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26 Home Remedies to Get

Rid of Tonsillitis Fast

Feb 19, 2015

Image Source : www.purchasefamilymag.com/tonsillitis/

Tonsillitis is the inflammation of tonsils in which the lymphoid tissues get
infected. Normally, it takes 3 days to recover from the infection, but sometimes
it may take even a week to get relief from the problem. Using our remedies
should see your tonsillitis gone in a day.

Tonsillitis can be acute or chronic. Although tonsillitis can occur at any age,
children are more likely to catch this disease. It may affect anyone who is
dwelling in an environment that contains germs. Tonsillitis is caused by a
number of bacteria and viruses. One common bacterium that can cause the
disorder is streptococcus. The symptoms of tonsillitis include pain and
tenderness in the throat, redness of tonsils, yellowish and whitish coating over
the tonsils tissues, throbbing blisters or ulcers on the throat, difficulty in
talking, earache, and difficulty in swallowing food. Given below are some home
remedies to get rid of tonsillitis.
Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Tonsillitis

1. Honey
Honey is one of the quickest and easiest home remedies to try for treating
tonsillitis. Take a glass of warm water and add 4 teaspoons of honey, a quarter
teaspoon of salt, and fresh lime juice in it. Drink this mix at least 2-3 times a
day for effective results.

2. Pepper and Turmeric

This is yet another efficacious cure for tonsillitis. Take a glass of boiled milk and
add a pinch of turmeric powder and black pepper powder to it. Stir well and
drink it up before you sleep.

3. Carrot, Beet, and Cucumber

Take 300 grams of carrot, 100 gram beet, and 100 gm cucumber. Extract the
juice of all these 3 ingredients and mix it up. Drink it to get relief against

4. Fenugreek Seeds

Boil fenugreek seeds in water for around 30 minutes. Let it cool down and strain
the water. Gargle with it at least twice a day to cure tonsillitis.

5. Figs

Take some dry figs and boil them in water. As they become soggy and absorb
some water, grind them in a mixer to make a paste. Apply this paste on your
throat for alleviating the symptoms of tonsillitis.

6. Lemon

Cut lemon into two halves. Sprinkle some pepper and salt over it and lick
the juice from it. It is one of the effective and proven home remedies for
treating tonsillitis.
7. Bitter Gourd

It is advisable to consume bitter gourd to get relief from the problem of


8. Ice

Many of you must be wondering that how can ice treat the problem. But, icing
can cure your problem effectually. Take a few ice cubes and wrap them in a
cloth. Gently apply it on tonsillitis as a cold press for 10-15 minutes. Do it at
least 4 times a day for effective results.

9. Ginger

Get the juice of ginger and add it to warm water. You can also add a teaspoon
of honey to it for quick results. Gargle with it two times a day, to get instant

Alternatively, add some ginger to your tea for a soothing effect.

10. Onion

Extract juice from an onion and add it to a glass of lukewarm water. Gargle with
it to get rid of tonsillitis.

11. Salt Water

Add a teaspoon of salt in lukewarm water and gargle with it at least thrice a day
and see your problem will be cured magically.

12. Milk
In a glass of warm milk, add a teaspoon of turmeric. Stir well and drink it two
times a day. It will cure the pain associated with tonsillitis.

13. Mustard Powder

Add some mustard powder in warm water. Use this mixture for gargling.

14. Hot Fluids

Hot fluids like chicken soup provide relief from the pain resulted due to

15. Alum

Take a glass of saline water and add a teaspoon of alum powder to it. Stir well
and gargle. Or else, swallow a teaspoon of alum powder to heal the problem.

16. Vodka

Take cup of warm water. Add 3 teaspoons of vodka to it. Gargle with this
mixture and then swallow it. If you are a teetotaler, eat boiled egg or yogurt
after drinking this solution, to coat your stomach.

17. Popsicles

It may sound weird, but eating flavored popsicles or ice cream may relieve you
from the problem of tonsillitis.

18. Garlic

Crush some garlic cloves and make a paste. Slightly warm it in the microwave.
Add honey to it. Apply it externally with the help of a cotton ball on the inflamed
tonsil area.
Herbal Remedies to Cure Tonsillitis

19. Chamomile

Chamomile is an excellent herbal remedy for tonsillitis. Steep some chamomile

leaves in the boiling water. After 5-7 minutes, strain it. Add honey and lemon to
it. Drink it warm.

20. Mint

Prepare mint tea by adding fresh mint leaves to boiling water. Steep it for a few
minutes. Strain and drink it.

21. Basil

Crush some holy basil leaves and add them to warm milk. Also, add some
honey to it. Drink it at least once daily.

22. Agrimony

Brew an herbal tea by adding agrimony to the boiling water. Sip it. This remedy
will speed up the recovery process by removing mucous from the lungs and

23. Mullein

The sulfur content in mullein helps increase the resistance power of lymph
nodes and assist in fighting the infection. Take mullein oil to loosen up the
mucous. You can also consume mullein flowers in the form of herbal tea,
tincture, tonics or extract.

24. Myrrh
This herb helps reduce the inflammation of lymph nodes and cures a sore
throat caused due to tonsillitis. It can be taken in the form of essential oil,
tonics, and tincture.

25. Sage

The astringent and analgesic properties of sage soothe the irritation associated
with tonsillitis. You can drink sage tea to treat tonsillitis. You can also take in
the form of infusion, capsules or tonics.

26. Echinacea

Echinacea, whether taken in the form of tonic, tincture or capsule, aids in

improving the overall immunity of the body. It encourages the drainage of
lymphatic fluid, thereby provide relief from the symptoms of tonsillitis.


Always cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing and make your
children adopt the same habit.

Always carry a hand sanitizer and use it when there is no water

available to wash your hands.

Keep your house clean and dirt free.


Dont make close contact with people who are sick or having tonsillitis.

Do not smoke.

Avoid sharing glasses, utensils and other personal things like bathing
towels, handkerchief, etc.
Do not consume too many caffeinated drinks like coffee or tea.

Refrain from spicy and sour foods.

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