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John Medical Center

Journal Club Research Article Critique Form
Reviewer name: ____Lori Kammerlocher, RN, BSN, CEN___________ Unit:_____ED______

Research study: Closing the Research-Practice Gap: Increasing Evidence-Based practice for
nasogastric tube insertion using education and an electronic order set.

1. Description of the study

The purpose of the research is: Increased use of evidence-based comfort medications for Nasogastric tube
placement and evaluation of staff education and electronic order set as viable method of rapid research
Explain why this problem is significant to nursing practice: Nasogastric tube placement is one of the most
painful and anxiety producing procedures.

2. Evaluation of literature
Describe the previous research pertaining to the topic that the authors reference (hint: look for a literature
review section in the article): It was found that most research was 5 to 15 years old with no follow up.

3. Study sample
The study sample was obtained from: (hint: describe the population and where the study is performed):
Emergency Department patients with non-emergent placement of NGT

What is the sample size? 177

List the Exclusion/ inclusion criteria used in the study. Patient lethargic or unconscious. Procedure deemed
emergent. Nasogastric tube not placed in ED and allergy to lidocaine or oxymetazolize.

4. Study methods/design
Describe or identify the study design (hint: quantitative/qualitative, experimental, meta-analysis, etc.):
Meta-analytical method was used.
Describe the study procedures. (hint: describe the intervention and how the data was collected): Looked at
CPOE systems and systems and increased evidence based practice.
5. Results
Describe the results of the study. It was found that using Lidocaine 4% atomized and lidocaine jelly aided
in more successful NGT placements.

6. Clinical significance
Explain how you will use this information for your nursing practice at SJMC: I hope that this will become
practice throughout the hospital in regular placement of NGT. Hopefully creating at CPOE set for mid-
levels and physicians to easily order said medication with NGT placement.

Please use the back of this paper for other comments.

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