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9B NO 38

Kering tempe pedas manis


1. Pisau
2. Kompor
3. Tempat kering / mangkok
4. Wajan
5. Spatula
6. Telenan

1. tempe
2. kentang
3. bawang putih
4. cabe rawit
5. cabe merah
6. Gula merah
7. gula putih
8. Garam
9. Air asam
10. Lengkuas
11. Daun jeruk
12. minyak goring
13. air putih


1. Iris halus tempe dan kentang. sisihkan dan goreng hingga kering
2. Haluskan cabe rawit, cabe merah, bawang merah, bawang putih,
lengkuas dan daun jeruk. sisihkan
3. Panaskan minyak, masukkan bumbu halus, tumis hingga harum keluar.
4. Tambahkan air putih secukupnya
5. Masukkan gula merah, gula putih dan air asam jawa
6. Masukkan tempe dan kentang goreng aduk aduk masukkan garam
7. Koreksi rasa. Jika dirasa pas matikan kompor.
8. Siap disajikan
9B NO 38

Dried tempe sweet and spicy


1. Knives
2. Stove
3. Place the dry / bowl
4. Frying Pan
5. Spatula
6. Telenan


1. tempe
2. potatoes
3. Garlic
4. cayenne pepper
5. The red pepper
6. Brown sugar
7. white sugar
8. Salt
9. tamarind water
10. Galangal
11. lime leaves
12. cooking oil
13. water


1. Slice refined tempe and potato. set aside and fry until crispy
2. Puree cayenne pepper, red pepper, onion, garlic, galangal and lime
leaves. set aside
3. Heat the oil, put the spices , stir fry until fragrant exit.
4. Add enough water
5. Enter the brown sugar, white sugar and tamarind water
6. Enter stir fried tempe and potato, stir and add salt
7. Correction taste. If it deemed fit, turn off the stove.
8. Ready to serve

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