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Lesson 15 Jumping Parallel Realities/Timelines

Hey guys, welcome back!

Lets dive into jumping parallel timelines. Exciting! We do this all the time, quite literally,
because as you know, there is no time. Linear time is an illusion. It is simply matter of
Consciousness jumping from one parallel configuration of energy to another parallel
configuration of the universe.
In a word, parallel realities implies that realities already coexist, right next to each other. In
other words, there is no actual time; we simply move from one already-existent universe to
another already-existent universe to another already-existent universe, and we do this billions of
times each second. In this way, we generate the illusion of movement and space and time and
motion and change and so on.
Nothing actually changes, structurally speaking. Everything already exists; everything happens at
once; everything exists at once.
Every timeline consists of a sequence of parallel realities that all make sense within that timeline.
There are endless timelines, and each timeline consists of billions of parallel realities per second.
There are endless timelines with endless stories, each with billions of parallel realities happening
each second that are being moved through by Consciousness.
There are infinite parallel realities, and you can connect those already-existing parallel pictures,
or realities, in any order you desire. One timeline may never experience certain pictures; another
timeline may experience the pictures that the other timeline never experiences.
A timeline consists of many, many, many parallel realities, which are experienced from a certain
point of view, in a certain way, in a certain order. There are many, many, many, timelines, each
with a different type of sequence of parallel realities that makes sense to that particular timeline.
Timelines can be so far apart that one timeline will never be able to even recognize the form
and the type of experience that another type of Consciousness out there in the universe may
potentially experience. These parallel reality sequences might be of such different perspectives,
of such different ways of using the senses of Consciousness, of such different types of vibratory
states, that one would simply not recognize the other. In fact, in a sense, we can say this happens
all the time, because right now, you are in a particular frequency and you are not recognizing all
the other alternate timeline realities that are also available.
Learn to Consciously Jump Timelines
You can start utilizing this consciously, and you can actually learn to jump timelines. This is very
interesting; I have done it many times. Mechanically speaking, we all do it, all the time, but we
can do it in a more significant way, so that it actually becomes noticeable. I have done this in a
noticeable way many times over the course of my life, so that right now, when I look back on
two weeks ago, I dont recognize my life; I dont recognize myself. When I look back two years
ago, I absolutely dont recognize myself. It feels like it is someone else.
You can develop the same habit, the same tool, the same privilege, the same birthright, the same
ability, because you already use the ability. But now, you can start using it consciously and
deliberately, and have fun with it. There are many ways to do this, and mechanically,
structurally, and energetically speaking, you jump timelines every second. However, you dont
do this to a significant enough degree to where we can say, OK, this is a completely different
You can make it more significant, you can make the difference more drastic, more dramatic, and
most importantly, you can make it be in accordance with your highest bliss, your highest joy,
your highest desire. Otherwise, whats the point, right? You might as well be in this timeline
There are many ways to increase the significance of a timeline change. If you look upon your life
as it is, and how it has unfolded, you will see that there have been many moments in your life
when you have had the very powerful urge, I want change! This is a very strong, palpable
desire: I want to change something. If you remember the Three Day Process lesson, this is the
Day One experience. It is a very profound change in the energetic orientation of you as an
individual, as an individuation of All That Is.
You have a change of heart, you have a change of intention, a change of mindset, a change of
belief system. When this change is executed and is seen all the way throughwhen it is taken all
the way through the Day 2 challenge into the Day 3 celebration, confirmation and
transformationwhat has happened is that you have jumped in your vibration.
You have jumped significantly enough to where, if you could see it on a piece of paper, drawing
a line between different dots (each of which represent a parallel reality), it would look like your
previous life was just a straight line, and then suddenly, it jumped up a notch. The line then
continues in a similar direction, or maybe in a slightly different direction, but it is on a whole
different level.
In this case, we can say, quite literally, that you have shifted timelines. You have actually
changed your timeline. Oddly enough, not only does this mean you have changed your future
experience (what you will be experiencing), it also means that the body-mind vibrational
spectrum that you are now inhabiting and are conscious of, has a different past.
Change Your Timeline by Changing Your Past
This new past may not be one you remember, althoughthis is weirdyou can actually gain
memories of experiences you never had in your previous timeline. These are experiences that
your present self has had, because again, time is an illusion. So, what you are tuning into or
downloading is not so much an actual memory (you never actually have a memory, in that
sense), it is simply that you notice a parallel picture that corresponds to the vibratory state you
have now shifted into.
So, now you have access to the future and the past simultaneously. You have access to this new
future self, this new parallel timeline self that you chose. Being in that energy, you will naturally
have a different type of memory and a different type of probability projection into your future.
One way to specifically do this is to actually change your past. Here is one simple method that
you can learn to apply. Take an event you remember from your past, perhaps one that you dont
really enjoy; one that you dont prefer. It may be one that you wish wasnt yours, even though
you can see how it has benefited you, how it has helped you to become who you are. You can
take that memory that you have a bit of a nasty after-taste from, and change it, quite literally.
You can simply overwhelm that memory with your new chosen frequency vibration energy.
Lets say the new vibratory state you prefer over your memory is love and joy and support and
respect. Take those frequencies (or one of them) and overwhelm that moment in your past with
the particular frequency that you chose and see what happens. It is like you are energetically
massaging your image of the past with a different vibratory state. You overwhelm it. You insert
it. You superimpose your new vibratory state onto your image, onto the memory from the past
that you dont really enjoy. Keep exuding the energy of love and light, and the vibration of
aliveness and respect and support and being loved. The more you superimpose that onto the
image, the more you will start to see the image change.
This is not a delusion, as such. This is actually you shifting into a parallel timeline, where you
had a slightly different (or a significantly different) experience of a very similar moment. But
now, you are in a parallel reality which is of a higher vibratory state. This is a more evolved,
more expanded version of the timeline of your experience and alternate self.
Basically, you are inhabiting an alternate version of yourself, which has a different past. So, as
you keep changing that past experience, you are actually, in the present, moving yourself into
different a timeline. You are shifting into a different timeline more drastically than you would if
you were shifting through parallel realities on automatic pilot. You are making this conscious
and deliberate, and you are changing it so significantly that you are actually starting to change
your memory of the past. So try this out and see what happens.
Suddenly, it is a completely different picture. The same person who perhaps abused you,
suddenly starts hugging you sincerely, with no other meaning than to simply hug you and love
you and support you unconditionally. Or, the boss who fired you now suddenly gives you a big
commission, or a reward, or a promotion.
You will see that your image of what happened changes. If it does not make sense to your
present memory of your timeline, simply allow that to be OK, and keep superimposing your
chosen vibratory state onto that past image. Watch it change and allow this to be a permission
symbol for you to feel that you have actually changed, in the present, to a different parallel
timeline that is more aligned; that is of a freer, more transparent nature.
More transparent to what? More transparent to your Hearts true desires; more transparent to
who you truly want to manifest through your body-mind-individuation experience.
Change Your Timelineby Simply Changing Your Timeline
Another way to change your timeline is to simplychange your timeline. This is a more
advanced method because it doesnt use any other permission symbols; it doesnt use any other
technique. It simply allows you to decide to be in a different timeline, to jump into a different
timelinejust like thatusing confidence.
What you do is superimpose the frequency of confident change onto your present experience,
andright there, right thenyou will start to feel a difference in your vibratory state. You will
start to change how you feel and how you see, and that actually signifies that you have jumped
into an alternate timeline. As a result, you will have different memories come up, and you will
have access to different future passions and creativity.
So, try that one; it is very direct. You can always apply it, and the more you practice it, the more
your confidence becomes this overwhelming, overpowering energy that allows you to shift your
reality in an instant, more and more. Confidence is powerful. Faith is powerful. Deliberate
confidence is very potent. It is a very powerful tool.
Change Your Timeline through Visualization
Another way to jump timelines is to use visualization. To do this, sit down, as in meditation.
Center yourself a little bit, relax, take a deep breath, give away all thoughts for 2 to 5 seconds.
Recognize the changelessness, the essence, the perfect nature of timeless Presence, or timeless
Awareness. Or, do whatever allows you to feel centered and comfortable within yourself.
Then visualize, or imagine, what it is you wish to shift into. Visualize that reality to such an
extent that you actually start to feel the vibratory changes of the active visualization. As soon as
you start to see those vibratory changes, as soon as you visualize this powerfully enough, you
actually start to become that reality, to shift into that reality.
How do you know you have actually shifted into a different timeline? Well again, you do this all
the time, so really, it is not even a question. You always have shifted into parallel realities. But
the timeline change becomes more significant when you actually feel different. When you feel
your mood has significantly changed. When you feel your outlook on life has significantly
changed. When you feel that your perspective on things has changed. When your grudges about
the past no longer hold sway over you, and your concerns about the future feel completely
lightened up. You know you have shifted when you feel more ecstatic; when you feel more alive.
You know you have shifted timelines whenever you feel more stable and grounded, yet freer at
the same time; more inside of your own center of alignment. You feel better overall. Every time
there is a significant change in your mood, it means you did something to make it happen
whether you did it consciously or unconsciously; deliberately or accidentally. But you
did something to cause yourself to shift into a parallel timeline.
In fact, this is the only way emotional change is possible. You can only change emotionally if
you shift your vibration significantly enough to where you are in a different timeline. Suddenly,
you will notice you are more confident about your future. You are no longer looking to the past.
You are no longer holding grudges and regrets. You no longer feel attached to the person that left
you perhaps, or to the people that you have loved. You feel free. You feel empowered. You feel
more powerful. This is a sign that you have done a good job and you have shifted confidently
into a parallel timeline experienceone that has a different past and a different future. You will
attract a different future than you would have had in the parallel reality you just moved out of.
In a sense, it is like moving houses, or moving locations. It is no different. You simply give
yourself permission to feel that you have changed. You give yourself permission to know that
you have changed. You give yourself permission to be the change you wish to see in the
worldquite literally.
When you do this, you will see that your reality changes, because the Law of Attraction and the
Law of Reflection will cause your circumstances to naturally reflect the nature of your vibratory
timeline state of being. Everything you perceive reflects who you are, who you assume yourself
to be, what your state of being is like, and what your timeline is like.
The homework for this lesson is three-fold; that is, in addition to reading this text or listening to
the audio or watching the video, at least once more before you proceed with the next lesson. In
addition to that, there are three assignments, which are to try out the three basic techniques for
jumping timelines.
1. Change your past. Go to a past memory and superimpose upon it; overwhelm it with
another new frequency state you would rather have that memory be a representation of.
Choose an energy state such as love, or light, or excitement, or support, or being loved,
and overwhelm that memory, as you presently remember it, with your chosen frequency.

Keep massaging it energetically with your new chosen state of being and watch how,
somehow, your mind miraculously starts to come up with different images of the same
memory. It starts to change the way it looks. This is how malleable a memory is. This is
how malleable your timeline is. Try this.
2. Simply choose to shift, just like that. Choose a certain frequency. Choose a certain
desire. There has to be a certain desire, otherwise this particular method wont work. You
must have a desire for a change. Whenever you feel frustrated with your present timeline,
allow that to motivate you; dont let it make you grumpy. Allow it to motivate you and
excite you, for something else must be coming: I must be desiring some kind of change,
so let me make that change.

Dont wait for the changechoose and insert and overwhelm your experience with your
chosen vibratory timeline experience and know that you have changed. Feel that you have
changed. Be that changeperiod. Simply by knowing, simply by deciding that you know
you have changed and that that is enough, you will start to see the effects. You will start
attracting different things into your life, because you literally jumped timelines when you
jumped confidently into another vibrational realm.
3. Use visualization. Practice the art of visualization, or imagination. We will get into this
more deeply a couple of lessons from now in See It, Feel It, Be It, but for now, simply
start to get a glimpse of this. Sit down, as in meditation, and visualize the timeline
experience you desire. Visualize what it looks like and what it feels like, to the best of
your ability. Once you see it very, very clearly, you can start to feel it and then start to be
it. You are, quite literally, uploading yourself into a parallel timeline experience that has
a different past and future by utilizing strong visualization.
4. There is also a bonus exercise. If you want to, and if it feels inspiring, write down your
own method. Come up with your own method to change your vibratory state enough to
where you can give yourself permission to understand, believe, feel, know, and see the
results of the fact that you have changed from one parallel timeline reality to another
timeline reality. You will know you are successful when you feel different about your
past and your future, and most of all, if you feel amazing right now.

Use any method, permissions of any type, and your imagination. Use any type of practice
or tool you intuitively come up with that feels germane, immediate, and natural to your
particular make up, natural to your particular design. Write it down, and I would love it if
you would share it with the other people in the study group. We can build a little
library of sorts, inside of this lessons study group, of different ways we can very easily
shift timelines.
So, change your past and change your future. Change what you attract to yourself. Most of all,
most importantly, change the vibratory nature of your present feeling state, because that is the
key to everything.
Enjoy! Have fun, and see you in another timeline experience!

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