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Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619


The Balanced Scorecard: what is the score?

A rhetorical analysis of the Balanced Scorecard
Hanne Nrreklit
Department of International Business, Aarhus School of Business, Fuglesangs Alle 4, 8210 Aarhus V, Denmark

The Balanced Scorecard currently receives much attention. This article analyses the means by which the authors of
The Balanced Scorecard have created that attention. Is it the result of a new and convincing theory, or is it merely the
result of persuasive rhetoric, where convincing theory diers from solely persuasive rhetoric in that concepts and claims
are based on sound argumentation? The article concludes that the text is not so convincing as persuasivea feature
characteristic of the genre of management guru texts; and, at the end, the article discusses the reasons for and appro-
priateness of such a genre and the consequences that should follow from the results of the analysis.
# 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction The balanced scorecard (Kaplan & Norton,

1996a) aims to solve the problem related to the
Presentation of the problem historical nature of the nancial measures of
accounting systems (AICPA, 1994; Dearden, 1969,
The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is one of the lat- 1987; Hopwood, 1972; Johnson & Kaplan, 1987;
est innovations in management. It is a tool of Kaplan & Norton, 1996a; Merchant, 1985; Vancil,
strategic control developed by Kaplan and Norton 1979). It does so by integrating nancial and non-
and described in their 1996 book The Balanced nancial strategic measure variables in a cause-and-
Scorecard. The book has been awarded a prize by eect relationship which assumes the following:
the American Accounting Association with the measures of organisational learning and growth
justication that it was the best theoretical ! measures of internal business processes !
contribution in 1997. In the business world, the measures of the customer perspective ! nancial
balanced scorecard has engendered great interest measures. The assumption that there is a cause-
internationally. The question of whether this is and-eect relationship between the suggested
due to its substance as an innovative and practical areas of measurements is essential because the
theory or simply to its promotional rhetoric pro- measurements in non-nancial areas make the
vides the focus of this paper. performance measurement system a feed-forward
control system (de Haas & Kleingeld, 1999), which
solves the problem of the historical nature of
accounting data (Kaplan & Norton, 1996a, p.8).
E-mail address: hann@asb.dk (H. Nrreklit). However, as argued by Nrreklit (2000) and as
0361-3682/03/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
592 H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619

summarised in the appendix below, there is no innovative nonetheless, the authors make use of
cause-and-eect relationship between some of the unsound and not entirely sober argumentation,
suggested areas of measurements in the BSC. which they corroborate with their stylistic choices.
Although there is considerable covariation By analysing some of the ways in which the
between customer loyalty and nancial perfor- authors win the approval of their audience for the
mance, for example, it is not generic that increased BSC model, this article investigates the extent to
customer loyalty is the cause of long-term nan- which the assumption is tenable.
cial performance. What we may claim is that cus- The investigation is relevant because it may
tomers which are not loyal are expensive, but it show the importance of rhetoric and sound argu-
does not follow that loyal customers are inexpensive. mentation for the recipients adoption of new
Such a conclusion would be a logical fallacy. management theories. Modernists (Descartes,
Similarly, although we know that, if it is raining, 1637; Kant, 1790; Wittgenstein, 1921) want to
then the streets will be wet, we cannot conversely keep rhetoric out of science, arguing for the
conclude that, if the streets are wet, then it is omnipotence of rational and objective language.
raining. Statistics cannot show that something is a Post-modernists (Latour, 1987; Lyotard, 1984;
logical fallacy. For example, nancially successful McCloskey, 1998), however, acknowledge the role
rms only sell to loyal customers which are prof- of rhetoric in science, citing in evidence science
itable; otherwise, the rms would not be success- and scholarship, which employ storytelling, meta-
ful; if a company has nothing but protable loyal phors and authority arguments as rhetorical stra-
customers, the explanation may be that its man- tegies intended to convince their audience. The
agement control system works well and that the position adopted in this paper is that, as long as
company does not sell to non-protable loyal cus- there is an intention with human speech, rhetoric
tomers. The creation of protable loyal customers always forms part of communication;1 but rhetoric
depends on the revenues and costs of making them may be persuasive without being convincing. Con-
loyal; it depends on a nancial calculus, which is a vincing rhetoric diering from solely persuasive
logical relationship. The lack of a cause-and-eect rhetoric in that concepts and claims are discussed
relationship is crucial because invalid assumptions on the basis ofsound argumentation. The question
in a feed-forward control system will cause indivi- raised in this paper is whether the form of rhetoric
dual companies to anticipate performance indi- used may be decisive in winning an audience over
cators which are actually faulty, resulting in to a management theory such as the balanced
dysfunctional organisational behaviour and sub- scorecard, while the content of the theory may be
optimised performance (de Haas & Kleingeld, less important? If there is a management guru
1999, p. 244). Furthermore, the BSC aims to solve genre of this kind, then this raises the question
the problems related to strategy implementation why the business audience can be seduced by
(Kaplan & Norton, 1996a; Kiechel, 1984; Min- such evidence and what the reason for and
tzberg 1994; Simons 1995). However, the control appropriateness of such a genre might be. Fur-
model is a hierarchical top-down model not rooted thermore, such a genre would indicate that good
in the environment or in the organisation, which and bad theories alike are only likely to gain a
makes it questionable as a strategic management foothold if they are couched in persuasive
tool (Nrreklit, 2000; see Appendix). Conse- rhetoric. This ought to inuence the way in
quently, what the model oers is not particularly which researchers present their theories and
theoretically innovative and lacks a reliable theo- models to business managers and the way in
retical base. The authors want to solve some pro- which managers communicate theories and mod-
blems that are commonly recognised, but they do els to their organisations.
not provide a valid model which can solve the
problems they address. 1
Even Descartes (1637) and Plato, (Burnett, 18991907) in
This being the case, the assumption made here is the dialogues of Gorgias and Faidros, where these argue
that, in order to be able to present themselves as against rhetoric, were forced to use it (Fafner, 1997).
H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619 593

Method to clarify this position, we shall briey discuss the

social constructivist argument that any attribution
The investigation presented here employs meth- of truth or falsity is related to a particular dis-
ods familiar from stylistic text analysis and argu- cursive practice (Foucault, 1972) or language
mentation theory. Thus the position taken here is game (Wittgenstein, 1953). A radical version of
that rhetoric includes not only stylistic devices but this argument may suggest that one argument is as
also the various types of argument used to good as any other, i.e. that no universal standards
develop a subject (Aristotle, 1996; McCroskey, of logic or rationality can be applied. This paper
1978). As a result, both the form and the content agrees that the concept of sound argumentation is
of the message are taken into consideration. Using more multidimensional than the modernist
argumentation analysis, we can follow the worldview assumes. No grand metaphysical truth
thought process step by step through the text and seems to exist and all claims may be questioned,
visually represent the strength of the argumenta- but this does not mean that all claims are equally
tion. There is a close link between the form of the sound.
language and the argumentation, the stylistic First, although we do not know what is abso-
devices being more or less adequate for any given lutely right within a particular language game, we
argumentation. know what is absolutely wrong (Eco, 1999)
The investigation is based on Chapter 1 of because a language game has rules (Wittgenstein,
Kaplan and Norton, The Balanced Scorecard 1953). Thus our concepts are constructs because
1996. This chapter was chosen because it intro- human beings make the classications and provide
duces the key concepts and the internal coherence them with characteristics. This does not mean,
of the BSC model. Therefore, the chapter consti- however, that anybody can say anything about
tutes a reasonably well-dened unit. The rst what a certain phenomenon is as the phenom-
chapter is essential in indicating what the rest of enon is not the product of individual subjective
the book contains but, the communicative sit- convictions. Implicit or explicit criteria, i.e. lan-
uation of the rst chapter of a book being special, guage rules, apply to phenomena of any given
some caution must be applied in generalising over category, which means that such phenomena
the entire book. However, reading the rest of the may be discussed fairly objectively, indepen-
book does not leave the impression that it diers dently of who is considering them, and enables
signicantly from the rst chapter. Furthermore, us to give reasons for our conception of a cer-
the analysis presented in Nrreklit (2000), which tain phenomenon. We may have problems
justies the claim made in the introduction ear- establishing the category to which the phenom-
lier (see also the Appendix), i.e. the claim that enon belongs, but being has lines of resistance
what the BSC model oers is not particularly (Eco, 1999).3
theoretically innovative and lacks a reliable the- Furthermore, we cannot avoid drawing on the
oretical base, also shows that the promotion of discourse of reason itself; understanding even the
The Balanced Scorecard through the use of history of madness (Foucault, 1971) involves the
rhetoric is not justiable on any scientic
grounds. Even though cognitive schemata are constructs imbued
with as if, which in Kants view start from the still blind
The paradigmatic position of the present material of the intuition, and in Peirces view start from a pri-
investigation may be labelled moderate social mary icon, this is not sucient to provide us with any guaran-
constructivism, the approach lying between mod- tee of objectivity: there must have been something about the
ernism and radical social constructivism.2 In order platypus that prevented the explorers from dening it as a quail
or a beaver. This is no guarantee that it was right to classify it
as a monotreme. Tomorrow, a new taxonomy may change the
2 rules radically. Nonetheless, attempts were made right from the
The view of social constructivism is that human thought,
discourse, agreement or concepts create the world (Collin, beginning to construct a schema of the platypus, respecting the
1997). It is a fairly loose and ambiguously dened concept, grain possessed by the manifestation of the still unsegmented
howeversee, e.g. Collin (1997). continuum. (Eco, 1999, pp. 120121).
594 H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619

use of reason (Derrida, 1978, pp. 3163).4 Simi- be justied on the grounds of social con-
larly, arguing for a radical relativist position structivism.7
requires logos, but the implication of such a The outline of the paper is as follows: the next
position being that all arguments are equally section considers sound argumentation with a
sound, there is no reason for taking any argu- view to evaluating the extent to which this has
ments seriously including any argument for a been applied in the text. Subsequently, the next
radical relativist position. As a matter of fact, four sections analyse the actual genre of the text,
claiming that there is one absolute truth and that reviewing the communicative situation of the text,
that truth is that there is no absolute truth is a the composition of Chapter 1, the stylistic devices
contradiction in logical terms. The radical relati- and form of argumentation applied in Chapter 1.
vist may claim not to recognise logical argu- The last two sections discusses the analysis, draw-
ments but, as logic also concerns reasoning using ing conclusions with respect to the actual genre of
concepts,5 this position leaves open the possibi- the text, and into perspective the results of the
lity of saying anything incoherent and of denying analysis and their implications for research into
the existence of the phenomenon of thinking, management and management control systems.
which is absurd.6 This article draws on a number of rhetorical con-
As we may conclude that the meaning of con- cepts which may be unknown to many readers.
cepts has lines of resistance and that not all Explanations of these concepts may be found
arguments are equally sound, we are in a posi- either in the endnotes or in the text.
tion to judge if the text is convincing or merely It should be noted that other rhetorical analyses
persuasive; non-convincing argumentation cannot of the text than the ones presented below are
entirely possible. So our claim is not that there is
one and only one interpretation of the text, but
It is true that cultures which dier in time or space may that the more open to interpretation a text is the
have dierent criteria for such a phenomenon as madness
larger the number of possible interpretations will
(Foucault, 1971); but, within a temporally and spatially speci-
ed culture, there will be norms for what does or does not be. The paper focuses on some of the dominating
belong to the category of madness, thus making it possible to rhetorical aspects of the text and it aims to docu-
discuss and compare the phenomenon of madness across tem- ment and argue for the interpretation presented
porally and/or spatially dierent cultures. here.
Logic is a rational element inherent in our ability to cal-
culate and reason in a stringent logical manner. Mathematics,
statistics, formal logic and the like are recognised disciplines in
logic and play a certain role in the methodology of scholarly Sound argumentation
work. However, logic also concerns reasoning through the use
of concepts and the building of concepts including ones which The sender of a text may attempt to win the
are essential to our lives. To equate modern thought with a
approval of the audience by appealing to them in
view that the only form of reasonableness is mathematical and
scientic rationality seems to be historically false. It may be three dierent ways: through ethos, pathos or logos
true that this has been one important strand of European and (Aristotle, 1996). Ethos is concerned with the reci-
American thinking since the eighteenth century, but it is only pients trust in the sender such that the credibility or
one. Other philosophers have advocated contrary views, which authority appealed to by the sender creates
have equally become a part of the popular consciousness. We
approval. Pathos appeals to the recipients emotions
need only to think of Humes denial that moral and practical
thought could be conducted in terms of mathematical reason and mood, while logos appeals to the recipients
(reason is and ought to be the slave of the passions) and of
Rousseaus advocacy of a life lived in accordance with nature 7
Finally, it should be mentioned that without reason, and
and simple emotions. (Matthews, 1996, p. 187) hence criteria for what is true or false, only power can set cri-
In addition, it should be noted that it cannot be merely the teria, which implies that no sort of democracy can exist. Ever
habits and practices developed within a discursive practice since Socrates clashes with the sophists, the fact that power is
which give validity and authority to an argument, if that were the only alternative to arguments has been the reason for sci-
the case, the logician would have to wait for the results of the entic argumentation, however imperfect that argumentation
anthropologists research (Toulmin, 1974). may be.
H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619 595

Fig. 1. Scale of modes of expression.

rational commitment. Logos covers everything valid. It is not only in scholarly work, however,
humans are able to establish through reason. It that we look for sound argumentation but also in
includes not only logical arguments but also some everyday communicative and knowledge
inductive and abductive arguments. creation situations although, in such instances, the
The genre of a text creates certain expectations logos may be weaker as, e.g. in a popularised
concerning the appropriate combination of these research text, which may have fewer references,
ways of appealing to the recipients. A scholarly less data and more imprecision than an academic
text based on sound argumentation is expected to dissertation (Latour, 1987). In general, sound
appeal extensively to the recipients logos and little argumentation should not be allowed to include
to his or her pathos (Brandt-Pedersen & Rnn- any violation of any general rules for making
Poulsen, 1982; Jrgensen, 1996; Toulmin, 1974). It claims or drawing conclusions, i.e. it should dis-
is expected to be logical, direct and unequivocal. allow logical fallacies, contradictions and concepts
This genre diers from poetry, which is expected whose meaning gradually or radically changes in
to appeal much to the recipients pathos and little the same text (Espersen, 1971).
to their logos (cf. Fig. 1). To be convincing, a text Scholarly arguments may be presented in many
has to use sound logos. However, as long as nat- ways, sometimes by the use of analogies8 or meta-
ural languages and man-made texts exist and not phors,9 which make them readily acceptable or
merely articial languages and computer self-evident (Matthews, 1996, p. 178). However,
communication, pathos will be involved in any analogies and metaphors can also be used for
communication among human beings. Yet if a text propagandist purposes or as outbursts without
appeals too much to pathos and insuciently to sound logos. Thus, True, devices of rhetoric such
logos, then it becomes emotional, imprecise and as metaphors can be veils over bad arguments. But
open to interpretation. A text which is merely they are also the form and substance of good argu-
persuasive does not use sound logos. One may ments, (McCloskey, 1998, p. 13). In order to
even argue that, to all intents and purposes, a text understand the dierence between the two ways of
characterised by scholarly sound argumentation using analogies and metaphors, it may be useful to
will to some extent be imprecise and open to take a closer look at their strengths and limi-
interpretation but that sound argumentation has tations. When analogies and metaphors are used,
lines of resistance. qualities are transferred from one object to
Soundness in argumentation relates to the
unbiasedness and solidity of the data and warrants 8
An analogy brings together several metaphors from the
we produce to support our claims and the rmness same semantic eld. The link between the imagery and the
of the backing we provide for them (Toulmin, object(s) compared is made explicit by means of a linking
1974). Reading scholarly work, we look for logical device such as like, as or as if. An analogy is also known as an
and empirical support of the claims made, i.e. for allegory. (Corbett & Connors, 1999; Jrgensen, 1996)
A metaphor creates a link between an object and an image
sound argumentation. It is true that various
on the basis of some similarity between the two. The link is not
research paradigms use dierent criteria for made explicit. Thus metaphors dier from similes, which
establishing validity (Arbnor & Bjerke, 1996, p. involve an explicit link such as like, as or as if. (Bonet, 1994;
22), nevertheless, we want our knowledge to be Corbett & Connors, 1999; Jrgensen, 1996)
596 H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619

another by virtue of some similarity between the 1987; McCloskey, 1998). So what seems to gain
two (Bonet, 1994), thereby creating an association acceptance as a true or false theory in a eld of
of ideas. Such an association often arouses feelings research depends on the institutional network and
in us which greatly inuence our value judge- resources of the researchers: The average man
ments. So in order to make sound judgements, it is who happens to hit the truth, . . ., will have no
important to be aware that the comparisons made chance to win over the thousands of articles, refer-
by means of analogies or metaphors have their ees, supporters and granting bodies who oppose his
limitations. First, analogies and metaphors are claim (Latour, 1987, p. 44). This is the case
partial in the sense that they emphasise only cer- because researchers, their methods and resources,
tain aspects of the object which they describe. and the institutional networks around them are an
Second, qualities which count for little in one uni- organised whole, in which all forces are gathered
verse may be extremely important in the other. to keep each other in check so that nobody can
Third, because of the often multiple ambiguity of escape.10 The gathering of forces may sometimes
analogies and metaphors, these may create the create unsound logos behind the amount of refer-
idea of similarities without there being any of the ences, resources and networks, so the ethos appeal
kind implied. Therefore, in scholarly texts, ana- of scholarly work should not always be trusted
logies or metaphors should only be used if the (Latour, 1987; McCloskey, 1998). Among the for-
similarities are reasonable (Aristotle, 1996; Cicero, ces gathered, something may become common
1998). In such cases, analogies and metaphors may knowledge and be perceived as objective when it
be useful in scholarly texts as they may contribute should actually be doubted. Some data may even
to new scientic insights (Arbib & Hesse, 1986; have vanished or have become twisted. Further,
Hesse, 1980). Thus metaphors are not only dec- what may come to be seen as good logic may be a
orative devices but may have cognitive impli- simple practical schema containing an articially
cations, the nature of which would be a proper narrow range of argumentsit is not necessarily a
subject for academic discussion, which implies question of the subject matter. The argumentation
that metaphors may recongure both a scientic may build on scientic methods drawing on, e.g.
theory and the observation language, thus the authority of some claimed General Truth, and
allowing us to describe and explain a wider range thereby in fact exaggerating and overrating the
of phenomenona (Arbib & Hesse, 1986, p. 157; objectivity of the methods. In sum, scientic
Hesse 1980). Scientic metaphors only become knowledge and methods can be as much the object
explanatory, however when they are extended and of evil misuse as the language of sophistry. How-
developed by logic and analogy; they are not ever, this cannot lead to the conclusion that logos is
explanatory when, as in literature, they are exten- unimportant in scholarly texts. On the contrary,
ded by association instead of logic. Furthermore, arguments are important. This is why researchers
scientic metaphors have to be internally tightly strive to make their claims more credible than those
knit by logical and causal interrelations and of others; and this task, which is often enormous,
should, in addition, be underdetermined by the would make no dierence if arguments were not
data of the phenomenon under consideration
(Arbib & Hesse, 1986; Hesse, 1980). These criteria Thus a good scientic text controls its readers by
employing methods which are hard to discuss, using gures
are generally considered to be fundamental to the
which can only with diculty be subjected to any doubt and
evaluation of metaphors in scholarly argumenta- drawing on references whose authority is hard to dispute.
tion, but, in academic texts outside of science, Researchers who want to develop new ways and theories have
interrelations other than causal and logical ones to mobilise more resources, link more points to references and
may be considered valid and the perception of what data, and be more accurate about the links than the older
institutional network, i.e. the institutional network which a
the data of a phenomenon is may be extended.
researcher draws on should preferably be older than that of his/
Scholarly texts build on the results of other her opponents. Anyone who does not operate within the fra-
researchers, thus using arguments which appeal to mework of an institutional network will be all on their own or
authority, i.e. which have ethos appeal (Latour, sent to an asylum (Latour, 1987).
H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619 597

important (Latour, 1987). They are because, given 1998, p. 101). Furthermore, Kaplans explicit aim
our language game, we expect researchers to provide in writing articles and books about the BSC is to
arguments and documentation. create excitement at, enthusiasm for and debate on
In what follows, this paper investigates whether the new ideas among a wide management audience
the book entitled The Balanced Scorecard has the (Kaplan, 1998). The research procedure is in line
features characteristic of sound argumentation, with the mission of the Harvard Business School,
i.e. whether it uses an appropriate combination of which is to (re)shape the practice of business by
ethos, logos and pathos when appealing to its building knowledge, educating for leadership and
readers; if it does not, it will be further examined communicating innovative and substantive ideas
which features characterise the text, which will in the most eective ways. The engine driving this
then allow us to draw conclusions as to the genre mission is the research and course development
of the text and, in turn, to tell how the BSC is program of the Harvard Business School [http://
promoted. www.hbs.edu/dor (29 April 1999)].
From the above it is not unreasonable to con-
clude that the communicative situation around the
The communicative situation balanced scorecard is related to academia. Robert
Kaplan is a professor at a research institution
Harvard Business School Press (HBSP) is the and the research method used for the develop-
primary publisher of the book. According to the ment of the Balanced Scorecard is described in the
publishers own statement, HBSP represents the Journal of Management Accounting Researcha
best of contemporary thinking in business and high-ranking scientic journal in the eld of man-
management. The goal of HBSP is to inuence the agement accounting [http://hal.boku.ac.at/fao/
way readers think and act and to be the source of the journal_ranking (10 April 2002)]. These relations
most inuential ideas and conversations that shape to academia are dimensions which might lead to
business worldwide [http://www.hbsp.harvard.du/ the assumption that the text will include sound
products/index.html (29 April 1999)]. The scholarly argumentation.11 The readership, how-
Balanced Scorecard is aimed at practitioners, stu- ever, includes not only academics but also practi-
dents and teachers in higher education involved in tioners and consultants. If the authors want to
the eld of management. One author, David P. make scholarly work comprehensible to such a
Norton, is the president of a consultancy rm, wide audience they still have to employ logos; but
while the other, Robert S. Kaplan, is a professor in a less direct and unequivocal way than in scho-
at the Harvard Business School. In developing the larly work. They clearly want to create both exci-
balanced scorecard, the authors use a method tement about and debate on the new ideas among
referred to in the Journal of Management the audience, which means that they have to
Accounting Research (Kaplan, 1998) as innovation appeal to the emotions of the audience. They also
action research. The procedure is to (1) document want, however, to improve contemporary practice
a major limitation in contemporary practice, (2) through a method that has been generalized and
identify a new concept to overcome this limitation, shown to be applicable. To accomplish this goal,
and (3) continue to apply and improve the concept the management tool has to be described with
through publication, teaching and active interven- logos and not only with excitement-creating
tion in companies (Kaplan, 1998, p. 89). Thus, in pathos as any lack of method will cause uncon-
the rst two steps, the authors identify a model trolled change and, under such circumstances, any
that can overcome a limitation in contemporary improvement of practice will occur only by
practice (Kaplan, 1998) and at the end of the sec-
ond step of the procedure, the initial theory or 11
A scientic approach is signicant for the purpose of
concept has become codied, generalized and making a distinction between scientic knowledge creation and
shown to be applicable to a much larger audience communication and other forms of knowledge creation (Arb-
than the originating set of companies (Kaplan, nor & Bjerke, 1996, p. 2224).
598 H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619

chance. Thus improvement requires a method pp. 46), dealing with the information age and its
describing what should be done and how it should inuence on the operating environment. In the
be done. information age, management control faces a
From this rather normative perspective, the whole series of new demands; attempts have been
communicative situation requires the text to made to solve the new tasks, but the project has
appeal much to logos and to some extent to stranded: companies have introduced new tech-
pathos. As will be seen below, however, other for- niques but with disappointing results. During the
ces may be involved in the institutional network elaboration, the reader is led to a situation which
around the communicative situation which moti- he or she cannot escape. It is a point of no return
vate the application of some other combination of (p. 6), where the road ahead depends on compa-
logos and pathos. Finally, as one of the authors is nies changing the measurement and management
an internationally recognised professor at one of control systems that they use. Navigating in the
the best business schools in the United States, it information age is impossible if the only tool is the
follows that much ethos is attached to the overall traditional accounting model. In the second sec-
communicative situation, which creates a great tion (Traditional nancial accounting model,
deal of condence in the senders logos. The pp. 67), the conict escalates, any attempt to
authors do not have to make much of an eort to develop the traditional accounting model proving
win the readers trust. They already have it. to be an impossibility. At the beginning of the
third section (The Balanced Scorecard, p. 7), we
nd the climax, a denouement suddenly suggesting
Composition itself: The collision between the irresistible force
to build long-range competitive capabilities and
Chapter 1 of The Balanced Scorecard is gen- the immovable object of the historical-cost nan-
erally argumentative in that it advocates certain cial accounting model has created a new synthesis:
views. It is intended to convince the reader of the the Balanced Scorecard (p. 7). The collision is
truth of a set of claims. Its overall composition between the inevitable development described in
almost conforms to the dramatic form. In the the rst section and the accounting model descri-
dramatic form, the story gradually unfolds until it bed in the second. After the climax follows the
reaches a climax, after which it fades out. As in the fading out (pp. 718), which describes the qualities
case of striptease, the idea is to increase expecta- of the BSC as a performance measurement and
tions and keep the suspense until the end (Tonne- management control system.
sen, 1995). The dramatic form comes as a surprise in a text
The introduction to Chapter 1 (Measurement which is supposed to be argumentative or scho-
and Management in the Information Age, pp. 12), larly. The composition of academic writing is
for example, begins in the middle of an event, in usually based on logic. The typical organisation
medias res, drawing an analogy between a com- involves an introduction, a problem statement,
pany and a jet plane and between managers and reections on the method(s) applied, analyses
pilots. The authors then advocate the need for a going from the general to the specic and a con-
new performance measurement and management clusion. The method works from the abstract level
system. These opening lines draw the attention of to the concrete level. This deductive schema is not
the reader and illustrate the main theme of the particularly pedagogical, so the form of popu-
story. The rst section (Competing in the infor- larised communication may be an alternative: the
mation age, pp. 24) presents the events which lead inductive schema works from the concrete level to
to the issue to be discussed: because competing in the the abstract level and takes as its point of depar-
information age is dierent from and more than ture the results reached and their consequences,
competing in the industrial age, a revolutionary after which it deals with assumptions, theories and
change has taken place. A subsection then elaborates methods. So both the deductive schema and the
on the situation (New operating environment, popularised form of communication are organised
H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619 599

on the basis of argumentation. It should be clear Yet navigating todays organizations through
then that the reader of a text type which is typi- complex competitive environments is at least
cally based on sound argumentation will expect as complicated as ying a jet (p. 2);
the argumentative form and not a form which ties
the problem concerned to its solution by means of Managers, like pilots, need instrumentation
some drama of fate. about many aspects of their environment and
We may now conclude that the composition of performance to monitor the journey toward
the text does not satisfy the requirements of sound excellent future outcomes (p. 2).
argumentation. It does not convey a rational
impression; instead it draws attention and creates The description elaborating on the image of the
a drama. It appeals primarily to the emotions of company as a jet plane and the manager as a pilot
the audience (pathos) and less to their reason employs aviation metaphors: cockpit, jet airplane,
(logos). pilot, airspeed, altitude and altimeter, fuel and fuel
gauge, mountains, airspace and navigate, which are
each associated with some phenomenon in a com-
Stylistic devices pany. Below, we analyse the type of association of
qualities which these metaphors may create, in
Tropes and lexis order to evaluate to what extent they appeal to
logos or pathos.
The stylistic device which is particularly char- The jet airplane is the modern and faster version
acteristic of the text is that of tropes, which of the company-as-a-machine metaphor. Inter-
include gurative language in the form of, e.g. preted on the basis of Kaplan and Nortons own
analogies,8 metaphors,9 similes,9 metonymy,12 conceptualisation, the jet airplane belongs in the
hyperbole13 and irony14 (Corbett & Connors, information age, while the machine belongs in the
1999; Jrgensen, 1996). As will be seen later, industrial age. Comparing the navigation of a jet
however, the lexis is generally remarkable with its plane to the navigation of an organisation with
use of, e.g. antithesis,15 loaded adjectives and people operating in complex competitive environ-
imprecise and intertextually based concepts. ments is problematic, however. The comparison
triggers a sort of anti-personication and reication
Analogies of the organisation and the people in it. People
The opening lines make use of an analogy com- become a component in an airplane which reacts
paring the navigation of a plane to the manage- when the pilot pushes the control stick. Further-
ment of a company. This is evident from the more, the image of organisations as machines leaves
following quotations: the impression of entities characterised by operating
bureaucratically, routinely, predictably and in spe-
In metonymy, the literal term for something is replaced by cialised ways (Morgan, 1986), which are not the
an image because of contiguity between the two (Bonet, 1994; attributes which one would associate with organisa-
Jrgensen, 1996). So it involves substitution of some attributive tions with complex competitive environments
or suggestive word for what is actually meant (Corbett & Con- (Hopwood, 1974). By contrast, a sort of personi-
nors, 1999, p. 398): it transfers the name of something to cation enrichment takes place when the manager is
something else by virtue of the one being a cause or eect,
container or content, genus or species of the otheran almost
compared to a pilot. A pilot is in control, which the
physical link or contiguity may exist between the two objects. term pilot itself indicatesit means oar. Further,
Hyperbole is the use of exaggerated terms for the purpose the pilot metaphor may appeal to juvenile dreams
of emphasis or heightened an eect (Corbett & Connors, 1999). and lend the manager with the aura of a globe-
Irony is the use of a word to convey a meaning opposite to trotter, which the reader may be pleased to identify
the literal meaning of the word (Corbett & Connors, 1999).
Antithesis is an opposition in the meanings of ideas, con- with. The pilot metaphor, then, enhances the reci-
cepts or words which are brought into contrast (Corbett & pients perception of his own ethos. It is problematic,
Connors, 1999; Jrgensen, 1996) however, that a pilot does not practise management
600 H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619

but uses mechanical control. The pilot metaphor competitive race metaphor creates the image of a
thus creates a highly simplied image of manage- dynamic management control model with simul-
ment. Taken as a whole, the aviation metaphors taneous interaction, frequent and rapid informa-
appeal primarily to the readers emotions (pathos) tion exchange and constant correction of the
and less to their rational commitment (logos). course. However, the BSC management control
The end of the chapter uses navigation analo- model does not resemble the steering required
gies. One analogy concerns the captain (the CEO, during a competitive race but rather a top-down
p. 16) of the isolated ship (the business unit) which command-and-control model. It is not immedi-
heads towards its destination in a stable environ- ately obvious how adding double-loop learning to
ment. The sailors (the managers and front-line the feedback process will make an otherwise static
employees) carry out the orders and implement top-down command-and-control model dynamic.
the plan determined by the captain. According to Instead, a measurement-based top-down com-
the authors, this is what managing the companies mand-and-control management control system
of today is not about. They state that this set of may focus on external commitment and create
metaphors constitutes the theory behind any top- defensive routines in the organisation, which
down command-and-control model and that the inhibit double-loop learning (Argyris & Schon,
rst three out of a total of four BSC processes 1978; Simons, 1995, p. 106). An explanation is
comply with the top-down model. The choice of therefore needed, and the explanation has to
analogy seems to be illustrative of top-down delve more deeply than a competitive race meta-
management, which lends it with both intellectual phor. As can be seen from the Appendix, the rest
and emotional appeal. However, it is open to of The Balanced Scorecard does not oer a satis-
debate whether a jet-airplane and a ship are actu- factory answer to this issue.17 Therefore, the
ally so very dierent in their control environment competitive race analogy appeals primarily to the
and control methods as they both involve aspects readers emotions and little to their rational
of the machine metaphor. The major dierence commitment.
seems to be that the ship is a transportation
machine associated with the industrial age and Metaphors and concepts from natural science
the jet-airplane a transportation machine asso- The text makes use of metaphors and concepts
ciated with the information age. Another analogy which are typically well established in the area of
is that of the competitive race under changing natural science: drivers (p. 2), physical (p. 1), bat-
weather and sea conditions (p. 16): the captain is tery of instrumentation (p. 2), force (p. 7), collision
highly sensitive and reacts tactically and strategi- (p. 7), synthesis (p. 7) cause and eect (p. 15),
cally to any changes. The captain monitors the hypothesis test (p. 17) and valid and disconrming
environment and receives information from a evidence (p. 17). In the realm of natural science,
myriad of sources including personal observation, the meaning of these words is fairly unequivocal,
instrumentation and advice from the tacticians on which is often not the case when they are used in
the boat. The authors use the competitive race other elds. Force, for example, is a clearly dened
metaphor to argue that the strategy of todays concept in physics but is much more vague when it
organisations cannot be linear and stable. That is is used in other elds. Similarly, synthesis is a
why the top-down command-and-control model fairly well-dened concept in chemistry, where it
of the rst three stages is insucient. There is a refers to the production of a chemical compound
need for feedback and double-loop learning dur- from a number of elements, while, in other con-
ing the fourth and last stage of the BSC.16 The texts, it may mean the combining of units into
wholes. Furthermore, hypothesis tests of causal
Double-loop learning involves the top management initi-
ating a dialogue to examine market conditions, the value pro-
positions delivered to customers, competitor behaviour and 17
The part describing double-loop learning is quite technical
internal capability if the eorts launched do not promote com- and based on information technology without much personal
pany performance. involvement (p. 267269).
H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619 601

relationships are quite well established within nat- appeal to intellect (logos), but in the case under
ural science while the appropriateness of their use consideration the metaphors employed appeal
in social science is more debatable. Any reader very much to emotions, while creating the illusion
who is not attentive to the dierences runs the risk that companies operate in a universe which is
of attaching qualities to the concepts which they subject to scientic laws. The concepts borrowed
only possess in the realm of natural science. Using from the natural sciences seem particularly con-
metaphors from physics and aviation, the authors vincing to the reader whose ideal of academia and
imply that the issue under consideration belongs scholarship is inuenced by science.
in a fairly unequivocal scientic universe. Scien- In some places, the authors use concepts from
tic usage occurs in several of the postulatescf. the realm of science with concepts from other
Table 1. The language of the postulates evokes branches of knowledge, which results in mutually
associations with scientic processes, during which contradictory concepts. This is true, for example,
whatever happens occurs of necessity. The climax of the following claim: The emphasis on cause and
postulate, for example, arouses associations with a eect in constructing a scorecard introduces
car (the force which builds knowledge and cap- dynamic systems thinking (p. 15). The contra-
abilities) and a brick wall (the immovable diction exists because a cause-and-eect relation-
accounting model) which collide, creating a new ship is a deterministic phenomenon presupposing
synthesis: the Balanced Scorecard. stable structures within a system, which is not
The problem involved in the authors use of particularly dynamic. Therefore, it is not immedi-
these scientic concepts is that they are not ately obvious what kind of relationship holds
expressions which cover the reality in which com- between the two concepts. The authors may have
panies operate. As shown in the Appendix on the goals and means in mind instead of cause and
BSC technique, the causal relationships which eect, but they owe their audience an explanation
Kaplan and Norton point to do not exist. Further- that renders the text comprehensible. In other
more, employees do not necessarily react when places where the BSC technique is described, the
managers push the control stick and, if they react, authors claim that both a cause-and-eect rela-
this may be dysfunctionally; similarly, solutions tionship and a logical relationship hold between,
do not emerge if we merely force two items to e.g. satised customers and protability (pp. 71
collide. The metaphors and concepts were created 72), which, again, leads to confusion because both
and intended for a language game universe dier- relationships cannot hold simultaneously. Thus,
ent from that of the company. Metaphors may the logos is unclear and open to interpretation.

Table 1
Postulates with concepts known from areas within natural science

Postulate (i) the climax:

The collision between the irresistible force to build long-range competitive capabilities and the immovable object of the historical-cost
nancial accounting model has created a new synthesis: the Balanced Scorecard (p. 7).

Postulate ii:
The Balanced Scorecard complements nancial measures of past performance with measures of the drivers of future performance
(p. 8).

Postulate iii:
Through a series of cause-and-eect relationships embodied in the Balanced Scorecard, these capabilities eventually become
translated into superior nancial performance (p. 14).

Postulate iv:
The emphasis on cause and eect in constructing a scorecard introduces dynamic systems thinking (p. 15).
602 H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619

Table 2
Examples of some of the antithetical lexis used to characterise the industrial age and the information age

The industrial age The information age

Physical tangible assets (p. 2), nancial and physical capital, Intangible assets, invisible assets (p. 3)
nancial assets and liabilities (p. 3)
Ecient, mass production of standard products (p.2), low-cost Service organizations, innovative products and services,
but standardised products and services (p. 4) high quality at low cost (p. 3), individualised solutions,
customized products and services (p. 4)
Comfortable, noncompetitive environments (p. 3) Innovative competitors (p. 3)
Functional specialisation, hand-os between departments, Integrated business process (p. 4)
arms-length-transactions (p. 4)
Domestic borders (p. 4) Global Scale (p. 4) Global operations (p. 5)
Competitive advantage in one generation of a products Masters at anticipating customers future needs, devising
life (p. 5) radical new product and service oerings, and rapidly
deploying new product technologies into ecient operating
and service delivery processes (p. 5)
The intellectual elitemanagers and engineersused their Now all employees must contribute value by what they
analytical skills (p. 5) know and by the information they can provide (p. 6)
Direct labour work force was a principal factor of production (p. 5) The machines are designed to run automatically (p. 5)

Antithetical lexis versus individualised and customized, comfortable

Two metaphors, information age (p. 2) and and noncompetitive versus innovative, functional
industrial age (p. 2), play a key role in the text. versus integrated, and domestic versus global. In
They are metaphors because the use of the con- addition, the text employs metaphors such as
cepts of information and industry in combi- hand-os, arms length, a products life, genera-
nation with the concept of age transfers qualities tion, and metonymies such as masters, domestic,
associated with the former concepts to another global and radical. Critics of the use of metony-
semantic area, viz. that of time. The two meta- mies argue that such gures of speech reveal two
phors structure the argumentation and the dierent kinds of association of ideas and
description in the section entitled Competing in psychological capacities (Bonet, 1994) and that
the information age (pp. 26). The authors their use therefore creates ambiguity.
argue that, because the information age is repla- The image created by the antithetical elements is
cing the industrial age, the situation is revolu- one of the industrial age and the information age
tionary. The concept revolution signals a as opposites. This is hyperbole, however. Even in
dramatic change to society, old regimes being the industrial age, both tangible and intangible
discarded in favour of new ones. The revolu- assets were important, which is also the case in the
tionary aspect of the information age is also information age although the relative importance
conveyed through the expression seeds of of intangible assets has probably increased.
destruction (p. 3) and through the repeated use Through their use of antithetical concepts, Kaplan
of the adjectives innovative and new. Further, the and Norton (1996a) lead the reader to conceptualise
image of something revolutionary is strengthened a larger contrast between certain phenomena than
through the use of antithetical lexis to char- there actually is.18 Presumably, the authors
acterise the industrial age and the information 18
In addition, a gradual change of conceptual meaning
age. Table 2 lists some of this lexis. The exten-
occurs when the authors speak of production companies in
sive use of loaded antithetical adjectives is typi- connection with the industrial age and of service companies in
cal of the lexis; these adjectives include such connection with the information age. This is an indication of
items as tangible versus intangible, standardised unsound argumentation.
H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619 603

intention is to show that the information age makes it dicult to discuss the contents of the
ranks hierarchically higher than the industrial age. model. However, imprecise concepts are very use-
The description indicates hierarchical dualism ful for the purpose of gradually changing the
(Boje, Rosile, Dennehy, & Summers, 1997, pp. meaning of concepts and for unsound argumenta-
642645; Derrida 1981, pp. 5657), organising the tion (Aristotle, 1996).
new concepts above other concepts in the hier-
archy, thus indicating that the information age is Intertextuality
more than and dierent from the industrial age. Finally, the text is characterised by a large
This exaggeration leads the audience to over- number of technical metaphors and concepts such
estimate the absoluteness of the accounting model as mission and strategy, competence, competition,
and the necessity of implementing the BSC. ecient, intangible assets, tangible assets, physical
assets, customized products, functional, industrial,
Irony administrative, variable, global, integrated, innova-
Talking about the accounting model, the tive, product life cycles, etc. Examples of more
authors use negatively loaded adjectives such as modern expressions than these are functional silos
immovable (p. 7) and traditional (p. 6). Besides, (p. 17), blind spots (p. 12), cross-functions (p. 4),
they are using irony when they switch to a more value chain (p. 4), value for shareholders (p. 3),
formal stylistic level with words and phrases such single-loop and double-loop learning (p. 17). So the
as venerable (p. 7) and todays and tomorrows (p. degree of intertextuality with management litera-
7). The lexis allows the authors to slate, and to ture is high, particularly with Harvard manage-
distance themselves from, the accounting model. ment literature. Some of the intertextuality is with,
Again, this is a hyperbole, the obsoleteness of the for example, Hammer and Champy (1993), who
accounts being vastly exaggerated. This is impli- write about functional silos and see specialisation
citly conrmed by the authors: the accounts form as the antithesis of integrated business processes.
part of the Balanced Scorecard.19 Again, these are concepts which consist of rather
imprecise metaphors and metonymies and which
Abstract and imprecise concepts may include loaded adjectives. The readers
In general, many of the concepts found in the appreciation of the text will depend on their
text, such as internal capital (p. 3), response process knowledge of the intertextuality involved, which
(p. 4), integrated business process (p. 4), intangible may, however, also rely on denitions based on
and intellectual assets (p. 7), comfortable non- imprecise and loaded concepts. In sum, the reader
competitive environment (p. 3), are more abstract of the text is faced with a long, mainly implicit
than the phenomena to which they refer. This chain of institutional networks appealing to
appeal to a higher level of abstraction moves the authority, and some of the logos involved seems to
phenomena far away from the world of the prac- be theoretically fairly weak.
titioner. In addition, some of the concepts are
imprecise as their theoretical meaning is vague and Summary of tropes and lexis
not well dened, which contributes to the lack of The earlier analysis shows that the text makes
clarity. The imprecision is further increased extensive use of analogies, metaphors and meto-
through the linking of verbs, adjectives or nouns nymy. This creates variation, draws attention and
in pairs or series. Many of the concepts found in appeals to both emotions (pathos) and reason
the Balanced Scorecard render the text imprecise (logos). It violates the rules of sound argumenta-
and confusing, and the use of these concepts tion, however, in that a number of the analogies
and metaphors employed are not very good ima-
ges of the phenomena to which they refer. They
If they intended to discuss the institutional power of the
accounting model, the authors should have mentioned both its are not like the referents. This leads to lack of
strengths and shortcomings in unbiased terms in order to pro- clarity and creates the illusion that something which
duce sound argumentation. is not the case is actually the case. Therefore, the
604 H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619

Table 3
An example of a paratactic and asyndetic text

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) provides managers with the instrumentation they need to navigate to future competitive success.
Today, organizations are competing in complex environments so that an accurate understanding of their goals and the methods for
attaining those goals is vital. The Balanced Scorecard translates an organizations mission and strategy into a comprehensive set of
performance measures that provides the framework for a strategic measurement and management system. The Balanced Scorecard
retains an emphasis on achieving nancial objectives, but also includes the performance drivers of these nancial objectives. The
scorecard measures organizational performance across four balanced perspectives: nancial, customers, internal business processes,
and learning and growth. The BSC enables companies to track nancial results while simultaneously monitoring progress in building
the capabilities and acquiring the intangible assets they need for future growth (p. 2).

intellectual appeal (logos) is false. The ambiguity is the lack or confused use of conjunctions or
reinforced by the many concepts created on the adverbials is evident. The confusion is aggravated
basis of abstract, vaguely dened concepts and by the bandying about of imprecise, slightly var-
loaded adjectives, which in some instances are ied, concepts such as a products life (p. 5) and
used to form untenable antitheses. The style is product life cycles (p. 5), or nancial (p. 3), physical
neutral, i.e. neither formal nor informal, but the capital (p. 3) and internal capital (3). Because the
choice of loaded metaphors, metonymy and loa- relations between the concepts are not very clear
ded adjectives makes it emotional. In addition, the the relations between the sentences also become
use of metaphors and concepts which are asso- ambiguous.
ciated with the natural sciences builds on the Paratactic and asyndetic features characterise
credibility of the natural sciences and thus boosts the speech of young children and therefore it will
the ethos appeal of the text. come as a surprise in an argumentative or techni-
cal text, which ought to include both hypotactic
Coherence and syntax and polysyndetic elements (Jrgensen, 1996). One
eect of the paratactic features is that the various
The text contains several so-called paratactic parts of the text resemble labels, which, through
and asyndetic elements. In a paratactic text, the accumulation, give the appearance of an impres-
relation between sentences is one of coordination, sionistic text. The reader is ooded with informa-
which diers from hypotactic texts, in which the tion, which makes it dicult to extract
relation is one of subordination. In an asyndetic meaningfulness and nd repose in the text. The
text the relation among the sentences has been asyndetic features leave the impression of an
omitted or is not explicit. This diers from poly- incoherent text, which forces the readers to nd
syndetic texts, in which coordinating and sub- the logical relations by themselves. The relations
ordinating conjunctions and adverbials abound are ones that the audience will attempt to create,
(Jrgensen, 1996, p. 61). precisely because of the extensive ethos involved in
Paratactic and asyndetic features are evident in the communicative situation. In brief, the intellec-
the text reproduced in Table 3. Whether these tual appeal is highly subjective and emotional,
sentences are coordinated or subordinated is which means that the authors rely on pathos rather
unclear. Should some of the sentences be inter- than logos.
preted as arguments for other sentences, or should
they not? The reason for the lack of clarity is that
these sentences have not been linked to each other Argumentation analysis
by means of coordinating or subordinating con-
junctions or adverbials. Five of the sentences Argumentation model
begin with a mention of the Balanced Scorecard
sometimes in an abbreviated formwhich may Argumentation always involves at least three
imply coordination. In several places in the text, elements: a claim, data and a warrant (Toulmin,
H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619 605

Fig. 2. Argumentation model.

1974). The claim is the point of view which the but only a fragmented and interpretative one. The
sender wishes the recipient to accept (Paul is ill). analysis which follows shows some of the typical
The data forms the basis which supports the claim arguments found in the text.
(Paul is pallid). The warrant combines the claim
and the data and is often implicit (When Paul is Types of argumentation
pallid, he is ill). It is not the variable from which
we conclude but by which we conclude.20 Based Analogy
on the form of the warrant, argumentation may be As became clear in connection with the stylistic
subdivided into a number of types, e.g. argu- analysis, the text makes use of jet airplane, ship
mentation based on analogy, authority, analytical and sailboat race analogies. These give rise to
reasoning, cause and eect, or antecedent and arguments from analogy, e.g. the jet airplane argu-
consequences. Some warrants appeal to the reci- ment (pp. 12) may be formulated as follows:
pients reason and others to their emotions and
some to both. Given the data and the warrant, we Claim: Managers, like pilots, need instruments
can say whether an argument is sound. showing many aspects of their environment and
Due to the style and composition of the BSC, performance.
however, its argumentation is opaque. The com- Data: A pilot guiding a jet airplane needs a lot
position does not reveal any logically ordered of instruments.
overall line of argumentation, and the style con- Warrant: Navigating todays organisations is (at
tains few signs of explicit and unambiguous argu- least) as complicated as ying a jet airplane.
ments. Given that the BSC is an argumentative
text, the overt signs of argumentation, such as The arguments draw on warrants based on ana-
consequently, then, it follows, as, because (p. 12), logies assuming that the similarities between the
therefore, since (pp. 12, 17), etc. are relatively few. items under comparison are numerous. One prob-
Similarly, the text employs no argumentative con- lem with one of the analogies used is that the
cepts to link propositions; instead we nd: these phenomena which the authors compare are not
capabilities eventually become translated (p. 14); particularly alike. From the analysis of the stylistic
it became clear (p. 10); executives can now devices, above, it should be clear that a pilot is not
measure (p. 8); and Clearly, the past (p. 3). For like a manager and a company is not like an air-
these reasons, it is not possible to produce a coher- plane. It is true, however, that managing a com-
ent and unequivocal analysis of the argumentation pany is dierent from steering an isolated ship,
through a stable environment, to a destination,
Three other elements may also be involved in argumenta- and more like sailing in a competitive race, under
tion: a qualier, a rebuttal and backing (see Fig. 2). The quali- changing weather and sea conditions. The objec-
er indicates to what extent the sender is willing to vouch for tion may be raised of course that it is a fairly banal
the correctness of the claim (Paul may be ill). The rebuttal spe- claim that the environment of a company is not
cies any reservations or uncertain factors which invalidate the
warrant (Paul has used makeup). The backing corroborates the
stable. However, the competitive race metaphor
extent to which the warrant is acceptable (Investigations show creates a more serious problem in that it may lead
that, if people are pallid, they are ill). to the illusion that managing with the BSC is
606 H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619

Table 4
Analytic arguments (pp. 23)

Principal claim: Companies are in the midst of a revolutionary transformation

Data 1.1: During the industrial age success accrued to companies that could embed the new technology into physical assets that
oered ecient, mass production of standard products.
Data 1.2: The information age implies that companies no longer can gain sustainable competitive advantage by merely deploying new
technology into physical assets rapidly.
Data 1.3: The information age demands the ability of a company to mobilize and exploit its invisible assets.
Warrant 1 (implicit): The change is revolutionary if competition depends on intangible assets and not merely on embedding
technology into tangible assets.
Data 2.1: Financial measures could direct companies during the industrial age.
Data 2.2: The information age implies that companies no longer can gain sustainable competitive advantage by excellent management
of nancial assets and liabilities.
Warrant 2 (implicit): A revolutionary change has taken place if traditional key accounting gures are no longer sucient and if
companies can no longer compete successfully merely by excellent management of nancial assets and liabilities.

comparable with steering in a competitive race logos, creating the illusion that this is sound argu-
and notunlike what is actually the caseto mentation.
managing in a top-down command-and-control
model. Arguments from analogy appeal to the Arguments appealing to authority
recipients intellect (logos). They are a sign that The section entitled New operating environ-
the sender deals with objective and rational evi- ment (pp. 47) describes the organisations of the
dence. The evidence is invalidated, however, if information age as new compared to those of the
the comparison is untenable. In such a situation, industrial age. The support for this statement is
the recipient is persuaded by the pathos of the decisive for the credibility of the description: nine
metaphor. out of ten references in that section are related to
the Harvard Business School. The works have
Analytical arguments either been published in the Harvard Business
The arguments intended to show that the infor- Review, by the Harvard Business School Press, or
mation age has led to a revolutionary change are their authors are on the sta of the Harvard
outlined in Table 4. The warrants are based on Business School. So the argumentation is:
linguistic denitions and are therefore analytic
arguments. The denition of the word revolution Harvard says P
diers from common usage, however. The exten- P is true
sion of the concept of revolution is usually dened
by the French, Russian and Iranian revolutions. This is an argument appealing to authority; spe-
No revolutionary change is involved if competi- cically, it is an argument appealing to the
tion depends on intangible assets and not just on authority of Harvard. The text also includes
the embedding of technology into real assets. arguments which appeal exclusively to the
Likewise, no revolutionary change is involved if authority of the authors, i.e. arguments appealing
the traditional key accounting gures are no to own authority. This is evident through the use
longer sucient information for companies. As of rst person personal pronouns as in our experi-
was mentioned above under stylistic devices, the ence (pp. 12, 18) and we consider (p. 15).
data consist of exaggerated antithetical postulates. Furthermore the text contains a large number of
Once again, the authors appeal to the readers postulates, which Tables 1 and 3 illustrate. The
H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619 607

Table 5
Argument analysis of pp. 1112

Claim 1: We have never encountered a management team that had reached full consensus on the relative importance of its strategic
Data 1/Claim 1.1: In our experience.
Warrant 1 (implicit): If this is our experience, it is true.
Data 1.1: Executives tend to build careers within a single function and certain functions tend to dominate the priorities.
Warrant 1.1 (implicit): When executives build their careers within a single function and certain functions dominate the priorities, it
leads to disagreement.

Claim 2: When executives from dierent functional perspectives attempt to work together, it is dicult to form teams and create
Data 2: When executives from dierent functional perspectives attempt to work together, there are blind spots.
Warrant 2: Blind spots make it dicult to form teams and create consensus.
Backing20 2: With blind spots, little shared understanding exists about overall business objectives and the contribution and integration
of dierent functional teams.

Claim 3: The development of a Balanced Scorecard, while making such lack of consensus and teamwork more visible, also contributes
to the solution of the problem.
Data 3/Claim 3.1. The scorecard creates a shared model of the entire business to which everyone has contributed.
Warrant 3 (implicit): A shared model contributes to the solution of disagreement.
Data 3.1: The scorecard is developed by a group of senior executives.
Warrant 3.1 (implicit): If the scorecard is developed as a team project to which everybody contributes, a shared model is created.

Claim 4: The scorecard objectives become the joint accountability of the senior executive team.
Data 4: The scorecard will serve as the organizing framework for a broad array of important team-based management processes.
Warrant 4 (implicit): If the scorecard serves as the organising framework, the objectives become the joint accountability of the senior
Qualier20 4: It (the BSC) creates consensus and teamwork among senior executives, regardless of previous employment experience or
functional expertise.

authors intention may have been to make use of carried through, however, and it is not entirely
analytic claims21 but, if so, they have not suc- clear. Table 5 is an attempt at providing an outline
ceeded. The postulates are not self-evident and of the overall argumentation. Several of the argu-
they require some explanation. Alternatively, the ment types employed in this part are causal ones,
claims may be synthetic22 but, if so, then the the warrants being synthetic claims. This holds of
authors ought to show that they are true or that the warrants 1.1, 2, 3, 3.1 and 4; but none of them
they ought to be common knowledge. As many of is shown to be true. Like claim 1, they rely on
the postulates relate to what the BSC can accom- appeal to authority. Possibly, the authors see these
plish, however, these cannot be common know- claims as analytic ones, but the claims are not self-
ledge. If the text provides no explanation and does evident. On the contrary, it is doubtful whether
not show the claims to be true, the warrant rests the scorecard will create unity. If it does, perhaps
on an appeal to the authority of Harvard. the new owners of Rover should consider intro-
On pages 1112 we nd a suggestion of an ducing it there.
argument series. The argumentation has not been In order to evaluate the validity and nature of
the arguments appealing to authority, it is impor-
An analytic claim is one which is either true or false as a tant to determine whether they draw on the
consequence of the denition of the expressions used.
expertise of the Harvard Business School or
A synthetic claim is one whose truth or falsehood cannot
be established merely on the basis of the denition of the merely on its prestige. That would require a
expressions used. Synthetic claims are also known as empirical detailed analysis of every such claim, but the ana-
claims. lysis presented here shows that there is reason to
608 H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619

be sceptical about arguments appealing to the Table 6, argument 2. The warrant is a valid analytic
authority of Harvard as, e.g. signicant claims claim, and the argument appeals to reason.
regarding the BSC technique are not valid. The However, the problems inherent in the accounts
arguments rely on the readers conception of the are ones with which the target group of the book
Harvard Business School as an institution whose is fully familiar. The accounts have a somewhat
researchers are highly qualied and gifted. There- dusty image, and numerous people have tried to
fore, the appeal is to ethos; however, it is also value intangible assets but in vain. The authors
emotional (pathos) instead of intellectual (logos), appeal to the readerships dissatisfaction with the
because it requires the recipients belief in the sen- accounts is a case of argumentation ad populum.
der and their acceptance of the claim without any Thus, the argumentation also involves an appeal
further explanationthe appeal relies on the reci- to pathos. In slating the accounts, the authors also
pients emotionally based acceptance of that lay the scene for the climax at the beginning of the
authority. following section. So they obtain support for the
view that the accounts have a serious problem and
Argumentation ad populum and argumentation ad in the next section the BSC emerges as the solution
ignoratio elenchi to the problem.
In the section entitled Traditional nancial The authors do not openly reject the accounting
accounting model (pp. 67), the principal claim is model and they do not argue in favour of valuing
not clear. The section begins with a series of emo- intangible assets. Indeed, the authors would have
tive claims but, as in other places and partly diculty doing so. The accounts are part of the
because of the lack of conjuncts, it is dicult to BSC and the BSC does not value intangible assets
determine whether their interrelationship is one of but supplements with non-nancial measures. The
coordination or subordination. A claim referring authors argue for something dierent from that
to an accounting model developed centuries ago (p. 7) for which they have laid the scene, a case of argu-
may be interpreted as data in favour of an implicit mentation ad ignoratio elenchi. They lay the scene
claim: the accounting model is of no use, where for arguing in favour of the BSC, but they argue
the implicit warrant is that if something is old, for the valuation of intangible assets, which are
then it is of no use. not valued in the BSC.
In the same section, the authors argue for the Just before the accounting section, the New
valuation of intangible assets, cf. Table 6, argument operating environment section (pp. 47) ends
1. The accounts cannot meet this need because they with a point of no return referring to improvement
cannot assess the value of intangible assets, cf. programs whose results have been disappointing.

Table 6
Argumentation relating to the traditional accounting model (pp. 67)

Claim 1: This nancial accounting model should have been expanded to incorporate the valuation of a companys intangible and
intellectual assets.
Data 1/claim 1.1: The valuation of intangible assets and company capabilities would be especially helpful.
Warrant 1 (implicit): The valuation of intangible assets being very important, the accounting model needs to be extended.
Data 1.1: For information age companies, intangible assets are more critical to success than traditional physical and tangible assets.
Warrant 1.1 (implicit): Intangible assets being of great importance, the valuation of these is also of great importance.
Backing20 1.1: When companies depleted their stock of intangible assets and capabilities, the negative eects could be reected
immediately in the income statement

Claim 2: Intangible assets will not be recognised in organisational balance sheets.

Data 2: One cannot place a reliable nancial value on these intangible assets.
Warrant 2 (implicit): If reliable values cannot be xed, their value cannot be measured.
Rebuttal 20 2: Yet these are the very assets and capabilities that are critical for success in todays and tomorrows competitive
H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619 609

They are management programs that used to be business schools in the US. A part of the audience
popular. This is part of the common management is in academia, although the primary target group
rhetoric: at some point a management guru defects probably consists of consultants and practitioners;
(Boje et al., 1997, p. 638), giving a reason along the the theory builds on scientic methods published
following lines, Practice tells us that there is a prob- in the Journal of Management Accounting
lem, so we need a new theory. This provides the Research. In addition, it should be noted that the
basis for yet another restorying of old theory. The American Accounting Association holds the
argument is also a case of argumentation ad populum balanced scorecard to be scientically based as the
as it may appeal to the readers disappointing association has given it an award as the best theo-
experience with the models. However, it is also an retical contribution in 1997. However, such appeals
argument enhancing the practitioners perception of to highly estimated scholarly authorities are no
his own ethos in that it appeals to the authority from guarantee that the BSC technique is a valid tool for
practice as a means of judging management models. solving the problems addressed or that the book
itself is based on entirely sound argumentation.
Summary of argumentation analysis The Balanced Scorecard makes extensive use of
The preceding analyses show that the argumenta- analogies and metaphors. These are useful for
tion of the text does not have the characteristics of conveying new information if the concepts used
sound argumentation, which requires tenable are known to the recipient. Metaphors are easy to
arguments based on solid and unbiased reasoning understand and the reader will be pleased at
and documentation. Instead, the argumentation learning fast. They appeal to both emotions
applied is repeatedly untenable and open to inter- (pathos) and the intellect (logos) and may be good
pretation. It is full of postulates and contains few at drawing attention and creating pedagogical
explicit arguments; and the arguments from ana- conceptualisations. The multiple ambiguity of
logy and the analytic arguments are not tenable analogies and metaphors is problematic, however,
either. Furthermore, the argumentation is rendered in a text which is supposed to be considered a
untenable by appeals to authority, argumentation sample of sound argumentation. If they are not
ad populum, argumentation ad ignoratio elenchi, carefully used, they create a language game which
analytic claims which are not self-evident, and syn- leaves plenty of room for the readers interpreta-
thetic claims which are not shown to be true. The tion of which aspects of a given metaphor the
argumentation, then, appeals through logos on an author intends to attribute to the phenomenon
untenable basis and appeals extensively through under consideration. Furthermore, their use is
pathos. The argumentation is blurred by the stylistic subject to criticism if the images do not resemble
devices used and by the authors ethos. the actual phenomenon. If the aim of the authors
is both to create excitement and to describe a
generalised theory in a sound way to a wide audi-
Discussion: which genre does the Balanced Scor- ence, they ought to oer good and illustrative
ecard represent? analogies and metaphors, but on a limited scale.
Of course, there may be some tension between
Convincing or persuasive? describing a generalised theory in a sound way
and having to communicate in a popularised way
The authors want to create excitement about that creates enthusiasm and debate. The balance
and debate on the ideas of the BSC and they want may be struck with a style that emphasises clarity
the work of practitioners to improve through a and applicability by means of precise concepts and
generalised theory which has proved applicable in narrative features. Clarity and applicability should
companies. The communicative situation around be achieved by describing experiences with a the-
the BSC is related to academia, the ethos appeal oretically cogent model and not, as in The
being high as one of the authors is an inter- Balanced Scorecard, by describing properties with
nationally well-known professor at one of the best a conceptually unclear model using attractive
610 H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619

adjectives and unrestrained metaphors, which may that the argumentation is objective and tenable; but,
be good propaganda, but it is neither particularly many of the arguments being untenable, this is an
scholarly nor sound. The analogies and metaphors illusion. Since the text is not based on tenable argu-
employed in the BSC along with the loaded mentation, it is neither academic communication nor
adjectives and metonymy are all excellent at per- is it sound argumentation.
suading but they are not convincing. The use of untenable arguments and a large
The argumentation analysis reinforces the number of ambiguous metaphors and concepts
impression of a persuasive style without convin- draws attention and creates enthusiasm, but it also
cing argumentation. The argumentation is gen- blurs the logos. Paratactic and asyndetic features
erally untenable and unsound, which is blurred by render the intended meaning of the text question-
the choice of stylistic devices. For example, the able. It is an indirect text, which is open to inter-
text compensates for the lack of argumentation by pretation, intuition and emotions. As a result, the
creating the illusion that using the BSC is subject readers subjective interpretations of the text
to the same form of determinism that exists in the determine how they understand it. The eect of this
universe of physics. This is, for example, true of the is that, given the broad and imprecise concepts
composition of the text, which draws inspiration which make it dicult to talk in detail about the
from the Greek drama, an early form of deter- model, it is impossible to have a real discussion on
minism, in which fate is inescapable. Events hap- the logic of the model. It is indeed remarkable
pen out of necessity and are beyond the inuence that, in academia, there has been little discussion
of man.23 In terms of argumentation technique, of the concepts and logic of the BSC technique.
the concept of fate as revealed in ancient Greek Consequently, the readers will receive no set of con-
drama may create the illusion that laws of caus- cepts which stimulates coherent thinking and man-
ality like those known from physics are valid for agement, but possibly a set of concepts which
the points of view advocated by the sender. The provides inspiration for the readers own theories.
composition implies that it is almost inevitable Managers will have wide scope for their interpreta-
that rms should end up with the BSC. The sty- tion of the concepts and theories of the BSC. When
listic analysis shows that the illusion of physical readers read their own intentionality into the theory,
determinism is also created by some of the meta- the result is likely to be their own theories rather
phors and concepts used. The determinist illusion is than that of Kaplan and Norton. This oers plenty
reinforced by the choice of verbs related to the BSC: of freedom, and countless sources of error. Thus the
the BSC reveals (p. 11), the BSC claries (p. 12), the validity of the theory builds mainly on the ration-
BSC creates (p. 12), the BSC encourages (p. 13), and ality of the model constructed by the reader.
the BSC provides (p. 14). In addition, the natural Our conclusion is that the signals around the
science element emerges in the cause-and-eect balanced scorecard are ambiguous.24 It is related
relationships which are crucial to the model (pp. 27,
30). Finally, it is worth noting that when Kaplan 24
Given Kaplans research method (Kaplan, 1998)innova-
(1998) explains his research method, he refers to tion action researchthe results may not be surprising.
scientists (physicists, engineers, medical doctors). In Kaplans description of his method does not reveal anything
referring to physical determinism, the authors rein- about the transition from case studies to theory. He gives no
explicit account of how he develops a metatheory, which may
force the feeling of ethos in their audience. So the be the explanation for the theoretically unclear result. If several
text appeals both through pathos and through ethos. companies are investigated on the basis of an inductive method,
Due to the appeal to intellect, the assumption arises then there is a need to form general concepts covering the phe-
nomena observed. Experiences have to receive a linguistic form
23 in a theory with clearly dened and coherent concepts.
This is clear, for example, in the drama of King Oedipus,
of whose father, King Laius, it had been prophesied that he Researchers should not merely pick up and summarise the
would beget a son who would kill his own father and marry his concepts they nd empirically. Such a procedure results in
own mother. So when his wife bore him a son, the child was vague and inconsistent concepts; and if the concepts are not
abandoned; but the boy was saved and reared by foster parents, even interrelated in a coherent manner, the outcome will indeed
which allowed the prophecy to be fullled (Sophocles, 1977). be an impressionistic theory.
H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619 611

to academia, but it violates the requirements of propositions; postulates; and the authors non-
sound argumentation, which academic texts have existent discussion of and critical attitude towards
to satisfy. It has very much transgressed the lines their own theories and the limitations of these.
of resistance of sound argumentation as it includes Management authors often refer to their own
practically no valid arguments or any valid tech- experience, and arguments appealing to own
nique. What we found was something closely authority are not uncommon. In fact, their attitude
resembling propaganda.25 Propaganda is char- to academic traditions is rather lax (Alvarez, 1998).
acterised by the recipients being persuaded of Therefore, it is not unreasonable to claim that
something due to the senders use of heavily loa- The Balanced Scorecard belongs to the genre of
ded words, metaphors, irony, exaggerations, a cli- the management guru text: a genre in which sound
max, incoherence and variation as well as argumentation is not a prevalent feature, which,
paratactic ordering (Cassirer, 1979). The authors by using certain stylistic devices and a composition
use this form of argumentation successfully in that appeals to the emotions of the audience, per-
promoting the BSC because their audience has suades its audience to buy a new management the-
great condence in the Harvard Business School ory, for instance. In the case under consideration,
and therefore in Kaplan. Any text relies on the the authors may succeed in persuadingalthough
recipients reading their own intentionality into the without convincingbecause the audience associ-
text, but argumentation which is as untenable as ates them with prestigious academia, but the text
shown above and which occurs in a text commu- has little to do with scholarly work. The authors
nicating a new management theory will only be draw on the prestige and not the expertise of aca-
accepted by the recipients if the senders ethos is demia. It should be noted, however, that the pres-
considerable. The text makes extensive use of tige of academia is enhanced by the authors claim
arguments appealing to authority; hence it allows that the BSC has been developed in interaction
power to take precedence over reason. with practical business situations and that it has
proved applicable in many companies. Kaplan
The genre of the management gurus and Norton (1996a, 1996b), however, oer no
convincing documentation that, by using the BSC
The results found in the present paper match model, companies may attain the results claimed
those of other investigations of a number of texts to follow from the application of the model.26 In
produced by so-called management gurus the following section, the reasons why the audi-
(Alvarez, 1998; Boje et al. 1997; Furusten, 1992, ence may be seduced by such evidence will be
1998; Huczynski, 1993; Kieser, 1989; Mickelthwait further discussed along with the appropriateness
& Wooldridge, 1996). A great deal of management of allowing academia to be related to such a
theory has been shown to be characterised by genre.
unclear and loaded concepts, analogies and meta-
phors as well as by contradictions and sheer jar-
gon. This has led Mickelthwait and Wooldridge Putting the results into perspective
(1996) to conclude as follows:There seems to be
something in the water in business schools or at Why a genre of management gurus?
management conferences that destroys peoples
capacity to speak plainly or write clearly. (Mick- Given the above results, it is astonishing that
elthwait & Wooldridge, 1996, p. 14). Other fea- many such management guru concepts have
tures which are typical of a great deal of become very popular and that academically
management literature include banal and optimistic more tenable theories remain unnoticed. One

25 26
Propagandist techniques are not new to management It should also be noted that the book does not document
accounting, see Walker and Mitchell (1996) who show how any comprehensive case study of the application of the BSC
uniform costing was sold by such techniques. technique but only fragments of such studies.
612 H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619

explanation may be that some of the management nalising organisations on the basis of old princi-
theories and ideas have proved helpful and eec- ples. Thus, BPR (Business Process Reengineering)
tive (Mickelthwait & Wooldridge, 1996). So read- may contribute to justifying ring employees (Boje
ers are simply open to new models even though et al., 1997), while the BSC may be good at justi-
distinguishing between what is good and what is fying cost reductions and at making employees
bad may be dicult. In addition, such texts are increase their level of customer service. Likewise,
open to interpretation due to their impres- restorying may be a necessary means of creating
sionistic style, which allows managers to select coherent organisations. A bureaucratic hier-
the elements which they believe to be sensible. archical system, for example, is probably a neces-
So some may view the BSC as an instrument sity if an organisation is to be made to stick
supplementing nancial measures with non- together and in order to prevent chaos (Bendix,
nancial ones.27 This is not new theory, but the 1956; Weber, 1978). To gain the cooperativeness of
BSC may draw attention to it because of its the employees and their agreement to obey, the
rhetoric. managers need to promote an organisational ideol-
With regard to drawing attention, using a text ogy (Alvarez, 1998; Selznick, 1957). Due to its style,
open to interpretation is the simplest way of the BSC may be a strongly persuasive instrument for
spreading a message because, if a certain number of justifying top-down control. Bureaucratic systems
people are to be reached, then the sender has to leave suer, however, from the problems involved in
a margin of negotiation to each of the actors so that employees trying to bypass and undermine them.
each may transform the message as he or she plea- The action which employees say they will perform
sesthis is also characteristic of religious texts. The diers from the action they actually perform
text ignores clashes between dierent points of view (Argyris & Schon, 1978). Employees do not do what
and it does not change the usual ways of behaviour managers expect them to do, which is why the
(Latour, 1987). Contrary to intention, it will not rational order is undermined. In order to be able to
change contemporary practices in a specied retain the focus of the organisation and to keep it
direction, because changing peoples behaviour in together, managers have to restory the bureaucratic
a certain direction requires more logos. In addi- model. They are forced to tell a new story about the
tion, a text open to interpretation will not neces- bureaucratic system. The new story draws renewed
sarily lead to tolerance as it may also be used for attention throughout the organisation, which, for
manipulation, e.g. the BSC may be used as a the time being, will lead to more ecient actions, as
good argument for putting more pressure on the the Hawthorn report (Mayo, 1933) showed. So the
employees. need for new theories is constant.
Another explanation may be that companies A third explanation is that organisations and
like researchers need storytelling and restorying their employees need to show themselves and their
(Boje et al., 1997).28 Storytelling (Boje et al., 1997) surroundings that they are in control of the
is a powerful device by which managers and their uncertainty involved in their jobs. If people or
consultants may challenge old stories and ways of organisations are in doubt and need to handle
doing things. Such storytelling may justify ratio- their own uncertainty, they justify themselves to
the world. They do so by becoming isomorphic
There are probably many measurement systems including
relative to their surroundings and adopting the
nancial as well as non-nancial measurements which have
been labelled BSC although they do not have the features of the behaviour of others (Meyer & Rowan 1977; Deep-
Kaplan and Norton scorecard. house 1996; Elsback & Sutton 1992; Haveman,
In Restorying reengineering, Boje et al. (1997) interpret 1993). So the motivation for acquiring new instru-
BPR as storytelling which restories an old story. Under- ments of control does not lie exclusively in the wish
pinning this view, Boje et al. (1997) point out that BPR is
to introduce rational processes. It also lies in the
founded on old theories such as bureaucracy models, ideas of
labour division, and the perception of man as a machine. The wish to have the instruments serve as representa-
BPR storytellers have embellished these classical theories with tions and ceremonies leaving the managers with
new rhetoric which contributes to legitimising their use. enhanced ethos and engendering the approval and
H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619 613

acceptance of the social environment towards the cessful adaptation to the local cultureadoption
organisation. Alvarez (1998) expresses it as fol- presupposing adaptation (Alvarez, 1998). As men-
lows:They (control and hierarchies) may also serve tioned previously, the recipients read their intention-
as representations and ceremonies aimed at gaining ality into the theory and, given the ambiguous
the approval of the social environment towards the concepts, the outcome is more likely to be the
organization, a sort of exorcism intended to ward o recipients theory than that of Kaplan and Nor-
the evils of the uncertainty brought by turbulent ton. Of course, this also makes it easier to evade
environments, which are dicult to know, and even the issue of mistakes and to explain away pro-
more dicult to predict, especially in regard to how blems. Similarly, ambiguous concepts make it
they are going to react upon our intervention on easier to nd a reason for restorying again and to
them. (Alvarez, 1998, p. 22) provide a new form of justication. Finally,
If old theories break down, the management has unclear concepts make it easier to pretend that the
to apply new techniques which promise that they restorying is justied, for the simple reason that
can maintain order in the organisation and control the lack of clarity makes it easier to pay lip service
job uncertainty. The problem, however, is that to the theories as they pass by without truly
managers are not provided with proper theories understanding them.29
which facilitate the control of the organisation and A fourth explanation may be that management
decision making. The experience they have is more is a form of performance art (Mickelthwait &
like the one I have when I visit a beauty parlour: Wooldridge, 1996, pp. 8498). Performance art is
when I arrive, I am optimistic, when I leave, I am an art form which reduces the distance between
disappointed, and two days later, I have an aller- the spectator and the performer, both parties
gic reaction. In brief, the theories which managers experiencing the work simultaneously (Goldberg,
receive create a pseudo-ethos experience. This is 1999; Wit, 1991). The concept is closely related to
because only models and theories which are eec- that of a happening. Yoko Ono produced perfor-
tive can provide managers with a stable basis for mance art by instructing as follows: . . . draw an
their sense of ethos. imaginary map. . .go walking on an actual street
This legitimacy-providing but not eciency- according to that map. . . David Bowie, for
enhancing eect (Meyer & Rowan, 1977) of the example, has been instrumental in turning perfor-
use of management theories is supported by Staw mance art into a question of style, glitter and
and Epstein (2000), who show that, relative to entertainment. Performance art is exciting and
companies which are not associated with popular unpredictable because it is the product of simulta-
management techniques, those which are, are neous interpretations taking place in the sphere
more admired, perceived to be more innovative between the artist and the wishes of the audience.
and rated higher in management quality, but The BSC, then, is a form of performance art, the
their nancial performance is not better. Staw theory being very open to interpretation and
and Epstein (2000) also show that popular man- thereby giving the readers an opportunity to con-
agement techniques provide the management struct their own theories simultaneously. The text
profession with legitimacy and further their also oers style and glitter, being full of meta-
interests as chief executives in companies asso- phors, analogies and drama. Thus, the authors
ciated with these techniques in that they received appeal to the readers irrationality and emotions.
better pay. They engender inspiration and faith and exploit
If the intention is to restory and to provide jus- the fact that enthusiasm partly depends on the
tication, then the lack of clarity, the superciality magical and mystical. Performance art, however,
and undened content may be an advantage. Such does not suce to direct a company. Of course it
theories are easier to adapt to the needs and con- is true that faith can move mountains, but faith
victions found in various organisations and
groups. The fact that the concepts are open to 29
It is dicult to know if a person actually knows the model
interpretation may be a precondition of their suc- as it is dicult to know what the model actually is.
614 H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619

alone moves no mountains. Eective rational being presented to the public until the wide-
methods are needed. If rational methods are not spread interest in the models has faded (Staw &
needed, we, as responsible academics at business Epstein, 2000).
schools, should rather teach the students perfor- The appropriateness of academics advocating
mance art and seductive rhetoric. approaches alien to academia and not scholarly at
A fth explanation may be that the theories of all is questionable, however. From an ethical per-
the management gurus may further the interests spective, it is a misuse of academia and may
and legitimise the social existence and roles of not undermine business scholarship because business
only companies and their managers but also con- scholars will have no research-based techniques
sultants, the academic community, intellectuals, distinguishing them from groups of professionals.
governmental groups and granting bodies It is the duty of the academic world to be scep-
(Alvarez, 1998). As will be briey explained later, tical of the diusion of dubious theories and to
their motives may create an institutional network develop and spread the acceptance of theories
in an organised whole, in which the theories of the based on sound argumentation, which may
management gurus may play an important role in increase the credibility of business scholarship
keeping everybody within the network in check (Staw & Epstein, 2000). However, the gap
(Latour, 1987). Politicians and other funding bodies between knowledge and doing (Pfeer & Sutton,
may want business schools to do research and teach 1999), which reveals that much theoretical
subjects relevant to the business community so that knowledge is not translated into practice, i.e.
their allocation of resources to such schools doing, is a problem brought about by the forces
appears justied in the eyes of the business com- of the institutional network, which may be di-
munity and the public. As the business community cult to escape. Several solutions for closing the
needs to act, it probably requires theories of gap may have to be provided, but the manage-
knowing how to do what needs to be done and not ment guru way of solving the problems is only a
just theories of knowing what needs to be known supercial one (Staw & Epstein, 2000). As has
(Pfeer & Sutton, 1999). In urging practitioners to been shown above, persuasive rhetoric is impor-
act in accordance with the models oered by the tant for the recipients adoption of new manage-
management gurus, the gurus imply that they ment theories; therefore, part of the explanation
know how to act as practitioners (Alvarez, 1998). of the gap may lie in many theories of sound
The business communities preferences for the argumentation being convincing but not su-
models oered by the gurus may be further rein- ciently persuasive.30
forced by these models being made fashionable by All of this shows that rhetoric is a key manage-
the writings of intellectuals in popularised business ment tool. Management constantly requires new
media. Given the inherent forces of the network, rhetoric. The only problem is that, if the rhetoric is
the academics of business schools may become combined with theory that is full of mistakes, the
actors promoting the models of the management sources of errors are numerous. In that case, the
gurus to legitimise their own profession and fur- managers cannot use the theories to analyse the
ther their own interests. They become the dis- problems of their companies and they will not
ciples of the management gurus, who apparently have an instrument which actually allows them to
link academia and practice. Furthermore, scien- control and direct the company. Instead, more
tic journals may also reinforce the promotion of argumentative and empirically valid theories
such theories as the journals tend to look for should be combined with entertaining rhetoric.
research on topics of current interest. Thus the Researchers who are preoccupied with developing
academic community contributes to the legit- 30
Possibly, part of the explanation may found in methodo-
imising and restorying syndrome (Staw &
logical issues. Thus there is probably a need for developing
Epstein, 2000). In addition, the long acceptance methods assessing both theoretical and practical validity
processes of recognised academic journals may (Israelsen, Nrreklit, & Nrreklit, 2001). This issue, however,
lead to critical perspectives on such models not lies outside the focus of this paper.
H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619 615

more cogent and realistic models possibly forget general rules for making claims or drawing con-
or are outright against the popularised communi- clusions have been violated in the academic text
cation of research results, which means that many under consideration, e.g. rules regarding logical
managers do not ever become acquainted with the fallacies, contradictions, and whether the meaning
theories. Our conclusion, therefore, is that both of concepts changes gradually or radically in the
researchers and managers have to become better same text. The sum of a rhetorical analysis, as that
at selling theories and models in a way that is shown above, may provide the basis for assessing
persuasive yet convincing. the extent to which an academic text uses sound
argumentation, which is a necessary although not
Further research sucient condition for an academic text to be
It should be emphasized that Kaplan and Nor- Our suggestion for further research is therefore
ton (1996a) is not a lone oender against sound that more rhetorical analyses should be carried
argumentation, which as such should be subjected out, not only of management guru texts but also
to a rhetorical analysis. Similar analyses should be of academic texts in the area of, e.g. management
applied to other management guru text. Further- and accounting. The purpose would be not merely
more, as was discussed earlier in the part on sound to evaluate the extent to which any given text
argumentation, the works of Arbib and Hesse would be persuasive yet convincing, but also to
(1986), Latour (1987) and McClosky (1998) raise allow identication of good as well as problematic
some issues related to the use of metaphors and rhetoric as part of a learning process which may
ethos appeal in scientic texts which indicate that oer directions for the development of theories
a rhetorical analysis may also be useful for an and models which may thus become still more
evaluation of academic texts in general. As convincing although persuasive.
regards, e.g. metaphors, a rhetorical analysis may
be used to evaluate the extent to which a meta-
phorical shift in language use in an academic text
contributes to the development and communi- Acknowledgements
cation of new and valid academic insights, i.e.
whether the metaphor is extended and developed The author gratefully acknowledges the inspira-
by logic and analogy, whether these are internally tion, suggestions and comments from Anthony G.
tightly knit with valid interrelations, and whether Hopwood, three anonymous reviewers and the use-
the metaphors are underdetermined by the data of ful and constructive comments from Annick Bour-
the phenomenon (Arbib & Hesse, 1986)? Further- guignon, Finn Frandsen, Poul Israelsen, Preben
more, as regards ethos appeal, a rhetorical analy- Melander, Falconer Mitchell, Anne Ellerup Nielsen,
sis may involve an assessment of the extent to Lennart Nrreklit, Margrethe Petersen, Robert
which such an appeal in a text should be trusted, Scapens, Dorte Wille and Camilla de Wit. In addi-
i.e. the extent to which there is sound logos behind tion, I am grateful for the feedback received at a
the amount of references and networks in the text. research seminar held at the Departement Comp-
We may, e.g. analyse whether some data has tabilite-Controle de Gestion, HEC, Paris; at one
vanished or become twisted, whether something held at the Department of Accounting, Edinburgh
has become objective which should actually be University; and at one held at the Department of
doubted and whether the method applied with Accounting and the Global Center of Interna-
high ethos appeal is an expression of good logic tional Business, University of North Carolina,
with respect to the subject matter or a simple Greensboro; and for feedback received at the 23rd
practical schema containing an articially narrow annual congress of the European Accounting
range of arguments not related to the subject Association, Munich, in March 2000. Of course,
matter (Latour, 1987). On top of all this, a the contents of this article are the sole responsi-
rhetorical analysis may elucidate whether any bility of its author.
616 H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619

Appendix. Key points of the criticism levelled serving the purpose of creating nancial ration-
against the Balanced Scorecard ality in an organisation. It is only through an
accounting calculus that one can measure the
This appendix aims to justify the claim made in nancial results of cost reducing actions, but only
the introduction that what the model oers is not through empirical observation is it possible to see,
particularly theoretically innovative and lacks a e.g. the eect of a change in machine speed from
reliable theoretical base. It does not include a energy consumption. As cost is dened as con-
comprehensive analysis but a brief review of some sumption in monetary terms, it is logical that
of the main points to be found in an already pub- consumption creates costs.
lished critique in Nrreklit (2000). The critique The assumption that there is a causal relation-
concerns (1) the cause-and-eect relationship and ship between customer satisfaction and loyalty
(2) the control model. (Jones & Sasser, 1995, Kaplan & Norton, 1996a)
is based on the nding by Jones and Sasser (1995)
(1) The cause-and-eect relationship of considerable covariation between high levels of
The core of the balanced scorecard is that it con- customer satisfaction and loyalty. This is not
tains outcome measures and the performance dri- surprising, however, as these concepts express
vers of outcomes, linked together in cause-and- approximately the same. A loyal customer is
eect relationships (Kaplan & Norton, 1996a, p. satised while a less loyal customer is less satis-
31; Kaplan and Norton, 1996b, p. 4 and p. 53). ed. The relationship is, in essence, part of the
Yet, there is no such cause-and-eect relationship concepts and therefore logical.
between some of the suggested areas of measure- An investigation by Reichheld and Sasser (1990)
ments. Specically, there is not as claimed by supports the assumption that a causal relationship
Kaplan and Norton (1996a, 1996b) a cause-and- exists between customer loyalty and protability.
eect relationship between customer satisfaction Using four case studies, they show how much
and loyalty, and between loyalty and nancial prot a customer generates over time. The earn-
results; it is not generic that a high level of satis- ings increase over the 5-year period investigated.
faction will lead to greatly increased customer loy- They have found this trend in over a hundred
alty and that increased customer loyalty is the single companies (Reichheld & Sasser, 1990), which is
most important driver of long term nancial perfor- their basis for claiming that loyal customers are
mance. (Jones & Sasser, 1995, p.90). the most protable ones. The explanation for the
The criteria for a cause-and-eect relationship protability of loyal customers is that attracting
are usually the following (Edwards, 1972, vol. 2, p. new customers involves initial costs; loyal custo-
533; Fllesdal, Walle, & Elster, 1997, p. 155): X mers provide free marketing; and loyal customers
precedes Y in time; the observation of an event X are willing to pay more for a product in which
necessarily, or highly probably, implies the sub- they have condence. What Reichheld and Sasser
sequent observation of another event Y; and the (1990) seem to ignore is the kind of customer
two events can be observed close to each other in which is loyal, placing small orders, buying custo-
time and space. The events X and Y are logically mised products at low prices, and which is not
independent (Edwards, 1972, vol. 2: 63; Fllesdal protable (Kaplan & Cooper, 1998, p. 191). As a
et al., 1997, p. 155). This means that we can not matter of fact if a company has nothing but prof-
rationally infer Y from X but can only do so itable loyal customers, the explanation may be
empirically. Logical relationships are part of the that its management control system works well
concepts of a language, but cause-and-eect rela- and that the company does not sell to such non-
tionships are part of the structures of the world protable satised and loyal customers. Reichheld
and the existence of such relationships can be and Sasser (1990) seem to dene loyal customers
shown empirically. Logical relationships, on the as the group of customers which involve low costs
other hand, cannot be veried, or determined and give high prices. Therefore, the denition is
empirically. Accounting models are logical models inherently concerned with protable customers.
H. Nrreklit / Accounting, Organizations and Society 28 (2003) 591619 617

Furthermore, it is a well-known truth in the town meetings, brochures and newsletters (Kapan
eld of statistics that one cannot conclude from & Norton, 1996a, p. 202) with no personal invol-
covariation that a causal relationship holds vement of senior management. The authors dis-
between the covariants, and in the case under regard any implementation problems, and winning
investigation no causal relationship holds. Prot- support for the system is considered unproble-
ability derived from customer satisfaction or cus- matic. Such concepts as interactive, employee
tomer loyalty is neither a necessary outcome nor a empowerment and organisational learning are
highly probable one. Protability depends on the mentioned in the text and considered unproble-
revenues and costs attributable to having satised matic in the balanced scorecard. It is dicult,
or loyal customers. This has to be based on nan- however, to make these concepts unproblematic in
cial calculus, i.e. on a logical relationship and not a control system which is based on top-down
a causal one. What we may claim is that customers hierarchical measurements. We can therefore con-
which are not loyal are expensive, but it does not clude that the balanced scorecard contains control
follow that loyal customers are inexpensive. Such features which have been widely criticised for not
a conclusion would be a logical fallacy: Similarly, being rooted in a dynamic environment or in the
although we know that, if it is raining, then the organisation (Parker, 1979; Mintzberg, 1987,
streets will be wet, we cannot conversely conclude 1994; Argyris & Kaplan, 1994; Emmanuel &
that, if the streets are wet, then it is raining. Sta- Otley, 1995; Simons, 1995; Nrreklit, 2000). The
tistics cannot show that something is a logical fal- eect of such a control model may be seriously
lacy. For example, nancially successful rms only dysfunctional behaviour and the loss of strategic
sell to loyal customers which are protable; control.
otherwise, the rms would not be successful.31

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