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Ophthalmology. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 April 1.
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Ophthalmology. 2011 April ; 118(4): 768771. doi:10.1016/j.ophtha.2010.08.027.

A Standardized Grading System For Scleritis

H. Nida Sen, MD, MHSc1, Amit A Sangave, BS1, Debra A. Goldstein, MD2, Eric B Suhler,
MD, MPH3,4, Denise Cunningham, FOPS, MS1, Susan Vitale, PhD, MHS1, and Robert B.
Nussenblatt, MD, MPH1
1National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

2University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA

3Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon, USA
4Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, Oregon, USA

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

ObjectiveThis study evaluated the performance of a standardized grading system for scleritis
using standard digital photographs.
DesignCross-sectional inter-observer agreement study
ParticipantsPhoto archives from the National Eye Institute (NEI)
MethodsThree uveitis specialists from 3 different centers graded 79 randomly arranged images
of the sclera with various degrees of inflammation. Grading was done using standard screen
resolution (1024 768 pixels) on a 0 to 4+ scale, in two sessions: first, without using reference
photographs; then with reference to a set of standard photographs (proposed grading system). The
graders were masked to the order of images and the order of images was randomized. Inter-
observer agreement in grading the severity of inflammation with and without the use of grading
system was evaluated.
Main Outcome MeasuresInter-observer agreement
ResultsThe proposed grading system for assessing activity in scleritis demonstrated a good
inter-observer agreement. Inter-observer agreement (pooled ) was poor (0.289) without
photographic guidance and improved substantially when the grading system utilizing
standardized photographs was used ( = 0.603).
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ConclusionUtilizing this system of standardized images for scleritis grading provides

significantly more consistent grading of scleral inflammation in this study and has clear
applications in clinical settings as well as in clinical research.

Assessment and standardization of the degree of activity in ocular inflammation is important

both for patient care and clinical research. A quantitative, standardized grading of the
severity of inflammation could serve as an inclusion criterion or as an outcome measure.

2010 American Academy of Ophthalmology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author and reprint requests: H. Nida Sen, MD, MHSc, National Eye Institute, 10 Center Drive, Bldg: 10 Rm:10N112,
Bethesda, MD 20892, senh@nei.nih.gov.
Publisher's Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our
customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of
the resulting proof before it is published in its final citable form. Please note that during the production process errors may be
discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
No authors have any financial/conflicting interests to disclose except Dr Eric Suhler who receives financial support from Celgene,
Abbott, Genentech, Novartis, the Department of Veterans' Affairs, and institutional support from Research to Prevent Blindness.
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The comparison of clinical research data requires reproducibility of such measures. It also
requires that the methodology be practical for the clinical setting. Scleritis is a chronic,
painful and destructive inflammatory disease of the sclera frequently associated with an
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infection or underlying systemic disease and is one of the most challenging conditions to
manage in ophthalmology.1 The Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature (SUN) Working
Group published standards for grading location and degree of activity of intraocular
inflammation including endorsement of standardized photographs for grading vitreous
haze2; however, no such system has been established for scleritis. In order to assess the
performance of a new reference photograph-based scleritis grading system, we studied the
level of agreement among uveitis specialists from different centers in grading severity of
scleral inflammation with and without the aid of photographic guidance.

All photographs used were high-resolution (2544 1696 pixels) color images of sclera
captured with the Canon EOS 20D digital camera mounted on a Haag-Streit BX900 slit
lamp following a 10% phenylephrine instillation according to a standardized protocol at the
National Eye Institute (NEI). These were then saved in a secure digital database (OIS
WinStation 4000SL, Sacramento, CA) and utilized in accordance with Declaration of
Helsinki guidelines. Seventy-nine digital photographs of the sclera with various degrees of
inflammation were selected from this digital photo-archive and downloaded in JPEG file
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format (1124742 pixels). Three uveitis specialists from 3 different centers graded the
photos on a 0 to 4+ scale, using a standard screen resolution (1024 768 pixels). The
grading was done twice: first, without using photographic references (session 1); next,
guided by standard photographic references (session 2). The same 79 photos were used for
each session however the graders were masked to the order of images and the order of
images was randomly assorted in both parts of the study.

Each grader was instructed on how to grade the photos in each session. For session 1, the
graders were asked to grade each digital image on a 0 to 4+ (with a 0.5+ grade between 0
and 1+) scale where 0 represented no scleral inflammation and 4+ represented the most
severe form of scleral inflammation, necrotizing scleritis. For session 2, the graders were
asked to compare each digital photo to a similar one on the grading system poster
provided to them at the end of the first session (Figure 1). This poster was developed by the
investigators, who were not involved in grading, by choosing photos from NEIs digital
photo archive. Scleral inflammation in this poster was similarly graded with an ordinal scale
of 0 (no scleral inflammation with complete blanching of vessels), 0.5+ (trace inflammation
with minimally dilated deep episcleral vessels), 1+ (mild scleral inflammation with diffuse
mild dilation of deep episcleral vessels), 2+ (moderate scleral inflammation with tortuous
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and engorged deep episcleral vessels), 3+ (severe scleral inflammation with diffuse
significant redness of sclera obscuration of deep episcleral vessels with edema and
erythema), and 4+ (necrotizing scleritis with or without uveal show) (figure 1).

Inter-observer agreement was assessed between each pair of graders (graders 1 and 2,
graders 2 and 3, and graders 1 and 3), separately for session 1 and session 2. We also
calculated the overall agreement among the 3 graders, separately for session 1 and session 2,
by using pooled Kappa (). The kappa () statistic is an index which compares the
agreement against that which might be expected by chance. We computed kappa values
using SAS 9.0 software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Possible values for Kappa can
range from +1 (perfect agreement) via 0 (no agreement above that expected by chance) to
1 (complete disagreement). The convention is that values of kappa from 0.41 to 0.6
represent moderate agreement and values of 0.61 to 0.8 represent good or substantial

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agreement3. In addition, to compare the 3-way agreement between session 1 and session 2,
the number of agreeing grades (among the 3 graders) was evaluated.
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Results of the grading are shown in Table 1(available at http://aaojournal.org). The overall
distributions of Grader 1s grades were similar between sessions 1 and 2. Grader 2 was less
likely to assign grade 0 and more likely to assign grade 1 in session 2 than in session 1.
Grader 3 did not use the 0.5 grade at all in session 1, but did use it in session 2.

Because grader 3 did not use the 0.5 category at all in session 1, and kappa requires a
square table (i.e., the same number of categories must be used for the two entities whose
agreement is being assessed), we combined the grade of 0.5 with the grade of 0 to compute
the kappa statistics. The agreement of each pair of graders was assessed separately for
sessions 1 and 2 (Table 2). Graders 1 and 2 had the closest agreement in session 1 (possibly
due to grader 3s non-use of the 0.5 category). Pair-wise kappas for session 1 ranged from .
09 to 0.44. The pooled kappa for session 1 was 0.29. Agreement was higher in session 2
than in session 1 for all pairwise comparisons, with kappas ranging from 0.58 to 0.67. The
pooled kappa for session 2 was 0.60 which is a substantial improvement.

Because the values of kappa for sessions 1 and 2 are not independent, we were not able to
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perform statistical testing to see whether agreement differed significantly between sessions.
We therefore examined agreement in the following way: for each of the 79 photos, there are
three session 1 grades (from graders 1, 2, and 3) and three session 2 grades (from graders 1,
2, and 3). For each photo in session 1, we recorded the number of graders that agreed
exactly among the 3 graders (possible values were 0, 2, or 3). We did the same for each
photo in session 2 and cross-tabulated the values (Figure 2a, available at
http://aaojournal.org). Of the 11 photos for which there was no agreement in session 1, 7 had
agreement of all 3 graders and 3 had agreement of 2 graders in session 2. Of the 50 photos
for which two graders agreed in session 1, 29 had agreement of all 3 graders in session 2 and
none had 0 agreeing graders. To perform statistical testing to see if the level of agreement
tended to be higher in session 2 than in session 1, we collapsed the table in Figure 2a to
create a 22 table and applied McNemars test (which uses the discordant data to test the
hypothesis that changes between sessions 1 and 2 occurred randomly, i.e., half the
discordant cases should fall in the no agreement-agreement category and half should fall into
the agreement-no agreement category). If categories 2 and 3 were grouped (i.e., any
agreement versus no agreement) (Figure 2b, available at http://aaojournal.org), the
probability that changes in the discordant cases occurred purely due to chance was 0.001,
i.e., agreement was significantly more likely in session 2 than in session 1. If categories 0
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and 2 were grouped (i.e., total agreement versus less-than-total agreement) (Figure 2c,
available at http://aaojournal.org), the probability that changes in the discordant cases
occurred purely due to chance was < 0.001, i.e., agreement was significantly more likely in
session 2 than in session 1.

Scleritis has been classified based on anatomical location (anterior, posterior) and nature of
involvement (diffuse, nodular, necrotizing).4 While this classification is helpful in the
clinical setting and has implications for prognosis, within each category the severity varies.
The SUN working group addressed standardization of grading of intraocular inflammation,
including anterior chamber cells, flare and vitreous haze, with the latter defined by means of
a photographic standard2. However, there is currently no standardized grading system for
assessing severity or activity in scleritis. McCluskey and Wakefield proposed a system for

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scoring the extent and severity of scleritis, based on common clinical signs5. Their scoring
system takes into account clinical features such as the area of inflammation, pain, corneal
involvement, and associated anterior chamber inflammation. While it grades pain and the
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area of inflammation, the system does not specifically address the degree or severity of
inflammation. The detailed nature of this system makes it more reflective of the disease
course rather than the inflammatory activity at one visit. In addition, the system requires the
grading of eight components, each of which can be assigned subjective values from 0 to 2 or
0 to 4, which is likely to require more time from the grader.

In the absence of a standardized grading system, a clinician typically grades the overall
scleritis activity on a none, mild, moderate, severe scale (or from 0 to 4), as is done with
most other grading systems in ocular inflammatory disorders. Determination of the degree of
inflammation is a critical step for the management of scleritis patients and allows for
accurate assessment of response to therapy. Accurate, consistent assessment of the degree of
inflammation is particularly important when patients are seen by different physicians at
different visits, in comparing treatment effects between trials, and in interpreting published
results from different groups. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first scleritis grading
system utilizing photographic standards and focusing on the severity of scleral inflammation
that has been formally evaluated for its utility. A large number of standardized photos were
graded by 3 graders from 3 different centers with varying years of experience in the field of
ocular inflammatory diseases. Our proposed grading system for scleritis is simple and easy
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to implement with 0 to 4+ grading scheme similar to that utilized for anterior chamber cell
grading. A similar standard photographic grading system has been published by Nussenblatt
and colleagues6 for vitreous haze. Agreement using this system was tested in a pilot study
with favorable results and since then it has been widely used and is now accepted by SUN
working group as the standard for grading vitreous haze. In addition, agreement using this
scale has since been re-evaluated and was found to be moderate to substantial.7

Most studies grade scleritis subjectively as active or inactive subjectively.8 Although

this may be satisfactory for patient care in some settings, a more consistent and less
subjective method is desirable. The grading system proposed herein improved agreement
between observers; interestingly, the improvement in agreement was more notable when
there was a greater difference between years of experience of graders. A scleritis grading
system similar to the current one has been previously used by our group in a pilot trial9 and
found to be helpful in adjudicating the degree of inflammation by different examiners.

As with every grading system, ours has limitations. The grading system was tested for
agreement based on clinical photographs and not actual patients. It could be argued that
comparing photos to photos may have inflated the level of agreement. On the other hand,
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this testing method may have avoided bias introduced by physicians knowledge of a
particular patients disease course if the testing of the system were to be done in a clinical
setting. In addition, this may serve as an advantage for clinical trials, allowing standard
photographs to be graded independently by a reading center, eliminating individual
investigator bias. These scleral photographs were taken 1520 minutes following instillation
of 10% phenylephrine, and each photograph reflected only one quadrant of the eye. In the
future, further development of this grading system may include use of a composite score for
each eye (based on, for example, grades 0 to 4 being assigned to each quadrant) and for each
patient. In addition the current grading system needs further validation studies using a
clinical outcome.

The graders in this study were practicing, uveitis-trained ophthalmologists, which may have
overestimated the inter-observer agreement but these results are probably applicable to

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uveitis specialists who participate in clinical trials, particularly given the graders were from
different centers with different years of experience.
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We believe that this grading system, while far from perfect, provides ophthalmologists with
a reproducible, quantitative system and allows for more reliable and consistent assessment
of scleral inflammation regardless of number of years of experience. It is simple and
practical and can easily be implemented in clinical setting as well as clinical trials.

Support: National Eye Institute Intramural research program support (HNS, RBN, AS, SV). Dr. Suhler receives
support from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

1. Watson PG. Doyne Memorial Lecture, 1982. The nature and the treatment of scleral inflammation.
Trans Ophthalmol Soc U K. 1982; 102:257281. [PubMed: 6963521]
2. Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature (SUN) Working Group. Standardization of uveitis
nomenclature for reporting clinical data: results of the First International Workshop. Am J
Ophthalmol. 2005; 140:509516. [PubMed: 16196117]
3. Landis JR, Koch GG. The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data. Biometrics.
1977; 33:159174. [PubMed: 843571]
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4. McCluskey, PJ.; Wakefield, D. Scleritis and episcleritis. In: Pepose, JS.; Holland, GN.; Wilhelmus,
KR., editors. Ocular Infection and Immunity. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 1996. p. 642-662.
5. McCluskey PJ, Wakefield D. Prediction of response to treatment in patients with scleritis using a
standardized scoring system. Aust N Z J Ophthalmology. 1991; 19:211215.
6. Nussenblatt RB, Palestine AG, Chan C, Roberge F. Standardization of vitreal inflammatory activity
in intermediate and posterior uveitis. Ophthalmology. 1985; 92:467471. [PubMed: 4000641]
7. Kempen JH, Ganesh SK, Sangwan VS, Rathinam SR. Interobserver agreement in grading activity
and site of inflammation in eyes of patients with uveitis. Am J Ophthalmol. 2008; 146:813818.
[PubMed: 18687418]
8. Taylor SR, Salama AD, Joshi L, et al. Rituximab is effective in the treatment of refractory
ophthalmic Wegener's granulomatosis. Arthritis Rheum. 2009; 60:15401547. [PubMed: 19404964]
9. Sen HN, Sangave A, Hammel K, et al. Infliximab for the treatment of active scleritis [report online].
Can J Ophthalmol. 2009 44:e9e12. http://article.pubs.nrccnrc.gc.ca/RPAS/rpv?
hm=HInit&calyLang=eng&journal=cjo&volume=44&afpf=i09-061.pdf. [PubMed: 19506593]
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Figure 1. Scleritis grading system

Standardized digital photos of scleritis of varying severity is illustrated. Graders used this
illustration as reference photos in session 2.
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Figure 2. Comparing level of agreement for sessions 1 and 2

Zero represents no agreement among 3 graders, 2 represents 2 of the 3 graders agreeing and
3 represents full agreement by all 3 graders.
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Table 1
Distribution of grades assigned by each grader

Grade Session 1: Without using standard photos: n (%) Session 2: Using standard photos: n (%)
Sen et al.

Grader 1 Grader 2 Grader 3 Grader 1 Grader 2 Grader 3

0 16 (20.2) 22 (27.8) 25 (31.6) 13 (16.5) 13 (16.5) 16 (20.2)

0.5 17 (21.5) 26 (32.9) 0 (0) 22 (27.8) 25 (31.6) 16 (20.2)

1 23 (29.1) 17 (21.5) 20 (25.3) 22 (27.8) 24 (30.4) 22 (27.8)

2 15 (19.0) 9 (11.4) 18 (22.8) 15 (19.0) 10 (12.7) 19 (24.0)

3 6 (7.6) 3 (3.8) 12 (15.2) 5 (6.3) 3 (3.8) 3 (3.8)

4 2 (2.5) 2 (2.5) 4 (5.1) 2 (2.5) 4 (5.1) 3 (3.8)

Mean 1.11 (0.99) 0.82 (0.91) 1.37 (1.22) 1.10 (0.95) 1.03 (1.00) 1.13 (0.99)

Distribution of grades in sessions 1 and 2 is shown with and without the use of standard reference photos (sd=standard deviation).

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Table 2
Inter-observer Agreement
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Grader 1 vs 2 Grader 1 vs 3 Grader 2 vs 3 Pooled Kappa

Graders 1, 2,
and 3)

Unweighted (only exact agreement is considered)

Session 1 0.442 0.348 0.086 0.2896

Session 2 0.587 0.672 0.576 0.6034

Weighted (agreement within 1 category is considered)

Session 1 0.638 0.554 0.342 N.A.

Session 2 0.726 0.797 0.708 N.A.

Agreement among graders for sessions 1 and 2 when categories 0 and 0.5 are combined, (kappa statistic) is shown. Note the improvement in
weighted kappa between session 1 and 2. N.A.=Not applicable (represents where a pooled kappa is not applicable)
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