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1) Bronkoektasis target organnya apa? Bronkiolus Respiratorius

4) Protease-Antiprotease
5) Neutrofil
6) Ventilasi
7) ASMA Eosinofil
8) Type 2 Alveolar Cell
9) Inferior Vena Cava
10) Immunocompromised
11) ORang berobat ke dokter 2 minggu trs putus obat 1 minggu masih kasus baru
12) Primary pneumothorax Ruptur dari Bleb
13) Sesak nafas, frothy sputum, kencing jd baikan (lung edema) Furosemide
14) CO2 : 82, orgnya gak sadar apa yg buat gak sadar? CO2 narcosis
15) Apa yang terjadi pada org narcosis? Naik residual volume
16) Org hemoptisis Tredelenberg
17) Sudah ada multiple nodule di liver tumor grade IV
18) Hilus
19) Basophil
20) Beta agonist dipakai kelamaan jadi Down regulation
21) Anak kecil alergi Anti histamine
22) Obat PPOK Anticholinergic
23) Pemakaian corticosteroid Inhibit production of proinflammatory cytokine
24) Efusi left sided pleura
25) Bedain asma dan non asma : metacoline test
26) Clubbing finger, progressive exertion BE CT SCAN
27) Pleuritic chest pain, hyperresonance, trachea deviation pneumothorax
28) 25 tahun dyspnea jatuh ke lantai needle insertion
29) Bronkoskopi reveal tumor paru, mau liat staging pakai ? CT SCAN
30) Ratio FEV1/FVC 95% Restrictive
31) Backward
32) Silikosis
33) Streptokokus
34) TB granuloma
35) Asbestos mesotelioma
36) Pneumococcal Pneumonia
37) Pan acinar alpha 1 deficiency
38) Tension pneumothorax, tusuk dimana? Above the upper border of ..
39) Lower Lobe
40) Diafragma phrenic nerve
Tambahan nyomot2 soal yg seinget gue keluar juga kmrn:

41) 67. A 30 year old man. High fever, breathless, cyanotic, CD4 very low, ESR
40mm/hour. Pada BAL thick wall cyst diameter 5-7 micron.
a. amphotericin B

b. voriconazole

c. sulfatemetroxazole-trimethoprim
d. itraconazole
e. metronidazole

21. A 15 year old teenager has sudden shortness of breath. 48 kg, 175 cm. No prior lung
problems. SaO2 = 89 %. What is the most possible pathophysiology?

a. allergic reaction

b. rupture of the bleb

c. bronchus hyperactivity

d. emotional stress

e. vascular impairment

15. A 23 year old female is a pulmonary TB patient who underwent TB treatment for 2
weeks. During that period, she did not take her medication for 1 week. Now she has to
continue her treatment again. What regimen ?

a. 2RHZE / 4RH

b. 2 RHZES / 4 RHE

c. 2 RHZE / 4 RHE

d. 2 EZS / 4 R3

e. 2 HEZ / 4 R3

35. Crackles on the 7th linea paravertebralis dextra. Perform X-ray. What is the location
should pay attention ?

a. apex

b. hilus
c. aorta

d. costophrenicus

e. cardiophrenicus

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