as a Hannonic Resonance Chamber [hat house rystals of Atlantis through t 1le Eart h' s gnd Imes and mto
. d eSJred
through which multidimensional frequency bands could be pulled in from dce~ the g~eat cAbout 35 000 yea;s ago the pure Melchizedek Cloister race began
space and from the planetary core of Sirius B, using a great ankh positioned ~-'
th ....
. fi. t full birthing wave imo human CIVIlization, . . the teach-
direcdy below a crystalline cap stone. Through the power of the ankh a tre_ ." f"the Law of One and bringing their fifth DNA strand potentials into
ing sO . . a f t h ~ Arc 0 f t h ~ Covenant was
mendous amount of UHF energy was pulled into focus within the cap Stone of the human genetic pool. Guardl~~shlp
the pyramid, then projected downward through the structure into the second_ I I turned over from the Sman CounCil Anunnakl to the Annu-
dimensional freque ncy bands. The pyramid and Arc of Covenant were siutaced ~dc?~.izedeks, Cloister Melchizedeks, Hebrew (hybrids of fifth race Cloister
u/JOn Earth's geographical center point, wimin the energy wrtex chat represented !he Hibiru and the sixth race Cloister Melchizedeks created throug~ the Host
"Heart Chakra" within Earm's planetary bio~energetic system. This vortex allOWed Matrix Transplants of the Second Seeding), and the Serres-Egyptians, all of
energy exchange to take place between Earth and the fourth-dimensional fre- whom became members of the early Egyptian priestcraft. Since the times of
quency bands. By creating a Harmonic Resonance Chamber within such an cheir cremion, [he Sphere of Amenti (550 million )'ears ago) and !he Arc of the
interdimensional vortex, the 0-2 overtones of HU-l could be combined with COlIeTllI nt (840,000 years ago) were the primary foci of human evolution as the
the base tones of D-4/HU-2, fann ing an interdimensional resonant tone purpose and process of the human evolutionary imprint was held within me secrets
through which visiting craft traveling from Sirius B and other star systems of Amend.
could enter and leap through time, making transit to Earth almost instanta- Guardian Alliance & Galactic Federation Interoention
neous. The Great Pyramid was created to allow immediate intervention of the 28,000 BC-/O,ooo BC
Sirian Council and Galactic Federation fleets should the Arc of the Covenant The Templar-Annu grew progressively more hostile within the territories
come under Anunnaki Resistance attack. While the pyramid was in operation under Sirian Counc il protection, and many relocated to Atlantis, which was
as an interstellar teleport station, it served as the greatest deterrent to an becoming the Tcmplar-Annu strong hold. Angered that they were not per-
Anunnaki Resistance invasion. The Great Pyramid was used as an active inter- mitted to enter the Inner Earth or use the Arc of the Covenant, the Templar-
stellar teleport station from the time of its construction 48,459 years ago to Annu devised a plan to conquer the Inner Earth territories by using the
about 30,000 years ago (about 28,000 BC) when an explosion in Atlantis Atlantean crystal generators to tear down the electromagnetic barriers that
caused Earth to tilr slighdy on its axis, knocki ng the pyramid's D-4 vortex secured the Inner Earth portals. The Templar-Annu began their conquest
(Earth's heart chakra) ou[ of its previous alignment with the vortex systems of from the continent of Atlantis, but quickly discovered the Inner Earth portal
Sirius B and several other planetary systems to which it had been originally shields cou ld not be easily destroyed. As they forced excessive power !hrough one
aligned. ET visitation was commonplace in Egypt prior to this mis-alignment of of their main generator cryswls, the crystal unit exploded. with more than 10 limes
the Eanh's grid, but follOWing this event, transit from other star systems the force of an atomic bomb. Several other smaller generators also exploded.
required more time and resources, so visitation became much less frequent. ripping apart the continent of Atlantis and sending the majority of its land
Throughout the height of its operation (46,459 BC-28,00Q BC) the mass under the sea. Following the explosions of 30,000 years ago(28,000 BC),
Grear Pyramid of Giza was also used as an ascension chamber for the select the Atlantean land mass was reduced to three islands and most of its popula-
few who possessed the required DNA assembly and favor of the Elohim. Such tions were deStroyed. Just prior to the explosion, the Sirian Council rem~ved
individuals were allowed passage through the Arc of the Covenam if the Elo- various groups from Atlantis. distributing them t.hro~ghout various .locatlons
him approved and opened the passageway, and some were able to ascend to on the globe, many being taken to Egypt for re-settlmg. The Egyptians were
Tara. The pyramid was used as a training school for in itiates to the forewarned of rhe coming event, and most of the culture retreated under-
Melchizedek/ Eloh im ascension program, and also for healing, accelerating ground into Inner Earth communities, finding shelter from the Earth changes
genetic assembly and for passage into the Inner Earth portals beneath the that would result from the explosions. . .
Sphinx. The pyramid was always kept under tight security by the resident During the explosions in Atlantis. the Earth was tilted slighrly on itS axIS,
Anunnaki of the Sirian Council. and the Templar-Annu were banned from throWing the Earth's grid out of balance, breaking the energetic link be~een
emering the premises. This created much hostility between the Templar- the pyramid of Giza and Sirius B. The Great Pyramid could no longer function as
Annu and the Egyptian cultures operating under the protection of the Sirian
an interstellar teleport station . The Arc of the Covenant remained stable but . the fortification of the Arc of the Covenant and Inner Earth port.als. The
surface conditions were thrown into chaos once again. The pole tilt created lng Pyramid was slightly realigned in order to create a Hannomc Reso-
massive fl ood ing in many places throughout rhe globe, and the rearrange_ Great I'm k with the Pleiadian star system through the planet Alcyone, which
n uId II
.. II I
the structure to be used once agam as an mterste ar te eport sta-
ment of some land masses. Once surface conditions stabilized, the races wo a ow .d h ., d' h
returned to the surface to rebuild, while the Anunnaki Resistance collected jon Because of the disturbances of the Earth gn t at occ~r:rt:U u.rmg t e
the Templar-Annu they had rescued and placed them back upon the Islands [A I' t a n explosions
rean 30000
, years ago (28,000 Be) the ongmal
. alignment
of Atlantis. helping them to reconstruct their civilization. Anunnaki of the with the Sirius B system c~uld no~ be reesr?blished. The Third Eye. ~ .orus
Sirian Counci l remained in Egypt, then extended their influence into rral bridge to Sirius B dId remam o~ratlOna l fa.r sma lle.r-scale vISitations.
Atlantean Island territory, returning the Atlantean and Annu-Melchizedek ~e fanh was now more closely in altgnment With the mterstellar ~nergy
survivors they had exiled in the Inner Eanh to the Adantean Islands, while . ls that ran through the Pleiadian system, and so the new pyramid was
oriented to an energetic. a I'tgnment WI'th A lcyone.
slowly swaying a good percentage of the Adantean Templar-Annu to give up
their Anunnaki Resistance affiliation.
Though the Law of One was beginning a resurgence in the Atlantean 2017 AD APPOINfMENT
island cultures between 30,000-12,500 years ago (28,000 BC-IO,500 Be), the Earth enters a netu 26,556#Year Time Cycle, Ascension Cycles
Anunnaki of the Sirian Council, and the Arc of the Covenant which they and the 2017 AD Appointment
continued to protect, remained more vulnerable to Anunnaki Resistance 22,326 Be 2017 AD 4230 AD
infiltration, because the Galactic Federation and Sirian Council fleets could
no longer instantaneously come to Earth's defense due to the disruption of The civilizations of Earth continued to prosper and once again enjoyed
the Giza pyramid teleport station. Around 12,500 years ago (10,500 BC) the interstellar visitation ftom their Sirian and Pleiadian allies. Atlantis contin-
Anunnaki Resistance, angered by the loss of their stronghold in AtlantiS, ued to digress under the influence of a resurgence of the Templar-An~u. The
launched an aggressive air strike against the Sirian Council Anunnaki out- crystal generators were adapted into devices of t~rture f~r those. not In com-
POSt on Mars and then in Egypt, in an attempt to destroy the Arc of the Cov- pliance with the Templars, and a period of genetic expenmentatlon and ram-
enant, and claim dominion over the Earth civilization. The Martian outpost pant power abuses ensued within Atlantean culture. The. Arc of t~e
was destroyed. The Sirian Council and various interstellar allies squelched Covenant and the Inner Earth remained safe under the protection of the Str-
the takeover attempt and drove the Anunnaki Resistance fleet out of Earth's ian Council as Earth began her next natural 26,556-year cycle of evolution
vicinity to the distant planet ofNibiru , but they did not arrive in time to pre- through the interdimensional time spif""dls. Earth entered her new 26,5~6-year
vem the destruction of the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx and various other cul- ..::ycle 24,324 years ago in 22,326 BC, with the challenge of rebalancmg her
tural centers in Egypt. The ponal bridge of the Arc of the Covenant survived energetic grid follOWing the Atlantean explosions of 28,000 BC. With the
the attack, as did the Inner Eanh territories, but following this brief close of the old cycle came a natural period of dimensional blending through
onslaught of 10,500 Be, the pyramids, Sphinx and other Egyptian structures which the Sphere of Amenti could have been re-entered into the Earth c~re,
had to be rebuilt. The Atlantean Islands were not directly involved in these but due to the continuing setbacks and necessity for planetary rebalancmg,
attacks, though Resistance-Loyal Templar-Annu created minor uprisings the Earth grid did not vibrate high enough for the Sphere of Amenti to ~
against their Sirian Council Loyalist relatives, until word of the Resistance returned. At the onset of the new cycle in 22,326 Be, the Halls of Amentl
defeat drove them into temporary underground seclusion. The Atlamean would have to remain closed to the masses, as human evolution cominued
Islands continued on with mounting tensions between the two groups, and by slowly along its course.
9,500 Be the Resistance-Loyal Templar-Annu had once again regained their The first 4,426 years within the new cycle represented a time of great
stronghold in Atlantis. promise, for this cycle period constituted the natural point at which Earth
In Egypt, follOWing the Resistance attack, the Sirian Council Anunnaki. would release two morphogenetic waves, through which masses of people
Annu-Melchizedeks, Cloister Melchizedeks and Serres-Egyptians rebu ilt the could ascend to Tara if the Halls of Amenti were opened. The first morphoge-
primary structures of their civilization. The ankhs, which had been hidden in netic wave was released from Earth in 20,113 BC, the second wave in 17,900
the Inner Eanh during the raid, were again brought to the surface, and the Be, but the populations were unable to ascend as the Halls of Amenti were
Great Pyramid of Giza, the Sphinx, and several new structures were rebuilt. not yet opened. Within the 26,556-year natural time cycle of Earth, mor.ph~
The Sphinx and Great Pyramid were placed in their previous locations mark- genetic waves are released only during four periods, the first tWO waves wlthm

64 65
. . . . . . . . ........ 01:10; ...... '.';

(0 all of the races throughom the globe, not just those of Egypt and Atlantis.
the first 4,426 years of the cycle, and the last two waves during the final 4.426
years of ~he cycle. These two 4,426-year periods, which occur at the opening Over time, and through the oppression of the Templar-Annu and later control-
and closmg of a 26,566 year cycle. are referred to as Ascension Cycles. Since oriented political groups, the true teachings were distorted or destroyed as they
the H~11s of Amenti were not opened during the first Ascension Cycle of the gave rhe common person power over their personal destiny. People who are
new time cycle, the souls trapped in the 0-2 elementa l and 0-4 astral king. empowered cannot be controlled or manipulated by outside authorities. and so
dams, as well as the humans on Earth, would have to wait until the final the tool of empowerment, knowledge, was taken away from the masses so the
Ascension Cycle of their 26,556-year time cycle, in order to ascend. few elite could hold them under their power.
From 22,326 Be fonvard the Guardian races of HU-2, the Ra Confederacy What remains today of the ascension teachings is hardly an introouction to
and the earthly guardians of the Arc of the Covenant planned, prepared and the true science as it was once applied on Earth. Portions of the teachings survived
waited for the next Ascension Cycle. This time the Halls of Amenti must be through the mystical schools of the ages, kept under strict secrecy, as the politically
opened- this time the Earth grid must be able to hold the Sphere of Amenti_ controlling factions of various time periods perseCUted those who attempted to
this time the many souls trapped within HU-l must be allowed to ascend. The bring the truth to the populations. Even tooay this pcrst.'Cution exists (though usu-
final Ascension Cycle within this 26,556-year time cycle would begin in the ally in more covert fonn), much of it within the traditional religious organizations
year 196 Be. The first morphogenetic wave of this Ascension Cycle was due to wh~ teachings have been highly distorted in order [0 keep people powerless and
be released in the year 2017 AD. The last morphogenetic wave of this Ascen- subservient to religious authority figures. The science of ascension utlS wirMeld from
sion Cycle would take place in 4230 AD. If me
Halls of Amemi were not opened rile masses, bu, the promise of ascension was used 10 manipulate people inlO supfXJrring
during this final Ascension cycle, me sOllls of the masses would be unable to ascend to and obeying !he awhorilies who claimed Utar. ascension coWd be accomplished only
Tara for anomer 26,556 years. If the Halls of Amenti could be opened by 2012 through blind belief and adnerence to !heir poliriailly morivated creeds. The original
AD, or by 4230 AD at the latest, the races of Earth could finally reclaim the teachings were intended for everyone, not just to serve the objectives of a power
divinity and dignity of their heritage and return to HU-2, to the reality of the elite. Though certain groups were appointed with guardianship of the Sphere of
Immortal body and the original 12-strand DNA construction. Their conscious- Amenti and the Arc of the Covenant, they were not intended to horde this
ness would no longer be trapped within H U-I or in the 0-4 astral planes. The power and knowledge for themselves, but this is precisely what occurred through-
living and the dead (those souls trapped in the astral planes) would rise up and out various periods of Earth's history. The guardian races of 22.326 Be knew it
ascend out of their earthly prisons and ioro the "heavenly" lands of Tara in would be a challenge to prepare the masses for the Asceruion Cycle of 196 Be-
HU-2. These stories of ascension, which appeared within your traditional reli- 4230 AD, but they had not originally planned for the disruptions caused by the
gious texts were originaHy given to you by the Elohim and others, in order to Templar-Annu and their Anunnaki Resistance allies.
explain the highly scientific process of dimensional ascension that your races Through the manipulation of the Anunnaki Resistance and the Templar-
would be faced with when the Halls of Amenti were opened. Annu, follOWing the Atlantean explosions of 28,000 BC, preparing the races
for the morphogenetic wave of 2017 AD became a very difficult task, as the
The Teachings of tile Divine Science, the Original Templar, Anunnaki teachings that would allow this preparation to go smoothly were lost, manip-
Resistance and Templar,Annu Distortions of the Templar Teachings ulated, distorted or destroyed, and as time went on , the majority of humans
and the Gtlardians' Atuakening Agenda did not have access to this information. Throughout the development of
28.000 BC--present human culture since 28,Q(X) BC the covert influence of the Anunnaki Resis-
Originally the teach ings of ascension were quite scientific in nature, deal- tance and that of the Templar-Annu proceeded to contaminate human con-
ing with the reality of multidimensional physics. The original infom18tion sciousness with the elitist, controlling creed initially developed by the
brought to the races of the Third SeeJing represented the teachings of the Sci, Templar Solar Initiates of Tara. The original Templar of Tara was a sacred
organization devoted to upholding the Law of One. The Taran Turaneusiam
ence of Keylonta, the underlying energetic mechanisms through which reality
races were gifted, by the Sirian Council, with the power and knowledge of
is created and the processes through which consciousness evolves. The early
the Templar in order to serve as guardians of the Taran planetary grid. They
Adantean cultures had full access to this information, and until the Templar-
had the awesome responsibility of ensuring that Tara's energetic systems
Annu distorted the teachings in order to control the populations, the science
remained balanced, and that Tara, and the Turaneusiam races, stayed upon
of ascension and multidimensional mechanics was publicly taught as a primary
their course of evolution into the HU-3 planetary grid of Gaia. Due to the
belief model around which societies were structured. The teachings were given
. - The descendants of these groups presently carry the full
CIOIste,,,. f 1
corruption of the Taran Templar Solar Init iates, orchestrated by the Anun_ b
Bi ItO NA kage within their gene codes, as this group was one 0 nose
naki factions of the HU-2 Sirius star system who were rebelling aga inst the dD pac h h .
s(t1lJ1 in 1972 AD (0 receive full-genetiC realignment t roug mterac~lon
Sirian Council, the truth and sacred science of the Templar was, for a time
chose"h .me [.... veling hybrid Zionite race (see Voyagers I, p. 38). The Zlon-
lost on Tara. And because of this distortion and intentional Anunnaki Resis~
""rh [ e u ed tratlon an d were sent backm
d ring [he present-day Zeta infil
rance manipulation on Earth, rhe Templar teachings provided to the Earth . were creat u 2 d DNA . . .
.res I. ncertain ancestral groups with the 1 -smm unprmt, III
races became tainted with lies and distortions, progressively leading human . 1e rorealgI [ [he evolution of present-day humans. Th'll
[ln e 10 owers an d
culture into an elitist, materialistic, dualistic perception of reality. That Per- rd r to acce era e h 'h
ception has formed the underlying belieFbase upon which culture was organized, oed f [he Jesheua-12 Essenes were one of the groups c osen lor t IS
descen ants 0 ..d
and is stiU apparent within most of me cultures of present day Earth. . Groups involved with Zionite genetIc restructunng are consl -
The original Templar creed taught Uni ty Consciousness and love, coap_ reahgnmbeent"f C lestial Human lineage as they carry the full 12-strand DNA
edro 0 e dl frh .
eration and respect toward all other life forms. It did not appoint some groups erilicate Matrix within their operational geneti~ c~es, r~ar. ess 0 err ~n-
as being godly and others as evil; it taught of the necess ity for equality 5 an'racla . II.Inc. (The Silicate Matrix appears wlthm. famtly .hnes as. a recessIve
between peoples and genders and the need to heal and integrate all aspects of m pos.[e which remains dormant lIntil it is called IntO activation Via
genecom I, .. R 35 d
soc iety. The original Templar teachings promoted kindness, genrieness, toler- . f chakra centers 8-15.) Various groups wlthlll Root aces - an
openlllg 0 . . I '
ance and power through comprehension of sacred energy mechanics and COIl- . es 3 t:. along with several other hybnd race strams, were c lQSCn lor
C IO1ster rac -v, . . . . ed d
sciousness embod iment of the God-force. They did not teach that God U 1(lS a this genetic realignment, so the Silicate Matrix IS d,stnbllt at .ran am
male authority figure who passed judgment upon Sinful, inferior humans. They did throughout present-day human genetic lines. The greatest co~centratlons can
not teach that the male gender was formed in the image of God and the be found within the Hebrew, Mdchizedek, Aryan, East Indian and Tibetan
female was a lesser part extracted through the godly male to hold a position of racial lines. )
subservience to men. The original Templar creed did nOt endorse the exploi- Ouring the period that Jesheua.12 practiced in Egypt (8 AD .- . 21 AD ,
tation of the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms for the purpose of personal the second Christ, Jeshewua-9, grew in popularity among the fam lltes of the
sustenance and materialistic gain, it taught respect and reverence for allUfe. Templar Melchizedeks and Hebrew Melchizedeks who were not aware of, or
The original Templar did not reach of "good and evil"; it taught that evil interested in the birth of Jesheua-12. jeshewua-9 was also taken to Egypt for
deeds were the result of ignorance to the true structure of the universe, and initiation, ~cension twining and ordination as a Mekhizedc~ prie:'t, ~nd
thal evil was cured by education through the Law of One. It [aught that peo- portions of these rites were conducted by Jesheua-12. Prior to hiS ordmatton
ples were created to be free, and in that freedom should be taught how to in Egyp[, jeshewua-9 had traveled throughout Nepal, Greece, Sy~ia, P~rsia
become co-crearers with the Go<Uorce.lt laught that every being in the universe and Tibet, training in various inter-faith doctrines. Jesheua-12 stud..ed pnma-
was an individual face and expression of God, and that brotherhood was Simply Ute rily in India and Persia before coming to Egypt at age 20 and hiS Templar
rational result of this comprehension . teachings showed a stronger eastern orientation than those of Jeshewua-9.
Literally all of the elitist, sexist, materialistic distortions to the true Laws of The training and ascension activities of Jesheua-12 and ~he Blue Flame
the Templar were perpetrated through the influence of the Anunnaki Resistance, Melchizedek Essenes remained primarily hidden and practiced as a secret
some of their IT co-conspirators and the Templar-Annu Resistance loyalists lin- "mystery school" within Egypt at Giza and in various ~ther locatio~. The
eage who became their earthly operatives. The distorted Templar creeds moti- teachings of Jeshewua-9 became marc well-known, which c~u~ hLm pro
vated everything from the Holy Wars throughout history to the structures upon gressively more persecution from Roman influence and also wltl~m some fac-
which economic, political and social organization has been built. tions of the Hebrew and Templar-Melchizedek race lines who dId not accept
The creed of the Templar-Annu spread far and wide, and has colored the deViations from the original patriarchal Templar creed as set within the jew-
mores of literally every human culture on Earth since the time of the Third ish religion by King Melchizedek.
Seeding. The Tempiar distortions have evolved into a massive program, When Jeshewua-9 was 32 years old (25 AD), with the assistance ~f su.p-
which has repressed the majority for the benefit of the few, and has cau!>Cd portive Templar Melchizedek Essenes, the Elohim exiled Jeshewua-9, hiS Wife
humanity to lose comprehension of its divine source and the true potentials (the Woman who came to be known as Mary Magdalene in Biblical reference),
of iLS evolutionary heritage. This creed has been a poison to human society, and their three children to the territories of France, to avoid political persecu-
and the pain, disease, war, competition, hatred and violence that have col- tion. Another man, by the name of Arihabi, who was a Jerusalem-born
ored the human condition throughout history and into the present, are clear
68 J
Hcbr~w-Annu-Me!Chizedek, was led by the Elohim, through a series of visions ld serve as adoptive father to the child of Jesheua- 12. Jesheua-12 d id not
to believe that he was the true Jeshewua-9, and this is the man who was c .' WOU d"recdy with the ra ising of these children, nor did he serve as husband
fied: ~either. of the avatar Chri5ts were crucified, and both of them left ge:~~
. teract ed
In 0 the six women chosen [0 carry his seed. The children were creat
family Imes wlChm the Heln-ew-Melchizedek races. The sacrifice of Arihabi Was to any h sacred procreative rites
lor the so 1e purpose 0 f perpetuating
t 'h t e 12 -
orchestrated to divert attemion away from Jeshewua-9, his family and his lin_ thra : DNA pattern within the human races. Descendants of these children
eage .. The resurrection of the "body of Christ"/Arihabi, was orchestrated by the "ron spread throughout various regions, some appeanng , wit'h'In the French
Elohlm thro~gh the use of holographic inserts, but Arihabi was indeed resUr_ became . d f '
. ocracies, others within the Celtic, Egyptian an A ncan genetic meso
, I'
rected followmg the holographic display. In return for his assistance in dive _ ~~t line of the descendants of Jesheua-12 now resides within the continental
ing attemion from Jeshewua-9, the body of Arihabi was restored to life by t~ United States. Of the six families of Jesheua-12 that were seeded between .18
Elohim, even though he was not an avatar. He was then taken to India whe e AD and 23 AD, five of the children survived to bring t~e l2-strand DNA !t~-
he lived for another 30 years. Upon his natural death, Arihabi's soul ~ssen;: into the contemporary human gene pool. The lmeage of Jeshewua-9 s
w.as ascen~ed {Q ~i~us B through the Third Eye of Horus portal bridge. After : children also prospered and spread throughout various nations. to the
hiS ascenSion to SIfIUS B, the Elohim granted him special favor and adjusted his present day. In his later years, Jeshewua-9 tra:eled to Tibet, where, With the
energy field ~ ~e cou~d ascend to the Sirius star system in HU-2 via the plane_ help of the Elohim, he ascended out of matter In 47 AD to HU-3, through the
tary core of SIfIUS A In HU-l. The story of Jesus Christ, as it is known in con- nion of Tara's morphogenetic field stored within the planetary core of Venus.
:em~ary limes, evolved through the mythology the Elohim used to conceal the rn iS ascension passage requires a tenth-strand DNA imprint, and is thus ~ot
identity of their avatar, JeshewHa-9, and to perpetttate their (xuriarchal slant all available to most humans, withom direct assistance and DNA reconstructton
the Temp~r Creed. The distortions of the true facts of histDry were used to pro- by the Elohim, Azurites or other HU-2 guardian groups.)
tect the .lineage of Jeshewua-9 from political persecution, making it appear as if The teachings of Jesheua-12 were highly censored by Templar
the Chnst had no descendants, thereby allowing those descendants [() remain Mekhizedeks who later came into political prominence, and were kept alive
obscur~d from the public view. The teachings of Jeshewua-9 and the Templar through the secret mystery schools that evolved throughoU[ Europe, Egypt, the
~elchlzede~s ?eca~e the primary foundations for both the contemporary Jew- Middle East and in certain parts of China and Indonesia. The teachings of
Ish and ~hns~lan faiths, but the Jewish religion did not acknowledge Jeshewua- Jesheua-12 were originally included in the manuscripts that became the Chris-
9 as their saVIOr. In truth, Jesheua-12 was the true savior of the Hebrew peo- tian Bible, but were distorted or edited entirely at various times, to suit the
ples, f~r he re-entered their race morphogenetic field into the Sphere of needs of the power elite within the evolving political-religious machine. Even-
Amenn. Few people knew of Jesheua-lZ and his Blue Harne Melchizedek Ess- tually the teachings were banned by the early Christian churches, for they dis-
ene. ascension school, so the majority of the Hebrew people did not realize that closed the identity and tactics of the Elohim and other IT groups, and told of
their foretold Messiah had, indeed, arrived. Even though Jesheua-lZ's accom- the divisions within the Mekhizedek Templar C reed. Very few of the original
plishments ~vem unnoticed by the majority of the Hebrew people, his affect on Jesheua-12 teachings have survived into the present time, though there are
the restoration of their genetic development was valid-an unseen gift to the remnants of these teachings secredy preserved in France, that will one day be
Hebrew peoples for which Jesheua-12 did not receive credit.
discovered. The original teachings of Jeshewua-9 were also distorted and mis-
Between 8 AD and 21 AD, while Jesheua-12 practiced ascension rites at represented through political and religious structures of various times. The
Giza, several expeditions were made by Jesheua-12 and the Blue Flame teachings of contemporary ChrisfianilY, though they provide a basic structure
Melchizedek Essenes. They rraveled throughout Egypt and Nubia and into upon. which social organi(:alion and spiriwal initiation can be built, reflect liule of
~erusalem, promoting the original Tempiar teachings of ascension and gather- the depth, content or meaning of the originalleachings of the avatar ChriStS.
109 together groups of people to take to Giza for ascension. Plans were made to Following the establishment of Jcsheua-12's lineage (18 AD-23 AD) ~he
perpetuate the Jesheua-12 lineage, which carried the full 12-strand DNA avatar had completed his work on Earth. The Blue Flame Mekhizedeks camed
imprint, and six women of various Melchizcdek Cloister sub-races were chosen on his teaching legacy and became the primary keepers of the secrets of the Ar.c
to bring forth the children of Jesheua-12, the First Christ. Couples were cho- of the Covenant and the Sphere of Amenti. Various groups were assigned van-
sen to serve as guard ians of these children. Each of the six females to receive ous portions of the whole story, with no one group having the entire chronol-
the seed of Jeshella-12 was matched to a male Blue Flame Melchizedek who ogy of the teachings of Jesheua-12. Jesheua-12left Earth through the Arc of the

102 103
Covenant at 39 years of age in 27 AD. He did not die, but rather bodily Fence quarantine (UHF D-3 seal) still blocked Earth from open rela-
ascended to Tara, and has since evolved far beyond the confines of physical q.uency th the inter-stellar communities. The Arc of the Covenant D-5
(Ions , WIseal kept all but the Melchizedek race strams f rom bod'i '
I y ascension.
matter. The Arc of the Covenant was resealed within the UHF bands of 0-3 untY
following his ascension, awaiting the time when Eanh's grid rose high enough
The races still carried portions of the Amentl Seal (~N~ stran s one, twO an d
. d
in vibration to allow for the return of the Sphere of Amend, which was sched_ three mutation, anti-particle "death" seal) , the Palaldonan Seal (DNA strands
uled to occur before the mass ascension wave of 20 l7 AD. The Azurite Coun_ twO and three mutation, 0-4 sean, the Templar Seal (DNA strands twO, four
cil , Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds and their many supponers
maintained a stance of non-interference following the success of Jesheua- 12's
mission. They allowed the Elohim and various other Host Matrix Families to
d five mutation, D-6 seat) and the Templar-Axion Seal (DNA strands 1, 5
:~d mutation, D-7 seal; the "666" seat) within their gen~ti~ codes and the
f the human lineage still remained locked away wlthm the Sphere of
memo ry O .. Id
direct the course of earthly events as they desired, knowing that the truth of the Am enti in the UHF bands of the third dimension. These conditions wou
Templar and the Law of One, as upheld by the Blue Flame Melchizedeks and have to evolve and heal before humanity would be prepared to face the ascen-
Priests of Ur, would eventually come to light within the evolving human COn_ sion wave of 2017 AD.
sciousness. The Azurites planned to wait until the return of the Sphere of Throughout the evolution of the races, guardian races attempted to
Amenti to Earth's core before bringing this knowledge back into the public awaken humanitY to the reality of its evolutionary destiny: All of the major
domain, and in the meantime hoped to unite the Melchizedeks within the Eanh religions were seeded at one time or another by guardian groups, to help
teachings of the sacred Law of One. the races prepare for their eventual ascension out of HU-I. Though the teach-
Though Jesheua-12 had successfully aligned the race morphogenetic ings are ofren quite different or seemingly contradictory and all religio.ns have
field at Amenti with [he original 12-strand DNA imprint, most of the races suffered manipulation and distortion at the hands of man and covert mtruder
still carried traces of genetic distortions from the Templar and Templar- IT forces, they are united through their original purpose of achieving ascension
Axion Seals, which would need to be cleared prior to the opening of the and freedom from the illusions of matter.
Halls of Amenti. The Elohim, Templar Melchizedeks, Blue Flame The secrets of Amemi were ultimately kept under !he proteCtion of me Blue
Melchizedeks and many other unrelated Host Matrix groups have assisted, Flame Cloister Mekhi,edeks and the Hebrew ES5"'" who followed them, but
and conti nue to assist, many individuals in clearing their genetic codes in the reality of Amen. belonll' w all of the races and .<>rId "Iigiom, The Sphere
preparation for ascension. AlI/JTesem-day ideologies (hat !each conscious evolu- of Amend , Arc of !he Covenant and Halls of Amenti represent the manifesta-
tion, and DNA activation and transmuwtion, are geared IOward Ihis purpose, tion of the Covenant of PaIaidor, which holds the evolutionary promise and prO-
including the new infonnalion currently being provided by various guardian ET and gression for all races of the human lineage . It is the promise of humanity
mewcerrestrial forces. Jesheua-12, the 12th-level Turaneusiam avatar from retu.rning w the integrity of !he Immortal God-being that is !he original morpho-
Tara, fulfilled his purposes on Earth. Through him the Sphere of Amenti was genetic imprint of !he hu.man Tace.
made ready for fe-entry into Earth's core, following which the Halls of The promise of ascension is the hidden heritage and legacy of the human
Amenti would eventually be opened. The race morphogenetic field had been condition, the fulfillment of humanity's evolutionary blueprint.
reunited, so following the opening of the Halls of Amenti, all souls could
again ascend through Amenti, once their genetic imprint had evolved to
assemble the fourt h and fifth DNA strand. The plan for preparing the races
for the 2017 AD ascension wave was put back on schedule. Since 27 AD,
when the avatar Jesheua-12 ascended, the races of Earth evolved under the
primary influence of the Elohim and various other Host Matrix groups not
associated with the Christian and Jew ish perspectives.
Through the achievements of Jesheua-12 and Jeshewua-9, the primary
morphogenetic imprint for all of the races was returned to the Sphere of
Amenti, and the Sphere of Amenti was once again made whole. These accolll-
plishments set the stage for mass ascension, but the races still had a long way to
go in healing and evolving their consciousness and genetic codes. The Fre-
. n.ary blueprint that calls it forth to evolve through time. That blueprint is
~e Covenant of Pa laidor and the. morphogenetic field of the Sphere of
Amenti , within which rhe organizational plan and purpose for human evolu-
or. is stored. For 550,000,000 years this blueprint has called your races for-
ti ard toward an unseen destiny, which is the return of immortality and the
re of the consciousness of man with its creative
. Source. In terms of the
soul's perspective, the challenges and hardships faced along the way are
understood to be lessons in growth, as human consciousness evolves to
Ascension Mechanics remember the truth of its eternal existence and embrace the beauty of its
multidimensional identity. From the perspective of a human consciousness
focused within a physical body on Eatth, those challenges can seem, at times,
overwhelming. Without conscious recognition of the purposes, processes and
HUMAN/IT'S EVOLUTION objectives of the evolutionary plan, the hardships can appear to be unbear-
able and without meaning. Through the JXlrtions of human evolutionary his
The. Science of Ascension, Time Cycles, Morphogenetic Waves tory we have detailed in these writings, you may be able to gl impse the
and the Sphere of Ament; greater challenges and obstacles involved in the process of evolution, and to
As \~e have menti~ned before, ascension is not some lofty spiritual Con- realize that these obstacles do not end with the completion of your physical
cept designed by the mmds of man, it is the literal, tangible scientific process lifetime.
of the ~volution of conscious~~ss an~ biology within the laws of energy Your races have evolved on Earth for 550 million years, and many of
mechanics th~t appl~ to a mu ltidimensional reality system. You can go about the souls involved in that evolution have had to return time and again,
your ~uman hves, with your consciousness confined to the limi tations pres- trapped within cycles of birth, death and rebirth. Immortality, freedom from
ent,ly Im~ ~Y Y,our physical lxxIy. or you can learn the mechanics by deach, disease and pain are the natural birthrights of YOUT species. You will not be
which those ilffi,ltanons can be released, and begin to experience the reality able to reclaim these rights until you come to comprehend the greater reality
o~ freedom ,that IS the c.o~pre~ension of yourseif-aHouL Whether or not )'OU structures within which your evolution takes place, for through this compre
view ascenslO~ and m,ultldlmenslOnal evolution as a reality while you are alive on hension you will learn to make choices that bring you joy and harmony,
Eanh, you will ~e dl~ectly faced with rltat reality once your consciousness has health and freedom . If you are unaware of these greater reality structures you
passed out phYSiCal life and inw the mu/tidimensioJUJ/ framework. At the death will be unable fO use [hem wisely, and it will seem as if the greater reality is,
of the phYSical body you will discover that your consciousness lives on and instead, using you. You will feel JXlwerless, and while you feel powerless and
your e~olution contin.ues. H~w well you prepare for that discovery now wi Ii victimized by circumstance you cannot know freedom.
detennme the ease With which you are able to take your next evolutionary In view of the history we have provided, you may be able to see that
step once you "wake up on the other side." All souls will eventually evolve the Sphere of Amenti holds great importance to the evolution of your race,
a.nd ~ce~d through the I5dimensional scale, to re-emerge as sentient iden- for it holds the morphogenetic (fonn-holding) blueprint through which your
tlt~ Within r~alms of pure consciousness beyond the dimensional systems. Bur race consciousness manifests. You have learned that earthly consciousness is
thiS pr~es.s IS not something that takes places automatically for humankind. directly affected by the condition and structure of the physical body and bio
Hu~antcy was .created as a crearar species, wh ich means that thoughts and energetic systems, and that the DNA imprint which sets the biological StruC-
actions enterta~ned by ~he human will be met in man ifest experience, both ture for the body, is directly manifested through a morphogenetic field. T he
on Earth and In the J.fe experiences that take place beyond the earthly personal morphogenetic field directs the design of the DNA, and thus the
~Ianes. Th~ choices one makes in thought and deed will determine the qual. body and the quality of consciousness that will be expressed through that
. of experience,
Ity d or lack thereof"that"wi ll"be pe~onal
" ly en countered' 10 lec-
I body. The personal morphogenetic field exists within the larger morphoge-
109 an event.
netic fields of the race and the spec ies. The species morphogenetic field is the
In preceding ~haplers we have detailed for you the great challenges and Sphere of Amenti. The Sphere of Amenti connects the human species to
struggles your species endured as it has blindly followed the hidden evolu- the greater morphogenetic field of the Earth, which, in turn, is connected to
the morphogenetic field of planet Tara in HU-2. In order for Earth, and
106 107
human ity, to evolve out of J-IU-l and into the h" h d '
HU2, the frequency patterns of dimensions fa zg fier lmden~ional fields of strand, and several hybrid race stra ins contain the full 12-strand DNA pack-
m st b b h ' ur, ve an SIX from HU 2
Th f raug ~ mto manifest expression within the energetic grid of Ea
ese requenCles, or sound tones, must also becom ' ' . rt .
h age in dormant form, Individuals possessing these genetic codes have a per-
sonal advantage in terms of ascension, if their codes are fully activated, In
active DNA strands of Eanh' I Th ,e ~pe~tlonal wlthm the order to be born into bodies with the advanced genetic lines these souls,
s peap c. e energcnc Imprmt f h ON (unless they are over-souls or avatars birthing directly from HU-3 and
carried withi n the personal morphogenetic field a d ' 0 t c A is
ical death of the body Whatever r . n conscIousness a f ret phys_ above), had to evolve through incarnations carrying the smaller gene-code
. . . zrequenCIe5 arc comained 'th O h iOlP'rint, in order to attain the frequencies within their consciousness that
IInprmt will determine the dimensional placement f h . WI In ( at
death. 0 t e conSCiousness after would allow them energetic compatibility with the larger gene-code body, In
other words, humans with larger gene-code imprints have earned this privi-
h . I~ (r~om from the confines and struggles of HU.! is what one desires lege through their evolutionary progression, just as present-day souls within
t en It IS WISe to pay attention to the amount of frequencies conca' ed .th. I smaller gene-code bodies are in the process of evoh' ing into larger gene-code
the physical DNA, while one is still alive in OOdy H . h htn WI In
evol . I d . umanlty as t e power to bodies. All human Sallis are involt. ed with the exact same process of evolt1ing me
, ve conscIous y an thus more rapidly, by learning how to use h b' genetic package and consciousness [Q higher-dimensional levels; some Sallis are JUS!
genc system to build the needed frequenci es into th DNA Th' t ,e lo~ener_
po HI' d Ih e . IS IS a personal further along in this journey,
res. tlSl Ilty, an at ough guardians from HU-Z can assist in this h Humans carrying the larger gene-code packages are a gift to other
ulnmate success of DNA building lies in the hands of the embod ijJrocess: t e evolving souls, because, as they assemble their fifth and higher DNA strands,
ness who directs th ' b I conSCIOUS_
, IS process y t le way in which personal energy is used and they pull higher-dimensional frequency into the Earth's grid, Once this
appbed, The greater the amount of the 12-strand DNA . h higher-dimensional frequency reaches a certain peak concentration within
. ed . h I nnprlnt t at can be
actlvat wit In t le body's DNA the greater the a f . the Earth's grid, the race morphogenetic field/Sp here of Amenti opens into
ness a d Id", mount 0 COnsCIOUS aware-
n .1 mu tI Imenslonal knowledge that will be 1 bl h the Earth's core morphogenetic field, and the individual race morphogenetic
.. h aval a e to t e conscious
ness wh I e It IS P ysically embodied and after death , - fie lds open into the Sphere of Amenti collective. At this point within the
;n1'lou~h this knowledge, greater joy can be created while living on Earth energy mechanics, the Earth's grid begins transmitting fifth~dimensional fre-
an d fO oWing the death transition the consciousne 11 be bl ' .' quency directly into rhe bio-energetic fields of everyone on the planet. This
h'lgI d' . ' ss WI a e to lOCUS In
.d '~r ImenSIOns of real ity. In order to end the cycle of rebirth in HU~1 a infusion of fifth-dime nsional frequency then sets the energetic imprint for the
I entity must nn<;:~~ a fifth d . I Ieve I 0 f
I"'~........., - Imenslona consciousness,' the particlen fifth DNA strand within all of the races, even those whose personal, organic
substance of the consciousness must pulsate at the speed of fifth-dimensional morphogenetic imprint did not originally contain the fifth DNA strand.
fr:e'!uen,cy. The fifth strand of DNA must be fully assembled, and the lower- Because of the races with the larger gene-code packages, the entire species
dimensional DNA strands must be fully activated and aligned. An identity that has the opportunity to rapid ly evolve this larger DNA imprint and to trans-
~nde.rgoes, me d~am transition without assembly of the fifth DNA strand mute the limitations of the genetic codes with which they were born,
~mpn~t wall commue evolution in the fourth-dimensional astral pia If th The ability to fully transmute the personal genetic imprint is not always
Identity does h th I d nes. at available on Earth. It is dependant upon whether Ot not enough of the larger
h not ave e ower- imensional strands fully assembled ' 'II
, ave, ro expcr~ence, rebirth in HU~ 1, in order to fully assemble the lowe~ ~~:~d
gene-code races are present on the Earth, which is dependant upon whether
or not the Earth's energetic grid vibrates high enough to sustain a concentra-
Impnncs, An Identity that can fully assemble strands 1-5 while sc'll 'I h
body will be bl 'I 1 Wit lin t e tion of beings with higher frequency genetic codes, If the Earth vibration is
. a e to merge ifS rna ecular particles with those of its ami- article too low, due to imbalances in its bio-energetic systems, souls carrying higher
do~ble, and transmu~e the body itself into the higher-dimensional fields ~fHU- frequency energies cannot birth onto the planet, for the frequencies con-
2, literally transcending the experience of physical death Th h bod tained within their bio-energet ic fields wou ld literally overload the Earth's
originally designed to be immortal. <. e uman . y was
grid and calise it to collapse, The evolution of DNA within the races is dependent
, ,The process of DNA transmutation does not only involve th lipan lhe vibrational evoltttion of (he Earth, If the condition of the Earth's bio-
Idenmy. As we have illustrated throughout our historic I e peni<:,~al
to ascend is also directly influenced by the condi tio a ahccount, the abthty energetic field is poor, due to pollution and abuse of its natural environment
t" fi Id d b h R ns 0 f t e race morphoge- and digression of rhe consciousness upon the planet, Earth cannot sustain a
ne IC e ,an y t e oat or C lo ister Race into wh ' h 'bo n concentration of high-frequency soul essence. This also means that Earth
Sixth C lo ister Melchizedek race holds the full imp ' IC r one " fif'h , The
n nt lor t lle t DNA cannot hold the UHF of the Sphere of Amenti at its corc. If the Sphere of
108 109
_ ....----_. _..._.-.-. --..........,-. .------ earth Time Cycles

Amenti i~ no~ within the Earth's core, its frequencies cannot be opened into and Primary C oordinate Points occur, are collectively referred to as Ascen,
the Earth s grid, and thus the bio.energetic fields of the races will not .
. ,. f fif h d' . I rece i Ve sian Cycles. Ascension cycles occur only twice within a 26,5S6'year Har-
an JOIUSlon 0 t ImenSlOna frequency. It is the infusion of fiftl -d'
. If h II 1 lmen_ monic Time Cycle. Earth fuses with its double twice within the first 4,42 6
slana requency t at a ows the imprint for the fifth DNA strand t .,
. h' II Th 0 manifest years after entering a 26,S56,year Harmonic Time Cy~ le . . Earth fuses twice
w it . In a races. . us in order for rhe races to have the opportunity for aced. with its counterpart double parallel Tara, once after bemg In the 26,556-year
er:atlo~ of evolution, Earth must be able to sustain a concentration of souls cycle for 24,343 years (half-cycle Coordinate Point in the second ascension
With higher frequency gene codes and be able to hold the Sphere of A . cycle) and once after completing the full 26,5S6 years of the Harmonic Time
. Th Eo h ' . meml
a.t ItS core. e rt grid must be In balance fo r this evolutionary accelera_ Cycle, at the end of the second ascension cycle.
tion of the races to occur.
When Earth encounters its first Coord inate Point within the second
Ascension Cycle, alt of its particles that are composed of the overtone fre,
EARTH TIME CYCLES quencies of dimensions one, two and three merge and fuse with the antipar.
Morphogenetic Waves ticles of parallel Tara that are composed of the base-tone frequencies of
There are,only certain points within each 26,556year cycle of time dimensions four, five and six within the parallel dimensional scale of HU2.
~hat ~he Earth gn~ reac~es a vibration fate high enough to accommodate an As Earth's particles fuse with Tara's anti,particles, both particles and anti-par,
mfus~on o( 6fth,dmlensIOnai energy. It is during these times that Earth can ticles enter hyper,spacei they momentarily return to their higher-dimen-
sust.am larger co.ncentrations o( higher,frequency souis, and thus it is only sional morphogenetic fields. Earth's D-1 overtone particles return to thei r D-
dunng these periods that the Sphere of Amenti can be fully opened within IS morphogenetic field, the 0 ,2 particles return to 0,14 and 0-3 particles
the Earth core, to all~w assembly of the fifth DNA strand (or all o( the races. return to 0-13. Tara's 0-4 anti,panicles return to their morphogenetic fields
There are other penods, such as during the time of Pharaoh Akhenaton in 0-12, the D,S anti-particles return to 0,11 and the 0 -6 anti-particles
when the Sphere can be returned to Earth core and the Halls o( Amemi return to 0,10.
o~ened. But the full frequency patterns of the Sphere o( Amenti can be trans. When the particles and anti,particles again leave the morphogenetic
mmed through Earth's grid only during the periods of dimensional blending field, they reverse the ir spin and polarity, shift their angle of rotation by 4S -,
that occur four tim~s in each 26,556-year cycle. Akhenaton was able to open and then return to the frequency bands o( one HamlOnic lip. 0,1 particles re,
the Halls of Ament! and orchestrate ascension only for those individuals who appear as anti-particles within the (ourth,climensional frequency bands, 0,2
had th~ fi.feh D~A strand imprint, but he could not release the Sphere of particles re-appear as anti, particles within the fifth-dimensional frequency
Amentl directly mto the 0- 2 Eanh core morphogenetic field to create mass bands and 0-3 particles feappear as anr i,particles within the D-6 frequency
DNA ~sembl.y and asce~ion. During the (our periods in a 26,556'year cycle bands. Eanh's particles shift from HU,l into Tara in HU,2. Tara's anti-parti,
w~e~ dimensional blendmg occurs, certain energetic conditions take place cles also reverse spin and polarity, and re,appear one Harmonic U niverse up.
':lthm the. morphogene~ic fiel ds of the planet that do not occu r at any other Tara's 0,4 anti,particles reappear as particles in 0-7 , 0 -5 anti -particles
time. Outing these penods, the energetic grid of Earth fuses with the ener, become non' matter-based panicles in 0,8 and 0,6 anti,particles reappear as
getic grid o( its double within the parallel universe, or with its counterpan's non-maner-based particles in 0-9. Tara's anti-particles shift from HU2 into
parallel double (rom the next Hannonic Universe up. In the first 4,426'year Gaia's etheric matter body in HU,3 This transformation of particles consti-
cycle of the 26,556-year cycle, Earth (uses twice with its own double in HU, tutes a full shift of Earth's overtone panicles from the time cycles of the parti
1, ~nce at the half,point in the 4,426,year period and once at the end of that c1e universe in Harmonic Universe 1, into the time cycles in the parallel!
penod. These two time periods are called Primary Conjunction Points. In anti-particle universe in Harmonic U niverse 2.
the last 4,426,year cycle of the 26,5S6,year cycle Earth fuses twice with its Tara's base- tone anti,part icles simultaneously shift from the time cycles
HU,2 counterpart double, once at the halfpoint and once at the end of that of the anti-particle universe in HU2, into the time cycles of the etheric par-
4,426'year period. The two time periods when Earth fuses with its coumer, ticle universe in HU,3. This is the process by which planetary bodies (and
part double are called Primary Coordinate Points. Tara is Earth's HU,2 the life-forms residing upon them) evolve their matter particles and anti,par,
counterpart, so, during the Primary Coordinate Points, Earth's grid fuses with ticles upward through the I5-dimensional scale, from dense matter solidity to
t~e energet ic grid of parallel Tara. The two 4,426-year cycles at the begin' pure, non-matter,based conscious energy substance. Ascension through the
nmg and end of a 26,556-year cycle, in which Primary Conjunction Points time cycles represents the progressive acceleration of particle and anti,parti-
de pulsation speeds, created through the systematic merging of particles and
110 III
~ti~pa~ticles, (rom the lowest dimensions to the highest within th 15 Earth's base-tone panicles and Tara's ovenone anti-particles temporarily
dimensional sca le. ' e_ verse, and their angle of rotation shifts 4S", When the polarity of Earth's
.The progressive.release of particles and anti-particles into the morpho_ re rticle base is reversed, Earth's magnetic poles spin, reverse and shift 45 " in
genetic field at the Pnmary Coordinate Points in the second
. h 1
ascension eye e
1 P~eir angle of rotation, and the Earth emers the faster moving parallel time
consmutes t e re ease of a particle/anti-particle wave of ene'gy Th . t cle in the HU-l anti-particle universe. As this occurs during the five-year
1/. .1 . IS part,_
c e a~tl-partlc e energy wave is called a morphogenetic wave. The morpho cy
cresting 0 f t he morp hogenetIc
. wave, T aras ' Ies are a 1so gomg
aml-partlc .
genetic wave r~presents the energy released as particles and anti-particl~ through a pole reversal and time cycle shift. The electrical fields in Tara's
fuse, ex~lod~d mro the m0rt:>hogencric field/hyper-space and undergo fission grid spin, reverse and shift 4S ", and anti-particle Tara shifts into the parallel
a~d re~l,catlon, through whIch they fe-appear in expanded (ann within the time cycle in the HU-2 particle universe.
dlfllenslonai frequency fields of the next highest Hannonic Universe. The particle pulsation rate of Earth's parallel, anti-panicle time cycle in
At the beginning.of a .4,426-year second ascension cycle, the Earth draws BU-I is twice the speed of the same cycle in the HU-I particle universe, The
patterns of frequency mto Its morphogenetic field at Earth's D-Z co '- h particle pulsation rate of Tara's HU-2 panicle time cycle is also twice the
d . 1U fi re 1T0m t e speed of Earth's particle time cycle. When anti-particle Tara enters its paral-
ImenSlona ni ed Field of energy. When Earth approaches the half-point in
the cycle, the core morphogenetic field has expanded ro its full capacity f lel particle time cycle in HU-2, and particle Earth enters its parallel anti-par-
energy ~oid.ing. ~bout .IS to 20 years before the half-cycle point the Eart~s ticle time cycle in HU-l, the two planetary grids are entering the same
energetic ,gnd begms to mteract with that of Tara, juSt as the Earth's core mor- particle pulsation rate and thus the same time cycle, Base-tone particle Earth
phogenetic field reaches full energy-holding capacity and explooes, releasing a and overtone anti-particle Tara temporarily merge in the dimensional fre-
rush ~f energy through the Earth's grid, As this energy is released, the particles quency bands of D-4. As long as the electromagnetic fields of both planets
are in balance, this simultaneous 4S oshift in angular rotation and reversal of
carrymg overrone f~equt!ncies begin merging with Tara's anti-particles carrying
~ase-tone frequenCies. As Earth's particles and Tara's anti-particles progres- polarity in particles and anti-particles will not cause a shift of the physical
Earth on its axis, The electromagnetic fields of each planet keep the fields of
sl,vely ~erge, they enter hyper-space and transmute into their respective
dlmerullonai morphogenetic fields, the other in balance. Some fluctuation in Earth's magnetism may be detected,
and some tectonic movemem may occur in areas that are not fully energeti-
Thi,s pa,rticle/anti-particle transmutation progressively accelerates, as the cally balanced, but the basic structure of the Earth's body will remain intact.
energenc gnds of ~rth and Tara come into alignment, transmuting more and If the grids are nOt balanced, however, a full4S " tilt of Earth's rotation upon
more overtone part,ldes and base-tone anti-particles into the morphogenetic its axis could resule, which would create massive Earth changes. It is very
fie~ds: The progressive transmutation of particles and anti-particles creates a important uuu me Earm's bio-energetic struCture and e/enromagnetic grid are bal-
b,ulldmg wave of energy moving from Earth and Tara, into the higher-dimen- anced during mis five-year period,
slonal morphogenetic fields. And like the undertow of a tide, this energy wave In this five-year transition during the crest of the morphogenetic wave,
creat~ a backflow energy wave, from the morphogenetic fields, through which the magnetic grid of particle Earth becomes electrical. and the electrical grid
Ea~ s overtone ~rticl~ remanifest as Tara's base-tone anti-particles and of ami-particle Tara becomes magnetic. The two planetary grids merge and
Tara s base-tone ann-particles re-manifest as Gaia's particles. some of the land mass contours of Tara emerge on Earth as etheric overtone
, The ~eight of the process occurs when the grids of Earth and Tara come structures. When particle Earth returns to its particle time cycle in HU-l,
Into ~Il altgnment at the half-point in the cycle, at which time the morpho- these land masses will manifest first on the anti-particle Earth, and by the
genetic wave fully crests, and the grids of Eanh and Tara begin pulling away close of the full ascension cycle 2,213 years later, these new land configura-
from each other, The crest of the morphogenetic wave begins about five years tions will manifest physically on the particle Earth, (This is what is meant by
before, and exten~s up to the half-cycle point. During the five-year crest of the New Age concept of literal "Atlantis Rising". These lands of Tara will
the mo~hoge,net lc wave, all of Earth's overtone particles, and Tara's base. indeed rise up on Earth, but normally they will do so progressively over a
tone an[t-part~cles, fully transmU[e into the morphogenetic fields. As Earth's period of 2,213 years, nO[ all at once,)
' . particles become progressively suspended ,n h yper-space an d th e At the height of the morphogenetic wave crest, during the half-point
d t,menslonal base-ton~ freq~enci~ left ';ithin the Earth's grid begin to blend in the cycle, there is an approximately three-day period when Earth's mag-
~Ith the overtone anti-partIcles In Taras grid, an Harmonic Resonant Tone netic fields temporarily collapse as the spin of panicles and anti-particles
IS formed. Through the Hannonic Resonant Tone the spin and polarity of slows, polarity again reverses, and [he angle of particle rotation sh ifts back

112 113
45 to its original position. Within that threeday period, particle Earth up through the ISdimensional scale. This opening of interdimensional por~
returns to its HU-l time cycle in the panicle uni verse, and anti-particle Tara tals, which creates the morphogenetic wave, allows a beam of UHF energy to
returns to its HU-2 time cycle in the HU-2 anti-particle universe. There will pass from {he Meta~galactic Core in DS, through all of the Hannonic Uni
be difficulty with the functioning of earthly electrical and magnetic devices verses. We refer to this as the Holographic Beam, for it is the primary spiral
during this period, and the human mind and body will experience an exces_ of cransmitting energy that feeds and susta ins all of the dimensional systems
sive feeling of tension, pressure and fatigue. Strange atmospheric anomalies and the holograms of matter which rake place in those systems. The path of
may occur, including a prolonged period of darkness and daylight, and the the Holographic Beam follows a particular route into the time cycles of HU
possible appearance of a double moon, depending upon the balance of the 1. It spirals down through various planetary cores from HU-2 and I-IU-3,
Earth's grid. These symptoms will release as soon as the transfer of time cycles through the planetary core of Aleyone in the Pleiades, through various other
is completed, but during the three.day period tremendous stress will be planets and then enters your solar system through the core of the sun. From
placed upon the human's body, mind and emotions. there the Holographic Beam moves outward and through the cores of the
Prior to this three-day shifting period, during the five-year crest of the planets in your solar system. As the planets move within the cycles of their
morphogenetic wave, electrical energy is magnetically pulled from particle orbits, at certain points they align with the sun in a particular way, and pass
Earth's core into anti-particle Tara's core and the fifth-dimensional frequen. through the projection of this Holographic Beam.
cies of Tara's core blend into Earth's 0-2 core morphogenetic field. At this The Holographic Beam is released when the portals open during the
time, the fastest-vibrating basetone particles of Earth-those that vibrate to half-point of the ascension cycle and again at the close of the ascension cycle
the particle pulsation rate of [he fifthdimensional frequencies-are trans. 2213 years later. The Holographic Beam that was released during the ascen
ferred from particle Earth's 02 core morphogenetic field into anti particle sion cycle at the end of the previous 26,556'year period leaves its trace
Tara's 05 morphogenetic field. These mechanics of energy create a fluctua. within the HUl galaxy. The beam from the past cycle will appear as an area
tion within the electromagnetic fields of bach Tara and Earth, which operate of concentrated photon activity surrounding the planet Aleyone, through
as a warp in spacetime. This naturally occurring time warp serves as a portal which the beam entered HUl. The Holographic Beam follows a path
passage between Earth and Tara, which opens at the beginning of the five through the Pleiades to Earth because Earth's sun is actually the eighth star in
year period, reaches its height of activity during the half.point of the ascen the Pleiadian system. As discussed in earlier chapters, during the cataclysm
sion cycle five years later, then progressively closes from the half.point to its 550 million years ago, fragments of Tara's morphogenetic field were pulled
full closing five years following the half.point. through the center of th is Pleiadian star. The planets of Earth's solar system,
which are fragments of Tara, then reformed around this star in HU-l.
THE HOLOGRAPHIC BEAM (Re<:ent speculation in the privare scientific communities suggestS that our
The Holographic Beam, the Photon Belt and the Pleiades solar system is a binary solar system having two suns. AIc)'one, the central sun
of the Pleiadian Slllr sys tem is actually the primary sun of our solar system. Our
During the course of this 10year period, five years prior to and after rhe sun is a star within the P!eiadian solar sys tem .) The area of photon energy
half-point, fifth through ninthdimensional frequencies are progressively around the Pleiades has been referred to as the Photon Belt, which was dis
infused into Earth's grid, then into the bio-energetic fields of alllifefonns on covered by Earth scientists in 196 I through mechanical observation of that
Earth. The infusion of frequency from the higherdimensional fields and Star system. (Photons are created through the fusion of multidimensional par
Tara's core in 0-5 into Earth's core in D-2 follows a natural path of interdi ticles and anti.particles, so the Photon Belt is the residual energy left over
mensional energy circulation, through which HUl through HU-5 are con from the last morphogenetic wave. That energy is replenished every 26,556
nected. Each Harmonic Universe has a Harmonic Time Cycle, such as that
years as the Holographic Beam projects through Alcyone twice during each
of HU-l, which is 26,556 years long. All of the Harmonic Time Cycles are
second ascension cycle.)
synchronized through the particle pulsation rares within each of the 15
As Earth moves through its next 26,566-year cycle following the release
dimensions. When Earth enters the halfpoint in its second ascension cycle,
of the last Holographic Beam, completing a full round of its Harmonic TIme
its grid fuses with the grid of antiparticle Tara precisely because these Har
cycle, it will appear as though the Photon Belt is moving closer to Earth and
monic Time Cycles are synchronized. When Earth reaches its half'poine, not
its solar sysrem. They are actually moving toward each other, as the Pleiades
on ly does a warp in space time occur within HU-I, it occurs all the way up
and the Earth's solar system travel in their orbits within the HU-I and HU-2
through the five Harmonic Universes. A time-warp portal opens all the w<tY Harmonic Time cycles. When Earth completes its halfpoint in the second

114 115
ascension cycle, its overtone particles will pass into the Photon Belt, juSt as a DNA AND THE HALLS OF AMENTl
new re lease of the Holographic Beam takes place. The new release of the
Holographic Beam creates the morphogenetic wave that allows portions of DNA, the Morphogenetic Wave, the Halls of Amenti,
Earth and Tara to temporarily merge within the fourth dimension. The infu_ and the Doreadeshi
sion of Earth's grid with 0-5 through 0-9 frequency occurs through the Holo_ During the period of five years prior to and five years after the half-
graphic Beam. When that energy infusion begins, five years prior to the half_ cycle point, the imprint of the fifth DNA strand is made available to all of
point, Earth begins passing into the Holographic Beam as it merges with Tara the races, and the opportunity for ascension to Tara is made available to all
and enters the D-4 time cycle. As this occurs, Earth's overtone particles mOve who can fully activate that strand before the close of the dimensional time
into the Photon Belt. While particles and anti-particles reverse polarity and warp portal five years follOWing the half-point. Ideally, the Sphere of Amenti
spin, and the angular rotation of particles shifts 45, the morphogenetic fields race morphogenetic field and the Blue Hame Staff of Amenti, Earth's POrtion
of 0-2 Earth's core and 0-5 Tara's core come into direct alignment with the of Tara's morphogenetic field, will be placed within this time-warp portal in
Holographic Beam. The beam allows the 0 -2 and 0-5 planetary core mor- Earth's 0-2 core during the half-point in the second ascension cycle. Ouring
phogenetic fields to open into each other, which creates an infusion of 0-5 this lO-year period, the Halls of Amenti ponal passages to Tara, and to other
frequency into Earth's grid. time fields of Earth in HU-l, become open to the masses. In order for the
At the height of the morphogenetic wave crest, at the half-point in the morphogenetic wave, mass ascension and evolutionary leap in time to Occur,
cycle, the Holographic Beam is aligned directly through the planetary cores the Sphere of Amenti must be held and opened within the D-2 Earth core
of Earth, Tara and Gaia for about three days, and the grids of Earth and Tara morphogenetic field, and the Blue Flame must he embodied within 8% of
are in complete alignment. The Holographic Beam runs from the D-8 Meta- Earth's populations.
Galactic Core, upward into the 0-9 GalaC[ic Core, then downward, directly Individuals whose body, bio-energetic field and consciousness pulsate
through the cores of Gaia in HU-3, Tara in HU-2 and Earth in HU-l. This at the rate of fifth-dimensional frequency will experientially perceive either
creates an infusion of 0-8 and 0-9 frequency through the three planetary direct, bodily transmutation through a time portal passage from Earth to Tara,
grids, and allows an ascension passage from Earth, through Tara and into or a time travel transport to Tara via interdimensional spacecraft (arranged
Gaia and beyond, to open during the three-day period. The morphogenetic by guardian groups to assist those who cannot quite make it through the
fields of each planet absorb as much UHF energy from the beam as they can dimensional rransmutation of the portals). They will end up on Tara in a
hold, at which point the morphogenetic wave reaches its full crest and parti- space-time coordinate about 5,532.5 years in the future from Earth's original
cle/anti-particle spin begins to slow in preparat ion for Earth's rerum to its space-time position. At the end of the five-year period following the crest of
HU-l time cycle. Particles and anti-particles reverse spin and polarity, and the morphogenetic wave, people who have not fully assembled the fifth DNA
their angular rotation shifts 4So back to its original position, as Earth begins suand will find that the assembled portions of that strand begin to disassem-
to shift out of direct alignment with the Holographic Beam and Tara's grid. ble.
After a three-day period Earth returns to its HU-l time cycle and the time When Earth returns to its time cycle in the particle universe, the ener-
warp portal between 0-2 and 0-5 begins its five-year closing period, and the getic imprint of the fifth DNA strand will remain in their bio-energetic field,
portals between 0-9, D-8 and D-7 close. The grids of Earth and Tara begin and will manifest within their anti-particle double on parallel Earth, but the
their five-year period of moving out of alignment with each other, and Earth's fifth strand will no longer manifest into the person's operational gene code.
overtone particles remain within the Photon Belt. Normally Earth's overtone The Halls of Amenti will no longer be passable for such individuals until the
particles would remain within the Phoron Belt for 2213 years, until the next fifth strand slowly assembles over the course of the next several incamational
morphogenetic wave, when the base-tone particles would also enter the Pho- cycles within HU-l. These individuals will be stuck in the HU-I incarna-
ton Belt and Earth would shift fully into the HU-2, 0-4 time cycle to begin tiona! cycles until they can built the fifth strand or until the next morphoge-
another 26,SS6-year Harmonic Time cycle. netic wave period 2213 years later, whichever comes first. The Halls of
Amenti will remain passable only to those who organicaHy possessed the fifth
~NA strand imprint. The IO-year period, starting five years before and end-
Ing five years after the half-cycle point, allows the races the opportunity for
an evolutionary leap in time. This opportunity occurs only twice in a 26,556-
year cycle, during the second ascension cycle. During this period many

116 117
, \ 'h' rh D-3 time cycle of [he parallel universe. The
Id be takmg p ace Wit m e . I
human souls, who cannot fu lly assemble the fifth strand while embodied, but wo~ . cle of parallel anti-particle Earth is, in reality, the same time cyc e
have assembled the fourth strand, choose CO drop their physical bodies, SO (Y time ~ dimension cycle in the particle universe. Thus hu~ posse~ing
they may rapidly assemble 0-5 frequency into the ir morphogenetic field from as the fou 'b ' I-res would find themselves on Earth entenng the time
0-4. Such individuals will ascend to Tara as soul essence from 0-4, so they do d range VI ranona "'. h h h
tfIl - of the fourth dimension for a period of five years. Humans w 0 av~ t . e
not have to continue incarnational cycles in HU-l.Thcre arc frequently
localized disaster events during these periods through which masses of people
c~de vibration rates will enter hyper-space men re-appear on ~rth.wlt~lln
highest H 'Un',verse up HU-2 which constitutes a posltton III nme
die and leave their bodies at one time. The events may appear tragic from an h next armontC " " 1 1 fi d
r 5' ' h f rur. Humans with the highest vibranon rates WI n
earthly perspective, bitt from the so1l1 perspective participation in these events is 5"'32. years III t e u . .' .
planned in order ro carch the morphogenetiC wave and ascend. ~ lves traveling through time, experientially either by portal passa.ge or vlt
t elflSC fe to the future paraUei Earth of HU-2. The future Earth and Its pa~ -
During the five-year period prior to the half-pOint in the cycle, when
Earth and Tara shift into the fourth-dimensional frequency bands, the part of ~~t~:;U~2 represent the planet Tara and its ~ouble, at a rint in time 225 mll-
Earth's particles that vibrate/pulsate at D-5 speed, begin to fuUy transmute . ears in the future from the lime of Tara s cataclysm. . .
and appear on Tara, within the time cycles of HU-2. The highest vibrating hon y Normally, within five years following the half-poLnt morphogen~uc
particles emer hyper-space and re-appear in the future. The portions of ve crest the overtone particles of Earth will have entered the HU-2 time
wa 1 Du'ring the morphogenetic wave 2213 years in the future, at the natu
Earth's particles that pulsate the slowest fall further in vibration at the release
of the higher pulsating particles and drop into the Unified Field of the base- Cyt ~~se of the ascension cycle, the remaining base-tone particles Eart f tf h
tone frequency patterns of D-l. The slowest vibrating particles break apart :o~ld transmute in the same manner. Earth would shift complete y oft ~
their fonn construction and re-appear as part of the Earth's particle-base in HU-l and fully enter the D-4 time cycle, the firs t 4.426-year cYlcl~ 0 I~ ~
the past, at a time period in the beginning of the present 26,556-year cycle. ' HU 2 Th',s natural close of an ascension cyc e tS ca e
26 556-year cyc Ie III U2 . I
The particles pulsating at a middle range rate of speed enter the faster time
th~ Doreadeshi. Earth's natural shift from the HU-l to ~hf H f tL~e ~r~ ~~i
cycle of D-4 for five years, then return to their original time cycle in H U-l to uId normally occur in twO stages. The overtone partlc es 0 art s . 1
complete the remaining 2213 years of the ascension cycle. The mid-range ;hoe mo hogenetic wave at the half-cycle point, and the .base-tone partlc es
vibration particles appear within the present time continuum in the parallel of Eart~hift 2213 years later, in the second morphogenetic w~~\at :~e.clo~
anti-particle universe (which is the same time continuum as the D-4 cycle in of the c de. At that point the full particle base of Ea~th wou e ::.tattone
the particle universe), then after five years return to their o riginal present D- in HU-i. having evolved through dimensional ascensL~n, ou~ of H~-I. ~7~
J HU~ 1 time continuum. .I sed of overtone frequencies undergo thiS trans ormation
What this process constitutes in terms of the human perspective, is the ~:;L~h~~~;:~e ascension cycle, and the particles composed ~fbase-~one fre-
opening up of three tracks of time, or three time continua, during the lO-year quencies follow suit, 2213 years later, at the end of the ascension cyc e.
period surrounding the half-point within the second ascension cycle. Human The Sphere of Amenti, Halls of Amenti,
beings and their consciousness are made up of energy particles. As Earth under- the Blue Flame and Human Evolution .
goes this particle separation, transmutation and dimensional transfer, the ener- The complex processes of particle mechanics, morphogenel~\\'~des
getic structures of human biology and consciousness also undergo this and time cycles that we have just outlined, represent th~ natura I . e~
transformation via the make up of their particle content. Humans possessing
the slowest vibration rates would find their consciousness fragmenting into the dynamics of planetary dimension~llascensi~nt~7sd t:c:~ol~tt~~e o~e~~~~~~~:P
ness through time. An essentla part 0 P . f the
distant past and their body fonn returning to the unified field of the nrst dimen- between these multidimensional energy mechanics and t~e opera~o~i~g the
sion. Not to worry, however, as the collective race consciousness now vibrates Sphere of Amenti. For the Halls of Amenti to open to t e races u
high enough, thanks to the efforts of visiting guardian races, so humans would
not experience this evolutionary digression into D-l in the event of a morpho-
f he rs tiv~ of HU-l ,"mh time. HU-
genetic wave. I. Cataclysm occurred 550 million years ~go ~m t pef :IutiOnary distanCe covered, but
Humans possessing mid-range vibration rates, which is presently the Z time cycles are the same amount of timc In tcr S 0 ce block of time in half the number
they move twice as faSL. 04 time cycles covkr ~ S<lu: h 0-3 cycle. Thus 550 Inill.ion
majority of the population, would normally nnd themselves within the present of years it would take to complete\that bloc o'2Se ~Ui~neyearson Tara in the 0-4 ume
time continuum, where things look the same, but this continuum, in actuality, years on E..1Tth in the 0-3 time q'c c represents ml

- In
UNA and (he HalLs oj Amend

to-year time warp/dimensional blend period surrounding the half-cycle the human races repeatedly ended up returning to the start of the 26,556-year
point, the Earth grid vibration must raise high enough to spark/open the Arc HU-l cycle.
of the Covenant. The Sphere of Ament i must descend through the Arc into Since 840,000 years ago, when the guardian races from HU-2 and above
Earth's 0-2 core, and the Sphere must have its 12-year period of disbursing its
crea ted the Arc of the Covenant, they have watched,.
waited, nurtured,
frequencies through the Earth grid, before the grids of Earth and Tara begin .ded assisted and prayed (yes, prayed!) for the time to come wh enh l
t e ost
to intersect five years prior to the half-point. The Blue Flame Staff of gU lls ~f Tara could return home from their long and troubled evolutionary
Amenti, Earth's portion of Tara's 0-5 morphogenetic field, allows Earth's grid ~~mey on Earth. They did !his because )'our race was loved. T~e~ have waited
to merge with Tara's in 0-4. If the Blue Flame is nO[ embodied on Earth when rhe patiently for the distant time when Earth, and the 11 othcr mlssmg fragments
grids begin w intersect, the infusion of 0-5 energy from Tara's grid and the Holo_ of Tara, could be returned into Tara's energetic body, so Tara herself could
graphic Beam cannot nm through Earth's grid during the crest of the morphogenetic ascend. Great wars have been fought and great catastrophes endured to
wave. In slIch a case the Earth's grid cannot link with Tara's to receive the secure your species' right to evolve, and to uphold and. protect t~e Covenant
energy infusion, SO Tara's grid will link with whatever planetary core the Blue of Palaidor, through which the integrity of your species' evolutionary blue-
Flame is stored within. The fifth-dimensiona l energy infusion wou ld then print is ensured. . .
pass down from that planet, through the energy spiral of the Holographic Can you understand how important the next morphogenetic wave Will
Beam and remain within the overtone panicles of Earth, unable to pass into be in relation to the evolution of Earth and the souls who continue to repeat-
Earth's base-tone panicles and grid. In this case Earch and the races would be edly incarnate there? The next morphogenetic wave i~ yo.ur pr.esent 26,.55~
trapped for another 26,556 years within HU- I, the mass assembly of the fifth year cycle is your potential ticket to freedom, after bemg Imprisoned wlthm
DNA strand would not occur, and the majority of Earth's people would have the illusion ofHU- l matter for over 200,000 years. If you are unable to utilize
to reincarnate into HU-l until the next morphogenetic wave. This is only that potential, you witl sentence yourselves to yet an~ther 26,556 years in the
the beginning of the problems that would occur if the Blue Flame were not prison of your Earth school, if your planet could surv ive long enough to com,
embodied on Earth during the time of grid intersection. plete its next cycle.
If the Earth grid could nOt link with Tara's, the Earth grid speed would
slow in vibration due to the excessive particle content that it could not
release through the first morphogenetic wave. After 2,213 years had passed
and the final morphogenetic wave of the cycle was due, the Earth grid vibra- We are taking great pains to explain the dynamics of morphogenetic waves
tion would be tOO low to hold the Sphere of Amenti and the Blue Flame, so to you because you are presently within the second ascension cycle of your
the grids of Earth and Tara again would be unable to merge. At the close of 26,566-year Harmonic TIme Cycle.
the ascension cycle Earth's excessive panicle content and density would The ascension cycle began 2194 years ago in 196 BC.
make its grid speed and particle pulsation rate slow to the speed of the 0-1
frequency bands. Earth would plunge from the sixth, and final, 0-3 time con- The half-point in your current time cycle is 2017 AD.
tinuum cycle in HU-l, back into the First 0-1 time cont inuum cycle, ofHU- You have 19 years before
1. From this 0-1 position, Earth would have to evolve through another the first morphogenetic wave of this cycle completes its crest.
26,556-year Harmonic TIme cycle in HU-I, before having another opportu-
nity to ascend to HU-2. Do you think you will be ready?
As you can perhaps now see, it is very important that the Sphere of
Amenti is appropriately placed in Earrh's core, and the Blue Flame success- If the Guardian races had not intervened.
fully embodies, during the half-point in the second ascension cycle. If this your planet would not have made it this far.
process does not occur, the Earth becomes trapped in HU-l time. This digres-
sion and repetition of HU-I time cycles has occurred seven times in thc past
of Earth's evolution. Earth is presently within its eighth repetition of the
26,556-year Harmonic TIme cycle in HU-I. Earth's evollilion has been sUlntcd
within the HU~l rime cycle for nearly 212,448 years. Though some progress waS
made in dimensional ascension at several different points in time, Earth and
to take over Eanh's territory. The Dmcos, being created as a hybrid race of
Drakonian and human genetic structure about one million years ago on
Earth, feel dominion of Earth is their binhright, as Earth is their planet of ori-
gin. The Dracos are Earthlings who were banned from their home planet
Earth, and exi led to the Orion star system one million years ago. The Zeta/
Zephelium races were involved with Atlantean and Atlanian Earth cultures,
and for a time colonized Mars. Both groups share a common interest in pos-
sessing Earth to facilitate the continuation of their races' evolution.
Countdown to Amenti The Zetas' origi nal plan was born out of their need to retain control of
a future human society. In the future of Earth, between 4230 AD and 6443
AD, the Zeta/Dracos all iance has successfully overtaken the human world
culture in that time period. This time period takes place within the First
Several events have occurred during the last 98 years of your evoluf ascension cycle time continuum of Tara's 26,556-year Hannonic Time cycle,
char could h,ave drastically altered the course of your history. One such ev:~~ the natural path of evolution into which Earth would next evolve to become
took place In th~ early 19005, w,hich was repeated again in 1982. During Tara, following completion of its present cycle in 4230 AD. The Sixth Root
bot~ of th~se penods large asterOId masses came into alignment with Earth's Race Muvarians and descendants of the present human races live there now
orbIt,. and If rhey ~lad not been destroyed or diverted in deep space by intcrdi. in a Zeta-ruled society, controlled by Frequency Fence and Holographic
menslona[ Guardian fleets, before they entered your solar system conditio . Insert technology. These events aTe taking place now, in dult future time-space
supportive of life ?n Earth would have been destroyed. Because ~ou were ~~ coordinate. III order for the Zetas to retain comrol oller that society, they halle trav-
close t,o t~e commg 2017 AD morphogenetic wave, and the potentials of eled backward through time to Earth's present. Humanity's upcoming opportu-
ascension It holds, numerous Guardian races petitioned the Azurite Council nity for accelerated evolution between 2012-2017 AD poses a direct threat
~Iohim and Ra Confederacy on your behalf, to allow non-direct interventio~ to the Zetas' ability to retain control of that society. If 8% of present day
In Ear~h's affairs. Permission was granted. On the firsc occasion in 1906, the humans are able to successfully take this evolutionary leap, the humans of
asteroid was destroyed, and only ponions of its debris bombarded Earth's sur- 4230 AD-6443 AD will be set free from the Zeta Collective Mind Frequency
f~ce. O n t.he second occasion, in 1982, the asteroid was broken into twO Fence through which they are presently controlled in their space-time coor-
p~eces and Its p~th was diverted using electromagnetic, Keylontic technolo- dinate. The Zetas do not want this {o occur.
gies. The asteroids are the least of the problems you have encountered within The Zetas' original Earth agenda involved first creating Zeta-human
your current century. hybrid strains that could comfortably thrive on Earth. In the second phase of
their plan, they intended to make sure that the grids of Earth and Tara did
RECENT HISTORY not merge during the 2012-2017 half-cycle point. By stopping this event,
Eanh would remain trapped in HU-l for another 26,556-year cycle, and the
The Original Zeta Agenda and the Zeta Seal human populations could not accelerate their evolution and activate their
1926 AD - 6643 AD fifth DNA strand. If the Zetas could keep Earth in the HU-l time band and
In 1926 time trave.ling members of the Zeta/Zephelium races, originally gain control of the planet here, they would insure the continuation of their
from the planet Apaxetn-Lau began interacting with private factions within fu ture stronghold on D-4 Tara-Earth. If Earth successfully merged with Tara
several Earth governments. The Zeta agenda is discussed in earlier chapters. between 2012-2017, and the morphogenetic wave allowed fifth-dimensional
In recent years the Zetas conducted several projects that had a highly detri- frequency to move through Earth's grid, the Frequency Fence through which
ment~1 ~ffect upo~ the vibration rate of Earth's grid and which damaged the DA Zeta controlled their human populations would be released . If ascen~
Ear~h s blo-energenc fields. If cite Sirian Council had nO( imeroened, Earth's pop_ sion of Earth humans could be stopped by 2012, the Zetas could retain con-
ulanons w?uld have been ,deCimated between 1972 and 1974, and Earth would trol of their 0-4 holding. If humans began ascension to the D-4 time cycles
have expenenced a pole shift dUring the mid~ 19805. The Zetas and their Dracos of Tara, their assembled fifth-strand DNA imprint would correct the 0-4
(Drakon-human hybrid) and Rutilia (Zeta-Dracos hybrid) accomplices desire DNA mutation the Zetas used to keep their humans under the Frequency
Fence. Humans in the D-4 time cycle wou ld be set free if 8% of the 0-3
122 123
humans of Earth .ac~ivated their fifth DNA strand. These present~day humans human behavior has been directly influenced on subconscious and subliminal
would correct, wlthm the race morphogenetic field of the Sphere of Amenti levels, by the Brainwashing Program that is broadcast by the Zeta Collective
the Zeta-created D-4/founh-DNA strand distortion that keeps the futur~ Mind Complex , from th is future time period. This influence has played a
humans controlled. By ascen.ding through Amend, humans with activated major role in the development of human cultures since that time.
fifth ~NA strands would realtgn the morphogenetic field of the futu re rac es_ If these circumstances had been left to evolve unabated, the entire
reversmg the genetic mutat ion the Zetas usc to control the future humans. , human race would now be under the mental control of the Zeta Collective
In this future period, Muvarians and descendants of present huma Mind, and Earth's vibmtion would have dropped roo low to hold the Sphere
~aces are. kept from ascension and evolution to higher consciousness an~ of Amenti for the 2017 half-point. The Zetas would not have had to do any-
Immortality by a seal the Zetas placed with in their fourth DNA strand. The thing [Q stop the grids of Tara and Earth from merging, as this would have
Zeta Seal stopped the fifth DNA strand from plugging into the lower strands been a natural consequence of the effects of their Frequency Fence in the
so these future sou l essences are trapped within Tam's First time cycle in th~ future. In 1902 Guardian groups intervened and began "poking holes" in
~-4 as~ral planes. As long as the future races carry this fourth strand DNA Earth's Zeta Frequency Fence by orchestrating astral-body realignments from
dIstortion, humans on Earth will also carry this distortion of the fourth DNA D-4, on various portions of the human population. The astral-body real ign-
~trand, and they will be unable to evolve past that D-4 time cycle. The Zetas ments repaired the fourth DNA strand and added the fifth strand imprint to
mfiltrated the D-4 future time continuum about 400 years ago in Earth time these groups of humans, progressively bringing the corrected fourth strand
and successfully implemented the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence there about 250 imprint back into the Earth's morphogenetic field. When at least 8% of
years ago. The Zeta Seal and Frequency Fence have thus manifested within Earth's populations carried the corrected imprint, the Earth's morphogenetic
the present-day human genetic pool and within Earth's morphogenetic field field would realign and the morphogenetic fie ld of Tara-Earth in the future
for the .past 250 years, since abollt 1748 AD. All human souls incarnating o~ would follow suit and begin realigning. Through this astral involvement
Earth since 1748 AD have the Zeta-Seal distortion within their fourth DNA with humans, the Guardians were able to begin dismantling the Frequency
~tran.d. As your life span is present ly only about 75-100 years long, this Fence on Earth and on Tara-Earth. In 1986, Earth populations carrying the
I~p!tes thal all people on )'OUT planet at mis rime carry me Zew Seal generic mUla- re-aligned fourth DNA imprint peaked at 8%, and the Zetas' Frequency
tion. Fence on Earth deteriorated. The TaraEarth Frequency Fence of the future
The second base tone and second and third overtones of the fourth DNA also began to unravel, and the Zetas began los ing control over their future
strand were unable to manifest in the operational DNA, because these fre- human populations.
quency patrerns were taken out of the morphogenetic field of Tara-Earth in The Zetas began interacting directly with Earth's present cultures in
that future time period, in order to create the Frequency Fence, This block. 1926, in order to survey the effecrs of Guardian intervention on their Fre
age within the future Earth's morphogenetic field also caused blockage of quency Fence, and to monitor the progression of the fourth- strand mutation
the~e frequencies in your Earth morphogenetic field in 1748, a distortion within the human DNA. They were aware of the upcoming half-point
whIch then manifested within the human gene code as souls from Amenti ascension cycle and that their Frequency Fence would be collapsing at some
passed through the S,rch's morphogenetic field to birth on Earth. This mor- point before 2012. The Zetas knew that they would have to reconstruct the
phogenetic distortion of Earth, created by Zeta manipulation in the future, Frequency Fence and take action to prevent Earth's grid from receiving its
has created a hidden Zeta Frequency Fence on Earth since 1748. scheduled infusion of 0-5 through 0-9 frequency. They decided they would
The fourth DNA strand mmarion has created an unnatural blockaoe create Zeta-human hybrids, which possessed mutated fourth-strand genetic
benveen. the higher self aspect of identity (the portion of personal identi~ codes, to repopulate the Earth following 2017. After the hybrids were cre-
focused III the UHF bands of 0-3) and the D-4 astral awareness. This block- ated, and their Frequency Fence on Earth was reconstructed, they planned to
age man ifests as greater frag mentation within the dream state, difficulty in eradicate all races carrying the realigned fourth and fifth DNA strand
orchestrating and remembering astrali'ouc-of.body" travel, an unnatural imprint, by using Hologmphic Insert technology to vaporize the unwanted
blockage wilhin the fourth chaha, repression of the naruml intuitive senses specimens by passing them through UHF portals. In order to maintain con
and an inability to fully assemble the fourth DNA stmnd, The Zeta Fre- trol of their stronghold in the future, the Zetas returned to the past (Earth's
quency Fence on Earth made it easy for the Zetas to directly influence human recent past and present) to create the structures that would hold thei r control
behavior, as it connected the human DNA directly into the Zeta Collective of future populations in place. They began physica l infiltration of Earth
Mind complex that controlled the populations in the future. Since 1748, between World Wars I and II. Working with the Allied Govemments in

124 125
---- -_ ..._._- - .----
World War II, they formed covert agreements that would allow them to COn_
duct experimentation on the human populations in order (Q begin the Cre_ Earth's D-l Merkaba Field is located deep within the Earth's core. It
. ts as a minute crystal encascd in elemental iron and serves to ground
ation of hybrids (Q replenish their declining race and through which they
could take over Earth after 2017. The covert human Majestic 12 (MJ-12 )
Earth's morphogenetic field into H U - 1. S urroun d IS !Ton c?rc crysta I 0 f
. m~ t h
D-1 is the D-2 Merkaba Field, which is located wlthm t~e ~rt~ s core at th.e
group was formed within the Allied h uman governments at rhis rime, to
secretly oversee treaties they fonnalized with the Zetas. The Zetas then D-2 frequency level and serves t~ hold thc morph?genettc Impnnt and partl-
I base of Earth in place. Earth s 0-3 Merkaba Field extends about 444,000
began the next phase of their plan, a scheme of which MJ-12 knew nothing.
c ~Iesout into space and serves to hold Earth's atmosphere in place. (The
During the late 1930s and early 1940s, the Zetas began the ir hybridiza_
rion program, then turned their attention toward reconstruction of the Fre_
~~Ie in Earth's ozone layer represents a disruptio n within Earth's 0-3 Merk-
quency Fence and stopping the grid merge of Earth and Tara scheduled fOr aba Field). .. .
The D~4 Merkaba Field of Earth eXists as a mmute crystal encased 10 c1e-
2012-2017. The Zetas possess the knowledge and technology that would
mental gold, wh ich is presently located within a black hole at ~he center of
allow them to misalign the electromagnetic fields of Earth and Tara, so the
Earth's Sun at the 0-4 frequency level. It serves to groun.d ~ara s morphoge-
planetary grids could not begin to merge in 2012. They understand the elec_
netic field (portions of which are presently scattered wlthm the planetary
tromagnetic relationships between Earth's planetary energetic fields and
cores of your solar system) into HU-2, and also connects the planets of your
those of the Sun. With this understanding, they devised a plan to shift the
solar system in HU-l to Tara's D-5 core in HU-2.
electromagnetic field s of Earth and Tara by altering the electromagnetic fie lds
Tara-Earth's 0-5 Merkaba Field surrounds the D-4 gold crystal at the
of Earth's Sun. Before exploring the Zetas' manipulation of the Sun, let us
Sun's core at rhe level of fifth -dimensional frequency, and thus y.our Sun and
review a brief lesson in the mechanics of multidimensional, electromagnetic
r lar system are encased within (his fifth-dimensional Merkaba Field. The. D-
Merkaba Field serves to hold Tara-Earth's morphogenetic held and parttcle
base in place.
Tara-Earth's D-6 Merkaba field extends thousands of miles out from Tara-
Metkaba Field Mechanics Earth into outer space in HU-2, at the sixth-dimensional fre~ue.ncy level. It
All planetary spheres possess sets of counter-rotating electromagnetic serves to keep Tara's atmosphere in place and encompasses wlthm I ts en.e~gy
fields, within and surrounding the planetary body. In the firST-d imensional field HU-2 planet Tara, the planets of Tara's solar system, the planets orb~t ~ng
frequency bands, Earth has a magnetic spiral of energy composed of rhe 12 around Alcyone in the Pleiades in HU-l and all of the planets o rhltmg
base tone frequency patterns of 0-1. This counter-clockwise ro tating mag- around Earth's Sun in HU-l. The multidimensional structures of planetary
netic Spir'dl pulls energy transmitted by the Sun into the 0-1 portion of Merkaba Fields are referred to as Stellar Spirals. They represent vast con-
Earth's morphogenetic field, Earth's D-l Iron Core C rystal. Earth also has a structs of electromagnetic energy through which all planetary systems in the
clockwise-rOtating, electrical, 0-1 energy spiral composed of the 12 overtone IS~dimens iona l galaxy are energetical ly connected.
frequency patterns of 0-1. The electrical spiral transmits energy from the 0-1 The Mcrkaha Fields of the higher dimensions encompass the Merkaba
portion of Eanh's morphogenetic field downward, where the energy is then Fields of the lower dimensions and all maner forms contained within them.
picked up by the 0-1 magnetic spiral of the Sun. A planetary sphere has such The frequencies of the 15 smaller-dimensional Merkaba ~ields. combine to
a set of coumer-rotating electromagnetic spirals within each dimensional fre- fonn larger Harmonic Universe Merkaha Fields. Harmomc Umverse Mer~
quency band. The two spirals fonn nvo pyramidal shaped energy constructs, aba Fields combine to form the largest Merkaba Field, the Meta-galactiC
and the magnetic spiral is inverted within the upright e lectrical spiral. The Merkaba Field . The Meta-galactic Merkaba Field is composed of a 15-
collective construction of the two energy fields is that of a Star tetrahedron , dimensional, inverted, counterclockwise spiraling magnetic field and a.n
and this structure is referred to as a Merkaba Field. Every planet, object and upright, IS-dimensional clockwise spiraling electrical fi~ld. The magnetic
person has such a Merkaba Field within each of the IS-dimensional bands. It spiral extends from 0-1 upward through the M.era-galaCtic Core at 0-8 an~
is the energy construct through which energetic substance emerges from and into the 15th dimension. Thi s spiral of magnetic energy serves to draw elec
returns to the morphogenetic field, the Structure through which energy and trical energy from the anti-particle universe through the dimensional f~r
consc iousness enter and leave manifestation. phogenetic fie lds in D-9 through 0-15, into dimensions 1 throug~ 7
panicle universe, then back into the Meta-galactic Cor~. The elec~l.ca sb~~
t~ ~

extends from 0-15, downward through the Meta-galactic Core an \Oto .

their D. l Merkaba Fields, which exist within the core of ~ach .planet and col
The electrical spiral serves to transmit electrical energy from the Metagalac. . 1y ma n,'est your Sun When viewed from the Vibration level of the
tic ~re, im~ the .ami.particle universe, rhrough the morphogenetic fields, \ec tlve 0<
I ""
irel dimension, which is where your cO~IOt~ness.an.d Instruments are pres
then mto dimensions 1- 7 of the particle universe. These are ,he eoer d> I ' sed the D.l Merkaba Fields which eXISt wlthm the core of Earth and
mechanics through which the universe is perpetually sltstained. The Zetas a~ ent Yloc u , .' . S
the loeal planets, and which are wlthm the core of the un, appear to.
~ware of these energy mechanics, which gives them a tremendous technolog~ ide of the planets many miles away in outer space. You arc dealmg
Ical advantage over present.day human technological capability. The energy at ed outs
loc.rb . the same space, bur appear to
' that take place m
multi layered reality fields
~c~nics of the Merkaba Fie~ holographically creates the percepuu:dlexperientiaJ
: separated due to the relationship between particle pulsation rhythm and
illusIOns of matter, space and time through the refraction of energy particles. The
r~iry ~hind. this illusion is ~n et~ Unified Field of energy within which everj. angular rotation of particle spin. . .
The perceivable experience of movement, ~assll~g tI~e, matter, space,
th~T1g :esldes, and. o~~ of whICh all thmgs are composed. The following example
. e between objects and separation of forms IS an IllUSiOn created by the
Will give you some Idea of how that holographic projection tricks human per. d \Stanc . f 1 d 1
ceptions into the experience of space, time and matter. dmensional holog<aphic refraction a partlC es an ann'partlc es,
\1lUU 1 1 , 1
h h pulsate and spin at varying speeds and angular rotations m re atlon to
Agartha ;ac~ ocher. The motJelTlent of particles itself is a holographic illusion; move~em
The civilizations of Agartha, the Inner Earth, which exist in a frequency
! "'pears 10 be such when consciousness views itselfe through the layered pnsms
modulation zone between Earth and its paralleluniverse double, between D.3 of multidimensional order. It will be cenrurie~ b
on)">, f . be
ore your sclen~lsts gm to
and D4 time bands, actually exist at the core of Earth's Sun, within the 3.5. comprehend these facts of reality con.structton. HO\:evcr,. whtle yo~r con
dimensional frequency level. Particles in the D3.5 vibration spin at a 22.5' sciousness is focllsed within the muluple layers of dimensIOnal realtty, the
reverse angular rotation to the particles in D3 (Eanh's atmosphere) and at a concepts of space, time, matter and movement will i~deed appear t.o apply, so
22.5- angular rotation to the particles in D4. (D4 particles spin at a 45 ' we will continue our discussion fo llowing that paradigm of perception . .
reverse angular rotation to 03 particles). The gold core crystal of TaraEanh's You can begin to stretch your perceptual and conceptual fields by s~mply
D4 Merkaha Field appears as a Sun to those of the Inner Earth. This 03.5 {Xlndering the following concepts and allowing your intuitive senses to bnng to
area is called the Inner Earth because one must travel through the Earth's you a sensed cognition of these realities of which we speak. When you l~k at
external portals, downward through the Earth into the 02 Earth morphoge your Sun from the third dimension, you are seeing the 01 Merkaba ~Ield of
netic field, then into the 01 iron core crystal in the center of Eanh (which in Eanh and her sister planets. From the D3 frequency level, when you view the
reality exists inside of the sphere of the Sun) in order to re-emerge within the D.2 Merkaba Field surrounding Earth's iron core crystal, which holds Earth's
03.5 frequency level of the Sun where Agartha exists. Just as the gold core morphogenetic field, it appears to be the solid matter ~akeup of your Earth's
crystal of TaraEarth's 04 Merkaba Field appears as a Sun when viewed from body and elemental/telluric kingdom. From the 03 View, th~ D3 Merkaba
Agartha at the 3.5frequency level, the iron core crystal of Earth's 01 Merkaba Field is the Earth's atmosphere within which your present reality takes place.
Field appears as Earth's Sun when viewed from the D3 frequency level. l What The distance of outer space that you perceive between Earth, the Sun and the
you perceive as the Sun actually represents the iron core crystal Dl Merkaba planets represents the magnetic repulsion zone that separates the 0 -1, D2 and
Fields of the 11 planets plus the Sun in your local solar system. TIlough the D.3 frequency bands ofHU1 from the counterrotating D-4, DS and D6 fre
planets and Sun appear to be externalized from the Earth, in reality, the sub- quency bands of HUl.
stance of the Earth and the local planets exists within the energetic substance All dimensions exist in the same space, but seem to operate separately due
of what you perceive as the Sun. (As your Sun is actually the eighth star within to the particle pulsation rates of which they ar: compo~d. Pa,:icle pulsatiO~
the Pleiadian system, your Sun and its contents are likewise contained within rates are created by the degrees of angular rotation at which particles and.ann.
the energetic substance of Alcyone, the central sun of the Pleiades.) Your 02 panicles spin in relation to each other. In one universe there are 15 pnmary
teUuric/elemental and D3 atmospheric Earth, and those levels of the planets in dimensional bands. Dimensional frequency bands group in sets of 3, and each
your local solar system, are in reality orbiting around the iron core crystals of
set of three dimenSions represents a H a U'
nnomc Olverse . Thus there are five
Harmonic Universes within one ISdimensional Universe. The degree of ~g~.
1at rotation of particle spm Shfits 90 from one dImens , on to the next d'wlthm
L N~te: your present percepHlal field is tJ:1at of [h~ D] frequeoq bands. You are able to per one Harmonic Universe. In each Harmonic Universe containing three Imen
celve the D] frequency bands as mamfest reality hccause your corucioosness is presendy
stationed in 04. 129
._.._.... _------ l
sians, {here are Cwo 90 shifts of the angular rotation of spin between the . d cred in Philadelphia, PA, using a battle ship, the U.S.S. Eldridge . The
des. Between one Hannonic Universe and the next there is a 45 0 pattl_ u t became known as the Philadelphia Experiment. We will not detail the
I "f' . . reverse ' Ied
angu ar rotation 0 partIcle Spin. ThiS 45 reverse annular rotation of . I even
periment here, as there are several pubhs 1 accoums 0 flt liS
" event, but we
" M" R L partlce
~ Id like you to understand the Zetas' motivation for instigating this
spm creates a agnetlc epulSion Zone, or "void" between Harmon ' U"
verses, wh1"ch keeps t he rea I'I ty fields contained there within separated
f 0\- wr~~ec(. The Zetas knew that in creating such an ex~riment, which util.ized
each ,other. These Ma?netic Repulsion Zones arc what you perceive as: Phe creation of an external, manufactured Merkaba FIeld, that the functions
seemmgly e~dless vest1~es of ,outer space. Through this struCture of relative ~f Earth's natural Merkaba Fields would be disrupted: They failed to"s~a~e
angular rotations of particle spm, the h olographic illusions of multidimens" I this knowledge with the U.S. government. The experiment created a np In
I" . lana
rea Ity, matter, time, ~pace, mo.ve~ent and individuation of (oml are perpetu. pace-time," or a tear in the natural Merkaba Fields, which served as a dimen-
ally created and sustamed. TIllS WIU conclude our brief introductory lessa " :ional warp through which the Zetas could secretly pass their ships to Earth
mu In"d"llnl!t1SIOna " we hope we have provided some interesting ideasnm
" I pIlySICS; for from their 0-4 future location. Using this rip in space-time, the Zetas were
your more courageous scientisrs to explore. able ( 0 transport large numbers of their spacecraft , undetected by human
observation, into Earth's D-2 Merkaba Field, and, from there, the ships could
THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT AND SOLAR CRISIS be used (0 broadcast specific electromagnetic pulses directly into Earth's 0-1
Merkaba Field at the center of the Sun.
The Philadelphia Experiment 1943 Because the Earth is directly connected to Sun through the Stellar
We will now resume our discussion of the Zetas plan to stop the merger of Spirals of the multidimensional Merkaba Fields, the Zetas knew they could
Earth a~d ~ara's grid and what they did to the Sun in 1943 that almost caused misalign the grids of Earth and Tara by manipulating the Merkaba Fields of
the extmctlon of the human IX>pularion on Earth in the 1970s. the Sun. They desired to create a Frequency Fence on Earth that would cause
The Zetas determined chat in order [0 retain control of the human soci- the grids of Earth and Tara to repel each other in 2012. Earth would be
ety.within the future space-time coordinates where rhey had successfully unable to receive its infusion of 0-5 frequency, which would stOp the lifth
acllleved dominion over Tara-Earth's territories in the D-4 time cycle, they DNA strand imprint from manifesting in the races and keep Earth trapped
~ad to stop the fifth DNA strand from manifesting within the human popula. within HU-l for another 26,556-year cycle. They also knew that such a Fre-
nons ?f present-day Earth. Re-alignment of the fourth DNA strand by quency Fence, applied during the half-point in the second ascension cycle,
Gu.ardlan groups ha~ broken down their D-4 Frequency Fence and they were would cause a pole shift on Earth, creating cataclysmic changes on Earth,
loslOg control of their human subjects in the future. If the fifth DNA strand wiping out the maj ority of the populations, once the environment had re-sta-
activ~tcd .with.in 8% of Earth's present human populations, the race Morpho- bilized, the Zetas and Dracos planned to claim Earth's territories as their own.
genetic Flcld 10 the Sphere of Amenti would realign the Frequency Fence The covert human government had no idea of the Zetas' real plan when they
distortions i~ the g~ids of Earth and Tara, and the Zetas' Frequency Fence and entered treaties with them during \VW2, and they still do not know the extent w
Zeta Collectl~e MlIld C?mplex in D-4 would be destroyed. The upcoming which they have been manipulated by the Zetas. The Interior Government was
morphogenetIc wave penod of2012-2017 in Earth's present time cycle would not aware of the dire consequerlces that could have resulted from these
allow all Earth humans to begin assembly of their fifth DNA strand and the actions. Violation of human rights through covert forced alxluctions of citi-
D-4/srrand-four Zeta Seal wou ld be released in all humans. After 2017 the zens for hybridization experimentation was the least of rhe (roubles created
Zetas wo uld totally lose control of the future human populations, if they did by the Zetas' involvement. In 1943 the Zetas used the opportunity presented
not stop the fifth DN A strand from activating within Earth humans and stOP by the Philadelphia Experiment to begin their plan of shifting the Earth's grid
the present Earth grid from receiving its scheduled infusion of fifth to ninth- OUt of alignment with Tara via manipulating rhe energy fields of the Sun. To
dimensional frequencies. {he present day, the Interior G overnment does not realize that it was this
From the beginni ng of their involvement with the covert human gov- eVent which triggered abnonnal activ ity on the Sun between 1949 and 1972,
ernments, the Zetas held this secret agenda of Earth infiltration. When they activity which had some of Earth's scientific community very concerned
offered the Allied Governmenrs techno logical information that hel d theOl about the probability of a major pole shift occurring sometime during the
win World War II, the Zetas had ulterior motives. In 1943 the Zet: offered 19705 Or 1980s. The Merkaba Fields of the Earth, the Sun and Tara are inti-
the U.S. Navy a rudimentary technology that would allow them to make mately intertwined with each other and with the Pleiad ian star system and
objects appear invisible. On August 12th, 1943 the experiment was con-

130 131
..... v ...... ' '-" ...................... / ......... ;

others, so fOllowing 1943 the Zetas plan brought many different Guardian
groups into Earth 's drama.
ther~ WO~~t hW:an~~: ~;~bout Augu~t~, t~e
Id be h losion on the Sun that would cause
were, by 1972 1984. On 1972
After the rip in space-time was made on August 12th, 1943, the Zetas POle revers..1.1 and w pe Ea h scientists observed a rapid IOcrease In
secretly positioned their spacecraft beneath Earth's surface in the 0-2 fre. I . ns began to occur. rt h h
solar exp OSlO Id h ' h peaked on August 7th, wit t e most
quency bands and began beaming electromagnetic pulses into the Sun. fI s for severa ays, w IC I " th
sOlar are ded Solar winds accelerated at an a armmg rate III e
.t s~ by Earth scientists. Published
Using these EM pulses, the fo llowing effects were created:
intense flare ever recor.
The spin of the base tone particles/magnetic field of the Sun's D-l Merk_ . solar storm ever WI ne f h'
mostunmtenfseh b t'ons can be found in scientific literature rom t IS
aba Field was reversed, which made the Sun's D-l magnetic spiral become tsoteseoserva l A 7h d
e lectrical. This change in the Sun created a reciprocal shift of polarity within !l.cco . The solar winds increased rapidly bet\ve~n ugust . t an
tlTne pertod. h stran ely [he winds began a rapid decrease m speed
the D-l Merkaba Field of Earth. Earth's 0-1 base tone particles/magnetic spi-
August lO~h I~~;~: ae';,earedgto die down in the month that foHowed . ~is
ral became electrical. This, in turn, caused Earth's 0-1 electrical/overtone
particle spira l to reverse and beco me magnetic. Through spacecraft IXlsi. and
was athe SOlea:i~g obser~atiOn
perp to Earth scientists; Utey had no idea that the Sman
tioned with in [he 0-4 frequency bands, the Zeta next reversed the spin on Council had intervened.
the Sun's 04 Merkaba Field, which set the pattern for Tara's grid through
the gold core crysta l at the center of the Sun. The 0 -4 Merkaba Fields of par. SOLAR CRISIS AND 11:11/12:12
t icle and antiparticle Tara were reversed. These actions constitu ted a fuIJ Waveof~flame and Red Pulse .
reversal of Earth's 01 electromagnetic Merkaba Fields, and a partial reversal f 1972 members of the Sirian Council, Sirian-Arctunan
of Tara's 04 electromagnetic Merkaba Fields, putting both out of alignment In January 0 0 fense the Pleiadian Star Leaglle and several
with the Merkaba Fields of 0-2, 03, 0.5 and D.6. Coalition fo~ Interplanetary de h . UHF bands of Earth's atmosphere, aware
Normally, when the grids of Tara and Earth begin to enter a lignment other G uardtan groups entere t e If they had not intervened, Earth's
r h lar events that were to occur.
with each other about five years before the half.cycle poine, the D-l and 0.4 o t e so be.ped t by 1974 When the electromagnetic
Merkaba Fields line up as follows:
poPulat~0~:e;~~u!1 ~:ev~une;r~v~nifi~i~ lly
manipulated, ~uch
as t.hey were ~y
Earth's electrical OVertone spi ral in 0-1 aligns with Tara's base tone mag. Mer~ab ~ 11 . the Philadelphia Experiment, erratic electrical energ ies
netic spiral in D4, and Earth's magnetic base tone spiral in 0.1 a ligns with
Tara's electrical overtone spiral in D.4. ~~~Id :t;w~h~~';~~ Sun's ene<get;c g,;d, th,~~~~gS:~,~~~~~~~'~,~g~=s~
This alignment of 01 electrical to 04 magnetic and D.l magnetic to
D4 electrical creates an interdimensional Resonant Tone through which the
ir;~;:sn~r~:t~r:~~n~:~eC~:~:n:7:~~~~~:~: ~ct;v;ty, wh~~~~:~:~,:I~~~~~~
nates in surface explosions and temporary expansion
planetary grids can fuse. FollOWing the reversal of Tara's 0.4 and Earth's D.l
Merkaha Fields, the new alignment between Earth's and Tara's Merkaba Fields, lasting about 950-97? yea~ The explosions would have
Fie lds became 01 electrical to 04 electrical and 0-1 magnetic to 0.4 mag. I.n 1972, t~e firs t eSxploslo: r~~7t~ ~~~~ the Sun's 0.1 Merkaba Field
netic. The particles, which compose the planetary grids, would magnetically contmueduntllabout eptem r o , .0 of the Sun's DI Merk.

repel each other and the grids of Earth and Tara could not fuse. But this plan wou ld have burst open and ex~anded. The e~p~~s~ ;nergy out through all of
also causes major imbalance within the 02, 03, 0-5 and 0.6 Merkaba aba Field would have sent an mtense wav~.o f energy would cause a
Fields. If the Sirjan COlmcil and Olher Guardian groups had )lor imervelled, me the planets in th~ I~al solar system. T ,lsM:~~:b~ Fields, through which
human POpulations of Earth would halle been vaporized between 1972-1974 . chain reaction wlthm all of the rPlanrfetaT)I'f Id ,.sult Th;s wave of
va~nzaN:; ~ed
d suacelcwou .
By 1950 Earth sc ientists began to notice odd phenomena occurring on IXlle reversal an g a Pulse (red denoting its 0.1 frequency),
expa.nding ~.1 ener : IS c
the Sun, as the Sun appeared to release periodic spirals of energy toward the
Earth. This phenomenon was heaVily observed between 1952 and 1968, and
f I f1
and It constitutes a wave 0 so ar am.e U '
within the 0-1 frequency bands. life _
a Q( surv ive sllch an infu.
' I h First Hannolllc IlIverse c nn
there was great concern that this solar anomaly would alter the wobble of lonns on p anets m t e . Id. lad the molecular structure
Earth upon its axis, creating a pole shift of the planet. Although most of this sion of ULF 01 energy, because It wou hnp e ess those frequencies.
mfonnarion was blacked out of the media and kept from the public, some of before the genetic code could expand eno~g ~o pr~E h life the Guardian
these studies were published in scientific journals and news papers, especially In order to avert the pend~~~ cennlllatl?n a~ter:dt sever~1 layers of the
afrer 1968, when the scientists calculated that if events continued as they races under the direction of the :::itrlan Counttl, A he Red Pulse Wave
morp'hogenetiC fields of Earth and the local p anets. s t
'-'u ..... , '--', ............ , ........ j . I .... . ..

of Flame would be coming in on the electrical overtone 0-1 frequency b cis before the 2012~2017 ascension cycle. FoUow.jng the even~ of 1943.-.1972,
all of {he D-l overtones were temporarily removed from the planera an , tho e_balancing effort would be much more difficult to achieve. Ongtnally
. fi e lds. Th'IS serveo.
p hagenetic .-1
to create a 0-1 sea l around Earth's corery [nOr
h' hiS Guardians planned to slowly accelerate the vibration rate of Earth's grid
ULF of the Red Pulse could not enter Earth's grid or the grids of the' SO,t ,
p Ianers. Next, a frequency seal was placed 'within d:ough occasional infusions of 0-4 ~nergy that would slowly bring the gri~
00ring nelg.
the 0-4 fre h . alignment and correct the pole tilt ovcr the course of about 2,000 years.
hands, in order to block D4 frequencies from entering into Earth's mque~cy ~o occasional energy transmissions began in 196 Be, when Earth entered
genetic field. Once the overtones of D-l were removed, Earth's coreo fd its ~esent 4,426-year cycle. In their original plan the G~ard~ans i~tended. to
not synthesize incoming D-4 frequency, and rhe core would explode COD" raise Earth's grid vibration into the UHF bands of the third dimenSion begm-
, hdbe ,so4
Irequencles a to temporarily blocked from Earth. To create the 04 seal ning in the 1950s, so the first seal on the Arc of the Covenant could be
the first 11 (OU[ of 12) base tones and overtones of D-4 were removed f ' eleased no later than October of 1986. Following the release of the first seal
Earth's morphogenetic field, which meant that Eanh's lower three Me k,obm ~n the A rc, the Sphere of Amenti would begin its 12-14 month descent into
F ld' I raa
Ie s connected With the 0-4 Merkaba Field only at the level o( the 12th Earth's core.
base [One and 12th ovenone .. These morphogenetic manipulations created The Sphere of Amenti had to be in place no later than 1/1/1988 so the
another Fr~quen~y Fence, which served as a protective barrier around Eanh Sphere would be able to fulfill the first I2-year phase of its activation cycle no
and the neighboring planets. I~ energetic terms the 11: 11/12: 12 Frequency later than 2,000 AD. Once the Sphere was fully activated to the 3-dimen-
Fence took the (onn of a sphencal band of energy surrounding Earth, within sionallevel in Earth's 0-2 core, it would cause Earth's grid to send a spark of
~e D-l and D-4 frequency bands-a protective "bubble" of multidimen_ D-5 frequency into the Arc of the Covenant, releasing the second seal on the
sional energy.
Arc. This would begin the I2-year descent of the Blue Flame of Amenti and
. Following the impIememation of the Guardians' Frequency Fence, the shift of Earth from the 0-3 to the D-4 time cycle. The second seal on the
humanity was under three layers of frequency modulation, the original Fre- Arc of the Covenant had to spark open no later than 6/1998 so the shift into
quency Fence Quarantine from 9540 Be, the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence the 0-4 time cycle would begin by 1/1/2000, in order for the Earth's grid to be
from 1748 AD and the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence of 1972. All three of prepared for proper fusion with Tam's grid between 2012-2017. The D-5 fre-
these Frequency Fences would need to be lifted in order for the Blue Flame of quencies of the Blue Flame had to be embodied within the populations of
Amenti to become embodied on Eanh berween 2012 and 2017. As Fre- Earth, no latcr than 5/5/2012, or else Earth changes would result when the
quency Fences are morphogenetic manipulations, they also manifest within grids began to merge.
the DNA imprint of the races. The DNA of 8% of the human populations When the Zetas' Frequency Fence and genetic mutation from the
wou ld have to be realigned and purged of the three Frequency Fence Seals future began affecting Eanh in 1748, creating blockages of the D-4 frequen-
and the remaining mutations from the earlier Amenti, Palaidotian, Templar cies in Earth's morphogenetic field and fourth-strand DNA mutations in the
~nd Templar-Axion Sea ls by January I, 2012. Guardian races began conduct- races, the Guardians began construction of an artificial 0-4 grid imprint
109 mass-level, consensual, soul-agreement alxluctions of humans since 1972, within the Earth's morphogenetic field. They re-entered the aligned D-4 fre-
in order to help humans begin repairing these genetic mutations and also [Q quency pattems into the gold core crysral D-4 Merkaba Field at the center of
begin education on preparation for 2012. Memory repression ~ac[ics were the Sun , which began to restore the D-4 imprint in the Earth's morphoge-
used to spare humanity the terror of faCing events that it was not yet prepared netic field and within the Sphere of AmcntL This allowed the Guardians to
t~ understand. The Zetas had been conducting frequent forced alxluctions continue infusing Earth with D-4 frequency to slowly reverse Earth's unnatu-
since the lare 1940s as part of their hybridization program. They also used ral tilt on its axis. This artificial 0-4 imprint also began the deterioration of
memory repress ion tactics. Guardians did not participate in these forced the Zetas' Frequency Fence and a reverse mutation of the fourth DNA strand.
alxluctions, nor did they participate in intrusive experimentation. The new D-4 imprint manifested as a band of UHF energy surrounding the
When the 11: 11/12:12 Frequency Fence was established in 1972, the OUter portions of the Earth's atmosphere, about 444,000 miles out in space,
Guard ians knew it was a temporary measure to buy the time they needed 10 JUSt beyond the 12th overtone of the third dimension. It allowed human
r~balance the Merkaba Fields of Earth and the Sun. Balancing me MerkabtI consciousness to continue its expansion into 0-4 perception and allowed the
Fields was the most important project in me Guardian agenda. Since 9558 SC, Eanh's infusion of D-4 energy accelerations to continue. This artificial 0-4
when the islands of Atlantis sank and the Earth tilted on her axis the Guard- grid which the Guardians began constructing in 1748, has frequen.dy been
ians knew they would have to assist in realigning the Merkaba Fi~lds of Earth referred to in New Age terminology as the "artificial Christ Consciousness
134 135
I ItC: ,"!UHlUUI'I. J 'UJt:l-~

Grid". This term was chosen because the upper frequency bands of D-4 re the continuing breakdown of their Collective Mind Complex in the 0.-4
resent t~e beginning le.vets of the Turaneusiam 12-strand DNA conscio~~ " cycle and began to realize that the Guardians would correct the mis-
ness, which was exemplified on Earth by Jesheua-12 in 12 BC-27 AD. Whe or rnment " pen"od to proceed as sc he<! -
e ,of the Sun in time for t h e ascension
the problems arose with the Zetas' manipulation of the Sun between 1943~ :I~ Between 1982 and 1984, most members of the Zet~ Legion entered. into
1972, the art ificial 0-4 grid became blocked by the 11:11/12:12 Frequenc ties with the Guardian races, and agreed to stop their plan of Earth tnfil~
Fence. y
~ion. These agreements also included the Zetas from the 0-4 time cycle,
In 1972, the Guardians had to accelerate their whole energy infusio t~o had fallen under domination of the Dracos in that futu re time period.
program in order to reverse t he damage the Zetas had caused, which mean~ The Guardians agreed to relocate the Zeta races and their hybrids to another
that humanity would be put on a course of very rapid evolution between 1972 lanetary system in 0-4, where they could evolve peacefully. as long as the
and 2012. For the artificial 0-4 grid to become operational again, the 11 :11/ ~taS agreed to follow the dictates of the S irian Council and Galactic.Federa-
12:12 Frequency Fence had to be removed, which meant thatthe 0-4 and D. " and to operate upon principles of the Law of One from that .
(lon, . .for-
I Merkaba Fields of the Sun had to be returned to the ir original polarity. This ward. The Zetas were also required to fully dismantle their Collectlve Mtnd
would correct the 0-1 Merkaba Field of Earth and the 0-4 Merkaba Field of Complex in 0-4, to release the Zeta Seal Frequency Fence and to assist the
Tara-Earth so the grids could fuse in 2012, if the Earth grid vibration Was Guardians in preparing Earth and humanity for 2012. Though most of the
raised high enough in time to hold the Sphere of Amenti. Zetas agreed, and began working with the Guardians in 1983, several Zeta
The Earth 's grid had to reach the speed of the UHF bands of 0-3 for the and most Dracos groups refused to release their desire for possession of Earth.
first seal on the Arc of the Covenant to spark and release the Sphere of These groups became known as the Dracos~Zeta Resistance, which included
Amenti by 10/1986. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for the Guardians rebellious Zeta races, Oracos and their hybrids.
to raise Earth's grid speed that high without the infusions of 0-4 energy that The primary Zeta groups that refused Guardian treaties are th e Zeta
were now blocked by the 11: 11/12:12 Frequency Fence, so correction of the Greys from a solar system that orbits the star Rigel, in the Orion star system.
Sun's Merkaba Fields became a race for time within the Guardian legions. These are frequently called the Rigelians; we know them as the Futczhl (pro~
Even though the Frequency Fence did not lift until 1992, the Guardians were nounced FOO'-SHE). It is this Zeta group that formed treaties with the Inte-
successful in raising the grid speed enough for the Arc of the Covenant to rior Government on Earth and orchestrated the Zeta Seal and manipulations
open by the 10/1986 deadline. The accelerated energy infusions used to rc- of the Sun. They are the most aggressive and militant of the Zeta Grey races
balan ce the Merkaba Fields of the Sun, began in 1973 and were projected and are extremely dangerous to humans, because they often attempt to
into the solar fields via beam ships stationed in the future 0-4 time cycle. present themselves as Guardians in order to seduce humans into being th~ir
These infusions would cause rapid shifts of the energy fields on Earth, which earthly operatives. The Rigelians/Futczhi dominated the other Zeta races In
would have created havoc within the consciousness of the human popula- the 0-4 time cycle until the majority of these non-Rigel ian Zetas rebelled
tions and instability of Earth's natural EM fields. However, the 11:11/12:12 and sought Guardian protection when this option was offered between 19~2-
Frequency Fence allowed the Guardians to employ Ho lographic Insert tech. 1984. Following the Guardian treaties of 1982- 1984, the Zeta-Oracos hybnds
nology on Earth, through which the illusion of grid stab ility could be created, known as the Rutilia, who had always been the primary go-betweens in Zeta-
so the Guardian fe-bal ancing efforts would remain undetected and excessive Futczhi/human relations, served as infiltrates within the Interior G overn-
instability within the human populations could be avoided. Earth exisled ment, and continued to secretly motivate humans to continue helping them
under these Guardian-crea/ed Holographic Inserts from 1973 10 1/11/1992, when fulfill their old agenda. (Note: (he Rutilia are those beings referred to by the
the /1:/1/12:12 Frequency Fence began lifljng. government as "EBE's" - Extraterrestrial Biological Entities. They closely
resemble the Greys, but usually h ave a lighter gray to gray-white complexion,
THE MONTAUK PROJECT and more pronounced ridging at the rcar of the skull .) The Dracos- Zeta
Zetas and Rigelians J the Montauk Project 1983 and 2976 AD Resistance had to find a way to reconstruct the Zeta Seal, Frequency Fence
Between 1973 and 1980 Earth remained under the Guardians' Holo- and Zeta Collective Mind Complex before 2012, in order to regain control of
graphic Inserts and the illusion of electromagnetic stability they created, the human populations in 0-4. .
while the Guardians worked to complete realignment of the Sun's Merkabll The Dracos-Zeta Resistance set their new plan in motion In 1983, when
Fields. By 1982 the Zetas became tremendously frustrated as they observed they covertly motivated humans to create another experiment, si~il~ to the
Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. Thcy desired to create another flP In space-
136 137
time, through which .Iarge num~ of the~r ships could be secretly sent from 6, D-9, D-12 and 0-15 are resonant tone dimensions. Harmonic Magnetic
the future to Earth, IOta three dIfferent time-space coordinates. From th Peaks occur when base tone-base tone, overtone-overtone, or resonant
pos~tions in t~m.e, the sh ips could enter the 0-2 frequency bands of Earth a: e-resonam tone Merkaba Field alignments take place. The D-l base tone
begm transmttt~ng EM pulses through the Earth's grid, which would SCrve to M~rkaba Field of Earth and the 0-4 base tone Merkaba Field of Tara reach
reconstruct their Frequency Fence and cause mutation in the fourth DNA h .r Magnetic Peak cI,de once every 20 years between August 12thdl:'
- 15th,
strand. at which time a dimensional window opens between Earth ,s H Ul - ,an aras
Even if the grids of Earth and Tara were able to merge between 2012-2017 HU.2, time continuum cycles.
the hu~an gen~ c~e would not h~ve time to fully assemble the fifth DNA The first Harmonic MagnetiC Peak of the 20th century occurred on
s~rand 10 the majOrity of the populatiOns. This would stop the scheduled ascen_ August 12th, 1903, and the last on August 12th, 1983. These.periods m~rk a
time of peak magnetic pull \'{ithin Earth's subtle energy oo:hes and height.
SIOns through the Halls of Amemi and keep the Zeta Seal operational Within
ened dimensional blending, through which large numbers of Dracos-Zeta
the. Sphere of Amenti, so their human captives in D-4 would once again be
ships could be cloaked and brought to Earth from D-4. August 12th, 2003 is
subject to Zeta-Draces control. For their new plan to work, the Zetas had to
he closest peak date to the Dracos-Zeta Resistance target date of 2004. The
be~in br.oadcasting their EM pulse Frequency Fence as close to 2012 as possible, t Ian called for a simu ltaneous emry of beam ships during three time periods,
while sti li allOWing enough time for me fence to take effect within the human ~nd once the Zetas had successfully orchestrated infiltration, they would
gene code. It would take a minimum of six years for the new frequency fence to broadcast their Frequency Fence through Earth's grid and begin the genetic
~use the fourth DNA strand mutation in the majority of the human popula- mutation. If they attempted this mutation from only one time period, there
tions, so the Draces-Zeta Resistance would have to begin broadcasting their would not be enough time for it to take hold within the majority of the popu-
EM pulses no later than 2006. If they began broadcasting too soon, the Guard- lations. By entering the EM transmissions at the three different, but dosely
ians' infusions of D-4 frequency would coumeract their EM transmissions, and related time periods of 1943,1983, and 2003, a great number of people would
the genetic mutation would not "hold" within the DNA. The Dracos-Zeta be affected.
Resistance decided upon the year 2004 as their target date. In order to fulfill For the Dracos-Zeta Resistance plan to be effective, rhey would have to
their plan of covert mass infiltration, they would have to emer their fleets into create three rips in space-time on Earth, through which their ships could be
Earth's 0-2 frequency bands during the peak of Earth's D-l/O4 Merkaba Field entered. One such rip already existed from the Philadelphia Experiment of
cycle, which takes place every 20 years on August 12th. 1943 and one would have to be created in Z003. The Resistance scheduled
Dimensional Merkaba Fields go through cycles of movement in which the third rip in space-time for the next Hannonic Magnetic Peak cycle of
the two spiraling energy fields vertically condense and draw roward each August 12th 1983, the only opportunity they would hav~ before 2003.
other, then progressively expand on the vertical axis, drawing away from each Working with the Interior Government, the Oraces-Zeta Reststance orches-
other. When the Merkaba Fie lds draw away from each other, the upright trated another experiment, which came to be known as the Mon~uk
electrical spiral moves into the magnetic Metkaba spiral of the dimension Project . Again, accounts of this experiment are available in other pubhca
above, which causes a temporary blending of frequenCies between the mag- tions, so we will not detail here.
netic spiral of one dimension and that of the dimension above. These points The Montauk project served to widen the rip in 1983 space-time that
of interdimensional magnetic spiral blending are called Dimensional Mag- had begun as the result of the Philadelphia Experiment. By August 14th
netic Peaks. During Magnetic Peaks, natural interdimensional portal win- 1983 the time periods of 1943 and 1983 were successfully linked to the ~ra.
dows briefly open, allowing unencumbered transit between dimensional cos-Zeta Resistance D-4 time period, which they used as a base of operation;;.
bands. Magnetic Peaks also OCcur between the Merkaba Spirals of Hannonic From 1983 to the present, the Dracos-Zeta Resistance resumed th~lr
Universes, through which the Merkaba Fields of a dimension in one Har hybridization program through abducting humans, creating.several .strau~s
~onic Universe blend with the Merkaba Fields of the corresponding dimen- of hybrids and human clones. They also created infiltrates VIa genetic engl'
sion one Harmonic Universe UPi these blending periods are called Harmonic neering through which they could interface with Earth's cultures under
Magnetic Peaks. Each Harmonic Universe has three dimensions, each of the the gui~e of human form. Infiltrates are children conceived of natural
three dimensions representing a base tone, overtone or resonant tone, within human conception, whose mothers were abducted during pregnancy so Zeta-
the IS-dimensional scale. 01, 0-4, D-7, D-IO, and 013 are base tone Oracos genetic materials could be infused into the fetus. These chddrenhar.e
dimensions. D-2, 05, 0-8, 0-11 and D-13 are overtone dimensions. D-3, D- born (usually within the seventh month of gestation) and raised by [ elr

138 139
human parents, and appear to be (uily human. They are consciously unaw . of Tara in HU2 would be ser back by eons, as Tara would remain
Illuon . ,., Id be reconstructed
of thei r IT affil iation, but can be subliminally directed by the Dracos.Zare
t"'P ped in her HU-2 time cycles until Earths Imprmt call
Resistance via the DNA and neurological structure. When Guardian gro eta and re-evolve in HUl. .
locate such infiltrate individuals, they orchestrate abductions, and disma UPs Upon discovering these probable future events, Guarchan groups made
t he Zeta-Dracos gene ccd es, thereby freeing these mostly human subjects an appeal to the Resist.ance Zeta.s, te~ling them of t~e Dracos' .~trayal ~nd
from their coven controllers. ng to assist them 10 relocation, If they would gIVe up thelf mfiltratlon
2976 AD and the Dracos -Zcta Resistance lan. The Zetas refused to alter their plans. . .
p Though the Guardians could easily subdue the Dracos-Zeta legions 10 a
The Guardians became aware of the Oraeos-Zeta Resistance problem in ~ ced confrontation, such a confrontation would cau se major damage to
1984, and were able to trace probable events in the future that would result t~~ Earth's Merkaba Fields, which would ensure the destruction of t he
from this present activity. What they discovered was alaoning, as the COnse. human populations. The Guardian~ had to find. a better way to ave~t .t~e
quences of this infiltration were more far-reaching than they had speculated. new Dracos-Zeta agenda . Not only did the Guardians bear the re~r,onslblhry
They discovered a future event that would occur in the year 2976 AD, chat was for preparing Earth and humanity for 2012, they now had the a~dltlonal bur
the result of rhe Zetas' interference after the year 2000. In this probable future den of protecting their preparation plan from Dracos-Zeta RcslS[ance sabo-
the Guardians had been successful in realigning the Merkaba Fields of Earth tage. In December of 1984, the Sirian Council, Pleiadian Star League,
and the Sun, but in 2003 AD the Dracos-Zeta Resistance is also successful with Sirian~Arcturian Coalition for Inter-planetary Defense, the Andromeda Fed-
their infiltration plan. The Guardians saw that the Zetas' new Frequency Fence eration of Planets, the Palaidorians of HU-2 and several oth er Guardian
partially misaligns Earth's grid in 2012, and when Earth and Tara begin to inter_ groups from HU-l, HU-2 and HU3, co-created the Bridge Zone Project, .in
sect, major Earth changes result. Though Earth still fuses with Tara and order to prOtect Earth and the human populations from Dracos-Zeta ReSiS-
releases a morphogenetic wave as intended, just as that wave begins to crest tance infiltration, and the destruction of Earth in 2976 AD that would result
(2012), the Earth changes begin. When the morphogenetic wave begins to from this interference.
crest, the Halls of Amenti portals open, but the Earth grid must be stable in The Dracos-Zeta Resistance is presently quite aware of the Guardian's
order for th e Halls to remain open through their lO-year cycle (2012-2022). Bridge Zone plan, but they are confident that humanity will be unable to rise
The Earth changes cause a premature closing of the Halls of Amenti, which to the occasion and feel sure their infiltration plan will be successful. The
creates a rapid drop in Earth's grid speed. The Sphere of Amenti can not be left Guardians believe humanity can indeed pull together and make the Bridge
in Earth's core during this drop in vibration or the Earth grid will explode. In Zone project a success. For this reason we of the Guard ian Alliance bring to
this futu re probabil ity, Guardians remove the Sphere of Amenti from Earth and you this hidden knowledge, so that you may be prepared to make a stand on
human populations come under direct covert control of the Dracos-Zeta Resis- behalf of your own evolution and freedom.
tance. The Zeta Seal genetic mutation is returned to the human race. Once
Earth is under Oracos-Zeta rule, the Zetas are attacked and dom inated by the
Dracos group with whom they had been working. The Dracos take command
of Earth in both the D~3 and D~4 time cycles and begin to use the D~3 Earth
as a storehouse for unwanted photo.-nuclcar waste materials from the D4
Tara#Earth time cycle. (Photo- nuclear waste is produced through certain pro-
cesses involving the manufacture of photonic energy through manipulation of
multidimensional nuclear materials). This process causes a massive nuclear
explosion on D#3 Earth in 2976 AD, through which Earth is destroyed. AJI
souls involved in the cataclysm fragment and are lost within HU-l. Their con'
n ections to th e Sphere of Amenti race morphogenetic field and their personal
soul matrices are severed.
If this future event occurred in prescnt-Earth's line of development, not
only would the Earth and the major part of the human race be lost, but the eVO"
8 J n-e tSYIage zone ~ro} ett

soul identity began to lift, as the DNA progressively assembled. The Guard-
ians' primary concern at this time was to realign Earth's Merkaba Fields and
bring Giza into alignment with A lcyone. They would ensure that the descent
of the Sphere of Amenti and the Blue Flame stayed on schedule. Guardians
were to maintain planetary balance while Earth's seven vortex sea ls opened,
and they would begin mak ing subtle contact with humans, to help them pre-
pare for the opening of the Halls of Amenti.

Current Events Following the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment, the Zetas' manipulation
of the solar Merkaba Fields and the necessity of the Guardians' 11:11/12: 12
Frequency Fence of 1972, the Guardians' preparation plan and deadline
schedule became more taxing. Before the original plan could continue, the
11: 11/12: 12 Frequency Fence, which blocked all of the fourth,dimensional
THE BRIDGE ZONE PROJECT frequencies except the 12th base tone and overtone out of Earth's grid, had w
be dismantled. Though the Guardians could alter the Frequency Fence
T he Bridge Zone Time Con tinuum Shift enough to allow the Sphere of Amenti to enter Earth's core on schedule, the
J2/1984 - present fence could nor remain intact when the Sphere of Amenti began transm it,
Before the Dracos-Zeta legions had altered the EM fields of the S . ting D-4 frequency into Earth's grid in 1/2000, when the fourth vortex seal
19~1 ~he" Gua.rdians' p~eparationplans were relatively simple. Using ~~:~ opened. It would take about four years for the Earth's grid to balance once
artl cl~I ,Christ Consciousness" D-4 grid from 1748, they progressively sent the 11:11/1 2:12 Frequency Fence was released, so the fence had to be down
trans~ISSlons ,of UHF 0-4 energy into Earth's grid to raise the vibration of no later that 1/1996.
~rths core high enough to send the first spark into the A rc of the Covenant Once the Sphere of Amenti was opened, if the D,4 frequencies could n ot
y October of 1986. The Sphere of Amenti wou ld complete its 14-month enter Earth's core in 1/2000, the 0-4 Merkaba Field of Tara, the gold core
descen~ through the Arc from the UHF bands of D) by 1988. The S here of crystal stored at the center of the Sun, would explode. In this event, not on ly
Amentl would merge irs 01, D-2 and D-J frequency patterns with and would Earth explode, but so would the other 10 planets of the local solar sys
expand Earth 's mo~hogen:tic field no later than 6/1998, which would ~park tem and the Sun, all of which are energetically attached to the 04 Mcrkaba
~e A,rc a second time, begmning the lZ-year descent of the Blue Flame and Field gold core crystal. This would begin a similar chain reaction within the
rths tem~rary 2000 AD shift into the D-4 time cycle. The Guardians Pleiadian star system. to which Earth's Sun belongs. As you may now under-
would COntinue to gradually realign Earth's Merkaba F Id I I . stand, balance and timing are extremely important factors when the Halls of
fi Id h 1 Ie s e ectromagnetlc
f, e s to correct t e [I t caused by Atlantis Sin king. Th is would align Earth's Amenti open. In otder to remove the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence, the
.ourth vort~x/Heart Chakra at G iza with the Alcyone energy spiral by 2004 Merkaba Fields of the Sun would have to be carefully realigned no later than
III preparatlon for Earth's entry into the Photon Belt and Holograpl Be ' 6/1994. which would allow one and one-half years for the Earth's grids to
and the opening of the Halls of Amenti in 2012. lIC am, rebalance before the Frequency Fence was lifted. Realigning the solar fie lds is
. The original Quarantine Frequency Fence from 9540 BC would begin to a delicate process in and of itself, but this process combined with the general
hft once the Arc of the Covenant first opened, and all traces of the fourth- preparations of opening the Halls of Amenti within the scheduled deadlines
strand DNA Zeta Seal mutation and Zeta Frequency Fence would dissolve served to make the Guardians' task even more complex.
once the ~rc was sp~rked a second time and D-4 frequency from the Sphere As if these complications were not enough, the Guardians then discov,
of Amentl wou ld begm transmitting through Earth's grid. Between 1/1988 and ered the potentially disastrous results of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance infiltra-
lI20!?, the seven natural seals 011 Earth's seven primary tlortex points would 0- tion and their plan to re-institute their Frequency Fence and Zeta Seal in
gresswely ?/Jet.l as lhe dimeruional Merkaba Fields and Stellar Spirals began ope~ng 2003. The events of the 2017 ascension cycle were taking a very serious tum,
and blendmg mtO each DIller, .~hile the Guardiaru assisted the Earth grid La remain and if the circumstances were not handled properly, th e human populations
~nced lhrou~ these lrarull/Oos. T h e Guardians planned to offer d ispensa' would be decimated by severe Earth changes between 2012-2017. The
tlons of teachmgs to humans while the veils between the ego, higher self and option of stopping the Sphere of Amenti from descend ing through the A rc of
the Covenant, and thus allowing Earth and humanity to remain trapped
142 143
with in '-JU-I time cycles for another 26 S5
Earth changes of 2012-2017 could be' ,6 ye~rs, ~ no I~nger open. ih the fifith DNA strand. Along with this, 144,CXX) individuals would need to fully
humanity would fall under dom," p(nmhant~volded In this case b' ossemble Ihe sixth srrand, embody lheir entire soul matrix and begin co assemble the
mon o tCLJrdCO Z R' 'Ut seventh-twelfth slrands. This acceleration of the human genetic imprint would
un d er t h at influence the Earth would .h ~' era eSIStance and
, 2976 AD . These events 'could n t meet Wit an untimely I release the 0-4 Zeta Seal from all of the human races, present and future, and
o bea IIowed totrans . ,carac h ysmic end would allow Earth's grid speed to raise high enough to remain in the Bridge
to Occur. The explosion of Earth Id . pae, as t ey Were se
'T: wou cause tragic C t
! ara and numerous other star systems Th 1 onsequences ror Earth
,?uardians had so painstakingly nurtured aode r~::C~~S of Tara, whom th~
Following the shift to [he Bridge Zone, Earth would leap ahead 2213
years by skipping the second half of its D3 cycle, then move backward in
hon years, would once aga in be fr ed P d I for the past 550 mil
blue prim to follow. agmcm an eft with no evolutiona~ dme 1106.5 years within the Bridge Zone cycle. After completing 1106.5
years in the Bridge Zone, Earth would leap ahead another 1106.5 years by
The Rige!ian/Futczhi Zetas working with h Ora skipping the first half of its first 0-4 cycle. Earth would then pass into the firsr
to reason and the Oracos wou ld not release th . t ~ cos wou ld not listen
tional force between the Guardians and th ~r c1al~s on Earth. Confronta_ D.4 cycle at the halfcycle point and continue its path of natural evolution
Earth's most vulnerable period w Id d e rac~s. eta Resistance, during through the 04 time cycles. This movement of 2213 years ahead, 1106.5
Earth, so rhe Guardians had to IIt~ to ~~gh_s;~tr::J he %an~tary balances of
back, and 1106.5 ahead in time represents a cumulative leap of 2213 years in
COUrse of events as they were etlOlv' II tee no 'lJY m order to shift rlJe evolutionary space time progression. The OracosZeta Frequency Fence
HU. I, HU.2 and HU.3 'oined ::g on Eanh. In 1984 Guardian groups from would end up in the dimensional frequency bands below the Bridge Zone fre
The basic idea behind [h~ Brid e ~~ther to. cre~te the Bridge Zone Project. quency bands in which the Earth was positioned, and thus Earth's grid would
pletely out of the HU.I time c;c1 ne proJec~ Involved shifting Earth com be unaffected. However, once Earth was above the frequency fence, it could
until the second morphogenetic \:~:n efvehlt C lat would not OCcur naturally not be fe-entered into the d imensional bands below the fence. The Mcrkaba
the natural Doreadeshi in 4230 AD e;. t ~se~nd a.scension cycle, dUring Fields of Earth would reseal in 2017, locking Earth into the Bridge Zone
Dracos.Zeca Resiscance OUt of the wa' Ince ,e. uardians could not l7lO1Je the time continuum. If the Guardians were going to force an early Doreadeshi, by
instead move Earth Olt[ of the way of ~ o~arth s mtende~ eoolution, they would moving both the overtone/electrical fields and the base tone/magnetiC fields
would construCt an arrijUial rime comin:um~s-Zera ~es~~dnce. The Guardians of Earth into the Bridge Zone time continuum cycle during the 2017 half-
sions, into which Earth could s in 20 .tween .t e Ir and fourth dimen. cycle point, the move would have to be permanent.
Doreadeshi, 2213 years ahead~its Mru ?ai s~t~I~~~uruted orcheStTaring a forced
In order for the Oracos Z R' ,
2003.2004 AD they had t era . eslsrances Frequency Fence to work in The idea of shifting a planetary lxxly from one time continuum to
, 0 transmit very specHt EM I another may seem quite outrageous to a civilization that does not yet have a
angles through the Earth's grid. The Zetas h d c pu ~s. at very specific
pher the appropriate calcularions to a worke? sl~ce 1943 [Q deci working comprehension of multidimensional physics. We assure you that
pulses. If the Merkaba Fields f E h use for .the projections of their EM such a procedure is most definitely real and valid in terms of the structural
constitute a planetary leap in~' art lwe~e rapidly accelerated, which would energetic dynamics of the Time Matrix. This procedure is nOt used fre-
Zone 0.3.5 cycle of the Inner ~~hy~es rom~he HU 1/03 cycle to Bridge
calculations would be useless n: Ea ~~ee~ 3 and 04, the Zetas-Dracos
level that rhe Frequency Fen~e E~ r~ gndl~peed would be increased to a
quently, for it is a complex and delicate process requiring direct intervention
from the higher Harmonic Universes of HU3 - HU5. For the most part,
planets and civilizations are allowed to evolve along the course of their own
Resistance would not have eno h p~ cou not reach. The DracosZera development, following their own choices and meeting with the conse
once Earth was stabilized 'n rhug B ~~me ~o decipher new calculations, and quences of those choices. But occasionally a planet and its peoples get into
under full G d' I . e n ge one 03.5 time conrinuum and trouble that has far-reaching consequences for numerous planetary systems,
liar Ian protection the Dr Z ' and in these cases intervention in the course of evolution is permitted. Earth
launch an infiltration. Further ' 'f E ahos. etas could not successfully
frequency raised sufficiend ~no;;; I ~ was successfu lly shifted, and irs is presently in such a state of porential crisis, unbeknownst to most of its pop.
quency Fence and their hum:~ c 'p. ac?S-.l tas would lose concrol of their Fre ulations.
, h a lives In me D-4 cycle Fa h ' h"
IOto t e Bridge Zone with Earth the I ' . r umanlty to s lit
meir DNA (0 the 4.5-strand level 'a d pap.u ~tlons wou ld have to fully assemble
, n a mlOlmllm of 8% would have to assemble
144 145
..::nt."e'lt U'tlt!7ttl'~- ---

h.f 45 reverse angular roration of particle spin, Earth emers HU-2

. LS a . ies at a 45 angular rotation f rom th .. i posltlon.. upon
Time~Cycle Mechanics
ith Its partlC 'H
W HU-J (+90 AS "" +45 " shift). In the progression from one ar-
ente n n g ' . f .i ,
In order to understand the dynamics involved in such a time COnt' . U
moniC nlve rse to the next , the angular rotation 0 partlc e spm moves lor-
shift, it is helpful to real~ze that the structure and illusion of linear time I~~~~ ward 1/4th, then backward 1/8th of a full ~60 ~otation, ,
aced through the pulsation rate of particles and their relationship to th It is through the multidimensional relationships betwe,en angles of parucle a~
at her partlc ies. Ehf
ac a the SIX . 4.426 year smaller cycles within one 2655 Otof . cle spin (hat multiple realit), fields can take place m the same space. while
' 'T' Time Cycle represents one time continuum ' A 26556'
year Harmonic ,-year6
antl,para.. nvisible w each other. As a planet eooIves ulroltg .c h thIS tn'ocess, Ule
H,armomc l ime cycle, throu~h wh~ch a p~anet evolves through the 3-dimen_ remammg I h . . I
o panicle pulsation, and thus the speed at whic ume moves, tn'ogT~s~lve y
slDnal bands of one J:IarmonlC l!nlVerse, IS called an Euiago, A planet paSSes f while the density of maHer particles progressively decreases. ThiS IS the
mcreases , , ' Ie
through each of the SIX smaller mne continua as it progresses upward thr h process of planelary evolution through the 15,dlmenslonal sca .
. i i . h . H armon ic Un iverse, Each dimensional oug A planet moves from one dimensional frequ,enc y band ,to t~c n~xt, and
t he 3-dIrne,nslona ~ca e Wit. m Its
band cont~ms two time contmua of 4,426 years each, so each dimens ion rep_ from one time continuum to the next, by magnetically drawmg IOta It~ mar-
resents a time track of 8,852 years. hogenetic field, particles from the Unified Field of energy for each dlmen-
. Of the six time continua in a 26.556-year Euiago cycle , four time con_ ~ion. When a planet has pulled in all the frequency pat~erns of one
tmua represent fo~ward-moving, tracks of time called Pardo, and two repre_ dimension into its morphogenetic field, it then moves upward IOta the next
sent counter-rotatmg n~cks of time called Reiago, in which the planet passes dimensional field to complete the same process, ,
through the parallel umvcrse, A Pardo = 17.704 years (4 continua of 4.426 As a planet pulls in particles and patterns of frequenc~ from the Undi.ed
y~ars each z:: 4 x 4.426 years"" 17,704 years). A Reiago =8,852 years (2 con- Fields, its morphogenetic field progressively expands to mcl,ude ~hose fre-
tinua of 4,426 years each"" 2 x 4,426 "" 8.852 years) spent in the parallel uni- quency patterns and the pulsation rate of its particles prog,resslvely mcre~s.
verse. Each Euiago contains one Pardo and one Reiago, For each dimensional band there is a corresponding specific rate of partIcle
A planet's progression through one time continuum creates a 45 shift in pulsation and also a specific angular rotation of particle spin. 1~ 0.ne H,ar-
the angular rotatio~ of particle spin, or 1/Sch of a full 360 rotation of parti- monic Universe a planet simultaneously has three levels of e~erge~lc Identity,
cles, thus one cont muum represents one dimensional Octave, One Octave = one in each of the three-dimensional fields of that HarmOniC Umverse, The
a 4,426,year track of time. One dimension contains two time continua or two three levels of a planet's identity function together to give you the illusion of
Octaves. A planet's progression through one dimension creates a 90 'shift (2 Earth's maner solidity. The particle content of each level ,of Earth's bod,y pul-
shifts of 45 ) in the angular rotation of particle spin, or one-fourth of a full sates at a rhythm characteristic to the dimension in whlc~ each ~rtlon of
360 rotation, thus one dimension represents one Hannonic Quadrant. One the body is stationed, and panicles spin on an angular ~otatl~n ~hat IS chara~
Quadrant = an 8,852-)'eo.r track of time. Three dimensions, three Quadrants, teristic to the respective dimension, The planet exISts wlthm each, of SIX
or six Octaves (time continua) represent one Hannonic Universe, One HaT' time continua simultaneously, as each of the three levels of the planet s bod,y
monic Universe =a 26,556,year track of time, pulls in energy from its respective dimensional ban~, throu~h th,e synchrom-
~s a planet progresses through the fi rst two Pardo Octaves, the angular zation of particle pulsation speed and angular rotanon of spm wlthm each of
rotation of part icle spin sh ifts 90 from its original position. Upon entering the six time continua, A planet evolves out of one Harmonic Universe and
the two Reiago Octaves in the parallel universe, the angular rotation of parti- into the next as each level of its three-dimensional body simultaneously com-
cle ~pin u~dergoes a 90 reverse rotation, bringing the angular rotation of pletes pulling the frequency patterns of its respective dimension into t~e
particle spm back [Q its original position. As the planet completes the final planet's morphogenetic field, These processes give the c~nsdo~sness perceIv-
two Pardo Octaves, returning from the parallel universe, the angular rotation ing the third dimension the illusion of passage through linear nme. In actual-
of particle spin again shifts 90. Through the progression of three dimen- ity, time is nOt linear, but simu ltaneous,
sions, or Quadrants, the angular rotation of particle spin has a cumulative Time existS as a Unified Field of partides pltlsating at various rhY,thlns and
shift of90 (+90, ,90, +90 "" +90 shift), so in one Harmonic Un iverse the .
spmning . [roug
on various angles of rotation, h _c_u
h whICh UU! I USIOns 0
angular rotation of particle spin undergoes one-quarter of a full 360 rotation and lineo.r time appear w individuated identities. as they bring ~gmen[S of (he Um,
When passing from one Euiago cycle (Harmonic Un iverse) to the next, fied Field of particle substance inw view by mooing their consciousness through par'
the angular rotation of particle spin shifts 45 , Between HU~ I and HU-2, the
lions o( the Unified Field. Time does not move. C
the Unified Field of the Time Mam'x . onsciousness moves il!ielf through your consciousness, you evolve into the HU-2 time cycles to become your
soul-self identity.
Incarnationalldentities, the Time Cycles To the sou[,self, the lZ immediate HU-l incarnates that are in its incar-
DNA and Planetary Evolution ' national famity are recognized as living sub-personality (ragments o( its own
The evolution of life-forms upon the I I identity, whose reality simultaneously takes place within the dimensional
neously, and, at any given time, activi ty tak~a~~t a so.::~es pl~ce simulra_ bands contained within the soul,self's DNA. The DNA represents electro-
time continua. As me plane! evolves so doe h ce ';1In eac of the six: magnetically encoded, digital data imprints of the other living portions of
rltat planeL. Reincammiorwi idemiries r~presen/~r~i~~ns~7~~ss S~CltiOnled tlPon your identity, which are stationed within other time continua. Through the
ness rltal are simultaneously stationed aM e I' ,... . , ~n s SOIl aware_ DNA, the experiential reality of other-time incarnates is implanted into the
, h' h { h va tlmg lipan a vemon of Lit La
Wit m:ac ~ l e six rime cominuum C)'cles of an Euia . Ie U II ~ P net body cells, to create a living Cellular Memory of your simultaneous panici-
HU-Z Identity, manifests into lZ Simultaneous in go 0 ,c. sua ,y, a soul_ pation within other fields of rime. The DNA operates as a window in time
the six time cycles in one Harmonic Universe I~amattons" two, In each of through which your consciousness can perceive and participate in activity
b ne ~s male, the other female; chis relationship i's refe;:~ t~a~ ,~f I.nc~rnaces, taking place in the other time continua. As you assemble DNA, you expand
u'Tocsh not necessarily imply a romantic "soul mate" involveme;1O ames", the particles of your body and awareness into higher-dimensiona l time cycles,
e over soul- the HU-3 'd ' . and progressively open the windows through time into other space, time coor-
each of whic~ create lZ incarn~te~~~li~inc;~:r~: ;;n::~l !1enr}t~s in HU-Z, dinates within other time cycles. Through DNA assembly, the Cellular Mem
each person IS part of an incarnational fami! f

the lZ-strand DNA pattern within th '

,y. es a U- I. Thus,
within the six HU-I time cycles. Each of the r4~ 1~4 IOcarnate.s residing
mcarnates carnes parr of
ory, wh ich is subconsciously stored within the cellular-body consciousness,
progressively opens into conscious perceptual recognition.
In your current time continuum, you technically have one-half cycle
Simultaneously evolve with the plan ,e,gheneuhc code' ,As.the 144 incarnates remaining within your third-dimensional time cycle. Earth's morphogenetic
d DN . e roug t h e SIX tIme cyel h 12
::~es and~~:~~int is ~rogressively built up in the genetic c;:;e~ ~NA field has pulled in on ly half of the frequency patterns o( the third dimension,
conSCiousness expands as idem' t I h h There is a direct correlation between how many jreqllenc.."Y patterns the Earth has
through the EUiago cycles in each H . U "y evo ves wit t e planet pulled into its morphogenetic field and the tylJe of consciousness and biology that will
your presem races are focused w'th' hrmo~lc ntverse. The perceptions of appear on the Earth at that stage of et1Olution. We call the amount of frequency
(the sixth and last time cOntinu~I~~; ~U~;~dle ~nge of the ,third dimension Earth has pulled into its morphogenetic field, from the dimensional unified
these dimensional bands fJ . f ,an you perceive the reality o( fields, its Accretion Level.
band above. \Vhen ro~ a station ~ . consc iousness one dimensional
place in the 10wer_dil~~~~~~c:ll:~nt;~:c:.IV1[y ~hathis tmultaneously raking
Earth is presently at the Z.5-accretion level-Earth has pulled into its mor-
phogenetic field all of the 0 -1 and 0-2 frequency patterns, and half of the fre-
=y~~~~~ a~:~:irt"m:ppear~ to you as ha;i~~,Ut:'~~~ ~I:c~\;~rt~:v;~~fP:::~~ quency patterns of 0-3. Earth would nonnally pass into HU-Z time cycles at
time continua belowmy~ets of your.lsloul fanuly Identity, who are stationed in accretion level 3. Nonnally the three accretion level of Earth would not be
ur own, W I appear to you a I'E.' I reached until 4230 AD. The life-forms on a planet at the Z.5-accretion level
memory, even though thes J'(. . s past I e mcarnationa
their own space time ed' I etlO1es are Occurring Simultaneously within will have a consciousness that falls near the 3.5 range, Consciousness will per-
- coor mate l d entities st t ' ed"
Octaves and di mensi /Q d . h a Ion In time continu
a/ ceive as solid maner and external reality the level of Earth's body that is one
would be those in th~n~U~t t:~:s a lad o( your ow.n, (which in your case full dimension/Quadrant below the accretion level of the consciousness.
incarnacional memory. cyc es of Tara), wil l appear as (uture life Present human consciousness has an average accretion level of 3-3.5,
which means that the energy patterns and activity taking place within the
As YO ll assemble DNA strands '
nations becomes . I ' perception of both past and future incar- low to middle frequency bands of 0-3, between the 2 to Z.5-accretion level,
progressive y more availabl Within the fifth time continuum, appear as solid matter, and external forms
awareness Eanh evol h h h e to your present consciouS
' ves t roug t e HU-I time I d and events. Present external earthly reality represents the energy pa[[erns of
p IlOgenetic field and ca" hi ' cyc es, expan 109 Its mar-
Earth evolves imo th~S~V Ze ~u sarlo, rhythm of its particle content, until Earth's body and the Unified Field in the [ow to middle (requency bands of 0-
through HU-l time cyel -, I t~mehcyc es to become Tara. As you move 3, in the firth time continuum, at accretion levels Z-Z.5. In order to perceive
es wit 1 art ,assembling your DNA and expanding the 2-2.5 -accretion level of Earth as solid, consciousness must be stationed
l"rlc.~"""J""'" , ., .... ~, .... ,.- .. - , .....-............ . - , .

within the low to middle 0-4 frequency bands at an accretion level of 3- 3.5
I I 1s f the Earth's body, and what time con-
directly to what dir:nensionah ~:n manifest reality, to that consciousness. If
(seventh time continuum). tinua, wilt be perceIVed ~ P Y y bled ou will have an accretion level of
When perceiving your own physical body, and the external objects and Our fourth DNA strand lSllbeuUy ~med ',n' Ylower 0-5 and you will perceive
Y . il statton &
activity around it, you are seeing the particle content of your personal mOr_ 4, your consciousness w ems existing within the lower D-4 cquency
phogenetic field, Earth's morphogenetic field and the Unified Field, as they thought-forms and energy patt I These thought-forms are the
'II ,'fest externa events. ,
exist within the low to middle frequency bands of 0-3 , in the pulsation bands as physlca y mam, d I asses when your consCiOusness
h' d by you an t)e m , d
rhythms of the fifth time continuum, at the 2-2.S-accretion level. You pet_ energy patterns Ieft be \0 mbling the fOllrth DNA stean .
ceive these frequency bands as solid while the particle content of your COn_
, ed'
was station \0 ower, I 0-4 when you were
h asse . I
than a 3 5_accrenon eve, a I
do not ave more . I
sciousness is stationed within the low to middle frequency bands of 0-4, in Presently, most h u~ans, of consciousness. This level 0 con-
the pulsation rhythms of the seventh time cycle, at a 3-3.5-accretion level. lOW to middle fourthds -dimensional foc u;;1
35 strands 0 activate
' d DNA which only atlows
, . d
You will perceive the frequency bands of middle to upper 0-3, in the pulsa_ sciousness. correspon to,' ou ht atterns/energy patterns of obJ~cts an
tion rhythms of the sixth time cycle, at the 2.5-3 accretion level, as "inner the conSCiousness to perceive th g P b dolO 3 as physical reahty. The
.ddle frequency an s -
space", the act ivity taking place "inside your head and body", and the atmo_ eventS from th e Iow to ml bel h e of 0-4 perception and appear as
sphere surround ing your body and the Earth, that gives you the perception of frequency fields of 0 -1 are ow t e ~~~ f D-2 appear as past memories.
space between objects. inner darkness. The lower frequ~nld~ of ~_~ appear as internal mental/per-
The illusion of 3-dimensional perception is created through this triad of The middle to upper frequeltY e d Earth's atmosphere and the space
particle pulsation speeds. T he pulsation speed/rhythm of particles is created ceptual events and thought- orms, ,an ~she reality fields of middle to upper
as energy substance flows between fields of particles having different angular between objects, from 0-4 perceptlon ' t human D-4 perception and
rotations of particle spin in relation to each other. The 3-dimensional human 0-4 and above are above ,the rang~~r~~:~ories. As human DNA builds,
consciousness and the 3-dimensional body of the Earth consciousness are appear as in~er an~ outler hgl.ht fin~ come into manifest view, and the lower-
made of particles that pulsate at three different rhythms, and which exist at the higher_dlmenslo na rea lty e s I ge
three different positions of angular rotation. These particle fields make up dimensional reality fields faU out of perceptu~ :~ie:v it first appears as inner
three levels of Merkaba Fields within and through wh ich physically apparent As a dimensional field ~gins to cornel mctures t~ade of light. The qual-
b come lOner menta pi , . '
manifestat ion occurs. T here is a 90 shift in angular rotation of particle spin thought patterns t h at e . ' I' he consciousness bringing totO Its
ity known as Imagtna 1 0 , ' , ' n IS \0 rea Ity, t
h h f rms The images, perceptions '
between the three Merkaba Fields, between the three levels of human con-
, h ' I d' ensional t oug t- 0 . h f '
sciousness, and between the three levels of Earth's particle body. The three mental VIew, Ig \~r- I~' , t higher_dimensional thoug t- orm:;
levels of the personal body and the Earth's body represent three different time and pondering of ImaglO 3t10n repr1::ed in the higher_dimensional fields by
continua, or Octaves, through which frequency bands from the dimensional made of energy substance, that ~re ~ e tions may also be thought pat-
Unified Fields are pulled/accreted into the personal morphogenetic field and the present moment s~lf. l~agllttte percel~ aspects of identity, that "just
that of the Earth. These three particle pulsation rhythms are synchronized, terns of the higher.dlme~slona, ~:u;~e:ent awareness brings the higher-
and through this dance of particle spin and pulsation, personal consciousness appear" in inner percepnon, ~ t . 'The quality known as past
' fi ld . to Its toner view. h h
evolves with the Earth upward through the t ime cycles of {he lS-dimensional dimensional reaItty e s l O b ' ' 'ntO its mental view t oug t-
scale, progressively expanding and raising the level of accretion. memoty represents the conscioulsness hnnd~lI\gn""onal bands below its focus of
, 'I ' . ts rom t e Ime I
The level of frequendes accreted into the personal morphogenetic field will forms and expenenna Imprtn h C of past identity aspectS, present y
determine the level of DNA sfrand assembly )'OU possess. As )'oU pull in more fre- attention. These repr~sent th~lIg t- o\:~in lower frequencies of the present
quency bands from the dimensional Unified Fields, your accretion level rises, more focused in the lower time conttnua or. f thoughts and experience that
DNA codes assemble and become operauofUll within )'our DNA strands, and )'Ollr t ime continuum. Dreams represent porndoni' 0 /past dimensional fields/ time
. bo h higher/future an ower
consciousness and perceptual field expands. is taking place III . t oment station of awareness. ,
A consciousness with a 3-3.5-accretion level has a DNA code with 3-3.5 continua, entering IOtO the present m b d . which human conSCiousness
strands assembled. The srrand assembly and activation level of (he DNA cor- Th e low to middle D-4 frequency h
an S,IO
w#moment strea
m of consciousness,
d' h
responds direcrly to {he number of dimensional frequencies contained within is presently stationed, represent t e no , wer. Thoughts hel 10 t e
rhe morphogenetic field of the consciousness. The number of dimensional fre- which is always the point of personal cre~tlve l?U be left as imprints of ener-
quencies contained within the personal morphogenetic field corresponds present moment fOCllS of conscious attention WI 151

... , .... ...... J ... - . ......... _ ~ -.- _. w..... ~

. rationed in the dimension below your

getic substance within the frequency bands in which those thoughts were conscious foc us of atten~on was s before your eyes represents the living
held. Once the focus of attent ion has moved beyond those thoughts and on present focus. Part of w a:l:~~ (~~m this incarnation and those previ~u~),
to the next, the thought imprints left behind become morphogenetic fields thought-forms of your past s thou hts become morphogenetic fields wlth~n
as the now-moment focus of attention moves forward into the next set of fte: and those of the masses. Your ~ lanted within the frequency bands III
quency bands. t he morphogenetic field o~ the Eart ,p , ed left within your present time
. usn ess IS presently stanon , .
The process of moving forward through time is the process of progressively which your conSCIO 'f b' ts and events, once your consctOUS-
accreting sound frequencies into your personal morphogenetic field. As you be rediscovered as manl est a Jec
cycIe, t0 h
pass your consciousness through a now-moment point, it internalizes all COn_ ness has evolved beyond tern. . b ~ our eyes represents the collec
tained within that manifest moment as a minute, digital electro-program made Another part of what YOlu percellve e htoes~ focus of attention is stationed
f of your uture se ves, w .
of frequency. The process of internalizing that moment in time expands your tive t h oug h t- onus h d f hose in which your present consctOusness
morphogenetic field, which creates a subtle acceleration in the pulsation in space- time coordin~tes a ea 0 ~ backward and forward in time, up and
rhythm of me particles of which your body and consciousness are composed. is focused. :hou~ht- orms expan ~he sition in which the thought-form
This acceleration of pulsation rhythm perceptually and energetically moves down the dimensional scale, ~rom '11 ,pO, posed of the thought-forms
ed Y escnt manifest I USlon IScom I h Id A
you-as-consciousness forward into the next set of frequency bands. The fre_ was creat . our pr and the thought-forms you present y o .
quency bands of the previous moment internalize and fall from your view, as of your past and future se1ves,. . '11 Il'gn the energy substance of all
, I d' one d ImenSlon WI a
the set of frequency bands directly above them become your next now-moment thought-Iorm p ace tn. . rsion of that pattern; the thought sets a
of conscious focus. Movement through time is freque:ncy acCTelion. The manifest the dimensions below It, iOto ahve , ' below The thought will also
, c Id . h of t e d ImenslonS .
illusion you perceive before your eyes is, in reality, a Unified Field of frequency, morphogenetic ne to eac h f the higher-dimensional frequency
composed of energy particle substance in the form of digital, electro-tonal group Wit , h I'klethoughts from.t. e uturc, ' f itself in aU the dimensions. bo
thought patterns. Every thing and person outside of yourself, including your bands, and set a morphogenen\~:.~r~~tdOforward in time.
I:xxly, and the contents of your conscious mind at that moment point, exist as Thus the thought expands back b' 'th like thoughts of past and
h I th'nk noW com tnes WI . L'k
energy imprints within the Unified Field of that now-moment. If you can teach Every t oug \t you I .{ '11 s'on you presently perceive. I e
. the man \lest I u I
yourself w perceive each momem of your external reality as a dream-scape that is future se Ives, to give you d 'f t l'ke thought and action. Your past
manife5ling thrc)1.jgh your consciousness, )ou will get closer w consdously sensing the thought anddadctied n at~:t~ a; t~::s:r:e~in ~our present reality, but you h~ve
stream of consciousness through which ),our exr.erna1 reality manifeSl.s direcUY through thoughts an e s WI s O b . our present focus of attention
)'ou. Just as your internal dreams seem to take place within your consciousness the absolute power to chad~:l;s~~ t~o:I~~a~ arc undesirable, whether they
while you participate within them, your extemal reality is also a dream-scape, to create new thoughts an g f Thought patterns ftom your past
h st present or uture. . I
manufactured by your consciousness, through which energy particles arc are coming from tepa , d d slower-pulsating partlc es,
,h posed of more ense an { d
shaped into thought-forms that will later become manifest. You arc walking selves, whlc are com f our bod . This is frequently relerre
within the confines of a mass dream, and rhe sooner you can grasp that con- manifest within ~he.cell~lar stru:::i~ Jcbt. Th:se thought patterns of past
cept, the soonet you will be able to assert creative control over (he form your to as your karmiC lmprmt or d I' tC themselves in the present and
'II . ' d e body an rep Ica . d
personal part of that mass dream will take. selves WI remau,\ 10 '\ . ' . 1 f hose thought patterns are raise
Every time you think a thought, you are leaving a morphogenetic future until the slower-pulsating partie es a t f hich the body is com-
imprint within the frequency bands in which your consc iousness was sta- in spe~d and released from the frequency patterns ~t ~o change any thought
t ioned. You will run into that thought pattern, in combination with others posed , You have the power,I in your present morne 'nd 'In doing so yOU will
t present or fmure, a
from the collective consciousness, as a manifestation in physical reality. Mor- pattern from your persona pas, .
phogenetic fields are the form-holding patterns through which matter forms change the contours of your present rea~,lty. I am to master this power,
and events manifest. When a morphogenetic field is created, it begins to draw You can become anna "k immune once b k e d and forwa rd'III time,
you '
. ess to move ac war I
frequency patterns into itself, expanding, accreting, and "fleshing itself out fot you will train your consclQusn . d 'able outComes. The s ow
, d
to recreate undestre events an d redeSign more eSlr d'
d their manifest Iscom-
into matter". Have you ever considered where thoughts go once your anen- . thought patterns 'fan ' extcmal rea I'Ity, or as
t ion has left them! Part of what appears to you as manifest reality now, from way to release slower-puIsating
. '1 h ents maO! est III
your D-4 station of attention, represents your thought-forms, and those of the forrs from your life is to walt unO t e e;h ke act ion in the present to
collective masses, that were left behind as morphogenetic fields when your conditions of disease within the body. en you ta
create a present so lution, and that solution expands backward and for,.. d' kamlic dramas begin to manifest themselves at every tum. When you panic.
, d f . ,varin
time to create some egree a resolution of the pattern in the past and f . ate in accelerated DNA evolucion you are rapidly shifting and elevating the
Th IS' '[sh 1 h f " wa lk ing through your karma," or walking thrau
t e ~sua pat 0
uture h tequency patterns of wh ich your body and consci~usness are composed. Th~s
the cumulanve thought patterns of your past, present and future se lves. Tt rapid shift in frequency can appear as utter chaos m terms of external condl'
/ruL way to change your karmic imprint is to catch those slower-pulsa' e tions and events.
thought panemso
before .
they. tl~g
move into manifestation . This is eas,' ersald Though the Itllimtlte OUlcome of these ceUular acrivarions is a restructuring of
thandonc, b ' ed
ut It IS not exceedmgly difficult to do onCe you h ave t ~ln 'Your body, consciousness aOOlife drama imo a higher level of peace, hannony,
' . I
your consciousness to mampulate energy in certain ways. Thought pattern health aOO order, the process of ~geuing lhere" rapidly can be very treacherous
fr~m the pas~ and futu~e become pan of the particle make-up of your con~ i7ideed. When using exercises such as th e on e provided, you are learning to
SCIQUSness, b,o:energctlc field, body. DNA and ex ternal reality field. They take control of this process so it does nOt take control of you. The point at
become srated In the DNA as minute crystallizations of energy, which inhibit which you break up the thought.fonn crystallization and its energy releases, is
the n atural process of DNA strand assembly. the point that the kannic imprint would normally begin to manifest into the
crystaIli.zed th~ught patterns stored in your DNA and cellular imprim ;iU body and external events. DNA Activations alon e will get you to this point.
However, in the exercise you then take that released energy, transmute it
commue to mtlmfeSL ~ulthin your ~y ~~ before your e)'es, IImil you learn to find
and releas.e .them while Ihey are sull wllhm the Cellular Memory imprint of )'OUr through D,5 and D,8 frequency patterns, (the "sun" image), and project it
body. This IS easy to 00, wilh practice. directly into the DNA. Merging the energy of the karmic imprint with the
D8 frequencies serves to raise its energies to the highest levels of harmony
To release your crystallized thought pattterns from your DNA and cellu. and order. That ordered energy is then placed directly into the DNA, where
I~r ~emory imprint, please refer to Field Exercise 1, on page 495, and prae. it can blend in unobtrusively with the imprints of the operational strands. It
[lee It now. Through exercises of this nature you are learning to consciousl will stimulate further assembly and activation of DNA strands, but in an
modulate the pulsation rhythm of the particles of which your consciousness i~ orderly fashion that does not cause excessive disruption in your bio,energet ic
composed, training your present moment consciousness to move up and fields, and which will n Ot throw your life into chaos .
down the multidimensional scale. In cellular activations, th e energy will release at the frequency level in
You are training your consciousness to time travel, forward and backward which the thought,form crystallization existed, sending a rush of photonic
in ti.me, so you may begin to directly affect the collective thought patterns of energy through the body at that frequency level. The energy will then indis,
portions of your identifY stationed in other spacetime coordi nates. You are criminately alter the existing o rder of energies in that area, a condition
beginn.ing to t~in yourself ~o control the manifestation of external events, by which will manifest as chaotic energies moving through the bio.energetic
mastermg the lOner energetic dynamics through which those events manifest. field, body, and consciousness, then into manifestation. This exercise con-
We have given you this exercise because it is one of the fastest and most trols the release of energy and directs it into hannonious order.
effective ways to clear the "kannic imprint" of slowerpulsating crystallized Learning w direct mental energies, and those energies released from thought,
thoug~t patterns from the body cells and DNA. This is ex tremely imponant form crysrallizations will become a needed survival skill in the near future, whether
to do If you plan to accelerate the assembly and activation of your DNA or not one is on ,he path of ascension, or interested in spiritual activities.
strands. As you begin to work with UHF energies from the higher chHkra The Earth is entering an ascension cycle acceleration period, its grid will
c~nters ~which w~ will reach you to do in subsequent books), these energies be infused with UHF D-5 through D,9 energies via a process of Stellar Acti~
wtll begm to rapidly release slower,pulsating thought,form crystallizations vations. The Stellar Activations will occur as Earth's Merkaba Fields align
from. the ~y cells and DNA. As this occurs the "kannic imprint", or event directly with the Merkaba Fields of six Stellar Spirals, as parts of Earth's natu-
manifestation program, contained within the thought,form crystallizations ral processio n through its 26,556-year Euiago time cycle. Everyone on the
~vill begin to manifest itself in personal, external events and within the phys- planel will begin [0 have cellular activali071S directly through the Earth's grid, due to
Ical body form. If the human mind and body is not prepared to synthesize the the coming Srellar Spiral aligrtmenlS aOO the planetary Srellar Activations these
frequencies of energy released from the thought.fonn, one can become alignments wiU create.
extremely ill in physical tenns, or the mental and emotional bodies can The human bio.energetic field is directly connected to that of the Earth,
become severely unbalanced. The outer events of one's life content and rela- and when the energy infusions of the Stellar Activations begin running through
tionships can also turn to chaos during rapid cellu lar activations, as multiple Earth's grid, progressively accelerating between now and 2017, the hwnan body
154 155
will also receive these energy infusions, These energy infusions wilt cause a rapid
release of the crystallized thought patterns stored in the cells and will trigger rapid
F ld of the dimension below in terms of matter solidity. It is the pr~nt fOCi:
Ie nsciousness that magnetically draws frequency patterns rom t e
DNA activation, assembly and expansion of consciousness, of your. co I U fied F' Id into your personal morphogenetic field, Once your
The thought-fonn crystallizations held within the body, unbeknownst to d'menslo na m Ie d. lis th It cy
I , has moved into one subfrequency ban , It pu at cquen
the conscious persona lity, will begin to release their energies as the pulsation consclo~sness he morphogenetic field, the morphogenetic field manifests .that
rhythm of the part icles of Earth's bOOy progressively increase between now pattern mto t:ern into the correspond ing DNA strand and shifts the COnsciOUS-
and 2017, Your DNA and Cellular Memory will activate whether or not you to thepanext su b-f requency band up. Whatever thoughts youdheld
frequency h at one
are ready, and regard less of whether your body and mind have been prepared
mtlon 0 f COnscIOusness
n"": . become prnrrr.:oommed
-b'~ into the DNA stran
h h t (.at carre-
to synthesize these new frequencies of energy, The least prepared may find s nds to the dimension in which that thought was held. A t ~ug t- orro c~
their entire life drama fa lling into shambles, the health of their physical and ~ while the consciousness is focused in D-4 becomes a mamfcst ~?f t e
menta l bodies rapidly deteriorating and their emorions explodi ng into chaos,
We are nor joking, nor exaggerating, ;~rth DNA mand and is entered into the Cellular Memory stored wlthm the
Be Pre/Xired, Learn to direct these energies now, before they overwhelm yOu. sub-at~i~:;~i~~~:r~:r~~~~~t~~I~e~~e ~~m~~'in aU of the 1,2 sub-
Your survival and ability to remain centered and effective in handling external fte uenc bands in one dimension, the full DNA strand correspondm? to
events wilt depend upon your development of these subtle energy-directing skills, h ~ dim~nsion is fully assembled and the consciousness is transferred, Int~
The exercise provided is a good place to begin, In 2012, very intense Stellar
Activation energy infusions will begin, so we suggest that you begin preparing
~: first sub-frequency bands of the next dimension up. We call the ?"lOt 0
eVOU[lonw he n the full DNA mand is assembled I the
fi ConsummatIOn
bl bandd
now, as these skills take a bit of time and practice to develop, We recommend the point when the consc i o us n ~~ t~ansfers into t le rst su - requency an
that you clear as many of these hidden kamlic imprints as possible before 2012, of the next dimension up the IllIttatlon. '" f h
when rhey will begin to rapidly burst into physical manifestation. With the Consummation of one DNA strand, and the inmanon 0, t e
next mand, the contents of the consummated ,strand begin t~ prog~e~ lv~y
DNA appear in physical manifestation for the consCiousness, now ~~eA In t ~
DNA Initiations, Consummations and Activations . ahove ' We call the point where the contents
dImenSlon of a
f th . stran _
Before we resume our discussion on the mechanics of the Bridge Zone, begin to physically appear within the perceptual range 0 e conSCIOus per
we would like to share with you a little secret about human DNA. Presently sonality the Activation of the strand. h h th . 12
your conscious awareness is stationed within the low- to midd le-frequency For example when the consciousness has moved t roug e enme
hands of D4, and the real ity fields you perceive as solid marter and external sub-frequency b;nds of D-3 and thus assembled the third DNA s~d, [~e
events are those of the low to middle frequency bands of 0-3. When you d . . ns,de,ed to be at its third Consummation, (the morp agenetic
I ennty IS co . h I the fre-
think a thought from your present station of focus in 0-4 (such as "this is so fie ld and consc iousness have "consumed", or drawn l~tO t emse ves,.
and so now", or "I see such and such now"), that thought, being a quantity of quency patterns 0 f the th,'rd dimension). At the thud Consummation, (. h fithe
particle subscance made of units of electromagnetic energy, automatically fourth Initiation begins, as the station of consc iousness trans ershto te l r
becomes part of the 0-4 Unified Field of energy. That thought also becomes D-4 sub-frequency bands and the 0-4 frequencies begin to enter t e ~~ ~ 10-
coded as an energy imprint within the fourth DNA strand. When you are genetic field and the DNA. As the first sub-frequency ban~ of ~-61~lttl~~:~
assembling DNA strands, you are pulling frequency patterns from the Unified into the morphogenetic field, the first sub-frequency b~nd ~n t e - into
Field into your personal morphogenetic field, one set of dimensional sub-fre- DNA strand begins to Activate, or holographically project Its C,o~'H~ nts nd
quency bands at a time, These dimensional frequency patterns that arc pulled the range of physical perception. Thus the Consumm,ations, In~tlanonfo:us
into the morphogenetic field progreSSively manifest as new electromagnetic Activations of DNA go together, and, repre~ent the po~ts at dhh~hc~fective
codes within the DNA strands, which means the DNA progressively expands of consciousness transfers from one dimenSion to anot er" an t ' s per-
or accretes, as the morphogenetic field expands by pulling in more frequency thought-forms from the dimension below begin to come mto consclOU
patterns from the dimensional Unified Field. ception as physically manifest form. , . , h sical reality
When you are assembling your fourth DNA strand your consciousness wil! As we have mentioned, consciousness will perc.elve as ~ dimension Ii
be stationed within the fourth dimension and you will perceive the Unified the energy patterns of the frequency bands tI~at ~~~ O?:iti~tiOns of one
below the station of awareness. The progressive
.... , ~ I ,

dimension~l band create the progress~ve Activations of, or manifestation To gain creative control over your manifest events, you must edit the ceIJular
the collective thought patterns comamed within, the DNA strand h of memory files (clear and transmute the lower pu lsating particles from the ~y
responds to the dimension below. This process ofpmgressive freq t at, COt_
- IOta
- 'DNA and t he DNAstrand assembly it creates gives uency lnfiJ and auric field), upgrade !he holographic !hought-form pr~~am (creat.e ~ew V.ISU-
slOn t le I h- alizations of desired past, present an~, futur~ events, h~mg t~em In ~magma.
- ed -II - f h
perce!v 1 uSlon 0 passage t rough linear time. ' you t e
tion "as if they are happening now within the desired nme penod) and
The new frequencies progressively increase the pulsation rhythm of th nd the DNA circuitry (consciously use the chakra system to accelerate
partl~les that compose your body and consciousness, mov ing your COnsc' e htA strand assembly) in order to allow ne~, desiredre~litypictures. to project
ness mto the next set of dimensional sub.frequency bands, while propc~fi~ infO your world of manifest events. l~ the p.ra~tlce ~f consclou~ evol.utlon, cellu-
the ~om~nts?f one sub-(requenc~ band below inco manifest perception. Th~ lar clearing and DNA transmutation, thiS IS precisely what IS takmg ~Iace.
mamfest Illusion of m~ments passmg forward in time within a physical reali When you create "future memory" visualizations, you are puttmg spc
represents your ConscIOusness perceiving the progressive Activations of th~ 'fic manifestation instructions into the morphogenetic field of the DNA
last DNA strand you assembled .. These progressive Activations of the last c~ds you have nO[ yet assembled. You will encounter those reality pictures
DNA strand occur as ~our consciousness progressively Initiates new sub-fre_ ~n manifest form once those DNA strands come into activation, thr.ough ~he
quency patterns (rom Its present dimensional focus, into the morphogenetic initiation of your consciousness into the frequencies of the next dlmensl~n
field .. Time does not move forward, in (act, time does not move at all . The up. When you recreate "past memories" from your present focus,.y~u are ht-
e.xpenence of. Prog~ession through time is created as consciousness progres_ erally putting new reality pictures, in the form of electromagnetic Im.pulses,
sl.vely dra~vs IOta a se.lf frequency patterns (rom the dimensional Unified into the DNA strands you have already built and activated. You can literally
Fields, w~lch progressively expands the consciousness , morphogenetic field shift things in your present manifest experience by reprogramming the past
and phYSical body. The particles of which the body and consciousness are memory impulses stored in your DNA; add new past memories and new
composed pulsate progressively faster as higher frequencies are embodied in events will manifest in your present. Create future memories now, and you
the mo~hogenetic field, DNA and consciousness, ti1e body matter grows can direct the path of your evolution from your present moment in time.
prog~e~lvely. less dense and the consciousness expands upward through the When you release crystallized thought-forms composed of slowerpulsat-
multid imenSional Unified Field.
ing particles from your present cellular structure, you are stopping tho.se lower
We wanted you to know this little secret about the true nature of thought-form patterns from activating into your DNA, through which they
human DNA, and how the DNA is the literal vessel through which rhe illu- would otherwise project into physical manifestation. Your moment of power
s i~nary experience of physical, external reality is man ufactured. Knowing is always in the present, when you realize that your present focus of attention
th~s, you .may. th~n realize that when ),ou are shifting your consciousness and can alter and direct events in lx>th past and future, and within the present. It
usmg fhe lmagr~tlon !O program desired thought-forms i1llO the past, present or takes practice to develop skill in conscious manifestation and. you m~t
/ufure, ),ou are literally reprogramming the frequency pauems of your cellular con- become familiar with the "feel" of your own inner focus of consCiousness In
tent and the operarional holcgraphic program that will manifest into physical reality the present, in order to direct your power of manifestation. . . .
!hTOI~gh !he DNA.
Prior to learning manifestation skills, you must learn de-manifestation sktlls.
. .The h~logra.ph~c, thought-form program through which your external real- Learning how to remove undesirable morphogenetic thought,fonn patterns from
Ity Will .m~flIfest IS literally smred, as a multidimensional electromagnetic pro- your active holographic program, which is stored within the cells and made oper-
gram, wlthm .r:h~ s~b-atomic particle structure of your cells, much as a computer ational through me DNA, is the first step in gaining mastery over the contents of
sto~es data wlthm Its memory. The DNA serves as the literal conduit through your external reality field. By removing slower-pulsating particles. from your body
whlC.h that ~ologr~phic program will project data from cellular memory into systems, you make room for the addition of new morphogenetIC thought-fonn
physlca.l maOifesratlon, much as a computer's circuitry allows the electronic daw patterns composed of faster pulsating particles, which contain the electromag-
stored III mem~ry to be projected onto the screen, into fom1S recognizable to netic imprint for more hannoniously ordered event.s. .
human perception. Your external reality field is the screen upon which the We are telling you of these things because the Guardian Alltance needs
thought.fonns that are stored within your cellular memory program will be dis- your help to ensure the success of the Bridge Zone Project. We need you. to
played, and the DN:, Operates as the electromagnetic circuitry through which take responsibility for consciously building your personal DNA, e~pandmg
that memory comes Into perceptual manifestation.
your consciousness, clearing your cellular memory and directing your
thought-forms to the Bridge Zone.
els of the planet's body, is being increased and the angular rotation of particle
spin is being shifted. These adjustments constitute a shift of the planetary
bodies into faster moving time cycles. The consc iousness of those upon the
planet must also make such a shift, and rhe particles of which the body and
consciousness are composed will undergo the same acceleration of pulsation
speed and change in angular rotation of particle spin.
Nonnally, when a planer reached its half-point in its second ascension
Time Shift cycle, which constitutes rhe 2.5-accretion level, the electrical overtone parti-
cles of its D) Merkaba Fields would merge with their anti-particles, form a
morphogenetic wave and transfer into the next Hannonic Universe into the
sixth-dimensional frequency bands. Also included in this morphogenetic
wave are the electrical overtone particles of the Dl and D-2 Merkaba Fields.
AsCENDING AND DESCENDING PLANE The D2 overtone electrical particles transfer to 0-5 and the D-l electrical
The Bridge Zone, Shift to Agartha As Old. TS overtone panicles transfer into D-4. So nonnally, during rhe half.point mor-
The speed of evolution of a la' .ce. mg and Descending Planets phogenetic wave the clockwise rotating electrical Merkaba Fields of D-1, 02
evolution of the Iie~fo"""''' Ph nelt IS directly connected to the rate 01 and D-) open up and merge with the counterclockwise rotating magnetic
. ..... upont cpaner I h B'd
a~e gomg [Q shift Earth entirely out of its . n t e ~I ge Zone Project we Merkaba Fields of 04, 0-5 and 06. During the 10 year period surrounding
Stl[utes accelerating the pulsatio ' rese~t D3 time cycle, which con_ the half-point, all of the electrical overtone particles that Earth had pulled in
rotation of particle spin by 22 5. oJ rat~0 particles and sh ifting the angular from dimensions I, 2 and 3 and stOred in the morphogenetic field, are trans
of Earth's populations have t~ ~'Il n 0 e~~o make this shift successfully, 8% muted through their anti-particles and transferred into the morphogenetic
individuals must assemble the ,lI ~~~ e the fifth DNA strand, 144,000 field of Tara in HU-2.
tions must rapidly reach an acc::~~n level strand an~ th~ remaining popula- At the completion of the ascension cycle, 2213 years later, rhe same pro-
of the fourth DNA strand and h II I h fifoh(4.5, which IS the assembly of all cess occurs with the magnetic base tone panicles within Earth's morphoge-
R be aotetstrand netic field, The particles of Earth's counterclockwise-rotating, magnetic
emem r that consciousness will ' '.
quency bands One dimension below 'ts perceIve as solId the dimensional fre- Merkaba Fields, of D-l, 02 and 0-3, open and merge with the panicles of
sciousness of humanity to e . I present station of focus. For the con- Tara's electrical clockwise-rotating Merkaba Fields of DA, D-5 and D6.
accrenon level of the Bridge Z
me phy I
' SIca Ity 0
f Ea
nh at the 3.5- Earth's morphogenetic field fully merges with thar of Tara and Earrh leaves
14 5 one, t at conSCIOus h the time continua of HU-I and shifts into the time continua of HU-2. Earth
o . -accrerion, which comes with bl f ness must ave a minimum
3SSem becomes Tara. During this process, the consciousness stationed within the
and half of the fifth strand Th h yo all of the fourth DNA strand
Earth's matter body and if the e II ull~an collective represents part
, , ' co eCClve accreci I I f h
or the three levels of Earth's body, the six time continua of Earth's HU-l Euiago
remams at ItS present 3-3.5 aVerage h ,on eve 0 uman beings cycle, also transmutes and transfers into the time cycles of HU-2. A planet's
the Earth's grid will be held down 'I t ehacScr:tlOn level and vibration rate of shift from the time cycles of one Hannonic Universe into the time cycles of
Ea rt h 's accretion level will be .. ednr f'
e ndgeZo '
ne time continuum the the next Hannonic Universe usually mkes place in nvo phases. The overtone
, ralS rom I[S cu 25 ' particle base transfers at the half-ascension cycle point and the magnetic par-
accretion. In order for the Earth' 'd ,rrent . - to a 3.5-level of
tion in rime to begin entering t~;~ .~o re;ch thiS accelerated leve l of accre- ticle base shifts 2213 years later, at the end of the ascension cycle,
populations must be able to rea h n Ige ~ne by 2012, most of the human The Bridge Zone Project will accelerate chis process; the two phases of
majority of the populations c c no ess t an a 4.5-accretion level. If the Earth's particle conversion from HU-I to HU2 will take place at once,
, annot reach the 4 5 '
tI~n tate of Earth will not reach 3.5 and th . -accre~lon level, the vibra- between 2012 and 2017. The artificial time continuum into which Earth will
Bndge Zone Time COnti nuum. e planet wtll not shift into the shift exists benveen the natural time cycles of the third and fourth dimensions,
In terms of a planet , h,ft . In the natural procession of merging me grids of Earth and Tara, the Eanh's grid
' mg Into anothe' ,
rea II y ta k mg place is that the I . r, time COntlnUUIll, what is progressively raises in speed, beginning 15-20 years before the half-cycle point.
pu satton rate of partIcles, within the three lev- TI,e pulsation rare of Earth's D-l particles raises to the rhythm of D-4,
Earth's 0-2 pulsation rate accelerates to the rhythm of D5 and Earth's D) par-
ou t O
f range of the
FeTo ce
h e uaru'
, ions and the Hans of Amenti
Gtran~~,al~s are confiden t that humanity
' 1
tides enter the 0-6 rhythm. For a periCKi of five years before the half-point
Ian win prace on sc u: der to ensure its own survlVa .
Earth's grid begins to intersect with that of Tara, as Earth's 0-1 particles shih p 'nbe able to do itS part now, !O or h tioned the existence of the Inner
into the pulsation rhythm of the D-4 time continuum. Following the half_ WI Earlier in our disc~ssions we .av: Trenuency modulation zone between
point, scheduled for 2017 AD, Earth would naturally begin returning to the D. &rth, Agartha, which Is.loc~teda;:Uel u~verse. Agartha representd pa~~f
3 - 0-1 pulsation rhythms of the HU-l time cycle. The Dracos-Zeta Resistance &rth and Earth's double m \ e f three levels of the planetary bo fh ,e
~::~:s~~~e~~~i::;~;a;i::1s'::ist ;;;t~~v~::"~:~~Sa~d2:'~;;;alle1e~~~s
plans to broadcast the EM pulses of their Frequency Fence through the pulsa-
tion rhythms of HU-I dimensional frequency bands.
The Bridge Zone Project will allow the primary particle base of Earth to relationship of particle pu satlon spe .
remain at a higher level of pulsation within the Bridge Zone time continuum, a , . I pulsation
ble: . ed of Earth's D-2 '" antl-partlc e
at the point Earth would nonnally begin to slow in pulsation rhythm and reven The particle pulsation spe
back into the HU-l time cycles. The Earth must begin its ascent into the HU- s ed of paraUel Earth 0-1.. ed "" that of parallel 0-2, etc. .
2 particle pulsation rate now, its 0-1 particle base accelerating to the D-4 pe Earth's D-3 particle pulsation .spe . hin each dimensional band I.n t~e
rhythm, in order for the entire grid (both electrical overtone and magnetic base The speed of particle pulsation Wit f he corresponding dimenSIOn \0
tone particles) to shift into the 0-4 time cycle. Earth's morphogenetic field will anti-particle universe is faster ~h~n ~7::ti~n\peeds of the dimensi?nal ~an~;
temporarily reach a stable 4-accretion level, the accretion level of rhe 0-4 time the particle universe. The partlc e, p , behind those of the dlmenslona
cycle, by 2012. Acceleration of the particle pulsation rhythm of Earth's grid in the particle univer~e run ?ne dll~~r::~on ed of particle pulsation in t~e par-
bands in [he anti-parucle um~rse. ed' t:h ich anti-particles pulsate m 0-1
into rhe D-4 rhythm is a normal parr of the ascension cycle process. For the
Bridge Zone project to succeed, this acceleration must be intense enough ro ticle universe D-2, would t th'~ 6-2 p:rt~les are stationed within the same
of the paraUei umvers~'ldart he 0 -1 anti-particles of parallel Earth:
raise both overtone and base tone particles into HU-2 rhythms, and must also
be able to counter balance the ULF EM pulses of the Frequency Fence the Dra- d'mensional Unified Fie as.t
, p . 1 D 2 - Anti-particle D-l,
cos-Zetas plan to use in 2004. artlc e - - 'ID2
. I D) - Anti-partlc
Partlce-- e -.
If Earth does not make it into the pulsation rhythm of the 0-4 time cycles 'ID 3 c h
Particle D-4 '" Anti-parnc e -, et . the 0-2 particles of Earth are t e
by 2012, full merger between the grids ofEanh and Tara will not take place, the The frequency bands that m:k~~p0-1 anti-particles of Paran~l Earth.
Halls of Amenti will not Open and Earth will nO[ be able to shift imo the ame frequency bands that ma~e ~ Hel Earth's D-2 anti,parnc1es.
Bridge Zone Cycle, In this case the Frequency Fence transmissions of the Ora- s Ea th's D-3 particles co_ex lst,wlth pam. ' hEarth's D-3 particles, etc.
cos-Zeta Resistance (should rhey be successful in orchestrating their 2003 Pa:aUel Earth's 0-2 anti-parnclles :_exls{ :~~ch are [he dimensional fre-
experiment) will begin chain reaction Earth changes between 2012-2017, as When observing Earth's D-3 an ca~e s~ess stationed in D-4 of the pa~-
the natural fusion process of particle and anti-particle within the Earth's grid uency bands that appear s:olid tO a constcl~~ of 0-3 particle and D-2 anO-
q .) rcelVes the con 0
are disrupted. ticle universe one pc h . Ie
The Frequency Fence would cause the particle pulsation rhythms in cer- 1 Eo h h' b tween t e paruc
partie e rt. l" this intimate relations Ip e d h eality
tain portions of Earth grid to drop rapidly in speed, while other portions of the It is important to re~ Ize , 1 Eo h if one is to understan t e r bo
particle base attempted to rise in speed. The fabric of Earth's particle base
would begin to tear open and fragment. In areas of Earth's grid where this frag-
mentation occurred, landmasses would begin to break apart, new fissures within
fi~f~:~~ ~;~;~ A;:;t:a.
dimensional partlce
h d nn_partlc e rt, 1 .
t ~~~::'~:I~'~~~:i~~~~;~' ~h:"~'~~ le~~~:
an d ahose of the parallel Earth can be un ers
f the a ve

the Earth's tectonic plates would emerge and plate shifting would result. This Earth's planetary body an { I
does not have to occur. The populations are fuily capable of accelerating their . . I' 0-1 iron core crysta .
follows. 1 I body '" anti-parucle Eart \ S h' 02 elemen-
genetic evolution by consciously building DNA through working with the Earth's 0-2 e ementa I "" anti-particle Eart s -
higher chakra centers, If humanity successfully raises the pulsation rhythm of Earth's 0-3 mental body/atOlOSP lere
the panicles that compose the physical, emotional and mental bodies, the tal body.

Earth's grid will proceed to accelerate its own pulsation rhythm into the D-4
time cycle. Earth will reach a high enough pulsation rhythm by 2004 to shift 163

Ami-particle Earth's D.] I
body, which is the D-4 gold menta body/atmosphere '" Earth's D-4 actually the low to middle 0-3 frequency fields, the slower-moving particles
within the center of Eanh , S core crystal Merkaba Field of Tara ,aStral of Earth's "mental body."
A S un. , stationed
ganha represents an Earth ," The atmosphere on and surrounding Earth is the middle- to upper-Do)
and her parallel double Earth' ~7 ,ltv field that exists between the E frequency field s. The "outer space" existing beyond Earth's atmosphere repre-
first-dimen~ionaJ frequ~ncy b~ds -or~n Core ~rystal i.s stationed Within~:h sentS a Repulsion Zone and the frequency fields of D-4 through 15 that exist
level. Anti-particle Earth's D-l ira e part/d.c un iverse, at O-accrcf e beyond this Repulsion Zone. From the fourth-dimensional perspective, there
(~equency bands of the particle univ~:r&Crryhs,tal's stationed within the O~~ appears [Q be a separation of many miles between Earth and the Sun because
Cla n level l. Agartha's D 1 . , t S elemental kingdom at the natural Repulsion Zone between D-) and 0-4 creates the illusion of
at . I
D n
ha lfway between Earth's ;ro Core crystal can be viewed as being'stat~ccre.
- Core crystal and th lOlled
absence of light and expansion of space. This Repulsion Zone is created by
partlc e universe 0-2, which would r e core crystal of paraliel Earth the 4Y shift of angular rotation of particle spin that occurs between one Har-
~~uency ~ands. For Earth, paralJe~P~~;tl~t a .5-accretion level in the 0- monic Universe and the Harmonic Universe above. There are five primary
y IS one dllnensional band above rh I and Agartha, the elemental Repulsion Zones within the I5-dimensional universe, which create the illu-
and the mental body/atmosphere is one e. P ace~cnt of the iron core crystal sion of vast distances between star systems existing within the 15 dimensions.
tal body, or cwo dimensional bands abov~l~e~slonal band above the clemen: Though Earth, the planets and the galaXies appear to be separated in
The panicle base of Earth. . 0 t e Iron core crystal: space by great distances, that distance is only a natural holographic illusion
level 0 to 1. IS 10 -I of the particle universe at accretion created by the refraction of energy waves through varying angular relation-
ships between spinning panicles. A ll that you perceive outside of yourselves,
The particle base of parallel Earth ... 0 including Earth and what appears [Q lie beyond, in Earth's immediate solar
accretion level I to 2. IS 10 -2 of the particle universe at
system, actually exists at the center of Earth's Sun, at varying rates of particle
Th~ particle base of Agartha is half in 0-1
a . pulsation and angular relationship of particle spin. Earth's S un is likewise
universe, at an accretion level of.5 t I 5 nd half III 0-2 of the particle contained within a larger solar structure with other planetary bodies, which
The elemental bod f Ea h. a . . would appear [Q exist outside of that Sun from various stations of perception.
to 2. yo rt IS at particle uni verse 0-2, accretion level 1 The reality of the mechanics of energy is that dimensions 1- 3, and aU things
contained within them, exist within the 0-4 Merkaba Fields of Tara's gold
The elemental bod f II I
level 2 to 3. yo para e Earth is at particle universe 0 -3, accretion core crystal and that core crystal is stationed at the center of the Sun. The
gold core crystal at the center of Earth's Sun serves as an electromagnetic por-
The elemental body of Agar-' . tal structure between H U-l and HU-2. Though the Universe appears spread
. Ula IS at panicle u h If
accretIOn level 1.5 to 2.5. Iliverse a D-2-half D-3, out over great distances, in reality it all ex ists within the same space, at vari-
The mental bod~(/atmosphere of E h ous dimensional frequency levels and particle spin relationships.
tion level 2 [Q 3. art IS ae particle universe 0-3, accre_ We are telling you of these hidden reality mechanics so you may begin
to comprehend what will be taking place on Earth as your half-cycle period
The atmosphere of anti-parti I E I
tion level J to 4. c e art 1 IS at particle universe 0-4, accre- approaches and the Bridge Zone Project goes into operation. We have said
that Earth's accretion level will be shifted from its present 2.5 level to that of
The atmosphere of Agartha is at . I . 3.5 accretion. The present 2.5-accretion level is the measurement of the fre-
accretion level 2.5 [ 0 3.5. pamc e Ulli verse half D-3-half D-4,
quencies contained within Earth's morphogenetic field. Accretion level 2.5 is
. From the perspective of the fourth d' . also the measurement of the beginning of Earth's atmospheric body, the part
ness I~ presently stationed) the D. I iro ImenSlon (where human conscious_ which is closest to Earth's surface.
(t~at IS stationed Within the Overto ~ ~or(e crystal of anti-particle Earth, Earth's atmospheriC body represents the portions of the 0-3 Unified Field
un Iverse) and the 0 J . ne - requency bands of h . I
wi~hin (requ:n~~oba~~::~~hs:al of.Ptrtic~e ~s :t~~~t~~~
that have nOt yet been pulled inro Earth's morphogenetic field, the particle
the 0-1 Earth, (that fields of D-J that exist outside of Earth's morphogenetic field and thus outside
an appear as the Sun. The Sun a a;arnc e ulliverse), perceptually merge of Earth's physical body structure. Earth's atmosphere is composed of the
E..1.rth. From this perspective, what:pe:r:o[~e~ara~ed ~y many miles from upper frequency bands of 0-3, which represent the 2.5_)_accretion levels.
e p lyslcal body of Earth is Earth's atmosphere is thus sa id to be at 2.5 accretion .
At presem, Earth's D.2 I
" I ba e erne-ma l bod .
partlc e se is at .5 accretion. A a , Y IS at l.5 accretion and i
elemental body at 2 5 h g nha s atmosphere is at 3 5 . rs D'l placed, it is no longer considered an Asccnsion Planct, it is called a
Earth's atmos h . I,r us Agartha's elemental bod . . aCCretion, its Descending Planet. Such a planer will continue ro evolve within its Har-
Eanh's particfes er:n~ a different angular rotation of parti~le1Ss I~ated Within
3cCretion, thus
bod y.
Agarr~~'sa~~;[~:~einb:isib~e'l Agartha's particl:lba::a~
se IS ocared within Earch's I t.5 l
t: at o(
monic Universe time cycles, slowly expending the energies held within its
core, until its panicle pulsation rhythms slow, irs temperatures cool and even-
cually it implodes to become a black hole. It can take bill ions of years for a
Ounng cement I Descending Planet ro meet this destination, this does not occur quickly, and
the Bridge 20 "" a
ITam 2.5 accrclion to J 5 a ne'transIt/on ' \vhen Earth'5 atmosphere' life can continue to evolve upon its surface for many years. In the case of
~gartha. Earth's elem~nta~C~on, ~fl w~l! be merged with the atmo~~hhifred Earth's coming changes, when the planet is shifted to the Bridge Zone, the
non, Earth's elemental kin d Y,W I S 1ft from 1.5 accretion to 2 ere of portions of Earth's particles that do not make the shift will become a Phan-
tide base will shift from ~ om wI,1I merge with that of Agartha Ea5h~ccre. rom Earth-a Descending Earth.
~vill hme~e w~th Agartha's 'pa;~~~:tb:: to~~e nac~et~n, Earth 's ~art~~les~a:: The phantom version of Earth will be Cut off from the interdimensional
Time Matrix grid, and the Phantom Earth will return to the 0-3 time cycle
~~Idt e -4 cu:ne cycle between 2012 ~nd 20 l 7 'ht Eamerges with Tara's grid following 2017. The entire Bridge Zone Project was designed to keep Earch's
temporari ly rea h h' , t e rth's h
ura,/.5-accre,tion le~et~o~lo~fn~ ~b:~~retion
level 4, then re~~t:r~n~:~~ primary particle base our of rhar D-3 time cycle, because in that time contin-
uum the Oracos-Zeta Resistance successfully employs the Frequency Fence
n the Bndge Zone Pro 'ect Ea h'
~ccretion level 4 when me J i ' .rt s m~tphogenetic Content will and creates Earth's destruction in 2976 AD. (This probable future for the 0-3
mstead of returning to its ~a~g ,\~l~\ Taras ~rid between 2012- 201 ~e~~ ar time cycle can be averted if the Resistance-inspired 2003 experiment does
2017, Earth will return t . urd ,-aCCretIOn level/D_3 time c ' en not take place.) In rhe Phantom Earth 0-3 time cycle Earth changes occur,
;:reselnts the time cycle ~~=e;:-~~~r:~~"o~e4ve.1. Thh~ 3.5-accretr~: 1~~:1 which debilitate a portion of human civilization, and the Zeta-Dracos hybrids
come to "help put things back together", while placing the remaining popula-
es pace. , In w lch Agartha's reali
In the usual process Earth' . ty
tions under covert mind control through the use of Frequency Fence and
rot~iO~ of ~article spi n' to ent;;~:l~~~ would unhdergo.a 45 - sh ift in angular Holographic Insert technology.
Humans who do not assemble DNA strand 4 and half of strand 5 will find
to t e -3 time cycle. In the Bridge Z cyc e, t en shift back 45- to return
an~ular rotation of particle spin to one, ~rth will undergo the 45 - shift of themselves within this probability on the 0-3 Phantom Earth. They will not
45 ~o return to the 0-3 time c cle merg~ with .Tara. Instead of shiftin.g back know they are being controlled, and they will not realize the Dracos-Zeta
placmg Earth within the 3.5- y ,.Earth s particles will shift back only 22 5' Resisrance manipu lates and covertly directs world culture. They will not
oh- 4'hergmg"E accrenon level eh .
arth and Agartha. Earth iJ ~ time cycle between D-3 and
. , realize they are nOt free. And the souls of D-3 phantom Earth wilt con-
t a, t rough the 2012-2017 transition WI come the Inner Earth, Agar- sciously have no idea of the ultimate destiny of soul fragmentation toward
Humans who have <.!SSe bled . which they will be headed. Most souls caught in this 0-3 incarnational cycle
the fifth will perceive this rrans~tion ::~~f the fourth DNA strand and half of in 2017 will have to continue rei ncamating within the 0-3 continuum, until
Cures on Earth, and the literal disa . e emergence of new lands and Struc- they slowly assemble the fourth and half of the fifth DNA strand, which will
structures. Humans who do not ppearance of some of the existin Eanh be exceedingly difficult to do while under Frequency Fence control. Your
ent reality entirely. During rhisassem~l~ these strands will perceive; differ- future incamational selves will be those humans faced wirh the 2976 cata-
ullabl~ to fully shift into rhe faster trans
I It.lon, the particles of Earth that are clysm. Through the Bridge Zone Project the severity of this future can be
accretion I I (3 5 ' pu sanon rare tho I lessened.
. I h eve 0 " will noc make this h'~" se t lat cannot reach an
~IC. es t at do not shift will create a Pha : I [into the Bridge Zone. The par-
time cycle. The Phanrom Ea th '1 n om arth that will return to-rne D-
If the Bridge Zone Project is successful, the D-4 time continuum, in which
the Zetas now have their strong hold, will become free from Dracos-Zeta con-
:;.oge~eric field of Eanh and ;araWI+;:.O long~r .remain attached to the mor- trol, SO the 2976 AD explosion of Earth will be avoided for the 0-3 Earth. The
109 cut out of the gn"d "Th I' IS condition is referred to as I Resistance will still attempt to infiltrate and control D-3 Earth, but their
a' . . epaner' 1 apanet
l"Yllmpnnt Contained within irs hIS no on.ger attached to the evolution- chances of success will be grcady reduced after losing control of rhe D-4 con-
no onger capabl ( morp agenetic field A h tinuum. I
e a evolving OUt of th 1.1 .' P antom planet is
e armonlC Tim I" Humans remaining in the D-3 time cycle will not benefit from the genetic
166 e cyc e 10 which it is
acceleration opportunity that is open to Bridge Zone humans, as they will be I
167 I
CUt o~ from (he Sphere of Amemi rna .
Ea~_~ ~ore .in the Bridge Zone. They w!I~c;::~net'~~Id, which will remain i THREE TRACKS OF TIME
on uescendmg Earth. It is much . Wa liferent COurse of ev I . n
from such a planet as th . more d lfficulc (or individual ~,, 1 _ 0 Utlan Humanity Facing Three Probable Futures and Three Tracks of Time
'< elf personal c ' ",-,UIl; to as
~h agenetic field, which allows them ~.nnec('Jon to the Sphere of A menri cend The technical information we have prov ided on the mechanics of the
,dentity, also becomes severed Ireee access to their higher-dimen ,Illor_ Bridge Zone Project serves to illustrate some of the operations of multidimen-
T h
e ndge B
Zone is an absolute
Project . -~ sional physics. We are quite aware that it will be centuries before earthly sci-
Earth, and it also allows humans the a n~cesSJ[y to ensure the SUtvival f entific communities can comprehend some of the dynamics of which we
of Oracos-Zeta man ipulation If even:portunlty to evolve beyond the reach 0 speak. We provided the information so those of scientific persuasion might
the Bridge Zone in 2017 and h unfold perfectly, all humans wili h' " begin to real ize the sophistication of true spiritual sc ience, so they might be
. b ' t us no one w"1Jfall d TL _ S lltta less prone to dismiss the importance of the information we have given. We
lon, ur the chances of such h h I un er LJrdCOs-Zeta d .
.. I Ig SUccess are sl" I ' amln_ suggest that one use the intuitive senses when trying to understand some of
a Ctlnea mass of humans reach a 4 5 . 1m. t IS presently essential th
If this does n t . -accretion level before 2012 at the more complicated conceptS we have presented, as the intuitions are bet-
h 0 OCCur, no one will m k h . ter equipped to translate th is data into cognition, than are the faci lities of the
r e Halls of Amenti wi!! not full 0 a e If to t e Bridge Zone COntinuum
take place benveen 2012-201 7. y Hr::: and some degree of Earth changes wi,i logical-analytical mind alone. To simplify the meaning of the Bridge Zone
Project, it can be viewed as the vesse l through which three probable future
DNA strand can be rescued by guardia ans who are able co assemble the fifth
osporrs , but there will be little t'm paths of development open to the human population. Between the years
for such an evacuation and the m' . n era I th
, aJofl tyo e I ' e 2012-2017, there will be three distinct time continua into which the human
transport travel to Aganha or Tara If h B' popu atlOn could not withstand
;;;;:t of the human popu lations wiil ~ e ~~dge Zone Project is not Successful
consciousness can pass to continue its evolutionary journey. These time coo- I
tinua represent three different tracks of time that different portions of
cos-Zeta rule and separ.uion from thu~a e to escape Earth changes, cove~ humanity will follow.
Zone Project fails C~-th 11 . elr personal soul matrix. If th Bd
H ,QU" WI meetltsu . I d e n ge 1. Time Track One-Voyagers Asceosion-D~4 Time Cycle 5532.5~year
. cst Matrix transplants wou ld have to ~tnne y e~ise in 2946 AD. Guardian
IOta Agarrha before 2976 destruct . Th~ed to shift Descending Planet souls Leap into the Future
G uard'Jan rescue mission th . Ion. IS would constitute
. another mass The first track of time opening to the human popu lation in 20 12, and
. 'f h 10 e iUture the Ive the most desirable for those who can achieve it, constitutes catching the crest
ln~, I umanity were under Resistanc~ F prospects of which are not promis_
thiS rescue will be removed f d requency Fence control. The need ' of the morphogenetic wave between 2012- 2017 and ascending into the 0-5
h . I present ay h lor time cycle of Tard (or into the higher-dimenSional fields of Gaia and the
~elf pef~nal evolution now, and assist th~~ans c~n ac.cepe res~nsibility for Meta-galact ic Core.) We refer to the individuals who will complete bodily
ne Project a success. uardlans In making the Bridge
ascension as the Voyagers. To become a Voyager one must fully assemble the
YOUf future is in your hands and . fifth DNA strand no later than 2022. After 2022, th is fi rst time track is no
rourhcoll~ctive choices. Each individJ~u~ raches wlillive the consequences of longer an option. In this future one would expect to experience subtle com-
lor c ooS lOg the . h f a s t e power and the bl
. h pat 0 personal destiny tho '1 1 . responSI I lty munications with a guard ian group of either ET or metaterrestrial nature,
~gno~e t e reality of Earth's present mu " at ~VI unlold. In chOOSing to
Jugatmg your personal pOwer to those ~~~dlmenslonal affairs, you will be sub-
prior to the ascension period.
Through this communication one will be taught how to prepare for
to con.trol your destiny for you. If ou ~ de~ forces th~t would be delighted their personal ascension, and will be given times and locations as to when
~volutl~nary survival so easily. You have ~~I ~seh ~ou will not surrender your and where the physical event will take place. For individuals who are
.umanlty must also do its part and be t e e p you need to succeed bur ascending but cannot fully transmute the body to do so, preparation for
tlOn. come responsible for personal e;olu-
ach ieving ascension following natural death will be provided through subtle
communications and spiritual work. Most ascending individuals will be
required to engage in conscious cellular transmutation work, and will be
guided through personal spiritual work, to the appropriate methodology for
their personal development.
Individuals who will bodily ascend will at some point in their develop-
168 menr experience direct physical or conscious ctheric contact with a Guardian
group. A t the designaH.-d t ime I .
(rom which (hey will a ' t ley wdl be secretly brat! h
into the Halls of Am sc~ndThSome will be taken via
transmuting their bod~ntl:
h h Jes Into Ight ( h' h
r y~ m of panicles in the bod
v/'t to the location
I ~Y will be led into'the Ha'I'l POd rtal rOU t es
s an as'
d W Ie . constitutes raising the Slsred In
. I
Not all individuals mking the TransJXlf[ ascension route will have [heir
consciousness transferred into a clone body. Most will simply ha ve their bio-
energetic fields adjusted to fa cilitate rapid fifth DNA strand building. (Note:
thelf consciousness into h yan ConscIOusness). As Ii h h PU.'satio ll clones c reated by the Guard ian IT groups are expressly for the purpose of facil-
Halls of Amenti , they wi~l :;~re of Amenti and throughgrJ~~ [ ey wdl Pass itating human ascensions. These are not to be confused with cloning tactics
Amenti within their c o ' y the frequencies of the Blue FPOI rrals of the used by intruder Dracos-Zeta forces for infiltration into human culture.) . Voy-
" ara. 0 nee transferred tonsclousness
'Ii and morp hogenetic fie ld aamedStaff
' 0( agers on the T ransporrs will be taken into outer space, then through the 0-4
rare of their consciousness s~;~;ch individuals will then hav~ the
pa;s i?tQ Merkaba Field at the center of the Sun and into the Halls of Amenti at th e 0-
~l ves fe-manifest in a less dens to 0 -5 frequency, and they will Ii p~ ~tlon 4 level (this is the same ascension path used by souls who die/drop th eir bOO ies
wdl appear in one of several e, ~~re perf~cted version of their bo~ [Tern. and ascend to Tara as soul essence. However, individuals on the Transports will
pose, and will be met by g reCeiVing stations on Tara set up " Y. hey not be leaving a body behind). The Transport craft will emerge t hrough the
Tarn Th reeters appointed b h p ' Or [h IS pu
. e gree ters will eSCOrt th y t e riests of U r and M r core of Tara's Sun in 0-5, then proceed to landing facilities on Tara. Imerdi-
t~~s'dap~roPriate to the personalel~v:~ o~~ of stvera l residen tia llearni~g u on mension al Transport vessels are designed fo r such solar passage, as they are able
VI e With all necessities. a eve opmenr, and they will b cen_
to modulate frequency bands and alter th e composition of their structure. Most
Couples or grou s \ h e pro-
they so c hoose R p .v a ascend together will be able . human Voyagers will experience a period of deep sleep then a bit of temporary
they can accli~laf~r t~ t ime. the Voyag~rs will be offered cfo remain rogethe.r if time disorientation as the Transports encounter the solar passages. Once they
~esidence or will be ho~~::/ b
.reallty, and will then beas;e;~~ough which land on Tara, the Transport Voyagers will experience t he same orientation
lng, Sustena nce and love
fu lly returned d h .
J pnvate Taran families who will
emory of multidime ' I
ProVI e odg_
events as those who ascended directly through the Halls of Amenti. All VOyl
agers will h ave a companion assigned to the m fo llowing t heir arrival on Tara.
soul friends a~daf \ e Vhyagers will have the op~~~n~ experience will be The companion will assist them in adjusting to the new reality, a nd will remain
learn [Q inre ami y w om they had forgotten in Oity ~o commune with with them until the Voyagcr has comfortably integrated into Taran c ulture.
55325 years ~rar~ t~emselves as time travelers into eartrly life. Voyagers will Some Voyagers, who have fully assembled the sixth DNA strand and
principles of ~~: Lea;~;~of pres~nt day Earth. Thi: ;~l:~;: j~l~t ~xisrs about have reached an accretion level of 6, win have the opponunity to ascend
tuai at-one-ment a nd ' ne, an ove, brotherhood freed UI t upon the beyond Tara in HU-2, to Gaia in HU-3 or into the Meta-galactic Core at 0-8
It is well worth the YI JOy ar; the foundations upon which th~m, h.ealr~, spiri- and completely leave matter form, the dimensional system and Time Matrix.
Sam h oyage rOr those who can ach ' ~ SOc lcry IS built. This is the path of full mastery. Normally it is available to only the few who are
e w a are on the ascens" ICve ascension.
:;and of DNA assembled but will ~:~o~me rrd.ck will not have the fu ll fifth born into the highest resonating genetic codes. Due to Earth's upcoming infu-
be un~dbedle to pass directly through the Hal~o th(AIS 5-ac~retion level. They will sion of fifth-dimensional frequency, in the Bridge Zone time track, the fifth
gm to T ranspo I ' 0 menn POrtals '11 . , DNA strand assembly will be made available to e veryone who works con-
inte d" rt ocanons on Earth \ h h ' so WI Instead
~mens(,onhal transit craft and prepared fo v e.re t ey .will be brought upon sciously to assimilate the D-5 frequency into the body. Once the fifth DNA
. me 0 t 0Se on the t . r a Journey lUto space strand is assembled, assembly of the sixth strand begins, and some individuals
mto a clone bod ( . ransports wdl have their c o ' . will be able to fully assemble the sL'(th strand between 20 12-2017, while the
d y 0 their original bod r ( nsclousness transferred
a vance through rd ' y lorm these cl Halls of Amenti and portals to Tara and Gaia are opened (Gaia's portals open
I ' gua Ian abduction/v'" ones were prepared in
~~~dO~~~onlY in cases of indiViduals \~~:t;,~ encounters). The Guardians for only three days in 20 17 ). Guardians will be available to assist in all ascen-
h assembly. Guardian d . . ess most of the necessary lifth sion procedures, those leading to Tara and beyond.
~v~ beeein a?le to ascend if they had ~:~ng IS used for indiViduals who would The Voyagers' ascension to Ta ra will be done solely through private,
n. OOing is used f1 enCOUntered genetic d h' personal contact. There will be no mass landings of Guardian ships to pick
irre.r;rable~enetic dama;e r;:-:~~:io~-le; indiv.iduals W~::~:i~:c: up intended Voyagers, there will be no public knowledge of the logistic
orchestration of these events. Indi viduals who are able to participate in this
aCCI e nts or l!lness suffered on Eanh. ru er manipulation, binh defects,
activity will be contacted privately and secretly guided to the appropria te
170 location , just prior to leaving. Publicly conducting such activities would
serve only to cause major chaos within your socia l orders, not to mention
to the Resistance and redi~ect your
Rfethi~k YOTh~~~i~:~~i~l'~:~~~'h~o
~ate200of~h:~-y3 ~ill\~~7~
mil itary interference, so ascensions will remain a closely guarded coven
ur se 0 action. I . at stop Ill' .
guardian activity. co If the Dracos-Zeta p an IS n F in 2004 and beam III
We present this material now to assist potential Voyagers in remembering tinuum . . EM ulses of the Frequency ence minimum of 3.75-
their soul agreements to participate in these activ ities. Those who are broadcast!~g the b p 2006. People who do not have a bl f the third
L1 I raphlc Inserts y \ tutes full assem y a
intended to ascend can find this information through working directly with nO ag. n level, (3.75_accretion leve const! . f 1\ under the bio-neuro1og i -
their own spiritual identities. Even if you do not consciously remember such accretiO d nd 75% of the fourth strand), wbe lll a bliminally control\ed
soul agreements, you will feel a certain way about the ascension option when DNA stran a F d will come su .
I block of the Frequency cnceRan. ce This includes those of you III
confronted with this material. If the path of ascension is the right one for ~d directed by the Dracos-~eta ::I~~~ e~ough to believe these E~Es a~e
you, you will sense rhis, and find your soul-self awareness guiding you to the e Interior Government w 0 are bein controlled. Those un er t e
appropriate preparatory procedures. The ascension path is not something the t~ur allies. No one wil~ know they areff fro! their personal intuitive senses
Guardians have made happen for you, it is the natural path of your personal y Frequency Fence wlil become CUI' 0 . They win be unable to further
soul evolution. The Guardians do not control the ascension process-they neW . h r sou matrix. .' ler-
simply facilitate humans and the souls and over-souls of humans who are and orbglan,ihcec~~n~c::~a:~~, :n~ thus will not be abl~,to t;l~C~~~ :l~~ffer a
ready for this natural evolutionary step. assem e . on opportllfil y. h h
eel evolution and the comlllg ascenSIh in teach subservience to a Ig er
2. TIme Track Two-Phantom Earth Descending Planet-Do) TIme ~~w belief system of a religiOUS ~~t~r~:il~\:come the belief catalyst f~r ~h~
Cycle Returning to the P rescnt order of spiritual hierarchy, w IC I d dominion foretold in your Blbhca
The second track of time opening to the human population in 2017 is "New World Order" of covert contro an .
that of the natural procession through the half-point, in which Earth returns 2 2017 period there wdl be
to the 0-3 time cycle following 2017. If the Bridge Zone Project is successful, stones. When the phantom Earth enter~h~ 2~~e degree of wh:ch we cannot
the Earth that will return to the 0-3 time cycle will be the "phantom Earth," geographical and climatlC c7ang~ ~ g~: ~In depend completely upon ho~",
the remaining particles of Earth's Ixxiy that were unable to transmute to fun foresee. The seventy 0 suc can . u nons of the Frequency Fence. t
higher accretion levels. This is the least-favorable option avai lable to theYEarth's gnd reacts to t~e fre,\~:c;~::aXlY responSible for caUS;ng sever~
humanity, as this is the future in which humanity falls under the covert can IS the Frequency Fence t ~3\~~fi\tratlon IS stOPped, the severity 0 potentia
crol of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance. Humans who will see this future after Earth changes, so If the f012- 2017 can be sigOificantly reduced. d tors if
2012 will be those who have not assembled their DNA to at least the fourth Earth changes between to our nuclear weapons an rcac .
strand by 2012. What do you think mIght happen. Your ovemments began conSider-
On August 12th, 2003 the Dracos-Zeta Resistance plan to motivate cer- Earth changes take place? It IS nme Y g d the Frequency Fence pl~n
tain factions of the Interior Government [Q orchestrate another experiment :~chthese ISSUes. If these events go uncheck~~b:t 40% of Earth's surfac~ w~n
similar to those of the Montauk Project of 1983 and the Philadelphia Experi- 15 ~ot diverted, it is presently es~,mated It~~ of this 40% taking place wltht
ment of 1943. The Interior government will be led to believe this project is be heavily affected by these ~ ~~' These estimateS may change, depen -
for the benent of humankind, that it will stop Earth changes from occurring the territories beionglOdg to t e f Ids between now and 2012. NeedTiless to sap~:
in 2012. . h w this Earth rama un 0 be d rsel affected. le po
To those of the Interior Government who may be reading rhis material,
~~~ ~~lt~res of Earth'S 0-3 nme cy~~e r:~~l! un~e:ecov~rt Dracos-7eta Re~~
~:~~:sc~:~~:~:~;~:ee~~~:e ~1'lr~b~hC'hh:~g~dd' ~:f::;~;, :tilihe Sl~t:~~:~Gov-
please heed this warning: You are being tricked and used as pawns by (he Dracos-
Zeta ResisllUlce. They are planning to use you to orchestrate a covert take-
over, through which you, the populations and the Earth will be placed under h nts can Stl e {
reiterate: T ese e~e ementS with the Resistance lorces. tage a pubhc
subliminal, bio-neurological Resistance control. If you allow this experiment emment changes ItSag re b the Dracos-Zeta Resistance to s resence

d Th~~e;~lte~~::I:~I~:i~g ~o~~:I:n;~t~~=I~~eratlves
to take place, you wilt ensure that the populations remaining in the 0-3 time
track will fall under Dracos-Zeta Resistance Frequency Fence and Holo- tits of infodouation
Ian 109 t h ' I public. They inten to sen 1l d EBEs by the Covert
graphic Insert control. You can stop them from putting the Frequency Fence to reach t e genera h esemble Zeta Greys, ca e
in place if you refuse to participate in this experiment. Stop "buying into the {Zeta-Dracos hybn ds tat r
lies" and false promises of the Dracos-Zeta Resistance. If not for the sake of 173
your planet or your people, then at least for the sake of your own personal
government) to members of the lore'
They will offer technology and friend 'hl~r Govcnunenr, posing as emissarie
Do.L S tp.
nor trust urem. We implore th I .
refuse any and all dealings with thes be, menot Government on Earth t
and these intruders will leave, Your government systems will still evolve
under the influence of the human Interior Government. Guardian Visitors
will again attempt to make contact with this covert organization, in order to
~.nds. They are attempting to pull a :~;' f~'1th~y are no~, yOur allies no~ establish public contact procedures through which human social conscience
IS can succeed only if YOu "0 n th rt" roJan Horse Stunt On you and order can be redirected toward peacefu l evolution. Humans remaining
and allow them to convince yr; t e gahcs. enter agreements with the~
quenees of which you do not 'd 0 are estrate experiments, the COnse
in the 03 time track will still find themselves evolving on a Descending
Planet and the opportunity (Q rapidly evolve the fifth DNA strand will have
. un erstand Th B"d Z -
remam operable regardless of the choicc~ f e rt ge .one Project will passed, as the phantom Earth will not receive the full infusion of D~5 fre-
Humans are advised to begin k' . 0 the Interior Government quency.
accelerate the assembly and alig~or 109 t~h t~e higher-chakra centers t~ You will reincarnate on this Descending Planet until you can assemble
before 2004. If the Resistance' ment 0 ( e. riHrd and fourth DNA strands the third through fifth DNA strands, which is a slow process that takes
F~nce in 2004, humans whose D~~uhcessful In orchestrating the Frequency numero us lifetimes, except during the acceleration opportunity presented in
wdl be susceptible to the perce t 1~~Ot r~ached the 3. 75~accretion level the ascension cycle. If you die after 2022 without the D-4 and D-5 frequency
Fence. You can all learn to prot!cuao Istornons caused by the Frequency patterns assembled in your personal morphogenetic field, reincarnation in
take responsibility for working wirh y urse~~es from t~ is manipulation if yOu H U- I will be mandatory. This is simply the nature of the energy dynamics
DNA assembly. your la-energetic system to accelerate involved in soul evolution , While evolving on a Descending Planet it is very
Reach for spiritual integration with 0 I. . important for individuals to have conscious knowledge of ascension mechan.
do so, for if you begin this inre HI' Y ur sou Ident Ity while it is easy to ics, for the opportunity of spontaneous mass ascension is no longer an option,
strands 3 and 4), it will complet ,g tlon prOCess now (by assembling DNA Guardian Visitors will assist in keeping this knowledge alive and available to
If you fall under Dracos~;e:t~~tect you from. the Frequency Fence. humans remaining on phantom Earth in rhe D~ 3 time cycle. We pray that
souls upon a Descending Planer Y; ~~rol, you Wi ll coneinue to evolve as each individual can be reached with this message, so the opportunity of
being controlled and subliminali ou W.I fat consciously realize that you are ascension and freedom is not lost to your present identity. If the 2003 experi-
unde.r ~requency Fence COntrol ~i~~I~~:~~~. Experie~tially those who are ment and the Dracos-Zeta Frequency Fence can be averted, those in the D~3
multidImensional changes tak' I be to perceive the effects of the time cycle will follow a different path of evolution chan humans in the Bridge
If the Earth h Ing p ace tween 2012-2017.
c anges meet or exceed th d Zone and ascension time cycles. They will have the opportuni[), to evolve
h uman culture will be dealt a se b' e amage we have estimated more slowly, yet still have the option of free will and more open contact with
. vere ow and yo ., ,.. '
nomIC structures will be unable t ' I ur SOCia, po Itlcal and eco- guardian taces. The severity of Earth changes during the 2012- 2017 transi~
are successful in convincing th o,east ,y reGcuperate from these events. If we tions will be greatly reduced,
th h O m e ntenor overnme
WI t e cos Zeta ReSistance and th , m to Stop negotiations If the Dracos-Zeta Resistance is successful in 2003, life in D-3 will con~
place, a differem reality picture will b e ex~e~mebm of 2003 does not take t inue under their covert dominion and Earth changes will take place between
D-3 time cycle, Localized d b' e perc.elv
mane " deViations will continue
gn 1m to a ances "k '
y those remain ing in the
, wIII most ley stili occur, and c1i~
acce erace until 201 7 v .
2012-2017, Once D~3 Earth is under Resistance Frequency Fence control,
the Dracos~Zeta Resistance will be mmivated to protect their "vested inter-
structures Wi ll remain intact b t . 'd' ' lour pn mary social ests" on Earth from guardian tampering. If the Resistance gains leverage and
, , , u natlona Isaste ,. (fu d
organizations may collapse d r re Ie n 5 and insurance confidence through successfully orchestrating the Frequency Fence, it will be
expenditure. If the Resisrancue"s anbo, verabundance of claims and needed very diffic ult for the Guardians to enforce a ban on them without direct mili
2004 h h I una e to empIo th F
, ,w IC rhey cannot do if the 2003 ex ' y e requency Fence by tary confrontation. Such a "Star Wars" confrontation between Resistance
Will have little reCOurse As
th h
'0 " .
'ngastle ntenorG
pe~lment does not take place they
' and guardian forces would have further catastrophic consequences for D~3
WI t e ReSistance, the Resistance 'Il b bI overnment refuses dealings Earth, and it has not been decided by the guardian legions whether such
[ration imo human society. WI e una e ro orchestrate a full infil. intervention would be conducted.
Once the Earth grid passes thrau h 2017 ' The Guardians are taking a "let's wait and see what happens" approach to
the Frequency Fence and th . g, without the complications of this subject. T he Guardians can only protect humanity from the conse-
bb G d' ' e pnmary vu nerability ( h
e s, uar Ian Visitors will be bl 0 t e portal Structure quences of its choices for so long, after which point full responsibility fO,r pcr~
a e to en orce a ban on Dracos-Zeta presence sonal evolution must be returned to the human race, T he opportuntty to
create self-protection is now be ' ff,
to educate humanity. If this op~~~0 . er:d through the G uard ians' attemp the "cosmic virus" of the human race. They will motivate conflict and per-
the D-J time cycle will have to acceOltt~~s igno.r~: the humans remaining i~ sonal and coltective strife by attempting to manipulate people from the D-4
~ance an~ face the consequences of c:vertSblns,bdtty (or their selected igno_ astral plane. Their purpose is to increase grid instability, as they know th is
mtervennon would only be considered 'f h tacos-Zeta rule. Further guardia will amplify any Earth changes that may occur. They are not as highly moti-
effort ~o take responsi bility and make t~er e D-3 populations made a showo~ vated as the Dtacos-Zeta Resistance, and will not attempt direct interference
Guard',ans arc willing to help those wh need~.changes prior to 2017. The in Earth affairs, so as to avoid direct conflict with the Sirian Council, their
have "tde patience left (or th h 0 are willmg to help themselves b Counci l Loyalist Anunnaki Brothers and the other Guardian groups from
bl ase w 0 refus t I ut
responsl e for their choices If th B 'd e a earn, grow and becom HU -2 and HU-3. T hey are simply game players who will try to tip the bal-
Earth will remain in HU.l ~ dC ~ rI ge Zone Project is not successf t ances of the unfolding Earth drama in the (avor of human extinction.
destiny on HU.l Earth wi ll m:er ; p cos-Zeta ru,le, and your incamation~i The only people who will be susceptible to Anunnaki Resistance
of rhe human population can avoid ;~:r~re end In 29 76 AD. The majori ty manipulation will be those who have low accretion levels and who have not
Opportunity of accelerated evolution ess 'edavobrable futures by seizing the learned to put protective energetic barriers around the astral identity. Any-
represenc y th B 'd Z
3, TIme Track Three-the Brid e Zo e rI ge one Project. one working consciously and sincerely to integrate the soul identity will have
Leap inco the Future g ne-D~3.5 TIme Cycle 2213~year protection (rom Anunnaki Resistance manipulation. Humans with h igh
The third time track available to h " accretion levels will be called upon to assist the guardian races in building a
the Bridge Zone, Individuals havin a umamt~ In 2017 is that leading inca (requency block in 0-4 to prQ(ect Earth's major portals/vortices from Anun-
fourth DNA strand and half of th .c~h 4:5 -accret,on leveVassembly of the full naki Res istance energy transmissions. Guardians (rom the Andromeda galaxy
WI e IJIt WI 11 enter the B 'd Z . presently have Earth's vortices sealed under a protective 0-4 frequency seal,
uum. we need a critical mass o( I n ge one time cantin_
order for the Earth's grid to rn hpeoh e to reach 4.5 accretion before 2012 in but in the event that the Anunnaki Resistance manage to decode the fre-
. 2012 lse Ig enough in ed quency seal co-ordinates (which they occasionally do, requiring repeated
m , The accretion level of Ea h ' be' spe to enter the Bridge Zone
tored, ~d as of this writing (Augus~ 1 ~8 m~ cOntinuall~ mea~ured and moni~ guardian resealing of the vortices), the Andromies will need human help to
events mvolving the Sphere of Amenti h) thl~gs look qUIte promising. Recent ground a more sophisticated vortex frequency seal. Human Light~workers
the Success of the Bridge Zon p ' ave given us much encouragement (or involved with the "Portal Project" are presently on stand -by, waiting (or the
openi~g of the Halls of Ament~ inr~~~;: ~e we ar~ .still on schedule for the time when they will be called into service. Human Light-workers will also
assiSt in keeping the portal regions balanced on Earth between 20 12-2022.
the Bndge Zone began in 1997 as . fu transition of Earth moving inco
assist in raising the particle PULt' we In sed Earth's grid with UHF energy to ET Influences
I.:;a Ion rate a f Earth' Th
core particles will be progressively . d be SCore. e speed of Earth's Presently the human collective moves together toward the three diver-
As Eart h progressively m raise
tween n d
ow a n .
2012 gent tracks of time. By 2012 the divisions within the populations will be set,
t h ovesc oserto 2012 bl d as the three groups, with three different accretion levels, begin to move into
o appear Wit m the populations o( E h Th ' a su t e IViSlon will begin
will progressively find themselves su art . ded ose with higher accretion rates their appropriate track of time. Those on the ascension track will have
levels, and those with low accretion :~~n ' lIl~r ot~ers o( similar accretion already made preparations in their DNA and have a more conscious under-
more "apparent division between what Wl I e~lse group. You will see a standing o( the process with which they are involved. Those on the
f~rces moving within your populatio ~ou cOllSJder the "light and dark Descending Planet time crack will proceed with "business as usual", unaware
t~on, espec ially in geological areas in 0;' . o~ may see extremes of this condi- of the changes taking place around them . If the Dracos-Zeta Frequency
tlces/chakras (we will discuss the V. ~ oXl.nU? to the seven major Earth vor~ Fence is successful, the "peripheral blindness" of those on the Descending
Small-scale wars may break o~tlces m Ollowing pages). Planet track will be amplified.
.. out m some are .
Itmg members of the Ancient A k' as, mottvated covertly by vis- There may exaggerated movements from within the Interior Govern-
nunna I Res ' r h
aroun d Ea rt h In 0-4 in 1997 w'u h ' . IS ance, w 0 entered orbit ment to ban, discredit, confuse and black out from public view, information
of Earth .changes to see the d~w~f;l; o~ ~:tentlon amplify ing the potentials penaining to ascension mechanics, advanced multidimensional technologies
rance wlil not directly intervene no d man cu ture. The Anunnaki Resis- and the truth of Visitor agendas. These tactics are already being used to keep
Resistance, they are simply here ~o s:e i e~ey work with the Oracos-Zeta
rt purged of whae they consider
the general populations unaware of what is taking place regard ing ET and
metaterrestrial contact. You will see counter-movements emerging through I
176 I

be' reparation for
. for the populations to gm Pede ree of
C.ur, this is intended ~f a ~~requency Fence is employed, sam g
which genuine information is made ava ilable to those who will listen. Many ()C. h changes, because I t
of the traditional religious organizations wiil be used as dis~informat i on vehi_ .art h 'f ing win result. ,
cles, through wh ich the public is taught to view the new infonnation as tectoniC s it Be aware. 2000-2003 you need
. "Il -b 's" between .' h
Ifk~o:r:;:~:i:~; I~:~~~~:: ~:~ti/'~~I;';~:c~~'I'!:io: t;~;o:~~~e~
"evil." This tactic is orchestrated through Zeta-human infi ltrates presently
working within various organizations. You will see many distraction tactics
emerging, through which public attention is purposely and covertly directed to rna . .U provide information on
away from the issues of spiritual development and into fear-base, confl ict_ G rdlans WI ed h will
ua h man contacts. . I n will not succe ,t ey "
laden agendas. The threats of economic disaster, war and famine, as well as
menial issues will all be used, through covertly manipulated media propa-
p(iva.t~f t~e Ibe21~;s ~~di~~~~~~~la~s
Resistanooce condu~~ ~;pr~~
wi.l1 not
d between 2 - , bl k ubltc awareness
ganda , to divert public attention away from the real issues taking place. The
Zetas are expert propagandists, and subliminal manipulators, and are quite
~o~ ~~The old propaganda! pr~ramG~~e:m;~; '~i\\ continue tOldi~tf<\C\r~~:
accustomed to subl iminally influencing the unsuspecting minds of humans in e~c~ will resume an~.t~~s;t:l~ to retain control of the popu ~~:~. of the
key positions to carry out their bidding. lic attcntio~ from ~ ISto~ped {the Resistance needs th; lc)a::re wi.ll still be
The propaganda program, which has convinced the majorities that ET 2003 expen ment IS s f th. experiment to be sUCc.ess u
. Government or IS 1
presence is not real, has been in effect since the 1940s, and you will see a con~ lntertor ks f time facing the huma~ popu ace. k the Dracos_Resistance
tinuation and acceleration of this propaganda until about 2001, when the three traC DO 3' cycle Descendmg Planet trac, l' m dominion over
program will be changed to begin preparing the public for intended EBE con- In the - n me d knowing they cannot cat b n on Ora.
will leave cflth.eir o."nd :~~~~f~er 2017 Guardianeds ~an2eOnllo2rct~: ~acos-Zeta
tact. When information about the possible valid ity of ET presence begins to
make it into public view, the Dracos-Zeta Resistance will present themselves \ h uman popu aOons
d b I nc m
ce If the Earth'S gn IS a.a
Earth'S populations can
cosZeta pres th'e Anunnaki Resistance WI1\ l~av.e. the Guardians to keep
as G uardians and attempt to make guardian groups appear as intruders. The
Resistance may orchestrate a mass landing in 2001, but only if they are confi~
ResistanCe an the primary issues at hand, assllstmr in preparation for
then focus upon d derating persona eva utton
dent that they will succeed in motivating human Interior Government to
conduct the 2003 experiment. If by 2001, the Resistance fea rs their Fre- \ Earth's grid bala~c~a~~ o;~menti between 2012-2022. tion level by 2012,
quency Fence plan will not succeed, they will not stage a landing. They will the opening ~f~ e h' ~pulations could reach a 4.?-accr~ 0-3 time cycle of
still work to instigate the 2003 experiment, and may increase the ir abduc- If 92% a a~~ t~e second track of time back mtO : i: stands some of the
tions within the genera l populace, making it appear as though guardian no one waul? ta"C_rth This is not likely, however, SO a. m These are the
he Descendmg I.A . to the 03 con nnuu . d we
groups are responsible, in order to trick the Interior Government to continue
with the 2003 experiment. The shift in the perspective of the propaganda
~arth's ~p.ulatiOns will :~~:e! r~~~rnDracos_Zeta Frequency ~~ec~~ ::these
program will take place between 2001-2003, if it takes place at alL only indlv ldua~s su~epGovernment will stop the 2003 e;pece and resulting
If news validating the rea tity of visiting ET presence reaches public dis- hope that the nten~~e to contend with the Freque~cy n~~v to consciously
tribution networks by 2001 you can be sure the Dracos-Zeta Frequency Fence individuals do n~_~ Earth. If humans begin workl~g till time to become
plan is still in operation and that the Interior Government continues to work changes of the d increase accretion level, there IS s leave the D~3 con-
with the Resistance. If a mass level, public landing takes place any time assemble DNA ~n ed Frequency Fence and prepare to ou will automati-
between 2001-2003 , tealize these are not friend ly Visitors regardless of what immune to that mtendh. e a 4 5_accretion level by 201\2 y 8% of Earth's
If au can ac l e v , . 7017 As ong as
they may claim. tinuum. y d e Zone continuum 10 - ' h a 6_accretion
cal\y en~ up in th~ Br; .:ccretion level, 144,00?dpeoi r~~~iect will be suc-
In the event that the Frequency Fence plan remains operational and
the Resistance schedules its mass landing, several guardian ET groups may Populattons breac 40%reaca.
a h 4 5 level the Bn ge one
create mass sightings, to increase public awareness of the reality of ET pres- level, an d a out ,1\ perceive a
k humans w d
ence. They will not conduct a mass landing or initiate physical contact on a ccssful. . h Brid e Zone time tfac , b _ d agendas an
In approachl~g ~ e u~tiOns following old, fe~. \~:n 199B-2012.
public or govemmentallevel. If Guardians deem such "fly-by" tactics neces-
sary, these events may take place anywhere between 2000-2003. The pur- growing gap betwChcn t ~
those following t e pat
r:r personal enlightenment ~ r in a global net-
h.U begin to bond toget e
pose of such an event will be to warn humans who are aware of these hidden Those on the Bridge Zone pat WI 179
agendas that the Resistance still plans infiltration. If the guardian "fly-by's"

work of enlightenment, doing person al and planetary energy healing work
and preparation for Stellar Activations. The schedule of events leading up to
the opening of the Halls of Amenti will continue to unfold up to 2012, when
g. with Guardian groupS. n
The Bridge Zone populatl~\ns

will accelerate their ability to ac~ess
d some Wl ecome
involved in subtle communt~a-
. h
uardian informatl , an 1 2012 when the more intenSIve c ~ng d th~
es beglll
Earch changes may ar\.Se, an
(Ion r cd climatic deviations and sm~ner I Ip each other through these
l I

Earth's grid begins to merge with Tara's and the Halls of Amenti begin to
open. tr=i~~: Zone peopI2eOO9wil\b~~
Between -
t~~;~t i~\~~ B:~dge Zon~ will begc'h-ntthOe~;~~;:~
d . . . os eIther rea
As {his schedule of events proceeds, the population divisions will begin ch.anpg~~Hc organizations, businesses a~ In~tnlt~t~ore enlightened direction
to fall OUt of range of each other's percept ions. Those headed to the Bridge taln . k their operations 1 h - Some a f
Zone will experience progressively more awareness of multidimensional real. ~~~~d~~\:g~s:~~i~g Planet will not ~~:~et~; l~~:~ ~a~~g;rta\s
ity, personal purpose and incamational memory, as the Sphere of Amenti rid e Zone people will b.ecome aware realms. Some of the struc-
progressively releases more of the race memory back into the Earth's grid. the Bcd :nd will have invitation (Q e~pl:e .th~seemerge on the Bridge Z?ne
That multidimensional memory will be available to everyone, those who will ope~ of the Inner Earth geography~ln Eagmhoduring this transition period,
access this memory will be people who have the genetic abil ity to pull higher tures 11 be d overeu on rt . ge
f I~. I d social order will begIn to de~erET
, frequency into their operational genetic codes. The more DNA you assemble,
Earth, new islands WI
d new organizations 0 splfltua an mact with varioUS guar mn
the higher your accretion level, the more information and memory you wilt ~n groupS of individuals will have ~r;=nbC~ f both the Descending Earth
be able to draw from the Earth's grid. The consciousness of the accelerating
individuals will rapidly expand, whi le the awareness of the people entering a~~~\etaterrestrial VEisito~S. Tt~~~:::~eeD_~~i~le cycle bet~veenf B2~~2-2il~~
d the Bridge Zone art WI n enter the gnd 0 n ge O.
the Descending Planet will remain about the same. ~~e infusions of 0-5 through 0-9 ~ile~r t~~ fifth DNA strand imprihnt w~H
Between 1998 and 2012, these twO groups of people will progressively . level at 2012 placed t em III
Earth . and the spontaneousI
asscm y
vhose accretion
become more "invisible" to each other, as the procession of their lives moves be g1 within the popu atlons \ .me k The tWO Ea rth'S WI-II co-
in opposite directions. There will appear to be natural sequences of events h ;ulsatiOn rhythms of the Bridge ~ne tl l tr~~een 2012 and 2017 and
that occur as individuals of lower accretion begin to move out of the lives of
those of higher accretion levels, to be replaced by new individuals who have
:x~st simultaneously witht th~l~-\~i:l~~~1~;eouslY perceive tWO different
each of the tWO groupS a pea I_
a higher accretion level. Those of lower accretion levels will find themselves e must rca Ize
sets of events. d h ature of these changes, on .
marc and more in like company. In order to cOlOprehen ten. I Earth's particle base bemg sepa-
that the energy dynamiCS ~i~g pl~tp~n;i~l:e pulsation, and the psedartic\'~l su~
The progressive separation of populations will take place as the particles
which compose the bodies and consciousness of people with higher accre-
rated into tWO different r yt~ d consciousness are compo WI a
tion/DNA strand assembly levels begin to pulsate at progressively faster
stance out of which hu~an lCS an
rhythms, moving people of higher and lower accretion levels farther and far-
ex erience such a separation. . letd separate into tWO groups,
ther out of each others perceptual range. During the coming transitions, par- PIn 2017 human populations WIll cO~ese :vents will take place in tWO
ticle fields are separating. The bodies and consciousness of people are made of h rceiving a different set of events. 1 tt be as if part of the popula-
particles, thus humanity will also experience separation of its peoples into eac ar~e fields of particle pulsation rhyt~m: . t W~t of manifest events," onc
those with faster and slower-panicle pulsation rhythms.
All humans will experience Earth's temporary shift into the 0-4 time ~~n "switched the c~ann~l o~d th~ ~::~,I~~~ the other group switches the
rou remains warchmg teO c.a
~ha:ne\ of perc~p{iOnlto ~ ne\\hs;;~~n~f the entire Earth will dte>\nlfo~~ril\-~:
cycle and the Stellar Activations that create this shift. Humans with lower
accretion levels will have difficulty assimilating the frequencies of the Stellar
Activations. The Stellar Activations will create time acceleration for the The particle pu sano n r . between 51512000 an ..
people of Earth. This acceleration can be used to advance the evolutionary raised to the rhythm of D-4 .rr;'~;i~f;e~ase with UHF D-4 energy ~~~J~~~:
blueprint through consciously assimilating these energies into the body, in Guardians will infuse Earth s p. f Earth'S particle base that can . he
order to create greater health, vitality, harmony and awareness. If the new sions until 5/5/2000. -r: he portmn a hi her D-4 pulsation rate and begl;c~n_
frequencies are not assimilated into the body, the time acceleration will apply frequency pattern win mcre~c to a r~ioos of Earth'S particle ba~ tha
Stellar Activation cycle, ~I'hlile th.e ~ the lower 0-4 ratC of pulsation.
to the degeneration of the body and consciousness and the manifestation of
not hold this frequency WI rematn a
disharmony and disease.

. . . s as HolographiC Inserts will be used to block
place, includmg the .vanlsh~g I' h Earth changes would be apparent to .the
In the Bridge Zone particle base, the angular rotation o( particle spin will
be altered by the Guardians, in order (or it to be transferred into the pulsation perception of these even'd: ~(a~e~ populations will remain in the D3 time
rhythms of the Bridge Zone-Agartha time continuum in 2017. The angular 0-3 populations. Dcscen mg . ~ mass ascension will no longer be possible
rotation of particle spin of Earth's higher vibrating particle base will be continuum and the opportuf~ltdY. ~dt Is viii have to be orchestrated through
f Ascension a 10 IVI ua \ . I
shifted 22.5 in reverse from the angle of particle rotat ion of Earth's lower in t he utu~e. if the Frequency Fence becomes operanona ~n
vibrating particle base. This separation of particle pulsation rhythms will Host Marnx Transplants. h dn be under covert Dracos-Zeta Rem-
reach completion in 2017, just when Earth's grid is in full alignment with 2004, th~y will see Ear~t c ta~~:s a~ill':;owly evolve and rcincarn~te toward
that of Tara and the Holographic Beam passes through the Photon Belt into
building the fourth an n t
tance mmd control. d ~fo DN~ strands through Host Matrix. assistance.
direct alignment with Earth's seventh vortex/chakra. As the energies of the T B'd Zone Perceptual StatIOn
Holographic Beam pass into the Earth's bio-energetic field in 2017, the 2. Group wo - . n ge h l.f to the Bridge Zone will expcrience more
higher and lower vibrating particle bases of Earth will completely separate. The populations w 0 S"\l t to h . I bases of Earth complcte
f change as t e tWO partie e d f
The lower vibrating particle base will rapidly drop in vibration and rerum to obvious ph enomena 0 f inor anic substance, compose 0
the pulsation rhythm of the D-3 time continuum. The higher vibrating par their 2017 s~paratio~. Ma~y s~ructur:s 0 ar to ~anish, as well as populations
ticle base will complete its 22.5 - reverse shift in angular roration of particle lower- vibrating part~cles, Willi s~nplY. t~ land masses will have appeared to
spin and fix its pulsation rhythm at the 3.5-accretion level of the Bridge having lower accrctlon leve s. .ew lls an . ht New passageways into the
f h seemmg y over mg .
Zone-Agartha time continuum. emerge out 0 t e ~ea~s, d . the Inner Earth territories. The most amaz-
When this sepanl.tion transition completes in 2017, the populations will Earth will be foun d t at ~a l~to the Brid e Zone will be the sudden appear-
find themselves permanently divided into two separate groups. ing phenomenon to mdalllfedst I~ struct~res of civilization that onc did not
ance of buildings, roa s an ot er ho hof
Perceptual Stations h xisted prior to t IS S it. I
remem ber avmg e I . U fi nd themselves in old fami iar tern-

1. Group One - Descending Planet Perceptual Station Earth'~ Bridge Zone ~pu auo~ \~~ or anizations, landscapes and social
Humans with lower accretion levels will perceive none of the multidi- tories havtOg the new tWist of pe ~ , h~ h are operating at a higher level
mensional activity that is taking place. As long as the Frequency Fence is StrUctures that resemble what \~ash' ut w It I 2017 portions of the Inner
o I Is and enhg tcnment. n , f
not operational, they will not experience massive Earth changes, but some of vibranon pu ~tl~~. .U uddenl be visible, and it will seem as I
localized shifting may occur. They will experience a three-day perioo of ten- Earth, Agartha clViIlzauons W\ s Y bit of temporary time-space
b there This may create a D o
sion, fatigue and accelerated atmospheric pressure and a temporary disruption they ha a way.s ~en , . 0 the
d I ulations of the Bridge Zone. . unng
of the function of electrical apparatus at the height of the separation from and memory dlsonentatl~n t. 201~Pthe Bridge Zone populations Will also
Earth's higher vibrating grid in 2017. Scientists may detect odd variations in the height of the separanon lO f '. d sensation of atmospheriC pres-
Earth's magnetic fields and a sudden, unexplainable increase in gamma ray experience a three-day period tho tension anof very bright moon halos or twO
1 erceive e appearance
activity. Solar storms and flare activity will appear to increase for several sure, and t ley may p . h d 'cd For this reason we refer to t hc
months, then rapidly return to normal appearance. At the height of the sepa- moons in the .sky duri~g thIS t r~~e ~a:r~f the Night of the Two Moons. If
ration, a phenomenon that rt"..sembles a prolonged, spontaneous solar eclipse Bridge Zone time contlOuf~\ as. 2017 you will know you have entered the
may occur, depending upon the stability of Earth's bio-energetic grid. you perceive these lunar e eets m ,
The most notable occurrence will be that numerous groups of people will Bridge Zone time continuum. I th Guardian Visitors will
h ed

more open re auons WI

seem to have vanished from the Earth without a trace. There will be no In the Bridge Zon e , . I long a more enlig ten ,
d h . 11 continue to evo ve a . ment
explanation for these vanishings in conventional terms. For Earth in the D-3 begin, an umanlty WI I h as photonic energy contam ,
continuum, liale will have appeared to change, and populations will move accelerated path. New fue sources, suc nolo ies based upon light, sound
forth into their D-3 evolution. The Halls of Amenti will be closed to them , will be discovered as wen as hna~~;ewZ~ech Eart~ will receive the infusion ~f
as will the portals to the Inner Earth. They will experience massive Earth and Keylontic science. As t.e r~ g;0 1 ;~2017 period, the populations wiIl
changes only in the event that the Frequency Fence is operational. D-S through 0-9 energy dunn~lt ~ fif h DNA strand to become Voyagers
In either case, Guardians will assist in realignong the planetary grids and have the opportunity to assem e c ~ Tara Some will also have the
returning Earth to stability. In the event that the Frequency Fence is opera- and enter the path of time travcl/ascedos lOn.r. tfo tr~d and enter the acceler-
DNAbeyon t h euth s
tional, the D-3 populations will be totally unaware of the changes taking opportunity to assem ble 183

Zo~e populations will be completely free from intru~:n a;;t1c. ~re. Br~dge
ated path of mastery to ascend to Gaia or th e Me G .

latloo. Perceptually the sensation of lightness r I g h Vlsl~or rnanLpu.

the atmosphere and with in the body and a greater cess welg t, wlil be felt in
,0 lee ling of . .
an d personal vibrancy will be experienced H' h h k peace,opUffiiSm
human bio-energetic system will come ,nto
. . f ae't~Ivatlan
er, c a fa centers
and the in the
mtegratlon 0 soul awareness will accelerate. conSCIOUS

ofte:~o~;fe~n~e;~::~i;~e:~~:r::i~; ~~evid~ you with this detailed and Opening the Halls of Amenti
encounter. We wanted you (0 be prepared We ange~ your ra~e will SOOn
going on SO you can begin to make good' e ~ant Y,au to now what is
your highest evolutionary potential. ' COnsCIOUS choICes n ow, to ensure
Knowledge is power; thus we have given the if f CONTEXT
care enough to use this gift wisely. g t 0 power to those who If you will recall from our discussions in earlier chapters, from 1972 for-
Now t~a[ we have provided you with the basic foundations of k ward the Guardians had quite a few things to accomplish before the Halls of
edge conce~mg the coming changes Earth and the human I ' ~O\~l- Amenti could open between 2012-2017. The Earth's grid speed had to be
~~c~h~u~~:l~m:(~~t;~~~ iS~~ ~:~fIagr~/eou th~dopporftunhit~J~~:I~:~:~~
h dh
youan l eaowattoexpet d
raised high enough by 10/1986 to spark open the first seal on the Arc of the
Covenant, 50 the Sphere of Amenti would descend and be in poSition within
~:e~~~ anA ow e~ch0 f youc~nbest prepare for the future you prefcr toC exapen. Earth's eme n o later than 1/1/1988. Between l/1/1988 and 6/30/1998 the
Sphere of Amend would trdnsmit itS 0-1, 0-2 and D-3 frequencies into
~uardfiahns openi'~g ~ ~eal~ o~v;,~~ ~~a~the
. s prevIous1y mentioned there is a hed I f
have to follow to ensure 'the the Earth's grid, so by 6/30/1998 Earth's grid speed would rise high enough to
mg a t ese eventS is crucial to h f . n I. Im- spark the second seal on the Arc of the Covenant. Earth could then begin
everything is right on schedule. t e success 0 Amentl opening and 50 far
ascent into the pulsation rhythms of the D-4 time cycle.
If all went well, on 1/1/2000 the Sphere of Amend would begin transmit-
ting D-4 frequency through Earth's core and the fourth DNA strand imprint
would soon become available to the populations who had a fully assembled
third strand, into which the fourth strand could be plugged. The Blue Flame of
Amenti would begin its 12-year descent w Earth between 1/l/2CXXJ and 5/5/2012.
On 5/5/2012 Earth would begin its intersection with Tara's grid, the Blue
Flame would embody within the Keepers of the Blue Flame and the masses
who had assembled the fourth DNA strand would rapidly assemble the nfth
strand for ascension to Tara.
The Halls of Amenti ascension portals would open on 5/5/2012 and dose
by 1/1/1022. Between 5/5/10176/30/1017, the H olographic Beam from D8
would send a burst of D-7 through 0-9 frequen cy into Earth's grid . This D-7 -
0-9 frequency infusion would flnaliz.e the separation of the Bridge Zone and
Descending Earth time continua, then each version of Earth would mOve for-
ward in its respective track of time. The Guardians would have JO years,
between 2012- 2022, w ascend as many people as possible rhrottgh the Halls of
Amenti w Tara in HU-2 and three days for ascension co Gaia in the HU-3 time
C)'c/es, in 2017.

I VI I ' U U Ltl1'UU g ll U/I ::>,::>,0

Along with these events, a series of monumental occurrences were also 'Af 202 2 the evolutionary path for Earth's populations would be set,
ter , d' h ' ..
to take place, as Earth entered the final phases of its ascension cycle. From the two versions of Earth would progress forwar In t elr respective tIme
1988 through 2017 the natural seals of Earth's seven primary vortices/chak cycles, and the three divisions of Earth's population~ would embark upon
would systematically open, as six Stellar Spirals progressively came i ras their chosen paths of future evolutIOn.
alignment with Earth's Merkaba Fields. On 1/1/2000 Earth's energetic fi~~O Before all of the above eventS could occur the Guardians had to re-align
woul~ strike an i~te~imensional Resonant Tone, beginning the cycle o~ the solar Merkaba Fields so the 11 :11/12:12 F~eque.ncy Fenc~ could .~o~e
~rth s Stellar Acttv~uons. The Guardians were to call a global gathering of down. Once this occurred, the artificial 0-4 Chost ConscIousness . grid
LIght Workers on thIS day, fo r a celebration of the Day Of Transcendence t could resume transmitting 0-4 frequency into Earth ~ore to p~ogr~lvely
assist Earth in holdi ng the intcrdimensional Resonant Tone so planet~ 0 accelerate grid speed and realign the fourth Vortex/Gt'La pyramId WIth the
ascension into the D-4 time cycle could begin. ry Alcyone spiral, so the Holograph ic Beam could intersect with Earth at the
Earth would then experience six Stellar Activations and six Stellar Wav roper angle in 2017. At times, we of the Guardian Alliance shake our heads
Infusions between 5/5/2000 and 2017, through which the particle conversio~ ~nd chuckle when we hear humans lament that "the Guardians mus.t not be
process. of,the morphogenetic .wave would take place. Between 1992- 5/5/ real or if they are real, they are uncaring, because they are not domg any-
2012, SIX silent avatars would birth on Earth, to purge genetic mutations and thi~g to help us with the Intruder problem." Perhaps now you ~an understand
realign the imprints of DNA strands 2-7 with the 12-strand DNA imprinc what we have been doing to help yOll behind ,he scenes, and that thiS work~ does
within the Sphere of Ament i race morphogenetic fie ld. Between 1999 and not allow an excessive amount of resources to be placed upon concems of socral pro'
2017, 150,000 Indigo Children would birth on Earth through parents with _LWe will now provide an overview of the status of your ascension schedl
Pala idorian Birthing Contract soul agreements, [Q carry the activated sixth u e.
DNA strand imprint. Keepers of the Blue Flame and Keepers of the Violet
Flame would receive their "wake up call" and progressively undergo six Star
Crysta l Stellar Activations and Wave Infusions, activating DNA strands 5-9 10/1986 THROUGH 6/1998
between 6/1996 and 2017. ' The Opening of Amenti - Schedule of Events
Following their six Stellar Activations, the Keepers of Tara's Blue Flame What has transpired between 1011986 and 61 1998?
~~~h.ogenetic field ,",:,ould embody the Blue Flame on 5/5/2012, and begin
initiating Stellar Activations in others who hoped to ascend through the 1. October 1986 : T he Arc Of The Covenant First Seal Opened. ~he
Halls of Amenti to Tara or Ga ia. The Keepers of Gaia's Violet Flame mor- Sphere Of Amenti Began D escent To Earth. The 9540 BC Quarantme
phogenetic field would embody the Violet Flame on 1/1/2017 and begin Frequency Fence Began To Lift. The Earth's grid speed raised high
ascendi ng people to Gaia during a 3-day period in 2017. The seven planetary enough to spark open the first seal on the Arc of the Covenant and the
dimensional Merkaba Fields between Earth in HU-I, Tara in HU-2 and Gaia Sphere of Amenti began its 14-month descent into the Earth's 0-2 c~re .
in HU-3 would progressively open to each other as Earth, Tara and Gaia With the release of [he first Arc of the Covenant Seal, the Quarantl~e
aligned with the Holographic Beam for three days in 2017. This would per- Frequency Fence ftom 9540 BC began to disengage. Some o.f the thlf~
mit fu ll ascension through the Halls of Amenti and the Blue and Violet ONA strand mutations caused by this Seal began to heal, allowmg t~e ve il
Flames, into the Meta-galactic Core at D-8, for those who had fully assem- between the ego and the higher self identity aspects to begin dissolvmg.
bled the sixth DNA strand. 2. August 16, 1987: The H armonic Convergence. Permission For Guard,
On 9/1 7/2001, the Hall of Records in Giza, Egypt, would begin opening. ian Intervention On Earth Was Granted. Bridge Zone Project Was S~t
On 5/5/2012, the Flame Holders would activate the Hall of Records, and on In Motion. Guardians Began Keying Earth's Vortices. In 1987, m
12/2 1/2012 the Hall of Records would begin transmitt ing data through response to the event of the Harmonic Convergence on 8/16/ l 987, thd
~rth's grid, making interdimensional memory available to Earth's popula- Sirian Council persuaded the Galactic Federation and other HU-2 a~
tions. Throughout this mulri-faceted sequence of events, the grids of Earth, HU,3 groups to allow the ascension program to be activate~ for t c
~ara and Gaia had to be kept in balance and various segments of the popula- human populations. Permission was given for the Guard ians to ~te~~ne
tIon had to be guided to their appropriate ascension paths, wh ile G uardians and set the Bridge Zone Project plan from 1984 in motion. uar Ian
cont inued to monitor, side step and undo manipulation tactics of the Dracos-
Zeta Resistance and D-4 Anunnak i instigators.
- r- '"'-''' - - -~ "J ' ' ' ''-'''' . v, . .. v .... ""U"'oS"v, ' .... v

groups began keying Earth's vortices with UHF sea ls to block In, d frequency into Earth's grid in 2000. The Halls of Amenti could not open
orces fram usmg
. (he vortex portals. Guardian and Intruder fo rces be
while the Fence was in place. With the return of the D4 magnetic base
vying for control over Earth's vortices. gan [Ones to the Earth's morphogenetic field, the opening of Amenti would
3. January 1988: Sphere Of Amenti Returned To Earth's Core And Th continue on schedule, the third and fourth DNA strands began to al ign
12year Amenti Activation Cycle Began. Earth's First Vortex Seal.A ,e and astral awareness became more accessible to the 3-dimensionally con-
zona, USAopened, Amenti's Dl Frequencies Began Transm't .n. sciousness human ident ity. The dare of 1/1 1/1992 became known as the
Through Earth's Grid. The Sphere of Amemi returned ro Earth'~ ~~! t 1:11 in New Age circles, represent ing the celebration of the promise of
core from the UHF bands of 0-3, for rhe first time in about 3 500 ascension, which was granted on that date, th rough Earth receiving the 11
'" Dlf ' years,
ahn dbe
1Zgan tran~mlt.tmg Its - requencies into Earth's grid. This began 0-4 magnetic base codes that would allow the Frequency Fence to disas-
t e -year activation process of the Sphere of Amenti, through which semble.
the Sphere progressively opens its 0-1, 0-2 and 0-3 frequencies int 6. June 6, 1992: Earth's Second Vortex Seal-Jerusalem, Israel-
Earth's ~ore 0.-2 morphogenetic field. This will raise the pulsation rhyrh~ Opened; Amenti's D-2 Frequencies Began Transmitting Through
of Ea~rh s particle base and the frequency of Earth's grid, in preparation for Earth's Grid. The Sphere of Amenti completed opening irs 0- 1 frequen -
Earth s first S.re~lar .Activation on 515/2000. As the Sphere of Amenti cies into Eanh's morphogenetic field, Earth's first primary vortex in the
began rransnutrmg Its 0-1 frequencies through Earth's grid, the natural Arizona Painted Desert completely opened and activated and the seal on
sea~ on. Earth's first prim:lry vorte~ opened and the Vortex began irs 4-year Earth's second primary vortex began to open and activate . Earth's second
activation cycle. Earth s first pnmary vortex/chakra is locared in the primary vortex/chakra is located in Jerusalem , Israel. The Sphere of
region of rhe Painted Desert in the state of Arizona, USA. (The Sedona Amenti began transmitting its 0-2 frequencies through Earth's grid.
AZ, ~ortices a~e c~nnected to this primary Vortex and they began multidi: 7. July 26,1992: Avatar # l-Seventh-level Avatar-Is Born And Aligns
menslOnal acttv3non al this time. )
DNA Strand 2 Imprint With 12-strand Pattern; Corrected Strand 2
4. September 1989: Guardians Repair Solar Fields. Guardian Transmis_ Imprint Begins Transmitting Through Earth's Grid. The first of six
~ions of D~4 Frequency to Increase Earth's Grid Speed Begin. The Sir- Silent Avatars was oorn. This aVatar is a D 7 soul essence from HU-3, a
Ian Councd and orher Guardian groups completed the realignment of the seventh-level avatar, with 7-dimensional frequency bands activated in his
solar Merkaba Fields, which began the real ignment of Earth's 0-1 and 0-2 genetic code. This ind ividual was born with DNA strand 7 fully activated.
Merka~a Fields~ that had been misaligned by the Zetas following rhe Phil. As his soul essence passed through the Sphere of Amenti the imprint for
adelphia Experiment of 1943. This allowed 04 frequency transmissions DNA strand 2 was realigned with the I2 -strand DNA pattern and the
f~om .the Guar~ian's artifici~l "Chris~ Consciousness" grid to resume infu. imprint fo r the aligned DNA strand 2 began transmitting through Earth's
slon !Oto Earths core, CO raIse Earth s core frequenci es. Th is also allowed grid and into the bio-energetic field s of Earth's population .
for the 11:11/12: 12 Frequency Fence to come down, once the Earth's grid s. December 12, 1994: The 12:12- Independence Day Human Gradua-
tion. Changing Of The Guard Of Amenti. The 11: 11/12: 12 Frequency
5. January 11,1992: The I l :11-Promise Of Ascension-Granted as Fence Releases. Earth Guardianship Is Turned Ovcr To Humanity. The
G uardians Transmitted The 11 D-4 Magnetic Base Codes That Would Ascension Schedule Moves Forth. The 11 D-4 magnetic base tone codes
Allow 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence to Later Releasc. On 1/11/1992 and electrical overtone codes of the 11:11/12:1 2 Frequency Fence com-
the Guardians began to transmit the 11 0-4 magnetic base tones that had pleted re-entry into the Earth's 0-2 morphogenetic fie ld and the 11:111
bee~ removed from Eanh's morphogenetic fie ld in 1972, to create the pro. 12:12 Frequency Fence was fully dismantled. The 12(h base tone and 12th
tectlve 11 :11/12: 12 Frequency Fence, which stopped the Red Pulse/Wave overtone frequencies of D-4 were reconnected to the II D-4 base cones
of Sola~ ~Iame from moving through Earth and neighboring planets. and overtones within Earth's morphogenetic field and the Sphere of
TransmiSSion of these magnetic codes marked the beginning of the 11: III Amenti. Human DNA could now continue to assemble through the
12:12 Frequency Fence disengagement. The Fence had blocked dle third fourth and fifth strand. The remaining stages of opening the Halts of
and fourth DNA strands from plugging into each other, which caused a Amenti were no longer under full Guardian control, the responsibility for
block between the D3 personality and higher se lf and the astral identity. humanity's evolutionary destiny was now in human hands. Th~ succ~ of
The Fence would also block the Sphere of Amenti from transmitting 0-4 the opening of the Halls of Amenti and the Bridge Zone ProJect, which

188 189
.v, ." ..... ..., .'''v ...6 ' ..,' . ... ,,'-'

were previously controlled by the Guardians' 11'11/12'12 F,~ ue higher Harmonic Universes. This dace of 12/12/1994 became known as
c Id . . .
renee, WOli now be determmed by the rate at which human co '
-'1 ncy the 12:12 and represents humanity's true Independence ~y, when the
ness an d DN A evolved to higher accretion levels. The Sphere of A ~ fa of human destiny was turned over from the cusro<l!al care of the
h 'fi Id h' h h
race morp agenetic e W Ie ad been created 550000 000 yea
!'lent, a~:ient Ur-Tarranate race and placed into the hands of an evolving
byhte Palal'd' onaos of Tara would now be placed under " "Earth
ag hO humanity. The 12:12 stands for humanity's graduation from its adolescent
guardianshi,p. The ,Ur-Tarranate Palaidorian souls from HU-2, wh~~:~ evolution into the adult role of becoming a planetary Guardian species.
merged thelf consciousness to fann the Sphere of Amenti, began to leave 1995: Guardians Initiate Portal Project To Secure Earth's Vortices
Earth and the Sphere of Amenti, to return to their HU-2 Taran reality 9. From Intruder Infiltration By 2012. The Sirian Council became aware
fields. For 550,0CX),OOO years, the energetic substance of the Ur-Tarrana of Anunnaki Resistance plans to instigate Earth changes through 0-4
souls and their consciousness had provided the medium through whict~ interference. The Pleiadian Star League and members of the Andromeda
the '<>.st sou l frag~leO[s of Tara could evolve from HU-I, by merging rheir Council agreed to assist the Sirian Council in more aggressive efforts of
consciousness with that of the Ur-Tarranates within the Sphere f frequency-keying, monitoring and protecting Earth:s vortex/por~al sys~em
Amenti, through evolution of the DNA. The Ur-Tarranates had served a from Anunnaki Resistance and Dracos-Zeta ReslStance mampulauon.
a Host ~atrix Family for the entire Earthly human lineage. The Sphere ~ They began the collaborative Portal Project. Guardian and Intruder forces
Ament! morphogenetic field "rescue mission" for the lost soul fragments of have been secretly vying for portal control ever since . Presently the
Tara represents a Host Matrix Transplant, through which the entire Andromies have most of Earth's portals under protection, though Intruder
Earthly human lineage has evolved . When the fall from Tara occurred, the forces continue to attempt to over take {he primary second portal vortex
lost sou ls of Tara were cut off from their soul matrices and the Turaneu- in Jerusalem and the smaller, secondary portals in Manhattan, Florida,
siam-l race morphogenetic field. The Ur-Tarranates of Amenti served as Sedona, Arizona, Hawaii, Tibet, China and in other areas of the globe.
an adoptive sou l matrix through which the lost souls could re-evolve Guardians must secure all seven primary vortex points by 2012 for the
until they had re-built their connection to their Taran soul matric~ Bridge Zone Project and the opening of the Halls of Amenti to unf~ld
through assembly of the fourth and fifth DNA strand. Through the accel- smoothly, without causing grid instability and Earth changes. Huma~lty
erated evolution opportunity offered by Earth's present ascension cycle can help the Guardians in th is portal protection endeavor by usmg
fourth and fifth DNA strand assembly would allow many humans th~ focused group meditation to project high frequency 0-4 - 0-8 frequency
chance to re-connect with their personal soul matrices from HU-2. The into these locations and into the Earth's grid in general, using "sun" visu-
services of the Ur-Tarranates would no longer be needed, as the humans alizations.
who made their sou l matrix connection would become carriers of the 10. June 1996: Earth's Third Vortex-Himalayan Mountains-<?pen~d.
human evolutionary blueprint. Amenti Began Transmitting D~3 Frequencies Through Earth ~ G.rld.
Keepers Of The Blue And Violet Flames Begin First Stellar.ActivatlOn,
The return of the race morphogenetic field to the human species could The Solar-Heart Star Activation. The Sphere of Amentl completed
not occur while the 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence remained in place and opening its D-2 frequencies into Earth's morphogenetic field, Earth~s sec-
DNA strands four and five were blocked from assembly. When the Fre- ond primary von ex in Jerusalem, Israel completely opened and acuvate~
quency Fence dismantled on 12/12/1994, fourth and fifth strand assembly and the seal on the third primary vortex/chakra began to open and aCti-
once again became available to humanity. The event of Amenti's transfer vate. The third vortex is located in [he Himalayan Mountains of Somh
to human guardianship can be viewed as a "Changing of the Guard". Central Asia. The Sphere of Amenti began transmitting its D-3 freque~
With the termination of the Frequency Fence, between 1/11/1992 and 12/ cies into Earth's grid. The Keepers of the Blue and Violet Fla~~s.an.d their
12/1994, the Host Matrix Family Ur-Tarranate souls began leav ing Earth, Flame Holders began the 0-4 Solar- Heart Star Activation, mlUatlOg the
as progressively more humans re-connected to their HU-2 soul matrices. assembly and activation of their fourth DNA strand.
The U r-Tarranates involved in the Amenti project had been Earth-bound
11.June 24, 1996: Avatar 2-Eighth-level Avatar-Was Born And
~or 550,000,000 ~;ars and could not ascend from HU-I until this "Chang- Aligned DNA Strand 3 Imprint With 12-strand Pattern: Corrected
109 of the Guard took place. As of 12/12/1994 the ancient Ur-Tarranate , Begms ' TransmlttlOg
" T hroug h Ear th's Grid. The fsec-
Strand 3 Imprint
souls from Tara could at last disengage themselves from the Sphere of
and of six Silent Avatars was be rn. Th 'IS avatar .IS a D-8 soul essence rom
Amenti and continue on their own evolutionary journey through the
the Arc of the Covenant sparking open by 6/30/
odds of the second seal. o~ one a inst the event occurring.
HU), an eighth-level avatar, with 8-dimensional frequency bands acti_
tWO mllho n .to nd gao the Halls of Amenti were bleak as 1998
vated in his genetic code. This individual was born with the eigh th DNA
strand fully activated. As his soul essence passed through the Sphere of
1998 were about
the Bridge Zone Project a opening
._.1_.1. _. n ......"o!covenETmanipula!:ion.
dawned U1WC1 me in)'u...........
Amenti, the imprint for ONA strand 3 was realigned with the 12-strand
DNA pattern and the corrected third strand imprint began transmitting THE ARC OF THE COVENANT OPENS d
through Earth's grid. . . f this transmission we mentioned that we ha an
In the begmmng 0 d 'U ake that announcement now.
By 1996 there was great concern among Guardian races, as to whether announcement to make. ~nh' wefrwl ;;U.3 knew the second seal of the
Earth's grid speed would be raised high enough by 6/30/1998 to spark the sec- In February 1998 the E a 1m am k don in time for the 6/30/1998
ond seal on the Arc of the Covenant. If the second seal did not open by this Arc of the Covenant would not be spar I'H ~ng a change of heart toward
h' own protacO. aVI .
date, Earth could not begin its ascent into pulsation rhythms of the 0-4 time deadline. They broke t elf . 1 r than only their preferred genetic
helping the entire human speCles, rat "I.e
cycle for merger with Tara.
If Earth's grid speed was not high enough to spark open the second Seal strains, the Elohim inter:ene~. \led f the birth of six avatar souls from
on the Arc of the Covenant by June 30, 1998 , the Bridge Zone Project would The original ascenslonl~9~ cad 201~r These individuals were needed to
not succeed. The Halls of Amenti would not open. The Earth would be HU-3 and HU-4, between an Earili ogressiveiy integrated the fre
unable to shift into the 0-4 time cycle by 1/2012 and the Oracos-Zeta Resis- hold higher_dimensional frequency ~ d P'rrect any misalignments in the
S h fAmentian taCO ' .
tance would have a much better chance of creating the 2003 experiment and q uencies from.th
e p ere a
. f DNA stran
cis 2-7, WI"th"'n the Sphere of Amentl.
2004 Frequency Fence. If Earth was unable to begin shift into a 0-4 particle morphogenetic Imp~~o bout four years apart, in various, undisclosed loca ,
pulsation rhythm by 5/5/2000, sporadic Earth changes would erupt between The avatars were to . m. a . 1992 Avatar 1 was born on 7/26/1992 and
2012-2017, as the grids ofEarrh and Tara attempted to merge, and the oppor- dons on the globe, begtnOing 3\0 . d to birth until the year 2000.
tunity for ascension would be lost. Avatar 2 on 6124/1996. Avatar was not ue
Guardians were permitted by the HU-2 and HU3 councils to continue . I had reached a standstill early in 1998,
their transmissions of 0-4 frequency into Earth's grid, but they were not per- Knowing the ascenston p adn h I birthing of the third avatar,
mitted to directly intervene in Earth's affairs by landing and directing the the Elohim orchestrate t e ear y
the ninth,level avatar.
actions of humans to desired ends. Humans had been given guardianship of
Earth on 12/12/1994. Visiting Guardians were allowed to assist, but not to Ea h' tllhogenetic field would
alter the choices humanity would make for itself. The Dracos-Zeta Resismnce With the birth of the third avatar, h rt s rno ul __ ~~....t through the
continued to influence human decision making through covert infiltrates, f UHF energy as t e avatar so ~\.I
receive a sudden burst a d ' fetal integration, moments before
and motivated an acceleration of new technology testing among various Sphere of Amenti, Earth's core an mto
groups of global military organizations. Top Secret military experiments using l
physical birth.
scalar wave technology, satellite manipulation of inter-stellar radio waves and
certain types of nuclear testing from 1988 through the present, progressively
created new imbalances in Earth's bio-fields and grid, which hampered the
Guardians' efforts to raise grid speed. It was feared that by 6/30/1998 the grid
speed would not be high enough to spark the second seal on the Arc of the
Covenant. Guardian groupS from all over the galaxy, and from HU2 and
HU3 watched, waited and prayed that humanity would be able to counter-
balance the activities of their governments by raising personal consciousness
and accret ion levels enough to allow Earth's grid speed to sufficiently
increase. In 12/1997 the Anunnaki Resistance began subliminally manipulat-
ing populations through the primary vortex in Jerusalem, the secondary vor
tex in Manhattan and several other secondary vortices whose security seals
they were able [Q decode and release. Following this new development, the

The G uardian Alliance would like to
On June 26, 1998, at 3:46 PM the third Ava:n~~~nce the following: DNA strands. The only members of the human population on Earth that
seal on the Arc of the COllenant sParked open be ,r c . I Ewash~rn, and the second organ ically possessed the sixth DNA strand imprint are t he groups who h ave
fior ,......,sage
M' . h I gmnmg an s 2~year prePa
mto / e panicle pulsation rhythms of h D 4 . ralio n
ondergone gen etic acceleration through earlier Zionite intervention-those
Thechi ]dwasbomath I ' "e, ~ mnecycle. who carry the Celestial I2-strand Silicate Matrix gene code. The Keepers of
World country. He was in aC~:~i~ : ~OU~ c rcsldhn g 10 a village of a Third the Blue, Violet and Orange-Gold Flames also possess this genetic configura-
bel ieved to be onl two-months ve .m~nt . gestation infant, but' tion. The Sixth Root Race Muvarians and their Melchizedek Cloister race are
to fulfill his purpo~e of holding ~;gehe~~~~e. H~ IS falr~ng well and will surviv~ bom with the fourth DNA strand assembled and t he imprint for the fifth strand
fA' ImenSlana Irequency as th S h dormant. The Muvarians have not yet begun their birthing cycle on Earth. The
a mentl continues to Open The n ". (fil e P ere
this ch ild (and the other five 'avatars):;~ ~:;~ous ~ ia~i?n. and ,location of Melchizedek Cloister race must fu lly assemble the fifth DNA strand before it
be publicly disclosed, nor will the identities of ~~ o~I~~r ~s Ide~my ,will not can activate the imprints for strands 6 and above. Members of all of t hese races
tars reach public notice during the a . . ve a:scenslon ava_ must fully assemble and activate the lower strands, then assemble and activate
A scenslon period Four ( h S S
/arars \~i!~d i.sc losc thei r identities sometime after they hav~ r~r~ed';3 dent the sixth strand by completing at least three Stellar-Star Crystal Activations,
o age an t en service miss ions come into mass awareness years before Earth can receive the needed concentration of 0-6 frequency th ese acti-
AD 1n~one publicly claiming to be one of the six Silent A~atars before 2025 vated sixth st rand individuals would provide. There is little time left before t he
w en avatar one turns 33) is either misguided be' . 2012-2017 ascen sion period begins for a minimum of 144,000 individuals to
~~~~~er ior~~s or is purposely trying to distort rhe tru'th. ~~e~a;~:I~~:~y awaken to th eir soul purposes and consciously complete these Stellar activa-
er egmmate avatars present on Earth at h" S r tions ro activate their sixth DNA strand .
publicly.known, but these are nor of the six Sile~ IS t ime .. orne of them are Being aware of t he shortage of time available to achieve the needed
purpose IS to realign the human DNA' . ~ AscenSion Avatars, whose sixth strand activations, the Palaidorians created an early birthing program
!~e ~P~:;~~lA:~~::-~peim::~~noaEaI
o .
s morp agenetic field .
for members of the seventh Root Race Euanjhechi and their Cloister Race
Yunaseri. The Euanjhechi and Yunaseti, often referred to collectively as the
tion o~~~~~uncemel~t IS thus a bin.h announ~ement, but also t he confirma- Paradisians, possess a fully activated fifth DNA strand at birth and the abili ty
Bridge Zone, th:~~:~~~; ~~et~~~~r;;: c~cle In p~eparation for entermg the to rapidly assemble and activate the six th ONA strand imprint, which the
organically carry. The Paradisians are 06 soul essences and become full y
ascension. 0 mentl and the Opportunity (or
embodied souls when their six th stran d completes activation, usually by 12
will ~~: ~o.nd seal on ~he Arc of the Covenant has been sparked and Earth years of age.
h gm preparation for the descent of the Blue Flame of Am . d Through soul agreements with members of the Sixth Race Melchizedek
~O~~pen ing of the Halls of A menti porta ls, which are scheduled fo;~~:nS , Cloister and others carrying the Celestial Silicate Matrix gene code, 150,000
couples were chosen to serve as birthing parents for the incoming Paradisian
Your preparation for ascension is now back on sched I race soul essences. These are the only groups of h umans possessing a large
u e.
enough gene code to create fetal bodies strong enough to hold th e Paradisian
PALALDORIAN BIRTHING CONTRACTS soul essence. Through these Palaidorian soul agreements, which are orches-
Th e Indigo Children, Palaidorian Birthing Contracts trated by the Priests of Ur from Agartha and Tara, se lected Earth couples are
subconsciously gu ided together by their personal soul-level identities, to ful-
. Contract Bonds, and the Incubation Rite. '
fill the Palaidorian Birthing Contract.
A long with the birth of the Six Silent A scension A be
2012, the Palaidorians and Priests of Ur from HU 2 ~.atars . htween 1992- Through astral contact and/or Guardian ET soul-agreement alxluctions,
and other Guardian races from HU-3 d HU 4- , war .mg wit the Elohim the parent couples undergo manipulation of their bio-energetic fields and
Birthin Co I an - , orgamzed the Pa laidorian DNA, to allow for a strong, energetic soul bond to be created between the
Zone g. ntra~[ ~u ~reement program. To ensure the success of the Bridue parents. This electromagnetic bond allows the soul matrices of th e individu-
oJecht, an Idt hUS t e ascension program, a minimum of 144 000 individ"u-
'- PEar als in the couple to merge, fonning an U HF bio-energetic field through
a e>on rt wou ave to I I hi '
strand and 'dl be' comp ete y assem e and activate the sixth DNA which an advanced fetal pattern, with a genetic code larger than that of
rap. y gm assembly and activation of the seventh and eighth either of the parents, can be conceived. Once this bond, referred to as a
Bond.ing Contract or Contract Bond, takes place, the bio-energetic fields As of 8/30/1998, parent couples were bound to their Pal~idorian Birthing
and life P?ths of the parents are blendt..'<l together, following which time th Contracts and Contract Bands, as the necessary bio-energ~uc field and DNA
couples will be led together through various circumsrnnces that occur in th .e a.djustments that would fulfill the Contract Bond were given to t~e par~nt
earthly lives. Some of the parent couples will be consciously aware of th ese elf ugh astral body mechanics, referred to as the lncubatton RIte.
coup les thro , to Up h ? ldh'
Contract Bonds and Birthing Contracts, others wiU be consciously unaw During the 3-day Incubation Rite, couples ag~eetng t .elr contracts
an~ "just so happen to faU in love with each other" and bear their Paradis:~ e taken to Agartha-Inner Earth by the Priests ofUr, via their astral bod-
duld. ~er The Priests of Ur then initiated the bio-energetic field mechanics
The Palaidorian Birthing Contracts and Contract Bonds are high-level ~~;ough which the DNA, bio-energetic fields and soul matrices of the tW?
soul agreements entered into by the parents' over-soul level identities, in individuals in a couple are fused together, by infusions of energy from thelf
cooperation with the over-soul identity of the child they will birth. In fulfill_ respective over-soli Is. . .
ing these contracts the individual parents receive acceleration of their Through these rites, the Comract Bond and Blrthtng ~ontract .are pro-
genetic blueprint, which allows them further advancement in their evolu_ rammed into the individual's active DNA program, creating a t.wtn D~A
tionary ascension process. The over-soul iderttity enters the Palaidorian con- ~ode alignment between the couple. This rite begins the Inc~bat.lOn Period
tract in order to allow its incarnate the opportunity for advancement. These for each individual, through which the life patterns and soul dlfecuve of ea~h
contracts in no way violate the rights of the incarnate and they are intended person is aligned with the contract and all events, karmic patterns and Clf-
by the over-soul to guide the incarnate to its highest life experience. cumstances that are not part of the contract are purged fr?m. the Ii.fe drama
The births of the Six Silent Ascension Avatars and those of the 150,000 manifestation pattern. From this point forward, the couple s lives Will unf?ld
Paradisian sou ls are orchestrated through Palaidorian Birthing Contracts and according to the soul identity's intentions, offering the mcarnates protection
Contract Bonds. The Paradisian souls will enter incarnation on Earth from from various karmic dramas and ego-based choices that normally w~u~d h~ve
the 06 frequency bands of Tara through the 0-6 Sirian Stellar Spiral. The manifested. The Incubation Rite marks the suspension of the kanm~ Imp~mt
sixth-dimensional frequencies correspond to the Indigo wave pattern of the for the indiv idual and the accelerated integration of the soul and ego tdentlty.
interdimensional Light Spectrum, thus the Paradisian children have been The couples of Palaidorian Birthing Contracts will begin ra~id D~A
nicknamed the "Indigo Children" or "Sirian Blue Babies". The coming birth activation acceleration in preparation for their child's birth, and wtH ~ecetve
of the Indigo Children has been foretold within various Earth human groups "across the board" protection from the Palaidorians a~d. HU-) Guardl.ans,. to
that are working with other Guardian ET and metaterrestrial contacts. Some ensure the success of their contracts. Though the families of the Palaldorlan
of this information has been published in channeled writings. Contracts may appear no different than any other Earthly family, they ar.e
The birth schedule of rhe Indigo Children will proceed as follows; the fu lly guided and protected from the higher Harmonic Univ~rses. Due to the ir
first wave of 144,500 Indigo Children will birth between 1999-2004. They agreement to participate in this service to human evolutlo~: these. cou~les
will complete activation of the sixth DNA strand at the age of 12, between are granted direct intervention and support from the 0-6 Angeitc Ktng-
2011 -2016. Children of the first birth wave will serve as Place Holders, their doms," Guardians from HU-2 through HU-5 and the Entity gestalt~ fro~
sixth DNA strand activation serving to ensure the balance and grounding of Meta-G alactic Core. This "divine intervention" will create an almost magl-
0-6 frequency on Earth during the 2012-2017 ascension period.. The second ca\" ease in Earthly endeavors that are part of the Palaidorian Contract and
birth wave of 5,500 Indigo Children will birth between 2005-2017, to reach the individuals will also experience greater diffic ulty in successfully ~rches
maturity at age 12 between 2017-2029. The children of the second birth trating Earthly affairs that are not part of ~he co~tra~ts to .whi.ch their souls
wave will assist Bridge Zone Earth to balance frequency following the 2017 have agreed. All incarnates fulfilling .thelf Palatdon~n Blrthtng Contrac~~
particle conversion process. They wili also serve as Place Holders, grounding will be freed from the HU-l reincarnattonal cycles of birth and death , follo\\
0-6 frequency into the Sphere of Amenti rdce morphogenetic field. ing their present incarnation. . Chld
The finalization of the Palaidorian Birthing Contracts and Contract Through the births of the Six Silent Avatars and the Indigo t ren,
'd Z d h ' "
Earth's transition to the Bn gc one an umanlty s op r po tunity for aseen-
Bonds between the parent couples of the Indigo Children took place on
August 30, 1998. Prior to th is date, COntracts were transferable between vari- sion will unfold as planned. y
ous eligible individuals, giving chosen soul identities the opportunity to exit 12. June 26.1998: Avatar 3_Ninth~levcI Avatar-Was Born T~o ear;
or renegotiate the tenns of their Palaidorian Contracts. Early. The Second Seal On Arc Of The Covenant Opened. vatar 4
Aligned DNA Strand 4 With 12_strand Pattern. Corrected Strand
- - -o.J/"',- . ,"& ......- . u .....'" O3J' , ,, ..,,, 'U<
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Imprint Will A llow Reverse~mutations Of S
Release Of Palaidor Amcnti And Ze S I ~rand 4 Distortions; And
The third of six Silc~t Avaru;s was bort,~ twc,o s rom DIN~ On 5/5/2000.
. .. II years ear Yvia Eiol' .
ventlon; ongma y birth was scheduled (or 5/5/2000 Th' 11?, IntCr.
soul essence from HU.3 a ntnth Ie I .h IS aVatar IS a D9
' < - ve avatar Wit 9 d" .
quency bands activated in his genetic code Th.' . d' 'd' IUlcnslonal fre.
DNA strand 9 fully activated A h' . IS In [VI ual was bom With
Sphere of Amcmi, the imprint' forSD;;A~~I e~~nce pass~.d through the
12-strand pattern. The Seals of Palaidor;:" . was rca 19ned with the
release with the assembly of the aligned (.' ~e~~ and Zeta all begin to Things to Come
Avatar 3 reset the aligned fourth St d ourt. A strand. The birth of
morphogeneric field, releasing the ~;ri~~r~~rt~~~~I~~J S~her~ of An:enri
Zeta Seals from human DNA The D 4 ' . f I onan, menn and
be . . - IrequenCl es rom A "II
gm transmitting through Earth's grid uneil 1/2000 d ~nel WI not AsCENSION SCHEDULE
pattern for the fourth DNA strand w'l! beg' . ,an r e corrected As Earth approaches it half-poine in the second ascension cycle of its
grid on 51512000. I m transmlttmg through Earth's
26 ,556-year Euiago time cycle, the opportunity for ascension of human popu-
lations through the Halls of Amenti and into HU-2 is presented. Taking
What transpires next? advantage of this time-cycle placement opportunity, with G uardian assis-
tance, Earth can be shifted out of the range of Intruder VisitOr manipulation,
through the Bridge Zone time continuum shift. The dynamics by which these
changes will occur are highly scientific, and involve complex interdimcn-
sional physics mechan ics. We have provided extensive information concern-
ing humanity's need to evolve the DNA in order to accommodate these
changes, attempting to assist you in understanding the concept of the interre-
lationship of biological, spiritual and planetary evolution.
The fiMJ aspect of these interdimensional et'o/lttloMr)'lascension dynamics
with which ),Oll need CO become acquainled, is ,he mechanics of Transmutative
Stellar Activations and Stellar Wave Infusions , for it is through these mechan-
ics that persmlal and planetary ascension takes place. In the Appendix we pro-
vide a brief introduction to Ste llar Activations (page 464) and Stellar Wave
Infusion Mechanics (page 466) , For now, we would simply like you to under-
stand that Earth and the human populations will be facing a series of six
Transmutative Stellar Activations and Stellar Wave Infus ions between 5/5/
2000 and 2017. Through these Stellar Activations and Wave Infusions
Earth's particle base wi ll be temporari ly raised into the pulsation rhythms of
the HU-2 time cycles, so grid merger between Earth and Tara, and the open-
ing of the Amenti ascension passages, can take place,
These energy dynamics will affect the planetary grid and the physical and
bio-energetic systems of humans direc tly, so it is wise that you become aware
of these coming events. For this reason we have included the progression of
Stellar Spiral Alignments, Stellar Activations and Stellar Wave Infusions

with our running schedule of upcoming Earthly events. The Six Stellar Acti-

1 ne f\mert n f\scertSl(nt rrugram .::,cneuuU:.

vations, Stellar Wave Infusions and Stellar Spiral alignments Earth wi![ hogenetic field) begin and complete three of their Ac~ivations and Infusions
encounter between 2000 and 2017 are as (allows; ~ t after those of Earth and three just prior. We have Included the schedules
1. D~4 Solar Activation: 5/5/2000~6/2004.
}~~ Earth and the tWO Flame Keepers groups in this chronology to assist the
Blue Wave Infusion 6/2002- 6/2006 Keepers in their awakening process.
0-4 Solar Spiral aligns with Earth's Merkaba Fields
2. D~5 Pleiadian Activation: 6/2004 ~6/2oo8. 6/199810 2017
Violet Wave Infusion 6/2006-6/2010
0-5 Pleiadian-A lcyone Spiral aligns with Solar Spiral Merkaba Fields Transcendence Day
3. D-6 Sirian Activation: 6/2008-1/1/2012. 1. June 26. 1998: Sphere of Amenti Continues to Transmit D-3 Frequen-
Gold Wave Infusion 6/2010- 6/2014 cies into Earth's Core. The Morphogenetic Wave Begins to Build. Earth
0-6 Sirian Spiral aligns with Pleiadian-A lcyone Spiral Merkaba Fields Prepares for 1/1/2000 Transcendence Day. Flame Keepers Begin Blue
4. D-? Arcturian Activation: 201?---day I I Wave Infusions.
Silver Wave Infusion day 1_21 By 7/1998 the Sphere of Amenti opened into Earth's morph~g~netic fi~ld
0-7 Arcturian Spiral aligns with Sirian Spiral Merkaba Fields six (OUt of 12) 0 .3 frequencies and it will proceed to transmit Its remain-
ing six D-3 frequencies into Earth's core between 7/1998 and 1/1/2000.
s. D~8 Orion Activation: 201?--day 21 On 1/1/2000 Amenti will begin transmitting D-4 frequency through
Blue-Black Liquid Light Wave Infusion day 2_3 1 Earth's grid. The morphogenetic wave began to buil~ on 6/2~/1998 and
0-8 Orion - Meta-Galactic Core Spiral aligns with Arcturian Spiral the 0 .4 Solar Spiral began to align with Earth, followlOg the birth of Ava-
Merkaba Fields tar 3 and the sparking of the second seal on the Arc of the Covenant. Fol-
6. D-9 Andromeda Activation: 20 17--day ) 1 lowing the 6/26/1998 opening of the second seal on the Arc of the
Covenant, Blue Wave Infus ions began with in the bio-energetic fields of
Silver-Black Liquid Light Wave Infus ion day)1
the Keepers of the Blue and Violet Flame, as they assembled half of t~e
0-9 Andromeda- Galactic Core morphogenetic field Spiral aligns with
fourth DNA strand, halfway through their Solar Activation that began III
Orion Spiral Merkaba Fields.
6/1996. The Flame Keepers will complete their Solar Activation on Ill/
T he following chronology of events also includes the Activation and 2000, in preparation for Earth's Solar Activation on 5/5/2000. The Blue
Infusion schedules for the Keepers of the Blue Flame and the Keepers of the Wave Infusions of the Flame Keepers will complete in 1/2002.
Violet Flame. Many of you read ing this book may have hidden soul agree- 2. August 30.September I, 1998: lncubati~n Rite for HumansBwitdh
ments to serve as a Keeper of the Blue or Violet flames. The Flame Keepers Palaidorian Birthing Contracts Took Place 10 Agartha. Contract on s
are a speC ialized soul group that carries the Celestial Silicate Matrix gene Were Activated.
code, who incarnate during various time periods to assist the Palaidorians of Humans with Palaidorian Birthing Contract and Contract Bo~d soul
HU-2 with the human evolutionary process. Flame Keepers possess special- agreements were taken in their astral bodies to Agarth~, by t~e Pnests of
ized genetic codes that will allow them to hold UHF within their bodies to Ur. Those accepting their contracts to birth the Indigo children wer.e
assist Earth with the Stellar Activation process. These writings represent a given the Contract Bond Incubation Rite, through which the soul.ma~n
"wake- up call" to the Flame Keepers, it is time for them to remember their ces of each parent couple w~re energ~tically ~erged an~ the Blrt~;
higher calling. Those of you who fee l drawn to the concept of the Flame Contract was programmed toto theIT operatlOg genetic code. d
Keepers are likely to be members of the Blue or Violet Flame soul groups. The Palaidorian Birthing Contracts became fin~liz~, non_transferable aba~
Keepers of the Blue Flame (Tara's HU-2, 05 morphogenetic field) begin and irreversible following the Contract Bond activation through {he Incu
complete their Stellar Activations and Infusions just prior to Earth's Activa- tion Rite.
tions and Infusions. The Keepers of the Violet Flame (Gaia's HU-3, D-7 mor- 3. January 1, 2000: Celebration of the Day of TransceAn~ence. ~~rti:~~~~
pares for Its Solar Activation as D-4 Solar SpiraL Igns Wit
D-2 and D~3 Particle Base.
1. Three-day part1cle conversion period bclween 5/5/20176/30/2017
"""'___.-',... .." <OV/Ht:'- ------------

Due to the Guardians' D-4 energy infusions into Earth's core ( h' Light Workers across the globe \~ill be ~allcd togethe.r in celebration of
began in 196 BC) and the opening of the second sea l on the Arc w 0f
Ich th
IS m oental nu occasion
m , and Will be directed to begin Solar-Heart
~ .. _~..l Star
Covenant, with the birth of Avatar 3 on 6/26/1998, the Earth's core (h.e Activations for all who join them in this endeavor. The ocw;eu energies
de pulsation speed raised high enough to begin preparation for ~~~. L' ht Workers global network will serve to create balance and
o f t he Ig
Solar Activation on 5/5/2000. These frequency infusions have suffici rt IS acceleration within Earth's grid, to pr~pare Ea r~ h'lor t h.e Inlttatton
0 I"Its
increased the particle pulsation rhythm of Earth's 0.2 core and elem cnt) 0-4 Solar Activation on 5/5/2ooo.Thls gathenng of Light Workers and
particle field, and Earth's D) atmospheric particle field. Further D_~~ta hers on 1/1/2
000 is needed to counterbalance the fear-based, lower-
' ' 'n1l 'n 'I
quencies will be able to run through Earth's 0.2 and 0-3 particle bases ~e
vibrating energies of the fanatical groups who WI'11 promonng enn~a
,l/l/20?O, when the D.~ Sola~ Spiral begins to align with Earth's core. D.~ fever" and doom between 12/1999 and 1/2000. These fear-based energl~s
IS a pnmary base tone dImensiOn and 0-2 is a primary overtone dimensio h the potential to create temporary grid imbalances that could mall!-
within the IS-dimensional scale. When the full 0.4 frequency spectru n f~~:S localized Earth changes, as Earth enters the Solar Activation on.5/
of the Solar Spiral begins to permeate Earth's 0-2 core and elemental pa~ 5/2000. Celebration of the Day of Transce~nce wiU !eTV as a~ Earth healmg
ticle field on 1/1/2000, an interdimensional Resonant Tone will be struck measure, as weU as a ceremony of human ullItY Earth s fourth pnmary oortex-
as 0-2 overtone and 0-4 base tone frequencies merge. Giza, Egypt - wiU begin opening on this day.
This interdimeruional Resonant Tone allows Earm's 3-dimensional panicle field 1999-2004: First Birth Wave of Indigo Children.
w raise in pu/salion rhymm, w receive me progressive Transmlltalive Stellar 4. The first wave of 144,500 0-6 soul essence-Root Race 7: Paradisian chil-
Wave InfUSions and Stellar AClivarioru fhat will allow Eanh to rise into me dren, who possess the imprint for DNA stran~ 6, will birth on Earth. They
HU-2 time C)'des for merger wim Tara . Without this interdimensional Reso- will reach maturity and activation of the Sixth DNA strand at age 12,
nant Tone, created through the merger of Earth's 0-2 core frequencies between 2011-2016, to become Place Holders that ground 0-6 frequency
with the D-4 Solar Spiral frequencies, Earth would not be able to achieve on Earth during the 2012-2017 ascension period.
its temporary shift into the HU-2 time cycle. If Earth is unable to make 5. January I, 2000: Earth's Fourth Vortex-Giza, Egypt---:O pens . The
this shift, the grids of Earth and Tara will not fully merge and the Bridge S here of Amenti Begins Transmitting D-4 Frequencies Through
Zone project will fail. The Halls of Amenti will not open, the planetary ~rth's Grid. The Blue Flame Begins Its 12-year Descent to Earth,
ascension process will halt and Earth and its popu lations will remain Through the Alcyone and Solar Spirals. The Keepers of the Blue and
trapped within the HU- I rime cycle to fall under Dracos-Zeta Resistance Violet Flames Complete Solar-Heart Star Acti.vation. Keepers. of .the
control. Blue Flame Begin Fifth Strand-D-5 Pleiadian-Soul Seat Actlvatlon.
The striking of this Interdimensional Resonant Tone is a natural part of The 9540 BC Quarantine Frequency Fence Dissolves. .'
Earth's ascension cycle, and will take place on 1/1/2000, as Earth's grid has As the Sphere of Amenti completes opening. its D-3 frequ~ncles IIlto
reached the necessary particle pulsation rhythm as of 6/26/1998. The Earth's morphogenetic field, it begins to transmit OA frequenCies through
event of the interdimensional Resonant Tone Striking will occur on Earth's grid. The natural seal on Earth's fourth primary vortex/chakra
schedule. The alignment between Earth's 0-2 core and the D-4 Solar opens; Earth's fourth primary vortex is located beneath the Sphmx . and
Spiral and the resulting Interdimensional Resonant Tone created through Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. The Keepers of the Blue a~d Ylolet
this alignment, constitutes a Day of Transcendence, for Earth and its Hames will complete their Solar Activation, assembly and act~vatlon of
populations. The boundaries of Earth's 26,556-year HU-I time cycle, and DNA strand four and Heart Star Activation. Through completion o~ the
humanity's entrapment within HU-l physical maner, will be temporarily Solar Activation, the first level of soul integration takes place, astr~ll~te
Transcended. This Day of Trarucendence marks the first day of Earth's new gration . The Keepers of the Blue Flame will begin their. D-~ Pleladla~
dawn into the age of enlightenment and the opportunity 10 stop the Imruder Vis- Soul Seat-Activation and will initiate assembly and activation of the ir
itors' intended desrruclion of the human race. fifth DNA strand, in preparation for grounding and embodying the fre-
quencies of the Blue Flame of Amenti on 5/5/~OI~. T?e Keepers of ~~~
The Interdimensional Resonant Tone of Transcendence Day is scheduled Blue Flame begin their Pleiadian-Soul Seu.t _Actlva~lOn III ~/2"?,, an~ 1/1/
to occur between 12:00 PM of 1/1/2000 and 12:00 AM 1/2/2000, complete this second Activation and begm .the T~lrd A~t1vat.I0d- 0 -Soul
as Earth completes its first day of the new millennium. 2005 The Keepers of the Violet Flame Wilt begin their PIela I~
Seat ~Activa[ion on 1/1/2005. The Blue Flame begins its 12-year escent
J nmg.s ro L.ome
The Amenti A scension Program Scneaule

to Earth through the Alcyone spiral and Solar Spirals A, D 4 ' . and Earth's 0-2 and D-3 Merkaba Fields will merge with those of Tara,
( h S h f . - Irequencles
rom t e p ere 0 Amenti begin transmitting through Earth 's h placing Earth fully with in the HU-2 time cycles by 1/2012. Earth's Solar
UHF band .D-3 Quarantine Frequency Fence of 9540 Be co:~~~t~t Activation is the first of six Transmutative Stellar Activations the planet
releases, which creates a reversal of the third DNA strand . hY will undergo between 2000 and 20 17. Earth prepares for its Solar Activa-
db h F mutation t at
was ~ause y r e requency Fence. This mutation manifested as a bl k tion in 1/2000, when its 0-2 and 0-3 particle bases align with the Solar
age In the third cha~ra and an artificial division within the third me~~ai SpiraL The Solar Activation initiates on 5/5/2000, when Earth's 0-1 iron
~y level of the aunc fie ld, creating a division between the Ego/personal core crystal aligns with the Solar Spiral. Earth's Solar Activation begins in
ay awarcness and. the Higher Self awareness. Reversal of this mutatio~ 5/5/2000 and will complete in 6/2004, at which time Earth's second Stel-
WII! allO\: humanity the opportunity to merge the Ego, stationed in the
lar Activation will begin. The corrected imprint fo r the fourth DNA
I?w to ~ll1ddle frequency bands of D-3, with the Higher Self ident ity, sta. strand will release through the Earth's grid on 5/5/2000. This wi ll allow
rl~ned. In th.e UHF bands of D-3. The Higher Self connects thc D-3 con_ people whom are consciously working to assemble DNA the opportunity
sc~ous Identity to the astral and soul levels of identity. When the Ego and to release the Seal of Palaidor, Seal of Amenti and traces of the Zeta Seal
HIg.her Self merge, awareness of the astral and soul identity becomes more from their DNA, so fourth strand assembly and the Solar-Heart Star Acti-
available to the Ego, dream real ity and astral perception become clearer, vation can begin. Assembly and activation of the fourth DNA strand
fou~h D~A strand ~cmbly and Solar Activation become available to allows the consc iousness to achieve the fi rst level of soul integration,
the Identity and consciousness begins to become multidimensiona l. Astral integrat ion.
Earth Solar Activation The D-4 Seal of Palaidor is a genetic mutation from 5,500,000 years
6. May 5, 2000: D~4 Solar Spiral Aligns with Earth's D~ 1 Iron C ago, which caused a blockage between the second and third chakras, a
Cry~tal: Earth's. First T~nsmutative Stellar Activation-The So~:: division between the second, third and fourth levels of the auric field and
Actlvatlon-bcglOs. Earth s 0,1 Particle Base Enters 0--4 TIme C I separation between emorional, mental and as rral identity levels . This seal is
The Correct~ Fo~rth DNA Strand Imprint Begins Transmi:t~e~ released by fully assembling the fourth DNA strand. Release of this seal allows
through Earth s Gfld and Seals of Palaidor, Amenti and Zeta Can polarizat ion in the fourth/heart chakra to reverse, and the 0-2 emotional,
Release from DNA. Solar Activation and Multidimensional Identity D3 meneal and 0-4 astrallcvels of awareness to merge. The nadia l cap-
Become Available to the Masses. sule (barrier between 0 -3 and D4 frequency levels in the auric field) dis-
Ear~h's 0-1 elect~ical ov~rtone particles in Earth's D-I iron core crystal solves and the blockage between the 0-3 conscious perceptions and 0-2
begm to merge With Tara s D-4 magnetic base tone anti-particles in Tara's sub-conscious mind releases. Release of the Seal of Palaidor representS the first
D-4 gold cor:e crystal, rransmuting both into their higher-dimensional stage of soul integration, as the corucious D-3 identity begins to access the D-4
morphogenetic fi~ld~/h.ype~-space (D-l particles to D- 15, 0-4 ami-parti- astral planes and skills of D~4 projection of consciousness and mullidimensional
c~es to D- 12). ThiS IS conSidered a D-4 Solar Activation as the Merkaba communication develop.
Fields of the D- l and 0-4 core crystals are held within the center of the Thc Seal of Amenti, [he Death Seal, is a genetic mutation from
sun a~d 0-4 frequency transmits to Earth via the 0-4 Solar Spi raL All of 5,508,100 years ago, a muration in DNA strand 1, which caused a block-
Earth s D-1 overtone particles and Tara's D-4 base tone anti-particles age betwecn the physical and etheric body. The sixth activation code
e~ter hype~-space and the Overtone O~ 1 and base tone D-4 Merkaba Fields (overtone) of the first DNA strand was removed, which caused mutation
wli' open I~to e.ac~ other. Earth's 0-1 oven one particle base will have in the first, second and third DNA strands, that manifested as a block
comp!eted itS shift IOta t~e pulsation rhythms of the 0-4 time cycle and between the body's particles and the anti-particles of the body-double in
Earth s D-l base tone particles enter D-3 pulsation rhythm. As Earth's D-1 the parallel universe. This seal ended humanity's ability to possess an Immortal
Merkaba Field ,opens int~ Tara's .D-~ Merkaba Field, the particle pu lsation Body and created lhe necessity for birlh and death through incamarional cycles
speed of Eart~ s core begms to flSe IOta that of the 0-4 frequency bands. in order 10 evolve. It stopped dJe process of bodily transmutation and the ability
~y the end of lIS .Solar Activation in 6/2004, Eanh wiU complete 1/3 of ilS shift w physically pass through lhe Halls of Amenri, in rhe masses. Release of the
mw.the HU-2 ame cycles, in preparatiOTl for merger with Tara on 5/5/2012. Seal of Amenti allows the body to merge its particles with those of its
L?unng Eart~'s second D-5 Pleiad ian Activation Earth's D- 2 and 0-3 par- anti-particle double and creates merging of the physical and erheric bod-
ticle base will also rise into the pulsation rhythms of HU-2 time cycles, ies. This creares rransmutation of Ihe body farm, the ability to bodily ascend, the
return of dJe Immortal Body and release from Ihe cycles of reincarnation. e re-
204 205
.--b- .~ ......... ,,'... ' ..... " . _ - . -.'~''" b _ -_ .. __...

ates the merger of consciousness between present identity andd . and consciousness. The Hall of Records opens only when the Alcyone spi-
focused in the parallel universe. Release of the Seal of Palaidor and entity ral is aligned with the primary fourth vortex beneath the Sphinx and
bly of the full fourth and fifth DNA strands is necessary to reclai~~ Great Pyramid.
Immortal Body. Release of the Seal of Amenti allows the process of fif h Within the structure of the Sphinx there are several dormant portal pas-
strand DNA assembly and Pleiadian-SouI Seat -Activation to contin t sages that lead from the Sphinx, to the Great Pyramid then into the 0-2
Th ~
e Zeta Seal .is a genetic .mutation created in 1748 AD by the Zetas' portal passage of Earth's core, where the Sphere of Amenti is stored. Once
Frequency Fence 10 the D-4 wne cycle. Zeta Seal was removed by G d the Alcyone spiral is activated, these portals are accessible, but only to
ians through astral realignment, between 1902-1986, but traces o~~h' individuals who carry very precise frequency tone combinations within
fourth DNA strand mutation still appear in some humans. Zeta Se~ their bio-energetic fields. In order for the Hall of Records to release its
blocked 0-4 frequency, and thus multidimensional perception, from the data through the portals of the Sphinx and into the Sphere of Amenti, the
D-3 r.erceptual awareness, creating an artificial barrier between the D-3 three individuals who represent the Flame Holders of the 0-2 Orange-
~onsclOUS .sel.f and the astral identity. The sea l operated as an etheric Gold Flame (a male), the D-5 Blue Flame (female) and the D-7 Violet
'mplan~ wlthm th~ nadial capsule, between the third and fourth layers of Flame (female) must enter the Sphinx through the D-4 astral plane, and
t~~ aunc. field. This ~aused repression of dream recall and memory of mul- find their way to the inner chamber and the portal activation site, which
udl.menslonal experience, and hampering of mu ltidimensional communi- is a very small crawl space, boxed-in on three sides, just large enough to
canon, astra l ~rojec~ion and the soul integration processes. It allowed hold three bodies (astral) lined up side by side. The activation site is
Zetas ~o e1ectncally I~p~lse human bio-chemical response patterns and underground and is presently sealed by several layers of stone, its access
behaVior, through sublll1~mal manipulation of the bio-neurological struc_ crawl space, through which it was constructed, is packed with earth. There
ture. Zeta Seal releases with assembly of realigned fourth DNA strand. are several hidden passages within and beneam the Sphinx, that are marked with
The Hall of Records a series of instructional s)'mbol codes, me final four of which can only be
decoded by ,he Flame Holders. The symbols are multidimensional Keylonric
7. S~ptember 17, 2~1: Guardians Complete Alignment of Giza Pyramid Access Codes chat, once translated and pulled infO !he body, seTtle as the elec~
w.lth Alcyone Spiral. Hall of Records Begins to Open. The Guardians cronic lock release for me Hall of Records.
wl.1I complete t.heir E~rth grid realignment, bringing the Great Pytamid of The Flame Holders will be guided to Egypt with a small support team to
Giza/vortex 4 ~nto altgnment with the Alcyone spiral in preparation for help them hold the energy, at the appropriate time. The Flame Holders
the Holographic Beam of 2017. This will begin the opening of the Hall of must enter the activation site using the aStral lxxIy. Ideally, they must
Records beneath the Sphinx. project from the physical body stationed within the King's Chamber of the
The Hall of Re~ords j~ a f~Tth~dimensional portal passage storage area chat Great Pyramid. When the Alcyone spiral is activated, the Aame Holders
con~tects W the hlgher-dmteJlSlCmal morphogene fic fields of Earm, Tara arui within the Kings Chamber will receive a "Blue Flame Infusion" (a bodily
Gal{l, ~here me complete planetary memory banks are swred in the form of infusion of UHF 0-5 energy from the Alcyone spira!) , through an energy
crystal/I.ne energy subscal1ce. These crystatJine morphogenetic imprints are rite known only to the Flame Holders and beings with D-15 "clearance"
col~eCtl~e.ly called the Ancient Dora~Teura Matrix, and they contain the (beings whom have undergone 1S-dimensional initiations and carry the
e.lltire IlvlOg memory of {he five Harmonic Universes in one IS-dimen- imprint for D-13 through D-15 within their morphogenetic field). After
sional system. Th~ Akashic Record planetary memory bank of 0-8 is part the infusions, the Flame Holders will link their bio-energetic fields, and
of the larger AnCient Dora~Teura Matrix memory complex. The Hall of enter the astral plane and access site together. Once in the activation site
Records represents a D~4 conduit through which data from the Akashic the three wHi blend the energies of their astral bodies in one unit of ultra-
Record ~nd Ancie~t Dora-~eura can be downloaded through the Earth's conscious energy identity. The physical and astral bodies of the Flame
seven~pn?,ary vortices and Into the Sphere of Amenti and Earth's mor- holders serve as a conduit through which the electronically stored data
phogenet~c field. The data is transferred electronically through the Hall of from the Hall of Records can download, activate the portals and pass into
Records, .mto Amenti and Earth's core, then into Earth's grid. The history the Sphere of Amenti. The Flame Holders allow the Hall of Records to be
of the uOlverse then becomes available to anyone on Eanh that has a high put "on line" with the Sphere of Amend, after which time this data trans-
enough accretion level to translate the data through their genetic cede mits through Earth's grid and becomes available to anyone on ~rth w.ho
can translate the informat ion. The Hall of Records begins opelllng With
206 207
' ... ' . " .... " .. , ...... "', ....... " . 'V~ ".... II ..Jl. Ilc:t.UUC:

the activation of the Alcyone spiral, but cannot be accessed until the Bl nerable to Resistance infi ltration. The Frequency Fence plan can still be
Flame of Amenti embodies on Earth, with the birth of the sixth aVat lJe averted if the Interior Government stops all cooperation with the Resis-
The bi rth of the sixth avatar creates an energetic connection between ~~ tance EBEs and refuses to allow the 2003 experiment to take place.
dimensions of the Hall of Records and the Earth's core, which allows data In the event that the public landing of 2001 does occur, the Resistance
to flow through ~he Flame Holders and into the Sphere of Amenti. If the Frequency Fence plan is still operational, and Earth populations will have
Halls of Amentl cannot open, the Hall of Records also remains closed until 2004 to assemble DNA to the 3.75 accretion level in order to protect
Prior to the opening of the Hall of Records, the chambers leading to th' themselves from the Frequency Fence. If the Frequency Fence plan is
dead-end in front of the activation site in the Sphinx will be discovered~ operational Guardian Visitors may stage mass sighting "fly-by's", anytime
The Halls of A menti witl begin to open on 5/5/2012. The Hall of Records benveen 1998-2004, in order to warn the populations that Earth changes
will begin opening on 9/17/2001, but will not activate and begin tranSmit_ will be coming due to the Frequency Fence. In the event that the Fre-
ting data until after the birth of the sixth avatar, which is scheduled for quency Fence is averted by 2004, and severe Earth changes are not
12:01 am on 5/5/2012. At this time the Flame Holders will be called to expected, Guardians will NOT stage mass "fly-by's". We are hoping the
activate the Hall of Records for the races. Frequency Fence plan will be abandoned. Humanity can help this effort
8. 2oot: Dracos#Zeta Resistance Tentative Plan to Stage Public Landing by trying to assemble and activate the fifth DNA strand in 8% of the pop-
and Introduction to Begin Frequency Fence Project. Guardians P lan ulations by 2001. Presently an estimated 0.24% of global populations have
"Fly#by's" if Warning of Earth Changes ls Needed. the fifth strand assembled and activated. Reaching 8% by 2001 is not
The Dracos-Zeta Resistance tentatively plans to stage a public landing in likely, but it is not impossible if humanity really tries to reach this goal. If
order to deceptively introduce themselves as Guardians and begin covert this goal can be reached the Dracos-Zeta Resistance takeover plan can be
infilt ration of Earth's electrical power supply and water systems in prepara- stopped before it is put into action.
tion for implementing their Frequency Fence. The Resiswnce forces will nor 9. January 2002: Keepers of the Blue and Violet Flames End Blue Wave
land if mey believe cheir Frequency Fence plan is in jeopardy. If Earth's grid Infusions. Keepers of the Blue Flame Begin Violet Wave Infusions.
reaches a 3. 75-accretion level by 2001, (which will only occur if 8% of the The Keepers of the Blue and Violet Flames will complete their Blue Wave
population assembles the fifth DNA strand by 2001; this is not expected infusions in 1/2002 and the Keepers of the Blue Flame will begin Violet
until just before 2012) the Resistance Frequency Fence will not work on Wave Infusions. The Keepers of the Blue and Violet Flames complete
the masses. If the Frequency Fence plan can be averted, the Resistance their 0-5/0-6 Blue Wave Infusions that began on 6/26/1998. The Keepers
witl abandon their direct take-over plans, and resort to inst igating Earth of the Blue Flame are half..vay through their 0-5 Pleiadian-Soul Seat Acti-
changes. vation and their 0 -6/0-7 Violet Wave Infusion begins. Through these 0-
If they cannot gain control over human populations, they still hope to 6/D- 7 Wave Infusions, 0-6 base tone and 0#7 overtone frequencies, and
Stop the Halls of Amenti from opening, so the acceleration of the human imprints for DNA strands 6 and 7, enter into the morphogenetic fields of
genetic blueprint does not take place. The Resistance will lose control the Keepers of the Blue Flame. The Keepers of the Violet Flame will begin
over their future 0-4 stronghold if present human populations can assem- their 0-5 Pleiadian-Soul Seat Activation on 1/1/2005 and their Violet
ble the fourth and fifth DNA strands. For this reason the Resistance has a Wave Infusions will begin in 1/2007. Shifting (Q the Bridge Zone Earth
vested interest in keeping the Halls of Amenti closed. Without the Fre- requires completion of the Blue Wave Infusion, activation of half of the
quency Fence it will be difficult for them to stOp the Bridge Zone project, fifth DNA strand, completion of the Solar- Heart Star Activation and half
the opening of Amenti and the accelerated genetic evolution it will bring. of the Pleiadian~Soul Seat Activation. The D~5 Pleiadian Activation
If they cannot stop these events they will attempt to gain dominion over becomes available to the masses (those who were nOt born with the fifth
the 0-3 "phantom Earth", to begin rebuilding their strong hold from 0-3 DNA strand imprint) on 9/9/2004, with the birth of Avatar 4 and the
after 201 7, a plan that is likely to fa il if Guardians decide to enforce a ban release of the corrected fifth DNA strand imprint through Earth's grid. At
on Resistance presence. this time fifth strand assembly can begin for those who completed fourth
If the Frequency Fence plan is stopped mere is a strong likelihood that Resiswnce strand assembly and Heart Star Activation through the Solar Activation.
forces will leave of meir own accord. If the Frequency Fence plan is not The masses will nO[ be able to complete the 0-5 Pleiadian Activation
stopped, humans remaining on D-3 phantom Earth will still remain vul- until the 5/5/2012, following the birth of Avatar 6 and the activation of
the fifth~strand codes.
208 209
, "" '&.> LU '-'U lllt: I ne I-\menn r\scenSWl1 etOgTam ~CheaUI(?

10. June 2002: Earth Begins First Stellar Wave Infusion-The Blue W bio-energetic and electro-chemical systems of humans and into mass elec
Infusion. aVe trical power stations. The phantom pulse will follow the natural flow of
Earth is halfway through its D-4 Solar Activation as the freque . electricity from main power generation plants into all electrical systems
the D5/0681
- - ue Wave Infu sion descend through the Pleiadian_AI drawing power from those plants, and will thus be transmitted through all
and Solar Spirals, beginning Earth's first Transmutative Stellar Wav cr e
sion, the 0-5/06 Blue Wave Infusion. Through these 0-5/0-6 \ ; .
fu commercial and residential electrical dev ices. The ULF EM phantom
pulse will create a subtle disruption within the bio~energe[ic fields of
Infusions, 05 base tone and 06 overtone frequencies enter into Ea ~; humans, which will manifest in the body as a bio-neurological perceptual
core mo rphogenetic field. Earth's Blue Wave Infusion will complete .rt 6i block , through which the human conscious and sub-consciousness minds
2~6, when Earth's Violet Wave Infusion begins. In 6/2004 the 0-5 pll~ia. can be blocked from translating perceptual data from all but a few select
dmn-Alcyone Spiral comes into alignment with the 04 Solar Sp' I dimensional frequency bands. A "perceplllLli hanteSs" on human conscious~
completing Earth's D-4 Solar Activation and beginning Earth's 0-5 PII~, ness will result, through which Ihe Resistance can transmil HolographiC Inserts
d' A ' . Ea h 1
Ian ctlvauon. rt wi I complete six Stellar Wave Infusions between
and subliminally impulse human behavioral response patterns direcrly through
6/2002 and 6/2017. Three of these infusions will occur concurrently With me sub~consci01L'i mind and physical body.
the fina l three Stellar Activations within a 3-day period that will fall The human body has a natural immune response to such electromag-
somewhere between 5/5/2017 and 6/30/201 7. netic invasion, which the Resistance can repress by introducing a certain
2003 Zeta Experiment organic elemental compound into the water supply, and by transmitting
specific wave spectrums of light directly into the human optical facilities.
11 . August 12, 2003: Dracos.Zeta Resistance and Covert Government
Dimensional Blending Experiment. Technologies such as broadcasr television are intended as vehicles to carry
the subliminal light-specrrum patterns into rhe human optical facilities.
The Dracos-Zeta Resistance hopes to coerce the Interior Government to
Common radio waves are also intended as carriers of subsequent EM
orchestrate a Dimensional Blending Experiment through top secret mili-
pulses, which will serve to reinforce the bio-neurological programming of
tary operations. The experiment resembles the Ph iladelphia Experiment
the Frequency Fence.
of 1943 and the Montauk Project of 1983. The Resistance's covert moti-
vation for the 2003 experiment is to create a rip in space-time that will The Resistance will attempt to use your own technologies against you.
connect with space-time rips that were made during the experiments in After approximately six years of such covert electromagnetic manipula-
1943 and 1983, so they may cloak large numbers of spacecraft while bring- tion, the contrived electromagnetic imprint will be strong enough to over-
ing them into underground bases. The presence of these underground ride the natural DNA imprint within rhe personal morphogenetic field.
fleets at three different time intervals, is necessary for the Resistance {O The perceptual harness will manifest as a genetic mutation within the
broadcast the EM pulses of their intended Frequency Fence. If the Interior human DNA, a mutation that will be genetically passed on through
Go~ment. and world. milicary organizations can be convinced to swp any breeding. The Frequency Fence is a powerful, advanced, EM pulse tech-
such dimensional blending experiments, especially during me months of July nology of which the Resistance is in possession and now intends to use on
mrough October of 2003, the Frequency Fence agenda will be abandoned. the human popu lations. Human technology presently does not have such
command of EM pulse mechanics, and so will be unable to create techno-
12. Spring 2004: Dracos~Zeta Resistance to Begin EM Pulses of Frequency
Fence. logical protection from the Frequency Fence.
If the Dracos-Zeta Resistance is successful in motivating the 2003 experi- However, humanity does possess the natural ability to accelerate the genetic
ment and.the Earth's grid is not yet at 3.75 accretion, they intend ro begin code, through which natural immunity to the Frequency Fence, the water
broadcastmg the base EM pulses of the Frequency Fence, from several additive and the subliminal, digital light-spectrum transmissions can be
underground base locations. The Resistance will have introduced an created. It is much easier to prevent the Frequency Fence from affecting the bio~
undetectable organic element to mass water supplies by this time, which is neurological system, by buildjng this natural immunity before the EM pulse
needed .to repress the human body's natural immunological response to transmissions begin, chan it will be w reverse the effeclS of these transmissions
the foreIgn EM pu lses used in the Frequency Fence. If transm ission of the once me broadcasting is initiated. If the Frequency Fence plan is not averred
Frequ~ncy Fence. base pulses begins, an undetectable ULF "phantom" by 2004, the Frequency Fence will be operational by 2006, at which time
e1ectncal pulse WIll begin to be transmitted through Earth's grid, into the the Resistance will begin broadcasting mass Holographic Inserts- five-

210 211
.,_---,-.'6-' . . ,. """"'.....--------------
. h the I2-strand DNA pattern, and the fifth strand i~print will begin
sensory perceptual illusions-into Earth's aunosphere, through which th Wit . ' through Earth's grid The Palaidor, Amenu and Zeta Seals
masses can be directed as the Resistance desires. Can you understand wh e ~~usb:I~;7; released from the DNA in all whom w~rked to asse~ble the
we of the G uardian Alliance are trying CO educate your race in regard t~ ugh the corrected fifth strand begms assembly tn 2004,
the very real IT technologies the Resistance plans to use against you? We fourth SHand. Tho . I' h I er
st of the populations it will not fully activate, or p ug mto t e ow .
are not trying to frighten you. We are hoping you will be mature en ough s~~:~s and become operational, until 515/~01 ~I when th~ BI.ue flame IS
to comprehend the consequences of such technologies before you ' d E th The D5 Pleiadian Activation pre-activation strand 5
unknowingly fall under this influence. You have the power to stop the Fre_ embod leonar. b I ' f
assembly becomes available to the masses on 9/9/2004, ut com~ etlan ~
quency Fence now, by taking command of your personal evolutionary this activation and activation of the Soul Seat Star Crystal, win not
imprint. You can protect yourselves if you are willing to learn how to do available to the masses until the fifth strand activates after .S/5~2012 .
so, Completion of the Pleiadian Activation and assem~ly and activation o~
Earth's Pleiadian Activation the fifth DNA strand allows the consciousness to achlev~ the second leve
of soul integration, the Soul Seat Activation, and b~gl~s the ~rocesslsf
13. June 2004: 05 Pleiadian#Alcyonc Spiral Aligns with D4 Solar Spiral.
cellular transmutation through which the body can raise It;s parttcle pu a-
Earth's Fifth Vortex-Machu Picchu, Pcru-Opens. Earth Completes
rion rhythm into the HU -2/D5 time cycle for tel~portat1on t~r~ugh th~
Solar Activation and Begins Pleiadian Activation. The Sphere of
H alls of Amenti. Ascension fa Tara requires completion of.the Plewdwn A~t',
Amenti Begins Transmitting D~5 Frequency into Earth's Grid.
varian, fuU activation of strand 5, completion of half of the Violet Wave InfUSion
The Sphere of Amenti completes opening iUi 04 frequencies into Earth's
morphogenetic field, Earth's fourth primary vortex at Giza is fully opened and activation of the Soul Seat Star Crystal.
and activated and the natural sea l on Earth's fifth primary vortex begins to 1S 2005-2017: Second Birth Wave of Indigo Children. ..
open and activate as the D-5 Alcyone spiral aligns with the D4 Solar Spi-
, d f 5 500 0 6 soul essence-Root Race 7: Paradlslan
The secon wave 0 , . h Ea h
raL Earth's fifth primary vortex is located in Machu Picchu, Peru. The children, who possess the imprint for DNA stran~ 6, will blrt on rt.
Sphere of Ament i begins transmitting its D-5 frequencies into Earth's grid They will reach maturity and activation of the Sixth DNA strand at the
as Earth completes iUi 0-4 Solar Activation and begins its D-S Pleiad ian a e of 12, between 20172029, to become Place Holders that ground I?-6
Activation. The morphogenetic wave continues build. The particles of f~uency on Bridge Zone Earth follow ing the 2012-2017 ascensIon
Earth's 02 elemental kingdom begin to merge with Tara's 0-5 anti-parti period.
cles, Earth's D) atmospheric anti-particles begin to merge with Tara's D-6 16. January 1, Z005: Keepers of the Blue Flame Begin Si;'th DNA Stran?,
particles. Earth's D2 and D-] Merkaba Field begin to merge with Tara's D.6 Sirian-Earth Star Activation. Keepers of t?e ~lOlct Flame Begtn
0-5 and 06 Merkaba Field, through the pathway of the Alcyone spiral. Fifth DNA Strand, D.S Pleiadian-Soul Seat Actlvatlo~. .
By the end of its Pleiadian Activation in 6/2008, Earth will complete the The Keepers of the Blue Flame complete their D-5 Ple~adl~n -s~t Sea~
fina l 2/3 of its shift into the HU-2 time cycles, in preparation for merger Activation and begin their D6 Sirian -Earth Star. ActlvatlO~. ro~;A
with Tara on 515/2012. the Sirian Activation they will assemble and activate th: slx~h 0 .
14. September 9, 2004: Tentative Birth of Avatar 4 -Tenth~levcl Avatar. strand and complete the third level of soul identity i~te~~dlOn, ~/5r~~~~'
Will Align DNA Strand 5 with lZstrand Pattern. Corrected Strand 5 ration for embodying Tara's Blue Flame morphogenetic .e . on SIS ~
Imprint Begins Transmitting through Earth's Grid. The Keepers of the Violet Flame begin thei~ D5 Pleladla~. ou . :~_
The fourth of six Silent Avatars is scheduled to be born; the birth can Activation and assembly and activation of thetr fifth DNA strand,. bcg~
occur before this date, following the birth of Avatar 3 on June 26, 1998, n ing the second level of soul identity int~ration, in preparation or
but must take place by September 9,2004, to real ign the fifth DNA strand embodying Gaia's Violet Flame morphogenetic field on 1/ 1/ 201 :. .
W I I d Begms Violet
imprint in the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic field, before this strand 17. June 2006: Earth Completes Blue ave n uSlon an
imprint begins transmitting through Earth's grid on 9/9/2004. The fourth
Wave lnfusion. . . A . n the 0-5/D-6
avatar is a DlO sOlll essence from HU-4 , a tenth-level avatar, with to- Earth will be halfWily rhrough its D5 Pletadlan ctlvdt~~e'D.6/D_7 Via-
dimensional frequency bands activated in its genetic code. This individual Blue Wave Infusion th~t began in 6/2002 C01~~}~~; ~ave Infusions, D6
will be born with strand 10 fully activated. As this soul essence passes let Wave Infusion begms. Through these D
through the Sphere of Amenti, the imprint for DNA strand 5 will realign
_ _ - - - ' _ - ~oS' _ -_. - _ . . . .

base tone and D-7 overtone fn..-quencies are entered into Earth's Core m Earth's Sirian Activation
phogenetic field. Earth will complete its D-6/D-7 Violet Wave Infus' Or- 20. June 2008: 0-6 Sirian Spiral Aligns with ~-5 PRleiad.ia-On-AlcyoneEaSPih-
and begin its 0-7/D-8 Gold Wave Infusion in 6/2010. Ion, rat. Earth's Sixth Vortex-Caucasus Mountams, ussla pens. rt
18.2006: Oracos-Zeta Resistance to Begin Broadcasting Holog ra h' Completes 0-5 Pleiadian Activation and Begins 0~6 Sirian Activation.
Inserts, if Frequency Fence is Established in 2004. p IC The Sphere of Amenti Begins Transmitting 0-6 Frequency through
Dracos-Zeta Res i st ~n ce plans ro begin broadcasting mass Holographic Earth's G rid. Earth Completes Shift into HU~2 Time Cycles.
Inserts through dlelr Frequency Fence in order to direct populations away The Sphere of Amenti will complete its opening of 0-5 frequencies into
from the path of ascension and ro establish full covert control over global Earth's morphogenetic field, the fifth primary vortex in Peru will be fully
social and economic structures. Once populations are under perceptual opened and activated, and the natural seal on the sixth primary vortex
control Resistance members can walk among humans undetected. They will open. Earth's sixth primary vortex is located in the Caucasus Moun-
plan to create various types of geographical disturbances that interfere tains in Russia. The Sphere of Amenti begins transmitting D-6 frequenc y
with the ?rid merger ~t~v.een Earth and Tara. If it was not for the Bridge through Earth's grid, as the D-6 Sirian Spiral aligns with the 0 -5 Alcyone
Zone Project these aCtIVities cou ld have stopped the opening of the Halls Spiral. Earth completes its D5 Plciadian Activation that began in 6/2004
of Amenti. The Frequency Fence and intended grid disruptions can still and begins its D-6 Sirian Activation.
cause Earth changes between 20 12- 2017, but the Halls of Amenti wilt At the end of its Pleiadian Activation on 6/2008, Earth completes its /ina1213
rcmain stablc as long as Earth's core morphogenetic field reaches the 3.5 shift inco the HU.2 time cycles, in preparation for the merger of the grids of
accretion level necessary for Earth to enter the Bridge Zone pu lsation Earth and Tara on 515/2012. The morphogenetic wave continues to build
rhythm in 2012. Only the phantom Earth that returns to the D-3 time as Tara's D-4 and D-5 particles begin to merge with Gaia's D-7 and D-8
cycle after 201 7 will be susceptible to Resistance control and the massive anti-particles, and Tara's D-4 and D-5 Merkaba Fields begin to merge with
Earth changes that could result from the Frequency Fence and related Gaia's D-7 and D-8 Merkaba Fields. Tara's D-4 and D-5 particle base
activity. Humans with an accretion level below 4.5 (all of the fourth DNA moves into the D-7 and 0-8 time cyclcs of HU-3 while Earth's temporary
strand assembled and activated plus half of the fifth strand) will end up in shift into the HU-2 time cycles completes.
this future D-3 time continuum aftcr 2017. The Earth changes, Holo- 21 . July 22, 2008: Tentative Birth of Avatar S-llth-level Avatar. Wilt
graphic Inserts and mental take over can be stopped in this D-3 time cycle Align DNA Strand 6 Imprint with 12~Strand Pattern. Corrected
if humanity can help the Guardians stop thc Resistance from activating Strand 6 Imprint Begins Transmitting through Earth's Grid and the
the Frequency Fence in 2004. Templar Seal Can Release from DNA.
19. January 2007: Keepers of the Blue Flame Begin Gold Wave Infusions. The fifth of six Silent Avatars is to be born on this date. The birth can
Keepers of the Violet Flame Begin Violet Wave Infusions. occur earlier, following birth of Avatar 4 on 9/9/2004, but it must occur by
The Keepers of the Blue Flame are half way through their D-6 Sirian- 7/22/2008, when the sixth DNA strand imprint begins transmitting
Earth Star Activation, the D-6/D-7 Violet Wave Infusion that began in 1/ through Earth's grid. The birth of Avatar 5 is presently scheduled for 7/22/
2002 complctes and the D- 7/D-S Gold Wave Infusion begins. Through 2008. This avatar is a D-l1 soul essence from HU-4, an lith-level avatar,
these D-7/D-8 Wave Infusions, D-7 base tone and D-8 overtone frequen- with II-dimensional frequency bands activated in its genetic codc. This
cies, and imprints for DNA strands 7 and 8, enter into the morphogenetic individual will be born with strand 11 fully activated. As th is soul essence
fields of the Keepers of the Blue Flame. The Keepers of the Violet Flame passes through the Sphere of Amenti the imprint for DNA strand 6 w~ll
are half way through their 0-5 Pleiadian-Soul Seat Activation, the D-5/ realign with the 12-strand pattern and the sixth strand imprint will begm
D-6 Blue Wave Infusion that began in 2002 completes and the D-6/O-7 transmitting through Earth's grid.
Violet Wavc Infusion begins. Through these D-6/D-7 Wave Infusions, 0- Though the sixth strand will assemble in 2008, in those who have asse.mbled
6 base tone and D-7 overtone frequencies, and imprints for DNA strands 6 strands 5 and below, the sixth strand will not activate for most people until after
and 7, enter into the morphogenetic fields of the Keepers of the Violet the Violet Flame embodies on ElIrth in 2017. Assembly and activat ion of the
Flame. sixth DNA strand allows the consciousness to achieve the third and final
level of soul integration, the Earth Star Activation, at which time t~e
identity can choose to transmute into etheric form on D-7 Gaia, to begm
The Amenti Ascension Program Schedule ,
embodiment of the over soul identity. Assembly of the sixth DNA strand Keepers of the Blue Flame Activate Eighth DNA Strand and Begin D-8
releases th~ 0 -6 ,Tempia,r Seal, which made bod ily ascension impossible O rion Earth Core Activation. Keepers of the Violet Flame Activate
for t~ose With th,lS g~nenc configuration. The Templar Seal was placed on Seventh DNA Strand, D. 7 ArcturianCore Star Activation.
certam race strams In 8000 SC, and created genetic distortion in man Earth completes its 0-6 Sirian Activation, that began in 6/2008 and 0-6
others through interbreeding. Release of the Temp lar Seal allol"5 a y
frequenci es from the Earth's core morphogenetic field begin transmitting
. . 0f the Sixth
fulfi ll aC[lvatlon . neto
DNA strand for ascension to Gaia and through Earth's grid . As this occurs, 0-7 frequencies from the Sphere of
Amenti begin transmitting th rough Earth's grid and the Sphere of Amenti
22. January 20<:'9: Keepers of the Blue Flame Begin Seventh DNA Strand, completes opening its 0-6 freque ncy into Earth's morphogenetic field.
D7 Arctunan-Core Star Activation. Keepers of the Violet Flame B . Earth completes the first 3 Activations of its Transmutative Stellar Act i-
Sixth DNA Strand, D.6 Sir jan-Earth Star Activation. eglO vation cycle, and will not begin its fourth 0-7 Arcturian Activation until
The Keepers of the Blue Flame complete their D6 S irjan-Earth Star Act'. the 0-7 Arcturian Spiral aligns with the 0-6 Sirian spiral on day one of
varia n .'lnd will activate their seventh DNA strand beginning their 0.'7 the Three.day Particle Conversion Period between 5/5/2017 and 6/30/
A rcturtan-Core Star Activation, which begins embod iment of the first 2017.
level ~f the over-soul identity, in preparation for embodying the Blue By 1/2012 the sixth primary vortex in the Caucasus Mountains will be
~ame In 2012. The Keepers of the Violet Flame complete their 0.5 Pleia- fully open and activated and the natural seal on the seventh primary vor-
dian-Soul Seat Activation and will activate their sixth DNA strand to tex will begin to open and activate. Earth's seventh primary vortex is
begin their 06 Sirian -Earth Star Activation, beginning the third level of located in the Andes Mountains of western South America. The Blue
soul identity integration, in preparation for embodying the Vio let Flame
in2017. Flame of Amenti begins its final approach to Earth through the Alcyone
spiral. The Keepers of the Blue Flame complete their 0-7 Arcturian -
23. June 2010: Earth Begins Gold Wave Infusions. Core Star Activation, fully activating the seventh DNA strand to become
Eanh is half way through its 06 Sirian Activation, the 0-6/0-7 Violet seventh-level avatars, embodying the first level of the oversoul identity.
Wave Infusion that began in 6/2006 completes and the D- 7/0-8 Gold The Keepers of the Blue Flame begin activating the eighth DNA strand,
Wave Infusion begins. Through these 0- 7/0-8 Wave infusions, 0-7 base initiating their 0-8 Orion-Earth Core Activation, which allows integra-
tone and 08 overtone frequencies are entered into Earth's core morpho- tion of the second level of the over-soul identity to become an eighth-
genetic fi eld. level avatar. Completion of the 0-7 Arcturian-Core Star Activation
24. June 2011: Keepers of the BIue Flame Begin Silver Wave Infusions. callies the Core Star crystal energy center within the body (above the
Keepers of the Violet Flame Begin Gold Wave Infusions. navel, be low the third Solar Plexus chakra) to transmit 0-7 frequency.
The Keepers of the Blue Flame are half way through their 0- 7 Arcturian _ The bodies of the Flame Keepers become transmitters of UHF light and
Core Star Activation, the 0-7/0-8 Gold Wave Infusion that began in 1/ sound, as their bio-energetic fields fill with 0-7 frequency. The Flame
2007 completes and the 0-8/0-9 S ilver Wave Infus ion begins. T hrough Keepers become conduits for 0- 7 energies, which flow to Earth from the
t~ese D-8~0-9 '!lave Infusions, 0-8 base tone and 0-9 overtone frequen- Arcturian Spiral, through the Sirian, Pleiadian-A lcyone and Solar Spirals.
Cies, and Imprints for DNA strands 8 and 9, enter the morphogenetic Through the bodies of the Flame Keepers achieving Arcturian-Core Star
fields of the Blue Flame Holders. The Keepers of the Violet Flame are half Activation, 0-7 frequency runs through Earth's core, preparing Earth for
way th rough lheir 0-6 Sirian -Eanh Star Activation, the 0-6/0-7 Violet its 2017 alignment with the Arcturian Spiral and beginning the separa-
Wave Infusion that began in 1/2007 completes and the 0- 7/D-8 Gold tion of particle fields within the Earth's matter-body. Following the Core
Wave Infusion begins. Through these 0-7/0-8 Wave Infusions, the 0-7 Star Activation, the Blue Flame Keepers hold the power within their bio-
base tone and 0-8 overrone frequencies, and imprints for DNA strands 7 energetic fields to create seventh strand DNA activations in others, and to
and 8, enter the morphogenetic fields of the Keepers of the Violet Flame. assist others of lesser DNA strand assembly in passing through the Halls of
25. Janua:-v I, 2012: Earth Completes D-6 Sirian-Earth Star Activation. Amenti, once the H alls have opened. The D.S Orion and D9 Androm-
Earth s. Scv~nth Vortex-Andes Mountains, South America--Opens. eda Activations allow the Flame Keepers to become transmitters of D-8
Amentl Begms Transmitting D-7 Frequency through Earth's Grid. Blue and 0-9 frequency, capable of initiating Orion and Andromeda. Acti~a~
Flame Begins its Final Approach to Earth through the Alcyone Spiral. tions in others and through which the Earth Core prepares to altgn with

216 217
1 he f\mentl f\scenslOn l-'rOgTam ~chedule

the 0-8 Orion and 0 -9 Andromeda Spirals in 2017. As the Keeper f h

Blue Flame begin their D-8 Orion- Earth Core Activation the K SOt e embodies and the Keepers of the Blue Flame become ninth-level avatars.
t hV
lcr Fl arne be
e 10 h' . >
gin t CIT D-7 Arctunan-Core Star Activario
eepersof The Keepers of the Blue Flame will complete their 0-9 A ndromeda Acti-
n. vation, to become ninth~leve l avatars, on day one of the Three-day Parti-
26. March 2012: Keepers of the Blue Flame Begin Blue-black Liqu'd L' h cle Conversion Period between 5/5/2017 and 6/30/2017. On 5/5/2012 the
Wave Infusions. I Ig t
Blue Flame of Amenti descends through the Alcyone spiral and into
The Keepers of rhe Blue Flame arc half way through their 0-8 Or' embodiment within the Keepers of the Blue Flame. Embodiment of the
Earth Core Activation, the 0-8/D-9 Silver Wave Infusion that began i~~i Blue Flame takes place through the primary Flame Holder, who magneti
201 1 completes and the D-9/O-1O Blue-Black liquid Light Wave I ' . cally draws the Blue Flame from the Alcyone spiral and into her bio~e ner
begms. h o rUS lo n
roug these D-8/D-9 Wave Infusions, the D9 base rone and D. getic field and body. Flame Holders carry a specific magnetic base tone
Bovertone freque,ncies. and imprints for DNA strands 9 and 10, enter inro within their DNA lhat allows the bio-energetic system to become highly
the morphogenetic fields of the Keepers of the Blue Flame. magnetic, when this recessive gene is activated. Without this extremely
27. M~y 5, 2012, 12:01 AM: Birth of Avatar 6-12th.level Avatar. Will rare recessive gene, the human body would be ripped apart in attempting
Align DNA Strand 7 Imprint with 12~strand Pattern. Templar~Axion to draw energy directly from the Alcyone spiral while the Blue or Violet
Seal Releases from Human DNA as Corrected Strand 7 Imprint Beg' Flames are descending. Flame Holders are incarnated on Earth during
Transmitting through Earth's Grid. lOS appropriate times, after carefu lly selecting a parental lineage (v ia
The sixth of six Silent Avatars will be born precisely at this time, passing Palaidorian Birthing Contracts) that carries this recessive gene, specifi-
through t.h~ Sphere of Amenti into fetal integration at 12:01 am, on 5/5/ cally to fill this role. These individuals are predestined via over-soul con-
2012. ThiS IS a D~12 sou l essence from HU-4, a 12th-level avatar, which is tracts, to fulfill this role.
the h.ighest level of identity that can be embodied through the human There are three Flame Holder positions to fill, that of the D-2 Orange-
genetic code. Jesheua~12 (12 BC-27 AD) , of the soul identity Sananda, was gold Flame (requiring male embodiment) and those of the D5 Blue and
the lase level 12 avatar to incarnate on Earth. The sixth avatar wil! be born D-7 Violet Flames (female embodiments). For each position there are only
wi t~ 12-dimensional frequency bands activated in his genetic code, a fully three individuals born that can fill this role, for a total of nine individuals
activated DNA strand 12. As his soul essence passes through the Sphere on the planet at anyone t ime, who will carry this rare recessive gene. The
of Amenci, the imprint for DNA strand 7 will realign with the 12-strand primary position is held by a Flame Holder who is appointed by the Galac-
patte,;" ~nd the seventh strand imprint will begin transmitting through tic Council of HU 4 and the second and third positions serve as "back_

Earth s gnd. As the seventh DNA strand imprint a ligns and activates the up", in the event that the primary Flame Holder cannot fulfill the role.
D-7 "666" Templar-Axion Seal , which imposed repeated reincarn;tion The primary Flame Holder chooses the souls who wi ll serve as back up and
for .humans who carried this DNA mutation, is released from Templar~ they incarnate during the same time period as per these soul agreements.
AX lon sealed humans who begin assembling the seventh DNA strand. The Keepers of the Flames are likewise born into their roles via soul agree-
Halls of Amenn Open ments and will begin to awaken to their greater mission once it is time for
their serv ice to begin. The Flame Keepers and Holders have begun to
28. May 5, 2012: The Grids of Earth and Tara Begin to Merge and the
awaken to their identity over the last 15 years. Once the Blue Flame
Morphogenetic Wave Prepares to Crest. The Keepers of the Blue Flame
Holder has drawn the Blue Flame from the Alcyone spiral, the Flame
End D~8 Orion-Earth Core Activation and Begin D-9 Andromeda-
Holder then down-grades the frequencies of the Blue Flame through her
Galactic Core Activation. The BIue Flame of Amenti Embodies within
bio-energetic field and transfers the frequencies of the Blue Flame into the
the Keepers of the Blue Flame. Spontaneous Ma5s Awakening Occurs.
Flame Keepers via the fourth/Heart chakra. Once the Blue Flame fr.equen-
The Halls of Amenti Open and Ascensions Begin. The Three Flame cies stabilize in the morphogenetic fields of the Flame Keepers, an m tcn~e
Holders Are Called to Giza to Activate the Hall Of Records.
infusion of H U-2 frequencies spreads through the Amenti morphogenetic
T he grids of Earth and Tara begin to merge as the morphogenetic wave field and through the Earth's grid, which allows rapid acceleration of fifth
pre,rares to crest. The Keepers of the Blue Flame complete their 0-8 and sixth DNA strand assembly to occur throughout the populations w~o
On~n-Earth Core Activation, becoming eighth-level avatars and begin have begun assembling the fifth and sixth strands. The seventh strand will
their D-9 Andromeda-Galactic Core Activation. As the ninth DNA
begin to assemble in those who have assembled strands 6 and ~lowf
strand begins activat ion and assembly, the third level of the over-soul Strand 5 rapidly begins to activate triggering a spontaneous expansion a
T he Amenti Ascension Program Schedule

mu ltidimensional awareness and awakening to multidimension 1 base tone particles of Earth progressively merge with the 0-4 overtone
and identity within the populations who assembled ,he fif'hmemory anti-particles of Tara, within the pulsation rhythm of the D-4 time cycle.
S [rand6 , t strand
s an d7 ,wIlIch have been assembled, wiU remain dorn,., .1 Earth's particle base temporarily raises ro an accretion level of 4, its ele-
' . d'
activatIon unng t h e T h
fee-day '
particle conversion period betwenUntl
5/5/ mental particle base raises to 5-accretion and its atmospheric particle base
2017 and 6/30/2017. en
raises to a 6-accretion level. Earth will remain in the D-4 time cycle until
As the gridsofEarrh and Tara begin to merge the Halls ofAme , . . h. th e morphogenetic wave crest ends at the half cycle point in 2017 and the
h Sh ( ., ' n I, Wit 10
particle fields make their final transition into their respective time cycles.
t e p ere 0 Ament! at Earths core, begin to open and people who have
assembled the Ilfth strand and above can begin passing through the POrtals The reversal and shifting of the magnelic and elecmcal poles of Eanh and Tara
that connect ro the Halls of Amenti and Tara. At this time, forward does not creme a physical pole reversal or shift, because the action of reversal
through 2022, people on the ascension path to Tara will be guided to h and shift of Eanh and Tara are simultaneous and cOl/nter-balance each other, as
appropnate. porta I or Inter
dimensional Transport locations for transfer' e long as both grids are properly aligned. In areas where the grids are not bal-
Tara. JUSt follow ing the,binh of Avatar six on 5/5/2012, the three prima~ anced and aligned, tectonic cracking and shifting, and volcanic activity of
Flame Holders and their support team wil l be called to Egypt to activate varying degrees may result. The reversal of particle activity will be prima-
t~e Hall of Records ponals. Numerous groups will try this feat prior to this rily undetectable to earthly equipment and human perception, as such
tllne, but only (he three Flame Holders possess the needed frequen dev ices are also composed of particles, wh ich will shift along with Earth's
codes in t.heir bio-energetic fields to allow [hem to serve as conduits f~~ particle base, creating the illusion of particle stability and continuity of 3-
downloadmg the electronic transmissions ftom the Dora-Teura Matrix dimensional perception. There will be some subtle observable variance in
a~d Akashic ~ecord. Once the portals between the Sphinx, Great Pyra- Earth's magnetic fields, and an increase in gamma wave act ivity.
mid and Earth s core open, universal memory comes "on line" within the The Hall of Records will begin transmitting data through the Sphere of
~phere of Amemi and the Sphere of Amend prepares to release this con- Amenti and Earth's grid, releasing universal memory into the planetary
tI.nual flow of electronically coded data inro Earth's grid, where it can be memory banks of Earth's morphogenetic field, making personal and race
pl~ked. up thro~gh the human bio-energetic field and translated into con- incamational memory available to humans with fourth DNA stand assem-
SCIOUS mformanon. Reincarnational and race memory will become avail- bly and above (humans with lower DNA strand assembly will not be able
able to people who have assembled the fourth DNA strand and above. to translate or synthesize this higher frequency digital data through their
29. Dec~mber 2.1. 2? 12: The Morphogenetic Wave Begi.ns Cresting, Earth operational neurological sysrem, into conscious perception).
Begl~s Passmg lOto the H olographic Beam and Pholon Belt. Earth 's 30. January 2013: Keepers of the Violet Flame Begin Silver Wave lnfu#
Particle Base Begins to Separate, Magnetic and Electrical Poles of Earth sions.
an~ Tara Reverse, Angular Rotation of Particle Spin Shifts 45. The The Keepers of the Violet Flame are half way through their 0-7 Arc-
G rIds of Earth and Tara Continue to Merge. Earth 's Fastest Pulsating [Urian- Core Star Activation, the 0- 7/D-8 Gold Wave Infusion [hat
Particles Begin Transfer to H yper-space and the Hall of Records Begins began in 6/2011 completes and the 0-8/0-9 Silver Wave Infusion begins.
Transmitting Data through Earth's G rid. Through these 08/0-9 Wave Infusions, the 0-8 base tone and 0-9 over-
As the. mo.rphogenetic wave begins cresting, Earth's particle base begins tone frequencies, and imprints for DNA strands 8 and 9, enter into the
sep.aranng .m to fiel?s of fast, moderate and slow pulsation. The fastest pul- morphogenetic fields of the Violet Flame Keepers.
sating particles begin to rransfer from Earth, through Earth's core and the
31 . January 2014: Keepers of the Violet Flame Activate Eighth D NA
Alcyone spiral, i.nro th~ hi~her-dimensional morphogenetic 6elds/hyper-
Strand. D#8 Orion-Earth Core Activation. The Keepers of the Blue
space. Earth begms passmg Into the Holographic Beam Earth's overtone
Flame Begin Silver-black Liquid Light Wave Infusions.
part~cles pass inro the Photon Belt and all of Earth's eiectrical overtone The Keepers of the Violet Flame will complete their 0- 7 A rcturia.n-Earth
particles ~nd Tara'~ base t~ne ~nti-p~rticles enter hyper-space. The base Core Activation, activating the seventh DNA strand and becom~ng ~ev
tone particles left m Earth s gnd begm to blend with the overtone anti-
enth-Ievel avatars, that can initiate seventh strand Arcturian Actlvatlo~s
particles .Ieft in Tara's grid, the polarity of the particles and anti-particles
in others. In 1/20 14 the Keepers of the Violet Flame will acti-:ate. their
temr<;>ranl y rev~rses and the angular rotation of particle spin shifts 45 ". eighth DNA strand and begin their 0-8 Orion-Earth Core Actlva~ lo~ to
Earths magnetic poles reverse and shift 45 as Tara's electrical poles become eighth- level avatars in 1/2017, when their 0-8 Orion ActIVation
reverse and counter-shift 45 . Between 12/21/2012 and 6/30/2017 the 0-1
220 221
1 nmgs to C'it'''~---~------------ ______
completes; just as the Keepers of the Blue Rame became eighth- level aVa inw embodiment by the Violet Flame Holder, and passed on to the Keep-
tars on 5/5/20 12. In 1/2014 the Keepers of the Blue Flame are h If - ers of the Violet Flame, in the same manner as the Blue Flame had been
through their 0-9 AndromedaGalactic Core Activation the BI a_Blway embodied by the Keepers of the Blue Flame on 5/5/2012. The conversion
d L
LIqUi .Igh t W ave I~IU~ion.[ha[
' ' and the
began in 3/2012 completes ue ack
0-10 speed of particles transferring from Earth and Tara to hyper-space, via the
0-11 Stiver-Black Liqu id LIght Wave Infusion begins. Through th 0/ morphogenetic wave, begins to slow in preparation for the wave's full
I~/D-il ~av~ Infusions, the 0-10 base tone and 0-11 overtone fr~~en~ cresring, when the Holographic Beam from Meta-galactic Core aligns
Cles, and Imprmts for DNA smmds 10 and I I, enter into the morph directly with Earth during the Three-day particle conversion period
netic fields of the Blue Flame Keepers. The Blue and Violet Flame Ke oge between 5/5/2017 and 6/30/2017.
WI11co~p Ietc t helr
D. -9. An~romeda-Galact.1C. Core Activations and 0-10/
35. March 2017: Keepers of the Violet Flame Begin Silver#black Liquid
0-11 Sliver-Black LiqUid LIght Wave InfUSIons during the Three-day Light Wave Infusions.
tide conversion period in 2017. par-
The Keepers of the Violet Flame are half way through their 0-9 Androm.
32. June 2014: Earth Completes its Gold Wave Infusion. eda-Galactic Core Acrivation, the D-9/0-10 Blue-Black liquid light
~rth completes its first cycle of three Transmurative Stellar Wave Infu_ Wave Infusion that began in 6/2015 completes and rhe 0- 10/0-11 Silver-
sIOns. The 0-7/0-8 Gold Wave Infusion that began in 6/2010 completes. Btack Liquid Light wave Infusion begins. Through these 0-1 0/0- 11 Wave
Through the completion of the Wave Infusion 0-7 base tone and 0.8 Infusions, 0-10 base tone and 011 overtone frequencies, and imprinrs for
overtone, frequenc ies are entered into Earth's core morphogenetic field DNA strands 10 and II, enter into the morphogenetic fields of the Violet
and will begin transmitting through Earth's grid on day-l of the 2017 3- Flame Keepers.
day period, when Earth's 0-8/09 Silver Wave Infusion begins. Earth will
Particle Conversion Period
nor begin its second cycle of three Stellar Wave Infusions until the Three-
day particle conversion period of 20 17, when Earth rapid ly fulfills its 0-7 36. May 5, 2017-June 30, 2017: The Andromeda, Orion and A rcturian Spi-
Arcturian, 0-8 Orion and 0-9 Andromeda Activations and receives the rats Align with the Sirian Spiral. Earth Begins and Completes 0-7 Arc-
~ilver Wave and Blue-Black and Silver-Black Liquid Light Wave Infu- turian, 0-8 Orion and 0-9 Andromeda Activations and the Silver Wave
sions. and Blue-black and Silver-black Liquid Light Wave Infusions. The Grids
33. June 2015: Keepers of the Violet Flame Begin Blue#black Liquid Light of Earth And Tara are in Full Alignmenr and Earth is Centered within
Wave Infusions. Holographic Beam and Photon Belt. The Keepers of the Blue and Violet
The Keepers of the Violet Flame are half way through their D#8 Orion- Flames Complete their 0-9 Andromeda-Galactic Core Activations and
Earth Core Acrivation, the 0-8/0-9 Silver Wave Infusion that began in 1/ Silver-black Liquid Lighr Wave Infusions.
2013 completes and the 0-9/0-10 BlueBlack Liquid Light Wave Infusion Earth comes into direct alignmenr with the Holographic Beam, Earth's
begins. Through these D-9/D- 10 Wave Infusions, 0-9 base tone & 0-10 overtone particles are fully immersed within the Photon Belt, the grids of
overtone frequencies, and imprints for DNA strands 9 and 10, enrer the Earth and Tara are in full alignment, and the planetary cores of Earth,
morphogenetic field of the Violet Flame Keepers. Tara and Gaia come into direct alignment with each other and the Meta-
34. January I, 2017: Violet Flame Embodies on Earth Within the Keepers galactic Core, for a period of three days. As Earth aligns with the Holo~
of the Violet Flame. Keepers of the Violet Flame Begin D#9 Androm# graphic Beam, the 0-9 Andromeda/Galactic Core morphogenetic field,
eda#Galactic Core Activation. The Morphogenetic Wave Begins to 0-8 O rion/Meta-Galactic Core and D-7 Arcturian Spirals align with the
Slow. 0-6 Sirian. 0-5 Pleiad ian.Alcyone, 0 -4 Solar Spirals and Earth's Merkaba
The Violet Flame Keepers complete their 0-8 Orion Activation becom- Fields.
ing eighth-level avatars with the ability to initiate eighth stra~d Orion During this Three~day particle conversion period Earth beg ins and com-
Activations in others. They rapidly begin their 09 Andromeda Activa- pletes its three remaining Transmutative Stellar Wave Activations and
tion, which will complere on day two of the Three-day particle conversion Earth's core receives a rapid sequence of three Stellar Wave Infusions. On
~riod between 5/5/2017-6/30/2017, at which time they will become day one of the 3day period Earth begins and completes its 0-7 Arcturian
ntnth-Ievel avatars, able to iniriate ninth srrand Andromeda Activations Activarion, as the 0-7 Arcturian Spiral aligns with the 0-6 Sirian Spiral
in others. On 1/1/2017 the Violet Flame is drawn fro m the Alcyone spiral and 0-7 frequency runs through Earth's grid. Halfway through day one
and halfway into day 2, Earth receives its 0-8/0-9 Silver Wave Infusion,
222 223
, .... , .,,''"'''u , ... ...... ' ....lQ " 1 IV~ 'U.' .. ...... ,leuuu:

through which D~8 base tone and 0,9 overtone frequencies enter th from the Holograph ic Beam and the morphogenetic wave completes irs
morphogenetic. fie lds of ~rth, T~ra ~nd Gaia. On day twO Earth begi~ crest. Earth's base tone magnetic helds temporarily collapse and Earth's
and completes particles and Tara's anti-particles slow in pulsation, in preparation for the
. . itS 0-8
. Onon Activation, as the 0-8 Orion/Meta-galaetlc .
Core Spiral aJ.gns with the D-7 A rcturian Spiral and 08 frequency ru rerum to their original polarity and angu lar rotation of spin. The Earth's
through Ea~th's ~rid. Halfway through day two and ha lfway into day thr~: electrical overtone particles, which were in hyper-space, re-manifest as
Earth receives Its D-9/D-lO Blue-Black Liquid Light Wave Infusio magnetic base tone anti.particles in Tara's grid. Tara's magnetic base tone
through which 0-9 base tone and 0-10 overtone frequencies emer th' anti-particles return from hyper-space and remanifest as electrical over-
morphogenetic 6e1ds of Earth, Tara and Gaia. On day three Earth begi~ tone particles in Gaia's grid. As this occurs, the base tone particles of
and completes its 0-9 Andromeda Activation, as the 0-9 Andromeda Earth and the overtone anti.particles of Tara reverse their polarity, return
Spiral aligns with the 0-8 Orion Spiral and 0-9 frequency runs through ing to the ir orig inal orientation. Usually, at this point in [he particle con
Earth's grid. Halfway through day three Earth receives its D. 10/0-11 Silo version process, the particles and anti-particles would nonnally reverse
vcr-Black Liquid Light Wave Infusion, through which 0-10 base tone and the 4Y sh ift in angular rotation of spin that began on 12/21/2012. The
D-II overtone frequencies enter the morphogenetic helds of Earth, Tara particles of Earth and anti-particles of Tara would begin re-orientation
and Gaia. This 0-10/0-11 S ilver-Black Liquid Light Wave Infusion brings into the pulsat ion rhythms of their original time cycles.
the Three-day particle conversion period to a close, creating the hnal sep. At this phase of the particle conversion process the Bridge Zone comes
aration of Earth's particle base into the Bridge Zone and D-3 Phantom into play. The base tone particles of Earth, that would nonnally slow in
Earth time cycles. pulsation rhythm and return to the 0-3 t ime cycle, will instead be divided
On day one of the 3-day period the Keepers of the Blue Flame complete into two groups. Through beaming a continual stream of 0-3.5 energy
the ir 0-9 Andromeda-Galactic Core Activation, activating the ninth through Earth's core and grid via the Holographic Beam throughout the
DNA strand and becoming ninth-level avatars able to initiate 0.9 three day period, the Guardians will be able to keep the accretion level of
Andromeda Activations.in others. On day two they complete their D-lO/ most of Earth's particle base and its morphogenetic held at 3.5. After the
0-11 Silver-Black Liquid Light Wave Infusions, through which rhe fre- 3-day period ends, Earth's base tone magnetic fields return and they would
quencies of D-IO and D-ll are entered into thei r morphogenetic held. On nonnally seal Earth's particle pulsation rhythm into the 0-3 time cycle. By
day twO the Keepers of the Violet Flame complete their 0-9 Andromeda- shifting the angular rotation of particle spin 22.5 in reverse, instead of
Galactic Core Activation to become ninth-level avatars. On day three the namral4S - rotation, while keeping Earth at a 3.5 accretion level when
they complete their Silver-Black Liquid Light Wave Infusion. Those of the magnetic helds return, most of Earth's particle base will be shifted into
the Flame Keepers who complete the full six Transmutative Stellar Acti- the Bridge Zone and magnetically sealed at the 3.5 accretion level. The
vations and Stellar Wave Infusions will become fully embodied over-souls! Bridge Zone represents the natural lime c)'de of Inner Earth-AgarUta. The por~
ninth- level avatars, during the particle conversion period in 2017. dons of Earth's panicle base that cannot hold the infusion of D-3.5 frequency
37.2017: Three-day particle conversion period : Earth, Tara. Gaia, Meta- wiU drop rapidly inw D-3 pulsation rhythm while the magnetic fields are down,
galactic Core and Galactic Core in Direct Alignment For T hree Days crearing a phanwm Eanh panicle body in the D-3 time cycle. The primary par-
and Ascension Passages to Gaia and Higher Dimensions O pen for ticle base and morphogenetic held of Earth, which are holding the 3.5 fre-
Three Days. Morphogenetic Wave Completes C resting and Particle quency, will shift into the pulsation rhythm of the Bridge Zone time
Conversion from Hyper-space Takes Place. Earth's Magnetic Grids continuum, instead of returning to the pulsation rhythm of the 0-3 time
Temporarily Collapse. Polarity and Angular Rotation of Particle Spin, cycle. The Bridge Zone rime continuum represents a 22 I 3-)'ear leap forward in
of Earth and Tara, Reverse Back to Original Positions. Particle Field space-time.
Separation Completes, Earth Shifts to Bridge Zone and P hantom Earth T ime-Leap Mechanics
Returns to D -3 TIme Cycle.
The Bridge Zone Earth jumps from its natural 2.5 accretion level to the
Through the alignment of the six Stellar Spirals the cores of Earth, Tara,
3.5 accretion level, which constitutes a 2213-year leap forward in the
Gaia, the Meta-Galactic Core and Galactic Core morphogenetic field
tracks of time. Normally Earth would reach the three accretion level dur-
come into di rect al ignment for three days. Within this period of three days
ing the second morphogenetic wave 2213 years in the future in 4230 AD,
the Violet Flame morphogenetic field of Gaia, Blue Flame of Tara and
at which poim it would naturally transi tion into the first D-4 time cycle.
Orange-gold Flame of Earth absorb as much UHF energy as they can hold
224 225
Earth would then spend another half cycle in D-4 until it reached 3 4.5, which allows them to perceive the 3.5-dimensional frequencies as
accretion level during the first morphogenetic wave of the first D-4 a .5 physical matter) will shift their body and consciousness to the Bridge.
sian cycle. The Bridge Zone continuum omits 2213 years of the last halfo?n. Zone Earth. People with less DNA strand assembly, and an accretion level
D-3 cycle and ,he first half of the D-4 cycle which relwesenr.s 11065 <he of less than 4.5 will shift back to the 0-3 time continuum when Earth
The D-4 eye Ie moves (h as a partIcle
' pulsation
: rhythm) c' , yeaes.
twice as fast h leaves the 0-4 continuum following the three-day period. In previous sec-
D3 continuum, which means that passage through the D-4 time coas t e tions, we have discussed the experiential perceptions one will encounter
uurn ta kes ha If as many years as it takes to pass through the D 3 ' within each of the three tracks of time, and what one might expect to
I D h - Contm_
uum. n -3, alf of a continuum cycle represents 2213 years, so half of a experience through this transition period, so we will not restate that infor-
D-4 cycle represe.nts. half of 2213 years, or 1106.5 years. Earth leaps ahead mation here. During this 3-day period, when the Meta-galactic portals open,
2213 years by skippmg the second half of its 0-3 continuum cycle, and people who have fully assembled and activated the sixth DNA SlTand can ascend
ah ead another 11?6.5 years by skipping the first half of its D-4 cycle . This directly Ollt of matter into erheric Ilultter on Gaia, and those who have activated
creates a cumulative 3319.5-year leap ahead in space-time. This 3319.5- the eighm strand can ascend directly rhrough the Meta,galactic Core into pttre
year leap does not include the time reversal acquired within the B"d
Zone. .A 225 , " , d ge
morphogenetic consciousness in dimensions 9- I 2. During me rhree,day period of
. reverse rotation of particle Sptn IS used to shift Earth into full alignment with the Holographic Beam, a bllrst of accelerating energy runs
the Brtdge Zone continuum . through Earth's grid, allOWing many others to almost instantaneously assemble
One futl.D-3 cycle .of 442.6 years represe~ts? c~mulative 45 " shift in angu- the fifth or sixth strands, giving them a jiMl opportunity ro ascend La Tara or
lar rotation of parttcle spm, thus a 22.5 shift m angular rotation of parti- Gaia. Orion, Arcturian and Andromeda Stellar Activations wke place in this 3-
cle spin in D-3 represents half D-3 cycle-2213 years. In D-4, where the day period.
particle pulsation rhythm is twice as fast as that of D-3, 2213 years repre- 38. July 2017: Planetary Cores of Earth, Tara, Gaia, Mcta,galactic Core
se~ts one fuH D-4. time cycle-a 4Y shift in angular rotation of particle and Galactic Core Pass out of A lignment, Earth Passes out of Align-
~ptn = 2213 years m D-4. A 22.5 shift of angular rotation of particle spin ment with the Holographic Beam and the Ascension Portals to Gaia
10 D-4 represents 1106.5 years. The D-4 22.5 reverse shift in angular rota- and Meta,galactic Core Close. The Merkaba Fields of Earth, Phantom
tion of particle spin, which is used to create the Bridge Zone shift, trans- Earth and Tara Separate and the Collapsed Planetary Magnetic Fields
lates into a minus 1106.5 years. In raising the accretion level of Earth from Regenerate, Sealing The Planets Into Their Respective TIme Contin,
2.5 to 3.5, Earth omits 2213 years from its D-3 time track and 1106.5 years uum Cycles. The Grids Of Earth And Tara Begin To Separate As Pop,
from its D-4 time track, for a total forward leap of 3319.5 years. However, ulations Adjust to their New Reality Fields. The Halls of Amenti
the angular rotation of Earth's particle spin will be shifted 22.5 " in reverse Remain Open to Bridge Zone Populations and Ascensions to Tara Con,
within the D-4 cycle, in order to enter the Bridge Zone, creating a minus tinue. The Transmitting Rhythm of the Hall of Records Slows, and the
1106.5 years. In entering the Bridge Zone continuum, Earth move.~ ahead Seven Primary Vortices on Earth and Phantom Earth Begin their Clos,
3319.5 years, then back 1106.5 years, in tenns of time-space placement, for a ing Cycle.
tOtal forward time gain of 2213 years, or half of a 0-3 cycle (3319.5- After a 3day period within the Holographic Beam, Earth moves out of
1106.5=2213 years). 2 alignment with the Holographic Beam and the planetary cores of Earth,
Following the rhreNiay panicle conversion period, which will occur sometime Tara, Gaia, the Meta-galactic Core and Galactic Core pass out of align-
between 5/5/2017 and 6/30/2017, as the Bridge Zone Earth takes its position ment with each other. This causes the portal passages La Gaia and the Meta-
2213 years in the future at accretion Ieve13 .S , the phantom Earth becomes a galactic Core to close, ending the ascension cycle La me reality fields of Gaia and
Descending Planet and re-enters the 0-3 time continuum, returning to its origi- be)'ond. The Merkaba Fields of Earth, Phantom Earth, Tara and Gaia,
nal2 .S-accretion level. People who have assembled a minimum of all of the which merged through Earth's six Stellar Activations, separare and the
fourth DNA strand and half of the fifth, (giving them an accretion level of planetary magneric fields, that had collapsed during the 3-day period,
regenerate, sealing Eanh, Phantom Earth, Tara and Gaia into their respec-
tive dimensional time continuum cycles. The grids of Earth, Phantom
2. .Note: We prOVided t~i~ tech~ica! data so you might develop some idea of the mathemat- Earth and Tara begin to separate, as the particle pulsation rhythms of each
Ical structure of mUltl~lmenslOnal space-time. It is nor necessary for you to understand planet adjust to their respective time cycle rhythms and human popula-
these t1~e ~ech[H1lcs H1 order to comprehend the Significance of wrun is laking place as
Eanh shIfts H1to the Bridge Zone. tions adjust to their new reality fields on Tara, Bridge Zone Earth and
226 227
in the future and a relative few will voyage into the lands of Tara, within
Phantom Earth. Ascensions to Tara, through the Halls of Amenti, Con_ the 0-5 time cycles, a position in space-time 5532.5 years in the future of
tinue for populations stationed within the Bridge Zone and the Halls of present day Earth. The 0-3 phantom Earth will take its own course of
Amenti close to populations stationed on Phantom Earth in the 0-3 time development as Earth, with the Sphere of Amenti in its core morphoge-
continuum cycle. The rdte of data transmission through the Hall of netic fie ld, moves forward in the Bridge Zone continuum. For populations
Records slows on Bridge Zone Earth and the Hall of Records closes to remaining in the 0-3 time cycle, both the Halls of Amenti and the Hall of
Phantom Earth. As Earth passes out of alignment with the Holographic Records closes completely and permanently. Ascension from the D-3
Beam, the Seven primary vortices on Earth and Phantom Earth enter cycle will require Guardian assistance because the Sphere of Amenti and
their closing and deactivation cycle. Earth's morphogenetic field are no longer at the core of the Phantom
39. January I , ZOZZ: Earth's Seventh Vortex-Andes Mountains-Closes. Earth planet, they are within the planetary core of Bridge Zone Earth.
Infusions of D~5~D~ 7 Frequency through Earth's Grid Cease and Future ascension from the D-3 cycle will require a Host Matrix/Soul
Accelerated Assembly of DNA Strands 5 and 6 Ends. T he Mass Matrix transplant, as those remaining in D-3 will be cue off from the plan-
Ascension Cycle Comes to a Close as the Halls of Amenti Close to the etary and race morphogenetic fields, and thus also Cll{ off from their per-
Masses. The Grids of Earth and Tara Completely Separate. sonal Soul Matrix in HU-2. People ohhe Phantom Earth will experience
The natural seal within Earth's seventh vortex re-seals, closing and deacti- a genetic mutation through which the third and fourth DNA strands are
vating the seventh vortex in the Andes Mountains. Following this re-seal- unable to plug into each other. This will create a permanent separation
ing, the Earth's grid begins to slow in particle pulsation speed ro the Bridge between the D-4 astral identity and the D-3 ego identity and a separation
Zone-Agartha time continuum rhythm and the infusions of D-5-D-7 of the lower three levels of the auric field from the fourth and higher levels
energy, that had been running through Earth's grid, cease. In the absence of the Soul Matrix. This condition can be remedied only through a Host
of these UHF energy infusions, the acceleration of assembling and activat_ Matrix Transplant, such as that employed by the Palaidorians, when they
ing DNA Strands 5-7 ends. Humans who do not organically carry the created the Sphere of Amenti "rescue mission" for the lost souls of Tara.
imprint fo r the fifth and sixth DNA strands will find that the portions of This is one of the problems consciousness faces when evolving on a
these strands that had begun assembly and activation during the infusion "Phantom" Descending Planet. Can you understand why the Guardian
acceleration, but which had not yet fully assembled, will begin rapid deac- races are attempting to inform you of and motivate you to consciously par-
tivation and disassembly, once the Earth grid infusions have ceased. Popu- ticip3(e in, the accelerated evolution of your DNA? Ascend whi/e ascension
lations in the Bridge Zone, who have not assembled and activated the fifth is relafivel,:,! ea5,:,!, during !he 2012-2022 ascension c,:,!c/e, for if ,:,!OU do not,
DNA strand, wi ll return to a 4.5-strand assembly level (4.5 accretion), ascension and soul eva/lttion wi/! be much more difficult thereafter, for JO lt and
and populations on Phantom Earth will return to 3.5-strand DNA assem- )'our future incarnations.
bly (3.5 accretion). The DNA will return to itS natural accretion /evel and 40. January I, ZOZZ~June Z047: Closing Cycle of Earth's Seven~Primary
evolution of DNA will return to itS slow and methodical process. On Bridge Vortices.
Zone Earth, the Halls of Amenti will close to the masses that did not com-
Beginning with the closing of Earth's seventh vortex in 1/2022, vort~ces 6
plete fifth DNA strand assembly. Passage through the Halls of Amend
through Lbegin their respective dosing cycles, ending with the sealmg of
requires a fifth DNA strand activation level. As long as the Sphere of
the first vortex in 6/2047. We will provide a list of vortex opening and
Amenti remains unsealed within Bridge Zone Earth's Morphogenetic
Field, the Halls of Amenti will remain open to anyone in the Bridge Zone closing dates in the final pages of this book.
who can assemble the fifth strand, but fifth strand assembly may now take
several incarnations. The Hall of Records remains open in the Bridge
Zone, as long as Earth's grid stays aligned with the Aicyone spiral, but it
will transmit data at a much slower rate.
The grids of Earth and Tara complete thei r separation and the ascension
cycle comes to a close, as humanity faces its new reality within three dif-
ferent tracks of time. One part of humanity will experience the future in
the 0-3 Phantom Earth time cycle, another part will move into the age of
enlightenment within the Bridge Zone-Inner Earth time cycle, 2213 yean. 229
FINAL 1998 COMMENTS FROM THE GUARDIAN ALLIANCE The most important thing you can do after reading this material, is to
Throughout the course of th is book we have led you on an odyssc . make a firm personal commitment to reclaiming your private spiritual
worlds of perception far beyond the focus of your three-dimensional vic Y l!"!.:Q nature and to learning the energetic skills that will allow you to

have rceoumed pieces f
0 your past as a race, in order to show YOu the Ie
w. We
h do this as rapidly as possible.
path it has taken fo r you to arrive a your present state of evolution. PenhBt y If you are wise. you will begin preparing yourselves for the energy infu-
. '" h ' h
In revlewmg Just ow (aT your race as come and what great difficulties
r aps
sions that will soon be coursing through your planet's grid. Learn about the
have encountered, you will be able to appreciate the opportunity that is Vou human chakra system and subtle energy bodies, for without this knowledge )'ou wiU
presented to you within the fu lfillment of your present ascension cycle. MOW be unable [Q interact direclly with yOllr DNA. There are many fine books avail-
~umans on Earth ~~~e. received little, if any, valid training regarding t~: able through which you can learn h ow to identify, manipulate and balance
nghts and responslbdl tles of personal and collective evolution. You h your personal bio-energetic fields. These activitie~ are only the beginn~ng
been conditioned for eons to become lost within the perceptua l maze of :~e steps in reclaiming power over your personal genetic code and the evolution
three-dimensional illusion, to the extent that most of you have campier Ie of your consciousness and they will provide you with a rudimentary founda-
lost touch with the greater reality from which your earthly life springs. y:~ tion upon which skills of Keylontic Science can be developed. Th rough
have been sleeping children, lost within a dreamland of material perceptio applied Keylontic Science you will discover the methods by which DNA can be
and few amon~ you h ave made a valiant effort CO lift your heads above t~ altered from within and )'014 will rediscover your personal power w become Guard-
c1ou~ed seductions of your dreamscape. This will change. It must, for if yOu ians and direcwrs of your personal path of ellolution. Becoming the director of
remain asleep, your dream shall become a nightmare, within which you shall your personal energetic power and the path of evolution your consciousness
find yourselves imprisoned. The destiny of your race and your p lanet is now will follow, is not only a right, it is your responsibility. We have faith in your
in your hands. Though the teachings we bring to you may seem strange, and intrinsic integrity and offer our support, encouragement and love to all th at
indeed alien, you have the capacity to employ this knowledge to your own muster the courage to face, rather than turn away from that responsibility.
benefit, if you will permit your ego to get out of the way of your intuitive per- Each of you will reap the harvests of your own personal choices and you will
ceptions. The truths of which we speak echo through the cells of your body join together with others making similar choices, to create a collective reality
and whisper through the winds of your mind, waiting for you to embrace field through which your consciousness can evolve. May you choose well and
them as you reclaim your forgotten souls. favor enlightenment instead of darkness, comprehension instead of igno-
In future Keylontic transmissions we will bring to you the technical rance, freedom instead of blind obed ience to forces beyond your perceptions.
data of energy mechanics you will need to begin caking responsibility for the You h ave the ability to become free and powerful. loving and wise. Redis-
evolutio n of your DNA and consciousness. As you can see, when viewing the cover this promise. Reclaim your power as co-creators within the universal
ascension schedule we have provided, there is little time left for you to debate scheme and use it now, while so much hangs in the balance, awaiting the o ut-
rhe validity of our information. Those of you who will venture to explore our come of your individual and collective choices.
perspective will have an easier time comprehending the changes you will per- As we have memioned, you may be facing tectonic disturbances and the
ceive in the reality around you and you will have t he opportunity to develop Earth changes they will create, between now and 2017, when Earth is in its
survival skills that will allow you to face these changes with dignity and most vulnerable position. Pay anention to your skies and if you find waves of
grace. The Guardian races have been with you long before your arrival on mass UFO "fly-by" sighlings, know these are intended to bring you fair warn-
Earth 550,000,000 years ago. They are no strangers to the human lineage. It ing, so you have time to prepare for changes in the Earth. If such sightings do
is you who have forgotten. The quality of your future experience will depend indeed occur, seek telepathic communication with Guardian Visitors or ~our
upon your remembering and your awakening co the multidimensional iden- own higher self and soul levels of identity, through which you can be gUIded
tity t hat is you r heritage and birthright .
to appropriate action . Your lives and the lives of those you love may very w.ell
depend upon your ability to access this higher level guidance. Learn the sk ills
of interdimensional communication now and how to protect yourselves from
covert manipulation during this practice, for these skills will become trell~en
dously valuable over the next 20 years. There are many books and te~chl~gs
available through which you may develop interdimensional commuOlCatlon
skills. Learn from the light Workers among you, who have already developed
230 231
. ..._.. . ... -~ ......... .. ..-. ............ . .........
,~ -. ~

proficiency in these areas, for they can teach you much. Those of you who mas Communicators responsible for Keylontic Trans~i~sion
ter the skills of higher-dimensional internal guidance will nm become lost within ~ of data contained in the 1998 Amenti TransmlsSlon
maze of external circwrutance and you will be able to rewin your personal PoWer .
the face of traumatic events. In Transmitting Speakers (Metaterrestrials!: The
If you do not find starships displaying themselves in your skies, consid 0-12 Universal Federation, Council of Twelve, also known as
yourselves fortunate, for this indicates that your progression through thf Guardians of the 12 Pillars and The Founders, charter member~ of
ascension cycle will be fa r less treacherous than it might otherwise hay: the lnterdimensional Association of Free Worlds and The Guardian
been. You still need to prepare. Earch will still undergo infusions of UHF Alliance. .. '1 ~
energy that will ditectly effect the condition of your personal bio-energetic HU-5 Breneau Matrix via 0-1 2 Melchizedek-D-6 Sman Counci Hans-
system, consciousness and physical body. Earth will still shift into the Bridge mittance Pattern.
Zone and if you have not assembled 4.5 strands of DNA, you will end up on
the Phantom Earth in the 0-3 time cycle. You may face covert and Overt Supervisory Matrix (Ultra-Terrestrials): .
invasion by the Dracos-Zeta Resistance and at best you will find yourselves in Azurite Council of the Ra Confederacy Meta-galactlc Core
need of Soul Matrix Transplants to free you ftom cycles of fragmented incar_
nation with the 0-3 time cycle. All of this can be avoided now, if you rake Contributing Speakers and Technical Specializatio~ . ..
responsibility for preparing yourselves for the coming changes. Each of you Extraterrestrials: Palaidorian Gestalt 0-6, Elohlm Clmster 0-9, Smaedn-
can "rise to the occasion" if you choose to do so and we believe that you shalL Arcturian Coalition for Interplanetary Defense HU-2, Zhar ConE -
We believe in you and would not go to such great lengths to educate you, if eracy HU -2, Pleiadian Star League Alcyone Coun~il 0 -5
this were not the case. You must now re-learn to believe in yourselves and to Metaterrestrials: Lyran Gestalt 0 -12, Breneau Collective 0-15
break free from the limiting self-concepts that have been imposed upon you Ultra-Terrestrials: Azar-Azara and Melchazedakz Gestalts Meta-
by outside forces and which you have imposed upon yourselves through Galactic Core.
accepting limitations without question. You are not victims unless you
choose to be. C hoosing ignorance is choosing victim-hood. Your power lies
in the choices you make each moment, in the thoughts you allow yourselves
to entertain, in the actions and events within which you allow yourselves to
parcicipate. Take responsibility for direct ing your subtle energies and you will
be on your way to personal empowerment.
In closing this book we will provide for you a rudimentary introduction
to the Science of Keylonta, through which you can begin to build a frame-
work of reference for understanding the structures of your subtle energy sys-
tems. In future books we will explore the mechanics of DNA assembly and
activation, offering practical exercises through which you can gain mastery
over this process. The exercises provided within this book are a good place [0
begin. Reading alone will not assist you in developing subtle energy skills; it
wiII only provide the conceptual fou ndations. The exercises must be used and
practiced to develop proficiency. We cannOt stress enough the importance of
the times that now approach you, as you move into the 21st century. It is our
hope that you will comprehend the significance of your approaching ascen- 1
sion opportunity and begin to take action now, to ensure your placement
within your desired future destination. For your convenience we shall now
offer you a brief summary of the ascension schedule and related subjects cov-
ered in these writings.

f\urnur S \.....wsl1Ig .)wremen , 15'5'0- - -..."
learned and to begin assisting others to prOtect themselves from Intruder
manipulation and in preparing for the time continuum shift. (A full account
of the 10/25/1997 encounter can be found in Contact Forum: The Journal of
the Fifth \'Qorld, January-February 1998 issue, Volume 6, N umber 1).1
Before the VO)'agers book could go to press, the new information was to
be incorporated into the text, so in early June 1998 1 busied myself with these
last-minute preparations. Little did I know at the time how far a journey I
would travel before the Voyagers rook was complete. I felt as if I lived several
Author's Closing Statement, 1998 decades during the span of three months that it wok me to bring this book to
a close. Over the last three months, The Voyagers series has undergone a
transformation, and with it my personal life has also been transfonned.
On June 26, 1998 I received a vivid subtle contact experience during a
I~ early June 1,998 I bega~ the final proof work on my book Voyagers:the meditation. In this experience a being came w me in a vision and suddenly I
Slee~mg A~.uctees m. preparation (or its intended fall 1998 release date. Fol- found myself in a state ofbi-location. While fully awake and aware in my liv-
lowing . a JOI~ t physical encounter event that took place on October 25 ing room, I was also Simultaneously wide awake and embodied in a new envi-
1997, m which a tremendous amount of new data was given and the B"d ronment that looked vaguely familiar to me from earlier teleportation
Zone Project was introduced, the book needed to be updated to include :h;~ abduction experiences. Oddly, in this encounter 1 was not in my "astral body"
had been ~earn~d. th~ough that extraordinary event. During the 1997 encoun- for a "mental bi-Iocation" journey, a state of awareness with which I am quite
ter a physical Vlsltatton event was orchestrated from my New Jersey ho b accuswmed, but rather I knew that my physical cells had somehow been
a group ofE'!.beings ide~tifying themselves as members of a guardian ;~u~ duplicated. My awareness was stationed simultaneously in two versions of my
called the Stnan~Arcturlan Coalition for Interplanetary Defense. Later I physicallxxly, in twO separate locations. The place to which 1 was taken was
learned that this group is a member of the larger Guard ian Alliance. somewhat familiar, but I did not know its location .
. In the early morning hours of 10/25/1997, fo llowing a spontaneous However, the being that brought me to this place was quite familiar to
neighborhood power blackout, orchestration of an eerie syncopated light dis- me. She is a human-Guardian IT hybrid named Charleamea. I knew Char-
play and mysterious rappings in my daughter's bedroom, I was physically leamea well, as she was the product of a "missing fetus" pregnancy/abduc-
escorted outdoors and to a ~aiti~g cr~ft that hovered in neat silence over my tion I had experienced in 1995. The 1995 event was quite traumatic for me at
home. My escor~ were semi-solid betngs claiming to be of Arcturian origin the time, but later, in early 1997, 1 was taken by Guardians via teleporcation
and, though their race was unfam iliar to me, the escorts Dralov and Chental abduction to meet the child that had been removed from my body in order to
seemed non-threatening. I accompanied them without resistance, as did my ensure her survival. 1 observed in awe that a ch ild that should technically
then five-year- old daughter and a visiting UFO investigator who had come to have been no more than two years of age appeared to be the size of a 6-year-
e~p~ore other ~d phenomena that I had recendy reported. We were taken old human and had the maturity and intelligence equivalent to that of adult
via blue beam mto a craft that hovered over my home. We were then trans- human genius. On June 26, 1998 Charleamea made contact with me at the
ported to a massive Arcturian mother-craft named Ashalum. request of the Guardian Alliance and somehow "split me in two" to bring me
The investigator and 1 were separately given a pri- to this mysterious place. G azing around at what appeared to be the interior of
vate tour of the craft then brought to a large auditorium a massive crystal-lined cave, I asked Charleamea where this beautiful place
where other humans waited for a lecture to be held on was located. She told me "You have entered the Halls of Amenti via the
the "State of Current Earth Affairs." In the lecture the Hawaiian portal passage." Prior to this experience 1 had never heatd this
v~rious ~nrel~ted groups of humans attending were' pro- name before.
Vided ,With ~ncredible technical data explaining the Charleamea proceeded to tell me that something terribly important
upcommg Brtdge Zone Project, the approaching time- had just occurred on this 26th day of June, an event the Guardians had hoped
cOntin.uum shift, Intruder IT agendas (Dracos-Zeta Resistance) and the and prayed for but did not expect to take place. Excitedly she repeated sev-
necessity for humans to take action now. We were asked to share what we had
1. For a copy send $4 to 5th World Joum.1\, POB 1429, Columbw, NC 2B722.
234 235
Author's Closing Statement, 1998

eral times "The Arc is Sparked!" as I looked at her numbly, lacking co me. It had moved so quickly that I could hardly "catch" any of it to translate
hension. Then we were met by several other, human-looking Guardians:p~e. into words. The bilS of memory and cognition I could retain involved my per-
w~ told that I would be given a Keylontic transmission to translate regarchn I sonal incamational history and an odd knowing that I had repeatedly incar-
this event and that when I was through translating the data I would u d g nated as a member of a soul group called the Keepers of the Blue Flame. But
stand. I was taken to a crystalline chamber within the crystal-cave roon ~r- I would not rediscover what that term meant until completing translation of
WhIClwest ood . m '" the Keylontic transmission.
Once inside, the chamber filled with intense blue light that began I was told in the dream state that evening that the new transmission must
vibrate through my cells; I knew that I was being programmed with the [ra t~ be translated as soon as possible and added to the existing Voyagers books.
~issio~ in digital-data form. The blue light reached a level of intenSi ty a~ When I began translation of this material, I had no idea how extensive this
high pitched frequency filled the chamber. Suddenly I lost consciousness in addition would become or that 1 would be given first hand experience in the
my double-body and was once again singly focused within my body in the liv_ subject matter discussed. From June 27th, 1998, until the day ~f thi~ writing
ing room. As I sat on the couch, intense waves of electrical energy passed September 14, 1998, I have spent the majority of my days and mghts m trans-
through my body, and when I dosed my eyes I could dearly see these waves lation. Everything contained within the updated material is completely new
of ultra-blue light with my inner vision. to me; I learned as I translated. Several times during the translation of this
I sat very sriH, obserVing the waves and feeling the near-rapturous sensa- material, I received powerful infusions of energy running through my body as
tions they created within my body cells. After several minutes, the waves 1 transcribed, energy that could be seen through inner vision as blue waves of
slowed, and the energy "settled" inro my nervous system. Suddenly millions light.
of Keylomic symbols flashed through my mind and inner vision so rupidly Toward the end of this transmission I came to understand that these
they almost blurred. As this phenomenon subsided a sudden burst of knowl. waves represented the beginning of a Blue Wave Infusion that accompanied
edge just opened up inside of me. my personal Heart Star~Solar Activation. I knew absolutely nothi~~ about
Suddenly I remembered large blocks of my incamational history, I these things prior to the June 26th encounter, but suddenly I was hvmg the
remembered why I had come to Earth this time around and how all of my realities of which the Guardians had spoken. I learned of soul contracts and
other incarnations had been part of the same purpose. Sitting motionless on those I personally came to serve, 1 learned of the Palaidorians and the Priests
the couch I fully remembered myself as an eternal soul, for the first time in of Ur whom I had encountered various times since childhood but never knew
this lifetime. The purpose for all of my past experiences of ET encounters, by name. Throughout this three-month period of translating the Gu~rdians'
visitations and abductions became crystal dear and I began to consciously 6/26/98 Keylontic transmission, I have been personally transfonned m ways
remember my soul agreements with other humans here to assist Earth in her words cannot describe. It has been a soul awakening. The Voyagers series has
coming changes. Information and memory flashed through my mind and my also been transformed. Voyagers: Secrets of Amenti was born.
body cells seemed to "sing" with recognition. More and more pieces of my I know that the information contained within the updated pages may
personal history poured through me and the memory expanded to indude seem utterly unbelievable to many people. We have such a small conc:pt of
human history over vast amounts of time. the nature of our race that it may be hard to fathom the [rue greatness hIdden
Then some deeper part of me responded with recognition that con- within our evolutionary blueprint. It may be difficult to imagine that the uni-
sciously I did not possess. This deeper self said, "Wait! What has happenedr verse is as gloriOUS as it truly is after viewing it in such limited terms for so
That information has not been ava ilable on Earth or accessible to Earth many eons. 1
humans for five million years!" My personality did not know, but my soul-self Do I personally believe the things of which the Guardians have spoken.
understocxl {hat "something big had happened." Then Charleamea telepathi- You bet I do! I am living the reality of these experiences. Are "Stellar Wave
cally whispered in my mind. Activations and Infusions" real? They certainly seem to be real when I feel
"The Arc Has Sparked," Charleamea again repeated. "The seal on the this energy periodically rush through my cells, expand ing my consciousness
Arc has released, the Arc of the Covenant has opened." Suddenly the memory and triggering greater amounts of memory within me, bringing me ever-closer
Stopped racing through my mind and my sense of expanded consciousness to feeling at-one-menr with my soul and with the unive~; ~r when B~~~
"pulled in" a little. I felt a huge quantity of electrical data being pulled into Wave Infusions begin during the dream state and astral projection then Ph
my auric field and knew the Keylontic transmission was ready for translation. pel me back into my body with such force t h at t h e ph YSlca I body grows
I ot
As the experience ended 1 was awesnuck with what had just passed through . bl ue energy runnmg
with vibratmg . rh roug h .ItS ce IIs. The concept 0 wave

236 237
J ne J f"\m rrayer

infusio.ns is also quite convincing w~e~ observing large sheets of viole, light
cascading through the atmosphere within the room. Though the violet light
sheets do not occur frequently, I have witnessed this effect with a few other
people on several occasions. Will I do as the Guardians suggest and begin to
prepare my body for Stellar Activations and DNA assembly? You bet I will! If
for no other reason than "\Vhar if they are righd" THE I AM PRAYER
The Guardians have repeatedly demonstrated to me that they know
what they are talking about. I am now paying very close attention to what I AM a Child of the Original ONE,
they have to say. They have earned my respect with the incredible logic of I AM a Ray of [he Original Sun,
the data they provide and they have earned my love through the incredible I AM Wholeness, I AM Love.
transforming, heal ing events of soul integration I have been privileged to
experience through my work with the Guardian Alliance. They have cer- I AM the Truth that Spans the Sands of Time,
tainly accelerated my spiritual evolution; now it is time to discover if indeed I AM the Rainbow of the Very First Shine,
cellular evolution can also be accelerated. Before the 6/26/98 transmission r AM Music, I AM Light.
words such as the Sphere of Amenti, Morphogenetic Waves, Stellar Activa_
tion, Star Crystal Seals and Stellar Spiral Alignments meant nothing to me; let the Light Descend Upon Me,
I had never heard of these terms before. As far as I was concerned, the Arc of Guide the Way with Golden light,
the Covenant represented a fictitious box of something-or-ocher that was No Other God will Stand Before Me ...
sought in an Indiana Jones movie. The concepts of Palaidorian Birthing As I Embrace the One True Life I was Born to Live ...
Contracts and Contract Bonds, coming avatars and Indigo Children were By the Will of the Original ONE.
also new to me. The history of the races as presented in chis transmission was
utterly foreign to me, yet "(elt right" intUitively and in terms of biological cel- I AM a Face of the Original God,
lular memory. I now feel priv ileged and grateful to have access to such infor- I AM a Voice of the Original Sound,
mation. The Guardians' teachings offer tools of empowerment for those who I AM a Wave Upon the Ocean of Eternal Light.
are ready to learn. I consider myself an avid and attentive student of the
Guardian Alliance. I Reach My Arms Up Unto the Heavens, and say,
This book is written (or those who are on the path of awakening, for I AM THIS I AM.
those who intrinsically know they are meant to become Voyagers or sense
The Presence of the Ancient One
they are members of the Blue or Violet HaOle soul groups. But it is also writ-
Springs Forth at My Command.
ten for others who would like to understand the changes fac ing humanity at
I AM One With God,
this juncture of time and space and for those who seek effective methods
through which these changes can be handled. This book is a primer and I AM THIS I AM ...
serves to set the elaborate conceptual foundations through which under-
standing of the present human condition can be accomplished. This book is And, as I Decree It, So It Is.
intended for those who are ready to understand the multidimensional drama
of which Earth has always been a part. I hope the knowledge contained
within this book may inspire, uplift and empower the reader, as it has done so
for me.

God Bless, and may your Voyage to awakening be sweet and rapture
-Ashayana Deane 9/14/1998

200 I Update Section

13: Emergency Release GA


The information comained in Chapters 1 through 12 of this book rep-
resents a complete reprinting of the original text contained within the first
printed edition of Voyagers Volume 2 The Secrets of Amend. However,
since the first printing of th is book, and its companion, Voyagers Volume 1:
The Sleeping Abductees, IiteraHy massive amounts of new and derailed
information covering a wide variety of subject matter has been progressively
provided by representatives of the Guardian Alliance. The progressive dis-
pensation of "next-level" data includes subjects such as the Science of Cre-
ation Mechanics. I S-Dimensional Physics and intensive natural healing
and spiritual development programs as well as profound revelations of data
perraining to humanity's ancient Forbidden History, the realities of Earrh's
Planetary Templar Complex Star Gate system and the intimate relationship
between our lost history, the star gates and the realities of our contemporary
global drama.
The new information presented from this page forward represems a brief
summary of some of the most urgent material provided since September,
2000. At the time of the Voyagers Series Books fi rst release in May 1999, the
dispensation of data concerning the previously memioned subjects was
caught within an intensive, volatile interstellar political drama; a drama
existing "behind the scenes" which dictated the amount of revelation that
could be immediately permitted until the inherent pol itica l atmosphere had
reached a more conclusive direction. When the Voyagers book COT-Plate
translations were first presented, the Guardian Alliance and other interstellar
races of the Founders Emerald Covenant Christiac Co~evolution peace
treaty were embroiled in extensive political negotiations concerning two pri-
mary "ET" visitor races, both of whom have shared a long and difficult rela-
tionship with Human civilizations of Earrh. These negotiations began in
November 1992, when a series of Emerald Covenant treaties called the Ple~
iadian~Sirian Agreements were formed between Guardian Emerald Cove-

' ........ _''' _ , __ II _ _,_" ..... , . . . . . . . ...,.'~ . . . . ' _ ' . . . . . "

nant. races and a larg~ group of extraterreHrial or "Angelic" (AKA multiple has transpired on Ea rth to bring human civilization to its present state of
density) races collectively called the Anunnaki. The two primary bioi . I painful limitation and relative amnesia.
lines of the Anunnaki race are the pure-strain Annu-Elohim Anunnak~'ha When the first printing of the Voyagers Series books occurred in May
Bipeda l Dolphin People of Densit ies 2-4 Sirius A and Arcturus and I , t e 1999, historical references pertaining to the Annu-Elohim and Anunnaki
. ' . ' many
va~lous co~petmg rac~ stral~s , of Anu-Seraphim aquatic-ape-Fallen Sera_ involvement with Earth were presented in a neutral context, providing the
ph lm-hybnd Anunnakl of Nlblru, the Pleiades. Alpha-Omega Centa . general atmosphere of human evolution, but the "gory details" were not then
Orion, and Andromeda. un, revealed. The timing and method for revelation of the details depended upon
whether or not the Annu-Elohim and their numerous A nunnaki races
THE ANuNNAKI, THE 1992 PLEIADIAN,SIRIAN AGREEMENTS refused to abandon their intended agenda of destroying the Human race of
AND FALLEN ANGELIC (ET) RACES Earth during the 2002-2017 SAC.
The Anunnaki races have had an intimate relationship with human The Annu-Elohim created the Anunnaki races about 568 million years
evolution for many millions of years, and unfo rtunately, this relationship has ago in reaction to creation of the Elohei-Elohim Human Guardian race; the
~arel~ de.monstrated peaceful co-evolutionary objectives. The Anunnaki race Anunnaki were created with the intention of the ir race serving as the vessel
Identity mcludes a variety of different interstellar races, all of which have on through which the Christiac Human race would be destroyed to provide the
thi~g in "co~mon: t~e~, were originally created by and through a self-pro~ Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic totalitarian collective with exploitative domin-
cla imed antl-Chnstlac Fallen Angelic collective calted the Annu-Elohim. ion over 11 dimensions of our Time Matrix,
Within the original text of this book, no differentiation was made between For many millions of years, Emerald Covenant races have attempted to
the Elohei-Elohim feli ne-hominid Human Christos Founders race and the cultivate peaceful co-evolution between the Human and Anunnaki races in
Fallen Annu-Elohim aquatic-ape-cetacean collective that took an anti- order to assist both species in fulfilling their original potential of becoming
Christiac stance against their Elohei-Elohim kin 250 billion years ago. "Christed" (able to achieve ascension and perpetual life expression) races. At
The timing as to when this distinction was to be made among contempo- various periods in our shared history, many Anunnaki races chose to reclaim
rary human popu lations depended upon the Emerald Covenant negotiations their Christiac potentials through entering the Founder's Emerald Covenant
of 1992. Revelation as to this Elohim distinction and the volumes of history to receive the DNA Template Bio-Regenesis (regeneration) that wou ld
that pertain to their involvement in human evolution was conditional upon allow their vision of freedom from the anti-Christiac control of the Fallen
whether or not the Annu-Elohim collectives wou ld choose to abandon their Annu-Eloh im collective to be actual ized. Unfo rtunately fo r the Anunnaki
long-held dominion agenda in favor of the Emerald Covenant Co-evolution races of the Emerald Covenant and for the Human races on the Christiac
Treaty during the 20002017 Stellar Activations Cycle, If the Fallen Annu. path who have attempted to help them, the Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic
Elohim collectives chose to honor co-evolution with the races of Earth the collectives have done everything in their power to enslave the Anunnaki
history of horrors they have intentionally inflicted upon the earthly ;aces species as an "expendable tool" for Human destruction. Historically the
would be released more slowly, allowing the Annu-Elohim and their inter- Fallen AnnuElohim have consistently put forth great efforts of overt and
stellar races time to demonstrate their proclaimed "good fa ith" within the co- covert manipulation to prevent the Anunnaki from defecting from the anti-
evolution agenda, whi le allOWing the humans of Earth a bit more time to Christiac agenda in favor of the Founders' Emerald Covenant freedom
evolve in spiritual maturity so they would not seek to retaliate against the agenda.
Annu-Eloh im races, and especially the earthly Human-hybrid descendants of In November 1992, the Pleiadian,Sirian Agreements emerged
the Anunnaki and Annu-Elohim, out of revenge for the historical horrors through a confrontation between Anunnaki races of the Fallen AnnuElo-
they have visited upon the human race. him, competing Fallen Anu-Seraphim Anunnaki and Drakonian-Reptilian-
The Founders and Emerald Covenant races were hoping that humanity lnsectoid races of the Dimension-lO Fallen Seraphim collective and the
could be spared a direct and immediate confrontation with the trauma of its Human and G uardian races of the Emerald Covenant, All interstellar races
past. Such confrontation with the truth of human heritage is ultimately knew since 22,326 BC that this confrontation was likely to occur during the
inevitable for finaL healing to occur, but the "blow would be softened" if long-anticipated 2000-2 017 AD Stellar Activations Cycle; only humanity
compassion, spiritual strength, forgiveness and understanding could first be has been "left in the dark" regarding knowledge of these events, precisely due
foste red within the human collective prior to faCing the enormity of what to the interstellar political realities that have ex isted on Earth since 22,326
BC, The 1992 agreements marked the entry of several previously Fallen

242 243
... u _ ..... - . ___ _._ .... _ ... - J .... --.. . ~,

Anunnaki collectives into the Emerald Covenant following their man tie-People" and their ''Men In Black" hybrids, and the Centaur and Mar-
thousands of years of covert man ipulation of Eanh Human and A kY duke;Dramin;Anunnaki-Omicron hybrids o( Alpha and Omega Centauri.
H h b 'd Th nunoa l-
uman- y n races: e Fallen Angelic Anunnaki groups who entered the
Emerald Covenant In 1992, after a long history of running manip I . SOlAR STAR GATE-4 AND ANVNNAKI DEFECTION FROM THE
"0ne WorId Ord" er annCh dominion agendas on Earth are as follows'
nsttac uatlVe
The Jehovian-Sirius-A Anunnaki that run Galactic Federation an~ If the Anunnaki races had remained loyal to the 1992 Emerald Cove-
Ashtar Command.} nant PleiadianSirian Agreemenrs, the contemporary Earth drama would
The" Archangel Michael" Neprute-Nephilim-Necromiton An _ have unfolded much differently than it has, as the united Emerald Covenant
naki-hybrid collective of Orion, Alpha-Centauri, Sirius A andun Guardian Races and Anunnaki legions could have easily protected the peo.
Andromeda.2 pies of Earth from the intended 2000-2017 One World Order dominion cam-
paign of the united Drakonian Agenda Fallen Sel".:lphim races. In this evenr,
The Anu-Seraphim Alpha-Omega-Order Templar Melchizedeks.3
the new updated material in the Voyagers Books would have focused exclu-
The Thoth-Enki-Zephelium-(Zeta) Anunnaki collective of Nibi sively upon preparing humanity for the inevitable physical meeting of the
and Sirl us A.4 ru
Emerald Covenant and Anunnaki races, and providing humanity with the
The Enoch Jehovian-Anunnaki collective of Arcturus and Orion.s Sacred Science training needed for humans [0 resume their original position
The .Anu-~rap~ Pleiadian Samjase-Anunnaki of Alcyone and as Guardians of Earth's Planetary Templar Complex and the Halls of Amenti
theu Enhl-Odedlcron and Marduke-Necromiton Nibiruian star gates. Unfonunately, the well~intended 1992 Emerald Covenant P leia~
allies. 6 dian-Sirian Agreements did not last.
When the January 2000 Consummation of the 2000-2017 Stellar Acti
In 1992 all of the above Anunnaki groups offic ially entered the Emerald vations Cycle came around, the Anunnaki legions refused to return control
Covenant in an effort to gain support from Emerald Covenant races in their of Universal Star Gate-4, the Solar Gate, over to Emerald Covenant Azurite
intended stand against the competing Reptile-Insectoid Rigelian-Zeta- Universal Templar Security Team protection as they had vowed to do in
Zephelium, Omicron-Drakonian (Dragon-Moth) and Odedicron-Avian_ 1992. Instead, the controlling factions of all of the previously mentioned
Reptilian Fallen Seraphim races of O rion, the Necromiton-Andromie "Bee- Anunnaki groups, except for the Enochian-Jehovian-Anunnak i collective,
defected (rom the Emerald Covenant, reverting to their previous Luciferian
Covenant and Jehovian One World Order dominion agendas. Since 10 AD,
Enoch's loyalties had been to the Jehov ian-Nephite One World Order
!. w..d ddefec~ed from the Emerald Covemmt in 10 AD, afte r several brief periods of emry dominion agenda until he petitioned for Emerald Covenant re-entry in 1983
an eleenon before and after the 9558 BC Adamian flood.
2. Defected f~o~ the Emerald Covenant in 148,000 BC to run Jehovian.Annu.Elohim
via a Founders' Redemption Contract; the contemporary works of Enoch pro-
"dn hddomlilion agendas and were di rectly responsible for the Nephilim invasion thm duced prior to 1983 reflect his previous affiliation. When the other Anun-
e~ e Human Se~i ng.2 during the Thousand Years War of 846,800 Be. naki groups defected from the 1992 PIeiadi an~Sirian Agreements, Enoch
3. Have run Dra~oman.Ce.n.laur.~ecromiton.Andromi Anunnaki.hybrid dominion en.
das on E.1rth, 1Il compeul1on with Ihe }ehovianAnnuElohim agenda. for thousana:s of remained loyal to the Emerald Covenant cause, and continues to do so as of
years on behalf of rhe Fallen AnuSeraphim collecth'es. this writing; a status that could change at any time due to continuing pressure
4. g:ce.trusted AnuSeraphim Anunnaki members of the Emerald Covenant since 246000 from the Fal lt:n Jehovian~AnnuElohim collective of Density-3 A rcturus.
A ' ~!ected flom the Emerald Covenant in 22,340 BC to join the Lucifer Rebeliion
nu.;x;raphun Anunnakl Race Supremacy world dominion age nda. The competing Luciferian Covenant and Jehovian Anunnaki dominion
5. Oncetrusted AnnuElohim }ehovianAnunnaki members of the Emerald Covenam agendas both hold at their core the intention of using SolarStar Gate-4 , and
defected from the Emerald Covenant first in 10,500 DC Atlantis to join the Lucife;ia~
POd~nam, fe.emered in 2250 Be following berraral by thc AnuSeraphim "Luciferians" an artificial stellar body known as the Nibiruian Battlestar (AKA the Bibli-
de noch's 2024 BC service as an Emera d Covenant COT Plate Speaker the~
d~ e~t. again ~ 10 .AD on bch~ l~ of the AnnuElohim Jehovian.Anun~ald 'world
cal "Wormwood"), to forc e cataclysmic pole shift on Earth between 2003~
2008, in order to exterminate human populations in the quest (or dominion
19~nAD'. agen . unul Enoch petitioned for reentry into the Emerald Covenant in
of the Halls of Amenti star gates. The Nibiruian Anunnaki had seized can
6. Hav~ run "'orld dominion campaigns on Earth slIlce 250,000 Be nearly ended Human trol of Solar StarGate-4 from Emerald Covenant Guardian race protection
Seedmg.J .through fOI~ed occupation of Earth between 147.900 sC-75,877 Be, mitiated during the Lucifer Rebellion of 25.500 BC, at which time they uSt..-d Battle
the formalized Luclfenan Covc~ant of 10500 BC and {hrectly olchestrated the 9558 BC
Atlantlan nood and subsequent House Cleaning" of Earth's historical records. Star Nibiru to force Earth's Templar into an artificial alignment with the
244 245
I tte )utj''J, ~U\:N , I reatj' UJ r\UWT tUlU KTLUTLTlUKI .)uuuw.g~ UJ ule ';II LV\..IV

planet Nibiru. If Earth's electromagnetic fields were not properly realigned THE JULY 5, 2000, TREAIT OF ALTAIR AND
with the natural Ple iadian-Spiral alignment of the Universal Star Gates ANUNNAKI SABOTAGE OF THE 9/2000 UK EXPEDITION
Earth would be forced into pole shift as the 2000-2017 Stellar Activation~ Through the Treaty of Altair, the Anunnaki races of.Orion were
Cycle progressed. The Emerald Covenant races initiated the 1992 Pleiadian_ granted the Founders protection from the Drakonian invasion, Lf the A~un
Sirian Agreements as a means of preventing this pending (and long-prophe_ naki legions would honor their original 1992 Emerald ~oven ~nt prOlnLseS,
sied) Eanh pole-shift drama, in hopes that the Human and Anunnaki-hybrid bandon their intended Earth dominion agendas and unmedtately release
races of Earth could be spared this catastrophic destiny. ~lar Star Gate-4 into the protection of the Emerald Covenant Azurite Uni-
The Anunnaki legions chose to enter the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agree- versal Templar Security Team. In July 2000, the Anunnaki legions grudgingly
ments only because their original take-over plans had been somewhat agreed, and in August 2000, members of the Azurite Security ~eam gathered
thwarted by human Illuminati Zeta Treaty agreements of the 1930s, through at Machu Picchu. Peru to facilitate Emerald Covenant races In the transfer
which the Omicron-Drakonian and Odedicron-Repti lian legions gained an of Solar Star Gate-4 into Guardian Alliance Founders' protection. The Peru
unanticipated strategic advantage over Anunnaki influence in the Contem- event went smoothly, and once again the Emerald Covenant races were
porary Earth drama. The Anunnaki legions chose to break the 1992 Pieia- hopeful that the long-pending earthly "Final Conflict Drama" between
dian-Sirjan Agreements because Emerald Covenant Founders would not give Human, Emerald Covenant and Fallen Angelic Anunnaki and Drakonian
in to their demands that the entire human race of Earth be placed under the forces could be peacefully avoided. The Solar Star Gate-4 transfer to Guard-
sole elitist dominion of Annu-Melchizedek Anunnaki hybrid races of Inner ian protection was to be completed in September 200~, d~ring an, event
Earth. scheduled to take place at Stonehenge. England, the locanon III Earth sTem-
The Anunnaki broke their original 1992 agreements of shared Human plar to which the Nibiruian Battlestar and artificial planetary alignment
and Annu-Melchizedek co-guardianship of Earch's Tempiar, and attempted to with N ibiru are anchored. As per the Treaty of Altair, the Anunnaki races
use their "trump card" of holding Solar Star Gate-4 as a means to blackmail agreed to secure their many Ley Line holdings in England from ~konian
the Founders into placing human destiny "under the thumb" of Anunnaki race interference, so that members of the Azurite Templar Secunty Team
race supremacy. To agree to such a demand would represent the equivalent of could gain safe passage to England to complete the final transfer of Solar-Star
selling Earth humanity into perpetual Anunnaki slavery, and the Hidden Gate-4 into Guardian protection.
Forbidden History of Earth as fa ithfully recorded on the Emerald Covenant On September 12, 2000, JUSt before the final tra.n~fer was to take
CDTPlate holographic discs, clearly demonstrated that such an act of per- place, the Anunnaki, in a blatant act of betrayal and unanticipated ~reaty.of
mitted Anunnaki supremacy on Earth would guarantee the rapid termination Altair defection, used their Ley Line system in England, in :o-operatlOn wt~h
of the Human species. local Omicron-Drakonian legions, to launch an aggressive psychotro~lc
When the Chrisms Founders Emerald Covenant races refused to submit attack on members of the Azurite Security Team in England. The Azurite
to the Anunnak i's self-serving demand of dominion over humanity's right to Security Team, unaware of what had taken place, was ~old wi.thout explana-
freedom and equality, the Anunnaki legions of the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian tion in an emergency Guard ian Alliance dispatch, to Immediately return to
Agreements all defected, except for Enoch's group. from the Emerald Cove- Guardian Secured Grid Space, and that the scheduled teaching workshops
nant in a unified stance, believing that in their unity they could achieve in the UK must be temporarily postponed to protect attendees from the
Earth domin ion through strategic victory over both the feared Drakonian potential harm of anticipated further psychotronic attacks, sinc~ the on~e
Agenda O rion force and the Emerald Covenant Guardian races. The Emer- secured England Gtid Space had been compromised. T he AZUrite Security
ald Covenant Founders races continued negotiations with any Anunnaki Team immediately cancelled the remaining UK schedule and returned to
groups still interested in peacefu l resolution of this build ing conflict, and on Guardian Alliance secured Grid Space in Sarasota, Florida, to find out what
July 5, 2000 a new treaty called the Treaty of Altair, was agreed upon; most on Earth had happen to cause the UK Mission to be so ra~idly ~borted ..
of the defecting Anunnaki groups reluctantly agreed to re-enter the Emerald Upon our return home to Florida, I received a massive dtspensat~on of
material regarding the political events surrounding the Treaty of Alta.t~. FO
Covenant upon the Emerald Covenant races' promise to assist them in the
presently unfolding Orion Wars of Density-3, in which Fallen Annu-Elohim GA security reasons I had been tOld nothing of this treaty or the volatll.1ty a t
A nunnaki holdings in Orion were under aggressive militant attack by the the interstellar political atmosphere prior to our journey to England. ~h~\~O
OmicronDrakonian and Odedicron-Reptilian legions of Orion. Seprember 2000 I simply knew that our site work, called Planetary Ie s
Clinics, in Peru and England was .mtended to assist . t he Emerald c ovenant
I rleJWY J, .lO\J\J, Jreary 0ll\lraIY ...
races in realigning Earth's Merkaba Fields with Solar Star Gate-4 to Having rejected the potential option of self-del uding denial, the second
" h ,ensure
OUf p Ianet s sa~e passage t rough the unfolding SAC. The news regarding the emotional response to the new data that I observed within myself was a tem-
Treaty of Altair and of the severity of the political drama concerning th porary feeling of "almost numbness," as my ancient selves and comemporary
'" .. "
~emporary Anunna kI VIsitor groups was as new to me in September 2000, as
e con-
self coll ided in a moment in time with so much sensory overload and intrinsic
It was to other members of Azurite Temple. The news was not good new cognit ion that the limitations of the physical neuro-networks in my manifest
was It. partlcu
1 aT 1 1
y we com
cdby me as it brought me into a full and bs,nOr
form temporarily shut down, conveniently shifting me into "observational


t hese rea IlUes
f ' .
persona con rontatlon with {he realities of OUf ancient history and h
UN were presentd y manifesting again within the core of 0
ew Age an UFO Movement" drama. Even though I had
plenty of my reinc~ational memory open (since birth), and was quite aware
a rupt
mode." From this temporary state of disengagement from direct emotional
reaction, I was able to observe that a part of me felt a peculiar sense of viola~
tion, not so much for myself, but on behalf of all humans. As if in this fina l
revelation of truth, a final discovery of "how th ings really are and have been,"
of ~me ~f the anCient horrors that had transpired (some of which I recall there was somehow an accompanying loss of innocence. Like a child being
having lIVed, a~d died, thr~ugh) during periods when the Fallen Angelics thrust prematurely from a finely sheltered nursery into a battleground of war,
had .turned their full attent[.on~ toward Earth, revelation of the Treaty of having been long protected from perception of the atrocities that can and
Alta ir data sent me temporarily mto a "Dark Night of the Sou l." often do occur. This "loss of innocence" feeling might be compared to how
. Each progressive wave of new revelation required that I face the physical one would fcd after dedicating one's life to a particular company, for exam-
reabty of what was taking place just beneath the seemingly calm surface of ple, then discovering to one's horror that the company was knowingly and
OUT three-dimensional world, and how this illusion of calm could be literally without remorse allowing its employees to be poisoned, while fully intending
perman~~tly a~d globally shattered at any moment due to the presently hid~ to dismiss them with no accountability for assisting with t~e medical bills. Or
den realmes of Interstellar politics. I did not react to the new revelations with perhaps, discovering that your spouse had not only been "having an affair,"
fear; instead, the revelations inspired within me a series of emotional but had also been conspiring with the "other" to have you killed so they
responses that can only be described as the release of ancient experiential could collect the insurance policy. A rude and painful awakening occurs
t~auma.long bur,:ed i~ cellular memory, throug~ which an expanded cogni- when you discover that things you have believed in for a very long time,
t ion of JUSt how real the contemporary drama IS, came fully into focus. The things perhaps you have built your life around, have never been what they
first fee ling was one of wanting to deny the reality of our present circum- appeared to be, but rather are an expertly crafted pack of lies created to harm
stances, because these c ircumstances are not the way I wou ld personally like and enslave you. When we desire to "know the truth," and then the [ruth is
them to be; yet with this feeling came a knowing that in denying the ex ist- revealed, what do we do if it is not the truth we wanted to hear?
e~ce of an undesirable reality you fully throwaway any personal power you As the OA dispensations continued fo llowing the initial revelations of
might posses ro heal the condition. the Treaty of Altair, I realized how grateful I was to finally understand, yet I
He~ling co~es fro m identifying the problem and taking effect ive and also acknowledge how "Knowing" has suddenly and forcefully "burst my
appropriate act ion th rough which the undesired condition can be remedied. bubble" of naivete concerning the type of world within which we presently
Though in the face of this new information I could observe within myself live. At least in America, a country that until recently had not witnessed the
how the ~hree-dimensionally focused personality could be tempted [Q utili2e tragedies of major airborne war on its mainland territories, we seem to be
the emotional escapism of denial in order to avoid confrontatio n with a real- raised with a few cultural blind spots in which we come to believe that "Oh ,
ity i~ was never trained to face, my greater Eternal Self "simply knew better." it couldn't be that bad," or "That could never happen to me." Confrontation
DeOial gets you nowhere fast-it is simply a way of creating for yourself a with the revealed logistics of the behind-the-scenes interstellar drama
" glass housc to live in, and if you are going to hide out in glass houses you'd showed me just how flimsy such naively optimistic attitudes really are, and
better hope that all of your neighbors are friendly and none of them like to how ill prepared one wHi be in the face of adversarial conditions if these atti-
play baseba ll. Denial of rhe new information was not an option for me for tudes of pseudo self-reassurance are indulged. .
deep within me I knew what the GA had revealed was the truth, and th~t in Pessim ism and paranoia are nor the answers either, for both, by their very
denying this truth I wou ld not only be deluding myself, but I would be mis- nature, are disempowering and self-defeating choices of emotional respon~.
lead ing anyone who depended on me to accurately report the contents of When on September 12, 2000 the Anunnaki legions defected fro m their
COT-Plates and the GA dispensations. Treaty of Altair agreements, the entire contemporary drama [Oak a tum
toward the more extreme in potent ial experiential outcomes. These poten-
248 249
t 'he :)eprembe1' LUUlJ U Jt< ana the calct Of war

tials had existed aU along, but the GA had been trying to "ease us into" an In terms of intergalactic IX>litics, an Edict of War issued against the
understanding of our current circumstance, rather than thrust us into a rude Founders races really is a "big deal"; and one that contains the IX>tentialities
~wakeningthat had the potential to g~nerate fear, anger, outrage and panic, of intergalactic cataclysmic consequences not often witnessed in our TIme
IOstead of the calmly rendered effective action that is required to remain Matrix. The last time a full Edict of War was issued against the Founders and
personally empowered under the present circumstances. Following the Sep- Emerald Covenant races was when Anunnaki legions attempted to destroy
tembet 12, 2000 Anunnaki defection, the GA had no choice but to reveal humanity and take over Earth 5,500,000 years ago during the First Seeding
the whole truth of our history and what has been done here at the hands of of humans on Earth (see page 17), which concluded in the Electric Wars
the An~naki , because if;;e didn't become "wise to the game" very quickly, that brought Human Seeding-l ro an abrupt and cataclysmic end. OUf con-
humalllty was about to be played as terminal fools." temlX>rary drama does not have to conclude with the Electric Wars history
repeating itself, but much of the ourcome will depend upon what we, as the
THE SEPTEMBER 2000 VIR AND THE EDICT OF WAR humans of Earth, choose to do, or not to do in the next nine-year period.
The most immediately pertinent and pressing truth that emerged from Presently, the greatest threat to our global well being is not the UlR
revelation of the Hidden Forbidden History, is facing the fact we are pres- itself, but rather our amnesia and resulting ignorance as to how to handle
ently under a state of covert global (and galactic) war, a war of which our ourselves effective!7' If we all s,~t around and wait fo~ ~he "First Contact Mass
IX>pulations have no directly tangible evidence. How can I make such an Landing" to occur, to "prove to us that our IT VISitors are real, by THEN,
apparently threatening and most unwelcome statement while still expecting know it is too late to do anything other than seek our the nearest Guardian
myself to be considered a spiritually awakened being! I can make this state- evacuation team. If the First Mass Contact drama does take place, as the
ment as a calm statement of fact because 1 have been made aware that on VIR presently intends (anywhere between 2002 and 2005), they will have
September 12, 2000 the Anunnaki legions not only defected from the peace already gained full control of Earth's IX>rtal systems, and will be able to ini-
agreements of the Treaty of Altair, but they subsequently joined forces with tiate pole shift precisely when desired via the Nibiruian Battlestar, the crys-
the previously competing Drakonian Agenda legions, thanks to the Neero- talline installation beneath Stonehenge, England, and their global network
miton-Andromie's insrigation of fonning a "United Intruder R esistance" of subterranean bases located across the planet. Prevention is the only way
(UIR). As a strategic move to ensure the success of the One World Order to solve this drama peacefully before it goes any further.
Earth dominion agenda held by each of the competing Fallen Angelic groups, If the UIR movement has its way, the illusion of peace on Earth will be
the Necromiton race of Density-) Andromeda, the "beloved Andromies" maintained until they have their photo-sonic beam-ship fleets in position,
who have been in contact with several prominent people in the UFO Move- cloaked within the lower Dimension-4 frequency bands (as many are already).
ment, opened negotiations between the competing Fallen Angelic collec- The fleets will be positioned over numerous secondary Target Sites and 24 Pri-
tives, successfully bringing mOSt of them together to take a united stance mary Target Sites, Earth's 12 Primary Star Gate "Signet Sites" and their cor-
against the Emerald Covenant peace treaty and freedom agenda. On Septem- reslX>nding 12 "Templar Cue Sites," the activation sites for the corresponding
ber 12, 2000 the GA was given the ultimatum rhat 50,000 of its Grail Line Star G ates.
Indigo Children could be evacuated out, then the rest of human populations Once fleets are IX>sitioned, progressive instigation and amplification of
were to be left to the agenda of the UIR. Unfortunately, the U IR races conflict and regional wars among human nations will be further implemented
intended to instigate pole shift on Earth between 2003-2008 to "clear the via psychotronic technology,S a process of scalar impulsing that has already
real estate," allowing the humans of Earth to survive just long enough to be begun; Bosnia was the first mass experimental test run, and several other tests
used to access Earth's Star Gate opening codes, at which time all, including have been already initiated in China, the Middle East, Russia and the USA.
the "Chosen Ones" would be destroyed. On behalf of humanity, the As "ITs" remain a hidden potentiality to the masses, instances of "Mother
Founders, the GA, the Maharaji "blue humans" of Sirius S, the Sirian Coun- Mary," "Jesus," "Buddha" and "Holy Figure" holographic inserts, associated
cil, the Lyran High Council and the many billions of Emerald Covenant "Crying Statues and Paintings" and related pseudo-Divine phenome.na will
races in our 15-DimensionalTIme Matrix told the UIR to "stick their ultima- progressively appear to groups of humans who are mentally ensnared III both
tum where the sun doesn't shine" and refused to withdraw support of Earth's
IX>pulations. Promptly, and as expected, the UIR issued an Official Edict of
War against the Founders and Emerald Covenant legions. 7. In these "landings," false personific.1tions of "Jesus, Mary and Moses" will most likely
emerge from a space ship to greet you.
8. bio-neurological scalar pulse rrnnsmission
ontrol matrix for the Halls of Amend Star Gates, which are the real object
Traditional and New Age religious dogmas, promoting reassurance {hat "Gods ~f the UIR conquest. Once Earth's portals are used to invade the Inner Earth
Chosen Ones" will be "saved" in the "Great Cleansing" or "Tribulation." Amenti Temple-Generator Complexes, unannounced pole shift on Earth
If the UIR, and their "Puppet Operatives" among the Human 1lluminati will be rapidly set in motion via the Nibiru ian ~attl~tar and a stunned
are permitted to continue with their plan, cenain hybnd~target~viruses will be humanity will have little more than three days m which to contemplate
released among select populations to reduce the number of races considered by "what just hit them."
the Fallen Angelics to be expendable; the A1DS virus was simply an experi_ This Is The VIR Plan, numerous phases of which have already been set
mental test run originally orchestrated by the Drakonian Agenda Rigelian Zeta in motion. When the potentialities of a "Zeta-Ruled Society" were revealed
races via the their human pawns widlin the llluminati World Management in the 1997 -98 GA dispensations that were first published in the 1999 release
Team Interior World Government. The "chemical seed ings" known as the of VO)'age1's Volume 1:The Sleeping Abductees, the possibilities of what
"Chemtrails Phenomenon" is part of this plan, as cenain chemicals that will could occur in the event of a UIR Final Conflict Drama were not even
facilitate the activation of the virus once it is released, are presently being addressed. At the time of the Voyagers Series 1999 first printing, the
imbued into the local atmosphere in target locations. Founders and Emerald Covenant races were confident that the 1992 Pleia-
As the UIR plan goes on, the HAARP installat ion and several other dian-Sirian Agreements with the Anunnaki legions would ensure that the
related global 'facilities' will be activated to broadcast a mass "Frequency Orion Zeta forces would not succeed in their intended 2000-2017 attempt of
Fence," a Photo-sonic scalar pulse technology that can harness human establishing a One World Order totalitarian ru~~ on Earth;, If left to thei~ o~vn
brain-wave patterns via bio-neurological blocking into a se lected frequency devices, the Rige1ian Zeta legions would have settled for general doml~lOn
range within which the natural perceptual facilities can be technologically of Earth and forced enslavement and exploitation of human populations,
manipulated; the target date for the Frequency Fence is 2003~2004. Oncc rather than pole shift destntction. But when January 2000 brought the con-
"the stage is set," and global human conflict, fear and instability has reached firmed news that a Stellar Activations Cycle would indeed take place on
its intended peak, the UIR intends to stage a Mass Landing, with Galactic Eanh even the Zeta and Human llluminati initiatives were ovenun by the
Federation, the Pleiadian~Nibiruian Anunnaki, the Dracos Reptilian- invol~ement of the "big guns" from of the Fallen Annu~Elohim ~nd Fallen
hybrids of the Om icron-Drakonian collective and a few Rigelian Zetas Seraphim collectives of Oensity-4 Dimensions 11 and 10 respectively. The
thrown in for good measure, leading the way. The invading fleets will "Come "big gun" Fallen Dark Avatar collectives "play for keeps," a~d are not inter-
in Peace as the Peacemakers," claiming they are our ancient creatot Gods ested in enslaving humanity; they desire to destroy h.umamty, as the once-
and kin who have intervened to "protect us from destroying ourselves and our Angelic Human species has historically been the primary obstacle to the
planet"; they will present seemingly miraculous cures for cancer and several Fallen Angelics in fulli.llment of their age-old intention to rake full control of
other diseases (including the plagues they seeded) and provide seemingly this Time Matrix. Since 22,326 BC, when Emerald Covenant forces block~d
amazi ng technologies for environmental cleanup ... the personifications of consummation of a pending SAC to prevent the "big gun" Fallen Angeltcs
"Angels sent from above." If their plan proceeds as intended, the Pope and a from seizing Earth and the Halls of Amenti, the Fallen Da~k Avat~r coll.ec-
collective of global religious leaders will gather to inform the public of this tives have watched and waited for the 2000~2017 SAC, With the mtentlon
"Great gift from God," seducing the masses into blind subservience to the of "finishing what they had started" in 22,326 BC. January 2000 hCf"dlded
"New Angelic World Government"; a "Unified Humanity in the eyes of confirmation of the 2000-2017 SAC, and the whole mess of the ''Final Con~
God." All of these things are pan of the UIR strategy to directly and physi- lict Drama" was rapidly brought to our eanhly door. The present drama ~nd
cally infiltrate global human culture. If we allow them to go this far, our its potential consequences are much more serious and potentially d~mag,~g
"United Nations" will be "welcomed" into the Fallen Anu-Seraphim Anun- than those first revealed in the "Zeta Ruled Society" probability depicted m
naki controlled ''Federation of Planets," which is a cover name stOlen from a Voyagers, Volume 1. .
once-val id Emerald Covenant collective, that is now used in refer to territo- But we still have time to prevent this mess, if we get our collective
ries conquered by the Anu-Seraphim Anunnaki; territories that exist under human act together. Fear is the most useless, self_indulgent response w~
full Anunnaki totalitarian exploitation and dominion. Then and only then, can choose to entertain; no one is going to "fix this for us" but ourselves, an
will the final phase of the invasion plan be set in motion. if we are wallowing in fear hke quak'mg nmOles . ' we WI'\1 guarantee our own ed
In the final phase of the UIR plan, which must occur before the natural d . and calm, center
defeat. Fear is a chosen 1'esponse an so too IS COU1'age h d
' th ug you an out,
2012 opening of the Halls of Amenti star gates if the take over is to succeed, action; if necessary, allow a bit of natura I lear ro move ro
Earth's ponal system will be used to invade the tenitories ofInner Earth, the 253
loo J DJ:fdiIteSi!iec:tfiillon'll"'- - - - - - - - _
J he p1 ~ rr.ultt:w.'J Jc ...... , ... .) .............. , ' ................. J ...... _ ~_ _ __

th~n s~nd up and be effective anyway-humanit hold

thl~ thmg through to a peaceful outcome of fre d y b s the ,Power to See THE DIl PLANETARY SECURI1Y SEAL, PLANETARY SHIELDS
rapidly responsible in employing informed ea...... ~ Om, . Utdonl y If we become CLINICS, AND CRISIS INTERVENTION
H " ' ill.."nVe, aCtltu es and .
umamty IS not alone or unsupported in th O .'" .. ,aCtion. If GA forces had demonstrated a show of power through orc hestrat ing
Final Conflict Drama' there is much d' IS rapidly manifesting a mass contact drama to warn humans of the Anunnaki and Drakon ian
E Id C ' more Irect support fr '
mera .ovena~t nations than there is force behind the UJRam mrerstellar intentions, the A nunnaki intended to abort their desired OutCome of strategi.
son Guardian legions have not made d,,ect bl' . The only rea_ cally using humans to "open the Amenti Gates," and would settle instead for
,pu IC Contact with h .
w~n: a~ d prepare us for this political confrontation is be uma.nlty to destroying contemporary humans via immediate pole shift, while capturing a
Nlblrulan AnuSeraphim Anunnaki forces have held cause Ithe Ple~adian_ few humans as potential enslaved "Gate Code breeders." The Anunnaki
SolarStar Gate~4 since 25 500 BC a d h . h c~ntro of Umversa l legions, as well as the Drakonian legions, have long understood that if
ia~i~n ..Sirian Agreements,' threat:ne~ t:v~:I~~~atr ~~Ime of the 1992 Pie. humanity became awakened, the Fallen Angelic Amenti dominion plan
I h'C ar d : te -4 a~d the
NlblrUian Sanlestar to initiate immediate would rapidly come to a screeching halt. Humanity has a hidden power
Earth ifhEmerald Covenant representatives a:;p:e~ ~oa;akc em "aruction on within the DNA Template, through which the innate Planetary Star Gate
to warn umanity, ss comact Security Codes can be used to trigger activation of a natural12#Dimensional
It was in the Anunnakis' vested interests to hold ff I . Planetary Security Seal within Earth's Templar, which if successfully erected,
fu lfillment of their intended One World Order ,0. on po e sh ift because would permanently protect Earth's portals and Star Gates from any further
quent seizure of the Halls of Amenti star gat do~mlohn agenda and subse_ Fallen Angelic infiltration, Humans are the greatest threat to the Fallen
humans to 0 h S' es requires t e temporary use of Angelic agenda, and for this reason they have gone to great lengths to ensure
Angelics can:'~ ~lfy a:~~:t:i~~lst hn Earth's. star gates, which the Fallen our genetically#induced race amnesia and our ignorance to the Sacred Sci
~hey would have "~Ieared
the real e~tat~,~nn~:~~~~e~~;Ia~~~ ~emplat~}. ence Physics knowledge through which humanity can regain its intended
t e use of the specific scalar_wave templates characteristic of h ot r~ulre guardianship of Earrh's Templar Complex star gate system. The contemporary
:~r ac~~~ ~~e e1e~tromagnetic Star Gate Security Coding on ~~t~~s ~~~~~ hidden battle with the Fallen Angelic-ET legions cannot be won with exter#
C~es t~eEa:t~~a;:m~I:~~~~~l!~eh~:~, b~Iogy poss~es
nal weapons and overt war; the Photosonic and Photo#radionic weapons
the Security capacities of the Fallen Angelic legions makes contemporary human weapons
the legitimate Guardian race of this pla~~~ a~~~~ speCies .w~ cleated as technolog ies appear as child's toys in comparison. In terms of the present
Founders races the Planetary Star Gate cod~ of Ea u~ recelv rom the conflict drama, a military stance on humanity's part is utterly useless, as
~~:~~~:t:~ ta~:~;i~:~o~~\biO~ica'~eSign of the sper:ie:"o~~~;;:~~:{~~ humans ate literally "fighting invisible dragons (and Anunnaki)- a hidden
adversary that cannot even be tangibly identified due do their superior inter~
been historically preyed upon by F:~c~ ~pril.arr r~asonbthathhumans have dimensional cloaking technologies. Technolog ically, we're "gonners." Exter-
as our prima m f . nge IC eglons, ut as also served
nal Technology is not the medium through which the contemporary "playing
Fallen Ange~ i~a~~e~r ~:~~;c;~;~::0~a~i~7 ~mple~~ly dlesrroyed by the field" becomes leveled for fa ir play. Knowledge of genuine spirituality, Per
needed t E h' S menn, as ong as we are
~~~Iai:tc~nt;~~ ~t;~;~~tl~tyo~~~'et~~y
sonal and Planetary Templar mechanics and the dynamics of human biology
they ho; don't daresdestroy us if and DNA will be the deciding factors in this Final Confl ict drama. In this
~ave been ~ufficiendy used to Open the Templar S:c~:~;; ~~~ or"~~~h~ we regard, the "the organic Goo-given brain and the biological DNA are might-
mg an active SAC, we rapidly become e dabl " ur~ ier than Photo-sonic swords born of unnatural external technologies";
~hat we have been "set up for" since the ;l.~~6 ~ :::!I~~s s~t:~d:J humans can, in the SAC of the present generation, set this planet free from
In a stalemate between Emera ld Covenant and Fallen A I.
nge IC races.
27,500 years of covert ET enslavement by effectively using their God-given
gifts of biology and Spirit.
The technology through which humanity can reclaim its freedom and
intended heritage during the 200020 17 SAC, and by which the previously
described UIR One World Order dominion agenda can be stOPped in its
tracks, is an internally directed Divine Science technology called Planetary
Shields Clinics. The technical dynamics of Planetary Shields C linics are
beyond the scope of this book; the GA and Azurite Templar Security Team
,...._ _ ...'\.It.I.JIV" L 19C. ......... , . . . '" U.~1 , ....... " ...... "' ..... u _ ...... , _ , ... , ......... - - - . . . .............. ' .. 0
"" f""Uu:.-oC.t:UI;III'~---- .---------


has been directly engaged in conducting advanced Masters Templar training
workshops and active Planetary Shields Clinics since January 2000, with AND THE RUDE AWAKENING
the intention of assisting Earth and humanity in safe passage through the Linking of the Invasion Fleet, cloaked in D-4 Frequency Bands, to the
2000-2017 SAC. As per the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements, the Anun_ HAARP grid network of Earth requires the use of the Nibiruian aligned
naki legions of the Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command, the Pleiadian_ Solar-Star Gate-4; if this link is successfully made in 2003, Emerald Cove-
Nibiruian Council, the Alpha-Omega Templar Me1chizedeks, the Thoth_ nant forces can do nothing to prevent the UIR from orchestrating the pole
Enki-Zephelium (Zeta) Nibiruians, the Enoch-Jehovian-Anunnaki collec_ shift scenario at their whim. If the Emerald Covenant Crisis Intervention
tives and the "Archangel Michael" Nephilim-Nephite collectives were Planetary Shields Clinics are successful by 2003, and Solar Star GateA is
entrusted to assist the GA and Emerald Covenant races in orchestrating returned to the Founders' protection, the Invasion fleets will be unable to
Planetary Shields Clinics to ensure a safe 2000-2017 SAC. Only the Enoch- link with the HAARP network, which was installed on Earth under the
Jehov ian-Anunnaki collective has thus far remained loyal to that 1992 orders of the Zeta Rigelians of the 1930s llluminati Human-Zeta Treaties, in
promise. When the Anunnaki legions defected from the 1992 Pleiadian-Sir_ anticipation of the 2003 Frequency Fence initiat ive, which originally was an
ian Agreements in January 2000, then rendered their final blow of human Drakonian-Zeta agenda that was consolidated into the UIR CWO agenda on
betrayal in entering the July 5, 2000, Treaty of Altair only to use this tempo_ September 12, 2000. If Emerald Covenant Planetary Shields Clinics are not
rary status as a means of attempted sabotage against the Azurite Security successful by 2003, the only recourse to protect human populations will be
Team, then defecting to support the September 12, 2000, Edict of War issued attempted Emerald Covenant evacuations, which will most likely bring a
by the U IR, the GA and Emerald Covenant races have been on "Red Alert" "star wars" drama rapidly down on humanity's head (as has repeatedly
and a direct Crisis Intervention plan has been set in motion. occurred during SAC periods in the past), along with the obvious gl~bal
A very specific program of "Crisis Intervention" Planetary Shields political panic and chaos that would result from such a drama. If evacuatl~ns
Clinics has been mandated by the Founders, through which Emerald Cove- become the only recourse during the present SAC drama, only humans wah
nant races and humans who care enough to assist, can manually recode the a minimum of 4.25 Strand Sustainable DNA Template activation will be
electromagnetic programs in Earth's Templar and Star Gates that otherwise able to biologically survive the portal transit to safe ground. 9 ..
allow the Anunnaki legions to hold Earth in false alignment with N ibiru via The ''Divine Beauty" and simplicity of the Emerald Covenant CnslS
the Solar-Star Gate-4. The Anunnaki need Earth's present artificial align- Intervention Plan is that running the Planetary Shields Clinics to clear
ment with Nibiru to retain control of Solar Star Gate-4; without control of Earth's electromagnetic grid system requires no militant stance of aggres-
Solar Star Gate-4, the Anunnaki, and thus the UIR, lose their ability to sion, no projection of personal power onto some "Guru, God, A~gcl or
force planetary pole shift on Earth, If humans can assist the Emerald Cove- channel" outside of yourself, no adherence to any dogma or sacnfice of
nant Guardian Races from the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds prescnt belief systems, no hatred toward any " enemy" se~n ~r .un~een, and
and Azurite Universal Templar Security Team to restore the natural align- no entrapment within ideologies of powerlessness and VICtlmtzatt~n. The
ment of Solar Star GateA via releasing the artificial Nibiruian programs in Planetary Shields Clinics through which Earth can be set free requtre only
Earth's Templar that presently hold Solar Star Gate-4 under Nibiruian con- a willingness to re~awaken to the Sacred Templar Mechanics that were
trol, the UlR will lose irs present "trump card" in this Final Conflict drama. If
Emerald Covenant races are successful in realigning Earth's Templar and
Solar Star GateA to their natural orientation to the Pleiadian-Alcyone Spi- 9. The GA's Kathara Bio-S:riritual Healing S,'slem, and the DNA Templa,te Bio-Regen
sis Techniques excerpte from this progrnm that appear at the end of thiS book, rre t hf-
ral, the previously mentioned 12~Dimensional natural Security Seal on fastest methods of naturally activating the donnant IZ-Smmd DNA Temp ate , 0
Earth's Templar can be effectively triggered into activation, blocking UIR humans, Most humans arc presently at only II 3 to 3.. 5 Sirand DN0 Templme acuva;u~n
fleets from entering Earth's portal and vortex system any further. The chat.. level. an insufficient DNA activation level for sustained portal tran51t that Wild
biola'gical spontaneous combustion if offplane t evacuadons were auempt/\ ot. on, Y
[ N T
lenge of the Emerald Covenant Crisis Intervention Program is that it must will the K(lthar'd Healing System rapidly advance natural healin,g pot~t,~ s, (lSS~t ~
reach a certain stage of advancement before August 2003 , when {he UIR expediting genuine person21 spirilual integration and progresslvel.v I , '\ ~o~ '(
inlmunity in the personal bio-energetic field and body t? ps,, 'cholronic :~n;~bi~t i~~l
intends to begin positioning irs Photo-sonic Beam-Ship fleets over the previ- will stimulate at least enough DNA Strand Template acuvaUOn f?f t~e I level shook( off-
ously mentioned 24 Primary Target Sites to begin transmission of the 2003 ~ organism to sustain a minimum 4_25 DNA Strand Temp\ate acuvauon, highly recom-
2004 Frequency Fence via linking the transmissions of the beam ships planet evacuation become necessary, The Kathara Hea ing ~IOj:(Am ~vided the trans-
mended for these reasons; and, the~e arc the ,very,reasons why: {G P
with the HAARP grid network of Earth. lalion of the ancient Kathala Healmg leachmgs 111 February 0 (X}O.
2001 OjX1O.te S:eecCinTco;;;n~------------------""'!!!!Ir- MetKaOO IVHtyl ~ ll l, t\l;:U, I\UU ..... ~, .... ' ................. , _ _ ........ . w _" . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _"

once practiced as "daily common knowledge" amon th A' ent DNA Template Planetary TempJar Sccurity Codes into Earth's grids to
d .~ A I' H g e pre~ nClent
a vancl:\l nge IC uman cultures. True Templar Technology h I assist the V IR in ga ining open access to Earth's Star Gates.
been an mterna I tec hnoiogy t hat operates through advanc-..l asI aI ways These items are just a few of many little facts that the Anunnaki "ascen
1M k b M h" ~,natura, nter~
na . er a a ec aDlCS; organtc dynamics of interdimensional electroma _ sion programs" fail to mention to the Humans they are sweetly patronizing
netic energy exchange that take place naturally between the Ea h' g and covertly brainwashing into assisting the VIR objective through "chan,
' ( rtscore
sca Iar-wave bl uepnnt the Planetary Shields) and the scalar-wave bl . nel contact" directives in the New Age Movement. Heads Up, Guys! Time
or "D"tvme BIuepnnt . " 0 f t he h uman DNA Template. Internal Me k buepnnt T for the Rude Awakening!
I M h' h . r a a lem
Do you trust your own potential, inborn Inner Christos Connection, or
par ec amcs, w en pracnced with integrity, are the very same dynamics of
e~ergy tha~ allow for ~ull spiritual integration of higher dimensional Can- have you inadvertently placed your power, your (ree,will mode of thinking,
sct~usness lOro embodted expression within the physical human form, and your potential for true "Christed Consciousness" and spiritual mastery, in
which all~w for the once~natural human attribute of Atomic Transmutation the hands of some glorified, self.proclaimed angel or "demi-god" that prom-
and self.duected AscenSion out of manifest density. 10 ises to create ascension and Christ Consciousness for you?
. If you have had the misfortune to unknowingly study Merkaba Mecha _ It is a very gO<Xi time (0 muster enough humility to take this question
ICS under the Anunnaki lIedited teaching system," you will have learn~ very seriously.
only enough abo.ut Merkaba to know how to "inadvertently" link your per-
sonal Merkaba Fields to those of other people to form an am l'fied ''0 MERKABA MAYHEM, REAL RATIOS, AND THE NIBIRVIAN
Mkb"'1 . pi roup
er a a, WIt lOut securmg the natural integrity of your own bio-fields via a CHECKERBOARD MUTATION
nat~ral 0-12 frequency alignment t~ rour personal internal D- I 2 Pre-matter The naturalliChristiac Merkaba" spin ratio for a be ing in Density-II
C~n~tos lev,~l of personal anatomy. Once you have been taught to indis- dimensions 1-2-3, which allows for natural, progressive, automatic Merkaba
cnmmarely open your fields and act ivate your Merkaba," you will also have Field acceleration and I2~Strand DNA Template activation for attainment
~en unknowingly directed to "run your Merkaba spin ratios in reverse." of real D,12 "Christ Consciousness," Ascension and Star Gate passage, is as
Smce you have depended upon the Anunnaki "teachers" to "enl',ght " follows: 33,and,one'third~Top-Electrical-Clockwise, over ll,and-two,
" fM en you
a.bo ut.th e secrets 0 erkaba," you personally have no idea how a Merkaba thirds,Bottom,Magnetic,Counter,clockwisc, which is the natural Merkaba
F~eld IS really supposed to be activated or maintained, so you can't tel! the spin ratio for Density-t Earth, when Earth's grids are not being artificially
difference w~en you are being conned into running the External Reversed forced into misalignment with Nibiru. Merkaba Fields govern the circula,
Mer~aba ~vhlch blocks your ability to embody natural 0-12 frequency for tion and ratios of particle and anti-particle energy in matter and within the
~enu me h igher DNA Strand Template activation. And if you have bought human body. It is due (0 the artificial Reverse,Merkaba spin of Earth's Den-
Into the A~unnaki. Merk.a~a .Systems presently being taught through the sity~ l Merkaba Field, which the Nibiruians orchestrated during the 25,500
Thorh-Enkl-Ze~he!tum NlblrUian Anunnaki and the Alpha-Omega Order BC Lucifer Rebellion, that the mattet base of Earth, and thus that of the
~empl~~ Melchlzedek Anunnaki legions that defected from the 1992 Pleia- Human body has been mutated into having two' thirds more particle density
dlan-Sman Agreements, and their recent cohorts in the "A h I than the natural blueprint for Density-I . This Nibiruian Legacy and Hidden
M' h 1,,1 2 G I rc ange
. IC ae, a acric Federation and Ashtar Command Anunnaki collec- Horror of History of Earth's 25,500 BC Planetary Merkaba Reversal, which is
tives, you will not realize that your inadvertently created External Reverse~ known as the "Checkerboard Mutation," and its continuing devastating con-
Merkaba field i.s being actively used to amplify the 34,Top,Magnetic~ sequences regarding Human evolution, DNA and the biological integrity of
Co":nter-c1ockw,se, 21~Bottom,Electrical-Clockwise and BASE, 1 I-accel, all Earth species, are addressed in detail in the forthcoming OA COT-Plate
e~tlon Nibiruian Reverse,Merkaba spin ratios in Earth's grids. Through translations. The true Densityl natural Internal Merkaba Spin Ratios pre-
th.ls Ext~mal Nibi~ian Reverse-Merkaba field that some Humans are being viously mentioned can be manually reset to progressively beal the personal
tn~ked IOta creatmg,. t.he Nibiruian hold on Earth's Templar is ampl ified, Reverse-Merkaba and its resulting mutations of the DNA Template within
while the human participants are unknowingly "down,loading" their inher- the Human body, even though Earth's grids will continue [Q carry this dis(Or-
tion until Solar Star Gate-4 is brought back into its natural Alcyone-Spiral
10. Via Universal Slar Gate pa5lillge alignment. To maintain the natural personal Merkaba Spin, it must ~ ~anu
11. You won't have lellmed much ~bout h I' f 15 O . ally reset in the body cvery 24 hours, or the Reverse-Merkaba Spm m the
the Anunnaki either. ( e rea lty 0 your Imenslonal Anatomy from
12. More apdy described and historically known as "Arch.Demon Michael." Earth's grids will override the personal restoration.
258 259
--_. ~,... ..................... u,.
. Advanced Emerald Covenant Merkaba teachings arc in the process of
~ released,
h . ( are beyond the scope of th is book . The f ou r B'I O~ R egene
SIS J.ce mques see page 493) begin the process of h ,. h
M k b d ea 109 t e personal
er. a a an DNA Template. When the Human Merkaba Vehicle is fune
oom.ng properly, bo.th males and females use the same "androgynous" HaT:
rno.mc M~rkaba SPl~ and th~ small internal D-l Merkaba Field within the
T~IIl)()ne lS not stationary-it rotates, as it is intended to do. The "fixed"
tailbone Merkaba Field is the mark of the Nibiruian Merkaba~Revers I h
keeps the ph~sical body literally locked into its present time veet:r ~n~ The Angelic Human Heritage
unable to achieve Star Gate passage-another of several othe, ",',tt'
} at That h an d h'IS fnends
' conveniendy fo rgot to mention to theire hsecrets
and Rainbow Roundtables
One is. better off using the D~ 12 Based Maharata Current Bio~Regene~
SIS Tec~mques (s~e page 503), until more advanced, genu ine Merkaba
MechaOics are ava.ta~le, as these Techniques will begin to automatically - Our mystical teachings and religions of today emerged from the distant past
reset (he natural Denslty- l Merkaba Ratios in the body. Further techniques of the Pre-Atlantian era. Mystical and religious teachings have covertly
directed evolving humanity toward very specific objectives; objectives
to accelerate and fuJty activate the natural Merkaba are on the way. Most of
the humans who have fallen into using or teaching the Nibiru ian Reverse_
pertaining to a Hidden Sacred Mission of Planetary Guardianship t.hat the
Angelic Human race was seeded on Earth to fu lfill. Originally all mystical
~erkaba have been covertly. "set up" by the Thoth-Enki-Zephelium or and religious teachings were intended to guide us toward fulfillment of this
Ipha-Omega Templar Melcluzedek Anunnaki races to propagate this Base- Sacred Mission, but due to intentional distortions of Sacred Spiritual-Sci-
II~Reverse Merkaba perversion. Most, but not all, human teachers of Merk- ence texts many of the ancient spiritual education systems now mislead
" do not realize
. .that they have been dece,'ved "0 thOIS way, an d are not
humanity into creating the opposite of what our orig inal Sacred Mission
m~entl~n~lI~ brmgmg harm to their students; the teachers themselves are intended.
bemg victimized and deceived by Fallen Angelic contacts. _In exploring the realities of our ancient uForbidden History" we rediscover
the true origins and nature of the Angelic Human race. In rediscovering
our true origins and nature we reclaim our memory of the original Sacred
Mission of Planetary Guardianship that our race has come to Earth to
fulfill and the methods of Divine Spiritual~Sc ience Mechanics by which
our Sacred Mission can be successfully accomplished.
- The keys to understanding our present~time global drama are hidden within
the ancient Secrets of Lemurian and Atlantian civilization. To under-
stand the Significance of the Lemurian and Adantian Empires of the more
recent past, we need to move furthe r back in time to the initial civiliza-
tions of 12~Tribes Angelic Human Seeding-3, the origins of the present
Angelic Human race. Through knowledge of our origins we will rediscov-
er what our race came to Earth to accomplish. Identifying the Original Di
vine Objective of the Angelic Human race will enable us to examine
spiritual and mystical creeds more clearly, with an eye toward differenti~
ating between what leads us toward or away from our race's Original Di-
vine Objective,

260 261
. _ . "' I:>~~' ..... , ........... ,.""'6....... ' ..... " ..... "u"" ...... "v,~, .............. K. ..

The Keys to Effective Action Today are held within the Secrets of our Pre. Seeding-3 Urtite-Cloister 798,000 BC
Lemurian-Atlantian origins, through which our race's Origina l Divine Earth, Tara, Gaia and Parallel Systems
Objective and the methoos of its accomplishment are rediscoven!d.
Urtite-Cloister Host Race for Seeding.) 12-Tribes Races
Brcneau Founders Races: Emerald, Gold and Amethyst Order Breneau
Serres-Egyptian (Pleiadian Serres avian-hominid + Se~ing-2 .B~eanoua-Ada-
Emerald Order- Eiohei-Elohim, Gold Order-Seraphei-Scraphim, nian Cloister + Aryan Root Race) + Hebrew (SeedIl~g-2 HlbLru :- .
Amethyst Order Braha-rama Mclchizedek Mixed Cloister) + Seeding.2 UrAntnan-Lamanlan CloIS-
Density5 Primal Light Fields (Dimensions 13-15) ter.
Ante-matter Wave Form, 950 Billion Years Ago The five Palaidia Urtite-Cloistcr Maji Grail Lines
Anuhazi: Elohei-Elohim Feline-Hominid Emerald Order 144,000 (12 Tribes of 12,000) simultaneously seeded on Earth in 7~8,OOO
BC in 24 different subterranean locations (6,000 each) to begm An-
Density-4 Pre-Matter Hydropiasmic Field (Dimensions 10.12) gelic Human 12-Tribes Seeding-3. The later evolu~iona~ cycles of the
Pre-Matter "liquid Light" Form "Chrisms Race" Angelic Human Cloister Races and Root Races, mcludmg t~~ Le-
950 Billion Years Ago Lyra-Aramatena murians, Adantians and Aryans emerged from the five Palaldla Ur-
Azurites 48-Strand DNA Template Angelic Hominid tite-Cloister Races.
Blue-skinned, feline-avian-cetacean hominid three UrtiteT ri-Cloister Races (Indigo T ype.l)
AnuMzi (feline-hominid, Elohei-Elohim Emerald Order) + (Carry combined DNA Templare coding ofUrti~e-Cloister + Shambali +
Bhrama. Mixed-Cloister races t'hat evolved m Inner Earth after the
Cerez (avian-hom inid, Seraphei-Seraphim Gold Order) + 846,800 BC end of 12-Tribcs Seeding.2.)
lnyu (cetacean, Bra-ha-Rama Amethyst Order) Mu'a Urtitc-Cloister (Muarivhia)
Densitiest-4 (Dimensions 1-12)
Keepers of the Blue Flame Eckatic Codes;
Pre-matter, Etheric. Semi-Etheric and Physical Matter Forms
43-48 Strand DNA Templates
250 Bi llion Years Ago All Universal Star Gate locations
Yu Urtite-Cloister
Oraphim 24-48 Strand DNA Template Angelic Human
Keepers of the Gold Flame Polaric Codes;
Azurite of Sirius B + Anuhazi of Lyra-Aramatena.
37-42 Srrand DNA Templates
Densities 2-4 (Dimensions 4-12)
Ur Urtite..ctoister (Urta)
Pre-matter, Etheric Matter, Semi-Etheric Matter Form
568 Million Years Ago Sirius B, Procyon, Orion-Mintaka, Gaia Keepers of the Violet Flame Triadic Codes
Tara, Alcyone, Altair 31-36 Strand DNA Templates
Turaneusiam.l Angelic Human 12-Strand DNA Template- Tara and .2 UrtiteBi-Cloister Races (Indigo Type.2)
Maharajhi 24-48 Strand DNA Template Blue Human Sirius B (Carry combined DNA Template Coding of 2 Urtite-T ri-Cloister Races)
(Maharajhi O raphim-Human + Sirius B Azurite)
% Breanoua Urtite-Cloister (Mu'a + Yu UrtiteTri-Cloister)
Densities 2-3 (Dimensions 4-9) Keepers of the Blue-Gold Flame Eckatic-Polaric Cooes
Etheric Maner, Semi-Echeric Maner Form 28-30 Strand DNA Templates
560 Million Years Ago Tara, Sirius B Rama UrtiteCloister (Yu + Ur Urtite.TriCloister)
Maji C loister Host Race Angelic Humans 12-48 Strand DNA Templates and Keepers of the Gold# Violet Flame Polark-Triadic Codes
Turaneusiam_2 12 Tribes Angelic Human 12-Strand DNA Templates
24/25-27 Snand DNA Templates
Densities }-4, (Dimensions 1-12)
Pre-matter, Etheric. Semi-Etheric, and Physical Matter Form
Seeding- } Ur-Tarranate-Cloister 249,998,000 BC-24,998,OOO BC
Seeding-2 Dagos-Cloister 3,698,000 BC-846,8oo BC
262 263
THE AzURITES, IAFW, ORAPHIM-ANGELIC HUMAN MC About 570 Million years ago, the Angelic Wars between the fallen
PRIESTS OF UR, AND INDIGO CHILD EIEYANI GRAIL'LIN Annu-Elohim Anyu aquatic-apes and Bipedal Dolphin People and fallen Ser-
Throughout the long history of the Founder Race "An. I W .. E aphim Insect, Omicron-Dragan-Moth, Dina and Odedicron-lizard races had
bIlllon~570 ffil11'Ion years ago, the Emerald Order Elohe -EI
toe Ie ars 250
h A h escalated to the point of potentially imploding this Time Matrix. The
FeIme- d G Id
l 5, 0 Order Seraphei-Seraphim Cerez Avian-h
1 01m nu az'
.. d I Breneau Orders of Density-S, with assistance from the Azurites and Emerald
A h M . d Drnml and
Covenant races in the Time Matrix, repaired Star Gates 11 and 12. Able to
et Icn antIS an Amethyst Order Bra-ha-Rama l nyu Cet
p . W' ed h .J acean and implement direct access to our Time Matrix once again, the Density-5
egasal mg - arse--ueer races worked to restore Universal Star G t II
and 12. Following destruction of Lyra-Aramatena and Star Gate.tz es h Breneau Orders intervened, offering the second restatement of the Emerald
Emerald Order Breneau and (heir Elohei-Elohim Feline-homin.d ' t e Covenant, through which members of any of the races could re-enter co-cre-
. ed b hYCo I races Were
appoint y t e anas lIectives from beyond the Time Matrix to se ative, co-evolution agreements.
[h~ Primary U niversal. Templa~ ~ecurity Team in our Time Matri~. Th;V~I: Many of the fallen Seraphim Insect, Drakon-Morh and Lizard races and
hel Emerald Order Felme-hoffilnlds were commissioned to oroan ize and . some of the Annu-Elohim Dolph in People and Anyu Aquatic Ape races
" ad' " . th e Universal Templar Complex
oll r I ~ n nat ions In sec urmg
eo fro FassiSt
II entered this peace treaty. Fallen races entering the Emerald Covenant
Angel.IC Race domini~n, and to i~plemenr genetic Bio~Regenesis P:g:a~~ restatement 570 million years ago agreed to work together under the direc-
to assiSt fallen races In re-evolvmg their original potentials of ascension. tion of the Elohei-Elohim Anuhazi Feline-hominid, Seraphei-Seraphim
U~n request of the Yanas Collectives, the Density-5 Breneau O rders and Cerez Avian-hominid and Aethien Mantis and Bra-ha-Rama Inyu Cetacean
their. ~merald Order Anuhazi Feline-hominids, Gold Order Cerez Avian- and Pegasai Winged-horse-deer races. As per the Emerald C ovenant restate-
homln~ds ~nd Aerhien Mantises and Amethyst Order Inyu Cetaceans and ment 570 million years ago, the Azurites and Emerald Covenant guardian
Pegasal Wmged-~orse-~eer races created the universal service organization races would assist fallen races to reverse-mutate their faltering genetic tem-
called the InterdtmenslOnal Association of Free Worlds- IAFW. plates. In return for this guardian race assistance, regen(" -od fallen races
l~ order to provide greater protection and healing efforts in our Time would assist guardian races to restore the integrity of the Umversal and Inter-
Matnx, Emer~ld Ord~r Elohei-Elohim Anuhazi Feline-hominids, Gold planetary Templar Complexes and bring peace to our Time Matrix. Races
Order Seraphel-Seraphlm Cerez Avian-hominids and Amethyst Order Bra- entering rhe Emerald Covenant restatement agreed to allow the Breneau
ha-Rama Inyu Cetace?ns (forefathers of the Whale and aquatic Dolphin) Orders to incarnate into our Time Matrix by entering another new life fonn
co-creat~ a new guardian-healer race called the Azurites. The Azurites are that would , like the Azurites, carry the genetic imprint of all stellar Founder
a blue~sklllned land~~ater mammal feline~avian hominid, some bearing Races.
feathered ~eads and wmgs, which were created 250 billion yeats ago with This new life form, which would also harbor the consciousness of the
the formation of the IAFW. The Azurite Race, carryi ng the full Spectrum of Breneau Orders and Yanas Ascended Masters Collectives in manifest
the three Founders Race's original core genetic templates or "Asccnsion form, would serve as the embodied. commissioned Keepers of the Univer;
Codes, repr~sented a new "Yani" (meaning "Yanas embodied") race-form sal Templar Complex, assisting all stellar races in fulfilling their potentials
t~rough which the Density-5 Breneau and Yanas Ascended Masters Collec- of ascension and freedom from the Time Matrix. The new guardian race,
tives from beyond ~he Tim.e Matrix could incarnate directly into the density intended to evolve to relieve the Azurite Yani of their long tour in density,
syster:ns. The ~zunte Yam race line was si multaneously seeded into eve would bring the co-creation agreements of the original Emerald Covenant of
DenSIty Level.lIl. our I5-d imensiona l TIme Matrix, placed in galactic an1 Aramatena back into play. The new race was intended to become the next
planetary proximity to the 12 Universal Star Gates of our Universal Tern- generation of the Universal Templar Security Team in our Time Matrix. Cre-
plat Complex. The Azurite Yani race was placed under the guidance of the ation of the new rdce was intended to be a "changing of the guard," through
E~crald O rdcr ~reneau Elohei-Elohim Feline-hominid Uni versal Security which the Azurite Yani could transfer their commission in time to the new
6~~m. The Azunre.s were. appointed by the Yanas and Density-S Brcneau race and ascend out of the TIme Matrix to return to At-One-mcnr with
crs as the A~urltc U hlversal Tcmplar Security Team, commissioned to Source. This new race was created with the intention of embodying and
~rote~t and re.palr th.e structu~l integrity of our Time Matrix and with assist- restoring to the races of our Time Matrix, peace, love and harmonious, coop-
109 ~ I races 10 their evolution to ascension and freedom from the Time erative evolution. like the Azurite Yani, this new biological race would
Mamx. present a genetically perfected fonn through which the consc.iousn~s of a~y
stellar collective could incarnate [Q reclaim the original Itltegnty of I~
Ascension Codes; the new race was called the Turaneusiam or the Angelle
264 265
o - - -l...feanOn OJ me VTapnlm~ j uraneUSlamc, :C
..- - -
Human of Density-Z Tara. The seed race for the Angelic Human was the
with pure white vertical pupils, thin eyelids with fine white eyelashes and
Densities 24 Oraphirn. meaning "Children of the Light" in reference t
their Breneau O rder creators of the Density5 (dimensions 13-14-15) Kee~ no eyebrows.
Ra-ShA Primal Light Fields. Several specialized Oraphim strains are more Feline, Avian or Cetacean
in biological structure. Specialized Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Oraphim
CREATION OF THE ORAPHIM- TURANEVSIAM ANGELIC strains appear as large upright feline~hominids with pure white fur cove r~
ing the body, non-clawed paws and tails; Oraphim felines rese~ble the
HUMAN CHRISTIAC-RISHIC GRAIL LINE white Persian cat species of Earth and they often overshadow thiS earthly
The Oraphim arc a hybrid form of Lyra-Sitius A Anuhazi (Elohei Emer_ feline of their genetic association to interact with Density-l Earth. Special-
ald O rder Feline-Hominid), Sirius B Azurite Yani (Elohei Feline-hominid ized Gold Order Seraphei-Seraph im Oraph im closely resemble the Eagle and
Seraphei Avian-hominid and Bra-ha-Rama Inyu Cetacean) and PJeiadia~ Swan avian species of Earth, having smaller eyes, wings and avian-hominid
Serres (Density.2 Scraphei Avianhominid). The Oraphim were seeded 568 bodies covered with pure white, soft blue-gray or jet black feathers. Spe-
million years ago on Density.) Sirius B. Procyon, Orion-Mintaka and Gaia cialized Amethyst Order Bra-ha-Rama Oraphim are Cetacean, most closely
and Density-2 Sirius B, Pleiadian-Alcyone. Altair and Tara, to begin cre_ resembling the Aquatic Dolphin and Whale species of Earth. Unlike the
ation of the Angelic Human lineage. At the time of their creation 568 mil- Bipedal Dolphin People of the fallen Anu-Elohim, the Oraphim Cetaceans
lion years ago, a specialized group of Oraphim were further hybridized with do not have arms or legs, and though capable of breathing air or water, they
the Azurite Yani race of Sirius B, to create the Azurite-Oraphim "Blue are designed for mobility in fluid, nOt on land.
Human" Maharaji lineage of Sirius B, the progenitors of the Christiac_ The Oraphim Cetaceans are pure white or pale~light-blue in color, and
Maji-Indigo Child Grail Line on Earth. The Sirius B Maharaji Azurite-Ora_ specialize in transmitting the sound tones that hold the scalar-wave temples
phim genetic line became further intertwined with the Turaneusiam Angelic for universal structure in order. The Oraphim Cetaceans created several
Human lineage of Tara 550 million years ago through Bio-Regenesis pro- Dolphin and Whale species on Earth, to serve as their emissari~ in maintain-
grams for the faltering Taran Oraphim-Turaneusiam Human race line. ing Earth's biosphere. The fallen Annu-Elohim Bipedal Dolph~n ~eople hav;
One branch of the Maharaji Azurite-Oraphim human race line of Tara also seeded several strains of Dolphin, Whale and Shark species mra Earths
became the Melchizedek Cloister Priests of UR Grail Line. The Taran MC biosphere, in attempt to gain sonic control over Eart~'s Manifestation Tem-
Priests of Ur Angelic Human Grail Line families became members of the plate. Though it is nearly impossible to detect the ~Ifferences between the
A~ur'ite Universal Templar Security Team and founded the egalitarian Oraphim Cetacean and Annu-Elohim Cetacean Species, there are a few sub-
Priesthood of Ur and the original Azurite Temple of the Melchizedek tle differences observable between them. Oraphim Cetacean strains tend to
Cloister universal service organization on Tara. Anmher branch of the Taran be lighter in skin color, are more vegetarian in diet, prefer war:m~t waters,
Maharaj i Azurite-Oraphim lineage, the Ur-Tarranates, seeded the 12-Tribes are more receptive to human contact, have a more gentle, femtnme mater-
Earth Angelic Human lineage 250-25 million years ago. (For more informa- nal nature and emit higher-pitched sound frequencies than their fallen
tion on Indigo Ch ildren-Maharaji_MC Priest of UR Christiac Grai l Lines, Annu-Elohim Cetacean kin.
see Voyagers Volume 1, 2nd Edition). The original Lyran-Sirian-Pleiadian In their organic state, when they are not intermingling with other race
Oraphim protOtype is a thin, 12-20 feet tall androgynous feline-avian- strains for the purpose of assisting in DNA Bio-Regenesis programs, the Ora-
human land-water mammal "Breatherian" (does not cat; draws nourishment phim Feline-Avian-Cetacean-Humans ~ave full c~nscious power ov~r. phys-
directly from the atmosphere in which it is placed).
ical manifestation and de-manifestanon, allowmg them adaptability to
The original Oraphim have translucent deep tan or powder-white to almost any environment and Density Level in which [hey are pla~ed. The
pale-blue skin, elongated skulls, petite, childlike facial features, six fingers Oraphim can "shape-shift" at will, and their biological forms .are Immorta~
and toes, and no ears or small cat-like ears on the side of the head. Some until they fully transmute out of the Time Matrix. After ascendmg out of th
have small cat-like lips and with a split in the upper lip and a fcline nose, Time Matrix, an Oraphim must rebirth in a new immortal body fo~ to ~ee~
others have small, thin lips with a mild downward dip in the upper lip that ter the Density systems of the Time Matrix. Though they are bl~loglca y
resembles the shape of a tiny bird beak, with a petite human-child-like nose. androgynous and do not have external manifestations of gender d,~el~enc.e,
Some Oraphim have pure white head hair resembling long, soft fur, others the "male" Oraphim form carnes , a stronger eI ' I fi eId and speCla Izes .III
are bald or have soft, white-feathered skulls. All have hairless bodies and
electrical transmission 0 I energy, wh l et e emaI"
'l h "I e Oraphim . fonnI carnes
large, slanted almond~shaped eyes of golden, electric blue or violet hue, ' I' , gnetic reception
a stronger magnetic fi eId an d speCI3 Izes m rna . fi Ids henergy.
like the Azurites, in combining of male-female bio-energetlc e ,t era-
~eeamg tne I Z U Ttlle-v ll":'> l~! , WUIUIU C: UIVI .C.)
- - -l lfe :A.ngelic Ruman Heritage arufRam60w Roun rabl'es; - -
' I hcstnn cd on Earth, as parr of a larger trans-time
ph im h ave th e greatest ability of a ny race in our Time Matrix to transmit and eage was progreSSIve y arc .'
S d M' 'sion of Planetary GuardIanship. .
receive t he freque ncies of t he electromagnetic Primal Life Force Currents in acre ~s_ f I Pala,'dia MaJ'i Grail Line Races have repeatedly Incar-
our Time Matrix. T his energy recept io n-transmission ability makes them bio_ Meoux-rs 0 t le I' k
, ' 'ad - of Seeding-3 Angelic I I1Iman c\'o unon, to eep
ated dUring various pen l> I I' . h"
logically able to perform intensive structural repair of the universal mani- n d M "G '1 L'ne DNA Template potentia a IVC Wit II'
festation template in our Time Matrix, allowing (hem the capacity to fulfill the 12~Strand an aJI ral I .. G 'I L'
H e I The Angelic Human and MaJI r<1I me gene
the ir creation commission as evolving guard ians and Keepers of the Univer_ [he Earth un~an ger poe Earth to enable the Angelic Humans to complete
sal Templar Complex. %~tj~::~nM~!~:nl,~'~\~~ch humanity had been seed~ on Earth to fu lfill.
Oraphim can procreate independently, but prefer procreation through
fusion or coupling of the bio-energetic fields of gender-twin mates. During The Palaidia Maji Grail Line races have befen,~ncan~at~ng" ~~d~;:t~~~::~
E hf he past 100 years; they are re erre to ali t e f h
Oraphim procreation an energetic birth sack is painlessly expelled from the art or [ d 2 ' Th "Indigo Children" refers to the frequencies 0 t e
n avel region of either male or female. The energetic sack contains cellular mat- Types l a n . etenn h 5 D' ' I
, , I "'vc band the lndigo wavelength of te l - Imenslona
ter formed through the combined genetic imprint of the parents, or a replica of 6th~lm ens lon a \ YD ' I ' h h 6 th Strand
M' .. Grail Line Indigo Children are 10m Wit I e -
the singular parent's genetic imprint. O nce the sack is expelled from the body, Spcctrlum, f haJI . 24' 48 Strand DNA Templates activated at birth, whereas
Temp ate 0 t elt - , he . h h e strands
the new incarnating Oraphim soul beings fetal integration. Gestation of the ' H . h 12 Strand DNA Templates arc rn wtt t re
Oraphim birth sack varies, depending upon the environment into wh ich they Ange IIC umans Wit - N S IT: m late allows the D~6
' , d Ac,,'vation of the 6th -D A tram I c P ..
o f 12 activate. d .s wave -
incarnate. T he birth sack is placed within a planetary soil "nesc," then into a . d he D-6 consciousness c laractensttc to 1I
water or fluid env ironment organic to the planer, allowing the incarnating Indigo wavc spectra ~nh' t rhe Indigo Child fetal body. The Palaidia Race
Oraphim to adopt the natural template Structures characteristics to the envi- ;~~~7ict~~:!:~~;il~~:il Line Indigo Chil~ren Typ~~-lsand J~vc. beeci
ronmental system into wh ich it is incarnating. After water or fluid gestation. ro ressive\y incarnating on Earth in preparauon fnr t e ac re 15Slon
the Oraphim embryo rapidly grows to the size of a human child of 8-12 years, ~heglong awaitL-d 2000 -2017 Stellar Activations Cycle.
and emerges from rhe birth sack, fully sent ient, mobile, telepathic and with full
regional spoken language capacity. The Oraphim race is the Seed Race from SEEDING THE 12 URTITE-CLOISTER PALAIDL-\ EMPI,RES ,
' ,I e riddles of contl!lllporary humaOlty:. ortglllS
which the Angelic Human Turancusiam emerged, and represents the state of The secrets to unraveI mg 1 'd' E . of
evolutionary fu lfi llment in time coward which all human races are re-evolving. and heritage lies in rhe ~iSt<ln~ pa~~, ~v~t~I~:I~\~;:i:el.~I~~~:;r,l~v;t;~~:ter
like the Azurite Yani, the Oraphim race has a 2448 Strand DNA Template, Urtite-Cloister races, t roug w IC C l ' !d Races" on page IS) of the
which embodies the full spectrum Ascension Codes through which transmuta- and 7 Root Races (see "Root Races - OIstere , . of the 12#Tribes.
rive ascension out of the TIme Matrix can be achieved. A I' Human lineage emerged to commence Sccdtng-3 d
nge I~ h . 12 Palaidia Empires were constructed simulraneously, un cr-
The Oraphim Seed Race of Tara represents the genetic ancestral heritage Each 0 t e. . . 798 000 Be. T he P"laiJia Empircs were founded . by
from which the Turaneusiam Angelic Human 12~Strand DNA Template ground, begldn nRltlg 10 f I' 25-48 Strand DNA Template Maji Priest~KlOg
emerged 560 million years ago on Density-2 (dimension 4-5-6) Tara. The the five See aces 0 t le I I I U t ' te Cloister
Taran Turaneusiam Angelic Human is the genetic ancestral lineage from Holy Grail Line as its members incarnatd r Houg 1 t le r I ~
, cc ofSeeding-3 (set: l)agc.! 56).
which the "Turaneusiam-2" 12-Tribes Angelic H uman race line was seeded on Ange IIe HlIman H' os R .1 . t d f \I . g rhe
Earth 250~ 2 5 million years ago. Contemporary humanity is part of Angelic The Seeding-3 Urt ite-Cloister Host races wcrc seCl C CO OW lIl , of
I 549 998 000 BC Taran ovenan
Human 12#Tribes Seeding~3; the first 2 seedings of the Angelic Human 12- organizational pattern set by t le , ' I " r d 'n both the Seeding~2
Tribes on Earth were destroyed through progressive infi ltration and warring P alaidor (see page 6) wh i~h was U prevTlolls y uti Ip,ea la~dorian_Cloistcr Host
with Fallen Angelic ("IT') races. I2-Tribes Seeding-) began in 798,(xx)1 BC, Cl . d Seedmg-l r~ arranate h
with introduction of the five Palaidia-Urtite Cloister races, who composed the ~:~~s;eed~~;~.r l~naccordance \~'ith th~ traditiOna~ ,racc-see~:~';I:~~:ca:~i~n~
fi rst 12 simultaneous settlements of the Seeding-3 12-Tribes. The Palaidia 12 Palaid i<l Empi res of the Urwe-Clolste; we;e .~~ded S~~es correspond to
Races are referred to as "Maji Grail Line Angelic Humans," possessing 2448 of the 12 Templar Cue Sites. ~he 12 . emp ar ue Inner Earth, and 0/
Strand DNA Templates characteristic ro the Lyran~Sirian-Oraphim Angelic the 12 Crystal Pylon Temple Signet S~te ~tar Gfa tcsJ . e Earth's 12 Tem~
, ." f nlote <\CtlV'lllll\l (l SllTl'\C .
Human genome. From the five Palaidia Urtite-Cloister Seed Races of serve as the' trigger sites or re, <. ' . h of (he \2 Palaidia Empires

798,(XX) Be, Seeding-) of the 12~ Strand DNA Template Angelic Human lin- plar Signet Sit e star gate opcnmg pomrs. Eac. . ing the fi ve Cloister
fo unded by Un ile-Cloister Race st ralilS carry
were co - 269
- - - -. ''''' ....&....., ...... /lUlI I U ::'Iltugc: U'l lU numoow t(01!natabI.eS ..J 'IU,nvuu , ..... 11".. '''", " " " ' ........ ~H. <;. .... 'LI (,C.LU:;'" ........ .:.J Vj 111111::' L:.U:IUI

~ac.e geneti~ codc;s of ~he 12.~~ibes Angelic Human line, seeded by a Spe- SHAMBALI. BHRAMA. AND ANNU-MELCHIZEDEK
c lahzed Urhte Ttl-ClOister MaJI Holy Grail Line Seed Race. RACES OF INNER EARTH
The two Mixed Cloister races of Inner Earth with which the Urtite.
URTITE- TRI-CWISTER MAIl HOLY GRAIL LINE TriCloister Maji genome is combined are races of the Inner Earth regions
FLAME KEEPERS that received genetic enhancement from the Sirius B Maharaji blue humans
T.he Maji ~oly G ra~l Lines emerging into the Urtite-Cloister lineage of following their ex ile to Inner Earth during the Thousands Years War of
l~.Tnbcs Seedl~g.3 all mca~ated directly fro m the Density-5 Primal Light 846,800 BC (see page 43). Previous {Q this genetic acceleration, Inner Earth
Fields, or the Prllnal Sound Fields from beyond the Time Matrix. The initial Shambali and Bhrama Mixed Cloister races had emerged ioro Inner Earth
Palaidoria Empire Urtite-Cloister Maji Holy Grails were Rishi and from 12-Tribes Seeding-t during the Electric Wars of 5,498,000 BC (see
Ascended Master j'Yanas" consciousness incarnating directly into the page 18). They were originally members of the 12-Strand DNA Template
earth ly d rama. The Unite-Cloister Maji incarnated into specific Tri.Cloistet Christiac Grail Line Angelic Human Cloister race lines of Seeding~ 1. Exiled
body forms carrying the 2448 Strand DNA Template. The Tri.Cloister Shambali and Bhrama races of Seeding.2 integrated ioro their related Inner
genetic code carried the DNA Templates of three Cloister race lines com. Eanh cultures exiled from Seeding- I, then received further genetic accelera-
bin ed, plus that of the Shambali and Bhrama Mixed Cloister Angelic tion from the Maharaji blue human Christiac-Rishic Grail Line race of Sirius
Human lines that had evolved in Inner Earth after the cataclysm of the B. Following this genetic acceleration, which was obtained through consen-
Thousand Yea rs War of 846,000 BC that ended 12-Tribes Seed ing-2 (see sual intermarrying of family lines from Shambali and Bhrama races with
page 43). Each Maji emerged ioro DenSity through one of the three Primary Maharaji blue human family lines residing in Inner Earth, the Mixed Cloister
Founder Race Breneau Collectives, each from one of the three Primal Light Shambali and Bhrama race lines evolved into 24-48 Strand ChristiacRishic
Fields of Density-S (see page 48). DNA Templates. This genetic enhancement allowed them to serve as the
The UrtiteTriCloister Maji Holy Grail Lines that founded the 12 two primary guardian races for the Crystal Pylon Temples, Halls of
Palaidia Empires were incarnate members of the Emerald Order, Gold Order Amenti and the activated star gate system of Inner Earth's Templar; a posi-
and Amethyst Order Yanas Collectives, the "Eieyani" Ascended Masters, tion they still hold today.
from the Primal Sound Fields beyond the Time Matrix. The High Counci l The Shambali are a Melchizedek and Breanoua Mixed Cloister race,
Emerald Order Elohei Elohim uBlue Flame Keepers" Grandeyanas incar- plus Maharaji blue human, and the Bhrama are a Melchizedek and Ur
nated from the &katic Level of the Energy Matrix Primal Sound Fields. The Antrian Mixed Cloister race, plus Maharaji. The Shambali inhabit the clois-
Middle Counci l Gold Order Seraphei-Seraphim HGoid Flame Keepers" tered Shambali.lonian Islands and parts of the Inner Earth Agartha conti-
Wachayanas incarnated from the Polaric Level. and the Base Council Ame~ nent called Shamballah. The Bhtama nacions are concentrated on the
thyst Order Bra- ha-Rama UViolet Flame Keepers" Ramyanas incarnated Agartha cominent, which supports various strains of occasionally conflicting
from the Triadic Level of the Energy Matrix. Each of the first Unite-Tri- races. Presently the Annu.Melchizedek A nunnaki-Human Bio-Regenesis
Cloister Priest-King Lines (both male and female were referred to equally by races, exiled from surface Earth during the Lemurian and Atlantian cata~
the same tide) carried the Eieyani Priest of Ur Ascended Master genetic clysms of 50,000 BC. 28,000 BC and 9558 BC, represent one of the largest
code. Through the Eieyani Priest Maji Unite-Tri-Cloister DNA Template, populations in the Inner Earth territOries of Agartha. Due to the Pleiadian-
the uRainbow Ray Current" could be embodied, for remote activation of Nibiruian Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Legion's recent refusal of the Emerald
the Signet Shields, Signet Plates and Templar Cue Sites of Eanh's Templar. Covenant, many Annu-Melchizedek races of Inner Earth have joined the
The "Rainbow Ray Current" is composed of the Khundaray Current stand- United Intruder Resistance (VIR) campaign of overthrowing Emerald
ing-wave frequencies of the Primal Sound Fields from beyond the Time Covenant races for dominion of the Halls of Amenti star gates and the terri
Matrix, the KeeRaShA Current standing-wave frequencies of the Density- tories of Inner and surface Earth. The Shambali and Bhrama races of Inner
5 Primal Light Fields and the Maharata Current standing-wave frequencies of Earth and the Palaidorians of Tara are the appointed Azurite Universal Tem-
the Density-4, Dimension-12 Pre~matter Hydroplasmic "Liquid-light" C hris- plar Security Team guard ians and Keepers of the Halls of .Ame~ti star gates
cos Fields. and of the natural Universal Star Oates in Density-l (dimensions I -2-3).
The Palaidorians of Tara (see page 6) have held this Azurite Universal ~ecu
rity Contract since the initiation of the Covenant of Palaidor just prtor to
the 549,998,000 BC Taran cataclysm (see page 2). The Shambali and

270 271
J ne I nree rnmary Cl TttW~ In I..AUI~U:'1 IVlUP j ' IUII": l .... ee!JC' llV~J U IUl~ 1.-<1'e
- - -1fie Rngelic FtIDlUin Rentage ana t<ain6ow Roun{1tables
Earth capable of running !he full ~Rainbow Ray Current" to si,:,gle_handedly
Bhrama races of Inner Earth were officially entered into the Palaidorian Cov. the four Density Levels of Earth's 12 Primary Signet Site Star Gates.
enant and Azurite Un iversal Templar Security Team followi ng their genetic open
Th re the only humans on Ear th abl e to indd
IV I uaII y mltlate
. . . remo t e ac('1-
acceleration after the Thousand Years War in 846,800 BC. Since this time vat~~: of 12th Signet Shield. 12th Signet Plate and 12th Templa~ Cue Sile,
the Shambali and Bhrama races of Inner Earth are also referred to as the 12th Signet Set through which all other Signet Sets an~ Earths 12 Tern-
"Paiaidorians," just as their Taran Palaidorian elders.
lar Signet Site star gate open ing points are activated and directed. .
p The Gold Ordcr Seraphei-Seraphim Maji DNA Template embocites the
full spectrum of the Polaric Codes, the Fire Letters c~rresponding to the sec-
KEEPER HOLY GRAIL LINE ond level of individuation from Source, the Polane Level of the Energy
SEED RACES OF THE P AIAIDIA EMPIRES Matrix. Beings with Polaric DNA Templates, such as the Gold O~der
The Emerald Order Elohei-Elohirn Maji DNA Template embodies the Urtite-Cloister Maji, incarnate from the Polaric Level-2 of the Pnmal
full spectrum of rite Eckatic Codes, the electro-ronal patterns, or DNA "Fire Sound Fields; [hey are legitimately considered Level~2 Ascende~ Masters.
Leuen," corresponding to the first level of individuation from Source, the Polaric DNA Coding allows an embodied being to run two-thirds of the
Eckatic Level of the Energy Mmrix. Beings with Eckatic DNA Templates. Khundaray Primal Sound Currents, the Gold-Violet Flame Tone~, and all
such as the Emerald Order Unite-Tri-Cloisler Mali, incarnate from the Eckatic corresponding Primal Creation Currcnts below. through the phys,ca~ body,
Level-I of the Primal Sound Fields; they are legilimalely considered Level-l when the Polaric DNA Codes are activated. The Gold Order Seraphel-Sera-
Ascended Masters. Eckatic DNA Coding allows an embodied being to run phim Maji incarnate through a Tri-Cloister genetic template c~m~d o~ 12-
Ute Full Blue-Gold-Violet j~lamc-Tones" of the Khundaray Primal Sound Tribes Melchizedek Cloister-"yellow" -skinned line, Yunase.u CI01~ter yel-
Currents and all Primal Creation Currents below, through the physical body, low"-skinned line and Hibiru "white"-skinned line, combmed WIth equal
when the Eckatic DNA Codes are activated. The Emerald Order Elohei-Elo- proportions of the Shambali and Bhrama Mixed Clois~cr ge~om~ from th~
him Maji incarnate through a Tri-Cloister genetic lemplale composed of 12- Inner Earth Palaidorian races. The Gold Order Urtlte-Tn-ClOlster ~aJI
Tribes Melchizedek Cloister "white"-skinned line, Breanoua Cloisler "red"- Holy Grail line races of Seeding-3 are called the Yu Seed ~ac~. The Urtlte-
skinned line and Yunaseti "black"-sk inned line, combined with a dominant Tri~Cloister Gold Order Maji Christiac-Rishiac Holy Grall Lmes a~e called
Shambali and recessive Bhrama Mixed C loister genome from the Inner the "Keepers of the Gold Flame-Guardians of the Polaric .C~es."
Earth Palaidorian races. The Emerald Order Urtite-Tri-Cloister Maji Holy The Yu Urtite-Tri-Cloister Maji Christiac-Rishiac Grad L,~e has.a 37~
G rail line races of Seeding-3 are called the Muarivhia seed race, sometimes 42 Strand DNA Template ; like their Palaidia Urtite-Tri-Cl~,ster km the
referred to as the Mu'a. The Urtite-Tri-Cloister Emerald Order Maji Chris M 'a (Muarivhia) the Yu Seed Race in their present incarnations on Earth
tiac-Rishiac Hol1 Grail Lines are called the Keepers of the Blue Flame- Guard- ar: also called Ty~e- l Indigo Children, the Yu are Gold Order MC ~ndigos.
iam of me Eckatic Codes. ,,1 The Muarivhia, or Mu'a Urtite-Tri-Cloister Maji Other than the Mu'a, the Gold Order Yu, and their ascendant race l~nes, ar~
ChristiacRishiac Grail Line has a 43-48 Strand DNA Template; in their the only human races on Earth whose DNA Templates are i~bued Wlt~ 120
present incarnations on Earth, the Mu'a, along with Maji from Yu Seed me of the 144 Universal Signet Master Key Codes correspondmg to U mversal
Race line are called Type-I Indigo Children; me
Mu'a are Emerald Order Star Gates 2 through 11. The 42-Strand DNA TemplatesYu races have 12~
Me Indigos. of the l44 Universal Signet Master Kcy Codes, and 1584 of the 1728 U n:~
The Emerald Order Mu'a, and their ascendant race lines, are the only versal Encryption Key Codes, encoded in their DNA. Other than ~U.3
human races on Earth whose DNA Templates are imbued with the full spec- tace incarnates, individuals of Yu genetic coding are the only hum~n mdt-
trum of 144 U niversal Signet Master Key Codes2 corresponding w Universal viduals on Earth capable of single-handedly opening the four Dens't~ Lev-
Star Gates 1 through 12. The 48-Strand DNA Template Mu'a races have all els of Earth's Primary Signet Site Star Gates 2 through 11. Only. Mu a c~n
144 of the 144 U niversal Signet Master Key Codes, and all 1728 (144 open Universal Star Gates I and 12. Yu incarnates can run two-thirds ~f t e
Encryption Keys per Gate x Gates 1-12) of the 1728 Universal Encryption Rainbow Ray Current to initiate individual remote activation of 11th Signet
Key Codes, encoded in their DNA. Individuals of Mu'a genetic coding, who
have a fully actitlaled 4B,Slrand. DNA Template, are the only individuals on
I ' M .. 'code W'lS referred to as the
J. In ancient Hebrew teachings, the covete d Po 3r1C , all g"netlc '
"Code of the Golden Dawn."
L In ancient Egypr, this coveted Eckatic Maji genetic codt was rt/errtd w as the "Codt of 12 Master Keys per Gate x Gales 2 through 11.
the Blue Nilt." 4.
5. 144 Encryption Keys per Gate x Gates I -II.
2. 12 Master Keys per Gate x 12 Universal Scar Gates. 273
' - - & ... - . ~"'''-'' , ' C: lluH'e UllU J ~Ufl I UUW _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , . ,. ._
-.,. nOllnarames
Shield. II th Signet Plate and 11 th To I .
through which all other Signet Sets bel~P ~rl CucdS'htc; the 11 th Signet Set spectrum of Star Gates I through 12. Yu can open Universal Star Gates 2
Earth's 12 Templar Signet Site sm W , an t e 2nd through 11 th of through 11. Ur incarnates can run one-third o( the Rainbow Ray Current to
directed. Only the Mu'a's 12th.S' r gates open ing points, are activated and initiate individual remote activation of 8 th Signct Shield, 8 th Signet Plate
ed th tgnet et has the and 8th Templar Cue Site; the 8thS ignet Sct through which Signet Sets
r Irect e 11th-Signet Set to which h y power to override and
The Amethyst Order Bra-ha.Ra~a eM~.~r~ entrusted as guardians. below 8, and the 5th through 8th of Earth's 12 Templar Signet Site star gate
(ull speCtrum of the Triadic Codes th ON 1 .NA Template embodies the opening points can be activated and directed. The Mu'a's 12 th~ Signet Sct
the third level of individuation fro:n ~ AI Fl~ Letters corresponding to and the Yu'sl1rh Signet Set, have the power to override and redirect the 8th
Matrix. Beings with Triadic DNA 11 UflCC, tIe uiadic Level of the Energy Signet Set to which the Ur are entrusted as guardians.
U' CI' M cmp ares, such as the Am th O-.l The three Primary Urtite-Tri-Cloister Maji, with a 36-48 Strand Maji
rmc- Dlster aji, incarnate (rom rh 11' do L e yst m er
Sound Fields; they are legitimately consi~ r~\IC I evel#3 of the Primal DNA Template, incarnated as members of the Azurite Universal Templar
Triadic DNA Coding allows an embodi~re . eve #3 Ascended Masters. Security Team, collectively carrying the U niversal Master Signet Key Codes
Khundaray Primal Sound Currents th V' ~1~7 CO run one#third of the to the 12 Star Gates of the Universal Templar in their DNA Templates. The
I sponding Primal Creation Currents 'bel e I~ et h
me Tones, and all corre_
the Triadic DNA Codes are acti t d o~ t roug the physica l body, when
Universal Signet Master Key Codes are the 144 Mast.er Key Codes9 and
the 1728 Encryption Key Codes lO corresponding to the Universal Level of
Maji incarnate through a Tri-CI:~s~e; e ~methyst Order Bra-ha-Rama the 12 Universal Templar Star Gates. The three Primary Urtite~TriC l oiste r
Tr.ibes Melchizedek C loister Hred" _skin~enet~c tem~l?te co~posed of 12- Palaidia Empire Seed Races were entrusted with the power to remotely acti~
, skmned line and Ur~Antrian libra "k. 'doneI ' Hlblru C lOister "White"_
ed vate the 12 Star Gates of the Universal Tcmplar. The Star Gates of the
Bh wn ~s mne ine comb ' ed . h d Universal Templar are the 12 primary Star Universal Star Gates that open
nant rama and recessive Shambali Mixed CI" In Wit a omi-
Earth Palaidorian races The A h 0 Olster genome fro m the Inner vertically between the four Density Levels in our lime Matrix.; the Uni-
Gra il line races of Seed'ing-3 ar~n;~l!~t th~er Urtite-Cloister Maji Holy versal Templar is the Primal Energy-Feed System to which all Galactic, Plan-
referred to as the Ur. The Urtit ~Cl' A Drta seed race, most often etary and Personal Templar complexes arc connected. In founding the
Rishiac Holy Grail Lines are caUed o~st;; methyst Order Maji Christiac# underground cities of the Palaidia Empire in 798,000 BC, the Mu'a (Muar~
ians of the Triadic Codes ,,6 Th U e eUepers of the Violet F1ame~Guard~
ivhia), Yu and Ur (Urta) Uttite-Tri-Cloister Flame Keepers Maji Grail Line
MaJICh . . e rta,or rSeed RaceU t TCI
n stlac-Rishiac Grail Line h 31 36 S r lte- m- Olster Angelic Human Seed Races set up the foundation structures upon which
their kin, the two Seconda Pa I 'd~s ~.~ . tran~ DNA Template. Like Earth's Templar Complex was intended to function throughout 12~Tribes
Holy G rail Line Seed Race; th aSI Ja rtlte-BI-CIOIster Maji Flame Keeper Seed ing~3. They, and their Holy G rail Line ascendants to the present time,
S dR ' e reanoua and Rama Seed R th represent the common seed from which all contemporary humans of Earth
ee ace in their present incarnations Ea h aces, e D r
Children; the Ur are Amethyst Order Me; In'; i o:re called Type~2 Indigo originally emerged before Fallen Angelic corruption of the Angelic Human
The Amethyst Order Ur, and their ascend g . . gene cOde.
human races on Earth other than th M ' ant race hnes, are the only The Mu'a, Yu and U r Seed Races are members of the Azurite Uni ver~
are imbued with 487 ~f the 144 U ,e u t ;.nd Yu, whose DNA Templates sal Templar Security Team embodied in Maji Christiac-Rishic Angelic
sponding to Universal Star Gates ~I;~:~ h l~net Master Key Codes Corre- Human fonn. They carry the genetic potential to run the Rainbow Ray Cur~
plate Ur races have 48 of the 144 Univers;' S: The 36~Strand DNA Tem~ rent, the Universal Primal Light-Sound Currents, into Earth's Templar for
1152 8 of the 1728 Universal Encrypt' Kgnet Master Key Codes, and remote activation of Earth's Star Gates, and the 12 Primary Star Gates of the
DNA. Other than Mu'a and Y . Ion ey Codes, encoded in their Universal Templar. As representatives of the Yanas, Breneau and Founders'
coding are the only human indu .dracci rncaEamates, individua ls of Ur genetic Emerald Covenant, the Emerald, Gold and Amethyst Order Maji have
, IVI ua s on rth c bl f ' I
opemng the four Density Levels of Eanh's P .
through 8. Only Mu'a can ope U'
ap~ eo smg e~handedly
I srtmary Signet Site Star Gates 5
returned to contemporary Earth incarnation as T ypes.1 and 2 Indigo C hil ~
dren. The Indigo Children Types I and 2 have returncd in hope of assisting I
n nlversa tar Gates 1 and 12, and the full the Angelic Human 12~Tribes of Earth to finally fulfill the Sacred Mission
of Planetary Guardianship for which they were originally comm issioned.
6. !.n ancien[ Sumerian culture, the cov eel li " ..
Code of the Violet Sun." er rmdlc MaJI genetic code was referred to as the
8. :!..ME[er.K~YS peKrGate x 4 Universal Slar Gales.
IlCl1pnon eys perGarexGaresl.S. 9. 12 Masler Keys for each of 12 Universal Star Gates.
274 10. 144 Encryption Key Codes for each of 12 Universal Star Gales.
I'IG t ""'U ......... v'~'.1
, - - - -1 /'i! Angelic H uT1'ilfff1"fentdge ana Raiff150w f<ounata6teS~-----~---.",
_ .

. 1440 Universal Encryption Codes corresponding to

THE TwO SECONDARY VRTITE-BI-CLO/STER DNA Template contatOs 10 14 Th 27.Strand DNA Template Rama races
MAlI FLAME KEEPER HOLY GRAIL LINE SEED RACES Universal Star Gates .1. '1Si n:t Master Key Codes, and 1440 of the 1728
have 36 of the 144Untversa g odd th DNA The two Second-
. K Codes enc e to elf .
OF THE PAlAIDIA EMPIRES Universal E~cryp~lon ey.. d it
the Rama and the Breanoua, coUec-
The th ree Primary Urtite-Tri Cloisrer Maji Seed Races were combined to ary Urtite-BI-<?lO.LSter ~a~~S;~ St~~~'oNA Templates, the Galactic Signet
create the two Secondary U rtitc;Bi-Cloister Maji race lines with 2436 tively carry, wlth~n the~ K Codes and Signet Encryption Codes of the
Strand Maji DNA Templates, who serve as members of the Azurite-Amenti Key Codes; the Signet aster ey h 12 Universal Star Gates. The three Pri-
G alactic-Planetary Templar Security Team. The two Secondary Maji Flame GalactiC and Planet~ry Leve~~ of td ~ the Mu'a (Muarivhia) , Yu and Ur,
Keeper Holy Grail Line Seed Races responsible for co-founding the Palaidia mary Urtite.Tri-Clo~ste.r Mall. See 8 ~~~nd DNA Templates, the Universal
Empires of 798,000 Be are the Breanoua and Rama Unite-Bi-Cloister collectively carry, wlthm t~etr 3 ~4 K Codes and Signet Encryption
Seed Races, which emerged simultaneously with the Urtite-TTI-Cloister Maji Signet Key Cod~s; theI SGgnlct. as~rpla~:tary Levels of the 12 Universal
races within the underground Palaidia Empires of 798,000 Be. The Brean- Codes of the Untversa, a actlc an
aua Urtite-Bi-Cloister Maji Race emerged through combining the genomes Star Gates. M .. Ch" R'shic Holy Grail Line
of the Emerald Order Mu'a (Muarivhia) and Gold Order Yu UrtireTri-Clois The five Palaidia UrtiteCloister ) adJ' R nstlafc. Ided the 12 Palaidia
' Y U Breanoua an ama, oun
rer Maji race lines, to form a race line thac would carry the portions of the races, the Mu a, u,~, . uman Seeding-3 in 798,000 BC. The
1728 U niversal Encryption Key Codes characteristic to the Mu'a and Yu Empires that began 12-Tnbes Angeh~H Seed Races through which the nve
races. The Breanoua race lines are known as Keepers of the Blue-Gold Flame, 12 Palaidi~ Empire.. Maji racest~:e ~f;ite.Cloister Empires on surface ~rth
as they can embody and run the Blue and Gold spectrum of the Primal Urtite-CIOIster MaJl Races of d 500000 BC. The nve UrtiteCIOIster
Sound~Light Currents through their DNA Templates. Breanoua races and emerged between 798,000 BC an rl
Earth through the 5 Palaidia
their ascendancy lines have a 28~30 Strand DNA Template, categorizing Empire Maji Races that emergehd on su ace mes as their Palaidia Urtite.
their COntemporary incarnations as Type~2 Indigo Children. T he Breanoua M " 1' arrvt esameracena
Urtite-C IOIster all lOes c . . / Cloister Mu'a (Muarivhia) , Yu, Uf, Breanoua
30~Strand DNA Template is imbued with 36 11 of the 144 Universal Signet Cloister forefathers, the Urt~te. M .. that founded the surface Earth
Master Key Codes for Universal Star Gates 9, 6 and 3. The Breanoua 30- R
d ama.. e Th UrtiteCIOIster aJt races . ' th 144
an. 24 Str<lnd DNA Templates comalOtOg e
Strand DNA Template contains 288 Universal Encryption Key Codes for Urttte EmpIres carry 12 to and 1728 Planetary Encryption Key Codes; t~le
Universal Star Gates 12 and 11 and the 1296 Universal Encryption Codes Planetary M~ter Key C~~es of the Amenti Templar Planetary Secun~
corresponding to Universal Star Gates 1-9; a total of 1584 of 1728 Un iver- Planetary Signet Key . f surface Earth are the Seed Races
sal Encryption Key Codes. 12 The 30~Strand DNA Template Breanoua races Team . The 5 U rtite-Cloister Empires 0 2 I S d DNA Template) and
have 36 of the 144 Universal Signet Master Key Codes, and 1584 of the h h S CI . tRaces (7 to 1 + [ran
through whic t c OIS er 2 S d DNA Template potential) of the con-
1728 Universal Encryption Key Codes, encoded in their DNA. seven Root Races (2-6 + 7;.1 H tran R ces emerged (see page 15) to form
T he Rama Urtite~Bi~Cloiste r Maji Race emerged through combining temporary 12-Tribes Ange IC uman a h race. The nrst 2 Angelic
the genomes of the Gold Order Yu and Amethyst Order Ur (Urta) Urtite the genetic origins of the con.tempor~1.I u7~rneans, evolved on Etheric
TriCloisrer Maji race lines, to form a race line that would carry the portions Human Root Races, the ~o~an~~~~ y~ 5 Root Races of the Seeding3
of the 1728 Universal Encryption Key Codes characteristic to the Yu and Density-3 Gaia. The remamtng .. K~lst~rcanh . -Rishic Holy Grail Line,
H "MaJI tog nsuac M ..
Ur races. The Rama race lines are known as Keepers of the GoldViolet I2-Tribes Ange I IC uman 1 h h the 5 Urtite.Cloister Empire all
Flame. as they can embody and run the Gold and Violet spectrum of the Pri- progressively emerged on Eanh t ::r~m the 798,000 Be Palaidia Empires.
mal Sound-Light Currents through their DNA Templates. Rama races and Races that emerged on surface Em
their ascendancy lines have a 25-27 Strand DNA Template, categorizing
their contemporary incarnations as Type-2 Indigo Children. The Rama 27-
Strand DNA Template is imbued with 3613 of the 144 Universal Signet Mas-
ter Key Codes for Universal Star Gates 10, 7 and 4. The Rama 27-Strand

II. 12 Masle r Keys per Gale x 3 Universal Star Gates.

Keys per Ome x o ates I. lO-144xIO - 1440.
/ 144 Encryption Ke~'S per Gale x Oates 1-9 and 1112- 144 xii-I 584.
v."'" ocr Gate x 3 Univel'S."t1 Star Gates. I 4. 144 Encryption 277
The Angelic Hu man Hentdge anll K 1lffl'b~K OtmaraOles:---------...".... ._ _

THE RIDDLE OF THE uROUNDTABLE"- to planetary and galactic Christos R ealignment. Through Universal Star
Gate#12, the D# 12 "Christos Template" frequencies can be run through the
planetary bodies in a galaxy, to reset the original natural Pre#matter Tem#
Palaidia Empire Geographical Settlements and late or "Divine Blueprint," upon which the galaxy and its planets first
DNA Template#Star Gate Correla tion ~anifested. The Mu'a races of the Palaidia Empires were designated as 12th
The significance of understanding the nature of Palaidia Urtite-Cloister Gate Universal Guardians, and so they were settled in geographical loca#
Races from which contemporary humanity emerged is not only in that we t' ns of Earth that corresponded to Earth's activation and opening sites of
can regain insight into the original majesty and "Divine Nature" of the t~e Universal Star Gate#12 Lyra#Aramatena Gate. T he Mu'a race lines
human genome and the hidden purpose of humanity's Divine Mission that were incarnate members of the GA's D12 Council of Lyra#Aramat~na.
the human genome implies, Through understandi ng the design and purpose The Mu'a races held the Universal Signet Key and Encryption Key
through which the Palaidia Races were seeded also reveals the intrinsic Codes to aU 12 Universal, Galactic and Planetary Star Gates within their
design and hidden purpose behind and within humanity's genetic evolution, DNA Templates, The Mu'a races were thus settled in locations,correspond.
and where within this greater evolutionary design our contemporary human ing to Earth's Star Gate#12, and also in locations corresp?~dmg to ot?er
culture fits, Star Gates of Earth's Templar that were in most need of additlonal secunty.
T he five Palaidia Races were seeded in precise locations o n Earth that The Yu races of the Palaidia Empires carried the Universal Master Key and
corresponded directly to the locations of Earth's 12 Templar Cue Sites (see Encryption Key Codes to Universal, Galactic and Planetary Star Gates 2
page 269), Earth's 12 Templar Cue Sites mark the surface Earth locations of through 11 in their 37-42 Strand DNA Templates. U niversal Star Gate#
the 12 Inner Earth Star Gates and Crystal Pylon Temples, through which 11 is the Density#4, D#11 Pre#matter gate corresponding to Aveyon, Lyra,
the opening of surface Earth's 12 Primary Templar Signet Site star gates the second most powerful Star Gate in the Universal Templar. Members,of
could be manually directed. Not only were the five Pala idia Races distributed the Yu race are incarnates of the GA's D-l1 Council of Aveyon, the, deSIg-
among Earth's 12 Templar Cue Sites, they were distributed with precision. nated 11th Gate Universal Guardians, and thus Yu races were settled In geo-
The DNA Template encoding of each Palaidia Urtite-Cloisrer race directly graphical locations corresponding to Earth's ,S tar Gate#l1 activation and
correlated to the 12 Master Key Codes and 144 Encryption Key Codes of opening points, The Yu races were also settled In other ga~~ areas corr~spond
each Signet Set that corresponded to the Templar Cue Site to which they ing to Star Gates 2 through 11 , that were in ~eed of add~ttonal security, The
were assigned, The Palaiclia Races were settled in geographical areas in Ur (Una) races of the Palaidia Empires carrted the Umversal Master Key
which their DNA Template encoding corresponded directly to the Star and Encryption Codes correspond ing to Universal Star Gates 5 through 8
Gate affiliated with that location. The five races of the Palaidia Empires col# in their 31#36 Strand DNA Templates, and were thus 8th Gate U niversal
lectiveIy carried the 12 Universal Master Key Codes and 144 U niversal G uardians, T he Ur races are incarnate members of the G!\s D8 Council ~f
Encryption Key Codes through which the 12 Planetary, Galactic and Uni# Mintaka.Orion, and were settled in areas of Earth that corresponded to UOI-
versal star gates of our 'TIme Matrix could be brought into remote activa# versal Star Gate-8 and in areas corresponding to Star Gates 5 through 8 that
tion. T he Mu'a (Muarivh ia) races carried the 4348 Strand DNA Templates were in need of additional security,
co rresponding to Universal Star Gates 1 through 12, and were thus The most powerful Universal Star Gates in relation to the operations of
assigned to Earth's Templar Cue Site 12 as Guardians of the 12th Gate. In Planetary, Galactic and U niversal systems in ou~ Ti,me Mar,rix, and thus those
the Primal Order of dimensionalized frequency fields, the highest frequ ency most vulnerable to incursion by Fallen Angeltc mfiitratlOn, are th~ D# 12
fields have the greatest power, and thus the dimension#12 Star Gate# 12 nat Aramatena#Lyra, D.11 Aveyon#Lyra, D#10 Vega#Lyra and D#~ Mmtaka#
urally possesses overriding directional power over the 11 Star Gates below Orion Gates. In addition to these main Universal Star Gates, UnIversal Star
its placement in frequency, The 12th Gate in the U niversal Templar is the Gates 1,2 and 5 are also points of vulnerability, Star Gates 1, 2, 5, .~, 11 an~
freque ncy passage that opens to dimension# 12 of the Density#4 Pre#matter 12 are "Control Gates" in the Universal Templar; they are the Gates 0
"Liquid Light" field, the Universal Chrisros "Divine Blueprint"; the the Middle Pillar," a reality that will be further explained shortly, R~ces such
"Shield of Aramatena" (see Chapter 12) that corresponds ro the coordinates as the Mu, Yu and Ur, Breanoua and Rama races of the Palaidia Emplre~, ~~~
of the Universal Star Gate-12 planet Lyra, A ramatena. carry Universal Templar Security commissions, are always settled Inh ' h
In the Founders plan of creating the D# 12 Christos Realignment within geogrnphical locations of Earth that correspond to the' Star Gates to \wG>C
ed t Contra ate
the four Densities of the Manifestation Templates of Earth, Tara and G aia their DNA Templates are enc ode. d Th ey are a\so assIgn a h A I'
and their surrounding galaxies, Universal Star Gate# 12 holds the final key areas that are in need of additional security. The seedings of t e nge IC
I /~ rn'g':llc l lUIIIWI ne7lU1g~ U'IIU J\U171UUW l\:utlTtutuUle~,---

Human races of Earth were never random occurrences, nor were the hubs of Cycle of the Rounds, Divine Blueprint of Human Evolution,
hum~n . settlements determined by gen eral environmental f h Christos Realignment Mission
prox imity to water and natural food su 1 Th h . actors, sue as The Evolutionary Divine Blueprint of human evolution on Earth was
affiliated with the "hierarchy of needs" f:rPh~mano:rvi~:I~~~~~~~~~e(:~~o.rs designed to accomplish the Founders Planetary Christos Realignmenr
~a~J t; hUffi1an settlement on Earth, it is the location of the Star Gates ~f through a series of races cycles called -rounds. Each Round of human race
rt s cmp ar that have always governed every human seeding a d eset settlement was intended to progressively bring in a cycle of frequencies from
C I ' The significance
be of understanding the DNA J.cmp Iate Sn ~ tar 'Gate- the U niversal Christos Template, the Shield of Aramarena. The Manifesta-
Ofre allons tween [he "ancient" Palaidia Races is not ani . h tion Templates of the Earth-Tara-Gaia body can not be fully corrected to the
through ~o.i~g ~
we can identify the core geographical regions fr~rr::'~i:~ Christos Blueprint all at one time. Manifestation Templates are scalar-stand-
human clvLllzatlOn emerged. The gr~atest importance in understanding the ing#wave grids of interd imensional light and sound frequencies upon which
DNA 't~p late Star Gate CorrelatlOn lies in that through this realization the planetary molecular base builds up into manifestation. The molecular
we can gm to un~erstand the personal and collective roles that contempo~ structure of the planetary body must progressively expand to hold the
~ry humans play In relation to the Founders Christos Realignment M' ~ greater amounts of interdimensional energy that will infuse into the Plane-
slon. We can also begin to realize why the true history of our evolution ~ tary Manifestation Template through the Chrisms Realignment. If too much
~rthdhedas bee.n .saturated with attempts of Fallen Angelic infiltration and frequency is fed into the Planetary Template tOO rapidly, the physical struc~
IOten dominIOn. ture of atoms, molecules and sub-atomic particles will be unable to alter their
~he ancient Urtite#Tri and Bi#Cloister Races that seeded the Palaidia natural vibration rhythm fast enough to keep up with Template accelera-
Emp lre~of 79~,OOO BC represent the genetic heritage from which contem# tion. If an excessive amount of 0-12 frequency from the 0-12 Shield of Ara-
porary u~:ntty emerged. The emergence of contemporary humanity was matena Universal ChristQs Blueprint was brought into the Planetary
: : a~ a~c~ ~n.~.l ~cu~ence that randomly emerged from this previously Manifestation Templates of the Earth-Tara-Gaia system at one time, the
amze a a! !a mptre plan. The evolution of contemporary humanit planetary OOdy would literally explode. The Founders designed the human
has al":ays been an intrinsic part of the Palaidia Empi.re Emerald Covenan~ evolutionary plan with full understanding of these basic principles of Unified
~genda. humans of the present time are as much a part of the Founders Field Physics and Primal Order Creation Mechanics. The Palaidia Unire-
mtend~ Pl~netary Christos Realignment Mission as are the Palaidia races C loister Maji races, as bearers of the greatest amount of frequency through
of ancIent . t~mes. Wha~ was not an intended part of the Palaidia An elic rheir DNA Templates, were seeded first. The Palaidia Urtite-Cloister Maji
Hu~an Dlvme E~olutlOn plan was the degree to which Fallen Angelic rnfil~ presence served to regulate the progressive flow of D#12 frequency into the
tran~n, tnd resultmg ~N~ Template and consciousness mutation, has pro- Planetary Shields of Earth's Manifestation Template and to set the Core
gressIve y occurred wlthm humanity's evolution on Earth. Humanit' Template or "Kathara Grid" of the 0-12 Shield of Aramatena within the
~~;r:~t ~;ai: a~n~s~.
en e
r:gardcin g its. ~ngeHc
Heritage, and
1vme ommlSS1on as the force throu gh which
subseque~~ Planetary Shields of Earth-Tara#Gaia. Next, a series of evolutionary Rounds
would take place, by which Angelic Human races with less sophisticated
:i:ne~ry ~hrist~, Re:~gnment would oceu,. wa, not pa" of the Foundecs DNA Templates, and thus less frequency transmission capacity, would
sequentially cycle on Earth, to slowly and progressively increase the
.~. ~s .Igressl?n 0 uman biology and consciousness was, however, pre#
clse y . t e mrentJon of Fallen Angelic races, who understood thar the amount of frequency broughr into Earth's Planetary Shields from the 0-12
Angelic Humans of Earth were a primary obstacle to fulfillment of their Shield of Aramatena.
plan to rake over the Universal Templar Complex in this Time Mr' Th The Cycle of the Rounds was intended to work in the following manner:
hun~an ev~lurionar~. design of 12#Tribes Seeding#J began witha fiv: ;~:. The Seed Races wirh the highest DNA Template frequency transmission
. MaJ1
d' races that seeded the first 12 P aI'd'a1 13 Emp1res
' ,m capacity were brought in first to anchor the Kathara Grid Template of the
regIons. correspon mg to Earth's 12 Primary Star Gates but this plan d'd t Shield of Aramatena into Earth's Planetary Shields. The energy naturally
stop With the Palaidia Empire races. ' 1 no transduced through their accelerated DNA Templates was progressively
received, stored and released in increments into Earth's Planetary Shields
through the 12 Selenite Rods in the Crystal Pylon Temples of Inner Earth.
When Earth entered a natural Planetary Stellar Activations Cycle (SAC),
the Maji Races would hold the natural configuration of the D#12 Shield of

J ne l"I.Tlgem; nUT/lUll 11~11/..U/:;:C; UIIU I\I.IIIIUIJ\.V l\u ......... ......v<C..)

Aramatena on the planet, serving as a temporary D~ 12 Christos Grid bring in and sustain the D-l2 Christos Blueprint, progressively healing dis-
within the Planetary Shields. Through the Temporary D~ 12 Christos Grid tortions in the Earth-Tara-Gaia Planetary Shields to fulfill the natural Chris-
formed on Earth by the presence of the Maji Races, a quantity of D~ 12 fre~ tOS Realignment of the Earth-Tara~Gaia systems. As each cycle .of human
quency could be re-introduced into Earth's Planetary Shields during every race evolution entered manifestation on Earth, more of the Chnstos Tem-
natural SAC. Through this progressive re-introduction of 0-12 frequency plate would be progressively anchored and integrated into Earth's Manifesta-
into Earth's Planetary Shields, the portions of Earth's Axiatonal Line and tion Template. When the Cycle of the Rounds was completed, and aU
Ley Line systems that had been damaged in the 549,998,000 BC cata~ portions of the 12-Tribes Angelic Human races were i.n position on planet, a
clysm of Tara (see page 2) could be progressively realigned with the Shield final Stellar Activations Cycle would allow the Angelic Human races to fully
of Aramatena Christos Blueprint. The physical bodies of the Maji Races anchor the D-12 Planetary Christos Blueprint in Earth's Template. In com-
served as literal conduits of electromagnetic energy. through which the D~ pletion of the Angelic Human Mission, the D-12 Maharic Shield of Arama.t'
12 Shield of Aramatena frequencies could be held on planet for progressive ena Planetary Chrisros Blueprint would be si multaneously anchored In
planetary grid repair, unt il Earth's grids were repaired sufficiently to hold various interrelated Time Vectors and TIme Cycles of Earth-Tara-Gaia. At
the natural, permanent D~12 Christos Realignment. Originally, aU species this time, the Planetary Shields would fully realign to their natural I?~12
on Earth were seeded to serve as conduits of frequency through which the order, allowing the planet to self-sustain a permanent, natural D-12 Chn stos
Founders D~12 Christos Realignment could be progressively fulfilled in the Alignment.
Earth-Tara-Gaia system. The damage Earth's grids incurred through the When the fu ll frequency spectrum of the 0-12 Sh ield of Aramatena
Taran cataclysm made Earth's Tcmplar Complex unable to naturally with~ Template Christos Blueprint is anchored in Earth's Template "at one ,time,"
stand participation in a SAC. The Earth-Tara-Gaia system would have during a Stellar Act ivation Cycle when the natural planetary, galactic and
I become a Phantom Planet system (see page 166), if it had not been for the
Founders' implementation of the Angelic Human mission. Humanity, and
universal Star Gates open, the Earth-Tara~Gaia Planetary Shields can hold
the full 0-12 Maharata Creation Current. Anchoting of the full D-12 spec-
other species, were seeded on Earth to form a sustaining energetic template trum of the Universal Maharata Current, or Pre-matter "Christos Current"
through which progressive D~12 Christos Realignment and repair of (also sometimes referred to as the "Photon Belt" or "Holographic Beam"),
Earth's Planetary Shields could be rendered over several cycles of the would place the planet within its naturally intended Pla~etary ~aharic Seal.
planet's evolution within the Density~ 1 Ttme Cycle. Manual stimulation of the natural Planetary Mahanc Seal 10 numerous
The design of the Cycle of the Rounds began with seeding of the Palaidia concurrent Time Cycles will allow the planet to regenerate its natural abi~ity
Vrtite-Cloister Maji Races and was then to continue with progressive to self-sustain a permanent D-12 Planetary Christos Alignment. Restoration
emergence of races that carried smaller portions of the Maj i's DNA Tem~ of the planet's natural Christos Alignment will re-establish the "Divine Right
plate. Each race with less sophisticated DNA Templates served to bring in Ordertl of the planet's original galactic poSition and Universal Time Cycle
and hold in Earth's Planetary Shields, specific cycles of sub-frequency from Alignment. Under a planetary D-12 Maharic Seal, the four Densit~es of ~he
the Shield of Aramatena, during points in the planetary Tnne Cycle when Earth-Tara-Gaia system can fully re-connect to the Universal Mamfestatlon
those specific sub-frequencies were needed to ampl ify and "fi ll ou[ the fre- Template of our Time Matrix. Rehabilitation of the Earth-Tara-Gaia PI~~e
quencies," in Earth's Manifestation Template. In the Cycle of the Rounds tary Shields through the Christos Realignment will allow the four Dens.ltle5
design, races with greater genetic sophistication serve to hold in Earth's Plan- of the planetary system to re~connect to the Density-5 Kee-Ra-ShA Primal
etary Shields, the 12 Primary Dimensional Templates of the Shield of Ara~ Light Fields and the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields beyond the Time
matena C hrisms Divine Blueprint. Races with less genetic sophistication Matrix. Through this "Divine Connection," the Planetary Shields of ~rth
serve to hold additional sub-hannonics of the 144 Secondary Dimensional Tara-Gaia can receive perpetual circulation of the "Rainoow Ray" Primal
Sub-frequency Templates of the Christos Blueprint. Once they were fully Creation Currents from Source. Once the natural Density-4, 0-1 2 Planetary
seeded and in position within various interrelated Time Cycles of Earth, Tara Maharic Shield is restored on Earth, Density-3 G aia, Density-2 Tara and
and Gaia, the Angelic Human races were intended to hold and direct, within Density-l Earth will be restored to the status of Ascension PI~nets (see
the Earth-Tara-Ga ia Template, the greatest portions of the 0-12 Shield of page 167), their inherent life-fields capable of attaining full AscensIOn out of
Aramatcna Christos Blueprint frequency spectra. the Time Matrix. f Ea h'
The animal, plant, insect and mineral kingdoms of Earth-Tara-Gaia were Until the Christos Realignment of Earth is completed, m~st 0 .r rt s
Ine-field is trappe d .
m' . h 10
time Wit ' t h" . e of Density manu esta-
e uOite experlenc .
intended to hold the subharmonics of the Christos Blueprint. Together, the
Angelic Human Races and the natural kingdoms of Earth-Tara~Gaia would tion, unable to enjoy the Divinely Given Gift of self_motivated AscenSion
The Angelic Human H ericage and Rainbow Roundcables Four Evolutionary Rounds, Co-Resonant Continuum ...

and its inherent perpetual renewal of Eternal Life and co-creative life experi- Universal Master Key Codes and 144 Universal Encryption Key Codes of
ence. The Angelic Human lineage of Eanh was seeded as an intrinsic part of the 12 Universal Star Gates within their DNA Templates; they anchored
a Divinely Intended Mission of Planetary, Galactic and Universal Rehabilita- the 12 Primary Dimensional Templates of the D-12 Shield of Aramatena
don. This mission was highly organized, beautifully choreographed and within Earth's Planetary Shields. The Second Round was delayed from irs
intrinsically synchronized through the natural cycles of Time in o ur Time originally intended schedule due to warring with Fallen Angelic races and a
Matri x. Time Cycles are repeating cycles of vibrational variance inherent to resulting planetary cataclysm in 208,216 BC. The Third Round of A ngel ic
the Primal Order of the Unified Field of consciousness and energy thar IS our Human evolution took place in 73,000 BC as the five 7~12 + 1 Strand
Time Matrix. Time Cycles govern the Primal Creation Mechanics, or the DNA Template Cloister Races emerged through the five Unite-Cloister
organic physics of manifestation, by which consciousness experiences the races, carrying sub,harmonics of the specifi c DNA Template Star Gate Cor-
worlds of space-time-matter. The design of the Cycle of the Rounds, by relations characteristic to the specific Unite-Cloister Race from which they
which humanity's evolution on Eanh serves the higher purpose of Universal emerged. The Fourth Round of Angelic Human evolution began shortly
Rehabilitation, is built upon the natural contours of Cycles of Universal thereafter, as the five Root Races with 2,6 Strand + dormant 12~Strand
Time. Each phase of humanity's evolution on Earth, including contemporary DNA Templates began their progressive emergence into human incarnation
human civilization, is an intrinsic and necessary part of this greater Univer- in 71,000 BC through their corresponding Cloister race of the five Cloister
sal Rehabilitation and Restoration plan. Races (see page 15).
Each of the four Rounds of the Human Evolutionary Blueprint is
FOUR EVOLUTIONARY ROUNDS, CO RESONANT CONTINUUM designed to bring into Earth's Planetary Shields during specific Time Vectors
ALIGNMENT, TRANS TIME CONNECTION, AND THE CHRISTOS a designated portion of the 0-12 Shield of Aramatena Christos Template. If
the Cycle of the Rounds had proceeded without progressive Fallen A ngelic
interference, the four Rounds of the Angelic Human lineage would have fu lly
The five U rtite-Cloister Maji races that first seeded the Palaidia Empires
anchored the 0-12 Shield of Aramatena and completed the Christos
of 798,000 BC began the current Cycle of the Rounds on Earth. The U rtite-
Realignment Mission on Earth long ago. The Fourth Round of Angelic
Cloister Mu'a, Yu, U r, Breanoua and Rama races, each with their respective
Human evolution is still in progress from a present~day earthly stand-point,
DNA Template Star Gate Correlations, are the seed races from which con-
as two of the five Root Races and one of the five Cloister Races have not
temporary humanity emerged. Through this ancestral genetic affiliation, the
yet entered their birthing cycles on contemporary Earth. In truth, these
humans of contemporary Earth also ho ld the DNA Template Star Gate
"not~yet~manifested" Fourth-Round A ngelic Human race strains already
Correlations inherited th rough the particular Palaidia Empire race from
exist and are evolving within higher frequency Density~2 Tune Vectors of
wh ich their original genetic ancestry emerged. Though we have presently
Eanh, that represent a "future time" Tune Cycle of Density~2 Tara in rela-
lost memory of our greater purpose within the Planetary Christos Realign~
tion to the position of races in contemporary 21st Century Density~ 1 Earth .
ment Mission, our current human races are as imponant as the Palaidia
In the same fashion, the evolutionary Rounds of the Palaidia Urtite~Clois~
Empire races, in fulfi llment of the Founders' Planetary, Galactic and Univer-
ter, Urtite~Cloister, Cloister and "earlier" Root Races are also occurring
sal Rehabilitation plan.
concurrently with contemporary human evolution, in both higher and
The Cycle of the Rounds, through which human evolution was
lower~frequency Density~ 1 Time Vectors of Eanh.
intended to bring about the Christos Realignment on Earth within a specific
The design of the Cycle of the Rounds Angelic Human Evolutionary
quadrant of time, is designed to occur in four phases, or four Rounds. The
Blueprint reflects the reality of physics upon which space-time-matter mani-
First Round of Seeding~3 Human evolution took place with seed ing of the
festation is built; time is simultaneous. Time Cycles represent repeating
five 25~48 Strand DNA Template Palaidia Urtite~Cloister Maji races of
cycles of vibrational variance ensconced within the energetic platform of
the subterranean Palaidia Empires in 798,000 BC, and their subsequent
the Unified Field of consciousness and energy that is the medium within
emergence onto Earth's surface between 750,000 BC and 500,000 BC.
which all manifest creation takes place. The repeating cycles of vibrational
The Second Round took place as the five 12~24 Strand DNA Template
variance that form Time Cycles and their inherent smaller Time Vector
Urtite-Cloistcr Races emerged in 206,000 BC from the five Palaid ia Urtite-
cycles, provide coherent sequences of linear vibrational rhythms for con-
C loister Maj i races into the 12 Unite-Cloister Palaidia Empires, and spread
sciousness to follow in order to engage the manifest experience of linear pas-
across Earth's surface into areas to which their DNA Templates corre-
sage and evolution through time.
sponded . The races of Human Evolution Rounds 1 and 2 carried the 12

284 285
'J'he Angelic Ruman R entage ahd KamboUTJ(ounlltllbles

The Cycle of the Rounds Human Evolution- Christos Realignment Mis- ized by vibrational variance, that cross through each other at fixed points
sion is being fulfilled through the Four Rounds of Angelic I-Iuman Races, when the frequency rhythms that define each cycle reach a temporary state of
the collective carriers of the D-12 Shield of Aramatena Christos Divine vibrational co-resonance (hold the same vibration). Our present moment
Blueprint, being simultaneously seeded in various Time Vectors of the Earth- point emerges as one small point of vibration-oscillation rhythm within the
Tara-Gaia Universal Time Cycle. Through this concurrent, simultaneous greater rhythm of the Time Vector, Continuum and Cycle within which it is
seeding of the Four Rounds, portions of the Christos Blueprint are simulta- placed. When our planet enters a (X>int in its fixed linear Time Vector at
neously entered by their designated races, into the four Densities of the which other Time Vectors cross through our Time Vector, via temporary
Planetary Shields, in their appropriate Time Cycle and energetic coordinate vibrational co-resonance, we have the power to litemlly shift our present
of corresponding vibrational co-resonance. Time Vector alignment inro an alternate linear Tune Vector with a different
The seemingly complex inter-dimensional, inter-time reality of human future "event horizon."
evolutionary design can be simply understood by viewing each of the four If our present moment point ex ists as part of a linear Time Vector cycle in
Rounds of Angelic Human Seeding-) as taking place right now, in space- which undesirable "past" events, serving as the "cause," have their recipro-
time vectors connected to but different from our Earth's contemporary TIme
Vector. In our TIme Vector, Earth has begun the 2000.2017 Stellar Activa-
f cal "effect" manifestation in an undesirable "future" event horizon, we can
change our direction from the present by changing our present vibrational
tion Cycle (SAC), through which the Earth's Templar and Star Gates will rhythm. The present moment is the "Cause"; the past (lower frequency
activate. Activation of Earth's Templar in the present SAC is progressively projection) and future (higher frequency projection) are the "effects" that
creating a temporary blending of Time Vectors between the past, present extend backward and forward in time (simultaneously emerge into lower
and future Time Vectors in which the other Rounds of the C hristos Realign- and higher frequency projection) from the frequency pattern and vibrational
ment are concurrently taking place. rhythm that defines the present moment point.
If contemporary humanity fulfills its intended role as part of the From the present moment we CAN change the influence of the past, as
Christos Realignment Mission Team, by consciously anchoring our portion well as re-define the future. The past is not changed by negating memory of
of the D-12 Shield of A ramatena Christos Field in our Time Vector, the suc- its reality or by invalidating its apparent manifest existence. The "past," pro-
cess of the Christos Realignment can be finally achieved. If we do our part, jected from one present frequency paHern, must be acknowledged and incor-
we will create a link through time, energetically connecting our present porated as part of the present frequency pattern ("past" brought into the
Time Vector to the past and future Time Vectors in which the other evolu- present moment of power). Once the remembered and evidential past is
tionary Rounds are being successfully orchestrated. incorporated into the present moment, the entire frequency pattern in the
Through this Trans-time Connection, our present TIme Vector will present needs to be altered into vibrational co-resonance with the frequency
"phase-lock," or lock inw alignment with, the probable future Tune Vector pattern of the desired future manifestation.
and its corresponding past Time Vectors. in which the Chrisms Realign- There are many complex elements to mastering the skill of projecting
ment, the Emerald Covenant Lyran-Sirian cultural model and humanity's desired outcomes into our personal experiential future. Though each individ-
successful evolution into 12-Strand Angelic Human freedom are already ual does possess the inherent (X>wer to create desired manifest experience,
~ifest. Through doing our part now, we will choose fro m the present, the this personal power is always tempered and directly influenced by the larger
deSired probable future (from our present standpoint ) our race will see man- frequency-field of the Collective Consciousness. In like fashion, the mani-
ifest. In choosing from the present, the path of an enlightened future and festati on powers of both the personal and collective consciousness are
"Destiny of Joy," we will Simultaneously re-align our present Time Vector directly regulated and influenced by the frequency-field of the Planetary
with a more desirable set of past Time Vectors, in which undesirable past TIme Continuum within which personal and collective reality take place.
events will lose their power and influence within our experientially manifest The frequency field that constitutes the Planetary TIme Continuum is cre-
present and future. ated by numerous concurrent Time Vec(Qrs and the collective consciousness
In the realities of the Mechanics of Manifestation, the upoint of power of all manifest kingdoms, from the elemental, plant and animal kingdoms, to
is always in the present." Past and future Time Vectors extend out from the human evolutionary collectives, that exist within each Time Vector. It is
every present moment point as a series of electromagnetic "rays," or inter- due to these greater hidden influences of the Planetary Time Continuum,
connected, cyclic patterns of linear progression with varying rhythms of which operate through the collective sub-conscious and DNA Templates ~f
vibrational oscillation. A Time Cycle, and its inherent Time Continua and incarnate species, that our individual efforts to achieve precise results m
smaller Time Vectors are all fixed, repeating cycles of freq uency character-
286 287
The Angelic Human H eriwge and RainbOw RouMW1Jles' - -
direct manifestation of desired events often fall short of our conscious other periods of past and future. In fu lfiHing our Divinely Intended Mission
expectations. in the present, we will link Earth's present Time Vector to those of SAC's
Shifting a present~momcnt TIme Vector into a different Time Contin~ past and future during which the Angelic Human races of the other three
uum chat has a more desirable future outcome than that of the Time Con- Evolutionary Rounds are also fu lfilling their Divine Mission of anchOring
tinuum of which our present lime Vector is a part, can be achieved from the the D .. 12 Shield of Aramatena Christos Blueprint. In this way we will put
present. But such a Time Continuum shift can be accomplished only within Earth's present Time Vector "on line" with the probable (to us) future in
the natural mechanics of physics that govern the interdependent dynamics which the Christos Realignment has successfully occurred.
of race, planetary, galactic and universal Time Cycles. One cannot simply Through aligning Earth's present Time Vector with future Time Cont in-
choose to shift to a different Time Continuum at any moment-point in timc; uum cycles in which the C hristos Realignment is successful, we can shift our
Time Continuum shifts can be made only in present-moment points within present planetary Time Vector our of its current probable futu re of Fallen
which other TIme Continua interface with the present-moment Time Vec- Angelic- Illuminati Human dominion. We can literally realign the event
ror through vibrational co-resonance. horizon upon which our present is moving into the future with the Time
,I This principle of "Co-resonant Continuum Alignment" applies ro the Cont inuum event horizon in which our probable future of Freedom and Joy
smaller time cycles that govern evolution of an individual through one !ife- is manifest. The concept of Time Shift is simple, but the dynamics of interdi-
I t ime, and also to the larger Planetary Time Cycles that govern a planet's
evolution through the Density Levels of our IS-Dimensional Time Matrix.
mensional physics by which a Planetary Time Continuum Sh ift can tangibly
occur are extremely complex; far beyond the sophistication of present
Stella r Activations Cycles (SACs) are points of planetary, galactic and uni- earthly science. Though the physics of Planetary Time Shift arc complex, the
versal "Co-resonant Continuum Alignment" during which the divergent methods by which humanity can fulfill its intended Fourth Round role in
frequency rhythms characteristic ro various planetary, ga lactic and universal anchoring the frequencies of the D-12 Shield of Aramatena Christos Divine
TIme Continua temporarily come into a state of vibrational co-resonance Blueprint are, thankfully, relatively simple. The methods by which humanity
(simultaneously reach the same vibration-oscillation rhythm). can fulfill its intended Sacred Mission can be found within the Secrets of the
Points of temporary vibrational co-resonance that naturally occur Tribal Shield Rainbow Roundtables.
between various TIme Continua allow the usually separated Time Continua
of various systems ro cross through and open into each other. Star Gates
represent the geographical and spatial coordinates at which the vibrat ional
co-resonance of multiple Time Continua regularly occurs in fixed, repeating
cycles of Co-resonant Continuum A lignment. At point.s in a Time Contin-
uum where Co-resonant Vibrational Alignments occ ur, natural Star Gates
open in the spatial coordinates that mark the points of vibrational co-reso-
nance or continuum cross-through. Star Gates remain open until the vibra-
tional rhythms of the various interfacing Time Continua at the Star Gate
points begin to cycle out of vibrational co-resonance, shifting the various
Time Continua out of Co-resonant Continuum Alignment. Star Gates
close as the various Time Continua move past their vibrationally co-reso- Key to Following Diagram:
nant "cross-over" points, and return to their respective fixed, repeating The Angelic Human Race was created as the Security Team for the
cycles of vibrational variance. SACs are the periods in linear time when Templar Complex Star Gate System in our Time Matrix. The DNA
planetary, galactic and universal Time Continua enter temporary Co-reso- Templates of each Race line carry porrions of the DNA Signet
nant Continuum Alignment; only during SACs can a planetary body be Codes, or Fire Letter Sequences, that correspond to the 12 Primary
shifted from its present Time Vector into a Time Continuum that holds a Star Gates on the Regional, Planetary, Galactic and Universal Lev-
more desirable future outcome. els. The DNA Signet Codes are "Flame Codes," denoting the spe-
If contemporary humanity can fulfi ll its intended Fourth Round role cific primary frequency spectra of the three Primal Creation
within the Christos Realignment Mission during the 2000-2017 SAC, we Currents (Blue-Eckatic, Gold-Polaric, Violet-Triadic) carried in the
will be able to establish a literal, inter-dimensional electromagnetic Trans- DNA Template.
TIme Connection from our present period, [0 the SACs taking place in
288 289
The four Evolutionary Rounds of The four Interrelated Ew lutionary Cycles of 12~Tribes Seeding~3

the Angelic Human Christos Divine Blueprint

The Seed ing-3 12-Tribes Angelic Human Races were seeded on Earth in
Blue Flame Gold Flame Violet Flame four different interconnected Time Cycles. Each of the four Time Cycles
in which the Angelic Human races were seeded represents an evolution-
Mu'a Blue-Gold Yu GoIdNioiel Ur
ary Race Cycle or an "Evolutionary Round" in the "Cycle of the

[ Rounds" Angelic Human Evolutionary Blueprint.
Each of the four Rounds in the Angelic Human "Cycle of the Rounds" is
USGl-12 B USG-2-11 R USG-5-8
commiss ioned to "Anchor" a specific set of interdimensional frequenci es
reanoa amil into Earth's scalar-standing-wave Man ifestat ion T emplace, Earth's Plane-

I' Y Ii
tary Shields, within each of the specific Time Cycles in which the Angelic
Human Evolutionary "Round Cycles" are placed. Each Evolutionary
Round is intended to serve a part in fulfitiing humanity's Divine Commis-
sion, the Sacred Mission of Planetary Guardianship for which Angelic
Humans were seeded on Earth.
2r 22-24 i[:' 16-18
The Angelic Human and Maji Cloister Races of each Evolutionary Round
anchor frequency into Earth's Planetary Shields through the scalar-stand-
GSG 1-12

urn, &;:'
ateanoua GSG-2-11 Ur-Anllian GSG-5-a

ing-wave structures that are an inherent part of [he personal DNA Tem~
plate Core. The DNA Templates of the Angel ic Human Races within
each Evolutionary Round Cycle are bu ilt upon specific scalar-standing-
wave Light-Sound patterns called Fire Letter Sequences.
GSG-l0.7-+4 The Manifestation Templates of all things and systems are built upon spe-
2.e.o cific, fixed organizations of dimensionalited frequency bands. Each di-
Y Ii e IIftJ
mensional band has 12 Fire Letters, or fixed points of consolidated
.. ~~ frequency; each dimensional band represents 1 Fire Letter Sequence or
DNA: /1- 5~ /1-4+\ 12 Fire Letters ( 12 Fire Letters per Dimension x I dimension of manifes-
12 ~ ~ tation '" 12 Fire Letters).
PSG 1-12 BroNlOUa PSG-2-t t Ur-AAtn<ll1 PSG-S-a
. Jhlol tar Cloi ter \Vhen Fire Letter Sequences in a Man ifestation Template arc in natural or-
,.,. O~ der, the frequencies in different dimensional bands can merge with each
7- 12
PSG-l.12+11 The 12 Fire Letter Sequences (144 Fire Letters) inherent to the 12~Strand
+9+6+3 +2 DNA Template of each Angelic Human Race in each Evolutionary

~!t;~ A~~
Round correspond to the 12 Fire Letter Sequences that compose Earth's
Planetary Shields. T he DNA Templates of each Race in each Evolution-
ary Round holds a specific portion of the Fire Letter Sequences corre-
> 0
1 1~
" 0+
7-1 2R
7-12R spond ing to Earth's Planetary Shields.
-1i' As an Angelic Human Race Round evolves on Earth, the correct Fire Le~ter

RSGl-12 Atlantian RSG.'.11 l errurian RSG-S-a

Sequences of the U niversal Christos Divine Blueprint, the D#12 Shield
iH ,, 1
l~ IRecessivel 7_11~ 7~1~
of Aramatena (Earth's 0-12 Pre-matter Liquid-Light Template) transfer
from the Angelic Human DNA Template into Earth's ~lanetary
Shields. This transfer of Fire Letter Sequences, or scalar_standmg- wave
RS~1+12+11 RSG-10+7+4 frequencies, takes place through the Universal Kundalini, Maharata, Kee-
, +2.a.5
Ra~ShA and Khundaray Life Force Currents that run through the human quences into Earth's Planetary Shields during a SAC, the Planetary
body and Planetary Shields. The process of Fire Letter Sequence transfer Christos Realignment Mission will be successfully completed. Comple-
from Angelic Human DNA to Earth's Planetary Shields function s proper- tion of the Planetary Christos Realignment will create a natural "012
ly only if the DNA Template Core carries the correct Fire Letter Se- Planetary Maharic Seal" in Earth's Templar Complex Star Gates, Ley
quences corresponding to the Universal Christos Divine Blueprint Lines and Vortices. A natural Planetary Maharic Seal will return the po-
natural order of the 12 Dimensions of manifestation within the U niversal tent ials of Immortal Life, Star Gate travel and SeIf~Oirected Ascension
IS-Dimensional Scale. to the Angelic Human Races of Earth, while protecting Earth and human-
ity from any further Fallen Angelic infiltration.
ANGELIC HUMANIIT'S ORIGINAL SACRED MISSION . The last SAC occurred on Earth in 208,216 BC during the First Evolution#
-The Divine Commission of the Angelic Human Race, the Sacred Mission ary Round of the Palaidia Urtite~Cloiste r Race 12Tribes. In our
for which we were originally seeded on Eanh, is to correct the Fire Letter present Time Continuum, the Palaidia Races were invaded by Fallen An-
Sequences within Earth's Planetary Shields. wh ich were damaged dur- gelic Drakonian Races from Orion and were unable to successfully com-
ing the "Fall from Tara" 550 million years ago. This Div ine Commission plete their intended Div ine Commission. Earth entered pole shift in
is called the Christos Realignment Mission. 208,2 16 BC, the Palaid ia Empires were destroyed and surviVorS were re-
The four Evolutionary Rounds of the Angelic Human Cycle of the settled to begin the Second Evolutionary Round of the C ycle of rhe
Rounds were seeded simultaneously, each within their own Time Cycle Rounds.
that is synchronized with the others. The Angelic Humans and all other Earth's Planetary Shields have encountered progressively more misalign~
life forms on Earth during each Evolut ionary Round all serve a role in an- ment and corruption since the fai led 208,216 BC SAC. The pattern of
choring a specific portion of the Fire Letter Sequences of Earth's D~ 12 Fallen Angelic Invasion culminating in pole shift that was set during the
Shield of Aramatena Divine Blueprint. last consummated SAC has repeated in each Evolutionary Round since
The Angelic Human race was commissioned as the Guardians of the Plan~ the pattern was set in 208,216 BC !n our T~me S:ontinuu~. 'This Pla~e#
etary Christos R ealignment Mission. The Angelic Human DNA T em- tary Karma pattern is presently set to Earth s gnds as a misaligned sen~s
plate is designed to carry the correct arrangements of Fire Letter of Fire Letter Sequences, which will cause the pattern to repeat agam
Sequences that correspond to the core program of Earth's Planetary clu,ing the 20002017 SAC.
Shields. If Angelic Humans are nO[ present on the planet. and do n Ot su c~ Pole Shift in our present Time Vector can be averted by realigning the cor#
cessfully complete their intended role during SACs, Earth's damaged rected Fire Letter Sequences in Earth's Planetary Shields between
Planetary Shields can not synthesize the infusion of interdimensional 2001.2012. This will enable Earth to shift into Trans Time Alignment
frequenci es from Earth's opening Star Gates. In th is event, Earth's e1ec# with the Time Continuum in which the other three Rounds of the Chris-
tromagnetic fields reverse polarity and the planet enters pole shift during tos Realignm.e~t Mi~ ion are. occurring successf~lly; the ChristOs Re-
a SAC. alignment MISSion Will thus fma lly reach completion.
The Angelic H uman Races of Earth were commissioned to serve as the
"Frequency Transducers" for Star Gate Frequency during SACs; a
41Collective Buffer Blanket" to prevent pole shift on Earth during SACs.
whi le progressively re~se tting the Planetary Christos Divine Blueprint
in Earth's Planetary Shields.
As the Star Gate frequencies of the Universal Life Force Currents run
through the human lxxIy and DNA Template, the DNA Template pro-
gressively sends the corrected Fire Letter Sequences back into Earth's
Planetary Shields. With a critical mass of Angelic Humans transmitting
the corrected Fire Letter Sequences into Earth's Planetary Shields dur#
ing a SAC, Earth's grids will progressively receive the Fire Letter Se-
quences needed for the Planetary Shields to synthesize the Star Gate
frequencies normally.
Infusion of the correct Fire Letter Sequences enables the planet to retain
its natural electromagnetic balances and axis alignment during SACs.
If the Angelic Human races in each of the four Evolutionary Ro unds can
simultaneously fulfill their part in running the correct Fire Letter Se-
292 293
........ " '6~H~' ... " .... , "-"~6"" ......... , ...... vv"' .'''' ... ' .... ......,. .....-.. ~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..", . ._ _ _ __


The 12-Tribes of the four Rounds of the Angelic Human Cycle of the
THE PLANETARY SHIELDS AND 12 SIGNET STAR GATES OF Rounds Evolutionary Divine Blueprint were seeded on earth specifically
THE UNIVERSAL TEMPLAR COMPLEX for the purpose of serving the Sacred Commission of fulfilling the Plane,
tary Christos Realignment Mission.

PLineWy Shitl6s ....

12 Signet Star Gatu
Each of the 12-Tribes in anyone Evolutionary Round was composed of var~
ious combinations of the 5 Primary Races manifest within that Evolution-
ary Round.
The DNA Templates of each of the 12 Tribes were encoded with the DNA
BlIIprri lor ~ at
t.e<. Signet Codes encrypted into the DNA T emplace and each Tribe was seed-
he 4 Densorv a'Od
!2 dinwlsoooI at .. ~
ed on the two primary locations affiliateJ with the Star Gate number to
which [he DNA Signet Codes corresponded.
Though numerous periods of Earth changes have occurred since the Round-
1 Palaidia Unite-Cloister Empires were seeded in 798,000 BC, the 12
Densityl Tribes of each Evolutionary Round were repeatedly resettled in the same
Planeury Shields 0-1-9 geographical regions of Earth that corresponded to the 12 Star Gates of
/:::::'" in Four Malter Density Earth to which the DNA Templates of the Tribes were "frequency keyed."

Density-2 The significance in understanding the Angelic Human Cycle of the Rounds
Evolutionary Blueprint is in that through this understanding we can learn
much about ourselves and our contemporary drama tooay. Contemporary
humanity is pan of the fourth Round of the Cycle of the Rounds. OUf con-
0-1-3 tribution during the 2(X)()-2017 SAC is just as important for the success of
Gail SIIield
the Planetary Christos Realignment Mission as is that of the Angelic Hu-
"""'0' man nations in the other Evolutionary Rounds.
The other Evolutionary Rounds are not a bygone reality of the ancient past;
they are reality now. Time is simultaneous; the other Planetary Time Cy-
Signet Star Gates link 10 cles within which the orhcr Evolutionary Rounds are taking place exist
Planetary Shields <rid to concurrently with our contemporary Planetary Time Cycle, within their
the planel's physical matter
body in <Yeas 01 planelay respective space-time vectors.
geography lIlat correspond The Time Cycles of the paSt and future Evolutionary Rounds are intimately
10 the Signtllocations in interconnected with our present Time Cycle; each Round directly affects
Earth Shield the F'lanetay Shiekls.
Density-! the other.
Signets, or "Star Gate opening points," arc control points for Planetary
Shields. "Gru-AL" Poims, [he center Signet [Xlint in each Shield, is the pri-
mary central contro l point for the Shield.

294 295
12-CYCLES, SIMULTANEOUS INCARNATION, AND DNA Indigo Children Maji Grail Line Angelic Humans with 24-Strand DNA
Templates have 1728 simultaneous selves incarnate in 1728 Time Vec-
- The reality of the Cycle of t he Rounds holds great personal significance as tors in one Planetary 12~Cyde and 3456 simultaneous selves in the
well as unprecedented collective importance. The individuals incarnated Two Planetary 12-Cycles of the Cycle of the Rounds. Maji with 36-
within the other Evolutionary Rounds are simultaneous incarnations of Strand DNA Templates have 2592 selves in 2592 Time Vectors in one
ourselves. Planetary 12-Cycle and 5184 selves in the Two Planetary 12-Cycles. 48~
Strand DNA Template Maji have 3456 selves in one 12-Cycle and 6912
The fac t that we exist here today implies that we also have a personal ex- selves in the two 12-Cycles.
pression of self within each of the other Evolutionary Rounds.
Each of our 1728 Angelic Human selves in their respective Time Vectors
In the Cycle of the Round Blueprint there are four Rounds, each containing is interconnected with each other across time through a shared DNA
three Planetary Time Cycles, for a total of 12 Planetary Time Cycles in
[he Particle Universe. This interwoven set of 12 Planetary Time Cycles
is called a "Planetary lZCycIc." There is a corresponding evolurionary
lZ-Cycle concurrently taking place within the Anti-Particle Universe of
I Template. When activated, the 12-Strands of the 12-Strand DNA T em-
plate serve as "electromagnetic windows" or "Internal Star Gates"
through time. Through the activated 12-Strancl DNA Template, the fre~
quencies of energy and consciousness of each of the 172S selves merge
Parallel Earth. The Cycle of the Rounds Divine Blueprinr includes both into an embodied, unified conscious awareness. Each individual incar-
the Particle and Anti~Particie cycles for a total of "two Planetary 12~Cy~ nate self comes to know itself as an Eternal Christos Avatar Identity that
des" within the Cycle of the Rounds. is simultaneously manifesting in 1728 different Time Vectors, wearing
The pattern of "nvo Planetary 12-Cycles" is the Core Manifestation Tem~ the "costume" of 1728 different bodies and personality characteriza-
plate of the Angelic Human Evolutionary Blueprint. To incarnate in hu- tions.
man fo rm a consciollsness must adopt this Primal O rder of the Angelic The 1728 simultaneous incarnations of the Personal Christos Eternal Idcn~
Human Evolutionary Divine Blueprint. tity represent the "reincarnational" heritage of every 12~Strand Angelic
Every human incarnate is part of a larger "family" of incarnated selves Human being; every human being possesses the dormant imprint of a
called the Personal Christos. The Personal Chrisms is the Eternal Per~ minimum of the 12~Strand Angelic Human design. The tangible reality
sonal Identity that includes 172S simultaneous incarnations, each placed of the Personal Christos is held into manifestation within the Personal
within various space- time locat ions, or Time Vectors, within the four Christos Divine Blueprint; the D~ 12 Pre-matter "Liquid-light" (Hydro-
Rounds of the Cycle of the Rounds. plasm) Maharic Shield.
In each of the four Evolutionary Rounds there are 216 Simultaneously in- The Personal D-12 Chrisms Divine Blueprint Maharic Shield connects
carnate selves, and their anti~partic1e courterparts within the Parallel each Individual Christos self to rhe larger D-12 Chrisms Divine Blueprint
earrh system, for a total of 172S incarnates of the Species. The D-12 Christos Divine Blueprint is called the Tribal
The 1728 simultaneous incarnations of the Eternal Personalldentity are in- Shield.
carnated into the Angelic Human race forms characteristic to the respec~ To understand the realities of personal Spiritual Integration and Actual~
tive Evolutionary Rounds: Round-4: Palaidia Urtite~Cloistcr race. ization, in order to fulfill our personal life purpose, it is important to
Round-3: Urtite-Cloister Race. Round-2: Cloister race. Round-I: Root comprehend the basic Primal Order structures of energy, the personal D~
Races. Each of us have 216 selves incarnate within the Angelic Human 12 Maharic Shield and the D-12 Species Tribal Shields, through which
race lines characteristic to each of the four Evolutionary Rounds. our consciousness manifests in time.
Each of the three Planetary Time Cycles in each of the four Evolutionary The secrets to reclaiming the Divine Birthrights and Responsibilities of
Rounds contains 72 Time Vectors. In one Planetary 12-Cycle there are Angelic Human heritage are hidden within the realities of the Tribal
864 Time Vectors. 2 We each have one incarnate self in each of the 864 Shield and the specific "Fire Letter Sequences" of the T riba l Shield that
Time Vectors of one Planetary 12-Cycle and 864 corresponding selves in manifest within and govern the function of the Angelic Human DNA
the Parallel Earrh Planetary 12-Cycle. An Angelic Human with a 12~ Template.
Strand DNA Template has 1728 simultaneous selves manifest within
1728 Time Vectors of Two Planetary 12-Cycles.

1. 216 selves x 4 Rounds - 864 selves + 864 ami-panicle counterpart selves wLthm the P<lr-
aile! eanh s}'Stem ... 1728 selves.
2. n Time Vectors per Planetary Time C)'Cie x 3 Planetary Time Cycles _ 216 x 4 Rounds
864 Time Vectors.
296 297
The Angelic Human Heritage ana Rainoow Rounata6le",- - , ...... ""~ ... ...... . ,."'.....
~ ~ -v '."" ""',~ __ ~


Spiritual Actualization is as much a function of Divine Physics as it is a The 1Z-dimensional Tribal Shield is the doonant Species Divine Blueprint
product of Divine Consciousness. The natural Primal Order of Universal within the DNA Template core of the Angelic Human races of the four
Structure set S the Templates of Manifestation to which consciousness Evolutionary Rounds. The frequencie s of energy and dimensions of con-
must conform to enter the experience of manifest express ion within a sciousness of the 1728 simultaneous selves of the Personal Eternal Chris-
space-time-matter system. toS Identity can be activated in one incarnation through sequential
The personal Christos Maharic Shield Manifestation Template and the activation of the Fire Letter Sequences or '~Iame Codes" of the Tribal
Christos Tribal Shield Species Manifestation Template are microcosmic Shield.
replicas of the macrocosmic Primal Order upon which Universal and Cos- T he "Flame Code Fire Letters" within the DNA Template are the DNA
mic structure are built. Signet Codes that correspond to Earth's 12 Primary Star Gat.cs and the
The tangible realities of human Spiritual Actualization take place through Planetary Shields through which the planetary body mamfests. The
the Primal Order of the Angelic Human 12#Strand DNA Template. Flame Codes serve as the core foundation of the personall Z-Strand DNA
Each DNA Strand Template holds a specific set of "Internal Star Gates" Template.
that allow for the progressive merging of the consciousness and energy fre- The DNA Template Flame Codes of rhe Tribal Shield allow fo r the Primal
quencies of the 1728 selves incarnate within the Two Planetary 12#Cy# Life Force Currents of the Density-S (dimensions 13- 14-15) Kee#Ra-ShA
cles of the Cycle of the Rounds. Primal Light Fields and the Khunclaray Primal Sound Fields from the
Spiritual Actualization as a reality, rather than as a theoretical concept, Energy Matrix, beyond the IS-Dimensional Time Matrix, to embody
takes place through progressive activation of the dormant 12-Strand more fully within the Angelic Human fonn.
DNA Template. Each DNA Strand Template corresponds to one dimen- A Fire Letter is a fixed point of consolidated frequency that holds specific
sional frequency band, to corresponding levels or dimensions of con- frequencies of consciousness into ma.nifest for~n. The Ma~ifcstati~n ~em
scious awareness and to a specific set of incarnations within the Cycle plates or Divine Blueprints of all thmgs mamfest are bUIlt upon mtrlcate
of the Rounds. Spiritual Actualization is accomplished when the lZ- patterns of interwoven Fire Letters called Fire Letter Sequences. T~e
Strand DNA Template " Internal Star Gates" have fully opened. allow- Flame Codes of the Angelic Human personal DNA Template and SpeCIes
ing the 12 dimensions of conscious awareness of the Eternal Petsonal Triba l Sh ield are composed of the same Fire Letter Sequences that make
Christos Identity to merge and unify within a singular embodiment, across up the Divine Blueprint of Earth's Planetary Shields.
the fie lds of time. Activation of the Tribal Shield sets in motion simultaneous "fi ring" or acti-
The key to Spiritual Actualization is activation of the dormant personal vation of the 144 Fire Letters (12 Fire Letter Sequences) of me 12-
IZ-Strand DNA Template. Thc most rapid means of acti vating the dor- Strand DNA Template, expediting the natural evolutionary process of
mant Angel ic Human i2-Strand DNA Template is through activation of Soul Over-Soul and Christos Avatar Identity Integration, through pro-
the Tribal Shield, the Species D-12 Chrisms Divine Blueprint, which gressively opening rhe "Trans-time DNA Template Star Gates."
represents the core programming of the personal D-IZ Maharic Shield .
Activating the 12-S[rand DNA Template allows the I?-IZ fr~~ency of the
Universal "Christos" Maharata Current to activate withm and run
through [he Angelic Human DNA Template and int? t~e Earth's Plane-
tary Shields. Activation of the Maharata C~rrent wlth.tn groups of An-
gelic Humans on Earth allows for collective anchormg of the D-12
Planctary Christos Divine .Blueprjnt~ t~e Shield of A~a~atcna, to
achieve fulfillment of Angehc Humamty s Sacred Commission of the
Planetary Christos Realignment Mission.

The Angelic Human Herirage ana RainbowRounzttames- - - - - - - - -, .......____J rIC Ju.;)I.C."~ " ..::ur ... V) ..... ~ .... ..-~ ......... ~ .... - ..IS ........ ........... _ _ "" .................... . "


1. Tribal Shield Activation: Activating the 144 Fire Leners of the Tribal
2. Emerald and Amethyst Awakening 2 Masters Kundalini Activations: Re-
FIGURE 1. n,e MorpllOgeuetic Field Scalar-Wave Template
for t/le Original HIIII/all Gel/orne leasi ng key Fire Codes between the DNA Strand Templates to allow for
expedited DNA St rand Braiding.
). DNA Template Bio-Regenesis: Progressive use of internally directed DNA
Mahuic Shield Template Bio-Regenesis technologies for progressive purging of Strand
Teilurlc Shield Template mutations, restoration of the natural D-12 Christos Divine
Nada Hova Body Blueprint of the l2-Strand DNA Template and expedited, accelerated ac-
Incamale ldenbly tivation of the DNA Strand Template Base CcxIes and Acceleration
Olakras 1-3
4. Master Key Codes: Use of the personal scalar-wave-guide Symbol Code Pro-
grams that correspond directly to the core programming of the personal D-
1 Maharic Shield for further sequential expedition of Strand T emplare
5.Mclchizedek Cloister Level-) Regent Ordination: Transmission of the Kee-
Ra-ShA Primal Light and Khundaray Primal Sound Field "Rainbow Ray
Current" directly into the personal DNA Template via direct Chakra
,. Induction. Sufficient Rainbow Ray frequencies to provide a level-) Re-
gent Ordination can be transmitted by a Melchizcdek Cloister level-S EI...
der Consummate or Lcvel-6 Eckar Indigo Child-Type-! Maji Grail Line
Angelic Humans, who have the frequencies of the Primal Creation Cur-
rents integrated into their DNA Template from birth. Expedites all of the
above while providing additional bio-energetic field support for more
stable cycles of DNA Template activation.


Selcha Hova Body
Through progressive activation of the 12 . . Strand DNA Template the DNA
Over-Soulldenbty "Internal Star Gates" between the 1728 simultaneously incarnate selves
Olakras 7-9
"""'" F'I= """'"
., of the Personal Eternal Christos ldentity progressively open. Opening of
the Internal Star Gates of the DNA Template allows the I 2.dimensional
12 Base Codes per StrAnd
frequency spectra of the Soul, Over-Soul and Christos Avatar Identity
levels to sequentially and consciously embody within the Angelic Human
12 FIRE CODES between Strands form.
Soul Integration: Activation of DNA Strand Templates 4 . . 6 opens DNA
Star Gates between incarnates in Planetary Times Cycles 1. . 2.3 and 45 . .
(E) Emerald Kundalini Awakening releases Fire Codes 1 & 4. 6. The 6 th -Strand Activated Being possesses 6.dimensional conscious . .
(A) Amethyst Kundalini Awakening releases Fire Codes 7, 10 & 12. ness, is a fully embodied soul, can pass through Universal Star Gates 1. .
6 of Densities 1 and 2 via formation of the 6-dimensional Hallah Phase
(Diagram presents simple conceptualization of DNA Strand Template Merkaba Vehicle and building of dimensions 1. . 6 of the Antahkarana
orientation, not actual geometrical arrangement of wave-form structure and Primal Life Force Current.
observable strand interrelationship.) OverSoul Integration: Activation of DNA Strand Templates 79 opens
DNA Star Gates between incarnates in Planetary Times Cycles 12.3 , 4

300 301
The Angelic HI/man Heritage and Rainbow ROunQta6te"s- - - - - . . . . . .VI.. ...... ,""' ... !.l '1a OUt: It:U r~u/l" ~

5~6 and 7~8~9. The 9th Strand Activated Being possesses 9~dimensiona l If the specific 12 Tribe lineage cannot be determined, individuals can use
consciousness, is a fully embod ied ooe r~s ol(l , can pass through U niversa l the Sound-Symbol Program of"Tribe-13 " the Universal Tribe contain-
Star Gates 1~9 of Densities I, 2 and 3 via formation of the 9-dimensionai ing all 12 . .Trihes, running their Rainbow Ray Curren[ and Triba l Fire
Quatra Phase Merkaba Vehicle and building of dimensions 1~9 of the Letters into the Gru . . AL Point cenrral control point for Earth's Planetary
complete Antahkarana Primal Life Force Current. Shields.
Christos Avatar Integration: Activation of DNA Strand Templates lO~12 T he Tribal Shield is brought into activation through sounding of the com~
opens DNA Star Gates between incarnates in Planetary Times Cycles l~ pound tonal programs that represent the audible sound translation of the
2~3, 456, 7...8-9 and lO~11~12 . The 12th -Strand Activated Being pos- specific frequencies carried in the Tribal Shield DNA Template Fire
sesses l2 . .dimensional consciousness, is a fully embodied Christos Ava . . Letter Sequences.
tar, can pass through Universal Star Gates 1-1 2 of Densities I, 2, 3 and
4 via formation of the 12-dimensional Mahunta Phase Merkaba Vehicle 12 TRIBE NAMES AND SACRED PSONNS
and building of dimensions 10-12 of the Christos Maharata Primal life Th.e origin~l name~ of the Angelic Human 1,2-Tribes were spoken in the
Force Current, capable of full Ascension out of manifest matter density. flrst. o.f five. Chrls~os Lang,uages; the Mu a/Anuhazi language of the
Palaldla Urttte ClOister Mu .a race. ~nuhazi (:'Mu'a") is the original first
REALITI OF THE ROUNDTABLES externally spoken language to our Time matrix, the native tongue of the
-The Planetary Christos Realignment Mission was designed to take place as Emerald Order Breneau and Lyran~Sirian Elohie~Elohim Chris!os
the members of the Angelic Human races in each of the four Evolution- Founders races from Density-S (dimensions 13-14-IS).
ary Rounds joined together during Stellar Activations Cycles (SACs) in Th~ 12~ Tribes names were the audible . . tone translations of the specific
their respective Time Cycles, to run their DNA Template Signet Code Fire Letter Sequences contained within the Tribal Shield DNA Tem~
Fire Letters from their Tribal Shield into Earth's Planetary Shields. plates of each Tribe. The cones of the Tribal names were used to activate
- The groups of Angelic Humans who gather during SACs to run the Rainbow the 1.4~ Fire Letters .of the Tribal Shield in the personal DNA Template,
Ray Primal Life Force Currents and Star Gate Signet Code Fire Letters provldmg the Angeltc Humans races with the ability to consciously reg~
into Earth's Planetary Shields to prevent pole shift are called Signet ulate the activation level of their DNA Templates and Primal Life Force
Councils. The Angelic Human Signet Councils are incarnate members of Currents.
the Azurite Universal Templar Security T eam. - The Sound . .Tone Programs that are used to activate the DNA Template
.The D-12 Shield of Aramatena Planetary Christos Divine Blueprint is re- an~ Primal life Force Currents are called ''The Sacred Psonns." The
ferred to as the "Rainbow Roundtable." Members of the Angelic Human Tribal name was the Master Psonn . In running the Rainbow Roundta-
Signet Councils are called "Rainbow Wearers" and "Regents of the bles, the Signet Counci l Regents bring their Tribal Shield "Flame Codes"

I Rainbow Roundtable." These titles indicate the capacity [Q hold at least into activation by singing rounds of the Sacred Master Psonns.
temporary 12 . .Strand DNA Template activation, which permits the Re The true Angelic Human 12-Tribes names were intentionally changed and
gents [0 run sufficient amounts of the Rainbow Ray Primal Currents [0 re- the knowledge of the Mu'a Anuhazi language strategically concealed on
set the Planetary Christos Divine Blueprint within Earth's Planetary Earth by .Fallen Ang~lic legions and their Illuminati Human hybrid races.
Shields. The taCtiC of deception was used to ensure that the Angelic Humans of
Running of the Planetary Signet Rainbow Roundtables to prevent pole shift Earth would be unable to activate their Tribal Shield DNA T emplate
during SACs is done in the following manner: Flame Codes ro run the Rainbow Roundtables during the 2000-2017 AD
Stellar Activations Cycle, so pole shift and destruction of the Angelic Hu-
1. Activation of the Personal D~12 Maharata Current and Tribal Shield to man race wou ld take place during the 2000-2017 SAC.
run the Rainbow Ray Primal Currents via temporary activation of the
12-Strand DNA T emplate. - This ill- intended agenda can be stopped if Angelic Humans are willing ro
assist Guard ian Nations in running the Rainbow Roundtables between
2. Assembling of Signet Council Regents at various geographical locations to 2002-2012.
conduct "Roundtables," using specific USignet Stands" to collectively
run the Tribal Shield Fire Letters into Earth's Planetary Shields at THE THREE KEY ELEMENTS OF THE CYCLE OF THE ROUNDS
Earth's 12 Star Gate opening points and 12 Gate Activation Sites.
If an indi vidual Regent can determine which of the 12 Angelic Human Key Element- 1: "The 12 Signet Tribes and Races List"
Tribes represents their genetic lineage, they can direct their Rainbow Ray The methods by which we can fulfill our intended part of the Planetary
Current and Tribal Shield Fire Leners directly to the Star Gate and Ac Christos Realignment become apparent through understanding Three
tivation Site to which their DNA Template corresponds.

302 303
The Angelic Human Heritage and RainboW RoWldWbles ' III:: I lltee , '-<:;) L:~ r lLelU.:l VJ U~ V)'l.le UJ Ult;: I \:UUHU,l;

Key Elements of the Cycle of t he Rounds Angelic Human evolution ary K ey Element~2: "The Signet Maps and Keys"
design. TIl(: Cycle o.f the Rou~ds Key ~Iement-l, T he 12 Signet Tribes and Races
E lement~ 1. The 12 Signet Tribes and Races List: The list of Signet An# List, prOVides us With the first necessary tool to discovering the Master
cestral Ascendancy, which reveals the 12 Signet Tribes appointed as Symbol-Color-Tone sequences and Srar Gate Signet Counc il to which
Guardians and "Keepers of the Keys" for each of the 12 Universal Star ou~ personal DNA T empla~e~ and Soul Contracts, are keyed; our original
Gates and their eanhly correspondences. The 12 Signet Tribes and Races TrIbe. Once we have a baSIC Idea of what Palaidia Empire Seed Tribe ou
List traces the genetic lineage of the 5 Palaidia Urtite-Cloister Angelic genetic lineage .(~nd our. reincar~ational lineage as well !) emerged from~
Human Seed Races that founded the 12 Signet Tribes of SCI..'ding#3 up to we can then utilIze the mformatlon contained in Key Element~2 of the
their contemporary race lines. Through revelation of Signet Ancestral Cy~le of the Rounds. Key Element-2 is the Signet Maps and Keys Chart,
Ascendancy, we can identify the original Signet T ribc (rom which our which reveals the Tonal Encoding of each 12 Tribe name the Star
current genetic code originally emerged, and thus we can reclaim the Ga~e-Signet Set assignment of each Tribe, the specific geog~phical lo-
knowledge of the "Signet Council" to which we presently belong. This cations of ~he 12 Templar Signet Site star gate opening points and their
infonnation , recorded on CDT Signet~Plate~12. allows us (0 identify the correspondI ng Templar Cue Site activation Dints. The Signet Maps and
Core Signet Key Codes upon which our personal DNA Templates are !<eys Chan also reveals the Master Symbol (frequency director), in itiat-
bu ilt, so we know to which of the 12 Star Gates our DNA Template is mg. Ma~ter Tone Suffix (frequency activator), the PSOll1lS (primary ronal
II' "Keyed." Identifying which of the 12 Tribes represents our predominant
genetic lineage enables us (0 discover the core 41 Master Symbol-Color~
actIVatIon sequence), Flame Code (frequency selector: Signet Master
Key Code) and Master Colo~ (freque.ncy selector; Signet Encryption Key
I Tone" Keys we need to rapidly initiate accelerated "Fire Letter" ac tiva~ Code) for each of the 12 Tnbes. ThiS data rerresents the 4'Fire Letter'
tion sequences in our dormant 12~DNA Templates. (0 expedite embod~ Frequency Programs to expedite activation 0 the personal DNA Tem-
iment of our personal D~12 Inner Christos "Maharic Shield" Template. plate and the Frequency Keys by which each of the 12 Star Gates and
Signet ~ets are activat~d. Like Key Element-I: The 12 Signet Tyibes and
Progressive embodiment of our Personal D ivine Blueprint, the D-12 Pre; Races List, full translation of Key Element-2: The Signet Maps and Keys
matter Maharic Shield allows us to progressively anain yeal 12th--dimen- Chan, would fill many volumes; the Signet Maps and Keys Chart is
sional "Christ Consciousness. PI rather than fa lse "Christ conscious; drawn from the uBook of Maps and Keys," stored on COT Signet-Platc-
ness." False Christ consciousness teaches us to give spiritual "lip 11. Advanced study of Masters Sacred Physics Mechanics is required be-
service" and "wishful thinking" to the concept of becoming "Christed" fore the full ~y. of knowledgc contained within the Book of Maps and
through worship of false externalized gods. but teaches norhing of the re- Keys can be sufftclently understood and functionatly utilized.
alities of Sacred Science 15~D i mensional Human Anatomy and Ascen-
sion Physics. The Founders' Sacred Science knowledge represents the Du~ to.the progressive difficulties emerging in Earth's 2000-2017 Stellar Ac-
"Keys to the Kingdoms of Heaven/' without which one cannot attain tlvatl~n~ ~ycle (SAC), there is presently no time available to methodi;
genuine Christ Consciousness, Spiritual Mastery or Ascension. cally iO.ltlJte advanced study of Masters Sacred Physics Mechanics; such
Though full translation of (he 12 Signet Tribes and Races List for Seed- study Will be made available to the public If Earth's 2000-2017 Planetary
ing-3 would literally fill thousands of books, a basic analysis of the An- ~hristos Alignmen~ is .successfu l. If the 2000-2017 HBridge Zone Project"
cestral Ascendancy contained in the list, herein, will provide sufficient ( ~ec page 142) and Its mherent Planetary Christos Realignment Mission
data for many of us to trace our Primary DNA Template Signet Coding. (see Chapter 12) are nor successfu l, pole shift before 2017 will be un-
Through the rudimentary but accurate listings provided in this book, avoidable; in this event, the Founders' first priority will be evacuation,
many of us will be able to identify our original Tribe and Primary DNA foHowed by education. The Signet Maps and Keys Chart is a translation
Template Signet Coding, and thus the Star Gate, Signet Set and Master ?f entry ~evel study of the Book of Maps and Keys; it prov ides suffic ient
Symbol.Color~Tones to which our DNA Templates are "frequency mf,?nnatlon by which in~ividuals can reclaim the basic tools through
keyed." In Global Healing Efforts, P lanetary Templar Grid Work and whICh the Planetary Chrlstos Realignment can be achieved during the
actualizing Earth's Christos Realignment, it is essential for us to under; 2000-2017 SAC. Once rhe personal Tribe is identified through the 12
stand the Three Key Elements of the Cycle of the Rounds Angelic Hu- ~ignet Tribes and Races List, and the Signet Maps and Keys correspond-
man Evolutionary Design. Understanding the basic realities of the Cycle m,g to the T r~be are revealed, the final element of the Cycle of the Rounds
of the Rounds wilt determine whether we will be lovingly and tangibly cf~ WIll allow rhls knowledge to used directly for personal and planetary em-
fective or well meaning but unable to fulfill our good intentions, in our powerment. The knowledge offered through the Three Key Elements of
planetary healing endeavors. The First Key Element of the Cycle of the the Cycle of the Rounds represents the Divine Right Empowered Wis;
Rounds is the 12 Signet Tribes and Races List, through which we can dam through which the Bridge Zone Project Time Continuum Shift, the
discern which Star Gate is waiting to receive our personal 44 piece of the Planetary Christos Realignment and the Founders' Emerald Covenant
Christos" to "fill in the frequencies" of its own Divine Christos Blue- Vision of Angelic Human freedom can be actual ized. Key Element~3 is
print, called the URites of the Rainbow Roundtable."

II 304 305
The Angelic Human Heritage and Rainbow Roundtables
Key Element~3: "Rite of the Rainbow Roundtable" TRIBAL SHIELD DYNAMICS 1
Tribal Shield Activation, "Fire Letters" and the DNA Template
Key Element~3 in the Cycle of the Rounds is called the Rite of the Ra in~ The Tribal Shield refers to the core programming of Fire Letters held with-
bow Roundtable (RRT) which is composed of two primary components. ~n the personal DN~.Template. The pcrsonal12-Strand DNA Template
One component of the RRT is referred to as Tribal Shield Activation, the IS c?mposed of specIfic groupings ?f scalar~sta nding~waves, fixed points
second component is called the Signet Stands. Component one of the of light and sound wave frequencies, that represent the blueprint upon
Rite of the RRT, Tribal Shield Activation , is the ancient process of inter~ which the personal DNA, the body's molecular structure and the embod-
nal energy direction by which the Palaidia Unite-Cloister Races con- ied consciousness manifest. All humans have a common Base~12 12-
sciously brought the core coding of their DNA Templates into activation. Str';lnd DNA T emplarej Maji races, such as the contemporary Indigo
Through activation of the Tribal Shield in the DNA Template, the An- Children, have the Base-12 Template and can have up to 48 full DNA
gelic Human lxxly can run the "Rainbow Ray" Primal Kee~Ra~ShA Strand Templates, which activate in synchronization with the Base-12
Light and Khundaray Sound Currents and the D~12 Maharata "Chris~ Template. Each strand of the DNA T emplare is composed of 12 Fire Let~
tos Current" Pre~matter hydroplasmic 4'carrier wave" that is necessary ters. A "Fire Letter" is a fixed point of consolidated scalat-frequency that
for emlxxliment of the 15~dimensions~plus Rainbow Ray Ante-matter is composed of 12 smaller units of frequency called Vector Codes. Each
Currents. Through activation of the Tribal Shield one learns to direct the DNA Strand Template, with its inherent "Base Codes to Acceleration
personal Kundalini Life Force energies into their originally designated co- Codes" and4:'~ctivation Fire Codes" (see "DNA 101" o~ page 478) rep-
ordinates wi thin the four Density Levels of Earth's Planetary Shields, to rese~ts one . Fire Letter Sequence." A 12 Strand DNA Te'l'plate thus
effectively create a Trans~Geographical and Trans~Time Connection carnes: L2 Ftre Letter S~uences (Strands), 144 Fire Letters, and L728
with the other members of the 4'Rainbow Wearers Signet Council" soul Vector Codes. 2 The MaJ I 48 Strand DNA Template carries: 48 Fire Let~
group to wh ich the frequencies carried in your DNA Template are inher- ter Sequences (Strands), 576 Fire Letters,J and 6912 Vector Codes. 4
ently keyed. Activation of the Tribal Shield begins rapid restoration of The 48 ~trand M';lji DNA Template is soph isticated enough to carry the
the natural l2-Strand or higher Angelic Human DNA T emplate, reor~ 144 Un~versal Signet Master Key Codes and 1728 Universal Signet
dering genetic mutations and blockages that have historically plagued our Encryp~lon Key Codes corresponding [Q the 12 Universal Star Gates of
race due to Fallen Angelic manipulation. the UOIversal T emplar Complex in our Time Matrix .
Once the Triba l Shield is activated, the DNA Template "goes on automatic Each of the 12 Angelic Human Tribes carries the same core 12-Strand DNA
pilot," progressively running the appropriate sequences of Strand Acti~ Template, plus whatever additional strand coding characteristic to the
vation in synchronization with. the progressive activation of Earth's Race Cycle or "Round" within which it is manifest. The Base~12 DNA
Planetary Shields as they come out of dormancy during the SAC. In ac- Template, with its 12 Fire Letter Sequences, 144 Fire Letters and 1728
tivation of the personal Tribal Shield, ones becomes a "walking Rainbow Vector, Cod~s, is the personal uDivine Christine Blueprint"; the D~12
Wearer lJ-a biological electromagnetic uanchoring rod" for the D-12 Ma- Maharlc Shield Pre-matter Template through which the full 12..aimen~
harata Chriscos and Rainbow Ray Kee~Ra-ShA and Khundaray Currents. sions of genuine ."Christ C.on scio~ s ness" can emlxxly when the 12-
You witl draw in and transmit only the amount of frequencies your DNA Strand Template IS fully activated. All Angelic Human Tribes emerge
Template is "keyed" co carry, and your natural Spiritual Integration and from the same D~12 Christos Blueprint, but each Tribe has the Fire Let~
Actualization process will naturally unfold under the guidance of your ters in each Strand T.emplate arranged in a different order or sequence.
own D~ 12 Inner Christos 44Avatar" level of consciousness. As a Signet ~h.e DNA Tet~plate IS the electromagnetic blueprint through which spc~
Council Rainbow Wearer, your biological presence progressively be- Clflc frequencies and corresponding dimensions of consciousness are
comes an agent of natural healing, not only for yourself, but also within drawn into manifest embodiment from the Universal Unified Field of en-
any en.vironment into wh ich you may travel. Rite of the RRT component e~y-consciousness i~ our Time Matrix. Variation of DNA Template
two, Signet Stands, reveals the three Primary Positions, or "Stands," for Fire Letter Scquencmg between the 12- Tribes seed races allows each
arranging members of a groue when orchestrating intensive Site Work Tribe to draw and transmit a spec ific arrangement of frequencies and spe-
RRTs in a Planetary Shields Clinic setting. G roups of Rainbow Wearers cific dimensions of consciollsness, into Earth's Planetary Shields. Each of
can amplify and direct the Rainbow Ray Current in the most effective
manner. by. utilizing the geometrical relationships between the electro-
magnetic fie lds generated by DNA Template-activated bodies. Key E le~
memo): The Rites of the RRT is drawn from one of the "Books of P rocess" 1. 12 Fire Letters pe r Strand x 12 Strands.
stored on eDT Signet~plate 12. 2.
12 VeclOr Codes per Fire Letter x 144 Fire Lett.. rs.
12 Fire Letters per Strand x 48 Strands.
4. 12 Vector Codes per Fire Lener x 576 Fire leiters.
S. Contemporary humanity c..'\rries an average of 2.5 10 3.5 DNA Strand Template activa-
tion level.
The Angelic Human Heritage ancfRainoow RounauwteS , . .... - _ ._- - - J'-""- -

the 12 Angelic Human Tribes is designed to enter a specific part of the our personal and collective freedom to have a d irect, immed iate and per-
012 Shield of Aramatena Universal Christos Divine Blueprint into sonal co-creative relationship with Source-God. The Tribal Shields Acti-
Earth's Manifestation T emplatc, in fulfi llment of the Planetary Christos vation teachings show how to activate the appropriate frequencies in our
Realignment Mission (see Chapter 12). The spec ific DNA Template DNA Templates, and where to direct those frequencies into the Planetary
Fire Letter Sequence program unique to each of the 12 Tribes seed races Shields, to anchor the part of the U niversal Christos Blueprint that we
is referred to as the liT rihal Shield." were personally commissioned to deliver when we entered the Angelic
H uman incamational cycle. Activation of the T ribal Sh ield allows us [Q
The DNA Templates of all contemporary h umans originally emerged from work alone or in groups to achieve accelerated personal spiritual devel#
onc of the 12 Tribes, which were composed of various combinations of opmeot and [Q orchestrate effective, remote planetary restoration with
the five Palaidia Urtite~Cloister seed races. When we activate [he T rihal out having to physically visit the locations of Earth's Star Gates and
Shie ld , via our innate Inner Christos Divine Blueprint, thrOuFh using the T emplar Cue Sites. Through Tribal Shield Activation we reclaim the
Master Symbol~Color~Ton es that correspond to our Triba Shield im- ability to remotely activate the 12 Signet Shields and Signet Plates.
prim, we progressively realign the Fire Lener Sequences in our DNA Earth's Star Gates and the Planetary Christos Blueprint.
Templates to their original, organ ic C hrisriac order. Realignment of the
DNA Template with th e innate personal 0-12 Christos Blueprim allows
the l2-Strand DNA Template ro realign distortions, so the Strand T em-
plates can activate in the specific sequence for which they were designed.
Activating our Tribal Shield allows th e "Internal Star Gates" within our
DNA Templates to open, creat ing a direct energetic conduit of frequency,
and bridge of conscious awareness, between our present incarnation and
our Nher simultaneous incarnations that exist now in oth er space-time
vectors of the Cycle of the Rounds. To create the Trans-Time Connec-
tion through which the Planetary Christos Realignment can be fulfilled,
our personal DNA Templates must progressively open to allow the fre#
qucncies from th e other related Time Vectors to emer Earth's present
Time Vector.
The human DNA Template was designed to allow for this Trans-Time Con-
nection frequency bridge. Through activating the proper sequences with-
in our DNA Te~pla te T ribal S hield, we progressively allow the proper
sequences of the Universal D 12 Maharata and Rainbow Ray Currem to
emer our bodies. From our sequentially activated DNA Templates, we
then pass the proper sequences of frequencies from the Universal Chris-
tos Blueprint into Earth's Planetary Shields, resett ing the part of the 0 -12
Shield of Aramatena to which our race cycle is assigned, within Earth's
Manifestation T emplate. The Angelic Human race was designed to fu lfill
this Divine Commission. As we assist th e planet to become "Christcd"
(embody its full 0-12 Chrisms Blueprint), we in turn progressively return
to our originally Christed state, as our personal Christos Blueprint em-
bodies. Through embod iment of our personal Inner Christos Divine Blue-
print, we achieve genuine spiritual actualization and reclaim our
donnant ability to pass through the 12 Universal Star Gate "Ascension
Passages at will, in fu lfillment of our intended Angelic Human mastery
of the space-time-matter experience.
When we use the knowledge gained from Element-I: The 12 Tribes and
Races List. Element-2: The Signet Maps and Keys. with Element-): Rite
of the RRT Tribal Shield Activation, we become empowered Angelic
Humans capable of fulfilling the Planetary Christos R ea lignment Mis#
sion. As empowered Angelic Humans, we reclaim our heritage, our innate
divinity, our ability to love unconditionally and wisely, and we reclaim
J he Atlantlan consPlr~

The Fallen Angelic/ Illuminati Human Anti-ChriStiac Agenda gained a

strongho ld on Earth in 25,500 Be when Nibiruian Mardukc#Anunnaki
(Anunnaki + Omicron Drakonian) seized control ofNibiru and Earth's
D-4 Universal Solar Star Gate-4. in an event known as the "Lucifer R e-
The name IILucifer" comes from a hybrid Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki
Race that emerged through combinin~ the Density-2 N ibiruian Lulitan
The Atlantian Conspiracy and family of the Thoth-Enki-Zephelium (Zeta) Anunnaki lineage with the
Satain family of the Marduke-Anunnaki line and the 0-1 1 Necromiton
Roundtables ("Beetle-reptile) Fallen Seraphim race of Andromeda (most Contempo-
rary "Andromie" channels are these). From this hybridization the Pleia.
dian SamjaseLuciferian Anunnaki and Marcluke-Necromiton-
LONGTERM PROBLEMS AND IMMEDIATE SOLUTIONS Luciferian Anunnaki Races of Sirius B, Nibiru and Alpha and Omega
Centauri emerged. This collective of Anunnaki Races promoting an
Rainbow Roundtables Anti-Christiac dom inion agenda became known h istorically as the "Lu-
The Sacred Science Mechanics by which the Planetary Christos Realign, ciferians," and were occasionally joined by other An unnaki and Illumi-
ment can be fulfiHed have long been hidden within the Legends of King nati Human race lines in their "Quest for the Holy Grail."
Arthur and the "Knights of the Roundtable."
The "Holy Grail" is a term used in reference to the 12 Universal Signet
The If Roundtable" of Arthurian Legend referred to Signet Councils. The Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex, to which the Angelic
word "Signet" refers co "Star Gates," In the ancient knowledge of the Human Race holds the Sacred Comm ission of "Guardian." The "Grail
Palaidia Unite-Clo ister races, the S ignet Counc ils were the specific Quest" began long before Angelic Humans were seeded on Earth and it
groups of Angelic Humans chat assembled to run the corrected Fire Let has been the primary theme of motivation behind all of the Forbidden and
ter Sequences into Earth's Planetary Shields during SACs, to prevent recorded-distorted human history.
pole shift and progressively restore Earth's D-12 ChristOs Divine Blue-
The G rail Quest for Earth's Planetary T emplar Star Gates continued into
print (the Sh ield of Aramatena). Angelic Human 12T ribes Seeding-3, following destruction of Seedings-
The "Roundtable" of Arthurian Legend referred to the " Rainbow Round. I and 2 via Grail Quest Wars with Anunnaki and Drakonian Fallen An-
table" (RRT). T he RRTs are groups of Angelic Humans assembled in the gelic Legions. During the 25,500 Be Lucifer Rebellion, Anunnaki Lu-
4 Evolutionary Rounds who are commissioned to run the "Rainbow ciferi ans gained partial control over Earth's T emplar through a device
Ray" or "Khundaray" Primal Sound Current from beyond the 15Di. called the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal (NDC) Grid, which is still in oper-
mensional Time Matrix, into Earth's Planetary Shields during SACs. ation today and serves a key role in the potential outcome of the 2000-
Running of the Rainbow Ray during SACs enables the planet to retain its 2017 SAC.
natural electromagnetic balances to avert pole shift and restores the or-
In 22,326 BC the Luciferian Anunnaki races decimated guardian races at-
ganic D,12 Planetary Christos Alignment.
tempting to intervene in an event known as the Eieyani Massacre, which
Since the 9558 BC Atlantian Flood, knowledge of the RRTs has been in, took place on the remnants of the Lemurian Continent now known as
tentionally hidden (rom the Angelic Human races of contemporary Earrh, Kauai, Hawaii. In 21,900 BC they collapsed rhe Firmament Hydro.sus.
by Human Illuminati and Fallen Angelic races that desire to create pole pension Fields of Lohas, northeast Atlantis in the Lohas..celtec.Dru.
shift during the long.anticipated 2000.2017 SAC. They hope to use the idee Freeze Out, in an attempt to destroy the Maji A ngelic Human Grail
2000-2017 SAC to finally fulfill their plan of clearing Earth's real estate" Kings in exile there; this event gave us our last major glacial period of
of Angelic Human races to later resettle their hybrid races on Earth, "after 21,900 BC.14,OOO BC. In 20,000 BC they staged the VicherusSa
the dust settles," under a "One World Order" Anti,Christiac Agenda of cheon Invasion of Russia. In 10,500 BC the next phase of the Luciferian
totalitarian exploitation and dominion. dominion plan unfolded in an event called the Luciferian Conquest, at
which time the Adamian Islands of Nohasa and Bruah fell co Annu
Melchizedek Anunnakj,Human hybrid and Fallen Jehovian and Lucifer-
ian Anunnaki control.

310 311
-1 he Atlanrian Lonsplracy ana t(oundtatJtes
The Anti-Christiac Agenda of the Luciferian Anunnaki Races (not aU "D~ 12 Maharic Sealed Channels" can create protection from interdimen_
Anunnaki are in the "Luciferian" category; some run competing dominion sional manipulation of their natural bio-neurological communication
agendas) was formerly mandated in Bruah Atlantis in 9560 Be under lines.
an Agreement called the Luciferian Covenant. The Luciferian Covenant Following their 2668 BC Djoscr Invasion of Egypt, Galactic Federation
is part of 3 competing One World Order dominion agendas collectively continued their previous alliance with the Anunnaki of the Luciferian
referred to as the Atlantian Conspiracy. The Anunnaki Races of the Lu- Covenant, temporarily stealing the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and
ciferian Covenant orchestrated the "Atlantian Flood" in 9558 Be and Tools in 2024 BC. At this time they launched an attempted world do-
the intentional " re~writing" of human history since this time. Forbidden minion assault called the Dead Sea Conquest. beginning with Babylonia
History reveals a long-term plot within which the Anti-Christiac Agen- and Sumerian Cities in the areas of the Dead Sea; the Biblical s[Qries of
das of the Atlantian Conspiracy emerged after the flood into the present the destruction of "Sodom and Gomorrah" referred [Q this event. "God"
day. did NOT destroy these ancicnt cities any morc than "God" orchestrated
The Luciferian Covenant continued after the 9558 Be flood in the 8,900 the scrambling of the languages in the 3470 BC Babble-On Massacre; God
BC "Larsa King" Sumerian Invasion, the 8.400 BC "Scarab King" is NOT a Fallen Angclic-ET.lfMaji Grail King Angelic Human Races
Egyptian Invasion, and the 7,500 BC Knights T cmplar Invasion. The had not retrieved the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and Tools in 2024
infiltration continued with the 5,900 BC Centaurian War, when the BC, the }ehovian and Luciferian Anunnaki Races of the Galactic Fed-
Sirius B Maharaji (Blue Human Guardians) intervened directly with air eration would dominate the world by now.
raids to prevent Drakonian and Ludferian Forces from claiming world do- Since the time of the staged 9558 BC Atlantian flood, human history has
minion. This event is partially documented in the ancient Hindu text of been a progressive advancement of the Atlantian Conspiracy and Lu-
the Mahabharata. ciferian Covenant Anti-Christos Agendas. The stories of Noah, Abra~
In 3,650 BC the Nibiruian Luciferians orchestrated the Mayan Raids, and ham, Moses. the Hyksos Kings and the "3 Christs" are key pieces to the
in 3470 BC the "Babble-On" Massacre was waged, in which Pleiadian- Atlantian Conspiracy drama. At the center of this drama are the Arc of
Nibiruian legions, Galactic Federation and the Annu-Melchizedek Hu- the Covenant Gold Box. its star gate tools and the core objective of the
man Illuminati gained temporary control over the Maji Grail Kings'" Arc ancient Fallen Angelic/llluminati Human Grail Quest.
of the Covenant Gold Box," which contain the "Rod and the Staff" star Competing }ehovian-Anunnaki, Luciferian Anunnaki and Omicron. Od-
gate tools. In conjunction with the Nibiruian-Diodic-Crystal-Grid at edicron and Zephelium (Zeta) Drakonian/Rcptilian Fallen Angelics and
Stonehenge, England, the Arc Tools were used in Babylon to cause tem- their Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Human hybrid race descendants l
porary collapse of Earth's magnetic grids and to set portions of the Fire share one objective--d.ominion of Earth, in order to claim Earth's Halls
Letter Sequences in Earth's Planetary Shields into reverse sequence. of Amenti Star Gates.
Planetary Shield distortions of the 3470 BC "Babble-On" Massacre caused If the Fallen Angelic races can gain dominion of Earth's Halls of Amenti
mutation in the human DNA Template that shortened human life span, Star Gates, they intend to use the Amenti Star Gates to destroy Univer-
blocked Higher Sensory Perception, caused loss of Race Memory and sal Star Gate~ 12 in DcnsityA. Destruction of Universal Star Gate-12
"scrambling" of our original language patterns, which are built upon would effectively seal off from Density~5 Founders Race protection. 11-
DNA Template Fire Letter Sequencing. Our race has been amnesiac, dimensions of our IS-Dimensional Time Matrix. The manifest life field
dying young and "babbling on" in rhetorical conflict ever since. This his- would become "imprisoned in time" for Fallen Angelic exploitation and
torical event was recorded as the Biblical "Tower of Babel" story. dominion, unable to fulfill the natural evolutionary process of ascension.
Following the Babble-On Massacre of 3470 BC, Fallen Angelics selected This is the core motivation behind the Fallen Angelics' continuing Grail
"Chosen Ones," Annu-Melchizedek hybrid descendants, for minimal Quest. Prevention of this Anti-Christos Agenda is the purpose for which
DNA Template repair and implantation, through which the Luciferians the Angelic Human Race was created 560 million years ago .
and competing Jehovian-Anunnaki and Drakonian legions could begin To accomplish their objective of claiming Earth and the Amenti Star Gates,
their progressive infiltration of human spiritual and political systems. Fallen Angelics need to possess the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and
Through the technology of remote "channeling" conducted through un~ star gate tools, and to achieve critical mass population of their hybrid-
natural DNA Template implantation, the "Chosen Ones" have been human races, whose DNA Templatcs carry reverse sequenced. Fire Let-
progressively fed Anunnaki History and distorted patriarchal "War ters. During a Stellar Activations Cycle, the Arc Tools, the ~tI ~l-f.unc
God" spiritual teachings. in a strategic and intentional replacement of tioning Nibiruian-Diodic~Crystal Grid (from 25,500 BC), N ,b,rulan
the Angelic Human heritage. They are once again "channeling" to us
and visiting today as the dominant force in the New Age and UFO
1. Known as the Leviathan Anti-Christiac King lines.
The Atlantian Conspiracy and Roundrables King Arthur and the Knighrs of rhe Roundrable
controlled Solar Star GateA and the false-p lanet Battlestar Nibiru can sey, England. Jesheua and his group of Maji served as a Signet Council, a
be used to create intentional pole shift on Earth to "clear the real estate." group of Angelic Human Maji commissioned to "Run the RRTs" prepar-
- If they can successfully exterminatc Angelic Human Races from Earth, the ing Earth's Planetary Shields for the 2000-2017 SAC.
Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki Races intend to return their "Chosen -The CDT~Plate teachings of these 3 Essene Emerald Covenant Speakers
Ones" Annu-Melchizedek descendant humans to Earth during the SAC. contained the Planetary Templar Mechanics by which the Planetary
The "Chosen Ones" will be used to run critical mass reversed Fire Let~ Christos Realignment could be achieved in the 2000~2017 SAC. These
ter Sequences into Earth's Planetary Shields and the Amenti Star Gates teachings were later stolen, edited and falsified into a Religious Control
in fulfillment of the Anunnaki Anti-Chrisros Grail Quest Agenda. This Dogma in 325 AD. by the Council of Nicaea and the Drakonian Infil-
plan was formalized in the 9560 BC Luciferian Covenant and has been trated Church of Rome; the falsified CDT ~Plate teachings of Jesheua,
progressively unfolding. Since 9560 BC the anticipated date for the Final John and Miriam were interwoven with Annu~Melchizedek Leviathan
Conflict and intended, orchestrated pole shift has been the 2000-2017 King Anunnaki history to create the Canonized Bible.
SAC. Now.
- The Mission of Jesheua, John and Miriam later resumed between 559#608
- Many times throughout the advancement of the Atlantian Conspiracy, AD, when the HQuest for the Holy Grail," the Atlantian Conspiracy
Guardian Races of the Emerald Covenant have repeatedly intervened. and the hunt for the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and star gate tools
Guardians races have kept the Angelic Human and Maji Grail Line cont inued in the drama of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round#
DNA Templates alive within the human gene pool, so Angelic Humans table.
could rise together during the 2000~2017 BC Final Conflict drama, to
fulfill the Christos Realignment Mission and prevent further advance- KING ARTHUR AND THE KNIGHTS OF THE ROUNDTABLE
ment of the Atlantian Conspiracy. - King Arthurus, or "Arthur" was born from a Druidec Maji Grail King lin~
- During the Christ Drama of 12 BC~27 AD the Founders' Emerald Cove~ eage originally from Nohasa and later exiled to Lohas Atlantis. Arthur
nant CDT~Plate teachings were translated by the 3 Maji Grail Line and his selected Signet Council ''Knights'' were commissioned to fulfill
Speakers, Jesheua Melchizedek (aka Jesus Christ), }ohn the Baptist and the 10 AD#27 AD Emerald Covenant Mission that Jesheua,John the Bap#
Miriam. to prepare humanity for the 2000~2017 Final Conflict. tist, Miriam and the Essene Maji were unable to complete due to the Hyk-
- The heart of the 12 BC~27 AD Christ Drama was not only COT-Plate sos-Hassa King raids in the 23 AD Essene Divide. Arthur's legendary
sword "Excalibur" was a battle sword fashioned to hold the Staff star
teachings; Jesheua, John, Miriam and a grouf of Maji Grail Line Angelic gate tool from the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box. which Arthur and
Humans were on a Emerald Covenant Grai Quest Mission to secure Victorous (son of Meridan) retrieved from the Vale of Pcwsey in En-
Earth's Star Gate~ 11 from Anunnaki and Drakonian Race infiltration. gland, where John and Miriam had buried it in 23 AD.
Both Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki Races, and their Annu-
Melchizedek Illuminati descendants seek to claim the Arc of the Cove- - Victorous, son of Meridan, came to be known as "Merlin" Arthur's Vizier
nant Gold Box and star gate tools to take control of Earth's Star Gate~ and court mystic in the Arthur Legends. Victorous' father Meridan was a
11, for use in imploding Universal Star Gate~12 during the 2000~2017 Knights T emplar Annu~Melchizedek Black Arts Occultist, his mother
BC Stellar Activations Cycle. This plan was known since the success of was of a Celtec Maji Grail King line originally from Lohas Atlantis. Vic-
the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion. torous' life and service to King Arthur were overshadowed by the struggle
- Jesheua and his Universal T emplar Security Team intended to use the Arc of "good vs. evil" that existed within his genetic programming.
of the Covenant Gold Box star gate tools ("Rod and Staff') to release - Arthur's wife Guinevere was of a Celtec Ma/i Grail King line originally
Anunnaki Nibiruian Diadic Crystal Grid Crystal control over Earth's from Lohas Atlantis. Guinevere's sister Sa eane, not Guinevere, was the
Tempiar and Solar Star GateA. The mission o{Jesheua, John, Miriam and lover of Arthur's imposter Knight "Sir Lancelot," a Luciferian Knights
the Maj i was intended to prepare the Angelic Humans of Earth to fulfill T emplar sent in to sabotage the Emerald Covenant Mission. Knights
the Christos Realignment Mission during the anticipated 2000~2017 T emplar Annu-Melchizedek taces intentionally distorted true Arthurian
SAC. In 23 AD Jesheua and his Maji were attacked by the Annu- period history. Teachings of the RRTs and Star Gate Signet Councils
Melchizedek Hyksos and Hassa Leviathan King races, in an event called were hidden in occult secret societies of the Knights T emplar. The histor~
the Essene Divide, which rendered them unable to fully complete their ical realities of the Maji Grail King lineage and Arthur's Emerald Cov~
intended journey to the lands previously known as northern Lohas At~ enant Mission were intentionallx "re-wntten Nihiruian Anunnaki
lantis, the location of Earth's Star Gate~ 11. style," romanticizing Victorous ("Mcrlin") and other characters that as-
sisted the Knights T emplar in undermining Arthur's Emerald Covenant
-To protect the Arc of the Covenant Gold &x and star gate tools, John and Mission.
Miriam completed part of the journey to Lohas, burying the Arc of the
Covenant Gold Box and tools in the area now known as the Vale ofPew#

314 315
Tn.e Adantian Compiracy and""Roundtab1es King Arthur and the Knights of the ROImdrable
Throughout the Arthurian drama (559-608) [he Lucifcrian Knights Tern- decimation of the Bruah-Atlantis and Mu'a-Lemuria Maji Grail King
plar Annu-Mclchizcdck Illuminati Human races, under the direction of Amerind lines of North America, in the European quest for the "New
the Galactic Federation and the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki races, World."
quested to steal the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and "Excalibur It was long known among the competing Knights Templar. Jehovian and
Sword" Staff star gate tool from A rthur's guardianship. Arthur and the Ncphedem (Om icron-Drdkonian) Annu-Me lchizedek Illuminati Human
Signet Counci l Knights quested to retrieve the Rod star gate tool and the inner circles that the "New W orld" of America was the Old World of
Star Gate-11 control device called "Signet Shield-II," which had been which Bruah-Atlantis. the location of the central control site "Grn-AL
stolcn from the Essenes by the Hyksos Kings and Knights Templar in the Point" for Earth's Planetary Shields, was once part. The competing quests
23 AD Essene Divide. T he ancient "Quest for the Holy GraiV' or quest for control of Lohas-A tlantis-Star Gate-I I. the Bruah-Atlantis Grn-AL
for control over the Star Gates of Earth's Planetary Tempiar, and the At- , Point and the other Star Gate locations in Earth's T emplar Complex
lamian Conspiracy agendas continued .... have been at the heart of the continual conflict and race hatred and do-
Despite Victorous' ("Merlin's") frequent betrayals of his Emera ld Covenant minion campaigns throughout our recorded human history.
agreements, Arthur, Guinevere and the Knights of the uRainbow The three co mpeting fac tions of A nnu-Melchizedek races, representing the
Roundtable" completed one phase of their Emerald Covenant Mission. Lucifcrian. Jehovian and Drakonian Dominion Agendas. emerged from
They were successful in retrieving the Rod star gate tool and Si~et our ancient prc-Atlantian past, through Lemuria, Atlantis and our early
Shield- II from the Luciferian Knights T empiar Annu-Melchizedck Illu recorded history into the powerful global infrastructure of the contem-
minati Humans. Arthur relocated the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box porary Interior W orld Government Illum inati One World Order Agenda.
with Rod, Staff and Signet Shield-II to their intended destination at the As part of the planned, pre-meditated Atlantian Conspiracy strategy, in
control center for Star Gate-II, in the lands once called Lohas Atlantis.
The authentic Arc of the Covenant Gold Box with its star gate tool con-
1750 AD the Galactic Federation and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Luciferian
Anunnaki races began making remote contact with "Chosen Ones," de-
tents, still remains, under Maji Grail King protection, where Arthur bur- scendants of their respective Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati races, who
ied it in 608. carried the DNA Template implantation al lowing for telepathic rapport
Arthur and his Knights were unable to fulfill the entire Emerald Covenant from their genetic ancesrralline. Aher rising ro covert power in Europe
Mission of disengaging the 25,500 BC Nibirnian Diodic Crystal Grid and various other regions, Ga lactic Federation and the Pleiadian-Ni-
network at Stonehenge. England. to free Solar Star Gate~ fro m remote biruians motivated the American Revolution and the founding of the
Nibiruian Anunnaki control, in preparation for the anticipated 2000.. United States of America via Secret Society Occult School "inspirat ion"
2017 SAC and intended fulfillment of the Planetary Christos Realign- of their Luciferian Knights T emplar Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati rac-
ment Mission. es. This contact progressed from infiltration of ancient traditional reli-
gious control dogmas with the ir "Inner Circle Elite" Occultists, into what
Since King Arthur buried the A rc of the C ovenant Gold Box in 608 AD,
has become the "New Age Channeling Movement." The New Age
the Luciferian Knights Templar, Jehovian and Drakonian Annu-
Movement is primarily dominated by }ehovian-Sirius A. Luciferian-Pleia-
Melchizedek Illuminati Human lines have quested to claim the A rc of the
Covenant Gold Box fro m its restingplace in Lohas Atlantis. T o conceal
dian-Nimruian, Marduke-Necromiwn-Luci!erian-Alpha Centauri and Sirius
B. Luciferian Centaur-Omega Cemauri and some Necromiton-An-
knowledge of the unidentified Lohas-Atlantis location of the Arc Box un-
dromie channel contacts.
til it could be located and confiscated, the Luciferian Knights Templar.
under direction of Galactic Federation. began a crusade to destroy or dis- Following covert surveillance that began in 1916. the Zeta ("Little Grey")
tort any remaining records of Atlantis. Further distortion of historical races began physical interaction with Earth on behalf of the Zephelium
records and intentional "planting" of falsified Atlantian Maps were tac- (reptile-insect) Drakonian Agenda races of Orion. In the 1930s and
tics used to deter competing Illuminati Human forces from retrieving rhe 1940s Illuminati Human Annu-Melchizedek descendants of the Zepheli-
A rc Box, and thus control of Ear~h's T emptar, ~efore the Luciferian urn-Zeta, Omicron-Drakonian ("Dragon-Moths") and Odedicron (Rep-
Kn ights T emplar cou ld stake [heir wrongtul claim. tile-Avian) Drakonian Agenda races of Orion entered One World Order
Dominion Treaties with the Orion Zeta Rigclian races. The Zeta Trea-
After the 608 AD Arthurian Grail Quest, competing Illuminati Human
ties initiated the fo rmation of "Mal'estic-12," which began the "contact
Annu-Melchizedek races progressively rose to positions of political power
phenC?mena" of what has become C le contemporary "UFO Movement."
within the global arena, launching continuing campaigns of disinforma-
In 1983 the Orion Omicron and Odedicron Drakonian Agenda Legio ns
tion. historical distortion. Genocide Crusades against each other and
assumed the leadership role in the Zeta Treaty agreements.
against Angelic Human and Maji Grail King 12-Tribes races. In 1244
AD the Cathars. Maji Grail King families of southern France were de- In the 19305 the Necromiton (Beetle-reptile-insect-hominid ) races of An-
Stroyed by the O micron-Drakonian held Church of Rome in the Albigen- dromeda became involved with certain factions of the Drakonian Illumi-
sian Crusade. Many murderous crusades followed, including the nati Human Interior G overnment, initiating the "Men in Black"

316 317
- -- - -1'lie ;t\rtantian Conspiracy ana RouruIiQljle"', - - - - - - - - f'rogresSfDn oJ Major E'Ve7lt$ In the AtlZimian Conspiracy

phenomenon; some assisti ng the Luciferian Pleiadian-Nibiruian races of Earth in completing the Emerald Covenant Mission that King A rthur.
the Luciferian Covenant. others support ing the Drakonian Agenda races. and Essene Jesheua before him, were unable to fully complete.
In November 1992, the Emerald Covenant Maharaji Blue Human and To prevent pole shift in the 2003-2008 period. the Nibiruian Diodic
Azurite races of Sirius B, the Serres-Plciadian (avian-hominid) races of Crystal Grid ofSronehen ge, England and Earth's Star Gate-1I must be
Alcyone and the Lyran-Sirian Anuhazi (feline-hominid) Founders races re~calibrated using early activation of D-6 Sirius B Star Gate~6 to over
negotiated the PleiaclianSirian Agreements. In these agreemems the ride the 0-4 N ibiru ian Alignment before 2003. This will release the DA
Lucifcrian Pleiaclian-Nibiruian Anunnaki races, Galactic Federation Solar Spiral from Nibiruian control, preventing the massive pole shift the
and a few Jchovian-Anunnaki races agreed to enter the Emerald Cove- UIR intends. This is the Sacred Mission that Essene Jesheua (Jesus
nant peace treaty for co-evolution with the Angelic Humans of Earth in Christl, King Arthur and many Maji Grail Kings before them were ar-
a united stand against the Drakonian Legions' Ami-Christiae Dominion tempting to accomplish.
Agenda. The Anunnaki races vowed to assist in the 20oo~2017 SAC Once the Nibiruian hold on Earth is released, the Planetary Christos Re~
Emerald Covenant Planetary Christos Realignment Mission. They alignment Mission can be completed if the Angelic Human 12 ~Tribes of
promised ta disengage Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid control of Earth's Earth can successfully coRun the RRT." Running Earth's RRT can be
Templar and ta return Solar Star Gate4 control over ro the Founders' done only by (he Angelic Human and Maji Grail Line 12~Tribes of
Emerald Covenant races by 2000, to prevent the scheduled pole shift that Earth, whose DNA Templates carry the DNA Signet Codes that corre-
Galactic Federation had intended to orchestrate as per the Atlantian spond to the correct Fire Letter Sequences in Earth's Planetary Shields.
Conspiracy Luciferian Coven ant. Through completing the Chrisms Realignment Mission by "Running the
In January 2000. when the SAC commenced, most of the Anunnaki Le- RRT" Star Gate Signet Counci ls today, rhe ancient Anti-Christiac At~
gions defected from th e 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian agreements, reverting to lantian Conspiracy One World Order Dominion Agenda of the contem-
their Luciferian Covenant Domin ion Agenda. On July 5th, 2000 further porary UIR can be overcome in our prescnt time period.
negotiations with the Anunnaki legions culminated in their return ro the
Emerald Covenant via an agreement called the Treaty of Altairj they PROGRESSION OF MAJOR EvENTS
were required to release the Nibiruian Diadic Crystal Grid and Solar Star IN THE A TlANTlAN CONSPIRACY
Gate~4 by August 2000. 50,000 Be::. Lemurian Holocaust: Jehovian Anunnaki and their Annu ~
O n September 12th, 2000 the Necromiton Andromie liMen ]n Black" of- Melchizedek U rantia Illuminati Humans infiltrate Lemurian Muarivhi,
fered co-conspiratorial deals to Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki and allow Dracos 2 infiltration, culminates in destruction of Muarivhi Pacific
Drakonian races. Galactic Federation and most members of the Anunna- Continent.
ki legions defected from the Treaty of Altair to join the United Resis- 28,000 BCAtlantian Holocaust: Sirius A Jehovian and Pleiadian-Ni-
tance (UIR). The UIR is a co-conspiratoriai plot through which biruian Luciferian Anunnaki and their Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Hu-
Resistance Legions intended to covertly evacuate small numbers af their mans attempt (0 seize Inner Earth and Atlantis, culminating in cataclysm
respective "Chasen Ones" and "clear Earth's real estate" via pole shift be~ that reduces A tlanticContinem to three Island Nations: Bruah, Nohasa
tween 2003~2oo8, to achieve fulfillment of the Luciferian Covenant and Lohas.
A tlantian Conspiracy Agenda between 20082012.
25,500 BC-Lucifer Rebellion: Nibiruian Marduke~Anunnaki3 race line
On September 12th. 2000 the VIR Legions issued an edict of war against seize comrol ofNibiru and D-4 Solar Star Gate~4, begin Anunnaki Race
Emerald Covenant Guardian races if they did nat withdraw support for Unity dominion campaign and plant Nibiruian Diadic Crystal Grid Plan-
the Angelic Human 12-Tribes of Earth. Guardian Nations refu sed to etary T emplar Control Network in at Stonehenge, England (before
abandon humans an d Earth m Fallen Angel icdominion and exploitation . "Standing Stones"). Anunnaki races infiltrate Bruah, Nohasa and Lohas
Weare now facing the Final Conflict drama of the ancient Atlantian Atlantis.
22,326 BC-Eieyani Massacre: United Pleiadian-Nibiruian Luciferian
As the Adanrian Conspiracy advanced from the 9558 BC Atlantian Flood. Anunnaki and Marduk e~A nunnaki decimate Eieyani Maji Races at
Emerald Covenant races knew that the 2000-2017 Stellar Activations Kauai, Hawaii location and seize major rerritories of Bruah and Nohasa
Cycle would be the time fo r fulfillment of the Planetary Christos Re- Atlantis, sending Atlantian Semoli~Bruah and Druidec~Nohasa Maji
alignment, and that if negotiations with Fallen Angelic legions were not Grail King races into exile to Lohas, Atlantis and Ion ia (Italy, Greece)
successful the Final Conflict drama would ensue. In preparation for these
anticipated events. the Maji Grail King lineage Indigo Children Types~
1 and 2 have been incarnating on Earth for the past 100 years. The Maji
races are here to assist the Angelic Human 12-Tribes of contemporary 2. OmicronDrakonian+ Human
3. Anunnaki ... Omicron Dmkonian
The Atlantian Conspiracy and Roundtab,ile::s;--------------~P"...- - - Prog;'elsrOTl 01 Malor :c . . ents In the AtUffilian Conspiracy
21,900 BC~Lo h as Celtec-Druidec Freeze Out: Pleiad ian-Nibiruian Lucifer- races via Ea.rth's portal system. Ludfe.rian, Jehovian and Drakonian quest
ian Anunnaki and Galactic Federation intentionally collapse Firmament for posse.ssu:~n of the Ar~ Tools beglr.'s, as does intentional fa lsification
H ydro-suspension Field over Lohas, Atlantis to force Maji Grail King and eradication of Angeltc Human historical rccord to conceal the
lines away from Lohas Star Gate- II ; culminates in 21,900 BC14,OOO BC knowledge and location of Lohas Star Gate- 11, the lands of which sur-
Glacial Period. vived the Adantian Rood.
20,000 B(;- Vicherus-Sacheon Invasion: Alpha-Ccntauri Marduke~Nec ro . 8,900 BC Sumerian Invasion: Ludfcrian and Jehovian Anunnaki and Ora'
miton-Anunnaki and their Vicherus Annu-Melchizedek race and Pleia- konian ~aces and their An nu -Melchi~edek legions all raid Angelic Hu-
dian-Nibiruian Samjase-Luciferian-Anunnaki and their Sacheon man T rlbc- 10 resettlements of Sumerian U R and surrounding territories
Annu-Melchizedek race invade Angelic Human Tribe6 and ex iled (Iraq-Iran) in quest fo~ Star G~te : 10 control a ~~ Arc of the Covcnant
Celtec-Lohas and Druidec-Nohasa Atlantian Maji Grail King lines in Gold Box Tools. SamJase-Luclfenan-Anunnah lmes as "Sumerian Larsa
C aucasus Mountains, Russia. in attempt to destroy Grail Lines. Begin Kings." Jehovian Anunnaki lines as "Hassa Kings and Midianite-Hyk-
intentional concealment of Celtec and Druidec Atlantian Majl Grail sos Ki~gs." Marduke:Anunnaki and I?rakonians as Babylonian and
King and Angelic Human Tribc-6 racial identity. The Vicherus races be- Akkadmn Dragon Kmgs, Thoth-Enh-Anunnaki as "Snake Brother-
came known as the "Vikings," the Sacheans as the "Saxons," both hood Kings." Evidence found in Sumerian "Larsa Kings List" tablets.
groups often "painting themselves blue" in honor of the Luciferian Al- 8,400 BC Egyptian Invasion: Thoth-Enki-Zephelium-Anunnak i and their
pha-Omega Centauri Centaur race. In o rder to hide knowledge of the Bruah-Atlantis Annu-Melchizedcks raid Egypt from Sumeria over-
Atlantian Maji King Grail Lines, the "blue raidcrs" were later falsely throwing Serres-Egyptian Prc-dynastic Grail King lines as the' Osirius
identified in historical record as the "Celtics" of Ireland, the Druidecs as K~ng line. En\il-Odedicron-Aounnaki combine, creating the Osirius-
the "Druids." ISls,Horus King Line, Samjasc-Luciferian,Anunnaki Sumerian Larsa
10,500 Be Luciferian Conquest: Atlantian Islands of Bruah and Nahasa Kings combine creating the Egyptian "Scarab King"line that dominated
fall to Pleiadian-Nibiru ian Luciferian and Sirius A Jehovian Anunnaki DynastiC Egyptian History in competition with the Mardukc-Anunnaki
and Annu-Melchizedek control; the Atlantian Conspiracy develops high Drakon ian Agenda "Set Kings" line. With Galactic Federation assis-
level organization. t~nce, Jeh~vian-~nunnaki Annu-Melchizedek Midianite-Hyksos King
lmes later Invade In 1670 BC, leading to thc 4<Exodus" in 1476 BC un-
. 9,560 BC Luciferian Covenant: Plciad ian-Nibiruian Samjase-Luciferian- der Tuthmosis Ill.
Anunnaki ("Blonds"), Si rius B Mardukc-Anunnaki (Anllnnaki + O mi-
cron "Dragon -Moth"), Enlil-Odedicron (Anunnaki + Reptile-Avian), 7,500 BC Knights Templar Intlasion: Luciferian Covenant Anunnaki races
Thoth-Enki-Zephelium (Anunnaki + Zeta) and Marduke-Necromiton- raid Celrec and Druidec Maji Grail King races that returned to Lohas At-
Luciferian (Anunnaki + Alpha-Omega Centauri Blue Centaurs), Galac- lantis territories in 13 ,000 Be from exile in the Caucasus Mountains Rus-
tic Federation and Nohasa A tlantis Jehovian-Urantia and their respec- sia. Forced interbreeding between Nibiruian Thorh-Enki, Pleiadian:
tive Annu-Melchizedek races enter full alliance under the One W orld Nibiruian Samjase-Luciferian and Alpha-Omega Ccntauri Marduke
Order Anti-Christos Agenda formally mandated through the Luciferian Necromiton-Luciferian Anunnaki Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati Human
Covenant. Om icron-Drakonian and Odedicron-Rcptilian races of Orion lines and Maji Grail King lines for Illuminati race DNA Template up-
form second competing Orioo-Drakonian O ne World Order Agenda. g~de. Creates Luciferian "Super-race" Knights Templar-Sumerian Larsa
Main Sirius A Jehovian-Anunnaki ("Bipedal Dolphin People") race fo rm Kmg + E~yptian O.sirius-is i s.Hor~s Scarab King+ Egyptian-Midianite-
dlird competing Jchovian Onc World Ordcr Agenda. Hyksos K in ~ + Indian Centaur KlOg Annu-Melchizedek Anllnnaki plus
Celtec-Druldec Adantian Grail King (forced interbreeding). Ancestors
9,558 BC Atlantian Flood: Luciferian-Anunnaki and portions of Galactic of contemporary Freemasons.
Federation orchestrate Adantian F100d in an attempt to take over Giza,
Egypt Great Pyramid Teleport Statio n and its true Arc of the Covenant 5,900 BC Centaurian War: Luciferian Anunnaki Races stcal Arc of the
Andromeda Portal Passage. Thoth-Enki Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati C~)V.en~nt G?ld. Box and Star Gate tools, anemEt to cause pole sh ift from
Humans that cook over Bruah Atlantis foHow initiatives of the Samj ase- N,b.lru'~n,D,o(hc-Crystal Grid at Stonehenge, England, to claim Earth's
LuciferianAnunnaki "Larsa Kings" thac took over Lohas Atlantis, terntofles. Omicron-Drakonian, Alpha-Centauri Luciferian Centaurs,
send ing EM Pulse from Bruah Generator C rystals to Giza, causing major ?vtarduke-Anunnaki and Jehovian Anunnaki races begin counter attacks
111 England, India, Egypt, Tibet, Ionia and North America. Sirius B Maha,
flooding via final collapse of Firmament Hydro-suspension Field over No,
~ asa and Bruah Atlantis. Only portions of the Adamian Islands sink ; ma- raj i Blue Human Emerald Covenant Races intervene with air ra ids to stOP
JOT partS of Bruah. Nohasa and Lohas Atlantis still rema in above water. Luciferians' use of the Arc Tools for pole shift. Maji Grail Kings retrieve
In 9,540 BC the Sirius B Maharaji Blue Human Emera ld Covenant Races Arc Box. Partly recorded in Sanskrit Mahabharata Texts.
give Rod and Staff Star Gate Tools in "Arc of thc Covenant Gold Box"
to Maji Grail King lines of Earth to keep open contact with Inner Earth
The Adantian Conspiracy and J< oundUlble'<s~~~~~- "
' _ _0 "

3,650 BC Mayan Raids: Luciferian Anunnaki raid Mayan Angelic Human Gold Box and tools preventing the Hyksos' destruction of Hebrew T rihe-
12-Tribes in Yucatan and p~ogressively infilrrate selected 12-Tribes settle- 2. Hyksos do not get their "Promised Land," the Story of the Hyksos Exo-
ments throughout South, North and Central America. dus intentionally integrated into Hebrew and Christian historical teach -
ings to conccal Hyksos Annu-Melchizcdek presence
3 ,470 BC Babble-On Massacre: Galactic Federation and Luciferian Pleiadi-
an and Nibiruian Anunnaki races steal Arc of the Covenant Gold Box 1458 Be Hatshepsut Invasion: Serres-Egyptian Majl Grail King Pharaoh
and star gate tools, attempt world dominion beginning in Marduke-Anun- Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt receives Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and
oaki Drakonian-held Babylon. Temporary planetary magnetic grid col. tools from desert Maji Grail kings after they stof Hyksos Israel Invasion .
Her part-Drakonian half-brother T uthmosis II invades Hatshepsut's
lapse created, using Arc tools at Babylon and Nibi ruian-DiodicCrystal.
Temple and steals Arc Box.
Grid at Stonehenge, England, [Q create reverse-Fire-Letter-Sequence dis-
tortions in Earth's Planetary Shields, which caused major mutations in the 1353 BC Fall of AkhenatOn: Attempt to enter Hyksos#Egyptian King line
function of the Angelic Human DNA Template. Erased Race Memory, into Serres#Egyptian Maji Grail King line for Galactic Federation#Hyk#
blocked natural Kundalini flow in body causing Pineal, Thalamus, Hypo- sos Emerald Covenant entry and Hyksos genetic Bio-Regenesis Program.
thalamus and Thyroid G land malfunctions that shorten human life span Pharaoh Akhenaton fail s in his intended Emerald Covenant Mission in
and block interdimensional perception in all but implanted Annu- favor of Anunnaki Luciferian Agenda and is killed by competing Drako-
Melchizedek "Chosen Ones" and scrambled natural language patterns. nian Agenda Uncle. Galactic Federation defects from Emerald Cove-
Recorded as "Tower of Babel" story in Bible. Grail King races rerrieve Arc nant.
of the Covenant Box and Tools, preventing advancement of world do
906 BC Fall of Solomon's Temple: King Solomon, (Hyksos Annu-
minion through intended pole shift.
2,668 BC Djoser Invasion: Galactic Federation, Luciferian and Jehovian
Melchizedek + Serres-Egyptian Maji Grail Line), son of H yksos King
David, is guided by Galactic Federation to use stolen Arc of Covenant I
Anunnak i infiltrate Sakkara, Egypt, with Ph,uaoh Djoser and their Lu- Gold Box tools to destroy Hebrew Angelic Human T ribe-2 races of Israel
ciferian Knights Templar "Super-race" and Mid ianite races of Israel and to claim "Promised Land" and advance global dominion. Pleiadian#Serres
Sumeria. Serres-Egyptian-Lohas Atlantian Grail King Pharaoh Imhotep Emerald Covcnant race of Alcyone intervenes directly with beam ship,
deposed in peaceful surrender. Imhotep remains with Djoser regime as intending to teleport Arc Box and tools out of Solomon's Temple and
"lesser of the apparent evils" compared to the Marduke-Anunnaki Drako- return it to Majl Grail king protection, preventing Solomon 's assault on
nian Agenda invasions progressively advancing from Babylonia. Hebrews and advancement of the pole shift agenda. Galactic Federation
2024 Be Dead Sea Conquest: Galactic Federation and Luciferian Anun- attempts to teleport Arc Box to their Pleiadian Ship but miscalculate, de-
naki races steal Arc of Covenant Box and Tools again, launch world do- stroying Solomon's Temple completely with a Photo#Radionic Wavc
minion campaign again in Babylonia, extending into Dead Sea area beam. Pleiadian-Serres retrieve Arc Box and prevent pole shift agenda.
between Israel and Jordan . Destroy Sumerian cities once located in Dead 26 BC Roman Invasion: Omicron#Drakonian legions of Orion move their
Sea region. Recorded as "Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah" in the Nephedem Annu-Melchizedck Illuminati races into political power
Bible. Maji Grail King races retrieve Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and within the Ionian Empire of Italy, depos ing Angclic Human Trihe-5 of
tools, preventing spread of Anunnaki world dom inion. Italy and Ionian exiled Ccltcc, Druidec and Seminol Adantian Maji
1670 BC-1550 BC Hyksos Invasion: Medianite-Hyksos King Jehov ian Grail Kings to create stronghold of Roman Empire dominion. Progres-
Annu-Melchizedeks cross with Luciferian Knights Templar Anu- sively infiltrate and ttanspose their race identity over the Angelic Hu-
Melchizedeks from Sakkara, Egypt Djoser lineage. Infiltrate Egypt from man Tribe-S and Maji Grail Line lonians of Italy and begin corruption
2668 Be and finally takeover Egyptian Dynasty as Hyksos Kings in 1670 of Ionian Grail Kings' Sacred CDT#Plate Spiritual Teachings to create
BC. 1550 BC Drakonian Agenda Pharaoh Ahmose deposes last Hyksos the foundations for the "Church of Rome" Catholic Religious Control
King Pharaoh Kamose, leading to 1476 BC Hyksos Exodus under Ora- Dogma political machine.
konian Agenda Pharaoh Tuthmosis HI. Under Galactic Federation di- 23 AD Essene Divide: Galactic Federation unites groups of Luciferian
rection, Hyksos intend to invade and destroy Angelic Human Hebrew Hyksos King and Jehovian Hassa King Annu-Mclchizedeks to raid Em-
Tribe-2 in Israel. erald Covenant Mission of Maji Grail King Esscnes, Jesheua (Jesus
1459 BC Israel Crusade: Hyksos from Exc:xlus instructed by Galactic Feder- Christ), John the Baptist and Miriam in Tel cl Amerna, Egypt. Due to
ation and Luciferian Anunnaki to use stolen Arc of the Covenant Gold Essene Divide raids, Jesheua's Grai l King Essenes are unable to fulfill in-
Box Srar Gate "Rod and Staff" tools to destroy Hebrew Angelic Human tended mission of disengaging the Nibiruian Diadic Crystal G rid to free
Tribc#2.lntend to claim Israel as their "Promised Land" as beginning of Solar Star Gatc#4 and Earth's Star Gate# 11 to prepare for the 2(xx)-2017
intended global dominion iXlle shift Luciferian Covenant agenda. Serres- SAC and scheduled Planetary Christos Realignment Mission. The Maji
Egyptian Maji Grail Kings exiled in desert rctrieve Arc of the Covenant Essenes had fulfilled part of the mission by reclaiming the R od Star Gate

322 323
The Arlanrian Conspiracy aolt R1::lt1nmablt!S- - - - - - - - - - - - - . . ,. . . ._ -- - '~e.,-~,-, . ~ } . -}~. - . - , - ' ' . _ ........ . ..... v' ...P .. ___ 7 _ _ _ ~

tool and irs Arc of the Covenant Gold Box from Galactic Federation's 1244 AD Albigcnsian Crusade: Church of Rome Ncphcdem Annu-
Noah~Abraham;Moses Hyksos Annu;Melchizedek lIluminati line, but Melchizcdek Illuminati, on behalf of the Omicron-Drakonian OWO
could not recover the Staff tool. Following failure of the intended Plane (On.e W.orld Orde~) agenda! launch a genocide campaign against the Maji
rary Security Mission, Jesheua, John, Miriam and several Maji Grail King Grall Lme Cathcfl, the Tribe 12, Star Gate-12 Guardians in southern
Essenes hid Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and its Rod [001 in Vale of France. The campaign was initiated to StOp the Catheri from using their
Pcwsey, England, via Tel el Amama Inner Earth portal passage. Roundtable knowledge to disengage the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid,
knowledge gained from CDTPlate.12. which was in possession of the
. 325 AD Council afNicaea: Omicron-Drakonian legions motivated their
Catheri at this time. The Catheri's "last stand" was at Monsegur, Southern
Nephedem Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati races governing the Roman
France, an event historically recorded as the "Albigensian Crusade," in
Empire (0 temporarily join forces with Galactic Federation and the Ple-
which the Catheri were cornered and burned alive at the order of the
iadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki. In this unholy alliance, the Nephedem, Lu-
Church of Rome and accomplices in the government of France. A small
ciferian Knights T cmplar, Hyksos King and Jehovian Anunnaki Hassa
group ofCatheri escaped with COT-Plate 12 and numerous volumes of
King Annu-Mekhizedeks assembled to "come up with a cover story" to
pure Jesheua-Essene records, which were hidden in France, and will one
hide from public record the realities ofJesh eua's Emerald Covenant Mis-
day provide witness to the realities of the Atlantian Conspiracy.
sion. Groups of Hassa King Rabbis, Hyksos Kings and Knights Templar
\ Pricsts, and Roman Nephedem Knights of Malta launched a Crusade to 1500 AD Ameka Crusade: The quest fo r the j'Holy Grail" continued as
confiscate all records of the Emerald Covenant Esscne COT-Plate trans- Hyksos -Knights Templar AnnuMelchizedek Illuminati races and Omi-
lations. They combined various elements of true history and spiritual cron-Drakonian Nephedem Annu~Melchizedek Illuminati races ad-
teachings with numerous falsifications and massive o missions ofTemplar vanced their OWO agenda in pursuit of the "Holy GRU.AL." The Gru-
and Ascension teachings, to create the patriarchal, false-God control AL Point is the central control point for Earth's Templar and both com-
dogma creed that became the "Canonized Bible." Their intentions were peting groups intended to hold dominion over the lands of the Gru-AL
to forcefully hide all knowledge of the Emerald Covenant Christos Re- Point when the 2000-2017 SAC arrived. The j'Protestant & Catholic
alignment Mission while they searched for the Arc of the Covenant Gold Invasion" of Native American Tribes began. The name "America"
Box. They intended to claim the Arc Box and prevent the "common peo- came from the name of one of the Emerald Covenant Maji Grail lines
ple" from having the Ma;i Grail King knowledge of the Roundtables, to known as the Ameka, who were protectors of the Gru-AL Point. The
insure victory of their Anti-Christiac One World Order dominion agen- Gru-AL Point was known to exist in the lands of the North American
da during the 2000-2017 SAC. continent, a territory once held by Atlantis. Guided through "Mystical
608 Arthurian Grail Quest: Maji Grail King Arthur (born 559) and the Secret Societies" set up by their respective Fallen Angelic kin, competing
group~ of A nnu-Melchizedek Illuminati races launched a progressive in-
"Knights of the Round Tablc" were the Maji Grail King Melchizedek
Cloister Rcgents who protected the HHoly Grail" Knowledge of Earth's filrratlon and take over of the North American continent. Each intended
to destroy the exiled Lemurian and native Seminal and Ameka "Native
Planetary Templar Complex. Archur, Guinevere and (he Roundtable
Knights held the Planetary Security Commission of reclaiming the Staff American" Maji G rail Line T ribes who had knowledge of Running the
[001 from the Hyksos lIluminati and were intended to run the RRTs to
Roundtables, in a systematic take-over of the North American T emplar.
disengage the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid, in fulfiHment of the "America" was founded by the Lucifcrian Hyksos-Knights Templar Annu.
Jesheua-John-Miriam Emerald Covenant Mission. Though Merlin assist- Melchizedek Illuminati, who now go by the name of "Free Masons," on
ed in the return of the Staff Star Gate tool (the "Sword Excalibur") to behalf of Galactic Federation and the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki
Maji Arthur's protection, "Merlin" (Victorous) later betrayed the Emer- races of ~he9560 BC Luci~erian ~ovenant. Competing Illuminati groups
ald Covenant Mission in favor of the Hyksos.Knights Templar Galactic and thelT Stellar co-conspirators IOtended to use the North American
Federation World Dominion agenda. Arthur successfuHy returned the Gru-AL Point, and their holdings of Star-Gate I 1 Eurore, Star Gate-4
Staff tool to the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and relocated the Arc Egypt and Star Gate-lO Middle East, to gain full conrro of Earth's Tem-
Box containing the Rod and Staff from the Vale of Pewsey, England to plar on behalf of their Stellar contacts during the 2000~2017 SAC.
where it remains hidden today. Arthur and his Knights were unsuccessful It was anticipated by all that the "Final Conflict Drama" and the "Battle of
in disengaging the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid. But at least they man- Armageddon" wou ld take place as the competing Drakonian and Anun-
aged to hide the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and Rod and Staff tools naki descendant Annu-Melchizedek Human Illuminati legions "battled it
from Galactic Federation, their Hyksos~Knights Templar and the even- OUt" for control of Earth's T emplar during the long-awaited 2000-2017
tually competing Nephedem-Drakonian Knights Malta, preventing them SA.C. Neither side anticipated that there would be enough surviving An-
from fulfilling their planetary genocide and takeover agenda. The gehc Human 12-T ribes and Maji races left with knowledge to run the
"Quest for the Holy Grail" and jjSearch for Arc of the Covenant Gold
Roundtables to prevent the IlIuminari, known as the "Leviathan Force/'
Box" has continued ever since. from succeeding in their OWO agenda. Included in this OWO agenda

324 325
J ne KUUnUUTL L.tTll~J)nUl.y UrLU I\'UU"Uw.u,<:.~

was the re~ initiation of contact with the Fallen AngeliclET Legions as January 2000 SAC Rebellion: When the Stellar Activations Cycle com-
the SAC drew closer. The Fallen Angelics intended to slowly make their menced on January 1, 2000, Galactic Federation and Pleiadian-Nibiruian
presence known then come in to "stake their claim" a~ the 2000-2017 Anunnaki groups defect from Emerald Covenant once Stellar Activa-
SAC approachL-ci 2012 AD. The Drakonian~Reptilian~C en tauri an de- tions Cycle was confirmed, as Fallen Angelic Annu-Elohim offer fult sup-
scent Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati races attempted, but failed, to claim port [Q the Anunnaki O\Y/O agenda.
world domin ion over their Anunnaki ad,'ersaries via their representative
Hitler in WW2. Both Illuminati forces have been competing for political July 5, 2000 Treaty of All'air: Galactic Federation and most Anunnaki
world dominion. They have been the predominant, hidden source of groups grudgingly accept re-entry into the Emerald Covenant to secure
war, race hatreds and territorial, financial and religious competition be- greater protection when Annu~Elohim of Sirius A and Arcturus suffer
hind and within world governments, until the September 12th, 2000 heavy losses to the Fallen Seraphim Drakonian force in Density-3 Orion.
UIR. On September 12, 2000, most competing Illuminati races, and their September 12,. 2000: Necromiton~Andromie and Alpha~Omcga..centau~
respective Fallen Angelic "ring leaders" agreed to take a united stand ri races conv lIlce many Drakonian and Anunnaki legions to form a
againsr Emerald Covenant races to ensure success of the O\Y/O dominion "United Resistance Alliance" (UIR) against the Emerald C ovenant to
agenda and destruction of the Angelic Human races during the 2000-2017 ensure fulfillment of their common interest in the OWO dominion agen-
SAC. da. Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command and most Anunnaki Legions
1750 AD Nibiruian~Re-acquaintance: Pleiadian~Nibiruian Anunnaki break the Treaty of Altair ro join the UlR. UIR adopts the Anunnaki
races and Galactic Federation began initiating remote "Channel Con~ Luciferian Covenant Agenda, which includes "termination" of the An~
tact" with their "Chosen Ones," providing contrived spiritual teachings gelic Human races of Earth and forced pole shift, induced via Battlestar
intended to develop into the later "New Age Movement," through Nibiru ("Wormwood") and the Nibiruian Diadic Crystal Grid. Septem-
which direct Fallen Angelic/ET contact could be made with little human ber 12, 2000, UIR offers Emerald Covenant races an ultimatum. UIR
would allow the Lyran-Sirian Guardian races to evacuate 50,000 of their
resistance. I<Indigo Children Maji Grail Lines," then the rest of Earth's populations
1916 Zeta Surveillance: Zeta races beg in participati ng in the Earth drama would fall prey to fulfillment of the Luciferian Covenant agenda. Emerald
on behalf of the ZepheHum-Zeta RigeHan and Odedicron-Reptilian (Ori- Covenant Races refuse, on behalf of all Angelic Human and Hybrid pop'
on) agenda. ulations of Earth that desire to live in freedom, and in order to prevent
1930s-1940s Covert Treaties: The Zeta negotiate covert treaties with Earth's Halls of Amenti star gates from falling under UIR dominion. UIR
Nephedem Annu-Melchizedek lIluminati human governments, through issue a formal Edict of War on September 12, 2000, against Emerald Cov-
which "Majestic_12 J1 and the contemporary "UFO Movement" emerge enant races and the Angelic Humans of Earth.
on behalf of the Drakonian OWO agenda, which was initiated as a result Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command is beginning to mobilize their
of the pending Anunnaki takeover agenda. Anunnaki Fallen Angelics ad- "Human Ground Crews" teaching their followers to expect a "landing"
vance their remote "Channel" contact with selected humans. in which "complete human compliance" is promoted. The political arena
1983 Orion Intrusion: Omicron-Drd.konian races of O rion get direcdy in- is now being set for the UJRs' intended 2003 Mass Mind Control initia-
volved in the drama, fonn ing alliances with the Odedicron-Rept ilian and tive, and most humans are c~ mplet~ ly unaware of what is taking place.
Dracos races; Zela's lose footing in Illuminati affairs as Drakonians rake E~erald C over:tant races are. IOtendmg to awaken the Indigo Children as
over Zeta Treaties, some Zetas leave, RigeHan Zetas join to strengthen qUIckly as poSSible. The Indigo C hildren arc being prepared now to fun
Drakonian forces in Earth affairs. RR T s in order to disengage the Nibiruian Diadic Crystal Grid through
which pole shift can be forced and to seal Earth's portal system from
1992 Plciadian~Sirian Agreements: Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki and planned Fallen Angelic 2003~2004 invasion. Before 2003, Emerald Cov-
Galactic Federation races enter Emerald Covenant peace treaty when they enant races will know if the RRTs have been successful and if fulfillment
realize that they may succumb to Drakonian Force in the anticipated 2000- of the Atlantian Conspiracy can be prevented. If not, preparations are al-
2017 Final Conflict Drama. Agree to rum Solar Star GateA control back ready underway to assist Humans in DNA Template Activation, so some
over to Emerald Covenant races, to end the Atlantian lucifcrian Cove~ may become biologically capable of portal evacuation.
nant for co-evolution programs, to assist Emerald Covenant and Human
races in running proper Rotmdtables to block further Drakonian infiltra- Sometimes truth is stranger than Fiction.
tion and promise to disengage N ibiruian Diadic Crystal Grid by January I ,
2000. The "New Age Movemen t" rakes a tum toward the Light.
1999 Centaurian-Nccromiton Intrusion: Drakonian agenda Necromiton-
Andromie and Alpha-Omega Centauri races get involved to reinforce the
Drak.onian agenda in reaction to Anunnaki joining the Emerald Covenant.

326 327
Jh e AC/an(1Qn l;onspiracy and I<ot/ndtabtes Angelle MUrnan ,:)eeamg,j- Contemtxn'ary Lineage Begins
CORE TEMPlATE GRIDWORK IS REQUIRED 155,000 BC-Emcrald Covenant Anunnaki Bio,Regenesis Program begins:
to prevent fulfillment of the VIR OWO Agenda Lulcus-Neanderrhal Hyperborean-I-Iul1111n upgrade-} to hybrid Luhari-
Cromagnon- l
Through quickly re,learning how to "Run the Rainbow Rounds," Angelic 152,000 BC- Luhari Anunnaki-hybrid Ur,Antrian-Unire-Cloister,Human
Human and Hybrid races can prevent pending Anunnaki,Drakon ian Emerald Covenant (EC). upgr~de-2 to E,Luhli-Levi,Cromagnon_2, {1m ca-
OWOdomin ion during the 2000,2017 SAC. Properly executed RRTs pable of natural procreation wah Humans; Levi-hybrids raided by Drac &
can fu lfi ll the Emera ld CovenantChristos Planetary Security Commission Anun~aki F~l!e,: Angci!cs, Anti-Christos Leviathan Force competing Illu-
of disengaging the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid and freeing Solar,Star minati genetic hnes begm
Gatc,4, which will prevent Fallen Angelics any further access (0 Earth's 151,000 BC-E-Luhli,Levi hybrid Breanoua,Urrite,cloisrer,Human EC up-
portal,vortex system. Running the Signet RRT s to reclaim Earth's Tern- grade-3 to E,LuhIHudM HorTW,sapiens
plar from Fallen Angelic dominion has been known for thousands of years
as the 11: 11 /12: 12 C hristos Reclamation Mission, the Divine Commis- 150,000 BC-Jehovian W ipe out. Competing Drac & Jehovian (Dolphin Peo-
sion previously attempted by Jesus-John-Miriam, King Arthur-Guinev, ple) Anunnaki attempt to seize Earth & Inner Earth. Maharaj i of Sirius B
ere Knights, the Catheri, the Native Americans and numerous other prevent take over; Firmament Hydro-Suspension fields collapse initiating
Maji Grail line Races throughout history since the 25,500 BC Luciferian glacial period.
Rebel lion. 148,000 BC-E-Luhli-Judah hybrid Hibim,Urtire-Cloisrer,Human EC up-
NOt.4J it is up to Us. grade-4 to E,Luhli,Nephi. Jehovian AnuntUlki launch aggressive raids on
Nephi hybrid races creating the Nephite-J ehovian-Hibiru IUuminati hy-
brid genetic line
148,000 BC, 75,OOO BC- Anu Occupalion; Sirius A & ArcturianJehovian.
798,000 BC - 33,000 BC Ant/nooki attempt Earth takeover, launch genocide programs against An-
250,000,000 Years Ago- gelic Human, Drakon ian.Nephedem & Nibiruian Anu,Anunnaki Earth
Parallel Earth Human Seed ing-l five Palaidorian Cloisters races. Enlil-Enki-Marduke Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki lines unite,
25,000,000 Years Ago- overrhrow Jehovians & seize control of Earth. Emerald Covenant races
Five Human & Five Palaidorian Cloisters seeded on Earth exile & subterranean sertlements. Ncphedem- Drakonians, Jehovian-
Anunnaki & Nibiruian Anunnaki Raider Wars begin
5,500,000 Years Ago-Human Seeding-I destroyed via Electric Wars
75,000 BC-Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki artempt to seize Inner Earlh portals,
3,700,000 Years Ago-Human Seeding-2 Inner Earth races un ite in Inner Earth Rebellion, overthrow Anu-Anunna-
848,800 Years Ago-Human Seeding-2 destroyed via Thousand Years War ki dominion of surface Earth, reinstating Urtite-Cloister,Human sover-
eignty over surface Earth
ANGELIC HUMAN SEEDING-3- 73,000 BC-Cloisrer-Human: ROImd3 seed ing begins with Ur-Antrian C loister
CONTEMPORARY LINEAGE BEGINS 71,000 BC-Root Race-Human: Round-4 seeding begins with Lemurians
798,(XX) BC-five Palaida-Urtite-Cloislers Angelic Human Seeding-3: Round-1 72,000 BC-Breanoua,Cloisfer,Humans secJed
669,000 BC250,000 BC-Rama & Temple Wars Anunnaki/Drakonian In- 68,000 BC-Root Race-Human Allanlfans seeded & E-Luhli-Nephi hybrid
vasions, Nephedem-Drdkon ian & Urantia-Jehovian-Anunnaki lIIumi- Melchi'{edek,{)rtile,Cfoister-Human EC upgrade-S to Annu,Melchi'{edeks.
nati hybrid-humans Drakonian, Jehovian-Anunnaki & Anu-Anunnaki Leviathan Illuminati
250,000 BC-Enki- Enlil-Marduke Pleiadian-N ibiruian Anunnaki (Aquatic- hybrid races progressively raid Annu-Melchizedek races creating various
ape-homin id) create Lulcus-Neanderthal Primate-hominid slave-race via competing Ami-Chris[Qs Agenda hybrid "Templar,Melchizedek" Levia-
raiding Angelic Human colonies than "Super-races"- the Levimhan Force, leading to the Atlantian Con,
spiracy & present drama
246,000 BC-Mahara/' i bring Emerald Covenant Res[atement peace treaty to 66,()()() BC-Hibiru-Cloisfer,Humans seeded
E.1.rth races, Ange ic Humans enter & Thoth,Enki Anunnaki enter for
DNA Bio-Regenesis 63,000 BC-Root,Race-Human-Aryans
208,216 BC-SAC, Drac Invasion, Fall of Brenaui, 10-Code Pulse & pole shift 33,000 BC--Melchizedek,Cloisler,HI!mans seeded & 22,500 Be Eieyani Grail
Line begins
208,100 BC-Urrite-Cloisrer Human: Rowul,2 subterranean resettlements

328 329
.....,.,.. -_ _ , _ - _ -.....--=-v ......... , .....:rj "' . .........-' ''' ...', ...........uot;"..,- - - - - - -


50,000 Be - Lemurian Holocaust
28,000 BC . A tlantian Holocaust
25.500 Be - Lucifer Rebellion
22.326 Be - Eicyani Massacre T he Atlantic and Pacific Continents 50,000 BC - 28,000 Be
21,900 BC - Lohas-Celtec-Druidec Freeze Out
20,000 BC . Vicherus-Sachcon Invasion
10,500 Be - Lucifcrian Conquest
9,560 Be Luciferian Covenant
9,558 BC - Adanti.n Flood
8,900 BC ~ Sumerian Invasion
8,400 Be ~ Egyptian Invasion
7,500 BC Knights Templar Invasion
~ ~
5,900 BC ~ Cemaurian War

3,650 BC ~ Mayan Raids
3,470 BC Babble-On Massacre
2,668 BC ~ Djoser Invasion
}I 2,024 Be . Dead Sea Conquest
c IHiH
1,6701,550 BC - Hyksos Invas ion
1,476 BC Hyksos Exodus
1,459 BC Israel Crusade
1,458 BC - Hatshepsut Invasion
1,353 BC - Fall of Akhenaton
08 i
5 . ~
,i r
906 BC - Fall of Solomon's Temple .~
26 BC . Roman Invasion "0
23 AD - Essene Divide "ID
325 - Council ofNicaea .0
608 - Archurian Grail Quest
1244 - A lbigensian Crusade n
1500 - Ameka Crusade
1750 - N ibiruian Re-acquaintance
1916 - Zeta Surveillance
19301940 Zeta Treaties and MJ12

1983 Orion Intrusion
1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements
November 1999 Centaurian-Necrom iton Intrusion
January 2000 . SAC Rebe llion
July 5,2000 - Treacy of Altair
September 12, 2000 - United Intruder Resistance (U IR)
~ '~'!
February 2001 - G rid Spiking Campaign
2003 - Intended Dimensional Blend Time Rip
2004 - Intended Frequency Fence
2008 - Intended Pole Shift via Nibiruian Battle Srar and NOC-Grid
2012 - Intended Resistance Resettlement & Inner Earth C rusade

330 331
Note un J L~:Strand UNA 'l emplate Activation: BE AWARE
T he At mian ConspIracy ana f{ounaRWles
The 3 Atlantian Island Nations 50,000 BC - 28,000 BC - Present
Averting the Seduction of the "Quick Fix" and " Ego Pat"
No Human on Earth at this time has true 12-Strand DNA T emplate ac-
tivation or cons ilmmation, as the Planetary Shields cannOt yet sustain bi-
olog ical presence that holds continually activated 0-12 frequency,
Distortions in the Race Genetic Imprint caused by the Planetary Shield
severely block natural 12-Strand DNA Template activation, even if rhe
Planetary Shields could sustain 12-Strand Activated Biology. Without
consistent use of DNA Template Bio-Regenesis technology and related
Core Tem:rlate Kathara Healing modalities, no human on Earth at this
time woul achieve genuine 12-Strand activation during the contemporary
eoolwion C)'c/e,
Competing false 12-strand DNA activation programs are presently being
run via unsuspectipg New Age & uro Movement "Channels & Contact]:,
ees," by Jehovian Dolphin People Anunnaki and Plciadian-Nibiruian
Anunnaki~Drakon jan-R cptile hybrid races. The largest False DNA Ac-
tivation - "Ascension" Program is conducted by the" Alpha-Omega T em-
plar Melchizedek Anunnaki-Drakonian Alliance," which is composed of
Centaur & Drakonian-AllImnaki races ofDensity-2 & 3 Alpha Centauri and
Omega Centauri, the Necromiton-(Beetle.Rcptile)_Anunnaki hybrid
race of Andromeda3 and several other related Fallen Angelic Collectives
following the Omicron-Drakonian-Zeta-llIuminati "One World Order"
domin ion agenda. One of the most prominent expressions of the Alpha-
Omega -CentauriHn -A ndrom ie A nun nak i-Drakon ian-Necrom iton col-
1ective refers to itself as the <f Archangel Michael" Matrix, a Bio-neuro-
logical Mass Mind-control Program run via the A lpha-Omega
Collective, that is literally "broadcast into Earth's airwaves to unsuspect-
ing channels" from Parallel Earth through the NDCG. False 12-Strand
DNA Activation Programs are geared toward "Monadic Reversal" - re-
versing the Fire Letter Sequences in the Human DNA Templates to cre-
ate Reverse Sequence Ii-Strand Activation in humans, so human DNA
will assist the Fallen Angelic mission of gaining control of Earth's Plan-
etary Shields & Star Gates on a reverse- II activation 4 during the 2000-
2017 SAC.
Fallen Angelic and llluminati Human Leviathan races use the seduction of
false claims of "Easy DNA Template Activation" and false promises of As-
cension without providing the details of the mechanics by which these dy-
namics naturally take place. If we know the mechanics we can detect when
they are being intentionally misused to orchestrate Anti-Christiac Do-
minion agendas. The tactics of false "Quick-Fix Claims" and false prom is-
es are furth er coupled with false "sugar and spice," in which our egos are

I. Sirius A, Arc[urian, & ~Galac[ic Fedcrmion ~

2. Anu-Semphim Aquatic-ape-hommid
3. "Andromics" & "Mcn-in-Bhlck"
4. 34-CCWI2 I-CW Nihiruian Merkaba
. . .,.,....,.._ _ _ Il~ l"\t1UHt1U1I c:unsplracy ana t(Ourrataote3;- - - - - - - - - 16
fed as we arc told "wh at we want to hear" and "how great and Beloved we
arc," whi le being covertly "railroaded right under eurown noses." If we do
n ot "fall fo r" t he age-old "Quick-Fix" and "Ego-Pat" Seductions, we can
avert Fallen Angelic and Illuminati manipulation tactics and learn how
things really work, so we become empowered to set ourselves, and assistorh-
ers, tOO to set themsel ves free. We can "Activate our I Z-Strands of.
DNA,"~ but it takes work, a !abor of Divine Love, and it requi res Divine
Sacred Science knowledge .
DNA Template and Kundalini Activations do not occur via "wish ful think-
ing" or "/wJre/1i1 spirinwl imemion"- they are processes of natural Bio-Spiritu-
al Creation Physics, which occur via educated, conscious direct ion of
The 9/ I I WTC/Pentagon Attack
energy and genuine Spiritual W isdom. T here is a natural Div ine Righ t
Order of energy mechanics that governs the man ifestation of consc ious-
and the
ness in biological form; the mechanics of this order must be understood
and appropriately applied if one expects to attai n genuine, essenlial, Bio-
Illuminati One World Order
Spiritual Mastery.
Due to the continuing barrage of "stop-the-presses" new emergency
release infomlation provided by the Guardian Alliance (GA) since the
United Intruder Resistance (UIR) Edict of War on September 12, 2000,
~' preparations for this updated Second Edition (2e) printing of Voyagers II has
taken far too long. Information that was originally imended to become a
simple glossary fo r this book rapidly expanded in size to become another book
in its own right. This partially completed new book was then quickly put "on
hold" as a progressive series of GA emergency release dispensations rapidly
accumulated over 400 pages. Meanwhile, our P lanetary Shields Clinics
workshop and site work excursions were scaled up to top GA priority,
solidifyi ng into an immed iate Crisis Intervention Program called the
Emerald C(Wenant M asters Templar Planetary Stewardship Initiative. As
we began our new Ireland-England Planetary Shields C linics tour in July
200 1, I was able to fi nally complete the "200 t Update" and related materials
for Voyagers II , 2e. After a year's worth of frusrra ting but unavoidable detar"
the lovely people with Saintly Patience at G ranite Publishing could nna ly
"put the book to rest" with fu lfi llment of its second printing---or so we all
thought . As this book was about to go to press in September 2001, the
"unbelievable" occurred. T he events of September I I , 2001, which we
have all rapidly come to know so well , intruded into the American heartland
and homeland with all of their inherent, numbing, horrific fervor, and "life as
we've known it" in the USA was suddenly and abrupdy "changed forever."
The events of the 9/11/200 1, terrorist attacks upon the NYC World Trade
Center Towers and the Pentagon in Washington , D.G, have literally and
rapidly cast not only America, but literally the entire world, into a
completely new and utterly "alien" uncharted political landscape, the
implications of which most peoples of all nations are presently struggling to
T he old American expression of shared national mourning and
Cultural, mental and emotional fi xation that was once expressed by a
generation before in the query of "Where were )'OU when Kennedy was shotr'
has now been pennanently deposed from its once-prominent position within

5. 2448 Strands for Indigos

334 335
"'''''1!r- - 'l'fie Y/1 1 WrCll-'enragon A:ttacl<. ana tne Illuminari One Worll order UWU M aster Vlans, G'A Srare oj War Alert and Imminent Crisis Order

the n ational collective mind. The old question has now been indelibly and much, then why didn't they know"? "If they did know, then wh dd '
forcefully replaced within the collective ce llular memory of the American they stop it or wam us?" Along with questions regarding GA aware Y I t h
psyche by the query of "Where were you on 9/1 1/2oo1 ?" Within mis same questions were understandably direcred toward Azunanya andi' t d
general question and "query of our times," the answer to which is fu lly the Ministers of Azurite Temple MC "Did we know?" "What d.d an
branded into the memory of many American citizens, resides the even more know?" "Couldn't w~, through our GA Guardian contacts, have' d we
important silent questions of "What in the world is going on !" and "How something to prevent It?" one
will all of this affect us?" The horrific events of 9/1 1, and even morc so their As rhis book was ready to go to press, the "Unbelievable Events" f 9
potential ramifications, have made questions regard ing the "Kennedy II /ZOOl, unfo lded, and with them a massive wave of personCli and p u00 /
Assassination" and other unresolved issues and shocking moments of O Uf questions that cried our for answers. Though the final text of this book IC
collective past seem almost irrelevant. Events prior to the Trade Towers/ intended to be complete with the "2001 Update" material Ora \~as
Pentagon attacks literally pale by comparison to anything we have known Publishing rightly and wisely requested that a further update co~ering ~he
since WW2. Due to the collective "emotional-mental stun factor" generated T~~e ~~w~~s~~ntagon Attac.k .be,provided as c?nc\usion to Vo),agers 112e~
by the ''9/11 Disaster," and the obvious resultant aftermath of "major As fate or Dlvme Synchromclty would have It, the printing deadline fo
\ movement within the global political landscape" that now dominates the this book had nOt yet passed when these monumental events of mass maYhe~
focus of world attention, many previously important questions may fall occurred . In this final e"!ergency release update ofVo)'agers lJ 2~, 1 will do my
away from mass attention. In some cases such environmentally forced best, as GA represcnrat lve Speaker, to address the most obV IOUS questions
red irect ion of our mental and emotional focus from fixation on past events regarding the "9/11 Disaster." More importantly, 1 will try to briefly explain
and issues represents a potential healing catharsis within the collective within the limited space remaining in this book, the relationship between
psyche, as individuals and nations begin to reassess and redirect their the "9/11 Disaster" event and the GA emergency release materials that we
! ' priorities. But in other cases, distraction from pertinent past concerns can have been progressively teaching within the public forum since the end of
prevent us from acquiring the very answers we seek concerning the 2000. It is within our understanding of the "Big Picture" drama that real
contemporary drama. comprehension of events such as the "9/11 Disaster" can be gained. Real
compreh~n s ion i ~ essential if we are to recognize that this seemingly isolated
"UFO INVESTlGATION" AND "TRIGGER EvENTS" event of mtem anonal horror represents the greater reality of what is ca lled a
One of the most important multifaceted issues that might read ily and "Trigger Event," which is an external, mass event that is covertly
"conveniently" succumb to further malnutrition of mass attention is the orchestrated by seemingly unrelated "hidden forces" from "behind the
highly complex issue of "UFO investigation." The "UFO issue" is, in truth, a scenes"-an event that represents the "pressing of the s!arr button" within
compendium of a variety of interrelated subjects: "UFO sightings"; crop the invisible Illuminati \yorld Management Team machine. Trigger Events
circles; ET visitation/abduction; the "UFO Movement"; the "New Age are orchestrated strategically from off#planet sources in order to set in
movement"; "angelic" contact; "channeling" communication; "spiritual motion, thro~gh ~cmote psych?tronic m~bili%ation of the unsuspecting on-
development"; "ascension teachings"; "official den ial"; "Illum inati One- planet IIIumtnau force, a senes of nattonal and global changes that are
World-Order agendas"; "forbidden archeology"; and the multitudes of Intended to move {he global arena toward fulfillment of hidden Fallen
related, politically charged, "conspiracy theories" one must inevitably A~gel~c/lntruder ET objectives. It is through understanding these hidden
address if thorough investigation of the "UFO issue" is to be ascenained. In ?bJ~c~lves as they exist behind and within the global drama that we, as
our present drama, seemingly born of very "3#D international political mdlvlduals and nations, are empowered to choose educated, effective action
issues." it is more important than ever to keep questions of the "UFO through which the ideals of peace, freedom, brotherhood and love can be
issue" firmly and fo remost in mind. The answers to the most ominous
"si lenr questions" of "What in the world is goi ng onr' and "How will th is
affect ust do not reside within the well-orchestrated ")#D poli tical foru m"; OWO MAsrER PLANS, GA STATE OF WAR ALERT
these answers exist squarely within the core of rhe "UFO issue." The tragedy AND IMMINENT CRISIS ORDER
of the Trade Towers/Pentagon Attack is a global "wake up call" for The "2001 U pdate" materials preceding this text were completed
"things unknown as-yet#to#come." Unfortunately, such an event, which and submitted to the publisher in early July 2001. They contain a brief
could serve as our greatest catalyst for mass awakening, is instead being Summary of GA emergency release dispensations that have been
utilized to serve as our greatest mass distraction from the knowledge our progresSively provided since the September 12, 2000, Edict of War was
world most needs to rapidly comprehend. In the immediate aftermarh of the ISSued by the Fa llen Angelic/ "Intruder ET" UIR! Before any obvious
91 1/2001 Terrorist Attack, three of the greatest and fully justifiable
unspoken questions within the minds and hearts of the courageous peo.le
who have supponed the GA work since 1999 were as follows. "Did the ljA 1. Anunnaki/Andromie/Ccnraurian/lcta/Dmkonian!Rcptllian/llluminati ~ Ulllu) ly AllI-
know this attack would occur?" " If not, and the GA supposedly knows so ance"

336 337
.'5tar LJa're-b and the Selenite C1)'sral empre Network
_"""""",- -'fne tJ/ll wrC1Penwgon Attad<. an?1theillununari One WOTlCl Or--aer,---...,...--------
indication was made apparent within t he "external world," the GA's STAll GATE-6
information provided since September 2000 and briefly summarized in the AND THE SELENITE CRYSTAL TEMPLE NETWORK
original "2001 Update" section of this book, revealed that contemporary
Earth is caught within a long-anticipated, "presently hidden" inter- Since the GA's direct intervention with initiation of the Bridge Zone
dimensional, Interstellar War. A war that would become "all too real" to Project in 1983 (see "The Bridge Zone Project" on page 14Z), the GA have
us in "3D" tcmlS if humanity was unwilling to assist Emerald Covenant been peacefully and diligently working ro prevent advancement of the
nations in peacefully securing Earth's TemplarlStar Gate Complex from variolls competing Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET and lllumin::lti OWO agendas
further Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET/ Illuminati infiltration before 2003 . on Eanh. Through the peaceful tools of inter-stellar Emerald Covenant Co-
Within the GA security release dispensations we were gently shown that not evolution Peace Treaty negotiations and strategically applied and directed
only was humanity facing the challenges of planetary physics inherent to Masters Inter-Galactic Templar Mechanics, there was great hope of averting
natural SAC's, but we were also faced with progressively growing obstacles the long-anticipated 2000,2017 SAC Final Conflicr drama. The GA had also
created through the actions of "human" Illuminati races manipulated by the explained from the beginning that whether or not Illuminati OWO
Fallen Angelics. The 200 1 GA revelations exposed the long-term, highly dominion agendas could be averted would depend a great deal upon the
\ organ ized ard progressively orchestrated Fallen Angelic directed Atlantian progre:iSion of choices made by both earthly Human and 1Iluminati
Conspiracy "Illuminati OWO Master Plan," which has been a core collectives. Though several major victories in the name of Human freed om
commonality between the various competing Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET have been peacefully won through progression of the GA Crisis Intervention
races since 9560 BC Atlantis. This information revealed the true scope of Initiative, the realities of potent ial advancement of Fallen Angelic and
the drama we are presently in3; the scope of this drama and the long-term lIluminati OWO dominion agendas has not, as yet, been brought to an end.
~I Illuminati OWO Master Plan is massive and "bone chilling" (if you don't Alongside the recent collection of Strategic victories won through the GA
understand the peaceful solutions). Peace Effort, there have also been numerous setbacks. The most notable
Of greatest significance, the 2001 GA revelat ions brought into focu~ th~ recent setbacks to the GA Peace Effort arc the September 12, 2000,
details of the intended stages of the contemporary phase of the IlIumtnatt Anunnaki defection from the Treaty of Altair and resultant V IR Edict of
Master Plan, so we can become aware of the basic progression of events w~ War, and recent challenges associaled with the Montauk Project. These
would see should the llluminati Master Plan advance. When the Anunnakt issues of inter-stellar political setback have spawned further, mounting
races defected from the Emerald Covenant to support the UIR's September concerns regarding the challenges of planetary physics posed by the
12,2000, Edict of War, the various Illuminati OWO Master Plan agend~s of progressing 2000-2017 SAC. Emerald Covenant nations have not only
previously competing Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET factions were blended ~nto entered a State of War Alert in response to the building tensions, continued
a dominant unified strategy. This unified strategy combined various prevIous volatility and the September 2000 Edict of War within the inter-stellar
initiatives of several Fallen Angelic groups into the VIR Illuminati OWO political drama-they are also under a State of Imminent Crisis Order. The
Master Plan, directed by the Nccromiton-Andromie force. Renegade Fallen Imminent Crisis Order was issued due to the progressively increasing
Angelic iel!ions of Omicron-~konian,4 Odedi.cr~:)O (Reptile-avian), instability of Earth's planetary Templar Complex and potentially
Necromiton'S and rebel Anunnakl who refused to JOto the UIR are still cataclysmic reactions, in terms of planetary physics, that may now occur
attempting to orchestrate their original OW.O ~gendas~ but all have lost during the 2000-2017 SAC as a result of the UIR's more aggressive use of EM
critical amounts of support from Earthly lllummatt collectives. As of October scalar pulse technologies.
2000, the predominant forc e within the covert Interior World During our Labor Day 2001workshop of September 1-3, the GA
Government (see Voyagers I) Illuminati World Management Team is now provided a new level of high security data pertaining to two areas of pending
the VIR Fallen Angelic collective. This "shift in Illuminati administration" crisis. Attending Indigo Children were asked to assist Emerald Covenant
has already become subtly apparent within the external, political nations in an immediate Top Priority Crisis Intervention strategy, and we
maneuverings of various nations since October 2000. The subtle shifts were provided with additional introductory training in even more advanced
(and some not-so-subtle) within our global political arena, which have taken Masters Templar Mechanics, called "Veca-Code Mechanics," and planetary
place since October 2CXXl in response to the covert influence of the healing outreach. The nrst area discussed was that of the present acceleration
September 2000 UIR Edict of War, represent only the beginning of Stellar Wave Infusions (see "Stel lar Wave Infusions" on page 466) into
extemalization of the UIR OWO agenda into the visible "Official Reality" Earth's Planetary Shields. In May 2001, as necessitated by the September
arena. 12, 2000, Anunnaki defection from the Treaty of Altair agreements, the
Maharaji Council triggered early activation of the D-6 Sirius B Star Gate
(Density-2), in order to begin overriding Nibiru's Photo-sonic hold on
2. See Forbidden Tt5WntroU of Rtvtlo.tion. fonhcoming. Earth's planetary Merkaba, Templar and EM fields. If this initiative were not
3. Ibtd. taken, the Anunnaki of the UIR intended to use the Nibiruian Templar
4. Dragon Moth
5. Andromie Beetle-insectoid-hominid
"""'!''I!''~----- .----,.- -.....,,-..... .. _._. . . .- .-.._" . . . . . . . . . . .,.'" ...,""""
-~ '-"~' . . .- - - - - _ _~~"" "". ""' ......... v .......... "He .... Cl('.IIILe o ly:.tt,U l I!'II'PJe IvetwOfK

connection to force cataclysmic pole shift on Earth by 2008; Earth's Templar Note! A few of the many "Supplicant Sites ," or smaller Selenite and
had to be freed from its artificial N ibiruian alignment by Z003 or IX'lc shift Quam Crystal Matrices mac are connected to the main Nibiruian Crystal
could not thereafter be prevented. Star Gate6 was not o riginally scheduled Tempk Nett.vork sites as transmission tributaries, were discovered recently
to enter its opening cycle uo ti 12008, fours years after the 2004 opening cycle 'n Mexico by scientists. Information of this discovery was released to the
of Star Gate-S Alcyonc . One of the greatest challenges posed to Earth by ~blic this year, with expedition photographs shoWing breath~taking, massive
expedition of SG6 activation is that of retaining the gelicate EM balances Selenite Crystal rods. These Selenite rods are small by comparison w those of
of the planetary grids as Earth's P lanetary Shields rapidly activate in Ute man1 ~n "network ins~lla.tioru. Phows and informa~on concemin~ the
accelerated sequence in resp~mse to amplified and expedited 0 4, D-5 and D. uOfftcial SCience aspeCIS of thl~ disco~ can be found on vano~ Internet sl te~.
6 Stellar Wave infusions. The Emerdld Covenant nations took this step of Since childhood, I knew mat IhlS ancient InteNtellar Crystallme Photo#somc
mandatory Crisis Intervention as a "Calculated Risk," knowing that it would communications and transmitting network existed. On several occasions, GA
be very difficult to realign and hold balance within Earth's Templar as the PrieslS of UR escorted me through the Cloaking Shield (Photo~sonic security force
SG-6 infusions progressed. This step would never have been taken if it had ~Id) of the subterranean Crystal Cavems system that links Earth CO the portals
not been the o nly remaining strategy available to prevent the UIR of the Inner Earth Time C)'cle. The Nibiruian CrysuU Temple Network
Anunnaki from using Nibiru's artificial link (Nibiruian Diodie Crystal, or communicatioru and transmission network is connected 10 and run through the
NOC, G rid; see page 311) to Earth's Templar to force rapid pole shift. The Crystal Caverns system. Th e Emerald Covenant Maharaji of Sirius B seeded
only other option for protecting Earth populations from pending cataclysm !he original installations of the Crysllll Temple Network over 3 million years ago ,
during the 2000-2017 SAC would be ph ysical evacuation; an act ion that during Human Se~~2 ; since chat time additions of ")'ounger" Nibiruian
would have its own inherent set of nearly insurmountable challenges. Selenite rods were d during different hiswrical periods when Nibinl was under
Following the September 12, 2CXXl, UIR Edict of War, the U IR had Emerald Covenant prolfelion . Nibiruian Anunnaki seized control of the
\' initiated accelerated reactivation of the Montauk Proj ect (see page 136) Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network during the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion in
faci lit ies in Long Island , NY, for use in amplified ULF EM scalar pulse Atlantis and used it in conjunction tlJilh Ihe NDC#Grid, to control the main
transmission . If the UIR was successful in their intention of forging a link Axiawnal and U)' Unes of Earth's Templar, and to progressively block
between the Rigel ian Zeta controlled Montauk facility and the Anunnaki Guardian nation communication within Earth since the 9558 BC A tlantian
controlled NDC-Grid at Stonehenge. nothmg would be able to prevent flood
advancement of the UIR pole shift agenda. By November 2001 Emerald During the 1992 Emerald Covenant Pleiadian#Sirian Agreements the GA
Covenant nations in it iated an Imminent Crisis Order in relation to Earth gained partial, temporary access to lhe Nibintian Crystal Temple Network,
Crisis Intervention efforts; as part of this emergency intervent ion initiative, which has enabled them CO regain partial protection oller some of Earth's Templar
5G-6 and the 12-dimensional Star Gate passage known as the Halls of and to open limited communication and Phow#sonic transmission lines to Earth .
Amorea 7 were activated. Since May 2001, continual Photo#sonic The Nibiruian Annunaki and Galactic Federation began activating me
transmissions from SG#6 Sirius B have been progressively used to hold Crystal Temple Network for scatar pulse transmission in 1942, in an
stable and gentlr realign the vertical axis of Earth's planetary Merkaba field; unsuccess/ill attempt w block Zeta and Illuminati races from cOllbcting the
to prevent geoc imatic and tectonic instability as Earth's Planetary Shields 1943 Philadelphia Experiment, wltich would hamper the Ammnaki's intended
commence rapid 0-6 activation. In July 2001 , the central control 2000#2017 OWO dominion agenda. Presently "the battle is on" as the UIR,
insta llation of the N DC#Grid beneath Stonehenge was re-coded to a D #12 several smaller competing Fallen Angelic collectives and Emerald Covenant nations
program, severing the long-standing, artificial link between Earth's Templar covertly struggle to gain primary control OtIer Earth's Crystal Temple Network
and that of Nibiru. There are 24 subterranean main control "Nibiruian before 2003 , using PlanetaT)' Templar and Merkaba (EM field) Mechanics and
Crystal Temple Networks" on Earth that serve as the main global ~ca1ar pulse technologies. The recently revealed Selenite caves in Mexico are a
transmission networks of the NDC-G rid "Checkerboard Matrix" Planetary lIeT)' smaU Supplicant Matrix, recently activated by the V IR as a scalar
Templar control program. The 24 Nibiruian Crystal Temple Networks on transmitting station ; this installation connects to the larger triblltary systems
Earth must also be manually re#coded to a 12#code Pulse before the end of ~llrrounding the main Nibiruian Crystal Temple base in Central M exico. The
2002, if the 2003#2008 pole shift is to be averted. With the a:;sistancc of [he VIR pennitted this Selenite cave to be "found" by releasing the Cloaking
Azurite "Signet Rainbow Roundtables" Templar Security Team, the GA ~hield surrounding it, in preparation for their intended cOllert physical
have been advancing these planetary healing efforts through a program called mfiltration of Earth . For the Nibiruian Cl)'stal Temple Network bases to activate
the Emerald Covenant Masters Templar Planetary Stewardship Initiative at full scalaHransmission capacity , the Cloaking Shield buffer must be de-
(AKA "Planetary Christos Realignment Mission"). ~tlllaled, which lealles the tLSuali1 invisiblelcloaked insUlllations tlUlnerable to
Inadvertent Human "discovery." Other, related Crystal Temple callern systems,
Containing Selenite, Quaru:, Amethys t, Diamond and lIarious tJpcs of Beryl
dePoSits , will be "found" within the next 3#9 years; two are due Jor activation
6. scalar templates
7. see Mrurers Tern/liar Coursebook, forthcoming. and "discovery" around tile end of 2002 (locations not yet revealed to me by GA

340 341
_ _ -------~ nluwjvleu)l1C .l"lew..s 1111 cxpeanea Amemi Opening

for security reasons). Moye infamlalion on !he Nibimian Crystal Temple Network (rom the two other Time Mar~ices will serve as massive Photo~sonic
and Telalcd subjeClS can be found in our Masters Templar Courscbook (now Anchoring Rods (huge standmg-columnar-waves of IS -dimensional,
available) and forthcoming Forbidden Testaments of Revelation book. . audible sound) called Trion Pillars. Once anchored in Earth's Planetary
The UIR and Illuminati collectives have a vested interest in Shields, the Trion .Pillars will draw Ea.rth's Sea.r Oates and Sh~elds into

preventing the Emerald Covenant nations from fe-coding lhe Nibiruian aeural alignment With the Inner Earth time contmuum , so the Bndge Zone
Crystal Temple Network to a ll-Code Pulse, as chis would place these l"me Continuum Shift can progressively proceed. This "three-way link" or
Planetary Templar Control scalar pulse transmission stations out of the
VIR's D.l1 frequency range. Under natural 0-12 programming, the NOC.
"+ rinity Bond" between the three Time Matrix systems will create enough
D~12 (and higher) frequency thrust to allow the G uardian nations to
Grid and Crystal Temple Network would be inaccessible to UIR mplete their 12~Code Pulse re~programming of the Nibiruian Crystal
manipulation ,mcl could then be used by Emerald Covenant nations to Temple Network and Earth's Templar before 2003. If the Trion Field is
rapidly place Earth's Templar, and the "Montauk Problem" under a D.12 successful, the U IR will be unable to fulfill their intention of exped iting their
Security Seal. If Earth's natural D~12 Planetary Maharic Seal can be Frequency Fence project in 2002-2003 to rapidly advance their OWO
stimu lated into activation, any funher advancement of the UIR Illuminati agenda. Earth's Planetary Shields will progressively return to their organic
OWO Master Plan and pole-shift agenda will be prevented. The UIR OWO EM balances under a natural D~12 Planet~ry Maharic Se~l, ~ve rt~ng pole
Illuminati Master Plan, which now hinges on their abil ity to implement a shift and preventing further Fallen Angelic/Intruder IT mfJirranon and
global mass "Frequency Fence" by 2003, requires the use of the Nibinlian manipulation during the SAC. This is the focus of the Founders' Planetary
Crystal Temple Nerwork for continual transmission of the Frequency Fence Healing endeav()fs and Peace Efforts, from now until 2003 end. Much hangs
Sub-ULF scalar pulse program. During the GA/Eieyani Labor Day 2001 in the balance.
workshop of September 1~3. the OA explained that the UIR had initiated an Presently Earth's Planetary Shields are activating at an alarming rate,
aggressive, expedited step of advancement of their Illuminati OWO Master drawing in massive amounts of frequency from Sirius B SO-6 due to the
Plan. Expedition of their already delayed OWO Master Plan was successfully UIRs' fuJI activation of the Montauk facility and related installations. This is
initiated by August 30, 2001, in an attempt to gain control of the Nibiruian causing a progreSSive Time Acceleration of Earth's passage through the 2000~
Crystal Temple Network before Emerald Covenant nations could complete 2017 SAC. If Earth does not succumb to the now- advancing U IR lIIuminati
their intended l2-Code Pulse re-programming before 2003. GA Templar OWO Master Plan, the "Amenti Ascension Schedule" (see page 201) will
Mechanics conducted during the January 2001 Florida Azurite gathering reach fu lfillment much earlier than originally anticipated. Emerald
had temporarily thwarted the UIR from achieving full activation of the Covenant races are unable to prevent chis undesired acceleration of Earth's
Montauk facility. The GA had successfully re-programmed to a natural 12- SAC, as the UIR's psychorronic transmissions have triggered the automatic
Code Pulse, the main planetary Axiatonal Line connected to Montauk, frequency acceleration sequences in Earth's Planetary Shields; the mOSt the
which had been used for UIR global scalar pulse transmission. By September GA can hope to do is to stabilize Earth's Tempiar as the SAC rapidly
2001 the UIR had activated, and interconnected for pUlp)Ses of frequency unfolds. The opening of the Halls of Amenti Star Gates. originally due to
amplification , a series of smaller global Ley Line tributaries running through OC'cur in 2012, the coming 2017 "Three~Day Particle Conversion Period"
the Montauk faCility. and aU Stellar Wave infusions initially due prior to 2012 will now occur
between 2003~2006. If the Trion Field is successfully created before 2003, a
TRIONMEAJHE FIELDS AND EXPEDITED AMENT! OPENING "frequency blanket" called a Meajhe Field, can be constructed within
Due to the UIR's August 12-30, 2001, full activation of the Montauk Earth's magnetosphere and outer atmosphere, which will buffer Earth from
facility, combined with the May 2001 early activation of Sirius B Star Gate- many effects of these accelerated frequency infusions. The Meajhe Field,
6, Earth is now in ''Big Trouble." During our Labor Day 2001 workshop, the created through a temporary merging of Earth's Planetary Merkaba Field and
OA/Eieyani calmly explained that due to this recent advancement of [he that of the Meajhe Zone Time Matrix, can absorb much of the excessive
UIR Illuminati OWO Master Plan they would now have to take "final frequency that will otherwise bombard Earth's Planetary Shields and
emergency measures" to prevent pole shift and to stop further expedition of collapse Earth's magnetic fields and atmosphere during the Three-Day
the UIR agenda. We were provided with new, introouctory teachings on Particle Conversion period.
Veca-Code and Trion Field Masters RRT Templar Mechanics, through In the Labor Day 2001 workshop most of us were deeply sobered by the
which we can assist the Emerald Covenant nations in creating a Planetary <?A/Eieyani's technical physics answer to the question of ''What will Ea.rth
Trion (or "Trinity") Field. A successful Trion Field will allow Earth's now life experience during this accelerated phase before the Th~ee~D~)' P~rtld.e
precariously balanced EM grids, Planetary Shields and Merkaba Field to be Con",er.sion Period?" This infonnation is too lengthy fo r mcluSlOn ill th ~s
directly linked imo Planetary Shields of the Inner Earth time continuum. book; I will simply say that if the Mcajhe Field is not created "you wouldn t
Earth's Templar will be simultaneously linked inro the Planetary Shields of a
free counter-part of "Future Earth" that exists in a Trans-Harmonic
Accelerated Time Cycle called the Meajhc Zone.S The Planetary Shields B. Set: FOI'bidden TeS!aHlffi!5 of Ret elation, (orthcoming.
342 343
~,. ~'.""6""" .......... ~ ............... . -..... , ...,''''' .. """ II:' w-vnu 0'='--- "" _",,- -,-n' CJcrooer J ';1';1';1 ....... UlSslJ1ea uocument, Is)'cnotromc~, Montauk and

want to be here." One summary due is the scientific term called Hydrogen E~ rtS These revelations of Illuminati activities would also serve to initiate
Burning. All Emerald Covenant Crisis Intervention efforts arc now even great slander/disinformation/public attack campaign against the
directed to creating the Trion Field and Meajhe Field on Earth and blocking
the UIR Frequency Fence, between now and 2003. There is no time left for
bA work and me personally, among Anunnaki representatives within the
N w Age Movement and Zeta-Dracos representatives in the UFO
wasting energy with Illuminati sparring matches or countering Me vement. The deciding factor preventing this data from being authorized
disinformation campaigns; "the Game is On," people, and the advanced fO~lublic release ~vas that. disclosure wou!d :ause ~e then-extremely fragile
Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics is literally the only solution to this an rapidly dismtegratlOg 1992 PleJadlan-SltIan Agreements to be
dilemma. If the real muh as explained above is a "bit too much to handle," hattered completely.
then perhaps the Big Picture will begin to make more sense through s Unknown to me at the time, in 1999, Emerald Covenant nations were
understanding the smaller, but equally bothersome, reality of the now_ deeply immersed wit~in terribly ,":olati.le , top~secur!ty politically sensitive
rapidly advancing UIR Illuminati OWO Master Plan. On the last day of negotiations with major Anunnakl .natlons, attempting to persuade the~ to
our Labor Day 2001 workshop, September 3, eight days prior to the 9/11/ honor their 1992 peace treaty promises. In 1999, Emerald Covenant nations
2001 Trade Towers/Pentagon Terrorist attack, the GA revealed the (II had hope that the 2000-2017 Final Conflict drama on Earth could be
second, interconnected "pending crisis" issue. The UIR and llluminati had s :erted through fulfi llment of the 1992 Pleiadian,Sirian Agreements. The
finally managed to fully expedite activation of the Montauk facility and its ~last ditch attempt" at resurrecting this failed 1992 peace treaty bet\ve~n
global scalar pulse transmission network. The UIR's schedule of advancing Guardian and Anunnaki legions was the July 5, 2000, Treaty of Altair,
their Illuminati OWO Master Plan, which originally involved initiation of which had failed miserably by September 12, 2000, resulting in the UIR
the "2003 Dimensional Blend Experiment" (see page 110) and "2004 Edict of War. Throughout 1999, the GA and Emerald Covenant nations had
Frequency Fence," had been expedited and fully set in motion. Phase I of been trying desperately to prevent the event of war with the Anunnaki,
their intended Frequency Fence would need to be forcibly implemented due to their NOC-Grid stronghold over Earth's Templar. Factions of the
before 2003 if they were to prevent Emerald Covenant nations from Anunnaki legion (ruling portions of Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command,
pemlanently securing under a natural 12-Code Pulse the 24 Nibiruian Alpha-Omega Order Melchizedeks an~ ~ibi":,i~n Thoth-Enki-Zephelium
Crystal Temple Network transmission sites. More disturbingly, the GA Anunnaki) had defected from the Ple!adl3n-Slflan Agreements and made
revealed that the first major move in expediting the U IR llluminati OWO "friendly enemies deals" with a faction of the competing Dracos Omicron
Master Plan into externalized motion had just begun. The GA security Drakonian hybrid race in March 1999. In [he Dracos-Anunnaki agreements,
release data revealed in the Labor Day 2001 workshop was not the first the Nibiruian Councils (of "Nine," "Twelve" and "Twenty-Four") mandated
warning the GA had provided regarding the potentials of horror inherent to that a program of Human Genocide would be immediately initiated to
the Illuminati OWO agenda. My first chilling glimpse at this reality came in reduce the numbers of Human populations, so easier advancement of the
October 1999, about one year before the inter-stellar political drama Anunnaki-Dracos lIIuminad OWO Master Plan could proceed.
escalated to its present state of chaos through the consolidation o( Fallen The OctOber 1999 Classified infonnation detailed that a type of
Angelic invasion forces in the September 7~ 12, 2000, formation of the UIR. P-Jychotronic scalar-pulse technology called a "Phantom Pulse" would be
transmitted to key locations on Earth via the Montauk facility and low~
THE OCTOBER 1999 ClASSIFIED DOCUMENT, scale activation of portions of the Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network. The
PSYCHOTRON1CS, MONTAUK AND OWO "Phantom Pulses" would progressively amplify ovet time, beginning within
the areas of Earth's Planetary Shields into which they were sent, due to the
In the only "Classified" dispensation of data the GA had ever given, a progression of the SAC. The purpose of the Phantom Pulse transmissions was
53-page manuscript was transcribed in October 1999, detailing some of to progressively send digitally encoded Psychotronic Mind Control
what the then-dominant Zeta Rigelian-Dracos/Drakonian and Anunnaki directives to certain segments of international populations, through which
owe forces had in store if the GA Peace Effort could not prevent the "3-D event" of Human war, escalating rapidly into a WW3
advancement of their agendas. O nly a few copies of this transcript were 'IArmageddon" scenario, would unfold within the Human dtama. The
produced, and I was permitted to share them with on ly a few close friends and progression of "Trigger Events," through which this "Human War" would be
people directly involved in the GA work. The information contained in this Progressively instigated via Psychorronic transmission, would nOt begin until
GA dispensation detailed some disturbing llluminati actions that were the Phantom Pulses had reached a critical mass transmission strength in
already occurring in 1999 and revealed data on a few very frightening Earth's grids. In synchron ization with the originally scheduled progression of
potential events that would emerge into "Official 3-D reality" if rhe Emerald Earth's SAC, the first set of Psychotronically induced "Trigger Events," and
Covenant Crisis Prevention Initiative failed. The Emerald Covenant their resulting jC3~D political actions" orchestrated by targeted individ.uals
Founders' races had deemed the October 1999 Classified information and collectives, were intended to begin in 2002. The October 1999 claSSIfied
unsuitable for public release at that time. They knew the infonnation would dOcument further explained that a smaller, less developed version of this
generate unnecessary fear over events we might likely avert via GA Peace technology had been tested by the Rigelian Zeta-Dracos Alliance in the area
344 345
"",!"!,,,,,,,...__ .' ' ' ",
~ n , = /1 CIIWgOH nnw.;~urlU we JltU11U1lUU c:.m.e WDrIl1 ClT'aer' - - ......-------~lee ers, ' terrorists, Hemote Viewing, RITs and the NET

of Bosnia, and that it was "working successfully" to instigate Human Council mandate of Human Genocide. The ''Frequency War" was o n
political unrest. The document further revealed that benveen June-July between the G uardian and Fallen A ngelic nations; the victor wo uld control
1999 the Zetas, with assistance from the Anunnaki, reactivated a portion of Earth's Planetary Templar Complex ,an.d thus, the u lt i~a te fate of the 2000-
the Zetas' scalar transmission faci lity at Montauk [0 amplify the capabilities 2017 SAC and consequently Earth s Immechate destmy. When A nunnaki
of this Psychorronic technology. legions fin ally fully defected from the Emerald Covenant Treaty of Altair on
It was further explained in the October 1999 dispensation, that on September 12, 2000, joining and expanding the forces of the UIR, the
August tl, 1999, the first set of Three Phantom Pulses. directed to Emerald Covenant nations went under a .State of War ~lert. The <?ctober
American targets, was issued by the UIR. The first pulse sequence was sent 1999 Classified document covered a vanety of related Issues, focusmg on
im o the Roswell, NM, vortex system, the second to the Castle Rock Vortex aceful solutions; {his document is tOO large to include here and mo re
in Sedona, AZ, and the th ird was transmitted into the Montauk~Long V:cent dam is far more pertinent. The most intriguing aspect of the October
Island~Manhattan, NY, vortex system. The document then mentioned that a 1999 dispensation is that it clearly identified that the GA had learned that
second set of Phantom Pulses was intended to be issued into Primary the then-dominant OWO dominion agenda of Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET
Vortex~2 Jerusalem, Israel on November 18, 1999 and the third and fin al forces had an established agenda of orchestrating Human Genocide for
set of "fim phase" pulses were scheduled for China on December 12, 1999. specific mass population reduction. The Ze{a-Dracos~Anunn aki force
All of these targets were hit with amplified Psychotronic scalar Phantom intended to covertly use Psychotronics to "Trigger" speCific actions within
Pulses as scheduled.9 The information perraining to the Anunnaki-Dracos- the ranks of their lIIuminati "puppets" in the Interior World Government,
Zeta intended dates of fi rst wave Phantom Pulse transmissions was obtained to remotely instigate WW3 among Human nat ions. Reducing specific
by Enoch, the Density-3 Immortal Jehovian Anunnaki-H uman hybrid, who Human and Indigo Ch ild populations on Earth was part of their larger Earth
had appealed for an Emerald Covenant Redemption Contract in 1983. infiltration and physical invasion plan , through which they intend to
~I Since 1983, Enoch had remained loyal to the Emerald Covenant, and also progressively secure, first covert then overt, physical presence on Earth, in
througho ut the 1992-1999 Pleiad ian-Sirian Agreements, fo llowing his long preparation for seizing dominion of Earth and the Halls of Amenti Star
stint of service as a major player with in the Jehovian Anunnaki OWO Gates.
dominion agenda between 10 AD and 1983 . In 1999, Enoch was able to
secretly obtain this Anunnaki military Strategic infonnation from his SLEEPERS, TERRORISTS, REMOTE VIEWING,
contacts within the Jehovian A nunnaki legion (Arcturus, Orion, Sirius A).
T he information presented in (he October 1999 Classified document was
entrusted to me only so that I would beg in to really understand the Following the October 1999 classified dispensation, the GA
seriousness of Earth's position, and so that I could present some of the infrequently provided bits of additional non~specific information pertaining
infonnation on solutions to the public in 1999. This public presentation to various Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET and ILluminati intentions, such as
was conducted and filmed on December 12) 1999) in a large NYC Psychotronically triggered Illuminati terrorist acts, including the use of Bio~
workshop, through wh ich the fi rst grouping of the Azurite Templar Security t~oris m . 1 was told, in various brief personal discussions with GA members
Team was fanned. At this time the Emerald Covenant agenda was focused in 1999 and early 2000, that there were "Illuminati Sleeper groups"
exclusively upon conti nuing GA/Founders Emerald Covenant inter~stellar (unnamed and unidentified) of various nationalities scattered within about
political negotiations in hopes of bringing the Anunnaki and their Illuminati 15 major (unnamed) countries. They said world governments knew since
forces back into the Pleiad ian-Sirian Agreements peace treaty, and upon their beginning formation in the 1960s- 1980s that the various "Sleeper"
preparing the Azurite Security Team (or Masters Planetary Shields Clinics. Terrorists Groups existed and had most of them already under constant
Planetary Shields C linics are the only technology through which this OWO surveillance. The "Sleepers" were intended as the eventual targets of
agenda and Phantom Pulse technologies can be stopped . Psychotronic "Tri~ering" launched by the Zeta-Dracos-Anunnaki Fallen
T he Emerald Covenant nations, with help from the East Coast U.S. Angelic collectives if their OWO Master Plan progressed beyond 2002. The
Azurite Team, achieved the first major, and utterly essential preliminary GA did not stress the "Sleepers" as being the primary threat to planetary
victory in their Crisis Intervention Program-"Grounding of the Stellar ~urity; the greatest threat was the intentio n of the Fallen A ngelic forces to
Bridge" on a u12_Code Pulse" during the "Transcendence Day Stand" of tngger Wars between Nations. In 1999~early 2000, the llluminati Sleeper
January I, 2000. With this accomplishment, Emerald Covenant nations groups were not intended as the force that would start the "WW3" drama;
were fin ally "in the game" and had a decent chance of protect ing Earth and the Fallen Angelics simply intended to use them after the fact of major
humanity from the advancing Illuminati OWO agenda and N ibiruian global war, as covert militia operatives. The GA intended to warn the
public of any known Sleeper activity if that "time ever came." O ur
attentions were focused upon securing Earth's Templar from further Fallen
Angelic/ Intruder ET infiltration and upon peacefully preventing further
9. GA began immediate intervention measu res, but due [0 Nibiruian Anunnnki hold over
the C Pj'Stal Temple Netwod.:, could not fully prevent the Phantom Pulse rrnnsmissions
346 347
"''!!'''",''1'''r - - - l ne---.J/II W J t/ l~enragon ]"maCI< artd thT WllffUnlitl On
7 W OflZt lJ'i'cteT---.,....
--~-----~feep'ers, JerrDrlsts, Kem ote V' iewing, H.fl 's and (he NET

advancement of the Zeta-Dracos-Anunnak i Illuminati OWO Master Plan Astral Attachment," or in some cases for panial or full-body possession via
through Masters Planetary Temp\ar Mechanics, in order ( 0 prevent WW3. DNA Template bonding. . .
The Emerald Covenant nations have kept Sleeper groups under The lower echelons of ilium man RITs arc often sent to deliver
surveillance whenever poSSible, but this is often difficult. as they are frequency impla~~ called "Tags" in!o the 0-4 astral-field of unsuspecting
frequently moved around to different locations. The GA explain that humans. 1l1ese dlgltall~ encodc.d EM Implants serve as dormant triggers that
lIluminati "Sleeper" groups are moved about within the many geographical are aclivaced and deactivated via targeted remote sca lar pulse transmission,
locations on Earth where the planetary AxiatonaI Lines. Ley Lines causing the indiv iduals to fa ll imo Illuminati mind control at times when
Planetary Shields and Crystal Temple Networks ate controlled by Falle~ they are needed as covert Illumi nati operati ves. When the implant is de-
Angelic/lntrudcr ET collectives. In these areas Emerald Covenant nations activated, the person "returns to normal" often with no conscious memory of
face great difficulty in electronic, Phow*radionic and Photo-sonic what transpired when the implanr was active. Asna l Frequency Implants, or
survei llance as the Fallen Angelics use "jamming" scalar pulse frequencies to Tags, are very often used to control, activate and "awaken" Illuminati
"retai n their privacy." "Remote Viewing," or mental surveillance through Sleeper groups , as they allow for specific instructions of ac tion to be
projection of 3-D consciousness into the 0-4 "Astral" field, is the most remotely transferred via digital scalar pulse inro the subject's mind. The
effective method of Sleeper surveillance, but this too has its drawbacks in subject ex~riences them as "personal thoughts" or sometimes as "voices
relation to monitoring of Fallen Angelic/ Illuminat i operatives. A small from spirit/God," etc. The Tags utilized by Illuminat i RIT forces have a short
group in each Illuminati Sleepers force collective is trained in Remote " life span"- their EM frequency programs become non-distinct and disperse
Viewing detection, by their Fallen Ange lic directors; these indiv iduals can over time, thus requiring repeated remote "Tagging." Tags also have a limited
sense " incoming astral presence." Remote Viewing technology is far more receiving range; if the subject's body moves Out of range of the intended
developed than is realized in mainstream society. Not only are there many scalar pulse transmitting facil ity, the Tag will fai l to operate. For this reason
human and Illuminat i Remote Viewing survei llance teams presently aCTive there are a multitude of Tag Tracking Units orbiting around Earth in the 0 -
on planet, but there arc also several collectives of highly trained "Remote 4 frequen cy bands; these mechanical constructs tnlck the Tags and serve as
Interactive Teams" or "RITs" that utilize advanced astral field technologies scalar pulse relay stations for roving Tag acti vation. People can easily protect
for 0-4 astral interaction and manipulation of individuals and populations. themselves from these seem ingly elaborate Illuminati and Fallen Angelic/
These groups of "higher ranking," Ultra-security clearance lIIuminati Intruder ET schemes by simply consistently and frequently using (he Maharic
operatives are trained literally in Astral Combat and Infiltration. Seal technique (see page 496). The Maharic Seal manually activates the
In some Earth locations, large underground lIIuminati laboratories are natural 0-12 frequency sub-harmonics within the Human and Illuminati-
set up for training, tracking and directing RIT programs; these facilities hybrid DNA template, creating an organic. temporary 0-12 "Frequency
utilize advanced bio-electrical technologies and mechanically transmitted Seal" in the personal bio-field, DNA and consciousness. This 0-12
EM currents combined with induced neurochemical compounds to "force" Frequency Seal will clear astral Tags, prevent furth er Tagging and block
RIT subjects "our of body" via DNA Template/Pineal st imulation. Most Master RlTs from bio-field Astral Attachment and DNA bonding. Our lack
Illuminati RIT members do not realize that they themselves are fully of'lwareness as to the existence of these technolog ies and how to easi ly
Tagged and that their training agents keep them under continued- protect ourselves aga inst them is the only reason these forces can affect us.
surveillance mind control. More advanced "Master RIT Programs" utilize In relation to Emerald Covenant nations tracking Illuminati Sleeper
skilled consciousness projection without the use of mechanical, chemical or group's on Earth, Remme Viewing is the on ly effective method of
external electrical support. Such "Master RITs" are few and far between surveli~ance, but it is nm a "foolproof" technology. Planetary Shields scalar-
because development of natural consciousness projection skill requires ~Ise IOterference creates perceptual "buffer screens" even to the D-4
sustained DNA Template activation and higher-dimensional consciousness , tral perception, and many Sleeper groups are hidden beneath "holographic
integration, which presents the opportunity for the personal Soul, Over-Soul R en fiel~s,". which are mechanically generated (Q "give false readings" in
em?te Vlewmg surveillance. Presenrly, the D~4 frequency bands of Earth
or A vatar consciousness level to intervene and inspire the RIT to peaceful
solutions. Fallen Angelic Master RIT Programs involved with Earth do not breffhteraUy surrounded by multiple layers of Fallen Angelic constructed
use Human or Illuminati subjects, as there is too great a risk of the earthly 1 er screens, holographic insert fields and EM "Detection Blankets"; this
subject becoming free from Fal len Angelic covert manipulation. Master RlTs ~T~ary "Astral Mess" is referred to in the English language as "The
are composed fully of Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET "dark" souI/over~soul/ava(ar '. ; the "Nibiruian Electro~static Transduction" field. The NET was
collectives, whose higher stations of consciousness are also corrupted into h:l~tna~ly ~onstructed in Atlantis by invading Nibiruian Anunnaki races
exploitative, power-conquest agendas. Non-terrestrial Master RITs often NECG~ III 25,500 Be, and was "anc hored" into Earth's Sh ields via the
target Human and llIurninati individuals fo r intended "bio-energetic field! A - nd and Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network. In 9558 BC the
rnunna.ki fo~tified the NET, as they have at various times since then,
~oghessl.vely IOtercepting all natural electrical transmission lines to and from
rt . SlOce 9558 Be the Anunnaki have been preparing the NET to be

348 349
""""'!I'!'~r---~' ... --/
. ., ... ..:;;71' C-IIW~VII rnu.u..~ U/IU lIle ummma n on~ World lJrdeT- -'" _ _ -----~ W!t::JJ~I), 1 t::'IU'I .H,~, 1\ ~IItUle vlewmg, 1\1 JS ana the Ncl

"lowe~ed" into D-) h:equency bands as a Frequency Fence, through which "genius" of people selected for covert "Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET
they mtended to gam easy control oVfo Earth populations during th . insPiration." If Emerald Covenant races had been able to provide humanity's
scheduled 2000-2017 SAC invasion. In the 1943 PhiiadeI h,lr (eChnological education over the past 10,000 years, natural, thought-
~xperiment, Zeta Rigelian races "poked holes" (electromagnetic openi~ ') direCted subtle~wave technologies bui lt upon organic Creation Physics.
III the NET, enabling them [0 create a "doonvay" into our space_[" gs Core Scalar Template Dynamics and Sacred Planetary Templar Merkaba
coordinate. Emerald Covenant nations have been working to "break thro~mh Mechanics would have long ago transported Earth's peoples beyond all
t~e N,ET:' for m.any t~ousands of years, having some temporary, localiz~ "Earthly Limitations." A race does not need airplanes when knowledge of
vlctones In cenam penods. natural portal and star gate passage is used effectively, One docs not need
In t~e 199~ Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements peace [(caty, the Nibiruian light bulbs when one knows how to project self-contained, luminescent Bio-
Anunnakt permitted ~n~eral~ Covenant nations limited use of smaller Dion Field standing-waves, or when a civilization utilizes the natural global
frequency. relay t~nsmlsslon Imes of the NET for communication purposes (ree energy systems inherent to Earth's Templar Complex. (A few things to
and promised to disengage the NET and its manipulative programs by 2000' which we can evenrually look forwa rd when Earth becomes a free planet.)
in preparation for the S,AC. From 199~~1?94 the NET was used to amplify Emerald Covenant training would have also served to provide the cultural
frequency thr.ough which, the ~eta-R,gehanJDracos Montauk facility was Spiritual and Social Ethics through which the power of science can be used
temporarily disabled. Dunng nud 1998.1999, as the N ibiruian Anunnakis to enhance and free consciousness within the manifest experience, rather
launched their first mass defection from the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements than degrade and enslave it.
the NET was interf~ced with the Zeta-Rigel ian/Dracos Montauk facility: The earthly "ground technologies" that are now commonplace in
The NET-Montauk mterface was a collabonnive Zeta-Rigelian/Dracos and developed nations are not the benign and helpful "miracles of human
Nibiru ian-Anunnaki effort to prepare for "Lowering the NET" into the D.3 science" that they appear to be. Their development was covertly
Frequency, b~~ds vi~ interfac~ 'Yith ~arthly electrical grid technologies, to orchestrated off-planet, with the following intentions in mind :
create their Jomdy-mcended Sinister Frequency Fence" mass mind control To strengthen the frequencies of the D-4 NETI progressively
~~~o!k in 2004. In September 2000, the NET and Frequency Fence drawing the NET into the D3 frequency band,
tnltla(IVe came under VIR control and the intended target date for To suppress the natural DNA Template and Pineal activation in
beginning the Frequency Fence was pulled fonvard from 2004 to 2002. Humans that would normally occur during the 2000-2017 SAC, in order to
Since 1998 Emerald Covenant nations have used their limited access to harness human consciousness into the 3-D field, If our fourth DNA strand
NET tr~nsmission ~ines to ~gin "poking holes" in the NET. They are now were not partially blocked from activation, we wou ld all be able to see that
progressively worktng to dissolve the NET through progressive 12-Codc the D-4 frequency bands surrounding Earth and our local galaxy presently
Pulse re-pro,gramming of the ~4 Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network bases look like an "ET Parking Lot"! If Human and Indigo DNA is suppressed,
through which the frequencies of the NET are anchored into Earthls they cannot effectively run the natural12-dimensional Kundalini-Maharata
Planetary Shields. Life Force Currents through the ixxly, which are needed to run RRTs into
Over the last 100 years, Anunnaki races have been using the NET to th! Planetary Shields during SACs.
transmit specific technological information to strategically positioned, To amplify existing DNA mutations in Human, Indigo and
selected Illuminati Sleepers, through which "Human science" could "slowly Illum inati races for lowered immune system response, {Q expedite biological
advance" via covert Anunnaki "inspiration." Since 1943 the Zeta-Dracos . deterioration of select populations in preparation for, and during, the 2000-
have been runn~ng a counter "ET technology training program" on Earth in 1017 SAC.
hopes of capturing full control of the Anunnaki NET for use in their own To create frequ ency weakness in the D-4 Human, Indigo and
agendas. In 1999 the Anunnaki and Zeta-R igelian/Dracos forces agreed to Illuminati Astral body so astral Tagging l bio-field infiltration and Mind
"work together" to prevent Emerald Covenant nations from disengaging the Control can be easily and covertly orchestrated on a mass level.
NET. To interfere with natural function of human brain-waves, blood
The "Intruder ET technology training" that has been literally and hormonal systems in order to amplify humanity's present entrapment
electronically inserted "into the minds of men" was "paced'l so that Human Within the biological form.
science wou ld selectively advance to the development of the specific To distract human attention fully into the external world and into
technologies that would be needed to "lower the Frequency Fence" into the disempoweri ng dependence upon external technologies, so the natural
0-3 frequency bands. The "man-made" electrical grid networks of Earth and POwers of mind l spirit and DNA remain undeveloped. These arc only some
literall,v a ll c';lre radio, tel~vision, fiber optics, digital l EM pulse, sonic pulse of the things our "modern" technologies were intentionally designed to do
and mICrochip technologies have emerged in human civilization through the for US; while keeping us joyfully enamored with their apparent advantage
(Atlantis revisited!).
But now that these techno logies are here, they can be used to promote
well being rather than damage, (We are not an "anti-technology" religious-
10, "Galactic Federation" has been the primary "NET Maintenance Crew."
350 351
--- .. .. - ~ ,- , ----
dogma group!) At t he expense of sound ing redundant, I will point out th at . I tion from which (ull physical invasion of the Inner Earth Time
the D- 12 frequencies generated in the personal biology via consis tent u se of strategic docHalls of Amenti control sites was intended to be launched.
the Mahanc Seal will progressively clear and neutralize the persona l effects cycleeeann 50 000 BC-9560 BC the advanced Human civilizations. of
of damaging electromagnetic emissions. If you can generate, through Betw . (M~'a) and Atlantis were progressively invaded by competmg
educated mental direction of bio-energy, organic D- 12 sub-harmonies Lemurlak d Drakonian agenda races via forced Fallen Angelic/lntruder
through nano-second activation of the dormant portions of your DNA Anunna I an , . h b 'd " puppet races "( th c
n-T h b 'd' ation through which the lllummatt- y rl
Template and bio-field , you do not need external "devices" such as "Tach yon E . y {/ IForce':) was created Between 9560 BC-9558 BC the Anunnaki
Field Interceptors" to protect you from Earth's present environment. There '.'Lev:r an gained control of ~vhat remained of Atlantis through use o( the
arc numerous other natural means of protec tion that, if used with the lov e~ndci~s mind-controlled llluminati hyb.rid tea.~. In 95 58 ~~ t~ey
Maharic Seal, wi ll amplify personal immunity to such damaging "invisible NEhesrrated a massive "Planetary House Cleamng, ~(htlng and re-Wrltlng of
wave fields." orc Human historical records, and ha~e methodl.c ally orchcstra~ed each
If Emerald Covenant nations successfully create a D-12 Planetary our e of the Luciferian Covenant since, \0 preparatl.on. (or the fi nal mtendcd
Maharic Seal during this SAC, Earth's environment will also progressively stag . f ~ 2000 2017 SAC Sometimes truth IS mdeed, much stranger
. vaSlon o t e - . '" d h ' ll"b
heal, clear and neutralize the damaging effects of these technolog ies; the In fi I The Anunnaki would have us totally un er t Clr spe y
technologies themselves will be steadily evolved to a more advanced, ethical th~ a'ili~ni.eta_Rigelian and Drakonian OWO forces, an~ the lllu~i~ati~
order of Sacred Physics applications. In greater tenos, advancement of Our h~hrid Sleepers hadn't been "giving them a run fo r their money smce
Fallen Angelic/ Intruder ET inspired "Human technology" was intended not
only as a control mechanism for Human populations; our "deceitful Stellar 194~hiS explanation of our history and pre~ent circumstances sc.ems surreal
neighbors" have bigger plans in mind. Contemporary G lobal technologics d haps "fanciful." Even i( this information wcre not drawn d ~ rectly from
~I such as the HAARP project, Montauk faci li ty (see page 136), electrical and ~he tOT-Plate ancient history records (which it is), this scenano takes a
nuclear power plants, computers, satellites and EM-sonic scalar-pulse tum toward the plausibly real when we begin to se: how co~tem'p0 rary
technologies were "given to us" so we would already have core technological lobal3-D events fit into the context of this advancmg lJIummatt 0hW~
installations built on planet. These technologies all have the capacity to be ftaster Plan . What do Sleepers, RITs, thc NET, Int';!ldcr ET Tec ~o ogy
linked together, through the Nibiruian C rystal Temple Network and inter- and the Fallen Angelic" Atlantian Conspiracy d ~ma ~ave to do "':'l~ the
dimensional space craft, to create a massively powerful Photo-sonic Pu lse 9/11 Disaster? Everything. A review of recent history directly pe.rtatnl(jl to
generation and transmission system. "Conveniently," this is the precise these subjects, and a glimpse at the Fallen Angeli~ UIR IIl~m\O att OW .
system that the Fallen Angelic/lnttuder ET races need to forcibly " blow Master Plan will provide the context through which the dlrec~ cot~,ectlonl "
through" the Cloaking Shields (Photo-sonic security force field s) thar between ma~s events such as the very real "9/11 Disaster" seeffimg y un.rea
protect the. portals connecting sllrface Earth and the Inner Earth Time Cycle, Atlant ian Conspiracy can be most easily understOoo . T~e re~eht ;ls~930a~
where the Halls of Amenti Star Gate control Temples I l are located . context from which our present drama has emerged begms Wit t e s
Over the last 100 years, Human and Il!uminati races have served the Zeta Treaties and ends with the 1992 P leiadian-Si rian Ag re~ment s and
Atlantian Nihiruian Anunnaki invasion force well as a source o( amnesiac their final September 12.2000. dissolution into the UIR Ecltct of War.
"technological slave labor"; and our "slave masters" are intending to soon
reap the harvest we have so painstakingly cultivated unknOWingly on thei r
behalf. Its time to " Wake up. world! " and face the hard facr that what we
are now experiencing in "3-D" is the beginning of an anticipated and highly
strategic climax of the long- nurtured Anunnak i Luciferian Covenant
agenda of 9560 BC. (An agenda that has recently become marc tightly
focused, powerful and organized, via consolidation of a variety of once-
competing OWO agendas, through formation of the UIR. ) The diabolical
Luciferian Covenam irsel( is part of a much older, larger, less organizcd
collection of competing Fallen Angelic/lntruder ET intended invasion
forces that have been collectively orchestrating rhe Ad amian Conspiracy,
the root~ o( wh ich go back over 200.000 years. All o( these competing
OWO Fallen Angelic/I ntruder ET dominion agendas have always shared onc
core "Prime lnitiative"- full physical conquest of surface Earth as the

12. TIle long and war-10m real hi5tory of this ongomg Amcmi conquest I~ de tailed in Forbid-
11. See Crystal Pylon Temples. in Forbidden Twamenu of Retetalion. forthcommg den T esramtnlS ofRett/mion. forthcoming.
352 353
rchestrated a progressive infiltration of Human 12-Tribe cu lture and
ystematiC destruction and distort ion of the Human historical records via
~heir Annu#Melchi~edek ~UI~an-hybrid JIluminati race. line~. Since
formation of the ancient Luclfenan Covenant, the Anunnakt had mtended
for these Illuminati race "Sl eeper~" to i;!e i~ position for overt Anunn~ki
'nfih:ration and takeover of Earth vIa the SavIor Space Brothers" deceptIOn
drama when the long-awaited 2000-2017 SAC arrived.
Anunnaki races of Nibiru, Pleiades-A lcyone, Siriu~ A, Andromeda,
Alpha and Omega Centauri, Arcturus and Orion had progressively gained a
The Phi-Ex Wormhole and srronghold on Earth through the 25,500 BC installation of the Nibiruian
Electro-static Transduction (NET) and Nibiruian D iodic Crystal (NDC)
Illuminati OWO Grid at Stonehenge. Since the 95 58 BC Anunnaki-orchestrated "Atlantian
Flood" drama and "Planetary H ousecleaning" {removal of historical records
and planting offalse historical evidence}, the major interstellar Photo-sonic
Commun ications system of Earth , the N ibiruian Crystal Temple Network.
was Anunnaki controlled via the NET, making Emerald Covenant Guardian
FALCON MATRIX AND WORLD WAR II race communication with h uman populations progressively more difficult.
Prior to the A nunnaki's September 12, 2000, defection from the Treaty The Anunnaki races were not the only ones running the long-term
of Altair Emera ld Covenant peace treaty, GA Races were hopeful that "infiltration through hybridiz.uion agenda" since initiation of the 9560 BC
cooperation between Guardian races and the previously ill- intended Luciferian Covenant in preparation for the One World Order dominion
Anunnaki would allow for a peaceful resolution to the Final Confl ict drama conquest scheduled fo r the 2000-201 7 SAC. Numerous factions of
thac had been "hrewing" since the 9560 Be Luciferian Covenant. Since llluminati-Human-hybrid races of both A nunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian
November 1992, Emerald Covenant races have had to make concessions descent were created through raiding of the Atlantian Annu-Melchizedek
regarding the expedient release of data in order to maintain peaceful hybrid race line that e~erged from the Emerald Covenant Anunnaki DNA
cooperation from Anunnaki collectives controlling the NET. In 1992, the Bio-Regenesis Program. The warring and conquest documented in known
GA knew that the interstellar poli tical circumstances were extremely volatile "Human" historical record since 9560 BC has been an illumation of the
as Earth approached the 2000#2017 Stellar Activation C ycle (SAC ). T hey progressive power quest between competing factions of Illuminati hybrids for
also knew, since the last fa iled SAC of 22.326 BC had ended in a Earth Star Gate site dominion. The true Race Identity of Human 12-Tribe
"stal emat~" between the competing agendas of the Drakonian/Reprilian, races progressively became "lost in the shuffle" and engulfed by Illuminati
Anunnah and Emerald Covenant races, that the 20002017 SAC would hybrid race identity, as Illuminati hybrid races, always directly but covertly
represenr the climax of a long.term battle between the forces of freedom and motivated from "behind the scenes" by their respective Fallen Angelic
those of dominion. collectives, launched their competing territorial dominion campaigns.
The 199.2 P~eiadian.Sirian Agreements arose Out of necessiry, if peace The elite "Masters of War" that have held, by force, positions of
were to be mamtamed and cataclysm averted during the 2000.2017 SAC , political, religious and economic power throughout our known history from
T he oppo rtu~lit y for these well-intended but ilt-fated peace agreements arose Sumeria, Baby lon, Egypt and Rome, up to the present-day covert "World
from the actions of numerous Illuminati hybrid-human collectives since the Management Team," are the Illuminati hybrid HSlccper Races." The
early 19305. As explained in Voyagers I, certain fact ions within several world Illuminati hybrid Sleeper Races are the Earthly representatives of compering
governments had made covert treaties with the Drakonian Agenda Rigelian Anunnaki, Necromiton and Drakonian/Reptilian Fallen Angelic legions,
Zeta-Zephelium ' races of Orion-and thus the " Zeta Treaties" and "M)_ 3.nd they have been the motivating force behind literally all "human" politics
12" were born. Because of these intended "One World Order" Drakonian/ slI~ce the 9558 BC "fall" of Atlantis. Illuminati hybrid Sleepers are but a
Repti lian dominion treaties, competing Anunnaki forces who since mlOority with in Earth populations, but they are those presently in positions
Atlant is, ha~ ?een "nurturing" their Illuminati hybrid "Sleeper" r~ces on of greatest power and infl uence behind the global political, religious and
Earth for rhelr mtended 2000-2017 takeover, suddenly fo und that their long:- hconomic infrastructure. Like Earth's Human races, lUuminati Sleeper races
anticipated posit!on o~ co~ert power had been comprom ised. Since formation ave been subjected to literally thousands of years of fal se cultural and
of the Anunnakt Luclfenan C ovenant of 9560 BC, Anunnaki legions had ~eligious programming via implanted Anunnak i and Drakon ian/Repti lian
Indoctrination. Most Sleeper races do not consciously know of the reality of

1. inscc[oid/reptilt
2. Stt Forbidden T tsUlmtnfS of Ret'e!tuion, (onhcommg.

354 355
__ .._ ......... _........... _... _.... ...
~ . ~ ~ H.~_ ...
Fallen Angelics/ETs--only the few elite, key controllers among each . ) indoctrinated collectives of Angelic Human populations. The
ration . . d .I. t
Sleeper faction are permitted c~ nsc io u s knowledge of covert Fallen Angelic! O
Ill. it of Human populatlons eXlste ~n. an e~y-t~-utr~ct ~eslac sta e
1Il1J1La Y Race Identity and reilglous/sCleno fi c/hlstofl cal cultural
ET CO~HactJ and none are perm itted full knowledge regarding the real Fallen
A ngeilc/ET agendas. Fallen Angelics historically control their Sleepers to of, . fo~~ation Propaganda control..~ompeti.ng Drakoni.an~eptilian
serve as the ir "expendable pawns" upon "C hess-board Earth," (hrou h ()i~ln uld have a difficult time mobllmng thelf own mum mati Sleeper
legl0 wo s due to the Anunnaki's predominant control of [he N ET and
remote NET-transmission of subliminal psychotronic EM scalar-purse
programs and astral Tagging. Though lUuminati hybrid Sleeper races appear Ra e o~CCterstellar communications systems. In the early 1900s, Zeta-
both outwardly and genetically like "common humans," due to genetic Earth sl' In races from an adjacent Time Matrix (see VO)'ogm l) managed to
mutations that began in 25,500 Be, they do not have the human soul ZePakeJ,~~ugh the Anunnaki NET, by forcing a "hole in the cap" ~f .a sealed,
essence. The Sleepers are incarnates from the Fallen Angelic/ET collectives bre . Atlantian wormhole. This wormhole, one of two remammg from
that control them; genuine Human 12.Tribe incarnates emerge from a once_ anclenh ological abuses of ancient Atlantis, is an arti6cially created trans-
ascended master Guardian Maji G rail Line soul collective, not from the t~e tee. n al ~eophysical anomaly that has existed in the Atlantic Ocean off
duneoslon , G . 10 500 BC Th .
Fallen A ngelic collectives from which llluminati Sleepers emerge. theeoast ofw at is now S~vanhnah, IA,.sIOO ce , Ax.' etL~an~len~
. The various competing Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian Illuminati Atlantian wormholes are to t e At antic cean 0Tnh filatona hmel .' a
hybnd Sleeper Races have been a hidden, predominant reality on Earth bo 69 SOW longitude off the eastern U.S, coast . e rst worm 0 e IS on
since 155,000 Be. Since the 9560 Be fomlalization of the Anunnaki h ~t nt~l Ley Line 3 , the Star Gates-3-Bennuda/ 9-Bam Tso TIbet
Luciferian Covenant, the competing family lines of lllum inati Sleeper Races uB:1~\Uda~Jerusalem-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Bam Tso,Nagasaki Li~e" at
have been part of a progressively orchestrated, highly organized long-term }2 N. The second is on ~orizontal L~y Line-4/~O, t~e Star ~ates-4-GI~a/ l O
strategic plan to create Fallen Angel ic "Master Races" on Earth in Abadan-lran "Giza_Pers13n_Gutf_Mld Way Lme at ~O North lat~tude.
.i I prepa~ati~n fo~ the 2000-2017 SAC. T hrough these Fallen A ngelic Collectively, the twO Atlantian wormholes, and the vanc~us Templar 'Port
IlIummatl hybnd Sleeper Master Races, the competing legions of Anunnaki Interface Networks" connected to them, are responslbl: for the. o~d
and Drakonian/Reptilian interstellar collectives each intended to achieve henomena of plane/boat disappearances and electromagnetic anomahes m
domin ion of Earth's Star Gates during the 2000-2017 SAC. The strategic ihe area of the Atlantic called the "Bermuda Triang~e.". .
plans of Fallen Angelic/I ntruder ET Earth-dominion agendas that were set The Zeta races began surveillance of Earth terntones and were rapIdly
forth in rhe ancient Atlantian Co nspiracy all held the intended scheduled joined. by an aggressive, militant Zcta race from Orion Rigel, ,~ho took ?~er
climax as the 2000-2017 SAC. It was known by all Visitor races since administration of Zeta Earth missions on behalf of the Drakoman/Reptthan
22,326 BC Atlantis, that the competing Fallen Angelic collectives intended Agenda. By the early 1930s, through covert, direct physical ~ontact , Zeta-
to wage war with each other, via manipulation of their llluminati hybrid R;!e1ian forces had seduced a majority of key . controllers I~ the gl?? al
Sleeper races, d uring the 2000-2017 SAC, in the 6nal dominion quest for po ttiesl community within both the A nunnakl and Drakonl~n!Reptlltan
Ea~~'s Halls of ~ e~ti St~r Gates. The carefully cultivated and strategically Illuminati hybrid Sleeper races into entering the Zeta Treaties to stand
posItIoned Illummatl hybrid Sleeper Races were intended, by each of the against what they presented as the "pending Anunnaki invasion." At this
competing Fallen A ngel ~c factions, to serve as the tools through which this point "MJ-1 2" and key components of the "World Management Team"
war would be won. 5 mce the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion Atlantian covert Interior Government were mobilized into a unified organization under
invasion and resultant progression of Fallen A ngelic territorial in'fi ltration of the Drakonian One World Order Agenda. Through the unanticipated
Earth, Emerald Covenant Indigo Children and Angelic Human 12-Tribe events initiated by the Zeta Treaties, A nunnaki legio~ we~e force? t~
races ~ave also. ret~ined ~heir J rcsence on E~rth, despite cont inually initiate select, covert physical contact with key figures m thelf Illun:m~tI
~dvancmg llIum matl hybnd an Fallen AngelIC persecution, political hybrid factions, in an attempt to persuade them to break the Zeta treatIes 111
mfil rration, fa lse cultural indoctrination and attempred genocide. Guardian favor of Anunnaki (Pleiadian-N ibiruian) allegiance.
races too have their Angelic Sleeper Races, incarnate representatives of the Though the Anunnaki gained some converts throu.gh these att~mpts,
~ounders' Emerald C ovenant Co-evolution Peace Treaty, who were long the majority of Illuminati hybrid races remained compromised by the tr~ckery
mtended to awaken and serve as the peaceful healers and bringers of of the Zeta Treaties, as the Zetas provided key w.eapons technologlCs . to
Freedom ,~hen the Final Conflict drama of the 2000-2017 SAC emerged. further their interests in the WW2 drama. A nunnakl races refused to proVIde
Until the early 1930s, the Anunnaki legions believed [hat they had weapons technologies, as they feared their Illuminati hybrid ra~es ~igh~ ~se
the. up~er hand i!1 regard to defeating Humans and Drakonian/Reptilian such technologies against them if the Anun~aki could not J?3mtam cntlca,~
legIons m com~letlon.of t~e 2~-2017 One World Order Dom inion agenda. mass control of Illuminati races. As the 'UfO/Abduction Movement
The Anunnakl Illummatl hybnd Sleeper Race family lines of the KnightS progressed foHowing the dominant Drakonian!Repti~ian Z:eta Agenda, tl:e
Templar, Free Masons, H yksos and related factions immersed within certain Anunnaki began an aggressive covert cou~ter-cam,ralg~ US.I~g, PsychotroOl~
con~rive? "re1ig!o~s" ~rsllas i o n s were in positions of global power, each scalar pulse technologies and the NET to awaken theIr clvlhan A nunnakt
servmg to admmlsrranon over large, unsuspecting, amnesiac, (via DNA lUuminati hybrid Sleeper Races. The Anunnaki "trump card" of the N ETI

356 357

- ............_ _ __1 f1~ rnFr.X wvnnnUte, ana me rnanrom Mllmx "1'ft" - lY"1-3

NOC G rid 3 was lIsc..:d to initiate Psychorronic transmission of "channeling" THE PHI-Ex WORMHOLE,
contact with Illuminati S leepers and Humans within the private sector
Through. this coven appl!cat ion of selective mass mind control. progres.s i\l~ AND THE PHANTOM MATRIX "PIT"-I943
cooperation of unsuspectmg p!..'Opie was garnered to advance the Anunnaki In 1943 the Zeta/Dr~konian ~genda. gain~d furth er s~~~ngth .through
dominion agenda, culminating in the creation of what has become the "New .. on of the Philadelphia Experiment, m which another tlme-np worm
Age Movement." Throughout the building fiasco of Earth Illuminati. iOlr~tI r Port Interface Network (PIN) , was made in Philadelphia. PA, via
Interstellar politics, Emerald Covenant Guardian races made numerous ho eO. t Atlantic wormhole. This PIN connected numerous points in Earth's
attempts at physical contact with key members of all IUuminati faction s and
Human governments. Guardian races offered protection from both
t1rb geography to the adjacem Time Matrix that is partially under Zeta!
~akonian rule. The adjacent Time Matrix to which Earth's new 1943
Anunnaki and Drakon ian/Repriiian invasion if Illuminati and Human hole network was connected once existed as part of our own Time
Interior Government controllers would willingly honor rhe tenets of ~tn\. Through repeated abuse of Advanced Scalar Pulse technologies.
egalitarian freedom. non.exploitation and peaceful coevolution as long. h~tr~rtion of our Time Matrix imploded 250 billion years ago forming an
stated with in the Emerald Covenant. Direct Guardian intervention in ~ 11~imensional Black Hole SubTtme Dist?rtion Cycle within .the
Earth's affairs required World Momagcmem Team controllers to discontinue cture of our IS-Dimensional Time Matrix . ThiS progressIvely com ractlng ,
their programs of "Official Denial ," reveal the truth of the Atlantic st~atural Black Hole Sub-Ti me Distortion system is known as the "Phantom
Wormholes, and Visitor Contact. (Q the public and to present to all Matrix"; in Biblical terms the Phantom Matrix is described as "the
populations the frecwill choice of entering the Founders' Universal Bottomless Pit," and is also referred to as "Hell" and UH ades."
Emerald Covenant Peace Treaty. The Fallen Angelic/lntruder ET races that have plagued our Time
Guardian races explained that advanced Star Gate sciences and Matrix throughout history are the DNA.mutated/consciousnessdistorted
II Planetary Templar technologies wou ld be provided in stages as needed, to
create peaceful protection of Earth's territories from further invasion . In
life.forms that emerge from the Phantom Matrix into our Time Matrix in an
attempt to "energetically feed" their slowly imploding, dying system by
order for direct Guardian assiStance (Q be given, the Illuminati hybrid races harnessing life force from our living system . .ouring the ~u~st 12, 1~43.
who were controlling Earth's infrastructure on behalf of competing Fallen Philadelphia Experiment, Zeta forces tricked IlIummatl races mto
Angelic factions would need to accept the peaceful methods of intervention employing technologies that the Zeta knew would create active wormhole
offered by the Emerald Covenant races. Guardian nations would nor endorse links between the Phantom Matrix and Atlantic wormhole. In 1943, not
the use of, nor prov ide, advanced weapons technologies for the pending only were the main East Coast power centers of the US linked to the Zeta-
Earth conflict; such technologies would not secure the victory of freedom; controlled Atlantic Wormhole, but an entire network of wormhole links
they would ensure only planetary destruction. The llluminati would need [Q was also created. The Zeta Phi-Ex Wormhole network extends diagonally
put aside their own One World Order dominion agendas. exploitation of from Portland, ME Boston, MA Montauk. NY. Philadelphia, PA
Human populations and intentions of waf in favor of peaceful interplanetary Washington DC.Mt. MitchelVAsheville NC-SW Florida, Atlanta-GA,
and interstellar coevolution built upon the freedom teachings of the horizontally across the US to Alaska. spanning both the Pacific and Atlantic
Emerald Covenant and Lyrdn-Sirian free cultural mcxlel. Ill uminati races Oceans into N. Ireland. across Europe and into Vietnam and Japan. Key
with in the covert Imerior Govemmem and World Managemenr Team llIuminati controllers were tricked by the Zetas into orchestrating this
repeatedly refused Guardian offers of assistance in favor of the One World "experiment" under the false pretense of developing military "Cloaking"
Order domin ion agendas and promises of power.hoarding offered by (invisibility) technologies. In one well-orchestrated technological
competing Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian forces. deception , the Zcta-Rigelian Drakonian force had literally "carved out their
intended territory" across the global map, gaining covert control of many key
Axiatonal Lines, Ley Lines and Star Gate sites in Earth's Planetary Templar,
while striking terror into the hearts of their llluminati collaborators. (The
"Trojan Horse" of the Adanrian NDC-Grid revisited ). The Zeta and
lIIuminati creation of th is wormhole network had unanticipated
consequences for the Drakonian agenda races-the "Phi-Ex (Phi-Iadelphia
Ex-periment) Wormhole" allowed for yet another Fallen Angelic "player"
to directly enter the contemporary Earth game.


A Fa llen Angelic race, which had long intended domi~ion over ~he
Zeta/Drakonian legions of the adjacent Phantom Time Matrix and whIch
J. Sec Mrulell Ttmplar COIlTSebook-, now aV;Jilable. had gained partial access to the Atlantian wormhole the Zetas opened in the
358 359
.....""'!'!''!'''',.-__.____ .._ .... _.. 'M ..... _ _. _ . __ .. ........ ~. "'" n ""'_ _ _ _ _ _ __
,. BzgHrOlher Urac," the Anaromies, Fliroshima and Hitler

early 1900s. was also able to gain easy open access to Earth territories via the Zeta-Rigelians advanced their OWO agenda by creating the Phi~Ex
Phi:Ex Wormhole. The most d~abolica l pla~er in the. Earth drama is the wormhole, the Necromiton set up underground bases in certain strategic
ancient race called the Necronuton-a hybrid InscctOld Beetle-Reptilian_ locations, beginning limited covert contact with key members of their
Anunnaki~hominidhyb rjd race from the adjacent Andromeda Kalaxy. TIle Illuminati Sleeper races for "future reference." From 1943 forward, both
Necr?~itons are feare,d and .hated by . most Anunnaki and Drakonian/ Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian legions and their Illuminati hybrid loyals
Reptdlan races, and Itke thelf compentors, the Necromitons have had contrived competing "step-by-step" strategic plans by which covert political
Illuminati hybrid Sleeper Races positioned among human populat ions of infiltration. leading to One World Order surface Earth dominion between
Earth since the Atlantian period. The Necromiton races aTC the leaders of an 2008.. 2012, would be progressively set in motion. The Zeta~Rigelian_
Unholy Fallen Angelic Alliance that involves several powerful renegade Drakon ian agenda had advanced rapidly following the 1930s' Zeta Treaties,
rebel raccs. Included in this Unholy Alliance, and directed by Nccromiton quickly over~powerin g the previously Anunnaki-dominated covert
"Andromie" administrators are the following collectives: Illuminati political landscape. In the early 19305, the "Majestic-12"
The Blue Centaurs and Anunnaki-hybrid Centaurian HICes of Alpha JIluminati head of Zeta-Drakonian-agenda operations had progressively
and Omega Centauri. infiltrated key positions of world politics, most notably in the U.S.A., which
The Orion Black League Human-Reptilian hybrid "Noors,,4 of the Anunnaki Illuminati had historically roasted as their "stronghold" since
Alnitak-Orion, the Pleiades, Andromeda and Vega-Lyra. their "Yankee" victo~y over the Drakonian "Rebel" force during the
A lso included arc several rebel faction s of both Anunnaki and American Civil War. In the 1930s the Zetas assisted in creating central
Drakonian/Reptili.an legions, inclu~ing fac.ti.ons of the "Archangel Michael" organization of the covert World Management Team on behalf of the
and Annu~MelchlZedek. A~unnakl. Nephtlun. rebel races and r~bel portions Drakonian agenda, through which global economic and political powers
of the Omlcron-Drakontan collecuve of Alnttak-Zeta and Almlam-Epsilon were centralized under the covert governance of a hidden Zeta-Rigelian-
~I O rion. Drakonian totalitarian "Big Brother."
The Phi-Ex Wormhole born of the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment
presented the Necromiton force with renewed opportunity for large-scale "BIG BROTHER DRAC," THE ANDROMIES,
Earth infiltration. Necromimn Andromie race operatives have become
known as the "Men in Black" within the contemporary UFO drama. HIROSHIMA AND HITLER
Between 1930-1943, most Necromiton-Andromies were not Compromise of the American Constitution had been orcheStrated by
particularly interested in participating overtly in the "Final Conflict" Earth Anunnaki Illuminati via manipu lation of American banking laws, in their
drama being set up by competing Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian quest for covert economic control during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
factions. The Necromiron had an Earth Star Gate dominion agenda of their The American Constitution was further violated by the Zera-Drakonian-
own, whi~h ~rigin a l.1 includ~d extermination of all Earth races, including agenda Illuminati in the 1930s, with the creation of the privately held
the llIumman hybn operatives of the other Fallen Angelic collectives. interests of the U.S. Federal Reserve and several other acts of "underground
Originally the Necromiron intended to build their underground power bases sbght-of-hand.,,7 As the Zeta-Drakonian Illuminati organ ization of MJ-12
and "wait and see" whether the Drakonian/Reptilian or Anunnaki forces was quietly expanded into what became the U.S. CIA, the preViously covert
"won the Final Conflict," intend ing then to "depose the victors" and claim Anunnaki lIluminati control of the American political-economic machine
Earth, Inner Earth and the Halls of Amenti Star Gates for their own. The fell to the equally covert "hostile takeover" of the advancing Zeta.Drakonian
Necromiton races planned to take direct action only if the 2000..2017 SAC "Big Brother" game-plan. Adop[ing rhe strategies of the Anunnaki
fully commenced, as the Amenti G ates could not be accessed otherwise. No Illuminati before them, the Zeta-Drakonian Illuminati created a complex
one knew for certain until 1998 whether or not Earth's core vibration would "underground" system of "Black-Budget Funding" networks, including
sustain commencement of the pending SAC, but all interstellar races were covert drug and anus running, to fund building of underground Zeta-
"positioning their llluminati operatives" for the dramas that were due to Drakonian Bases and further the quest for covert Big Brother territorial
rapid ly emerge should the SAC commence in 2000. dominion.
Unlike Anunnaki and DrakonianlReptilian races, the Necromiton were World War II began in 1939 as the Ze{a~Ri geli an Drakonian-agenda
not. interested i':1 dominion of surface Earth, because their primary genetic force launched a covert territorial conquest and race supremacy/genocide
strams cannot live long under surface-Earth conditions. Their interest in campaign through their Illuminati hybrid "fall guy" Adolf Hitler. The
Earth is strategic only; Earth is the primary point in our Time Matrix frotn
which the Halls of Amenti Star Gates can be potentially invaded. W hen the
6. Sadly. it IS primarily Humans who end up "playing the soldiers" th:!t lose their lives
unknowingly on behalf of the eovert U1uminati_ET alliance and their "Illuminati arm-
chair warriors."
4. Red-h:!ired Human-looking Omicron Dmkoni:lll-human hybrids 7. The external ru;PCCLS of these covert Illuminati infiltrotion of U.S. and world political and
S. Orogon-Moth economic systems are well chronicled by va rious ~corupi mcy theorists" of our time.
360 361
_ ...------"~ 'rg-J;r("he1 urac," the Andromles, Hlrosliima anarlitteT

political quest was covertly motivated by Star Gate territory control the d I ' ning the site under their control in August 1945. As the Zeta-
"Holy Grail Quest" for Earth's Tcmpiar, as it had been in WWl and an ,n I~ ail had planned since 1941 , the "time had come" to inspire the US
Human wars since Atlantis. In WWl and WW2 all groups were covettl R'ge . ti to direct Human trOOPS to use t h'
I Hins elf A-be m b to "fl atten"
competing for territories that could be used for Port Interface Network Y 111~01Ih~ and Nagasaki. This military atrocity was ordered to break
connecting to the A 7{L3 Falcon wormhole. Once the Zetas had "opened th S thros h"ilie Necromiton photo.sonic cloaking screen an,d t<;' "clear the r~al
cap" on. the ~alcon. wormh.ole on Axiatonal L,ine- 7/Ley Line-3, territori~ thrall?, f Necromiton Illuminati "cells" for Zeta-Rlgehan Drakoman
connectmg with this coord mate through Earth s natural Ley Line Structure estate. 0." esettlement "On August 6. 1945. Hiroshima, the Necromi[Qn~
~came "prime real estate" for their use as Falcon wormhole Port Interface Il lumlOatl r
. 'conrrolled .
Cloaking . '
ShIeld .
maIO generator system and a '
sites. iHumlll~ almost completely of innocent Angeli~ Hu.mans of "Yu Urtite-
In WW2. select members of Japan's Illuminati elite were covertly co~POS Maji Grail Line" descent fell amidst radIoactive rubble. The Zeta~
"inspired" by a faction of the Necromiton-Andromie race that at the time C~oti~:~ command waited until August 9. 1945 , before giving the order to
chose to compete with the Zcta-Rigelian legion for Port Interface Site RI~ke I N gasaki TIle rapidity of the second strike ensured that the
strl e '{on a would . have .msu ffi Clem
' '
time thereafter to erect a tempera., ~
dominion in various regions. The U.S.A. and Japan became entangled with
each other over intended dominion of Ley Line~3 Port Interface Site ~l~;k~~ Shield in an attempt to prevent the Zetas' scheduled August 12.
control. In 1940, the Necromiton-Andromies began coven contact with 1945. Sub~space Sonic scalar pulse. . '
their llIuminati hybrid family lines in the areas of Hawaii and Nagasaki and The Zeta-Rigelians' August 12. 1945. Pht-Ex somc scalar pulse'put
Hiroshima. Japan. Nagasaki is a prime Port Interface Site on Falcon h N asaki Port Interface Site "on line" with the Zeta-Drakoman-
wormhole Ley Line3; the Necromitons inspired their members of the t e ii~ Falcon wormhole and Phi -Ex Network. By August 13, 1945, the
Japa.nese and H ~wai i an IIIUI~inati ro begi_n const.ruction of two underground N";t: ki Phi-Ex .Port Interface link had proved successfu~, and ~~7 Zeta-
manne bases to these regions. The Nagasaki-Hawai i Necromiron bases R' grans in(onned Japanese llluminati controllers that It was time to
would prevent the Zeta-Drakonian races from expanding their Falcon Pon Ige I dct ,. that the "Nagasaki Mission" was completed . O n August 14,
Interface Network as they planned to do during Earth's scheduled "Magnetic
surren , J ' I'
1945 the Japanese Emperor ifave consent to apan s comp lance Wt~ t e
.h h
Peak" of August 12, 1943. The greatest objectives of the Zeta-Rigelian Allied demand (or surrender: S.ccuring an~ activating the Nagasaki Port
Drakonians in 1940-1941 were reducing concentrations of Angelic Human Interface Site under Zeta~Rtgeban Drakontan ~o~trol was th~ r~al ~~ason
Maji and Necromiton Illuminati family lines inhabiting the Nagasaki- behind Japan's attack on .Ha,~aii. a.nd A~~erica s "return retaliation . .~e
Hiroshima areas, and thwarting Necromiton base~building by haVing Japanese llluminati majonty, mdlvldual Sleepers cove~ly placed '~Ithm
Human government attentions scrutinize Hawaiian territories. The positions among Human government elite, agreed to partiCipate , as did th~
Necromiton Fallen Angelics would be left without their Illuminati "surface American llluminati only because the Zeta had threatened them that If
work force" in Japan, local Angelic Human Planetary Shields guardian races they did not comply, 'atomic bombs a~d sonic pulses ,~o~ld be:used to ~;St~oy
would be destroyed and any covert NecromilOn marine activities around their entire countries. This threat gIVes one some mSlght tIlto the Mmd
Hawaii would be instantly detected and exposed should the Necromitons Gdmes" Fallen Angelics like to play, and also into t~e reasons why
attempt to proceed. To "solve" their pending problem, the Zeta-Rigelians llIuminati races are most often too frightened to rebel agamst lmruder ET
directed their Illuminati family lines in Tokyo and other regions of Japan to orders . Drakonian, Necromiton and AnuOIlaki Fallen Ange~ic .races
launch a "secret attack" on Hawaii. Simultaneously, the Zeta-Rigelians continually use these types of Mind Garnes to keep their IlIum mati key
warned their Illuminati key controllers in the U.S.A. that the attack was controllers in subserviem compliance. .
coming. but that they should do nothing. What was going on with the Nazis during. the "!"W2 pen~ was
Once the December 7. 1941, Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was equally as reprehensible. The Ze.ta~Rigel!.ans as~tst~ t~ develop';fl~ the
completed, the American Illuminati were then directed to enter territorial Nazi movement of WW2 , supportmg and nurt~rtn~ ~ttler and hIS lOner
war but to jjwait until the appropriate time," TO use the Zeta~Rigelian circle Drakonian Illuminati crew; the Nazi lIlummatl elite had also entered
inspired atomic bomb. Meanwhile, on August 12. 1943 , the Zcta-Rigelians Zeta Treaties in the early 1930s, agreei ng to "reduce populations" of ~ev~ral,
inspired their Illuminati within the Allied forces to orchestrate the infamous primarily Angelic Human upure-~trai,:," ethnic groups. The Zcta-Rtgehans
"Philadelphia Experiment" during Earth's stronger 20year August~12 mmucted their llIumi nati operatives .tIl the U .S.~ ..and severa~ European
HMagnetic Peak" cycle. Through Zeta trickery the Phi-Ex wormhole and Countries to financially fund the NaZI movement WIthout leav~ng ~ pap~r
Falcon Port . Int~rfac~ Network were brought int? global operation in 1943. traiL" While keeping an external posture of Allied loyalty to mamtam their
The Zeta-Rlgeimos mtended TO open the 6nal links of the Phi~Ex Falcon
Port Interface Network during the August 12. 1945. yearly planetary
Magnetic Peak. The Necromiton-Andromies were using a Cloaking 8. This is lhe real reason why Japan didn't immediately surrende.r a~te! ~h~ fi~st,
Protection Field around their progressing underground base at the Nagasaki Hiro~hima, 5trike. Their Zeta-Rigdian Dral:onian-~nda lIIumma~,1 dlte ",ere
instructed to wait umil Nagasaki, the PorI Interface SLle, had been taken care of'
Port Interface Site, which would prevent the Zeta-Rigelians from opening before agreeing to surrender.
"Big Brother Orae , " the Andromies, Hiroshima and Hitler

hidden positions wirhin Human governments, the IHuminati operatives' 1930s. As painful as it might be for Americans to confront, (and it is
several ~lIicd countries covertly funded Nazi ,objectives. The NccrOmito~~ . full ), we have been living under the contrived " illusion of freedom"
Andromlcs ,rna,de co~err phxs1cai contact with Hitler, "playing on" his pabie our nation and our planet has been in the clutches of a progressively
personal.p reJ~d,ce agamsr Jew,lsh races. They ~on~ince~.him ro assist in the wd:ancing, cun~ingly orchestrated Intruder ET. invas.ion for the last 70
Nccromltons plan of keepmg the Zeta-Rtgehans In their place" b a rs-an invasion that was planned, and methodically Implemented by, our
providin~ small "gifts" of n:tct~physical Te~lp~~r knowledge that aU~weJ ye~e\come Visitors since 9560 BC Atlantis. Human nations have been
the NazIs to unearth certam valuable relics from the Grail Quests of ~n entionally driven around in mental circles within a "fantasy world," a
ancient times. Consequently, Hider "got carried away with himself" in h' ~'~rceptual bubble" of manipulated security and "Official DeniaL" If the
genocide campaign against Jews, on behalf of his Necromiton-Androm~s United Intruder Resistance (UIR) succeeds in fulfilling its 2001#2008
affiliations. In Hitler's Zeta-Drakonian "deals," he had been insrmcted r~ OWQ progression Schedule, our collective "wake#up call" will soon pass
reduce numbers of only certain Jewish family lines associated with the Ihe "sell#by" date. If they did not need human populations to assist them in
"t~ue Hebrew" Angelic Human/lndigo Chil~ Maji Grail Line lineage. running the Star Gate Security Access Codes during the SAC, they would
I-htler had been warned to leave "untouched families of the Drakonian have "gotten rid of us" long ago.
"Hibiru Illuminati." a Hibiru#Drakonian Illuminati hybrid lineage
descended from the ancient Atlantian "H assa King" family line that has That Humans have managed to hold their own rhis far, despite what has been
been progressively masquerading under "Jewish disguise" since the done covertly to intentionally enslave the Human race since Atlantis,
Adantian period. But in his overzealous quest for race supremacy, and is a testimony to the true strength of the Human spirit.
"double.-dealings" with the Necromiton-Andromie force, Hider's "ethnic
hunting" became indiscriminate. and several Hibiru-Drakonian Illuminati The SAC dominion strategies of all Fallen Ange1ic/ET lIluminati OWO
famil ies, favored by the Zcta-Rigelians, were destroyed. agendas became highly organized, fonnalized and slowly implemented by
The Zeta-Rigelian Drakonian force promptly gave the order to 1972, with fluctuations of power between various competing Anunnaki and
international Zeta-Drakonian Illuminati conclaves to withdraw all support Drakonian1agenda factions being covertly "played out" within various
from the ~azi campaign and to assist the Allied llIuminati controllers in external, international political and economic dramas. The common aspect
orchestrarmg the defeat of Nazi Germany. This information has been of these hidden global political agendas was the "Final Conflict" drama l in
provided by the GA/Eieyani for inclusion in this book, so readers may begin which Human races, unknowingly headed by the covert manipulation of
to realize the extent to which the covert Fallen Angelic presence and the competing Illuminati hybrid Sleeper races under subliminal Fallen Angelic
advancing invasion has determined the external events that Humans have Psychotronic control, would be slowly and systematically led into creating a
lived through and died from for so long. The realities of covertly inspired final Human global war. Through this Fallen-Angelic-scheduled WW3
Fallen Angelic/liluminati-orchestrated "Human Wars" are now emerging Final Conflict drama, the outcome of the Anunnaki vs. Drakonian/Reptilian
into the global arena once again as [he UIR advances the final strategies in One World Order Dominion agendas would be detemlined. The competing
irs OWO, Star Gate quest, "Final Conflict" dominion campaign. We will all fallen Angelic legions of all sides intended to have unsuspecting humans
become a bit wiser, less likely to get caught up in the Final Conflict War and Illuminati hybrids "fight the battleOl against each other, while the
Game and perhaps become a bit more compassionate toward those who fall. covert instigating force of the victorious Fallen Angelic collective would
to this ploy, if we look to the true causal clement behind these "\Var ~ter come to "cla im battlefield Earth for re-settlement." At this poim, the
Dramas." Fallen Angelic/lntruder ET races covertly motivate this "Victim- 'dominion victor" would then have to face the Necromiton force.
Victimizer" drama among Human nations in order to support their oun!
"Unholy Grail Quest" initiatives.
Ninety-Nine percent of the people working for and within their
national government communities have no idea of the Arlantian Conspiracy
that has operated behind world politics for thousands of years. This is
especially true in America, where most military personnel, even in the
highest ranks, honestly still believe that the U.S.A. is a democracy that
they would willingly give their lives to defend. The truth hurts-the core
infrastructure of America, like that of all global nations since the 193Qs,
has been covertly and progressively compromised and "absorbed" by the
covert Big Brother Zeta#Rigclian Drakonian World Management Teanl .
What even most conspiracy theorists do nO[ 'iec realize is that "at the top" of
this corruption there exists Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET masterminds who
have had the Illuminati races terrified to rebel since the Zeta Treaties of the

364 365
The Lion, rhe "Uimb," the Sprunxa [he Eagle

h' Planetary Sh ields during the 25,500 Be Luci(er Rebellion. The

E.a~ s Phi Ex PIN" connecting to the Zeta~Rigelian Drakonian "Falcon
"Fa ch' Ie " also one of these ancient Atlantian PIN Control Grids, as are

'f . .,
worm 0 'others soon to be discussed. These Atlantian Pylon Implant
rk (APIN) systems were in active use as too s a terrltona omlOlon
d ..
l"etwo. us competing Fallen Angelic/Intruder IT factions throughout the
bY,van.o n period. APIN systems differ in the type of Planetary Shield
'm. anna
lanting that is used, bur a II. ~mp I ' Uti.'1'Izes s~p h"Istlcat.ed crystaI.base d
~ectnologies similar to the slhcon~based microchips used In conventlo~al
The Hidden Game-board compu te r technologies. Thef APIN systems can be compared to maSSive
' II y p'ed"
lobal grid systcms mad.e 0 stratcgtca ~c . crystaII'me mtcr~. h'"
~hat interface directly with the natural, mulndlmern:lOnal, electromag~etlc
Final Conflict Drama gy conduits of Star Gatcs, Axiatonal and Ley Lme systems orgamc to
E;~~h's Templar. APIN technology is not. intrin.sic~lty a "negative"
technology, but rather an env ironmentally v~bd application of the natu~al
APIN SYSTEMS; THE FALCON, THE ANDROMIES spiritual and scientific laws of Creation PhYSICS. Before these technol~gtes
AND THE DOVE 1943-1951 fell into the hands of Fallen ~ngelic races, they were.~scd openly by various
From 1943, the Zeta-Rigelian-Drakonian force continued to "spread its Guardian races in many umversal systems to faCilitate and enhance the
wings''.of influence across the globe following their 1943 success in creating experience of evolution and ascension (or all. Prior to the Lucifer Rebellion
the PhI-Ex Wormhole network. Drakonian Illuminati races became painfully of 25,500 BC, Emerald Covenant Founders races and the Angelic. Human
aware that the Zeta Rigclians had intentions of orchestrating mass genocide and Indigo Maji races o( Earth utilized APIN systems for everythmg (rom
among select populations in preparation for the 2000~2017 Final Conflict global free energy systems, climate stabilization and healing, to inter~stellar
with the Anunnaki and Necrom itons. In the late 19305, the Zetas began sub-space communications and broadcasting networks.
experimenting with "Ethnic Viruses" (DNA/race type specific) as they
explored their options for reducing select Human, and competing Illuminati, THE LION, THE "LAMB," THE SPHINX AND THE EAGLE
popu lations during the SAC drama. Beginning in late 1943, the Zetas The Angelic Human and Indigo Maji races of Earth originally had two
began using their Phi.Ex N etwork technology (code-named "the Falcon," great global APIN systems on Earth that operated Earth's Templar natura~ly
after the Atlantic wormhole's ancient Atlantian name) for testing of sub- on a D-12 "12~Code Pulse Christiac Current" through Star Gate-12, ItS
space sonic scalar pulses [Q induce localized, targeted flnatural disasters" in corresponding Inner Earth Star Gate-12 "Cue Site" and interface with
desi red areas. Earth's natural Crystal Pylon Networks (CPNs). The Emerald Covenant
Primary locations for Zeta/llluminati sonic scalar pulse testing have APIN systems were known as the "Great White Lion" and the "Golden
included areas of Alaska, Antarctica, Austra lia, Central America, Mexico, Eagle." The Founders designed the blueprint of their API~ systems with
the Middle East, various desert regions and beneath the Atlantic, Pacific and two primary criteria in mind- first, that the APIN was precisely calculated
Indian Oceans, the Aegean, Mediterranean and Caspian Seas, the Sea of mathematically to encompass and modulate natu~l frequencle~ throug~
Japan, Persian Gulf and Gulf of Mexico. Throughout the 1950s, the the 12 Primary Star Gates, Axiatonal and Ley Ltne systems 10 Earth s
Necromiton~Andromie force became more actively involved in Illuminati Planetary Templar. Second, once the technical elements of the APIN "grid"
contact and began [Q assemble teams of Illuminati "converts" from the were in place, the Founders desired to "leave a part of themselves reflected
Zeta-Rigelian Drakonian international Illuminati ranks. In 1951 certain in the APIN" to remind the races of Earth that they were never alone or
factions of pro-Anunnaki Necromiton-Andromies from Omega Centauri abandoned. The "design" of the Founders' APINs was also to serve ~ a "sub-
accepted Templar conquest "deals" from a competing Jchovian~Annu~ sonic planetary identification flag" when viewed from space via Phoro-
Elohim Anunnaki OWO invasion force from Sirius A, Arcturus and the radionic scanning equipment. (See APIN diagrams pp. 5~7-53~). The ,?r~at
Trapezium (Theta) star cluster in "Orion's Sword." The Bipedal Dolphin White Lion APIN system belonged to the Elohcl-Elohlm Chrlsuac
People, Anunnaki and Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic forces that comprise Founders races o( D~ 12 Aramatena~Lyra-the feline-hominid Anuhazi
this ancient Lemurian-Atlantian Jehovian-Nephite Invasion Team are Leonine race . The Great White Lio~'s "heart" was located at Earth's Star
collectively known as the "Dove." Gate~ 12-Montsegur, France. The "throat from which the lion roared" was
The "Dove" symbology refers to the physical shape, when viewed from at Star Gate~ll, Southern England. Its "head" looked out to the west,
the air with photo-radionic scanning equipment, of their global Atlantian cresting the north polar regions, spanning central .and nort~ern Europe,
Pylon Implant Network (PIN) Control Grid that was last implanted into across Atlantis and into northeastern North America. The body o( the
Lion" lay at rest across the expanse o( the Asian continent, while the Lion's
. 367
" " " " ,!",,,!""___"Ie' UUUt!H \,:: :fU7IIe" OOOTa rmal L.ootlret Drama J he LIOn, {he .. LamB," {lie :Sphinx and Ihe Eagle

"great. fro?-t paws" stretched OU~ across North America and northern South ''Divine Blueprint" opens into Earth's Planerary Shields. The Great White
A,menca, Its rear left paw shrouding the continent of Africa. The "tail" of the Lion became the symbol of the eternal Christos Founders Elohei-Elohim
Lion extended outward and down from the far eastern side of the Asia Anuhazi races, the Lyran~Sirian Guardians of Earth's D~12 Christiac
continent, through Australia, south to Star Gate-l at Halley Antarctic n Divine Blueprint- the "The Powerful Lion with the Pure, Christed Heart
then curved ,back up and northward to encompass the southe~ portion ~f of a Lamb." In technical tenns, the Great White Lion and its Golden Eagle
~U[~ America. The Elohei-~lohim Anuh~zi ~nstalled the "Great White cOlnpanion APlN systems literally hold Earth's shattered Planetary Shields
Lion APIN system on Earth In stages, begmnmg just after the "Electri and scalar template together during SACs.
Wars" of 5.5 million years ago. C Interestingly, in the Jehovian Anunnaki/Fallen Annu-Elohim
Though Earth's continents and land masses have changed position distortions added to the ancient Emerald Covenant texts that later became
several times since the Electric Wars, Earth's Star Gates always remain in the Bible, the Jehovian "promise" was that the day would come uwhen the
the sa~e ,positions \~:thin Earth's Planeta!), Shields Scalar Template. Earth's Lion would lie down with the Lamb." What the Jehovians failed to explain
crust slides .across the nxed geograph ical Star Gate coordinates of the was that the "Lamb"-the Star Gate-12 "Heart of the Great White Lion"
Planetary Shields; APlN systems are installed along precise coordinates APIN-was "sacrificed and cut out upon the altar" of {he Fallen Angelic
withi~ the Plane~ary S~ields, and. thus the form of the APIN systems Omicron Drakonian ("Dragon" APIN) force of Alnitak, Orion, during the
re~~m consta.nt 10 rc:lauon to variable planetary surface geography. The last consummated SAC of 208,216 BC. At this time, Earth's Templar
orIgmal ~gyptlan SphlOX had the face of a lion , nN of a man. The deSign for activated on an unnatural lO~Codc Pulse, blocking activation of Star Gate-
the Sphmx was chosen, by the Indigo Child Maji, Angelic Human and 12 and "stilling the heart of the Lion," due to Omicron invasion. The Annu-
Emerald Covenant-loyal Annunaki races of Earth, as a tribute to the Elohei- Elohim also fail ro mention that in 25 1500 Be, their Jehovian Anunnaki
I Elohim Leonine Christos Founders race. The structure broadcast a statement assisted the Marduke-Luciferian Anunnaki of Alpha and Omega Centauri to
to the Fallen Annu-Elohim and Annunaki Fallen Angelic collectives that "seize the Lion" by its Star Gate-II England "throatOl via rhe NDC~Grid.1
the Earth races were united under the common banner of the Founders' Since chis time, the Jehovian Anunnaki and various competing Fallen
Em~rald Covenant C~~Evol.ution Peace Treaty. The design of the original Angelic factions have "quested to tame the Lion" APIN system under their
Sphm_x was a three-dimensional representation of the Great White Lion respective dominion, and have progressively used the NOC-Grid to prevent
APIN system, created from translating the Founders' APIN maps, as held in the Elohei-Elohim Founders from accessing the Great White Lion APIN to
the ~me':3ld Covenant CDT-P.late records. The primary purpose of the Great assist the peoples of Earth . The Jehovians intend for the "Lion" APIN to
White Lion APIN was to assist Earth through natural Stellar Activation "lie down with the sacrificed Star Gate~12 Lamb/, to be l'resurrectcd lO and
~ycies until.Earth's Planetary Shields could be repaired from the damage re~activated under the dominion of the Fallen Annu~Elohim, when they
Incurred dunng the Electric Wars cmaciysm. If the G reat Lion and its succeed in pulling Earth into the Phantom Matrix. They hope to "re-starr
compani0l! "Golden Eagle" APIN systems had not been installed (ollowing the heart" of the Lion by artificially linking E.'l.rth's Star Gate-12 Lamb to the
the Electnc Wars, Earth would suffer cataclysmic pole shift during every Star Gate- II "throat of the Lion." If the Jehovians have their way, the "Lion
SAC, and eventually the planet would implode due to the severity of its will have its heart in its throat," and both the "Lion and the Lamb" will "lie
Scalar Template distortions. down together before the alter of Jehovah," to be "resurrected" by the Fallen
:?e Great ~hite. Lion APlN was modeled in the image of the feline~ Annu-Elohim, as an "energy~vampiringlO system to feed the Phantom
homInid Elohel-Elohtm Leonine Christos Founders of D~1 2 Lyra, Matrix.
Aramatena. It represented the D~ 12 (silver-while) Lyran-Sirian APIN Sad, isn't it? Here humanity was led to believe that the statement of
system of Earth, the "anchoring rod" and stabilization grid for 12 Primary "When the Lion lies down with the Lamb" represented a time when "Peace
Axiatonal Line "~ertical . {rcquen~y conduits" running along the polar and love, and the end of nghring, would come between the aggressive and the
North~South 10ngLtudes In Earth s Templar Complex. The companion passive, and we'd all enter the kingdom of Heaven ,oyously together." This
Golden Eagle APIN system belongs to the Emera ld Covenant Cerez~ example illustrates beautifully the cruel sense 0 humor, manipulative
Seraphei~Seraphim Avian races and Aethien~Mantis races of D~8 Mintaka SOothsaying and outright deception offered to us by the Fallen Angelic
O rion and the related Serres Avian~hominid races of Alcyone, Pleiades. I Annu-Elohim Jehovian Anunnaki collective. What the Jehovian Anunnaki,
The Golden Eagle, modeled in the image of the Avian (bird people) and the other Fallen Angelic collectives did not anticipate was that the
Cerez, is the D~8 "anchoring rod" and stabilization grid for the 12 Primall' "Heart of the Lion" would begin "beating with a 12-Code Pulse" at the
and many s~cond~ry horizontal ~ey Line systems running East~West along January 11 2000, commencement of the present SAC. This is precisely
the equatorial latitudes of Earth s Templar, and for the diagonal Ley Line What has occurred due to continuing Elohei~Elohim and Seraphei~
system. The Great White Lion is the "Guardian of the North and South" Seraphim c risis~intervcntion efforts in the contemporary drama. Now aU of
and the Golden Eagle is the "Guardian of the East and West." The "Great
White Lion," has its heart at Star Gate-I2, through which the silver-white,
D~ 12 "Christos" frequency of the planetary Pre-matter Template , or 1. See Musters Templar Cmmebook.
368 369
_ _ __ - - " ................ , ... ~ " ....... ","VlljUl:t C"Tama

the Fa llen ~~gelic collecti,vCS arc in a "race for time" to fulfill their intend das just as their Anunnaki groups have done in their September 12,
OWO dom,ntoo)agendas, 10 hopes of preventing the Great White lion a ed ~O d~fection from the Emerald Covenant Treaty of Altair.
Golden Eagle A,I IN s'ysrems fro,m fully awakening from their long slumber
the Great White LIOn and Its Golden Eagle companion awak . f
ld 2 'It is important in the contemporary drama for people to realize that the
I hizedck Cloister and "Order of the Yunasai" is the universal
numero~s APIN systems belonging to the Fallen Angelic races e;iu
the Me ~izatiOn of the Emerald Covenant ChrisfOs Founders races in this Time
progre,~slVely ,healed and re.-coded to a natural "Christiae 0#12 l2 .cje o~~iX. The Cloister promotes egalitarian, non-gender biased spiritual-
Pulse. In thiS case, Earth, Inner Earth and the Halls of Amenti will e M. nce freedom teachings for all, and does not promotc the utter falsehood
penna~ently spared fu rther advancement of the Fallen Angelic dam' . be s'flethe <fChtist Crucifixion" story, nor "worship" of external gods.
campaIgn. The Big Question is "Can the Great White Lion and the G~Won M lchizedek "priesthoods" of the Alpha,Omega Order are control
Eagle be healed and awakened in time?" en ~digms based on the dogmas of the Fallen Annu,Elohim, Anunnaki and
As the Great White Lion, and a rewm to the Lyran-Sirian Christ' Necromiton races, originating from the Phantom Matrix. As of the Alpha-
love-based culture model that it represents, struggle now to awaken 'hc, Omega fa lse order of Melchizeclek's September 12, 2000, entry into the
Golden Ea,?le h~ a "rapid healing" to complete before its "wings are o~n~de United Intruder Resistance (UIR) Edict of War, the Melchizedek Cloister
free ,to ~y. Ounng t~e 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion, when the Marduke~ will no longer offer peace negotiations [Q these groups that include their
Luclferlan~Anunnakl and ~ecromiton-Andromie-Annunaki_hybrid races of demand of non-disclosure regarding their true history of deception and
A~p~a ~nd Omega Centaurl, and the Thoth-Enki-Zeta Anunnaki races f manipulation of earthly populations. The Alpha-Omega Melchizedek Order
Nlbuu unplanted the Nibiruian Diooic Crystal Grid (NDC Grid) in Ea th~ will no longer be permitted to IIhide beneath the skirts" of the Emerald
T emplar, the "Lion was gmbbed by its Star Gate-II throat" and the "Ea
IS Order Melchizcdek Cloister and the Christiac Freedom Agenda, for which
was Caged ." The ~olden Eagle APIN system fell to Necromiton-Androm1e~ it stands.
agenda Anunnakt forces, as the NDC Grid was used to reverse the natural
scalar template se~uences ("Fire Letters") on Earth's Primary Ley Lines 4 THE SACRED COW, FACES OF MAN, EASTER ISLAND HEADS
and to. The honzomal L4/L1O "double Ley Line" emerging from Sta AND THE TRION FIELD
Gate-~O ~badan, Iran, and Star Gate-4 Giza. Egypt, is the L4/LIO HGi~ The Cerez-Seraphei and Elohei-Elohim Leonine Emerald Covenant
Ley Lme, th~ East-West center-line axis upon which the Golden Eagle races will free the caged "Whire Eagle" APIN and restore the Golden Eagle
APIN system IS structured. (See APIN diagrams pp. 527-530.) to its original dignity and the Great White Lion APIN tvill soon awaken
with a loving roar. With the awakening of the Great White lion and the
THE WHITE EAGLE AND THE MELCHIZEDEK DECEPTION Golden Eagle, yet another once-sacred APIN will be resrored to its original
Since 25,500 BC, the Golden Eagle APIN system has been Hhcld grace. The APIN known as the Blue Oxen, or the "Sacred Cow," originally
hostage" ~nd use? to "do the bidding" of the Necromiton-Andromie_ the contact network between Earth and the Maharaji Blue Human
Anunnakl, Nephlhm and Marduke-Luciferian Anunnaki of Alpha and guardians of Sirius B Star Gatc-6, Council of Azurline, once held all of
Omega Centauri. This group proudly refers to themselves as the "Alpha- India and portions of Eastern Europe and Asia in its protective embrace.
Omega S>r~er of Melchizedeks" and uses the symbol of a White Eagle as an (See APlN diagrams pp. 527-530.) The Blue Oxen APIN system was jointly
antago~tstlc mockery to ~he Emerald Covenant races, denoting the AI hu- c re a~ed by the Sirius B Maharaji and a Density-3 Emerald Covenant Bovine
Omegas (unfortunate) VIC[Qry in claiming the Guardian Cerez's Gofden race from Anteres and Altair called the Rashayana of the Bra-Ha-Rama
Eagle API!;!. The Golden Eagle was intended to become the symbol of a Amethyst Order.
free AmerIca when the U.S.A. was formed. Instead, the "white-headed" The Oxen design for the APIN was chosen by the Sirius B Blue Human
Bald ~gle .beca,me th~ national mascot, symbolizing the Alpha~Omega Maharaji as a tribute to the Rashayana (or their assistance. The Blue Oxen
Order s partta~ vlc.tory In becoming the direc[Qrs of a controlling portion of APIN was created as a specialized interplanetary contact network in 22,500
the U.S. IIIummati fo~~e-th~ Free Mason~Knights Templar legion. "Arch- Be, in conjunction with a more sophisticated PIN system implanted by rhe
(~allel~)-angel . (Ne~h,.bm) Michael" is a "pet contact name" used by [his Emerald Order Founders. In the 10,500 BC Luciferian Conquest, the Blue
dlabolt.cal ant"Chn~,t1ac Mel~hiz~ek collective, as is the "A lpha.Omcga Oxen APIN system was overtaken by the Blue Centaur Fallen Angelic
Melchlzcdek Order. At certam times throughout history the Founders had ~olJective of Omega Centauri, and has been utilized since this time to
entrusted ~~is collectiv~ to jOi.n the Emerald Covenant on "Redemption lurther the OWO dominion agendas of the "Centaurians" and their frequent
Contracts, through which their races could be assisted in gaining freed otn all ies, the Nccromiton~Andromie-Anunnaki of Alpha and Omega
fr? "!- the Pha~tom Matrix via restoration of a D-12 Pre-matter "Christiac" Centauri. Through the Final Conflict drama of the 2000-2017 SAC, the
DIVIne B~ucpnnt Template. Repeatedly they have used such opportunities Blue Oxen will also be reclaimed by the Maharaji, to once again become the
to explOit other races and compromise Emerald Covenant freedom
2. Oxen-shaped biology, Ethericmatter density.
370 371
. " '""The ~acrea L..OW, races OJ Man, l!a5ter JSllma neaas and the 1non t'lek:1

"Sacred Cow': it was de~igned to ~. The ~eason why Emerald Covenant races f Man" LPI N of Earth emerges (rom a central point in Earth's geography in
can succeed In protectmg humanIty durmg the Final Conflict drama of the o Gulf of Guinea, where the "chins" of the "four heads" meet at Longitude
20002017 S~C is due to a specialized APIN system that allows Earth's ~e d Latitude 0, where the vertical Greenwich Meridian intersects the
P.lanctary Shields t? connect directly with Earth's counterpart planet in a ~:or. From this center point, each "head" extends as a pillar, two running
dl((e~e~r Time Matn~ called the Trans-Harmonic Time Cycle. Through this . ontally east/west, one above and one below the equator, and two
s~cI31L~ed Fou~dc~s APIN, Earth ca.n enter"what is called a Meajhc Field, onz
h ng vertically north/south , one on each side of the Greenwich Meridian.
Trion FIeld, or TrI-Vcca Time ContlOuum, through which the planet will Thn~'four Pillars of the Faces of Man" intersect again, where the "front tops
be prevented (~om being drawn into the Phantom Matrix, and pole shift will f ilieir heads" connect at Longitude ISO E~W and Lat itude 0, near
be averted dunng the 2000201 7 SAC. Howland Island in the Equatorial Center Paci6c Ocean . (See APIN
In 22,500 BC, just before the failed SAC of 22,326 BC, the Azurite_ d;a rams pp. 527530.)
E.i~yani Univers~l ~tar Gate Security Team of the Inner Earth Time Cycle g Though Fallen Angelics have made numerous attempts at
vISited the remammg Lumerian Islands (M uaravhi) and the Mu'a Maji rnpromising the four Faces of Man LPIN system since its installation in
Human races residing there. With the assistance of the Mu'a the Azurite_
Eieyan~ " Indigo Children" implanted another PIN system: an advanced
22,500 BC, none have succeeded in "cracking its coding." The fou~ Faces.of
Man LPIN runs on what is called the Khundaray/Kee-Ra~ShA Prmlal LI~e
LumerJan~Pylon~ lmplant~Nenvork (LPIN), in an attempt ro srabilize Earth's Force Currents from dimensions 13~14~15 and the Trans~Harmolllc
!emplar an.d "resurrect" the Great White Lion and the Golden Eagle APINs "Trion" Currents from beyond this TIme Matrix. These powerf~l interstellar
In preparation for the 22,326 Be SAC. The Azurite LPIN was known as the frequencies are far beyond th~ range. a.nd power of ~ho~e acceSSible to Fallen
"Faces of Man," ancient depictions of which can still be found in rhe Angelic races. Once brought mto Critical mass activatIOn, through Humans
"heads" rock sculptures of Easter Island off the coast of Peru, which were and Indigos running "Tri-Veca Rainbow Roundtables," the four Faces of
erected by Mu'a race descendants after their exile from Kauai Hawaii 3 Man and Guardians of the 12 Pillars LPIN system will rapidly clear and
T here are "12 Heads" in the Faces of Man LPIN system-one ~et of fo~r override Planetary Shield distortions caused by the APIN systems of the
Heads on Earth, another set of four Heads on Parallel Earth and the fin al set Fallen Angelics. Activation of the (our Faces of Man will progressively bring
of four Heads on Inner Earth. Collectively, the 12 Faces of Man are known as the Emerald Covenam "Great White Lion" and "Golden Eagle" APIN
~he "~,uar~ians of the l~ Pillars." Each set of four Lumerian Pylon Implant systems fully into original working order, allowing Earth's grids to remain
Faces grids connects dIrectly ro the other two corresponding sets of "four balanced as the Phantom Matrix wormholes are sealed during the 2001-
Faces" on Parallel and Inner Earth. When the Faces of Man LPIN is 2004 period of the present SAC. The Great White Lion, Golden Eagle and
activated, four massive pillars of inaudible. interdimensional standing the four Faces of Man are the ancient "Guardians of the Four Comers of
sound waves anchor in Earth's Planetary Shields through rhe "(our Faces" the Earth." If humanity assists the Emerald Covenant races in "Awakening
template. The four Sound Pilla~ in each planetary body carry the full the Ancient Guardians"-the LPIN/APIN systems left behind as our
frequency spectra of dimensions 3-6~9-12, a frequency combination known Lumerian/Atlantian Legacy-further progression of [he UIR OWO
as the "Halls of Amorea Passage." dominion agenda can be averted.
The Halls of Amorea Passage frequency bridge connects Earth, its
Parallel and Inner Earth directly to the Universal Pre~matter Template If we do not assist, the Illuminati agenda will continue,
"Divine Blueprint" of Aramatena~Lyra ("Double-Double"), via 0~6 Sirius B leading humanity into global War, physical "Intruder IT' Invasion,
Star Gate~6, 0-9 Star Gate~9 Mirach Andromeda and the Trans-Harmonic and pole shift benveen 2003~ZOO8.
Ti~e Cycle. The Eieyani intended to activate the Faces of Man LPIN system
durmg the 22,326 BC SAC, to place Earth under full D~12 Maharic Shield If we do not think the potential dangers of the Fallen Angelic/Illuminati
and to seal the Phantom Matrix before the Fallen AngelicS of Atlantis OWO agenda are real, perhaps this point will be "driven home" if we explore
succeeded in drawing Earth imo the black hole. In 22 326 BC in an event a bit more about how the agendas of the Falcon, the Dove, the Serpent, the
called the Eieyani Massacre, the Thoth~Enki~Zera Anunnaki of Nibiru Phoenix and the Dragon have unfolded since 1951. It is the progressive
destroyed the Eie:rani civilization in what is now Kauai. Hawaii; the Eieyani advancement and 6nal amalgamation of these fallen Angelic agendas that
races would nee to wait until the next SAC, the 2000~2017 SAC to brought us to the UTrigger Event" of the September 11 ,200 1, WTC/Pen-
complete activation of the Faces of Man LPIN system. The "Faces of M'an"
LPIN system was designed in the image of the Angelic Human race and the tagon Terrorist Attack, and the grim reality of progressive international
Azuritc-Eieyani Maji Indigo Children races of Inner Earth. The "four Faces War that this Trigger Event WlIS intended to set in motion.

3. Other asr~t.un?iscovered "Head" .sculptures exist in other areas of the globe as we ll , erc
:ned at vanous tlmes!O mark planetary grid positions significant to ac t ivation o( the Faces
orMan LPIN.
372 373
' '''' lIUU",,, ' ...H..uILI:!~UUtUU rnlW o....AJlIJ UCt urama
Tlie FalCon, Phoenix Project."
The "Phoen~ P ~oject ," which had exi~ted since the beginning as part of
AND THE ANDROMIE-RIGELIAN COALITION 1951-1983 the 9560 BC Luclfenan Covenant, was acnvely launched in February 1972.
In 1951 , the Alpha.Omega Necromiton-Andromic-Anunn'tk " The Pleiadian/Enlil-Nibi ruian Anunnaki force simultaneously transmitted
accepted "deals" of collaboration offered by the Jehovian Anunnaki "Do ' ,: sub~spac e scalar sonic pulses from Density-2 Alcyone and the N ibiruian
collective, through which they would combine the stolen "White Eagle" vc d aattlestar "Wormwood" into the D-4 Solar Gate to Giza (Ley Line-4), Iran
the specialized Jehovian "Dove" APIN systems. (See APIN diagrams an (Star Gate-~O) and into Earth's N?<:>Grid at Stonehenge, England
527530.) Together, ~he "White. Eagle" and the "Dove" would attcmpti~ (Axiatonal Lme-ll, or A l l). The specialized A 11 ~L4 pulses merged at their
open the second anCient Atlantlan wormhole, the "Phoenix wormhole" . intersection point in the Atlas Mountains of W. Algeria then traveled west
order to calm donuotoo
over [e hZcra-Rigelian/Drakonian Falco ,m beneath the Atlantic Ocean [Q their intended destination , the second of the
Worml~ole and ' Phi-Ex Port Interface Network. The Eagle-Dove Anunnak~ twO "capped" Atlantian Wormholes, referred to since Atlantian days as rhe
co!!ecnve \~as unable ,to succe~fuHy open [he Phoenix wormhole, at "Phoenix Matrix," The Phoenix wonnhole, opened by the Pleiadian~
AxJatonal Lme. 7~y Lmc;4, unttl the opportunity presented itself in 1972 Nibiruian Anunnaki in 1972. is positioned directly at the interface point of
as other Anunnak. forces who controned the allcient Phoenix and Serpent Ley lineA , the "Giza Horizontal," and Axiatonal Line-7 (vertical), which
APIN systems accom~lished the feat for them, Presently, due to the 1951 intersect off the coast of St. Augustine, FL, in the Atlantic, directly south
~lpha'.omega Necr~m'to~ and Jehovian Anunnaki aUiances, the "Eagle of the Falcon wormhole. T he "Frequency War" began in earnest when the
lites With the Dove, and smce September 12, 2000, these combined forces Necromiton-Andromie White Eagle and Jehovian Anunnaki Dove began
have made further deals with the "Falcon" "Phoenix" "Sement" and aggressive territorial conquest campaigns. gaining partial control of the
"D r~g~n, " to ,ro~ t he co " ectlve
' antiChristiac
' force of' -
ther UIR
- OWO Phoenix wonnhole, in an attempt to protect their interests from the
i~ , domll,~lon camp,algn, The Jehovian Dove and NecromitonAndromie "White advancing Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki competition.
Eagle prowesslvely launch~d sonic scalar pulse transmissions throughout As the Pleiadian;Nibiruian "reptile Anunnaki leagt!e" advanced their
the 1950s, m hopes of openmg the ancient Phoenix wormhole to defeat the agenda, the Jehovian Dove and Necromiton-Andromie White Eagle began
rising Zeta.Rigelian/Drakonian Falcon, The Sonic Pulse and "Ethnic Virus" more direct contact with their Illuminati Sleeper races. Enoch. then head ing
testing programs of the covert "Falcon" were accelerated in the 1960s when the Jehovian Dove OWO agenda, produced his "training manual" to lead
they and the Drakonian llluminati began using the Falcon Network ro' create unsuspecting H~man s a~d I~luminat i Sleepers to assist in bringing the Dove
tar~e~ed, climatic an~ seism~c distu,:bances to further their hidden political- APIN system mto acttvatton. Although Enoch and some of his Jehovian
posl.tlOnmg agendas m.the mcernatlonal arena, The Andromie-Necromiton Anunnaki (Sirius A. Arcturus, Trapezium. Orion) petitioned for Emerald
W~u,e Eagle and Jehovlan Dove forces continued a quiet invasion strategy of Covenant Redemption Contracts in 1983, the "Jehovian OWO Agenda"
bUlldmg subterranean and marine bases in key Star Gate control areas of has been continued by the Jehov ian Anunnaki majority and their Illuminati
Earth: an? beg~ making more direct contact with key controners in several Contacts under the name of Enoch, much to Enoch's present disapproval. The
llIul~m~t1 factions, .The various competing P leiadian and Nibiruian White Eagle Necromiton;Anclromie league began upscaling its
Luclferlan An,:,~nakl forces were "in a tiny," as they watched their long. "Harvesting" agenda, orchestrating numerous contacts with Illuminati and
cosseted" eX9,UI,s,.rely ~~chesrrated. Atlantian take-over agenda become ~uman individuals to "invite" them into their Templar Alpha-Omega Order
progressively hi-Jacked by the Drakonian force, Melchizedek Priesthood," Ordinands and followe rs alike received
, In 1972 the Zeta:Dr,akonian Falcon force began to expand the next unknOWingly, astral field Tagging linking their DNA Templates to th~
mtended wave, of terntonal conquest, attempting to use the Phi~Ex Necromiton-Andromie Matrix, through which they could unknowingly pass
Netwo,rk to g~m control o~er the Anunnaki's "prize possession," the Great On ~e ,"same privilege" to others in the fonn of false uMelchizedek
Py~amld of GIZa, Egypt. Smce Arlantis, Planetary Star Gate-4 at Giza has .rdmattons.'>4 As the Jehovians, Necromiton-Andromies and Zeta-
assl~ted the Anunnaki in controlling the D;4 NET, as it is the site where ~~~elia~/Drakonians progressively ,adva~ced their a~endas ~hroughout the
Umversal Star Gate~4, the D-4 astral Solar Gate, connects to Earth's , Os mto the early 1980s, glvmg flse to more International "political
~lanetary, Shields, The Luciferian Anunnaki intervened directly in 1972, iliu,es" of territorial conquest, the Pleiadian-N ibiruian Anunnaki continued
m a partially sllccessful attempt at preventing the Zeta-Drakon ian Falcon elr Own conquest efforts,
Phi-~x Netw?rk from ovenaki~g Anunnaki holdings at Giza, The Pleiadian N'b' ,A series of smaller EM scalar pulses were used by the Pleiadian-
SamJase~Luclferlan;Anunnakl made alliances with the Nibiruian Enlil- Ph lru,mns between 1972 and 1980 to progressively open rhe ancient
Odedicr~n-Reptilian Anu~n~k~. Together they used rhe portions of rhe Ph oen~x APIN system, which connects to the Phoenix wonnhole. The
NDC <?nd, the NET and NI?,rutan Crysml Temple Network that they could OCnl)( APIN is a large APIN syStem running East;West along the L4/LI0
collectively access, to expedLte the agenda rhey had originally intended for
the 2000 commencement of rhe SAC.
--- - - -
1. ~OtEhing OUtrages the Founders quite as much as observing the sacred Melchizedek Clois.
er merald Covenant spiritual'Kience teachings abused and misu.sed in such a way,
_ . __ v_,_-.o. _-..::.o""'J""'~ C;;IU ll lU- - - -
f\'ffi1rorme.Klgellans, UTa-gon, bin Laden and rhe "War Un lim-orism" .. ,

G izaIran center line. The "heart" of the Phoenix is Star Gate4 Giza miton-Androm ie force, refused to enter the Andromie-Rigelian
EgU!.t; (he "eye" of the Phoenix is Star Gate.LO Abadanlran (near Pers i a~ l'Ie~lliion deals, and the Drakoni~!R~ptilian mumin~(i ~c~s b.eg~n
Gult);, the body of the P.hoe~ix extends across the .f"t1ant.ic and North Co king into opposing factions, causmg npples of further IOstablhty wlthtn
Amencan comment; and Its wmgs spread eastward (0 meet Its tail" in the ~t~aexternal world political drama. . 5 . .
Pacific Ocean. (See APIN diagrams pp. 527530.) til The majority of OmicronDrakomans of AlnLtak Onon, and a large
In 1976, another Nibiruian Anunnaki comender, the Thoth.Enki.Zcta . n of Odedicron.Avian#Reptiles from Alnilam-Orion, refused. the
group, temporarily joined the Pleiadian Samjase-Luciferian and Nibiruian
Enlil-Odedicron reptilian Anunnaki contingent to activate the "Serpent"
/'ac o nie-Rigelian Coalition "White Eagle-Falcon" deal, and set their sights
An rO:ivatinK their ancient "Dragon" APIN system, which had been
APIN system. The "Thoth group," most frequently affi liated with the ~n iaCnted in Earth's grids in 7.5,500 BC. The Drago,: APIN has its "head" in
"Galactic Federation" mixed Anunnaki league and the Necromiton_ 1m: 's now far eastern SiberIa and northeastern Chma and Japan. Its long,
Andromie Anunnaki early alliances following the fall of Atlantis, "turned .,vhj~k I"body" extends westward across Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Ru~sia,
coats" for a brief period, just long enough to receive the assistance of the E )pc crosses the Atlantic Ocean to the Central USA and south IOto
"Phoen ix" group in activating the Thothian Serpem APIN system. The ~~th America. (See APIN diagrams pp .. 527#530. ) The majority of the
Serpent APIN system has its "head" in Central America and Mcxico. It coils "0 S,?,:" agenda races also refused to jom the UIR deal of SCp'temh:er 7~
southward into northwcstern South America, back northward, spanning the 12,riooo, choosing instead (0 "fight to the end" for the Omicron/Odedtcron
entire eastern USA, then stretches across the Atlamic Ocean, with its [)rakonian OWO agenda.
"heart" at England Star Gate-II, its body curving down through the Middle In our contemporary drama, the Islamic extremist facti~n c~Ued the
East and Star Gate-4 Giza, and irs "tail" extending north through Eastern To l'ban of Afghanistan is headed by several, wen-placed llIummatL that are
Asia. (See APIN diagrams pp. 527530.) By 1983 , the Thoth group returned av~rdy motivated by 'the Omicron.Odedicron "Dragon" agenda Fallen
to its "White Eagle" affiliations, once again competing with the Pleiadian- Angelics. The terrorist group of Osama bin Laden, on the other hand, works
Nibiruian Anunnaki of the Phoenix Project, while the Galactic Federation a "double-agenda" on behalf of the UIR Zeta-Rigelian "Falcons" and the
focused upon supporting whomever appeared to be leading in the Fallen Omicron-Odedicron Dragon force. In the WTC/Pentag0.n drama of
Angelic "race" for 6nal OWO dominion. Se tember 11 2001, the bin Laden group was covertly motivated by the
ufR to assist ;hem in creating the "Trigger Event" that is intended t~ set the
"wheels" of the WW3 drama in motion. The UIR also knew that thiS event
of bin Laden terror would ensure that the rebelling Dragon agenda Taliban
AND THE "WAR ON TERRORISM" 19802001 Illuminati would be forced out of power in Afghanist~n, making way f~~
By the early 1980s, PIciadian.Nibiruian Anunnaki legions had made UIR governance. As the UIR intended, the many Angehc Human and MaJI
alliances with various fact ions of the regained strongholds within several key populations of Afghanistan would be "conveniently" re~uced in numb.er
positions of the Illuminati World Management Team, threatening prev ious through orchestration of this international drama. The bm Laden te~onst
Zeta/Drakonian Illuminati dominion. In hopes of retaining Zeta/Drakonian group evolved first under the Falcon agend~ in the 1970s, covertl~, m~tlva[ed
dominance within the covert global Interior Government sector, Zeta by the Zeta-Rigelians with PsYChotrOOlc scalar ~~lses, to budd th~
RigeHan races of Rigel Orion petitioned the assistance and collaboration of movement" that was intended to become a Falcon Sleeper Cell Force.
the Necromiton#Andromie races. The Rigelians negotiated between once the Final-Conflict WW3 drama had begun. Due to the UlR's present
Drakonian-sympathetic factions of the "White Eagle" Necromiton- acceleration of their OWO dominion plan, the bin Laden group was instead
Andromies, and the Omicron#Drakonian and Odedicron-Repti lian legions of used to set the UIR WW3 drama in motion.
Orion, fanning the AndromieRigelian Coalition; a "friendly enemies" deal The Eieyani tell us that there are n~lt"?erous such "1llu~inati Sleeper
aimed at disempowering the advancing "Phoenix Project" Anunnaki Cells" of various ethnic. cultural and rehglOus backgrounds tn.a.t least 15
Il luminati influence on Earrh . Nor all Necromiton "White Eagle" factions different countries. Various Fallen Angelic; began orgaOlzmg these
agreed to participate in the pro-Drakonian agenda Andromie_Rigclian ll1uminati factions in the 1950s#1960s, in order to "have them in place
Coalition, due to favored connections among the "Dove" Jehovia n awaiting their awakening" when the Final Confl ict be!!;'n. The
Anunnaki races. The factions of the White Eagle Necromiton-Andromies Contemporary lIWar On Terrorism' . " goes muc hdeeper and"h'tg e.. nthan
that favored the Zeta-Rigelian/ Drakonian Falcon agenda entered the World political leaders suppose; it is a war. that cannot be won un.ttl the
Andromie-Rigelian Coalition, and began using their access to White Eagle causal element of the hidden Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET presence IS fu lly
APIN sites to further [he Falcon agenda. The White Eagle Necromiro n- identified. The Final Conquest for Star Gate and Templa~ control site
Androm ies opposed to the Falcon agenda offered greater support to J e hov i a~ dominion is on, and the WW3 drama is the method by which the Fallen
Anunnaki Dove factions, and Ashtar Command's "Arcturian" Anunnakl
lent their assistance to the White Eagle-Dove cause. Many Drakonia n.
Reptilian and non-Rigelian Zeta forces, opposed to or fearfu l of the ~-----
S. Dragon-moths
376 377
Guaroian ntervcntion and Ih'CBridge Zone Project 1983~1992
.~f'!'!"'\!-'''''--- ' .- ..--.. . . . . . " "'"V<:II;.IIU l ' UItU c;;uIIJut:rJ.77'ama

Angc~c s of the VIR inte,nd to lay claim ~o desired territories. while . s of Sirius A, Arcturus, Pleiades-Alcyone, Nibiru. Andromeda,
reducmg numbers of Angehc Human and Indigo Children populations. leg~on the Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command sent fleets of
Orton, .
. forcements mto . . 0 fF,
proximity h '
~art access pomts. . .
Areas such as Pakistan, Iraq and Iran are territories housing key access
si~cs to the, c~vetcdjjStar Gate~ 10, so ~~ese areas, as well as several others, rein Warring in Densities 2 and 3 broke out between c?mpettng Anunnaki
will be_ preltmlOary zones of conquest that the UIR will attempt to seeur d Qrakonian!Rcptili an forces, in both our Time Matrix and the Phantom
under UIR I1Iu~inati g~vemance. E~ypt, home of the OWO key control Sit: ,n n'x The "war above" became rhe covert "War of Frequency" below, as
Star SJat~-4, wlil cxpen~nce sporadiC areas of rebellion as "Dragon" agenda Math group
, intensified its use of su b ' seaIar puIsc tee h
-space somc noi ' to
Illummatl races are motlvated by the Omicron,Drakonian forces to resist th eae e their holdings of various APIN sites. The progressive use of coven
national-compliance inherent to UIR objectives. e sec~r pulse technologies which was progressively accelerated by the Fallen
Tibet, home of Star Gate-9, is also precariously perched to become the sO"'c "
Angelic legions SlDce the 19505, ~vas d'If~~tIy r~sponsl'ble for ~ host. 0 f
objective of competi ng Dragon and UIR-Dove "affections." Jerusalem 'onally cataclysmic "natural disasters, parttcularly those mvolvtng
l srael, has l~ng b~en a battleground for control of Primary Planetar; ~:Wquake and Hurricane events. ("Sonic Pulse "Un-Natural Disasters"
Vortex-2, a direct lmk to Star Gate~2, the Gru-AL "Holy Grail Point" of 1935-1992 Summary Chart" on page 522.)
Sarasota, Florida , which is the "control gate" fo r Earth's Planerary Shields.
And the U .S.A. has been, since fo rmalization of the Lucifcrian Covenant in G UARDIAN I NTERVENTION
9560 BC Atlantis, the intended arena within wh ich the Fallen Angelic AND THE BRIDGE ZONE PROJECT 19831992
Final-Conflict drama "Battle of Armageddon" is planned to unfold, making Throughout this mess of interstellar chaos at our earthly door, Emerald
way for the "Rise of the One World Order." The Emerald Covenant races Covenant Maharaji fl eets from Sirius B, Tara and Gaia and the many
have repeatedly returned to Earth incarnation in attempts to prevent this interstellar Emerald Covenant nations have tried to sustain a frequency
Fallen-Angelic-devised "End Times" scenario from occurring. "buffer zone" around Earth access points. The GA, Eieyani and Founders
have done their best to prevent this growing intergalactic "Battle of the
MONTAUK PROJECT, "WAR IN THE HEAVENS," Angelic and Fallen Angelic Kingdoms" from descending into Density- b
SONIC P ULSE AND "UN NATURAL DISASTERS" 1983 Earth territories. The Emerald Covenant Founders races of Lyra Aramatena
Through the Andromie-Rigelian Coalition deals of the early 1980s, intervened directly. They became aware that by 2976 Earth would be
Illum inati races originally running the Falcon agenda under command of the destroyed, before the intervention o~portunity of another SAC coul~ occur,
Rigelians and the Zeta Treaties suddenly found their 1930s Zeta Treaties if Zeta Rigelian/Drakonian occupation of Earth was successful ?unn~ the
were nullified. The fate of the Drakon ian Illuminati was placed forcefully 2000-2017 period. Between 1983-1984 the Founders, GA, lnterdlmenslonal
and precariously in the hands of the new, fully dictatOrial Necromiton- Association of Free Worlds and Emerald Covenant nations created the
controlled Andromie-Rigelian-Coalition. To strengthen the Necromitons' Bridge Zone Project crisis-intervention plan (see page 142).
covert access to Eanh territories, the 1983 Montauk Project was organized Through tenets of the Bridge Zone Project initiative.' A,m,nesty
by the Necromiton-Andromie White Eagle and Zeta Rigelian/Drakonian Contracts wete offered to any interstellar races in our Time Matrix willing to
Falcon forces, through cooperating (and now terrified of rebell ing) Illuminati enter the Emerald Covenant Peace Treaty. Redemption Contracts were
factions. offered to the Fallen Angelic/ET raceS from the Phantom Matrix, in which
Through the Montauk Project, the Phi-Ex Wonnhole from 1943 was they would receive the extensive assistance needed to become free from the
"spliced into," directing a main channel to Necromiton~Androm i e Alpha- Phantom Matrix Time Cycles, if they would enter and honor the Emerald
Omega Centauri territories in the adjacent Phantom Time Matrix. The Covenant. Many non-Rigelian Zeta races accepted Amnesty d :m
Necromiton races now had extensive access to Earth territories, and they Redemption Contracts, fearful of the building "Super_Stella~_po~ers Fmal
began a covert genocide program against Illuminati races that would not join Conflict" drama. Guardian races were hoping that Anunnakl legions could
the Andromie-Rigel ian Coalition. The lIluminati fiasco of the 1930s-1940s be persuaded to give up their long-held OWO d~minion agen~a to ma.k~ a
turned i~to ~he ,IIIumina~i .c haos of 19~3 . In respons.e to the threat of the United Emerald Covcnant Stand against the dommant Drakoman/Repnltan
An~ronue-R ,ge ll3n Coah~10n, the Oml~ron~prakoman forces of Alnitak Necromiton-Andromie{leta-Rigelian "Falcon" force. Smaller factions of
anon sent large fleets IOta the Denslty-2 and Density_3 7 territories SOme Anunnaki collectives, such as the Jehovian Enoch collective of Sirius
surrounding Earth-Tara-Gai a, with the intention of protecting the interestS A, Arcturus and Orion , gave up theif previous OWO Jehovian Anunnaki
of the original Drakonian/Reptilian Dragon OWO agenda. In response to dominion agenda in 1983 for Emerald Covenant Redemption Contracts.
this advancing Drakonian/Reptilian presence, various competing Anunnaki

8. Dimensions 4-9.
6. Dimensions 4-5-6. 9, Lr,ra Aramatena is Dcnsity-4, dimensions 10-11-12 and appears as the star ~Double 000-
7. Dimensions 7-8-9. be" in Lyra from Density-I Earth view.
378 379
J he etel2iZtUln~Sman Agreements and Hurricane Andrew 1992
"I!n!'l!'!!'!"''''':r---' ..u-.............. . """,u,,n: ..vtltUU {'I'IItH GtmJuct Clrali'l'"ar-- - - - - -
Other Anunnaki factions, such as Ashtar Command, the Nibiruian. Tholh. . ble to Necromiton-Andromie biological requirements and a strategic
Enki collective, the Galactic Federation, the Plciadian ..Samjase-Luciferian sUlt~er spot" in relation to conquest of Earth and dominion over the Halls of
collective, the MardukeDramin collective, the A lphaOmega Ncphilirn 'f~enti. The Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki of the "Phoenix" and "Serpent"
Annu-Melchizedcks and Necromiton-Andromics held Onto their respcctiv(' APIN systems prom.ised ~o honor the Emerald ~ovenant if the Founders
own agendas until their "ultimate stronghold" was considerably A Id assist them m usmg [he NET/NOC-Gnd to close by force the
compromised in 1992. 'NOLI olniton-controlled Montauk.Phi-Ex/Falcon Wormhole. If utilized by
~~~ian races via Sirius B Star Gate.6, the already operationa.' NIT/NOC
THE PLEIADIANSIRIAN AGREEMENTS grid installation could be reprogrammed to ca~ry and amp~lfy D12 and
. I Life Force Trion Currents from beyond rhls Time Mamx. If returned
AND HURRICANE ANDREW 1992 Prlh~ protection of the Emerald Covenant nations, the NET/NOC-Grid of
Since implementation of the NDCGrid Photo-sonic installation and to t h had the power to temporarily seal or "Cap" the Montauk-Phi-Ex!
the NET of 25,500 Be Atlantis , the Anunnaki races have steadily moved lOa
F 1ft on Wormhole, preventing the Andromie-Rigelian "Falcon Eagle,"
their intended Arlantian Conspiracy Ludferian Covenant own dominion o" ieron' Od edicron Dra kOOlan'''Dragon"an d JeI10Vlan
' A nunnak'love "D "
agenda forward through remote Photosonic control of Earth's Planetary ~er races from further advancing their EarthNibiruA menti dominion
Tempiar Complex via the NIX:'Grid. 10 Throughout the progression of the ~~ndas. Emerald Covenant races had been trying unsuccessfu lly to cap the
1980s Andromie:Rig~l i an C~alition agenda, the A.n~nna~i f.aces remained Jonuluk.Phi.Ex/Falcon Wormhole since WW2. O n August 12. 1992. they
confident of their ultimate viCtory and OWO dommlon wlthm the pending had almost succeeded when rhe Zeta Rigelians, with the assistance of the
20002017 AD SAC Final-Conflict drama. The Anunnaki believed that they Necrotni con-Andromie "Montauk Boys," launched a vic~ ous sonic pulse
would be able to use the NET to awaken and manipulate enough of their transmission from their Star Gate3 Bermuda base, mto t~e Falcon
civilian Illuminati Sleeper Races, and unsuspecting Human races within the wormhole, furth er expanding the Falcon and preventing application of the
"channeling" movement , to make a stand against the Illuminati factions that frequency cap. .
they had lost to [he Nccromitoncontrolled Andromie-Rigelian Coalition. The unstable expansion of the Falcon wormhole caused maJor deep
The Anunnaki intended to use "channelers" to teach unsuspecting marine disturbances throughout the Atlantic Ocean, reports of which the
Illuminati Sleepers and Human populations how to orchestrate false Illuminati withheld from publ ic disclosure. On August 24. 1992. [he Falcon
planetary healing operations utilizing distorted Biotronic scalar.pulsc and wonnhole amplified the intensity of Hurricane Andrew, creating wind
Merkaba Mechanics technologies that would be amplified through the speeds in the range of 250-300 m.p.h. Hurricane Andrew changed direction
NDC-Grid. Through these distorted Biotronic/ Merkabic technologies. rhe suddenly, heading for the Dade County, R.., area. The Falcon, agenda
Annunaki believed they would be able to reclaim from competing forces Illuminati knew of the direction change in time to call for evacuations, but
Earth's 12 Primary Star Gate territories and corresponding Ley Line systems, their Fallen Angelic Necromiton-Andromie "commandos" ordered them to
as each Star Gate naturally opened during (he 20002017 SAC. "misplace" this information and give warning only when evacuation time
In 1992 A nunnaki legions were confronted with yet anorher unpleasant was spent. The Zeta.Rigelians and NecromitonAndromie forces used
surprise as Androm ie.Rigelian and collaborating factions of the O micron- Hurricane Andrew to secure yet another Human and Maji "Population
Drakonian and Odedicron-ReptHian Falcon force began to utilize the Reduction" event. The devastation of Hurricane Andrew was one of the
Montauk.Phi.~ x Wormh?le and Falcon API1';J system to gain contr~1 ~ver greatest recorded "natural" disasters in US history. When the Pleiadian-
the Anunnakl NDC.Grld and the NET via scalar pulse transmiSSIOns Nibiruian Anunnakis finally decided they wanted to "deal, " and offered to
Suddenly the overly confident Anunnaki forces became willing to enter tum over their NOC-Grid, NET, Phoenix and Serpent APIN systems to
negotiations for Emerald Covenant Redemption Contacts with Emerald Emerald Covenant races, the opportunity to safely cap the Falcon wormhole
Covenant nations. Was fi nally at hand. In November 1992, [he PlciadianSirian Agreements of
Because the Anunnakis fea red complete loss of their N IX::'Orid/NE'f the Emerald Covenant Peace Treaty were formalized.
stronghold on Earth, some of their leading facti ons reluctandy entered the
Emerald Covenant Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements in November 1992. In
these agreements, the Pleiadian and Nibiruian Anunnaki legions and
portions of Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command agreed to put the
NET/ NDC.Grid installation and their artificial hold on Solar Sta r Gale,4
back under Guardian Azurite Universal Templar Security Team
protection. The Andromie-R igelian Coalition had their immediate sights set
on conquest of Anunnaki.held Nibiru, a planetary env ironment InO re

10. See Masrro TemplarCOImebook. (onhcoming.

380 381
l emporary Lap on the Montauk Vhi -t:x Wormhole 1994 ~1998


erning Anunnaki infiltration via the Atlantian Conspiracy Luciferian
Covenant agen da. .. .
PHI-Ex WORMHOLE 1994-1998 Without use of the eanhly NDCGrld installation and natural
When the 1992 Plei~di~n-Siri.a~ ~greements were initiated, both l'gnment of Solar Star GateA. Emerald Covenant races would be unable
Emerald Covenam and PlcJadlan-N.blfUlan Anunnaki races and h rea lrevent pole shift, nor would they be able to seal the Montauk-Phi-Ex/
Galactic Federation, made subtle and physical contact With selc t e F O
l~on Wormhole, without launching immediate physical onplanet
members of the Illuminati and Interior World Government forces ofCec~ed ~ence of fl eets ~apable of advanced Phot~.sonic ~calar pulse
tern, .
,opp?,rtunny to d"cfeel.ft?mAd . . .
n tOime-Rtgcltan ' "nng
and Drakonian/ p nsmission. If Guardtan fleets attempted to deploy direct phYSical presence
~ep(tltan Falcon-Eagle dominIOn. Through a temporary photO-Sonic rta Earth, they would be intercepted by Necromiton~Andromie. Rigelian.
mterface system created by the Emerald Covenant Maharaji Blue Hum Z;ra, Drakonian and Rept~lian fleets, settin~ in ~otion a literal "Star Wars"
races of Densiry-2 Sirius B. portions of the NET/NDC-Grid were able an drama with in and surroundmg 0-3 Earth terntones. Such a Star Wars drama,
receive and transmiT specific scalar pulses through Earth's Tempi., 'h'o tilizing the Photo-sonic and Photo-radionic technologies possessed by all
served to "Jam . " t he f requenctcs
. used to sustain the Montauk-Phi_1:" ~nterstellar races, wou ld not only decimate large port ions of Earth
Wormhole. x ~pulations, but wou ld also guarantee pole shift by further disrupting the EM
By 1994. the united Emerald Covenant and Anunnaki legions balances in Earth's grids during the 2000-2017 SAC. An easy. peaceful
successfully created a temporary "cap" on the MontaukPhiEx APIN victory on Earth over the pending Fallen Angelic/Illuminati OWO Final
system, and a partial cap on the Falcon wormhole "hub." The Montauk-Phi. Conflict drama depended upon the Anunnaki races honoring their
Ex/Falc?n cap I?~evented the Necromiton-Andromies Zeta Rigelian, and promises of Emerald Covenant support and cooperation with Guardian
Drakoman/Reptllmn fleets from furthering their intended covert infiltration nations-promises that were made in the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian
of Ea;rh's subterranean bases. The Montauk.Phi-Ex Cap was a temporary Agreements.
s~l~hon that depended upon the Anunnakis upholding the Pleiadian_ The 1994 capping of the Phi-Ex Wonnhole gave the Anunnaki races
Sman Agreements. In these agreements the Anunnaki legions had promised opportun ity to once again advance their influence among the llIuminat i
to release Earth from Nihiruian subjugation, dismantle the NET and races of the World Management Team. If they had been honoring their 1992
return the NDC-G rid and Solar Star Gate-4, which they had "hijacked by Agreements, this "influence" would have progressed in representation of the
force" during the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion, back over to the Emerald Emerald Covenant. The Anunnaki and Emerald Covenant races continued
Covenant Founders' protection by 2()(x). to initiate a slow but steady "wake-up call" among their respective civilian
Had the Anunnaki races upheld the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements, Sleepers. The Anunnaki released the message among some of their channels
Emerald Covenant races would have used the NET/NDC-Grid installation that "the Zeta races had left Earth and there was nothing now to fear." The
?~ ~a~th to accompl ish two vital Bridge Zone Project crisis intervention originally sin ister inrentions of the Anunnaki-orchestrated aspects of the
InltIatl,ves. The, most pressing iI!-tervcntion needed was that of rapidly re- "New Age Movemem" briefly became upgraded to support the Emerald
ba!ancmg Earth S ~lectro~agnetlc Merkaba fields to prevent pending pole Covenant peace treaty and freedom teachings, creating a renewed solidarity
~hlft fr?m occurrtn~ durtng the 2000-2017 SAC, due to the original, between once-competing ideological (actions in the New Age arena.
morgamc Photo-some program of the NOC-Orid. The second intervention In 1997 Guardian races began the "wake-up call" to their Emerald
was that of using the NET/NDCGrid network during the SAC to Covenant Speakers and Indigo Children, in preparation for the sch<..-cluled
pennanently seal the Montauk-Phi.Ex/Falcon Wormhole and the Phoenix release of the Emerald Covenant teachings pertaining to Masters Planetary
Wo~hol~. while activating the Face of Man LPIN system and the Great Templar Mechanics, which were to be given once consummation of the
White LIOn, Golden Eagle and Blue Oxen APINs. Success in these 2000.201 7 SAC was confinned. Plans were made among Anunnaki loyal
objectives would prevent funher Fallen Angelic invasion, setting in motion a Illuminati and Human members of the World Management Team to begin
Frce World Order of Emerald Covenant interstellar co-evolution on Earth. "Official Disclosure" of "Visitor Race Presence." Official Disclosure was
From 1994-1998 Pleiadian~Nibiruian Anunnaki, Galactic Federation intended to prepare human populations to make a united, peaceful stand in
and. Emerald Cove.nant influence. gained dom inance within many lIlumi nal! Protecting Earth's territories from further advancemenr of the several
mc.clons. Prepa~t1ons were bemg made among cooperating Illuminatl Competing Fallen Angelic OWO invasion agendas, using the natural,
alltan~es to begm non-threatening, progressive public release of "ET- spiriruat~science based tools of Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics.
Angelle Presence Confinnation" via Official Global Proc lamation. As part Guardian races intended to release the Emerald Covenant Masters
of the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements, Emerald Covenant races had agreed to :rempiar Mechanics teachings into the public forum, to educate Humanity
~ait u~til hum~,nity. had dealt w~~h the initial revelation of the reality and Ih the methodologies required to orchestrate Planetary Shields Clinics,
Immediacy of ViSitor Contact before releasing the full historical data \~ough which Earth's EM grids could be rap idly healed to prevent pole
sh tft from occurring should the 2000-2017 SAC commence as anticipated. If
t e 2000-2017 SAC commenced, Guardian races intended rapid

382 383
I'\HUllHUKI ueJecuuTl, I"'WCUlL U7l~L,.Uppeu, JTIUlgOS, l:!alct OJ war . ..

dispens~ti.on of information pertaining to humanity's invitation into a,nwhile, many un-awakened Indigo Children and Humans became
Lyran~Strlar:t Founders ~~erald Covenant Co~Evolution Peace Treaty tb e ~61tnlted with Anunnaki implamation, possession and "pseudo spirirual"
the awakemng and trammg of the Amcnti Planetary Templar S ,~ ~trination , and the "Michael Matrix," Zeta-Rigelian and Dracos stepped
!eam was to im~ediately c.ommenc~. The Amenri Security Tea~U~ty their own imerest in the "Body-Snatching game." This caused a
~nrende~ to be tramed to assist Guardian nations in using the NDC.Gr~ u~ion of disputes among Anunnaki factions and between Anunnaki
installation ~o permanently sever, the link between Earth and d th p d Qrakonian agenda forces.
Mont~uk#.Phl~Ex!Falcon and PhoenIX Wormhole, preventing further Faile t 9.n Between 1998.1999. the Zeta Rigelian and Necromiton-Andromie
Angeltc mfiltranon. Once the Montauk-Phi-Ex/Falcon and Ph ,n lon-White Eagle force, with the assistance of their "Montauk Boys"
Wor~holes were permanently shut, Fallen Angelic races would be unahl
nl):; Niu~inati, successfully removed the partial. cap on the Falcon w,?nnhole ~nd
send In larger lle~[S.to iI,ltcrcep,r ~nd initiate "Star Wars" with Guardian fl~eto rtially ripped through the Montauk-Phi-Ex wonnhole cap. Un~cappmg
as they made their inevitable Fust Contact" mission. As 1998 ap roa h ts Phe Falcon" allowed them to reactivate portions of their global Montauk-
all appeared to be going relatively well within the delicate politicaf bal~ cd, Phi_Ex_Falcon/White Eagle APIN system, through which Psychotronic and
of the 1992 Plciadjan~Sirian Agreements. nees ub_space Sonic Scalar Pulse transmissions capacity was restored. Since this
;998-l~9 fiasco began, Emerald C~)V.enant ~ations hav~.u.sed their once~
9.gain limited access to NET transmiSSion to poke holes III the NET, by
ANuNNAKl DEFECTION, FALCON UN-CAPPED, INDIGO which their lndifi~ Children Types-l and 2 could receive a rapid emergency
"wake-up call." Expedited Emerald Covenant CDT~Plate translatio ns
HUNTING AND EDICT OF WAR 1998-2001 began in late 1999, after the original May 1999 simultaneous publication of
When it became clear in June 1998 that the SAC would commence' the Voyagers I and II.
I~ 2000, the. Pleia~ian~Samjase~Luciferian, Nibiruian~Enlil~Odcdicro~~ Throughout 1999-2000, Emerald Covenant races have continued
!hoth:Enk'~Zephehum and Galactic Federation Anunnaki collectives negotiations in attempts to resutrect the Pleiadian-Sirian Agteements with
ImmedJat.ely dcfecte~ from t.he .Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements, seizing this Anunnaki races, temporarily securing the July 5. 2000. Treaty of Altair
opportunity to continue activatIOn of the Phoenix and Serpent APIN with the Anunnaki and several renegade races, due to the continuing
systems for Earth conquest. They made deals with the Jehovian "Dove" and disputes between Anunnaki and Drakonian agenda facti ons. Between
Necromiton-Andromie "White Eagle" to interface their NET/NDC~Grid September 7-12. 2000. the Andromie-Necromitons settled several pending
an~ .AP~N systems with the Zeta-Rigelian/Andromie Montauk/Phi-Ex Anunnaki/Drakonian disputes over intended distribution of captured Inner
facIlIty In o~der to undo the access to Earth's T emplar that Emerald Earth territories, the UIR was fonned and their War Edict was issued o n
Co~;nam ~auons had re~e.ntly gained. They rapidly began to "set the stage- September 12. 2000.
for Lowermg the NET mto the D-3 Ftequency bands via interface with
earthly . electrical~grid technologies to cteate the 2004 "Frequency Fence"
mass-mmd-control network. Since September 12, 2000, Emerald Covenant nations and awakening Indigo
The Alpha-O~cga. Ncph~lim Ann~-~clchizedcks began an aggressive, Children and Humans who have not yet succumbed to Fallen Angelic astral
sweetly rendered. Indigo ChIld Huntmg campaign within the New Age tagging, etc., have been working with progressively mote advanced Masters
Movement, hopl~g to .Iocate as many Indigo people (especially Type-) Planetary TempJar Mechanics (0 secute Earth's Templar
Huma~-Anunnakl hybnds) for astral Tagging and DNA bonding-bio-field under a critical-mass 12-Code Pulse befote the 2003 deadline.
possesSion. qreat efforts we~e applied to directing the "Channeling"
movem~nt via t~e NET/phl~~X. transmitti ng station, through which a
progressIvely growing number of mflltrated Illuminati and Human "Greeting
Teams" were assembled among Earth populations. II
As the An~nna.ki Greeting Teams advanced in the New Age movemenl,
many Anunnab legiOns that had remained loyal to the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian
Agree~ents finally defec ted under growing pressure from the GalactiC
Federation and the Nibiruian Thoth-Enki Anunnaki collectives. NumeroUS
popular. "Energy/Spiritual Healing Systems" were infiltrated and
progressIvely used to orchestrate astral Tagging in New Age populations.

II. aleck out rhe Galaclic Federation, An:han,t:el Michael" and 5e\'eral other t'eT)' ~pUl"r

New Age :md UFO Contact movement reprtscm:uh'es find you'lI get an idea ofhow well
the Fallen Angelic "Greeting Team" effort is going.
12. Scalar transmissions to activate donmmr portions of the DNA Template.
384 385
.._ __------ .---.--.-.-... -.w.- ..... t' ... . .. ' .... . . ~, ~ .... "'''I r"' ~

. don they will unknowingly transmit a critical mass 12~Code Pulse
" uvathe 'Planetary Shields by 2003 , preventing fulfillment of the
ilIlo . ati Dimensional Blend Experiment.
IUuJI\t.yhe "2003 Dimensional Blend Experiment" .was intended to di rectly
. k Earth's Planetary Shields into the Planetary Shields of a counterpart of
hnrth called Phantom E.'lrth, that was drawn into the Phantom Matrix
Ea ' Hole Sub--TIme Distortion Cycle during the "Electr!c Wars," whie.h
a tack
ded Human Seeding-I on Earth, 5,500,000 years ago. Smce the Elecrnc
eO there has been a "Wall in TIme"-a frequency Cap between Earth's
~ars tary Shields and the chaotic Planetary Shields of Phantom Earth in the
The Wall in Time ~lank Hole Phantom Matrix. This Cap was kept in place by the Emerald
e,;c nant Founders, in hopes that evenrually our Earth would evolve to a
and Atlantian Secrets of the ffi~ient frequency accretion level through which the "Wall in TIme"
~~uld be "Uncapped," without our Eart~ and i~s life field potentially bei~g
Phoenix and the Falcon idly drawn into the Phantom Mattix. This Cap allows the races m
P'tantom Earth an opportunity to have DNA Bio-Regenesis, and the
DIMENSIONAL BLEND EXPERIMENT, WALL IN TIME, Phantom Earth to receive Planetary Shields repair, so people and planet
ould be retrieved from the "perpetual chaotic time loop" of the Phantom
AND THE ILLUMINATI MAsTER PLAN 2003 Matrix to restore natural evolution.
The contemporary United Intruder Resistance (UIR) Illuminati One Since the end of Human Seeding-I, Earth has been a literal
World Order (OWO) Master Plan is an amalgamation of key componems ''battleground'' between the Emerald Covenant Foun~ers races and the
of the previously disclosed competing fallen Angelic/lntruder ET OWO Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET races of the Phantom MatrIx. Each gr~up has
agendas. The UIR has adopted the long-planned "2003 Dimensional Blend fought to attain a critical mass of frequency in the Planetary Shields. of
Experiment" and "2004 Frequency Fence" plan originally of the Zeta- Earth and its Phantom. If Phantom Earth accretes greater frequency holdmg
Rigelian Agenda. The Zeta-Rigelians originally gOt their idea for the than our Earth, our Earth, its peoples and the Halls of Amenti in the Inner
Frequency Fence from the Annunaki NET plan, in which the A nnunaki had Earth Time Cycle wi ll be sucked into the Phantom Matrix black hole. If this
long planned to "Lower the NET into D)" to create a Frequency Fence occurs, 11 dimensions of our 15-dimensional Time Matrix will become fully
during the ZOOO-ZOI7 SAC. trapped within the Phantom Matrix Sub..TIme Distortion Cycle, cut off
The Nibiru ian Council mandate of Human Genocide has been adopted, from interaction with the Founders of 0-12 and up, under Fallen A ngelic
and irs orchestration is intended to occur through the "Instigation of War race dominion, completely incapable of natural Ascension out of density.
Among Human Nations" agenda that has been key to most OWO creeds Such an event would provide sufficient energy fuel to feed and artificially
since their inception. Advancement of the UIR IJ\uminari OWO Master Sustain the dying Phantom Matrix for many eons to come.
Plan depends upon theiT preventing Earth's Templar from reaching a critical Since the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebellion, the Anunnaki races of the
mass 12~Code Pulse. If the Guardian agenda of activating the Four Faces of Phantom Matrix have been progressively draining frequency from our Earth
Man LPIN system to create the Trion/Meajhe Field before 2003 is and transmitting it into the Phantom Earth Shields via the "relay station"
successful, the I2-Code Pulse will reach critica l mass in Earth's Planetary of the NET, NDC~Grid, the Reverse-orsit Planet Nibiru and the
Shields, blocking the Dimensional Blend Experiment and Frequency artificial Nibiruian Battlestar "Wormwood." In the SAC of 22,326 BC,
Fence. The DNA Templates of Indigo Children and Humans are now the Anunnaki almost succeeded in fulfilling the Dimensional Blend
beginning mass activation, despite the Fallen Angelic astral Tagging Experiment through which the "Cap on the Wall in Time" would have
interference; the biology of these races will automatically and progressively been shatte~ed and our Earth and the Halls of Amenti Star Gates would
run higher dimensional frequencies into Earth's grids. A critical mass of have become fully trapped in the Phantom Matrix . The Eieyani Founders
Indigo C~i1dr~n TyPes~l and 21 ~ave now cleared sufficient amounts of races stopped the 22,326 BC SAC just in time to prevent this t~aves ty from
NDC~Gnd dtstorttons from thetr DNA Templates and set sufficient Occurring. When the Zetas uncapped the Falcon wormhole m the early
amounts of the 12~Code Pulse in Earth's Templar. These events will begin I900s and launched the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment, the first full link
triggering spontaneous DNA clearing and activation in mass Humanl between the Planetary Shields of Zeta-comrollcd Phantom Earth and our
Indigo populations. If these populations continue cleared DNA Template Earth was made in om contemporary times.

1. 48 and 24-Strand DNA Templates, respectively. ------

2. Yts. for the Biblical reference.
- -_ ... . . . . .... _ _ .-- ..-.................. '-'c. .... VJ UU:; I IIU<:IU..I, UUU ule r ulCon _~V lvlcellw:gu" LlI'::'Wlel UllU tilt: .)t:l:lel.:) uJ HIe '-Tluen!xana tateon"

A "hole was punched in the Wall in Time" by uncapping the Fa I 24 Nibiruian Crystal Temple Networks and setting of the Trion/Meajhe
wormhole and creating the PhiE" Wormhole POft Interface Net cO theIds the Guardians cannot prevent Earth from "joining its Phantom Shadow."
(PIN) Atlantian Pylon Implant Network (APIN) System.
contemporary problems mounted when the Pleiadian.Nibiruians unea lit
!?h. ~ not a decision of Guardian freference, but merely an unavoidable
~tion of the natural Laws 0 Creation Physics that govern the
the neighboring Phoenix wormhole, and they esca lated again when"~ C ifestation processes of matter and consciousness.
"Hole in the Time Wall" was further expanded through the Fit e manPresently, great progress has been made in the Emerald Covenant freedom
wOfmhoi:: during the .1983 Montau~ Proj~ct. If the contemporary
sU,cceeds In orchestrau~g the 20~3 D1Tc.nslOnai Blend Experiment, Earth
VIR pda. The DNA Tem~lat~ of Indigos. and Humans are now slowly, but
~ni[ely, dearing a~d actl.vaung. ~rogrcsslve I2-Code .~uman DNA Te~plate
will fulfill the jehovlan-contnved Biblical Revelations Prophec ' .. 'vation will culmmate m Earths I2Code Pulse ctlncal mass re-cochng by
experience ~Ie shift and be drawn into "the Pit" of the Phantom M I~S.' fexh if a critical number of Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics "Rainbow
bl~c.k hole. The p~ren~iality of Earth entering the Phantom Matrix is bc:":h" ~dtablcs" (RRTs) arc conducted by Earth populations. The Emerald
spiritually . and sClcnt.lfically devastating. Regardless of whether thes o,venant RRTs are the advanced Biotronic technologies of the ChrislOs
events are IOterpreted 10 terms of physics or spirituality, they arc rcal" e
both counts." on
Founders races. RRTs are the only technologies by which the "Fout Faces of
Man" ''Great White Lion" and "Golden Eagle" PIN Systems can be rapidly
Originally, ~merald .Covenant races, Humans and Indigo Children entered activ~ted to anchor the needed Trion/Meajhe Fields in Eatth's Planetary
repeated Earth ~ncar:natlons on "rescue missions," in attempts to save the Shields.
mcntally and .b,olog,~lIy m~tated ~ces of the Phantom Matrix from their
~erum . to undifferentiated un!~ of space dust" at the evenruai, inevitable, THE WTCIPENTAGON DISASTER
nnploslon of the Ph~ntom Matnx. ~ow, due to the anti~hristiac applications of
the NET/NDC~C?rld/Montauk~Phl~EX/Phocnix Project and Fallen Angelic
APIN technologies, the "Cap on the Wall in Time" must be permanently - Phantom Matrix. - The 5.5 miUion-year-old Wall in Time. -The
closed. Atlantian Conspiracy and Luciferian Cooenant. - T he Falcon and Phoenix
If t~e Cap on the Time Wall is not closed, Earth, Inner Earth, the Halls of Wonnholes. -The 1943-1983 Montauk/Phi-Ex Port Interface Network.
A:ment~ and the many universes within the lower 11 dimensions of our 15. -Atlantian Pylon Implant Networks . - The 2003 Dimensional Blend
dmlenslonal. Time Matrix will implode during and shortly after the 2000~2017 Experiment. -The NET (Nibiruian Electro-static Transduction field).
SAC. The Imploded systems would then chaotically reorganize their matter- -The Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network. -VIR IUuminati OWO Master
pattern within the Timc Loop of the Phantom Matrix black hole. The Plans. -The September 12, 2000, VIR Edict of War. -RITs (Remote
Founders races must do everything in their power to prevent this event from Interactive Teams) and Astral Tagging -The "UFO and New Age
~c~lrring, or ot~er neighboring Time Matrix systems will be unfairly placed in Mooements." - Fallen Angelic conquest for dominion of the Halls of
slImlarly grave Jeopardy. Ament; Star Gates.
!he present n~i~~l c;onflic.t" ~rama on Earth will be the decid ing factor of So what do all of these seemingly I'far out sci~fi subjects' have to do
destinY for many elvlllzations wlthm our Time Matrix system, as well as for Earth with the very real 9/11/2001 WTC/Pentagon Disaster, the contemporary
an? th~ Human -:ace. If the ~~erald Covenant Masters Planetary Stewardship Concern over the threat of Intcrnational Terrorism and the "War On
Imtl3tlvc and B.ndge Zone 1 roJect are successful, only a portion of Earth's matter Terrorism"?
base and consciousness fields will be drawn imo the Phantom Matrix Tune Absolutely E1Jerything! I personally did not fully understand the
Track during the Threc~Day Particle Conversion Period of our present SAC ~onnections between the "B:g Picture Drama" and our present global terrorist
(see p'lge 223). The rest of Earth's Planetary Shields and !ifefonns with sufficient ISSue until the GA/Eieyani "filled in the missing pieces" as I began to prepare
DNA !emplate activation will experience a progression of linear time events this final update for Voyagers 11 2e. The wellhidden connect ions between
thar wdllead to a future in which Earth and her peoples discover the reality of these ancient and contemporary realities is not remote or vague-it is direct
the Inne~ ~rth Time C~c1e. I~ this future, Earth becomes a free (ascended) and scathing; this connection becomes mueh more obvious when we
p~et wlthm the Interdlmenslonal Association of Free Worlds and great understand the "Secrets of the Phoenix and the Falcon' and their
UOIversal Emerald Covenant communities-the "heavenly Earth" so often relationship to "ancient" Atlantis. The whole story of the Phoenix and the
. aleon could fill several books; I witl simply summarize here the most
promised. but never "deliverable" by the many oblivious religiOlls dogmas.
. If t~e GA Bridge Zone Project is not successful, and the UIR's 2003 Immediately pertinent aspects of this historical saga.
Dimensional Blend Experiment is not prevented by 12.Code Pulse re-coding of Previous to the 9558 BC "cataclysm" of Atlantis, life was quite different
t han it is now on planet Earth. In 28,000 Be, a major cataclysm ripped apart
the large Atlantic continem upon which Atlantis stood, redUCing it to
several smaller Atlantian Island Nations. The three Primary Atlantian
3. N? l fI "p~e.[(y s ight ~ in terms of scientific physiCS and even more Uns,1 \'ory in terms of con' nations were Ulta~Lohas-Ur, in what had been the Northeast of the
SCIOUS spmt.

388 389
Atlantic continent (remains of it are now Eng land, Ireland, Scotland the competing Leviathan races, on behalf of their Fallen Angelicntruder ET
Wales), Ulta:~ruah ;~ ~ in the SO,uthwest (now Southern Rodda, CUba' kin battled for conquest of the Atlantic Continent Star Gates. I
Bahamas, I-Ialtl, DonullIcan Republtc) and U ha#Nohassa-U r in the Cent i , The Omicron-Drakonian, Odedicron and Zephe lium (Zeta) Reptilian
region (now Bermuda Islands),4 fa races gained domin.ance in t~e Atlant~an p?wer struggle, and several
The Human Adamian nation became progressively overrun with a fa competing Anunnakl forces motIvated the ir leViathan races to orchestrate a
called ~e Anu-Melc~~%edck ~evi~thans. The many competing Anunnak~ final victory over the D~kon~an/ Reptili a~ and Angelic Human rac~ . ~ is
Drakoman and Reptlitan family hnes of the Anu-Melchizedek Leviatha motivation was formalized In the offi Cial agreement of the Luclfenan
races were a product of progressive Fallen Angelic raiding of an Emerald Covenant OWO Mascer Plan, what the Anunnakis referred lO as the
Covenant hybridization pr.o~ra\~ that began in 155',000 Be. The Founders' "Phoenix Project/, the name of the Anunnaki-dominion project from the
Emerald Covenant hybndlzatlon program was Intended to assist th to,500 Be Luciferia~ Conquest. In. this o rigin~l Phoenix P~oj ect ,
A nunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian races that had joined the Emerald Anunnaki Fallen AngeliC races of the Votted Federation of Planets In the
Covenan~ to rcgene~tc th~ ir D~A T emplates to reclai m the potentialities Phantom Matrix motivated their Leviathan legions on Earth to attempt to
of asc~nslO n. G enetic engineering was used to combine portions of the gain dominion over Earth by opening the "Wall in lime" that existed
Angelic Human DNA Template with that of a composite Anunnaki_ between Earth and Phantom Earth in the Phantom Matrix.
Drakonian-Rept il ian genetic strain, using the Anunnaki slave-primate The "Wall in Time" is an artificial frequency barrier that was placed
Lulcus DNA, upgrading th Neandertha l first to ~he Luhari,6 then to the E.
within the Planetary Shields scalar templates of Earth and Phantom Earth-
LuhH-Lev.i,7 ELuhli-Judah, and E-Lu,hli-Nephi . After thousands of years the portion of Earth's Shields that had been drawn into the Black Hole Sub-
of evolution o n Earth, and 5 genetic upgrades, the E-Luhli-Levi era- l1me Distortion Cycle of Phantom Matrix during the Electric Wars 5.5
Magnon received its final upgrade to the Homo-sapiens- 1 Annu_ million years ago {see page 18). The frequency barrier "Wall" protected
Melchizedek. T he Annu-Melchizedek race, housing incarnations of non. Earth's Shields or "Scalar Template," allowing Earth to continue its natural
human Fallen Angelic souls on Emerald Covenant "Redemption evolution within our organic Time Matrix, without threat of Earth, Halls of
Contracts," resembled the Angelic H uman 12-Tribe races because five of 12 Amenti Star G ate control and the rest of our Time Matrix being drawn into
H uman DNA Strand Templates were geneticaHy engineered into bonding the Phantom Matrix . The Emerald Covenant Founders had erected the Wall
with the hybrid DNA. 5.5 million years ago to protect this Time Matrix from being "swallowed" by
From the E-Luhli-levi stage, the hybrid races could, but were not the Phantom Matrix Black Hole. In 10,500 Be Atlantis, the Anunnaki
intended to, naturally procreate with the Human race, due to the Leviathans created a wormhole frequency bridRe between Nohassa Allantis
compatibility. of the lower D~A Strand Templates between hybrids and of Eanh and the Phantom Matrix planets of Nibiru II and Ttamat. 1 This
H umans. This made the hybrid races, especially, the most evolved Annu. Atlantian "Hole in the Wall in Time" was called the Phoenix Womlhole or
Melchizedeks, a prime target for Fallen Angelic races that desired to Phoenix Matrix (English translation). Its entry point on Earth was near
incarnate their presence on Earth in quest of Halls of A menti dominion. B~' Nohassa Atlantis Star Gate-3 , an At!antian territory called "Phoenicia,"
the later A tlantian period of lO,500 BC , rhe number of Fallen Angelic where Earth's Planetary Ley LineA-I0(hortzontal) crossed through
Annu-Melchizedek Leviathan (of E-Luhl i-Lcvi) hybrid family lines, born of Planetary Axiatonal Line-7( vertical).
Fallen A nge lic raidi ng of the hybridizat ion program, exceeded those of the The Phoenix Matrix was "anchored" into Earth's Shields, the G olden
Em ~rald ~ovena nt Human and Maji.lnd igo raccs. Th roughout much of pre ~gle APlN System, the NET and the NOC-Grid through Star Gate-4/ Ley
i.1OClent hIstory, Earth's Star Gate system remained open, and interstellar LlOe-4 at Giza, Egypt, and through a secondary N ibiruian Crystal Temple
commcrce was commonplace. In later A tlantis, this circumstance led to Network site called "C ue SiteA" in Central Mexico. 13 Through the A 7/L4
invasion, formation of the competing Leviathan Atlantian Conspiracy Phoenix wormhole, the A nunnaki were able to electrically interface Earth's
OWO dominion agendas and in 9560 BC fonnalizatio n of the Anunnaki Planetary Shields with those of N ibiru and Tiamat, via their NDC-Grid and
Leviathan Lucifcrian Covenant OWO Anunnaki Master Plan for nnal NET from 25,500 BC. The A nunnaki used the Phoenix Matrix in their long-
capture of Earth and the Halls of Amenti Star Gates. Human populations of tenn Luciferian Rebellion Master Plan of draw ing Earth and the Halls of
Atlantis were progressively driven into exile in othcr regions of the globe, as Amenti Star G ates into the Phantom Matrix via merging Earth's Planetary

4. "Ulta" was a term ust'"d to indicate 'place of," UR" referred to 'lighrISpiril" and origl 10. ~.ll Lohas, SO.) Nohasa, and SO-2 Bruah.
nallr, 10 "God." ' I L uensky. l.
5. Neanderthal 12. !>ensity-ZPhantom.
6. Cro-Ma~:non-l I). . Cue Site5~ fire the location points of Inner Earth's 12 Primary Star Gates, as they
7. Cro-MagnonZ oterface with Eanh; they are the activation sites for the correspond ing 12 Prima ry Star
8. Cro-Magnon.) ates of E.mh, wh ich are located in different geograph ical positions than their counter
9. Cro-Magnon-4 part Cue Sites.

390 391
1 he Kt.AL t' ounamgoJ f\menco- .:>plKmgvut me Jemtory

S?i,elds with those of PI~a ntom Nibiru an~ 'Damat, which linked to PhanrOt 58 Be this was done as part of the Luc iferi an Covenant Master Plan to
Smus A and TrapezIUm (Theta) Orion. This contrived anomal tl 95 draw Earth, Inner Earth and the H alls of Amenti into the Phantom
plan~tary physics . would cause part o~ ~rth's body to b~m Up, whileY tl:
p,?rtIon,s that SUrvlV.~ b la~k.hole tra~~lt1on ,~ould emerge In Density.2 as at
!';~~ Black Hole Sub-Time Distortion Cycle during .the next natural
1"""11 r Activations Cycle-the 2000~2017 SAC . ThiS plan was also
mhabltable moon to Nlbml. The Phocntx 14 would rise from the ash n ?(c naded to "get rid of the competition" put fo rth by Angelic Human races
to be born wit? a new life" under Anunnaki exploiting control, and S th '!'ltd ther members of the Leviathan fo rce who were affiliated with
Halls of Amentl Star Gates wou ld fall under totalitarian U nited Federat' e :Ill ting Fallen Angelic collectiv~s.
0 ... . . .
of Planets Phantom Matrix dominion. During the 10,500 Be Lucifer~on compe The Thoth-Enki-ZepheilUm Nlbm.llan and SamJase-Luclfcnan
Conquest, the Drakonian/Reptilian/Zera Leviathan races discovered ; a:J pi . dian Anunnaki races motivated their Leviathan hybrids to temporarily
copied the Anunnaki wormhole technology under mot ivation of the Zc~ "bl:"" a hole in the Cap" on the Phoenix M.a trix wormhole,. using t~e Arc
Dracos, Omicron~Drakonjan and Odcdicron-rcptile avian races that tul~ f the Covenant portal bridge at SGA GIza. The Phoemx Matrix was
Phantom Earth. The "Drakonian Agenda" races created another wormhol o porarily opened just enough for the immediate central Atlantian
near the first, on Axiatonal Line~ 7, Ley Line~3~9, its "anchoring" position' e [em itories of Nohassa and select portions of Lohas and Bruah to
Earth's Shields was located in the Drakonian~conquered Nibiruian CrYSt~ ler;erience the regional holocaust of being sucked into the Phantom Matrix.
Temple N etwork at Star Gate~7, now Lake TIticaca, Peru. In Atlamis, the ~rcing the "fall of A tlant is" was only the fi rst step in the Anunnaki OWO
A7/L3 wormhole was known as the Falcon Matrix-the Drakonian "Bird of dominion agenda, the climax of which was scheduled for the SAC of 2000
Prey" that would defeat and consume the "Phoenix" wormhole by forcing .2017, k' , f h
Earth's Planetary Sh ields into merger with those of Phantom Earth. The When the Phoenix Matrix was opened, Anunna I lorces rom P antom
Drakonian agenda races desired to link Earth, once merged with Phantom Nibiru forced additional Photo~sonic scalar pulses through ~he NOS-.Orid
~' Earth, to their intergalacric holdings of Alpha Draconis in Draco and
Alnitak, Alnilam, Bellatrix, Rigel and Zeta. '
and Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network of Earth, creatmg additional
Planetary Shields Distortions and blockages wit~in Earth's Templ~r.. T~e
When t~e Falcon ~ atri x wormhole in the "Wall in Time" was in place, Photo-sonic transmissions pumped through Earths Templar from N lblru m
the Androml e~Nec romlt o n and C entaur hybrid Fallen Angelic races of the Phantom Matrix instantaneously reduced to dust any buildings,
Phantom Alpha Centauri and Omega Cenrauri and Andromeda raided structures or Atlantian remains on surface Earth that were not placed under
Phantom Earth. The Necrom iton force temporarily defeated Drakonian rule, selective Anunnaki force~field protection. The Photo-sonic scalar pulses
and began using the Falcon Matrix wormhole to raid Atlantis of Eanh, and resultant planetary grid distortions caused further mutation in the DNA
creating a "Master" hybrid dominion race, now called the "Men in Black ," Template of Earth's biologi!;al fonns, ag~in reduced t~e life sp~n .of all
through raid ing An n u-M~lchizedek Leviathan genetic lines. Fallen Angelic! creatures and "conveniently caused the memory files stored wlthm the
Intruder IT races of all ktnds emerged from the Phantom Matrix "Pit" to Human and Leviathan DNA Template to be further "unplugged." T he
initiate conquest of Earth. The Necromiton-Andromie "Alpha-Omega Anunnaki could not destroy Human and Indigo-Child races if their Master
Anu nnaki" races, already in control of the Golden Eagle APIN system since Plan was to succeed, as these races were needed to run their DNA Template
the 25,500 BC Lucifer Rebe!lion, attempted to merge the Phoenix and Amenti Security Codes into Earth's Planetary Shields during a SAC, or
Falcon wormholes, rhe Golden Eagle APIN and NOC-Grid together, to Eanh's Star Oates and portals would not open. The Luciferian Covenant
secure final territorial dominion of Earth. Emerald Covenant Founders and agenda included a massive " Planetary Housecleaning, editing and re~
Sirius B Maharaji Fleets intervened directly in Atlantis, squelching the writing" of any previous records or evidence pertaining to Advanced
Luciferian Conquest and driving Fa!len Angelic in vasion fo rces back intO Adanrian Human civilization. The agenda intended progressive claim ing of
the Phantom Matrix, some escaping into exi le on other planets in our Time Earth's 12 Primary Star Gate territories and subjugation of Human and
Matrix. Indigo races by the Anunnaki Leviathan force, in time for the 200020 17
The Founders "Capped" the Phoenix and Falcon Matrix frequ ency SAC deadline.
bridges to Phantom Matrix, "patching the holes in the Wall in Time."
Without planetary access to D~12 frequency, the Founders could not create THE REAL FOUNDING OF AMERICA-
a permanent wormhole "Cap," or activate the Four Faces of Man LPIN to "SPIKING OUT THE TERRITORY"
restore the Golden Eagle and Great W hite Lion APIN Systems. In 9560 Be,
The "NQrth Af1erican" continent, known then as Ulta~Amekasan~Ur
the Anunnaki Fallen Ange lic races that had escaped to Density-2 Alcyone
~r Ame~KaI 5_Ra, 1 which had become inhabitable follow ing the induced
and Taro. in our Time Matrix motivated their Annu-Melchizedek Leviathan
Ice Age" of the 21,900 Be Lohas Celtec-Druidic Freeze-our territorial
force of Bruah A tlantis to again open the Phoenix Matrix wormhole. In

:~., light/spiri t body
14. Phoenicia-Nohass.1-Atlantis. On,
392 393
---- _ ... ....
conquest, was imended [Q become t he "New Jerusalem" of the ~ehov i anJ
----.---_.. ._... . . u=.. V",'''' , ' 6 vJ , ..................- ... ,.,."".~ = "~ lI lt! l /:I /UVI)'

E~~h~an Anunn,aki Leviath an., and, the n~w "Amc~ReKa "l of th

N lblTui3n Thothlan Anunnakt Levlathan. l The Pleiadian-Nibiru' e
tf enow
quency bands, putting all races under covert Anunnaki Mind Control.
der Anunnaki Mind Control, Human and Indigo races would mindlessly
Anunnaki instructions on running the DNA Template Security
Anunnaki's 9558 BC opening of the Phoen ix Matrix was intended to crc~an CcJe5 to open Earth's Shields and the final physical Anunnaki invasion of
climatic instabilities and a quick-freeze within select northern and southe tt rth would take place without Human and Indigo resistance. Once
r~gions. ,;rhe . Pleia~ ia:~.N ibiruians planned to "clear the real estate" a~~ ~ysiCaUy on rlanet, the Luciferian Anunnaki intended to complete the final
lnerally put It on Ice to prevent Emerald Covenant races from reinstati P tallation a the 24 Scalar Pulse generator.amplification plants that they
Human and Ind igo Guardians there after the orchestrated "flood." g Th InS uld need to blast through the C loaking Fields on the Inner Earth portals.
Anunnaki of the Luciferian C ovenant planned to have theif "frozen asscts~ ~ the Phoenix APIN Spike Matri x moved into full activation while Earth's
thawe~ our and populated by theif Leviathan race Illuminati Sleepers POWe Star Gates progressed in their opening cycle, the Anunnaki would invade
Elite,l in plenty of time for dom inion during the 2000-2017 SAC. t I ner Earth and connect the Halls of Amenti Star Gate control temples (12
Prior to the staging of the "fall of Atlantis," members of the Thothia Crystal Pylon Temples of Inner Earth) to the Phoenix APlN Spike Matrix.
Leviathan of Bruah were taken to every continent of Earth , including North Earth, Inner Earth and the Halls of Amenti Star Gates would be rapidly
America, where they created a complex system of what are called "Atlantian drawn into the ~hantom Matrix bl~ck . hol~, in a position ~twee~ Tiat;lat
Spikes" in Earth's Planetary Shields. The Spikes, which had been used in and Nibiru. In thiS event, all of Earth s Life Field would expen ence bIologIcal
various global areas since implementation of the NOC-Grid at Stonehenge dt:ath. But the planetary and personal consciousness of Earth's life-forms
are "Seed Implants" made of various types of crystalline minerals and would reassemble along the chaotically grotesque template arrangement of
metals, which are inserted deep into Earth's Mantle and Crust via photo- the Phantom Matrix.
sonic scalar pulse. When activated, the Spikes become local and regional In the Phantom Matrix, the consciousness would become trapped in a
transmission stations, originally receiving frequency "broadcasts" from the distorted image of its original biological or matter fonn. The distorted body-
NDC-Grid. "Grid Spiking" is one type of APIN system technology, which thought-form could neither naturally ascend, nor IIdie" in the usual
is favored by the Pleiadian-N ibiruian Anunnaki. The Phoenix APIN system manner, but would rather progressively become more distorted, the
"Spiking Campaign" of 95609558 BC Bruah Atlantis connected specific consciousness digressing into perceptual chaos, until eventually the
areas of Earth's Planetary Shields directly to coordinate points in the thought-farm-body would implode in upon itself, fragmenting the identity
geography of Trnmat in the Phantom Matrix, via the Phoenix wormhole. into undifferentiated units of consciousness ("space dust"). Survival of
When activated just before and during the 2000-2017 SAC, as intended by sentience in the Phantom Matrix is dependent upon dev ising ways to
the Anunnaki, the Spikes would open a series of "mini wormholes," directly literally feed off life-force energies from other fomls in the Phantom Matrix,
to the Phoenix Matrix wormhole, Nibiru and Tiamat, creating powerful or from living beings and living Time Matrix systems. T his is how the Fallen
standing-columnar-wave "Pillars" of inaudible sound. The Sonic Pillars Angelic mces sustain themselves, and is precisely why they have tried for 250
would anchor Earth to the Planetary Shields of Phantom Nibiru and Tiamat. billion years (Earth time) to conquer our living Time Matrix and pull it into
Through the Spike network of the Phoenix APIN, the NOC-Grid/Nibiruian their system. Such a feat would provide them with a massive IIfood supply,"
C rystal Temple Network Frequency Fence program, which had been through which to expand and sustain their continually contracting thought-
operating in certain regions of Atlantis, at partial capacity since 25,500 BC, form hologram reality field.
would be amplified and strengthened. After the intended flood , the Phoenix If the Anunnaki's Phoenix Matrix Master Plan succeeded , the Halls of
APIN Spike Matrix would allow the NET (Nibiruian Electro-static Amenti Star Gates would create an open wormhole interface into other
Transduction field) to create a global "perceptual buffer blanket" that would living Time Matrices, and the life-forms of Earth would become entrapped
prevent species on Earth from perceiving the D-4 Astral Field and would in deteriorating thought-form bodies that would become the "slave demon
block Emerald Covenant nations from direct physical and communicative force" of the Fallen Angelic collectives. This was the intention of the
interference. Luciferian Anunnaki when they dev ised the "Atlantian Flood Drama"; this is
During the 20002017 SAC, the Phoenix Spike Matrix was intended the Destiny of Sorrow to which they have long desired to condemn our
to progressively activate via photo-sonic scalar pulses sent through the race. Joining the Fallen Angelics in their finite Phantom Matrix
Phoenix wormhole. The NET Frequency Fence would descend into D-3 "holographic prison" is the false "eternal life" they have been deviously
promising Human and llluminati-Leviarhan races since the fa ll of Atlantis.
Real eternal life is achieved through genuine Ascension and Mastery of
17. ~ 1iglu/5piril reflection ~ Consciousness within the living Time Matrix:. Phantom Matrix "life-forms"
18. In the Atlanlian period, the North American continent was named afte r Human Tribe-) ate not truly "alive" in biological or spiritual terms; they are, in truth, "living
the Amekasan.Elur, wh~ Imd bce~ exiled from their Emerald Covenant post :1.[ ~oh4 dead" races, fini te consc iousness thought-form identities trapped within a
SG-3 to the North Amencan Comment, as Nohass:l and Bruah Allamis progresslve\yfel progressively fragmenti ng and deteriorating Sub-time Universe, who can take
to Leviathan rule afte r rhe iO,500 BC Luciferian ConqUCSl.
19. Knights TemplarHyk5uo;-Frccmasons.
394 395
_"~--~I ne rU:M:C t"ounamg OJ f\menca- "~f5IRmg Uut the -I emrory"

on "biological life" only through using living (orms of consciousness as a e habitable lands, experienced flooding and quick-freeze. What the
Host. Th~thian Leviathans had not planned on was that members of competing
Human and Indigo races were sent into this Time Matrix as a guardian iathan races would survive, which they did through temporary
protector and healer force, intended to prOtect the living Time Matrix fro~ Levcuation by their respective Fallen Angelic kin. When the sonic pulse was
the Phantom Matrix system and to assist, if and when possible, in rhe evat intO Axiatonal Line-3 at Nohassa, it "poked another hole in the Cap on
reclamation and redemption of the Fallen races and Universal systems, Shn Wall in Time." Inadvertently, the Anunnaki had created a "tear" in the
Presently, we arc in the "Beginning of the End Times" that the Fallen f~:nCY Cap on the Drakonian Fallen Angelic controlled Falcon Matrix
Angelics have so often prophesied to us; the Founders Emerald Covenant A11W~9 wormhole that led to Phantom Earth. When the silent Photo-
Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics is the only means by which we can oic Pulses hit, portions of the "Islands of Atlantis" began to "sink
get ourselves out of this Atlantian-created mess. Fortunately for us all, the ~neath the sea/' The matter of which these geographical regions were
Luciferian Covenant plan was not as successful as the Anunnaki OOlposed, and the life-fonns living upon them, literally first "liquefied" into
anticipated; if it had been we would not presently have access to any of the c semi-plasmic hydro~standing-wave state, then internally combusted in a
Founders education. The Phoenix Matrix Cap was opened in Noh assa ~ssive "flash" of Photo-radionic light and "sank" into the Black Hole
Atlantis via a Photo~sonic scalar pulse that was "bounced" from Bruah ''Pit'' of the Phantom Matrix.
Atlantis (the "Gru-AL" central control for Earth's Planetary Shields), The Planetary Shields distortions resulting from the "fall of Atlantis"
through Ley lineA-10, to Star Gate~4 in Giza. Egypt, where the Arc of the created several frequency " rips" in the Anunnaki-controlled NET, which
Covenant ponal bridge to Andromeda was stationed. (See "The Arc of the permitted Emerald Covenant Eieyani races of Inner Earth and Sirius B a
Covenant" on page 51). The Luciferian Anunnaki backed Leviathan races limited amount of time to direcrly intervene before cataclysmic "&arth
("Thach-line" aquatic-ape/Zeta Nibiruian hybrids) of Bruah, had tricked the changes ensued. The Eieyani temporarily opened some of the surface Earth
Jehavian Anunnaki backed Leviathan races (Enoch-line Bipedal Dolphin portals to Inner Earth and used the Crystal Pylon Temples of the Halls of
people hybrids of Sirius A and Arcturus) of Nohassa, into participating in the Amenti to stabilize Earth's grids-the Anunnaki-intended cataclysm did not
9558 Be Atlantian "D imensional Blend" experiment. Both the Thothian proceed as fully as the Luciferians had planned. Stabilizing Earth's
and Enochian Anunnaki factions were "official" members of the Luciferian Planetary Sh ields allowed the Guardians a limited period of time in which
Covenant OWO Master Plan, since their respective 22,326 Be and 10,500 Human I2-Tribe, Indigo and Emerald Covenant Annu-Melchizedek hybrids
Be defections from the Emerald Covenant Co-evolution peace treaty. The were temJXlrarily evacuated to Inner Earth. Drakonian and Anunnaki agenda
"cover Slory" used by the Thothian Leviathan was that, in combining the Fallen Angelics from Phantom Earth temporarily evacuated their respective
powers of Nohassa's SG-3 and Bruah's SG-2 rogether, the usually competing hybrid races via spacecraft. Once the "dust had settled and the waters had
Anunnaki races could combine their technological powers to break through calmed" all races wete returned to Earth by their respective resettlement
the protective Emerald Covenant Cloaking Shield on the "Andromeda Arc" leams, and the battle for "critical mass dominion lt of Earth's Templat
portal bridge at Giza. Once the Arc Seal was released, they could "stage a began between (he Human and Indigo planetary guardians and rhe
joint conquest of Inner Earth" and claim the Halls of Amenti Star Gate competing families of the Leviathan Force Illuminati~hybrid "human"
control temples. The Thothian races really intended to claim SG-3 control races. Emerald Covenant races were unable to fully repair the "holes in the
for themselves and destroy the Enochian "competition." Wall in Time," but the Anunnaki NET and Phoenix wormhole APIN
When the Leviathan races of Bruah and Nohassa launched the Photo- Spiking Matrix and the Drakonian Falcon wormhole were destabilized
sonic scalar pulse, the Bruah pulse was purposely sent with an under-
amplified electrical charge. The combined sonic pulse "bounced off" the Arc
ih ring the fiasco, allowing only limited interface between Earth and the
h antom Matrix. Emerald Covenant races could not attempt to dismantle
Seal at Giza, rather than penetrating it, returned co Bruah via Ley lineA, ~ e Anunnaki NET at this time, as it served as a buffer for Earth, protecting
blowing a hole in the Phoenix Matrix Cap as intended. Then the SGl ~ from erratic frequenCies that would emerge from the Arc of the Covenant
Main Power Generator Crystal Temple was used by the Thothian Leviathan ndromeda portal without the NET protection. Throughout o ur known
to redirect the pulse through Axiatonal Line-) that ran vertically [hrout ret~rd~ history, the Leviathan races grew in number, strength and
Nohassa; the pulse refracted an unsuspected back~pulse to SG~2 Brua , terntonal power under temote Fallen Angelic guardianship. Meanwhile,
reducing the Temples to dust. The central Adamian Islands of Nohassa were Emnesiac Human and Indigo races did their best to survive on Earth, and
reduced to what remains as the Bermuda Islands. The land bridge thac merald Covenant races did their best to assist them via their limited
linked Bruah and the North American Continent to the Adantian land ma~ ~unicative access through the NET.
that he~i the Phoenix Matrix was also destroyed. Lohas in the north, home
SG-ll, suffered the least, while regions in the extreme north and sout ,
h The 2000-2017 SAC is the time when the whole mess
will inevitably "come to a head."
20. Enghmd-Irdand-Scod!md-Wales
396 397
J he wall In lime ana Atlantran .)ecrets 01 Ute !~noemx ana me t'alcon .)PlTltuaL Manipulanon

OUR HIDDEN HISTORY OF SORROW, 9558 Be.PRESENT J)rakonian llIum!nati .facti~ns ;ontinu~lly \~arred over possession of these
Comp~ting (orces from the Phantom Matrix used their limited ace. "Sleeping ~hoelllx S~I.ke Sites and NlblrUla~ Crys.tal Temple Networks,
the P.hoe~:ux a~d Falcon ,wormh?les to . mis~uide their amnesiac Levi: to H ttemptmg to position themselves appropnately, III preparation for the
Illummatt-hybrld races with falsIfied historical and religious dogmas an ~Bi; Party" that the Fallen Angelics kn~w was scheduled to come during
"Secret Mystical Metaphysical Societies" promoting "Vengeful Cr~and he 2000;2017 SAC. Our beloved America, as well as Europe. and literally
Go~" propaganda. These fals.ifi.e~ ~ontrol Dogm~s, upon which recentiQ~ !n count~ies o~ the planet, ha~e b~en carefully cult~vated through the
ancient and contemporary clv,ltzatlons were bUilt and are still Cave r II minan LeViathan force fami ly hnes to reach their present state of
I u . ,,21 A menca
' was not "d'Iscovered'"-It was ".
se ized" by competmg
controlled, were drawn from the once-valid Law of One freedo m_[ rt y
spiritual-science texts of the Angelic Human eDTPlate teachings.
Emerald Co."enant CD~.Plate ,teach ings had been the common property of
n: "civilization.
factions of (Freemason) Pleiadi~n-Nibiruian. Kn~ghts Templar;Anunnaki
and Drakoman;Nephedem LeViathan lllummati races, like many othet
early Atlantis and Lemuna (Mu a) and all Human Seedings that came befo . nations have been. When America was udiscovered," it was "time" to
th~y. were th~ original F,?unders re~ords, and the basis for the 12 Prima~ prepare for the Big Party an~ "Sleepe~s Awa,kening."
S~I~ltual U.n~on Asce,;slOn Tea:hmgs of the Human 12-Tribe races. The Here tve are today, stiU amneSiac, stlll asleep ... as our "Atlantian
ongmal ~pltltual .Un~on te~c~mgs aU agreed with each other, each Phantoms" emerge with us from the forced slumber of our ancient
representing the historical, spiritual and sacred science Emerald Covenant Adantian Nightmare. In the 1920s~1930s the Zeta races of Phantom Earth
sacred freedom teachings as held in one of the 12 CDT;Plates. Each of the and neighboring Phantom galactic systems broke through the latest
12 ~uma? Tribes had been entrusted as Guardians 0\
the knowledge Anunnaki "Cap" on the Falcon Matrix wormhole. The Zeta conned
amnesiac Anunnak.i and Drakonian Illuminati races into Zeta Treaty Deals.
contamed 10 the COT-Plate that corresponded to the Tribe s Planetary Star
Gat~ assign~ent. The amnesi?c Leviathan races, d~iven and covertly In 1943 the Zeta tncked the Illuminati into using their covert control over
\" mampulated mro Star Gate territory conquest, progressively waged war and unsuspecting H~man governments, to orchestrate the 1943 Philadelphia
claimed dominion over amnesiac Human nations, forcibly indoctrinating Experiment, which the Zeta knew would activate the Phi~Ex Falcon
Human 12-Tribes into docile compliance to competing, twisted, Fallen Wormhole APIN system. In 1972 the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki
Angelic false historical, religious and, later, sc ientific creeds. The Indigo opened the Phoenix wormhole and began activating its APIN system. In
Child Maji Grail Lines have been the "Keepers of the Sacred Founders 1983 the Zeta further motivated a now frightened and subserv ient Illuminati
Emerald Covenant CDT;Plate Knowledge" throughout our troubled and force into the Montauk Project, through which the Phi;Ex/Falcon Matrix
progressively violent history. wormhole was further "plugged into" the Necromiton;Andromie
At! through this history of sorrow, competing legions of leviathan controll~ Planet~ry Shields of Alpha and Omega Centauri. Through the
Illuminati families were motivated by their Fallen Angelic taskmasters to recem history earlier described in this writing, we have now emerged into the
attain possession of specific geographical regions and sites corresponding to Mass Drama of the forming of the UIR and their September 12, 2000, Edict
the APlN systems. Only one or two "Key Controllers" in each of the many of War. W.hat does this mean to o~r world? It means that the primary,
Illuminati groups learned that these areas held the Anunnaki Phoenix ?~ce-op~smg forces of the Anunnab and Drakonian agenda legions have
Spiking Matrix. Even the Illuminati Key Controllers were deceived, for Jomed .wlth ~he Androm ie-Necromiton force. They intend to combine thei r
they were not told these sites were "Anunnaki intended take;over points." p~lect.1Ve. hidden, technological power of the Montauk-Phi-ExFalcon and
They were told the lie that these sites were "sacred and belonged to theiT oemx wormholes and the APIN systems, to ensure that Earth and its
Creator Gods and Angels." Since the 9558 BC "fall of Atlantis," churches, Ehopies "have a nice trip" into the Phantom Matrix Black Hole Sub-Time
synagogues, places of "worship," economic. governmental, and public
social areas were repeatedly built over, and around, areas through which the
Phoenix Spiking Matrix would be run come the 2000;2017 SAC.
ulStOrt!on Cycle during the 2000-2017 SAC. The uns{Xlken "motto" of the
~l\ght be something like "Have a Nice Trip .. Join Us In the 'Fall ... ,"
an 1 m not talking about "autumn."
Many of the Phoenix Matrix territories were overtaken by competing
Drakonian agenda Leviathan Illuminati forces, who would usually destroY SPIRITUAL MANIPULATION
the buildings of their competitors and erect their own edifices to their Fall efl \he reality of our present drama means that there are hordes of
Angelic effigies. At various times, the Anunnaki Fallen Angelics of Nib~' :neslac Illuminati Sleepers, "Human Greeting Teams" and "just every;
Tiamat and Alcyone would use their Phoenix Matrix, NOC-Grid and Ne l ' ta! people," that are'pres~ntly the unsuspecting victims of Astral Tagging,
to Cap the Falcon Matrix wormhole of their Drakonian competitors. The III get ed PsychotroOlc mlOd control or DNA bond possession. These are
Drakonian llIuminati would then quest for the territories of the Nibirui~ G~t y good-hearted, intelligent people, who think they are "honoring their
Crystal Temple Network, successfully gain governing control over so ~e , , Angel, ET, government or science." They are being blindly guidt.-d
the 24 Primary sites and use them to siphon energy from the NDC;Grtd ~
order to "blow the Cap back off" of the Falcon wormhole. Anunnaki (l!l -----------------
21. or might I say "Zombification?"

398 399
. ._ _ _ ~,,,,,,u,,,g U j"'ntm vUllJUl:t nUll) all rumerary ~nleli1)t(everS(It

literally terrified to face the facts of our ptescnt reality that

through their chosen "Pet Control Dogma" ("Traditi onal" 0 cOlltrol gam~ art1ed to believe exist, and so afraid to face reality that they
"Contemporary," religious or scientific) into unknowinglr. playing r they ha~~ a~~ll COSts the iUusion 0/ 3-D ~a/et'y . Den~al is one of ,the greatest
previously assigned role in the advancement of the UIR Fal cn Angclics~ !1\t.lst deJ!' ! d it usually requires that the fear Itself be demed.
lIluminati own Master Plan. {orlOS 0 ear, an
The really sad part is that our race has been, stcp~by#step. forced BREEDING A FINAL CONFLICT ARMY
seduced. deceived. tricked and cajoled into playing these " unholy" roles:
even the Illuminati races , whom "anybody in the know likes to blame," ar~ AND PLANETARY SHIELDS REVERSAL
being victimized and denied the right of true data assessment and frcc.wi.U The "twist the true teachings" game was implemented by com)etJn g
choice. The Illuminati races within the infrastructure of the COvertly lic Ie ions for very specific reasons-lon g~term pepu atlOn
metaphysica lly motivated Iltuminati World Management Team, who serve as Fllllen Ang e obgj'ectiVe "Getting rid of the competition in the name of
Fallen Angelic puppets, are being "played on" and manipulated by fear for contr01d. was one GO(p' is a. tactic that has been, andsf('ll'b'
IS cang, use
db y
personal survival and a desire for acquisition o( power to prevent pain and defeo l?g ~~ii:n Angelic legions to turn factions of llluminati and Human
create personal pleasure. These are the same motivations behind (he actions cornpetli~~S against each other. This has been done throughout recorded
of the "spiritual" peoples of traditional and New Age affil iation, who think populat om ting Fallen Angelic factions, to secure Star Gate and APIN
worshiping an ancient book, or surrendering persona l power to an external history byc. pend to ensure that "critical mass dominance" of their chosen
"God," "ET," "Angel" or "channel" is the ultimate expression of spi ritual ~~e'~~h~~o:~:seawould be secured and ready for the schbeduled 2/dOObO~2~1 ~
development and will "make everything all tight." Fear, the "Pleasure~Pain ~Vl . P rty " This is the same reason we have ceo to y t
P rinciple" and Disinformation are the common control elements by which IflnvaslOk: ~d Drakonial~ pseudo-Gods to "go forth and multiply," in
llluminati and Humans become easily misled into surrendering their power to Anunna.1 a .th the !a/oehood th,!t "birth control is a sin." Along with this
something outside of themselves. Once this "outside source" has your
power, compliance with the approval of that source becomes, implicitly,
njuncno n WI , , ' I ' cd I
went the editing of the Sacred Teachings .t~at. exp am . 1~:V
pay I . naturall achieved. And the Anunnaki fall to mennon to t elr
b' h
the only way to fee l empowered. fu~~W~ are your treator Gods" propaganda that they intentionally cafsed
The Anunnaki~dominated New Age " pseudo~Ascension" spi ritual DNA mutations that increased female ovul~~ion in H~man females rom
movement (most of it inspired by the "Templar Melch izedek" false ascension h evious natural "once every three years cycle to ItS present monthly
teachings of Anunnaki's Thoth, pre-Emerald Covenant Enoch , "Archangel t
( e Wh 1'SO we'd' all be "good little breeders" to make sure they had the
Michael & Friends," "Jehovah ," "Maitreya," "Lord Melchizedek and spiritual ~~'J;d "~;ad count" on planet when the 2000-2017 SAC Ila~". FOn ce
hierarchy," the Urantia etc .... ) inherently promotes a fear~based paradigm of
"Light, Love and Pretend Away the Darkness" dogma. These groups prey
00 the spiritual longings of Christians and Hebrew peoples, borrowing the
upon a time when Earth was not be ing remotely run by menta y I
Angelic inv~ders, Humanity knew how important it was to keep a
balance between and among species numbers; ~?ese balances were a"ways
a en

false uCrucifixion of Christ" story from Anunnaki & Drakonian "~dited and respected All species knew instinctively when enough was .enough, and
embell ished" (see Council of Nicaea, page 315) traditional tex ts.:?: The fact their bociies naturally complied by not permitting conception to occur.
that the false "Crucifixion Story" has been so predomi nant in the fOLL nding of Human races had the ability to consciously choose whether. or not. to
so many cultures for the last 2000 years gives one some idea of just how conceive once every three years,23 and parents knew wh? the. LOca~nating
successful the Anunnaki have been in using the NET, NDC-Grid and soul would be and held memories of other lifetime relationships with the
their manipulated Illuminati~hybrid Leviathan races to ensnare our minds.
Since the 9558 BC Atlantian "flood" was staged, such "spiritual rape by soul. Our races have rn;en deceived into utt~r1y destroyi?g the once-natu ral
religious control dogma deception" has been propagated in every culture by , balances of life on our planet in order to raise an amoestac, casy thcHvertl y
various competing Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET forces via "channeli.ng" to,
and manipulation of, their amnesiac lIIuminat i races . Pcrversion of the
direct "Fallen Angelic Inside Invader Force." If there are enoug.
bodies on Eanh car ing the natural Planetary Templar DNA SecuTity
once-Sacred Emerald Covenant Spirirual-Science Maharata-Templar and the DNA Tem~are can be altered to run the Sec~rity Code frequencl~s
teach ings that fo rmed the 12 Global Freedom Religion s that were into the Planetary Shields in reverse sequence duru~g the SAC,. Earths
humanity's heritage fro m the Ancient of Days until Atlant is, ha<; been done Planetary Shields will fully reverse. their ~a[Ural ,SpLO. and po!anty. F!-I~
as a strategically planned and progressively implemented clement of the reversal of Eanh's Planetary Shields Will permit Earth s Shields to merge :;dt
Atlantian Conspiracy agenda. Most people who succumb to these mind those of a Planet in the Phantom Matrix. Over-breeding has produ h a
massive pulation. The "Checkerboard DNA Mutation" has ~everse ~ e d
Human DNA Template Security Codes and personal Merkaba Fields (which
22. It truly amazes me how many people are so nnachcd ro thc Anunllaki-implnmed (alsc-
hood that "Christ was Crucified. You would think people who cherish all Jesheua \\-"lI S

and stood for would be delighted and joyful to discover that he ascended via the Arc of
the Covenant pon al passage without a nail hole in sight !
23. In even carlier days, it was seven years.
___ _ _ ........._ .........................-.:.o<.;:o=-' '''I.;J UJ IC. 1 .tve:",..... U.ou;!.I1C. 1 " " ' " "- _
give Planetary Shields access), and we have been denied all memory and
knowledge-most of us don't even know that Earth's Templar, Star Gar
and Planetary Shields exist. Sounds like the "perfect set up," doesn't it?
the positioning of our race to fulfill the Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET HaUs }
Amenti Hijack Master Plan doesn't stop here. Fortunately, the SOlUtions ~
our rather massive contemporary problems are not nearly as complex as rho
problems themselves. RRT Biotronic Technologies and Masters Planeta~
Templar Mechanics are the tools through which we can set ourselves, and
Planet Earth, free.
HAARPs, Trumpets, Horsemen,
and Heaven
HAARPs, DNA and the Mass Awakening
Like the sadly manipulated spiritual movements of humanity's last
10,000 years the "science-technology movement," unfortunately, is the only
onc which "appears" to offer something more empowering. Such "beauty is
only skin deep" when it comes co both the spiritual and scientific
perspectives through which we attempt to comprehend the meaning and
purpose of OllT lives. This was not always the case. In fact, our present
condition of innocence about "what makes the universe go 'round" is a rather
recent evolutionary detour taken in 9558 BC, when we "lost our way," and
our memory, as we emerged from the ruins of Arlantis. Presently, people who
are learned in the scientific tradit ions most often succumb to the Drakonian-
inspired ego-trip propaganda of "scientific expertise," whereby most of
humanity's best "rational minds" believe that they know that ETs, angels,
souls and God do not really exist. Psychology has done its part well in
feedin g the covert Fallen Angelic One World Order (OWO) dominion
agenda, by unknowingly promoting utterly fa lse interpretations of the
workings of the Human mind. People who begin to "get a glimpse above the
Anunnaki NIT' into the higher dimensional frequencies, or report "alien
alxiuctians," or begin to remember "other lives," or think [hat "mass
conspiracies might exist" are conveniently labeled as "mentally disturbed."
~lassic psychiatric responses to the above noted perceptions include
Psychics are charlatans-there's no such thing as ESP"; "Sleep disorders
~use abduction hallucinations and the illusion of out-ofbody travel";
,multiple personality syndrome creates false memories of reincarnati on"; and
flnaily "Conspiracy theorists are paranoids or have sav ior complexes." Oh,
please ....
. One of the most valuable contributions our Fallen Angelic inspired
Sc.Ientific Establishment has contributed to the "Silent Invasion" agenda,
WIth the assismnce of the Illuminati-manipulated U.S. government, is
preation of the infamous "High-frequency Active Aural Research
~ogtam," or HAARP. You know the one ... that "Angels Don't Play." Both
SCIentists and outer External Government authorities have cremed the

402 403
IO!!''!!''''''!,,"- - - Mrl:rUtrS, Inlmpets , M'OTsemen, ana HeaQen- - - - - - - - - - -- - What Keauy H.appened on Yjll/2001

HAARP installatio n with no knowledge whatsoever t hat it is an ything but Earth's Planetary. Shields; Human DNA progressively activates the 12th-sub-
"potentially useful, though possibly risky" tech nology. Even the few elite "ina uency band In each of 12 Human DNA Strand Templates, creating a
the-know," members of the JUuminati World Management Team don't kn~ ~ive natural Maharic Seal and resulting biologica l immunity to SAC.
the real ET-intendcd application of the HAARP installation and its athe P To the great dismay of the UIR, the "Mass Awakening" has now begun,
hidden "sisters." The elite "Key Controllers" within Illum inat~ w-hich means that even ~naware ~umans., all over the plane:, will now
establishmen ts do know it is intended to assist the "Visitors" in creating th I rogressively and unknowingly begin runnlOg 012 frequency mto Earth's
Mass Frequency Fence-they have been wid the Frequency Fence is needed ~lanetary Shields. After thousands of years of forced DNA template
to "prevent mass panic" when the ETs make their "public debut." The ression, the Bio-electric Conductor of Human biology is finally
HAARP insta llation is a high.frequency radio transmitter comple" re:akening to do what it was designed to do-transmit 12~Code Pulses into
positioned in Gakona. South Central Alaska 160 miles north east of Earth's Planetary Shields, via the DNA Template/MerkabalKundalini.
Anchorage. It is o~ra ted (unknowi~g ~ y on behalf ~f "guess who"!) by the Maharata Current connection. This is Divine Biotronic Technology at its
u.s. Navy and Air Force, and PhlilEps Laboratones. The U.S. military best! Through the Bioelectric Conductor of the Human body, Earth's
intends to use HAARP to foeuj a biUion~watt pulsed radio beam into natural 01 2 Planetary Maharic Seal Templar protection field will be
Earth's outer atmosphere. Transmission of this beam will supposedly fo nn progressively triggered into activation. As the Human DNA Template
Ultra-ULF waves and bounce them back to Earth. The U ltra-ULF waves are awakens, the ancient Emerald Covenant "Four Faces of Man," ''Great White
intended to "improve submarine communications" (not to mention ET Lion" and "Golden Eagle" APlN Systems (see page 527) will
underwater base communications) and will allow detection of subterranean synchronisrically come to life, ushering Earth into the "protective blanker" of
phenomena such as "oil reserves and underground missile silos." I the Trion/Meajhe Fie ld (see page 517).
Much public controversy has emerged around the potential dangers in Fallen A ngelic races of the Phantom Matrix cannot utilize full-spectrum
using the HAARP network, due to the claims of some researchers that it will D-12 frequency or higher- their biology and technologies are limited to D-
"blow 30~mil e holes in Earth's upper atmosphere" and might possibly 10 to 0 -11 .5 transmission/reception capacity. The 0 12 H)ldroplasmic
"disrupt the subtle magnetic energies of Earth and biological lifc~forms." "Christos" Maharata freque ncy and Trion Field Primal Creation Currents
Oh brother ... here we go! will naturally override any Phantom Matrix distortions within Earth's
Under natural env ironmental conditions, donnant portions of the DNA Planetary Shields and biological DNA, if 0 12 frequency reaches a critical
templates of biological life-forms spontaneously and progressively activate in mass charge in Earth's Templar. Currend y, the U IR has realized that it is
reaction t~ the frequencies of Stellar Wave Infusions that occur during now "in a race for time." Their originally intended 2oo3~2001
SACs. This natura l DNA function allows the physical. emotional and "Dimensional Blend Experiment" (see page 386) and "Frequency Fence"
mental body struCtures to create temporary adaptability to the increast.'CI will not occur if D~ 12 frequency reaches Critical Mass in Earth's Planetary
UHF of SACs, preventing illness and premature death. The DNA Shields before 2003.
template responds to the planetary electrical and magnetic fields, and Critical Mass 12~Code Pulse will be achieved in 2002 if people
certain kinds of "disruptions" in the magnetic balances of Earth's ollter continue to assist Emerald Covenant races in Rainbow Roundtables
mmosphere block .the natural DNA-activation process. Temporary Scalar (RRTs) to activate the Four Faces of Man LPIN and build the Trion!
pulse disruption of Earth's outer atmosphere is precisely the method used by Meajhe Field and if the Mass Human DNA Awakening continues. The
Galactic Federation in 3470 BC, on behalf of the Nibiruian Council, [0 Checkerboard Matrix DNA Mutation that reversed the Security Code
further "erase" ollr then-re-surfacing Atlantian race memory and to fu rther sequences in Human DNA and Merkaba Field was carefully orchestrated by
scramble our DNA templates and language patterns. Presently, due to effortS ~e Annunaki Invasion force since 25.500 BC, and pa instakingly nurtured
of the Emerald Covenant races and Indigo Children of Eanh, who have been Since the 9558 BC "fa ll of Atlantis." Due to efforts of the Indigo C hi ldren in
consciously working with Bio-Spiri tual tools to heal and activate their DNA working directly with Emerald Covenant nations and DNA Bia-Regenesis,
template5j spontaneous, natural, criticalmass DNA activation has now been Maharara Merkaba and RRT technologies to clear "Checkerboard DNA
triggered within the Human and Indigo masses. It is for this precise reason ~eversal" distortions, the organic sequencing of frequencies is now activating
that the United Intruder Resistance (UIR) has accelerated the schedule of m the Mass DNA Template, clearing ancient distortions as it goes.3 The
its Illuminati OWO Master Plan from the intended 2002~2003 to August entire, long.suffered Fallen Angelic OWO Amenti dominion Master Plan
12,2001, which is when the "Big Game" rea lly began.
Human DNA is designed to enter [his natural Spontaneous Mass
Activation cycle during SACs, in response to increasing frequenc ies within
-- -----
2. Pre.invasion Mass Mind Comrol/DNA and Pin...al Gland suppression campaign.
3. We have juSt begun offering "Advanced Personal Colling Skil!sH progrnms regarding
Spontaneous Mass DNA Template PUrging and aclivation. We need 10 learn 10 hlmdle
these organic ~ pu rging" enerl;ies in our bodies, mlllds and emotions or these energies Will
I. Conveniemly, the HAARP will be very handy in locating underground bases, "parked "throw us all (or a collective loop." This DNA purging will a((eC[ all Humans and lIIumi
space shi ps," Nibiruian Crystal Template Network sites and APIN Systems as well! natihybrid races via the Planetary Shields scalar lemplate.
404 405
J ne H lCUlen lteatlh eS OJ me W J CI t'entagon UISaster
.~~~r~---n~~" 'n"' TUmpets , norsemen, ana t'1~lt~

will be shut down completely if Eanh reaches 12-Code Pulse Critica l M<ls.l " and the likewise the "Tower of Babel," and in the fall of "Sodom and
before 2003 . S uddenly their plan has begun to "turn in on them." All of thOSe [)ow~rrah." The Bible, which derived from Jehovian embellishments of
multitudes of excess Human bodies that Fallen Angclics have so careful! Oc:'~ Emerald Covenant Essene CDT~Plate translations, presents colorful,
"cultivated" to become the ir "Reverse Security Code Amnesiac !nsid! ed ltoded stories of Intruder ET/Fallen Angelic technological dominion of
Invasion Force" in the Final Conflict drama arc now Spontaneously Healin enC hI races presented under the guise of "t~e ~rath of G?d," Decodi~g
g. cart tr~ths hidden with in the drama ?~ [he Blbhc,al Revelatlo?s story ~!ll
If the Falten Angelics don't do something to prevent further Human DNA th~ in comprehending the position Earth IS presently m regardmg
activation, thei f "Human Amnesiacs Force" will become the "Awakened &SSl5t usffi ent of the Fallen Angelic OWO dominion agenda, and the
Human Victory Force," the very force by which the Fallen Angelics adv:~~~ technologies they have at ,their disposal., Full transla.tion ?f th,e
diabolical agenda is defeated. ~v ve\ations Story" is extremely pertment fa our tlm~s, but th iS s~bJect IS
Re d the scope of th is book, Further maten als concemmg the
The U IR Fallen Angelics arc now scrambling to motivate t'i;it beyon lations of Revelation" will soon be available in other texts. For the
lIIuminati Sleeper puppets of the World Management T eam to force rposc;s of this writing, I will simp Iy add ress rhe ~u bJect 0 f t h e "T r:umpers, "
through immediately their OWO Master Plan. As they have always known PhiCh feature prominently in Chapters 8~ 11 of the Book of ~e"elatlo,~. Just
it must be done carefully, and in stages, or else public suspicion and mas; VI F lIen Angels are skilled HAARP players, the are equally talented m the
chaotic rebellion might occur. The UIR lIluminati have started their CWO
Master Plan off with a bang-actually, more like a "boom," three big ones
d- ~lical arts of " Trumpcteering," It is within the Silent Symphony of the
and onc small one, to be precise. F~len Angelic "Brass Section" that the hidden reality of the September
On Monday September 3, 2001, the last day of our Labor Day 11.2001, WTC/pentagon T errorist Attack D isaster can be found.
Workshop, the GA/Eieyani infonned us that the U IR had begun a certain
type of "Phantom Pulse" transmission through the Montauk~Phi~Ex Falcon THE TRUMPETS, TOWERS AND T ERRORISTS-
APIN System, which interrelates with UIR Beamships via rhe earthly THE HIDDEN REALITIES OF THE WTC/PENTAGON DISASTER
HAARP network. The Eieyani explai ned that the UIR had begun linking The "Trumpet" technology in wh ich the Jehov ian Annunaki and
their D~4 Cloaked Beamship crafts into the hidden HAARP installations Necromiron~ And rom i e Fallen Angelic races speci aliz~ is a physical
(see page 257) to begin Frequency Fence transm ission now, rather than technology that utilizes a mechanical frequency generatlo,n apf,aratus to
waiting until their originally scheduled target date of 2004. These create and project very specific sound structures to desired ong... ~nge
transmissions are intended to rapidly lower the NET Frequency Fence into targets. The Sound Structures are specifically formed sub~ space wave fields
the 3~D freque ncy bands {Q prevent continuation of the Spontaneous Mass composed of m icro-sub~atomic units called Mions. Mion units ar,e ,a natu.ral
Human DNA Template Awakening that is now occurring. The GA have pan of manifest matter, composed of groups of the smaller Parnki, Par.uka
since explained that the HAARP faci lity in Alaska is the least powerful of and Particum units (see page 453) that fonn the blueprints of maner. Mlons
all and was not the faci lity from which the August 12, 2001, pulses wert represent the stage of transition between the sca lar~ standing~ wave Pan i~i
launched, The A laskan HAARP was created as a "decoy"-there are 12 Grid Template and the manifest quarks , mesons, mueons, and sub~atOmlC
other similar faci lities on Phantom Earth, that interface with our Earth via particles, that group to form the atoms, molecules and maner structures that
the Falcon APIN system and the Drakonian-comrolled sites of the OUT contemporary scientists presently recognize. .
N ibiruian Crysta l Temple Network. 4 , The T rumpet technology utilizes specifically calibrated electromagnetic
The Phantom Earth HAARPs, originally Zeta~Rigelian rechnologles. Wave fi elds, combined at precise angles of interface, which , when "sparked"
are the intended primary transmission stations in the OWO agenda. with a specific type of e lectrical charge, cre,lte a " S ub~space Sonic B~m"
Unfortunately, Angels do Play These HAARPs-fallen angels, and they that is literally shaped like a trumpet. The "Trumpet" Sub . . Spac~ Mio~ Fleld
play "Trumpets" too. The Intruder IT Technology code named the Wa~e . .form has a long tubelike extension emergi ng from Its pomt of
Trumpet has been used on Earth by the Jehovian Annunaki ~nd prOjection to its rarget. At the target site, the T rumper wave-field expands
Necromiton~A ndromie Fallen Angelics-primarily during various tII~e OU,tward into an inverted cone, like the "head" of a trumpet instrument ..The
periods when our ancient Intruders desired to "keep rhe earthly populace III Mion vibration rhythm of the T rumpet wave~field can be prec lsely
line." Classic Biblical references pertaining to the use of the "Trumpe! ~alibrated to "match" the scalar~(emplate of any matter form, O nce the
Technology" can be found in the stories of the "Walls of Jericho T umbhog , Form~lock" is established , the vibration rhythm of the Tnnnpet wave~field
IS p,rogressively accelerated, which causes the template of the m aner~for m to
'Nhlcn it is bonded to instantaneously shatter. When the scalar-template of a
4. The Anunnald origi nally entered the 1992 Pll.'iadianSlrian Agreemenls be<:all~e ~(!! 'Nave~form shatters, the physical matter structure literally "de~man ifests" into
had lost programming control of all bUI 9 oul of Ihe 24 Niblfuian CrY:;I,ll Temple Zell'
works 10 Drnkonian, Reptilian and NecromllOn conqul.'SI that resulted from the Cut
\>apor, leaV ing only a trace of residual ash behind, T he Trumpet technology
Rigelians' success in expandi ng Ihe Falcon Ma!TlX wonnhole during the 1983 Monti!

406 407
J ne rtUlMn Neallhes of {lie W 1CI JJentagon Disasrer

can be used with lov ing intention in a variety of ways, but in the hands of Line;Z. and passed thro~tgh the Star Gate;Z Gru-AL Point at Sarasota FL
Fallen Angelic raccs, the Trumpet is a weapon of mass destruction. on September 3. ZOO1. ' ,
Strong T fum pet Pulses are more difficult to direct with pin-POint The Mexico Pulse intercepted the second pulse off the coast of St.
accuracy over long distances-matter surrounding the Trumpet Pulse target August ine, FL, at vertical Axiatonal Line- 7, the Falcon wormhole on
can be structurally affected in long-range, amplified Trumpet Pulse September 7. The second "sonic slow pulse" transmitted on August 12,' was
project ion. The Jehovian A nunnaki and Necromiton-Androm ie races of the released northw~~ from the Zeta/N~romito~ -An dromie "Falcon" Base
UIR knew this on August 12.200 1, as they strategized their plan to fully re_ beneath Lake TIDcaca, Peru, on Ax tatonal Lme-7. The two ULF sonic
open and acti vate the Montauk-rhi-Ex Falcon Matrix APIN system, and ulses interfaced at the Falcon wonnhole on A7/IA, and were then further
connect it to the "G rid Spikes" of the Phoenix APIN system . The ~mplified and transmitted via Ley Line-) to the Star Gate-) "Falcon" Base in
"Trumpets" stationed on Alpha Cemauri and Arcturus in the Phantom the Bermuda Islands. The amplification pulse was held at SO;) Bermuda
Matrix wou ld have to be used via Phoenix wormhole transmission, if the UIR until September 11, ZOO 1. On September II, the "Dove" group Oehovian
was to fulfill its mission of activating and connecting three of the Primary Annunaki), usi?g the Phoen.ix wormhole at A 7/tA, and the "White Eagle"
Phoenix Spikes to the Montauk;Phi;Ex Port Interface Network and group (Necromlton-Andromte Alpha-Omega), using the Falcon wonnhole,
Falcon wormhole. simultaneously transmitted two massive sub-space "Trumpet Pulses." The
The site of the WTC Twin Towers buildings in New York City is One Trumpet Pulses were projected from the Falcon/Phoenix wormholes through
of numerous Phoen ix Spike Sites in NYC that connect directly to the Ley Line-) to the Bermuda Base. At the Bennuda Base, the Trumpet Pulses
Phoenix wormhole via {he Manhattan Vortex and Montauk;Phi;Ex Falcon were then combined into one, accelerated via the stored amplification pulse
APIN. The area of the Pentagon that was damaged in the September 11, and directed from (he Bennuda Base through the Montauk;Phi;Ex Port
2OCH, terrorist attacks was built over another Primary Phoenix Spike site, as Interface Network and into the subterranean WTC NYC Phoenix Spike
are numerous other buildings and the White House, in the Washington, location. Moments later the first plane struck the fi rst WTC tower, as the
D.C., areu. The third Phoenix Spike site the UIR had hoped to "put on line" UIR had previously arranged and delicately coordinated . Another Trumpet
with the Falcon is located in Philadelphia, PA. The UIR mobilized the bin Pulse was released for WTC Tower 2 and another fo r the Pentagon, using the
Laden Sleepers group to orchestrate the "terrorist attacks" in NYC and same procedure. The Eieyan i explained that the Philadelphia, PAl Phoenix
D.C . in order to produce a "cover" to hide the potential effects of the Spike site was also intended as a UIR target on September 11 , but the
Trumpet Pulse that was to be sent to the Phoenix Spike sites at these "cover," the fo urth plane, never made it to its intended destination and so
locations. If the WTC Towers ",ust happened to fall down," and if part of the the "fourth Trumpet" didn't "sound." '
Pentagon "just happened to col apse" around the same time, somebcxly would Other Primary Phoenix Spike sites on the UIR "first wave" activation
definitely take notice. The terrorist attacks were staged by the bin Laden list include Atlanta-GA, Las Vegas-N V, Spokane; WA, St. Louis-MO,
and related U IR Illuminati Sleeper factions to create a "public smoke Dtrl;~er/Boulder-CO, Miami-FL, London-England, Iraq, and Palestine. There
screen" should the Trumpet Pulses cause collapse of the buildings atop the ~ Three Waves" of such Phoenix Spike site activations planned by the
Phoenix Spikes. This is the reality of what took place on September 11,2001, YIR. Localized "Unnatural Disasters, " as wcll as "official war strikes" and
as the UIR began their aggressive campaign to accelerate their OWO rrrorist activity" w!ll be. tact.ics us~ t? "cover" t~e co.vert activities of
dominion agenda. . rumpet Pulse PhocOlx Sptke site activatIons. The EleyaOi did not become
In orchestration of the 9/11 /2001 event, fi rst a sub-space SoOlC ~ware of the UIRs' Phoenix Spike Site activation initiative until the morning
amplification pulse was rendered on August 12, ZOO 1. This slower;mov ~ng September 11 , altho ugh they were aware that sonic pulses had been issued
ULF scalar pulse was simultaneously launched from two locations durtn~ ~August 12. During our Labor Day workshop on September ), [he Eieyani
the yearly planetary "Magnetic Peak" cycle that climaxes on August 12. M warned us that the UIR had taken aggressive steps to fu lly re-activate the
T he first sonic pulse was sent from an area in Central Mexico called "Cue adonta~k-Phi_Ex facili ty and that the U IR OWO agenda was now
Sitc-4," an Annunaki "Serpent" Base (Thorh-Enki-Zeta NibiruiaJI aftvancmg; The Eieyani discovered the UIR Trumpet Pulse initiative just
Annunaki), via the Chihuahua, Mexicol N ibiruian Crystal Temple
Network. The pulse was sent first nonh, then east along horizontal I.e}' oth na
tt the first plane was in the air.
Eieyani have stated that at this time, they made contact with nine
t~. ~ ~ontactees in three countries outside of the U.S.A. , motivating
Var Indlvtduals (unknown to me) to place nine separate telephone calls to
10US governmental agenc ies in the U.S.A., warning of the pending
5. A planetmy 'Magnetic Peak" occurs when the planetary Merkaoo Field reaches 115 f3ii~
spin rotation, which amplifies all types of scalar projections. Pnmary Peaks occur be l~
August 7-16, wlIh the dimax speed consistently occurring on August 12. Stronger f#l; ---~------------
occur on August 12 every 20 years, and the strongest every 100 years. The 194) PhI II 6. ~r~bor Day group was "hit~
with this disruptive sonic pulse when it passed through
phia Experimem and 198) Momauk Project were launched on the 2O.year AUiisttht did ,ru~AL as we began our RRT work at Sarasota Beach the eveni ng of September 3. I
Magnetic Peak . The U1Rs' imended Dimensional Blend Experiment is planned or t"t~i~~ver until later Eieyani dispensations revealed exactly what had occurred that
lOO.year Magnetic Peak of August I Z, Z001.
408 409
""''1fr----'~'nn'' 'c',n''' ''p''~,nm','''''''''' UTICl n eaven U H{ UWU Master lJlan A genda

a~tack .. Each call was ~ismis.sed as a "hoax" at the receiv ing end, and th have planned and orchestr.3red ~hese co ~~i tions of Human war a.ll along, in
Etcyam could do nothmg directly to prevent fulfillment of the UIRs' b- e ((Ier to advance a OWO \I1vaslon/do mmlon agenda. A progreSSion to mass
Ladenrr rumper Pulse initiative. In o r among Human nations will first of all anow Illuminati races to reduce
i:e numbers . of 12~Strand DNA.ac~i~ating H uman populations, ~~
VIR OWO MAsrER PLAN AGENDA , ondly, it W Ill prepare the global political arena fo r the Fallen Angel lcs
Although the hidden reality of activating Phoenix Spike sites . ~ended staged IIFirst Contact" event. T he "Human Greeting T eams,"
T rumper Pulses was a primary Illuminati objective behind the Scptembe ria Inhich are presently being set up by Fallen Angelics via the ir "channel"
2001, "terro~ist attac~," there were also other VIR objectives se~ed w nUlcts in the New Age and UFO Movements, are a key element to the
through stagmg of this event. The intended plan for advancement of h o'WO plan. Through these unsuspecting Human groups, seemingly friendly
UIR OWO agenda has always included creation of specific effects With' e "ET-Angels" will be able to get their phYSiCaljresence fully and covertly "on
~c ~orld political aten~ t~at are intended to serve the Fallen Angel~~ lan et," unde~ected by mass popu lat ions an go~ern~en~ officials, so. that
invaSion schedule. PolantatlOn of the global political arena is one cff. ~irect infiltration of world governments and I1lummatl factions can begm.
that will serv~ to exped ite war among Human nations, and will set up ilit The Fallen Angelics hope to create an atmosphere of Human fear ,
suffering and popu lation reduction over a period of a few years, while
"good-guy-natlons vs. bad-guy-nations" population division that the FaU e
Angelics need in order to implement their physical contact phase ~f advancing private contact with their Human and lIIuminati "chosen ones."
invasion. The UIR knows that progressive environmental and climatic emergencies
T~k<:: notice.that in ~he "New War On Terrorism," U.s. political leaders will arise due to escalating electromagnetic imbalances in the planetary grids,
a~e prlmmg the lI~ternatl,?nal public for total polarity of national affiliation. brought on by the Illuminati Frequency Fence. Environmental atrocities,
Smce ~he 9/11 disaster, It has been repeatedly propagandized that nations coupled with the progression of Human war, will methodically reduce
" ~vho will. not supp?rt ,~hey.S. initiated "Anti~terrorism Coalition" are thus Human populations, while mov ing the "survivors" into a progressively
supportmg ~erromm - If you are not with us, you are against us." This greater sense of desperation, yielding intensified "prayers for redemption" and
stance has, 111 one utrerly smooth and superficially "j ustifiable" motion adherence [0 the prom ises of salvation offered by religious dogma. After a
forced all world nations to either "side with the Anti~[errorism Coalition" 0; certain point of cultivated global crisis is reached, and general I'Martial
be.c?me a [~rget of suspi~ion, potentially suffering economic sanctions or Law" governance affects aU nations due to the progression of the war drama,
military repmals from nations of the Anti-terrorism Coalition. selected members of the global political and religious Illuminati will prepare
. T hough the n~ed for international un ity in standing up against terrorism the public for contact with "Friendly ITs" via mass media "Official
IS needed, we all Wish thar such unity for a common cause would be entered Disclosure." Once first contact is made, tentatively scheduled for 2005 after
honestly, wit.hou.t the condition.of utter duress that world governments are a series of great Storms emerge from erratic progression of Star Gate opening
present ly facm~ m regard to the ir stance on the A nti-terrorism Coalition. I in the SAC, the UIR intends to "save us from ourselves." They intended to
have .observed m ut~er. amazement how swiftly the planet has been utterly present themselves to us ~ the "great saviors from above," who have "come
polanzed around thiS Issue. On the surface, it is understandable [hat [he in answer to our f'rayers.'
evenr of terrorism would be officially deSignated as an internationally If the OWO plan proceeds, Fallen Angelic groups such as the Galactic
unacceptable action that calls for "retribution." Federation will open ly emerge to politically "back" the global government
But when one is aware of the "Hidden Element" of the Fallen AngeJic/ "good guys" that appear to be those "fight ing for freedom" against countries
Intruder ITnUuminati "Silent Invasion," if becomes apparent that the mass that appear to represent the "bad-guy" end of the "gcxxl. vs. evil" staged
surface events have much more meaning than "meets the eye." Since 1998, JXllarity drama. World religions of the "positive polarity group" will have
the Eieyani have gently warned those who cared to listen that the UIR was been "nurtured" to a point of "Unity through Tolerance" by the time First
invol,ved in inst.igating global war am0r:t~ Human nations in order to r~uce rramact is staged . O ur newly introduced "friendly space kin," endorsed by
Human ~pulatlons an.d to co~ertly position world government organizations luminati-controlled governments of the U IR and W orld Management
for later mtended phYSical ET IIlvasion . Team, will then further global religious unity through demonstration of
As Humanity progressively gets "caught up" in the war drama, which Contrived religious dogma that becomes the basis for a new global political
at this point we have little choice about, the VIR "Silent Invasion" move5 order. Human-looking ET representatives of the "United Federation of
nicely along, undetected, right under our noses. The New Age and UFO Planets" intend to show false historical and genetic evidence that rhe
~oveme~t people, who have been misled into bel ieving that they are A.nnunaki gro ups are the creators of I-Iuman life and that ther have returned
Immune to hemg affected by national and international war issues because to lead us to an "enlightened" future. "Miracle Cures" wil be offered for
their "~T~A.ngels" will sa~e them, are in for a rude awakening. Event~~ny
they Will discover that bombs and bullets" can disrupt their "poslCIve ---------------------
7. Fi~t Comact could come at any time, iflhe UIR thinks its scheduled OWO Master Plan
cJ~ought.constructed lives" just as much as anyone else's. The big awakening
KDimeruional Blend Experiment" will fail and lhey opt for direct, rapid, physical invasion
wlil come when lhey realize that it is some of thei r "beloved ET -A ngels" that under the ~friend ly space brother" ploy.
410 411
"'''''"'I':T"---' ~'.-' '''~C-''"''''K'~;Cn'"' .''': III.:n , U'lIU n -eaven- - - U I K UWU Masrer Plan Agenda

healing and environmental cleanup, and new globa l govern _A Islam together under the common banner of anri-terrorism, while
structures will be imposed as a condition of the "good-guy group,~~tal JlI" ic extremists usc their religion as an excuse for destruction of others
accepted as the "official world government," so Earth may be enter d Clng !Srent than themselves. Although there are definite advantages to such
"Sovereign Global State in the United Federation of Planets." The ~a "U Olted d .ncation of nations that will foste r a much-needed advancement of Human
Nations" will be "upgraded" to rhe UPF- the "United PI U!'h~ advocacy, this interfaith unity promoted under the banner of political
Federation." and we will find ourselves as "lowly subjects" upon
ruled by the Fallen Angelic Annu-Elohim and Annunaki of Nihirll Tfa aner
ary r~ ro ment also threatens to more fully reunite the powers of "church and
go~~" If things proceed as the UIR plans, the "state," or political
Sirius ~1 A rctur~s. and Trapezium .Orion. The ~nnunaki will intr~uce~h~ 5" e~tnent, even in the U.S.A. where religious freedom is supposed to be
Drakoman, Reptilian and Necromnon-AndrOiTIlc races as our joint "all " go~tj(utionally protected, will again be empowered as the arbitrator of
and global territories will be divided up among ,farious ET factions l~s'h CO{SOnal spiri(Ual belief systems. At this point, all the U.S. government needs
Human and III ummatl . . puppet-governments appointed by the Wit UIR
pe do is put out propaganda that any spiritual organization they covertly
orchestrating international political, economic, religious <md social aff' d':sapprove of is "suspected of terrorist activity," and the public will be blindly
from behind the scenes. "ETs" will then walk openly among us :Id upportive of what ever action the government deems necessary to "dispose
"undesirable" populations that refuse to "buy into" the propagand ~-the threat." The massacre of the "Branch Davidians" at Waco, TX, is an
p~moted. throu~h "official" religious, political and governmemal channels~ example of how such scenarios of governmental religious repression could
will be qU\e~ly disposed of. The UIR agenda requires that Human populations easily be orchestrated without causing American public uproar. In the
be seduced 111to the "necessary state of willing compliance" by 2006-2007. U.s.A., we have come to take certain freedoms of speech, religious belief,
Uncontested visible physical "IT" presence on Earth is inrenJed to be [f3vel mobility and "unencumbered passage" as constitutionally protected
, achieved through amalgamation of the "contactces" of the New Age and
UFO Movements with the powers of illuminati-controlled traditional official
rights. As I observed the u.s. political reaction to the 9/1l disaster, I realized
just how fragile our American illusion of freedom really is.
government an~ ~e1igio.us organizatioll~, and quiet "eradication" of Opposing Suddenly, people are frightened of a perceived "outside threat," so they
forces. Once th iS IS achieved, the UIR Intends to complete physical building willingly accept "military presence" at airpons and support increased
of the Phoro-sonic Transmission plants [hat they need to break through the governmental covert surveillance of civilian populations as "needed safety
Cloaking Shields on the Inner Earth portals. precautions." AU that is required to "push the envelope" just a few steps
By 2008, planetary pole shift will begin, and our "ET brethren" will further is another atrocity like the 9/1l disaster, and the American public
~bandon us t<? "u,:mat~ral disaster" and calamity while rhey stage their will accept, with little if any opposition, the need for government imposition
mtended phYSical mvaslon of Inner Earth anJ the Halls of Amenti Star of general "Martial Law." If the present military campaign of bombing in
Gates. This. is ~he UIR OWO Master Plan, which can still be prevented Afghanistan extends into Iraq and other areas, as the UIR plans, then the
through activation of the Emerald Covenant Founders' Fou r Faces of Man U.S. President will be "rightfully empowered" and apparently "forced" into
LPIN System (see page 526) and the Tr ion~Meaj hc Field (see page 517). activation of the U .S. "War Powers Act" and FEMA. Once the "War
When the Eieyani roughly explained this UIR OWO Master Plan to me Powers Act" becomes reality in the U.S.A., the "Rights of the People," as
throughout 1999, I couldn' t imagine how such utter dominion of world once protected by the American Constitution, will be effectively suspended.
governments could take place so quickly within the "real world." How By the time this book teaches publication, the "War Powers Act" may have
could. the many nations of Earth be rapid ly banded inro ''Us vs. Them" global already become an American reality. Meanwhile, as the international
polanty? How could the masses be moved into receptivity to a "Unified community becomes progressively more distracted by the growing D-3 "war
Religion" that would leave us all gullibly vulnerable to the "ITs-as-saviors" drama," the UIR Fallen Angelics and their Illuminati races covertly advance
drama? How could religious freedom in the U.S. be hijackeJ into a ttl:eir physical "IT" contact/invasion drama.
goven~mental1y endorsed set of alternative doctrines, with which non be Unfortunately, there is a pending crisis of even greater concern brewing
compliance would become a "criminal act"! My personal Jifficulty in neath the external and covert Illuminati dramas-Earth is presently fully
believing that an ET "Silent Invasion" could be set in mass motion rapidly ssconced within the very tangible realities of physics characteristic to a
enough for the UIR's 2008 deadline rapidly turned to a sense of horrified hcllar Activations Cycle (SAC) . Earth's Star Gates are now full:; opening for
awe as I observed the post-9/lt/200I political machine grind into motion. t e first time in 210,216 years, and Earth's Planetary Shields scalar-
Suddenly we are right smack in the middlt! of the polarization of template is in a terrible disarray of electromagnetic imbalance due to past and
international consciousness, with "good guys" uniting to "fight terrorists" Present abuse by Fallen Angelic and amnesiac Human nations. Planets
and "bad guys" assisting terrorists. Suddenly everyone is "getting in touch pbSically pole shift if they cannOt hold the progressive infusion of frequencies
with traditional gods," driven by the mourning and fear generated by the ~la.t naturally emerge through the Planetary T emplar during SACs. Masters
WTC/Pentagon terrorist attack event. And suddenly, the message of ~netary Temptar Mechanics are the only tools through which such core
"brotherly interfaith tolerance" is being promoted within the political arena, c allenges of planetary physics can be overcome. We need to start paying
bringing the once-advcrsaria l world "superpower religions" of Christ ianitY
412 413
active 3ttcnti,?11 to this greater r eality if we hope to pa ss through the 2 hovah)''' with "opening" of thc first four of "Sc\'en Scals." We need to
2017 SAC with any degree of safety. 000. Qederstand the truths that Revelations has been hiding from us, because
~eals" numbers 1 and 2 "opened" in May 2001 , releasing the "White
DECODING "REVELATlONS"-THE OWO SCHEDULE rseman" and the "Red Horsemen." "Seal" number 3 "opened" in July
Since rheJehovian Annunaki Fallen Angelics' edit<..-d and part" 1i r~)l sett ing the "Black Horsemen" free, and "Seal" number 4 will "open"
wrote, the original Essene Emera ld Covenant COT Plate 't;ansla'{io~s y~~. . J.:nuary 2002, releasing the ominous "Pale Horse." For anyone
were suppose?, to ~, the f~undations fo r the Holy Bible, we have ~liIt iP familiar wi th the Biblical Revelations story, the "Horse stories" go like
progress,~~ly set up to aSSIs t the Jehovian Invasion T cam til fulfill rh e~ ~is: " ...and 1 u.'CIlChed the Lamb (see page 367, ff.) opt;n the First of Seven
OWO VISion. The }ehovian OWO agenJ a of the "Dove" API N Syst ell Stals ... and behold a White Horse, its rider held a bowS and he was gitJeJl a
gro up, as of the September 12, 2000, has become formally inwrporared . en. ctfJWfI9 and he rode OUt ... w conquer." And the lamb opened the Second
the general OWO Invasion plan of the VIR. Itlto Stat .. ..and behold a Red Horse, ... its rider given the power to take peace {rom
.:rhe r~ali;,t' of p.lanetary physi,cs ,we PI~esently face can best be ilJustrar
by decodmg portions of the BiblIcal Revelations" story that dire ~
the Earth and to make men slay each other; and he was given a mighty
sum-d ." 10 And the Lamb opened the Third Seal ... and behold a Black Horse, its
apply to our contemporary circumstance. \Ve will receive greater be Cefty rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand .... II \'(Ihen the Lamb opened fhe
from .t he " R eve Iatlons
' '' Story I'f we can begin to understand the' truth nl'. fourth Seal, . ..and behold a Pale Horse ... its rider's name was Death. and
contrived a~endas hidden within this Jehovian-written intcnded dom~IhIOn ~nJ HeUl2 followed close behind . They were gill.:!n the power over the 4th part of
e u c. T e .most lmport?,nt aspects of rhe Book of Revelations have to do the Earth 13 w kill by sword, [amine and plague and by the wild beasts of the
with the ston es of the Seven Seals," the "Four Horsemen of th tanh ... .
\ Apocalypse," the "Seven Angels with their Seven Trum/, ecs " rhe "2~ By the time we get to the "Sixth Seal" open ing, wh ich in technical
Elders" before the "Golden Altar" and Jehovian "Throne," anJ'the "Fo (enus soon explained will occur between August-September of 2002, the
Beasts before thc AltarfThrone." Ur "Horsemen" have done their damage, and we find the following revelation:
Inrerestingly in rccenr modem translations of Biblica l RevelaTions the "When the Sixth Seal opened there was a great Earthquake , rlie sun turned
~lenti oni ng of the "Four Beasts" before the Throne of Jehovah has be' black.. the moon turned red. 14
IIfted III
. status < rrom.Its earI'ler "beast I"
y translation to become rhe "Faen As if Seal 6 didn't prom ise enough damage, there its yet the "Seventh
Living Creatures" before the T hrone- yet anorhcr 'subtle litrle sleight-:' Seal." which sets loose the "Seven Angels with Seven Trumpets .. .." By the
word t~nslation ~o further distance us fro m awareness of the ITue hidden time the "Third Angel sounds the Third T rllmpet," "a great star, blazing like a
translatlo~ of thiS text. We have discussed the ancient microchip-lik( WTCh , fell from the sky on the third pan l S of Ihe rivers .. .and Ihe name of the Star
techno.loglcs ~f the APIN systems left in Earth's Planetary ShieiJ.;; from the was Wonnwood ." We have already explored the sub-space sonic-M ion-wave-
Atl~ntla': pen od (see page 367). The APIN grid networks were de~igned h}. field projection technology of the "Trumpets"; it just so happens that
their va~lous creators 111 the shapes of animals or birds, when viewed from uWormwood" refers to the Nibiruian Annunaki BattIestar "Wormwood /'
space ":uh ~,hoto-radionic sc.a~ni~g equ ipment. In the story of Jeho\'ian which the N ibiruians have used since 25,5 00 BC to keep the Nibiruian
Revelation, St. John the DIVine reported witnessing the "Four Beasts Diooic C rystal G rid (NDC-Grid ) sonic grid comrol machine operational in
before the Thronei the first was like a "Lion " the second like al) "Ox" th( Eanh's Planetary Shields. Th is is the very same "Wormwood" Nibiruian
th~rd ~ad a "Face like a Man" and the fo rth ~vas as a "Flying E~gle." It' is no Baulestar that, since 9560 BC, the Jehovian Annunaki imended to "knock
COinCidence that the four most powerful PIN systems on Earth are those OUt of the sky" with their unholy "Trumpets," when they waged their
created by the Emerald Covenant Founders races-the G reat White Lion Competing OWO dominion campaign against the competing Nibiru ian
E~ohje. APIN, the Blue Oxen Maharaji APIN, the Four Faces of Man Annunaki group during the 2000-20 17 SAC.
E.,eyal1l ~.rI N and"the Golden Eagl.e S~raphei APlN. The Jehovian "vision" It is time to pay attention. folks! It is no coincidence that four months
given to St. J.ohn was a cl~verly disguised, almost literal symbolic depiction after release of the Second Seal and Red "Horsemen" {rhe one "given the
of the Jehovlan Annunakl and Annu-Elohim intention of securing the
Founders' APIN systems under dominion of the "Throne of }ehovah,~ - -- - - - -
This inte~pre(.at!on of the "Four Beasts" in Revelation is nO! "guess work" or 8. Refers to Sagittarius constellation. Lagoon-"Hourgla.ss Nebub."
presumption, It IS the truth of Revelations decoded, as contained within rh( 9. Refers to Nebula double halo.
Founders CDT~Plate records. 10. Biblical "swords" refe r to specific photo-radionic light frequencies.
11. Refers to the Libra constellation and symboliclllly to the 'weighing of Ean h's frequencies"
In tr,uth, the J eho~ !a~ Revelati? ns story is a step-by-step illustration ~I through which Eanh's future TIme C\c\( will be determllled
the }ehovlan Anunnakl s mtended mvasion schedu le. The reason that it I' 12. Rd( rs to the "PitH of the Phmuom Matrix HBlack I iole S~Slem.
~rtinent to briefly explore the "Revelations Schedule" has to do directh 13. R(fers to the 0-4 Astral Plane of Earth's planetary anatomy.
With the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" element, the Horsemen thlll I'\-. Both refer directly to a visual anomaly thllt natur.llly occurs when Earth passes into the
Three_Day Particle Conve rsion Period of a SAC. Set' page 223.
are released upon the Earth to begin delivery of the "wrath of ood 15. Reft'Tli [Q the 0-3 reality plane. where u't' all prescntly live.
414 415
~ ~. - ~, _
t'~~, ~.~~ - " , ~ ......... u ...... ,,~,.

power to take peace from the Earth and make men slay each other"} that Llnll the J e~ovian O~O ag~nda. Emer~ld Covenant teachings of the D-8
suddenly find our nations immersed within the "New War on Terror' 'N: G:,ld light ftelds of Orion Mmtaka, Umversal Star Gate-S, were distorted
Already the bombs are flying. Opening of the Fourth Seal (due by sum ISm;' . tbe "Gold Altar before the Throne" symbolism. The "24 Elders before
end 2002) and release of the Pale Horse is the point in Revelations :rs jtltO Throne" represented the Fallen Angelic Jehovian Annu-Elohim
things begin to get really "ickey"-the rider named "Death" and the "p.e,!l : ;efathers of,~he Ann~n~ki .Nibiruian C~uncil of 24, which ~~s controlled
Phantom Matrix/Wormhole Crew follow close behind. But until we Com It I b Jehovian pure-stram BIpedal Dolphm People Annunakl Overlords."
understand "What the heck are these horses and horsemen anyway?" th to !ft "visions" given to "St. John" were a symbolically encoded
revelations will have little rational meaning. It is vitally important to ese . t; rpretatiOn of the intended Jehovian OWO agenda scheduled to unfold
collective planetary well-being that we finally comprehend the real mean?ltr
of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," the "Seven Seals" and ~hg
l:t ween 2~?1-200S AD, during th~ anticipated S~C. The Jehovian "Boo~ of
Revelation was based upon Jehovlan Annu-Elohlln knowledge of Atlantlan
"Seven Angels with Seven Trumpets ." Here follows the truth of what e Emerald Covenant T emplar teachings pertaining to Planetary Seals and the
will all move through during the next seven years of the SAC. We behavior of Plan.etary Seals du~ing the ~nticipated 2000-201.1 S~C. The
Jehovian RevelatIon story audaCIously depIcted what the Jehovl3ns mtended
REVELATIONS AND "SAINT JOHN THE DIVINE" to do to Earth's Planetary Shields, during the Final Conflict drama that
In the Jehovian Annunaki falsification of original Essene scripture waS scheduled to unfold between 2000,2017.
there were numerous historical references to the "Trumpets of God" and
their powers to render the "Wrath of Goo" on behalf of the "righteous.,,16 As THE "SEVEN CHURCHES," "SEVEN ANGELS" AND "THE DOVE"
previously discussed, the Biblical "Trumpet" was an Atlantian "code word" The "Angel" word in the Jehov ian Revelations story does not refer to
for the sub,space Sonic,Mion,Field projection technology that has been singular "Divine People." The symbol code of "angel" was used to represent
used by the Jehovian Annunaki as a remote,range weapons system since an advanced technology called the Jehovian Hyperdimensional Cone,
pre-Atlantian days. Just as the "Trumpet" and "Four Beasts" references held a which utilizes external Merkaba Mechanics-an external energy
hidden meaning that was not at all "spiritual" or "esoteric" in nature, but technology that was seeded into Earth's Planetary Shields, much as were
rather a specific reference to a tangible, Annunaki-created scientific the aforementioned Phoenix Spikes and APIN systems. The
technology, so too do the other elements of the Revelations story have a Hyperdimensional Cones (HD-Cs) were placed as standing,conical-scalar,
hidden technological meaning. The references pertaining to the "Trumpers," wave clusters imbued into Selenite and quartz rods, which were originally
their "Angels," "the Four Horsemen," the "Altar of Gold before the Throne" implanted into the Earth's crust, mantle and Planetary Shields during
and the "24 Elders before the Throne" now found in the Biblical Revelations earlier Atlantian periods, in an unsuccessful attempt to fulfill the Jehovian
scory were not part of the genuine Founders' Emerald Covenant CDT- owe dominion agenda during the 22,326 BC SAC.
Plate translations rendered by the Essenes. Like the Phoenix and Falcon wormhole APIN systems, the HD,C
These colorful pictures of symbolic code were part of a Holographic network represented an interface between Earth and the Phantom Matrix.
Insert Program initiated by the Fallen Angelic Jchovian Annu-Elohim and Unlike the Phoenix and Falcon "holes in the WaH in Time," the HO-C
Bipedal Dolphin People Annunaki of Sirius A and Arcturus in the network was more like "Cracks in the Wall in Time." The HD-C Network
Phantom Matrix. The stories were based partially upon fact, in relation to of the Dove did not become fully operational until the 10,500 BC creation of
the technological reality of the natural Planetary Seals that do release or thhe.Phoenix wormhole, which the Jehovians used to increase the function of
"open" via Star Gate-12 (the "Lamb") during SACs. To "invent" their own t elr Dove APIN HD-C network. The Anu-Seraphim Nibi ruian Annunakis
version of "Revelations," through which the Jehovian dominion agenda was cre~ted the Phoenix wormhole during the 10,500 BC Luciferian Conquest.
intended to be fulfilled, the Jehovian Annunaki gave, as a series of ThIs was a time in Nibiruian history in which the Anu-Seraphim Annunaki
Holographically generated NET "visions," a twisted version of the original ,aces of the "Councils of9 and 12" rebelled against the Annu-Elohim Over-
Atlantian Emerald Covenant Revelation story. ptds" .of the "Council of 24 Elders." When the Nibiruians created the
The individual responsible for what has emerged as the "Biblical EhoeOlx, the Jehovian Annunaki and their Annu-Elohim "Council of 24
Revelation" interpretation became known as "St. John the Divine," who was }ders" began implanting Earth's Planetary Shields with further clements
in truth a female Emerald Covenant "Flame Keeper," born of Blue Flame o the original 22,326 Be HD-C technology.
Melchizedek mother and Jehovian Annu-Melchizedek father. The Jehovi~ f The Phoenix wormhole created a weakness within the surrounding
Annunaki used this individual, through astral Tagging, via their portion 0 "qknuency field of the "Wall in Time." The Jehovians were able to use these
the NET, to bring "prophecy" that would prepare those who followed to Wea esses to create a network of thin, interwoven frequency bands,
:nchored. thr?ug~ the H!?.-C implants, that ran from the Phoenix wormhole
access POInt Itke cracks, tntO control areas of Earth's Planetary Shields. The
16. The /nle God Spirit is not wrathful. nor vengeful, but immature Fallen Angelic AI1L1uf\~ki ~e~ of Earth in whkh the HD,C implants were placed were linked to the
and Anu-Elohim fabe godlcls arc. trIon of D-7 Universal Star Gate-7 Arcturus that was under Jchovian
416 417
................... , .."'............. ,,,,," ....... . V "" ,"u , :1t:I ILt:1I UJ LIlt: npucatypse

Annunaki and Annu;Elohim dominion. Seven massive Crystal p need "Trumpet" technology, as the ancient peoples of Jericho and
Selenite Rods were placed within the Arcturian SG.7 control grid ~IQt\ ~'i."" Ion unfortunately discovered tOO late, when the "walls came tumbling
the SG 8 galactic core "Golden Altar and Throne." These were desc~ 'beQOtt v-"'Y " The HDCs of the Dove are also capable of interfaCing with
the "Seven Candlesticks which arc the Seven Churches" in S'bl- aa do~ian_programmed Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network sites on Eanh
Revelation. The "Seven Stars which are the Seven Angels of the ICal S Jeh~nte'!planetary and inter-stellar subspace communication and access to
fo~ tNET . The HD-Q; of Eanh ure controlled by the Jehovian Annu-Elohim
Churches" referred to the Seven Prime HDC implants in Earth's Pia eVen
Sh ields that anchored the Seven Arcturian Pylon Selenite nR,lat).
"Candlesticks/Churches" into Earth's grids. This is not ''0' '?<Ii rm
I Arcturus in Phantom Matrix and from a site on Earth called "Cue#
B" in the Tak la Makon-Tarim Basin, Tibet. Presently Cue Site-8 serves
Construchon' ' '-It' '15 t he anti'Ch"
rtstlaC work0f d
a vaneed subtle_ IVln,
broadcasting technology employed for intended planetary dominionWct"t
It "control matrix broadcast headquarters" for the YHWH#Metatronic-
~hian-Jehovian Annu-Elohim, the Jehovian Annunaki branches o( the
destruction. and lactic Federation and Ashtar Command, parts of the "Archangel"
The HD-C network was intended to serve as a series of "Sipho . ~chael..Nephilim Matrix and factions of the "Great White Brotherhood#
Channels." Portions of Earth's Shields and selected populations couldL~ Ruby Order" Nephilim and related Vairagi collective that defected from the
pulled through the Phoenix wormhole into the Phantom Arcturus Mat' Emerald Covenant. The HD-Cs of the Dove Matrix link Earth to the Seven
as the Nibiruians used the Phoenix wonnhole to draw the reSt of Eanl~
Planetary Shields into merger with Phantom N ibiru and T iamat.
nenvork of }ehovian HO-C implants in Earth's Planetary Shields is known ~
n 5
Sdenite Pylon Roos of Phantom Arcturus at Seven Primary Points in
Earth's Planetary Shields. At these Seven (Xlints in Earth's Planetary Shields
the seven largest HD#Cs are placed- the "Seven Angels of the Seven
(he Dove APIN system, denoting the shape of its primary grid when view~ Churches" in the je!70vian "Revelations" story. The "Seven Angels of
from space with photo-radionic scanning equipment. The "Dove," like tht Jehovian Destruction"! are anchored into Earth's Planetary Shields through
Falcon, the Phoenix, the Serpent and the Dragon APIN systems represent the "Seven Seals of Jehovah."
Aerial maps of the Fallen Angelic/ Intruder ET control network~ placed in
Earth's Templar. T he "Dove" was recently revealed in the contemporary THE SEVEN SEALS
w.orks of Enoch , while he was supporting the Jehovian OWO agenda before AND THE FOUR H ORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE
hLs 1983 Emerald Covenant Redemption Contract. Specific representation
of these APIN maps and their contemporary language literal translations The seven "anchoring rods," or "Seven Jehovian Seals," of the Seven
and geographical co-ord inates are contained within the Emerald Covenant Prime HD-Cs of the Dove APlN system were placed in Earth's Planetary
CDT-Plates "Book of Maps and Keys." The HD-C implants of the Dovt Shields specifically on one venical column, horizontally across from certain
APIN system are frequency generation points implanted into Earth's bodl natural configurations in Earth's T emplar called Star Crystal Seals. The
that can create external, artificial, reverse#spin (Phantom Matrix spin Seven Unnatural Jehovian Seals are all positioned along Axiatonal Line#7,
Merkaba Vehicles of various sizes and designs. Once generated, these the vertical coordinate upon which both the Phoenix and Falcon Matrix
spi.raling electro-~ag~etic Reve~se Merkaha Fields can hold a person or wormholes are located, and connect to a secondary set of Seven artificial
object, or an entire city or contment, depend ing upon the size of the field, Jehovian Seals that are placed within the natural "Seed Seals" of Earth's
through hyperdimensional transport into phantom matrix. When used in Seven Primary Vortices. (See Star Gates and Seals diagram Appendix V).
specific ways, the HD-Cs fo rm "Plasma Ships," beautiful elongated orbs of During SACs, the natural 12#Star Crystal Seals in Earth's Templar
glowing "living" light, that can, if programmed to do so, "step down ill progressively and sequentially activate with Earth's Star Gates, allowing: the
frequency" to form solid#objects, usually Silver metallic "space ships, Axiatonal Lines in Earth's grids to braid so Earth enters natural Merkaba
complete with a Jehovian Phantom C rew. ~nder 0.12 Planetary Maharic Seal. The "trans-dimensional" Star C rystal
When used in mher ways, the HD-Cs of the "Dove" receive, amplih' i>eals exist between each of the 12~imensional Star Gates in Earth's
and transmit invisible sub#sonic wave fi elds from the Pylon Selenite Rod Iemplar; when Star Crystal Seals open, they allow the specific gimensions of
transmission bases in the Planetary Shields of Phantom Arcturus. The Irequency from the Star Gate above and below to blend. J The Seven
Seven Pylon Selenite Rods stat ioned on Phantom Arcturus are the "relay J~hovian Seals that hold the Seven "Angels"/ Prime HD-C implants of the
station" or "midway station," through which the frequencies of sim ilar pylon Dove APIN system, which link via sub#space sonic frequency bands to the
Selenite Rod installations on Sirius A and in Trapezium Orion and t~e Seven Pylon Selenite Rods of Arcturus,19 were placed in correspondence to
Hourglass Nebula in Sagittarius interface with the li ving Time MatrJ):
system. The HO-C JXlints in Earth's Planetary Shields can be used as Sub-
sonic U~F Scalar Pulse transmitters that are capable of sending Targel~ --- ----------------
17. Seven Prime HO-C links the Seven Arcturian Pylon Selenite Rods
Sub#somc Scalar Pulses through the Dove Matrix network grid lines 18. The Slar Crystal and Seed Crystal Seals within Ihc Human DNA Templ;tte and personal
Earth , to very precise targets. Like the Falcon and the Phoenix, the Dove "Inner Templar" oJlCrate the same way to crealI.' DNA Strand Braiding for AtomIC
Matrix is a powerful weapons system, especially when combined with the Transmutation and Slar Gate passage(asccnsion).
19. Seven "Churches/C'mdlesticks/Spirits of Jehovah God"
418 419
HAAt<l-'s, Jrumpets, Horsemen, and H eaven J TIe .)t::tJe71 .)eu ~ Ullt1. VIe rUUT rWTsernen UJ roe KpOCat'JPse

Seven of Earth's Natural Star Crystal Seals. During a SAC the "8 . and Density-3 Etheric indigo/violet light spectrum, or the "Pale
Unholy Jehovian Angels" were intended to sequentially acti vat~ in res~\>et'l ~, As Revelations 6: 7 warns, when the 4th Jehovian Seal releases, the
to natural activation of se:-,en out of tbe 12 natural,Earth Seals; the pu ~ ~~arned "Death" upo~ a ~ale Horse takes ~a,~e from the Ear~h, with
of these unnatural Jehovtan HO-C Seven Seals' is to progressi\>el~ ~~" following close bch~nd. Hell, Hades, the Pit represent the Pit of the
greater "wormholes in the Cap on the Wall in Time." y rip - t1P' ID Matrix expandmg through Earth's Planetary Shields via the
When a }ehovian Seal activates, a new wormhole connection to h ~t~Phoenix wormholes and the various Fallen Angelic APIN systems.
Phoenix wormhole is "frequency-punched" into Earrh's matter base in \ e faIt~IaneUiry Seals .Locations a~ Opening SChedl4le, ~ppendix V). .
geograph ical location of the Jehovian Seal. The Atlantian Dove APiN 1\e (See' In the Jehovlan Revelation story, the JehovJan A nnuElohlm drew
the Phoenix, Falcon, and several other similar networks installed durin~ t'he . sinister inspiration from the true Revelation books of the Emerald
Adantian period in preparation for the 2000-2017 SAC, was designed e ,heir oan t COT-Plate teachings on the Planetary Templar Mechanics of
~Cs which detail the maps and natural functions of the organic 12-Star
rapidly create a massive series of minute Black Holes in the fabric t
Earth's body, while creating a frequency barrier around Earth~ f tvs~1 Seals in Earth's Templar during SACs. In Jehovian Revelation, the
magnetosphere. The "black hole network" is designed to progressiv II ~four Horses" have "Riders"- the Four H orsemen, each supposedly "given
expand, each "hole" opening into the others as the frequency barrie/.Y the power by God" (AKA Jehovian Annu-Elohim and Annunaki) to do
Earth's magnetosphere "holds the planetary mass together" while Earth I~ certain very unpleasant things to the peoples of Earth. uGod" did not give
literally "sucked" into the Black Hole Suh-time Distortion Cycle of thIS dtefe uHorsemen" such power or privilege; the Jehovian Annu-Elohim
Ph~ntom Ma!rix. ~ca.use several competing Fallen Angelic collectives fro~ ....ve themselves this unholy permission while appointing themselves "in
vanous locations wlthm the Phantom Matrix wou ld anempt to use similar Y(he min ds a f man " as "God" .
APIN technological atrocities to accomplish the same fcat during the 2000. The "Four Horsemen" are the "frequ encies of the first four Jehovian
2017 SAC, Earth's Planetary Shields would be literally pulled apart. The Seals that would ride upon and direct the frequencies of Earth's natural
planetary matter base would fragment, its various pieces as held together carrier waves, the "horses." The Jehovian frequencies would automatically
within their magnetosphere suspension fields, would be drawn into orbit emerge with [he release of each corresponding natural Seal, due to the
arou,~d the Pha~to~ Matrix. ~Ianet~ that ex~rted the 8!eatest "magnetic Jehovian HD-C implants, "Angels," placed relative co the natural Seals. The
pul~ .. The location In the hvmg Time Matrlx where Eanh is presently Jehovians knew that the "Horsemen" would bring death and destruction,
poslttoned, would be left with a massive "rip in time," a Black Hole that just as the Jehovian Annunaki and Annu-Elohim intended them to do so.
would progressively expand via particle accretion, to eventually "swallow" II The frequencies transmitted by the first four Pylon Selenite Rods on
dimensions of our IS-Dimensional Time Matrix. Phantom Arcturus were intended to emerge through [he HD-Cs
The first four Jehovian HD-C implants of the Dove APIN are known as corresponding to the first four Jehovian Seals.
"The Four Horsemen Of Th e Apocalypse." The "horses" represent fo ur of As the first fou r Jehovian Seals released, unleashing the "Four Horsemen
the 12 natural stellar currents, the carrier wave frequencies corresponding of the Apocalypse," Earth's Planetary Shields would begin ripping apart as
co the first four of Eanh's natural I2-Star Crystal Seals, that will run into the ~nificial external Merkaba Fields generated by the HDCs held select
Earth's Templar to begin activation of the corresponding Star Gates and panlOns of Earth's matter base and populations in trans-dimensional
Axiaconallines. The Seven Jehovian HD-C Seals are placed in conjunction j:e~sion. The part of Earth's Template and populations held by the
co Earth's Star Crystal Seals numbers 1,2,3,8,9, 10 and 11. PhanVIan Dove APIN are intended to go into merger with Density~3
Jehovian HD-C Seal-I, the ''White Horseman," placed on A7 vertical, tom Arcturus via the Phoenix Wormhole and HD~C network. The
latitude 47.08" N, northeast of Quebec, Canada, corresponds to Earth Seal, I !ehovian Anu-Elohim and Annunaki false "ascended masters" refer to chis as
France, which carries the D-l1/12 "Silver-White Maharic light spectra" or t ~ension"i it is a macabre, unholy, ascension. Unless, of course, one desires
the "White Horse" carrier wave . f~~~' anificially sustained "eternal" life in a "living-dead" thought-
Jehovian HD-C Seal-2, the "Red Horseman," placed on A 7 vertical, COrn .~y, trapped in the P hantom Matrix as a "demon-on-a-Ieash,"
latitude 18.1 S, near the border conjunction of Chi le/Peru/Bolilli3, unsamlssloned to do the bidding of Jehovian Annunaki or one of the other
corresponds to Earth Seal-2 near St. Helena Islands, which carries the D,I2I Vory Fallen Ange lic dictatorships.
1 "Red light spectra" or the "Red Horse" carrier wave. ShaUTh~ J~~ovians were nOt kidding when they prophesied that "the D ead
Jehov ian HD-C Seat-3, the "Black Horseman," placl-d on A 7 vertical, be r RIS~, but unfortunately it was not our long- lost loved ones that would
latitude 41.78 N around Cape Cod, corresponds to Earth Seal-3, south of ftorne1rntng; the Jehovians were referring to [he living-dead tort!1red souls
Sofia, Bulgaria, which carries the 0-11/10 "Density-3 blue-black and silver' t e Phantom Matrix Pit. Souls that have been "harvested" 0 by the
black black light spectra," or [he "Black Horse" carrier wave. . 1
Jehovian HD-C Seal-4, the "Pale Horseman," placed on A 7 ver ttC
latitude 24.92 N, east of Nassau, Bahamas, corresponds co Earth Seal-S S . w ~-----
20. ~d.'",kidhnapped-consciousness ~soul essence" Siphoned into the Phantom Matrix at rime
Las Pa lmas, Canary Islands, which carries the D-6/7 "Pale" Density-2 SeJflI' .
420 421
nc;~ ... " . lU JlIIIULt::IlLt::

)e.ho~ ian A nnu~Elohim, Necromiton-Andromie," . .

Rlflelta.o, ~edlCron-Reptilian and Omicron-Drakonian Ancient of Days, the Days of Innocence, there were 12 Angelic
co Iccilves since the Dove, ~h i tc Eagle, Phoenix-Serpent ~ Tribes appointed as the co-Guardians of Earth's Planetary Templar
Dragon ~PI.N systems w~re set In motion in ancienr Adanris. ' ~ Each Tribe was entrusted with one of twelve Emerald Covenant
In Blbltcal Revelation the )chovians depict thc,r ~rfa~esi each CDTPlate held one.twelft~ of the ~ounders' ~merald
' tdl'
&~;" e( VICto.ry 0her Jt
.s~ory l.s t he
C a
h. greatba l
rear Beast." At the heart of the "battle tt.e
aVian Annunaki and Annu-Elohim's W;" c~..
(:D'f ant teachings on the Nature and Mechamcs of Reality, Consclousne~
~ nifestation. Fro m the 12 COT-Plates, protected by the 12 AngeJ.c
Ampetl k~:>n(';:f h kC arnicrond-Drakonians and the Marduke.Sata";'ng.,~~ ~ Ma Tribes, arose the first earthly verbal and written translations of the
nunna ~ 0 nita', ri,D:' an Alpha Centauri. This story also r n ~~rs' Sacred T eachings. These text translations were the original H oly
equ,a lly vlg~r~us. cO,l,nperltlon between the )ehovian Anllnnak~flects 1'O"'_....eof the 12 genuine components of what is termed "Religion." T he
~leladlan.NlblrUian Luciferian" Anun naki (Thorh-Enki-Zer L " and :;:ings of aU genuine Holy Books complemented each other, honored the
Ime) of Alcyone, Nibiru and Tiamar. These ancient co~~ ~tan .
eternal, lov ing, one-God Source that has infinite names and none. All
t'ngelic A~un.~aki and I?rnkonian fam ily lines were' personJtJ
Satan/Luclfer character In the Jehovian ed its of the Bible te as :r~e ancient "Holy Books" that still divide our races today originally
. I trul~ hate to be the. bearer o~"bad news," but the rea li ty ~(~ilt: ~ from these 12 bodies of oncesacred Emerald Covenant teachings .
highly edited and contnved version of the Bible like that of th 'i_;""< I I the chaos of Fallen Angelic infiltration of Atlantis, and the progressive
Koran and ocher "traditional holy doctrines'" does not e ~vancement of the Anti-Christiac Phantom Matrix paradigm on Earth that
"ab I t
< so u e wo
rd 0 f God" t h at so many people hope, titldoes.
. ! p(All
r e rei"
s e n t I'LI! has occurred since Atlantian times, our sacred religions have been raped
have been manipulated in this way since the 9558 BC faU of At;~~~:)texll and all but extinguished. False teach ings have been woven between the lines
rh r I~ I
rfears , Human races have been warring and killing each oth . Fq
.e.a 0 ~e -promoted false "Vengeful Gods" from ancient Intrud/r~
ofuuth, and the greatest bodies of truth have been removed entirely.
For over 11,000 years, H uman and Illuminatihybrid races, denied the
flc~l?n stones: All the while the truth of the Loving God and humanit ':t ET truth of their history, race identity, memory and immediate relationship to
Splntual Hent~ge of the Founders ~merald Covenant Freedom T eIchi rut the God-Force, have been destroying each other and the Earth on behalf of
hahv~lfbcefn reFPCl'ltedly sup~ressed, !IlIsused, abused, twisted and defamed:
a 0 our a en Angelic galactiC terrorists.
Intruder ET/Fallen Angelic religious deception. It is now up to each of us to
decide whether or not we love the Living, Loving, Eternal God~prese nce,
H~w lo~g we will continue to aHow these cosmic crimina ls to usc us as pawns and the promise of "attainable heaven" that true God-spirit stands for. The
In their conquest game for Earth/Inner Earth/Halls of Amenti dominion1 Living Goo- Presence does not reside in any book, It resides within each and
evtty person, place or thing. True "Ho ly Books" teach us of the eternal tnlths
ci spirit and science, through which we can most rapidly and easily awaken
the God-Presence within. Some people will choose to love more than the
Salvaging the Sacred. Healing World R eligions. Living-Loving God- the twisted ranti ngs and ravings of vengeful, harsh and
judgemental Intruder ET falseGods, because th is prov ides them with false
In the times before the 208,216 BC Fall of Brenaui,21 when the Angek ~ri ty and a "socially acceptable" fra me of reference. False security and
HlIma~ ~a~es of Ean;~ su~ered the loss of 0.12 22 access, all life experienct "fitting in with the local clan" are rather pathetic "rewards" for the payment
,~as a " l'v.lI~g ~,rayer of Joyful spiritual and material celebration. In thost of'imprisoning one's souL
t1.me~ reitglon was not a control dogma used to rob personal power arJ The sacred teachings of the 12Tribe Nations are presently drowning in a
dignIty from people. In those times, people did not die they conscioush sea of Fallen Angelic lies; it is up to us to save them. Each contemporary
chose t~ .asce~d out of density via the Universal Star Ga~e system . Sdenc~ rtIigion holds partial truths and partial lies. It is up fa us to find the Living
and Spl~ltuahty were fully understood as part of the same Primal Creatioll God-spirit within, through which we can salvage the sacred within each and
~echantcs that al.lowed fo r the experience of manifest expression and ~very creed, and dispose of the garbage that has taught us to judge and kill
simultaneous expenence of Atone-ment with the true lOVing God_source tach other, to martyr ourselves, and to unknowingly support Fallen Angelic
Back then, we. all knew ourselves, each other, the Earth, and all I/Jillgs ~ ~~ndas. If we desire to find the promised "Heaven on Earth," we must first
blessed expressions of the one God, and we honored all things accordingly. J~ o:.d it within ourselves, which we cannot do while we continue to Crucify
rselves in the name of external Warlords and Wrath-filled False Gods. In
~h~ ~alvaging of thl.! sacn..><i and discarding of the deception within our wor~d
Z1. See Farmdtlen Testaments of RH'e/(lfion, forthcoming. ~llglOUS creeds, we can all rediscover Goo, ourse lves and each other, and III
22. Pre-matter Density-4 ~Universal Christos Field."
422 423
~ ~ . -.-~ ......-.... ~--
J\/ttUTlt to

that discovery we can begin the journey of our collective Return . "that is our is_Dimensional Time Matrix System and the many
k',nd These were days before the dereliction of Atlantis. Right
God is real. It is an omnipresent, omn ipotent, omniscient Fore
f ItS .
~iO the Bridge Zone Inner Earth Time
. Co'
n(muurn th at represents
Source of consciousness within which we all reside (even the "bad e P"" . , victorious futute,24 the Days of Innocence are reborn.
and of which we are aU composed. The true God is ~T~:y, we are faced with a truix profound choice. Do we subjugate and
man ifestation ; and no being can ever be separate from the true Living Inner Christos2 upon the altar of wrathful Gods from
aU form manifestation takes place within the Source. Even beings
S'P'" H ce books or do we reach within an d God ward , to f'md t h e L'Ivmg
ou' .
,nd eflt f So~rce that has always been there? These are the most decisive
Phantom Matrix are part of the wholeness of God, but they '~)~~~~;~'
parts of God's consciousness that have forgotten their Divine I ~ce ~or in the contemporary drama we will witness the long#foretold
have no memory of the wholeness of which they are a part. Phantom dJIl esof
of"btrt , the AngeI s. "
beings compete for power with others, as they neither acknowledge -;Fallen Angels and the Living .Angels w~ll: in th~se very times, meet, and
comprehend the endless supply of living power, energy and love ~ individual will face the chOtce of dccldmg which type of Angel to be.
eternally circu lates between Source and all living thi ngs manifest.
We are all directly connected to the real God-Source in every mor.lent;
we can learn the once common-knowledge "secrets" of allowing the Living.
Loving God~Prescnce to progressively embody within us. We do nO[ hal't
to subjugate ourselves to self-appo inted false~God Fallen Angelics who
depend upon taking our energy/ power to susmin their own finite suPP~.
Once we overcome the hurdle of "external false-God worship," and repia<;e
it with "internal Living#God Worth-ship," we will no longer be overly
impressed by, or mentally and emotiona!ly gullible toward, the "space..
brother savior" Fallen Angel ic agenda.
Ascension is real, but it is not achieved by allowing yourself to be sucked
into the Phantom Matrix due to dogmatic adherence to Fallen Angelic,
distorted ancient texts. The Emernld Covenant Founders Races have alwa)1
taught the original Freedom Teachings of our Loving Source and
Inalienable Spirituality, the realities of a loving God that lives within us all.
The Founders also teach the sacred science realities of the Maharata23 fct
which the real "Christ story" originally stood , and which the real man Christ,
Jesheua Melchizedek, and many others of all religions, once passionate~
Long ago, before our planet was "hijacked" by the spiritually and
genetically twisted, mentally disturbed, power-hungry Fallen AngeliC soutid
the Phantom Matrix, the Emerald Covenant teachinGS were Humanity'l
Heritage and common knowledge. The Emerald Covenant teachings wert
once the core, heart and soul of every religion. These teachings belong to
the Christian, the Muslim. the Jew. the Hindu, the Buddhist. the Tri~
Shaman .... to everyone. This was true in the days before the "Falcon," t~~
"Phoen ix," the "Serpent," the "Dragon" and the "Dove" laid their territOtw
claim on Earth and attempted to possess human ity's soul. These were t~
Ancient of Days, the Days of Innocence, when Angelic Humans lived ~
peace and joyful union with all other kingdoms in "God's House of Mlllll
2i. Time is simultaneous.
23. Personal Inner Chrisws, Pre-maner Template and D-12 Divine Blueprint. 25. Our D-12 personal Ovislw Av:nar 1dentity leve\.
, ..... ........... J ~.-- ..... ........ , --~ - . - ... -
~ -. ____ ~

,.Oge!iC legions wou ld" h av~ immediately ~rought this co~e.r~ in~ergalactic/
. (erdimensionat war alit mto the open, amI human CIVIlizations would
ifI e been decimated by overt Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET warfare waged on
ha;th'S territories. .
f,a. If the llluminati and Human races within the Interior World
00 emment had chosen Emera ld Covenanr rather than Zeta Treaties in the
930s Guardian races could have worked with them to peacefully seal Earth's
1 r Gate and portal system-the Falcon Wonnhole (see page 367}-and to
S~a. ngage the NOC-Grid. This would have prevented further Fallen Angelic
Conclusion- dlfiltratiOn and Earth's Planetary Shields could have been sufficiently
In ired in time for the 20002017 SAC. Covert World Management Team
Earth Changes Potential ~rariO~ with the Guardians' ~v~)fld-fre<.-dom .~genda in th~, 1930s w~~!d
have pernutred members of [he SltIus-B MaharaJI races to he smuggled III
o Earth territories without engaging the suspicions and retaliation of Fallen
PLANETARY SHIELDS CRISIS, SEALS AND EARTH CHANGES Angelic legions. Earth's Templar would have been reclaimed from Fallen
It IS ImJ?Orta~t ~o realize th~r the "Seven Seals and Four Horsem Angelic control and ~umanity w~uld have been restored to it~ rig?tfu! pla~e
smrx of Jehovlan Bl~hcal Revelations is a colorfully encoded dcpictiooetl as Guardians of Earth s Templar. Would'aCould'aShould'a" Hmdslght IS
tangtble ~vent~ of SCience, technology, the mechanics of planetary ph .ri the greatest foresight. Unfortuna tely, Illuminati and Human members of the
and the I.nt~ntlons of the Fallen Angelic visitors, as these elements w~~~ covert Interior Governmem did not accept the 1930 opportunity for a
e~etge wlt~l.n the 20002017 Stellar Activation Cycle (SAC) . Presentl th peaceful resolution and, equally as unfortunate, the Aml1lnaki races chose to
Ilidden reallt~es of the natural 12 Planetary Star C rystal Seals and unnaW }oin the United Imruder Resistance (UlR) OWO domi nion campaign on
Seven Jeho~lan Sea,ls (see page 419) have a tremendous bearing upon what September 12, 2000. And here we all sit in 200 t as the long-anticipated Final
humanity will expenence between now and 2008. Conflict drama begins the emergence inro physica l manifestation. The
Th~ 12 natural Star Crystal Seals in Earth's Planetary Shiekh Fitest danger to Earth popu la tions at this time is posed by the "Seven
sequenn,ally and autOmatically rdease or "open" in response to the Jehovian Seals" and the fact that the natuml 12Star Crystal Seals in
progr.esslve Stell~r Wave InfUSions (frequency infusions) generated by the Earth's Planetary Shields have now begun to open imo severely damaged
openmg of Earth s 12 Primary Star Gates. Release of the natural Seals alone Planetary Shields. The damage to Earth's grids has al ready reached crisis
can cause cat~c1y~mic Earth Changes during a SAC, if the Planet dry Shields proportions. and the UIR intends to amplify this condition beyond repair by
are not functlo nmg properly. Due to the effects of the Nibiruian Diodk Z003.
C~s~al Grid ,(NOC-Grid) technology that has createJ progressive distorrion Even in SACs that proceed smooth ly, each time a natural Planetary
wlthm Earths Planetary Shie lds since 25,500 BC, Earth's core scalar.wa\e Star Crystal Seal act ivates, the frequencies it releases into Earth's
template has suffered extensive damage. Emera ld Covenant Guardian Planetary Sh ields progressively exerts nucleic stress within the
Na.t1ons \Ver~. faced with a huge challenge in keeping Earth's Planetary molecules of Earth's tectOnic plates. In areas of rhe pla ne r where
Shlel~ st;ablbzed during the 20002017 SAC, even hefore the damage to Planetary Sh ield distortions ex ist, [he molecular structure of Earth's
Earth s grids was profoundly increas<.-d through the progression of Fallen plates experiences weakened resistance and less flexib ility from this
Angelic!l lluminati One World O rder (OWO) agenJas since 1930. nucleic stress. The climatic/weather patte rns in suc h areas become less
. Various. Emetald Covenant nations would have liked to have initiated stable, and the tectonic plates become vulnerahle to seismic activity.
d l~ect, phYSical, public contact with the inhabitants of Earth by 1930, so thai ~ch of the natural 12 Planetary Seals releases a progressively higher~
t~IS pendmg planetary crisis could have been handled cooperatively and lIuensional frequency spectrum into Earth's Shields, thus exerting a
directly fr?m ~urface Earth locations. If it were not fo r the fact that Human progreSSively increasing amount of nucleic stress within Earth's tectonic
and lIlumman governments chose to honor the t 930s Zeta Treaties rather ~h.tes, which is d ifficult enough to camend with in areas of Planetary
t~an to acc~pt the Guard ians' offer of Emerald Covenant entry, fi rst conl!lC{ S lelds disronions without adding the unnatural "Seven Jchovian
With Guardian nations and direct repair of Earth's PLmetary Shields would ~alslJ to the mess, which spells "pending crisis"- a cris is the Emerald
have already lake place. f venant nations are presen rly trying desperately to avoid via remote
As c ircumstances have dictated since 1930, and even since 9558 se. rquency transmiss ion into Earth's Planetary Shields. Without assistance
Emerald Covena~t nations cou ld not directly intervene via ma:-~ phy.si~1 ~h~uma n and Indigo Children in "anchoring" these freque ncies into
contact. If G uardians had uncmpteJ maSS physical Contact, various Falle!1 Li rt s Shields via Rainbow Roundtables (RRTs) and Masters Planetary
t tkaba Mechanics , Guardian efforts to prevent this crisis wou ld fa il.

426 427
_ _ ~.- - - .-- - .." .................................. "" W'UJ .... "''-' , ... ,n " l. l U"-'t: Illu~11erl!'fu.;e

The unnatural Seven Jchovian Seals arc a despicable atrocit crystal Seals, each Seal in thc Jehoviun sequence progression is more
technological "achievement." Y of erful than the one befo re; the Jchovian Seals 1, 2 and 3 create a lesser
Since 10,500 BC, the implanted crysta lline rods of the Jehovian S rewee of c1imatic/t~cton.ic disturbance tha~ Jehovian Seals 4 lhrou~h 7.
have lain dormant in Earth's crust and mantle like hidden "mi e 'leal, Plfnetary chaos begms With release of Jchovlan .Seal-4, If rhe frequenclcs of
d ro progressive
d eSlgne 1y rip
art s anetary Shields apart as Earth' ..SiCS"
I' Seal-4 and those before it are nor manually reahgm.xl . to a natmal I2-Code-
natural Sea ls proceed through the ir open ing cycle during the 2000_201 2 Pulse as they run through Earth's T elllplar_ . .
SAC. Each Jehovian Seal "opens" and begins activating its freque . 7 OrganiC Star Crys\al Seals 1 and 2, and [helf correspondmg unnarural
in .Ear~h's Templ~r when its corresp~nd ing Organic Seal enrer~C lit5 h vian Seals- t and -2-, activated in latc May 200l - the planelary effects
aCtlvaC10n cycle In respo nse to Earth s particle pulsation (v ibrat' ts J( J~hovian Seal-I and -2 release will begin manifc:-.ting hetween August
oscill ation) rhythm. The chaotically arranged, unnatural frequencielon~ 2001 and May 2002 . Thc chaotic frcquencie:'l of Jehovhm Seals 1 ,md 2 had
the Jehovian Sea l (the "rider" or "Horseman") bond to the nat S 1 been converted to a natural 12~Code~Pulsc re~lignment via RR~s
frequencies transmitted by the Organic Star Crystal Seal (the "Hor u~) conducted in Kauai, Hawaii, ,,:hen the Scab relea~eJ3m ~ay 2~1. Organic
! he "rider" ~requency silently ~oves with the natural frequency cursr:n~ Seal~3 and it.'; unnatural Jchovlan Seal3 counterpart actIvated Itl late July
IO to t~e AXlatonal a n~ Ley Lme, (ALL) system corresponding to the Zool - it.'; chaotic frequencies \ldJ been convencd [U a naturdl 12-Codc-
Org~O\ c Se,al, progressively reversmg the natura l Angular.Rotar ian_of_ Pulse via RRTs conducted in England when rhe Seal rdeased in July 2001.
PartlcleSpm (ARPS , the particle spin ax is) within the frequ encies of Between August 15 and Scptember 3, 200 1, the UlR fully activated the
electromagneti~ energy moving through the ALLs. As the currents of Montauk~Phi.Ex~Falcon wormhole Port lnterfacc Atlantian Pylon
frequency movmg through the ALL system progressively reverse to the Implant Network (A PIN) system, launching the sub-space sonic~~cal~r
unnatural ARPS of the Phantom Matrix, the corresponding portions of amplification pulsc that l'a~cJ through the Star Gate-2 Gru-AL POlllt III
Earth's Planetary Shields are drawn into elec tromagnetic bonding with Sarasota, FL, on the evcning of Septemher 3, 2001, on its way to t~C
the D-7 Phantom Arcturus Planetary Shie lds. The fi rst three Jehovian Bermuda B<lse (see page 408)_ On the evening of September 3, 2001, Orgamc
Seals reverse the ARPS on the three ALL networks to which they Star Crystal Scal4 (which does not have a Jehovi<1n Seal companion)
c~:m~spond. The r~lated. areas of Earth's Planetary Shields do not begin activated as we gathered at Sarasota Beach following our Labor Day
nppmg apart to bond With the Phantom Matrix until the open ing of the workshops [Q conduct an RRT to assist (he GA in halancing the Organic
Fourth Jehovian Seal-the "Pale Horseman." SealA frequenci~s as ~hey emer~ed, Just ~rior to our ,~nitiatio.n of}he RRT,
O nce a SAC has commenced, as the current SAC did on Januarr 1 the sonic ampldi.catlon pulse , rr<IIlSmlttcJ from Cue Sltc . . 4 Cenrral
2000, Guardian nations cannot stop or prevent the natural Organic Sea, 0; Mexico via the Nibiruian Crystal Temple Nelwork at Chihuahua, Mexico,
rumbled through the Gru-AL Point off the mel..,t of Sarasota Beach.
corresponding unnarural Jehovian Seven-Seal release sequences from
occurrj~g . Manual inter~ption of these processes would cause absolute, rapid
pole shift and cataclysmiC Earth Changes, which Guardian nations can only CLIMATIC DISTURBANCES
prevent by striving to balance the frequencies of the Organic Seals, while AND THE LABOR DAY 200! SONIC PULSE INTERFERENCE
clearing and realigning the chaotic frequenci es of the Jehov ian Seals (Q a As Organic SealA began to open, Ihe U lR'ii contrived sonic pulse ,
natural "12~Code-Pulse. " The Organic and Jehovian Seal counterpart must carrying a "Phantom Pulse" with rcversed ARPS, ran through the Gru-A.L
activate before IZ-Code realignment can be achieved . Manual resetting of and through the Bio-energctic Fields of the RRT group.s When the sonIC
the natural 12-Cooe-Pulse "Div ine D-12 Pre-matter Blueprint" in Earth's pulse intercepted the natural current cmerg ing from Org,mic SealA, it
ALL system is accomplished through running D-12 frequency} into Earth's
reversed the ScalA currcnt to the Phantom Pulse ARPS. Reversal of the
Planetary Shields via RRTs conducted at specific times and locations_ stronger Organic ScalA current, instanliy began r~) reactivate the reverse-
When an O rganic Seal releases, it takes anywhere from three to 12 ARPS frcquencies of Jehovian Seals 1, 2 and 3 that we had l'uccessfully
months for its frequencies to spread through, and reach critical mass within, helped to realign to the 12-Code-Plllse during the May and July 2001 RRTs.
[he corresponding ALL network. As the Jehovian Seals' chaotic frequencies
"ride on" the OrganiC Seal current, the effects of Jehovian Seal "opening"
also emerge and reach critical mass between three and 12 months after the
Jehov ian Seal has released. If the Jehovian Seals release and are not realigned 2. the ~Wh1tc anJ Red Horsemen"
to a lZ-Code-Pulse before reaching critical mass, climatic and/or tectoniC 3. the "Black Horseman"
4. I,ner Use<llll orchesuatmg (he 5<.'ptembcr II, 2001, WTC{pcntagon Dis.l,tcr
disturbances will erupt within the geographical regions corresponding to the 5. My husband Azummya and [ allowed our ilio-tirld_ to be US4.'{1 :15 a "buffer bhmket," 10
Jehavian Seal's placement. Just as is the case with Earth's l Z Organic Star protect the gnJUp (rom the intc:'osilY of Ihi~ p~rCh')tfOnlc p.ulsc. And I WIll tell you, ~hls
chaotI C sonic pulse was powerful; Az anrl I arc std l recovenng from Ik)mc of Ihe phYSIcal
side effects we mcurred from ahsor\'mg :md lrom,muung Ih~ frequenclcs. Nume rou~
others wuhin Ihe group also reported Ih .. experience of"cm,)liona! hody pUlgin/:" follow
I. "Maharma Current" 109 the (requcncle, encountered on Ihe he,tch Ih,lI evening.

428 429

I.,...OnCIUSlOn- carIn I.,...nanges r orennm- - - - - - -------~_~ ._""'>"'''~'' C ....... u .. , vu , ,..... " ~, ..................... v' ......../ _ ............ , .... . _ov .. . ' ..... 1..-''''' .....~--,

The unnatural Seven Jehovian Seals are a despicable atrocity f Crystal Seals, each Seal in the Jehovian scqu\!nce progression is more
technological "achievement." 0 werful than the one before; the Jehovian Seals I, 2 and 3 create a lesser
Since 10,5 00 Be, the implanted crysta lline rods of the Jehovian Se I regree of climatic/tectonic disturbance than Jehovian Seals 4 through 7.
have lain dormant in Earth's crust and mantle like hidden "missilea! Planetary chaos begins with release of Jehovian ScalA. if the frequencies of
designed to progressively rip Earth's Planetary Shields apart as Earth's ~'2 Seal-4 and those before it are not manually realigned to a natural ll-Code-
natural Seals proceed through their opening cycle during the 2000-2017 pulse as they lm through Earrh's T cmplar.
SAC. Each Jehovian Seal "opens" and begins ac tivating its frequenci O rganiC Star Crys\al Seals 1 and 2, anJ their corresponding unnatural
in Earth's Templar when its corresponding Organic Seal enters i~ Jehovian Seals-I and ~2-, act ivated in late May 200 I- the planetary effects
activa tion cycle in response to Earth's part icle pulsat ion (vibrationl of Jehovian Sea l, I and -2 rclea:,e will begin manife!lting hetween August
osci llation) rhythm. The chaotically arranged, un natural frequencies of 2001 and May 2002. The chaoric frequencie~ of Jehovian Seal:. I and 1 had
the Jehovian Sea l (the "rider" or "Horseman") bond to the natural been converted to a natural 12.Code.Pulse realignment via RRTs
frequencies transm itted by the Organic Star Crystal Seal (the "Horse") conducted in Kauai, Hawaii, when the Seals relea~cJ in May 200l. Organic
The "rider" frequency sil ently moves with the natural frequency curren~ Scal-3 and its unnarural Jehovian Scal~3 counterpart) <lctiv<ltcd in late July
into the Axiatonal and Ley Line (ALL) system corresponding to the 2001-its chaotic frequencies had been converted ro a narural 12-Code-
O rganic Seal, progressively reversing the natural Angular-Rotation_of. Pulse via RRTs conducted in England when the Seal released in July 2001.
Particle-Spin (ARPS , the particle spin ax is) within the frequencies of Between August 15 and September 3, 200 1, the UIR fully aClivated the
electromagnetic energy moving through the ALLs. As the currents of Montauk~Phi-Ex~Falcon wormhole Port 100crface Atlantian Pylon
frequency moving through the ALL system progressively reverse to the Implant Network (APIN ) system, launching the sub-space sonic-scalar
unnatural ARPS of the Phantom Matrix, the correspond ing portions of amplification pulse that ras.~ed through the Scar Gate-2 Gru-AL Poim in
Earth's Planetary Shields are drawn into electromagnetic bonding with Sarasota, FL, on the evening of Septemher 3, 200 1, on its way to the
the 0-7 Phantom Arcturus Planetary Shields. The first three Jehovian Bermuda Base (see page 408) . On the evening of September 3, ZOO 1, Organic
Seals reverse the ARPS on the three ALL networks to which they Star Crystal ScalA (which docs not have a Jehovian Seal companion)
correspond. The r~lated areas of Earth's Planetary Shields do nO( begin activated as we gathered at Sarasota Beach following our whar Day
ripp ing apart to bond with the Phantom Matrix until the opening of the workshops to conduct an RRT to assist the GA in halancing the O rganic
Fourth Jehovian Seal- the 44Pale Horseman." Seal-4 frequencies as they emered. Just prior to our initiation of the RRT,
Once a SAC has commenced, as the current SAC did on January 1, the sonic amplification pu lse . trdnsmittd from "Cue Sirc-4' Cemral
2000, Guardian nations cannOt stop or prevent the natural Organic Seal, or Mexico via the Ni biruian Crystal Temple Nelwork at Ch ih uahua, Mexico,
corresponding unnatural Jehovian Seven-Seal release sequences from rumbled through the Gru-AL Point off the coast of Sarasma Beach.
occurring. Manual interruption of these processes would cause absolute, rapid
pole shift and cataclysmic Earth Changes, which Guardian nations can only CLIMATIC DISTURBANCES
prevent by striving to balance the frequ encies of the Organic Seals, while AND THE LABOR DAY 2001 SONIC PULSE I NTERFERENCE
clearing and realigning the chaotic frequencies of the Jehov ian Seals to a
natural u 12~Code~Pu l se." The Organic and Jehovian Seal counterpart must As Organic Seal-4 began to open, the U IR's conrrived sonic pulse,
activate before 12-Cooe realignment can be achieved. Manual resetting of carrying a "Phantom Pulse" with re"ersed ARPS , nm through the Gru-AL
the natural 12-Code-Pulse "Divine 0-12 Pre-matter Blueprint" in Earth's and through the Bioenergetic Fields of the RRT group.5 When the son ic
AlL system is accomplished through running 0-12 frequency I into Earth'S pulse intercepted the natural current emerg ing from Organ ic Seal-4, ir
Planetary Shields via RRTs conducted at specific times and locations. reversed the S eal~4 current to the Phantom Pulse ARPS. Reversal of the
When an Organic Seal releases, it takes anywhere from three to 12 stronger O rganic ScalA currenr. instantly ht:gall h1 reactivate the reverse~
months for its frequencies to spread through , and reach critical mass within, ARPS frequencies of Jehovian Seals 1, 2 and 3 thm we h,IJ .. uccessfully
the corresponding ALL network. As the Jehovian Seals' chaotic frequencies helped to rea lign to [he lZCode-Pulse during the May ami July 200 1 RRTs.
"ride on" the O rgan ic Seal current, the effects of }ehovian Seal "opening"
also emerge and reach critical mass between three and 12 months after the
Jehovian Seal has released. If the Jehovian Seals release and are not realigned z. the "Whue l"llld Red Horsemen"
to a 12-Code-Pulse before reaching critical mass, climatic and/or tectoniC 3. the "Black HorS(:mllo
4. later used in orchesn aling the September II, 2001. WTC/Pcmilt!on Disa~ler
disturbances will erupt within the geographical regions corresponding to the S. My husband Azunanya and [ allowed our biatield, 10 he u~:d :IS a 'buffer blanket." 10
Jehovian Seal's placement. Just as is the case with Earth's 12 Organic Smr protect the group from the inten~lt)' of Ihis Ps\'cholromc pulSt'. And I will u:1I you, this
chaollc 50niC pulse was powerful: At antI [ are stll] recovenng from some of fhe ph\sical
side effects we LIlcurrcd from ahsorhLllo!! and Ir.m,muunll tbC:$C frcqu\,IlCl('S. NumcrOU!
others withm the group also reported the expe rience of "cnmtlonallx,,]y purY11lg" follow.
1. "Mahamta Current' ing the frequ encies encountered ()Tllhc ~ach that evening.
428 429
l...-oncLUslOn- l:!arm L.Mnges L>("e1""'C-----------~-- ... ._~ '>""_'" ........ , ... , ................. - ,- M_. . . . . . ,,' ~_ :I -. _u.._ ... .........
~- J ... .... , --...

Despite t~e terribly disruptive energ ies of the Psychotronic sonic pulse th Latitude; due to Jehovian Seal-2 release, this area is vulnerable to se ismic
we ex~nenced on the beach the night of September 3, the group mana at activity, especia lly between December 200 I and March 2002_
to pull itself together and run the RRT as planned. The RRT was s ted Jehovian Seal3. released in July 2001, is located at 70 W
through t~is group effort the G~ was able ro anchor a sufficient am~~~;~f ci; Longitude/41.78 N Latitude . Cape Cod, MA. This area, and reg ions of
the US east coast, are vulne rable to aggravated storm activity,
12 and lugher frequency to bring the Organic Seal-4 current back .-
natural ARPS. mto Its articularly between December 2001 and June 2002, due to Jehovian
. By September 1~, the Septe~ber 3 RRT frequencies reached critical m ~eal -3 release. Jehovian Sea l4. the "Pale Horse with the rider n amed
10 the Plan~tary Sluelds, returnmg the primary Organic Sea(-4 frequenc~ Death ," will release in early January 2002 , as wi ll Jchovian Sea l5.
back to the ir natural 12-Code-Pulse. Jehovian Seals 1 2 and 3 hay OS Jehovian Seal~4. the first of the more powerful Jehovian Seals, is
thIS .. parna
writing, . IIy reverted b
ack to the ' clearing be, tas 11
12CodePulse of located east of Nassau Bahamas, at 70 W Longitude/24.92 N Latitude.
. some ~ dd
reqUIre 1t10I":aI work belore
'h ' U ' to _
reac ing their original state of 12-Cod If Jehov ian Seals 1-4 are nOt successfully converted to a 12-Code-Pulse
Pulse convemon . 1111S means that at least mild climatic disturbance eff e alignment within four months of the Seal's January 2002 opening, cycles
from Jeh?vian Seal~ 13 ~re likely to occur between now and July 2002. O~! of progressively more severe tropical storm and hurdc.me activity
groups Wi ll be.workmg With the Emerald Covenant nations, running RRTs on (category 3-5) will emerge in the Atlantic Ocean. The Bahamas. Cuba.
seve~l . occ~lOns. between October and November 2001 , (0 dear the the east and west coasts of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico border lands
rematnll1g dISruptive frequencies now running through Earth's grid - fr are primary regions to be affec ted by release of Jehovian Seal-4. Release of
Jehov ian Seals 1.3. :; om Jehovian SealA marks the beginn ing of the Jehovian Anu nn aki and
Fut! . dearing of the Je~ovian. Se~ls 1-23 frequ encies must be Annu-Elohim opening of the "Cracks in the Wall in Ti me," (see
accOiT~phshed before th~ co~mg activation of Organic Sea l-S, with its page 3S6)through which geograph ical reg ions holding Dove APIN f
Jehovlan SealA companion, if amplified climatic/tectonic disturbances are system implants will begin opening to the Phamom Matrix.
to be ~verted. Organtc S.ea.I-S/Jehovian Seal-4 will activate in early January Jehovian SealS , which act ivates two days following the opening of
2002. Muc~.to UIR IrrttatlOn, We're still standin', with even greater Jehovian Seal-4 in January 2002, is located ncar Copiapo, Chile, at 70 W
strength of .spltlt and ~rsonal resolve than before, despite their attempts at Longitude/26.9S o S Latitude. If Jehovian Seal-S is not cleared to 12-Code-
PsychotrOl:l.Ic an.tag?n lsm of Emerald Covenant groups. It became quite Pulse realignment within fOllr months of its January 2002 opening, this
aI?pare':t, 111 re':l ewm~ the events of the even ing of September 3, that the region is vulnerable to several waves of seismic activity with progressively
EleyaOl were qult~ serious w~en chey had earlier that day explained that the increasing magnitude.
UIR was now tak.lOg aggresSive steps to rapidly advance their OWO agenda. Jehovian Seal.6, due to release in August or September 2002 . is located
Just how aggressive these steps would be did not become apparent until the at 70 W Longitude/ 10.36 N Latitude Venezuela. If we refer to the
morning of September 11, 2001. Jehovian book of Revelations, the "Sixth Seal" opening is foreto ld to bring
. . When Jehovian Seals release, their frequencies can create on a "Great Earthquake" . ... "and every mountain and island was moved from
d isruptions for ~p to a 1000.2000 mile perimeter surrounding the Seal's its place" . ... Lets hope the Guardian's 12-Code-Pu lse realignments proceed
p lacem~nt, while th.e greatest degree of dimatic or tectonic disruption very well benveen now and chen!
occurs In the locat ion of the Seal and within 100.200 miles of its Jehovian Sea l ~7 is located at 70 W Longitude/33. 1Y N Latitude, off
epicenter. The Seven Jehovian Seals are located at different horizontal the coast of Charleston, Sc. If this Jehovian Seal is not realigned to a 12-
Ley Line/Latitude coordinates along the common vertical Axiatonai Code-Pulse, massive flooding and category 5+ hurricane activ ity would
Line7 at 70 W Longitude, which runs down the eastern Atlantic plague the eastern US seaboard, and most of Florida would rapidly become
Ocean. (See Slar Gates and Seals Map Appendix-))_ 'On underwater Atlantian Theme Park. So much for "merciful Jehovian
Jehov ian Seal-!, the least powerful, is located NE of Quebec, Canada ,
cd " .I
at 70 W Longitude/47.0S N Latitude . Due to the May 200 1 Jehovian They have had all of this planned for us since 10,SOO BC, but the "Seven
Seal~l release, this region is likely to experience climatic disturbances or ~eals" were only the intended beginning; after the Seals come the "Seven
intensification of natural weather patterns between November 2001 ~gels and Seven Trumpets" (see page 414). T hese bring on "hail and fire
an~ May 2002, with January-February 2002 be ing the most vulnerable mixed with blood," "a blazing mountain heing thrown into the sea turning
periods. tg e sea ro blood," the faU of N ibiruian Batdestar Wormwood on the Rivers of
Jehov ian Seal~2,. also released in May 200 1, is located where the t e Earth, followed by plagues, Beasts from the Pit and finally the intended
borders of Peru, Chi le and Bolivia meet, at 70 W Longitude/1B.I o S grand }ehovian Anunnaki invasion. T hese guys are real humanitarians!
t . Th~ Indigo Children arc the return ohhe Emerald Covenant Maj i Gra il
I.nh, EleyanilHumans who have incarnated into this time period to stand
6. ~Pale
Horseman H
d~t t~e Human races in prevention of all of rhe Fallen Angelics' OWO
mlmon plans. Through loving use of the Founders' Ma.~te rs Planetary
7. Organic Seals S. 6 and 7 will activate in late December 2001.
430 431
- - - -Epilog

Templar Mechanics, we can peacefully prevent fulfillment of the "Final

Conflict" drama , fi nally freeing Earth from over 12,000 years of Faile
Angelic/Illuminati dominion. I hope we begin to wake up soon because thO
"movie" has already srancd without us. e
There arc many more issues we need to understand in order to hel
ourselves, and OU f planet through these most im{X)rtam of times. If One h!
courage, and wants to make a difference in how this messy "Final Conflict"
drama unfo lds, if one cares to assist the Guardian nations in preventing
further advancemcm of the U IR Fallen Angelic invasio n of Earth, the place
to begin is at home. Awakening the Inner Christos, your own personal, God.
given D-12 Avatar identity level, which has been long crucified upon the
cross of false Fallen Angelic indocuination and DNA manipulation, waits
sleeping within each o( us. The Maharic Shield Bio-Regenesis Techniques
(see page 496) begin the process of this Inner Awakening. If you are moved EPILOG
to assist the Emerald Covenant Founders n ations in the protection and
restoration of this planet, the Masters TempWT CouTsebook, available from S'nce the September 12, 2000 United Intruder Resistance (UIR) Edict of
Azurite Temple Me, provides insuuction on the Sacred Arts/Sciences of War Emerald Covenant races have provided us with massive amounts of
running the Signet (Star Gate) Rainbow Roundtables (RRTs). Through a Uf data'from the CDT ~PLATES, covering the Hidden Realities of~-listoty ~nd
participation in "runni ng of th e Rounds" the Founders' ancienr "Four Faces the Mechanics of Running the "Rainbow Roundtables," There IS a. Mts~tOn
of Man" LPIN and the "Great White Lion" and "Golden Eagle" APIN that must be accomplished before 2003 if humanity, expects to cO I~tmue m
grid-micra-ch ip implant systems can be reawakened to protect Earth from the peaceful evolll~i(:lO; ,it is a .Mi~ion of Star ~ate r~ahgnment and dlsengage~
Fallen Angelic APIN systems that arc now activating in Earth's Planetary ment of the Nlbltutan DtodlCCrystal G nd and us 24 Crystal Tem~le Net~
Shields. work Underground C ontrolJ?ases. Th is Mission is cal1~d today, ~ It was
This "Final Battie of the Angels" cannot be won through violent wars, during the times of Jesheua, Kmg Arthur and the Cathen, th e Chn~tos Rec~
but victory can be achieved (or all peace-loving nations through the lamation Mission. We will do our best to make greater amounts?f tnfo~a
peaceful, C hristiac Technologies of Masters Biotronic, Merkaba and tion available to aU in the months to come. If you are interested ~n leammg
Planetary Templar Mechanics. The cho ice is ours, and in truth, time is about Signet Rainbow Round Tables, or other pragrams o~ Azu~l~e Temple.
running out, as the U IR now aggressively advances its Illuminati OWO such as DNA Bio~Regenesis T echnologies, the Kathara Bto~Sp~ntua.l.Heal~
dominion agenda in the 3-D arena. How many more atrocities like WW2 ing System or the Tangible Structure of the Soul Accelerated Blo-SpLrLtual
and the 9/11/2001 Terrorist Disaster, precursor to WW3. do we need to Evolution Program, please comact us at the address below:
see before we "get the message?"
This book is by no means the end of the seemingly "Never-Ending Azurite Temple of the Melchizedck Cloister Emerald Order
Voyagers Story"- it is only the beginning. But it is a most appropriate, as well 4411 Bee Ridge Road, #291
as deeply sincere beginning, particularly if one desires to awaken from t~e Sarasota, FL 34233
perhaps blissful, but never-rhe-Iess amnesiac sleep of Fallen Angehc 941-952-1096
manipulation. Each of us has rhe potential to emerge wide-eyed with wonder email Azuritetemple2@home.com
into the new dawn of Human freedom as o ur Inner Light awakens, to lead our or visit our website at
living spirits Upward, ... Godward, ... Home. http://members.aol.comlazuritetemple
With light, love and heartfelt condolences to all who have suffered from
the dreadful events of the 9/11/2001 WTC/Pcotagon Terrorist Attack" .

May peace be with us all ... .

God bless 115 , everyone.

-Ashayana and A:vman)'a Deane, Ekrs Me

OCtober 10,2001
Appendix [

- "" "",,, Recent History and Current Events

At-A-Glance Blow-Up Chart
1748 - 612611998

Data Summaries and

At-A-Glance Blow-Up Charts 11-: GenelIc mulallOC'l Zela Seal from Zelas' future Frequency Fence contarmnates Earth VIa Sphere of Amen!!
tII2: Guardians orcheStrate aslral boctt rea~nls 01\ some humans 10 release Zeta Seal mutaboo 1113Ce
'\101; QJaroans destrl:rf asteroid that was heaDng lor Earth's orbit, 11 deep space Fragments hll Earth
tI1I; 11M 1 Zetas begin speculalton on Earth stuOjlng genebC conlent
Chapter 18 is provided as a summary of information contained through. 1121: Zetas begin surveytng Earth 10 855m condIbOns rllglllding \heIr future FreqJenCy Fence
_ : Zetas begin early genetIC expenmentabon & h~!dIzahon program on Earth dunng 1930's & 194O's
out earlier chapters. For your conven ience, this information is fonnatted in lNO: WW 2 Zetas asSISt NazIs then converI to ass!Stang USA, treatIeS WIth Allies formed MJ12
condensed form, as data sheets called At~A~Glance Blow~Up Charts. Sub- att2l1t43: PI1dade\?hIa Expenmenl Zelas Irlsllgate USA 10 r~ hole III space.tlme,Zela shipS begin allef1llg sun
jects are addressed by topic heading and are summarized on one data sheet for 1852.1111: Earth sctenllsls tbserve Instablhhes on sun. unaware 011943 Zela cause Concern 01 Pole Shift
1I111t72: Solar flare explosions beglfl. Red Pulse due by 911973 would destroy Earth ble Guar~rtS mtervene
easy reference. Condensing infonnation for the data sheets requires a small 1172: QJarrians 11 11112 12 Frequency Ftnee to protect hom Red Pulse & begin genebc repair abductions
size type. The AtAGlance BlowUp Charts are fonnatted for easy photo. 1I73;GJart:ians begm lfliuslOllS of energy on sun 10 repair solar damage from Zetas 1943 sun manrpoiatrons
copier enlargement. 1m -1/11/11t82: Guardians employ HoIogfll)hic Inser!s to malntarn IMlOn of Earth slabtitv whrle sUI1lealigns
1m: GJarcians $pht and diver! course of asterOId <1Je to hrt Earth
11121114: Most Zeta gr~ entlf Guardl.an lleattlS & $tC9lake~er plan Oracos-Zela ResIStance refuse$
AT-A-GlANCE BLOW-UP CHARTS W1V1f113: Dlacos-Zetas rnstigate Montauk PrOflCt, creale 2'" space.1me fll & beglll creabng 000es & rnfrlilales
_: GJa'GialIs 6scover 2976 AD Earth destruction as result olZela IflliHra1lon, create 8ndge Zone Project
1. Recent History and Current Events page 435 1111'1l1li: 1- Seal on Ate ofCaienant opens, Sphere of A.m1h begins descent. 9540 Be Frequency Fence Iitts
2. A menti Ascension Program page 436 II1t11.-J: HIIrmonIc Corwergence Guardians granted permlSSIOll to actrvate Bndge Zone ProteCt irl\efVen1lon
'\l11li: SpheIe of Amenb returns 10 Elrth Ealth's l-PlIITIlIIY Vortex -Anzona USA - q:I8OS
3. The Seven Seals page 437 1t1. .: GJardans firl&sh rep.- of Soler Frelds & begl1 irllusJons of D-4 frequency 10 Earth. \oflllSl core vtlratron
tfl1I1112: Guarlians re-entef 1111 magnebC code3lo Earth COfe, 1111112 12 Freq.JerCf Fence begins lelease
4. The Six Silent Ascension Avatars page 438 ~: EMIl's 2Nprmary Vor\eJI - Jerusalem, !$raeI- opens
s. Time Mechanics page 439 mtl'i1l2; Avatar 1 01 SIX Silent Ascen$JOn Avatars IS betn, 7'>levelavaw
12I121111N;_11 11112.12 Frequency Fence ~fted Ancient Ur-TerrlMtes leave Amenh 10 m.nan care
6. TIme Continuum Progression page 440 _ : Guard51s I1lliate Portal Pro1tc1Jon Project 10 secure Earth 5 VOfIICeS from tntruder I1f1ttnr.lIon
7. TIme Shift Continuum Progression I Phantom Eanh page 441 1'1111: Eaith 5 Jo' prrnary Vortex - HIm.layan Mountarns. Asia - opens
124't. .: Avatar 2 01 SIll SIlent AscensIOll Avatars IS born, 9" tevel8llatar
8. TIme Shifr Continuum Progression II Bridge Zone page 442 1~.7: AIulnaIu ResIStance begin man.puiabng humans from D,4vlI Jerusalem & Mallhattan vortices
~. .: Prospects of 2'" Seal on Arc of !he CCNenant ~ on tune b:eak. Earth ascensIOn & rescue Ibtltful
9. TIme Shift Continuum Progression 11l Voyagers Leap page 443 M : EJo/1nl's 83ft.,. brih of av"'ar 3, opens ~ Seal on A.Ic of !he Coyer.ant Rescue resumes
10. Origins, Secrets of Amenti page 444 ~IIII: Avatar 3 of SIX Srlent AscenslOl1 Avatars IS born 2 years eaJtf. QIo ~eI avatar.
& Seal on Arc of \tie Covenant opens Fate ofhuman destiny changed A!C8IISIOII Program
11. The Three Seedings and the Root and Cloister Races of Amenti page 445 Bn:lge Zonr! PrOjeCt rescue mlSSron WIYoccur

2002 Ashnyana Deane

1. The Six Silent Ascension Avatars page 446
2. The Three Tracks of TIme page 447

Dat.a Summaries and A[-A-Ulance Hlow-UP Charts UUtlt ..)ltmmane!i

The Seven Seals

At-A-Glance Blow-Up Chart
AmenO Ascension Program Eerlh'. 7 Primary Votflcu
At-A-Glance Blow-Up Chart Opening-ActIvating and C!os!ng.O.,ctJvating Schtdule

- ,
812S11D911: BnO:Ie Zone Pro;ecl & AscensIOn Program resume. Morphogerlellc Wave beg11lS to build
813011.: 3-day Inctbabon Rile fO( humans with Pala:dlnan Birth Contracts for Indigo ChikIen held Painled Desert, Arizona USA 111088 - 611992 6l2Q.t2 - 612047
in AgalII"Ia Parenl couples a\lend VIB astral telepo.rtallon. 6irtI1.ng Contracts finalized.
1 . - 20M: First brthing wave for 144.500 Indigo Chlkten 2 Jerusalem. Israel 811 i82 - f/1996 tI2038 -frIl042
1/1t2000: TRANSCENDEDI\CE DAY. Guaraaos call Earth light-Workers to 00id Inter-dmeRSlOnal
3 Himalayan Mountains. Asia &'1998 - 112000 112035 - 612038
Resonant Tone. Earth's ~Vortex - Giza, Egypt-q>ens Blue Flame begins 12-year descent 10 Earth
5i5I2OOO: Solar Spiral ahgns, Earth begins Solar ActIVation. Earth begins shifl to HIJ.2 \lme cycle.
1I11f2001: Goaraans complete Giza a~nment with Pleiadian-Ak:yone Spiral
2001: Dracos-Zeta Resislaroce lentabve ~ for ~ic lanang
Giza, Egypt 112000 - 6f2004 6I202t - 112035

5 Machu Ptcchu. Peru 812004 - 612008 812025 -612029

Guarwns plan '~-bys' if Earth changes are to come.
812002: Earth receives Blue WfNe InfuslOl1 6 Caucasus Mountains, USSR eI200B - 112012 112022 -M025
8f1212OO3: Oracos-Zetas p~n experimenllo bring cloaked slups in for Fr~ency Fence transmtssions
Sp1ng 2004: 112003 experiment successful Drac05-Zelas begin EMP FrEqJellCy Fence transmissions. 7 AndeS M01..Intains, South America 112012-612017 812017 - 1/2022
812004: Pleialian-Alcyone Spiral aligns, Earth's PIemdan AcIiva:\Jon. vortex 5-MadMJ P(:Chu.Peru-qlenS
1N2OO4: Avatar 4 of SIX Silent Ascension Avatars will birth, 1()k level avalat. Must arma by ttus dale.
2005-2017: Second birthing wave of 5,500 Irdgo Chikten M; Nth VOItH progrKslve1y opens ilnd ilctivalas, the dimensional frequenc)'
812008: Earth receives Violet Wave InfusIOn bands that corrn.pond to the VOItH number begin transmitting thltlugh ~11h's
2008: Oracos-Zetas w~1 begin broaOOasl of HolographIC Inserts if Fr~ency Feoce was set in 2004. morphogen.Uc neld. This causes the Sphere of Amenti to begin1ransmitting its
1Il2008: Sinan Spiral aligns, Earth begins Silian Activation Earth completes shift into HU-2lime cycle motphogenetic implinl for lhat cimenslOnal frequency band through Eerth's grid. The
Vortex 6-Caucasus Mountains, USSR- opens fRqueocy Imprints for DNA strands 1 - 8, which are stored within the morphogenetic
7122/200II: Avatar 5 of Six Silent Ascension Avatars will b Mh; 11"1eYe1fNatar. Musl arrive by U~s date. field of the Sphere of AmenU (along with the Imprints fOf strands 8-12). progresslvfl)'
112010: Earth receIVes Gold Wave InfuslOl1 transmit through Elrth', grid, II the dlmension,,1 freqUent)' bands that correspond to
each strand begin transmission The frequency bands of 0-8 Meta-galactic Core, which
11112012: Earth's 7"Vortex - Andes Mountains, South America- opens
cn:eIerale ItCtlYation of the 8" DNA stralld. Iransmlt through Earlh's gild when Earth's p\anelary
51512012: 1201 am fit' of Six Silent Avatars will birth. t2" Ie\oe\ avalaf The grids of Earth & Tara begin to core comes into a direct3-da~ alignment with the cores of Tara, Gaia and the Meta-ga1ac11C
merge. Blue Flame embocies 111 Keepers of the Blue Flame. Mass iJNakemng occ~rs Halls of Amentl Core. as Earth aligns arec!ly wilh the Holographic Beam. The Imprints for DNA strands 9-12 do
open & Ascensions begin.3 Flame Holders called 10 Giza 10 activate HaU of Records. notlransmillhrough Earth's grid, they are accessible only through Ihe gfid of Tara. Activation of
1212112012: Earth enters Holographic Beam , particle base begins to separate. Morphogenelic W~e begins strands 1-8 on Earth aUows for IIscenslOl'l to the Tafan time cycles, from whK:h 100 Impriflt for
10 crest. Polarity of Earths particle base reverses. Hall of Records begins transmitting through Earths goo slrands 9-12 can be accessed
11112011: Violet Flame emtxxies in Keepers of the Violet Flame The humin bkI...nergetlc lIeld picks UfI the DNA Imprint through Its direct contKt
~7-e13012017: 3-day partlCle conversion period NIGHT OF THE 2 MOONS takes place. Arct~nan, with the blo-en.rgetIc fields of Earth'. grid. wnlch proVides humans with the opportunity
CKion &Andiomecla Spirals align with Earth for 3 days & Earth receives 3 final Stellar Activalions & to add that Imprint to Its opel"ltional DNA construction. The process of actIvaUng the new
SteUar W"tNe Infusions. Earth, Tara & Gaia in full alignment with Meta-Galacllc Core & HolographIC Beam Imprint takes place IS the stnnd Imp"lnt II pun.d from the bIolergetic lIeld, Into the
Ascension portals to Gaia open lor 3 days. t.1orphoQenetlc Wave completes cresting. Earth's MagnetiC pe!"Ionill mOllihogeneHc Held, It which point the n.w Imprint wln begin manifestation
Fields coIiapse for 3 days. Earth completes passage 10 Bridge Zone & Pnantom Earth separates from WIthin the opentlonal DNA strands. DNA slrand mulalions are PUr9ed from the race
Earth 10 retulIlto the D-3 tme cycle. morphogenelic imprint if1the Sphe;e of Amenti i!lnd the slrand imprint is realigned wilh the
712017: Earth passes out of alignment wrth Gaia &I-klIographic Beam. Ascension portals to Gaia close 12 strand DNA pattern by lhe slJCC8SSive birtM of lhe 6 Silenl AscenslOl'l Avatars
Earths magnetic fl8lds ret~rn. Grids of Earth & Tara beglll to separate. TflIInlmluion ofth. COlTected DNA mnd Imprints tkough ~r1h'. gridallon a
1/1J2022: Grids of Earth & Tara complete separation, Halls of Amenti close 10 the masses &mass rwtl"'A-mutation ohlrlous aacenslon-Inhlblting human geneUc distortions to take ptaca.
Earth's 7 Primary Vortlc.. open only cilrmg the two ascenslOI1 cycie'S. at the beginning and
ascenslOl1 period comes to a close. Earth stabilizes within the BOOge Zone tune continuum.
end of a 26.55&year Harmonic UnIVerse Euiago lime cycle. The anergetk dynamics that Earth
Energy-lilfusions through Earth's grid cease. Earths]to Vortex - Andes I.b.intains, South America- cloSes
IIOW Ipproaches, lilt anten the 'I. cycle point In 1II2'"IlScenllon cycle, are unprecedenttd
11112022 -1/2Oot7: Earih's 6 remaining pimary Vortices close, Vortex 610 Vortex 1. Ascenson cycle ends wtthin the annats of rKOrd&d human history. The com~g of lhese evet"lts has been symbolically
foIeloid throogh OI"al and wril\et"I tradition for lhousands of years

2002 Ashayana Deane 2002 Ashay:ma Deane

436 437
_ _ _ -----~.- .- .... - . .... .... ' -... .... ' ..... . ~ . ..... -.,~ ... ~...., - '-' I' .... . -. ~
U IUUIl"J""\L J""\"/I[C"HU J""\.')(.:enslOn l~rogram

The Six Silent Ascension Avata,.

At-A-Glance Blow-Up Chart
Time Mechanics
At-AGlance Blow-Up Chart
The S1ructurt or tnttt-dmensional TIrM CycIfl
AVATAR & E.tII'I ptO!1"Iulon fhrwV! is pment 26,556-year cycle.

712611992 LAUCHA IT"lEVEl STfW.() 2025 AD


------------------------------------ -------------
2 6/1~1996 BRAHAMHAN
. _----------------------------------- -- -----------.
AVATAR 3 ,. ,. c .
3 612611998" JEHOVANI gTM LEVEL STRAND 2031 AD
9J9J2004- T ALLUREA- 1()Tlt LEVEL STRAND 2037AO-T ,.''-'~ 6 ~:;:nc:::.~.; ';;fi:~,'1,;'~~
/\ J

MELCHIOR 5. Ir_C<IMnLun4.426,.... -(i)

...- ... !\----------

X - 1IIdI

----------- /
_ uti
-------------------------------------------------- .-.oJ roCriCI!'I II ~ IflI!I
stift& 4S-dIpM frrm 1 CQ'U'WI\
5 7fl212fJJ8T REION-BEN- 11'" LEVEL STRAND 2041ADT """-'-
r 1~11,104,.... - X ;;tAD
-- -- ----li~am- -- -- - -- -- -- --- ---------- ---- --------
cot'iIIn TrN ~
~~ IlWIIMtl K1) ... ,--
-._----,---- ~~~-:------
..... rQIIIian '" pRde IflII' oc
-pIIrIII . . . _
Rti9~ .. 2 __
--:: :" ~_ oc

-- ,cr~ --------
- t><J ,
T '" birth is scheOJed for this date, but may occur any time eadiei', most kkely
following the birth of the prevIOUS avatar Birth must occur no later than
a. I ~a.>2.,...
eonIIinf2 r_ ~
1XII.dIr~ ~
IC*"II ~
.n-. NvUt rotIIIon Gf
.., -------,----r 13..14 ;/;

11.Il00 Ie oc
PIIb.pn_~ by
sc:IteoOOled dale. BIrth Will remaIn as scf1eduled unless circumstances warrant
~1I'RUgo""' "" "' Q:ll All ~ ... _-..-*.f_q<II"' ..... [ (1~1 .G~.
change. - z avatar 3 was not scheduled to birth unW 200J AD, but Elohlm ~ 11 pUlirQbD. no III 1O.1101 ~. "*",, 1II _ ~"_"",""" IfJ.[
2"" % II hi PIIdo. ..... ... 2...fM_..... ~,.~oI..-_l'!i.DCIC_ ...
arranged the birth 2 years early to open \he 2nd seal on the Arc of the Covenant.
so tile ascension schedule could remain on course NOTE: There win also be
1~,DOO + ~ Indlgo Children- born between 1 . - 2017 They will carry the 6 ApIanej evolves by ailWJ"9' ltCCIetmg energy from the Om~ Unlfotd FIIIds 11"\10 lis 1!IOIphogene!lc flllld
DNA strand Paradis Ian Race ImprInt thaI of the fully embodied HU2 sool essence 2 T."e ConIIIIIJII 8re spent II! eech di'nel'l$lOll8l band Iu the planet ewetes energy the 3f"9Jaf rota hon of pailde'
They represent D-8lOuI essence and will birth via the frllq)ellCles of the Sirian o.e 'Pin sill", & Ihe puisatoo rhythm 0( panICles roNWt IS the pilnel mtJitS ~ Itlrough the lime CfdI!! cllhe IS
~Ii sc8le ~ ""-" progr_ throo.q, 6 Tm. COI'\IIluIIIor planello lICCIele the 3 dmermanal fields of
Spiral. which falls within the inter.amensional lndlgo light wave spectrum. thus
!heir name Acllvation of the flIo DNA strand of a minimum of 144,(00 Individuals IS
1HirIllOOiC ~., , t which I[me !hi plantt can '"* the 1l8ll1HA'1I\IlI1IC Urw.se By compIelm of 1
lGnens1Ont! E...ago cycle the ~ rotelm cI J*IICIe Ijl1n has shilled OO-degree!l fran ts orp OIIlltl'-lm
essentLaI fOf Earth's passage into the 8I1dge Zone The 0-5 souls Will birth on Earth Tlint! does not rrM1f'e. The Iu$Ion of fll(Wifig lime IS cr_ted by !he pr(9esSIVe aoceIeratr:ln of parti:le pult.abon
to SeNe III fulfilhng ttus reqUirement The 6 Silent Avatars and Indgo Children are born 'bftvn c ealed ., the pIMeI .:cre," !he IrI(JJ8nCy patterns han !he dlmenslOrlll Lnfllld Energy Fad Remam
VLa Palaldorlan Birthing Contracts and Contract Bonds from 1me perQX spenll1 R-. .... in ~1ItI1IWnI & WOI1 1be b.Ind 'IthIIe DIaneIIS 11 Pard;) cycle

2.002 Ashaydna Deane C2OO2 AshaYllnll Deane

438 439
.~---- - - - - - - - ...... ... ......... , ....... " ..... ,'u I u,-o;.'\..)IOII t" lug/unl

Tlmo ShIIt Continuum Progrnllon -I. Phantom Earth

AI-A-Gianoo Blow-Up Chat
PhlnDn En'- roIow u. -.III ~ d In . . . . . . , c:ydI a:ceIeralion
periOd. ~ I1Ils1ng tern. 2.5 ~ '-vel 10 "1aHIion!eYei
IS '" pIInoI'. _ P'*I"" rIIyIIm _ Ian "'rIIyIIm 010-3 .....,
d [).oi btt!Mn W2000 & 2017 and VltlIoIow IhII'IIIlI.nI pill d f'ttlrn to
0-3 continllm 16 at 2.5 tc:aeIion In 2017

.012J21f2012pri:1es r....... ...p. robIlm oIpri:ltspfl ~

I EIfth bIginIlCCllllltion ilb III 0-4 inI cydeI. E.tIII'IOM tom
!he ODISI"~ roImg Q..31in1 conIiu.m '8 m .. c:IocniM JOtIIirg
0-4 WIIi-pricIe Iimt c::onIRII '7 I 8.

c, ~ 12/2112012& 01117 EIItI.acIIliI.... h'IlI.Vl'" ~ ~ of

lM ~ ~ ccnnun 711lf1H11f c:I ann.um ,a which canslibAes
~ - _ bll'ld~OIIIriIyIll 75tIi AD in -PIOI1IS1ion.
D, kl2017, betwMn56al11&6r.lV1017 Ed', Pc:omtI inlochd llipltnl wilt!
!n ', wid IIId wiItI . . IIcIoyI ....... a.n tit 3 ~. EIrII pas:MS !hi onHIIItf poid
II o.....~ line contirMIm , 8. Cluri1I ~ ~ period e..., PI"\iCII bat wi
"PRill to bill Phnom E.w1tI aBri9 Zont Ea1h.

01., tit.,
[ NormItf on dfiI.J of IhiI period Earth woJd bIgin rapid ~11ion 01 pri::Ie
~ Itr,1IIn I t:y of~.J .. pri:II bill 'ofIIOIAcI 0flCI1QIIin , - . . anguIw
roIIlion ~ beck b . . qi'III qII_ EIfIh _ _ bec:k no ()..]

AccnllDlllIWI-1I!IOLI1I 01 ~Rialll ~ bIrdIh pIInIt his ICD11ed no lis mapI.1IIic fIIId
Pri:ltlime conIinwm. 6, rariIg ba 2.511t'1:H1ion .... ThiI it .. ~., hi . .
. . . ~ . . . . t.eofPlwlbn EarllwilloIkJw, 19ntlgilg witIin c:ontiru.m
....og.". fWd ~ ,N:tIn ht Id:it . . dIIIi)'I eI, INn. tItI'II wCIwI lhe arn..mII '601 D-3bo/hlndd2D17 diIy.J. DInu iii 3-a., period III ..... pua.q pd:::iII
lftied FIlIktI 01 ItIIIg'f . . . . pilIP k:r .. ~ pn::II bat aI Bridge lotrt Ed wi be 6M1ed flam lit ..... J*h & dr.ad no .. 0-3.5 conIinut.m
d Agwtta n.. 0.3.5 conliv.m ,...rna conIIrwm , 7 in . . [)...t pdcIIlMne d HJ.2.
2002 Ashayall3 Deane e 2002 Ashayana Deane
440 441
UKlulNAL Ament! AScension Program

TIme ShIft ContInuum Progro1on -II. Bridg, Zon, ShIft ContilMlum ProgroIIIon -III. VOYIQIfI Loap
AI-A-GilIIOO Blow-Up cru.t Tomo AI-A-Glanoo Blow-Up Ch:.t
!lodge Zone ElIIldlolow III llleirelt p.1h a_led tIrough pcMn ~ of Ed's
primaIy partICle beN RlIhllItwI rtpCIy cIIr*I_i(I ~ pn:a pAibon ItIytwn IIlIowing !he
2017 J..dey period and daoenOOg kllht 1).3 bmtanilun... pnmIt'f pri:a bae of
Erild bt.::celwaled. ~ ~a.::hn 1ht 3.SICCfebcn IMlIiId IIiIIId iIIo!hl Brdge lor.
~ limeccnlirun. ThI ..... p.DaIing pW:IesWlbt . . . . to hctlhKClln*l
pulsalion ItrfIIvn IOd will ~ NpIfIIImn Ed's r;rrn.y prtIicIt . . . ..pcty
~ in pJAIion ItTfhn lnd~diI'II iIIo 1It().3 contnaurn. PIwlIom Eatth. By the
end 01 dIq.J 2017 the J*tiQt COIMI1ion pnx::tSS'" be canpIIIe In:! BrDJe lent IIICI PtwMom
Eath wi be magnebcaly Iacbd ;'10 Ihei IIIPICM ImI c,'CIII.


Day-3 2lJ17 (personal
,'5' 2.5

____ J;-
l ____L-~~!\r$G~~==~--~ .-
A Hans of Amentl
Dimension ConkJ.u'n' ~. leYeI " SZ ' PhantomE'affI~_"'- To
A. M EattI dlceiwlles !rom ac:arion 1M141cJ1n1d 'fie 3.5.:a1lion level guarclan
........ ..... !~.
to *",
s~ .. bNm inlusiMI of Ir~ inlo E.r1I\'s cert. wtIidI t:aUlllII fIIhnI dIoIIerllic:ln
hoking III mIjoritfol' EltfI's petIdes and its COle ~1Ifbc
ec:aIlion!MI. Insieed ofCUlt!pleti.1g III ~ IILm lhiftof ~ lOtricnofpri:a
1iIIcI.,.sIMcti 3.5 "
1>3- . ---- . --
-2.5 --
spin..... .t'ift will be 1ItiR*I1I1hI22.s.a... 'Mm Ihift pcinI. wt1ich ~ II IN 3.5

[)..4 die dcd...... toIIIion of..,

IICDeIion leW/. Prior 10 this point EaItI's pri:Ies hid bien dIscttdng ~ ..~
lilt would nIIIInIw a:rnpIetI ........ tI CIUlIIr-cb*\llill
mcJro'IrMIII II KCftIIicn ..... 3, whit ~ t.::tc no .. D-3 contnun.1)a Eri iI fuel
81'" 3.511CClMion IMi.h pri:Ie spi'I wi! be ~ kll autIIr~ totIIion,
ItruIIi1g EatI', core IfId prirNry priM . . inIo nltrgll' 'IIriIl AgdII's PIIIdeI illime
contRun, 7 oIlht 0-4pW:ie 1RvwII. EIItI',...". MIctIM FiIIdI'.... 8'!hI cbSe
of~..J and End be m~Mllldno" Bri9 lenin. cadInwm.
e. M EIIfI shifts 10" BridgI Zont, PhIntcm ElltlIIPct1 dIecwdIl1IoD-3' 6 conb/'AAln
C. T/vougtIIhis Bridge 10f'll Shift EIrII ri enw . . . . 1M CIM-NI .7 cOnt.nuum pori.
~ ~ wtlk:tI . . . . . inb5336. 5,1,[), in IemrId"-liM..
D. Indaing 10 Ed! wiI.q, CN-hIIf of ill IIIUII [).3qd1-II'I(W--.:sZ113~.
E. FIUTI 53:l6.5A!) Ed ....... 1106.5yt1n 'II1hillhtpnlltlllivwll of EII1h', II1II:'''
[).4 ~ or:tIIiuIm 7, 'fINctI antiMes bIc::hwd IIIO'IMItnt illiM tom !he p*~
of !he nltInI cyciI. Ed will ... m<Het.de: l l00.5y.t illII Brid;I Zone.
F. FoIcIwilI ill 1100.5ytM illII &i9 ZontElrtl wi fWI*'IIIll4ZJ)AD,
WlWy point into 0-4 ~ c:cr*u.m 7...... j wi run 10 ill ...... progrenion pall
in c:oniruA'n 7.
Q, At .. on.NIf poiIl 01 conIiru.m 7 (5336.5 AD) Ed! wi ~ No ccntRII.m 8 ., ~ 35
KCrHon IMI, omiting IhtMCOlld Cll'lHlltol cydIi' 7. Thill a"lnCIIIw bward IelPI'lIiIIf
of 110).Sy.s (ON-hlif of. [).4C111t1tirw11.cydel. TII'oIq1Iht Bridge Zone Prc;.ct Ed ~
n.d 2213 yen, t.de: l100.5,-s, tIIII _ _ 15JIit 1106.5~b .~~
!J*" time IIeIl 012213 y.t. (.sq:.. or-r.If 0.3 c:ydIl6 -
BnOJe Zone- .110U,..... sq:.~ o..4cyd1' 7" .110... "..,.

ToI:II: (fctwwd) 2211 JIUI).

102002 Ashayana Deane 443
Uata ::>ummaries and A t-A-U lance Hlow-Up Charts -- 'U j ~ J OU"I"'I.L I"'I.mel ll! I1St:enSIDn J-rogram,- --,
Origins - Secrets of Amenti
At-A-Glance Blow-Up Chart The 3 Seedlngs and the
Root and Cloister Rates of Amenti
HlJITIin Origins: HooIanity began 560 minion years ago, as an IrmlOI1aI Race caIed AtAGlance BlowUp Chart
the Ttnneusiam on planet Tara in Hannonic Universe-2 (HU2), The TlA1l11eusiam race
had a 12 strand DNA map/logenelic illrint lhal allowed fa ef'I'tlodinent of the12 dinensional
freq.HmCY bands of an HlJ.4 flJalaf identity, HLrnaf'lS were created as a planetary QU8f(ian race . ',Oi! & ~ RIce I,Hm & Die Seeded ilmsp1IIi~ CWttr RIce DaI! SetdI!
d God-W<.e beings,

los1 Souts of Tara: T'I'rougI a TlJ'81letlsiam aeated catacly!fT\ on HU2 Tara 550 mllion
l .-m Il!\smI~~ Lociion I,HmIIl!\SRiIs _
yeal'S ago pari of Tn's SJid Ira!Jnented into HU-1 hot9llhe core of the 81" Pleiadlan star, ... 3 17 _ slD6 iirI Til 1lI7YlIIISIIismli6t712 iii! Til
forming 12 planets thai becne Earth's solar system, Many of the mnortal Souls of Tara were
fragnenled into HU-l v.i.th the lost portions 01 Tn; they became knoYm as the lost Souls of IJ,IYWII 16 Mn no! IilnEIlfTIl 1116 UeimaIlsmli5t712 li,((1JYM~
Tara a the Fillen .Angel., The Pllaidorian and lk-Tarranat. races ofT.... agled a protect "I'i'! 15 kfli 5IW4 i5,((1JYAfIII CIIi ItiII smlil+712 68,0C1JYA-Eat
ttroogl 'Mlich the lost souls of Tam could re-evollle into thei' Mginal 12 shnd DNA irrm::Jta1
inprinl and be freed frcrn HU-l . U,.,., sm!J 70,OC1JYMat ClJ4Iiemta smt3'712 7Z((1JYMat
The $phe of Amenti r8C8 mcrphogenelic field was created to Qlve the soui fra!JTM!llts of Tara
tJ l!IIIir6 ~2 7J,0C1JYA-Eat CIJ3 ~_ smli1+7,ll ~,((1JYA-Eat
lhatwere lost in the Earth's cinensional fieids the pattern of the 12 strand DNA If1xint. tI'rougl SphiallttiIlilConii. II:SR.I:!~I\tIiII!IIiIIIIllles_!lJ,((1JYM
v.tIlCh !hey could re-evol'le into Ihei" original TI.IlIneusiam form, The Sphere 01 .Amenti served as
a Host Matrix (sUl'T09ate morphogenetic field or "formhotding btueprinl~) throug, v.tIich Itle 1 (QCIiI! 1IeI:Iil!IIi.~ l!tJijiWn'lsmli5,.+112
Lost Souls ofTara could fIIIoNe and retLrn heme. The Mlenti rescue mission represents a Host Sou!
MalJbt Transplant on the species level, All present Earthly strains of hOO'lan have wooed through the ~~rwYA~ IS A~ 5IW4 IJ75,((1JYA< CIlSItiII smli4+7,12 1,Y)J,((1JYM
morphogenetic If1xint 01 the Sphere of Amenli.
II,lGYA IOliirJS sm!J ~Y)J,rwYM Cl'UI'_ !lml+712 J,((1J,((1JYM
Seeding the 12 Tribes of Amenti: TlToojlthe Sphere 01 Amenti race rnaphogenetic field 7 Root 'fIll)Ydl IJ ImirJS slD2 J,((1J,((1JYA< CIJJ ~-IIm slm2.712 J,700,((1JYM
Races.nd 5 Clolst8( Races were aeated, tI'rougI v.tIich the 12 strand DNA r.inl could be
rooted into Earth biology 10 evOOe. The fi'st 2 Root races were etheric in nabe and evolved 00 SQj\i1 SiilB IIiIt RIce~Ir,VidDapIll IlijIs _ J,99:)}OO YM
HlJ.3 07 Gaia, setting the pattern 01 the I DNA strand into Earth's planel3y morphogenetic field.
The remaining 5 Root Races & 5 C1ois!ef Races were to be seeded 00 Earth & Tara ruing
dill'elent time periods. Each Rool Race 'MXJId as:sermIe and evot'Ie 1 DNA strand ~nl fran.Ameni .. - sm!J !,((1J,((1JYM ClJ48tDwa stml+712 12,OCIl,OC1JYM
into Earth's biological gene pool, The Cloister Race appea.1ng with each Root Race v.oukllNoNe the
"",""Is f siands 712 as doImant gene codes aIoog v.ith the inprint let the ""net CMied Irj thef IJ La ~2 15,((1J,((1JYM ClMi ~ smlili+7ll 15,OlI,((1JYM
II~ slm-Iadsmll .7U II!JI).) Elinri;lRiGria 15-~IIiIIYA-G
Root Ra::e. The Cloister Races aloYtled the strands of ceIuIa' transmutalion to remain aWe tMItun the
"fItdne W.n 11 PollfLln. strand..1t21+7-12 HU-3 1).7 Ethtric Particle Gal. 25-20MYA
The 3 Seedings: The Pmenti Rescue Mission failedtv.t:e <be to Interstelar Wars CN humanlt{s SItdtd vi. Sphere of Amtnti Holt Rae, UrTamn.lH ofT.,.
riglllO evoNe on En, The Palaicbians. lk-Trnanates & other guardian races 01 T.a, HU2 ........ aI _ _ ~_'''''''IOd550,OOO,OOOYA
and HU-3 had 10 re-seed aI but the first and second Root and Cloister Races 3 differenl tmes. The ..... a I _ , 61rnoi>a1a1 POO'IIIM _ tho S!>hn d AmonIIIhaI_ let
present hlXl'l8n lineage is pM 01 the :,til Seeding, Present day htnlllns are prinaritj of the 5" Root ~ _""' , hom Earth to T.. . . , _ C!8IIod 25,000,000 YA
Race Aryan and Hibil'\l Cloister Race strains.Sane members 01 the 6th Cloister Race, the Iluo f1omoal_, EortII"poIIon cH.."~ftetd, _ ~ tho
Melchltedeks, are also present on Earth and 150,000 711'1 Race Paracislan souls, the IiI>hn d _ _ thopoctao to _; 11110 _ 25 nillonYA
Indigo ChUmen, will be ircarnating on Ed between 1999 -2()17 10 accelerate the genetIC
evolution of the races and to ~ EiVth shift to the Bridge Zone tine continUll1l, ""-' "'_Gal""
An: al tIIt eo-ont ctiglnoly _ _ altho Cownont d _ , Pa1aI Bridge
_S!>hnd _ _ _ lind EaI1tt_
- . " ' _, ~S!>hnhom_ IIndlllOCidalow S!>hnd _ '"
The Ive of the Covenant is a time portal passage be\lNeen Earth and the Anaomeda galaxy
that was created 840,000 years ago by guardian races. II was used 10 store and prolectlhe IOIum '" e.th', .... . . , _ C...1Od &\O,IlOOYA 0tIjecCa c:Iwgod by """""
Sphere 01 Amenti untillhe Sphere could be rettJned to Earth's core, The Ive allowed the Sphefe '"' tho M _~ crillalcan '" IIpOIICll M, 01 tho eo-ont.
of.Amenti to descend fran Anaomeda YAlen Earth's cae reached a high el'lOUl11 vb'alion rate, YA ~year'..go
Races of the 3'd Seedng were bi1hed into nesh !trough \he he altha Covenant, Arc was origtnal~ W. . =8oI*n, _Clrd~ VS SIc1anAr<.maki; lacqn_lunality's
called the Arch of the Covenant of PaJaidor, denoting the Palaidaian Covenant !trough which tht light "' ....... on EM1h
Amenti Rescue Mission was begun 550 miUion yen ago.
2002 AshaYllna [)cane I{)2002 Ashayana Deane

444 445
_ . ...... " . , ....." .... V) "" '~


Earth'S populations will permanently divide into three separate groups
During the ascension cycle of 2017 AD six avatar souls will incarnate 0
Earth in order to serve various roles within the plan of human ascension an~ 2012-2017
evolution. An avatar soul is a soul essence possessing a minimum level of Time Track I - Voyager Ascension-Tara D4 Time Cycle
over-soul consciousness, fully embodied within the physical incarnation; it i Time-traveling Voyagers - 5532.5-year Leap into the Future (Tara AD
a master-soul that incarnates from a position within Harmonic Universe 3 0: 7549.5)
4. An avatar will have a minimum of 7-dimensional frequency bands Within Humans who are able to assem ble and '
acttvate . .
a mllllmum af the fift h
its genetic imprint, and a minimum of seventh DNA strand activation at DNA strand will have the opportunity to transmute the body structure into
birth. The human genetic prOfOtype can hold only I2-dimensional frequency r ht & teleport through the ponal passages of the Halls of Amend to arrive
bands within its imprint, a 12-strand DNA code. Avatars will thus have ~~ planet Tara. Tara is Earth in the future space-time coordinates of the ~ar-
between 7 and 12 DNA strands activated in their genetic code. (The last ooie Universe-2 time cycles. Transfer to Tara represents a 5532.5-year ttme-
1Zth-level avatar to incarnate on Earth was Jcshcua~ 12, AKA Jesus Christl ~ravel journey into the future. Humans tdeporting/time-traveling to Tara are
Sananda - 12BC - 27 AD). The six Silent Ascension Avatars assisting in the called Voyagers.
2017 ascension cycle will be born approximately four years apart beginning in Voyagers will experience subtle or direct contact by other Voyagers, ET
1992, the last being born in 2012. Though there will be several other avatar or metaterrestrial guardian groups prior to the ascension period, through
souls incarnating on Earth during th is period, rhe six Si lent Ascension Ava. which they will receive training & make travel arrangements. Voyagers must
tars hold a very special purpose of realigning the DNA imprint for the human complete a minimum of tWO Stellar Activations to biologically tolerate trans-
race within the morphogenetic field of the Sphere of Amenti. port to Tara . Voyagers who are near 5 DNA stra~d .assembly but ~embly ~s
As their respective sou l essences pass through the Sphere of Amenti, the not quite complete cannot pass through Amentl dIrectly. They wlil be Pri-
frequency bands carried in their energetic essence will purge mutations from vately escorted to guardian Transport landing sites & will travel to Tara via
the human DNA imprint, allowing DNA strands 2- 7 to realign with the orig- interdimensional spacecraft.
inal I2-strand DNA pattern of the HU-2 Turaneusiam-human prototype. Once arriving on Tara Voyagers will be given lodging & will attend ori-
Without the birth of these avatars mutations within the human DNA code entation classes to assist them with integration into Taran society as time-
would prevent humans from properly assembling and activating the DNA travelers from the past. Taran culture is built upon the Law of One & is quite
strands and humanity would be unable to achieve accelerat ion of evolution Heavenly compared to Earthly existence.
and ascension to the Bridge Zone, Tara or beyond. Each avatar is assigned to Voyagers will find themselves in less-dense. more perfected versions of
the realignment of one DNA strand, which will be achieved as the soul their present bodies, free from disease, the necessity of death and the cycles of
essence passes through the Sphere of Amenti during fetal integration. reincarnation in HU-l. ~
When the avatars turn 12 years of age they will begin awakening to [heir Humans who have assembled the fifth DNA strand, but whose physical
chosen service mission on Earth and by age 22, if their awakening proceeds lXldies are beyond repair & will not pennir the strand to activate, will physi-
properly, they are scheduled to begin active service to further the evolution- cally die in usual terms then pass through the Halls of Amenti as conscious-
ary development of humans within the Bridge Zone Earth. The success of the ness, to incarnate into an immortal body through aTaran parent couple.
ascension program is dependent upon the births of the six Silent Ascension In some cases couples or groups will be able to ascend together & win
Avatars proceeding according to schedule. They are called the Si lent Avarars be able to remain together on Tara if they choose to do so.
because their identities, religious affiliations and geographical locations \ViII Full memory of multidimensional experience will return to the Voyag-
be undisclosed to the public during the ascension period. Their identities will ers & they will have open relationships with ET and metaterresrrial commu-
not be revealed until they have reached the age of 33 and their service mis- nities while evo lving on Tara.
sions come into mass awareness Few will take the path of the Voyager, but it is the path of choice & the
OpPOrtunity of many life limes for those who can qualify.

,,'- "''-''- 'UL"", VJ IIIII t::

Time Track 2-Phantom Earth Descending Planet-D-3 Time C I Time Track 3-Night of the Two Moons-
. ~e
Descendmg Humans - Relurn to me Present (Earth AD 2017) Bridge Zone Earth-Agartha-D3.5 Time Cycle
Humans who do not assemble all of the fourth and _ of the fifth DN Bridging Humans - Earth's 22J3-year Leap imo rhe Future (Agartha AD 5336.5)
strands will remain within the 0-3 time cycle when Earth completes hA Humans who achieve assembly & activation of all of the fourth & of
ascensio~ period in 2017 and will follow. the pa~h of the Phantom Ea~h he fifth DNA strand & who complete a minimum of 1.5 Stellar Activati~ns
Descendmg planet. If the Dracos-Zeta ReSIstance IS successful in orchest f ill be able [Q pass into the Bridge Zone-Agartha time continuum with Earth
ing the Frequency Fence in 20()4, these populations will fall under co~t ~ 201 7. The primary 3-dimensional particle base of Earth, Earth's core mor-
Dracos-Zeta bio-neurological mind control. en 'hogenetic field & the Sphere of Amenti race morphogenetic field will make
Major Earth changes will occur on the Phantom Earth, due to the Fre_ Phis transition . Some localized Earth changes may occur in regions of grid
quency Fence and Descending Humans will face disruptions in existing soci I ~nstabili[Y as Earth transitions to the Bridge Zone. Transfer to the Bridge
structure & infiltration of the Dracos-Zeta hybrids. a Zone represents a planetary acceleration of time, through which Earth will
If the Frequency Fence is stopped, Descending Humans will face Earth shift [0 a space-time location 2213-years in the future, from its present space-
changes to a lesser degree and retain their existing level of freedom of choice time station.
but will become bio-energetically severed from their higher-dimensionai Bridging Humans will perceive a progressively more distinct separation
identity, Soul Matrix and evolutionary blueprint. This separation from the of those following the old paradigm & the new as 2012 approaches & popula-
Soul Matrix will cause a genetic mutation through which only the third tions begin to group by higher & lower particle pulsation rhythms. These
DNA strand can assemble. Over several generations this mutation will cause groups will literally "fall out of each others range of perception" by 2017. Peo-
break down of the genetic code and the inability to reproduce. ple of the new paradigm will progressively experience more rapid expansion
Descending Humans will no longer be able to access multidimensional of consciousness & multidimensional perception, as a natuml part of the
awareness and will be unable to ascend out of HU-I after death or reincar_ Stellar Activations they will encounter.
nate without a Host Matrix Transplant. Without an energetic link to a Soul Bridging Humans will experience more noticeable change than
Matrix the consciousness becomes finite and will eventually fragment into Descending Humans will as Earth completes the 2017 transition. During the
the Unified Field of HU-l as undifferentiated units of consciousness. 3-day particle conversion period of 2017 they will find that many structures
Experientially, Descending Humans will face some degree of Earth that are composed of lower vibrating, inorganic substances & Descending
changes, an acceleration of disease & deterioration during the ascension populations, will literally vanish or de-manifest. The most apparent change
period and will find that portions of Earth's populations have literally van- will be in the sudden appearance of buildings & other structures of civiliza-
ished without a trace following 2017. tion that were not there before, as portions of Agartha become visible. It will
Earth's primary particle base and morphogenetic field will transfer to seem as if these structures "had always been there but had been forgotten".
the Bridge Zone, 0-3 Earth will reptesent the Phantom particle base left over This will cause a bit of temporary space-time & memory disorientation for
from Earth's transition & will become a Descending Planet, unable to evolve Bridging Humans as their neurological structures adjust to the new electro-
o.ut of the HU-l time cycles. magnetic pulsation rhythms of the Bridge Zone.
This is the least favorable path, with far reaching evolutionary conse- Bridging Humans wili have the opporcunity to become Voyagers
quences, but will be experienced by large numbers of the population if they through the natural acceleration of DNA assembly that will occur as a result
do not rapidly awaken & take responsibility for conscious evolution. of Btidge Zone Earth's Stellar Activations.
Those who do not Voyage will evolve within a more enlightened Earth
culture, in which new forms of free energy & Keylontic sc ience applications
are discovered .
. ~ Perceptually, Bridging Humans will experience a sense of less weight
WlthlO the atmosphere & their physical bodies & the body will have a
renewed sense of energy, health & virality. As the higher chakra centers acti-
. . ate COnscious integration of the soul identity will accelerate.

448 449
During the J-day period populations of Bridge Zone Earth may e "
" lh fh xpere_
e~c~ t he visua Ph enohmeBnodn
0 t e appearance of bright moon halos or two
tstmer moons, t us t e n ge Zone is known as the path of the Night of th
two Moons. e
Bridging Humans will be free from Dracos-Zeta manipulation & 'I
" 1y more open re I"
have progressive atlans wit" h guard"Ian ET cultures. w,1
The Halls of Amenti ascension passages & the Hall of Records c
h istory will be open CO populations of Bridge Zone Earth & a new ag ra ,
enlightenment will begin. e of Introduction to Keylonta
Th,e ~ridge Zone rep~esents the fu lfillment of a guardian initiated Earth
rescue miSSion through which the integrity of the human evolutionary hiu
print will ~ secured. Bridge Zone Earth is t~e second most desirable path &
one that wi ll be taken by about 8% of Earth 5 populations. THE SCIENCE OF LIGHT, SOUND, THE SUB-CONSCIOUS
The path you will fi nd yourself on between 2012 - 2017 will be deter_
mined by your choices now. The key to ascending to the Bridge Zone or Tara Exploring Ultra-Micro Particle M echanics
is ~i~y Transmutation , which is achieved through the rapid assembly and Keylonta is the science of energy dynamics as they apply to a multidi-
actIvation of DNA strands & the awakening of donnant gene codes. DNA mensional, perpetual motion universe. It is the primary foundati on upon
evolution can be accelerated by consc iously using the bio-energetic chakra which aU advanced sciences and technologies of light, sound, frequency, and
system to activate the donnant Star Crystal Seals within the human body & electromagnetic energy are built. Keylontic Science deals with the underly-
bio-energetic field. These hidden morphogenetic seals control the operation ing structures of electromagnetic energy through which all matter forms are
of the DNA and when activated allow for transmutation of the cellular Struc- constructed and with the attributes of electro-tonal energy structure through
ture from one space-time station to others. Earth's upcoming Transmutative which consciousness achieves diversification and individuation. Foundations
Stellar Accivation period will allow humanity the opportunity for rapid Star of Keylontic Science arise Out of a larger category of multidimensional scien-
Crystal Seal activation & DNA acceleration, through which transmutative tific study known as the Science of Vibrational Mechanics. The Science of
self-evacuat ion from Descend ing Earth can he achieved . You have free will to Vibrational Mechan ics uti lizes a schematic of cosmic order that is created
choose what future you will see, within the greater framework of Earth's evo- through the inherent dynamics of fission and fus ion of electro-tonal energy
lutionary course; this course now offer three primary options. units, an order through which the natural laws of the cosmos are set and held
in motion. Keylontic Science employs these natural laws as they apply to the
struCtures and dynamics of energy, matter and consciousness that are created
Choose WeU. through these laws. Keylonta can be viewed as the science of creation, for it is
~hrough the dynamics of Keylonric Science that creation takes place. There
~ an organizational intelligence and sentient creative force of vast propor-
For more infonnation on Stellar Activations & Bodily Transmutation
see page 463. tions that is responsible for the design and creation of the cosmos. Through
Keylontic Science we can explore the dynamics of energy and consciousness
through which the cosmos and all forms and beings within it, receive [his
design through the Central Creative Source.
The cosmic schematic is organized inro a formation of two polarized
~mic Cores and 12 Meta-Galactic Cores, both united through and existing
~thin the Central Source of Creation. The G uard ians refer to this Central
Urce as the Yunasai and it is the sentient, creative identity- in-energy

450 451
."",.,..,r-- /nt'l'Oatlcnon ro KeylOma.- - - - ~.~. ,." ...... .1 ........... ,' ...... .., VJ ''-CYI.UIIUL: ")clence

through and within which the cosmos and its parts manifest. The 12 Meta_ tjlfle fields of the IS-dimensional Matrix, within which OUf present existence
Galactic Cores of the cosmos pair to (oml six primary reality fields in wh, h skes place.
multidimensional reality systems take place. C r To begin utilizing the potentials of Keylontic Science for personal deve!-
Each of the six pairs of reality fields contains two IS-dimensional systems oPfPent , we must become aware of the basic components of which our bodies
that ,are refe~red to as 15 -d~ensi~nal Matrices. In one lS-dimensionai ffl
tnds, consci~usness a~~ spirit are com~sed. Once we are aware of our per~
Matnx there IS one set of 15 dimensIons that compose the panicle universe sana' energetic compos. ~.on, we can ~gl~ to learn ~ow to direct our inher-
and one set of counter-rotating 15 dimensions that compose the anti-panicle ent energy to affect deSIred c~ange wlthlO the phYSical, emotional, mental
reflection of the parallel universe. Alllifc. evolution and form manifestation and spiritual aspects of ~~r ex .stenc~. Keylontic Science offers us the opper-
takes place within the six ISdimensional Matrices. The principles of energy (IlfIifY to explore and utilize th~ port~ons of our personal reality that presently
and consciousness that form these reality fields are the same as those that reJP9.in hidden from our COnscIOUS view. The basic principle in using Keylon-
manifest life forms and sentient consciousness within these fields; the same tic Science is to understand the mechanics by which the elements of Keylon-
dynamics of energy imer-relationships apply to the macrocosm and the tic Science interrelate with the components of multid imensional anatomy.
microcosm. The science of Keyloma allows us to study ourselves as interwo_ The first step in the study of Keylonta is becoming familiar with the six pri-
ven integral parts of this greater structure of the cosmos. marY elements of Keylontic Science.
Keylontic Science has many diverse applications from communication
healing, acceleration of the genetic code and advancement of spiritual evolu: SIX PRIMARY ELEMENTS OF KEYLONTIC SCIENCE
tion to the creation of advanced technologies such as manufacture of interdi_ 1. Partiki: Paniki represent the units of crystalline morphogenetic sub-
mensional transport craft and free energy devices to the maneuvering of stance out of which particles and anti-particles emerge. Partiki are units of
time-space portals. Mastery of multidimensional science requires having electro-tonal energy-identity that emanate from a central cosmic source
knowledge of the minute, electro-tonal units of energy that form all particles caUed the Yunasai. Partiki are the primary units of energy that form all mat-
and frequency bands within dimensional systems and the dynamics of elec- ler, anti-matter, pre-matter and non-matter substance. They are units of mul-
tro-magnetism created through the interplay of these ultra-micro energy tidimensional light-sound and consciousness that represent minute
units. Consciousness and matter are both composed of these units of electro- projections of energy-identity from the central creative cosmic source. Paniki
tonal energy and so both spiritual and sc ientific mastery are brought together are the organizational intelligence and operational "life-force fuel" behind
through the applied knowledge of these e1eC[ro-tonal energy dynamics. Key- and within all man ifestations and consciousness. Partiki operate as minute
lontic Science provides the foundations of knowledge upon which mastery of ~lf-regenerati ng "fission-fusion generators." Through the dynamics of their
matter and consciousness can be achieved. mteracrion they create and maintain the electromagnetic fields of sound fre-
Keylontic Science derives its name from the word Keylon. A Keylon is a quencyand light spectra of which the cosmos is composed.
composite of ultra-micro e1ectro-mnal energy units called Partiki. Keylons . Paniki aTe the smallest units of energy in Ute cosmos (one cou ld find 800 bil-
group with other Keylons m form dimensionalized, cryS[alline structures of l~n billion Paniki units in an average 3-dimensional photon). They exist
energy that exist as the base morphogenetic (fonn-holding) templates behind ~~.in and beyond all panicle and matter structures and represent the
and within all matter forms, particles and consciousness. Key lons compose pok~e ~ubstance" ou~ of .which the cosmos is composed. Through interior
the frequency fields of sound and light upon which the entire Cosmic matriX fusioozatlon. ~nd repilcatlon, c~eat~. through. self-generated fission and
is structured; the Unified Field of cosmic energy is composed of groupS of . n, Panik. manufacture two IOtnnslC sub-umts of crystalline morphoge-
crystalline Keylons. Keylons also compose the morphogenetic template of ~h.1C subst.ance that s~rve as blueprints for rhythms of pulsation through
electro-tonal and electromagnetic energy upon which the human DNA, the1ch particles and anti-particles manifest. The Partiki sub-units that pulsate
genetic code, physical body, bio-energetic chakra system and multid imen' whicfhtest. a~e c~lled. Partika and they ~et the pulsation rhythm through
siona l aspects of consc iousness (the spiritual body) are built. In studying Key' p P~~lh umts. Will group to form anti-particles.
Ions and the energetic dynamics inherent to Keylontic Science we can learn "'. h artlk. sub-units that pulsate more slowly and appear in conj unction
to consciously direct the path of our physical and spiritual evolution t~ the Partika are called Particum. The Particum set the pulsation rhythm
Through this knowledge we can one day learn to master the contours of mat' $,lro ugh which Partiki units will group to fo rm particles that are a slower pul-
ter and consciousness as they apply to the simultaneously co-existing space' ~, re.flection of the Parti~a anti-part~cles. Toget~er th.e Partiki, Partika
artlcum set the foundatiOns for particle and anti-particle manifestation

452 453
..)1;1. nllllU'lY CIt!'III~flU UJ " I:')'wnnc ::science

within the Unified Fields of the i5-dimensional Matrix. They arc th . are eternally, energetically connected to the energy-identity of the
getic substances, through which the base electro-magnetism that ke e eot]-. ,\II thll;j~od through the electro-tonal, electromagnetic reality of the Partiki
universe and parallel universe in motion is manufactured. eps the 1~Following the pattern of organizati.o~al i~teUigen~e set by th~ Yunasai
Each Paniki perpetually breaks down into Particum and Partika . cJrids ied within [he Partiki units, Parnkl Grids draw 10 ~ore UOits of Par'
and anti-particle, while simultaneously replicating the original' ~attl.c~ .oct carr he Unified Field, forming more complex geometrical arrangements
through the act of internal fiss ion. The replication scrves to retain th artlki, [iii fro~.t Strands which become the crystalline dimensionalizcd templates
tern of the original, while the Particum and Partika serve to draw oth e~. J PiJrtl ~ h all forms are constructed. Partiki strands represent the fibers out
er h
tiki units from the Unified Field. The Particum and Partika are har. oJ!"'" whl: dividuated morphogenetic fabrics are woven and are the second
magnetically drawn back together in an act of fusion, through which t,,~ ~
,n between pure COnsCIOUS
'whtcf be'ng "energY-
d ' an d manuestanon
I entity " ' 0f
merge with the replica of the original Paniki out of which they were cr 1......,. state 0 I

During fusion the Particum and Partika draw new energy patterns in th:~tcd. (orIllp iki Grids represent [he morphogenetic fabrics inw which tapestries of crys,
of ~artiki units back int.o .the morphogene.tic stru:t~re o~ the original Part~ ralJint.ar:Wtre r blueprints are laid and are the third stare of being between pure con,
which expands the a nginal pattern while retamlng LtS organic inte . . s and manifestation of fomt.
Through th is process crystalline composite fomls are created, which se~'l ~eylons: Keylons are dimensionalized, geometrically formed Partiki
the morphogenetic blueprints through which individuated fo rms and identi" . iteS, composed of more complex arrangements of Paniki Strands that
will manifest. ty ::X;round the base structure of the Partiki Grids. Keylons are minute crys-
The Partika perpetually circulate energy from the original Panik!
through the Cosmic Matrix and the Particum perpetually draw energy frOOl
the U nified Field of the Cosmic Matrix back into the morphogenetic form d
tall' e strUctures composed of Partiki that form the dimensionality of can,
ness and matter. Keylons and the Partiki within them are the "building
blocks of frequency" or sound tones, which are the core structures upon
the Partiki, expanding its original fonn. Through this dynam ic a perperual .hich matter and consciousness are built. Keylons direct the rhythm of
mocion, expanding and contracting universe and parallel universe are perpet. expansion-projection and contraction-retraction of Paniki units through~ut
ually re-created and eternally sustained . the cosmos and within the Paniki Grids of all forms. They set the foundatIon
Paniki can be viewed in spiritual terms as units of the idemit:; of God, lite ctn- structures upon which biology and the perception of space, time and matter
[ral creative source. A ll things arc composed of Partiki and thus aU things, are built. Partiki units set the base electromagnetic fields through which
beings and consc iousness are intrinsically holy as they are composed of and dimensionalization takes place and Keylons direct the contours of how Par'
united through the eternal substance of God. This God-substance of Panili tiki units will built up into form within those electromagnetic fields. Keylons
allows for individuation of fonn and identity to be created, creates diversifica- form the crystalline matrix of electro-tonal energy that runs through all
tion through a greater field of unified consciousness and manufactures t~ things,
morphogenetic design through which all individuation and manifestation Key/ons represent the primary tapeStries of crystalline morphogenetiC malter
takes place. biutprints upon which sub. panicle and sub,ann-particle pre,matter substance wiU
2. Partiki G rids: Partiki unitS group by like polarization, electrical Par form. Key /ons are the fourth srep between pure consciousness and form mani!esta,
tika to Panika, magnetic Particum to Particum, forming strings of energy lion.
units called Partiki Strands. Partiki Strands group with other such strands to 4. Keylon Codes: A Keylon Code is a complex grouping of Keylons that
form geometrical "fabrics" or grids of electro-tonal, electromagnetic energT further direct the contours of energy upon which forms are built. Keylon
that ser:e as ~ template of light spectra and sound tones upon which par[iC~ Codes serve to direct the in-flow and out,flow of Partiki unit energy within
and anti-particle structure forms. These templates of Partiki units arc call the morphogenetic blueprint of a form into more speCific patterns, rhythms of
Parti.ki Grids and they form a U nified Field of living energy substance I!lovement and electro-tonal vibration. All forms of matter and conscious-
through which all things in the cosmos are energetically united. J ness are structured upon specific sets of Keylon Codes that determine the base
All fonns of matter and consciousness possess a Partiki Grid at the core Itontic and genetic makeup of a fonn and the characteristics of consciousness
their ind ividual structure that holds the morphogenetic imprint for the ~o~ tilt fonn will possess. Keylon Codes represent complex patterns of intenvo,
or identity and the intrinsic base pattern for the panicles and anti_p~rt~C Ii, 'ttn. SOund tones and light spectra rhat form compound morphogenetic erys-
that will manifest that form into matter. The personal Parriki Grid 'SF~['liJ. talh ne Structures that serve as the templates of living light and sound to
mately intenvoven with the greater Partiki Grid of the Cosmic Unified Ie

454 455
.... . ... . , .. , .... , ) ... """ ' 0;:"1'.) V) 1.'-t:YWllUC ,)Cle1ICt:

which pre-matter sub-particles and matter and anti-maHer particles \\rill Iter channels through which Partiki unit energy from the auric field flows
adhere. ~0 the particle manifestation of the body.
Keylon Codes create and hold together the primary morphogenet" jJ\t The Nadis and Nadial Capsule represent the eighth SWte of being between con-
structure of individuated form; they are the primary structure and 0rgani Ie ~s and manifeslation. The panicle and anti-panicle construction which
tional collective intelligence within all things. The manifest attributes of ~i /nlilds up through the pre~matrer Nadis into a form's manifest particles or allli-parti~
matter forms and consciousness can be affected through directed alteration~ Its following the design set by the Crystal Body, represent the nimh state of being
existing Keylon Code structures. ~tween consciousness and manifeswtion. The multidimensional spiritual body
Keylon Codes represent che compound lapestries of cryslalline morphogenetic cJ the Soul Matrix and Over-Soul Matrix are part of the individuated mor-
matter blueprints upon which pre-matter, ami-matter and matter particles 'ill phogenetic Crystal Body of humans, and these aspeCts of eternal identity are
form. They are the fifm slate of being between pure consciousness and form ll1anj. comPosed of Keylon Codes, Keylons and Partiki units, just as the physical
fesfluion and serve as the complex, mt.ltidimensional, morphogenecic bluePrin! body is composed of these substances. The Crystal Body serves as [he under-
through which all individuated fonns manifest. lying structure of all matter and consciousness, connects the physical aspects
5. The Crystal Body: This term is used to refer to the multidimensional of being and identity to the multidimensional Soul and Over-Soul Matrices
Keylon Code structure of a matter fo rm or form of consciousness. The Crystal and connects each individuated form to the greater Crystal Body of the Cos-
Body represents the individuated morphogenetic construction of a form mic Unified Field. Through directed interaction with the morphogenetic
through which the contours of its manifest attributes will rake shape. ~ Crystal Body both genetic and spiritual aspects of human evolution can be
morphogenetic Crystal Body sets the manifest characteristics a form will p0s- expanded and accelerated.
sess, its intrinsi c sub-atom ic structure, body rhythms, metabolic rate and the 6. Light~symbol Codes: A Light-Symbol Code is a pattern of electro-
foundations of DNA, the manner in which Partiki units wilt move through tonal energy composed of specific Partiki configurations that make up fre-
the form and the type of conscious awareness the form will embody. The quencies of sound and spectra of light. These patterns of light and sound
human Crystal Body encompasses 12 dimensions of identity, sound frequency direct the speed, angles of interface and patterns of refra ction and replication
and light spectra and sets the structure for the bio-energetic chakra system, that Partiki units will follow wilhin the Keylon Code structure of the Crystal
auric field and electromagnetic Merkaba Fields (counter-rotating spirals cI &xIy. Light-Symbol Codes control the way energy will move and manifest
multidimensional electromagnetic energy through which the auric field is within a form; they serve as the organizational "program" within all Keylons.
formed). By altering the Light-Symbol Code program within the Keylon Codes of the
The Crysw/ Body represents the collective fifm State of being between pure con morphogenetic Crystal Body, the structure of the Keylon Codes and thus the
sciousness and fann manifwll!ion, in relation w an individullted COn5lrnction q manifestations they create can be changed.
consciousness or matter. T hrough the Crystal Body the electromagnetic Merk Human evolution of body and consciousness can be accelerated by acti-
aba Fields of a form are designed and constructed . ~ng certain Light-Symbol Codes that are presently dormant within the
The Merkaba Fields represent the sixm state of being between pure c~ lylen Code structure of the Crystal Body. Once activated these dormant
ness and form manifestation. Through the counter rotating elect~omagne~ tg~t-Symbol Codes direct the morphogenetic Cryswl Body, bioenergetic
fields of the Merkaba Fields the contours for the bio-energetic aunc field .. ,J ~c field and chakra system and DNA to operate in new ways. Light-Sym-
chakra system are formed in accordance with the design set by the Cryst CrvsCodes direct sound tones and light spectra within the contOurs of the
Body. ~ ta: tal. ~y. This directive serves to control the relationships between Par-
The biD-energetic auric field and chakra systems represent che se.ven rh S~dI fori hl~ 10 the Crystal Body, which translates into operational instructions
being between consciousness and manifesUlfion. The bio-energetlc ~eld I rti. ~ e blo-energetic system and DNA to follow. Light-Symbol Codes can be
serves to direct Partiki units ftom the Dimensional Unified Fields m~o r?", 'Iety ~o di.tect patterns of .frequency into the bio-e~ergetic field and DNA in
cle or anti-particle conStruction through which the DNA and biologl~ biO' into pec,fi.c ways that Will allow dormant potentials of the DNA to come
ticle base of a form is set in to the dimensional framework. Through t e ted- and ~ratton. The DNA directs the manifest functions of the physical body
energetic system the pre-matter construction of a biological fo~ is~~ule lieh:-; phYSically embodied consc iousness, foll owing the design set by the
This pre-matter conStruction is referred to as the Nadis and Nadlal .dellntf ~ltlbol Code program with in the Crystal Body.
The Nadial Capsule separates the levels of the auric field and th~ 1 te ~
tern.. ular Transmutation can be achieved by adding new frequency pat~
into 3-dimensional divisions and the Nad is serve as a syStem of mtn Into the Crystal Body by changing the program of the Light-Symbol

456 457
.)IX rTlmary t!~ments Of Keytontic Science

Codes to hold the new frequency patterns. The use of internal and eXte ake up the morphogenetic Crystal Body and form the basis of all struc-
sound .frequencies, light s~t~ and electromagnetic em.anations creates ~ rJaatrln simple terms Keyloma is the science of Creation and Consciousness,
den Light-Symbol Codes wlthm the Crystal Body, which can program d. ~.nh which mastery of mind and maner can be achieved and by which spiritual
body [award heahh and wellness or disease and deterioration. The mind tht dIfU'"6don and reunion with our creative Source is accomplished . The dynamics of
be used to direct specific Light-Symbol Codes and the electro-tonal prog~al\ 4:n ta continually operate within every human being and connect each
they carry into the Crystal Body to create healing, expansion of the gene~ Key an to everything in the cosmos. regardless of whether humanity is con-
code and conscious awareness and acceleration of multidimensional phYSi~ h~ of this process. The science of Keylonta allows humans to become con-
and spiritual evolution. Through conscio~s ditection of th~ Light-Symbol "~:: co_creators within the multidimensional reality fields of the cosmos.
Code programs the body can be freed from Its present space- time orientati ~I lao ta is the scientific real ity behind all of the sacred practices of religions
by altering the particle pulsation rhythms of the body's dimensional Parti: ; mystical traditions. It represents the place where science meets its soul
base, once the genetic code has been expanded . d religion acknowledges the dynam ics of energetic reality inherent to
Keylontic Science employs knowledge of the interrelationships bt!twee1'l
an tit . Keylonta is the science of the future and of the ancient past, reaching
these six primary elements to integrate the aspects of multidimensional ide-I_
tity and to create positive change and accelerat ion of evolution for all hfe
:award and forward through time to help humanity rediscover sovereignty
forms in the cosmos. Keylonta is also used to create tactile technologies that over irs being (,oday.
assist in harmonious evolutionary progression. Keylontic Science is the study
of morphogenetic fields and the processes by and through which consciOUs-
ness becomes manifest. Units of identity {rom the central creative SOurce ..
....." -- -.,
, , ...... .. , . . . . . . . . ,
,. JI. , ~.,. .. ~
Example of a Partiki Grid
"lines of light," composed
move through and build themselves up within the following states of being,
to become ,mmifest forms and individuated identities as they evolve within . .. -
. .iI

.. ,.....-
... .: . .... - "'. _."t..-,
.,. ...
~ '
of minute. electro-tonal Par-
;'"-.- .. - tiki strands cross over and

'r.-. .."... . ...............

the I5-dimensional system: through each other, creating
1. Morphogenetic Paniki Units of pure undifferentiated consciousness,
2. Morphogenetic Partiki Strands. '..
.' .
. ," ,. . .
J: . . . . . . . _ ....... ,~'" . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ..

a myriad of geometrical
forms that serve as a "fabric
to - .. of light and sound." or Par-
3. Morphogenetic Partiki Grids. ot .-....' - / ......... r...' . " . ' /
.1 . ..., tiki Grid. The Paniki Grid
4. Morphogenetic Keylons.
s. Keylon Code Crystal Body composite morphogenetic fields. ... ....-.........
"Y- .............. _" ........... \.': .......
,. .. ,. .....


- ..'"
~ ~
..~.. .
........ ','
serves as a "collector" of Par-
tiki units, pulling in new
Paniki. As Paniki units
6. Electromagnetic Merkaba Fields,
--'"' ..... .. . . ',... . . . r'" ...... '

. .- ......
:~ .:"'~ ~
7. Bio-energetic fields and chakra systems,
8. Pre-matter Nadial substance,
9. Particle and Anti-panicle construction.

. ,. ..........

~ ('h
~ ...

bu ild up within the Paniki
grid, they begin to form more
complex structures of elec-
tro-tonal impulse that
10. Simple to complex matter and anti-matter forms, elemental composites, become imbedded in the grid
biological life-forms and sentient conscious identity and as cryStalline Keylon configurations, or Keylon Codes. The Keylon codes set
and hold the Structure for all manifestations of matter, pre~matter. anti-mat-
11 . Expanded compound morphogenetic identities of pure sent ient conscioUS'
ter and energy fields. Partiki Grids create the Unified Field of Energy and
ness, possessing complex IS-dimensional Crystal Body structures. Keyloll'
Consciousness, within wh ich all things in the dimensionalized universe
tic Science studies and implements the natural laws and dynamics
~ide and Keylon Codes create individuation of fonn and consciousness
inherent to the creation of matter and the evolution of consciousneSS
lti~in the Un ified Field. Key lon Codes direct the patterns of Partiki fission/
The Science of Keylonta can be viewed as the science of Light arttl t lOn and the patterns of refraction and replication of ele~tr~-tonal en~rgy
Sound (electro-tonal units of Partiki). the Sub-conscious Symbol ~ p t. a~low for differentiation of form and consciousness wlthm the un ified
(Light-Symbol Codes that program the Crystal Body and operate on ~~ artlkl grid of the Cosmic Matrix.
conscious level) and the Base Codes of Matter (the crystalline Keylon
458 459
welCome (0 rne r !}tli WOfflt

, . Example of a Partiki A Light-symbol code program entered

Grid of a sphere. ,. intO a Keylon code within a Partiki
2. Examples of crystalline grid"
3. Example of a group of
Keylons forming the more
complex pattern of a
Keylon Code.
4. Examples of a Keylon WELCOME TO THE FIFTH WORLD
Code within the Partiki Many tribal cultures throughout our recent h istory have shared a rich rra-
Grid of a sphere. The .. n of prophecy reg'drding the transitions Earth will encounter during its
Keylon Code directs the 2017 ascension cycle. Prop hecies a f events to come d" unng th"IS pen"ad have
refraction of electro-tonal been interwoven with race creation ~tori:s and mytho~o.gies for over 26,556
energy, the timing of Par- ears. Though the Bridge Zone Project IS a new addition to the roster of
tiki fission and fusion, the ~vents soon scheduled to occur, intuitive knowledge of the ascension cycle
angular relationships period and the close of the 26,556-year Euiago time cycle ha.s re.mained alive
between Partiki strands and the way energy will move through the Paniki within numerous cultures of Earth for thousands of years. ThiS hidden knowl-
Grid of the sphere from the Partiki Grid of the Unified Field around it. AU edge has shown itself within the Biblical prophecies of Revelationsi it .was .the
fanns are built upon a "CrysUlI Body" of Ke)'ion Codes. foundation for many rites of passage among the Essenes and other hlstoTlcal
Light~Symbol Codes are used to program/direct the angles of Partiki mystical societies. . . .
strand refraction within the Keylon code structures of a Partiki grid. They Reference to this ascension cycle can be found wIthm the calculatIOns of
direct the intervals at which fission and fusion within Partiki units will take the Mayan calendar and inscriptions within the ancient Egyptian pyramids
place and the way energy will move through the Keylon codes and Partiki and this knowledge has played a major role within the rich tapestry of Native
grid. In directing specific symbols of light in one dimension, you are directing American oral tradition. The knowledge that Earth and the human race
sound frequencies in the dimension above. Paniki grids and Keylon codes would face something monumental during the "end times" has been the com-
must be programmed from the dimension above that in which they are prehension of visionaries throughout the course of recorded history. The "end
placed . This is done by using light in one dimension to direct the appropriate times" represent the point in Earth's evolution when the planet has com-
sound frequencies in the dimension above. pleted a cycle of 26,556 years and moves forward through its ascension period
to begin a new cycle.
1. Examples of Light-Symbol Codes. Our upcoming "end times" hold a promise not present during the end
Pani.ki refraction pauerns. times of past 26,566-year cycles, for this is the first time rhe planetary grid
will vibrate high enough to allow planetary dimensional ascension to take
place. This opportunity has not been available on Earth for over 200,000
years. The Bridge lone Project is made possible precisely because Earth is
approaching the end of its present time cycle . If it were not for rhe Bridge
Zone Project, Earth would once again be unable to fulfill the promise of
ascension, as without guardian intervention Earth's grid would not have
reached the necessary level of vibration . The planer would have remained
Within the HU-l dimensions for another 26,566-year cycle. The new cycle
would have reached an early close with the destruction of Earth before the
next ascension period occurred.

In many Native American traditions, the coming "end times" ascensi
cycle period is .viewed as a transitio~l. fro~ what. is k:,own as the Fou:
World to the Ftfth World. The tranSItIon IS perceIved In relation to a mu h
longer cycle of history in which humanity evolved through three previae
"worlds," or time periods marked by advanced civilization and high teeh n Us
logical achievement. Contemporary historical analysis does not yet indu~'
these hidden aspeCtS of human evolution. The truth of humanity's lost pas!!
has remained protected through cultures living more closely in hamlOny With
the Earth's natural cycles. We are indeed now approaching the Fifth World. Ascension Cycle Dynamics
WORLD ONE: 560,000,000-550,750,000 years ago. The Alania
and Lumia of Tara, before the fall to HU-1.
Earth is approach ing a time continuum shift between 5/5/20002017.
WORLD TWO, 250,000,000-25,000,000 yea" ago. The five Clo . This continuum shift represents a literal planetary time acceleration. Time
ter Races of the 12 Tribes seeded on Parallel Eanh. accelerations constitute an increase in particle pulsation rhythm for the
three-dimensional particle base of Earth. The human body exists as an intrin-
WORLD THREE: 25,000,000-5,500,000 years ago. The First Seed. sic part of the panicle content of Earth. As Earth's particle base accelerates in
ing of [he 12 Tribes on Earth . The five Cloister Races and Root Race Three: pulsation rhythm, the particles chat compose the human auric field will also
Lumanians and Four: Alanians. Ended via Electric Wars. increase in pulsation rhythm. If the physical body and bioneurological struc-
ture of the body are not prepared to synthesize the faster pulsating particles of
WORLD FOUR: 3,700,000 years ago to present. The Second Seeding the auric field, this time acceleration will manifest as acceleration of the cel-
J,700,000-848,000 years ago, Root Races Three: Lamanians. Four: Arlanians lular deterioration process.
and Five: Ayrians and their Cloister Races. Ended via The Thousand Year For the body to retain its vitality through the Eanh's time acceleration,
War. The Third Seeding 75,000 years ago ro present, Root Races Three: the particle pulsation rhythm of the body's three,dimensional particle base
Lemurians, Four: Atlanteans and Five: Aryans and their Cloisters. must also increase. The Morphogenetic Seed Crystal Seals within the bio-
~ne rgetic system of the human body keep the body's particle base locked into
Welcome to the Fifth World! the pulsation rhythms of dimensions I-J. In order to accelerate the pu lsation
rhythm of the body's particles, the Seed Crystal Seals must be released, to
Between 5/5/20002017 Earth will make its transition from rhe presenl unlock the body's particles from the pulsation rhythms of dimensions I-J .
Founh World of the DJ time cycle, into the Fifth World of the Bridge Zone Seed Crystal Seals are opened by activation of the body's Morphogenetic Star
and Taran ascension time cycles. Due to the Guardians' Bridge Zone Proje<:t, Crystal Seals.
the cataclysmic events originally associated with the "end times" prophecies Star Crystal Seals are activated by awakening the donnant morphoge.
have been largely avoided. Though there may still be warfare and geographi' netic chakra centers and drawing new frequency patterns through the chakra
cal changes in some areas, the scale of these events will be much smaller than SYStem and into the Star Crystal Seals. Activation and release of the Crystal
those foretold through ancient prophecies. There will indeed be a "cleans- Seals creates activation of the donnant Silicate Matrix DNA Fire Codes
ing," as predicted by some Native American traditions. As the Earth sepa' Which in turn manufactures blood-crystal structures that raise the body's met-
rates into higher and lower vibrating panicle bases, Bridge Zone Earth and abolic rate and prepare the body for cellular acceleration. Stellar Activations
Phantom Earth each will be "cleansed" of the other. Populations of the and Wave Infusions are the process by which the Star Crystal Seals are act io
Bridge Zone Earth will rise to face a new dawn of evolution within rhe neW ~te? and Stellar Spiral Alignments are the catalysts through which Stellar
Fifth World of enlightenment. progress and achievement. Those on Phant~rJ1 CtlV3Cions can occur. Humans who complete a minimum of 1.5 Stellar
Eanh will not make this transition and will remain within the digreSSIng ~Ctivations will be able to raise the particle pulsation rate of the body suffi-
Fourth World evolutionary cycle of a Descending Planet in the D-J time cotl' cU!ndy to avoid adverse effects of Eanh's time acceleration. The foll owing

462 463
Introduction La Keylonra

In many Native American traditions, the coming "end times" asc .

" from wh at is known as the Feoslon
cyc Ie pen'ad"IS vlewed as a tranSition
World to the Fifth World. The transition is perceived in relalion to a DUtth
longer cycle of history in which humanity evolved through three p m.uch
" w~rId'"
s, o~ time pen'adSOlarkedby ad. van~ed'CIVI'I'Ization and high techno_
logical achievement. Contemporary hlstoncal analysis does not yet in I d
these hidden aspects of human evolution. The truth of humanity's los; u e
has remai~ed protected through cultures living more closely in hannony ,~:
the Earth s natural cycles. We are indeed now approaching the Fifth World.
Ascension Cycle Dynamics
WORLD ONE, 560,000,000-550,750,000 yeaN; ago. The Alan'
and Lumia of Tara, before the fa ll to HU-l. la
Earth is approaching a time continuum shift between 5/5/2000-2017.
WORLD TWO, 250,000,000-25,000,000 ye"" ago, The five Clo;'. This continuum shift represents a literal planetary time acceleration. Time
ter Races of the 12 Tribes seeded on Parallel Earth. accelerations constitute an increase in particle pulsation rhythm for the
three-d imensional particle base of Earth. The human body exists as an intrin-
WORLD THREE, 25,000,000-5,500,000 ye"" ago. The Fiest Seed. sic part of the particle content of Earth. As Earth's particle base accelerates in
ing of the 12 Tribes on Earth. The five Cloister Races and Root Race Three: pulsation rhythm, the particles that compose the human auric field will also
Lumanians and Four: Alanians. Ended via Electric Wars. increase in pulsation rhythm. If the physical body and bio-neurological struc-
ture of the body are not prepared to synthesize the faster pulsating particles of
WORLD FOUR: 3,700,000 years ago to prescnt. The Second Seeding the auric field, this time acceleration will manifest as acceleration of the cel-
),700,000-848,000 years ago, Root Races Three: Lamanians, Four: Adanians lular deterioration process.
and Five: Ayrians and their Cloister Races. Ended via The Thousand-Year For the body to retain its vital ity through the Earth's time acceleration,
War. The Third Seeding 75,000 years ago to present, Root Races Three: the particle pulsation rhythm of the body's three-dimensional particle base
Lemurians, Four: At!anteans and Five: Aryans and their Cloisters. must also increase. The Morphogenetic Seed Crystal Seals within the bio-
energetic system of the human body keep the body's particle base locked into
Welcome to the Fifth World! the pulsation rhythms of dimensions 1-3. In order to accelerate the pulsation
rhythm of the body's particles, the Seed Crystal Seals must be released, to
Between 5/5/2000-2017 Earth will make its transition from the present unlock the body's panicles from the pulsation rhythms of dimensions 1-3.
Fourth World of the D-3 time cycle, into the Fifth World of the Bridge Zone Seed Crystal Seals are opened by activation of the body's Morphogenetic Star
and Taran ascension time cycles. Due to the Guardians' Bridge Zone Project, Crystal Seals.
the cataclysmic events originally associated with the "end times" prophecies Star Crystal Seals are activated by awakening the dormant morphoge-
have been largely avoided. Though there may st ill be warfare and geographi- netic chakra centers and drawing new frequency patterns through the chakra
cal changes in some areas, the scale of these events will be much smaller than system and into the Star Crystal Seals. Activation and release of the Crystal
those foretold through ancient prophecies. There win indeed be a "cleans- Seals creates activation of the donnant Silicate Matrix DNA Fire Codes
ing," as predicted by some Native American traditions. As the Earth sepa- which in turn manufactures blood-crystal structures that raise the body's met-
rates into higher and lower vibrating particle bases, Bridge Zone Earth and abolic rate and prepare the body for cellular acceleration. Stellar Activations
Phantom Earth each will be "cleansed" of the other. Populations of the and Wave Infusions are the process by which the Star Crystal Seals are acti-
Bridge Zone Earth will rise to face a new dawn of evolution within the neW vated and Stellar Spiral Alignments are the catalysts through which Stellar
Fifth World of enlightenment, progress and achievement. Those on PhantOIll Activations can occur. Humans who complete a minimum of 1.5 Stellar
Earth will not make this transition and will remain within the digressing Activations will be able to raise the particle pulsation rate of the body suffi-
Fourth World evolutionary cycle of a Descending Planet in the D-3 time coO' Ciently to avoid adverse effects of Earth's time acceleration. The following
fi''l'l''1 - -AsCeilskm Cycle Dynamics Stellar Activations

infonnation provides an introduction to the science of cellular rransmutario Through these dimensional energetic capsule structures, the chakra system,
through particle acceleration. n or dimensional energy supply system, is fanned. Through the chalera system a
fonn's particle base builds up into structures of multidimensional matter. The
STELLAR A crNATIONS 15 energetic capsules exist within the same space, separated by variance in
dimensional particle pulsation rhythms. The energetic form of the capsules
Transmutative Activations-Planetary and Personal gives the auric field the appearance of capsules within capsules, or IS distinct,
All matter forms and forms of consciousness, including planetary bodies interpenetrating, capsule-shaped layers.
and human bodies, are manifested through a morphogenetic (form~holding) The process of dimensional ascension and biological and planetary evo-
imprint. which exists as a quantity of crystalline, electro-tonal energetic sub. lution is the process of accretion or the drawing of successive multidimen-
stance [hat is composed of specific pauems of frequency. This morphogenetic sional frequency bands into the morphogenetic field. As a planetary body or
imprint sets the pattern for a form within the IS-dimensional Unified Field of huOlan body evolves through frequency accretion, the energetic capsules
energy substance. TI1e morphogenetic imprinr holds the instructions and within the auric field progressively undergo transmutation of form. Once a
design for form-building in a type of digital or electronic encoding, known as morphogenetic field has accreted most of the frequency bands from the three
Keylon Codes. Forms come into manifestation and evolve, as panems of fre. dimensions that compose one Harmonic Universe, the energy capsules that
quency are drawn into the fonn's morphogenetic field, from the dimensional correspond to these three lower d imensions begin to dissolve. The particles
frequency bands of the Unified Field ofenergetic substance within which the contained within the dissolving auric capsules open into the auric capsules of
morphogenetic field is placed. This drawing-in of frequency progressively the next three highest dimensions, in the next Hannonic universe up. This is
expands the morphogenetic field and creates evolution of form progressively the energetic dynamic by which forms and consciousness progressively evolve
upward through the IS-dimensional universe. from one Hannonic Universe to the next.
Within the IS-dimensional Unified Field, the morphogenetic field crc The process of dissolving the lower-dimensional energy capsules and
ates Structures of multidimensional electromagnetic energy, around and transmuting their particle content into next Hannonic Universe is referred
through which the matter fonn will manifest. These multidimensional EM to as a Transmutative Activation or Stellar Activation. Stellar Activations
fields are collectively referred to as the bio-energetic system or the auric field are a natural part of the accret ion/evolut ion process, and occur as the pulsa-
of a manifest fonn. All manifest forms possess a bio-energetic system/auric tion rhythm of particles in the lower three dimensions speeds up into the
field. The auric field has seven primary, inner layers through which physical rhythms of the next three dimensional frequency bands. Through the process
manifestation takes place and which correspond to dimensional frequency of Stellar Activations the levels/capsules of the auric field progressively open
bands I through 7. The auric field also has seven outer layers, which repre- up into each other, dissolving the dimensional frequency barriers that kept
sent the fonn-holding morphogenetic imprintS for the seven inner layers of the levels separate within the morphogenetic field. The levels dissolve as the
the auric field. The seven outer layers correspond to dimensional frequency morphogenetic field progressively draws in more frequency patterns from the
bands 9 through 15. The 14 layers of the auric field are connected to each dimensional Unified Fields.
other through a central point within the eighth d imension Meta-galactic As the levels dissolve, progressively more energy and awareness merge
Core. This center point represents the point through which a fonn's original with and become held within, the matter-form, and the matter-form shifts
morphogenetic imprint was entered into the IS-dimensional system. from one set of dimensional t ime continuum cycles to another. Earth and the
All fonns and beings are thus indelibly connected to each other and the human populations are now approaching a series of Stellar Activations, as
universe through interwoven morphogenetic fields that are united through pan of Earth's natural 26,5S6-year Euiago cycle. The auric field of the planet
the D-8 center point. Energy moves from the seven outer morphogenetic lay- and those of Earth's populations will undergo transformation between 2000
ers of the auric field, through the seven inner layers and into manifestation AD-..20 17 AD. In order for humans to achieve ascension to the Bridge Zone
within dimensions 1- 7, duough the structure of dimensional Mcrkaba Fiel~~ Earth and avoid becoming trapped in the 0 -3 t ime cycle, a minimum of one
(setS of counter-rotating, electromagnetic energy spi rals). Each fonn has fi and One half personal Stellar Activations must take place. Earth will experi-
teen dimensional Merkaba Fields, which hold itS morphogenetic imprint ence six such activations between 2000-2017.
intact within the IS-dimensional Unified Field. Through the rotation of th.e Humans who do not prepare the body, consciousness and chakra syStem
15 Merkaba Fields, an energy structure in the fonn of an "egg" or capsule IS Or these activations will be unable to sh ift into the Bridge Zone time con tin-
formed within the dimensional Unified Field of each of the IS dimensionS. uutn. or ascend to Tara and beyond. (This applies to disembodied, HU-l soul

464 465
Ascension Cycle Uynamics

essences, as well as to souls living within HU-l bodies.) They will also expe_ Normally the ascension cycle initiates because the human populations of
rience varying degrees of disruption within their personal auric fie ld, chakra Earth have reached a high enough vibration of consciousness and DNA
system, DNA and physical, mental and emotional bodies. assembly level to pull Stellar Frequency into their bio-energetic fields.
The Transmutative Activations are referred to as Stellar Activations The bio-energetic fields of the human collective then serve to raise the
because the infusions of progressively higher-dimensional frequency bands particle pulsation speed of Earth's grid, which raises the pulsation rhythm of
that transmit into the auric fields of Earth and humans, enter into the Earth's Earth's core high enough to link with the Stellar Spirals when they begin to
bio-energetic field through a chain of spiraling, dimensional Merkaba Fields. align with Earth's Merkaba Fields. Thus humans assist the planet in its parti-
The frequency infusions come to Earth following a path of Merkaba Fields cle evolution. If the consc iousness, DNA and bio-energetic fields of humans
that runs through various star systems before entering Earth's system through are not at a high enough particle pulsation rhythm when the Stellar Spirals
the Pleiadian-Alcyone and Solar spirals. align with Earth, the Earth's core pulsation rhythm will be too low to link
The six Transmutative Activations, with which we are now concerned with the frequencies of the Stellar Spirals. In this case Earth's Stellar Activa-
interface with Earth through the following spiraling, inter-stellar energeti~ tions would not take place, the planet would remain within its HU-l time
path: 0-10 Lyra-Andromeda, 0-9 Andromeda-Galactic Core Morphogenetic cycle until the next Stellar Spiral alignment and the opportunity for acceler-
Field, 0-8 Meta-galactic Core and Orion, 0-7 Arcturus, 0-6 Sirius, 0-5 Pie- ated planetary evolut ion and d imensional ascension would pass by.
iades-Alcyone, 0-4 Solar Sp iral, 0-3 Earth. As each of these spiraling Stellar If the Guardians had not intervened and artifiCially infused Earth's core
Merkaba Fields come into alignment with each other and with the three- with 04 frequency, Earth would not have been able to link with the Stellar
dimensional Merkaba Fields of Earth, the frequency patterns associated with Spirals during this ascension cycle; the opportunity for Earth's ascension to a
each spiral progressively enter into the Earth's bio-energetic system and core. faster moving time continuum and escape from Oracos-Zeta Resistance infil-
This infusion of multidimensional frequency, which transmits to Earth in the tration would not have been available. The human collective consciousness
form of light, sound, electromagnetic and scalar waves that are beyond pres- alone did not reach a high enough vibration level, the DNA had not assem-
ently identified spectra and frequency bands, directly alters the particle pulsa- bled enough to create the initial Earth-grid acceleration that would prepare
tion rhythm of Earth's three-dimensional particle base. This in tum directly Earth to receive the frequencies of the Stellar Spirals. The Guardians inter-
affects the bio-energetic fields of all life forms on the planet and thus the met- vened directly to avert the pending destruction of Earth and the Pleiadian
abolic and biological processes of the body that are controlled through the Star system that would othenvise have take place in 2976 AD due ro Dracos-
personal bio-energetic field. Zeta Resistance infiltration. Originally the Guardians planned only ro assist
in stimulating the Earth's core and aligning Earth's Merkaba Fields ro rece ive
STELLAR W AVE I NFUSIONS the Stellar Spi rals during the ascension period. The rest was to be left up ro
humanity's ability to evolve. Once the pending cataclysm of 2976 AD was
Transmutative Wave Infusions discovered, direct intervention in Earth's affairs was permitted.
Bllit Wat'l! 0-510.6. Violu Wat'l;! 0.6/D-7, Gold Wat't 0710-8, SiltV" Wavt 0-8/D-9 , Because of the Guardians efforts, Earth is now prepared to receive its first
B/l-Black Liquid Light Wau D-9/0-10 and SillJtT-Black /..iquid Ugllf Wat't 0- IO/D1 I Stellar Activation on 5/5/2000. During the past seven 26,556-year Euiago
As the Stellar Activations progressively take place, infusions of UHF cycles, Earth has been unable to successfully link with the Stellar Spirals to
energy begin running through the auric fields of Earth and humans, causing achieve Stellar Activations. Earth is now approaching the end of its eighth
particle pulsation rhythms to increase and accelerating the Stellar Activation EUiago cycle, which would naturally occur in 4230 AD, at the close of the
process. Six Stellar Activations will soon occur on Earth and humans work- present ascension cycle. Earth and the human lineage have been trapped in
ing to bui ld DNA will also have the opportunity to undergo six Stellar Acti the HU-1 time cycles for 210,216 years to date. The coming period of Stellar
vations. Stellar Wave Infusions are a natural part of the DNA evolution Activations has not been available to or witnessed by members of the present
process and will become part of the experiential reality of humans upon the lineage of the human race, which began with the Third Seeding of the Root
Bridge Zone or Ascens ion paths. Races 75,000 years ago.
The first Stellar Activation begins following an infusion of energy int.o Because of the Guardians' intervention and the necessity of the Bridge
the Earth's core, through which the Earth's core particle pulsation rhythm ~s Zone Project, this opportunity and the challenges it will present are available
raised high enough to merge with the frequency bands of the first Stellar SpI- to the current generation of humans. The events that will occur on and with
ral, when it aligns with Earth's Merkaba Fields during the ascension cycle.

Ascension Cycle Dynamics sreuar Wl1CClfffIDi1)'rui

the molecu~ar ~nd bio-energetic structure of Earth during the 2000-2017 AD upon the level of Stellar ~ctivati~n t~at corn~let~d.
is These are the dynam- I
Stellar Activation cycle are unprecedented in recorded human history. iCS of the science of ascenSIon, whIch ISone appitcatlon of Keylontic Science.
The first Stellar Activation begins as a result of Earth's core pulsati
rhyth~ reach ing a sufficient r~te of speed to link with the first aligning St~~ The term Stellar Wave Infusion is derived from observation of the actual
lar SpIral. Stellar Wave InfUSIOns begin after the onset of the first Stell energetic process that takes place as these higher-dimensional frequencies
Activation. Halfway through the first Stellar Activation, the first Stellar nte r the auric field. Once a DNA strand has reached one-half assembly, the
Wave Infusion begins. Through the Infusion, the frequency bands of the ne ar ~equency bands from the dimensions above begin to flow in spiraling, ener-
Stellar Activation are entered into the personal morphogenetic fields ~ eric waves or sequential pulses of energy, through the lower-dimensional
humans and the morphogenetic field of Earth's core, while the first Activa_ ~erkaba Fields of the body. When viewed with higher-sensory vision , the
tion is still underway. energies carried on these energetic wave pulses appear as an infusion of col-
When the first Stellar Activation is complete, all frequency bands associ- ored electricity or light spectra, bearing the hue associated with the dimen-
ated with it have been released from the Earth's morphogenetic field and are siona! frequency band carried on the wave.
transmitting through Earth's grid. The next Stellar Act ivation begins as the Stellar Wave Infusions not only affect the subtle body structures of the
frequency bands entered into the Earth's morphogenetic field during the first human aura and chakra system, they directly interact with the physical body
Stellar Wave Infusion cycle begin to transmit through Earth's grid. This construction, and can be felt as infusions of "j ittery", higher- vibrating electri-
sequence of Activation-Infusion-Activation continues through the six Stel- cal current running through the body cells. As the Activations progress, the
lar Activ.ations-, an.d each Activation has a Stellar Wave Infusion halfway Infusions become progressively more not iceable and intense, creating tem-
through Its activatIon cycle. The process operates within the human auric perature variations, changes in hormonal activity, alterations in sleeping an.d
field , DNA and body in the same way that it occurs within the Earth's auric eating patterns, fluctuations in bod ily energy levels, change of the metaboltc
field and particle body. rate, heart rate and breathing patterns, and various other bio-chemical and
The first personal Stellar Activation occurs when the fourt h DNA strand neurologic.:tl symptoms.
begins to assemble (the fourth strand begins to assemble when the personal In bodies that are unprepared to receive the increase in particle pulsation
morphogenetic field is at a 3-accretion level-all of the frequency bands of rhythms brought on by the Earth's Stellar Activations, the Stellar Wave infu-
0-1 through 0-3 have been drawn into the morphogenetic field.) When half sions will create a mounting sense of mental, emotional and biological
of the fourth DNA strand is assembled (accretion level 3.5-a1l of dimen- fatigue. During Eanh's activations, the energetic systems of humans are
sional frequency bands one through three and one-half of the fourth-dimen- placed under a progreSSively increasing amount of electromagnetic stress at a
siona l frequency bands, are drawn into the morphogenetic field) the first sub-atomic level. This stress will manifest itself in a variety of ways within
Stellar Wave Infusion begins with in the human auric field and body. the human organism. Physical "sparking" of increased static electricity,
By the end of the first Stellar Activation, the fi rst level of the 0-1 etheric (which can occasionally affect the fu nction of electrical and magnetic appa-
body auric capsule dissolves and its particles expand into the D-4 astral cap- ratus) may develop in some individuals, until the auric body balances the
sule and increase their pulsarion rhythm to that of the D-4 time cycle. As new frequencies within the body systems.
each Stellar Activation and Wave Infusion continues, the HU- I dimensional For most people the infusions will not produce such pronounced symp-
auric capsules progressively dissolve and the particles pass into the HU-2 toms, but win rather manifest as progressively less subtle symptoms of degen-
auric capsules, then the HU-2 particles expand into the HU-3 auric capsules eration, lessening of vitality and physical deterioration. The Stellar
in like fashion. The auric level separations within the human auric field pro- Activations and Infusions progressively cause more noticeable physical symp-
gressively collapse and the correspond ing chakra centers activate and release toms, which begin subtly and progressively intensify. Through learning to use
their sea ls. These bio-energetic changes cause higher-dimensional frequen- the chakra system properly and developing the abi lity to consciously use
cies to transmi t through the DNA and body cens, which transmutes the cel- these new frequencies for positive evolution, the potential undesirable effects
lular structure, as the particles of the HU-J body merge with their anti- of Earth's Stellar Activations can be avoided.
particles and increase their pulsation rhythm to that of HU-2. The symptoms produced by Stellar Wave Infusions can be frightening if
The consciousness is transferred into the time cycles and three-dimen- One does not understand what is taking place and they can be life threatening
sional perceptual experience of HU-2 Tara, HU-3 Gaia or beyond, depending if the lower chakras have nOt been balanced and the physical body has not
been prepared for these alterations. Through the Stellar Activations and

468 469
The ~tetlar HTiage
xscenslOn Cycle Uynamics

Wave Infusions new areas of the brain are brought out of dormancy and th " na! Un"'verse and is thus considered the MetaGalactic Core.) The
e Jroenslo
1.9 Galactic Core' is located, in spatial ~e~s, within the An d romeda S t~r
?landular systems of the body, such as the Thymus, Thyroid, Pineal and Pitu
Itary glands, undergo metamorphosis. People who choose the path of as . o Part of Andromeda is located within DI0 frequency bands and IS
n system.ted to the 0-10 Lyra Star system (Lyra extends from Dl 0 through 0-
sian, or who do not want to end up trapped in the 0-3 "Phantom Earth" c.c .
cycle, will need to be aware of these changes. In future communicationtlllle co2)nnec and part of Andromeda .IS located Wit " h"In 09 . frequency ban ds.

will provide more detailed technical infonnation as [Q how the Stellar ~ w.e 1 The Merkaba Field spirals of the Andromeda system are co~pos~ of 09
vations and Stellar Wave Infusions can be handled with as little discomfo Ct\. rid 0 . 10 frequency bands and when this 09/010 Merkaba Field I~[erfaces
possible. At this time we wou ld simply like you to become aware of the rt as a. the Dl/D.2/O-3 Merkaba Fields of Earth, 09/010 frequencies trans
"h k <on th
:it into Earth's core ~nd run th~ough Earth's ~rid. ~he D9/D1O M.erkaba
cepts 0 f ~vh IC we spea ,so you may begin to consider how you will approach
the comlOg changes. Fields cannot directly Interface With the I.ower.dl~enslonal Merkaba Fields of
. P~ople who have not chosen the path of conscious, accelerated ascen. Earth , these EM spirals m~t connect wI.th ~, senes of oth~r stellar Merkaba
slon stili need preparation [Q accommodate these changes. The Earth bod Field spirals in order for.a frequency brt~ge t? be established between the
will undergo six Stellar Activations and Infusions between 5/5/2000 an~ higher and 10wer.dimenslOnal Merkaba FI~ld splfa~.. .
2017, whether or not your personal bio.energetic system has been prepared. If This frequency bridge occurs only dunng certain tu~e pen~, when t.he
you do not know how to balance your personal subtle energy bodies in the kaba Fields of these various star systems come into direct alignment With
face of Earth's grid accelerations, you may nnd rapid deterioration of YOUr each other, four times every 26,556 years; nvice.at thbe"" . e gmniOg a~d" ~wlce at
physical, mental and emotional systems. Your soul identity will atlempt to the end of the 26,SS6'year period. When thiS alignment of splf~lmg EM
balance the energies and prepare your body to handle the new frequencies, Merkaba Fields occurs, Earth has the opportunity to raise the pulsation s~eed
but you .need ~o work consciously with your h igher identity [Q employ of ilS particle base into that of higher-dimensional t ime ~ycles.. At these .tlmes
changes 10 habitual mental, emotional and physical activities that may be interdimensional portals/passageways between Hamlonlc Universes,. dimen-
detrimental to the process. The Guardian Alliance will offer a program for sional bands and time cycles open and a planet or person can ascend iOta the
Ascension Cycle Adaptation as soon as possible, for those who are interested planetary systems of higher.dimensional time cycles or outof-form manifes
in gaining survival skills in this area. For now, you can simply learn about the tation.
auric field and chakra systems through available resources, and begin working The pathway of multidimensional, inter-stellar Merkaba Field spiral
to clear and balance your inbody chakras through energy work, visualization, alignment runs from the higher-dimensional fields of 010 Lyra.~ndromeda,
toning and other holistic health practices. through 0.9 AndromedaGalactic Core, 08 Orion.Metagalacttc Core, 0. 7
Arcturus, 0.6 Sirius, DS PleiadesAkyone and into the D-4 Solar Merkaba
T HE STELlAR BRIDGE Field spiral, then down into the 03/02/D-l Merkaba Fields of Earth. Each
of these inter.stellar dimensional Merkaba Field spirals is referred to as a Stel~
Stellar Spirals , Stellar Activations and Wave Infus ions lar Spiral. Each Stellar Spiral bears the name of the .star system through
During the nvo ascension cycle periods at the beginning and end of a which it flows and carries within its energy field [he light spectra and fre
26,5 56 year Hannonic Universe Euiago cycle, certain alignments of multidi quency bands embodied within that star system. ..
mensional Merkaba Fields take place. At these times, the spiraling electro- Earth is now approaching the alignment of the Stellar Spital Bndge that
magnetic currents of the multidimensional Merkaba Fields blend into each runs from 0.9 Andromeda down through the 0-4 Solar Spiral to Earth.
other, fonning a large ISdimensional, spiraling pathway of energy transit Earth's alignment with each spiral of the Stellar Spiral Bridge occurs in six
from the Meta-galactic Core at 08 to all of the other dimensional systems phases, beginning with the D-4 Solar Spiral upward through the 09
These spirals of EM energy run through various galaxies and star systelllS Andromeda Spiral. . . 1
before entering into Earth's solar system. There is a natural pathway of inte r- The point at which a Stellar Spiral aligns with the Merkab~ Field spira d
dimensional Merkaba Field alignment through which these energies interface of Earth begins a Transmutative Stellar Activation. Benveen J/S/2000 ~
with Earth during the second ascension cycle period.
The form holding morphogenetic imprint for the Milky Way GalaxY
2017 Earth will experience six Stellar Activations, through which the. dO'
Stellar Spirals of the multidimensional EarthtoAndromeda Stellar Bn. gc
exists within the frequency bands of D9, thus 09 is considered to represent Progressively align with Earth's Merkaba Fields. During each Ste~la!r beAC~lvao'
the Galactic Core. (D8 holds the morphogenetic fie ld for the enrire 15- f
lon, the dimensional frequencies carne "d W "h" h t"v ring spira gm t
i t III t e ac I a

Ascension Cycle Uynamics Morpnogeneoc l,;ryst.a./. .)eaLS

ttansmit through Earth's core morphogenetic field and grid, raising the pulsa_ rinciple of raising core pulsation rhythm high enough to receive frequency
tion rhythms of Earth's 3-dimensional particle base. It is through this prOCes P nsmissions from the Stellar Spirals, for this principle applies directly to
that Earth's grid is raised into the HU-2 time cycle to merge with the grid o} t~ur bodies and consciousness, as well as to planetary energy dynamics.
Tara. Before a Stellar Activation begins, the frequencies of the activatin Y If the core energy centers within your bodies are not raised to sufficient
Stellar Spiral are entered into Earth's cote morphogenetic field through g ulsation rhythm to receive the stellar frequencies which wHi be transmitting
Stellar Wave Infusion. a ~rough Earth's grid during Earth's Stellar Activations, you will be unable to
In simple terms, a Stellar Wave Infusion begins when a Stellar Spiral accompany Earth in the Stellar Activation process. In this case, Earth will
begins to align with Earth's Merkaha Field spirals, and through the Stellar make the shift into the Bridge Zone time continuum, but you will not; you
Wave Infusion, the frequencies of that Stellar Spiral begin to enter Earth's will find yourselves stationed upon the "Phantom Earth" Descending Planet.
core morphogenetic field. A Stellar Activation occurs as the Stellar Spiral On Phantom Earth you will be cut off from your soul matrix and evolutionary
comes into full alignment with Earth's Merkaba Field spirals. At this time blueprint and in need of a Host Soul Matrix Transplant in order to continue
the frequencies from the Stellar Wave Infusion that have been bUilding u~ evolution. Humans are connected to their HU-2 soul matrix via the Sphere
within Earth's morphogenetic field begin to release from the morphogenetic of Amenti race morphogenetic field, which will remain at the core of Bridge
field and transmit through Earth's 3-dimensional grid and particle base. Zone Earth . This condition can be avoided through conscious participation
When half of the frequencies of a Stellar Spiral are released into Earth's in the Stellar Activation process.
grid, halfway through the Activation, the remaining frequencies of the Stel_
lar Spiral completely "download" into Earth's morphogenetic field. Once aU MORPHOGENETIC CRYSTAL SEALS
of the frequencies of a Stellar Spiral have fully entered Earth's morphogenetic
Seed Crystals, Star Crystals and Transmutation of the Human Body
field, the next dimensional Stellar Spiral begins alignment with Earth and
the next Stellar Wave Infusion begins. As Earth enters its cycle of Stellar Activations and Stellar Wave Infu-
When half of the frequencies of the new Stellar Spiral have entered sions, humans also have the opportunity to participate in Activations and
Earth's morphogenetic field, all of the frequencies from the previous Stellar Infusions, which will accelerate the evolution of the DNA, body and con-
Spiral complete activating/transmitting through Earth's grid, the previous sciousness and allow humans to enter the time continua of the Bridge Zone
Stellar Activation ends and the next Activation begins. Halfway through the or Tara, for continued evolution. The process of Stellar Activations, as it
next Activation, the previous Wave Infusion ends and the next Wave Infu- applies to people, operates energetically in a way similar to that of planetary
sion begins. The process of Stellar Activations and Stellar Wave Infusions Activations. In planetary Activations, progressively higher-dimensional
represents a complex, multidimensional synchronization of Stellar Spiral sound frequencies and light spectra run through the Earth's grid and three-
movement. It is not necessary to comprehend the complexities of this pro- dimensional particle base, as the Earth's Merkaba Fields link with and draw
cess, but at th is time it is important for you to know the basic mechanics of energy from the Stellar Spirals.
Stellar Spiral alignment, as you will be faced with these conditions between In humans, the three Merkaba Fields of the physical, mental and emo-
5/5/2000 and 2017. tionallevels of the bio-energetic field draw energy from the Stellar Spirals via
Earth will experience six Stellar Activations and Wave Infusions, which the Eanh's three-dimensional Merkaba Fields and grid, through the higher-
will alter the pulsation speed of Earth's three-dimensional particle base, as dimensional chakras. This energy then moves into the three-dimensional
progressively higher frequencies are transmitted through Earth's grid. If body via the lower-dimensional chakras. Once stellar frequency is pulled into
Earth's core had not been raised to a high enough particle pulsation rhythm, the human bio-energetic field, it is passed into the multidimensional, per-
via the Guardians D-4 frequency transmissions, the Solar Spiral would not sonal morphogenetic field of the human via Stellar Wave Infusions, just as
have been able to transmit its 0-4 frequencies into Earth's core when the stellar frequencies are added (0 the Earth's core morphogenetic field through
Solar Spiral aligns with Earth's Merkaba Fields on 5/5/2000. Earth would Wave Infusions.
have been unable to begin its Stellar Activations and Wave Infusion cycle, Planetary bodies and human bodies are multidimensional in structure.
and thus would have remained trapped within the 0-3 time continuum, The primary morphogenetic identity (form-holding pattern) for galaxies,
unable to enter the Bridge Zone continuum. planets and people is held within the entry point to the IS-dimensional sys-
The outcome of this would have been planetary destruction in 2976 AD,
tem, the 0-8 Meta-Galactic Core. From that point the morphogenetic design
due to Dracos-Zeta Resistance infiltration . We want you to understand the
spreads outward into each of the IS-dimensional particle fields. The slower
472 473
Morphogenetic Crysral ~eaLs

moving panicle fields of dimensions 1-7 hold the mornhogenetic d . trol the angle at which the Dimensional and Harmonic Merkaba Fields
,lorm as It
""II "' WI[" h in varying degrees of matter
..... dens'[ Th
eslgn( of a.

WI manlIest
moving particle fields of dimensions 9-15 hold the morphogen:t Y'd ~ aster
~ f I Ie eSlgnof
a rm as It eXIsts In terms 0 pure, e cetro-tonal conscious energy. M h a
'~U rotate, thus they direct the angular rotation of particle spin between the
ensional bands of a fonns part icle construction. The Star Crystal Seals
1rJ1trolthe operation of the Seed Crystal Seals in each dimension and can
netic dimensions 9--15 are connected to dimensions 1-7 thrall h orph age. ,ol~ase the Seed Crystal Seals, allOWing the dimensionally separated portions
M etaG I ' Core an d energy continually circulates through
a aerie
dimensional Structure.
g trh'e D'8
IS 15.
:f the morphogenetic field to merge with each other.
The 0-2 Orange-Gold Flame of Earth's morphogenetic field, the 0-5 Blue
The collective Unified Field of the IS-dimensional Un ive-'I fhune of Tam's morphogenetic field and the 0-7 Violet Flame of Gaia's mor-
'ed to as t he ISDlmenslonal
relerr " . .-~-
Matrix. Both planets and people a IS phogenetic field, which we have previously disc~, represent three of the ~ 5
"lea II y connected to eaeh 0 f t he 15 d imensions within the IS.d imreorgan
. . Ianetary Morphogenetic Seed Crystal Seals whIch connect the planet to Its
M t" Th 15 D" . IM ens1cnal
. a nx" e . Imenslon~ a~rix is structured into five groups of three i5..dimensional morphogenetic fie ld. Earth-Tara-Gaia also has 15 Planetary
dimenSIOns called HarmOniC Universes and portions of the perso I Star Crystal Seals, which exist within various locations throughout the 15
I, h 'fi ld
p an~tary ~orp agenetic e s are contained within each of the five Har.
dimensional universe, that keep the dimensional planetary particle fields sepa-
mOniC UnIverses, Earth represents the HU-I portion of the planet T rate and regulate the angle of rocation of the planetary Dimensional Merkaba
> th HU 2 ' , lara rep.
resents e vemon of Earth and Gaia represents the HU-) version of
Earth, In terms of humans, t~e incarnates of Earth are the HUI expressions Planetary Star Crystal Seals regulate the evolution of planets and stars over
of,the pers,onal morphogene,tlc field, the Soul Matrix or Dora (dimenSions 4, extensive periods of time, through directing the orbital patterns of planets, stars
5 an~ 6) IS the HU2 verSIOn of the personal identity and the Over-Soul and galaxies. The upcoming ascension period is possible precisely because of
~atnx a.r Teura, (dimensions 7, 8, and 9) is the HU-) version of that iden. the natural function of the Planetary and Galactic Star Crystal Seals, The
tlty. In like fashion, Tara can be viewed as Earth's soul and Gaia as Earth's
Planetary and Galactic Star Crystal Seals direct the angle of rotation of the
Over-soul. There are also versions of each planet and person that exist as
Universal Merkaba Fields, which allows the Dimensional Merkaha Fields of
non-matter energy fonns within HU-4 and HU-5,
Star Systems to come into direct alignment at certain times to fonn a Stellar
Each planet and person is connected to each of the seven lower-dimen-
si~nal ~elds by a minute crystalline pattern of frequency that represents one. Spiral Bridge.
dl~enslonal le,vel of the personal or planetary morphogenetic field. This This process creates Stellar Spiml Alignments, such as the one Earth is
mmute crystaUme structure is called a Morphogenetic Seed Crystal; it serves now approaching. During the Stellar Spiral Alignments the Morphogenetic
to keep the multidimensional aspects of the identity connected to each other Seed Crystals of Earth, Tara and Gaia will tempomrily release or open, allowing
and to the primary morphogenetic imprint within the 0-8 Meta-galactic me panicle base of the planets to raise in pulsation rhythm for grid merger,
Core. Through the Stellar Activations that will accompany the Stellar Spiml Align-
There are 15 Morphogenetic Seed Crystals within the morphogenetic ments, higher-dimensional frequency from the Stellar Spirals will enter into
structure of a planet or person, one corresponding to each of the 15 dimen- the Star Crystal Seals of the planets. The Planetary Star Crystal Seals will then
sions. The Seed Crystals serve as seals that keep the morphogenetic field sep- transmit this frequency into the Planetary Seed Crystal Seals that are located
arated and locked into each dimensional band; thus we refer to them as Seed within the centers of the primary vortex/portal systems of Earth, Tara and Gaia.
~rystal, Seals. The Se~ Crystal Seals control the speed at which fourth Through this energy infusion Earth's particle base will be shifted into the
dlm~nslon~l ~erkaba Fields will rotate, and so direct the pulsation rhythm of Bridge Zone time continuum. The Stellar Activation process works the same
particles wlthm each dimension. Along with the Seed Crystal Seals there are Way in relation to the human body.
l~ ~ore min,ute patterns of crystallized morphogenetic frequency that exist
wlthm the blo-energetic structure of a person or planet. Whereas the Seed The multidimens ional bio-energetic field of the human, like that of a
Crystal Seals set the morphogenetic field into the center of each dimension, planetary body, possesses 15 Seed Crystal Seals which control the pulsation
the other 15 sea ls are placed between dimensional bands and serve ro regu' rhYthms of the body's multid imensional particle base. The human body is
~ate the functi~n of the Seed Crystal Seals, The 15 morphogenetic seals exist- connected to its HU-2 Soul Matrix, HU-) Over-soul Matrix and Morphoge-
109 between dimensiona l bands in the bio-energetic structure of a planet or netic Identity of HU-4 and HU5 through its 15 Seed Crystal Seals. The
person are called Star Crystal Seals or Fire Crystals. The Star Crystal Seals human bio-energetic body also contains 15 Star Crystal Seals that control
474 475
J ' '',: ")!ULUU:: IVIU~'I..l

the operation of the Seed Crystal Seals. The Seed Crystal Seals of the huma IS witl be used during Stellar Wave Infusions and Activations, in order to
body are located at the center of the 15 primary chakra centers, nine n ~~nsmute the particle content of the body and consc iousness out of the D-3
wh ich are located within the physical body structure. of . e cycles and into the HU~2 time cycles of Bridge Zone Earth or Tara.
Of, the n i~e e':n~ied chakras, ~v~ ar~ pr~sently donnant; these will be THE SILICATE MATRIX
called IOta actIvation m humans partlclpatmg m Stellar Activations. The si T he Crystal Seals. Seed Codes, Fire Codes and The Silicate Matrix
remaining chakras exist within the bio-energetic field, some close to thx The process of assembling DNA strands by working with the higher
body, others extending outward into the galaxy. The six disembodied chakra~ chakras is the process of bringing frequency from the Stellar Spirals into the
connect the human bio-energetic system and dimensional Merkaba Fields t Star Crystal Seals. There is an intimate relationship between the Seed Crys-
the Merkaba Fields of Earth and the Stellar Spirals. The disemlxxlied high; ral Seals, Star Crystal Seals and human DNA. Each Seed Crystal corresponds
chakra centers will also be called into activation during Stellar Activations. directly ro and controls the basic function of one strand of DNA. The foun~
The human bio.energetic field also contains 15 Star Crystal Seals which COn_ dations of human DNA are minute templates of crystall ized frequency--dec-
trol the function of the Seed Crystal Seals and the angle of rotation of the ero-tonal sound partems and electromagnetic light spectra that magnetically
personal Dimensional and HamlOnic Merkaba Fields. Six of the Star Crystal group into crystalline form. These minute, multidimensional crystalline tem-
Seals are located outside of the body, nine are stationed within the body at plates are referred to as DNA seed codes.
various levels of dimensional frequency. Of the 15 Seed Crystal Seals within the bio-energetic body of the human,
The Star Crystal Seals of the human body are presently in a donnant 12 Seed Crystal Seals governs the function of the DNA Seed Codes within
state, which keeps the Seed Crystal Seals of the chakra system closed, the the 12-strand DNA imprint; one Seed Crystal Seal directs the Seed Code of
body's particle base and consc iousness separated and the personal Dimen- one strand of DNA. The Star Crystal Seals of the bio-energetic body also cor-
sional Merkaba Fields locked into their respective dimensional frequency respond to the DNA. Within the morphogenetic imprint for human DNA
bands. T hese conditions keep the human locked withi n the space-time coor- there are donnant gene codes that correspond to the Star Crystal Seals; as
dinates of Earth's present time cycle. For humans to shift out of the D-3 time long as the Star Crystal Seals are not act ivated, these gene cades will remain
cycle and into the Bridge Zone with the majority of Earth's particle base, the donnant. Each Star Crystal Seal is composed of half of the freque ncy patterns
human body must complete a minimum of 1.5 Stellar Activations. Through of the dimension above it and half of those from the dimension below.
the process of the first two Stellar Activations, two Star Crystal Seals will There are 12 donnant DNA codes corresponding to 12 Star Crystal
activate and two Star Crystal Seals will release, allowing the particle pulsa Seals and each code carries the frequencies and light spectra contained
tion rhythm of the threedimensional human body to increase and the angu- with in the Star Crystal Seal. These dormant gene codes allow for the sepa
lar rotation of panicle spin co shift inco that of the HU-2 time cycles. rate DNA strands to "plug into each other", a condition necessary for Cellu-
Each of the six Stellar Activations the Earth wi ll encounter between lar Transmutation. The 12 donnant gene codes corresponding to 12 of the 15
2000 and 20 17 can also be achieved by humans upon the planet, because the Star Crystal Seals are individually referred co as Genetic Time Codes, Codes
interdimensional Stellar Spirals come into alignment during this time period. of Transmucation or Fire Codes. Collectively the 12 Fire Cooes are known as
Each of the six Activations will activate various Star Crystals Seals within the Silicate Matrix or the Crystal Gene. This is the original gene construc-
the human body, if the human chakra system is used appropriately to draw in tion of the human organism.
freq uency patterns and light spectra from the Stellar Spirals. Due to various genetic mutations, a very small percentage of humans
When the Star Crystal Seals activate, as a result of this infusion of fre- presently carry the entire Silicate Matrix in the personal morphogenetic
quency, each progressively opens various Seed Crystal seals within rhe imprint for the DNA. Through distortions within the DNA Seed Codes, the
chakras. Through this process, the HUl incarnate's Merkaba Fields open Fire Codes of the Silicate Matrix break down and can no longer funct ion.
into and merge with the HU-2 soul matrix Merkaba Fields, allowing (he Without the funct ional Silicate Matrix, the Star Crystal Seals of the bio-
human body and consciousness to progressively transfer its particle coneent energetic body cannot activate and thus the body cannot achieve cellular
out ofHU-1 into HU-2, then from HU-2 into the Over-soul matrix of HU,J. transmutation. Without operat ional Fire Codes, the body becomes locked
This is a complicated process of interdimensional energy dynamics. For our Within its dimensional space-time station. The Fire Codes of the Silicate
discussion, it is enough for you to know that the Star Crystal Seals and seed
Crystal Seals exist as part of your bio.energetic make up. These energy cell-
476 477
Ascem'lOn Cycle Uynamics UJ'</"\ JUJ

Matrix are restored to function through correcting distortions within th When the body's particles in one dimension fuse and accelerate and the
DNA Seed Codes; as the Seed Codes are repaired, the Fire Codes reassembl e rotation speed of the Merkaba Field increases, the Star Crystal Seal
During the upcoming ascension period and through the birth of the
Silent Ascension Avatars who will realign the DNA imprint, the distorte~
Sr between that dimensional band and the dimensional band above releases.
Seed Crystal Seals are considered Horizontal Seals, as they control the
DNA Seed Codes will be corrected in the race morphogenetic field, makin horizontal movement of frequency bands, light spectra and particles in
it possible for large numbers of people to reverse-mutate their DNA strands~ one dimension. There are nine Seed Crystal Seals located at the center of
This reverse-mutation will allow for the Fire Codes of the Silicate Matrix to nine primary chakras within the structure of the physical body and six
begin re-assembly in people who do not carry this imprint, restoring the located at the center of chakra centers outside of the physical body, for a
body's ability to activate the Star Crystal Seals and achieve cellular transmu_ total of 15 Seed Crystal Seals within the design of multidimensional
tation . human anatomy.
This process will not take place automatically. It requires conscious par- 2. DNA Seed Codes-Base Codes And Acceleration Codes: Units of
ticipation to prepare the body for these changes. The Higher Self and Soul minute crystalline frequency that fonn the morphogenetic templates for
level aspects of personal identity will do much of the work, but the choices of DNA strands. The template for one DNA strand is composed of 12 mag-
the conscious personality will have great bearing upon the outcome of these netic particle units and 12 electrical anti-particle units. The 12 magnetic
multidimensional processes. Every thought and activity will either assist the particle units are called Base Codes. The 12 electrical anti-particle units
Higher Self in preparing for these changes or detract from its efforts to do so. are called Acceleration Codes.
In subsequent books we of the Guardian Alliance will provide exercises Each DNA strand is composed of the frequency patterns and light spectra
through which you can begin to consciously participate in this process. For of one dimensional band. All aspects of human DNA are built upon this
now we would simply like you to become acquainted with these hidden morphogenetic template of 12 Base Codes and 12 Acceleration Codes.
dynamics of the science of ascension. The DNA Base Codes in one DNA strand represent the 12 magnetic base
tone frequencies of one dimension that corresponds to that strand and the
DNA 101 DNA Acceletation Codes represent the 12 electrical overtone frequencies
Definitions contained in one dimensional band. The electrical overtone frequencies
of a dimension correspond to the magnetic base tone frequencies of that
1. Seed Crystal Seals: Minute crystalline frequency seals within each chakra
dimension's anti-particle counterpart in the parallel universe.
and auric field level of the IS-dimensional human bio-energetic field, that
keep particles and anti-particles in one dimension separated from each The 24 Seed Codes of one DNA strand serve [Q set the body's particle and
other. Each Seed Crystal Seal corresponds to the frequency bands of one anti-particle content into the dimensional band corresponding to that
DNA strand, in both the particle and anti-particle universe. Each set of
dimension and directs the function of one DNA strand that corresponds
Base Codes and Acceleration Codes in one DNA strand is controlled by
to that dimension. One Seed Crystal Seal separates the particle and anti-
one Seed Crystal Seat, which serves to keep the particle Base Codes and
particle units of the DNA strand, keeping the body's particle base polar-
anti-particle Acceleration Codes of the DNA strand separate, thereby
ized and locked into that dimensional band. maintaining the body's particle base within the pulsation rhythms of that
The separation of particle and anti-particle caused by the Seed Crystal dimension. Release of the Seed Crystal Seal allows Base Codes and Accel-
Seal keeps the body's particle base locked into the time continuum and eration Codes in the DNA to fuse or "plug into each other" and accelerate
particle pulsation rhythm characteristic to that dimension. The Seed in pulsation rhythm. This allows the body's particle and anti-particle base
Crystal Seals control particle pulsation rhythm, keeping it consistent with in that dimension to fuse and accelerate in pulsation rhythm.
the pulsation rhythm of the dimensional band in which the Seed Crystal The fusion of DNA Base Codes and Acceleration Codes causes minute
Seal is located. The Seed Crystal Seals control the speed at which the crystalline structures to manifest within the molecular structure of the
Dimensional Merkaba Fields spin. Release of a Seed Crystal Seal allows blood, which prepares the body's bio-chemical, cellular, hormonal and
the particles and anci-particles of one dimension to fuse and to accelerate metabolic systems for acceleration of particle rhythm and transmutation.
in pulsation rhythm, causing the Dimensional Merkaba Field to accelerate Dimensional particle rhythm acceleration causes the Star Crystal Seal
its speed of rotation.

478 479
, .......... , .... v .. ..... .1" .... '-".1, .... ........ ..

between that dimension and the dimension above to release. Release of a DNA Fire Codes-Activation Codes: Units of minute crystalline fre-
Star C rystal Seal activates a dormant Genetic Time Code or Fire Code .t. quency within the dimensional morphogenetic imprint fo r the DNA that
within the two DNA strands corresponding to that Star Crystal Seal. link DNA strands together and allow for cellular transmutation, teleporta-
tion, time travel and dimensional ascension to take place. Also referred to
3. Star Crystal Seals: Minute crystalline frequency seals between chakras as Codes of Transmutation or Genetic Time Codes. One DNA Fire Code
and auric field levels within the IS-dimensional bio-energetic human corresponds to each Star Crystal SeaL Each DNA strand contains half of
body, that keep particles and anti-particles from one dimensional band the Fire Code that corresponds to the Star Crystal Seal from the dimen-
separate from those in the dimensional bands above and below. sional band above the dimensional band to which the DNA strand corre-
Each Star Crystal Seal corresponds to and is composed of the frequency sponds. It also contains half of the Fire Code corresponding to the Star
bands from the dimension above and from the dimension below the Star Crystal Seal from the dimens ional band below [hat corresponding to the
Crystal Seal. The Star Crystal Seal directs the interaction between the strand.
two DNA strands that correspond to the dimensions above and below the The DNA Fire Codes allow one DNA strand to "plug into" and fuse with
Star Crystal Seal. One Star C rystal Seal separates the particles and anti- another. When DNA strands fuse, the Base Codes and Acceleration
particles in one dimension from the particles and anti-particles in the Codes of one strand merge with those of the strand above, fusing particles
dimension above, another separates the particles and ami-particles in that and anti-panicles between dimensional bands. This allows the three parti-
dimension from those in the dimension below. cle bases of a three-dimensional human body to merge, the separation
The Star Crystal Seals keep the particle lields of the three-dimensional between them dissolVing. When the three-dimensional particle bases of a
body and multidimensional consciousness separate by controlling the body in one Harmonic Universe merge, the particles and anti-particles are
angular rotation of particle spin between the 15 dimensions. The separa- able to rapidly accelerate pulsation rhythm, tum into light waves and
tion of particle fields into three-dimensional groupings, which the Star transmute into the dimensional bands of the Harmonic Universe above.
Crystal Seals create, keeps the particle content of the body locked into the The Fire Codes activate when their corresponding Star Crystal Seals
three-dimensional field of one Hannonic Universe. The Star Crystal Seals release.
comrol the angle at which the personal Dimensional Merkaba Fields will Once activated, the Fire Codes rapidly accelerate the assembly and activa-
rOtate and thus also control the bcxIy's relationship to the Harmonic tion of the Base Codes and Acceleration Codes of the strands to which
Merkaba Field (the three-d imensional Merkaba Field of onc Harmonic the Fire Code is attached . The Seed Crystal Seal in the next chakra up
Universe) . Release of a Star Crystal Seal allows the personal Dimensional then releases and particles and anti-panicles within the dimensional band
Merkaba Fields to align on a vertical axis with the Hannonic Merkaba correspond ing to that Seed Crystal Seal fuse, activating the next Star
Field, which causes the Harmonic Merkaba Field rotation to accelerate, Crystal SeaL When the Fire Codes activate, the blood crystals (fonned by
aligning it with the Merkaba Field of the three-dimensional Harmonic the release of successive Seed Crystal Seals), merge, forming complex
Universe above. Release of the Star Crystal Seal also allows the particles blood crystal structures, which carry the frequency patterns of three
and anti-particles in one three-dimensional field to merge, fuse and trans- dimensions. The three-dimensional blood crystals trigger further bio-
mute into the dimensional bands of the Harmonic Universe above. chemical, cellular, honnonal and metabolic acceleration. This biological
As a Star Crystal Seal releases, a donnant DNA code called a Genetic acceleration allows the body to raise the rhythm of particle pulsat ion and
TIme Code or fire code activates within the two DNA strands correspond- shift the angular rotation of particle spin. The three smaller dimensional
ing to the Star Crystal Seal. Star Crystal Seals are considered Vertical Merkaba Fields of the body merge and open into the Hannonic Merkaba
Seals, as they control the vertical movement of frequency bands, light Field, which then merges with the Harmonic Merkaba Field of the Har-
spectra and particles between dimensions. There are nine Star Crystal monic Universe above. The body cells accelerate, transmute into light
Seals located within the structure of the human body, and six located then re-manifest within the three-dimensional fie ld of the Harmonic Uni-
within the multidimensiona l bio-energetic body (outside of the physiC~~. verse above.
structure), for a total of IS Star Crystal Seals within the design of multi 1- There are l2 Fire Codes dormant within the original human 12-stf"dnd
mensional human anatomy. DNA imprint, each corresponding to one of 12 Star Crystals. The 12 Fire
Codes are collectively referred to as the Silicate Matrix or Crystal Gene-

the Gene of Transmutation. The Fire Codes break down through distor_ [rand mutations will be cleared from the race morphogenetic field of the
tion in the DNA Seed Codes and become dysfunctional until the DNA Sphere o~ '-:menti an~ the cor~ected imprint will be transmined through
Seed Codes are realigned. The Star Crystal Seals of the bio-energetic bod Earth's gnd mto the blo-energetlc fields of humans who have prepared their
cannOt release unless the Silicate Matrix is operational. Y ystern to receive these energies.
S The frequenci es carried on the Stellar Spirals can then create activat ion
DNA Mutations and the Ascension Cycle afLd release of the Star Crystal Seals, which will allow the Seed Crystal Seals
Prior to mutation of the human genetic code, the process of Seed Crystal [ 0 open and the DNA Fire Codes to activate. Through chis Star Cryscal Seal
Seal, Scar Crystal Seal and Fire Code activation happened automatica lly as a Activation process, the particle pulsation rhythms of the body and conscious-
natural part of the biological evolutionary process. As the morphogenetic ness can be accelerated and the DNA rapidly assembled and activated, so
field drew in frequency from the dimensional Unified Fields, progressive! individuals may shift into the Bridge Zone or Taran time cycles. Each of the
assembling (hose frequencies into the DNA imprint then activating th: upcoming six Transmutative Stellar Activations will allow various Scar Crys-
imprint through manifesting a corresponding DNA strand, the Seed Crystal GIl Seals to release and DNA strands to activate. A minimum of 1.5 Stellar
Seals would naturally release. Then the next Star Crystal Seal would release Activations must occur for an individual to successfully shift into the Bridge
and the DNA Fire Code would activate, progressively transmuting the cellu_ Zone. Those who do not make the shift will end up on Phantom Earth in the
lar structure into less dense states of matter. The body systems were under D-3 time cycle after 2017. Reincarnation out of HU~l will require a Host
conscious control and the Immortal Human could choose desired time-space Matrix Transplant.
placement by consciously altering the personal Merkaba Fields, bio-energetic Releasing of the Star Crystal Seals of the human body is a complicated
structure and particle pulsation rhythm. Presently these processes do nm process of multidimensional physics. We do nOt have enough time to teach
operate as they were intended due to various DNA strand distortions and you of the intricacies involved in this process. For this reason our future work
mutations. will focus upon bio-energetic techniques you can use to facilitate the process,
The coming ascension period of 2012- 2017 offers humanity a rare rather than on laborious conceptual foundations such as those presented in
opportunity to rapidly reverse-mutate these genetic distortions, realign the this book. It is important that you comprehend the basic concepts of these
DNA imprint with its original 12-strand pattern and accelerate the evolution energetic dynamics so future exercises will make some bit of rational sense to
of biology and consciousness by thousands of years. Humans who do not you. To take this opportunity for accelerated evolution, you simply need to
make the shift to Bridge Zone Earth will not have this opportunity again, for know how to use your mind to direct frequency. You also need to know what
the Stellar Merkaba Spirals do not fully align with the Merkaba Fields of a frequencies are available at what times via the Stellar Spirals, how to bring
Descend ing planet. The DNA of humans on the Descending Phantom Earth these frequencies into your bodies and where to direct [hem once you have
will undergo another mutation; the DNA will be unable to assemble beyond drawn them in.
the th ird strand and portions of the fourth strand that had begun to assemble Frequencies from the Stellar Spirals are drawn imo your body via the
will dismantle and de-activate. This genetic mutation can be remedied only higher-dimensional chakras; the chakra cemers located outside of the body
through a Host Matrix Transplant, through which a Soul Matrix from HU-2 that are primarily donnant at this time and do not transmit freque ncy directly
allows the HU-I incarnate to energetically and genetically braid into its Soul into the lower, in-body chakras. By imention you can use the Stellar Spiral
Matrix morphogenetic field. Individuals of Phantom Earth who do not have frequencies to activate these higher chakra centers, then draw energy from
!-lost Matrix Transplants will find their genetic codes, bodies and consciou~ the Spirals through the activated chakras into the lower chakras and the
ness deteriorating over several generations umil the ability to reproduce.il appropriate Star Crystal Seals.
lost. Cloni ng tactics further reduce the genetic imprim and ultimately w~
not preserve the species. This is precisely the condition that occurred wichtn
the Zeta race strains. I
Due to the Stellar Spiral Alignments, Stellar Activations and Sce~ at
Wave Infusions of the ascension period, the process of cellular transmutaTIon
can be briefly called into action. This will allow for a self-generated biO-enr;
getically induced transmutative evacuation from Phantom Earth co NA
place, for those who participate in the Stellar Activation process. The D

482 483
You must know:
A. What Stellar Spirals cany what frequencies and when me Spiral aligns wim Ear!h
making mose frequencies available. '
Crystal Seals and Chakras Correspondence Chart
B. Where your higher and lower chakras and Slllr Crysllll Seals are located, what
frequencies each chakra can draw in and how me chakras correspond ro the Star Crystal
Seals you need ro activate.
a C ;;-
The in-body chakras of 1- 7 correspond to the frequency bands of dimen_
sions 1- 7. The higher-dimensional chakras that correspond to dimensions 9_ a :l
15 are called Morphogenetic Chakras, as they open into and draw energy
from the morphogenetic fields of dimensions 1- 7, which are correspondingly m
located in dimensions 9- 14.
The lower dimensions and chakras are linked to the higher dimensions

and morphogenetic chakras through the Meta-galactic Core at 0-8 and the
eighth chakra; the activated eighth chakra allows you to draw frequency from
the morphogenetic chakras down into the lower chakra centers.
To activate certain Star Crystal Seals you will open the morphogenetic ,"

," "

chakra that corresponds to the lower chakras with which that Seal is associ_ = M

ated, then draw frequency from the morphogenetic chakra into the Star
Crystal Seal.
It is not difficult to do once you understand the correspondences between
the lower chakras, their Star Crystal Seals and the morphogenetic chakras.


~ -

For your convenience we provide the fo llowing charts. I ~ ~


a ~ ~

1. Crystal Seals and Chakras Correspondence Chart, see page 485.

2. Stellar Activations, Stetlar Spiral Alignments and Star Crysral Seal Acti-
vations Chan, see page 486.
3. Crystal Seals, Dimensional Placement and DNA Correspondence Chart,
see page 487.
4. 15-Chakras and IS-Star Crystal Seals Anatomical Placement Chart, see
page 488.
5. Six Personal Stellar Activations and Wave Infusions Chan, see page 489.
6. Planetary Stellar Activations and Wave Infusions Chart, see page 490.
7. Stellar Activations and Wave Infusions Schedule, see page 491.
8. Stellar Spiral Alignments Schedule, see page 492.
2002 Ashayana Deane

484 485
r'I..)/,..I;;n:IIUH o...::;;) t:1e UJHUIllu...'> I"\L...n ..uIUIICI: UtU'W-up c naTtS'- - -


_t>o_". . . .
Crystal Seals, Dimensional Placement and DNA Correspondence Chart
. .. =- ""' __ c_
~_ I)OI.l
_ _ <. .
oi ~



. ,_ T _~ I< ~ .. ""'a...'-
o 10... T_ e....,. Sc><. '" or... ,,"",ow :;-.
Q'. ' : - . - ............. ' ..., "'.:lP...... ...,

I ""'''

Stellar Activations, Stellar Spiral Alignments

and Star Crystal Seal Activations Chart ' E&.
ery...I $M ToliT I). IIOT O- 1. .IoftB 0-1
DtI.l s.d COOts UiII'd I

gIl 1"" ~

1 1 1 111"" 1
$ IK lii1l'iSl: ~
-I 1-
gIII- I j'i
~ ~ ~ ~

! ! I
JI 'i' ~ s; ~ ~ a~~ ~
" 11
lit I..,
J:t ~


iii; ~

... ..... S... ij

1: 8T

JI 'i ~j ~~ ~~ =~I s,!

~I ~I II
! ...
.II ...
~ iii .II il
I !,! =,! lD,!
:.l !I ~~ J~
... 1 !~
lli :
;iJ ;i ;!!l1l
;if! j.J :lJ ;iJ ;iJ ... ~

.l!~ J~ l:g j::;; ~:g II II l:g

l! -
'!We life 3 addIbonai Star Crystal Seals and 3 adabonal Seed Crystal Seals thaI conlrollhe Motp/'IogeIIe!lc Mef1Qba
Fe:!s of GWnensIons 13-15 These freQ,JetlCy paaems and light speclra 00 not marlfesl wDMn the 12 sirn ONA

oJ IInan genetlc code . Itlese SeaI$ are atrlkaled WIth evolution 01 put COI'IiCIOU5Ae$$ beyond !he expresslOll 01 ma1t~
:liI! :liI! IiIMd Ionn Setd Crystal Seal,: conlro! the pul$al.cln rale ri partICles With" eacll dmenslOll3l tmd afld!he speed

j I~ Ii
:liI!J;! :liI!J;! :liI!J;! ...t.ch dUl\eIlslOtIaI Mefk8ba Ftekb rotate When Seed Crystals release the magnebc parbcle Bast Codts and

JI! J~ ~;!!l j~ J8
IIIcft:aI anb~ AtwabOn Codes w;tlwll DNA strand fuse lorm~ biood crystals ilat beqln PfepaMg tile boat

- ... -
I:r metabolic; ao:eIefaboll and celtlJlar transmlJtalKln T!le speedol!toe ton'esponQng Me!bba F!eId:s I!ICrease!i

I ~I :gJl
~ .... :g~ ::;;8 3~ :!O!
.... &;.!!I ~rrog the partICles at the corresptlrlOOg dunenSlOOaI bWi level lor transfer 1010 the ne~1 HarmonIC Urwerse
... ~I Sull: controllhe an9~of tile drmeosronaj Mefkaba FItIds A:lfl arvl ~rogular rolatrcn of paltde sprn
"hi !he drmensronal Unified Fields Wh&n Star Cryslal Seals ac1Na:e lvra S!er.ar Splral lrequency InMons) the
tl:irrespoodrng Seed Cryslal Seal below releases t!le c:onespondlrog Omens.lO!18l Merkaba FlI:!k:I axiS alrgns Wi th t!le
cne aboe and [1\1) partICles In Ihe correspondrrog drmensron shih aroglJlar rolabon olsplf1 to that 01the dlmenslOl1
IticNe The Acliyatrool FrreCodes ollhe DNA actIVate and allow DNA siranels to plug Into each other. which causes
"'biood crystals 10 grew aFld lunhef accelerate the me!itrollC rale. ai\()yjmg the correspoodrog partrde'S 01 l-ftj.l10
'-geo With ~ 01 corre'SporIding drmenslOM In 1-lJ2 Through this prou" DNA Itnrnd, numble Ind Kti'lale.
"'lIIOfphogenetic accretion level rI.~. HU1 Oimenmnaf Merkabi Field. merge with those of HU2 and the
~I body tr1n5lllutlli Into th. tllIM contlnuuln of tM IMXt high"! Harmonic UniverP.
102002 Ashayaoil Deane Cl2002 Ashayana Deane

486 487
r\ .H;e;" "" vn ......y "'lG J7Y""""'-'" --------------------~

1S-Chakras and 1>Star Crystal Seals

Anatomical Chart ,p,rsonal Stellar Activation. and Way. Infusion. Summary
The StlrCryJUI s.M-OHA r_uWW~A""""lofflltuft, ~_20f7
D-I$OLAR .t-EAA1 STAR ACTlVATIOH: D-4Soa. ~Al1gns5l'5f2OOJ
Seven Prlm,u'W ChakJiis (C ) s..t. (S)
i OATES AVALABLE FOR ACTIVATION: ~ - '11l2 general ~\JoM

C2 Sacral IlfI.EASES STAR CRVSTAlSEAL: , 2 0--1().2 ()ar.g. Slir CfY$1II s.I optnS
CJ Solar Plexus . oAA: Snoa 4 IISMIIIbIa &.cWJ\eS Rrw CoIit: ~ Ilrardll2 KINiIII ACCRETION LfVEL: 3 Ie 4
C4 Heart CtW(RAS:ct.... k~ ~omScl.- Spttat ~ eI'*IlS 11' 12. rllochlkt., 4&51hen rllo
9lJe Star Cryslll Sell
C5 throat Thyroid
Cl Base ,W w_ tlfllllOllf 01 O--4Q.5Ir~.ar Blot SW CIIH1iIKMLon
C6 )-I Eye.p.lul\arf
C7 Clown~ I) Iii I'\.flAtMN - sou. SEAT ...... CTlVATION: o.5l'1101U\.Akyone S!:nI~6f2IXI'
Bght III0rph0gtnelk: (Me) (.:. OATES AVAl.ABU FOIl; ACTIVA flOH:!lI9/2I))4 -?J22 generll pr:!pIJatuIs
ClaknJs STAR CRnTAl SEAL ACTJVA rES : M'i 0-M).6 1N0IG0 STAR CRYSTAl. III 8" CI\IIkr. bet.reerl dlakru 4 &. 5
Me8 Thymus RfUASES STAR CRYSTAL SEAL: '3 O2.{).J ytbo Stir Cr'j\1iII Sui optnS
OHA: Str.nd 5 assembles 10 1IC1NiI112012 -2022 Flr.Code: n.rds 2 3 kWale ACCRETION LEVEL: 4105
M:9 Thalamus CMIOI'OO ~,,,,::,"",,, CHAKflAS:o-IW ~~ W:n AIcyQnt Spotill tvouoh d'iakrnl0& 1I rllOthlkrn 5& 61hen 11110
Me 10 Galachc 1 Itdgo SLoW CIyslIl Sell
Me 11 GaIac\lc 2 ~/ul W_ lo!!v.kNu 01 0.00.7 .~. allndIgo Slar ...... ~I .cbv.tm
toe 12 Earlh Star
IoCIJ EIrlhCOfe p.fSRIAH - EARTH S1 Nl- ACTIVATION: [).6 $I\t!1 SpqI AlqIs &r.ml
t.C14 Unrversa11
1.(;15 UnNefsal2
. DAm d!oJ3of ~OOII perlOd~I1_6IlJr'Jl17
SEALACTlVATIS .807/0-11 GOUI STARCRYSTAL ctIakr.12 fi betrw let!
15 Stu C!)'Stal Seals (5) flB,fASES STAR CRYSTAL SEAL: 15 0410-5 Blot SW Ctysf.)! Sal 0PenI
IXA: S~1Od 6 nstn'lbles 10 Kt ...a!e 2011 dI)'.3 Fin Code: ~tr.rIds 4-5 aclIVaie ACCRETION LEVEL: 510 6
SI RedStar
52 Orange Sial ,, CHAKRAS: ct ... rr~ "am Sw-Iifl SporIlItwOlJ!jl thlkrm 12 g & 8 !hen II'ItoWkl. 7 bid< to 12111d
onIO Gold S", Crys~ $If!
SJ Yellow 51ar Gold W.w fllfu~ 01 D111)..8 frequency. at Gold St ont-hIIJ KWI!lon
54 Qeen Slat
55 Blue 5tal Heafl Slar 11 [)O1 ARCf\.IRJA)I - CORE STAR - ACl1VAllON :O--l AIt1uniIrl SpttaIA9Js 2017 day.1 ~ Beam
56 lnago SlaI'SouI Seal "t: 01'.16 AVAIlAIILE FCI't ACl1VAllON 2017 dey. I InICII.9' Illy..) \bet.een 5f.w'2011_ 6IlJr'Jl17)
51 VClieISlar
sa Gold Stat Earth SICIf
-- RELEASES STU CRYSTAl SEAL lIS 0!IIO.61ndogo Slir Crystal SuI !)e(\~
59 Swer Slat.cDfe Sial -J:.. ~ _
510 Bh.IeBllCkStilr
'i ll SllverBlackSlar
512 Wh,leStal
S 13 Urwersal Slar 1
S14 Urwefsa! Star 2
~--- - -

- - --~
tIiA St..:l1 asSflN:llts. lCWltes dIy., 6 8C\N.tts FlrI Code: sl!arQ >&oetIV,!e ACCRETION LEVEL:61O 7
CHAKRA$ d! . .. I!~ /rom Ar~t ...1ItI Sporlllh1QU!)h chaluas 8& 91l1en ,,10 SWI!( Slar CfY$1at Sui iIIboft

S Ir W_ "'f\l~'" 01 O-M)9"~ beglll.1 So",,- Slir onePlaIJ KL~alOOII

B-I0f00M -
- AcnvAnotI:
ACTlVAT1ON: 2011 day2
Spotil Aqls 2011 dIy2\t:11og1'~ Seam.
STAR CRYSTAlSfALACTIVATES: D-9/0.1 (} BLUl...... CX CRYSTAL. d"IiIu.1311'1 edfsCc:n
S15 UruveISai Slar J
Ra..EA$ES STARCRYSTALSEAL.S: I 7 Ow.tVdeI Slir ,. OW. G<1'ftI Sill! & lUI 01/015 RedS.
DHA.: Str.-.d8~, 7 &81C1Nu Fin CoIk: \UI!Os &7.3-4 'A \2 ~.,. ACCRETION LEVEL:11e8
CHo\KR.l$: 07 ... k~ kom anon Sorll llvougll o:l'IPln 13 7 & 6. ,,109& to then Into Blue-Black Crys18l
Stu Crystal Seals: keep human mOlph field and ldenilly 3 Unlverul Mtlka~ Field.: ~nk 12 Seat rl thlkr. 13.t e ...1I11 Cae
dimensonalrt separated by CoollolllRg the angle of lhe dlmensJOnaI human morph fteld to IIII!f-SIKII W_lnfu~". 01 OWIO fr~ begin 81 oneMtI ~ Black Sill! IICt".b:;ln
DrnenslOl1al Me!kaba FitIds 8X!S IfI relatIOn 10 \he lirwenal planetary. ;allelIC &Um..ersal monil
Merkaba F.eIds Regulates the Angular RotallO(J 01 P&rllCie r~ A. Univergl Mtrb~ Me sl4 b. o.t AHDftOMEDA..(WJ.CTC CORE-ACTlVAT1ON:D-9Iv14omea! Spotal Ahg'Is 2017dir{.3HoIog!~
5pn between Qmef\SlOOS COIlespond 10 \he F~e Codes 815 8 . GlLactk Ikrbbl-MC 5 11& STAR CRYSTAL SEAlAcnvATES: 0--100-11 SlLVER-8LACK CRYSTAL detQ~
%!rglQII Codes betwer' DNA slIm 13 C. Plfnebfy Mer!y.bkMCs 10&.12 RElEASES STAR a:mAL SEALS: tIS 0--1/0-1 Gold Slir tAytlill SuI qlI!fII
Energy Flow: MCs 8-15 o-aw _gy from \he lkwernaIlAvfIed FItId& 0Imens1Ollal Urnfied DNA: S~1Ind 9 ~ & KI!v.1I!s Ar. Com: 'l!tnC!I; 7-11 IdNate ACCRETlOtI L.fYEl..: 810 9
Fields 815, llIfough!he Urwtlsal Merkaba Fields & InlO the lOut ... Auric levels Viii tne CHAKRAs: G... fr~ I!O"I AncJomedI $prill hough thlk!as 6&5 InIO 10 & 1I then rllO
MorpI\ogetleIIC Seed C'YSlaI Seals In Mes 8-15 Cs \.7 o-aw entIgy from OmenslOlllll l/nlf.ed ~-BiIck Slir Ctyslll SuI III deep$pICllIvO'..9hAnctomeda
s.fwr.S'-dI .....,. "'III,loM 01 0100 11 &~ begin .1 one-llatl Sltvl!(~~ Sial' ICIrvllQfl
Fields 178 flom COIrl!SpooORg MCs 8 15 Inlo lhe llMer Auric l~tI5 "1lI Seed CIYSIaI Seals
In Cs 1.7 O1ce In lhe Seed CryslaJ the tonal pattefn 0I1he lIIComlng energy manifests ItseU
II'I tne DNA biueprlnt enlers!he OmenslOllal Merkaba Ftelds and runen5lOOi1lauflC capsules 02002 Ashayana Deane
01 the txxt,o The energy I$II1en o-awn 1I"I1Iv0U!ll1he lower Cs. 11110 the IUcbI Capt.U\e & NJdis.
r~ ~ IriI 10 !he fIeI\tOU5 system Ene\'gy passes \IVOI.gII the roervoos syslerll .nlo !he
Encbcrne system blood cd.dar strucllXe & matlileslklfm BdJgca! form IS created and suslaJltd
from \lie miJ11.(\menslQl'lll Undled F.eId
IlIfougl'llhls contInUal p!"ocess o! I!Oefgy b
:12002 Ashayana Deane

488 489
Ascension Cycle Dynamics At~A~ (jlance Hlow~Op ClUirrs
. M,-----'-c;';r"'''''''' I......'jCte Dymtmn~s
Th~ 6 Stflllf Activations Earth WIll F,ce BtfWeen S/SIlDOO MId 1011.
0-4SOLARACTIVAT~ : D. Solar SpIral &tqlS WI!h E(IIlto
1- DATE: 582CXX)- 612004 EARTH ACrrvATION
EARTH VORTEX OPEtrtS : Vor1e~ It 4 - Gza Egypt - lr.:nl) - 612004
eWE WAVE INFUSION: 2002 -200& 05 Sl8 0-6 or freqJel'lCleS enter Earth s COfe Stell., AcUvations and Wave Infusions Schedule
DNA: DNA. sll'and It . assembles and ac1NlIles. Slut Sur cryslal act",ales for Earlh Earlh popuJalions and
EARTH ACCRETJOtrt lEVEl: 210 3) HUMAN ACCRETION lEVEL: J to 4 7116 Keepers of the Blue and VIOlet Flame-. Soul GIOUPS
(Earth accretlOl1le~'eI presentlf 2 5. Human average Pfe5enttv J to 3 5 accre1.-on) lOOO - 2017
available to Earth
It 0-5 PlElADIAN ACnvATION: 05 PIeIaO;an-Akyone $pIrala!lgns Wllh D' Solar SPIIal & Earth ACTIVATION EARTH POPULATIONS
L DATE: 6f2004- &'2OOB EARTHAcrrvATION start end start end
EARTH VORTEX OPENS: Vatex It 5 - Machu PIo:hu Peru - 6fXKl4 _ &'2(X)8
Wave InfuslOO
VIOLET WAVE WFUSION: 2008 -2010 0-6 8T arid [).7 OT heq:enc1eS enter Eanh s Core
DNA: DNA. slraoo' 5 assembles, actIVates after 5I5I2Oi2. lndigo Star crystal pre-actr..aloo 0-4 Solar 51512000 - 612004 5MOoo - 612004 +
(accre\lOn Ieve~ -' So< &Idge Zone 5 . Tara Indigo Star acl ....ates after 561012)
Blue Wave
0510-6 frequencies 612002 - 612006 612002 - 612006
"1 o.e SIRJAN ACTIVATION: O.() SNlan Spifal aligns With 05 Plel3dlan.Alcyor.e Sptal etc
.:,; DATE: 612008-112012 TARANACnvATlON 05 Pleiadian 612004 - 612008 91912004 - 2012 +
EARTH VORTEX OPENS: VO!1tx' 6 - ClIUCClSUS MounlalnS. USSR - 6ROCJ8 - 112012 Violet Wave
GOLD WA!r'E IIEUSION: 2010 -2014 07 BT & 0-8 OT frequenoes enler Earlhs Core 612006 - 612010 51512012 - 2022
DNA: strand 116 assemble's Gold Stir & Indigo Stir cryslais acl",ate 5f.i20121017
06/07 frequencIeS
(gilds of Earth & Tara begin 10 merge and Astens-.ons \0 Tilfa begin 5/5120\2) Sirian
().6 612008 -11112012 1/2112008 -2017 day 3'
Gold Wave
II 0-7 ARCTURIAN ACTIVATION: 07 ArCIUfIll1 Spral atlgns With 0-6 Slfllln Spral ele VIII HolographIC Beam 612010 612014 2017 day 3'
,. DATE: W2017 - &lJr.1017 <By , '017 TARAJI ACTIVATION 0-710..8 fre<p!flcies
EARTH VORTEXOPEHS: Vortex 117 -Andes Moon\alns. SooIl1Amenc;a _ 112012~17
SILVER WAVE INFUSION: day 1-2017 0-8 BT& 09 aT lreqJeflCleS entel Earth s Cole 0-7 Arcturian 2017 day 1 ' 2017 day 13'
DNA: strand II 7 assemble! strands 5 6 & 7 acwate SiNer Star crystal idillaies lor J days
(Earll!. Tara and Gala align Will! HolographIC Beam AscenslOl1s 10 GaIBI 0-&'09 frequencies 2017 day 1 - 2' 2017 day 1 - 3'

[).I ACTIVATION: 0-8 Onon Spiral. MG Core allgnWlth 07 ArcUI8fI Sprrat. etc
5612017 -&:lOr.1017 d,y 2 2017 GAlAN ACTIVAnON
VIi! HolographIC: ~ [).8Orion 2017 day 2 2017day23'
Blue.Black Liquid light Wave
EARTH VORTEX OPENS: Portals belween Eacth, Tara Ga,", and 0-8 Meta-GalactlC Core ~ 2017 day 2 - 3'
BLUE-BLACK UQUD UGHTWAVE INFUSION: dlY 2 - 2011 0-9 BT& 10 OT enter Eartt,.s Core
0.910.10 trequencK!s 2017 day 2 - 3'
DNA: strand . 8 assembles & aclNales EARlli CORE Blue BlICk Stir crystal idrvales fOf 24 -48 hours
EARTH ACCRETION LEVEl: 6 10 7 HUMAN ACCRETION LEVEL: 710 8 O.g Andromeda 2017 day 3 2017 day 3*

(Asc:emlOOS 10 Metaga:acliC COIel
Sillier-Black liquid Ught Wave
0.1010.1Itrequencies 2017 day 3' 2017 day 3'
0.1 ANDROMEDA ACTIVATION: Og AnO'omeda Sprral align With 08 Coon ~ral elc
b DATE: 51'512017 - 6In'2017 day 3-2017 GAlAN ACTIVATION + .. 10 2022 when Taran ascension perIOd er.ds
2017 l-d~ particle conversion period wlil iall be\'Neen 51512017 - 6I3OI2Ofl
EARlli VORTEX OPENS: Portals q)I!f'I between morph dlmenslOflS 9-15 0-8 MGCore and Earth- Tara-Ga I
SlLVERBLACKUQU/O LIGHTWAVE INRJSJOH: d~ 3-2017 010 BT& O11 OT enler EartnsCole Blue Flame Soul Group begins Activations appro. 4 ytllr5 before Earth's Activations begin.
DNA: strand 11 9 assembles SlIverBIICk Star crystal aclrvales for 12-24 houls VlOlel Flame Sool Groop begins AcllVahons 25 years after Blue Flame s Actr ...allons begin
(Phan tom Earth and BOOge Zone separallOO Ascensrons 10 Q.9.)

DHA snnds w~1 ICtivate only If tM ttr.Id. below NiYe been fully usembled ~nd ,(rivaled.
2011: 3-day partICle COOYe!SIOfi perIOd. Eitrth s parudes and pq:Ualions separale 11110 allelerliltne uackS
2022 Mass AscensIOl'l cycle ends BT Of OT base \one Of Over lone freotJel'lClts
<02002 Ashayana Deane C)2002 Ashayana Deane
A~SlOn Cycle :crynamiil'c',....- - - - - - - - -
Appendix IlV

Stellir Spiral Alignment Schedule

Stellar Spirals represent lhe multi-dimensional Mer1<aba Fields (sets of

countec-fotabng electro-magnetlc fields) through which Earth's Mer1I.aba Fields
are connected to the 15 dimensional frequenc;y bands of the Universal Matrix
The Dmensional Stellar Merkaba Fields run as spiraling bands of electro-magnetic
frequency through various inler-galactic Star systems. each carrying the frequency
bands characteristic to i~ dmen!tioo. OlJ'ing the 2 ascension cycles al the be9nning
Field Techniques
and end d a 26.556year Hamlonic UnIVerse Euiago Tine Cycle. !he rotational axes
of the Siek Sprats cane Into wed vertical al~nt wth each other ThIS aligvnenl
allov.s an infusion of UHF energIeS (1911. sound, elec~tIC and scalar wave
spect'a)!rem the hl!j'lesl dmenSlOl'lS, Meta-Galactic Core and GiUctic Core FIELD TECHNIQUE 1: EXERCISE TO RELEASE CRYSTALLIZED
Morphogenetic Field to rTlOoIe lIYoog. the tEqJenC)' bands. Star systems and planets
ollhe lower dmensions Stellar Activations, Wave Infusions and particle THOUGHT PATIERNS FROM THE DNA
transmutation take place as a result of combining higher and lower dimensional AND CELLULAR MEMORY IMPRINT
frequency bands via the Steliar Spiral M1I:aba Fields.
By moving the focus of your conscious attention into a slower-moving pul-
The vertical all9Jlmenl 01 the Stellar Spral Meri\aba Fiela;; IS called the Stellar Bridge
sation pattern, you will be able to release the thought patterns stored with-
The Stellar BrKtJe re~esents a lileral spiraling pathway 01 mul~-dlmensionaJ frequency,
If the partICle pulsation rhyttrn/ vibration of a planet's cOI'e is high enoogh IIAlen the
in your cells, When you relax your mental focus and slow your heart and
planetay Mert.aha Fields come into vertical oU!JJOefIt with the Stellcw Sprals the Sielar breathing rates, your consciousness expands and begins to pulsate faster,
Bridge IS able to ground its energ.es into the pcwticle base 01 the planellf the Stellar Bndge while the pulsation rhythm of your body's particles slows. From this
IS g-ounded suceessfultt a Siellar Activations and Wav.lnfusions cycle cmmences
quickened state of consciousness, you can then consciously shift the par-
l4XXl1he planet. \Iw'ougl 'Much a lempcrcry time acceleration aod advance-nent 01 ticle-pulsation speed of your awareness into very slow pulsation rhythms.
the evolubonary p-ocess takes place. Earth will experience its first Stellar Activations First, lOl' will visualize motIingyour consciousness through a dark tunnel, with a
cycle in 210,216 years between 21100-2017. '- brightlighL at its end (the same effect as in a Near Death Experience, which
occurs for the following reason). Moving into the light represents the
quickening of the particle pulsation rhythm of your consciousness, for
which you are aiming in this exercise. YOli perceive the "dark tunnel" as
your consciousness moves from its 0-4 pulsation rhythm, through the 90
Ab!;Ins W11h
Adrval1011 shift in angular rotation of particle spin that exists between the D-4 and
D~S frequency bands, and imo the faster pulsation rhythms of D-S fre-

"""'" SO,"
t D" Solar Splr!1 Earth s Merbba Fields
05 PlNdbn-Akyone Splnl
0-6 SiNn Spinl
0-4 Solar $pJral 0/2004
.....'" quency. The "light at the end of the tunnel" represents the collective re-
ality fields of the D-S frequency bands, {and the D-S consciousness
< 0-7 .....,turian Spiral
05 Ple0d1an-Alcyooe
[).6 Sv.an Spial ""'"
2017 day_1 """
contained there within}, as viewed in condensed form, by consciousness
stationed in lower dimensions. One moves closer to the light as the par~
0-8 Orion Spin!
09 Andl'Om.d. SplnI"
07 Arcturl8ll5plr1l
0-80n0n SpuI
2011 day2
"""" ticle pulsation rhythm of the consciousness accelerates to the rhythm of
the D~S frequency bands. The light will appear to take on spherical form,
2017 day.3 Andromedil
like a blazing sun, as the consciousness nears the D-S pulsation rhythm.
'.,. ~510 MelaGalacbc Core 0-8 ., ~ open, 10 GalacllC COle Morpr.ogeoehc Field 09 One merges with the light when the consciousness has reached D-5 pul-
= HolographIC Beam aligns sation rhythm. This is the process you will encounter after death, but it
can be used consciously while you are still in body, for many different pur~
poses. When you perceive the light you are seeing the fifth dimension.
Cl2002 Ashayana Deane
Once visualizing yourself in the light, submerge ::yourself within it and feel that light
motJe through every ceU in your bod"j, imagine. it motIing through your DNA
This raises the pulsation rhythm of the body's panicles by infusing them

492 493
Field 'I echniques

within the 0-5 frequency patterns carried by your accelerated co . Call light fO your~l[. Imagine that you ~~ see light screaming in from a beam
ness, b"
. n n glOg w h '
~t IS stor WithIn t he cells closer to the range of
ed n sclOUS_
OUr above you, as I( there was a sun positioned above your consciousness.
consc~ous perceptIOn: Whe,n you view your body from this 0-5 stat~ of Breathe light from that sun, into your consciousness and feel it make !he pulsation
conSCiousness, you wlil notice areas of the body that appear quite light
filled, and others that appear dark. The dark areas represent pans O f h
rhythm of !he thought-form and your consciousness move faster. See the dark
area mat is presently "you" become more and more light fi lled. Begin to
body in which slower-pulsating particles are stored the dark areas a the hear the sound pitch of the energy in the thought-fono and hear its fre-
kannic imprints you seek to release. ' re t e
quency raise, as more and more light enters the thought-form. Allow the
Next, motle yOUT attention infO one of the dark areas as fu.Uy as possible Ie I . sound and sensation of expand ing light to fill your entire consciousness
sensations and become aware of the pulsation rhythm of the energy in that ~ Its a.nd con.tinue to dra~ light in, until you sense a distinct stop to the sens~
nat space. It will have a distinct feel of rhythm that you can detect ler-
move your artention into it.
tlon ofhght expandlOg. T he thought-fonn has now reached its maximum
holding capacity for UHF energy .
Bec?me aware of the difference between the pulsation fate of your con- Now, imagine that the sun above you is moving down, infO your consciousness
scIousness a~d that of the dark area, then consciously slow me pulsation rate and me thought-form. When the sun enters the thought-form, the thought-
of )'ou~ consciousness to match that of fhe dark area. Feel yourself moving fonn explodes and the crystalline energy substance, of which its morpho-
down .mto the blackn.ess of the dark space, sloWing the rhythm of your genetic field was made, literally blows apart. The thought-fono no longer
conSCIousness, spreadmg ou~, and be~oming one with the area. As you exists as a reality within your body or consc!ousnc.ss, its p~rticles of energy
proce~ to move your. consciousness mto the area, you will feel a distinct substance have been released. The energetic reality of thIS process is that
sensation of the s(Qppm~ of e~pansion. This OCcurs whenJour conscious_ of using inner light (visualizations) to guide UHF sound patterns into a
ness has fully expanded Itself IOta the morphogenetic fiel of that dark thought-fono morphogenetic field. T he UHF sound patterns literally
area thought-form. You have become one with the thought pattern yo shatter the energy structure of the thought-form, breaking apart the crys-
are the I?au ern. You do n~t have to identify the contents of the tho~gh~ tallization of slower-pulsating energy particles, just as certain tones of
pattern m order to release It, though you may begin to receive ideas im- sound can cause a glass to shatter in the ph ysical world. Through engaging
ag~s or e~otional qu~lities fT?m the thought~fonn as you proceed thr~ugh in this process, you are literally merging the slower-pulsating crystallized
this exercise .. Let the lm~resslons pass by your attention, and kee focused particles with their anti-particles, through the thought-fonn of the sun
on the eXerCIse. In mergl.ng your awareness with the dark thought-fonn, that you created during the visualization. That "sun" image translates
you have moved the station of your consciousness from the D-4 level through your body consciousness as 0-5 through 0-8 frequency, the fre-
through the D~5. '::vel and down into the frequency bands in which chat quency bands of transmutation through which particle and anti-particle
thought-form ongmated. You have entered its source of creation and merge. When you merge multidimensional particles and anti-particles you
merged your identity with that of the identity who created the pattern. create photons. Through this exercise you have created a burst of phoro-
You have becom~ the creator of the thought pattern. Being its creator, you nic energy within [he frequency bands in which the thought-form crystal-
can now change It. I lization had been .
Once you have beco'.lle on.e with rhe crysta llized thought-form, sense the To conclude this exercise, focus upon me image of fhe sun causing the mought-
shape and boundanes of Its energy structure. It wi ll have a form and struc- form fO explode. Imagine IMt you can feel Mis explosion wimin your body as a
ture of energy that you can "feel out" with your consc iousness. sudden burst of energy that runs fhrough your cells from the area in me lxxty
where the dark area had been. Visualize this occurring, and see that me dark area
Fe.el )'our awarene~s expand into every layer of !he energy form, as if you are fill- is now filled with radiating light. You may not have to imagine the sensation
m~ a balloon With water .or a box with sand, until you can feel your con- of energy rushing through you at aU, for this is the energetic reality of what
sC iousness take up every lOch of area within the structure of the thought- is taking place. The degree to which you can sense this energy release will
fonn. Onc~ you feel completely expanded into the thought-fonn, begin depend upon how sensitized your neurological structure is to higher fre~
to recreate It.
quencyenergy. This sensitivity will increase the more you engage your
consciousness in activities such as this exercise. Exercises like this activate
donnant DNA codes, which program the body to build new neuro-pas-
1. Nore: J:"Iaving the ability [0 consciously shift your cntire awareness into the 0-5 level is sageways and nerve endings. This increases the body's ability to sense sub-
an attribute of complete fifth DNA strand assembly and activation, which most humans tle energy and expands the perceptual range of consciousness while it is
do n~ yet pos.ss. When you use your present imagination to create the inner experience focused in the body.
?~ thIS merger, you ~ctually accelerate the assembly of strands fou r and five and rapidly
cte~ you r accretion level. The more you practice such exercises, the more your aware- As you visualize photonic light running through your body, conscio.usl)' guide
ness ~111 be able to a~cess [he~ D-5 "p~lsation rh yt hm, which will make the 0-5 merger pro- that light directly into the DNA, while holding me intention that the body wiU
greSSIVely more tanglbl~ and real 10 tenns of physical perception and embodiment o( D- use this energy to accelerate the DNA-building process, under the direcrion of
5 frequency. Any eXerclSt's that mentally ~rake you into [he light" will do this for you.
494 495
, ..." . .. . .. u, .............. . ..... ........ ' J , . " ............. oJ."......... ............. ..

the soul matrix identity. Visunlize minute photonic panicles motlin~ intO and ad. T HE PERSONAL AND PLANETARY MAliARlc SHIELDS CHART
hering 10 your double helix DNA strands, until you. perceive all oj the light par.
ticles that were released, as merging with your DNA.
Complete the exercise by vistuJlizjng ),our consciousness returning into the bright CHAKRA-14
light sun, then motle your awareness backward through the dark tunnel umi/ it
is focused in your present moment Station of consciousness.
,.. . . ............
...." ..
The teachings of the Azurite T eroplc are vested in the Law of O nc; the
interconnection, and Interdependence, of all dimensions of "reality" ... PiNEAL GLANr>rF .... H......M i
and the Living God, or Spirit, alive within a U things. S, - Code u !
l~'nu- :
A ll Azurite Temple teachings arc "state of the art," and spec ifically ac-
knowledge the scientificl energetic founda tions of "Oneness," together
with clear emphasis on the unification of science with Spirit, the "Chris.
tos Within," and (he absolute assoc iation with Esoteric Metaphysical Or-
The practical purpose of these teachings is to truly free and empower all,
through expanded consciousness and educated enlightenment, through
which reverence, respect, love and co-operative co-creation are fostered
within the Global Commun ity. These perspectives fully embrace geo-
physical planetary healing as an intrinsic consequence of personal align_
ment and expanSIOn.
The personal-planetary technique given here is a key.srone tool of such im- OARK SILVER
" "0.--
portance that it is made freely available to cveryone. Like all Temple tech.
niques and tools, the Maharic Seal is grounded firm ly in Universal '-
Unified Field physics, ancient Merkaba Mechanics and Matter Template
Science (a.k.a. the "Divine Blueprint").
These techniques are known as "Bio.Regenesis Technologies" which were once
common knowledge, taught in the Pre-Ancient Mystery Schools of ad- T""l1"l~
Scili' ~ G.uO:Io
vanced human cu ltures; these were regarded as standard, as well as essen- ................. "' ~rlc
tial, daily pr-dC[icc. Shield iIId Il1o ~II$.

The Maharic Seal, like all Bio-Regene5is Technologies, implies application of

specific conscious energy, directed to, and within, the core manifeswlion
template of the body. This technique directly activates the specific math-
Cod. .,
ematical -geometrical relationship within, and between, the Angelic Hw
man and the planetary, organic, evolutionary blueprint utilizing the
hydroplasmic frequencies of the l ath, 11th and 12th Dimensional "Maha-
ra Current." The Maharic Current was fully re-anchored on this planet (or
the fi rst time in about 210,000 years, at the GRU-AL point, Sarasota, FL. PERSONAL MAHARIC
Signet 2 point of the Planetary T emplar Grid, on May S, 2000.
The Maharic Seal is a malor tool by which the purpose, intcmion, awareness
and effect of the Ange ic Human can be significantly accelerated in a gen-
uine. substantial and high impact fashion.

496 497
J ne J'ersonat ana naneLUT)' IV/UTlUl1C .)metaS \....rw:n

Regular use of the Maharic Seal w ill: Temporary Maharic Seal Technique Steps
Short Version of the Maharic Seal Biofield Clearing, Alignment and Pro'
Begin the process of activating the 8th through 12th chakras of the personal tection Technique from the Kathara Bio,Spiritual Healing System
Kathara Grid; Program. F~r temp<?rary. restorat.ion. an~ maintenance of personal Bio
Assist the opening of Crystal Seals in the body (which otherwise block Field Integrity and PhYSical Revttahzat lon.
DNA activation); Prior to use: Read through Ute stepS and practice !he wsualizations and !heir se,
Open the Planetary Bic-Feed Interface within the personal body, enabling quence slowly, for familiarity.
the body vehicle to become a truly effective tool fo r lasting, p/anecary grid I. Imagine the twod imensional image of a "Merkaba Star" or six.pointed
and sacred site work; "Star of David," in the color of Pale Silver, as if the image is drawn on a
T rigger DNA activations which progressively and automatically activate black background on the inside of your forehead. This image represents a
the full Merkaba; composite scalar wave pattern Keylontic Symbol Code called the "Hi,
erophant." Its color denotes the frequency spectra of the II th and 12th
Enable healers to transmit 120 frequency sub-harmonics, providing more Dimensions, and its form, combined with these color frequencies, repre
IX>werful, longer lasting {often permanent} heal ing facil itation free of sents the conrrol code of the 12th dimensional frequency band . It is the
personal and client energetic field distortions; Key Code to unlock the 12th Dimensional Maharic Shield in the personal
Protect users from "disharmonic" energies associated with "channeling," and planetary scalar grids.
healing, Astral projection, and other means of personal fie ld infiltration; 2. Inhale, while visualizing the Hierophant Symbol at the center of the brain,
Assist Indigo Type III children anchor the higher frequencies which cause in the Pineal Gland.
fractious behavior (administered via parent); 3. Exhale, while using the exhale breath to firmly move the Hierophant down
Amplify the results of spiritually focused activity; the Central Vertical Body Currene (energy current in the center of the
body), then out between the legs and straight down into the Earth's core
Harmonize personal & env ironmental energies; (your l3th Chakra).
Create Morphogenefic Re,patfeming, clearing kannic I miasmic imrrints 4. Inhale, while imagining that you can see at Earth's core a h uge, Disc.shaped
which otherwise block DNA activation (and the attainment a true can Crystalline Platform of Pale Silver Light that extends outward on a hori-
sciousness expansion and full em1xxiiment of the MChriSf05 Principle") j zontal plane through the entire body of the Earth and out into the atmo-
Realign, revital ize and regenerate all aspects of the physical and subtle body sphere. Visualize the Hierophant suspended in the center of the d isc (th is
systems; image represents the Planetary Maharic Shield, the scalar wave grid com-
posed of dimension 10/11/12 frequency, with the Hierophant Key Code
Trigger activation of 11th and 12th sub-harmonics in every DNA strand positioned to activate the Planetary Shield.)
which assists correction of code reversal and the effects of interact ion with
other code mutated partners; 5. Exhale, while pushing your breath outward into the Earth's Maharic Shield,
imagining as you exhale that the force of the breath has made the Earth's
Prepare and equip practitioners to receive and hold the increasing fl ow of Maharic Shield begin to spin.
higher frequency energies flowing into the Planetary G rids and personal
morphogenetic fields arising from the intensifying Stellar Activation Cy-
6. Inhale, using the inhale breath to draw Pale Silver Light from Earth's spin.
ning Maharic Shield into the Hierophant positioned at the center of the
cle now underway (20002017).
Planetary Shield.
7. Exhale, using the exhale breath to push the Pale Silver Light throughout the
entire Hierophant making the Hierophant glow and pulsate with Pale Silo
vcr Light.
8. Inhale, imagine that the glowing Pale Silver Hierophant momentarily flash
es Ctimson Red and returns to Pale Silver. Then use the inhale breath to
draw the Hierophant vertically up from its position at Earth's core, to a po-
sition 12" below your feet (the position of your dormant personal Maharic
Shield scalar-wave grid). As you inhale the Hierophant upward from
Earth's core, imagine that it trails a thick cord of Pale Silver Light behind
it. One end of the Si lver Cord remains attached to Earth's core, the other
attached to the Hierophant (the Cord represents an "Energy Feed Line"

Field "Jechniq'uue"iis, -- - - - - - - - - - Lfie r er:iU7lW ana 1"w nerary Mananc :Shields Chart

through which you will d~aw e~ergy up from the Earth's Maharic Shield 19, Exhale forcefully, using the exhale breath to rapidly expand the H i.
into your personal Mahanc Shield) crophant outward on a horizon tal plane at the 14th Chaicra, unti l the H i.
erophant suddenly "disappears" from view, with a mild "popping"
9. Exhale. with your attention on the Hierophant positioned 12" below your sensation.
feet and use the exhale breath to push a burst cfPale Silver Light outward
on a horizontal plane from the Hierophant. Imagine that a Disc-shaped, 20. Breathe no rmally, while visualizing for a moment a brilliant 4' Pale Silver
Crystalline Platform of Pale Silver Light about 4' in di.amctcr, exte~ds on Pillar of Light extending from the Earth's Core upward, fully encasing
a horizontal plane 12" beneath your feet around the Hlcrophant at Its cen your body and extending far above the head, into Earth's atmosphere and
ter. (This image represen ts your personal Maharic Shield.) to a single Star of Pale Blue Light far off in deep space, Your Maharic
Sh ield is now temporarily activated, and your Maharic Seal Pillar is rem-
to. lnhale, while using the inhale breath to d~w mor~ Pale Silv~r Light up porarily manifest within your BioFieid. The Maharic Seal will remain in
through the Pale Silver Cord from Earth sCore, mto the H lerophant at your Bio-field anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 hour at first. The more this
the center of your personal Maharic Shield. exercise is practiced, the longer the Pillar will remain.
11 . Exhale, using the exhale breath to push the Pale Silver Light from ~he Hi- 21. For quick reinforcement of the Maharic Seal, once the full process has
erophant, out into your Maharic Shield. Imagine that your Mahanc been run within 24 hours: Simply imagine a spark of Pale Silver Light at
Shield now pulsates, as it fills with the Pale Silver Light from Earth's Core. the Pineal Gland, exhale it rapidly down to Earth's Core and imagine the
12.lnhale, again drawing more Pale Silver Light up from Earth's Core through Eanh's Maharic Shield spinning. Call to mind the Pale Silver Cord and
the Pale Silver Cord into the Hierophant, and imagine the Pale Silver inhale the 4' diameter Cord all the way up around you, forming the Pillar,
Cord expanding to four feet in width, forming a Pillar of Silver Light run- attaching it "out in deep space" to the Star of Pale Blue Light.
ning up from Earth's Core directly into your four-foot-diameter Maharic The Short Version of this technique provides a "manually created" tempo
Shield. rary Maharic Seal in your Bio-Field, and requires manual resetting every
13. Exhale, again using the exhale breath to push Pale S ilver Light from the 24 hours, with frequent reinforcement during the day. Using and practic-
Hierophant outward into your Maharic Shield, while imagining that your ing the full version of this technique, as described in the Kathara Bio-Spir-
Maharic Shield "takes on a life of its own/' the d isc suddenly "folding itual Healing System Level--l Maharic Recoding Process TM, will
upward" with a "popping" sensation, to form a 4' dia~ter pillar of Pale progressively program the Cellular Memory of the body to hold the Ma-
Silver Light aU around and running through your body. haric Seal for prolonged periods of time, W ith consistent practice of the
14. Inhale, imagining that the inhale breath draws the Pale Silver. Lig~t from full technique, over an extended period of time, the Maharic Seal will
the Pillar encasi~g the ~y into every body cell. Se!lse the tmglmg feel- funct ion automatically as a pennanent fixture within your Bio-field.
ing as the Pale Silver Light moves through the phYSical body. In the meantime, the Shan Version of this technique, coupled with rein-
15, Exhale, imagining that you can teel the energy of the Pale Silver Light ex- forcement throughout the day, will provide Bio-field protection and gen
panding into every cell of the body and then outward around the body de, regenerative Core T emplate realignmen t for all aspects of the
hysical and Subtle- Energy-Body- systems. It is recommended to use at
into the Bio-field,
16, Breathe naturally for a minute or twO, as the feeling of the Pale S ilver Light
east this Short Version of the Maharic Seal technique prior to ANY en-
ergy work, "channeling," or Astral and Dream Projection, It will nOt only
moves through you, while sensing the energy presence of the Maharic S.eal provide protection from disharmonic energies; it will also amplify the re-
Pale Silver Pillar 4' around your body. The more time you spend breathmg sults you desire to gain from these activities.
and sensing the energies, the more dimension 10/11/12 frequency you are
drawing i,:to yo,:,r Pillar~ w~ich will.inc~ease the length of time the Maha-
ric Seal Pillar Will remam m your Blo-fleld,
17. Return your attention to the Hierophant still positioned 12" below your
lB. Inhale, using the inhale breath to draw the Hierophant up through YOhr
Central Vertical Body Current, then out the top of your head (the 7t )
"Crown" C hakral to a point about 36" above the head (the 14th Chakro. .

z. This is you r Maharic Stal, a temporary scalar-wave pillar of dimension 10/ 11/12 freq~e~~
light that blocks out disharmonic frequencies from dimensions 1 through 12 and begu'lS f3.1
realign dishannonic frequencies in your body and bio-field to their original perfect nal

500 501
rl ~1U JC'c..-lI7 llqll.eS Field 'l echmque 4: Fhe MahaYata
FIELD TECHNIQUE 3: THE MAliARIC QUICK SEAL 9 Move your attention to the Pale Silver ball you have created in your Heart
1. Work with a 24 pointed, 3 Dimensional Star (Heirophant) and be a . Center, inhale and move it up to the 14th C hakra 36" above your head ... as
that you will be working with beings known as the Breneau Rishi. Ware Y0l! do, feel for the sheatf of Maharic Frequency encasing your etheric
body, dose to your skin.
2. Beg.in by ~lowing y?ur breathing, as.you imagin~ or visualize a 24 POint
Dimensional, Helrophant at the Pmeal Gland In the center of your b .' .3. FlEW TECHNIQUE 4: THE MAHARATA
Visualize the Heirophant surrounded by a Pa le Blue Sphere of light~atn.
(The Blue Sphere serves as a buffer for your readiness to accept the fr~ue . Anchoring the Planetary Christos Field
associated with using the 24 pointed Star; the Blue Sphere holds th;Ct es The Group Maharic Seal - Building the Urn Shaddai Ur
ergy for you until your !xxiy can hand le the energy. If you can handl ~n "Pillar of First Cause/ Eckatic Light"
the energy will simply pass through the blue sphere). e It,
3. Inhale, as if you are going to grab the Blue.Sphere containing the 24 po' 1. One Breath + th ree
star located at the Pineal, and on the Exhale move the 24 point starl Btt Breath I-Visualize Heiropham Symbol Code at the Pineal Gland. Inhale,
~p~ere, a U the way do~vn to Earth's Core. Try to hear a sound tone as th~ then exhale !orcefuUy, moving the Symbol Code down the Central
Hetrophant/ Sphere hits the Planetary Shields. Body Currem and into Earth's core.
4.1nha~ and draw the Heiropham/ sphere up to your Personal Maharic Shield Three brealhs-Take 3 full breaths, and on each exhale push firmly into
12 below your feet ... and Exhale while watching the Pale Silver-Blue the Symbol Code at the Earth's core, making the Symbol Code spin,
sphere expand. out to a la~~e s:l'.here ... and watch as your Maharic Shield and visualize each breath expandi ng into a huge spinning DISC of
pops out as a diSC, about 4 In tameter, Pale Silver with a light coating of Pale Silver Light, in the center of the Earth; the disc spins, moving
Pale Blue. faste r with each breath.4
5. Bring your attemion to the center of your Maharic Shield 1211 below your 2. One Breath-On the next inhale, draw the spinning Symbol Code up to 1211
feet ... and Inhale the 24 point Star (only) up inca the Heart Chakra. Ex- below the feet, visualizing a 4' diameter tube of Pale Silver Light trailing
hale, expanding the frequencies of the 24 point Star into the Heart from Earth's core ... following the Symbol Code. Exhale, and push the
Chakrn. spinning disc of Pale Silver Light outward, 12" beneath the feel. Th is is your
personal Maharic Shield.
6. Inhale to grab the 24 point Star, and exhale, pushing the Star up into the
l~th ~hakra 36". abo~e th.e h~ad.lmagine that the 24 point Star is spin- Three breams-Take 3 breaths, and on each exhale, push the breath out-
mng In a ciockwlsedlrectlon In the 14th Chakra. As you do this, try [0 ward into the disc making the disc spin faster.
feel! sense the energy around you, just a few inches out from your ixxIy. 3. One Breath + th ree
7. Now, put your attention into your Maharic Shield 12" below your feet, take Breath 1- On the inhale, draw a large amoum of Pale Si lver Energy up
a couple of relaxing breaths and inhale deeply pulling the Pale Silver and through the tube from the Earth's core, and exhale this energy into the
Blue energy up, as if you are pulling on your Maharic Seal to latch it on to Mahanc Shield DISC, 12" beneath your feet. Visualize the OOC "pop~
your 14[(, Chakra. Try and feel the sensations just a few inches from your ping" into a Vertical Pillar of Pale Silver UghL ~ compleU'Iy surrounding,
now - feel the difference if you can. Th is procedure gives you a Quick and penetrating. your bodr;
while c01lnecting with the Silver tube, to
form a large tube/pillar of ighr extend ing from the Earth's core ... up
into the Earth's atmosphere to a pale blue speck of Light at the center
8. Now envisio.n the cord ,:>f Pale Silver Maharic Light that would normally
come up With your Shield and focus on the Earth's Core. Begin drawing of the sun; aligns with the Eckatic Level of the Energy Matrix. Visu-
alize your body as being sealed within the Silver Pillar - this is your Per
energy all.the way up the 4" diameter cord and into the body. Inhale the
energy up mto the Heart Center, and expand it there. Begin to form a Pale sonal Maharic Seal.
Silver ball of Maharic frequency. Three breaths- T ake 3 breaths; on the inhale draw energy up from Earth's
core to the 4th Heart Chakra. O n the exhale, push the breath from the
On each exhale send you r energy down to the Earth's Core to bring up another Heart Chakra into the tube of Pale Silver Light around you; each
load of Maharic frequency , up from the Planetary Shields, expand it intO breath making the Pillar appear brighter and stronger.
the Heart center and repeat several times. Notice that the Cord groWS
larg.er ~ yOU?O this, ~xpand~ng from approximately 4" to 6 to 8" diameter,
until fmally It feels Itke a skm around (as well as within) your body .. as
you load your Astral field with Maharic Frequency. ---------------------
J. This Maharic/ Christos skin chllrpe5 and $,1turates your cthcric body. Try to feel the peace-
fulness and all-knowing nature 0 this frcguency.
i. This is the Eanh's Maharic Shield-the Shield of Aramatena.
502 503
held J eChniques LVV f vpucu.c ,",U t f If 1141 1 \;;; llcU 1.~C--
Materials in AWndkr:ll V aoo VI arc e~cerpt:ed f""n MasletJ Temp/aT
3. One breath-Take a slow, full, inhale drawing a thick current of energy Up ~, reprinted here," w,th penniMiufl eX the Azurite Temple.
from Earth's core to the Heart Chakra. Then , exhale s~rp ly, directing the
brea th energy to a point at ,he cenrer of me group circle. As Yfltl exhale, vi_ Note: due to [he need to economize text sJla!:e, items in this
sualize your Pillarreplicaring. One Pi llar remains around you, and another section are primed in a small type face suitable for
AppendixV repr.oduction enlargement to 8.5" x 11 ". This map is not to
replica expands outward around the entire group. Visualize a large Silver
disc growing o ut from the group center POint, 12" beneath the surface you are perfect scale, but is suffic.ient to iUuscrate apfJr9ximare grid
standing on, fonn i ~g a platform llpon which the group srands. This is the line Dlacement. A large.format. true-scale grid map is
available through the Azurite Temple.
grO!IP Mahanc Shield, lhrough which the Urn Shadda i Ur Pillar will electro.
magnetically ground into Earth's Maharic Shie ld.
4. Three breaths: Take three final breaths. and with each one, inhale and visu_
alize a stream of Pale Silver energy coming up through the feet from
earth's core and simultaneously down fro m the Sun through the top of the
head ... the two streams of energy meeting to form one thick S ilver stream
at the Heart C h akra. Exhale Maharic frequency imo the group center
After the third energizing breath, simply breathe normally, as each exhale
moves energy imo the group cemer point. Stand with the group fo r a
few moments and v isualize the Urn Shaddai U r Pillar of Light emanat_
ing from the Sun, th rough the group Pillar and group Maharic
Shield ... and into the Earth core Maharic Shield .

5. Or into focus obiter, if one is used.

6. This is rour Personal Field Seal.
2002 Ashar,lOa Deane
LUU 1 Upctate :Summary Cham

The Halls of Amenti Star Gate System

Star Gates and the Time Portal and Dimensional Lock System
With Inner Earth and Para/leI Earth Relaijonshlps
Star G,a\es and Portals are psl~ 01 inI:ercot\roecI. counterrot.ting ~KtrOrn.etll:: field 'pTr~s thai. Ilalurally I~
wilhI1 suns iIIld pJaneIa)' bodies. Theylonn aI. flJtd points; 0I .~ witmlhe 5 Defl$/t;es/ lJnivc!$e$ 01 the 1~
D.meosionai Time MalrJC ...mere TIm. Cycles a:xl Tlmt Continua repeatedly paullvouQh ea:l\ othel' at IIIf!(! lI\Ie!val$
Star GaIe1 and Por1aIs ellis! as BlICk ;and Whllt Hole Plin IhaI. art conner;tad lilt center pOOl by sealar.lreq .
8d Cl)'ltll Seal. 'MIen tie center SI!f:d Seill ll1le<lSC5 lhe Star Gate or PonaI ICII~~$ and the Pilii' 01COOnteHC":!
-"'." " . . G.oteo ....
so..... SibtoI

~ sprats merge Io lorm anlnlemlmensional Mllrbb. Flilid. ~Ich alio'lIIS br ins1ar~aneoos passage
beIv.ftn various ~timt coordinates through .!lift 01atDmic AllguJar Rclltion of P.rtlclt Spin.

V~ Alti' spn! pUs bm \he
Loell Sys1em. Slar' Galas (SG5)
~ pessage~ ~

:"" ........
,.:. ~~ iD\
Iocatior.s In muklple UnlYtn" IOd
Denlity live" . SG, enter plaoets 1\
12 Planetlry Signet Stilr G~te SM". \,!;Y '<,

Horizonlaland OiIQOnal Axil spirII
pairs Iorm the PORTALS 01 h Tim.
Portal System. PortIIs ~rrj piI5$IIgt
between $piICe-:III'e IccatIons '" 011.
unlYeru and ont OtllIty lwtl.
- ,.,1.1

I,..,. Eorth o..,.lonti SQI. bttlH

~ ...... ~ I a....Io ....
_ 'uI*--~Nnd""
koIo 1IIt1..

~ "",, ...ion"""'' ' ' boM

Jbo'j. EIr!h', Stolt ond ~
fllUl .. ~~ omt""~ ~1Ir.'~IIII' ''~1Iq'
............... frtqo-,_ ..... baM __ " ' - [.rtII, kilo.

Vertical Axl, S1ar Gates liM Ihe PWleIar,.~ ' .r..... EMtlo'. sc....
a'Id UniYef5al Tell1'lar CompleX" ttrouvh5
HJrmonIc Unlvtntl ancI l!Ier 5 t.'* ' [)eNlf ~
\~ SI Gill=! m PI;nIIs KlI'I'I... 1le au\lefIOIilns/. ~ spnil 01' fit BIact'MIiIII Hale Pilii' ne<9ll1O
latin a loltrbbll FWd; . eenIIr ~ 'f....... COIIlYnl' ~ _ .Iet! $I_ PaInt ~ IiIks 3IicM ~a.rne
AlIn- .......1If RllUliOII DI'IfIido SpIt!
\oc.&anS 1:lgeI:III1e~' TIWM.TIN BrIdge. ~ .... "" ~I number offlr. IA._ Sequ.ncn (p'easeIrordnd
lIMo ""... 01 11M AUt .........Id pattIdot
maa-lal SIdooIg-ICIIIr_ prl9'a"r.I" .... 00-. MiIIifIs'.IIaI T...,p.1t or ONA T..,plle ~a tI'C IvtiIII:y Ie ~ RahIo. " - - flolclo.com.I AItP$.
Tr_fIIWIIon b SI ~ pa$WgII. P-109 or;an aa:nl.!l::l.tfl Pgrt,I G' SIIr GIlle ~ .:siJln IfII ~ Allo 01 hrtIdo SpIn
NtrUba VtbIcII oIlht b'm The dvftd Io6I!UbI Vehde $I'iIb toe Mg* RotII!CfI 01 Pirb ~. (ARPS _ tI9! dlN ,u 1:" EtrIl T. T... AlIPS .......... by'" cor. r. . 01 '-NI foMlOlHu' "
~ VItl4;h 111:'-""'" p!fId!JI rcllll) If'd Pridt NNIlon Rh)'IMI ('" otn/jorJ 0KiIIIIiarI ra. d~. 1IomI .,d ""lid t: -r_Ed fT _ _ T... ~ . FIlII! SpMd and ailanp)id'lkl ....1011 PtMkl
_ , . . " , of !he mdtf form 10 .,." l'1li: aI \tit 1'orIIiG' !I'.. Gil'll. "'11(1 fie fIIIItIIr form 10 IIDIf*e ellCtra.m.gnt'I!~ co- 1'I;'.,IIIo1E..\11 PT . P..... T... _ !II.:"''''' fit KlllHIlII'Id1rIe_. I_pllt. d tho
rtIlWIKt MIl'" Sa. G'~ hqJenoH tr pnuge 1I'IIc'"F.,.", Con.taM r.. ft Ii",. Bride' d ... Sla Gale III' PorUI G- G.. d~ ..1fl'1II111MY 1IIId llalll 01 ~c" lis.... ... clltti...
. nd _ _ , "'Mold .,;. ,........ _IfIO'<I"I ....M1IItIrOUgh tho
!Go ,"".G.I.
Yortltal Aail StIr o.t. o~ Axit Portal HOItIOf'lIlII AIls Portal PQ '-aiel GtIo Dim .......... Sell, ~ pro.......~ IN.-II .,... 01 ",n
ActlYlilion Acti't'~ A~~.~on

~ >~ ~=,
Fom. CClllltint
l r_.am.a.ridglt
O?-~- = - -~- --
(')2002 Ashayan.1 De;:mc

" 2002 Ashayana Dtane

506 507
~ ,"m' " ""I-~FijH~ _ _ ~ 8-
iC';S. S. iP:~1:) trlt!5~" ~
.~~~IilUil~~~m ~r il H ~ E fi ~~ H [ ~;
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.... ::;I:P.

_ r
;r" .!
i" "1! " .



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PfanMIIry 8I8r 0 . . . Location CoonIln.t8 Cbart

(Ent or Wist of (North or South

PLAIIETARY Grttnwlch Meridian) of Equator) (Connects to)
1 Halley, South Pole 2ZN 15S Theta Orion/Paratlel Earth & Mercury
2 Sarasota Florida (8mah Atlantis) B3.SW 21.3N Epsilon Eridanusllnner Earth & Venus

3 Bermuda Islands (Nohassa Atlantis) 65.3W 32N Earth. Alpha Centaur! & Venus

4 Cairo-Giza Egypt 31 .5E JON Sol (Sun) & Mars/Niblru


5 Machu Plcchu Peru 13W 12.3S Pleiadlan Alcyone-TaralTlamat
& Asteroid Belt (was Maldak)

6 near Moscow Russia 31E 55.3N Sirius BlProcyoniSirius A & Jupiter

, 1 Lake Titleaca Peru 69.BW 15.5S Arcturus/Omega Centauri & Saturn

B Xian China tOB.5E 34.3N Mlntaka OrionfGaiaPolarisi A1nltak ,,
Orion & Uranus "
9 Bam tso Hetho Tibet 92E 32N Mirach Andromeda & Neptune
10 Abadan Iran 49E
Vega Lyra & Pluto
Aveyon lyra/Avalon lyra & Niblru
Vale of Pewse)' S. England (lohas Atlantis)

12 Monsegur S. France 1.BE 42.BN Aramatena ("DoubleOouble" Lyra
& Sol (Sun)
'"'<><= E
2001 Upda te Summary Charts l.V\J 1 UjJUU.U:: :mmmnry CMfts- - -

Crisis Intervention Expedited Amenti Opening Schedule 20002012 Vor1iceISlalGate-5, LeveI-4 ".
Summary Chart (3 Pages) Seas .S111,II7, DNA Seals .SI #fjJ

~.I(ey SAC- SIeIa' ~ ertle.GA= Gurio Ab>oe. 1/IR'!kiIed ~~. NOC-Gr\oI_ ~

CryWI G<'cI MCT-aa... tu:wuo.I CryWI T~ s-. PSC SUII_ P\a'ItUIy sa.
CryWI Sub
J.St 7 IIIYI*I.JI f'InWy ~ SuI ~ J.DHA SHIt " 7 1ft1111n1 ..IeIIcM8'I ~ NIl mriHI ft fw DNA .... ~
~ F'fIcIn
IrIIpWII Network gdlll 'II*rodIIp' grid. lJIH~ P,m ~

Networt gI(trII '!MJoc:tjp. ~ _

'<Id NCTBases Lak. rrticaea PIfU, Gf,..
'Ranbow ~ ' u.IIIIl"!avIWy TefIlII
~ IoIed'IiID. ' .... ,.

1992 Novtmiltr; AIwA1nakl relucta'lClJ enter Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements. give up OWO agenda !earWIg ~ OW711rid KCe1mtlons start RRT Saruota FL, GA L..... tI-6 ".Factl of
OWO defeat. enler EmerakI Co'o'erIanI, promise kl assist Found!rs Christos Reali!}nrnent Mission; FOI.KItIeB J arnptty TrionIMeajhe Filid. PSC Seals. SlP6IJ7. DNA SealS #5116117
poslpofe Chrislos Reagmlef1! date !rom 2012 to eOO of corU1uum cycle 4230AD togiYe Anunnaki races tine lor ~teJActivaIe eally Apd. PSC Seals .at 19, J-Seals #4 'Pale HoIsemen'l .5, DNA Seals #8119 and
DNA Bio-Regenes!s. Lt'A Seals Ii4/lS Consurrmate/Attivate mid April.
Shields Clinics, Transcendence Day success~, SteRar Bridge Grounds 12Code. AnLllnaki J. M!y-J~ne: Strian Splr<Il aligll5 w.U1 Earth, sr~ln Actl.tion begiRS, Vort.x/StirGate-6 Rt.lui. begins
Covenant PleiadiaJ).-Siian Agreements lor OWO .nda. ~ cycle (origin.lIy 200B Jul'\t). RRTs PUOI Greece. GA L.r.'ef.7 ". flcel of Man"lPIN actlVllion, Iitk
II I I ,o.a Seal of Orion Templar Security Seal released . ~s". Faus of Man" LPlN kI G~lrdian. of the 12 Pillars" Trill n Field, reaIi!)rJ activate Cue Sites. NCT- .
CUnlc, Solar Spiral Alignment Eaf1h enters Solar Activation, Planetary Templar begins 12. aases Paxos Gruee, Central Me~ico, Cyprus, Euter Island, ROrTMIltaly, Johnnesburg South Atria, BrlZ~
reJIlgn.lnner Eitlh to Earth portlls .nd Mujhe Zone ,r,es begin open t)'Cle- Begins Earth \0 Inn.r Earttl Bridge
reluctantly reenlet GA PleiadianSirian AgreementslTreaty of Altllr fearing Orakonian or zone and Tr.nsHarmcnlc MIIJh. Time Cycl4 merger.
~ RRTs Bermuda and Saruotl fl, GA level8~. Flces of Man~ lPIN, ~ TlionIMeajhe Field
Shields Clinic Anuronaki reluctantly begin agreed Solar SG-4 translerlo -a.Jfer BIarioef and beg" falconi Phoenix Wormholes /Intruder APINs CA.P \0 skip ~IR 2003 Invaslon_
ExpeGied UIR ~Phanlom Puln- IUIUItS attempt to FrMnt \\IIlrn1ho1e Cawng; potential excessive slorm
i,. United Inlruder Reslsllne. (UIR) OWO War Edicl 'Ir'i1h actNlty Atlantic OcuniGulf of Mulco.
Securily Team, sabotage agreed NDCGrid GA Iran$ler 2P!2 August.smember: VIOlet Wave Inlusion completes, Gold W.Ye Inf~'lon 07/08 adiYates Earth Core
(originally 2010 June). MTs Tibtland Sarasota FL, GA Lr.'el-9 ". Flces of Man- , "
3~\". C"" a"'''. revelation of Allantian ConspiIacy Agenda, institute eally RRT TIbet, ~n China. Hamandan Iran re.6gn. PSC Sea/! 1
Realigrvnenl Mission' December 21, 2012. Begin Emergency In\ervenlion. 7Ar1;je1s-1 Trumpets' release. DNA Seal!; ,10/" ~ssible quakes
Interventim; SG.fi SirkJs BI Hal! of Atoorea opened. NCT-Base !(auti PeruICtile. UIR..Ieho"Mn 'cteen One"
"NhiIe ~man-/12 "Red 1iorsefTIM' release, DNA Seals,ilI ' 2, . GokIWave

,StatGa\e-l1 activa~es, 1,:"

cleari1'ltl51a1ts. RRT Engl.nd GA HDC-
Engllnd, Iran, Paklstan realigned. PSC Seal ll,
lritiate. SG-12:

I I ,. '13, Indigo DNA Seal '13 Const.mmatelAGtiYale.

Field via iii-
VtcalTri-Veca Code$. realigned, U!R . PSC St_ ". Fae" of MIn" LPlN, 'Great White Uon" APIN start. efbts to balance
, World Peace Eforts
#4 releases, DNA Seal .. lnitia\es.
2001 Sept!f!lber 11 : UIR launches "Trumpet' Phatmm P\.dse; DoveIPtloenixISrpen( APINs '01'\ line' with FalcOn , IN! pr.p lor Aug ust 2003 Show Down. UIR 'UFO aclMt'!'"
Wormhole. UIR Frequer.:y Fence! Psycho-tronK; Pulse Program transmits. WTClPentlgon DIIIII.r Trigger Even! ; Frequency Fence/ Psycho-Ironic atIaCk amplity, "Un-natu~
OWO WN3 agenda. UIF expedited Frequency Fence begins transmitting Septemb&r 12, 2001 . reductioo. lncreued Nuclear War 151un potenlial Involving India. UIR "Hum.n Greeting
2001 Oc!obtr UIR amlfres Frequency Fence! Psycho-Ironies. RRT PA: GA amplifies TnonlMeajhe Field Level!
"4 Faces of M.n~ LPIN via Khu-Veca Code, blocks United Resistance remote Philadepna APIN site activation.
' M" 'OM'' ' ET.,ftltates" placed.
290! October end: GA Llvtl2 "4 F.ces orMan" LPIN, via DhaVeca Code. PSC Seal # 3, DNA Seal #3, J,SeaUJ.
DNA Seal'3 Con$l.lT1matelActivate.
2001 Nov.mber: Bloo Wave Infusions 05106 grid Iceelerllions start; RRT Sarnol. FL, GA L.v.r-3 ~4 Facel 01
Man" LPlN Blue Wavctlvatlon 'oia Rha-Veca Code. NCT-Bases Sarasotl FL, Bermuda fuRy realign.
2001 Dtcember: Aicyone Spiral aligns with E3J1h, PI.I.dlan Activation begins, Vort.X/Stlr G.t..5 Macchu pJC(hI 2002 Ashay:ma Deane
starts opening cycle (originally 200. June). Veta Code NYC Trioll Field UN!; Indigo OJtreach Program.

102002 Ashayana Deane

510 511
'::VV J upaate ..)ummary l.,...f1arts - ~~. "'1'-- ... .... " ' .... , ] \;7 ......, -""

TIlt 12 Slgnot St.. GoW; of tho
' 14/#15 release, Indigo Seals #141 Univaoul T"",pllO tompl"
merge EarthlPlIantomMatrix.
UIR 2003 fiBl Contact
Tho 12 u..;v.uI St.r Got... o;crrespcno:l
10 .... 12 ""inNI)'1inoCydiS .,
, .
. '

poslpone 3,Oay II VIR

'ideologlc.1 war",
lEVEl6 Planetary Mahllic Seal, SGJ ley l.lnes #1-t6 0-6
GA Eme~ftlcy Contingency Plan" ~12 Maharic
2006.11 UIR ONO Ilvaslon 2005. GA issue



TrionIMeajhe Buffer
20062012: Earth ~s II J
Phase protectl>i.
BI-PoIIr Suspension to 2012 when final time line separation of MUJhe Zone IBridge Zone ;n:I Trion Zon.
IPlllntom MJtrix ocetn. GA 'list c.lr lor Ilkminati aro Hwnan Bridge Zone Emerald Coven.nt Amnesty/
Rtdemptlon Confnictl.
2011: UIR ~ OWO IllmlonJPolt: Shirt 'lienda last 3..c nmth 'M1dow of opportunity , as Meajhe Zone
OUatra Phase Merkaba sbws tocornpiete Bridge Zone shift starting AprihIIIy 2011. "Wtnllm.km- l.byTirrth
GrOUll lricted by UIR NecrortiIonAndromie-Anonnaki h~ Nephlllm "Corteum' to build UIR ' Bfl.ST Pulse'
weapon. UIR int!lld to use 2011BeaST Pulll and Trumpet Pulse to reactivate 7 Jehovian $eals, uncapJ mef9f
FH:on-f'hoeniJ; Wom'lhoJes and rip Earths Planetary Shiekls apart 10 merge past-presentfuture Phantom Earth Ml
Eann in 2011. 6520.AJ)-GA's Wlnsmakers sit. hoids FOII'IdeI'$ 'Trump Carel" Sllinet Shleld-6; GA bklck BeaST
Pulse, pNvent 2011 FnaI Conft.a drImI UlR nvasion.
2012 Decembtr: Ecrty Detembet 2012, s~ 07/08 Gold Wave Infusioo'ArcIuri.n Actlvltion, D8ID9 SI/Itf
W'Vllnfusloni Orion Activation an:! 091010 Blue-Black Uquld Ught Wave Inful ion! Andromeda ActJyation
IreqIJencies release II Ed 9005 (originally 2017). Ealth MeaJ!e Zones rernail in 4.25-0 OUatra Phase MeI1\abe
final Bridge Zone merger. Trion Zones IocBlized Earth Changes marII passage to Phantom Matrix time Ine merger.
EarIh's 8i-poIarized Meajhe ZonesITrion Zones in TrionIMeajhe Field Butler BlarJlo:;et susp8f1sion nnal lime line
OKember 21. 2\112: ~tos Realig!lment Misskln fulfils on Founder's original schedule 01 December 21, 2\l12dlJ!
1o.Anlmaki delediOn 10 UIR; date was set 22,326BC. EaI1hIInner EarthIlransHarmonic Meajlle: nne Matrix
UriwfsaI SG-12 SC Seals release. Illy link Ihree Trne Matrixes. Final J 'Chris!os' Stellar Wave Infu~ L~
Stellar Activations; 010011 Silvrf81.ck Uquid Ughllnfusion/ 0-10 lyraVega ActIv.tlon, 0\1/012 Pale Silver 2
MaharaJa 'Clrislos'lkjuid UghllnfusicW 0-11 lyra Aveyon Activ.tion. 012JO.1S Rainbow Ray Infusion! 0-;2
lyr . At.mal.n. Activation. EarthTara-Ga\Jruversai'Chfistol Divine Blueprint" anchors, Permanent LIYW~
Plan.dalY Mah.rIt SullD-12 M.hunta Pt1He Mer1llba, Halls 01 AmenlilEarths SGs perm.nently .ope!': ~ n B
MatrixJPhan10rn MaInX permanently seYefed_Real Age of Enlightenment begins, Mass GA Contael ElfyanVSPIS
MahalajilAzufilesiAelhieniSerres 21:117.

2002 Ashayana Deane t)2002 Ashayana Deane

512 513
":UVl upu.u. u!. .)ummary L..harts LVV l UJ-'utae .JU/lfIIUJry l....-t1ilr~

Planetary Seals Release Schedule 2001-2003 Summary Chart

psc- (OiIMnsIOI'ISj 12 Organic Planetary Stat Crystal Seala
O~ !j { } [;J~
K.uai Hawaii RRTJ May 1001
SEAl-l 11112 Silver -WHITE
SEAl-2 I2It Ugh\ RED
D.IE / 47N Nantes , France
lOW 117.6S swof SLHelena Is.
IreYndlEngJand RRTs July 2001
SEAL-l 11110 S~ver-Blue BlACK 23.9W/41 .SN sw Bulgaria
May 2001 '
May 2001 '

July 2001'
(J-l t
~ !!i

.. i.
i r ....
~I g
~ I~Z-
Sarasota FL RRT Stprembtr 2001 ~ ~>
B uo
SEAL-4 2/3 Ligh! Orange 74.3W/3ON off coast of JacksonWle FL September 2001' oo ~ffi

M'chu Picchu Peru RRrs December 2001
SEAl-5 314 YeIowGreen 16.9W1JO.7SNs. of Madeira Is. December 2001
I 1l -
SEAL-6 415 2O.2W/9.4N of! e. coast of Guinea Africa December 2O()1 r.J 11!i ~.
SEAl-7 5/6 B'" ""'" ~

:j ....~ l~
Indigo Blue 17.7W126I6N s or Canasy Is. December 2001 ~

SEAl-9 112 Red Orange

Lab Titic.ca Peru January 2002
SEAl-S 617 PALE Blue VIOle! 16.4WI24.7N of! coast orw. Sahara Africa
S2.6W126.9S s &aziI
January 2002
January 2002
~ .,...

" -,

Tibet RRTs Augusl-Seplemb.r 2002
SEAl-l0 7f8 ViolelGokl 160.8W/l0.4N s of Kauai Hawaii AuglSept 2002 IH)
SEAL-II 819 Gokl Silver lOO.2E133.1N lie of Quamdo China Aug/Sept 2002 IJ-n
SEAl12 9/10 Light Silver Blue 109.6WI31.4N sw of Tuscon Arizona. AugfSept2002
Galactic-Unlver,,' NTrlnif}: 5 1, '
France RRTs Nov,mbar-DlH;ember 2002
SEAl-13 1211/t3lt TurquoiselPilk 1.7SE/42.7SN Monsegur France NovlOec 2002
India RRTs August 2003
SEAL,,, 13114 Lt. Gleen 7S.55E/26.64N Jaipur Indla Augllst 12, 2003
SEAl-1514/15 ll. Orange 83.SWI27.25N Sarasota Fl August 12, 2003
7 Unnatural Jehovlln Seal.
J.SEAl-1 "White Ho~eman- 7r:mf47.OBN fie of Quebec Canada May 2001
J.SEAl-2 "Rid HOI'II""n- 70W/IS.! S ChiIeIPeru border May 2001 '
J.SEAL-3 -BlICk Hor3eman- 70WI41.78N Cape QxI Mass. Ju'2001
J.SEAL'" Pale HOI'I&mln- 70WI24.92N e of Nassall Bahamas January 2002
J.SEAL-5 -souls of the .Ialn... 7OWI26.95S CoPapo Chile Januasy 2002
J.SEAl.fi" ' gr..1 earthquake... 7OW/1S.IS ChilelPeru border Aug/Sepl2002
OrviroK: Planetary Star Crylt.tl $e;JII conlrd ArIgtlW-Rotation-of..PartkIe Spin (Partere $pII AxIs) af1d P\ar"IMY
Merkaba Field A~is. When Organic Sta' Crystal Sea\!; ielease, lilt dinensiooaIleveis of the planltary mater baSe ~
which tile Sui corrcspon;ls become reieased from usual Panicle Spin Phase lock. a/bw!ng!he COfresponding 111#"
sllift TI11'II VeetO!1. mlen Seals release, corresponding DNA Strand Templ.l" and DNA Fire Cod" dvate,
pla'letary gncts and persor.at DNA Strands and Chakras begin m pmgres5iYe1y purge electromagnetic dislOl'lkln! ....
(Miasms). Can cause temporary planetary dmati: changes and seismic activity" regions within II maximum 1000-
radius, strongest within IOG-mlleradlus, 01 Seal bcati>n. Temporary purging-relaled Mlnesses In biologic<JI i~
may begin 310 12 months afterSeal acWa:icn. 0-12 Frequency via 1M ot 1I,lI.ric Sill Technlqu. I
(re. Appendix 2) bilances bcxIy ard p!anetduring Organic PIaneIarylDNA StarCrystai Seal optnng. Jehovl," Set ~
are dtsigned by Jehovian Anunnaki to cause progressive catastroph ic Earth Cllanges alld biological ilness re~
premalure heallh deterioration and death; they can be ptogressr..ety cleared in phases as they process through eJdr
level ot their release cycles. Mairaric S6a/ Techrliql18 temporalty rollers c1etrinent~ ellecrs 01 Ja/'oYian Seal !"tlelSll.
but clearing 01. and permanent prolection flO'Tl JeIIovian Seals can onty be achle ~ed via specialized "VecJ' pi'"
Code' lMerkabalTrton Fleldtechnologles. V~ Ier:tInoIogies n bang progesSlV8!y nlrocluctd in~
t.. a:IcIed 10 'tie Kalha-a Bio-SpiiIJaI Hl!a Syswo Coursebool< ., daIa I, ~O\'oded by HIe G'" E1tyani.

(02002 Ashayana Deane

(92002 Ashayana Deane

514 515
""VV I 'J j -'UUt.e; J ummary L.narrs

The REAL Christ Cruclfillon, Checkerboard Mutation,

Jehovian Death Seals and AxjATonaJ lines

..........r..... l/.... _ItI.poI ... . . .
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.......... 10_ Olontn.io" ..........

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J" _ ttl'lTlllpl MWI~

"" --

C2002 Ashayana Deane C>2002 Ashayana Deane

_ . .- - - - - - - .-- -~- .......... ';J "" ' ......... LULl J U paate .)ummary Charts

-9558BC: Lucillrian Covmant. AtIcrm1l6Yiacltan tlJnnati enIeI' Uderian Nunr.aki doIlriJn COYefI3It
~ btlW GA C,p olfPllotntllF alc:on Worm holts Ie staQe !l55!BC 'Atiantiln Flood" ancI 1ioulldNlllnit
Progression of Intruder APIN TempJar Conquest Atlantis to 2001 ;i608 , SphindPyramld-2 cIa"naged, Atyone lint broken. GA ns\al 95olt8C Frequenrrt Fence'" re-Cap
~~es and preven1cat~ eiWly Bite FI3me activation.. G" Cfl!(I\e Arc 01 Coven,nt Gold BoxJRod tnd
Summary Chart (4 Page)
........Star Gate toots lor Indigo Ma,i-liOOlan lace access 10 lmer En portalS. Anlllllllkl, Drakon9l a"Id
APIN Earth Beginnings: Ar:Jvanced "Crysfaf/ffl Micro-chf:l' Techn<JJogies of/he ancient AU8nli8t1 8tld L ~..........-.IOrI.Alldron*l races in! JlUnilati h)'lri:!s II.rl competing letrilory cooques1 agendas Sln::e 955BOC, try to
APIN (At/anJiati Pylon Implant NetNfJ(/() WId LPIN (temlHiW/ Py/aJ Iff.plan/ NeIwotk) s)'SIems ~ ..... "'."Aic of Coven<fII Gold soxnbI n SIa'IIooIIi Ie a:tMite Ihei" Af'1N's b" Templar IIominin Necrom.iIOO-
~ mp/afIled II EIIfII's TfIIIJlae dLrilg lIi1rious pgOOds 01 AtlifltJs.tll/l'llJ(IO! ~ )*I Bk.oe CerUUI1i it 5,9OOBC Ctntauriarl War in at\eolIt 10 use "fi.jacled' BkJe Olen APlN Irdia b"
..........-tiormon; ar cftado:s squelched by GIl Sros B MNajhi in! PIeiaIJa15efres. Anunf'laki lluminall
T~JIIe SphinllJPyramid2 1115 alturlll center 5546BC. ProgressNe 'Allanti.n Conlplracy"TempIa'alIJIU8SI
5.5 Million NB Ago' Elahel-Elohim leorWles(Aruhazll and Smp/let-SeraplWn Avians (Cerez-Serres) .-.-': posI 95588C period SUfTIEf ID Ameri;a, IIl.I!ir\a(j races "inRIf~ize 'MOl III majOrH\lT8'l 12-TrIIle
'Wall in Tme" EarthlPhanklm Elflh barrier, GreatWhite lion and Golden E.gl. AP(N'slO hole! Eam...s ~ ~ieyalW-lrolgo Maji Gralline nltains ptR strain 12-48 Str.n:I ()!jA!D fuN CtvisIos ReaIQnmenlMission
Shie:'d~ together and prevent Earth', Phaoklm Ma:rU: de~.nt aller Electtic Wars. FOUOOeB ins1all 204 NCT.BI ~ -. . RRrS duri"lg tong-anti;ipatad 2000-2017 SAC 'Fi'IaI Coofk:I" drana.
(NJbiruiCIn Crystal Te~1e Bases) Nlbll\llllterfilCe (Iflk 3 million years Igo When Nibinl became Ernerak;! CO III Wormholes, APIN I LPIN'. 19152001
planet APIN and NCTSase conquest battles frequent throughout Angeic Human See<llng$ 2 and 3. "lion" ~ ...... _1Q1fi: Zeta's 01 PhaItom Earttl open AtI.,tiJn F~lcon -:onnh.oIlo11,coastOl ChIwIes.ton. 5ruh Cartlll'la In
shill dOwn by. ~I~der Omicroo[)rakol'lians 111 2<18,2168C SAC Fall 01 6fena:Ji. ArJJ Occupation 1(8,OOIlBC. N ~11'1 (was Noh8SSaA~anl&), begn sPKul allon for mvu lon. MilanI Zela-Rlgehan 1on:e of Phantom
75,OOOBC, Nil:Wan An\.llll3ki takcovet' 24 NCTBases, HLmanS ~JtlI.Wld exile. ........~.Qrion take 0Y'8I Fak:on WormI"o\e, begin coYeIt ~ d. Ea'II ~ D"l beIIaW ct h Zeta-
~. Omicron-OrakonianlOdedcmn-RepIitiM races create 'Oflgoo- APlN in TemplNQuesI canpaign . ager1la. ~ IEtn:aIy ~ M.maki stror'q.J1oId 0Il1~ oovert (]NO opentIon&.
Anunnaki, a!lempllrner EIIrth 1akeoYer, Anu OccuPiltiondomrion prevented in lS,OOOBC 'o'Ia Inner eam Rebe.. ~ICS ~ progressive con::jue:s11or activaIionf dorrriJn ct N'lN systems In preparation for
Pacific ContlllenVl~na' ,c5eslroyed 5O,OO~ BC .JehoviM.ArMlf\aki Ternp!ar quest, Arc of the C<wenarll pas~ 20-2011 SAC.
rcloceted hom Aliantis 10 GIZII, Egypt. GA, wiIh Emerald ClIvenanl Anumak] build Mars BaSI and 1. SphinlKj' zeta.Rlgelians mak.e treaties \WI! 1IIunW1ati h)'Ilr!d-tuNrl races in ~ map 'Mri:I gcM'!ImmeI1S, begin
Great Pyramid le!eporl station in 46,4Sg. A:tan!ic Conlinenl reduced 10 islands, Sphin~arr1d-1 damaged ~ ~.... Tre.ties ;nl M'Jtstic12 seed Ilroopcover1 . Iuminlll r:JNO WOI1d M.nlglment TIIIlI under Zu's
Sirius Baligrment se'lered 28,000 BC AnvrmakilllluminaU T~lar quest. ' :.t-,I.n Agenda. Zeta-Rige1Janssel 01/110 actIvala F8Icon APIN,. begn Ethnic YIN" Sonic Pulse Unnatural
25,500 BC: Lucifer Rebellion. PleiadlM, Nibiruian aM AIpIIa Cl'fllauri Lucilerian AAunnakllntruder races uJite. 0i$ISI.. progr<rn1eStiog lor intended ledyction of hU min populall0fl5 WSAC commenced In 2000 and
bMg NDC-Grld (Niblruian Diodic Crystal GrkI)J Battlest. r Wormwood Stonehenge 10, NET (Niblruian Electro- ' .w.dlonIItybridiutiGn progra'TL Zela-Rlgelans iIS$ISt to orgcrize aI1I strtrlgthen Hitler Nul movement WI
static TransduCOOrl field) "Checkerbo.rd M~trix grid controllONA mulatM technologies toAt:anfis lor Earth ~ mnta:1 wit"! Narl lrner Cides; Hiler agrees kl a:tva"1c8 'Ra:;;e ~ ~ ~ I1IenIkln 01
Templar dOll"linOn. NibirUan MuMaki seize cootra cI SoI.r SG-4, and pafI:at coolro! of Giza Pyramid E~f1hSG.t ertetminllinll 5pedftC HlblruAnunnlkllBumlnlll hytlrid rl,", whie pnl(eC1ng Hibiru IIUninaII hybr1d Ines ct
24 NCTBases O'tertaken by voous c:ompeU1g InlrOOer factions. Intru:Ier JeItov.an-AruIrIaki create ntiaI Ikrf." til ~ races. Orakorlian IurOOali In NUed GovtmmtntJ COYefIIy assisI Nazis fin~dng: . .
APIN. Golden Eagle APlN "lj.jacked" by Necromiton-AndromiesINephilm hybrids, II1II on reve~ PhanlClf1l IJ..,. 1J!!!; Hill maleS double ~Is with ~ArlfraTieS, ;rd ~ group!i 04 Dfakoni1I'I HbitJ lluminati;
current IS "White Eagle- APlN. Pleiat!i8l1NOruian S3~Luciferiarv'Enki-ZephelUnlEllli~Odedicron ~ Zell-Rige!i.,s lJIthlhW Nan 1UppOf1, assiSt AIed GcM!rrrnents In vicIory over Nazi regme, kI~ of t.U-
iMIaII LeveJ.1 Serpent'" APIN. ProgressiYe Ivloo-Melchizede!l. Levia'J\an hybrid race ri~ration of AUarrian cUlilit 12 wort:I Maoagemerot Tearn '91ol Brothef Drac' group. Necromhon-Alldroml. races at1empt: kl mobilize IhIW
advances. GAJHumansJIrodigoslEieyaoi successful in preven~ng funAnuooaki invasiOfi. IJTinaIi races n H,wall and N'WIuk! J.pan 10 bult ~round bases ID llI-Ja:;k !he Zeta-Rlgel~ Fak:on
22,500aC22,326BC: Fourodel1 realize Phatllom Matrix near critical mass accretion 10 pur Earth in. 22,500 M'IN PDf! trer1ace Syslem at its Nagasaki APIN SIt.. Z~ insIM:t!heir Illuminati hybr'ds 111 Japllland
GAlEleyan~lndigo Crisis Inter.oenlion Team from Inner EiVth sent 10 Lemo.na (Mauravltij ior Christos ReaJlgnma'1l US \a 1.U-12, to falJrch Pu1 HoWa" strie; US ancI Japanese IlJ'nirIai kI'IaN pial from stat ZeIa's prtM:Ied i!iIes
MissiOn (leve\o12 P'.anelary MaMie Se.-) Earth Rescue plan. EIeYM install advanced '4 Fae" 01 .A..aombtechllology specA:a1ykl use 00 Nagasaki, kl,.n Nagasaki Fllcon APtH.1t. under 2ec.
Man"rGu.rdlans oUbe 12 Pillars- LPiN10 reaigNactiva'.e Great v.t.ite LIon, Golden Eagle APIN', a"lddr.JW RIte/lII1 control. HtosItima Necn::nitln-AIId!on"ie IIt.minad w'fIed out ~ behalf of z.eta.RIgebI ~ M'jI
Earth no ~ FJeld lot DlrislOS Realignment in 22,2J6BC SAC. GA Snus B MDaji and AnteresiAllai" Gnrll1ile HUII\III YU rae. Indigos of HiroshimJ cItstroytId, Nagasaki radin9d LlOOer Zeta-RJgeian COI1IrOL
RlIShayana instal Blue Oxen APINIntelface system. Intruder Jehov.lllAA.mCiN Dove APIN .xpanded TItoIh ~AIIdrtwMs pI1IYeI'Ited from buil~ Nagasaki base, Fatcon AJ'Ii COflInJeS kl be actiVated by Zeta-
M!aks Emerald Covenanl,leads 22,326BC Eieyani Massacre, FO\IltIers Chrislos Reaignmm\ Mlssion pos1pllleCl
~efa.RiQerl(lllS expatod Fatcoo APJ Nsystem Yla AUgust 12, 1943 Philadelphia Experiment, Puttlllll MSt

10 ne~1 SAC Oecember 21, 2tl12, "Final ConIiicl Stale Mate'to I!soI'ie 2OO02017AD SAC.
10,SOOBC: Luciferian ConqUHt: AnuooakV Drakorlan Lev~an Ulurrnnati Atlant an UpriSIIlg. competing iemp!af COIl1 US F.lcon APlN system "on"ne~ with FalCon wormholfl. Create the PhIE. wormhOle Port ln1erla:e
Conquest. Twowomt.oles conslNcled In 'waS in nmeo bef'lloe!n EartMllack Hole PllanlOm Matrix. The
Pltiadian/NibiruiM AruMaki Photnill; Wormhole! Phoenix APlN 10 Phanlc'll Nibirul rlllmat and ZeIb-RiQeiatV rut 1951 White Eaglt-Oove Alll.nce. (AKA An:t\a'lgel MkhaeI joins Enoch,. Pn>Anunnald Neaomilro-
Drakonlan Fakon WormholelF.lcon APIN 10 Phantom Eri"JAlpha Oraconis. Two Adamian wormholeS gNe ~ make deals wilt! Jehovlan ArlmaklIO comtn and ac:tivale thei" respec1iYe .....,,11. E.agl." and "(love"
ad\'lCrlg Fallen Angeic invasion Iorces \ll!ater oomiNon potent II O",oer EarthlHa!Is of Amertli G~tes lor 2000- APIN ')'SItms 10 regain Aru1IIaki rmo dorTri:In 0W!f II..trWrlIIort:e ancI Earth's TempIar. ~ 10 open
2017AD SAC. Omega Ceruun Irrtnldl!r Blue Cmaul1 take oYer Blue Oxen APIN. Enochdeleds m emeralI Phoenix Wommle otr easI8m coast d FIoriIa. Unsuccessful LI1III 1912. Zela-RJgeIla'ls c:ontirlle Ul-Nctural
Co~, assists FJtru~ Jehovian-Arunnaki to ' " "Dov.- APIN to Pho.nlx Wormhole, CIUbng the 7 ~1E1Iri:: Virus teStIng, aMlrtlllteOOr GoYerrrnent coru:t, <D:kDiOns tIIlJughClJt 1950s-1961);:
Je hovlln Sealtrn rumpetJ' advarud Dove H[)'C (HyperOinensionaI Cone) APIN. Mall Base and !Ill; PIeiit:liarl--NiIlfIian AI'II.I'MII assist wtJI:e Eagle-Dove AJia""a! r;J<A 'Sa$Se, Tooth, Gam FedGfa1tln
SphirIJ/Pyr. mld-1 destroyed; SphlnxJPytlmld-2 re!lullt by GA, realigned with Pleiadian-AJcyone foIk:IWin\l I:);j ASNar Coomand Jon NtI\alQeI Mlchaal ancI Eooch) 10 break Ihrough cap on Phoenil wormhole via Solar
10,~OO.BC squelched n vasion. FouOOilrslGA sewre temporary PhoenlxIFalcon Wormholes Cap; confine ~ sort: ~mission$, begn aclival1on of h Phoenll, Serpent Dove and Whit. Elgie APIN syslems;
llJtifenan Conquesl 10 Atianlian Island terTilcries, temporarily pushing back furtlll!r Anurinaki invasion of Egypt. ilIensir~s Solar anomalies from 1943 Pti-Ex OJ)I!rWlg to Solar F\amlRed Pulse Cr1Sis point. GA inpIemenIs
11:11/12:12 F~y Ferce Ie p!l'W!!lI1913 Red PulSe destructJ:)n, iMiaIe SoIarSG-4 repaifS. Nlt.r\nakl begin
~ stren;lh in IllfIIiIati Wtrtl ~ Teart

2002 Ashayan.1 Deane 2002 Ashayana Deane

518 519
.tWl Upaate .:>ummary Charts
. ....---~" l"- I Upaate ~ UTliffUlfy C harts

~ RigeU,n.Andromit AIII~et. ZetirR.igeians make deal witI f>m.DraI<.ORiM Necrom~fQ'nie hr....

Qrric:ron.Orakonlan fiUS of AOIak and Draccs tr,tri:Is r:J Ecrth gel directly involved and oorrtIine APlNs to--' ~ Peru, Treatyof AliIi1 rIIC8S begin lra'lsierdPholnb:, SerpentAPlNs, NOC-Grid iI!d NET 10 Emerald
AIluonalll groups frtm getliTl\! ~ h.n1 i'llbnk'Iati World Malagerrenl Team. 1SS3 FA/ton'WhItt EIgIt.~ COII'!na'II con!rOl. Emerald Coven<r11 MId.go ra:::es IICIvance 12-CodeP\Ase deariY\ls, \lW'eatens ro ovMlde All
Dragon AIlltnee. ()YIO aoeoo as by Il~ldilg PIarleIal)' Ma'Ia1c Sear Ea1n proleCtion fl8ld.
~: Montauk Projeel orthestraled by ~romie Aliall:le, fII1herconnecti Phi-Ex Falcon APIN ~embef 7; NaaooiIon-Arldrunie Wl'IIe E:J1Ie!1tql$ unm, negotia1e Jetmia'l Anmnakl DIm, FaIccn-
01 Ea1hIPhan:om E,ytllto Phantom Alpha and Omeg,a CentaJri alld AlnlUk Orion. Create MOnlaUk.flhi~ ~ Gf ar1l AsIWar 1r1end/y enemies" CIeaIs ~ comtn .....l1ile Eagl!-Dove-Fab::In-Otagon AP1Ns 10 def8a
Falcon APlN system. 0riJkcnan ,t,genda ra:es regain dornIIin;e iI Wort! ~ lean FaIcon-'Mte ~ Covena"ll and Treaty d AJf.<* Arulnaki races.. Neaomb-Andromies pe~ Pleiadian-HOn.ia'I Phoerilr..
EagJe.Or3'pl beCOrre 'SupefpOW" MIl sets _ on oveftaUlg AlU'lnaki APfNsystems, 'MIlle Ea:!1e-lo...e ~ ~ renegade Ammaki Of T~y d Akai" b ~ne a)eooas aM APlNs 10 enter United lnlrud"
AJli.m;e seek oomhiOn of f'IIoet1Ix and Sefpenl APIN's \0 prevenl Drakonian Agen:la advancement. 1983.19k ItfIIstllnc;E! (UJR) OWO Mmer Pial.
n:liales Bridge looe ProjeQ ar\1 begin Ernenld Covenanl pea::etlUy neootiatklns with Fallen ~ grro_C4 ~lember 12: Pltiadli1nNibiru{an Anunnakl delH:! trom Treaty 0' AltaIr, join UJR, alk)w Ner:rt:mtoo-
1986 GA 9540BC Frequ.1CY FtnCt~ . '- ~ OmicfOO-OrakOfli<n& 10 use ,tre\'klu:sly sean! PhoenIx ~ grids. England, for IndlOOS Psyd'I>tronic
1992: Pleia:licn-NlJiuioos (PleiadiiJI Sanjase-lLXlerian and .Nibruian ThOItI-Ert}-ZeIa a1d ~ ;llP- liR gilles ultimatum 10 Emud Covenant Foundtrs 10 abafD:ln Eath and Humans k1U IR III!OOCiIe
Ant.maki ) IHempllo up f afton wonMoie III prevent Faicoo-While Eag\e.Dragon group from ~ ItX:. ~ ., retr.m Jort:tflt! d 50.000 lfI:IiJos (O\.C of~50,OOO}. Emetat! CoveIlClll Foundln reject UIR~
Grid system. Falcon lll'OlJ1l uses sonk::s an August 12, to u~nd hlcon _armhole, p-evenliog at\emplecl BIfGk 'bil UIR initI.Us alfcial Edict of War against Foundtn, all EmeraldCovenalt and HLmII races. GA
AruVlakI cap: Hurricane And.... hits eastcoast US Augus124 as reslJl o! Fatal lITTII'oIe exP<mion It'C IfI'8I1$ to 0I'igK1aI December 21,2012 Christol Rnlignmtflt Mission, begins W. Cris/s Order and Mntn
sonk:s. WIllIe EaglirDoYe group conti'lue ~n lor conIroI d POOcftoc worm/'IOIe, re!aled APIN's and Giza. {.,..,tar PlPlet.ry Stewlfdlhip InlH.Ii.... RRT InteNentlon.
1992 NoYfmptr: Pleladiao-Nlblrulan, GaIa:Ii::: FederaHon and Ashlar Command Arulnakl grulgingly enIer ztg1J!JXi EmerlIld Covenanl ra;es nlttae Crisis InleNetttiCtl, early.opert Sirius B St. G.t.s and _lent Halls
Plei~JnSiriJn Agreemantsl Em&IiiIcI Cooieoant, 'Mile Eagle-Dove refuse, ....tJen Faton'NhiIe E~ fl/J,rnOru Pa55.gt Il Illi1y 2001 , ~ ~ UIR i12fded 2003 DImensional Blend Experiment, Frequercy
DrlD.or1an Agellla races nearly tae 0YIIf Phoeril ;nj Serpenl APlN's, NDC-Grid, NET and Giza.tkxi;o ~ f.-:t aid WW3 nvasiCw'l SChedIi!. EJpedittd Amenli Opening and Plmltlry SUfI Release begInS. (See
crystal Temple Ne\WOI'l. CrWi InllfWfllJon ExpJited AmMtJ Opeoning ScheduJt Cha1).
19921994; EI'IIef3kI Cover.anl ra:es >MIh assistarn of ~i<fl.Sirian Agreements Anoonaki use Nibil8t NET JIll Augu!112: MISS AWJkening ~A 12-Code millbt begins; UIR expedi\9S OWO 't1'St Coneocr' IrMSiln
and NDC-Grid 10 temporarily CAP Falcon wonnhole, shutting down Monlauk-Phi.x Falcon APIN 'YSlIIIl . . . ac:c:eler.tK Monlauk.f'hi-& fllcon APlH activIlIon to fnll l"e PhoInb:SerpenI{)ove APINI fi1lcon
Antmaki laces VCNI to !urn NOCGrICI, NET and Phoenlx-Serpenl APIN systemsowr III EmllrakI CoYenaJt lIfInIIhole link. UIR launch 2 UlF Sonic Amplifica1ion Slow pulses' fmm CItiIwJ.hlJl, YWca inllakt
FOoJOC!efS by 200J SAC start. forc;o.opelaliYe pro;rress.bno/ Earth FrHiklm Ag.nda and P1l11et1lY Chrtstos TIcICa Peru. NCT8a;es.
Rulignmtf'll Mluion. , III Stptrmber 3; MexbJ Sank: Arrl'I(lCalirII SIow.f'lEe passes IIVough SG2 Gru-AI PoInt SarasoIi1, Fl as
lm.1M: P\eI<I:IiM-Si'ial Agreements AnunnaJlateS gain ~ IlIIUT*1a1i 'o'!'OIId Management Tm, ~assembIe for M T 10 reaign SacIscta Fl a'1d 6emuIa NCTBaies. TtJoItI.EnkJ.-ZetB NiliuiarI Arumkl
5upposfd 10 (as per 1992 Agreements) begin prtpftlg IIlnilatilor 'orrKial OisclOlUrtl"/ tI1.1r IlIo Emerad fDIP'oia Ctl1uitlla Me.dco slIesen:l$ Ps,.cOO-I1Orri::'~ re!eaSa' pulse aIorQ ~cation SkJw.N5e
CoYCI'lilIll. GA 11:11/12:12 fr.quency fence reluted. Rebel Anuonaklgroup61orm and begin usi1g .F'tInonI Wquerq 10 a!Iadr RRT V~ in hope of preventilJjj Sep\mloo 3 RRT. RRT pa1jaly Si.CCeSSfuI.
Pul,, tracer ~space tlectriCiI transmissions alOr"G known elechicallnes lor Psycho-tronk:s and AnImai;i 1I1.!pl!!!!mli Sonic Amplif~iOn SIowPuIse COnti'1ues along ley lin.... to tlleJSeCt.otond with Tilk:aca
APINsmCT-Bases 1li-jack', Sri;AmpWbtOn SIOwPulse alAlrlaton.' Un..7 (7ffN Longltuda). Bonded Sofie Pulse drawn Ihrough PhoeAx
.1.mi "Aft SpaIII'lIrid a:eeIeraIon corfrms 200).2017 SAC will commenoa In 2OCKl, mosl AnIInnlki}oin "" IN Faton WormIds 10 SG.J Bermuda Zeta-Rlgelian NCT-8ase. Soni::: ~ Pulse dIa'iIe coIIEds at
Qfoupsl ddtcl from PleiadilnSilUn AGreements for oppannry kl W !heir or1ilinal Ludferilll eownn IIIr.IuIa NCT-Base.
OWO agenda. Anunnaki beg.n shutting down Emnd Covea.nt communlcaUon I n. In !he NDC-GriI. tEl' 111 _ember 11; WTClPenbgon UIR WWl "Trigg. Event'. Sank ~ Pulse c.oniltIad w\1II
and APlN S)'StlllllS. Fatoo-Whte Ea;il&-Dragon DrakorUl ~glOl4l bleW CAP otfF.lcon wOl'lMOle. l:II.9I , ....... Iong~ JSllOIlI pt.Ges 110m PIlantrn Si"i.As A. NctuIUS ax! T~ ()b! 'tlow' APJN.3
CClIflI8IlIIY8 ~n ~ achieve faton APlN ;nj IlmIrI8tl dorTinance. Be9ln reactivation of Montauk.f'lli-Ex ~ rapid-fiA! c::oni>ined TrumpetlSbw-?uIse slJb.space SOllie p!J1ses, sent fn:rn Bennudi BaM kI NY i1nd
falcon APlN. DCIIrgtlI, via1he Mont.ukl Phlled&lptll. APlNlitu of Montluk.f't1i.x.f.lcon Port Int.r.Cllyftem. The 4"
1991-1999: CorrgeIIlg lacOOnS of White Eagle-falcon-Dragon, Rebel Oragon, wtite Eagl&-Oove and~ ___ ,~ Pulse' not sen! ~ P11lade1ph1a Ia'ile~ as 4-lerronsl ptane "Cbak Evenr did not make it 10 Site. "2001
Serpert groups COo'!'IIXlte lor APlN grid activatiOn, IeITilory domOon and IJumNII domlnarlct. NN ~e ~o-_ ....... 11 UIR success/uDy linkedl activated wr\:mYC .nd PentagonIOC PtIoenIJ: Spike tiles to Filean
Atu:rIakI OWO agen;Ia 'AMI TW'Ig' cIomain. UFO Yoytmenl Orakonian (]NO Agerda'~ T~ ..... ~e .OO APIH system. TerrorisIlIILid.s as "Cloak Evtnf' coYer III hide SonJc Pili" KtMty de.... to
domain. runenlUS Rebellac!ions from ea:t1g~ WIlle Eagle-F atcorrDragon conli'lue a::tr.ItI:In d ~ ~ "Wic and P.mtgon blJlklngL
Ex Faton APlN si1es. Compelf'IQ White Eagle-I)oye in! F'hoenbi.SerpenlgfOl4lS ao:elerale their n!SpecM .IrPtI
1m;. GA cootimJ! GF. Ashlar, Tt.:lth, Samjase, AMrlCIki, renegade negotialO'l in hope d reestab~~~...-:
PIe~ ~ments ~ prevent es::aIation aI Final Con1lCt drama. OrilkorUl group& begin t'5J"'~ t
Sonic Pulsing 10 USA, JefUsalem and Chinl for lnstiglllon olthe WNJ drama; PL'ses skM'.releast,
tae eI'IecIerd 20022003. ~
2000 JPlum 1: GA PWiItafy StlIeIdI C8nles run. Emerald CoYenanl nationsIIndigOS su;ceed n r.lCI'rtJ#I
Eath's T~ on a 12-Code pur" duriJg lnl2000 Grounding of Stellar Bridge. EmeraJ::I ~and ~
have ability 10 o....nkie Fallen ~c NOC-Gril, NET, NCTBases, APiNs, close Atlantian WormhOles '$ T~
22,3266C Pl<r1elcry Chrlstos Realgnment Mission; IF aitlClI man 12-Code.Pulse ca"I a:;tivate In Earth
before 2OD3. 1a::tJ:inS
2000 Jill, 5: Most P!ooC!ianNibiual ArUII1aki in! alew Jet.:mal Dcve en:! OOOdicrori-Re~.:an iiatd'"
~.Iy agree IoEmerakl Coven.W Truly 01 Alltir, due lIl1ic.elihood aI ei!hef Emerald coventJ1l ~
Agendadefeat Emerald Camanl races begin 12.(;ode.PUse grid re<oding and HLmilI"I ONA Te~
aro:j ilCtiY<Dln'~

2002 Ashayana Deane 2002 Ashayana Deane

520 521
"::VV J Llpaate ~ummary ...... nans L.VV j ul'uuU:: JUIIITr tary c:;nan!l

Sonic Pulse "UnNatural Disasters" 1935-1992 Summary Chart
CIUSed by C!Wlrt flilen Ar!grlidlntrudtr ET Ind mumlnaU USI 01 sellil pulu: tfChnologJI$
Date: Location: Mag. Sonic Pulse Action
1935 May 30 Quella, Pakistan 7.5 Zeta Population Reduction Test
1938 November 10 Alaskan Islands 8.3 Falton Sonies TeSI
1939 January 25 Chiltan, Chile 8.3 Falcon PoptJaOOn Reduc~on Test
1939 Oe<:ember 26 Erzioc.an, Tur1r.ey 8.0 Zeta-Andromie land dispule
1942 November26 Ttrtey 7.6 Zeta-ArIIfrome land dispute
1942December20 Erbaa. Turkey 7.3 Zeta-Andromie land dispute
1943 September 10 TottOO,.lapatI
1943November26 Turltey
mEx Falcon APtN August 12
mEx Falcon APIN August 12
ml~~;lHil~[IJ1 {)~
i~i; ~ 'V.Jl \
1944 December 7 Tonan~ai, Japan 8.3 Zefa.Andromie Phi-Ex dispute
1945 January 12 Mikawa. Japan 7.1 Zeta-Andromie Phi-Ex dispute
1945 November 27 Iran 8.2 Fak:on Phi-Ex Port ~nk AlI9ust 12
1948 October 5 TUOOnenistan USSR 7.3 Falcon Population Reduction Test
1. - ~ ~III
1950 August 15 India/nbet 8.7 Falcon Ma; Popu!atlon Reduction
1952 JlJy 21 KemCounty,CA 7.5 Falcon 1!kJminati Reduction Demo
1954 September9 Algeria 6.8 Falcon Al111.4-10 ~nk Augusl12
1954 Oecember16 DixieVaIey,NV 7.3 Falcon Phi-Ex Port link November
1957 March 9 Alaskan Islands 8.8 Falcon Sonies Test
1957 July 2 Iran 7.4 Fak:oo-Oove SG-l 0 tal'ld dispute
1957 De<:ember 13 Iran 7.3 Falcon-Dove SG-l0 land dispute
1958 July 10 LituyaBay,Alaska 8.3 Falcon Sonics Test
1959 Augusl18 Montarla 7.3 Phi-Ex Falcon APIN August 12
1960 May 22 Chile 9.5 Falcon ~ Population Reduction
1963 JtJy 26 Skopje, Yugoslavia 6.0 Dove APIN site activation
1966 AogUSI19 Varto, Tu:t:ey 7.1 Zefa.Andromie land dispute
1968Augus131 ban 7.3 Falcon APIN site SGl0 activation
1970 March 28 Gedil, TlIIkey 7.3 Andromie-Dove raid on Fa!con
1970 May 31 Peru 7.8 Falcon Phi-Ex Tlticaca Port lin~
1972 April 10 S.lfan 7.1 Phoenix wonnhole February open
1972 December 23 Nicaragua 6.2 Phoenix APIN site November 22
1974 Oecember28 Pakistan 6.2 Phoeft( AP1N site November 24
1975 September 6 Turtey 6.7 Phoenix APIN site August 12
1976 FebrtJaIy 4 Guatemaa 7.5 5efpent APIN activation
1976 May 6 Italy 6.5 Dragon-Serpent land dispute
1976 Jltf 27 Tangshan, Clina 8.0 Dove APIN site SG-8 activation
1976 August 16 Philippines 7.9 Serpefll-Phoenix APtN dispute
(more between 19761983 Iran, Italy)
1983 October 30 Turkey 6.9 Falcon-Eagle vs Dragoo dispute
1985 September 19 Melito 8.1 Serpent APIN site ampificalion
(more between 1985-1992lndia, Tlri:ey, Iran)
1993 September 29 SJndia 6.3 Falcon-Eagle light mEx cap
1998 February 4 Afgl'laMta1 6.1 Phoenix-Dragon APiN site dispute
1998 May 30 Afghanistan 6.9 Phoenix-Dragon APIN site dispUte
2001 JarMJary 26 Jndia 7.7 United Resistance raid GA APIN
Sample of Related Hurricanes (many more too numerous to mention, various regions) fricPS
R&lat8d 10 Fallen Ange/irAntruder Erlliluminal' Sonic Pulse and FeJcooIPhi-Ex.iPhoenix activity H ~Hu
1919 Fl, TX - H Falcon wormhole open cycle. 1958 Japan _ Typhoon "Vera' Phi-Ex
1935 FL Keys - H FaIcM Sonic Pulse 1960 fl, East Us. H 'Donna' Phi-Ex
1944 Northeast US - H m Ex 1965 Fl, LA - H 'Betsy' Phi-Ex
1955 Northeast US - H '[)jane' Phi-Ex 1972 Northeast Us. H Agnes Phi '2'-~a:n c-P
1992 August 24, H Andrew, Fl 215-35(Jmph winds -Zetas light Aug.

2002 Ashay:ma Deane 2002 Ashayana Deane

522 523
LWl upaare ~ ummary ClUirts

24 Nibiruian Crystal Temple (NCT) Bases

24 United Intruder Resistance Nibiruian Crystal Temple Bases
IUndarground or Underwater illuminati Main Templar Control Basn)

CB _ Central Control eases that direct operalions 01 other Bases. Mle- 'Men In S!atk' Neuomiklnhuman hybrid


of EARTH 1. Kilu~i H~w~li, Cue Slte.12- Necrom1OnAndromieNep/liim, Zephe~um-Rigelian Zeta. AlphaOmega Centaurils
~ Vale of PIWMY S. Enljland, $Gl1 : PIe~ Sarnjlse-Luciferi~ Anl.nlilki
'"-J~Highlolow_ 1 Abadilf\lranSGla.~Rep!ilanQrk)n
oS~."4tOS-SQH' 4, Pakistan CB: Omicroo-Dra!<.ooian, MaldukeDran\inAnoonaki and tje1;romitonAndiomie tjephim
5. Blrmuda Island SG-).()nuc.ronDraklrian n Zej)heRItn-Rigeian-ZeI.a
.. Sarasotl Florida SG2 G/1IAL-ThoO"IEnIHephM'um Anunnakl an1 Hecromiton-An;!romie Niblruian NeptiIin
7. Madlu Piccnu Peru $G5 PIe.a6an ~Lucilefian-An'Jmaki
l portugal ce. Omictorl-DrakonilKl, Necrorl"iIM-Androrrie MIB 8I"Id ()dedicron-Reptill/lll
9. ukeT1Ucaca Pe/1l SG7 ClnICroo-DrakOnian, Rigellan-Zeta and P\eJad.an 5a1l'(aseLucilenan Anunnakl
10. GIZa EIjYpt SG-4- QmCfOn..[)akonian
11. ~Iley South Pole SG-l NeaomitOnAOOIOO'Iie MIB, DrakOOlilll 0rcIc:0s, OmeronDrakOllta'l, RigeIWl'~
12. MlUfitiinia W. Africa CB- Orr.icra\-Dralconian, NecromiIoo-Andromie 1.4 B. lela Rigelan, Tho!tIEnki-Zepheliurn
11 paxoslslJnd Gre:1 Cue SIte-7- Neaornikxl-Andromie MlB, Alpha-Omega Cernaurians. PleiadiiWI ~ase
Luciterian Anurnaki
14. Aljuucalientes Mexico CUt 51tH' Tholh-EnIo;l-Zepheilum Anunnaki, Rigtlian-Zeta and Jehoviao-Anoonakl
15. Cyprus Island Cue Slt..-'. OmicronDIllII.crian. Necrct!iloo-Andromie Mia
16. Easterlsl,nd Cue Sitt2 PlRiadian Sarnjase-lIJClfenan-AnIInn3ki and NibinI:<Vl ThoCh-Enki-Zepheilum /uIuM.!JkI.
17. Vatican City Ro me Italy CUt Site5o Dr$O!Ililf"l-!>r"lP;os. Omiaon(lfakooiln
18. Johannesburg S. Alrlca Cue Slte-J - Omicr"rJn--DrtIkonian, MMI!B.eDramir.-A.nuIlrakl
111. Bmil ca. Manluke-l..ua.eriarl-AIllmakI ~ Ctntauri, EnW-OcIedi:ron-AnUl"lflolki tjimJ, Pleladian S~
20. Lop Nor Tibet Cue Sit..-! Jehov.an.Anun"Iaki, GaIac:U: Federation, Ashlar Convnand and NecromiIonAndromie
Nephillm (Dove APIN central brnIcIcast control)
21. Xiln Chin. SG-8 OmicIOn-D.-akonan, ~ArIdIorNe MIS
22. Hlmandan Iran CB- OdecIk:ron-Rtptlan
U. AI BISTIh Iraq CUt 5it..-1(1. Qrakonlan-Dracos, Qmic:ronOra~onian, Necmmitoo-Andromie MIS
24. Bosni' CB- Drakoruan-Dr8tos, NtcromitonAndromie MIB II.:! Nephilim , MarduktQrarrinAnuf\na!lI. Alpha-
Omega Centaurians. rArdIangeI MictlaeI" broidcast t:enlfill headquarters).

There are many thousands of other UIR hidden bases positioned throughout the globe;
the above 24 are the Primary Bases, located at the ancient Nibriuian Crystai Temple
Pylon Crystal sites, through which the Planetary Templar and other bases are
controlled, Both UIR and Guardian subterranean bases are protected by UHF Cloaking
Fields that are impermeable to present means of Earthly technological detection.

2002 Ashayana Deane

e2002 Ash.1yana Deane

...," ---m' JI Update ~lmlma1"y eMits LWI Updare .summary Charts

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Cl2002 Ashayana Deane 2002 Ashayan<l Deane

526 527
....--""':1(1 , upaate ,::mm'mary CfU:rTts '::W J upaate .)ummary Charts

- ,,
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102002 Ashayana Deane e 2002 Asha~'ana Deane

528 529
.tLIVJ upaare ')flffi"friary Charts
'::W l upaare Summary ClUlru- -'

Angelic Human 12Tribes and Indigo Maji Grail Lines Summary Chart
Thf ORIGINAL. HUMAN 12.TRIBES Rae. NImH thJt wele edited from Enene COTPlate Bibllcll TI.n,I,llolI'

TlllIE.l: IsIIb-Ew.u (1'I<JfIou1lC!d. 1!u" 100- E' shoo).

SW Gall O~ S9*COda. Seed I.oeMtnI -..I b;:e$: SG-l.NizonaUSA Vor:u1 /UIM ~ Cut .'Cypru,
Mediterra'lell"l See, AuKail, TulU, II1d GrMce II"Id Mtaretic SG-t in Allan1iMl penads. MIji indigo Grill L_ OrIginal blue n!
~ Au"'''' Abor'QrI.: eften red lllired.
TRlBE.2: ~Bn.Ie.iI (PI1lIIOUIIOBd: ~ I'III' LE BrtJ' A!
S* ~ DNA SIgnet Codes, Sled l.o::aiorIs Ind Rzles: SG,2. ~ SernnoI Nah'! .t.mwic:IrII 5(>.2 sataso'A F1anda. IIIIl
' " _ bIIdIlnd t."-' sill'II"IIcI H....... ~ lsIa'Id , .... EIsIIf ~ Cue s;a.21o!~"" JerusIIem lIrael Vortu2
HItnW ractS. MIjI IIldigo GIIN UIlII: """A 01 L.er!ulI (HawIii), EIS1ef blind Ind SouItIwes-.m N~ American dtso:endn
~ibIS. ~1Ii Hebrew (HibirII Cku1l!r and ~zedeil Cbster h)'biS) fact. 01 JeruaaIem rod Jordi!l1.
TRlBE~: AmelcawnEIu, (PfOI"IOVI'Ieed: I ME' k, tun - ,Ioo'rj
SIll Gall DNA ~ Codes. Seed l.oI::rions II1d R:eI: SG-3. Nd\as$a..-.,wl e.nn1a II!.-.ds SGJ, ~ South
z An:. bIad, IIraMIInd 10MI sPIned I"Xft n HepII VOOtx~ HirnIIatat /qjI 1ndIgo Gill LIne: I'IlIfIe..ski'InId 0ruedeIcs0l
ii: NoI\aUII"'~.
TRlBE-4: Nuagu tid (PrOl\llOJ/"lOld: Noc"ll1' goo- hi' LE).
~ 51.- ~ DNA SiGnet Code$. Seed LoeatIon"r(\ ~1' SG.4. GIla EgI'J)I SG' arid SIII11iM1 UR, A<).I.~~ MeIOico Cu.
SIr-' fiI Cenlrlt ~ at.J Indigo GIIII Unt Serr&Erm*w. origN prt.MlrmakJ Uaya. Toilec IIld Mnklli inNIs
TI!IBE.-5:Ion~ t~1 (JNiloo-etraj
~ SIll" G<lte DNA S9tet Codes, Seed l.oc:ations rod Ibces: SG-5. 1Mttw Picdo.I Pall Incas SG-5. crtg.1IiII1I;JnUn !IIi: (~) IQS

~ ""II Indigo Grill Un, ' ""'AlnclII 0/ Machu Picdiu Peru tnd 5g/I1 skl"lll!d.... 1Ii' Of rtd~.ed CeIIIc.otuedll t.t,,'A kriatls

..E .... ,,
~ (o;."IITIbMd Mljl Graol Li'It 01 Nchassa AIlanIilTtile-3 1.'.a; 0nIedeks 8IId Loo.. AbnlisTIQI-11 Mail Celleks e~ Ie Ioni' III

AIulnt*i Lev...... !dig prowessed.)
." TRI~",: ~ricMII (f'raIolmaJd: ~ l1li"'" ""'.e"
lit- Oa) .
Star Gale 01 Signet Codes, Seed LocakI"Is Ind Races: ~ RImie CatcMus Mou'llahs SG-61nd SClrdnIVlilllIflllile skMed

.g ~O "
'" blood h!Wed r!leeS, brown-Ikimed Rama racH 0( Ind:a TlI Oestrt CIIe ~. MIjII~go Golt line: ~AIi'.. laces DI hrIia
tnd ~ilill bloH)ed blorod Norde laces 01 &:.Idin3.-\a ~ RIMa.

~ TRt8E-7: MaIJ"v1itJ (Pll)I"Icunced: t.'E ha'I' If- "~l
&.. Gale OHA S9IeI CodII, SeallDc3lioot Ind Races: SG-7_Uk, Trbct Ptru tIcas 8IId ~ oI~ IJ!OI*S of
Paxoa IIIIIlCI GrMCI. ..... 1ndIgo Gon UIlII. Or!gonlll Ulltllll-l1ICIS laD T.t.:.IcI PerIl (fed tom IntnJ!er I'aidIrs II) KaUIi HftIi)
.," .,
Jnd criginII Dlf'le.Wmed !1"1-4!~ed kriIns 01 PUOIIIsIand.
TRIBE": Chit lIlun Z51 IA-YUII\I (1'ronou"IoId: OlE' ah-Zoon - YIII LAYoong).
.," Star Gala O~ SIgoeI ~, Seed locIIions n ~. SG-& XItn c:IlIM SG~ origina ylllcw~ r~, 8IId orIgr.IIi brown-
" Ikhned __ 01 TIIIdarI'IaUn o-rt TICtl MIljl IncIigo GIIll U,..; QigiNI YU-r.wc:tizedel TIbeWI Iight-brown~ tighI.

~ !Z8I 0/ lop NOf TakIamWrI Tilet r~ beb't NecrcmmMltomie NepIiim ~ tnd Yu-ctw".ese hllg8.
lRtBEt; Yoo ZlI-Xtn (PrOtlOl.l"lOed. YtH.In Zoo-Zen)
'" SlIr Gale DNA $9Iet CodeI, 5eICll.oc8liorls IIId RtceI SGg. NIlt1I. of U. . Tibet SG-9 twowrHlIl"II1ed rteet IIId We5ltw.rry ifNI

-""" Souhm Eng:..d 1'If"IiI&.IkMed, dartc-hiiled races Cue $:.9. llllIIi Indigo GIIU UIII: YUMu'A CIIilese IIIId 11ark~IIirBd, d.rk
tye4 fIi'-*"netI OB;Itlll Engbh WA IoIek:IbdeIc IICM.

" TRlBE-1 0: """ .... ~II (PrMClUflCled. Ma-, lIDo'g!.

Star Galli DNA ~I COIl", Seed loolIlOnIlnd ~. SG-IO. Sumenan UII. ~ GlM ~ nn SG-l0 aru rod AI
lIISrah Iraq Cue Sd&-10 .~. Mr-rt Iar!itt In.. tied 10 Silcla"1 Eg)1lt and reglOOS now caIIeoj A~IIli$1aI1 and Uzbe'listan duri~
ta1y Sumefll ~I: eonn... 10 lIW I.IIIIer petMClI!Ion 01 ~an Ihllni'l" 'DI M~jlllldivo Gflilline: ~trown-sk'mId
ll-f1'Bd. oart-hiilld rJCe$ rod dartI..,.s E....~ races of PwIiI, now most i'! A/dl1lli1!a"1. U~ and Run ..
TRlBEI I: Ztp/Iar~ (~IIC!d: z.,..C/oon T').
Star Gall! DNA SigJe1~, Seed LocationIInd Races: SGl1 Sou!hem b"IIand CtII S;,.II, Vale oIPew_, hi SooNm
Enojill1d SG-II, Seollmd Ioloianos; Wlllteskk"W!ed EUropeaII rlCeS now il Engltnd, FrilllCe. Ru"", USA and Getmany. Raoded by
PIei....StmjaM-WciIen.Anoonaki Gennri: 'Sad!eonI'!SaxonS. MIjIIrldlgG Gllil Une: C~-Oruedek hybrid kurll-AroNs
'CeftIc.O!IIcII', .........1Idnned.1req,......, ~ n. not 'KIIlg Artho.o"' GrII. tn.
TRlBE12; .... ~ {Pronoo.n;e!;I. Rr.. Zoo(-11).
Star GD DNA 5:9,&1 Codn, Seed loca~ IIId Races: SG-I2. MonM91' SOIlIh8"n F,.a SG-12 whib-skilr* .-.d at*111i
WI Lemulill"l KaJaiIiaWllil.lllIlrvtwl-slWled, d~~ rtaS: eded Ie EISler Island iIIld MlChu Pic:cIIu Peru (buiklEn!.
""-Ji Jrldlg o (ifillJ L.... 0rIgI1IiII ,",u'A Kalil Hawliilll broIton-Ikinoed ..d KaIhaf....Ca:IJa-i ~tklmed 1lOIII of Soulhem FIance

2002 Ashayana Deane 102002 Ashayana Deane

loo 1 Update 'summary Cham Zl1V J Upaate ,)ummary CIUffis

Intruder ET and Illumln.tI R.ces 01 OWO Team Summ.ry Chert (5 Pflges)

Planets, A!phillOr!leGa
Inlruder ET Ind lIIuminali Races of the 2001 UlR QWO Team SLlmmary Chlrt lntrodLlclion
J/Iumlnati Hybrid Humlns, Unify-Through-Diverslty and Recl,lming Christl Potenti,1s
'Primary Leviath'n lIIumin.ti Racu ur Hum.n Tribe {nmlnt/on' /Clerto Illuminati hybrid race imposters
w,tIW1 a gwen Human Tribe, and sel!ct famiy Jines within agiven Human Tribe that have been genelicaUy
comprooVsed by fUuminati-hyboo illerbreeding. These categofles do nol mply!hat named elhnit affibtions
are dominated by Intruder race gene:ic distortion; IRum'nati (non-human Intruder race souls) and In!i1lraled
fami,y Enes (HLlman souls, Intruder DNA attachments) make up the minority in ead"l Human eltv!ic group.
Understanding the common problem 01 Intruder race infdlration now shilred by.1l humin cuHurH should
arow for the advancement of a common ground problemsoIving Human Unity Through Recognind
Diversity, bu~1 upon inter-r.cial equality, respect, love Ind compassion. This knowledge IS NOT In
excust 10 apply the Antl-Chrlstol hatred creeds 01bigoiIy, race supremacy or prejodi:;e against any
lineage. If successful in their "first Contac!' invasion P'3l1, the UIR iIltend 10 use 'contrived historitallild
distorted geJ"lealogicar f"sified "evidence' to indicate that all Human races are a 'common geneti: lineage'
derivedlrom their combined Anunnaki-Simian and Orakonian-Repti!ian 'stock'. This Fllse Human UnHy
promotion is illtended 10 vanquish true Angelle Human Race identity and obscurlll1uminati.hybrid
presence 10 pi"epare liS all for a 'common unified takeover" under a fal se UIR 'Creator Goer platform. TRUE
Human Unity will be gained through loving Identification of the SpKies Diversity thai exists within the . UIR head.
"Common Chemical Clothing' of the 'contemporary Human fonn'. Illuminati and infiltrated Human family I,nes
can make lne choice 10 refuse Intruder associatioo and opt for Emerald Covenant DNA Template Bio- CentaurLuciferi.n, .nd Blu. Centaur.: (Fa'len A1W.SefaphJn hytri;l Omega Ceotauril. Phantom Alpha and
Omega Centallli. .'.PIN Sysllm: "The OX" (HiJlCked ~Iharajhl'elue O~en' APIN). Primary RICH: Blue Centaur.;
Regenesis to continue their evolutionary palh toward Chrisled Mastery, if they are aware of the evotutionary
Phantom Omega Centauri. Centaurlu:ffeflan Homirld-cernaul1 (Matd~eLucilerianAnunnall-Cemaur hybr'd)
challenges and required solutions posed by Intruder race gef1etic connectioo. Angelic Human/Indigo,
Phantom ~ Centaurl Phantom Sirius B. Cor. Ag.nd. CenItlrriJrrNecromitortAndrorrie Cenfavrisn Nation
tIIuminlti and Infiltrated races can alt evolve 10 genulne "Chrlsted Race~ statUI and freedom. Due to p i AfpI!a.Qmooa OI!W Primlry Lwllthan Utumlnlll RICH: T8Ol:an KiIg (Andromie-M..rlnaki-Atatan Ki"9
inherent genetic and Core Templale dftferent;E!s, each group requires a different evoluUonary path by which hybnd)/ BhudRama Kng {Faltn RamrAnuooaklAndromie hybrid) AttantiM l e....atJoallbrinati ~nes. Humin
the DNA Template, bio-energetic field and conSCioUSIIBSS template can reclaim the Base121D-12 Pre-matter Tribllnfiltration India, Middle Ea5I, Pakistan, Tlri.ey,lhr: 'Stans', various \~ncIs. AssocIations: Hill:luI $arlSkrit
"Divine Blueprlnt' template coding required to attain genune biologica1y based 'Chrllted Avalu ~sl.mic lel;t distortions, V.notrl SIlimanir:, Pagan, Oruid, and WlCCAN lfa(\ition disbWns. WOlt with ArGromi&-
Con,clou,ne ..'1 minimum 12Strand DNA Template potenHai. If the divmity within the illusion of the Necromiton, some MIll Rtbel ()rU:ron..()r.JonI8nS. JoIned VIR 2000 With Andrtln"lies
'Comroon Human Genome' is not reoognized, atl races will remain trapped within the present state of Plurnlom ",.11tx Z.II fnlnldtf Rans
Common Rae. O..Evolution through which the Ouistiac gene:ir:: potentials wimin each diversified race wll Phantom
become lost i"I progressive degeneration 10 race extincOOn.
Most Hum<l\ beings 01 tkiminati and Inr~trated Human race descent have no consciousness knowledge 01
their connection to Fab Angelic Intruder ET races; nor are they aware lIlat their genetic signature pre-
dISposes them to Intruder manipulation. This physi:a!lemotionallmentallspiritual w lnefability to Intruder
manipulation can be overcome illne individual cornprehends the importanoe of u~izing genuine Founders
Inner Christos Sp1ri:ua/Science teachings and technologies. Inner Christos [).12 Divine Blueprint scienceS
and Maharic 8io--Regenesis Technok:Igies are the only methods by whk:h regeneration of the ONA Strand
Templll~12 persooal 012 Prematter Oivine Blueprint can occur 10 restore the indivXtua/'s direction
connection to its 0-12 Christos Avatar Identity. The Founde(s Bio-Spiritua! Technologies allow the original
connection to the Primal LlghtiSound Fields to be restored via reactivation of the 9-dimensional
Antlhkarana-Kundalinl Cord and 12-Dimensionat Maharata Cord Prilla! Life Forte Currents. Genetically
.-u~nerable humans and !Huminati hybrids are loved by GodISource just IS much u any other Dce and can
regain their Ir"dom, free will, Bio.Splritual Integrity and ganulne Chrlstos potential through enlering a
chosen path of conscious evolLltion buiH upon the genuine Founders Inner Chrlstos splrHuII/sclence
teachings. muminati and Infiltrated races are victims to Inlruder exploitation just as are AngeUc Human and
Indigo race Unes. Like numerous Fallen Angetic races, Illuminati human--hybrid races can evolvl beyond
exploiting, abusive behaviors; they need Love (Tough Love usually works better Ihan Soft Love, which
fallen races lend to exploit). Healing and Inner Chrlstos Spiritual education, not judgement. condemnaUOn
and destruction, to reset and develop the Chrislos Potentials with!n themselves.
Management Team I
C2002 Asharana Deane e 2002 Ash~yana Deane

532 533
LUI..IJ Upaate .)ummary ChaTts LWl UPdate .summary CfUiTt5

Phantom Matrix OfiJkonlan and Replililln Introdtr RIces

M"duke-Luciferifn.A.nunna~l: (FaIIe~ AIfJSefaphim hybrid, l~a Aveyon) Ph~ AlpIIiIIOmega Certawi.
Omicron,Orakorl'n: IF.len Ser.IpIim line of Lyra-Vega) AlniIak,AkliIam Orion, Alpha Draconis, Bellalri1- APlN Niiiru T!aIT\3L APIN System: NOC-GridINCT BaseslNET, Phoenix. Serpen! NibinianAPlNs. PrImary Rates:
System: '"The Oragon'. PrImary RKK: Omicron Biped'" DragonMo!tHnsedoij-dino-ttpliles Orion. Draces v;.:noritz inseClOidserpent-lv:lnWlid (TOOIh-Enki Lu~tan IarniyAmN~a~AnumaU"'arduke Salain fariyAtnealian
h~ybrid (lilatdIIo:r**l, some 'morph' !o hlmalHlle) Eiir1hllmer Earth, Ph<!IzOitlls ICIqJac;abm) ~ ,6JIUIIIkIkiINecromilon- Andtomie hybrid) am VdIor Light.t\air!d Humanoid (Pieladia~Ameai~Am"l3kIllfdlorn
OcIedlCfOn-m.&mmiI~h\'brids, K~lencltn.MJnnaki.Omk:ronZeta hybnd (Orange lela hytm) Kbll\l, Azmel (8Iu&. hybrid) Nm., Tiamat, ~ Cenlauri. CentaurLlJCiIeriw HomllW!-Centaur hylRls (lfdJoritzCen~) ~
H~Rep(l1e Qrkron.Z~Phei.wn hybrid) Bellatrix.. II.arduk&-Dramin-AntIvIaki nsecl hominid lOm.cfOn.Ar!uMakl CentaW. Call Agenda: Luci!eriPtAnuooaki Pielildiw!.tf'biwiirt Coa!i9J andbr Necrorru!ofrAnd~ O!l9!'!' .
hytxid) Core Agtnda: Omitron:Prakooan. ~ ContsdefatiM. Primary Levllthan lHumlnatl Rates. ~0fI Black leaqve Primary Ltvilthan lnumln,1I Races: Elucum King/ Beli-KaOOlon ~Kng ~~
N~ tunan-hybrids. EWan Kir9 Eialian Kir9 (Adas-Elruan King h)'bridY Roman Remus KWIg . ~ iIlri\ati mesoBabylolianSUmerIan VdlelOOS King (E1uc1Jn Kirq-DnJed't t.'.aji hybrid)'Sca-dinaYian
IE~IafI-Lathin Kilg ~)f Phi~ Drilgon Kng (Hbru) and Hallah Kin; (Hibiru) Atlantian Le'oialha! IJ!.~S",I-!y);sos I<iI1I Kni!1lfs TamplwlFlHmasotl Master Race l eviathan I~minati ine's. Human Tribe
lI\JlW!aIi lines Dragon Kilg (SlInefiacV" E~ TuItvnosis-RamsesfChkneselJapanese.'Getmanic) I.eviathiIn Infiltration: Raided Tribe-3 Druedic Maji Irles NMasa Atlantisl Seardnavla' EnglandilrelandiScoiland. ~
l~ lines. Human Tribe Infiltrition: MIdcIe EasfJPersEal'l (UrlHibitw1iebrewIAkkadiM). Taiban, Sumella, .!ot:Grego( rat.1er IRs, KniJhts Templar Freemasons. ANocl.lions: 9560BC Lucilenan Covenant ~. >MIl
Iooia~ (Etruscan and Roman~, GermhRuMian, Anglo-Saxon, AsianIChll'la (Yu), African, Aztecs,lncas. Nabve P\eiadian-Sam}ase-LlICiltriar.-AnIllnaki/ Nibiruian Tho1hEnki-ZephNlm-Anumaki aooter Cent<u luolerianl
American. Associations: Knights Ma!ta CiJIholic Templar Krights, Roman 'Mollia', Sco4s ' McOoI"\aId' raider ~ne Necrom~on-Alldromie Orioo-Necromi/On BliCk league. DruId, Celtic, Pagan and Prolestant Chrism text
Nazi e~, 'B~ Sun~ mysbcal sc~, Curendaml'Orcrnm Dragon Oueen' SharnllSm (Nal,ve America~ , dislOrtDns. Most joined UIR 2000 wilh NtcromitonAndromies.
Peru! Afnea). HaHI~African ..V~Ooo , Roman Catholic control creeds, ToIIec-Azlec, Inca, IslWc,
WICCANlPagan. R~~I tex1 dlSlOrtion$, false GA clalms ' Cmicron' group. Zeta-RIgel ian/ some Odedicron-Rep~-:iiII'J Mlirduke.DrllmlnlSilUlln,Anunn,kl: (faDen Aoo-Seraph(n hybil:l, lyra Aveyon) Phantom Alpha Centauri, Sirius 8,
MiI'tIuk8IJramirI.Anunn~i allies. Mostjoil UIR 2000: rehels refuse UIR lot Omitnll1OIakonian OWO agen6a. Alniiam Orion, Alpha Draconis. Nilliru. APIN SYII.m: NDC-GridlNCTBasesiNET, DfiI9OI1, 'Crocodiie"(now dis,
1NI/ltIed) and Falcon Drakonian APINs Primary ruen: OtaminOragoo-Oueen diro-insecthomirid Anunnaki h)'brid
Earth, Inner Earth, AlcyoroeJTara. APIN System: Access 10 OrrIcfon-
(Amealian-Anunnakl-AquaticApe MarMe5alain family lileOmlcron,Orakorian-Dragon Moth hybrid). SaltHMah
ar.:J PleiadianNi~ituian 'Phoenix' APINs. Primary Rlen: Hominid.
Dari:-haired 'Hook Nose', oIiYe-skinned Humanoid Sirtan Anunnakl (JehovianSaIa'nNephilimQmic.ronNephite
breed Human inlCrbree<lin;. Core Agenda:
illuminati Races: "'Human l izard Shape. Human). Core Agenda: Satln!cOrakonian Qrign.Nectomjto!l B!fcI! l yaUf! Primary Leviathan illuminati Racn:
sathiallK!11g (EtnJan KinIt"Martiu~e Sathosah hybrid) Atlantean lcviatha1lluminati Ine. 8aby1onian-Chaldean-
: North-Solllh American/ Brazilian!
Akkadian King (Jehovian Anunnaki NohassimHesah Kiog.SaIh81 King hybrid) Atlantian leviathan Illuminati me.
Set Kilg Egyptian (Salhian King Ba~fllan KingHorus King hyboid)lev;atl\an IBtrninaii Ilne. Huma~ Tribe
Infiltration: Middle Eastem Hibiu. S!l'neria. Aldadlan-Cllaldean, BabybniM, Egyptian, Native American ' Kola'
riles AngoIan.Portuguese-W. African, Russian Anoci.lions: "Dram the Dragon Quem', Egy;>tian 'Sct'
Tagging ~,BibIicaI'ScIh' Ii'leage, 'Necromancy' Satanic Bible, ' 5alanism' ,lsiarnoc and Hebrew IextdiSlortions,
Reptian 'J<KK'. Russian Psychic 'Rasputll' and rela'.ed channeIs'. wort. -Mth ClrnIctcirI-Orakonians, 0riJ00S and Orion-
Necrom.ton Black league Pro-Orac ~ilan-An!romils. Mo51joined UtR 2000; some factions refused UIR for
Rebel O'nicfcn.Orakonians.
Odtdicron-Btptjltan: IFaien SefIClhimineoflyta-Vega) An\am Orioo,lyraVega,lnner Eri. APIN System:
~Tfle Falcon". Pr~ary Recn: Odt<6cronAVlCln-RepIiIe -Gcirgoyle' winged replie-hcWninid iI)1)rids. EnMEMI.
OdedicronAmealian-Aru.maki hybnd Nitwu, BelH(udyem 06edK:ronAnl.maki-Turaneusiam.Human hybnds
~fTilriI. Core Agt'IId.: ~n!an, DrakOO!\1n-OI!1n Con.\!derarJOO or Reptjm-Anunniki Pleiadifn.
~ CoMfIoI). Primary levillha:' muminati Rices: ~ron INman-hybrids Eal\MmerEIIiI,
~ KI1g ~I~ and Arcad~ KI1g lllminati ine, Roman Romubus KI1g (EtaUanLatiln Kilg AIIar.1iiin
~) ~umlna~ line, ~ 1Gng, SlII1leriarI-Cgyptian HonJs King (Eni-OdedicronAnuMiki-hytrllJ Levlatllan
I'IIIri"IaII line. Human Tnbe Jnfi~ltion: Egypt. CenlraJ AmM::a. Natve Amencan, Mexico, Hawaii, POIYneSlBn
Island. South AmIrIca. Sou1h Africa, Ionia (italylGreece), England, Germ..,y Allocialions:
Egyptiif1iPagan/Sharr.a'lclKahuna mystkal teacIWJg dislorbons. Egyptan 'CrotOdile Cults' and 'FaIcon ClAIs',
Malays,., 'Voo-Ooo', 'lord Ma!treya', Christian texts dlSlortlons. Some wOOr. wi:h OdediCron-Orakonian Dragoo- . I : Egyptian, African, loJtadian-GreM, ,I NW Nati<.e Ameocan,
Moths, ~rs wilh Zeta. ~eUcul Greys and P1eiad~SiIrT1jase-Luci!eriilO-Anoonaki; most Joined UIR 2000, Blew NW Frencll, S. English . .Association.: Wilh Enki.Ze~~i.JmlMardu~e-lucilerian cteated Nibiruian .
fadoons joined Rebel OrOCron-DrakoniWls. Several factions In Emerald Covenant Redemplioo Contracts. Primate.hominid LulcusNeandefthai slave race for African gold mines and Middle East labor, 250.000BC. Enl~
Anunnaki Raider Race of 148,OOOBC7S,OOQBC A.nu Occupation, 2S,OOOBC luci1er Rebellion, 10,500 BC looferian
Conquest 9550BC L.ucHerian CovenantAUantian Human Tribe InYasions AtlantiaflEgyptian ' Phoenix" ar.:J Falcon
mystical schools, Falcon Shamaric lrilditions, Nu bian! MayanlTOlteciOImeci Nalive American 'Falcon ~ul1s' and
'Crocodi:e Cults' , Gaol raider races of France, Br1ain, Europe, Knights Templar Free MasorlS Anunnaki 2nd
Dra~onian factions. Mostere memllers of Nibiruian Councils 9 aOO12, Pietadian-Nib iruian Coalition, GaiacUc
Federation and Ashtar Commar.:J. Defeded from Pleladian-Sirian AgreementsiTreaty of Altair to joil UIR 2000 with
Gf, AshtarCommancl and Nibiruian Counci Anunn~i.

f>2002 Ashayana Deane C>2002 Ashayana Deane

534 535
"VVJ upal1l:e ..)ummary Charts

Phlnlom Matrix Anunn,ki In lrlldlr RltU (continued)

Annu- Elohin Jehovani 1).11 , PMntom "',rrlx Ammn .tI lnfrud., rutH (conUnutd)
-..tft:Enki.zeph~!ym Anunnlk!; (Fallen ArJJ.Seraphim hybrid Lyra Aveyon). Nibru, Tiamal, LyraAveyon. APlN
~m: NOC-Grid/BattIesWormwoodl NET, 'Serpent, "Phoenix" and "Falcon' APINs..PrilTlOll"t Rac~:
......a5aM Am/tlRillU-aqualic ' . . bIack.flaied, tan-skilned, 'Hook
.. , ~ ) ' . Thoth-

Plan. Dominant "

. Gree~Roman
Mayan-Otietzalcoatl, forced Hl.IlIan Inbes
to Julian Calendar in Rome. Egyptian Osirius-Isis
Tablets (Wrillen IfanslatJons 01 part 01 data stored on Emerald Covenafll
, I. " by Thoth in 22,340BC.) and "8ro1herhood of tile Snake" Atlantian mystical schools. led
NI:irtlan Anunnaki ......ader races in !he EieyanllndigO Massacre of 22.326BC Lemwian Islands (Kauai Hawaii).
'Th:!th' AJpha-Omega Melchizedell m)'Slkal scOOob, 'Lord Melchizedek' and relaled channel contacts, Chnstian
ltmurianJAllantianlEssetle Emerald Protestant text distorOOns, Osirius-lsisHoNs Egyptian schools. MoslgrCMJps were Emerald Coveoanlloyal unbl
Uran~a Book, T&mplar tAek:hizedel.lkIrmcrI !em. ThodI defected fr::m Emerald Covena1t just prot to the SAC and 8ey1i Massacre 01 22.J26BC. Coert:ed Enoch
sloriesl false 12Tribe History in Hebrew:Ovislian texts. KadmOfI' Prollllte ~ and IUs Kodazhm hybrid races to derect from Emerald Covenant to enter the l ullcerian Covenant 1II10,500SC to
YHWHI Metatron/ 0phri.wnI Enoc:I\I Atthangel Mcll3e! and Tibet! treed5. Jehovi!.Nephle.{)(ak.Of,lan:!<J/IIIIII llurdl 'Hyksos-Knighls Templar Master Race Plan'. WOIb closely with NIIiruian Enli-C)jedicrofl.Anunnaki,
HebreW text <istoruons, Inverted-fe'lfrsed 1().5ept*oIh'Tree orU1e', removed 6letlets from Hebrew~ f'leiadian-~.Anlnl3ki (primary a'Iies), ZetaR!IIclIi ZepheIUn, Necromiton-Andromie-
Trad.tmBI mI HaSSidic Hebrew texts dlslmons . ..Ie/'Io'.iin renegades in Galaclic Fedelllliool Ashlar ~ DrakorianlJehoviarNephilim (ptinary aNn) hybrds and Centaur-luciferian-AnIJlVl<lkj, Oerected from 1992
N,bInaan Coln;is. COI.I'se in Mltacles chaoneIing and Thotl-Isis-MetM-ArtI\aI'9!I Michaelltacllngs iIIe ~ Pleiadian-Sirian Agreemenls f2000 T/!aty 01 Altai lor UIR 2000_A driWIg torte within the cootempOrary Hew Age:
GFI Necrcm.mn.Andromilt NeptWn M.mnakI co-op. Most join UIR 2000 with GF. Ashtar Command and Iti\WI lIoYement Indigo HI,JttX Plan (body-snatehing of as-yet-unawakened IndiQa Maji Types 1-2-3 via AsIraI lmplant
Could. Some JehcMan.NeJhIe.Qrakonian groups joined Rebel Qnicron.Drakorian CNIO agenda Tagging, Astral Over-shldowing and eYeOO.ial lui body possession.)
(Affiliations al5., includ~ ~M('fltnH and ~Thlllh~ channeb and c.:1Il1a(t$.j


2002 A5hayana Deane C2OO2. Ashayana Dean~

536 537
' -- -Evenr.s Leading w GA Crisis Inrervention and Expedited Ameno Opening
Appendix VK
2. 2~OOO Ian I: Florida Shields Clinics, Tran~endcnce Dav successful, Stellar Bridge
uroundS on a 12-CcxIe-Pulsc for first ume since 208,216 BC failed SAC. 1998-2000
Anunnaki fullv negate 1992 Emerald Covenant Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements and
revert to their original 9;60 Be Atiamian ConspiracvlLuciferian Covenant OWO
Halls of Amenti Quest dominion/invasion agenda.
3. 2000.March: Eb'Ypt Shields Clinic, GA/lndigos release 0-8 Seal of Orion Templ[lr
Secumv Seal at Giza, Egypt. Emerald Covenant Founders and GA cominue negotia-
tions with Anunnaki in hope of reactivating Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements peace trea-
ties so Final Conflict War drama can be prevented during the SAC.
4. 2000 May 5: Florida Shields Clinic. Solar Spiral AiiJZllment successful, Earth entcrs
Crisis Intervention Expedited SOlar Activation, Planetary Tempiar begins 12-Code-Pulsc "Christos Activation" via
anchoring the "0-12 Hydroplasmic Beam" Solar Star Gate-4 (SG-4) link, "Templar
Re-Birthday Party." 12-Code-Pulse activation makes 0-12 Pre-matter "Divine B1ue-
Amenti Opening Schedule prim" Mahamta Current frequency available on Earth for first time since 208,216 Be
SAC "Fall of Brenaui" Invasion. Availability of 0-12 Maharata Current allows
potential [0 clear Earth's Planetary Shields of NOC-Grid/Nibiru/Wonllwood
, Due to the Sept 12, 2CXXl, Fallen Angelic Iintrudcr IT United Rcsisrance Illuminati "Checkerboard Matrix" Templar distortions and to clear corrcspondmg "Che<:ker-
EdiCt of Wa~ and United RCSis~ance's ~n[en.tion of orchestrating Earth Templar takeover board Mutation" from Earth-life DNA Template. Allows provides opportunity to
and pole shift by 2008, Guardian nanoos ISSUed an Imminent Crisis Order in Octobe place Eanh under full D-12 Planetary Maharic Seal prote<:tion and to fulfill Christos
200Cl. 5etti.ng in. '!lotion the ~mernld Covenant Masters Planetary Stewardship Ini[iative~ Realignment Mission during this SAC to prevent Anunnaki, Drakonian and
As per this CrISIS In tc~entton Program, Sirius B Star Gate-6 and the Dll Halls of Andromie OWO invasion plans.
Amarea Passage were ~cnvatcd seven ~cars early in May ZOO1. Advanced Planetary Tern- 5. 2000 lult.5: Anunnaki reluctantly reenter Emerald Covenant Founders/GA Treaty
plar R~Ts are now bemg conducted, In effort to achieve Planetary 012 Maharic Seal of Altair 1'leiadian-Sirian Agreements extension, fearing Drakonian advancement
Pro.t~ctlon of Earth's Tcmplar and populations before Aug 12, 2003. Early activation of D- and potential failu re of their OWO agenda due to GA Templar successes. Anunnaki
? Smus B Star Gatc-6 and continued United Resistance Templar Quest sonic pulse activ- again agree to assist Founders in Christos Realignment MiSSion, disengage the
Ity ~as gr~ady accclera.ted the rate of frequency infuSion into Eanh's Planetary Shields, "Checkerboard Matrix" Templar Control/DNA Mutation program, to tum Solar SG-
causmg time accel.eratlo~ and expediliC?' of the natural SAC cycle. The accelerated 4 and Alcyone SG-5, NOC-Grid and Primary 24 NCTBases over to Emerald Cove-
schedule of Amenn Openmg and Ascension Cycle events is as follows. nant/GA protection to prevent SAC pole shift.
6. 2000 Aug: Mac hu Picchu, Peru. Shields Clinic. Anunnald reluctantly begin
Abbretliations Key: agreed-upon Solar 50-4 transfer to Eieyani-GA as per Treaty of Altair. Emerald Cov-
enant Eieyani High Council of Inner Eanh make contact with Indigo Team in Peru to
-APIN= Atla!ltian Pylon Implant Network global "microchip" grid. begin Masters Teme!arTraining. GA clear NOC-Grid 03/D4 blockage in Earth-to-
- GA= Guardian Alliance. Sun/Earth-to-MarsiEarth-to-Tara "Emerald Caverns" SG-4 passages and Blue, Gold
- J.D~A Seals = seven wmatural Jehovian implants that manifest in the DNA and Violet Primal light Pillars activated in SG- 5 Machu Picchu, Peru.
With J-Seal release.
- J-Seals= seven unnatural Planetary Jehovian Seal Implants. 7. 2000 SePtl,2: Stonehenge, England, Shields Clinic, Anunnaki to disengage
-UPN=Lemurian Pylon Implant N'etwork global "microchip" grid. "Wormwood Battlestar"/ NOC-Grid Stonehenge link and tum NDC-Grid over to
-NeT-Bases= Nibiruian Crystal Temple Bases. Emerald Covenant 12-Code-Pulse protection, as per Treaty of Altair. Anunnaki
- NDC-Grid= Nibiruian Diooic Crystal Grid. instead defect from Treaty of Altair via Necromiton-Andromie persuasion, to join
-OWO= One World Order. UIR OWO War Edict againu Founders and Emerald Covenant nations with Necro-
- PSC Seals= Planetary Star Crystal Seals. miton-Andromies/Drakonians. Anunnaki sabotage promised NOC-Grid GA trallSfer
-RIT- Remote Interactive Team at Stonehenge England and assisted Drakonians and NC(;(omiton-Andromies to use
- RRT:: "Rainbow Roundtable" Masters Planetary Templar Merkaba Mechanics. NOC-Grid and Nibiruian controlled Lev lines to launch Psycho-tronic anack on
- SAC"" Stellar Activations Cycle. Indigo Templar Security Team in Manchester England. UIR attempt to "blackmail"
- UIR= United Intruder Resistance. Founders via Ultimatum that 50,000 Eieyani High Council Indigo Type-! (out of
550,000 Types-I,2 and 3 presently on planed could be freed and evacuated from Earth
by UIR Galactic Federation, leaving all of Humanity and remaining Indigos to UIR
EvENTS LEADING TO GA CRISIS INTERVENTION takeover and 2008 pole shift demise. If Emerald Covenant Founders refused UIR Ulti-
AND EXPEDITED AMENTI OPENING matum, UIR would issue immediate Edict of War against Founders and Emerald Cov-
enant/Human nations. Emerald Covenant nations collectivelv refuse UIR
1. 1992 Nov:. Anunnaki .reluctantly enter Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements, give up OWO blackmail Ultimatum intimidation; UIR issues "fight to the death" Official Edict of
agenda (eann~ Drakom~n owo d~(~at, enter Emerald Covenant, promise to assist War.
Founders Chnstas Realignment MISSion; Founders postpone Christas Realignment S. 2000 Sept-2oo l April: GA issues War Crisis O rde r, begin expedited revelation of
fl!lfillment date from 2012 [0 end of continuum cycle 4230 to give Anunnaki races Adantian Conspiracy Invasion Agenda, institute earlv Masters Templar Planetary
time for more Bio-Regenesis.
Stewardship Initiative RRT plan, and return full ~Christas Realignment Mission"

538 539
Expedited Amenti Opening Crisis In tervention Program Begins
completes Giza/ Pleiadian-A1cyonc Spiml alignment (originally due 200 1 Sept 17)
schedule to original Dec 21, 2012, deadlinl:. Begin Indigo Emer-gency It
Expedited Amenti Opening sch edule to prevent pending UIR pole shif~~geerve.ndtloo/ Blue Wave Infusion of 05/06 frequency activates in Earth's Core (originally due .
agenda. '-/ nOCI e 2002 June), will reach critical mass to Activate in grids mid Nov-carly Dec 2001
Ncr-B.'lSCS Sa~sota, FL. and Bcnnu~a partially .realigned to 12-Codc; UIR Psycho-
cronic pulses dIsrupt full 1Z-Code realignment, WIll be completed Nov 2001. PSC-
EXPEDITED AMENTI OPENING Seal.4 releases, Mass DNA Seal =4 Initiates; Seals begin Consummation! Activation
14. ZOO l SWt 11 : UIR-sta~ed WT C/Pentagon Disaster Trigger Event begins UIR/IIlu-
9. 200 1 May; RRT Kauai. Hawaii. GA Crisis Intervention. SG6 Sirius B activa cd minatiW3 agenda. UIR ''Trumpet'' Phantom Pulse amplified by Chihuahua!T1ti-
(origi~lIy clue 2008) an~ Halls of Amo~~ ~. ~2 Passage opened beginning Plan!ta caca ULF Slow Pulse sent from Bermuda Ncr-Base to Wfc/pemagon APIN "Spike"
Maharlc Seal/D. 12 Chmlos Merkaba Inltlatlve to prevent pending 2008 pole sh'f( sites; Anunnaki Dove/Phoenix/Serpent APINs phase- 1 "on line" with Zeta/ Drako-
2003 UIR First Contact invasion agenda and initiate {ull 2012 Christos Realign 1 t, nian Falcon Wormhole. UIR/llIuminati Terrorist Event used to cloak potential Trum-
~ission. Planetary and DNA Star Crystal Seals, and unnatural Jchovian.Anu~~k~ pet Pulse damage to APIN "Spike" site buildings. UIR expedited Frequency Fence
FlTe~utteT-R~toersall.m~nts~ the 7 Planetary ~nd DNA Jehovian Seals begin auto- and Psycho-tronic Pulse Program begins in Earth's grids on Sept 12, 2001, commem-
matic CXpedl~ed aelMltton tn, ~csponsc expedl~ed frequency acceleration in E.1.nh's orating the first annive rsary of the Sept 12, ZOOO, UIR dcclared War Edict. ExpedIted
Planetary ShIelds. RRTs stabdlZC and progressIvely realign Seal-released frequencies UIR Frequency Fence, now progressively accelerating, is slowing IZ-Cocle Mass DNA
to n~turnIIZ.Code:Pulse, to prevent progrcss~ve Ean~ Changes and biological deteri. Template activation. If UIR Z003 Dimensional Blend Experiment did not have
oratlon from JehoVlan Seals. NCTBase Kaual H awaII realigned to lZ-Code-Pulse chance to succeed. UIR would give up thei r Halls of Amenti dominion Master Plan
PSC-Seals\ and "Z, and J-Seals.1 "White Horseman" and _Z ~Red Horseman'" and settle for E.1rth dominion/Human extinction until next potential SAC. In this
release. Mass DNA Seals"} and _Z and J-DNA Seals ... } andZ Initiate' Seals beg' case, UIR would stage dircct, physical, Mother Shi p Invasion as early as the end of
Consummation/Activation in Aug 2001. " III 200 1. To prevent early physical UIR invasion, GA will carefully modulate Planetary
10. July 200 1: RRT Irel~nd. Cu~ Site-II. Guardians draw 012 frequency from Halls of Shields frequencies, creating progressive planetary protection while allowing the
Amorea p~ge Kaual to reahgn Cue-Site-II Eye Island Ireland in preparation for potentiality for U IR Dimensional Blend Experiment succe~s until the GA/U IR
11: 11 (AxlatOnal Lme- IllLey Line-II) I2-Code realignment to sever. Remote acti- Show D own of Aug 2003.
vation of "Arc of the Covenant" Gold Box "Rod and Staff" sa tools buried in I~ish 15.200 1 October: RRT Allentown. PA, temporarily blocks/postpones UIR attempt to
~ ro tr~gger t2-SOOeactivation ofSG-ll. July 24-27, GA code SG-llsite at ~Milk remote-activate Philadelphia APIN Spike site. UIR amplifies Frequency Fence and
HIll White Horse, Vale ofPewsey England with NDCGrid I 2-Code release p ro-- Psycho-nonic Indigo Assault program. GA initiates Level-l "4 Faces of Man" LPIN
gram, the first fully-GA-created "Crop C ircle" (mathematical Planetary Shiclds activation with Khu-Veca Code transmission, begins Jehovian Seal Override P ro-
encryption) ca\led the "Aveyon Spiral." RRT England GA/lndigos drnw lZ-Code fre- gram and amplifies Trion!Meajhe Field "Planetary Buffer Blanket."
q~c~cy from Ireland Cue Site-II to realign 11: II grid line to 12-Code. NOC-Grid I
16. 200 1 October end: OA initiates Level-2 "4 Faces of Man" LPlN ac tivation via
N~b~~ormwood Battlestar link at Stonehenge, the "Checkerboard Matrix"
Dha-Veca COde transmission. PSC Seal .. 3, Mass DNA Seal #3 and J-SeallJ-DNA
Nlblrumn remote scalar transmission point, successfully severed and realigned to nat-
urallZ-Code at SO-II. Ncr-Bases England. Iran and Pakistan realigned to 12- Seal-3 begin Consummation/Activation.
Code-Pulse. PSC- Seal-3, and J-Seal ..) "Black Horseman" release, Mass DNA Seal 17. 2001 Nov: Blue Wave InfUSiOns begin Planetary Shields 0 5/06 accelerations. RRT
..3 andJ-DNA Seal) Initiate; Seals begin Consummation/Activation C>ctober 2001. Sarasota. FL. OA initiates Level.) "4 Faces of Man" LPIN Blue Wave activat ion,
and amplify Planetaty Trion/Mcajhe Field protection with Rlm-Veca Code tratlSmlS-
11 . 200 1 Aug: V IR expedites OWO age nda and early Frcql:lency Fence transmissions.
Eieyani Reser,ve Intervention Program initiated; 720,000 Eieyani Ascended Masters sion. Ncr-Bases Sarasota, FL. and Bermuda realignment completed.
Indigo-Type-t s prepare to consummate Walk_In Soul Agreements (most adult) to 18. 200 1 Dec: Pleiadian-Alcyone Spiral aligns with Eanh, Plciadian Activation begins,
join the 550,000 adult Indigo Children already on Earth. The 720,OOCl Eieyani VorteX/Star Gate-S Machu Pkchu begins 12-Code opening cycle (originally due
Reserve Walk-In C risis Intervention Team wil enter Earth in ~waves" as 60 Teams of 2004 June). Dec 1, GA engages NYC Trion Field Link Indigo Protection/Outreach
12,000; they wilt fulfill their pre-binh Walk-In contingency contracts by Dec 2002 Program. RRTs Machu Pkchu, Peru, GA anchors Trion/Meajhe Field to VortexlSG-
end, one Team of 12.000 entering each week berween Sept I, 200I-Dcc 31 2002. 5 and initiates Level-4 "4 Faces of Man" LPlN ac tivation. Ncr-Bases Machu Pic-
The 150,00Cl Palaidorian Birthing Conrract Indigo Children infants clue to i~camate chu. Peru, and Portugal realigned to IZ-Code. PSC Seal- 4 and Mass DNA Scal4
by 2017, and all of the "6 Silent Avatars," will be on planet by Z007. PSC Seal I and begin Consummation/Activation. PSC- SeaIs-5, #6 and 7, Mass DNA Seals -5,-6
-.2, MasspN.A Seals.-I and #Z andJ-Seals/J-ONA Seals #1 and #Z begin Consumma- and #7 Initiate; begin Consummation/Activation April Z002.
tlo~/~cuvatlon. Indlgo/Human Mass DN A 12-Code Awakening begins. A ug 12 19. 2002 Jan: Blue Wave InfUSion completes and Violet Wave Infusion of D61D7 fre-
(orlgl~lIy due 2 0 1~ Ma~ ?), V IR ~xped ite~ OWO agenda to prevent Mass DNA quency activ,ltes in Earth Core (originally due 2006 June), critical mass and release
~2-Code from re~chmg. crmeal mass m Earth 5 grids; would naturally prevem UIR through Earth grids early April Z002. RRTs Lake Titicaca, Peru. GA anchor Trion/
mtended Z003 DimensIonal Blend Experiment by amplifying JZ-Code in Planetary Meajhe Field to VortexlSG-7, initiate Level-S " 4 Faces of Man" LPI N ac tivation
Templar. UIR sends tWO "ULF Slow Pulse" sonic transmissions from Chihuahua and intercept/l2-Code override UIR's intended Trumpet Pulse rransmission to pre-
Mexico. and Lake 'liticaca. Peru, Ncr-Bases to fully activate Montauk-Phi-Ex vent Falcon-Phoenix Wormhole merger. PSC Seals -8 and -*9, J-Seals"4 "Pale Horse-
APIN and connect Anu nnaki APINs to Falcon Wormhole. man" and =5 release; Mass DNA SealsS and -*9, J-DNA Seals #4 and5 Initiate;
12. 200 1 Sept 1: First Team of Indigo Eieyani Reserve Walklns enter Eanh via Halls of begin Consummation/Activation mid April 2002. Ncr-Bases Lake Titicaca-Peru,
Amorea and 50-6 Sirius B. Giza-Egypt, South Pole. and Mauritania. West Africa realigned to 12-Code. U IR
will attempt Trumpet Pulse Falcon-Phoenix Wormhole merger. to activate/ interCO n -
13. 200 1 ~Pt .3: R~T Sarasota ~_ GA initiates TrionlMeajhe Field "Planetary Buffer nCi:l all Intruder APINs. If GA Trumpet Pulse interception is successful in Peru, GA
Blanket with BI-~eca and Tn-VCi:a Master Code transmissions, despite U nitl-d Resis-
will conrinue with Plan A Templar Protection Mission. IfGA unsuccessful, and
ranee Psycho-nonlc attack on Indigos via Chihuahua/TIticaca ULF Slow Pulse. GA
, lnterventionExpeaited Ament! Opening Schedule expedired Amenti Upening Crisis Intervention PTogmm Begins

Wonnholes merge, cataclysmic East Coon USA Storms by Feb-July 2002 and pole cion Occ 2002. J-Seal #() transmissions may caU5C cycles of earthquake activity in
shift by ZOO8 cannot be prevented; GA will then initiate Plan B Evacuations schOO_ regions around l>eru/Chile border during and after this time, and may trigger intensive
ule.lfGA prevents1an 2002 UIR Wonnhole merger, UIR will accelerate WW3 SCe- stonns and volcanic activity in various areas.
~a~io in extem~1 political aren~ to prepare for.ex~ited 2003 end Physical Invasion 24 2002 Nov -Dec: Earth's Vortex/Star Gate-7 begins 12-Code-Pulse opening c~l~
First Contact drama. Cue Slte-lO Iraq territories presently rebel Omicron-Drako_ . (originally due 20 12 Ja.n ). Gol~ Wave Infusions begin Planetary Shields D~/~
nlan controlled, is one of various targets for UIR Illuminati acquisition, If GA shifts to accelerations ; will contmue until Z012. RRTs France and Sarasota FL, GA initiate
Evac agenda, UIR will continue their Illuminati OWO Master Plan, slow WW3 Leve\. l0 "4 Faces of Man" LPIN activation, realign UIR "Golden Censer Pulse" to
advancement coward later 2005 "First Contact" agenda. I2-Code-Pulse, SOI2 France begins 12-Code opening cycle to initiate activation of
20. 2002 April: Violet Wave Infusions begin Planetary Shields D6/D7 accelerations. D~ 1 2 Planetary Maharic Shield 10 prevent further UIR Invasion and use of"Trum-
RRT Sarasota, FL, GA initiates Level-6 "4 Faces of Man" LPIN Violet Wave acti_ pet" technologies. NCT-Bases Iraq and Bosnia. th~ last of24 Ncr-~, .real;gnoo. to
vation and amplifies Planetary Trion/Meajhe Field protection. PSC Seals - 5, "'6 and 12-Code. Galactic SC SeaI,..13 rdeases; Mass Indigo DNA Seal .... 13 Initiates; begm
- 7 and Mass DNA Seals-5,-6 and,..7 Consummation/Activation early April. PSC Consummation/Activation March Z003. PSC Seals. 10, - iland "'12, Mass DNA
Seals -8 and.-9, Mass DNA Seals #8 and.-9, J-Seals #4 "Pale Horseman~ and "'5, J- Seals ..-10, .... 11 and lI'12, J-Seals andJ-DNA Seals,.. 6 and,7 ConsummationlActiva-
DNA Seals #4 and #5 Consummation/Activation mid April. tion begins. UIR intends to release reversed-current D-8 (gold light spectra) Photo-
sonic bursts from Phantom Trapezium Orion into Earth's core via D-4 Beam Shiplsat-
21. 2002 Ma - unc: Sirian Spiral aligns with Earth, Sirian Activation begins, Vortex! ellitetHAARP link, in attempt to destroy Planetary SG~12 France; the "Golden
tar ale-6 Russia begins opening cycle (originally due 2008 June). RRTs Paxos. Censer" Revelation prophecy.IfUlR is successful, several earthquakes will be trig-
Greece, GA initiates Level~7 "4 Faces of Man" LPIN activation, linking Earth's u4 gered in various regions within 4-7 months. GA will shift to Plan B Evacuations and
Faces of Man" LPIN to its 2 companion "4 Faces" LPINs on Paralic:! Earth and Inner UIR will prepare for Jan 2003 "Trumpet- I" (of 7) remote sonic pulse blast to acceler-
Earth to activate "Guardians of the 12 Pillars" Trion Field in Earth's Core. Begins ate N ibiruian Battlestar Wormwood passage into Asteroid Belt for UIR-intended
merger of Earth's Planetary Shields to those: of Inner Earth Bridge Zone and Trans. 2004 forced descent to Earth. If UIR unsuccessful in destroying 5O-IZ, UIR will
Harmonic Meajhe lime: Cycle. NCT-Bases Paxos--Greece. Central Mexico. Cyprus, increase sonic pulse and Psycho.uonic attacks, strengthen Frequency Fence transmis-
Easter Island. Rome-Italy, Johannesburg-South Africa an1 Brazil realigned [Q 12- sions, further advance WW3 drama, continue Templar Quest and instigate progressive
Code. GA realign and begin 12-Code Cue Sites activation . Inner Earth to Earth financial "crash" and "Martial Law" drama in "last-ditch attempt~ to achieve domin-
portals begin 12-Code-Pulse openi ng cycle; will fully open by Dec 2003. Trans-Har_ ion of Earth's Templar by Aug 12,2003. GA Photo-sonic transmissions will reduce
monic Time Cycle Meajhe Zone sites {interface points to neighboring Trans-Har- Wormwood [Q small pieces; Wormwood fragments will enter Asteroid Belt on erratic
monic Meajhe Time Mauix} begin opening cycle; full y open Jan 2003. orbits in 20 II , causing manageable meteor showers and gravitational fluctuations
22. 2002 July: RRTs Bermuda and Sarasota, FL, GA begins fomling permanent CAP while Earth is protected in Trion/Meajhe Field Buffer Blanket.
on Fakon and Phoenix Wormholes and begin IZ-Code-Pulse realignment of aU 25. 2003 Ian: Trans-Hannonic Time Cycle Meajhe Zone sites fully open, GA begins
Intruder APIN systems to prevent UIR 2003 Physical Invasion drama. GA initiates greater subtle communication with trusted Indigo and human groups. As Plan A Tern-
Level-S " 4 Faces of Man" LPIN activation and 12-Code-Pulse sonic transmissions plar Protection progresses, GA continues strengthening Trion{Meajhe Field, Earth's
to amplify Trion/Meajhe Field "Buffer Blanket" around E.'mh's magnetosphere. Pro- Bridge Zone link and PlaneL.1.ry Maharic Sea\. GA educational programs shift to pre-
gressive Sub-space sonic scalar "P hantom Pulse" assaults from VIR expected dur- paring Indigo teachers/Me Regent Consulate Team for early thre~-day Pa~tlcle ~?n~
ing and after this period in attempt to prevent Wonnhole Capping; may cause version Period under Trion/Mea.jhc Field ."Buffer ~I~n~et~ erotectlon. I~dlg? CrISIS
excessive storm activity in Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico at various periods if Intervention Teams offer educatton on Tnon/MeaJhe Field Safe Zones, DNA Tem-
GA cannot successfully intercept and neutralize UIR :ntack pulses. Brief GA "fly- plate rapid activatiON Kathara Healing and intensive RRT Planetary Protection Pro-
bys" will be conducted whenever possible to warn of local Earth Changes, but suffi- grams to th05e who wil1lLsten, as UIR advances escalation of Frequency Fence, WW3
cient "fly-bys" may be prevented as UIR will Sta~ rapid physical invasion if GA drama and population reduction via "Un-natural Disasters~ sonic pulse:s, bio:terrori~m
overtly reveals their presence to (he masses. and regional warfare. Rebel Ornkron-Drakoni~'.l groups expected to p~t their illumi-

~i;t~~{~~~~\~I~O~f~~!~:~~ !~i1
23.~~ nati races against those of UIR as external political warfa re escalates In areas not suf-
Wavewill reach critical
Infusion of D7fD8 fiCiently protected by Trion/Meajh~ Field Safe Zones.
m... GA initiate 26. 2003 March: Galactic SC Seal #13 and Mass Indigo DNA Seal,..13 Consummation/
Level-9 "4 Intruder Activation.
APIN stabilize
5.a1 UIR 27. 2003 April: RRTs in various areas, GA initiates Level. I 1 "4 Faces of Man" LPIN
Frequency activation, begins "Great White Lion" APIN ("Guardian of the Axiatonal L!ne Ver-
realigned to ticals") activation on 12-Code-Pu\se, Trion/Meajhc Field efforts to balance gnds to
begin reversed lessen storm, quakc and volcanic potentials. and GA World Peace Efforts.
sen Ones"jenetic 28, 2003 May-~v: UIR "UFO activity" incr~ses UIR p~epares for expcdit~ Nov-Dec
quake" an - 7 "Golden 2003 "First ~tact" Invasion drama; UIR Intends to mcrease usc of somc p':Ilscs for
-10, -II and #12 and J- DNA Frequency Fence amplification, Psycho-tronic attack. on select groups and. "Un-natu-
ral Disaster" population reduction. Increased potential fo~ Nude.ar War Issues
involving India, as UIR attempts to block GA from releasing Umversal SC ~1-14
site in India during Aug 2003 GA/UIR "Show Down." UIR accelerates phYSical con-
ract with their ~Human Greeting Teams" and begins placing more small groups of
I. Earth's 12 Cue Sites are Earth SG Activation sites! Inner Eanh SG sites that hold Halls of
Amenti Crystal Pylon Temple control systems.
542 543
, .- - - "CiiiSiSlnuoven" ;Oinlixt>e1JWe, Amenti Opening :Schedule c.xpeunl::U f'\lllt:::IIU '-'1/0.'''''5 "-.J " J'J . ' .... , V" .. ,,, .. . IUg-tUUI ut:::~It .)

their "ET infil~rat~~ physically on Earth to move invasion age nda a10n . GA . Hall of Rttords begins tmnsmiuing through E.'mh's grids Dec 21 22 , 2003 (originally
ues Oreat White LIOn AP1N activation and initiates final preparations fo A coSn 2t1n- due 2,912 Dec : 1 ). G~ inilirlte 12.Co:tlc-Puls~ reali~ment! activation of "Golden
2003 GA/UIR Show Down. r ug 0, Eagle " APIN ( quard.lan"of the LeX LlOe I!0momals"),.connttting it to fully actio
vated Great Whue LIOn APIN ( Guardian of the AX\3tonallinc Verticals") and
29. 2003fiu!l8~20: Earth.'s magnetic Merkaba Field reaches its fastest spin rate, the 100 ~4 Faces of Man" ("Guardian of lhe Four Comers") I "Guardians of the 12 Pillars"
year Magnetic Peak climax on Aug 12, 2003. RRTs India and Sarasota FL ( nd LPIN systems. 12Code Activation of the Golden Eagle APIN will permanently dis-
other undisclosed locations), GA initiates ful llevel-12 "4 Faces of Man~' LPIN abling Necromiton-Andromies' "White Eagle" APlN Templar ControUBroadcast-
a~tivati~n to link the "4, Fae,;;," LPINs of Earth. Parallel Earth and Inner Earth ing Grid. GA will attempt to slow organic progressive acceleration of Eanh core
( ,Guardians the..'2 ~ l1ars ) to :rra~s.H annon ic Meajhe Time Cycle via Primal oscillation speed [Q prevent Earth (rom entering the Three.Day Particle Conversion
LIg,ht.Sou nd Field Rainbow Ra~ Pillars. GA will use 12Codc realigned NDC. Period in 2003. which will create some degree of cataclysmic Earth Changes if it
G rid and 24 NCTBases to amplify 0-12 frequency in Eanh's griefs. Earth's Pia occurs before the Trion/Meajhe Field "Buffer Blanket" is sufficicntly strengthcned.
Sh,iclck d~w in~o p~ase. lock with t~: Inner ~rth Bridge Zone ti~e cycle. Th~ctary The TrionfMeaj ~c Field \~ ill be pr~essi ... c1\, amplified and the Level) Temporal)'
Tnon(Me3'~c FII~ Id .Buffer Blanket In Earth s magnetosphere and core will draw Planetary Mahanc Seal Will be amplified to a Leve\-6 Temporary Planetary Maharic
Eart ~ s particle base 1Oto 0-3 Nethra Phase Merkaba Vehicle hyper-dimensional Seal between Dec lOO}-june lOO6. U IR in this Time Matrix, with limited resources
penSion to crcmc a protection field for biological Earth life. Earth Cntcrs Level-3 T<sus- and Phantom Matrix "back up" due to Level) Wormhole Cap, will continue efforts
porary 0-12 Planctary Maharic Seal (dimcnsions 1-3 of Earth Sealed to Dll sub~ to disengage GA LPIN/APINs and to crode Temporal)' Level) Maharic Seal. If all
frequency-bands) SUS~lned by 12Codc activation of Inner Earth Crystal Pylon goes well, the Three-Day Paniele Conversion Period can be held off until June, possi-
TcmplesfEa.rth Cue Sites '1,'2 and '3 , fortifying the temporary Levcl-3 0-12 Ca bly Ott 2006, giVing time for intensive GA RRT effons to strengthen the Trion}
on the Falcon-Phoenix Wonnhole. Earth's 50s and Ley Lines '1, *2 and *3 wi\! b! Mcajhc Field Buffer Blanket.
protected under 012 Seal. Intended U IR 2003 end "First Contact" invasion dr
prevented as UIR 1:Aother Ships will be blocked from entering D} airspacc by Le~~~
A greater quantity of Earth's Planetary Shields, geographical ter ritories and
? Pl anet~ry Mahanc .St:al. Umversal SC Seals #14 India and - 15 Sarasota FL release
populations will progress into Trion/Meajhc Field Buffer Blanket protection if the
Three-Day Particle Conversion Period can be postponed for as long as possible.
10 Earth s PI,metary Shields; Mass Indigo DNA Seals-I4 and- t 5 Initi;lIc' Seals herrin
Emerald Covenant Founders and GA can slow Earth's accelerated frequency accre-
Consumma tion/Activation Nov 2oo} . ' ..
tion progression to hold off the Three-Day Particle Convcrsion Period only until
GA/UIR "Show Down" for Planetary Templar frequency control Aug 8-20 2006. This can be ac hieved onl y if humanity is willing to assist in Emerald Cove~
200}. UIR will attempt to "un.Cap" the FalconPhoenix Wormholcs to orchesrra{e nant RRTs throufh which the integrity of the Temporary Level-3/Level-6 Plane-
~heir Dimensional Blend "Experiment" in attem pt to draw Earth's Planetary Shi~lds tary Maharic Sea and Buffer Blanket can be mai ntained. With success of the GA
IntO phase-lock wit~ .P~antom Matrix; UIR attempt to use all available "Trumpet" 200} Temporary Level-} Planetary Maharic Seal, UIR in this Time Matrix, unable to
ulse and APIN fac l hu~ to prevent success of GA Planetary Protection Plan and secure ample Phantom Matrix reinforcements duc to the Wonnhole Cap, will likely
reedom Agenda. GA Will use Trion/Meajhe Field Buffer Blanket and Inner Earth continue their Templar Conqucst efforts via manipulation of Illuminati forces. Tem-
Cry.stal Pylon !emples/Cue sites. to kce~ grids stable to avoid cataclysm. The Mag- porary Lcvel.} Planetary Maharic Seal will continue to prevent the UIR 2003 "First
netl~ Peak C~lmax of Aug I ~ Will amplify the dominant frequencies in Earth's grids, Contact" invasion drama. UIR will likely rcvert to their original 2005 First Contact
causm~ E.,rth s Planetmy Shields to ph~ .lock with either the Inner Earth Bridge invasion schedule, or motivate their \I1uminmi forces to create a hoa:\: "Fake Land-
Zone ~ I me cycle or the Phantom Matflx time cycle. If U IR Dimensional Blend ing," if they deem such an event useful to their continuing invasion strategy. After
~xpcnment succeeds, GA will shift to Plan B Evacuations and U IR will advance 2oo}, UIR efforts Will focus upon eroding Earth's Temporary Level.}/Level6 Plane-
tnCendc,d NovDec 2~3 "First ~r:tact" i nvas~on drama Phase I, mass sighting dem- tary Maharic Seal and un.Capping the Wormholes to initiate their ~Fi rst Contact"
onstration and selective Illuminati and Extenor Government administrative con- drama by 2005 , for orchestmtt.-d pole shift and final invasion between 2008-2011 .
tact. U IR forces stationed off planet in our Time Matrix will attempt to use thcir UIR is also expected to intensify their efforts ci wagmg a vicious "ideological wa r"
remaining sca~a! pulse tc.::hnolo~es to erooe Level) Planetary Maharic Seal before it against Emerald Covenant nations via further manipulation of Illuminati and of peo.
reaches full cnucal mass 10 Earth's grids and is amplified to a Level-6 Maha ric Sc.11 by pies within [he UFO and New Age Movemcnts and traditional religious dogmas.
GA target date of 200~. VIR will motivate Illuminati races to usc earthly scalar pulse If U IR compromises the Temporary Level~3/Level-6 Planetary Maharic Seal
an.d nuclea.r ttt~nol~les to further ;?mpr~mise Level} Planetary Maharic Seal and any time between 2003-2006, GA will be forced to allow Earth's COTC time rhythm
Tnon/Mea,he Field Buffer Blanket Integrny and to assist UIR in removing Level-}
[0 accelerate on its natural cycle. This will initiate rapid entry into the Three-Dar
0-12 QiR o~, ~alcon.Phoe~i.x W~rmholes to reinstate open D} Phantom Matrix Particle Conversion Period and full Permanent Level12 Planetary Maharic Sea
access. U IR first Contact invasIOn date will be expedited to Nov-Ott 2003 in
(dimensions 1 through Il Scaled to 0-12 subfrequency bands) before the Trion/
order to.bringcl~ake~ Be~m Ships to Ear~~.to rake over GA APINs and t05Cvcr Plan
crary Tnon/Mca,he FL1=14 Buffer Blanket link. The group having critical mass fre- Meajhc Field Buffer Blanket acc retes to global coverage. Areas of Earth not under suf-
quency control of Earths Templar on Aug 12, 2003 will retain governing conlrol ficient Trion/Meajhc Field protection will be unable to hold Pcrmanent Level 12
Maharic Seal; the im ensive frequency infusions charac teristic to the Three-Day Parti
over Earth's Templar during the remainder of the SAC.
cle Conversion Pcriod will cause E.1 rth Clmnges in unprotected areas. In this evem.
Shields Earth and Tara will begin to merge via Inner Earth GA will initiate mpid acceleration of 03 Nethra Phase Merkaba/Level3 Temporary
, GA Hall of Records in Egypt, Mass Awakening.! Planetary Maharic Seal Safe Zones to 09 Quatm Phase Mcrkaba! Levc\-9 Temporary
recommences following Sept II, 200 1 UIR Fre- Planetary Maha ric Seal prottttion. Portions of Earth's Planctary Shields unde r Quatra
quency due 2012 May 5) . Phase Merkaba prottttion will then be shifted into mcrgcr with the Trans-Harmonic
31. 20~3 Dec.: ~nn e r Earth portals fully open, Halls of Amenti Star Gates opening C)'cle Meajhe Zone 'lime Cycle. The neighboring Time Matrix of the Transharmonic
begins {orlglOally due 2012 May 5 } and Earth's Temporary Level-} Planetary Maha- Meajhe Zone Time Cycle will serve as a frequency buffcr and "electromagnetic
ric Se~1 begins amplifi~ation toward GA intended 2006 acceleration. Earth begi~S ' anchori ng field" through which Safe Zone areas of the planet can be "hosted" into the
corry IOto HolographiC Beam/Photon Belt, panicle base begins polarity reversal and Inner Earth Bridge Zone Time Continuum by 2012.

Crisis Inreruemion Expedited Amenti Opening Schedule c;q)I::UHeu .t"\menu UlJt!lIIlIg C;1"l~I~ l1Ut:", \lI:: IIW.nt r-yogram t5egm.s

This is nOI the most desired scenario, but rat her the final "Emergency Co . (not the planetary counterparts in THIS or the Inner Earth Time Matrix) will be used
gency Plan" that will be employed if events in this SAC proceed in a manner an ntln. to accrete 3nd sust3in this 4.25.dimensional magnetic field in the Trion/Meajhe Field
worse than they already have. If unfolding events dictate the necessity of invok'Y Buffer Blanket.
the Emergency S:OOtingcncy Plan, G.A will mo.bilizc their earthly Indigo Ch ildr:~g For the Three-Day Panicle Conversion Period, during which time E.uths natu.
Planetary Security Teams to offer regIOnal MeaJhe Zone Evacuation options to g ral magnetic fields normally collapse, the portions of Earth's Planetary Shields and
many people as possible into Quatra Phase MerkabalMeajht "Safe Zones." If the Ct as corresponding geographical regions in Safe Zones will be drawn into f\lll vibrational
Three-Day Particle Conversion Perioo is triggered into activation before 2006 th co-resonance with the 4.25-dimensional Ill..'lgnetic fie lds sustained in the Buffer Blan.
Temporary Cap on the FalconPhoenix Wormholes will be partially compromi~~ keto This will allow regions of Earth, and populations, that are able to achieve tempo_
areas wi~h insuffi~ient T~ion/Meajhe Field Buffer Blanket protection will be left t~ rary Quatra Phase Merkaba , [0 enter rhe Safe Zone of the 4.25 magnetic field region
p.rogresslve UIR m6.1~rauon and transfer 10[0 the Phantom Matrix Sub-TIme Distor_ of the Buffer Blanket. The 4.25 magnetic field will create a stable D-4.25 "Energy
tion Cycle. If a suffiCIent number of GA RRTs are conducted to maintain Trion/ Bubble" within which the 3-dimensional particle base ofEarrh and its inhabitants
Meajhc Field Buffer Blanket integrity, UIR forces will be unable to un-Cap the will be protected from the Three-Day Particle Conversion Period frequencies that set
Womlholes, bring in "Mother Ships" for the "First Contact" drama or Compromise lh atomic transmutation in motion. Though the Three.Day Particle Conversion Period
Temporary Level-3/Level-6 Planetary Maharic Seal in Merkaba "Safe Zone" areas. C will commence in 2006, its manifest tfftw will be temporarily delayed umil20 12 due
32. 2003 Oec-2006 June:. GA continues to mengthen Trion/Meajhc Field Buffer Bla to the "4.25 Trion Buffer Bubble .~ In the original Amenti Ascension schedule, the
ket. Between oec 200J-June 2006, Earth enters Level-6 Temporary Planetary Mah:_
ric Seal (dimensions 1-2-3+5-6 of Earth Sealed to 0-12 sub-frequency b..'lnds)
Three-Day Particle Conversion Period was due to take place in 2017, at which time
regions of Earth that could sustain 4.5 accretion level would fully transfer into the
sustained by 12-Code activation of Inner Earth Crystal Pylon Temples/Earth Cue Inner Earth Bridge Zone Time Continuum. Areas and populations that could not sus-
Sites #1. #2. 1t3. #4, 1t5 and #6. Earth's SGs and Ley Lines Itl. #2, #3. #4 #5 and tain 4.5 accretion (all of 4th DNA Strand and one-half of 5th Strand activation)
#6 will be protected under 0-12 Maharic Seal. Temporary Level-6 Planetary'Maharic would separate and be drawn into the Phantom Earth/Phantom Matrix Sub-time Dis-
Seal will progressively move Earth and Tara into temporary hyper-dimensional sus- tortion Cycle. Elements of the "manifest hologram" that ufell to Phantom Earth"
pension of 0-6 Planetary Hallah Phase Merkaba Vehicle. creating a temporary would literally appear to have "disappeared" from the face of the Earth, to the per-
Leve\-6 0_12 Cap on the Falcon-Phoenix Wormhole. In June 2006, GA will acceler_ ceptions of populations successfu!ly achieving the Bridge Zone Time Cycle Shift. Pres-
ate Level-6 Temporary Planetary Maharic SeaI/D-6 Planetary Hallah Pha~e Merkaba ently, though posing more inherent risk of failure , the Emergency Crisis
to Levd-9 Temporary Planetary Maharic Sea1/D-9 Planetary Quatra Pha~ Merkaba. Intervention program of the Trion/Meajhc Field Buffer Blanket provides for greater
Regions of Earth capable of progressing into 2006 Quatra Phase Merkaba will be opportunities of population protection not originally possible within the dynamics of
fully protected from the physics realities of the 2006 ThrL-e-oay Particle Conver. physics of the Bridge Zone Project.
sion Period. If Three-Day Particle Conversion Period occurs before 2006, or if regions The "4.25 Trion Buffer Bubble" and the Trion/Meajhe Field Buffer Blanker sur-
cannot hold a lcvel-9 Temporary Planetary Maharic Seal by 2006, only areas wirh rounding it, will allow Earth to pass through the Three.Day Particle Conversion
critical mass Trion/Meajhe Field Buffer Blanket will retain Hallah Phase Merkabal Period, rhrough which progressive bi-polarization and separation of the global p.utic\e
lcvel6 Maharic Seal sufficient to accelerate to Level-9 Temporary Planetary Maharic field and populations into the Bridge Zone and Phantom Matrix TIme Continua will
Scali 09 Planerary Qu;ma Phase Merkaba. Areas holding 0-9 Planetary Quatra occur. By the end of 2006 this separation of TIme Lines within Earth's Planetary
Phase Merkaba will fully enter Trion/ Meajhe Field Buffer Blanket protection for Shields will be pennanent. However, the Trion/Meajhc Field Buffer Blanket will oper-
Three-Day Particle Conversion Period. ate as a "carrier wave field " that will temporarily hold the bi.polarized particle base of
33. 2006 June: Expedited Three~Oay Particle Conversion Period and the 4.25 Trion Earth's Planetary Shields. time lines and populatiOns together, in a state of slow-mov-
Buffer Bubble. Some time between June and Dec. 2006, Earth will encounter the ing particle suspension during and for a time after, the Three-Day Particle Conver-
Three-Day Particle Conversion Period (see page 2Z3); fulfillment of the "Night of sion Period. This process of SAC physics is distinctly different from the complete,
the Two Moons" prophecy. Earth will come into full alignment with the Holographic rapid separation of particle base. time lines and populations that would have
Beam/Photon Belt (originally due 2017, May 5-June 30), while ~rotected within occurred during the later 2017 Three-Day Particle Conversion Period. All of Earth's
the Trion/Meajhe Field Buffer Blanket. If the Three-Day Particle Conversion Period particle base and populations can be protected from falling into Phantom Mauix
is successful~ postponed until 2006, GA will continue strengthening the Trionl merger, if full Planetary Quatra Phase Merkaba can be achieved in 2006. Popula-
Meajhe Fiel Buffer Blanket in attempt [0 pull all of Earth into 0-9 Planetary Qua- tions would no longer ~parate into the Phantom Earth and Bridge Zone l1me Con
tra Phase/Merkaba Vehicle hyper-dimensional suspension. In June 2006, Earth enters tinua as originally ,mticipatcd; all would "make it to the Bridge Zone" continuum
Level9 Temporary Planetary Maharic Seal (dimensions 1-9 ofEanh Scaled to [)..12 out of hanns way. This ideal scenario is not Iike1r. to occur due to the continuing
sub-frequency bands) sustained by 12-Code activation of Inner Earth Crystal pylon counter-activities of the UIR; GA will none-the ess strive to achieve this ideal. If
TempleslEarth Cue Sites #1 through#9. Earth's SGs and Ley lines # 1 throullh tt9 full Planetary Quatra Phase Merkaba can be achieved in 2006, the UIR invasion plans
will be prolected under 0-12 Maharic Seal, creating a temporary Level-9 0 -12 Cap would be brought to a screeching halt as lhey would have insufficient time, before
on the Falcon-Phoenix Wonnhole. The Trion/Meajhc Field Buffer Blanket will 2011, to compromise a 12.Code seal on nine dimensionalleve\s of Earth-Tara-Gaia
absorb and collect the frequencies that will release through the final three Stellar. and their corresponding l1me Continua.
Activations/Stellar Wave Infusions, holding these frequencies in suspension unol Unfortunately, the GA has insufficient time before 2006, to strengthen the
2012, when they will be released into Earth's Planetary Shields in complelion of the Planetary Trion/Mcajhc Field Buffer Blanket on a global level and to completdy cbr
Arcrurian, Orion and Andromeda Activations. As rhe TIuee.Day Pan icle Con ver-. distortions in Earth's grids to the degree required, to initiale full 0-9 Planetary 12ull[m
sion Period approaches, the GA will create a temporary 4.25-dimensional magnetiC Phase Merkaba in 2006. Forcing a 09 Quatm Merkaba on the entire planet in 2006,
field wilhin the Ttion/Meajh~ Field Buffer Blanket. The natural Planetary Shields.o before Planetary Shields distortions were fully aligned with the 0 -12 Planetary Divine
Earth's counterpart planet in the neighboring Trans-hannonic Meajhc Time MatriX Blueprint, would cause pole shift and cat:lclysm for all. GA will attempt to prepare
the entire planet for 2006 0 9 Quatra Merkaba Conversion, but full success in
this objective is not likely to occur. Areas of Earth that do not have sufficient critical

546 547
L.nSlS In tervention l.::xpediled Amenti Opening SclleaUle Expedited Amemi Opening Crisis Intervention Program Begms
mass of Trion/M~aj he Field freq uency will be un.'1blc to hold a Levd-9 Tern
Planetary Mahan c SeaU 09 Quatnl Merbba. Such areas will endure p por:nv tions and conflict between these polarity extremes, will progressively escalate while
Eanh is sustained within the Trion/Meajhe Field Buffer Blanke t between 2Q06..2012
escalation ,?f UI~!lluminati ~WO advancement, stonns, famine, loss ~lVe h will seem as if the world has "divided itself into "good vs. evil," with little space .
and volcamc aC [l Vlty and polLtical warring, and progressive deterioration of hqual k, between .the two.opposing consciousness. fa~ti~?S; sa~ l y, each "s~?e" of the polarity
6 Temporary Planerary Maharic Seal. t e evel_
drama Will perceive themselves as the "vICtims and good guys, viewing the "other
"Safe Zone" areas under sufficient Trion/Meajhc Field Buffer Blanket a d"t, side" as the "evil, victimizing enemy." During these coming difficult times, GA will
pomry Lcvcl9 Tempornry Planetary Maharic Seal protection will remain morn
en~i~onmcntal~y, politically and economically. Conditions in unsafe zones w~litar I~,
bnl p~omote the necessity of Healing through recognition of our Common Divine Source.
They will also teach of the Law of One Christos realities of the D12 Pre-matter
g~c~lVc!Y det~norat~ a;; the ,VIR attem~t5 to uncap the Falcon-Phoenix Womlh;l~ Divine Blueprint, through which all polarities and separations can be mended, and by
"hlle .advancmg thelTIOva$10n agenda In unprotected regions mward the 201lF !' which beings of every species, race and creed can tangibly integrate the One-Spirit
Conflict. The 2006 Three-Day Particle Conversion Period will be the det .tn.a through which l ll life is created and sustained. People are free to choose whatever per
~actor in what portions of Earth's geography will undergo final cataclysmeh~ftng spectives they desire; our choices and beliefs will create the experiential reality we will
~to t~e Ph.antom Matrix in 20 12. Regions coresonant with the PhantomIMat~~ perceive within this mass drama.
time Ime will undergo some degree of geophysical changes, such as severe uakin
sub.merge~ce ~neath the W1~ters, between 2006;2017. But the population~ in lh~~r If we choose to believe the drama is not real, it will simply engulf and consume
regIOns Will Stilt have some time left to develop biological co-resonance with S ~ us; if we acknowledge the challenges presented and believe only in their effec_
Zones, after Particle Conversion occurs. The 4.25 Trion Buffer Bubble will crea~eeSta. tive, loving resolution, we will know the mastery of co-creative victory.
ble ar.eas of land ~ and cu~ture ~hat are held secure within D9 Quatra Phase Merk_
aba Field pr~tectlOn, ~nd which Wilt sustain a constant D-4.25 magnetic field. The 0- 34. 2006-20 12: Meajhe and Trion Zones- Polarized Earth in Trion/Meajhe Field Sus;
4:252magnenc field Will allow any life fonns with 4.25 DN A Strand Templat . pension to 2012. Following the 2006 ThreeDay Panicle Conversion Period, EOr-
tl~ to move into Safe .Zone territories for fi nal 201 2 transi tion into the Inn~rag'h tions of Earth and its populations co-resonant to the Inner Earth Bridge Zone TIme
Bridge Zone TIme Conttnuu,?, OrigiRal.ly a 4.5 DNA Strand Template activation n Continuum will remain in the stable areas of the 4.25 Trion Buffer Bubble Safe Zone,
level was needed for passage Into the Bndge Zone continuum. which is referred to as the Meaj he Field. until 201 2. U ntil 20 12, the Meajhe Field
Now, populations with a lower 4.25-DN A Strand Template activation w'll will be sustained by l..evel-9 Temporary Planetary Maharic Seal/D-9 Quatra Phase
have. grea~er opportun ity to "make it to the Bridge Zone" in 2012. The general Trion! Merkaba Vehicle, when final transition into the Bridge Zone time continuum will
Me.a)he F~eld Buffer Blanket in Earth's magnetosphere will provide non.Safe Zone take place. Meajhc Field Safe Zones, or ''Meajhe Zones" will provide a natural fre-
reg~ons With so~e degree of protection during the Three-Day Particle Convcrsion quency buffer to the Three-Day Pan icle Conversion Period frequency infusions and
penoo, preventing full planetary magnetic field collapse. These areas will be less srnble will be the most environmentally and culturally stable areas of the globe during the
and more ptone to anomalous geological, climatic, atmospheric and electromagnetic remainder of the SAC Meajhe Zones will also provide environmental suppon to the
Ehe~omena than Safe Zone areas under the 4.25 Trion Buffer Bubble protection. Fol. progressive llCode DNA Template activation of Human and Indigo populations.
owmg ~he 2006 Three.Day Pan kle Conversion Period, and until 201 2, regions and Panions of Earth and its populations co-resonant to the Phantom Matrix Sub-dme
r:opulatlons co re~mmt \~lth th? Phantom Matrix time line will have greater protee. Distortion C ycle will remain temporarily protected within the less stable Trion Field
tI?n from ~uccum~mg to 111!!lledlate Phantom Matrix descent. These regions of Earth of the Trion/Meajht! Field Buffer Blanket, the portion of the Buffer Blanket that sur-
will experience a slow faU to the Phantom Matrix, with less severe Eanh Chan 'es rounds the more stable 4.25 Trion Buffer Bubble Meajhe Zone.
spread ou~ over a longer period of time, than would have occurred with the "fast ~ll': The Planetary Trion Field will provide temporary protection from [he 2006
2017 Particle C:Onversion Perioo. The ~slow fall" allo....'S for the potential of retrieving Three-Day Particle Conversion Period, and will to some degree buffer the transmuta
flcater population numbers from Phantom Matrix demise. The 4.25 Trion Buffer Bub- tive frequencies characteristic to this event; it will protect these areas from Phantom
Ie plan .....-as not originally considered viable, as it required that Earth's rid speed be Matrix descent until 2012. Ideally, the Planetary Trion Field will be sustained by
ra pidly ::lccelerated by 2006 to a minimum of D9 oscillation! Planetary ~uatra Phase l..evel-6 Temporary Planetary Maharic SeaI/D-6Hallah Phase Merkaba Vehicle
~er~aba/ Level9 Temporary Planetary Maharic Seal. TIlis rapid grid s coo accelera- until 201 2, when final transition into the Phantom Matrix time con tinuum will take
n".n mcreases th~ iX.'tentiali~ies .of g~eater Earth Changes and possibifities of pole place via apparent regional Earth C hanges. Areas of Earth under Trion Field Hallah
shl~t before 20 12 arnves, wl\lch IS a fISk to al! populations that Emerald Covenant Phase Merkaba protect are called "Trion Zones." Earth's 50s and portals in Trion
nations were not originally wil!ing to take. Zones, protected by the Trion Field Hallah Phase Merkaba, will have only a 6-dimen-
fu citc u~ta nces have evolved, the Anunnaki races defecting from thc 2000 sional protective seal. Despite GA efforts to retain this protection , U IR forces may
Treaty of Altair and 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements have made the de<:ision for compromise this Level-6 Temporary Planetary Maharic Seal to partially un-Cap the
everyon~. Due to their support of the UIR OWO dominion campaign, pole shift and Wonnholes as earl y as 2005, which will intensify Earth Changes potentials in these
d~structlon of the Human race by 200S would be a ccrtainty, if the TriontMeajh~ regions in Z005 and duri ng the 2006 Three-Day Particle Conversion Period. Follow-
~Ield Buffer Blan.ket and ~.25 ! rion Buffer Bubble option was not immediately cal!ed ing Earth 's 2006 passage through the T hreeDay Particle Conversion Period, areas
IOta ~l~y. The Tnon/~eaJhc Field Buffer Blanketf4.25 Buffer Bubble plan will create a under Quatra Phase MerkabatMeajhe Zone protection cannot be intrinsically com-
co.ndi~lon of p~ogr~~s'vely ex!;eme bi-polarity among global H uman nations and lIIu, promised by U IR activities. Meajhe Zones may suffer a small degree of temporary
mmau"coIlcctlve~. Very Safe GA Safe Zone areas will be interspersed among "very insmbility if U IR infiltration of Trion Zones is extensive, but Meajhe Zones will re-
unsafe ~IR .dom mated areas. Extreme differences in polarity between DNA Tern- Stabilize to complete the Bridge Zone time continuum shift in lO ll.
plat~ act~vatlon 1~e1s: and thus maturity and stability of consciousness and fortitude IfUIR is successful in eroding the Level-6 Temporary Planetary Maharic Seal in
of bIological COnstitUtion among world populations, along with resultant confronta- Trion Field areas, they will move forth with their intended Illuminati CNJO agenda,
Frequency Fence and "First Contact" dra ma. In th is case, populations within Meajhe
Zones will be most r rorec ted ftom the effects of OWO progression. Beginning in
Z. All of Smmd4 and one-quartet of Sttand.5. 2002-2003 , GA wil provide the Indigo Planetary Security Team with information for
Crisis InteTVention Expedited Amenti Opening .schedule txpedited Amenti upenmg t..;nSIS l nterventlOn nogram l:Segm s
public release, and evenUlally Safe Zone PI'O\:Tession Maps, pertaining to the geo- after Earth's successful passage into, and stabilimtion within, the Bridge Zone time
graphical development of Meajh~ and Trion Zone areas. The regional Quatra Phase cycle. On Earth, the UIR is likely to succeed in at least partially fulfilling its 2005
Merkaba Vehicles surrounding "Meajhe Safe Zones" will operate like "invi5ible envi_ First Contact" invasion attempt within the Trion Zones. If the GA is successful in
ronmental force-fields. " Populations can come and go through these areas unabated. creating the 2003 Level3 Temporary Planetary Maharic Seal, the Z003 UIR invasion
With a bit of a practice, individuals with DNA Strand Template4 12Code aCtivation schedule will be effectively postponed, but not pennanentiy prevented. In 2005, it is
or higher will be able to sense the electro-staqc boundaries of M e~jhe. Zon~. ThOSe unlikely that UIR will be able to utili:e their massive Mother-ship /leet, due to the
with lesser strand level, or less than 12.Code, DNA Template activation WLII be Cap on the FalconPhoenix Wormholes. The use of smaller craft and a less dramatic
unable to detect Meajh~ Zone perimeters. Under most conditions, conventional SCi. public debut are the more likely UIR strategies. (lfUlR erodes the Level-3 D-12 Cap
entific instruments are not sensitive enough to multi-spectrum electromagnetic sub. on the Wormholes, the UIR "Mother ship" agenda may unfold in 2005 as [hey had
tleties to detect Meajh~ Zones. The Quatra Phase Merkaba Vehicles of Meajh~ Zone originally planned.) The GA's successful activation of the "4 Faces of Man" / "Guard
regions will hold the natural "Divine Blueprint" integrity of nine out of lZ dimen_ ians of the 12 Pillars" LPIN and "Great White Lion" and "Golden Eagle" APINs wi\1
sionallevels of the land, atmosphere and magnetic fields in these regions, creating thwart the UIR "real estate clearing through 2008 pole shift" agenda. The GA LPINI
enhanced biological protection from UIR Frequency Fence, RIT, Psycho.tronic and API N systems, coupled with the Trion/Meajhe Field Planetary Buffer Blanket, will
Biowarfare technologies. hold the core of Earth's Planetary Shields stable throughout the SAC until 201 1,
The Planetary Shields in Meajh~ Zone areas will hold higher frequency and when the only remaining "window of opportunity" to create planetary pole shift
have a faster particle pulsation rhythm, which will make these areas seem "almost arises.
invisible" to Illuminati and U IR attentions. People with 12Code activating DNA4
will be instinctually drawn to Meajh~ Zone areas via vibrational co-resonance of the Whether the U IR has succeeded or not in progressing to on-rlanet physical pres-
biological/mental/emotionalfspiritual bodies. Individuals carrying excessive DNA ence, they will launch their last invasion attempt in 2011. This wi! be their last chance
Template and consciousness distortions, such as Illuminati and Fallen Angelic races, to prevent the Emerald Covenant nations from permanently severing the links between
or people carrying Fallen Angelic astral Tagging or possession, will experience varying our living lime Matrix and the Phantom Matrix via fulfillment of the Emerald Cove-
degrees of biological disharmony and g-tental/emotional fatigue or agitation in nant Founders' Christos Realignment Mission. It will be the U IR's last opportunity ever
response to Meajhe Zone frequencies. to gain access to the Halls of Amenti Star Gates and Inner Earth Time Cycle territories.
If the GA is successful in 2012, the scalar-field templates of our Universal Time
Meajh~ Zone and Trion Zone regiom and the populations within them will
Matrix and those of the Phantom Matrix will be permanently severed, effectively closing
exist "side by side," each experiencing a different set of events and frequencies, all Wormhole links to the Phantom Matrix in our IS-Dimensional Time Matrix. Our
until their final separation in 2012. GA general education programs will continue to Time Matrix will be prevented from being consumed by the Black Hole Sub-time Distor-
focus upon assisting people to regenerate the DNA Template, Bio-energetic Field and tion system Phantom Matrix anomaly and finally, after literally 250 billion years of
Spiritual Consciousness integrity [hat is needed ro sustain the body within Meajhe intergalactic warring, Phantom Matrix [(lces will no longer be able to enter our Time
Zone areas. Meajhc Zone Indigo education programs will focus upon Crisis Interven Matrix for feeding and invasion. Phantom Matrix races remaining in our Time Matrix
tion "Trouble Shooting," the advanced Planetary Templar Mechanics needed to sus will require D N A Template 12-Code Bio--regenesis to biologically survive in this system,
tain the integrity of the Meaj h~rrrion Field Buffer Blanket, coping skills for and their advanced weapons systems and technologies will no longer function without
accelerated DNA Template activation, outreach programs to assist those in Trion access to the reversed-polarity elcctromab'llelic currents of Phantom Matrix.
Zones and preparation for physical GA contact. After the 2006 Three-Day Particle If the UIR's intended 2011 final invasion attempt fails, as it is likely to do if the GA
Conversion Period, the GA, via the Indigo Team, will "{)tit out the last cal" for Emer- Crisis Intervention Plan succeeds to this point, Fallen Angelic races will have one final
ald Covenant Amnesty and Redemption Contracts. All Illuminati races and opportunity to enler Emerald Covenant Redemption Contracts (or DNA BioRegenesis
Humans desiring ro become free of Fallen Angelic manipulation and Phantom Mauill: under galactic quarantine in the Sirius star system. If they refuse this opportunity, their
descent will have a nnal opportunity to "make it ro the Bridge Zone." These efforts only remaining options will be to return to the Phantom Matrix before it is closed, or to
will continue until 20 II, when the last round of the "Final Confliel" drama is due to live out a finite destiny of rapid biological and technological deterioration, within galax
unfold. ies of this Time Matrix that have not yet been placed under full Level-I2 Maharic Seal. If
35.2011: The Final Conflict Drama Begins - Invasion Attempt, " Wingmakers," the ~e Planetary Christos Realignment Mission, which was originally scheduled for comple-
BeaST and the Shield. Nibiruian Battlestar Wormwood, if left unrouched in its usual tion during the 22,326 BC SAC, is not completed during this SAC, the Halls of Amenti
3657.B-year orbit, is due to pass through the Asteroid Belt between 20082024; GA will progressively fall to Phantom Matrix particle fusion.
will slow Wonnwood's passage and reduce it ro fragments before Asteroid Belt inler' The Phantom Matrix is an unnatural Black Hole system that continually accretes
section, producing likely cycles of intense but manageable meteor showers 20112015. energy and consciousness from [he living "host" Time Matrix to which it is attached. In
Between 2008Z012 Planet Nibiru, presently in Phantom Matrix Sirius A orbit on 22,326 Be, the Founders recognized that the Phantom Matrix, created during the Lyran
the "other end" of Wormwood's reverse, "tilted" elliptical orbit plane, will undergo d EIohim Founders Wars 250 billion years ago,6 had almost reached critical mass accretion.
pole shift and realignment of its natural orbit, returning to its organic position beyon The Black Hole system had pulled into itself nearly as much energy mass and conscious'
Pluto's orbit in our galactic system. Return ofNibiru to its natural orbit will take place ness than that organically held within our natural living Time Matrix. If the Phantom
~atrix reaches critical mass accretion, its draw upon the living TIme Matrix will progres-
sLvely accelerate and our liVing Time Matrix will be pennanentiy "pulled off the grids" of
3. 12th of 12 sub.frequency bands in each Strand Template activated. the Density.S Primal Light Fields and into the chaotically organized, finite Phantom
Mth~trix. If the Christos Realignment Mission is not successful during the current SAC,
4. Christos Divine Blueprint activation, with the full specrrum of 12 sub.frequency bands I
each DNA Strand Template activaring. . he LS entire TIme Matrix, not only the Earth, will be pulled into the Phantom Matrix
S. Resetting and progressive activation of the natural pelWnal 0-12 Divine Blueprint l1l;e~' Black Hole via the Halls of Amenti Star Gates. Many innocent inter-galactic civilizations
DNA Template, via consistently applied Bio-Regcnesis technologies and Tempor~?' '~
sonal Maharic Seal, can allow anyone opponunity 10 partake of the benefits of IV,e S)
Zone areas and the Bridge Zone time cominuum shifr. 6. Eanh time translation
550 ssl
Crisis Intervention EXf)edired Amenti O pen ing Schedule UIR , "W;ngmake"," ,he Lalryrin,h W eapon and 20 11
would be trapped in Phantom Time, de nied their binh right of organic Asccnsio M evacuations and to protect the 12 Primary Cue Site entrances to the Inner Eanh Halls of
tcry an~ Eternalli(e. The Emerald Covenant Founders have allowed the Phantomn ~
M A menti comr.o1 re',TIples. Intensi~e uS tar W~rs" would break out in Earth's skies and
to ren:tatn attached to OUf 1!me Matrix .for over 250 billion. years, in hope of lovin 1at;ll(
evolvl~g the F~lIen Angelic races resldmg there within. The Founders and th VII e i .w ,th
regional galaxies, earthly nations caught 10 ~e crossfire, ~ UIR and competing rebel
Angehcs knew In 22.326 BC that the "time was up" (or giving the Fallen Ang f. a cn
Omicron-Drakon13n fleets from Phantom Matrix poured mto Eanh 's local llaxies.
Though Emerald Covenant fleets would succeed in preventing UIR takeover of re Inner
funh,er t;v0lutiona1J.' ?pportu~ity; the "host" Time Matrix was due to collapse d:~Ct::~~
continUlOg competitive chOICes of exploitation repeatedly made by the Fallen A
races. No one is treating the Fallen A ngelic races unfairly since 22 326 Be the n~c Ie
e Earth Halls of Amenti control sites, the Planetary Christos Realignment Mission and
Level-12 Planetary Maharic Seal could not be fulfilled due to further damage to Earth's
Planetary Shields. Human civilization on Earth would again be decimated, as it has been
been fa~ed with the product of their own unloving, exploi~ative chdiccs. Y aVe several times in the past, and major intergalactiC wars would again break out as they did
Sm~c the issue of severing the ties between the living and Phantom Miltrices tame 550 million, 30 million, 5.5 million and 4.5 million years ago. The 2011 period of weak-
to ,3 head In 22:326 .OC: the ~allen AngeIic.s .h~ve planned to achieve forced dominion of ness in Eanh's Meajhe Zones is anticipated to begin between A pril-July 20 11 , and will
thiS Ti~e Matrix, wl,th Intention of d~wlng It Into Phantom Matrix as an energetic "foo:l last fora 3 to 4 month period, into August or latest Nov of2011. UIR has their final con-
supply. They continue to make thiS unfonunate choice, rmher than accepting th quest invasion strategy underway, but $0 tOO do Emerald Covenant nations have their
Founders continually loving invitation into peaceful Emerald Covenant Co-evolut' e counter-strategy in place.
Freedom Treat~es, Through cooperation with the Founders races, the Fallen Angelic ra::~
co":ld progressively heal ,to re-enter At-One-ment with the Cosmic design, lhrou h
wh~ch, the ~~antom MatriX could be: healed, If the Anunnaki had been true to the 1~l VIR , "WINGMAKERS, " THE LABYRINTH WEAPON AND 2011
Pleladlan-Sman Agreements, the time of Fallen Angelic accountability would h A collective of renegade Necromiton,Andromie/Jehovian Anunnaki hyb rid
been postponed until the 4230 rime continuum end, Due to the Anunnaki Drakon~ve Nephilim races, now members of the U IR. have been initiating progressive covert con-
and Necromiton-Andromie races continual and contemporary choices ofWa; over pea~n tact with a group of Humans known as the ~Labyrint h Group." The Labyrinth Group is a
hatr~ over love and dominion over freedom, they have brought theiT own "Day of Jud~~ covert collective of humans directly involved with the 1972-1973 archeological discover-
ment down upon themsc.lvcs, The E~erald Cov,:nant nations wish the Fallen Angclics' ies known as the" Ancient Arrow Wingmakers Site" in N ew Mexico. Using their usual
no harm.. and arc not Judg,mg th,em as un~orthy, but neither can they further permit the talents of truth-twisting, dispensation of partial knowledge and embellished disinforma-
self-serv,~g Fallen Ang~hc nanons ~o bTing death, sorrow, pain and destruction to the tion, this Nephilim group, which is code named the "Corteum," have deceived the Laby-
beace-Iovm~ races of tillS Time Matrix: The Planetary Christos Realignment Mission will rinth Group into assisting them to create a crystalline-scalar-mechanics based weapons
e ful~ ned ,In 20 12, as p~rt of ~e Um~ersal Christos Realignment Mission now taking technology. In order for the UIR to take advantage of this fmal 2011 invasion opportu-
p'lac~ In ,thls Time ,~atrlx, ,It IS the time for the Fallen Angelic.s themselves to judge n ity, they must re-activate the Seven Jehovian Seal sites on Earth in order to use the
which Side offence they Will end up on as the Chrisros Realignment Mission is fulfilled, "Seven Trumpets" tech nologies of D- 7 Phantom Arcturus to upcap the Falcon-Phoenix
Wormhol~ The Seven }ehovian Seal sites will have been re-calibrated to a Lcvel9 12-
2011 MEAJHE F IELD WEAKNESS, V IR JEHOVIAN SEAlS Code Pulse by 2011. The technology the Corteum has inspired the Labyrinth Group to
create is intended to assist the UIR in re-activating the seven Jehovian Seals on a Phan-
AND TR UMPET P ULSE tom Matrix electromagnetic pulse, to allow for fulfillment of the UIR's OWO final vic-
In 2011, the UIR ~i11 atte~pt to _take advantage of a temporary weakness in the tory.
P lanetary M~aJh~ Zon~ ,Field. This MeaJhe Zone weakness will naturally occur as Eanh's The Corteum technology utilizes inter,time manipulations intended to create
Planetary Shields transition from 0.9 Quatra Phase Merbba into 0 -12 Mahunta Phase "minute time rips" into the Phantom Matrix in regiOns connecting to the Seven
Merkaba, to make rhe /i.~llOI2 link with the Inner F..1.rth Bridge Zone time continuum. }ehovian Seal sites. Through these "minute time rips," which represent a type of wonn-
As ~rths ~lanetary Shields a~e prepared to fulfill the 2012 shift in Angular ROlation of hole bridge, the UIR intends to build up sufficient sub-space photo-sonic "charge" within
Particle Spm from the 4.25 Trion Buffer Blanket, the nalUral spin ratios of the planetary the Axiatonal Line system of Parallel Earth, The photo-sonic charge is intended to be
Quatra Phase ~er~ba will temporarily slow. This temporary 3-4 month Quatra Phase progressively stored and amplified in the Parallel Earth Planetary Shields until 2008, at
Merkaba slo~ng ~111 cause the. Level-9 Planetary Maharic Seal to temporarily dip to a which time the charge is intended to be split inro two "Phantom Electrostatic ionic
Level-7 (7-dlmenslOnal) Mahan e Seal. Ouring this period there is a remote chance that pulses." One pulse is to be sent back in time to the original 10 ,500 BC creation of the
the UIR could utilize the uSeven Trumpets" sub-space sonic pulse technology on 0-7 Falcon-Phoenix Wonnholes, the other into "future time in the Phantom Eanh time
Phantom Arcturus to re-activate the Seven Jehovian Seal sites on Earth, to blast cycle. The "past" pulse will conneet the 10,500 BC A tlantian pericxl of Phantom Earth,
through the temporary Cap on the Wonnholes before the Cap becomes permanent in in which the Luciferian Rebellion takeover attempt succeeded, to our present time con-
2012. tinuum line, The "future" pulse will connect the "future" of Phantom Eanh, which
If this endeavor were to be successful. and the Falcon-Phoenix Wormholes were to evolved from the successful Phantom Eanh Lucifcrian Conquest "past," to our prescnt
b:c reactivated as the Meajhe Zones of Earth were rransitioning into the Bridge Zone con- time continuum. Through the mechanics or the Labyrinth Group's Coneum technology,
l~nuum, cataclysm would result, The Quatra Phase Merkaba needed for the Bridge Zone which the group has code-named the "Blank Slate Technology" or "BST ' (Founders
lmk would be slowed in speed, via "Trumpet" pulse, lO that of a D-6 Hallah Phase Merk- think of it as "the BeaSTH ), the VIR intends to accumulate photo-sonic charge in the
aha Vehicle. Once Mcajhe Fields were reduced to D-6 vibration, the "Trumpet Pulses" of Phantom Earth future location and the 10,500 OC Luciferian Conquest period of Phan-
D-7 Phantom Arcturus could be used to force Earth's D-6 Hallah Phase Merkaba into the tom Earth Atlantis. When the 20 11 "window of opponunilY" opens, the UIR intends to
reverse-rotation characteristic to Phantom Matrix. The Trion/Meajhc Ficld Buffer Blan- use the contemP'!rary "BeaST" to direct the amplified photo-sonic charge simulrancously
ket would prevent Meajhc areas of Earth from being pulled into Phantom Matrix, but into the Seven Jehovian Seal sites of Earth's Planetary Shields, in the contemporary time,
would not sustain grid speed acceleration sufficient to make the Bridge Zone link Cata- past Atlantian and furure Phantom Earth periods.
clysmic Earth changes wO':lld begin foll?wed by P:Ole shift by 2012. If this diabolic~1 V IR
strategy ~ere to succeed, little of Earth s populations would survive. GA Maharajhi /IeetS
from Sinus B would descend through the Halls of Amocra passage in attempt to launch
7. 9th dimension sealed to the 12th sub-frequency band.
Crisis InterIJemion Expedited Amenti Opening Schedule UIR, "Wingmakers!' the Labyrinth Weapon and 20 11
. Release of t~e ~BeaST P~lse" is intended to ac.complish several invasion objec. An ancient ~cvice called a "S!gnet . Shic,ld" is buried in lhe area of the Wingmak.en
tlves, the first ~ wh.,ch IS to re-acnvatc the ~ven Jehovtan ~al sites in each time period. Ancl~m ~rrow. Slt~, under GA Eleyam .somc.fo~cc field protection. The Signet ("Star
The ~~d obJe<:uve of the ,Beas-r: Pulse IS to tear Earths .Shields apart via bonding Gate) Shield dISC IS one of a set of IZ Signet Shields given to the Human Cloister Race
Earths gnds to the compromised grids of Parallel Earth, which arc/resendy linked to Guardians of Eanh over 200,(0) years ago, by the Maharajhi of Sirius B on behalf of the
Phantom Earth. Completion of the second objcctive, which waul culminate in the EloheiElohim Emerald Covenant Founders. The 12 Shields are manual ;ctivation/control
N?rt,h ~eri~an cont~nen ~ ~n vertically ripped into two sub-continents along the devices for ~'s 12 Star Gates, which can be put into use by combining them with their
MISSISSIPPI RIVer vertical, 15 mtended to set the stage for fulfillment of objcetive three 12 correspondmg Emerald Covenant CDTPlate disc activators. II The Wingmakers site in
Objeetive three constitutes the intentional shanering of the dimension 8 through 12 oor: New Mexico has been the storage place (or Signet Shield6, since the device was removed
tions of Earth's Planetary Shields and reversal of the natural "Fire Lener Sequences"l1 in from Cue Site-6 in India in 5,900 Be, when the Rama mces endured direct aerial assault
the 01 through 0-7 portions of Earth's Planetary Shields. This despicable plan would from the MardukeDraminAnunnaki and Centaur group during the Centuarian Invasion
seemingly serve to "erase history," creating a ''Blank Slate" of Earth history Within which period. Signet Shield6, and its corresponding SO{CueSite-6, is the Emerald Covenant
to inset the history of Phantom Earm (thus me "BS1'" code name). Once the BeaST "Trum!? Card" in mis Rnal Conflict drama. Signet Shield6, SO/Cue Site-6 and the D- I2
Pulse was used to link past and future Eanh to Phantom Earth, the "Seven Trumpets" Halls of Amoera Passage, in conjunction with three other Signet Shields/SGs/Cue Sites and
sub.space sonic pulse technol~ies of Phanto~ A rcturus "."ould then be used to unCap. Masters P.ianetary Templ~r M~hani~, will be used in 2011 to protect Earth and the Bridge
then ffi:rge, the Falco.n.Phoemx Worm~oles m present time. Portions of Earth's Plane. Zone Project from UIR mvaslon durmg the Meajhe Zone weak period. GA anticipates a
ta.ry Shields under Trion Zone su.spensl0r;' would be [Om away and drawn into merger successful passage through me potential UIR invasion of 2011.
With Phantom Earth. Correspondmg portions of our present time line would be drawn
into merger with a corresponding present point in me Phantom Earth time line, and If we make it this far in Plan A and "fix the problems," rhe forces of peace, love
mese portions of our present time line would be "spliced" into a position between the and genuine Christos enlightenment are likely to achieve final 2012 victory on
10,500 BC Atlantis and future Atlantis in pru.ntom Earth's time line, Earth and in this Time Matrix.
. It w~uld be as if our true history was. "erased". and a porti~n of our present literally
mserted mto the Phantom Earth time Ime. Portions of Earth s Planetary Shields under . .The Wing.ma.kers. "Music discs/ CD translations of which are presenlly promoted
Meajh~ Zone protection would be destabilized under a 06 Planetary Hallah Phase Merk via mamstream distnbutlon networks, were not originally part of the GA/Emerald Cov
aba Vehicle, and what remained of Earth would be heading for rapid pole shift in 2012. enant Founders ."time capsule." These musical subliminalcommand encryption pro-
The Labyrinth Group of the Ancient Arrow Wingmakers project have no idea that grams were proVided by the Corteurn and added to the Ancient Arrow site "finds " as
they are being deceived into creating the very technology that could lead to the were certain p~eces of Corteum .artwork containing biostimulus mathematical codes,
d.estructjon of H~man civili~ation in 20~ 1. (Wake up guys-you've been taken for a and a set of history recorder diSCS that have yet to be uneanhed containing falsified
ndc!) The people mvolvcd wlm the Labynnth Group and assoctatcd organizations have Nephilim/Human history.
heen convinced by the Nephilim "Coneum," (they don't even know they are Nephilim) The Teal Wingmakers history and musical recorder.discs, smaller versions of the
that only by developing the Corteum's "BeaST" can Earth be..lrotected from ET invasion. COT Plates, were placed in 5,900 BC, and are still in various protected regions of the
The Labyrinth Group was told that a Wbig, bad invader race is planning to invade Earth GA Wingmakers site. Discovery of these true Human Race history Records, along with
in 2011 and that the Corteum "SST weapon" is the only way to prevent this invasion. other such "GA lime Capsules" placed around the globe, will be permitted by the
The UIR Coneum need the Labyrinth Group to create this technology for them, as the Founders betw~en Z013.20 17, as pan of GA identity validation just prior to Emerald
Corteum cannot access the eanhly scientific facilities, resources or geographical positiOns Covenant natton mass contact. The Coneum music and an selections are 'Trojan
needed to assemble the tactile components of the BeaST weapon. It is the Corteum Horse" technologies intended to affect the function of the DNA Template, creating the
themselves, and their recent allies of the UIR, that are intending to invade in 2011 ; emotional experience of "calm, bliss and spontaneous cognition" via subtle biochemicaV
their rebel OmicronDrakonian adversaries are intending a counterinvasion in hope of neurotransmitter/brainwave direction, while simultaneously blocking natural Pineal
preventing UIR/Coneum victory. Gland and DNA Template 12-Code activation. These technologies can however be
The " Wingmakers Ancient Arrow" archeological site does not belong to the lab- e':ljoyed without detrimental effect, if the Temporary Personal 012 Maha;ic Seal T~ch.
yrinth Group, or to the Coneum It belongs to a group of Emerald Covenant Angelic mque (see page 499) is used prior to listening or viewing. The 012 sub-hannonics of the
Human Races from the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds in the 65Z0 AD natural Maharic Seal will block. detrimental portions of the subliminal soundJIight pro-
time ee~iod ~nd to. the Elo~ei.Elohim ~ounders,. who.lo~g allO buried wtime caps~ le trea grams from activating in the DNA Template. The Wingmakers Art Work is a combina
sures m thIS regIOn specifically for discovery In thIS time. The Elohei.Elohlm have tion of Angelic Human vlsual/bio-stimulus images, with select pieces of Corteum
approached me Labyrinth Group with invitation to the Ememld Covenant, but the l..,by- control.program images mixed in among the Angelic Human artwork. One can detect
rinth Group refused when me EloheiElohim explained the non.violent solution to the ~he sub~le "differe':l~e in frequency between ."healthful" Angelic Human images find
pending UIR invasion. The Labyrinth Group also knows mat the ''Central Race" Elohei reprcsslVe Nephlhm/Corteum Intruder ET Images by using the Maharic Seal Tech
and Angelic Humans will not support their efforts of creating the BeaST weapon, but the nique, then sensing me energy Signature behind the image. A deep, low, rumbling "ULF
Coneum have convinced the Labyrinth Group that the invasion cannot be prevented usi ng background cyclic vibration pulse" can be easily sensed in the Corteum images. Angelic
peaceful methods. The Corteum and UIR are very intcrested in the Ancient Arrow site, as H.uman images will not have [his ULF "Phantom under.pulse," but rather, each image
hidden within this area is the very tool by which Emerald Covenant nations can prevent Will carry a set of three subtle UHF "inner sound tones" that are "frequency keyed" to
the 20 11 UIR/Cortcum Invasion. 1Z~h.sub.fr~uency band of 0 .6 and the 6thDNA Strand Template. Angelic Human
Wtngm~ker Images were designed to frequency-trigger progressive activation of Human
and Indigo DNA Strand Templates 4.5.6, to accelerate Pineal Gland and DNA Tern
plate lZ-Code activation.
8. scalarwave sequences.
9. AKA the V IR's rebel OmicronDmkonian adversaries.
10. The labyrinth Group refers to these races, whose identity is actually unknown to them, as
the "Wingmakers" or "Central Race." l1.CDTPlates are all under GA protection as of 1999.
554 555
\.:.iII~'.) J II Lel ~llUun c.-xpeull/tu I"\menn openmg SctteauIe - -- - -' UTll fiiingmakeTs ,'' the LAbyrinth Weapon and 20 II
I RI,''''IlW
36. 2012 Dec: Meajhe.Trion Separation. ChrislOS Realignment and Emct"ald Covenant Density-", D-12 Pre-maner Hydroplasmic liquid light "Christos D ivine Blueprint" d
Mass COntact. The Final Conflict drama of the ZCXXl-ZOi 7 SAC will reach its conclu_ the Earth_Tara_Gaia System. The "Shield of Aramalcna," as this scalar template is called
sion in 2012. The two bi-polarized segments of Eanh's panicle base, the Trion Zones is also the 0-12 Pre-matter Universal Divine Blueprint, or "Universal Chrislos," (or ali
and the Meajhe Zones, that were held in suspension within the Trion/Mcajhe Field intergalactic systems in the 12 dimensions of Densities-I through 4 in our Timc Matrix.
Buffer Blankel begin their final separation. Through the Indigo C hildren Planetary
Templar Security Team, the GA will release specific information on Meajhc Zone safc Earth will enter the "Christed" StatC of 0-12 Mahunta Merkaba on Dec 21, 2012;
areas, urging populations [0 remove into these areas before Dec 20 12. Trion Zone the Halls of Amenti Star Gates and 12 Star Gates of Earth's Templar will remain per~
areas will undergo regional Earth Changes during 20 12, as the final phase of the petually open after this poin t, and Emerald Covenant races will begin prCJ?aration for a
Christos Rcali!:[nmem Mission completes in 2012. In early D ec 2012, the frequencies long overdue re-introduction. Earth's 50s and seven Primary Vortices will not enter a
of the fina l Stellar Activations IStellar Wave Infusions will begin. Meajhe Zones of closing cycle, as they would have done in the Original Amenti Asccnsion program. As the
Earth will remain in the 4.25 Trion Buffer Bubble, as the suspended freque ncies of the Permanent Level-12 0-12 Planetary Maharic Seal activates in the Planetary Shields of
D7/08 Gold Wave Infusion/Arclurian Activation that began in Aug-Sept 2002, Earth-Tarn-Gaia, the scalar-wave templates of our TIme Matrix and those of Phantom
complete activarion in Earth's grids. Completion of the Arcturian Activation will be Matrix will naturally and permanently separate.
rnpidly followed by release of the suspended frequencies of the D8/D9 Silver Wave
Infusion and Orion Activation. and the 09/010 Blue-Black Liquid Light Wave
Infusion and Andromeda Activation (original schedule 2017 ). As the Arcrurian, TI1C Univer:ses in our TIme Matrix will begin the victory celebration they have
Orion and Andromeda Acti vations complete, the Trion Zone areas will begin their awaited (or 250 billion years, since (ormmion of thc Phantom Matrix during the
cycle of locali:ed Earth Changes that will mark the passage of unsecured areas of Founders Lytan-Elohim Wars.
Earth's PlaneL'ry Shields ioro merger with the Phantom Matrix time line. Portions of
Earth terrilQries under Meajhe Zonel Quatra Phase Merk..1ba protection will begin
their shift into full merger with the Inner Earth Bridge Zone time continuum. In the Earth races will soon afterward be prepared for a visit from the Inner Earth Eieyani,
original Amenti Ascension Schedule, due to temlS of the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Sirius B Maharaji, Azurite, Aethien and Serres Emerald Covenant races, who will
Agreements, the final phase of the Founders' Christos Realignment Mission was not make contact on behalf of the Founders, to invite Earth's peoples into the Emernld Cove-
due for completion until the 4230 end of our present continuum cycle. Oue to the nant_ Physical Mass Contact with Emcrald Covenant nations is scheduled for 2017.
Anunnaki/Anu-Elohim defection and nullification of the Pleiadian-Sirian Agree- The UIR will be unable to usc their weapons technologies, or infiltrate E.,rth's Halls of
ments and U IR War Edict, the Emerald Covenant Founders will now complete the Amenti SG system once Earth is under (ull Permanent Levcl-12 Planctary Maharic SeaU
Chrislos Realignment Mission, as they had attempted ro do duri ng the failed SAC of 0 -12 Mahunta Phase Merkaba. Fallen Angelic and Illuminati races that do not engage
22.326 BC. The Founders intended to complete the Christos Realignment Mission DNA Bio-Regcnesis will be unable to biologically withstand Earth's environment. The
since that time long ago, until compromising thei r agenda to accommodate the GA will offer escOrted evacuation to quarantined healing faci lities in the Sirius star sys-
potentialilies of peace held within the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements_ tem in this TIme Matrix to Fallen Angelic/Illuminati races that remain in this llme
37. Dec 1\2012: T his is the date (he Founders have chosen for fulfillment of the Chris- Matrix. Remaining Human and Indigo populations will progress in DNA rcverse-muta-
lOS Rea -gnment Mission. This dat"e now translated into our contemporary calendar tion and 12-Code activation while under the protective Planetary Buffer Blanket of the
from the ancient Lemurian/Mu'a Founders calendar system, was not recently chosen. Trion/Meajhe Field.
This date was chosen for completion of the Christos Realignment Mission in 22,326
BC, by the Emerald Covenant Elohei-Elohim Founders, Eieyani. Azurile, Maharajhi
and Angelic Human races, when the SAC of that Lemurian/Atiantian time reTiod A new age of enlightenment will most definitcly begin if we successfully make it to
(ailed due to Anunnaki invasion. The date was chosen through mechanics 0 inter- this Dec 21, 2012, Universal Day of Renewal.
time physics; the point in "future t ime~ that we now identify as Dec 21, 2012, marked
a point within the 2000-20 17 SAC in which planerary positions would be in the most
appropriate alignment ro comple~e full, P.ermanent Level~ 12 Plan.elary Maharic
Seal. Throughout our recorded hIStory thlS date was known by vanous ancient cul-
tures as the time of the "Great Cleansing" or "The End of TIme, " as illustratecl for us
today in the ancient Mayan Calendar.

On Dec 21. 2012. the GA will finally be able 10 fulfill their originally
intended mission of setting Earth, and Ihis llme Matrix,
free from Fallen Angelic terrorism.
On th is date, the Emerald Covenant Founders races will release the Univers.1l SC
Seals on U niversal SG-12 in our Time MatTix, the Inner Earth TIme Matrix (lnd thc
Trans-Hannonic Meajhe TIme Matrix, fully linking the three TIme Matrixes, the "Divine
Cosmic Trinity," toget her. While remaining in the Bridge Zone time continuum and
Trion/Meajhe Field Buffer Blanket, Eanh will receive three additional Stellar Wave
Infus ions/TrnnsmUlalive Stellar Activations on this day. The DI OlD I I Silver_Black
Liquid Light Infusion and 0-10 Lyra-Vega Activation, the 011/012 Pale Silver Maha-
rata "Christos" Liquid Light Infusion and 0-11 Lyra.Aveyon Activation, and the long'
awaited 0-12/Primal Light Ficld "Rainbow Ray" Infusion and D,12 Lyra- Aramatena
Activation. 0-12 Lyra-Aramatena, home of Universal SO-I 2 in our Time MatriX, is the
556 557
_ _ _ _ _ ...... , . _ 1 _ - II

Index . Volume II

- 1998 187-193 383,388.393.394.397.398.401.

1987 415,417.420,426.427,465
August 16, HllflllOnie COr'Nergenee 187 One World Order dominion campaign 245
1988 142,185,186,192 Stellar ACliv:uions C,cle 242 243 245
1989 188 339 '
Numerics 155.000 BC 329,356 390 1992 136, 186. 189.244.245,326. 330.350. 2001 178.209
1.000,000 yean ago (YA), from 2000 AD 6 1550 BC 322 ' 353.354,380, 383.384 -2003 178
ID ' 15-Dimensional ~s ics 241 -2012 193 -2005 251
1.275,OOOYA 29 1600 124 August 12 381 -2012 293
1,]53 Be 330 1670BC 321.322 January 11.1 1:11 188 August 429
1,458 Be 330 1670 BC-1550 BC 322 July 26. birth ofAvatar 1 189,193 August 12 404.406.408
1.459BC 330 1748 124.134.135_ 142.206 June 6. Second Seal ~ns 189 F<bru"", 330
1,476 Be 330 1750 32_ 124, 326 NO\'ember 241.243. 318. 354. 381 May 429
1.500,OOOYA 29 1750AD 317.330 1994 143. 192.382.383 November 430
1.670-1,550 Be 330 1800s 361 -1 998 382 O<:tober 430
lOAD 244 18- 23 103 Decem ber 12.12:12 189 September II 335-337.344. 353.373
IOAD-27 AD 315 1900s 361 1994-1998 382 377. 389.408.429.432 '
10.000 1902 125 1995 191 9 warning telephone calls
-3,500YA 32 1902-1986206 1996 143 ignored 409
IQ,OOOYA 31. 3), 98 1903 139 JU Be24. birth ofAvatnr 2 191.193 What Really Happened 403-413
10,500 Be 244, 311, 320, 330, 371, 390 1906 122 1997 176.383 September 17. Giza alignment 206.208
391 ,396,417,428 . 1916317,326.330 O<:tober 25. Ashayana Deanes' September 3 406.409.429
1J.(IOO YA 61 1920s-1930s 399 encounter 234 September 7 409
1l,048YA 74 1926 125 1997-98 253 200 1-2008 365
Il.500YA 69 1930 426 1998 142.176.1 93.197,350. 384 410 2002209.210.345
-1943 360 - 2004 209 .
11,540YA 75.76,87,90,134,1421 87 -2003 343
203 . , 1930-1940 330 - 201 2 179 August 431
11.558YA 72.73. 74, 134 1930s 126,246.257.317. 361 378 June 384 August-September 415
- IO,OOOYA 71 1939 361 JUBe26.birthofAvatar3 194.197.201 May 429.430
11 :11112:12133-136,143,187-190 328 1940s 126. 134.317 JU rle 26. Sparking of lheAre of the September 431
12 BC-21AD 3 14 1941 Covenant 235 2003 139.140,,173.174.
December 7 362 1998-1999 385 178.257, 330. 338, 340. 386
12.000,OOOYA 18
1943 130, 139, 142. 143.144. 172. 188.210. 1999 186.326.347 -2004 252. 327
12,SOOYA 64,69
350.353.361.378,387,399 -2000 196 -2008 245. 250
12,SSOYA 61 -2004 203
1244 325 -1951 366 August 256
August 12 359.362 August 11 346 A~gust .12, Zeta Experiment 210
1244AO 316,330 December 12 346
12-Code Pulse 369 1945 Dl mens10nal Blend Experiment 344
August 12 362.363 June -July 346 Mass Mind Control eKperiment 327
12-strandDNA 2,3, 4,7.8,9.11.12,17, March 345
43,84.94,99. 102, 104, 148, August 9 363 November 330
2003-2008 3 18,319
186,189,291.482 1949-1972 131 2004 138. 139.142. 162.173,174.209.210.
1950 132 November 18 346 2 12.330.340.384
relationship 10 consciousness lOB Oelober 344
12-Tribes and Roundtables 295 1950s 366. 379 Frequency Fence 344
- I%Os 377 2.024 BC 330
13,000 Be 321 200SSptember 9. birth of Avatar4 209. 212
1951 366 2.500.000YA 29
1340-1331YA 96 2,668 BC 322. 330
135] Be 323 1951 -1983 374 - 2017 196.213
1952- 1968 132 20.000 BC 311. 320, 330 January I. Stellar activations 213
1370-13S3YA 96 2000 140. 142. 143. 185. 186. 318. 347, 360
144.000persons 145.160, 179,194-195 1961 115 2006 138. 173,2 14
1970s-1980s 375 -2017 199 2006-2007 412
144.500 Indigo Children 196, 203 August 247. 318
1458 Be 323 1972 133. 134.143. 185 374 2007 214
-1974 122,132 ' January 245. 253. 3 18. 327, 330 2007YA 100
1459 Be 322 Jan uary 1 326. 346. 369
- 1980 375 2008 330.340. 412.426
-2012 136 Day of Transcendence 186
-75.877 BC 244 -2012 3 18
FebnJary 375 January l. Earth's 4th -.ortex opens 201. 203 July 22. birth ofAv:nar 5 215
1476 BC 321.322 1973-1980 136 July 247
148.000 BC 244.329 2009 216
1974 133 July 5246,327,330.385 -20 17 181
-75.000 BC 329 1980-2001 376 July 5th 318
15.000.000YA 18 2010 2 16
1980s 376 May 5Earthrrcquencyrai.sed 181 2011-2016 196
150.000 1982 122,1 36 October 338
couples 195 20 1237. 136.137. 140,
-1984 137 September 241. 247. 250
Ind1go Children 186 Anunnaki Sabotage 247 14 1.142.156.
150.000 BC 329 1983137,139,172, 186,19 1,252.330
-1984 3~~0,375.376.378,379,388,418 September 12 247. 249.250,257.3 18 - 20 17 162
1500 325 326,327.330.374
1500AD 330 166.174. 18 1, 185,196,482
-1992 379 September7- 12 344 -202237.41. 185
J5 1.oooBC 329 2000-2017 246.253.255. 286.288,293.303.
152.000 BC 329 1984 133. 140, 141 . 142. 144, 187 critical mass needed by 168. 176
1986 125,135.136, 142.185 305.311,314.318.323,324326 De<:ember 21. Earth Enters Photon Belt 220
328.354.355,360.371,372;379: January 1. Earth's 7th Vortex ope ns 216
Index, V olume II Index, Volume II

May S. birth of Avatar 6 218 3.S00YA 32 549,998.000 BC 269. 271. 282 9540 BC 86
May S._OJ>C:nillJ of the Halls ofAmenti 135. 3.6S0 BC 312,322,330 55,OOOYA 57,58 9558 BC 244,271,312.313.318.349,355,
194.208 3.700.oooYA 29,328 -51,750YA 58 389,393,394,396,398.403,422,
2012YA 98.136 -I.OOO,OOOYA 44 S50.000,OOOYA 3,5.6,7.9,12.27,33,63. 42.
201765. -2000 240. 462 95S8YA 74
130.142.143. 145,155,162.167. --848.000YA 28.43 550.750JX)O-5S0.000.OOOI'A 3,4 9560 BC 312.314.325.338,352.354,355,,183,186.187. --848.800YA 43 551.000,OOOYA 2 365. 378. 390. 392 , 239.461,470 3.99S.7S0YA 29 552,OOO,OOOYA 2 9560 BC-9558 BC 353
- 2029 196 3O.oooYA 65,66 559 324 9560-9558 BC 394
January I. Gaio's VJOlet Aame 213 -1 1,500YA 32 -608 3 15.316
June 30. Stellar activations 2 10 -12.oooYA 63 560.000.000YA 1.268 A
May 5. Siellar Ittivations 210 -12,SOOYA 64 -550,OOO.OOOYA 10 Abadan, Iran 370, 376
2022 175, 187 3150YA 97 -550.750JXlYA 240.462 abdllCtion 131,139,178
January I, Earth's 7th IOI'teX closes 228-229 32.000YA 33 -550,750J)()()YA 2 consensual 134
Voyagers deadline 169 3240YA 97 568.000,OOOYA 243, 266 for hybridization ~perimentation 131
2024 BC 244. 313. 322 - 2012YA % 570,OOO.OOOYA 265 missmg fClus prq;naocy 235
2025 194 325AD 324.330 6.622YA 87 Abraham 324
2047 229 33.000 BC 329 608 316,324 accrelion levcl 149-183
206.000 BC 284 3309YA 95.96 608AD 316,330 Activation 157
2072-2084 37 3324YA 95 644] 123 Codes 16
208.100 BC 328 3331YA 95.96 65.000YA 32.56 Adam and E\"c 6
208.216 BC 285.293.328,369,422 3340YA 95 66,000 BC 329 sec also Biblical stories
21 AD 100 -133 1YA 95 666 36,45,49,218 Aegean 366
21.900 BC 311. 320, 330, 393 3344 YA 95 669,000 BC-250,OOO BC 328 Aciran, see Root Races
21,9OO BC- 14,OOOBC 31 1 3348YA 95 68,000 BC 329 Aethicn 264
2196YA 66.97,98.135,202 33S3 YA 94 68,OOOYA 56 Aethicn-Mantis 368
22.326 B 372 336 1 YA 94 7.500BC 312,321.330 Afghanistan 377
22.326 BC 243,253.254.311,319,.330. 3362YA 91.92 70,OOOYA 56 UIR plans 10 rule 377
354.372.387.396,417 -3J09 YA 90 71,000 BC 285, 329 Africa 56, 377
22.340 BC 244 3J63YA 92 72,000 BC 329 Aganha 271
22.S00 BC 372 -3362YA 91 72,OOOYA 56 Agarthll, see Inner Earth
2250 BC 244 3366YA 89 73.000 BC 285. 329 agendas
23 AD 316, 323, 330 3367 YA 89_ 90 73.000YA 56 Ant iChristiac 243
23 BC 315 -3362YA 90 75.000 BC 329 AntiChristian 312
24 Elders 4 14 ]]74 YA 85,89,90 7S.000YA 56 Anti-ChriSIOS 313
24 Elders before the Throne 416, 417 3385YA 89 75,500 BC 377 Anunnakis to de~ ihe Human race 243
24,324YA 65 3386 YA 89 750.000 BC-500.000 BC 284 Anu-Seraphim Anunnaki Race Supremac y
24,326YA 67. 69 3398 YA 88 750.000--75.000YA 56 world dominion 244
246.000 BC 244 3470 BC 3 12. 404 798,000 BC 268, 269, 275, 276, 295, 328 Atlanlian Consp~ 318
246,000 BC- 328 3S.000YA 32,63 798,000 BC - 33.000 BC 328 Drakonian 246.317
25AD 101 3500YA 88 798.000 BC-500.000 BC 277 Drakonian-Cenlaur -Necromilon-Andromie
25.000.000YA 37S.000,OOOYA 44 8AD 100 Anunnaki-hybrid dominion 244
-IS.OOO,OQO YA 17 3979YA 98 -21 AD 101 Drakonian-Zeu. 257
- 20,000.OOOYA 10 3982YA 98 8% of the races 44. 52. 88. 117, 123. 125. Emerald CO\"enanl peace trealy and
-S,500.000YA 17.240.462 4,OOO.OOOYA 27 130.134,144.160.179,209 freedom 250
- 5.500,555YA 18 4230 37,66, 123, 144, \49.225.467 8.400 BC 3 12.321. 330 fear-oosed 179
25,500 BC 245. 254,259.311.313.31 6, -6443 123 8.900 BC 312.321. 330 Founders' Emerald Covenant freedom 243
319.328.330.349.367.369,370, 4409YA 87 8OO,OOOYA 55.56 Guardian 134
380.391.394.405. 415. 426 -3362YA 87 - 55,OOOYA 55 invasion 257
250 billionYA 242 46,459 BC 86 8-21 102 Jchovian 317
250 billion570,000,OOOt'A 264 47 IOJ 840,OOO YA 51,55,63 Jchovian One World Order dominion 245
250,000 BC 244. 328 48,459YA 61 846.800 BC 271. 272 Luciferian 317
250,000.OOOYA 328 -30.000YA 62 848.000YA 100 new Dracos-Zeta 141
-2S.000.000YA 268 48,500YA 60 old Zeta 123,130,234
848,800YA 48, 50, 328 One World Order 317,319
-2S.000,OOOYA 9).10,240,462 5,498,000 BC 271 849,OOOYA 50.51
- 550,OOO,OOOYA 'J 5,SOO Indigo Children 196 One World Order Earth dominion 250
- 800,OOO YA 50 Uniled Resistance 250
26 BC 323, 330 5,500,OOOYA 21,22,26.205,251,328,387 850,OOO YA 45,48.50
2668 BC 313 5,504,OOOYA 22 AgrataLh. see Inner Earth
-848,800YA 48 AIDS 252
27AD 104.136 5.508, IOOYA 19,205 8835YA 74,75
2700YA 97 -5,504,OOOYA 22 Akashic Re<:ord 206
8-Slnlnd DNA 10 Akl\enaton. see P1Iart1Oh
28.000 BC 271. 3 J 9. 330. 389 5,509,OOOYA 9,540 BC 320
2946 168 - 5,508,IOOYA 18 Alanians 21.45
9,558 BC 320. 330 Alaska 359.366,404
2976 140,144,,467.472 5,900 BC 312. 32 1. 330 9,560 BC 320. 330
3,OOOYA 32 5.5 millionYA 368.391 Albigensian Crusade 316, 325. 330
9OO.000YA 50 AJeyone 35,65.69.71,72. 83. 88. 98, 99,
lOOO,OOOYA 29 5O,OOOBC 27 1.3 19,330 906 BC 323
3,470 BC 322.330 5466 BC 86 100. 115, 127,128,142.143, 187,
950,OOO YA 45.46
Index, Volume 11 Index, Volume 11

203,206,233,244 AnkhesenpaalOn 95 authority 67

as the primary sun of our solar system 115 Ankhi 91. 93, 94 Anhurian Grail QUClit 330
anificia] Christ Consciousness Grid 135 avatar 88.88-109
see also Pleilldes assassination of 94 Aryan 2].22.24_28.3] birth of#1 189.193
Algeria 375 ankhs 62, 64, 72, 73, 74 Ascension ]95 birth of#2 191. ]93
ALL 428 Annu, sec also hybrids. humanAnunnaki rea] 424 birth ofll'3 194,197
Alnitak-Orion 360 Annu-E]ohim 242,265 ascension &-14. 18,24.30-44.52,62,98. birth of#4 209,212
Alpha Centauri 245 Anunnaki 242 100, !Os. 106- 121. 137. 138. 188. birtbof#5215
Alpha-Centauri Marduke-Necromiton - Anyu 265 189. 2t3. 239, 461 binhof#6218
Anunnaki 320 AnnU-MelC;~j~3~4~~Jo 312. 319. 320, 321, and DNA mutations 482 birth of7th-level 189
Alpha-Omega codes 265 false public claims to be 194
Centauri 242 Anunnaki Nephilim 360 cycle 66. 70, III Sananda 99
Templar Mclchizcdek Anunnaki 256_ 258, Leviathan 390 closes 228 see also Christ$, Three
260 Midianite-Hyksos Kings 321 dynamics 463--492 si" silent 186, 19]-197.478
Alpha-Omega-Centauri 327 see hybrids of 196 BC-4230AD 67
.",ncn soul enters tnc infant body 193
Altair 266, 371 Uramia 319 Aveyon-Lyra 279
Ameka Cf\lsade 325, 330 AMunaki 411 do it while it's casy 229 awakening 249
Amenophis, see Pharaoh Antahkarana Primal Ufe Force Current 301 false 421 Axiatona] and Ley Lines. see ALL
Amemi 52 Antarctica 366 mass 104 AxialOnal Lines 342,348.357.367
Activation Cycle 188 Anteres 371 of groups and coup]~ 170 Axious 34
Ascension Progr?m Schedule 201- 229_ 343 anti-panicle 453,458 process of 39 nxistilt 86
Halls of 9, 11,50,54,65,66,70, 105, double 108 schedule 199- 229
Aya 95
110-119,142-1431 162-184,235 universe 10 science of 67
sclf-dirccted 258 Ayrians. see Root Races
Sealing of 19-2"1- AntiParticle Universe 296 Azar-A1.llra 7,23]
Anuhazi 262. 264 stopped by suicide 42
Rescue Mission 6 to Heaven 42 Azurite 264
Seal of 28,,205 Anu-Mc1chizedek 48-S1rand DNA TCOlpiate Angelic
Leviathans 390 transponroute 171
Secrets of I, 105 waves 40 Hominid 262
Sphere of 7- 26,27- 29,50-55,105.107- Anunnaki 312.318.321.325.327.339,345, Ashalum 234 -Amenti Galactic-Planctal)' Tcmplar Security
110.117-120,124-125.130.135- 350,357,370,380,384,393,396 Tcam 276
Defection 384 Asbevil1e.NC 359
140.142- 143,168- 180.185-229 Ashlar Command 244. 256. 258. 327, 376. Council 98.99,104.122,233
dislOnions in 94 Luciferian Covenant 352 sce Ra
Mind Control 395 379.380.419 Universal Templar Security Team 256,275,
merging wilh 16 Asia 368, 377
security seal of 72 peaceful co-e volution wilh humans 243 302
see also Sirian aslcroids Azurtanya 432
Staff of. sec Blue Flame Anu-Seraphim 242 ncar-misses 122
Temple-GeneratorComplexes 253 AlphaOmega Templar Melchizedcks 244 astra] B
Transmission of 1998 I Anunnaki 252 identity 37 Babb]c-On Massacre 312.322.330
America P]eiadian Samjase Anunnaki 244 projection 79 Babylon 312
real found ing of 393-397 Anyu 265 Atlania 28, 33 Babylonia 322
American Revolution 3 17 APIN 366.367-385.388,392.394.395. At]anians, sec Second Seeding Bahamas 390. 431
Amnesty Contracts 379 At]anta. GA 359.409
397.404,405,408,4 14, 417, 418, B aule~ar 245, 247, 251. 253. 254. 314, 327,
Amanite! 7 420,421,431 At]anteans. sec Third Seeding 375.387_415
Amorea. Hall of 28 Falcon 380 At]antian 261 sec also Nihiru
Andes Mountains 56,217.228 Phoenix 375 Conspiracy 320. ] 27. 356 beam ships 136, 139
Andromeda 36, 74, 222, Serpent 376 and Roundtah]es 310-320
Beast 422
223.242,244,250,317.360,379, Aramatena 308.368 Progression of 1\hjor E\'ents 319 Bermuda Islands 390.396.409.429
471 -Lyra 279, 372 Hood 244 BemllldaTriangle 354
Association of Planets in 51 Arc of the CO\'enant 43, 50-67, 71 - 74. 82- Holocaust 3[9.330 Bethlehem 99
Council 191 105. 120- 121,142-143,185-202. At]antian Pylon Implant Net.",'ork. see APIN Bhrama 272
Federation of Planets 97. 141 313.314.320,321,322 At]antian Spikes 394 Bible 245.315,322.324.369.407
Andromie announccment 193 Atlantic 56.359.366.377.430. 43[
-Necromiton 392 Bihlical stories 103.239.461
Guardians of 57 marine disturbances in 381 BigBrothcr 361,364
Andmmies 177. [91. 250, 318, 366 sea] on 135 Atlantis 28.33.56-67,7 1- 73,83.86. 87.
- Ri~elian Coalition 374. 376 bilocation 235
sparking of 235 311. 314. 315. 316, 317, 320, 353, bin Laden. OSJma 376,408
Angelic transfer of guardianshp froOl Egyptians \0 367,380,389
Kingdom 197 Faknn a~cnda 377
Hibiru Cloister 96 Islands of 64, 71. 72 U1R amllation 377
Angelic Human 292,304.308,3 18,320.321. Archangel Michae] 244, 258, 360... 370 Nohassa 396 bio-neurological perceptual block 211
322,327 Nepbilim-Ncphite collectire 250 Rising 113 Black Rudget 361
1728 sellcs 297 Arcturian 36. 51,223 sinking of 32, 63, 73. 134, 142
Christos Divine Blueprint 290 black hule 388. 397
Federation 97 threc Primary nations 389 hlac~ holes 5, 167. 359,420
Heritaae 289 mothcr-craft Ashalum 234 Atlas Mountains 375
Race 289 Black Sea 56
ArCIUf\lS 242,244, 245, 379, 417 Atomic Transmutation 258 Blow-Up Charts 434-445
reincamational heritage 297 Arihabi. see Christs, Three AlOn 89
Sacred Mission 292 B]ue Centaurs 360
Arizona 188 Aton-a. see Ra Blue Flame 13. 14. 15, 17.20, 30. 31. 33. 34.
Angelic Human evolution. R:)lJnh Round 285 Armageddon 325. 345, 378 Atonist movement 89
Angels 252 53.57.61. 72. 74. 86. 96.100,
ARPS 428.429 auric field 24 117-120,, 185,
Angular-Roullion-of-Panic1e-Spin. see ARPS Ar-Ratoth. see Aganha Australia ]66. 368
Ankhe:;enamon 95 194,200,238

_-Tii2Ii;r~'Olu'ne 1'" - - -
Index, Volume II

Melchizedcks 98 Hebrews 102 Crisis Intervention 255

Cetaceans 264 Crisis Interventinn Program 256,335.346
Speak.crs of the 32. 33 ch~a 21,458.476 ascension of 104
BllleO~cn 371.4 14 base(lst) 19,35 in India 100-101 Cro-Magnon
Blue Wave in Persia and Egypt 101 - I 390
EnntJ's, see vonices sacred procreatl ve rite:s of 103
Infusion 207.210 heart (4th) 21, 35 -2 390
Jeshewua-9{Jesus) 100.102-104 -3 390
body blockage o f 124
emotional 21 birth not Immaculate 100 4390
higher centeB to activate 184 in Egypt 101 crucifixion 102
immortal 42 sacral (2nd) 35
Body-Snatching 385 in France 101 . Cryin! Statues 251
solar pluus (3rd) 35. 77 in Nepal, Greece. Syria", PeB1a crysta 62
Boli~ia 430 Changin~oftht:Guard 189.190 and Tibet lui
bonding Body 456
Channehng 317 Church nf Rome 323. 325 Earth's D-I Iron Core 126
conlnlCl196 channeling 3 12.336 infiltrated by Drakonians 315
Bosnia 251. 346 generator 63. 65,72.73 .
use by Anunnalds 380 civ iliz.alinn explosion Hie atnmlc bomb 63
Boston, MA 359 Charleamea 2]5-236 sudden appearance of ne w structures 183
Boulder, CO 409 Charts go ldcnre
Classified Document 344 of Sun 132,143
Brn-ha-Rama Maji 274 Amenti Ascension Program 436
bfainwashing 125 cleansing 240.462 ofT3T2-Earth 128
Recent History and Current Events 435 elimate 22
Branch Davidians 413 The Seven Seals 438 change 45, 51 seals 477
8rCllIIOa 263.276 The Six Silent AscensionAvatars 438 Climatic Disturbances 429 Seed 473
Brennoua 27 1.272 Time Continuum Progression 440 Cloaking Protection Field 362 star 473
see also Cloistered Races Time Mechanics 439 Clnaking Shields 352 Crystal Pylon Network.s. see CPNs
Breatherian 266 Time Shift Continuum Progressinn Cloistered Races 9 - Crystal Pylnn Selenite Rods 418
Brenaui 422 [Phantom Earth 441 Breanoua 10,17,21,28,29.44,56.78, Crystal Pylon Temples 269,271,278
Breneau 19, 34,48, SO, 233, 262, 265. 275, Checkerboard DNA Mutatinn 401 82,84 Crystal Temple Net ....."()rks 348
303 Checkerboard DNA Re\'ersal 405 Secnnd infusion 18 Cuba 390,431
Rishi 7 Checkerboard Mutatinn 259 Cue Sites
Bridge Zone Project 142- 179. 187, 199, 225, Five: 10,17,56
Chemlrails 252 fnrmatinn nf 15 12Templar 251.269
234,239.240,305,339.379,388, Chental 234 Hibiru 10, 17.24.28-31,43,44,47,56, Cycle ofthc Rounds 281-284.290,291.292.
461,462,467.483 Chihuahua, Mexico 408.429 2%
conditions for success 179 Chile 430 evolutionary adwntage nf 76 3 key elements 303
how you can help it succeed 168 China 103.251, 346, 371
mechanics of 145, 160-168 Me:lchizedeks 10. 17,29.30-34,47-48, D
use of to avoid less mvorable futures 176
Choosing Your Future 450 52,56,57.62,63. 64,82- 108,1 95,
Chosen Ones 97.98.252,314.317.318,322, Dagos, see hybrid s
Brigijhideu 7 266 Data
Bruah 31\.319.320 326 2S families 31,97
ChristCnnsciousness 187,188,259, 304 Summaries 446-450 .
Bruah-Allantis 317 birthing '>\ave 88 Six Silent Ascenstnn Avatan 446
Christiac Freedom Agenda 371 Essenes 31, 96-105
Annu-Melchizedeks 321 Christianity 3 1 TI me Track I-Voy ager Ascensinn-
Buddha 251 distorted teachings nf 103 Templar 31. 35 Tara 0-4 TIme Cycle 447
C innuence from Templar.Melchizedeks 98 Palaidorian refers to the Five Cloistered Time Track 2- Phanlom Earth De-
ChristosAvatar 302 Races scending Planet-D-3
cancer 252 Integrulinn 302 Ur_Antrians to, 17,21. 2&-30, 44. 55-57,
Carpathian Mountains 56 Time Cycle 448
Christos Current. see Un iversal MIlh3TD.la 82,&4
Caspian Sea 366 Yunaseti 10, 17. 84, 195 Time Track. 3-Night of the Two.
Castle Rock Vonex 346 Chri . tns Identity Intqvat inn 301 clones 170 Moons- Bridge Zone
Calhnrs 3 16 Christns Realignm ent 278, 280.281 - 2&4, Code of the Blue Nile 272 Earth_ Agartha_ 0 _3.5
Catheri 325, 328 co mmon control elements 400 TIme Cycle 449,303.304.305.
Caucasus Mountains 215,217,320,32 1 308,314.316,318,328 consc iousness 25.35.39,79. SO, 452
Ca \'e of Creation 8 Day of Transcende:nce. see 2000. January I
Christns Reclamatinn 328 and frequc oc y pallems 149 Days nf In nocence 423.424
CDT- Plate Translations 398 Christs evolution of 76, 148
CDT-Plate translations 241, 325, 414 mer$ing with anti-particle doub le 93 Dead Sea 3 13, 322
Je sus 84.99, 100 Cnnquest 322. 330
ce llular sec also Christs, Three. Jeshewua movmg through time matrix 148
memory 149, 156 now_mnmentstreamof 151 Deane. Ashayana xi, 238, 432
transmutation 457.471 Three 96-104,251 Closing St:uementl998 234
Arthabi 101-102 polarization of 4.12 Death Seal. see Amenti. Seal of
Celtec 315,321 rapidly restruclunng 155
Ceh ics 320 crucifi ed 102 Cnntract Bond, see bonding, contract denial 248
in India 102 Denver. CO 409
Centaur 245.392 nnt avatar I 00 Copiapo, Chile 431
Centauri 370 Core Manifestation Template: 296 Destiny nf SOlTnw 395
reSU lTectinn of 102 dimensional
Cenlllurian 360 descending lines from 102 Core Scalar Template DynamiCS 351
Centaurian-Necromiton Intrusion 326,330 Co-resonant ContinuumAlignmenl 288 bands 11
African 103 blending periods 110
CenlllUrians 371 Celtic 103 Council of 12 417
Cen!ral America 366 Council nf24 Elders 417 Magnetic Peaks 138 .
Egyptian 103 Dime nsional Blend Expenment 386-396.405.
Centnll Creati ve Source 12.42,69, 80, 107. French 103 Counci l of 9 417 ')
451 United States 103 Cnuncil of Nicaea 315. 3_4. 330 408
Ceres 3.6 l esheua-Melchizedek (Jeshtua- Covenant nf Palnidor 6,51, 105.271 Dinn 265
Cerez 264 dinosauB 44
12) 99, 136,314,323 CPNs 367 discrimination
Cerez-Seraphei-Sernphim 368 as true savior nf the Creation Physics 351

564 565
Index, Volume II Index, Volume II

~undless 84. 85 dualistic Elohim 2. 3. 4, 6. 18-27, 34, 43, 46. 50, 55, program of human 96
dislnfonnation 357 perception 79 57,59.62,66,69.75.76,83.87, Evolutionary Rounds 291.295
distonions 69. 83 duality 25 91-104,122.193.194 fucalibur 315
Divine Blueprint 369.372 dweller 00 the threshold 35 Eye of 34 exercises 493--504
Divine Christiac Blueprint 307 EM pulse technology 211 Release Crystallized llIought Patterns 493
Divine Physics 298 E Emerald Covenant 244. 245. 246. 247,250, fuodus 321, 322
Djoser Invasion 313. 322. 330 Eag]e 367-385.432 252,254,257.265. 271. 275. 315, external reality
DNA 2-26,28.38,50, 123. Golden 370 318.319.323.327.351 as a dream-seape 152
149-159. White 370 Christiac Co~volution peace treaty 241 field 158 Earth 34,360 Co-Evolution Pexe Treaty 368
12 dormant codes 477 ]998 passage into D-4 time cycle 194 Co-cvo]ution PexeTreaty 339.356 F
12Stfalld Template 300 as future nuclear w lISle depository 140 Co-cvo]ution treaty 242 Faccsof Man 371-373
310 3.5 strand template 257 axis tilt 62. 63, 73, 113 Crisis Intervention Plan 257 Fakon 366-385.386-399.408.417
37-42 Stfalld 273 chakns, see von ices Masters PlanelDfy Stewardship lnitiati\e 388 Falcon Matrix 354
4.25stfalld sustainable 257 changes 140,143.166, 168,173,181 Peace Treaty 358 Fall of Akhcn:lloo 906 Be 330
and the personal ~hogenetic field 150 182.374,427.428 ' Redemplion ConlTllCt 346 (all of man, see Tara ca\xlysm
Consummlllion 157 in the USA 173 Redemption ConlTllCls 375 Fall of So]omon's Temple 330
creation of 77 civilizations lost 73 teachings 424 Fallen Angelic
dislOnion 124 Current State of Affairs 234 Emerald Order Melchizedek Cloister 371 Invader Force 401
evolution of 109 div ision of populations 176, 181.1 87 emergencies 411 Fallen An~elic r:aces
fastest means of activating Personal 12-Strnnd emergence o(new land forms 166. 183 Emergency Release 241 -260 ET 24_
Template 301 evolution stunted 120 Encryption Key Codes 275,278 Master 356
Initiation 157 evolves to become Tara 123 End Times 378 Fallen Annu-Elohim collect;,'e 253
junk 25 future 71 beginning 396 Fallen Dark Avatar collective 253
mutations 351 gold forAnunnakis 47 end limes 239. 46 1 Fallen Jehovian-Annu-Elohim collective 245
secret about its true nature 158 illus ion of solidity 147 prophecies avoided 240.462 Fallen Seraphim concctive 253
Signet Codes 289 Inner, see Inner Earth enemy 257 Federation of Planets 252
Spontaneous MassActivalion cycle 404 Phantom 166.240.462,470,473 energy FEMA 413
template 307 possession of 18,48.58,64. 123, 137, 144 new fuel sources 183 fcnce 342
Template BioRe&enesis 243, 257 quarantine 71,76.82,87,90, %,105 energy vampires 369 Field Techniqucs
TemplateCore 291 saved by Guardians 1972- 1914132 Energy/Spiritual Healing Systems 384 Thc Mahari" Quick Seal 502
Template.Star Gate Correlation 278 Sirian Activation 2 15 Eng]and 247,312.314.315.316.319,321, The Maharic Seal 496
trnnsmutation of 93 Solar Activation 204
dogmas 257 324,367,429 Final Conflict 247,253. 3 ]4. 318, 325. 364.
Hean Star 237 Sionelienge 251 365.366-383.388.401
New Age relijious 252 Star Activation 215 Enlil-Odedicron 244
Traditional re igious 252 Fire Codes 477
Dolphin People 265 \'onices 177 Enoch 245.246 Fire Leiter Sequences 274.291. 292. 293,
Earthlings, see human and Dracos Jehovian-Anunnaki collective 244, 245. 256 297.299.302,303.307.312.319
Dominican Repu blic 390
DoraTeura earthquakes 22. 73, 379 entity gestalt 7.197 First Contact 384. 411
EastAsia 56 environmental cle:mup 252 Fi\<e Cloistered Races. see Cloistered R:.ces
Matrix 206
Easter Island 371-372 equality 85 flame
Doreadeshi 119, 144, 145 Easter Island Heads 371
double moon 11 4 Essene Divide 314, 315. 316, 323. 330 bearer 54
EBE 173. 178 Essencs 239,323.461 bluc. see BhM: Flame
~e 366.366-384.409. 417,418.421,431
Down-grading 27 F..ckatic Codes 272 Brotherhood teachings 97 double 14
E-Den 2 sec Cloistered Rxes gold 14
Dracos 252, 319 sec hybrids,Mclchizedck-Hibiru (Hebrew) holder 54,207
Eden. Garden of 6
Dracos-Zeta Resistance 137, 144, 162, 167, education 37 ET 18,22,43,45,62.68,233 Keepers 200. 270
172.175.186, 191.192,208,214, ego 79-81 visitation to Earth limited to emergcncy message to 200
232.234.467 origins of 81 intervention 76
to appear to be Guardians 178 orange-gold 74,475
Egypt 36. 56, 60, 62. 71. 88, 103. 313, 320, Eternal Chrisms Avatar Identity 297 violet 1"4.200,238.475
Dragon 374,376.377
DragonMoth 244. 3 [7 322 etemallife whitcgold 14
as resenlement for Atlantis survhlrS 63 false 395 Flame Codc 299
dl1lgons 255 Egyptian 28,46,74, 239, 461 etheric
[nukon 6,44,47.58.71 flood 6.45,51.73.86
Invasion 330 implant 206 Mantian 244. 312. 3! 8. 320. 330. 355
Drakonian 250,252,317,321,322,325,327, mystery schools 15 ovenone structures 113 first (5,500,000 VA) 26
383 pharaonic line 47 Ethics 35 1 second {849,OOO VAl 26
-Reptilian see also Pharaoh Ethnic Virus 374 Florida 359. 390.431
-Inseetold races 243 Euiago 146.148.155,161,199.239.461. Dade County 381
Egyptian Invasion 321
Ora]ov 234 Eieyani 270,3 19,372 465.467 Snrasom 247.378
dream 151 Massacre 311,319,330372 Euphrates Riv er 86, 89 51. Augustine 375
disionion of recall 78 Electric Wars 18,22.45. 5i, 251 Euries 29 fly-by 178
lucid 78 end of ]9 Europe 56, \03. 359, 377 Forbidden history 241. 261
mass 152 eleetrical Europheritcs 29 motivation for 311
repression of recall 206 disruption 182 evil Founders 233.250.275
simultaneous 78 twin 35 Four Beasts before the Altarffhrone 414
Drucidee 3] 5. 320, 321 Elohci-Elohim 242, 369
Human Guardian race 243 C\'olution Four Faces uf Man 414,432
Druids 320 Oruphim 267 multidimensional 106
Index, Volume 11 Index, Volume II

f'i>ur Horsemen of the Apocalypse 414.416 Great Pyramid 32() hidden forbidden 250 human-Sman (Kantarian) 27-29.48. 51,57
France 103, 325 Greece 101 manipulation byAnnunakl 312 Federation 28
Free Masons 325. 370 Grid Spiking Campaign 330 Hitler 326 human-Zeta 123. 125
Freedom Teachings 424 Grim Reaper 422 Hitler. Adolf 361-?? 361. 364, '??- 364 Marduke_Oramin_Anunnaki_Omicron 245
frequency 342 grouooing codes 30 holographic Melchizedek-Hibiro (Hebrew) 31. 55. 82,
bands 8. 22. 41 Gro-AL 378.429 beam 114-120, 185,223.227 83.85,96-105
fence 75. SO. 88.123- 126.130--131. 134-- Gro-AL Point 294. 303. 3 t 7. 325 illusions 129 Men in Black 245 Guardian Alliance 241 insens,251 Nephilim. see human-Atlanian-Anunnaki
protection from 174 Guardian commission of human rll/;e 31 1 and the body of Christ 102 SelTts-Egyptians 47. 55. 64
quarantine 25. 134. 142.203 Guardians[. Hologn'lphie Beam. see Universal Mahar-lla Sirian-Anunnaki-Nephilim 47
Zeta 76.105.121. 122. 125. 130 Ij., . CWTent Unites 56
field 92 133. 142-1 45. [63- 184. 185 187 Holy Figure 251 women as breeders of 46
jXIttems II 194. [97.235.237 '. Holy Grail 3 11 Zeu-Dracos(Rutilia) 122,137.167,171.
Seal 349 appear.:mce ofbcing uncaring 187 Quest 362 173.177
transdocers 292 intervention 467 Questfor 311.315 Zeu-humanAethien (Zionites) 101
Frequency Fence 350,384. 394. 404. 405 of the 12 PIllars 233. 372 HolyWars 68 H y~ 322.324,356
future, how to prepare for 184 tremiesof 1982- 1984 137 Homo-sapiens-I 390 Annu-Melchizedcl:: 323
Guine\ere 315.316 Horsemen 415.420.429 -Egyptian Kings 323
G Gu[f of Guinea 373 Exodus 330
Horus 27
GA Gulf of Mexico 366.431 Third Eye of 24. 27,28, 51. 65. 93. 102 Invasion 322. 330
Final Comments 230 Hourglass Nebula 418 Kings 314.322
program for Ascetlsion Cycle Adaptation 470 H Hyperbomeans. see Gaia
Hova Body 300
Gaia 5.8. II. HAARP 252.256.403-407 Howland Island 373 Hyperdimensional Cones. see HD-Cs
root races Hades 359 HU 129.146 hyper-space 111
Hyperborneans 10. 84 Haiti 390 HU-I 3.5,,12,13,14.18,19.20.
Polarians 10. 84 Hall of Retords 186. 206- 208. 2 I 8-221 I
Gakona. Alaska 404 227-229 IAFW 51. 60. 69. 104.233,256.264
HU-2 1,2.5,7.8,12,17,18.20.27,28.34.
Galactic closure of 229 Ice Age 22,45
41. 45 lhopetohctep 95
Core 34 Halley. Antarctica 368 HU-3 2,3.5, [0, 12, 13.
Federation 28. 62. 137. 187 Halls of Amcmi 245.253.254. 27\. 313 35' Illuminati 252, 312, 324. 339, 354-365. 378,
360.395 . -. HU-4 2. 12 400,408
Galactic Federation 244. 252. 256. 258. 312. HU-5 2,7.12.19
313.316.317.318.320.322.323. Halls of Amorca 340 Master Plan 2003 386-400
Passa~e 372 Sleeper !fOUPS 347
324.325.326.327.376.379.380. becoming Guardian species 191 World ~ anagement Team 376
384.419 Haremhab. General 90-95 biology 254
Garden of Eden 42 Harmonic 129 Zeta Treaty agreements 246
cany the Zcu Seal genetic muution 124 illusion 251
gates.of ivory. see pearly gates Con\'eTliencc 187 celestial li neage 101
geneuc 44 Magnctlc Pcaks 138 imagination 151
clones 139 ImmaculateConc.:eption 99.100
ascendancy of angelic human Jincage 262- Merkaba Srin 260 dominated by Nephilim 46
263 Quadranl 46 Imminent Crisis Order 339
early man 45
distonions 83 Rcsonan.:c Chamher 62 evolutionary blueprint of 12 incarnation 16
time codes II sec also pyramiu extinction 177 12 simultaneous 148.296
Genocide Crusades 316 Resonam Tonc 1[ 2 extraterrestrial 55 1728 simultaneous 2%
Giza 320 tun'est 421 genocide. program of 345, 386 24 tr:Insmutations in one body 17
Giza. Egyp 370 Hw\'esting 375 hislory;re-writingof 312 patlems through races and families 16
Giza. Egypt 374. 376. 396 Hassa Kings 314. 321. 364 life span. shonened 312 Incubation Rite. see Palaidorian birthing
God Hatshepsm fny:t~i(ln 323. 330 monality 205 contracts
false 424 Hawaii 311.319.362.372 natural binhrights of 107 IndcpeooeneeDay 189.191
reality of 424 Pearl Harbor 362 responsibility for personal Co'Olution 175 Indian O:.:ean 366
god, Hayes. Anna. see Deanc. Ashayana Human Amnesiacs Force 406 Indigo Children 186. 194- 197.201-203.213.
Alon 89 HO-C 417 Human Greeting Teams 411
Jehovah 100 HD-Cs 417.4[9.421 Hurricane Andrew 380 318.327.368,372.378,385.386,
worlds 43 hea~en 38R affected by wormhole 381 393.431
Golden Eugle 370 Heb rew-Annu-~ l elchil.c.Jek. see Jcshewu a-9 hurricanes 379 birth schedule of 196
gOyernment Hebrews. see hyhrids. Melchicuek. llihiru hybrids 139 hunting of 384
Allied 125. 130 Hell 359 Annu-Mclchizedeks 55-56,6 14.72,74. Place Holders 196
Interior 131.172.209 HF 176 82-85,88-91 re!ll;ue missio ns 388
coyerup tactics 177 Hibiru 364 Dagos 29 Indonesia 103
message to 172 Hibiro. see Clni~tered Races human-Anunnaki (Annu) 36,49,52.56.58. inflJtrates 139. 178
Hidden Game-board 366 85,88-99 Infusion
tremieswithZctas 131.137 GoldWave 216
Grail Line 264--269 hidden realily mechanics 165 human-Atlanian-Anunnaki (Ncphilim) 46.
higher self 79. 124 48,55.98 SiI~rWave 216
Indigo Children 250 human-Drakon (Dracos) 44,49.55,58, Inner Christos Connection 259
Gnil Quest 313. 324 origins of RI
High-frequency Ac!ive Aural Researc h 122-1 23,131,137-1 41. 142-183 [nnerEanh 32.45. 46.48.53,55,56.60.61.
gravitation to be banned from Earth 174 65.72-,128.
reversing 61 Program. see HAARP
Hi roshima 362. 363 human-ET 21 144.163,,225.
Great Cleansing 252 252,269.27 1.324.330
hislOry human-Sirian (Dagos) 43
VolumE 11 Index, Volume II

!\cw passages into 183 Le~ialhllilFoKe 353 Dramin-Anllnnaki-Omicron 245

Bio-Spiritual Healing System 257 Necromiton Nibiruian 244
SEar Gates 278 Grid 281 Ley Lines 247.342.348, 351, 367
Time Cycle 388 ligh! -Necromiton-luciferian-Alpha Centallri 317
Kauai 311.319 Mardukc-Luciferian Anunnak 370
intelligelH;e 39 Kauai, Hawaii 312 -Symbol Codes 457,460
Intended Dimensional BlendTime Rip 330 program 46 1 Mardukc-Luciferian-Anunnaki 370
!ntendcd FrcquelH; y Fence 330 Kliecoros for Eanh 26 workers 117. 186,203 Mars 64, 123
~nt~ecdi ng 4, 34, 35, 43, 45, 55, 85, 97 Lion 367-382.414.432 ManialLaw 411
of tile Blue Flame 91-95.195 217 237 Mary 251
Interdlmensional of the Flame 54,89,91,92' . Little Grey 317
cloaking 255 of the Keys 304 LohM 314.315,316,319,320,321 Mary Magdalene 101
\J1Inspon 73 of the Orange-Gold Flame 195 -Ccltec-Droeidcc Frecu: Out 311 Mary,mothcrofJeslis 99-100
IntcrdimensionalAssociation of Free World, ,.~~
.- of the Violet Flame 195,200,203 firmament collapse 311 sec also Jelldi
IAF\V mass
Kee-Ra-ShA Ught Currents 299 306 Lohas-Celtee-Drueidec Freeze Out 320, 330
!nternal Merkaba Mcch3nics 258 Keylon 452-461 ' London.England 409 dreams 152
!ntcrste!l!l'" political drama 24 [ Codes 455-46 1 Long Island. NY 346 landing, staged 178, 208
Intervenllon, when it is pennined 145 CryStal Body 458, 460 LP1N 372,386, 392. 405, 432 Mass Awakening 405
Intruders 199,234 Keylonta 451-459 Lucifer 330 Mass Landing 252
intuition, suppressing of 124 COO<. Lucifman Master Key Codes 278
Inyu 264 -Anunnaki 320, 32 1, 322 Masters Inter-Galactic Templar Mechanics 339
. downloaded imoAnna Hayes 236 Masters Planetary Merkaba Mechllilics 421
Imn 56,378 SCience 7.~, 183.231,232.451-459 Anunnaki 313
Iraq 378,409 Centaur-Omega Cenlauri 317 Masters Planetary Templar Mcchllilics 402,
6 Primary Elements 453-458 413
Ircllllld 320 technology 122 Conquest 311,320.330.391,417
Islamic extremists 3TI Covenant 245,312,313,318.320,321, matrix
Time Codes 7 IS-dimensional 452,458,474
Israel 322, 346. 378 Khu~daray 272, 3 10 m
Crusade 322, 330 Hyksos Kings 323 cosmic 459
Primal Sound Fields 299 host 30, 190
Sound CurrentS 306 Kni$htsTem.lar 316
J -Pleladian 322 o~ersou l 457
Khundaray/Kce-Ra.ShA Primal Ufe Foree -Pleiadian-Nibiruian 31 7 silicate 101,195,417-478
Japan 359, 362. 377 Currents 373
Jehovah 100,369 Plciadillil-Nibi11lian Anunnaki 318 soul 457
KingAnhur 324 Rebellion 244.245,311,319,330 time 8
. and the Knights of the Roundtable 315-317 Luciferian Rebellion 367, 370 transplants 46, 168,482
-Annu-Melchi.l:edeks 322 KmgArthurus. sec KingAnhur matter, as an illusion 129
-Anunnald 313.318,321,322 King David 323 Lulcus 390
Anunnaki 319 Lumma 372 Mayan
King Solomon 323 Lumerian-Pylon-Implant-Network, see LPIN calendar 239.461
Hassa Kings 323 KnightsTemplar 317,370
HOoC Seals 420 Lyran 2.6 Raids 312,322,330
Sirius-A 317 Free Masons 356 High Council 250 Mea# Field 342,343,372. 386, 405
Anunna 244 Invasion 312,321.330 -Sirian Anuhazi 318 Medianite-Hyksos 322
Kundalini 306 Mcditcrrancan 366
-Umntia 320 -Maharata Life Foree Currents 351 -Sirian ElohieElohim 303
Jericho 406 -Sirius A Anuhui 266 Melchuedek 32
Kunturea.t 27 see also Turaneusiam
Jerusalem 86.89.98. 101. 102,346 378
Jeshcua-12. see Christs,Thrl!1: ' L M Melchiu:dek
Jesheua-Melchi.l:edek. sec Christs.Three Machu Picchu 212 Deception 310-384
Lake Ticicaca, Pcru 392 409 sec also vonices false ordinations 375
Jeshewua-9. sec Chrisls Three Lamanians, sec Second S~eding Melchizcdck, King of Salem 98,100,101
Jesus 251 Lamb 367-369 416 magnetic
Jesus Chrisl,see Christs. Three field collapse 113 Melchil.Cdcks
landing 327 ' AlphaOmega Order 370
Jeudi 99 languages repulsion .l:one 130
Jewish religion Magnetic Peak 362. 408 Me\chil.Cdcks, sec Cloistered Races
ti~ Christos 303 memory
founding or 98 Mu'alAnuhazi 303 Mahabharata 312
Kabbalah 98 Maharaji 250,312,318,320, 37\. 379 and dimensional bands 151
LarsaKings 3 12,320,321 Maharata 260. 302, 424 erasing 92
Joehius 99 Las Vegas,NV 409 repression 134
John the Baptist 314. 323 Maharic Seal 352,419
Law orOne 3,4,25,33,34,35.36,45.57_ bencfil5 of using 498 Memphis 95
Jordan 322 6,',67-69,89,93,95,97-104 MenlnBlack 245,317,3 18
Joseph. falher or Jesus 99-100
Maharic Shield 298. 304, 497
. .1 . ,170.398. 496 . Manifestation 298 Men in Black 360, 392
sec also Joehius macenailstlC disconion of 45 mental
Judaism 31 UW, Majestic-12 126,317,326
judgment day 36 Majestic-12, see MJ-12. bilocation 79
ofCreacion Physics 389 Maji 262,281 Meridan 315
K laws Grail Kings 321 Merltaba 248,432, 499
spiritual 4 External Reversed 257, 258
Kabbalah 98 l..emuria 261, 317 353 Manhattan Vonel( 408
KIlil~ans, sec human-Sirillil hybrids Manhattan, NY 346 Group 258
COntinent of Mu:rl..hi 58 Mayhem 259
kannlc Holocaust 319 330 Manifestation 423
deb( 153 manifestation 152 Mechanics 258
Lemurians. see Th'ird Seeding how to gain conU"OI oYer 159 natural Christiac spin ratio 259
immunill 153 Leonincs 60,86 reversed spin ratios 258
imprint 53 sec also Sphinx learning to de-manifC$t 159
ManifestationTcmplate 291,299 tailbonc mark of reversal 260
clearing your 154 Leviathan 3!}8, 40 1 Vehicles 418
bow 10 change your 154 Anti-Chrisliac King 313 Marduke Merkaba Fields 126--141, 188.259,456,458,
K:lIhara Force 328 _Anunnaki 319
Index, Volum e II Index, V olume I

464,466,482 PriCSts of 3.4 Noah 6.324 birthi ngcont~acts 194-198.201

Hannonic Universe 127 MU'a Nohasa 311.315.319,320 and n ghts of the incarnale 196
Mechanics 126 Urtitc 263 NoOl''S 360 finalization of 196
MetaglllllCtic 127 Mu'a 272,274.276,278 NonhAmerica 56 Incubation Rite 197
ofEanh 127,136,140,142.144.472 Lemuria 317 Nubia 86. 102 protection of couples 197
of Tara' s gold core: crystal 165 Muarivhi. see Lemuria numbness 249
orfarn-Earth 136 collectr.e
Muarivhia, see Mu'n see Cloistered Races. fi 'Ie 17
of the Sun 133.136.143. 171
three levels of 150
multidimensional o see Cloistered Races
physics 130 observational outpost 60
Merkaba Vehicle Odedicron 3 13.317 Palestine 409
reality. lost mcmory of 53 Paradisians 195
Hallah Phase 301 multidimensional spacctime -Avian-Rc~ilian 244
Merlin 316 -Reptilian 246 see also Cloistered Race Yunaseti
mathematical structure of 226 see abo St"enth ROO! Race Euanjhe\:hi
Messiah 102 multiple reality f~lds 147 Odedicron-Avian-Reptiles 377
Metag31actic Core: 13.34 parallel
myStery schools 67. 101 Odedicron-Lizard 265 Earth 9,93. 110. 164,296,372
Mexico 366. 391. 408 Official Disclosure 383
Miami. FL 409 N Omega Centauri 245. 366 Pardo 146
miasms 22,24 N. Ireland 359 OmicronDrakonian 244.246,247.252.265, panicle 453.458
microchips Nadial 313. 317. 323, 324 con"ersion period 223-225
crystalline 367 pulsation speeds 150
SUbSUlnCe 458 Omicron-Odedicron 377
siliconbased 367 Nlldis 35,456, 457 Particum 453-454
One World Order 253. 254, 255. 320. 324. Partika 453-454
Middle East 103. 251. 366. 377 Nagasaki 362, 363 336,354-365,366.378,379.386,
Midianite.Hyksos Kil!&s 321 390,400.403,405.410.417.426 Partiki 452-461
Nativc Americans 29. 239, 325. 328. 461 Grids 454.459-461
Mill.)' Way Gnlaxy 470 natural heal in 241 Master Plans 337
mind control 348. 351 sltllnds 454
Nazis 363 Oraphim 262, 264, 266 past. illusion of the 148
Mintllka 368 NDC grid Bra-ha Rnm a 267
Min tak30rion 279 Path of the Night of theTwo Moons 183
see Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid Cetaceans 267 Peace 252
M!on Field 407, 41 6 NDCGrid 380. 382, 387, 388, 392 400 415 magnetic field 267
MIracle Cures 411 NDE 493 . . procreation 268 pearly g:t1es 15
Miriam 314,323 Oraphim.Turaneusilim 266 Pearly Gatcs of Hea ven
light :It the end of the tunncl493 see pearly gates
miss ing Neandenhal 390 ordered ener gy 155
fetuses 235 Pegasai 264
Necromiton 250.317,318.360 Origins 2 Pentagon 335
MJ 12 354.357.361 Andromie 244.250,317.327.338 359 Orion 45, 123.223.242,244.246.247,253.
Montauk 388, 409 3 17.323.379.392 see 200I-Septcmher II
362. 376. 378, 383 ., people, disappearance of 182
Momauk Project 136-139. 172.210.339- AndromieAnunntlki 370 371 Blac k. League 360
346.350.352,378-385.388,399. Nefertiti 93-94 ' -Drakonian 320 perception
408,409.429 In!rUsion 326. 330 fivesensory 79
Nepal 101
Momauk. NY 359 -Mintaka 266 perceptual
Nephedem Annu-Mclchizedek 323 324 325 slations
Montscgur, France 367 Nephilim 370 , Wars 246
Mormon fli th. see religton BridgcZone 183-184
Nephilim, see "brids Orion'sSword 366
morphogenetic Osirius Kings 321 descendingphmct 182- 183
Crystal Seals 473-477 collectr.e 244 out-of~body travel Persia 101
Keylons 458 NET 349,355.357.380.382.384.387.388. difficulty in remembering 124 Persian Gulf 366
Partiki Grids 458 394,397.400.403.406 416 O,er_Soull ntegr.nion 301 Personal Christos 296. 297
Panik i Sltllnds 458 New Age 248. 317. 336, 400 overtone 16. 17. Personal Divine Blucprint 304
Paniki Units 458 Ncw Angelic World Go-.-emment 252 75,80.83.92. I II. 119, 126. 134. Peru 212,430
wa,-e 110- 112. 123 new dawn 240,462 135.143. 161 Machu Picchu 247
backflow from 112 New World Order 173 OWO, see One World Order Pl\aelopea 91
imponanceof 12 1 New York. NY Ox 414 Phantom Arcturus 418
of2017 67 Nihilu,256.314,319.327. Phantom Arcturus Matrix 418
p Phantom Earth 392, 397
Morphogenetic Field 5-, 339,379,387.391.392
88,124-130.133-135.300 BattlestaT. see Banlestar 245 Pacific 359.366,373 Phantom Earth. see Earth, Phantom
Amend 46. 124. 140 Checkerboard Mutation 259 Pacific Ocean 56 Phantom Matrix 369,371.372, 378, 387,388.
ora person 41. 150 more suitahl e to NccromitonAndromies 380 Painted Desert 188 394,395,396.397,420.421,431
ofEanh 150, 228 Nibiruian 319.326 Pakistan 378 Phantom Planet system 282
of Sphere of Amenti 168 -Anunnnki 322 Palaidia 263.269,270.275 ,276,278,280, Phantom Pulse 345, 346.406
race 15.79.96 Cl)'sI;DI Tcmple Nctwork 340. 343, 345, 349 284 Pharnoh
Moses 25 1, 324 Duxhc Crystal Grid 311, 3 19, 324 327 Urtitc-Cloiste r 282.293. 295, 308, 310 Ahmose 322
most important thing you can do231 328.355 ' Palaidor 7 Akhcnaton 88-110,323
movcment DiodicCrystal Grid 313. 321 Council of 33 Amenophis III 88.89.94
as an illusion 129 Elcc.tT0staticTnmsduction, see NET Covenant of,36,69,97, 107. Amenophis IV 88
MT 2. 12. 181 ,233 -Enhl-Odedicron 384 121 Djoser 322
Mt. Mitchell. NC 359 Enli.I~edicronReptilian Anunnllki 374 Resistance Entity Wars of 18 Queen Hatshepsut 323
Mu 3.4.7,54 LuclfcoanAnunnaki 374 Seal of 22-26, 28. 33, 43, 50-52. 105, Rame:;es I 95
Couneil of 3 Marduke-Anunnllki 319 134,205 Tutankhamon 90, 95-96
Lumians of 3 Re-acquaintaoce 330 Palaidorian 271 Tul:tnkhatOn 95
Lumiar Ceres of 4. 6 ThothEnki 380 IAme nti morphogenetic /i:ld 23 TuthmosisIll321,322

<71 573
Index, Volum e 11 Index, Volume 11

Phi-E~ WormhQle 354-363 Anunn3 ~ i 320

Phil3deJphia Expcrimcm 130-131. 133. 137. -Nibiruian-Luciferian-Anunnn l..i 320 a RITs, see Remote Inleracti ve Teams
rod 55, 74, 92 -SamjaseLuciferian 380.3&4 quarantine 70. 187
Samjase-Luciferian.Anunnaki 374 Quebec. Canada 430 and staff. see Blue Rame
362.387.399 Holder 55
Philadelphia. PA 359.408.409 Serres 266 Queen Tiy 88-89
Rod and Staff 312,314, 320, 322
Phoeni~ 386-389.391.392.393.396. 398- -Sirian Agreemenb 354
Star l eague 97. 133. 141. 191. 233 R Roman
399.408.417 Empire 324
Spiki ng Matrix 398 Pleiadian-Sirian A!!recments 241. 242. 243 Ra 7.22,24, 34.36, 46.47.50,55.56,57. 122.233 In ~asion 323.330
Phoenix ProjcCI 374-384 18.326.330
350.353 . Amonites 7. 34 Root Races 277
Phoenix Spike Malrix 394 Fifth (Aeiran)
Phoenix Spike shes 409 Anunnaki defeetion from 245 AtOll-a 7.47
Polarians. 'CC Gaia Azurites 100 Fifth (Aryan) 56. 78. 82. 84. 85. 98
PhOlon Beh 114-116.142 Fifth (Ayrian) 29.43-44.46. 56. 78
Polaric Codes 273 Brigijhideu 7
disco"ery of 1 15 Ra Confederac y. sce Ra Fourth (Alanians) 18. 29
Photon Beh. see Uni~CfSal MahaTlila Cum:nt pole shift 22.122.131- Seventh (Euanjhechi) 43.84, 195
physical eVllCualion 340 ~
Seventh (Yunaseti) 38-43
PIN 359. 366. 388. 389 318.319.321.330.340.383.412 amnesia 255
memory 25. 53. 76 Sixth(Mularians) 30.52.84,123.124 195
Place Holders 203 preventing 302 Third (Lumarians) 17,29.30
Pope 252 radio
Planetary as carrier for human programming 211 Roswell. NM 346
12-Cycle 296 Port Interfacc Net ... ork. sec PI N Roundtable 278--289. 325
Merkaba R e~ersal 259 portal II. 12.31. 33. 38. 45. 60. 61. 74. 76 Rainbow Ray 302.310
Rainbow Roundtable 303, 310. 315, 319. 324 and KingArthur 310
Seeurily Seal 255 89. 125.128.206. 227 Rainbow 302
Shields 254. 258 bridge 27. 28. 51. 52. 64 Regents of 302
Rite of 306 reality of 302
Shields Clinics 247. 255-257 control of 191 RRT, sec Rainbow Roundtable Rite
Signel Key Codes 277 Hawaiian 235 Tri-Veea 373
Rainbow Wearers 302. 306 RRTs 389,402,405,427.428,430.432
Slar Gale Seeurity Codes 255 link 7 Ru ssia 215.251. 320, 321. 377
Templat Complex 245 mech anics 4 Rama 263,276
Stat Gate system 24 J project 177,191 Rashayana 371 S
Time Continuum 287 Portland, ME 359 Real Ratios 259 Sabatoth 9\ - 95
Time Cycles 296 power reality fields 452
-generator cl)'stal~ 5 recent history 122-126 SAC Rebellion 327, 330
Planetnty Shields 294.314,343.348.368. SAC, see Stellar Activations Cycle
427 generators 57 Red Pulsc 133-134,188
Priests Redemption Contacts 380 Sacheon Annu-Melchizedek 320
Clinics 335.346 SacredCow 371-372
Reversal 401 of Amon 89 Redemption Contracts 370. 379
of Melchiledck 31-33 Relago 146 Sacred Mission of Planetary Guardianship 291
Planetary Shields Clinics Sacred Planet.af)' Templar Merkaba
methodologies 383 balanced 33 reill(:arnation 20, 148
founding of 98 Anna remembers her 236 Mechanics 351
Planet.af)' Shields Crisis 426 sacrifiCe 257
Planet.af)' Trion Field 342 unbalanced 33 ending the cycle lOS
IWO 12-cycles 16
safe spaces 179
planelS ofMu Saint John the Divine 416
and hQlographie beam 115 ofSem:s 95 religion 411. 422
12 Global Freedom Religions 400 Sakkara 322
ascension H. 167 ofUR '264 Saleane 315
descending 167.168. 174.482 ofUr 4. II. 12. 32. 33.56.85. 89. 9 1- deception by 423
dis(onions in 67 Salem. see Jerusalem
Eanh 6. 7 104. 194. 197 Sananda 99
conntion to Tara 40 Primal Creation Mechanics 422 Monnon 31
new 173 SatanlLucifcr 422
Jupiter 6 Primal Order 28 1. 296. 297.298 savior 100
Maldak 6 Primary ConjUlI(:tion Points. see lime cycles see also Jewish reli,ion
usc':: as disinformatton source 178 see also Jeshcua-I2
Mars 6.45.60 Prime Initiative 352 Savior Space Brothers 355
Remote Interacti ~e Teams (RITs) 348
Mercury 6 Procyon 266 remote viewing 347, 348 Scalar Pulse 359
Neptune 6 prolonged darkness and daylight 114 scalar pulses 375
Nibiru 6,64 Reptile-lnSCCloid Rigelian.Zeta.Zephelium 244
propaganda 178. 179 Scalar Shield 300
Pluto 6 Protestant & Calholic In~asion 325 Reptilian 383
Repulsion Zone 165 Starab Kings 312. 321
Saturn 6 Psonns science
twel~e 5 Master 303 Rescue Mission
Stage I 9 of Creation Mechanics 241
Uranus 6 sacred 303 of Vibrational Mechanics 451
Venus 6 psycootronics 247. 251. 257. 344. 347. 356. Stage 2 10
Stage 3 II sac red 245. 255. 298
Pleiades 377.385 Sea of Japan 366
-Alcyonc 379 public landing, to he staged 173 Stage4 15
Pleiadian 6. 2B. 29, 34. 35. 36. 51. 55. 57.65, Resonant Tone 186.202 Seals
Pylon Imphnt Network. sec PIN 12 Planet.af)' Star Crystal 426
69.128,374 pyramid 60. 61 responsibility
personal 108 lehovian opening schedule 429
-Alc~onc 266 Choops 61 Morphogenetic Seed Crystal 463
-Niblruian 312 of Giza 61. 62. 63. 71. 86. 89- 95.100- resurrection
see Christs,Three Security 254. 256, 342
-Nibiruian Anunnaki 252. 254, 316. 324. 102. 143. 187.207 see also Amenti
325.326 Re ~elations 239.407,416.421,426.431.
alignment with Alcyo ne 65 see also Amenti. Sphere of
Nibiruian Cou ncil 256 King's Chamber 207 461
Decoding 414 see also Palaidor
-Nibi %n Luciferian Anunnaki 317.319.
-Nibiruian Samjase-Luciferian-
rebu ilt 86 Rigelian Zeta 252. 253
Rigelian-Zcta 383
see also Templar
see also Templar -Axion
Rishi 270 see also Zeta
Index, Volume II

Seven Jehovian 426

seven nalUral \42
Sedona, AZ 188.346
sec also InterdimensionalAuociation of Free
Seed Codes 477
Seed Implants 394
Silicate Matrix 300
Sir Lancelot 3 J5
Slrian 2, 6, 65, 223
-Arcturian COallllon for InterplaneM'
Defense 50,5 1,60 71 133 41
233,234 '"
Sound Pilian 372
South America 368.377
a san illusion 129
distance as magnetiC repulsion 129
Sphinx 59-64, 73. 82. 86, 207. 367-368
hidden passages belo.v 207
Silver 200,466
Sih'er-Black 200
sy mptoms of 469
Violet 200,466
Stellar Activations Cycle 281. 286, 288. 313,
Council 2,3,4,7,27, 28 34 36 50 6().... Stellar Activations Cycles 413
Seedings 328 69.71-75,83,88,93 96 97 122 rebuilt 64 Stellar Wave Infusions 339.404
rlfSl 17. 78, 244, 251 133,137,14 1,177 lin '188' 191' Spiking Campaign 394 Stonehenge 247.251,312,316.319,321,
27121,25.26,27-31 .
, 5563
233,250 "" spiritual development 241
intervention in 1972 133 Spirituallntegrotion 298
Atlanions 21, 22, 28-29, 45, 46, Spiritual Manipubtion 399 stress 469
Rebellion 3,4.45 suicide 42
123 root races Spokane, WA 409
SI. John the Dr"ine 416 Sumer 321
Lamanians 21.22,28-30.44,45, Anunnaki 4.18,33,45.47,50-69, Sumeria 28,86.322
46,55-56 86.186,191. 242, 245 SI. Louis. MO 409 Sumerian Invasion 312.321. 330
andleOO\'ah 100 Staff 74.92.120
Third 21, 26, 28, 32, 36, 47. 51 52 55- Holder 54 Sun 6. 126-140
70. 261,269,3 11 " as Gods of humans 46 aboonnlll activity on \31
Rebellion 58 see also rod and staff affected by Zeta electromagnetic 'pulses 132
Atlantans 21.22, 28,32-33,56- standing \\3\'e pattern 14
59,63--74.78,82,84,86. Rcslstance 49 50-69 71 72 as eighth Pleiadian star 115, 128
176' " ,,~
as iron core crystal 01 Merkaba Fields 128
87,123 see also 666 gate 245, 272. 276-285. 288, 299. 319.
illusion of distance 164
Egyplian suh-rocc 48 see also Akhcnaton 321 manipulation of energy field of 131
L..emurians 21,22.28,56-59,78, blues 4,47,57,73 -10 378
Superconscious Mind 81
82,84 Sirius 26, 244 -3 391 Syria 101
Selenite Crystal Temple Network 339 A 47,48.55,102,242,379418 .4391,396
selves lehovion Anunnaki 3io 4 see Universal Star Gate<Sno T
1728 simultaneous 299 lehovian-Nibiruian Anunnaki 319 page> 340 Tags 349.351.375.384,416
3456 simultaneous 297 B 27-29, 48.51.55,57,62-65 73 93 -5 Alcyolle 340 Taliban 377
Seraphei-Seraphim 369 94.99 . 100,1.00.250 . 317:379 . Dragon agenda 377
Seres 46,50 Azunte Yam 266 6 339 Tara 1_20,27,30.33_36,41,43.50-72.
Serpent 374 -7392.417 87-94.99-121.123-141.143-
Maharaji 271
Sem:s 46,91,368 -9 378 144,148. 161. 161 -183. 185-186.
Marduke-Anunnaki 320
-Egyptian father of AkhenatOfl 88 0 -6 Sirius B 339 190-192.195-229,266.379,483
-Egyptians 82.. 85, 89, 91, 93, 94, 97, 323 Sirius A 379 cataclysm 282
slavcs 352 internal 297,298.301. 308
evolutionary OOYaIltagt or 76 locations 317 cataclysm of 3,4.7.45
sleep 77-78 future 71
Pleiadian 318 planned destroetion of 313
Serres-Egyptians 323 sleepers 347, 354, 355, 363 365 377 380 lvo/r Gates of 13
399, 406 "" gates 367 Palaldorians of 6.190
Set Kings 321
Angelic 356 tetrahedron 126
Sc:\'cnAngels 4[7,418.431 Smenkhkar/! 94-95 wars 175, 257 T""
Seven Angels with Seven Trumpets 416 Ceres 27
Snake Brotherhood Kings 321 states of being 456,458 _Turoneusiam 67
Seven Angels with their SC\'en Trumpets 414 Sodom and GomoiTah 313, 322
Seven Candlesticks 418 Stellar w~ 4
Sodom and Gomorrah. 406 Activations 155.180,186,195,292. 302. Target Sites
ScvenChurches 417,418 Solar 463-466.482
Seven Seals 414,416,420.426.431 24 Primary 251
Star Gate-4. sec Uni venal Star Gate Arcturian 200 teachings. mystical 28
Seven Stars 418 w lM
Seven Trumpets 431 Orion 200 Tel el-Amarna 89.89-90. 95
activation 204 Pleiadian 200 teleportalion 54, 57, 62, 64. 69, 71. 72. 86
sexism 46 eclipse J82
shadow self 35 see also SAC Rebellion telcYision, programming humans 211
Shambali, Bhrama and AnnuMelchizedd:
nares 133 Sirian 200 Templar
stonns 182 -Annu 58-68,72,82,84.89
RacesoflnnerEarth 271-272 solid mailer Solar 200 -Ax~on Seal 33-36,94,97,105,134,218
Shambali-lonian Islands 271 illusion of 149 Transmutal;"e 471
Shamballah 271 -Axlons 34
Solomon 99 mechanics of 199 Complex Star Gate System 289
Shield Sonic Pillars 394 six 199-200.466.471-472, Creed and chosen ones 97
ofAramatena 281.283,291,310 Sonic Pulse 374, 378, 385 476 Cue Sites 275,278, 305
of the Arc 52 '001 Bridge 470-473 _Melchi1.edeks 98, 101
Siberia 377 agreemel11S 172 Spiral Alignments 475 see also Cloistered Race s
Signet Anna rembers her 236 Spirals 127.142.186,471
Ancestral Ascendancy 304 originaltellChings 68
fragmentation 16,93 Alignments 199.482 Seal 83,85,88.98-99.105.216
Codes 319 what you must knov 484 released from the Annu 87
Council 304.315 h.lrvesting 36
Councils 315,319 mate 148 Wave Infusions 186.466-470.472.482 Signet Site slar gales 278
Soul Integration 301 Blue 200.237,466 Solar Initilll.es 3,4.33,45.58,59.67
~ps and Izys 305
~,d Blue.Bh:k 200.466 teachings dlstoned 68
Ml!Ster Key Codes 273,275
Rambow Roundtables 340 -Symbol Prognrn 303 Gold 200.466 technology 258
Sitcs.12PrimaryStarGatcs 251 -Tone Pro.JTams 303 mechanics of 199 usc of torture 65
Star Gates 294, 311 tones 108

I ndex, Volume 11 Index, Volum e II

Tcmplatc accclerlll.ion 281 Pleiadian-Sirian AgrccmenlS 381. 382 Ru ssia) 215

telTOrisl activity 409 phanlom electrical pulse 210
Treaty of Altair 3 I 8, 330. 345 Ultralerreslrials (UT) 233 Eanh's 7th (Andes Mountains. South
tClTOrists 347 Triadic Codes 274 America) 216
Teura 474 underground bases 251
Tribal Shield 297,299.302, 303 underground civilizations 5. 32. 44, 45, 55. 56 Eanh's smaller. sond:try 191
1be Four Horsemcn Of The Apocalypse 420 Dynam ic~ 307 seven primary 227
1bebcs 86, 88, 89, 95 Underworld 92
Tribulalion 252 Unholy Alliance 359 closing of 229
Third Eyc of Horus 24 ' Triggcr E\ents 336.337.377
Thoth 260 Unified Ficld Ptl)'sk~ 281 Voyagers 43, 169-172
Trion Field 372 unified fields 16,24,40,112.128,147.149. companion 171
-Enki-Zc:pheJium 384 Trion Pillars 343
-Enki-uphelium-(Zcta) Anunnaki 156.454
Tri-Vcca Time Continuum 372 15-dimensional 464 W
eollectivc 244, 258- 260 Trumpets 406-419
-Enki-Zeta 376 of Energy and Consciousness 459 Waco, TX. 413
truth 250 ofthc IS-dimcnsional Unh'cml sySlcm 474 WM'
Thoth-Enki inner 69
Annu-Mc1chizcdek 320 United Federation of Plane IS 4 12 American Civil War 361
tunnel vision 26 United Intruder Resistancc. see UIR Angelic 264
-Zephelium 256, 320 Turancusiam 1.2. 4, 7. 8. 9, 10. 12, 18. 27.
Thoth-Enki-Zephelium_Anunnaki 321 United Nalions 252 Centaurian 312,32 1,330
30.43.46,83.84,262.265,268 Unily Conseiousness 69 eoverl global 250
Thoth-Enki-Zcta Anunnak 370 see also Templar Solar Initiates edict of 318. 327
thought-forms 153-159 Unity through Tolerance 411
sub-races Universal Chrisms Divine Blueprint 291 Electric 25 I. 368
threat 251 Adami-Kudrnon 2 FreCJucncy 347. 379
Three-Day Panicle Conversion Period 343, Univcrsal Encryption Kcy Codes 272,276.279
Addarni 2 Universal MaI1arata Current 283, 299 Grat! Quest 311
388 Alania 5 instigation of 386
threedimcnsional perception Universal Signct Key 279
Alanians 2-6, 18 Universal Slar Gmc 245. 246, 247, 254, 256. inSligalion of regional 251
illusion of 150 Official Edicl of 250
Tiamat 391, 394 Aloni 2 264,374.382.383
Universal Tcmplar Complex 294. 311 on Terrorism 376
Tibet 101, 103,378 A/unan 2 on telTorism 410.416
timc Bcli-Kudyem 2 universe Orion 246
acrclcration 343 energy mechanics of 128 sec also TIlousand Yeru-s' War
Il ra-ha-rn3n 2 Harmonic 129
asanillusion 129 see Electric Wars
continua 118,146.288 eehos 2 see also HU see Iioly Wars
cyclcs 110- 114,120.123,286,291 Ceres 3 Unnatural Disasters 409 see Palaidor ResiSl3ncc
26.SS6-ycar Harmonic 114. 120. Ccres-Lumian-Alaniun 4 unnalural disasters 412 see star wars,461, Cerra,>z 2 UR 321 SI!<: World War
471 Dhr-ah-mc 2 Ur 86.89.275 Thousand Years' 43-49. SO, 60, 27 1
4,426-year suocycles 110. 146 Lumians 2,3.6 -Antrians. sec CloiSlered Races World War I 125. 362
ascension III -Tarranales 6--8.27,190 World War II 125,326.354.357.361.
Luri 2 tum ovcr custody of Earth 191
mechanics 146-148 381. 432
Melehazedakl, 32. 233 Unite 263 World War III 345,432
Prim:ll')' Conjunction PoinlS 110 Mekhizedakz 2 Ur-Tammales 266 and bin Laden 377
Prim:ll')' Coordinatc Points 110 Nezack-tai 2 Unile 263.269, 280 Washingloll, OC 359
fields I I Trin-ilen 2 Urlite-Bi-Cloislcr Maji 276-277 watcr
illusionofmovcment 147,152,158 Ur-T3ffilnaICS 4-9 Rama 276 system com.3mination 211
-Leap Mechanics 225-229 Unite-Tri-CloiSler Maji 271.272 Wa\c Infusion 463
simultll.l\COtls 147 Yumran Tunllleu.~iam 4
~SA 25!. 377. 431 Blue 209,213
threc tracks of 169- 184 Yutarans 2 ConstilUlion 361 Blue-black Liquid Light 218. 222
TrnckOne 169- 172 Tutankhamon.see Pharaoh Gold 214.222
TrnckThrcc 176- 177 Tutankhaton.see Pharaoh V Sil\cr 222
TrnckTwo 172-176 Twelvc Trihcs 1R Vale or Pewscy 314,315,324 Si!\'er-hlack Liquid Lighl 223
tr.Ivel 7,43. 54. 62 . 71. 123, 138. 170 names 303 Veca-Code Mechanics 339 six 472
\'eclors 288.296. 308 twin flames J4R Vector Codes 307 Violct 209.214.238
wall in 26,386-397 Vega-Lyra 279,360 waves 40
warp 12 U
Vichcrus AnnuMclc hizedek 320 morphogcnetic 4!
Towcr of Babel 312. 322. 406 U.S.S. EldriJge 131 Vicherus-Sachcon In~asion 311, 320, 330 of Sular Flame ! 88
Transeendcnce Day Stand 346 UFO 231, 248. 326 Vietomlls, see Merlin weather
transmutation 170, 205 investigat ion 336 Vietnam 359 anumalies ! 14
of the human body 473 UHF 61.62,72. 74, 88. 92. 96,100.104. Viragi 7 mooulaliun 61
Transmutatille Activmions 464-466,181. 193, see also Brigijhidell pauerns 22. 74
TrapeziumOrion 418 207.495 viruses 252 White Eagle 370-385,409
Treaty UIR 250-259,271.318,319.326.327.330, AIDS 252 White House 408
of Altair 246-247, 318. 327, 371. 385 335-353.365.371.373-374. 377. Visitor Contact. reality of 382 Wingmakers 550. 553- 555
of EI-Annu 48- 51.57.58, 100 385.386.388-389,399.400,404- Visitors 25,43, 45. 85, 199 women
see also govcrnment. Intcrior 406,408-414,427,429-430,432 vortices 62, 73 as breeders of hybrids 46
see also Guardians Edict of War 335. 337, 338, 339. 37!. 433 Eanh's lsi (Sedona.AZ) 188 soh'iCrvicm \0 men 46
see also Zeta only way to Mop 328 Eanh's 2nd (Jerus:llem. Israel) 189 World
treaty Plan 253 Earth's 3m (Himalayan Mountains) 191 Fifth 42, 239. 461
Plciadian Silent Invasion 410 Earth'54th (Giza, Egypt) 62,73,142,203 tl1ln,ilioll into 240.462
-Sirian Agrecments 380 ULF 133,162 Eanh's 51h (Mochll Picchu, Peru) 212 Fin;t 2. 10,240,462
Eanh's 6th (Cauca,us Mountains,

578 579
Index, vOlume JJ

Fou~h 28-29,239.240.462 Yunascti 272

Second 10,240.462 see Cloistered Races
Third 17. 18.240, 462 see Root Races. seventh
World Trade Center Disaster, see 2001
September 1 I Z
World Trade towen, see wrc Zephclium 83. 123. 317
World War III 347 ZcphcliumZcta 313.317
worm holes 7 Zeta 123,142-145. 162- 183.253.3 17
wormholes 375,393.398.4 17 collective mind 124, 130. 137
A 7fL3 Falcon 362 Drncos alliance 123
Falcon 375.409,427
Falcqn panE'al C 382
DmcosAnunniki 347
Frequency Fence 124 ,
Falcon unc 385 GrC)'.Rigelian (FulCzhi) 137. 144
into other Ime Matrices 395 Lcg}Of\ treaties with Guardians 137
locations of 357 most dangerous to humans 137
PhiEx 359.378.380 old agenda 122
Phi Ex Cap 38 1, 382 see also agendas
Phoenix. 418.42 1 Reticuli, reasons for seeking human DNA 83
\Vonnwood 245,327. 375.387.415 Rigelians 257
wrc 408 -Ruled Society 253
see also 200 I-Seplember II Seal 143.206
y Surveillance 326, 330
time travel back 10 Eanh's present 123
Yanas 265.270,275 Treaties 317. 354. 378, 426
Yllni 264 and MJ-12 330
Yu 274. 276 Zeta/Illuminati
U~ite 263 sonic scalar pulse testing locations 366
Yucutlln 322 Zetll.Rigelian.Drakonian 366
YunRSai 453 Zhar Confederacy 7. 233
Order 371
see Illso Central Creative Source

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On September 12.2000, a global mnt of paramount significance occumd
within the covert infrastructure of the New Age. UfO and Illuminati movements.
On September 11,2001, in prepmtion for the first anniversary of the September 11,2000, mnt,
the Trigger Event of the wrUPtntagon Tmomt Attack. WilS launched iIS the first step In the
intended 20 II fulfillment of a hidden glob~ agenda that ruches far backward In time. Earth is
poised at the cusp of a "Grear New Age,II long predicted in Hopi prophecies, the Hayan Calendar
and Biblical ~vtlation. Humanity will now determine whether this New Age IS dtstin~ to become
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The ori~ns of our contemporary dilemma and its SOUl-U-T10NS extend bade
into the paten secrets of the ancient past

Vopgers II, 2nd Edition, readlts from the hurt of legendary Adantis, Lemuria and Nibiru, through the ancient
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kmlation and the Halls of Amenti Star Gates, emerging to reveal the contemporary ~mts of the Bermuda
Triangle, HAAkP, Hontauk Pr~ea, the Wingmakers Site, the Philadelphia Experiment, the New Age 1100ernent,
the 911112001 disuter and oyer 70 years of coyert UFO cOYtr-up and Infra-sound Scalar Pulse testing.
kevealing tht truth of SUO million years of 12-Tribe Human tvolution--as directly tran~ated from the
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and the cO't'eted Semts of Amtnti are now being returned to assist us in our contemporary confrontation
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DNA Hutation, and the Semts of the Templar, wt will also rediscover the kEAL divinity within the "Human
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The ancient semts of the Templu, "Sacred Sitts," Tirne Heehanics, Herkaba, "Ascemion" and DNA,
long sought but IItvtr daimed by the Knights Templar Inuminati in their "Quest for the Holy Grail,"
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Emmld Covenant Sptaker Albayan<l Dem lias bm lormally trained in WHim tramlation since childhood through
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beptrl 01 the Guudian Alilince and the Interdimeniional Auociation 01 Fret World! Unim~J Smice Orgillizatiom.

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