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Chapter 1 The Early Civilizations And The Dawn Of The Medieval Age

1.0 Introduction
1.1 History : Meaning and Importance
1.2 Pre-historic Period
1.3 Early Civilizations
1.4 The Dark Age
1.5 The Medieval Period
1.6 Dates & Events
1.7 Points to Remember

Chapter 2 The Renaissance

2.0 Introduction
2.1 Meaning of Renaissance
2.2 Causes of the Renaissance
2.3 Origin of the Renaissance
2.4 Features of the Renaissance
2.5 Growth and spread of the Renaissance
2.6 Consequences of the Renaissance
2.7 Dates & Events
2.8 Points to Remember

Chapter 3 Geographical Discoveries

3.0 Introduction
3.1 Importance of Geographical Discoveries
3.2 Causes of Geographical Discoveries
3.3 Early Travelers to the Far East
3.4 Important Geographical Discoveries
3.5 The Consequences of the Discoveries
3.6 Dates & Events
3.7 Points to Remember

Chapter 4 The Reformation

4.0 Introduction
4.1 Meaning
4.2 Importance of the Reformation
4.3 Causes of the Reformation
4.4 Spread of Protestantism
4.5 The Counter Reformation
4.6 Consequences of the Reformation
4.7 Dates & Events
4.8 Points to Remember

Chapter 5 The Intellectual Revolution

5.0 Introduction
5.1 Growth and Features of the Revolution
5.2 The Rationalist Spirit and the Contribution of Voltaire
5.3 Application of the Critical Spirit
5.4 Age of Enlightened Despots
5.5 Dates & Events
5.6 Points to Remember

Chapter 6 The American Revolution

6.0 Introduction
6.1 Causes of the American Revolution
6.2 Immediate Cause
6.3 Course of the American Revolution
6.4 Reasons for American Success
6.5 Consequences of the American Revolution
6.6 Significance of the American Revolution
6.7 Dates & Events
6.8 Points to Remember

Chapter 7 The French Revolution

7.0 Introduction
7.1 Causes of the French Revolution
7.2 Course of the Revolution
7.3 Napoleon Bonaparte
7.4 Consequences of the Revolution
7.5 Dates & Events
7.6 Points to Remember

Chapter 8 The Industrial Revolution

8.0 Introduction
8.1 Meaning
8.2 Features of the Industrial Revolution
8.3 Origin of the Industrial Revolution
8.4 Course of the Industrial Revolution
8.5 Spread of the Industrial Revolution
8.6 Consequences of the Industrial Revolution
8.7 Dates & Events
8.8 Points to Remember

Chapter 9 Evolution of Parliamentary Democracy in Great Britain

9.0 Introduction
9.1 Origin of Democracy in England
9.2 Magna Carta-The Great Charter (1215)
9.3 Establishment and Development of Parliament
9.4 The Glorious Revolution of 1688
9.5 Rise of a Responsible Council of Ministers
9.6 Reform Act of 1832
9.7 Representation of the People Act, 1867
9.8 Representation of the People Act, 1884
9.9 Parliamentary Act, 1911
9.10 Representation of the People Acts, 1918 & 1928
9.11 Dates & Events
9.12 Points to Remember

Chapter 10 Imperialism
10.0 Introduction
10.1 Meaning
10.2 Causes
10.3 Forms and Techniques of Imperialism
10.4 Imperialism in Africa
10.5 Imperialism in Asia
10.6 Significance and Consequences of Imperialism
10.7 Points to Remember

Chapter 11 World War I

11.0 Introduction
11.1 Novel Features of World War I
11.2 Causes of World War I
11.3 The Course of World War I
11.4 Consequences of World War I
11.5 Dates & Events
11.6 Points to Remember

Chapter 12 The Russian Revolution of 1917

12.0 Introduction
12.1 Causes of the Russian Revolution
12.2 The Course of the Russian Revolution
12.3 Consequences and the Significance of the Russian Revolution
12.4 Dates & Events
12.5 Points to Remember

Chapter 13 The Rise and Fall of Dictatorships in Europe

13.0 Introduction
13.1 Causes of the Growth of Dictatorships in Europe
13.2 The Rise and Fall of Dictatorship in Italy
13.3 The Rise and Fall of Dictatorship in Germany
13.4 The Rise and Fall of Dictatorship in Spain
13.5 The Rise and Fall of Dictatorship in Portugal
13.6 Significance and Impact of Dictatorships in Europe
13.7 Dates & Events
13.8 Points to Remember

Chapter 14 The Great Depression

14.0 Introduction
14.1 Republican Ascendancy and World Politics
14.2 The Washington Conference
14.3 Republicanism at Home
14.4 Panic of 1929
14.5 Causes
14.6 Methods to alleviate the effects of Depression
14.7 The Effects of the New Deal
14.8 Impact of the Great Depression
14.9 Dates & Events
14.10 Points to Remember

Chapter 15 World War II (1939-1945)

15.0 Introduction
15.1 Causes of World War II
15.2 Course of World War II
15.3 Consequences of World War II
15.4 Dates & Events
15.5 Points to Remember

Chapter 16 The Rise of Nationalism in Asia, Africa and Latin America

16.0 Introduction
16.1 The Cause of the Rise of Nationalism in Asia
16.2 Emergence of India as a Nation
16.3 Rise of Modern China
16.4 Rise of Modern Japan
16.5 National Awakening in South East Asia
16.6 National Awakening in Arab Lands
16.7 Israel
16.8 African Nationalism
16.9 Nationalism in Latin America
16.10 Dates & Events
Chapter 17 The Cold War and Disarmament
17. 0 Introduction
17. 1 The Development of the Cold War
17. 2 The Cold War between 1945 and 1947
17. 3 The Cold War between 1947 and 1953
17. 4 The Cold War between 1953 and 1963
17. 5 The Cold War between 1963 and 1970
17. 6 The Period of Dtente (1970-1980)
17. 7 The Cold War after 1980
17. 8 The Meaning of Disarmament
17. 9 Reduction of Weapons: Nuclear and Conventional
17.10 Disarmament and the UN
17.11 The Hazards of Nuclear War
17.12 The Non-military Dimension of Nuclear Energy
17.13 Dates & Events

Chapter 18 World Organizations

18.0 Introduction
18.1 Regional Organizations
a. E.E.C
b. O.P.E.C
c. S.W.A.P.O
d. S.A.A.R.C
e. A.S.E.A.N
f. G.A.T.T
g. N.A.F.T.A
18.2 International Organizations
a. N.A.M
b. The Commonwealth
c. U.N.O.
18.3 Dates & Events

Chapter 19 Scientific Achievements

19.0 Introduction
19.1 Achievements in Physics
19.2 Achievements in Chemistry
19.3 Achievements in Biology
19.4 Achievements in Medicine and Surgery
19.5 Innovations in Transport and Communication
19.6 Dates & Events

Chapter 20 Environment
20.0 Introduction
20.1 Types of Pollution
20.2 Methods to check Pollution

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