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My name is Nectario Cancimanse Daza, I am twenty-five years, I am the

department of Nario; I am currently living in the path Guambuyaco in the

municipality of Taminango, UNAD student in seventh semester Electronic
Engineering Program, marital status single, I live with my parents and my
younger sister, work in a live digital kiosk, my study schedule from 6 pm
until 11 pm, My hobby is play microftbol and explore new experiences.

I will tell the anecdote that happened to my friend.

One day when we were painting the wall in Carlos' breast room, he set
to mark his prints when the paint had not dried yet, as he also had
paint in his hand and was accidentally put on his face and painted blue
thank you very much

Contare la anecdoota que le paso a mi amigo.

Un da que estbamos pintando la pared en habitacin de mama de Carlos, el se coloco a marcar
sus huellas cuando la pintura todava no haba secado, como tambin tena pintura en la mano y
esta accidentalmente se la puso en la cara y quedo pintada de azul

Ernesto cogi pintura para la pared, porque estbamos pintando su habitacin, y se puso a dejar
sus huellas por la pared.

Tambin tena pintura en la mano y se la puso en la cara y le qued la cara azul.

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