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International Pharmaceutical Students Federation

Pan American Regional Office

Call for Pan American Regional Office Positions

Regional Working Group

Third Round

The Pan American Regional Office (PARO) is calling interested pharmacy students from all the IPSFs
associations from the Americas to join the International Pharmaceutical Students Federation as part of
the PAROs team on the Regional Working Group. The appointment of Subcommittee members will follow
throughout the year.

For all the positions, you must be able to work on throughout the year in your position and have regular
internet access. You must be reachable throughout your entire term, until October 2018. All the positions
are invited to attend the 63rd and/or 64th IPSF World Congress, 11th and/or 12th IPSF Pan American Regional
Symposium and your committee/subcommittee meeting, if one is scheduled. However, it is not

If you are interested in a particular position listed here, you shall submit the completed Nomination Form
and a Motivation Letter with less than 300 words and send the documents to the PARO Secretary
(secretary@paro.ipsf.org) before the deadline for applications.

The election of the Regional Working Group Officers will by appointed by the current Regional Working

Candidates for Regional Working Group Officer positions must prepare an oral presentation with maximum
duration of 3 minutes to present to the Regional Working Group and should be available to answer
questions, if required.

All the nomination forms (with Motivation Letter) must be submitted to secretary@paro.ipsf.org no
later than September 1, 2017, 23:59 (11:59 pm) GMT-4 (Montreal, Canada time).
Regional Working Group Positions

Regional Media and Publications Officer (RMPO)

As Regional Media and Publications Officer, you will be responsible for developing publication materials
as well as updating the website and Facebook page of the Regional Office. The main Regional Office
publication is the PARO Newsletter. The RMPO is responsible to ensure completeness and effectiveness
of the content and design of ALL publications. It is essential to have the ability to use Photoshop or other
related programs is essential but if you do not possess these skills yet, they can be learned.

The newsletter is an important publication for PARO, and the RMPO is the leader in preparing this project.
There should be an issue that comes out periodically that includes all regional activities promoted by
RWG, blog posts from the website and Facebook page, pictures from association projects and anything
else that should be shared with the region. The RMPO will have help from his or her subcommittees who
will work closely together to improve the PARO website.

It is also the RMPOs responsibility to ensure that the website is maintained and continually up to date.
To be able to update the Regional Office website, it is essential to have the basic knowledge on how to
manage a website, as well as to be familiar with both technical details and all site content. The website
program that is currently used is WordPress.

The RMPO is also responsible for working with the Regional Projects Officer to create and design new and
imaginative ways of promoting the Regional Office and its projects such as flyers, posters, association
project reports. The RMPO is also responsible for editing any and all materials that are posted on the
website and Facebook page for grammar, spelling and completeness (including blog posts). Most
importantly, the RMPO needs to motivate the region to share their ideas for patient outreach projects
and materials in order to promote progression of the region.

The RMPO is a co-opted member of the IPSF Design and Creativity Committee and assists in designing
projects mandated to the Committee for the Federation. The RMPO is also the Chair of the PARO Media
and Publications Subcommittee as well as the PARO Translation Subcommittee and will need to delegate
necessary obligations to these individuals. The RMPOs responsibility to ensure that all posts are
translated at least in English and Spanish (however, if available, posts should be translated into
Portuguese, and French as well), with the help of the Translation Subcommittee.

For more information on the position, please write to rmpo@paro.ipsf.org.

International Pharmaceutical Students Federation
Pan American Regional Office
Convocatoria para ocupar posiciones
Grupo de Trabajo Regional
Tercera Ronda
La Oficina Regional Panamericana est convocando a los estudiantes de farmacia interesados, de todas
las asociaciones miembros de la Federacin Internacional de Estudiantes de Farmacia (IPSF), de formar
parte del equipo de PARO en el Grupo de Trabajo Regional. El nombramiento de los puestos en los sub-
comits seguir durante el ao.

Para todas las posiciones, Ud. debe estar dispuesto a trabajar durante todo el ao y tener acceso regular
a Internet. Ud. debe estar disponible durante todo el tiempo que dure su periodo, desde Octubre de
2018. Todas las posiciones estn invitadas a participar del 63 y/o 64 IPSF World Congress y al 11 y/o
12 Pan American Regional Symposium y a las reuniones de sub-comit si esta es programada. De todos
modos, esto no es obligatorio.

Si Ud. esta interesado en alguna posicin deber completar el Formulario de Nominacin y elaborar una
carta de motivacin de menos de 300 palabras y enviarlo al/a la Secretario/a de PARO
(secretary@paro.ipsf.org) antes de que el tiempo de aplicacin expire.

Los nuevos membros del Grupo de Trabajo Regional estar designado por el Grupo de Trabajo Regional

Tanto los candidatos para el Grupo Regional de Trabajo deben preparar una presentacin oral con una
duracin mxima de 3 minutos y tienen que estar disponibles para responder a preguntas si necesario.

Todos los formularios de nominacin (con carta de motivacin) deben ser presentados a
secretary@paro.ipsf.org hasta el 1 de septiembre 2017 a las 23:59 (11:59 pm) GMT-4 (hora de
Montreal, Canad).
Posiciones en el Grupo de Trabajo Regional

Regional Media and Publications Officer (RMPO)

Como RMPO, Ud. deber elaborar materiales de publicacin, actualizar el sitio web y el Facebook de
PARO. La publicacin principal es el Newsletter. Es responsable de asegurar la integridad y la eficacia
de los contenidos y el diseo de todas las publicaciones. Es esencial conocer el manejo de Photoshop o
programas similares, pero si no conoce al respecto puede aprenderlo.

Debe liderar el proyecto de elaboracin del Newsletter. Puede hacer uno regularmente y debe incluir
todas las actividades promovidas por el RWG, los post en el sitio web y en Facebook, imgenes sobre
las asociaciones y cualquier cosa que pueda ser compartida por PARO. Debe ser bien diseado usando
cualquier programa de edicin. El RMPO tendr la ayuda de sus subcomits con quien podr trabajar de
cerca para mejorar el sitio web de la regional.

Es responsable de mantener el sitio web al da. Es esencial tener conocimientos sobre manejo de sitios
web, como as tambin conocer los detalles tcnicos y de contenidos del sitio. Actualmente se utiliza
el programa WordPress.

Tambin es responsable de trabajar de cerca con el Regional Projects Officer para disear y crear
nuevas ideas de promocin de la regional y sus proyectos; folletos, posters, etc. Tambin debe editar
todos los materiales que sern colgados de la pagina web y del Facebook, verificando la gramtica, la
ortografa y la integridad. Debe motivar a la regional para compartir sus ideas para los proyectos de
alcance de los pacientes y materiales con el fin de promover el progreso de la regin.

Tambin deber trabajar muy de cerca con el Design and Creativity Committee de IPSF para asistir en
el diseo de las publicaciones de la Federacin. Tambin es el lder de los sub-comits de PARO de
Medios y Publicaciones y de Traduccin y podr delegar obligaciones a ellos. Por ltimo, ser la
responsabilidad del RMPO asegurar que todos los mensajes se convierten al menos en ingls y espaol
(sin embargo, si est disponible, los mensajes debe ser traducido al portugus y francs tambin), con
la ayuda del subcomit de Traduccin.

Para ms informacin escribe a rmpo@paro.ipsf.org.

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