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Hogun the Grim

Category : Comic Books

Subcategory : Marvel Universe
Type : Hero
Game System : DC Heroes (Blood of Heroes S.E.)

Hogun the Grim v1.1

By Sbastien Andrivet

Source of Character: Thor comics (Marvel Universe)

Helper(s): Lost his name (Jeff Knight ?). Sorry :-((

Game Stuff


Dex: 07 Str: 11 Bod: 08 Motivation: Thrill

Int: 05 Wil: 07 Min: 07 Occupation: Warrior of Asgard, adventurer
Inf: 06 Aur: 05 Spi: 07 Resources {or Wealth}: 06
Init: 022 HP: 060
Powers: Density Increase: 02, Invulnerability: 04, Magic sense: 01, Running: 05,
Systemic antidote: 08
Bonuses and Limitations:
Density Increase is Always On (-1) and already factored into his stats
Invulnerability works for physical, mental and mystical damage.

Skills : Animal handling: 09, Martial arts: 08, Medicine*: 05, Military science*: 05,
Weaponry (melee, missile): 09, Weaponry (mace): 12
Advantages: Iron Nerves, Lightning Reflexes, Scholar (his unnamed native language),
Security Clearance (Low, in lands ruled by Odin), Sharp Eye, Slowed Aging
Connections: Warriors Three (High), Thor (High), Hildegard (High), Odin (Low)
Drawbacks: Exile, MIA to being grim, Public ID
Mace [BODY 14, EV 08 (12 w/STR)], Limitations : can only be wielded if STR
is 08+)
Elixir of Recuperation [BODY 05, Regeneration: 14, 3 shots, Limitation : must be
drunk to take effect]


Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: None
Group affiliation: Warriors Three
Base Of Operations: Asgard
Height: 6'3" Weight : 670lbs
Eyes: Grey-Blue Hair: Black

Powers and Abilities

Hogun is the most efficient of the Warriors Three. That means 670lbs of super dense,
super fast fighter able to punch through steel walls, and having centuries of experience in
his trade and the martial arts. While he's supporting cast, Hogun should never be
underestimated : this guy fought Fafnir the dragon along with Thor, and has shared many
of the Thunder God's adventures along with the Warrior Three. He even destroyed Seth
using the Black Knight V as a projectile weapon.


Very little is known about Hogun before he joined the Warriors Three, a band of gallant
adventurers and defenders of Asgard consisting of himself, Fandral the Dashing and
Volstagg the Enormous that has fought along with Thor and/or Balder numerous times
and ventured on Earth in several instances.


See illustration. Hogun pretty much always wears the same outfit.


The Warriors Three's nicknames are pretty accurate. Hogun the Grim is indeed a quiet
man of few words, keeping his own counsel and speaking only when needed. Gaining his
respect and friendship is a daunting task ; however he's extremely loyal to those few
peoples who have won his support, as he has proved time and time again. Even when he
feels great, he's a stoic and cold man, and few have ever seen him smile ; when the goings
get tough and the times seem dark, he's downright depressing.

In combat, the Grim lets his terrible mace do the talking, which is usually eloquent

DC Universe History:

Asgard in the DCU is quite different from its MU counterpart, so I'd advise against using
MU Asgardians outside of a transdimensional jaunt (Odin or Karnilla could probably pull
off Access-like Dimension Travel effects... although this would put Odin in Odinsleep for
a few days, and Karnilla's spell would be accompanied by inevitable omens that will
happen during the journey).
A transdimensional journey by Thor and the Warriors Three in the DCU, in order to
resolve some quest, might be amusing, especially if the Dimension Travel somehow
muddle their memory and they forget what they know about the modern world (hmmm...
Personality Transfer and Enchantment on the reanimated bodies of long-dead Viking
warriors ?).

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