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Lesson Plan #5 Learning cardinal direction using dance

Using: broken circle/closed circle/ basic locomotor patterns

Continuation of Locomotor pattern lesson (#3)

Grade Level: Elementary

Material Required: Chalkboard and music player any music will do
Activity Time: 30 minutes
Objectives: Learn broken circle and closed circle formations
I. Objective:
Student will successfully demonstrate open and broken circle formations
Student shall be able to identify direction (N,S,E,W)

II. Introduction
Can anyone tell me what a circle looks like? (Use chalk board and have student
draw it, correct if needed)
Can anyone guess what a broken circle looks like?
Using these two shapes we will learn direction and how to use it in dance
We will use the locomotor patterns we previously learned in class (Refresh
students if necessary)
Does anyone know the cardinal directions? (Draw compass rose or label each wall
in class with its proper direction) Explain there are 4 directions (North, South,
East, West) and have students point to each one. Perform several times to ensure
all students are comfortable with them.
Have students perform different locomotor patters moving after instructor calls
out a direction. (Remind students to be mindful of personal space)

III. Formation
Have students move a closed circle formation (form circle with everyone holding
hands) Friends, this is closed circle
Have students create an broken circle (one link in the hand chain will be broken)
Friends this is what a broken circle looks like Remember where you are and
which link in our circle is broken
IV. Dance Move
Have students get into a closed circle formation and have students jump (in place)
or walk clockwise or counter clockwise and then clap and have them break into a
closed circle. Instructor will clap and call out a locomotor pattern (walk, run,
leap{not recommended}, hop, jump) and direction (North, South, East, and West)
and students will move in that direction. NOTE: be aware of reaction time of
students and the amount of space so students will avoid running into walls.
STEP 2: Switch broken link and repeat
Modification: Select a student (or two) to call out direction and movement

V. Conclusion
Student will be able to demonstrate the open and broken circle formations and
know cardinal directions

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