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Algebraic Curve

An algebraic curve over a field is an equation , where is

a polynomial in and with coefficients in . A nonsingular algebraic curve is an algebraic curve over which has
no singular points over . A point on an algebraic curve is simply a solution of the equation of the curve. A -rational
point is a point on the curve, where and are in the field .

The following table lists the names of algebraic curves of a given degree.

order curve examples

2 circle, ellipse, hyperbola, parabola

cissoid of Diocles, conchoid of de Sluze, folium of Descartes, Maclaurin trisectrix, Maltese cross
3 curve, Mordell curve, Ochoa curve, right strophoid, semicubical parabola, serpentine
curve, Tschirnhausen cubic, witch of Agnesi

ampersand curve, bean curve, bicorn, bicuspid curve, bifoliate, bifolium, bitangent-rich
curve, bow, bullet nose, butterfly curve, capricornoid, cardioid, Cartesian ovals, Cassini
4 ovals, conchoid of Nicomedes, cruciform, deltoid, devil's curve, Drer's conchoid, eight curve, fish
curve, folium, hippopede, Kampyle of Eudoxus, Klein quartic, knot curve, lemniscate,limaon, links
curve, pear-shaped curve, piriform curve, swastika curve, trefoil curve, trifolium

5 Burnside curve, butterfly catastrophe curve, stirrup curve

astroid, atriphtaloid, Cayley's sextic, cornoid, cycloid of Ceva, dumbbell curve, ellipse
6 evolute, epicycloid, Freeth's nephroid, heart curve (first), limaon
evolute, nephroid, quadrifolium, scarabaeus, Talbot's curve

8 pear curve

12 ranunculoid

1. LGEBRAIC CURVES An equation involving the variables x and yis satisfied by an infinite
number of values of xand y, and each pair of values corresponds to apoint. When plotted on
the Cartesian plane, thesepoints follow a pattern according to the givenequation and form a
definite geometric figurecalled the CURVE or LOCUS OF THE EQUATION.
2. 4. The method of drawing curves by point-plotting is a tedious process and usually
difficult.The general appearance of a curve may bedeveloped by examining some of the
properties ofcurves.PROPERTIES OF CURVESThe following are some properties of an
algebraiccurve:1. Extent2. Symmetry7.Intercepts8.Asymptotes
3. 5. 1. EXTENT The extent of the graph of an algebraic curveinvolves its domain and range.
The domain is theset of permissible values for x and the range is theset of permissible
values for y. Regions on which the curve lies and which isbounded by broken or light vertical
lines throughthe intersection of the curve with the x-axis. To determine whether the curve lies
aboveand/or below the x-axis, solve for the equation of yor y2 and note the changes of the
sign of the righthand member of the equation.
4. 6. 2. SYMMETRY Symmetry with respect to the coordinate axesexists on one side of the
axis if for every point of thecurve on one side of the axis, there is acorresponding image on
the opposite side of the axis. Symmetry with respect to the origin exists ifevery point on the
curve, there is a correspondingimage point directly opposite to and at equaldistance from the
5. 7. Symmetry with respect to the origin exists ifevery point on the curve, there is a
correspondingimage point directly opposite to and at equal distancefrom the origin.
6. 8. Test for Symmetry1. Substitute y for y, if the equation is unchangedthen the curve is
symmetrical with respect to thex-axis.2. Substitute x for x, if the equation is unchangedthe
curve is symmetrical with respect to the y- axis.3. Substitute x for x and y for y, if the
equation isunchanged then the curve is symmetrical withrespect to the origin.
7. 9. Simplified Test for Symmetry1. If all y terms have even exponents therefore thecurve is
symmetrical with respect to the x-axis.2. If all x terms have even exponents therefore
thecurve is symmetrical with respect to the y-axis.3. If all terms have even exponents
therefore thecurve is symmetrical with respect to the origin.
8. 10. 3. INTERCEPTS These are the points which the curve crossesthe coordinate axes.a. x-
intercepts abscissa of the points at which thecurve crosses the x-axis.b. y-intercepts
ordinate of the points at which thecurve crosses the y-axis.
9. 11. Determination of the InterceptsFor the x-intercept For the y-intercepta. Set y = 0 a. Set x
= 0b. Factor the equation. b. Solve for the valuesc. Solve for the values of x. of y.
10. 12. 4. Asymptotes A straight line is said to be an asymptote of acurve if the curve
approaches such a line more andmore closely but never really touches it except as alimiting
position at infinity. Not all curves haveasymptotes.Types of Asymptotes6.Vertical
Asymptote7.Horizontal Asymptote8.Slant/Diagonal Asymptote
11. 13. Steps in Curve Tracing1. If the equation is given in the form of f( x, y) = 0,solve for y (or
y2) to express the equation in a formidentical with the one of the four general types ofthe
equation.2. Subject the equation to the test of symmetry.3. Determine the x and y
intercepts.4. Determine the asymptotes if any. Also determinethe intersection of the curve
with the horizontalasymptotes.Note: The curve may intercept the horizontalasymptotes but
not the vertical asymptotes.
12. 14. 5. Divide the plane into regions by drawing lightvertical lines through the intersection on
the x-axis.Note: All vertical asymptotes must be considered asdividing lines.6. Find the sign
of y on each region using thefactored form of the equation to determine whetherthe curve
lies above and/or below the x-axis.7. Trace the curve. Plot a few points if necessary.

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