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Written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.

(Oxford Dictionaries)

Literature is a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken material.

Literature most commonly refers to works of the creative imagination, including poetry,

drama, fiction, nonfiction, journalism (related to media and communication) and in some

instances, song, etc.


Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or

promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting and

narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail,

telephone, fax, and internet.



There is no doubt that any attempt to explore the interface between literature and the

media, especially in print, will most likely include an examination of travel writing. After all,

it is a genre that seems to elicit a significant interest to the readership of various media

publications. This is deducible from the fact that a significant number of notable publications
across the world include it in their issues. In fact, it is now one of the defining features of

leading publications worldwide.

Nowhere is this convergence more apparent than in the way and manner that

information is disseminated worldwide through the media. This can be seen as media that is

intended for a large audience. It may take the form of broadcast media, such as television and

radio, or print media, like newspapers and magazines. Internet media is also increasingly

attaining a media status. This can be attributed to the proliferation of technologies that are

making it easier to access the web as well as the increasing presence of media outlets on the


The print media and literature, especially in print, share a similarity that is very

apparent. Their production and realization is through the print medium. Consequently, the

reader plays a very active role in the realization of their messages. The reader could be said to

be involved in re-writing the work through the reading process. This is realized through the

interrelationship of several elements within an overall textual system. Things such as

narrative technique, imagery, style, characterization and tone etc. are visibly employed to

present information to the reader. Therefore, production and consumption, in both, involve


Consequently, issues that have to do with "who says what to whom with what effect"

will form the bases of this study. It is hoped that this approach will reveal some of the

ideological underpinnings behind how both media practitioners and readers approach the

media- especially with regard to travel writing. Are travel pieces simply stories about exotic

locations and their peoples? Are they remnants of an earlier mode of narratives depicting the
notions of a "center" and that of a "periphery" Or the relationship simply that of a distant

descendant walking on without holding onto the prejudices of its ancestors.

English Literature provides opportunities to explore literatures from the 16th to 21st

centuries, embracing both mainstream, canonical and less familiar, marginal texts. It

invites us to cutting-edge thinking in spheres as diverse as Shakespeare in translation,

childrens literature, contemporary British writing and ecocriticism (the understanding of

literary texts through exploration of the interconnections between human literature and

organic and animal worlds). From the outset, we will develop skills of close and creative

reading, as well as a critical awareness of the relationship between texts and their contexts.

Increasingly as the course progresses, we will explore literature from a range of theoretical

perspectives current throughout the humanities. This, in turn, will support us to specialize in

the areas of literature that interest we most. There are also opportunities to explore

relationships between literature and other kinds of media, for example reading a printed

media like a magazine or newspaper or watch a television.

Media and literature involves more traditional academic study that examines how the

media, TV and digital communication shape society, its values and politic. as a result,

identity and human experience. Throughout, you will be addressing some of the hottest topics

of our times, from Green Media to Democracy and the Media, from War to Gender. There

will be opportunities to explore all forms of media and literature (TV, radio, social networks)

we will hone our critical and intellectual faculties in a variety of dynamic and engrossing

teaching and learning contexts. Contexts in which the media that we use may well be those

that you are also studying. Media and Literature Culture also provides us with opportunities

for work placements and volunteering, these are designed to highlight how your learning is
supporting your employability and to introduce us to some of the professional and

employment possibilities that we could pursue once we have graduated.

Taught by internationally acknowledged experts and researchers in their fields, in

combination, English Literature and Media and Culture provide us with exciting

opportunities to study literary and media texts both as manifestations of the societies and

contexts that have produced them and as active participants in the structuring of individual

and collective experience of how we live.

Similarly, literature and the print media development in britain exist to serve some

functions. Those of informing, educating and entertaining are the most obvious. However,

they are also mediums of ideological propaganda. This is due to the fact that they are mostly

source-driven despite contemporary and revolutionary perspectives on the relationship

between the senders and receivers of media messages. In fact, literature, itself, could be seen

as an ideology since it is about historically-variable value judgments which "have a close

relationship to social ideologies"

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