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Society of Petroleum Engineers

SPE 39786

Progressing Cavity Pump (PCP): New Performance Equations for Optimal Design
G. Robello Samuel, University of Tulsa, Ken Saveth, Centrilift-Baker Hughes Inc.

SPE Members, * Now with EnerTech

CWyrlght 199S Society of Pelrolem Engin-s. IN without slipping. ~is creates and eccentricity of rotation
7hls pap was FSWpared fw preeentatim ss the 199S SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas between the small and big circles. Each point on the
R-very Cti-W held In Mdland. Texas, 2S-27 Marti 199S
circumference of the rolling circle describes a hypocycloid.
This paper was selected for pfesontabm by an SPE Prcgram Committee following review of When the center of the rolling circle returns to its original
!nformatm wtati In an abslrad s~med by lhe authoqs) Contents of the ~r, as
present~, have m -n revwed by IW -ty of Petroleum Engineers and sre sutsiect to position, the circle will have undergone a rotation of 27t.
~m by the auti(e) The material, as wmted, does not -Ssarily reflect any
posttion of the Society of Petrolwm Engm.sers, ts offwrs, or mern~s Paws presented at Generalizing let the circumference of the smaller circle be
SPE meetings are subjed to Publ-bon review by Edltorlal Commltiees of tti Smiety of
Petroleum Engineers Eladron,c rwcductii, distribution, or stwage of any part of this paw
for mmmercial Furposes without the written wsent of thn Society of Petroleum Engineers ie
2rtr and the circumference of the fixed circle be where
Prahrblted Perrnlesmn 10 repdm In print is resW@ed to an abstract G4not more than W n1
wcfds, !llustrat~s may not be cQII!ed. The abstrect must wtain mnspicucus n is an integer making the smaller circle circumference smaller
ack~ledgmmt of whwe a~ by whm ~ha paw was presented Write Llbrarlan, SPE, P O
BOX 83383S, Fiiiwdm, TX 7~-3=, U S A., fax 01-972-952-9435 than the bigger circle. As described earlier, each point on the
circumference of the rolling circle describes a hypocycloid of
Abstract (n- 1) cusps. In addition, the center of the rolling circle returns
The drive for energy independence has created a window of to the original position, the circle and each point would have
opportunity to innovations in oil recovery. New artificial Iifi undergone a rotation of ~. As it rolls, the n envelopes of the
methods like progressing cavity pumping (PCP) has been n
successfully applied to downhole pumping applications. The n sides are the same. Therefore, n-1 lobed rotor can rotate
unique progressing cavity feature has still to be explored filly continuously within n lobed housing while keeping in contact
to handle oil and gas efficiently without any practical with the housing. Let the center of the fixed circle representing
problems. The mulitlobe pumps are also making inroads into the housing be oh and the shafi be 0. as shown schematically
the industry to be used under different operating conditions. in Fig. 1
Although the design has been mainly based on empirical
standards and trial and error modifications, a more Y

phenomenally optimum design of the pump is required to

achieve a high efficiency standard. This requires a more basic
analytical consideration. Optimal relationship between the
pitch and the diameter of the housing is obtained to achieve a
maximum flowrate for multilobe pumps. This makes it
possible to design a power section of the pump with some
degree of confidence and predict its performance
characteristics with reasonable assurance. The practical
usefulness of the theory, backed by the fundamental and
optimal analysis for incompressible fluid, is demonstrated
with numerical examples.

Geometrical Description
Vertical Cross-Section:
The shaft and housing can be described starting from a
simplified model and further expanded to multilobe rotors and
stators. Consider a fixed circle representing housing of Figure 1: Fixed and Rolling Circles
circumference 27cR where R is radius of the housing circle.
Let another circle of smaller radius, r rolls inside the big circle The mating shaft and housing pair is formed between these


hypocycloids with shaft one cusp less than that of the housing.
This is the essential requirement for two curves to serve as a
housing and shaft pair so that they remain in constant contact
at a number of points as seen in the perpendicular cross
section to the axis of the pump. When the contact surfaces of
housing element and shaft are shaped so that one is driven
inside the other with a fixed speed ratio with the conjugate
profile form the conjugate action, The cusp in the longitudinal
direction of the pump axis forms the lobes of the shafi or
housing accordingly. The figure 2 shows the formation of
different shaft/housing pairs for multilobe pumps in the axial
cross-section of the pump.

Figure 3

Optimum Design for Maximum Pumping Rate

It is necessa~ to establish an optimal dimension of the
pump so as to attain maximum flowrate for a given speed. To
arrive at an optimal relationship, the following geometrical
optimization is carried out using the Lagarange multiplier
Figure 2: ShaWHousing Pairs
method. Choice of optimization quantifies the flowrate, which
needs to be maximized. The flowrate for the mulitlobe pump
Horizontal Cross-Section:
is given by 2)
The horizontal cross section is more complicated as the
number of lobe increases. In the horizontal cross section the
position of the shafi as well as the housing changes at different
-t,)N (1)

position of the pump. The chief characteristics of the positive The constraints on the geometrical limitations in conjunction
displacement pump are delivering a perfectly smooth uniform with the material characteristic Imitation imposed on the
flow. The contact point at different positions in the vertical thickness of the elastomer are analyzed as below. For an ideal
point forms the seal lines in the horizontal cross section. The leak free pump, neglecting the secondary flows, the fluid
seal lines vary according to the number of lobes. The surface travels in a helical path. The trajectory taken by a fluid particle
stretches from one side of the housing to the other and one when it travels downward in a helical path inside the mulitlobe
cavity to the other. Continuity is ensured by the contact along pump given by 2)
these seal lines and the housing being divided into hvo
portions, Rotation of the shafi results in virtual deformation of v .10 =nNJ~ (2)

the surface, decreasing the cavity on one side and increasing The above equations are uniquely derived neglecting the
the cavity on the other side resulting in pumping action. secondary flow encountered when the fluid travels in the
Due to hypocycloidal motion of the shaft, the sealing line is helical direction. To avoid the limitation of equations with
helical instead of purely axial, but this helical sealing line does only two geometrical parameters it is also important to
not affect the sealing of the cavities In order to have an in consider the minor thickness of the elastomer element of the
depth understanding of the sealing action between the housing housing.
and the shafi, the position of the housing and shafi at different Equations 1,2 tie together the entire optimization to be solved.
position are shown in the following figures. Corresponding The details of the derivation are given in Appendix-A
transverse sections of the pump are specifically shown in Fig.
3 using asterisks. The elevation of the pump is shown and the t, ..,.= (3)
corresponding designated cross sections are marked n
respective y. Rewriting Eq.3 above as


_ D, & Ph
- (4) tana= (6)
Ph Ph ~
The equation above relates the minor thickness of the
elastomer to the diameter of the pump and pitch of the but from Eq.3 ph = @nDh
housing. The variation of minor elastomer thickness to the so,
pitch of the housing for various diameters of the pump to pitch
ratio is shown graphically in Fig.4. It can be seen from this tana =~ and a =35.26 (7)
figure that a minimum of 0.45 ratio is required to have 2
realistic diameter pitch ratio. In a similar way for a shafi using the shaft and housing
diameter relationship it can be found that the optimum helix
14.. ..-. angle for the shafi will be equal to 35.36. It is also observed
,, L.__.....__.
..__... _ - ........... .../ that the optimum helix angle is the same when the torque is
maximized for the positive displacement motor 2).

L_ ......-.
J. -_ . .
/... .
Maximum Flowrate
0, .. . . . . . . ..-- .. .. . . Using the optimal pitch diameter relationship substituting in
Eq. 1, the maximum flowrate that can be achieved with the
optimal design is given as

Q = o.79~ i(+i)@p_th)N (8)

(L -1)
The Fig.6 illustrates the variation of the maximum flowrate for
04 w ------- ------ ---- -- --- multilobe pump for a constant diameter and a particular speed
.0, ( . . .. ----------- . . ,..
. .... .. .. ..... .. .. .. ..... ....-
,M *, of the pump for various shafi lobes where as Fig. 7 shows
graphically the variation of the above ratio for various lobe
Figure 4: Variation of ratio of minor elastomer thickness to the
ratios of the shaft and housing.
pitch of the housing for diameter of the pump to pitch ratios

Expressing Eq.4 in terms of the pitch diameter of the housing

for multi lobe pump as

p, .@@-i}, (5)
The pitch diameter of the ;ousing to the housing pitch ratio for
multilobe pumps is shown in Fig.5.

045 . . . ... . . .. . - . . . .. .

Figure 6: Flowrate for various number of lobes

Figure 5: dh/ph ratios for various housing lobes

Optimum Helix Angle

Using the housing pitch-diameter relationship, the optimum
helix angle for housing can be evaluated
Figure 7: Flowrate for various number of lobe ratios


Scaling Factors Hydraulic Index, HI= Qd Hd (20)

The comparison and the parametric study for the same pump
are necessary to have an analysis of the performance of the 25 - ----- ~.. ___ , .._

pump. The geometrical consideration gives more portrayal of

the geometrical scale up of the pump. Let h be the scale 20

factor. All linear dimensions can be increased or decreased by 1 --G--4 ------

the scaling factor.

me volumetric flowrate is given by
Q= AC Xp~XN (lo)
Applying the scaling factor, the volumetric flowrate of the
scaled pump can be given as
Q=)i2A; xhp\x N (11)
I 1
Q= fi3A:P:N (12)
which firther can be written as 0
--.-.--.. _..._.._

055 06
065 01 0.75 OS O.$S 09

Q=~3Q (13)
which shows that the capacity of the pump scaled Figure 8: Dimensionless Performance Plot
geometrically should decrease or increase in proportion to the
third power of the scale factor. The figure 8 shows the dimensionless plots for the foregone
defined dimensionless parameters and they establish a
Hydraulic Index criterion to compare the performance of any pump by
It can be seen that the parameters such as eccentricity, comparing the dimensionless parameters with that of the
diameter of the shafi, pitch of the housing/ shaft, overall optimum dimensionless parameters.
length of the pump; referred as the design parameters depend
on the geometry and construction of the pump. The variable Illustration
that can be changed is the speed, it controls the other operating This example illustrates to compare the operating performance
parameters such as flowrate of the pump and head, and these index of the pump with the optimum hydraulic index of the
are referred as operating parameters. pump available with the following input variables:
In the present study due to various parameters involved, it is Diameter of the shaft = 1.5 inch
necessary to combine different pump variables and the Configuration = 4:5
operating parameters with the aid of Buckingham Pi theorem. Pump eccentricity = 0.25 inch.
In order to compare the design parameters, which affect the Torque =90 ft-lb.
operating parameters, common parametric curves generated Pitch of the housing = 6 inches.
will show the effect of various design parameters. This also Pressure drop across the pump is determined to be
paves the way for coupling the vertical cross-sectional 200 psi at a delivery of 200 gal/rein.
parameters with the horizontal cross-sectional parameters.
To generalize, a dimensionless index called the Hydraulic Dimensionless parameters for actual pump:
Index (HI) of the pump is defined which is given as the From the data, D,= 1.5in., e = 0.25in., ~ = 6in.,
product of dimensionless flow and the dimensionless head. Ap = 200 psi, Q = 200 gal/rein.
The dimensionless parameters are,
D 1.5
v The Dimensional flow Q: = ~ = = 0.06
The dimensionless flow, Qd = - (15) nxp 4x6
ND, h
Hd = Apep ~D,
(16) Substituting the respective values in the Dimensional Head of
Dimensionless head,
the pump under consideration Hd*can be calculated as
and Hydraulic Index, HI= Qd HI (17) 0.25x1.5x6x200
The details of the procedure to obrain the above dimensionless H; =
groups are given in Ref. (2). Using Eq.5 the above
0.25x I.5x6x200 =042
dimensionless parameters can exclusively expressed In terms
of the configuration ratio of the pump and are expressed as 90x12
below Consequently, the Hydraulic Index of the pump under
consideration in this illustration is given by
Qd = ni(2 -i)
Dimensionless flow, (18) HI* = 0.06X 0.42= 0.025
ZQ -i) Dimensionless parameters for optimized pump:
Dimensionless flow for the optimized pump can be calculated
Dimensionless head, H,=3.85~1 (19) from Eq. 18 as


i = winding ratio,
N = rotational speed per minute, rpm,
VV,,O= velocity of the circulating fluid Wsec,
. fi~ -0.8) Ap = pressure drop across the pump in psi,
= 0.09
7tx0.8x ~-O.8} T = torque in fi-lbs,
In the similar way the dimensionless head can be calculated Q = flowrate, cu.in.,
from Eq. 19 as HI = hydraulic index,
Q= dimensionless flow,
~ = dimensionless head,
d= 0.25x 0.8~+0.8)=056
So, Hydraulic Index, HI = 0,09x 0,56= 0.05 References
1. G. Robello Samuel, Mathematical Modeling and
Analysh: Design Analysis of the Power Section of A Positive
This- example illustrates the deviation in dimensionless Displacement Motor (PDM) Ph.D. Dissertation,
parameters of the pump fi-om that of the optimal dimensionless University of Tulsa, 1997.
quantities. On analyzing the various dimensionless quantities, 2. G. Robello Samuel, Miska Stefan Analytical Stu@ of
it is found that, the relative difference between the Hydraulic the Performance of Positive Displacement Motor
Indices of the two pumps are 0.5, of which the relative (PDM): Modeling for Incompressible Fluid SPE
difference in the dimensionless flow is 0.33 and dimensionless 39026 Latin American Petroleum Conference, Brazil,
head is 0.26. Therefore, it is clearly seen that, in the present 1997.
case, both the dimensionless flow and the dimensionless head
have contributed towards the reduction of Hydraulic Index. To Appendix - A
achieve an optimum design, with the same pressure drop, With the objective fimction of Eq. 1 and constraint Eq. 2 the
eccentricity, pitch and diameter of the pump, it is required to Lagrange function and corresponding fwst derivatives are
go in for the lower pair configuration pump. me efficiency of formulated as below:
the pump also has a significant effect on the dimensionless
1. Simplified theory presented gives an insight into the Taking respective derivatives yields,
operating findamentids and sets a criterion for
comparing different pumps. . ~+i)
2X0.79P~Io_iY @P-th~+LnN ~~-tk).
2. Mathematical analysis supported with examples explains ~~=o
the usefulness of the various dimensional quantities.
3. The optimum helix angle of the shaft is found to be
35.26 deg. This contributes towards comprehensive
efficiency standard of progressing cavity pumping. 079ph (2 -i~ 7t2 ~th + p;
4. Quantifiable basis for measuring effects of the operating
conditions of the specific pump under use.
From Eq. A.3
Nomenclature L=- (A.5)
rf = radius of the base circle, in, ~-i?n~~
r~ = radius of the rolling circle, in, Substituting the value of L in Eq. A.4 and simpli~ing
rh = radius of the housing pitch circle, in, h (A.6)
r~ = radius of the shafi pitch circle, in, ph=~n@, -th)

d, = diameter of the pitch circle of shafi, in, Using the relation between winding number and the winding
dh = diameter of the pitch circle of housing, in,
Dh = diameter of the housing, in, i
ratio, and the diameter of the housing and
D, = diameter of the shaft, in, ()G n
ph = pitch Of the housing, in, diameter of the pitch circle of the housing Eq. A.6 can be
DP = diameter of the pump, in, firther expressed in terms of the pitch circle of the housing as,
th = minor thickness of elastomer housing, in,
a = helix angle, deg., p, .&(2-i~d
h (A.7)
n = number of shafi lobes,
e = eccentricity, in,


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