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Archetype Examples Source

Academic Cultural Anthropologist, Famous Historian, Ancient Language Specialist HEX
Adventurer Daredevil, Flying Ace, Smuggler HEX
Barbarian Feral Child, Noble Beastmaster, Reclusive Hermit MHE
Beastman Apeman, Lizardman, Moleman MHE
Celebrity Hollywood Starlet, Movie Director, Playwright HEX
Crewman Aeronaut, Deckhand, Submariner GMS
Criminal Con Man, Innocent Fugitive, Gangster HEX
Doctor Jungle Doctor, Ship Surgeon, Veterinarian HEX
Engineer Blacksmith, Civil Engineer, Vehicle Mechanic HEX
Everyman Accountant, Mechanic, Taxi Driver SSW
Explorer Cartographer, Fearless Leader, National Hero HEX
Guardian Keeper of Secrets, Professional Bodyguard, Temple Guardian MHE
Healer Medicine Man, Village Midwife, Witch Doctor MHE
Hunter Big Game Hunter, Native Guide, Tracker HEX
Lawman Bounty Hunter, G-Man, Private Detective SSW
Missionary Evangelist, Jesuit Priest, Theologian HEX
Moneyman Eccentric Tycoon, Financier, Movie Producer HEX
Monk Hindu Yogi, Shaolin Monk, Tibetan Lama SSW
Mystic Tribal Shaman, Prophetic Oracle, Wandering Monk MHE
Native Cannibal, Cargo Cultist, Noble Savage MHE
Occultist Fortuneteller, Occult Investigator, Spiritualist HEX
Outcast Exiled Pirate, Social Pariah, Vril-ya Heretic MHE
Reporter Biographer, Investigative Reporter, Photographer HEX
Scientist Eccentric Inventor, Naturalist, Theoretical Physicist HEX
Soldier Government Agent, Ex-Marine, Soldier-of-Fortune HEX
Spy Double Agent, Femme Fatale, Saboteur SSW/GMS
Survivor Castaway, Political Refugee, Stranded Traveler HEX
Warrior Amazon Warrior, Warrior-Poet, Tribal War-Chief MHE

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Motivation Possessed by Source
Duty Doctors, Soldiers, Criminals HEX
Escape Adventurers, Criminals, Survivors HEX
Faith Academics, Missionaries, Occultists HEX
Fame Celebrities, Explorers, Reporters HEX
Glory Barbarians, Hunters, Warriors MHE
Greed Adventurers, Criminals, Moneymen HEX
Honour Doctors, Hunters, Monks SSW
Hope Adventurers, Everyman, Survivors SSW
Justice Lawmen, Reporters, Soldiers SSW
Love Celebrities, Explorers, Reporters HEX
Mystery Missionaries, Occultists, Spies SSW/GMS
Power Moneymen, Occultists, Scientists HEX
Preservation Academics, Guardians, Healers MHE
Redemption Criminals, Missionaries, Soldiers SSW
Revenge Hunters, Scientists, Survivors HEX
Survival Doctors, Hunters, Survivors HEX
Truth Academics, Reporters, Scientists HEX
Wisdom Adventurers, Mystics, Outcasts MHE

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Flaws Type Description Source
Absent-Minded Mental Often forgets or overlooks important details HEX
Addiction Mental Hooked on a specific substance or activity HEX
Amnesia Mental Has lost his memory and may have flashbacks HEX
Blas Mental Easily jaded and bored SSW
Childlike Mental A child in an adult body MHE
Code of Conduct Mental Lives by an inflexible set of rules MHE
Coward Mental Afraid of conflict and may run from a fight HEX
Curious Mental Fascinated by the unknown SSW/GMS
Delusion Mental Suffers from hallucinations SSW
Depressed Mental Sad and pessimistic SSW
Easily Lost Mental Poor direction sense MHE
Hard to train Mental -2 penalty to all non-Zero Level Skills MHE
Illiterate Mental Dyslexic or uneducated and cannot read or write HEX
Impulsive Mental Impatient and reckless and often gets in trouble HEX
Indecisive Mental Cannot make up his mind MHE
Malaise Mental Constantly ill at ease and lethargic MHE
Megalomania Mental Delusions of grandeur SSW
Multiple Personalities Mental Personalities interfere with each other MHE
Obsession Mental A compulsion to perform a particular activity HEX
Obvious Mental Cannot stay inconspicuous MHE
Ouranophobia Mental Irrational fear of falling upward MHE
Overconfident Mental Foolhardy and sometimes gets in over his head HEX
Paranoia Mental Anxious and distrusts everyone around him HEX
Phobia Mental Scared of a particular thing and will avoid it HEX
Short Temper Mental Has trouble controlling anger SSW
Skeptic Mental Never takes anything at face value SSW
Territorial Mental Aggressively defends territory and possessions MHE
Thrill-Seeker Mental Addicted to danger SSW/GMS
Timid Mental Nervous and anxious SSW
Vow Mental Sworn to an action or organization SSW
Bestial Miscellaneous Cannot communicate or use tools MHE
Danger Magnet Miscellaneous Attracts trouble through no fault of her own HEX
Hunted Miscellaneous Pursued by an individual or organization SSW
Pawn of Prophecy Miscellaneous Fate controls your circumstances MHE
Poor Miscellaneous Destitute and bad with money SSW
Primitive Miscellaneous Unfamiliar with modern technology HEX
Primitive Miscellaneous -2 penalty to all technology-related rolls MHE
Unlucky Miscellaneous Cursed, jinxed, or otherwise unlucky HEX
Weirdness Magnet Miscellaneous Attracts supernatural occurrences SSW
Albino Physical Lacks skin pigmentation MHE
Blind Physical Automatically fails sight rolls HEX
Clipped Wings Physical Cannot fly MHE
Clumsy Physical Has poor coordination SSW
Cold-blooded Physical Becomes sluggish when cold MHE
Crippled Physical Cannot walk SSW
De-clawed Physical Claws and talons do nonlethal damage MHE
Deaf Physical Automatically fails hearing rolls HEX
Dry skin Physical Must wet skin regularly MHE

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Dwarf Physical Not as big or strong as others HEX
Dwarf Physical Smaller and weaker of body MHE
Dying Physical Has an incurable disease and may soon die HEX
Elderly Physical Advanced in age SSW
Flea-Infested Physical Infested with blood-sucking parasites MHE
Glass Jaw Physical Easily stunned and knocked out SSW
Hard of Hearing Physical Poor hearing and may misunderstand speech HEX
Illness Physical May be incapacitated by illness SSW
Lame Physical Has a bad leg or foot and moves slower than others HEX
Low Pain Tolerance Physical Has extreme sensitivity to pain SSW
Mange Physical Skin is scabby and infectious MHE
Mute Physical Cant speak and must write or gesture instead HEX
Obese Physical Larger and slower than normal SSW
One Arm Physical Missing an arm and has trouble doing work HEX
One Eye Physical Missing an eye and has poor depth perception HEX
Poor Vision Physical Bad eyesight and has trouble identifying things HEX
Ravenous Physical Requires double amount of food MHE
Sickly Physical Illness causes major discomfort SSW
Skinny Physical Has a weak physique SSW
Thumbless Physical Cannot use tools MHE
Young Physical Child or youth SSW
Aloof Social Distant and remote SSW
Animal Antipathy Social Instinctively hated by animals MHE
Callous Social Selfish, uncaring, and insensitive of others HEX
Condescending Social He is better than everyone else HEX
Criminal Social Believed to have committed a serious crime HEX
Disfigured Social Ugly, unattractive, and repulsive to others HEX
Dominant Social Seeks to subjugate others MHE
Doomsayer Social Foretells catastrophic events MHE
Exiled Social Forcibly outcast from society MHE
Fanatical Social Zealous and dedicated SSW/GMS
Gullible Social Believes almost anything SSW
Herd Mentality Social Resists individualism and aloneness MHE
Honest Social Never lies SSW
Inscrutable Social Mysterious and hard to read SSW
Intolerant Social Biased and prejudiced against a certain thing HEX
Liar Social Constantly embellishes the truth SSW
Lovelorn Social Lovesick and forlorn SSW
Masochism Social Desires pain MHE
Merciful Social Compassionate and forgiving SSW
Pacifist Social Opposed to violence and war for any reason HEX
Raised by Wolves Social Disregards all forms of etiquette MHE
Repulsive Social Repellent to other people MHE
Sadism Social Unnecessarily cruel MHE
Secret Social Has an embarrassing or shameful secret HEX
Shy Social Dislikes social situations and tries to avoid them HEX
Speech Impediment Social Trouble speaking and may be misunderstood HEX
Stubborn Social Obstinate and hard-headed SSW/GMS
Submissive Social Wants others to make the decisions MHE

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Superstitious Social Goes out of her way to follow her unusual beliefs HEX
Vain Social Egotistical and narcissistic SSW

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Resource Description Source
Allies Close friends and relatives that can be counted on for help HEX, SSW
Artifact Unique and powerful items in your characters possession HEX, SSW
Contacts Network of associates that may be called on for items and information HEX, SSW
Fame Reputation, notoriety, and influence due to your characters popularity HEX, SSW
Followers Faithful friends and retainers that accompany your character HEX, SSW
Mentor A powerful patron, teacher, or protector who looks out for your character HEX, SSW
Rank Rank and membership in a secret or exclusive organization HEX, SSW
Refuge A safe and comfortable home, private retreat, or secret laboratory HEX, SSW
Status Social status and income due to your characters profession or birthright HEX, SSW
Wealth Income and assets, plus amount of money available to invest HEX, SSW
Animal Followers Faithful, unique animals that accompany your character MHE

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Updated in SSW
Updated in SSW
Updated in SSW
Updated in SSW
Updated in SSW
Updated in SSW
Updated in SSW
Updated in SSW
Updated in SSW
Updated in SSW

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