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|| LUNG AN STAINLESS STEEL IND. CO. LTD. NO. 74,JIANGUO 2ND RD., KINIHUANG DIST, LUNG AN MILL TEST CERTIFICATE. NEW TAIPEI CITY, TAIWAN [R.O.C,] TEL:886222056688 ep aM: oa (QATAR INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC BANK CEXPANDED METAL MANUFACTURING CO, ae sas cine a er nee ie tae Ne Profit Ceneste Lang ecats Pore 95 Been Lcos1 4161428 Uc We Taman eanas WERERRAMK RADRED EES aaah Chemical Composition Hest No, Wasa Teese) ht | ues | uy e | s tum }e |s | w|o | w | nia emmvs[ Taye] Ts. | EL) Tin 70.00 [16.00 | 2.00 i r ax | 100 | 200 foo foo | io [reo | 3.00 | 0.100 Wai 05.0 | 200 Tr sisst64 0.58 | 048 [0.005 [0.001 [10.20] 16.05 | 2.03 oo | a2 a a Li-ayarens, 0.90 | 1.36 Jor Joos | 1001 | 1665 | 202 Jo.oaos | ozs sa | sno | azo | 200 Layers 0.30 | 1.38 0.020 Jo.aots | 10.04 | 16.66 | 2.02 fo.oses | 0:20 so | sno | azo | 200 Ls 558616108 ost | 0.56 Jaca Joon | rote | ies0 | 205 foo | oat ae | 005 | 5x0 | aio | ist ae oe me Qty Weight Remarks ia sists | 28 BS | 18S MT | 1 Testing Neos coavtzaa | xo. {LOX 12200 1 244000 irs | ie or Leavers | x01 COM X 12200 244000 irs | 145 at Lassssieos | m, 20M X 12004 X 244000 ao pes | (805 Mr Me hereby certify that material described herein has been manufoctured and tested vith satisfactory results S48 Manager of Quality Assurance Depariment in accordance with the requirenent of the above material speci ication. 2 kA HE em eM CHUM Uae ok PR HN LAI) We hereby that the aaterisl described above has boon detected vith free irradiation Inspection and gauge measureacat: Satisfactory eet ‘The repoet can anly be reproduced in full

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