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October 24, 2016

This morning on my way to work during my morning prayer time going out 53 Lottridge road, I
began speaking to God and he laid on my spirit about the women that he called yesterday to
come up front for female healings. I heard him say yesterday I have given you the healing but
you need to change your mind set to believe in what is already been done for you. I didnt say
anything Sunday but this morning God laid that in my spirit again and then he led me on a 15-
minute sermon about how we have already been healed but we need to change our mind set
and the way we think to accept our healings, going up and having an anointed one pray over
you is fine but what you do with that prayer afterwards is where most people are failing. At the
time they are believing because the spirit is so strong and it is fresh, but then they go home and
they start to doubt they start to claim the illness again, they welcome it back into their bodies.
When we have given something over to God we have got to trust him to take it and think of it no
more. You cannot sit around and speak these things into your life, your body. I was talking to
myself as well because I had been doing the same thing. You say you believe that God will or
has healed you but do you truly 150 % believe it? Do you question whether it really worked?
When we dont trust God enough to heal our ailments when we say we believe but only for that
moment that is not believing.

Read Exodus 23:25 - Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and
water. I will take away sickness from among you.

We have got to change our mindsets, if we dont then we have already set ourselves up to fail. I
am as guilty as the next person, I so often hear my brothers and sisters speak illnesses into
their lives. We mostly say it without thinking about it. When we say oh my whatever sickness
you are feeling has got me bad today, well you are giving that parasite that does not belong in
your body permission to setup housekeeping and invite its friends and family over. What we
should be doing is proclaiming the healing that we received when Jesus shed his blood on the
cross for us.

Read Isaiah 53:4-5 that say Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we
considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our
transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that b brought us peace was
on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

It tells us in this that we were healed before we were ill. So take each day at a time one baby
step forward. Each time you dont feel well or something is hurting, right then get on your knees
or however you pray to God and say Father, I do not claim this illness you have told me that
your son Jesus died for our sins and that by his wounds we are healed, I am proclaiming that
right now Father God, I am rebuking this foreign substance in my body in the name of Jesus. I
will no longer give it a place to dwell or further control over my life and repeat this as many times
as you need to for as long as you need. We are Gods children he doesnt want us to be sick or
in pain and suffering he wants us well so we can go out and concentrate on doing great works
for the Kingdom if we are not feeling well the concentrate on that and not on God. So get your
mindset in order, stop speaking sickness into your life, the life of your spouses and your
children, make up your mind that today is a new day a new way of thinking and a new way of
seeing things. This morning while I was speaking these similar words and it was as if God was
my audience I was struggling with the same thing feeling sorry for myself and questioning God,
UNTIL after my little sermon and guess what there is no longer pain in my hands, there will no
longer be sickness in my body because I have a new way of thinking and it does not allow
sickness, depression, anxiety or any other foreign substance in my body. This is a temple for
God and it deserves to be a great temple. This will not be easy as with anything you will have to
train yourself, but if you truly and you are honest with yourself want to be healthy and able to put
all your efforts towards God and not sickness then you will work hard to get to that point.

Another scripture that you can read is Psalms 103:2-4 Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not
all his benefits 3. who forgives all yours sins and heals all your diseases, 4. who redeems your
life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.

See this scripture tells you that the Lord will forgive us of our sins and heal us of our diseases
but we have to have the faith that he will do it. As all of you know it only takes the faith of a
mustard seed to see God do awesome things in our lives. He is not asking much from us, you
have faith in him that you are going to wake up each morning, you have faith in him that he will
provide for your needs then why is it so hard to believe and have faith that he will heal you?

Read Mark 5:34 He said to her, Daughter, your faith has healed you. go in peace and be freed
from your suffering.

All it takes is faith in God and work from us to see our healings and blessings take place. God
has promised us that if we trust in him, believe in him and have faith in him all things are
possible. Do you have that believe, trust and faith today? Can you say without doubt that you
have that amount of faith? If you dont then today seek the Lord ask him to give you first
direction, then to open your heart, eyes and ears to his word so you can get to the place of
unquestionable faith in his word. I dont think any of us can say we are not without some
questions or doubts but we know that we have the best doctor in the world and we can be
healed by believing and asking.

I want to close with this: In James 5:16 it says - Therefore confess your sins to each other and
pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful
and effective.

So today if you are truly looking for that healing, that answer you have been praying for then
come forward lay your sins at the feet of our Father and ask for forgiveness, then ask for your
Pastor and Elders to pray over you and as they are praying the congregation can pray for you
from their seats, it takes each and every one of us to help a brother or sister that is in need.

Our God is mighty to save!!

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