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Ultramicroscopy 177 (2017) 2629

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Real-space mapping of electronic orbitals

Stefan Ler a,b,c,, Matthieu Bugnet a, Nicolas Gauquelin a, Sorin Lazar d, Elias Assmann c,
Karsten Held c, Gianluigi A. Botton a, Peter Schattschneider b,c
Department for Materials Science and Engineering, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, L8S 4M1 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
University Service Centre for Transmission Electron Microscopy, TU Vienna, Wiedner Hauptstrae 8-10/E057B, 1040 Wien, Austria
Institute for Solid State Physics, TU Vienna, Wiedner Hauptstrae 8-10/E138, 1040 Wien, Austria
FEI Electron Optics, Achtseweg Noord 5, 5651 GG Eindhoven, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Electronic states are responsible for most material properties, including chemical bonds, electrical and
Received 27 July 2016 thermal conductivity, as well as optical and magnetic properties. Experimentally, however, they remain
Revised 30 December 2016
mostly elusive. Here, we report the real-space mapping of selected transitions between p and d states on
Accepted 29 January 2017
the Angstrm scale in bulk rutile (TiO2 ) using electron energy-loss spectrometry (EELS), revealing infor-
Available online 31 January 2017
mation on individual bonds between atoms. On the one hand, this enables the experimental verication
Keywords: of theoretical predictions about electronic states. On the other hand, it paves the way for directly inves-
EELS tigating electronic states under conditions that are at the limit of the current capabilities of numerical
STEM simulations such as, e.g., the electronic states at defects, interfaces, and quantum dots.
Electronic states 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sion electron microscopy (TEM), electron energy-loss spectrometry

(EELS), and state-of-the-art simulations.
Electronic states shape the world around us as their character- TEM is a well-known technique for studying materials on the
istics give rise to nearly all macroscopical properties of materials. nanoscale while EELS adds element-specic information. Both are
Be it optical properties such as colour and refractive index, chemi- widely-used on a regular basis in many elds and are readily com-
cal properties such as bonding and valency, mechanical properties mercially available. Owing to these two techniques, tremendous
such as adhesion, strength and ductility, electromagnetic proper- progress has been made over the last decade in mapping atom po-
ties such as conductance and magnetisation, or the properties of sitions with 10 pm accuracy [24], determining charge densities
trap states: ultimately, all these properties can be traced back to [57], and performing atom-by-atom chemical mapping [812].
the electronic states in the material under investigation. Therefore, Furthermore, the ne-structures of the spectra allow the determi-
it is not surprising that electronic states are of paramount im- nation of the local chemical and structural environment as well as
portance across many elds, including physics, materials science, the hybridisation state of the scattering atoms [1118] in the bulk,
chemistry and the life sciences. It does come as a surprise, how- which can be substantially different from the surface states probed
ever, that while some of their aspects can be inferred indirectly by STM. This suggests to use the EELS signal to probe the local
from macroscopical material properties or some diffraction tech- environment in real-space and map, e.g., crystal elds, conduction
niques, the direct observation of individual electronic states in real states, bonds, and orbitals. Recently, it has been shown on theo-
space so far has succeeded only under very special circumstances retical grounds [19,20] that such real-space mapping of transitions
(e.g. on an insulating surface using a scanning tunnelling micro- between orbitals on the Angstrm scale should indeed be possi-
scope (STM) with a specially functionalised tip [1]) due to both ble, even though the experimental realisation was expected to be
experimental and theoretical challenges. In this work, we endeav- extremely challenging.
our to remedy this situation by using a combination of transmis- The method of choice to demonstrate the possibility of this
real-space mapping used throughout this work is high-resolution
scanning TEM (STEM) together with EELS. In STEM, an electron
beam is typically produced by a high-brightness eld-emission
gun, accelerated to a kinetic energy of the order of 100 keV, and
Corresponding author at: Department for Materials Science and Engineering,
McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, L8S 4M1 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. subsequently focused to an Angstrm-sized spot on the sample
E-mail address: stefan.loeer@tuwien.ac.at (S. Ler). (see Fig. 1c and [21]). Inside the specimen, the probe electrons

0304-3991/ 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Ler et al. / Ultramicroscopy 177 (2017) 2629 27

a b c

Incident beam


Sample t2g

Scattered beam

[001] Spectrometer
Ti O

Fig. 1. Maximally-localized Wannier functions in rutile corresponding to unoccupied orbitals of Ti-eg character (x2 y2 -like Wannier function (a), z2 -like Wannier function
(b)). (c) Sketch of the measurement setup. The incident beam is focused onto and scanned over the sample. It can exchange energy and momentum with the specimen,
leading to a mixture of states in the scattered beam. Using a spectrometer comprised of a sector magnet and a subsequent imaging system, maps can be formed of all
electrons that have transferred a certain amount of energy E corresponding to transitions to different unoccupied orbitals inside the sample. The blue and red planes
symbolize the real-space distribution of the transition probabilities to different nal states. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

scatter off the nuclei and sample electrons via the Coulomb inter- energy and energy storage applications, photocatalysis, or as coat-
action. ing material (for a review, see [28] and other articles published in
Scattering by the nuclei is predominantly elastic, i.e., only mo- the same issue). Its tetragonal structure leads to a strong crystal-
mentum but no energy is transferred from the lattice (which is eld splitting. In particular, the different Ti-O bond lengths give
assumed to be innitely heavy) to the probe electron. This gives rise to a strong asymmetry and splitting [29] of the eg and t2g
rise to atomic column contrast in high-resolution TEM, as well as states. Most noticeably, the asymmetric shape of the orbitals is ro-
to channeling and dechanneling effects in samples that are thicker tated by 90 for adjacent Ti atoms due to the crystal symmetry
than a few tens of nanometres [22,23]. Dechanneling, which can (see Fig. 2). We concentrate here solely on mapping the eg states
be visualised as a hopping of the electron beam between adja- since the t2g peak has a much lower intensity. Throughout its nar-
cent columns, destroys the direct spatial correlation between the row energy range [30], there is always a sizeable eg contribution
measured scattering intensity and its point of origin. Consequently, (see the tted Gaussian peaks in Fig. 2a), making it impossible to
very thin specimens, as well as simulations taking elastic scattering identify an unequivocal t2g signal with todays instruments due to
into account, are needed to reduce artefacts and arrive at a reliable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) limitations. Also note that in our simu-
interpretation of the data. lations, the t2g Wannier states are much more localized around the
Here, the interaction of primary interest is the scattering of the nucleus, which strongly reduces the asymmetry caused by crystal-
probe electrons on the sample electrons. Both energy and mo- eld effects for t2g states.
mentum can be transferred between the beam and the sample. A rutile single crystalline sample (MTI corporation) was me-
Of particular importance for the real-space mapping of electronic chanically thinned down to electron transparency by using the
transitions is the so-called core-loss regime of energy transfers of wedge polishing technique with a Multiprep polishing apparatus
100 eV. They trigger an excitation of a sample electron from an (Allied High Tech Products Inc.). Further ion milling with a Gentle
initial, occupied core state to a nal, unoccupied conduction-band Mill (Technoorg Linda Ltd.) was performed for ion beam energies
state. The initial states are typically localised in close proximity in the range of 50 090 0 eV to remove the damaged regions from
to the nucleus and are characterised by a large binding energy. the mechanical polishing and provide large, thin, and clean sur-
Therefore, crystal-eld effects are mostly negligible for core states, faces.
which typically exhibit atomic character. The nal states, on the The experiments were performed at 80 kV acceleration voltage
other hand, lie close to the Fermi energy, and are strongly inu- on a FEI Titan 80300 TEM equipped with spherical aberration cor-
enced by the local environment (see Fig. 1a, b). rectors and a Gatan GIF Quantum Energy Filter. During the exper-
Due to the strong localisation of the probe beam, it is possi- iments, the single-crystalline sample was oriented in [0 0 1] di-
ble to map the position and energy-dependent transition matrix rection and the thickness was determined to be 20 nm using EELS
elements between the initial and the nal states using STEM-EELS [31,32]. A spectrum image (SI) data cube (see Fig. 2a) was recorded
(see Fig. 1c). If the initial state is known either from rst prin- over several unit cells, together with the elastic dark-eld (DF) sig-
ciples or experiments [24] it is furthermore possible to obtain nal (see Fig. 2c). The SI data and the DF signal were acquired si-
both the angular and the radial dependence of the nal states multaneously with a convergence semi-angle of 19 mrad, a GIF col-
[19,25,26] and, thus, bonding information on individual atomic lection semi-angle of 20.7 mrad, and a pixel dwell time of 5 ms
columns [15,27]. To that end, specic transitions can be selected to maximize the signal while minimizing drift and beam damage
by using a suciently narrow energy range. artefacts. Optimising the acquisition conditions is essential for ac-
quiring data with sucient spatial and energy resolution, as well
2. Results as sucient SNR for the subsequent data analysis.
The residual lateral drift [33] was corrected using the DF data
2.1. Experiments and the resulting data cube was averaged over 12 unit cells to im-
prove the SNR. Finally, the map corresponding to L2 transitions
As a model system, we have chosen rutile (TiO2 ). It has a rel- with energy transfers in the range 466.6 1 eV was extracted.
atively simple, tetragonal unit cell and, together with the other ti- This corresponds to transitions from initial states with 2p1/2 char-
tanium oxides, has great practical importance, e.g., in renewable acter to nal states with an energy in the range of 6 1 eV above
28 S. Ler et al. / Ultramicroscopy 177 (2017) 2629

L3 L2 a b c
a c
1 px

charge density (-2)

intensity (arb.u.)
14000 px
Intensity (arb.u.)


d e f


intensity (arb.u.)
450 455 460 465 470 475 480
Energy loss (eV)

25 g h i
b total d
DOS (states/uc/eV)

O 1.6
Ti t2g

intensity (arb.u.)
Ti eg



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fig. 3. (a) Charge density for the unoccupied eg orbitals projected along the [0 0 1]
E-EF (eV)
crystallographic axis as calculated by WIEN2k. (b) Experimental energy-ltered map
for the Ti L ionization edge for nal states with eg character after unit-cell averag-
Fig. 2. (a) Ti L2,3 edge extracted from a single pixel (dots), and averaged over all
ing. (c) Same as (b), but after Gaussian smoothing. (d) Simulated energy-ltered
140 0 0 pixels (line) of the data set. The energy window used for the energy-ltered
map using the multislice algorithm and the MDFF approach after Gaussian blurring.
eg maps is highlighted in yellow. Gaussian least squares ts representing the indi-
(e) Same as (d) with added noise to better mimic the experimental conditions. (f)
vidual shapes of the eg and t2g contributions are depicted in blue and green. (b)
Same as (e) after Gaussian smoothing. (g)(i) Same as (d)(f) assuming indepen-
Projected DOS above the Fermi energy EF at the position of the Ti atoms as cal-
dent atoms without bonding. All maps are replicated in a 3 3 raster for better
culated by WIEN2k. (c) Dark eld image acquired simultaneously with the spec-
visibility. Overlays show the projected positions of Ti (blue) and O (orange) atoms
trum image dataset. The spatial distortion, highlighted with yellow lines, is cor-
as well as yellow ellipses indicating the nearest O neighbours of each Ti (due to
rected and the unit cells are subsequently averaged. The scale bar indicates 5 A.
the projection, only two of the four nearest neighbours are visible). All scale bars
(d) Unit cell along the [0 0 1] direction used in the experiment with the summed
indicate 5 A. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the
three-dimensional charge density of the eg Wannier functions in Fig. 1a, b. Also
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
shown are the projected positions of Ti (blue) and O (orange) atoms as well as yel-
low ellipses indicating the nearest O neighbours of each Ti (due to the projection,
only two of the four nearest neighbours are visible). (For interpretation of the ref-
erences to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
lent to the experimental conditions was added to facilitate a visual
comparison with the measured data. The resulting simulated map
the Fermi energy, which have mainly eg character (see Fig. 2b and is shown in Fig. 3e. The map after Gaussian smoothing, with the
[30]). Fig. 3b shows the resulting energy-ltered map, while Fig. 3c same parameters as in Fig. 3c, is shown in Fig. 3f, where the in-
shows the same map after Gaussian smoothing. The asymmetry tensity variations between nearest neighbours are a consequence
around each Ti column is clearly visible, as is the expected 90 of the added noise.
rotation between nearest neighbours, owing to the different elec- The resulting simulated images (see Fig. 3e and f) are found to
tronic environment caused by the Ti-O bonds. be in very good agreement with the experimental data (see Fig. 3b
and c). In particular, the intensity distribution around the Ti atoms
2.2. Simulations is not circular but has a distinct asymmetry towards the nearest O
atoms (those which lie in the plane of the x2 y2 Wannier orbital
As stated above, comparison to theory is indispensable for in Fig. 1a). In a cubic crystal, there would be no such asymme-
a reliable interpretation. To check the results, we simulated the try between the [1 1 0] and [1 1 0] directions. Therefore, the ex-
energy-ltered image for the selected energy range and the exper- perimental data shows the preferential bond direction towards the
imental parameters. To that end, we used the mixed dynamic form nearest O atoms. This is conrmed by the calculated charge density
factor (MDFF) approach [19,26,34] based on density functional the- of the eg conduction states as depicted in Fig. 3a which exhibits
ory data obtained from WIEN2k1 [35] to model the inelastic inter- the same asymmetry as the experimental map.
action between the probe beam and the sample electrons, while To verify that the observed asymmetry is not an artefact, we
the elastic scattering before and after the inelastic scattering event also performed the same simulation assuming no bonds, i.e. inde-
was taken care of using the multislice algorithm [39,40]. The re- pendent, spherically symmetric individual atoms at the same lat-
sulting maps were blurred using a Gaussian lter to account for tice sites. The resulting data was processed as before to ensure
the nite source size in the experiment. Moreover, noise2 equiva- comparability. The resulting maps are shown in Fig. 3gi. In con-
trast to the eg maps in Fig. 3df, the independent-atoms maps in
Fig. 3gi cannot reproduce the distinct asymmetry found in the
The simulations were done based on WIEN2k [35] calculations with the PBE- measured data. Thus, it can be concluded that while elastic scat-
GGA [36] exchange-correlation potential. Maximally-localised Wannier functions
tering does affect the signal in principle, under the conditions used
were computed from the eg bands using the wien2wannier [37] and Wannier90
[38] packages and the disentanglement procedure to separate the target bands from in this work, elastic scattering alone is insucient to describe the
the t2g band which crosses them near  . experimental eg maps (Fig. 3bc). As they can only be reproduced
Gaussian noise with = 0.15, being the mean value of the map, was used. when taking into account inelastic scattering on realistic electronic
S. Ler et al. / Ultramicroscopy 177 (2017) 2629 29

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