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Institute of Human General Systems Theory and Practice (IHGSTP), Inc.
P.O. Box KS 10105, Adum-Kumasi, Ghana, Africa
114 Ealing Court, Brentwood, NY., 11717 USA
6135 Riverview Drive, Indianapolis, IN. 46208 USA


Egypt/Kemit Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti Seated Below the Most High God Annus Path
of the Aten Symbol holding 3 of their children seated on their Thrones during the Civil War with the
Demonic Amen-Re Priesthood in defiance of their banned First Born Sacrifice of Children to the
Demonic God Mollock Ritual circa 1360 BC.


US Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., MA)
Boston, MA.

RE: The World's Religio-Socio-Political Economic and Legal System is

an Illusion of Justice:: The Obamacare Attacks Must Be Stopped

Your Honor US Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., MA):

Your historic, astute and courageous banking industry exposure on Friday, December
12, 2014 on the US Senate Floor although failing to remove the banking industry rider
from the Budget Legislation; did properly expose to the American people the Citi-Group
Banking Conglomerate and its tremendously influential bank lobbying and alumni
administrative staff and civil servant power in Washington, DC. This influence supports
the present plutocracy benefiting the wealthy few and not the Founding Fathers
vision of a democracy in America where the pursuit of happiness was available to
all its citizens.


The BRCA/IHGSTP, Inc. after over thirty years of change agent analytic RD&D has
synthesized the religio-socio-political economic and legal organization of the
world summarily presented below as Flow Chart A. Further detail is available from the
www.theuniversityofgod.org/Page6 and the

The Citi-Group Banking Conglomerate was impeccably documented by you as the

number 2 offender in the exploitation of subprime mortgage derivatives and other
risky banking financial products associated with the 2008 Great Recession.

As the drafted leader of the American Democratic Partys progressive/far left

wing it is up to you to expose the real reason for the unprecedented obsession of
the American Tea Party and Republican Party Coalition to repeal the American
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (APPACA) of 2010 (Obamacare) with
over 50 legislative votes, 2 Supreme Court Cases and now targeting budgetary
defunding not only Obamacare but Medicaid and Medicare as well. The reason is
revealed below.

We trust you will continue to ignore the Boston Globe and others wanting you to
challenge Former American First Lady Hillary Rodman Clinton in the 2016
Presidential Primaries and concentrate on forming a more progressive bipartisan
majority in the US Senate.
The World's Religio-Socio-Political Economic and Legal System is an Illusion of Justice _ page 2

A. Esoteric History of the World Religio-Socio-Political Economic Legal

System Explains the Banking Industrys Exploitative Behavior

As you know the subprime mortgage derivatives and other risky banking financial
products associated with the 2008 Great Recession were exploited by the number 1
offender caught September 15, 2008 filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy with a
record $600 Billion dollar debt, $150 Billion bond debt and $600 Billion in assets;
i.e. the Lehman Brothers (Holding) commonly Investment Bank (LEIB), Inc. of NYC,
NY. Seriously criminal accounting practices were discovered.

Esoterically, it is no coincidence that the criminally behaving LEIB was the successor
of the leading 19 th century notorious southern state of Alabama plantation slave
industry and commodity bank financier of the American Confederacy the Lehman
Brothers Bank (LBB). After the surprise Union victory in the Civil War the LBB was
given the task of redeeming slaves for $50,000 each to the criminal by International Law
former southern slave plantation owners. The criminal LBB created its successor bank
by moving its headquarters to Wall Street, NYC, NY. transforming into an commodity
investment bank the LBIB with a significant amount of this slave redemption money
remaining as its foundation deposits.

The banking, stock, insurance and financial industrial complex which you as the
US Senator Elizabeth Warren have exposed logically controls the other American
industrial complex sectors including but not limited to the following:

a.)the health care industrial complex including the pharmaceutical companies,

hospitals, nursing homes and extended care facilities;

b.) the military industrial complex which includes the military weapons manufacturers,
the coal/oil-gas/nuclear energy and transportation subsectors;

c.) the public and private educational industrial complex:

d.) the communications, newspapers/magazines/news media, entertainment and

the arts industrial complex including books, music, movies, crafts and the fine arts;

e.) the housing and other building and infrastructure construction industrial complex;

f.) the animal husbandry, dairy, agricultural and food wholesale and retail industrial
complex including farms, orchards, feed lots, butchery, convenience stores, grocery
stores, fast food, take out and sit down restaurants; and

g.) the manufacturing of consumer and commercial goods industrial


Internationally the leaders, key staff and stock holders of the multinational corporations
of the banking, stock, insurance and financial industrial complex in any nation are
amongst the rich and super-rich or oligarchs. America and most nations of the world
have an oligarchy composed of 3% of that nations population nominally controlling
98% of the wealth and means of production of that nation.

As you courageously and astutely pointed out in detail 12/12/2014 the

American banking, stock, insurance and financial industrial complex has excessive
control over the American national, state and local government institutions and over
the international government and quasi-government institutions through special
interest lobbyists and their political election campaign and other organization
funding donations.

Please note that esoterically on average 10% of the oligarchy are Scottish Rite
Free Masons (SRFM) whose churches worship evil and behave criminally. (12)

Theologically they worship Lucifer and Ahriman the "Fallen Angels" that were first
worshipped by the now extinct aboriginal criminal, cannibal and bisexual Neanderthal
hominids circa 400,000 to 25,000 BC. (5, 10 Appendixes A-1, A-3, 12)

Their 3 demonic gods causing errant humans to make sacrifices to them and to
worship their icons were then and now as follows:
The World's Religio-Socio-Political Economic and Legal System is an Illusion of Justice _ page 3

i.) Mollock the cow god demanding first born child sacrifices and ingestion
of their dead bodies by its cannibal worshippers;

ii.) Baal the golden calf god demanding animal sacrifice and ingestion of
their dead bodies by its animal meat eating worshippers; and

iii.) Amen/Ammon/Amon the unseen god that demands sacrifices of adult

humans and ingestion of their dead bodies by its cannibal worshippers. (1-2, 5, 6, 8, 12)

The modern Great Britain and American members of these satanic worshipping churches
of the Scottish Rite Free Masons (SRFM) are the successors of the ancient satanic
worshipping Knights Templars (KT). Organized after the First Crusade of the Middle
Ages the KT operated from 1119 to 1312. They constructed the first multinational
banking system funding the subsequent Crusades and its Holy Land tourism and real
estate businesses. Within 100 years the Kings of England and France were indebted to
the KT multinational banking system. (1-1, 1-2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 12)

The KT were exposed by the French King Phillip IV and the Roman Catholic Church
Pope Clement V in 1307. The KT leaders were then legally water boarded tortured
and confessed their satanic worshipping and bisexuality. The KT Master and core
leaders were burned at the stake in Paris, France in 1314. Their satanic death curse
lead to the bizarre deaths of the King (mysterious hunting brain ictus) and Pope
(mysterious acute illness) within 6 months in 1314. The French King Phillip IVs Royal
Caput Family became literally finished within 2 decades being unable to produce a
male heir. Their fate is now embedded in the philology of the word caput. (12)

Legally, the English Lincoln Parliament of 1301 established that the English Prince
of Wales is next in line to ascend to the English throne of Kingship. By bizarre
coincidence the SFRM in England was started by the first Prince of Wales who
became the English King Edward II. He ascended to the throne in 1307. Historically
ever sense the SRFM in England and thus later in America has been headed by the
English Prince of Wales. (1-1, 1-2, 3, 5, 6, 12)

By bizarre coincidence the same year that the French King Phillip IV exposed the
KT in 1307 the first English Prince of Wales Edward became the English King
Edward II; it was arranged in 1307 that the French King Phillip IV become Edwards
Father In-Law actually marrying his daughter French Princess Isabella in 1308. (12)

It was not a coincidence that English King Edward II refused to arrest, torture and
seize the assets of the KT members in England as requested by Edwards Father In-
Law French King Phillip IV. It was not a coincidence English King Edward II ruled
until deposed for bisexuality by his wife French Princess Isabella and her brother
French King Phillip V in 1327. (12)

Likewise, it was equally not a coincidence that the English King Edward IIs
grandson the English 1 st Duke of Lancaster John Gaunt, 1340-1399 became the
richest man in the world at that time 13 years after his grandfather English King
Edward II who had refused to act against the KT died in 1327! The English 1 st Duke
of Lancaster John Gaunt was so rich he is still ranked 600 years later in the top 10
richest persons who ever lived! (12)

The English 1 st Duke of Lancaster John Gaunt was the mastermind in continuing
the KT multinational banking system whose international assets were shifted to
Portugal. He thus was the key orchestrator in helping to found the country of
Portugals economic prosperity with the blessing of the Roman Catholic Church
Pope. With his heirs running Portugal within 50 years the navigational, shipping,
military, legal and banking financial infrastructure for the infamous Atlantic Ocean
black African Slave Trade was set up by 1445. (12)

For over 200 years no black African slaves were traded without a license from the
Portuguese King. The vital military and economic coordination treaty between England
and Portugal that empowered this trade is the longest such treaty and is still in existence.
The World's Religio-Socio-Political Economic and Legal System is an Illusion of Justice _ page 4

The American SRFM _Southern Jurisdiction (SJ) moved in 1868 to Washington, DC.
from Charleston, South Carolina from where its Grand Wizard Albert Pike helped
instigate the Civil War. Its apologist and financial funder the SRFM _ Northern
Jurisdiction (NJ) has been based in Boston, Massachusetts area since circa 1815.
The SRFM _NJ members became the financial backer of the American southern states
plantation slave system. After the Civil War the SRFM_NJ financed the trafficking of
opium and endowed most of the Ivy League Colleges and Universities of New
England. (1-1, 1-2, 5, 6, 12, www.theuniversityofgod.org/Page7.html)

Thus it is by no coincidence but poetic justice you find yourself as the US Senator
Elizabeth Warren (D., MA) exposing the oligarch banking system in America owned and
controlled by SRFM_NJ members headquartered in the Boston, MA area; that is in turn
controlled by the SRFM of Great Britain, their counterparts in the Netherlands and their
counterparts in Switzerland and its last Holy Roman Province of Lichtenstein. (smile)

B. Motivation for American Tea Party and Republican Party Coalition

2010 Obsession with Obamacare, Medicaid and Medicare Repeal

The health care industrial complex including the pharmaceutical companies,

hospitals, nursing homes and extended care facilities is extremely powerful in
avoiding addressing the underlying cause of the excessive sickness in America and
instead exploiting costly symptom reductions. The Medical Doctor (MD.) is legally
trained to practice allopathic medicine that suppresses disease and sickness
syndrome symptoms and to epistemologically ignore their underlying causes. (4, 10)

Annually in 2014 the American health care expenditures amounts to $2.9 T and in
comparison the American government spends annually $3.5 T; i.e. public and private
health care expenditures in America equals 80% of the American federal annual budget.
Something is intuitively wrong here!!! (4, 10)

The term medical mafia is defined by 10% of the health care industrial complex
sector that criminally consciously knows and suppresses that the root cause of the
acute and chronic diseases and syndromes plaguing America are from the unnatural
ingestion of dietary cholesterol.

It is controversial but not truthfully debatable that the emergence of humankind as

homo sapiens sapiens in circa 200,000 BC. in East Africa was based on the superiority
of the aboriginal human vegan diet; i.e. the cannibal, hunting inventing, carnivore diet
eating Neanderthal became extinct from encephalopathy from their novel cannibal and
animal carnivore meat diets. (4, 10 Appendixes A-1, A-2, A-3, 12)

This was expressed clearly by Prophet Moses in the Bible Genesis 1: 29::

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the
earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, to you it shall be for meat.
(King James Version)

Unfortunately, the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 or

Obamacare" debates in the US Congress in 2009 and 2010 were intentionally health
care policy development flawed by the power of the medical mafia.
The obvious question of why then $2.5 T is spent annually on health care but the
people of America are sicker than the people of Cuba where 1/3 the money is spent
per capita was not even addressed.

The "medical mafia" had set up this flawed debate over Obamacare with the 2006 US
Supreme Court decision that was muted in favor of the animal meat related industries
which sued the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) which had based on
the scientific research decided to stop subsidizing the $60 B annual eat animal meat
advertising. All objective RD&D indicated that dietary cholesterol is a carcinogenic,
auto-immune disease triggering slow poison and the cause of the most dangerous
disease of humankind altherioscherosis on the national security grounds of
unconstitutionality and endangering the American way of life. The US Supreme Court
committed public health treason for the first time in this muted decision.
The World's Religio-Socio-Political Economic and Legal System is an Illusion of Justice _ page 5

The American Tea Party and Republican Party Coalition has taken control of both the
US House of Representatives 5 months after the passage of the US Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act of 2010 or "Obamacare; and the US Senate in 2014 by
slandering Obamacare and hiding the truth of the reason for the excessive
American health care expenditures compared to the GNP and per capita expenses and
actual benefits compared to other nations.

The US Supreme Court is now about to commit public health treason a

second time if it knocks down Obamacare finding subsidy provisions
unconstitutional. The US House and Senate Budgets are incompetently trying to defund
and destroy the entire Obamacare, Medicaid and Medicare systems to protect this
"secret": The danger of ingesting more than 0.1 mg dietary cholesterol a day.

This amount was scientifically established by Dr. Dean Ornish, MD Cardiologist who
oversaw Former American President Bill Clinton's total reversal of death threatening
cardiovascular heart disease without surgery or prescription drugs shedding 24 pounds
on the aboriginal human vegan diet. The medical mafia has been exposed: Dean
Ornish, MD., editorial Mostly Plants in Journal of American Cardiology, (May, 2009).

Announced on CNN Wolf Blitzer's Interview Show on September 20, 2010

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQJEac84NsU and explained further on
September 28, 2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBM415zDYrs the medical
mafia controlled American Heart Association has ignored this vegan diet solution to
the heart diseases the number one killer of Americans.

The Editor of the Amercan Journal of Cardiology Dr. William C. Roberts wrote in 2007:
When we kill the animals to eat them, they end up killing us because their flesh which
contains [dietary] cholesterol and saturated fat, was never intended [by the Creator] for
human beings.

Again unfortunately the "medical mafia" controls the American Heart Association
so the truth is being suppressed over four years now from the American Public.

However, look at what Obamacare has achieved in its 5 years celebrating its 5 th
anniversary this month of March, 2015:

a.) reduced the uninsured Americans by 11,000,000 people;

b.) saved hospitals $8,000,000,000 in 2014 in uncompensated (emergency room) care;

c.) reduced in 2013 American health care expenses 3.5% the largest reduction since
1960; and

d.) reduced hospital deaths between 2011-13 by 50,000 lives which can be extrapolated
to 100,000 lives from 2011 to 2015.

This is why the newspapers, electronic media and its enemies call the American Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act of March 2010 either "Obamacare" or shorten its
name to "Affordable Care Act" to disguise its intentions of protecting the American
people's tax payer monies and to prevent and protect the American sickness patients.

The suggested solution is to empower the US Surgeon General Vivek Murthey, MD

to evaluate the truth of this "secret" targeting the issuance of his immediate public
health announcement to the American people of the dangers of ingesting more
than 0.1 mg dietary cholesterol a day.

This must be done without the "medical mafia" interference; the US Supreme
Courts muted circa 2006 decision citing anti-animal meat eating activities as a national
security infringement; the American Tea Party and Republican Party Coalition
politicians and the animal meat and dairy related industry special interests.
The World's Religio-Socio-Political Economic and Legal System is an Illusion of Justice _ page 6

C. Only A US Senate Bi-Partisan Coalition Can Exorcise the SRFM Cabal

from America

The 1865 assassination of American President Abraham Lincoln was a coup detat
directed and funded by Great Britain and carried out by members of the SRFM_SJ and
SRFM_NJ of both national political parties. It took fully 36 years to 1901 to
completely install the clandestine cabal that still presently controls the 3 branches of
the American government in full view via the special interest lobbying and
campaign contributions. (1-1, 1-2, www.theuniversityofgod.org/Page7.html)

The succeeding American President Andrew Johnson was treasonous when he

invited to the White House the SRFM_SJ Grand Wizard Albert Pike who orchestrated
the Lincoln Assassination. President Johnson gave Pike a Presidential Pardon for
his role in the assassination on the grounds Pike had 34 degrees and he only 33
degrees in the SRFM Hierarchical Order. *** (1-1, 1-2, www.theuniversityofgod.org/Page7.html)

The cabal leader SRFM_SJ Grand Wizard and Attorney Albert Pike died in 1891.
A US Senate vote had his statue installed as a National Monument in Judiciary
Square in Washington, DC in 1901 after a 10 year cabal political struggle. With
American President Theodore Roosevelt clearing the way 3 weeks after the
1901 assassination of American President William McKinley at the New York
Worlds Fair; the Albert Pike National Monument was established based on his
following criminally evil achievements:
1.) co-founded the domestic terrorist organization the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) started
in 1868 in Pulaski, Tennessee not coincidentally in the home state of President Andrew
Johnson attacking southern black Americans and white carpet baggers;

2.) coordinated the Impeachment defense of President Andrew Johnson

for Treason which failed by 1 vote; and

3.) masterminded the Tilden and Hayes Affair where the US Supreme Court oversaw the
contested 1876 Presidential Election resolved with the popular vote winner New York
Democratic Governor John Tilden losing to the 1 vote Electoral College winner Ohio
Republican Governor Rutherford B. Hayes who promised as President the Union Army
would be completely withdrawn from the southern states.
(1-1, 1-2, www.theuniversityofgod.org/Page7.html)

Only A US Senate Bi-Partisan Coalition Can Exorcise the SRFM Cabal from America
by voting to take down the SRFM_SJ Grand Wizard and Attorney Albert Pikes
National Monument in Judiciary Square, Washington, DC and begin reversing the
plutocracy of the Founding Fathers envisioned American democracy.

State of the World Forum Member #20827

2007 and 2009 European Union Humanitarian Grantee
International War on Poverty _ Part II Supreme Commander
www.theuniversityofgod.org 1-877-419-7483
***American President Andrew Johnson also pardoned Albert Pike for the charges of cannibalism at the Civil War
Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas March 6-8, 1962. Confederate Brigadier General Pike was arrested for ingesting
Union Soldiers brains with his alcohol intoxicated Battalion of Sioux Native Americans on the battlefield. In
one of the few battles the Confederates outnumbered the Union they lost anyway. Escaping from the first
Confederate and then Union stockades Pike fled to Great Britain until 1865 instead of standing trial. He met
Actor John Wilkes Booth in Montreal, Canada in October, 1865 where he transferred to Booth $100,000.
The World's Religio-Socio-Political Economic and Legal System is an Illusion of Justice _ page 7

Flow Charts {source of access}

A. George W. Singleton III, BA., HD., DD. , General Human Systems Theory (GHST) Poverty Systems
Analysis Detailed 2005

B. George W. Singleton III, BA., HD., DD., Dietary Cholesterol and Related Diseases (DCRDS) Human
Body Systems Analysis 2011
{The Purple Seal e-Book previewed on www.books.google.com and see below}

Bibliography [Key Subjects]

1-1.) Anton Chaitkin, Treason in America: From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman (1984)
a.) The Colonial, Revolutionary War, and Neo-Colonial History of America with Great Britain
b.) The History of the Scottish Rite Free Masons _Southern Jurisdiction and Northern Jurisdiction
c.) The Identification of and Present Existence of a Secret Political Cabal in America
d.) The Oligarch Conspiracy to Stop the Land Rush and Limit Sustainable Economic Development

1-2.) Anton Chaitkin, 2 articles on Albert Pike, New Federalist

a.) The History of the Scottish Rite Free Masons _Southern Jurisdiction Cabal
b.) The History of the Scottish Rite Free Masons _Southern Jurisdiction Grand Wizard Albert Pike

2.) John Hamaker and Donald Weaver, The Survival of Civilization (1982)

3.) Ferdinand Lundberg, The Rich & the Super-Rich: Study in the Power of Money (1966)
a.) Anthropological Study of the American and Great Britain Rich and Super Rich Families
b.) Interrelations of the Super Rich, Rich with the European Royalty
c.) Interrelations of the Super Rich, Rich and Organized Crime

4.) Dean Ornish, MD., editorial Mostly Plants in Journal of American Cardiology, (May, 2009)

5.) Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear of Destiny (1974)

a.) Theology of Evil
b.) History of Evil
c.) German Third Reich Dictator Adolf Hitler
d.) History of The Spear of Destiny

6.) Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion (1954)

a.) The History of the Scottish Rite Freemasons _Southern Jurisdiction
b.) The History of the Illuminati and its International Communist and Zionist Conspiracies
c.) Origin and History of the Sephardi Palestinian Jew and the Ashkenazi European Jews

7.) E. F. Schumacher, Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered (1973)

8.) George W. Singleton, BA., DD., HD., The Egyptian Mystery School of On (Annu or God) (2004)

9.) George W. Singleton, BA., DD., HD., The Original Prevention of Sickness: General Nutritional
{www.books.google.com} Herbology Instructions (2005)

10.) George W. Singleton, BA., HD., DD., The Purple Seal: Breaking the Plague of Chronic Diseases
and Syndromes (2011)
Appendix A-1 The Aboriginal Diet of Humans
(Homo Sapiens Sapiens)
Appendix A-2 The Aboriginal Christians were Vegans
Appendix A-3 The Ramifications of the Invention of Hunting,
Animal Husbandry Agriculture and the Novel and
Experimental Carnivore and Omnivore Diets

{Note: The Purple Seal (TPS) e-Book previewed on www.books.google.com exposes and
documents the carcinogenic, auto-immune disease triggering and atherosclerosis
causing nature of dietary cholesterol exclusively purchasable from www.theuniversityofgod.org.}

11.) George W. Singleton, BA., HD., DD., The Interrelated Problems of Poverty, Unemployment
{Attached} and Income Inequality in Plutocratic America
_ Extract from the BRCA/IHGSTP, Inc, International War
on Poverty _ Part II (IWP_PTII)/ECSEDD Proposal (2015)

12.) George W. Singleton, BA., HD., DD., The Untold Story of the Atlantic Ocean Black African
{Unpublished Manuscript} Slave Trade: Demonic Humiliation of the Aboriginal
Homo Sapiens Sapiens (2015)

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