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class str dex int vit tot stamina hpadd PercentStr PercentDex

PercentInt PercentVit ManaRegen ToHitFactor WalkVelocity RunVelocity

RunDrain Comment LifePerLevel StaminaPerLevel ManaPerLevel
LifePerVitality StaminaPerVitality ManaPerMagic StatPerLevel
#walk #run #swing #spell #gethit #bow BlockFactor StartSkill
Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 Skill 4 Skill 5 Skill 6 Skill
7 Skill 8 Skill 9 Skill 10 StrAllSkills StrSkillTab1
StrSkillTab2 StrSkillTab3 StrClassOnly baseWClass item1
item1loc item1count item2 item2loc item2count item3 item3loc
item3count item4 item4loc item4count item5 item5loc item5count item6
item6loc item6count item7 item7loc item7count item8 item8loc
item8count item9 item9loc item9count item10 item10loc item10count
Amazon 20 25 15 20 80 84 30 30 35 15 20 120
5 6 9 20 The following are in fourths 8 4 6 12
4 6 5 6 4 16 20 6 14 25 Throw Kick
Scroll of Identify Book of Identify Scroll of Townportal Book of
Townportal Unsummon ModStr3a StrSklTabItem3
StrSklTabItem2 StrSklTabItem1 AmaOnly hth jav rarm 1 buc
larm 1 hp1 4 tsc 1 isc 1 box
1 i05 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sorceress 10 25 35 10 80 74 30 25 30 30 15 120
-15 6 9 20 The following are in fourths 4 4 8 8
4 8 5 8 5 20 14 8 18 20 fire bolt Throw
Kick Scroll of Identify Book of Identify Scroll of Townportal Book
of Townportal Unsummon ModStr3d StrSklTabItem15
StrSklTabItem14 StrSklTabItem13 SorOnly hth sst rarm 1 hp1
2 tsc 1 isc 1 mp1 2 box 1
i05 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Necromancer 15 25 25 15 80 79 30 20 30 30 20 120
-10 6 9 20 The following are in fourths 6 4 8 8
4 8 5 9 5 19 16 7 17 20 raise skeleton
Throw Kick Scroll of Identify Book of Identify Scroll of Townportal
Book of Townportal Unsummon ModStr3c
StrSklTabItem8 StrSklTabItem7 StrSklTabItem9 NecOnly hth wnd
rarm 1 hp1 2 tsc 1 isc 1 mp1
2 box 1 i05 1 0 0 0 0
0 0
Paladin 25 20 15 25 85 89 30 30 20 20 30 120
20 6 9 20 The following are in fourths 8 4 6 12
4 6 5 8 5 17 18 4 17 30 Throw Kick
Scroll of Identify Book of Identify Scroll of Townportal Book of
Townportal Unsummon ModStr3b StrSklTabItem6
StrSklTabItem5 StrSklTabItem4 PalOnly hth ssd rarm 1 buc
larm 1 hp1 4 tsc 1 isc 1 box
1 i05 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Barbarian 30 20 10 25 85 92 30 35 30 10 25 120
20 6 9 20 The following are in fourths 8 4 4 16
4 4 5 7 4 15 22 5 16 25 Throw Kick
Scroll of Identify Book of Identify Scroll of Townportal Book of
Townportal Left Hand Throw Left Hand Swing Unsummon ModStr3e
StrSklTabItem11 StrSklTabItem12 StrSklTabItem10 BarOnly hth hax
rarm 1 buc larm 1 hp1 4 tsc 1 isc
1 box 1 i05 1 0 0 0 0
0 0
Druid 15 20 20 25 80 84 30 20 30 30 20 120 5
6 9 20 The following are in fourths 6 4 8 8 4
8 5 9 5 19 16 7 17 20 Throw Kick Scroll
of Identify Book of Identify Scroll of Townportal Book of Townportal
Unsummon ModStre8a StrSklTabItem16 StrSklTabItem17
StrSklTabItem18 DruOnly hth clb rarm 1 buc larm 1 hp1
4 tsc 1 isc 1 box 1 i05 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
Assassin 20 20 25 20 85 95 30 25 15 35 25 120
15 6 9 15 The following are in fourths 8 5 6 12
5 7 5 6 4 16 20 6 14 25 Throw Kick
Scroll of Identify Book of Identify Scroll of Townportal Book of
Townportal Left Hand Swing Unsummon ModStre8b StrSklTabItem19
StrSklTabItem20 StrSklTabItem21 AssOnly hth ktr rarm 1 buc
larm 1 hp1 4 tsc 1 isc 1 box
1 i05 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

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