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Age: Sex: Female Program: Accountancy

Male Art and Science

Business Administration

Computer Science


Engineering and Technology


Teachers Education


Please read the statements and check the following boxes that

honestly reflect how frequently you experienced these things in

the last two weeks.

5 - ALWAYS - I experienced this situation 6-7 times per week

4 - OFTEN- I experienced this situation 5-6 times per week.

3 - SOMETIMES - I experienced this situation 3-4 times per week.

2 RARELY I experienced this situation 1-2 times per week.

1 NEVER - I did not experienced this given situation.


Social Media:

I ... 5 4 3 2 1

1. feel envious when someone posted good

things in Facebook.

2. started my day using :Facebook



3. ended my day using :Facebook



4. feel distracted when doing my assignments,

paperworks at school or during class using

social media.

5. have a lot of followers in social media

which are strangers for me.

6. feel mood changes every time I see posted

news, pictures or videos in social media.

7. use social networking sites for more than

two hours.
8. lose track of important events in school

such as Assemblies, Orientations and

University Days, because I am too busy with my

social media account.

9. access social media to be updated to the

latest trends.

10. felt nervous and stress every time I open

my social media account.

Life Events: I ...

5 4 3 2 1

1. feel anxious regarding my studies.

2. had difficulty in getting along with my

classmates or people around me.

3. being lonely without any reasons.

4. lack of self confidence or self-esteem.

5. making difficult decisions.

6. having suicidal thoughts.

7. having subject units overload.

8. being pressured by my parents to succeed in

my academics.

9. fear of failing in my studies.

10. financial problems in my studies.

Bullying: I was...

5 4 3 2 1

1. being :pinched



:kicked in school.

2. threatened.

3. assaulted.

4. called names other than my real name.

5. able to experience making faces and dirty

gestures towards me.

6. excluded intentionally from a group.

7. embarrassed through comments and other post

from the Internet.

8. being harassed through text messages and


9. humored at school.

10. tagged by my friends in indecent post in

social media.
Duration of Sleep: During the past two weeks, I experienced

5 4 3 2 1

1. early awakening.

2. difficulties in falling asleep.

3. difficulties in concentration when doing

school related activities.

4. difficulties in recalling lessons and other

important activities.

5. lack of interest in attending school

related activities.

6. difficulties in deciding on things.

7. sleeping less than 7 hours per night.

8. being sleepy during daytime.

9. difficulties in controlling my temper when

I dont have enough sleep.

10. headache when I dont get enough of sleep.

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