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Evaluation Plan

Evaluation Plan
Evaluation Process
The evaluation plan for IDEAs social media instructional training includes a

mixture of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective objectives designed to provide skills

and brand awareness. To measure this instructional modules effectiveness, instruction

will be assessed during development, at the end of the training and at a future date

when participants work performance can be weighed against the objectives of the


During the formative evaluation, the goals were identified and proven that our

instructional intervention completely addresses it. The learners will gauge their

comprehension of material by completing a survey at the completion of the course.

Confirmative evaluations are surveys meant to assess the learners behavior and

progress on social media.

A second survey will be administered one month after completion of the course.

It contains open and closed-ended questions capturing immediate feedback

anonymously from the participants. The survey will be administered through our

learning management system, requiring all participants to complete the survey within

one month of attending the class. In addition, learners will discuss and reflect on the

course throughout the training to obtain feedback.

Alignment to the Five Levels of Evaluation

To measure the First Level of Evaluation: Reactions, a Reactions Survey is

included. While it does not directly reflect the success of the learner with the materials,

it still is useful in evaluating the overall effectiveness of instruction.

Evaluation Plan

The Second Level of Evaluation: Learning is measured in the answers to trainer

questions, pre- and post- test results and discussions with other participants.

The Third Level of Evaluation: Transfer begins to occur when the learners create

their own Facebook and LinkedIn accounts and post material in a professional manner.

The Reaction Survey II, given one month after the completion of this session, how much

of the material has been retained and directly applied to positive, professional

networking in Facebook and LinkedIn will be gauged.

During the Reaction Survey II, the Fourth Level of Evaluation: Results will be

assessed. Learners will be asked if their new knowledge has resulted in an increase in

productivity, increase in quality of work or has directly resulted in a decrease in

business costs.

The last level, the Fifth Level of Evaluation: Return on Investment cannot easily

be monetized. The cost of training including the materials purchased, the trainer costs,

and facilities expenses would required a dollar amount for each and would not

significantly describe the connections created through networking. The return on the

networking due to Facebook and LinkedIn also could be assigned monetary values and

the cost versus returns would need to be compared.

Evaluation Plan

3: Transfer
to Day-to-
2: Day Life 4: Applying
Assessment new
of Learning knowledge

Kirkpatrick 5: Return
1: Reaction Levels of on
Survey Evaluation Investment

Alignment of Unit Goals to the Evaluation Process

To succeed as an instructor offering learner instruction, the instructor must

consider whether the training addresses the goals and objectives. The instructor must

be prepared to ask the right questions related to the learning. IDEA desires successful

learners to acquire the necessary knowledge about social media so the subject

evaluation aligns with the unit goals. The provided Evaluation Plan outlines and

measures a mixture of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective objectives designed to

deliver skills and brand awareness. The following table shows the alignment of the

Evaluation methods used with the unit goals.

Evaluation Plan

Unit Goals Learning Objective Formative Timeframe

Learners will learn To state positive and Venn 10 minutes
about the different negative attributes of Diagram
platforms and each social media tool.
interfaces of To identify the correct Social 5 minutes
social media and platform for their Networking
become proficient purpose. Choosing the
with the use of Right Fit
each. Worksheet
To be able to create an Computer 10 minutes
account for each platform creation of
and create or respond accounts
appropriately to a post.
Learners will self- To discuss a minimum of Benefits and 10 minutes
monitor to use two circumstances in Detriments
appropriate which using social media Page
messages on in a business setting 5 minutes
each social media would be beneficial or Which Place
site. detrimental. is Best?
Learners will worksheet
consider the
scope of social Brainstorming
media for the areas this
business and its may impact in
value work/daily life

Evaluation Tools and Materials

Trainees of this program will participate in a face-to-face course and, by

interacting in groups, discuss the importance of networking as a professional with the

goal of acquiring a reputation resulting in positive career outcomes. In alignment with

corporate expectations to promote effective social media users, IDEA offers instruction

to trainees enabling organization expectations. The following table demonstrates the

alignment of the unit goals with the evaluation process during the training.
Evaluation Plan

Unit Goals Learning Process Evaluation-Goal Alignment

IDEA will breakdown the The learning continually A Formative Evaluation

advantages of using social progresses as trainees method will enable trainers to
media tools. Trainers will participate and trainers assess learners
reach a conclusion by asking acquire new data, which comprehension of materials
participants how social such information using surveys related to their
media could be used in their broadens the lessons behaviors while using social
career. available in training media platforms.
users of social media.
IDEA will plan and provide a The planning and A Summative Assessment
tutorial explaining the implementation of Rubric will ensure that IDEA
process of setting up social training materials, times, accounts for the planning and
media accounts -- business and facilities are all implementation of the training
versus a personal use and relevant to the and its continuation of
why such behaviors are outcomes of the learning for participants.
important for successes. learning processes and
both for the trainees and
trainers alike.
IDEA will explain the results The learners will take A Confirmative Evaluation
of all survey-collected data part in the training to method will instruction
with learners to educate leave educated about participants of the training
social media users of the being a successful about the new processes that
platforms used online and social media user and enable social media users to
what values users acquire. why maintaining a acquire a professional
reputation online assist reputation and network
online users to network effectively, too.
and receive careers of
their choices.

The Summative Assessment Rubric was designed to evaluate each of the required

goals and objectives of this training module. It allows for a quantitative analysis to determine

which area are statistically the weakest and strongest thereby directing alterations of the

training. They also evaluate the strength of the overall training module.

Summary of Modifications

Since the Unit Goals have been modified in the Implementation Plan, those alterations

were included here. The new goals more succinctly pertain to the needs of the learner, not the

trainer. The remainder of the original evaluation plan was rewritten completely with the new
Evaluation Plan

knowledge in mind. This modified evaluation plan includes content from Kirkpatricks Level of

Evaluations, a refined set of goals and objectives, and new evaluation tools.

Reference List

Carlson, Nicholas (2010). "At Last The Full Story Of How Facebook Was
Founded." Business Insider (online, March 5). Retrieved November 26, 2015.
"Company Info | Facebook Newsroom". Facebook.
"Facebook.com Site Info". Alexa Internet. Retrieved January 9, 2016.
Hartley, J. (1994). Designing instructional text (3rd ed.)., East Brunswick, NJ: Nicholas.
LinkedIn Corporation. 2013. Network on LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/about-
Kirkpatrick, J. (n.d.). The New World Level 1 Reaction Sheets. Retrieved May 28, 2016,
from http://www.kirkpatrickpartners.com/Portals/0/Storage/The new world level 1
reaction sheets.pdf
Morrison, G.R., Ross, S.M., Kalman, H.K., & Kemp, J.E. (2013). Designing effective
instruction (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

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