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A comparative clinical study on nasya karma and nasya karma with greeva basti in vishwachi
w.s.r to cervical radiculopathy


1. Literary review of vishwachi /cervical radiculopathy,

2. Literary review of nasya karma & greeva basti
3. To evaluate the effect of nasya in vishwachi
4. To evaluate the effect of nasya with greeva basti in vishwachi.
5. To compare the effect of nasya karma and nasya karma with greeva basti in vishwachi.

Study design:

Total 20 patients diagnosed as Vishwachi were randomly divided into two equal groups and the
groups were named as: Groups I - Nasya Karma Group (NK Group) and Group II Nasya
karma with Greeva Basti Group (NGB group). The procedures were administered as follows:

Group NK: The patients of group NK were administered abhyanga to the face and the
neck with luke warm dashmuladi yamaka sneha and baspa sweda to the face and the
neck with hot water.
Group NGB: Before Nasya karma patients were administered with abhyanga to the face
and the neck with luke warm dashmuladi yamaka sneha and baspa sweda to the face and
the neck with hot water. For Greeva Basti, the patient were asked to sit and lean forward
by resting forehead on both forearms on table.
Pradhana karma:
Group NK: After completion of poorva karma- abhyanga and baspa swedana, navana
type of nasya karma with 8 bindu of dashamooladi yamaka sneha was administered to
each nostril in Group NK for 7 days in evening.
Group NGB: After completion of poorva karma- abhyanga and baspa swedana, first
Greeva Basti with dashmooladi yamaka sneha was performed in morning hours and in
evening, navana type of nasya karma with 8 bindus of dashmuladi yamaka sneha was
administered to each nostril in NGB group for 7 days.
Pashchat karma:
In Group NK after completion of nasya karma dhoomapana with haridra choorna
followed by kavala with luke warm water were performed.
In Group NGB after greeva basti the sneha dravya was drained out by making a hole at
the edge of ring created for Greeva Basti and then it was removed. Later the adhered oil
on the skin was massaged smoothly. In evening after nasya karma dhoomapana with
haridra choorna followed by kavala with luke warm water were performed.

Therapy Duration:

The treatment duration in Group-NK was 7 consecutive days.

The treatment duration in Group-NGB was 7 consecutive days.

Follow up study and Total Duration : After completion of the course of the treatment the
follow up period was 2 weeks and total duration of the study was 21 days.

Result: All the patients presented with samyak lakshana in both groups. Group-NK patients showed
samyak nasta lakshana and Group-NGB showed samyak nasta lakshana and samyak swinna lakshana.
These are the observation collected after follow up:-
Compare to group-NK, Group-NGB showed better results in neck pain, radiation of pain, neck
stiffness, paraesthesia in upper limb,neck tenderness, movements of neck and neck disability index.
In vertigo, deep tendon reflexes of both groups showed equal improvement.
In neck pain, radiation of pain, weakness, movements of neck, deep tendon reflexes there was
improvement observed after follow up in Group-NGB. In Group-NK, after follow up the
improvement was seen in paraesthesia, clumsy finger movements and neurological deficit. Hence it
suggests that there may be good results during the follow up period also in nasya karma and
greeva basti.
Key words: Vishwachi, cervical radiculopathy, Nasya karma, Greeva basti, dashamooladi
yamaka sneha

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