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Enterprise 4.

7 Upgrade Project - Major Milsteones Status

No Desciption Date Status as of 14 March Notes Dependencies

1 SAPDEV (New 4.7 Sandbox) 10-Jan-05 Completed This milestone is dependent on ATI and
available Network Services being able to process
Change Requests for moves, builds etc. on-
2 Decision made regarding 2-Mar-05 Completed
Portal, WAS and GUI
3 DEV System Upgrade 28-Apr-05 DEV Upgrade This milestone is dependent on ATI and
Completed & Unit Tested Completed Network Services being able to process
Change Requests for moves, builds etc. on-
4 QAS System Upgrade 28-Apr-05 This milestone is dependent on ATI and
Completed Network Services being able to process
Change Requests for moves, builds etc. on-
5 QAS System Integration 19-May-05 Tests Script under This milestone is dependent upon Key Users
Testing Completed development being available for conducting integration
6 PRD Upgrade Completed 23-May-05 This milestone is dependent on ATI and
Network Services being able to process
Change Requests for moves, builds etc. on-
7 PRD Upgrade Acceptance 24-May-05 This milestone is dependent upon Key Users
Tested and Go-Live being available for conducting acceptance
8 Hardware Substituion Jul-05 This milestone is dependent on ATI and
Completed Network Services being able to process
Change Requests for moves, builds etc. on-
9 Portal Upgrade Go-live Aug-05 This milestone is dependent on ATI and
Network Services being able to process
Change Requests for moves, builds etc. on-
No Decision Short Description Originator Status Details Date

Upgrade to version 6.0 has been deferred until after the 4.7 Upgrade. It was
determined that the additional level of complexity that upgrading two systems
at once was more riskier than going with the benefits. Testing of current
1 Defer Portal Upgrade to v 6.0 Denise Q. Complete Portal version with 4.7 has shown that there are no significant problems. 2-Mar-05
The scope of the Upgrade will include version 6.40 of the Web Application
Server. WAS 6.40 is a necessary prerequisite prior to going with the Portal
2 WAS 6.40 in scope Denise Q. Complete v6.0, since it eliminates the need for a separate ITS. 2-Mar-05

Upgrade to GUI version has been deferred until after the 4.7 Upgrade. It
was determined that the additional level of complexity that upgrading two
systems at once was more riskier than going with the benefits. Testing of
3 GUI Upgrade Denise Q. Complete current GUI version with 4.7 has shown that there are no significant problems. 2-Mar-05
Decisions regarding whether a particular utility needs to be written to handle
4 Entrust LVTS Requirement ? Denise Q. Complete change for QAS or PROD are being noted in the Problem Log. 8-Apr-05
Given that the number and scope of Impacts will be small, there will be no
formal training sessions. Impact awarenss is being covered during the testing
5 HR Training ? Doug M Complete preparations discussions. 15-Apr-05
Utilities for maintaining User
report variants, PIDs and Decisions regarding whether a particular utility needs to be written to handle
6 Favourites during Upgrade Doug M Open change for QAS or PROD are being noted in the Problem Log.
The Total Role-to-Postion Assignment (HR & Non-HR) initiative will be out of
Scope of Authorizations and scope for the Upgrade. Also further development of role-based assignments
Profile changes needs to be in non-HR roles, will be considerd out-of-scope unless small changes can be
7 confirmed Doug M Complete accomodated. 23-Mar-05
DMAS to get separate testing Separate environment will ensure I-Testing for Upgrade is not interfered by I-
8 client in 4.7 QAS Doug M Complete Testing with DMAS. 23-Mar-05
9 Contingency Plan Doug M Open Meeting scheduled for May 9 to discuss proposed contingency plan
No Issue Short Description Originator Status Priority
1 Transition Project has caused Doug M Closed Historical
some unexpected delays

2 New Sun system configuration Bill Doug M Closed Historical

of Material in need of rework.

3 SCUSI card missing from Doug M Closed Historical

requested Sun BoM.

4 Amount of down-time for the 4.6c Doug M Closed High

DEV box is too long, during the
time of the 4.7 DEV Upgrade

5 Negative Testing Scope for Doug M Open Medium

Segregation of Duties validation
6 Infopak linkage to PROD Doug M Open Low

7 March 20th UPS Power Disruption Doug M Open Medium

Critical Incident Review -
(Problem Ticket# - PM10142)

8 Availability of key resources from Doug M Open High

ERP support Team on weekend of
May 21-23
9 Need a Contingency Plan for the Doug M Open Medium
May21-23 Go-Live Upgrade
11-March. During the time that the initial planning for the Upgrade was
occuring, the governance of the ERP team has changed. This has caused
some inherent delays in the length of time for certain activities that now need
ITS requests and approvals. However, no significant delays have yet arised
since the issue of the 12 Jan 2005 plan.
11-March. ERP submitted to ITS a B of M for the new Sun system
procurement. However a number of unexpected changes to the BoM were
made by ITS that did not reconcile with the original specifications. Thus a
delay was incurred by having to reconfigure the BoM back to meet ERP's
requirements. However, no significant delays have yet arised since the issue
of the 12 Jan 2005 plan.

11-March. ERP submitted to ITS a B of M for the new Sun system

procurement. However, because of the problems encurred by ITS as to how
it actually procured the hardware, a new SCUSI card was overlooked. This
has caused delays in doing system copys, restores etc. related to installing
SAP on the new system. However, no significant delays have yet arised since
the issue of the 12 Jan 2005 plan.

14- March. The plan shows 4.6C being unavailable from 01 April to 22 April.
However new HR functionality will have been just relased to Production the
week before 01 April, thus posing a potential risk. Tech team is to review
procedure and suggest a revised plan where the 4.6C DEv box can be still
available until after 07 April. 30-March Revised plan allows for continuous
4.6 availability.

16- March We need to identify what tests will be performed to confirm the S of
23 - March. Need to resolve server and connectivitiy issues related to RWD
Infopak connection to PROD
30 - March. The power outage incident needs to be followed up to make sure
that proper notification of failure is communicated. The Upgrade team has
lost 1 day of productivity.

25 - April. A back-up person will be assigned to cover for the absent


25 - April. Meeting set for May 3 to discuss.

No Risk Short Description Originator Impact Probability Action Mitigation Plan Details Current Status
1 Concurrent activities going on in Valerie C. Medium Medium Control Contract a PM to help supervise the project.
the ERP Team
2 Availability of Key Users for Valerie C. Medium Medium Avoid Give early notification to key users that will be required to
Testing assist with I-Testing. A protocol needs to be established to
manage the timing of test.
3 Lack of Availability of Expert Valerie C. Medium Low Avoid Additional consulting services have been contracted
Consulting Advise on an as
required basis
4 Ability to minimize all Valerie C. Medium Medium Control Give advance notice to key users. Set up of Change Control
configuration changes (maintain Procedure for the Freeze period.
5 Upgrade to Portal 6.0 along with Denise Q. Transfer The upgrade to Portal 6.0 will occur sometime after the 4.7 Portal Upgrade
R/3 4.7 Upgrade. deferred
6 Authorization Roles in FI are new Doug M. Low High Control Ensure I-tests incorporate authorization scopes

7 If Go-live date is not achieved, Doug M. High Low Assume The Go-live date of May 24 will be mandatory to achieve.
M.E. activities for May are M.E. activties would be one of many issues to deal with if the
affected. (e.g. Procurement cards) date were missed.

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