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Why We All Need to Strength Train

Having celebrated a big birthday recently has made me more sentimental about
aging than normal. But with sentimentality comes complaints. Granted, theyre
not in a woe-is-me kind of way, but with a bit more humor and irony attached
to them.

Humor? My feeling is that if we dont laugh about creaky joints, gray hair and
diminishing eyesight, hearing and skin tone, then all that bitching becomes whiny.
And who wants to listen to a whiner, anywayespecially an aging whiner?

Irony? To be deliberately contrary sure helps make things funny, dont you think?

Anyhow, what Im getting at is this so-called aging cant be avoided, unless you
dont want to be around anymore. So we might as well do the best we can with it.

And that includes staying strong. Strength training is just as important a part of
your fitness routine as is doing cardiovascular work. But sadly, so many women
ignore it because they dont have time. Or theyre afraid of developing big
muscles (thats a fallacy, by the way). Or theyre too intimidated to even try.

The American Council on Exercise says that unless you regularly engage in
activities to strengthen your muscles, youll lose about a half a pound of muscle a
year in your 30s and 40s. Once you turn 50, they say, that rate can double.

I know I cant force you to strength train. You dont really have to do it, unless:

You want to lose more muscle mass than youre already losing with age.

You dont want to replace the lean muscle you lose, but instead prefer to increase
the percentage of fat in your body.
You dont want to increase bone density and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.

You dont want to control your weight, since muscle helps burns fat more

You dont want to boost your stamina, improve your balance and maintain your
independence as you age.

You dont want to manage chronic conditions like back pain, arthritis, heart
disease and diabetes.

You want to rely on the kindness of strangers to open heavy doors and lift your

You dont even have to go to a gymyou can do exercises at home.

Do I have your attention yet? If youre starting to come over to my side, Ill give
you a bit more info:

You only need two to three sessions each week to target the muscles in your legs,
hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms.

Twenty minutes is enough to get a good strength training workout.

Results are pretty quick; youll notice a change in just weeks.

I say no excuses not to do it! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says
research shows that strengthening exercises are both safe and effective, no
matter what your age, even if youre not in perfect health. People with health
concernsincluding heart disease or arthritisoften benefit the most, they

Are you sold yet? A good way to learn more and get inspired is with a copy of
Strength Training Exercises for Women, by fitness expert Joan Pagano, who
writes health and fitness books tailored to women. This book includes and
demonstrates more than 200 exercises and will guide you through everything you
need to know to stay fit and lean.

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