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Para pengelola rumah sakit dewasa ini menyadari bahwa melakukan survey analisis

kepuasan pasien adalah penting untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan antara harapan pasien
sebagai konsumen dengan layanan yang telah diberikan oleh rumah sakit. Hasilnya nanti
dapat digunakan untuk menyusun rencana perbaikan untuk meningkatkan mutu layanan dan
meningkatkan kepuasan pasien yang pada akhirnya akan memperkuat posisi bisnis rumah
sakit itu sendiri . Instalasi farmasi Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Cicik merupakan salah satu
unsur penting dalam pengelolaan RSIA Cicik, sehingga dituntut untuk dapat memberikan
pelayanan terbaik dan bermutu yang berorientasi pada kepuasan pasien.
Penelitian yang dilakukan ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan
kuisioner yang dibagikan kepada 100 responden pasien rawat jalan di instalasi farmasi RSIA
Cicik. Tekhnik sampling yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling. Tingkat Kepuasan
pasien dinilai dengan metode Servqual kemudian dilanjutkan analisis dengan diagram
Secara umum, pasien belum merasa puas dengan pelayanan yang didapatkan dari
instalasi farmasi RSIA Cicik. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil perhitungan selisih skor kinerja dan
harapan pada semua dimensi menunjukkan nilai negatif dengan nilai gap terbesar adalah pada
dimensi responsiveness (-0,37), diikuti oleh dimensi assurance (-0,356), tangibles (-0,35),
reliability (-0,306) dan selisih terkecil pada dimensi empathy (-0,29). Berdasarkan pemetaan
dengan diagram kartesius didapatkan prioritas utama perbaikan adalah pada pada ketepatan
waktu pemberian resep, ketersediaan petugas yang memadai terutama pada jam-jam sibuk,
dan kepastian ketersediaan obat yang diresepkan.

Keyword : kualitas layanan, kepuasan pasien. ServQual, Diagram Kartesius


Hospital tdays This research was descriptive study using data that obtained from the
questionnaire that distributed to 100 patients at outpatients pharmacy.
patient satisfaction surveys have gained increasing attention as meaningful and essential sources of
information for identifying gaps and developing an effective action plan for quality improvement in
healthcare organizations.

In an emerging competitive market such as healthcare, managers should focus on achieving

excellent ratings to distinguish their organization from others. When it comes to customer loyalty,
excellent has a different meaning. Customers who are merely satisfied often do not come back.
ospitals today are increasingly realizing the need to focus on service quality as a measure to improve their
competitive position. Customer based determinants and perceptions of service quality, therefore, play an
important role when choosing a hospital.

The hospital managers today realize that doing a survey analysis of patient
satisfaction is important to identify the gap between the expectations of patients as consumers
with services that have been provided by the hospital. The results will be used to develop
improvement plans to improve service quality and increase patient satisfaction, which in turn
will strengthen the business position of the hospital itself. Installation pharmaceutical of
Mother and Child Hospital Cicik is one important element in the management of RSIA cicik,
so we need to be able to provide the best services and quality-oriented to patient satisfaction.
This research is a descriptive study using a questionnaire distributed to 100
respondents outpatient pharmacy RSIA cicik. The sampling technique used was accidental
sampling. The level of satisfaction of patients assessed by the Servqual method then proceed
with the analysis of Cartesian diagram.
In general, patients do not feel satisfied with the services obtained from the
pharmacy RSIA cicik. This can be seen from the calculation of the difference in performance
scores and expectations on all dimensions showed a negative value to the value of the biggest
gap is the dimension of responsiveness (-0.37), followed by the assurance dimension (-
0.356), tangibles (-0.35), reliability (-0.306) and the smallest gap in the dimensions of
empathy (-0.29). Based on mapping the Cartesian diagram obtained main priority is the
improvement in the timeliness of prescribing, the availability of sufficient personnel,
especially at rush hour, and the certainty of availability of prescribed drugs.

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