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Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614

Volume 3, No.11, November 2014

Problems & Prospects Of Women Entrepreneurs In India

G. Murugesan, Associate Professor, Faculty of Management Studies ,VMKV Engineering College, Salem
The emergence of woman entrepreneurs and their contribution the national economy is quite visible in India. The number
of woman entrepreneurs has grown over a period of time, especially in the 1990s. Woman entrepreneurs need to be
lauded for their increased utilization of modern technology, increased investment, finding a niche in the expect market,
creating a sizable employment for others and setting the trend for other woman Entrepreneurs in the organized sec-
tor. The woman in business is a recent phenomenon in India. The spread of education and increased awareness are aiding
women of spread their wings in to areas which are hither to the monopoly of men. The number of women entre-
preneurs in the field of engineering, electronics and energy are on the rise. Majority of the educated woman entrepreneurs
having qualities such as accepts challengers, ambitious, enthusiastic, hard-working, skillful etc.

Keywords: Woman entrepreneur, problems & prospects, woman enterprise, woman contribution, woman business

Introduction change in the field of information and technology brings

Entrepreneurship can help womens economic independ- a significant change of the status of women in the socie-
ence and improve their social status. Automatically the ty.
women get empowered once they attain economic inde-
pendence. The development of women entrepreneurship Women Enterprises In Practice
enables society to understand and appreciate their abili- The Government of India has defined women enterprise
ties. It enhances their status and leads to integration of as an enterprise owned and controlled by women hav-
women in nation building and economic development. ing a minimum financial investment of 51 % of capital
It provides them psychological satisfaction and imbibes and giving at list 51 % of the employment generated in
a deep sense of achievement to create their enhanced the enterprise to women. In India the following features
identity in society. have been found in respect of woman entrepreneurship.

Characteristics Of Enterpreneurs a) Women account for only 5.2% of the total self em-
To be successful entrepreneurs one has to acquire and ployed persons in the country.
develop certain qualities, namely : b) There were more than 1, 53,260 woman entrepre-
a) High motivation for achievement of goal, neurs claiming 9.01% of the total entrepreneurs in
b) Insatiable drive and persistent enthusiasm, India during 1998-99.
c) Ready to take risk and face challenge, c) Decision relating to site selection for establishment
d) Technical expertise, of enterprise of for women is based on proximity to
e) Spirit of innovation, home.
f) Hard working, dedication, commitment and self d) Women entrepreneurs face more difficulties than
confidence, their male counterparts in the start up stage of enter-
g) Willingness to take advice/ learn from the failureand prise due to lack of experience of technical training
use of Feedback, and marketing.
h) Effective management of time. e) Self-assessment by woman entrepreneurs shows
great differences from the characteristics normally
To Woman Entrepreneurs In India associated with male entrepreneurs such as: passive
In India comprise 40% of the population. Yet they have Vs active; private Vs social.
secondary position in the society. Their role is confined
with in the four walls of the household activities. In the In past rural women concentrated on traditional activi-
male dominated society discrimination against the fair ties, but now due to spread of education and favorable
sex is still being practiced in different forms. At this government policies towards self - employment and skill
juncture can we expect that a woman can act as entre- development, women have changed their attitude and
preneurs? In yesteryears the life of Indian women was diverted towards non-traditional Activities too. We fine
like a well defined predictable master plan. It began woman entrepreneurs engaged themselves in different
with a girl playing with dolls and built to the crescendo type of Activities such as: Engineering, Electronics,
of marriage. Readymade Garments, Textile Designing, Jewelers De-
signing. Handicrafts. Doll-making, Toy- mak-
However, in this modern age things have been changed a ing.Painting. Knitting. Plastics, Soap. Ceramics,
lot. Spread of education coupled with a revolutionary Creches, Canning. Leaf Paper Products, Mushroom

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Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614
Volume 3, No.11, November 2014

farming, Beekeeping, Duckery, Poultry, Dairy. Fishing 6) Management Skills

and Drv-fishing. Livestock Management, Floriculture, Another vital problem encountered by woman entre-
etc. preneurs is lack of management skills. In majority of
the cases woman entrepreneurs lack management skills.
Problems Faced By Women Entrepreneurs Because they have lower propensity of previous business
The problems faced by woman entrepreneurs are briefly experience. Besides this, support providers discriminate
analyzed below: against women entrepreneurs to a greater extension
1) Access to Start-up Finance providing these skills.
Access to start-up finance is the greatest single is-
sue faced by women entrepreneurs. It is observed that 7) Lack of Confidence
women entrepreneurs face greater problems in this re- Other problems like societys attitude towards woman
gard that small business in general. As family members entrepreneurs, unequal opportunities between women
are not in favor of supporting their ladies to take up the and women and very important amongst all the Lack of
business in which they have skills, naturally they will be Confidence in women are also haunting entrepreneurs.
unwilling to support with the finance required for start-
ing a business unit. Association Promoting Women Entrepre-
2) Working Capital Management A brief analysis of various associations and agencies that
Another key disturbing factor for women entrepreneur is are functioning at State and national levels to promote
managing the working capital. Working capital is re- women entrepreneurs are discussed as follows:
quired for maintaining finished stock to meet the market 1) Self-Help Groups (SHGs)
demand, for production and meeting marketing and other This is an association of small group of self-employed
administrative expense. It will be very difficult for wom- rural or urban women entrepreneurs who join together to
en entrepreneurs to avail such loan facilities from finan- take care of group welfare. The group with the help of
cial institutions as they are unable to provide security. financial institutions and other NGOs get their needs
satisfied. This is a voluntary association. Each member
3) Marketing Skills contributes little amount of cover seed money. Rest will
Regarding marketing skills, women entrepreneurs be taken care off by NGOs and Government.
havethe problem of access to markets as their marketing
skills are weak compared to male entrepreneurs. Main- 2) Federation of Indian Women (FIWE)
taining existing business and access to fresh business It is the outcome of resolution passed in 4th International
requiresstrategic marketing skills. This is the most com- Conference Women Entrepreneurs held at Hyderabad.
monly repeated problem faced by women entrepreneurs This was founded i n the year 1993. It mainly interacts
after finance. with various women association of the country through
network to facilitate the member in diversified activities.
4) Access to Technology
Co-ordinating factors of production is really a challen ge 3) Womens India Trust (WIT)
to woman entrepreneurs. Woman entrepreneurs cannot This trust was established in 1968. The trust was started
easily co-ordinate the production process particularly with the main objective of helping woman entrepreneurs.
with the ever changing technology. Very few women can Establishing Kamila T rust in U.K. in 1994 to market the
sustain such production instants. Women who aspire to products of WIT members a shop in London under the
become entrepreneurs cannot keep pace with technology name Kashi and extended export activities to Austral-
advancement. This puts down their initiative to become ia, Europe and Germany from 1995.
5) Regulatory Requirements Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) is
Regarding administrative and regulatory requirements, institution established at the national level to provide
may face that this is a significantly greater problem for facilities so small scale industries. As a part of develop-
women entrepreneurs then their m ale counterparts. Mi- ing small industries by woman entrepreneurs, SIDBI has
cro- enterprises of every type experience these problems. introduced two special schemes for women;
It is because of the disproportionate effect of compliance (i) Mahila Udyam Nidhi to provide equity to wom-
costs on small companies compared with large firms. en entrepreneurs and
Inspite of this, women entrepreneurs do not face that it, (ii) Mahila Vikas Nidhi to provide development
is a major issue. assistance for pursuit of income generating ac-
tivities to women.

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Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614
Volume 3, No.11, November 2014

5) SIDO a) It was suggested to treat women as a specific target

Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO) is groups in all major development programmes of the
conducting variousprogrammes including Entrepreneur- country.
ship Development Programmes (DEPs) for women. To b) It is also suggested in the chapter to devise and di-
later she needs of potential women entrepreneurs, who versity vocational training facilities for women to
may not have adequate educational background and suit their changing needs and skills.
skills, SIDO has introduced product orient EDPs in areas c) Efforts should be made to increase their efficiency
like TV repairing, printed circuit boards, leather good s, and productivity through appropriate technologies,
screen printing etc. equipments and practices.
d) It was suggested to provide the required assistance
6) Consortium of Women Entrepreneurs in India for marketing the products produced by women en-
(CWEI) trepreneurs.
The CWEI is a voluntary organisation consisting of e) It was also suggested to involve the women in deci-
NGOs, SHGs, voluntary organisations and individual sion-making process.
business units. This cam e into being in 2001. The objec-
tive is to be provide technology upgradation facilities to Suggestion For The Development Of Wom-
women entrepreneurs and other facilities in marketing, en
finance, HRD and production. The consortium is also
having international business connections and provides
Thus we can say that women face lots of problems in the
its members marketing and export support through this
male dominated society. There are many unwritten rules,
which the society scrupulously follows. Most of the rules
pertain to women and encompass a wide variety of social
activity like womens education, their employment hours
National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development
of work, dress outing, and the like can interact only with
(NABARD) is an autonomous financial institution pro-
known persons.
vides liberal credit to rural women entrepreneurs.
The following suggestions are made to solve the problem
s of women entrepreneurs.
8) Central and State Government Schemes
a) Central and State governments should assist woman
State Government has come out with several schemes to
entrepreneurs to participate in International trade
develop women entrepreneurs. Development of Women
fair, exhibition and conferences.
and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) a scheme de-
b) Several policy initiatives have been made by the
signed for State governments were implemented in
government like Manila smoky, Swarnajayanthi,
1982-83. Uncountable women throughout the country
Gram Swarojgar Yojna (SGSY), Developm ent of
have availed the facilities to develop themselves as en-
Women and Children of Rural Areas (IAY) and
many other policies. Recently, the government has
enacted the national policy for the empowerment of
9) Self-employed Womens Association (SEWA)
women : 2001.The goal of the policy is to bring
SEWA is a trade union of women which was registered
about the advancement development and empower-
in 1972 under Trade Union Act. The members of SEWA
ment of women.
has extended its operations to the global level and has
c) The family members of woman entrepreneurs
the opportunity of receiving grants from international
should also activity participate and extended all pos-
organizations such as Ford Foundation, UNICEF, ILO,
sible support in the matter of managin g units set up
etc. and Government of India i s also providing funds to
at by woman entrepreneurs.
this organization.
d) Efforts should be made in the direction of simplifi-
cation of the procedures. Formalities, rules and
Role Of Government To Develop Women regulations, etc. required to be fulfilled by the wom-
Entrepreneurs en entrepreneurs in all matter of registration of their
The Government of India has also formulated various and seeking assistance, subsidies, concessions, relief
training and development cum employment generation etc, from different departments and governments
programmes for the women to start their ventures. These sponsored organization involved in providing a va-
programmes are as follows: riety of services to women entrepreneurs.
Steps taken by Government during Seventh Five- year
Plan Conclusion
In the 7th Five-year Plan, a special chapter on the Inte- In present scenario due to modernization, urbanization,
gration of Women in Development (IWD) was intro- globalization and development of education, with in-
duced by Government with following suggestions: creasing awareness, women are now seeking gainful

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Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614
Volume 3, No.11, November 2014

participation in several fields. The entrepreneurship

among women will help them in earning money and be-
coming economically independent. Due to social net-
working women will develop self-confidence, awareness
and ability to marshal environmental support. This will
lead to an improvement is not only the women, from the
point of view of better health, education and skill but an
improvement in her living condition also by being able
to use cleaner fuel, better house, better sanitation, facili-
ties and. infrastructural facilities. This will lead to saving
of resources like time, energy, transforming women into
stronger personality and an overall improvement in her
quality of life.

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