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They needed a way to control all of the non conformists.

All of the eccentric, the unique, the ones

that pose a threat to the established order. Outrightly suppressing them would be too open. So they
invented psychiatry, a way to control the non conformists and at the same time make it appear as if
they are helping them. A way to suppress any trouble makers (trouble makers for the system that is)
and make it look like it is medical treatment. A way to sell drugs to the masses, in the guise of
curing them. And so all of the non conformists are in this way silenced, and what you are left with
are all of the dickless cowards who never had the balls to speak the truth, who cowered at the might
of the establishment and trembled like pussies, protecting their precious little asses. And these little
weasels are celebrated as heroes, for what? For being pussies. I am unique. They dont like that. So
they lock me up to cure me of my uniqueness. And its all under the name of medicine, so nobody
opposes this treatment. Dumb fucks. Wait till their day comes. Little shits.

I am a non conformist and always will be. I always tell the truth, and nobody likes that. Why tell the
truth when you can tell lies and live a long and prosperous life as a hero? Cowards. You are not real
men, you are bitches, you and your women. Death to suppression of the human being!!!

Psychiatric translation

What people will say: He has a mental illness so we sent him to a mental hospital to be cured.
Meaning: He showed some behaviours we didnt like so we sent him to a place where they force
feed people drugs and force them to change their behaviours. We live in a free country, yay!!!!

What people will say: He has adhd so the doctor prescribed the cure (a drug). All is well now. He is
Meaning: He wouldnt focus at school because he is a little kid, but we turned this into a mental
illness so that we can sell more drugs. The drugs have altered his hormones, which means his
development will be altered. He can no longer see the world through his own 2 eyes. Society has
forced a new pair of eyes on him and he had no choice in it.

Lets lock people up and force them to take drugs yay!!!!! Lets give the authorities power over
peoples minds yay!!!!! Lock him up and bend his mind!!! Lock him up and bend his mind!!!!
Yay!!!!!! We live in a free country!!!!!! Woohooo!!!!! Lets give up all our rights and
to the government, yay!!!!!!!! Lets turn society into a pussified hellhole, yay!!!! Oh no, an angry
man with balls lives next to me, time to call the psychiatric ward to take him away. Psychiatry is a
scam. If psychiatry is so real then why arent there any crazy people running around in countries
where psychiatry doesnt exist. Answer that bitch!!!! Oh I know what youre gonna say. They have
mental illness, they just havent been diagnosed yet. And yet they are living perfectly peaceful,
happy lives you little shit. They dont need you to come over and diagnose them and sell them
drugs, you pathetic little fuck. Dickless little fuck. You will rot you little shit. Fucking dumb fucks,
all a bunch of dumb fucks. Hahahahahahaha. You know Im right. Hahahahahaha. Youre all a
bunch of dickless controllers. You love controlling other people. But guess what bitches, I will die
free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats right you cocksucking little shits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You failed
to control me
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go fuck yourselves.

Hes trying to commit suicide. Run!!!!! stop him so that we can lock him up in a psychiatric ward
and cure his suicidal tendencies, because if you remove his suicidal thoughts, then that fixes
EVERYTHING. Forcefully remove thoughts from another mans head. Somehow you have the
right to control another persons mind so that they cannot kill themselves. So essentially what you
are doing is controlling their mind to prevent them from killing themselves. Turning them into a
zombie under your control, under societys control. Sure, he might not kill himself, but he will
never be himself again, because you have taken control over his head. Society has taken control
over his head. So it no longer even matters whether or not he kills himself, because he is no longer
himself. He is no longer a free minded person with free choices. He is now a zombie under the
control of society. And somehow that is best for your child? No. That is best for your reputations.
Because nobody wants to hold a funeral. People ask questions.

How is this shit even legal!!!!!!!!? The government has the power to override my control of my own
mind whenever it sees fit? And this is somehow medicine? No. This is Control. Control. Control.
Zombie-like Control. That is what it is. And people like it. Parents like it. The government likes it.
Everybody likes it. I wonder how much they will like it when its them inside the psychiatric ward. I
wonder how they will like it then.
Of course they have no excuse, since they did support psychiatry. Therefore they must be absolutely
thrilled to be sent to a psychiatric ward. Oh how fun!!!!! Like a field trip!!!!! yay!!!!!!! I cant leave
wooohooo!!!!! My head is being controlled yay!!!!!!!!!!!! How fun!!!!!!!!
Enjoy yourselves bitches, because you have NO excuse.

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