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Journal of Ecology 2009, 97, 901912 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01539.


Soil biota accelerate decomposition in high-elevation

forests by specializing in the breakdown of litter
produced by the plant species above them
Edward Ayres1*, Heidi Steltzer1, Sarah Berg1 and Diana H. Wall1,2
Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80521, USA; and 2Department of
Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80521, USA

1. There is mounting evidence that leaf litter typically decomposes more rapidly beneath the plant
species it derived from than beneath the different plant species, which has been called home-eld
advantage (HFA). It has been suggested that this HFA results from the local adaptation of soil
communities to decompose the litter that they encounter most often, which probably comes from
the plant species above them.
2. To test this hypothesis and to investigate how HFA varies over time and in relation to litter
quality, we performed the rst detailed assessment of HFA in relation to litter decomposition. We
monitored decomposition over time in two reciprocal litter transplant experiments involving three
high-elevation tree species that differ in litter quality. The three tree species used were trembling aspen
(Populus tremuloides), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii).
3. First, we incubated litter from each of these species with soil biota extracted from stands of
each tree species in a laboratory experiment and observed greater cumulative respiration, a mea-
sure of decomposition, when litter was incubated with its home soil biota. Second, we performed
a eld experiment, which demonstrated that the decomposition HFA also occurred under eld
conditions. In addition, this experiment demonstrated that despite increased mass loss at home,
litter also immobilized more nitrogen when in its home environment. In both experiments, the
HFA was most pronounced for pine litter, which is consistent with the hypothesis that HFA
increases with decreasing litter quality.
4. Synthesis. As well as demonstrating conclusively that soil communities specialize in decomposing
the litter produced by the plant species above them, our data challenge the widely held view that soil
organisms are largely functionally redundant.
Key-words: functional redundancy, home-eld advantage, litter decomposition, reciprocal
transplant, San Juan Mountains, soil biodiversity, subalpine forests

scale a variety of other factors inuence litter decomposition to

a lesser degree, including the composition of the soil commu-
In terrestrial ecosystems, about 60100% of net primary pro- nity (Heemsbergen et al. 2004; Wall et al. 2008; Strickland
duction typically enters the decomposition pathway (Cebrian et al. 2009a), interactions among litter types (Hattenschwiler &
1999). As a result of the large amount of material being broken Gasser 2005) and UV radiation (Austin & Vivanco 2006). In
down, decomposition is an important process in the cycling of addition, several studies have observed that decomposition fre-
carbon and other nutrients. At the global scale, climate and quently occurs more rapidly when litter decomposes beneath
substrate quality strongly inuence plant litter decomposition the plant species from which it is derived (i.e. at home) than
rates (Aerts 1997; Gholz et al. 2000; Trofymow et al. 2002; Par- beneath different plant species (away) (Bocock et al. 1960;
ton et al. 2007; Cornwell et al. 2008). However, at the local Hunt et al. 1988; Gholz et al. 2000; Negrete-Yankelevich et al.
2008; Vivanco & Austin 2008), which has been referred to as
*Correspondence author. E-mail: edayres@nrel.colostate.edu home-eld advantage (HFA) (Gholz et al. 2000). However,

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902 E. Ayres et al.

HFA is not always observed (Prescott et al. 2000; Chapman & (a) (b)

Mass remaining (%)

Koch 2007). 100
Some authors have speculated that the decomposition-
related HFA results from local adaptation of the soil

community to decompose litter produced by the plant species
above them (Bocock et al. 1960; Wardle 2002; Ayres et al.
2009a). If so, the advantage in HFA would be for the soil biota 0
Time Time
(i.e. faster access to the energy and nutrients contained
(c) (d)
within the litter). In contrast, plant species may or may not

N remaining (%)
benet from increased rates of decomposition. If soil com-
munities do locally adapt to the plant species above them, 100

soil community composition should vary among areas dom-
inated by different plant species, which is a pattern that has
frequently been observed (Grifths et al. 1992; Grayston 0
Time Time
et al. 1998; Priha, Hallantie & Smolander 1999; Porazinska
et al. 2003; Bardgett & Walker 2004). Indeed, two recent Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of (a) leaf litter mass remaining at home
incubation experiments reported greater respiration rates, a (solid line) and away (dotted line). The difference between home and
measure of decomposition, when soil microbes from herba- away litter mass represents (b) the mass loss home-eld advantage.
ceous- or forest-dominated ecosystems were incubated with Similar patterns may occur for litter N loss; however, due to N immo-
litter corresponding to their home ecosystem, indicating bilization during the early stages of decomposition (c), the N loss
home-eld advantage may have an initial negative phase (i.e. where
that differences in soil community composition among eco- immobilization occurs earlier at home than away) (d).
systems can cause decomposition-related HFA (Strickland
et al. 2009a,b). However, Ayres, Dromph & Bardgett (2006) although during the earliest stages of decomposition, when N
tested this hypothesis within a forest ecosystem by incubat- immobilization often increases with mass loss (Parton et al.
ing beech, sycamore and sitka spruce leaf litter with soil 2007), litter decomposing at home may immobilize more
biota extracted from stands of each of those tree species, N after a given amount of time than litter decomposing at
but found no evidence that litter decomposed faster in the an away site (i.e. negative HFA) (Fig. 1c, d). To date, the
presence of its home soil community. However, as noted by relationship between HFA and time has not been investigated
the authors, the short duration of the experiment and exclu- in relation to any measure of decomposition.
sion of many soil taxa may have limited the ability to detect Differences in the leaf litter traits could also create differ-
HFA (Ayres, Dromph & Bardgett 2006). ences in the magnitude of HFA, thereby explaining some of
A recent re-analysis of litter mass loss data from reciprocal the variability observed in the literature study by Ayres et al.
litter transplant studies reported in the literature indicated that, (2009a). For example, high-quality litter, which is composed of
on average, 8% more mass was lost from leaf litter when it compounds that are relatively easy to degrade, might be
decomposed at home than away in forest ecosystems (Ayres expected to have little or no HFA, since most soil communities
et al. 2009a). There was a large amount of variation in HFA will contain biota capable of decomposing these compounds
among reciprocal transplants between different tree species, rapidly. In contrast, low-quality litter, which often contains
ranging from 9% slower decomposition at home than away to highly recalcitrant or toxic compounds, might be expected to
29% faster decomposition at home than away (Ayres et al. have a much greater HFA, since fewer soil communities will
2009a). It is not clear that what factors cause this degree of var- contain biota capable of degrading these compounds rapidly.
iability in HFA; however, one factor that could explain some This expectation is supported by the ndings of Hunt et al.
of the variation is time. This is because, changes in litter mass (1988), who performed a reciprocal litter transplant among the
remaining during decomposition are often described via a neg- dominant plant species of a forest, mountain meadow and
ative exponential decay model with a constant (k) controlling grassland ecosystem. They found that relatively labile grass
the decay rate (e.g. Gholz et al. 2000). Litter decomposition litters from the meadow or the grassland decomposed to a sim-
typically occurs more rapidly at home than away (Ayres et al. ilar degree among the three ecosystems, but that recalcitrant
2009a), which suggests that the decomposition constant (k) is lodgepole pine litter decomposed substantially faster at home
greater for litter decomposing at home than away. Therefore, than away (Hunt et al. 1988). Similarly, two recent incubation
if mass remaining of litter decomposing at home (larger k) and studies observed little difference in the decomposition rate of
away (smaller k) is plotted on a graph (Fig. 1a), the difference labile herbaceous litter by different microbial communities,
between litter mass remaining at home versus away represents but found that recalcitrant tree litter decomposed faster in the
HFA (Fig. 1b). Based on this rationale, HFA should increase presence of microbial communities from forest ecosystems
with time during the early stages of decomposition, but than herbaceous ecosystems (Strickland et al. 2009a,b).
decrease with time during the later stages of decomposition To investigate HFA in relation to leaf litter decomposition,
(i.e. when most litter mass has already been lost at home; we performed reciprocal litter transplants among the three
Fig. 1b). A similar HFA pattern should emerge with other dominant tree species (trembling aspen, lodgepole pine and
measures of decomposition, such as litter N remaining; Engelmann spruce) in a high-elevation ecosystem in southwest

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Home-eld advantage hastens decomposition 903

Colorado, USA. First, we established a laboratory incubation elevation site was used in the laboratory experiment (see below), we
experiment to test the hypotheses that (i) differences in soil assessed litter quality separately at this site using values from each
biotic community composition associated with different plant subsample and set litter type as the only main effect. In all cases, data
species result in litter decomposition HFA; (ii) HFA exhibits a were log-transformed to meet assumptions of normality and homoge-
neity of variance.
humpback (i.e. sinusoidal) relationship over time; and (iii) the
magnitude of HFA will increase with decreasing litter quality.
Secondly, we established a eld-based reciprocal litter trans- LABORATORY EXPERIMENT
plant experiment to determine whether HFA also occurred The laboratory experiment focused on the lowest elevation site of the
under eld conditions and to investigate impacts on nutrient four eld sites we identied (3742.595N, 10745.112W). Eighty soil
cycling. Specically, we hypothesized that as well as increasing cores (3.4 cm diameter, 10 cm deep) were collected from the stand of
litter mass loss and respiration rates, litter nitrogen (N) release each tree species at this site in October 2007 (i.e. 240 cores in total).
and soil inorganic N concentrations below the litter would be Twenty of these soil cores from each stand were sieved (2 mm) to
lower than expected when litter was at home during the early remove roots and rocks. This sieved soil from each stand was subse-
stages of decomposition, but higher than expected during later quently mixed together to create a single soil substrate and was steril-
stages of decomposition (based on Fig. 1c, d). ized (autoclaved at 121 C for 30 min). This sterile soil was separated
into three subsamples, which were sequentially inoculated with
microbes, microfauna and mesofauna extracted from the remaining
Materials and methods soil cores. One of the subsamples of the sterile soil was inoculated
with soil biota extracted from aspen soil, another with biota extracted
SITE DESCRIPTION from pine soil, and the last with biota extracted from spruce soil. This
resulted in three soils that were identical in every respect, except for
Our study focused on high-elevation (3000 m a.s.l.) forest ecosys-
differences in their soil biotic community, which corresponded to the
tems 914 km south-west of Silverton in the San Juan Mountains,
soil community associated with aspen, pine or spruce stands.
Colorado, USA. Trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides), lodgepole
To inoculate the sterile soil with microbes, 20 soil cores from each
pine (Pinus contorta) and Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) are
stand were separately crumbled and each core was mixed with
dominant tree species in this region. These trees often occur in almost
150 mL water, stirred vigorously and left to stand for 1 h, stirred
pure stands, with stands of the different species frequently adjacent
again before the liquid fraction was poured through a 100-lm screen.
to one another. We identied four sites where near-pure stands of
The liquid fraction was then poured onto the sterile soil subsamples.
aspen, pine and spruce occurred in close proximity to one
Microfauna were extracted from 20 soil cores from each stand using
another (3742.595N, 10745.112W; 3742.373N, 10744.785W;
Baermann funnels (Coleman et al. 1999) and added to the soil.
3742.974N, 10744.633W; and 3743.895N, 10741.905W). The
Mesofauna were extracted from the remaining 20 soil cores from each
shortest and longest distance between any two sites was 1 and 5 km,
stand using Tullgren funnels (Coleman et al. 1999) and were collected
respectively. To minimize microsite differences among the stands
on moistened cotton balls, which were subsequently placed on the soil
within a site (other than those directly caused by the tree species), we
surface. The inoculation with soil biota occurred over a 4-week period:
ensured that the stand of each tree species within a site occurred at a
microbes were added to the soil over the rst 2 weeks, mesofauna were
similar elevation, aspect, slope and on the same bedrock. The short
added during weeks 2 and 3, and mesofauna were added during weeks
distance between stands (<200 m) within a site ensured that each
3 and 4. During this time the soils were sealed in containers to prevent
stand had a similar macroclimate. The sampling sites were located
colonization by airborne microbes. Similar re-inoculation procedures
within an area that was extensively burned in 1879 (Jamieson, Rom-
have been performed in other studies (Laakso & Setala 1999; Grifths
me & Somers 1996). Forests returned after the re, but the US Forest
et al. 2001; Ayres et al. 2004; Heath et al. 2005), but it is probable that
Service also planted lodgepole pine trees, which were not previously
rare species and species intolerant of disturbance are underrepresented
present in this region, to quicken the development of a forested eco-
in re-inoculated communities. Following the inoculation process, the
system (Paulson & Baker 2006).
re-inoculated soils were incubated at room temperature for 3 weeks,
In late August 2006, litter traps consisting of window screen mesh
watered as necessary to prevent drying, and mixed weekly to ensure
were placed in stands of the three tree species at each of the four sites
colonization throughout the soil. During this time, fungal hyphae
to collect naturally senesced leaf litter. Leaf litter was collected from
growth and soil mesofauna activity could be seen on the soil surface,
litter traps in early October 2006, sorted to remove non-target litter
indicating that the inoculation process was successful.
and air-dried. Three subsamples of air-dried litter from each species
The re-inoculated soil was gently mixed and 20 g (dry weight equiv-
at each site were oven-dried (65 C) to determine initial moisture con-
alent) was placed into sixty 120-mL specimen cups (20 cups each
tent, while total C and N content was determined using an elemental
received soil inoculated with aspen, pine or spruce biota). Soil mois-
analyzer (LECO, St Joseph, MI, USA) and lignin concentrations
ture was increased to 60% water-lled pore space (52% moisture con-
were determined using the forest products method (Ryan, Melillo &
tent). One gram of air-dried leaf litter was placed on the soil surface of
Ricca 1990). In addition, an assessment of soil biotic community
45 soil-lled specimen cups; the remaining 15 specimen cups were used
composition in the stands of aspen, pine and spruce in October 2006
for soil-only treatments. Fifteen specimen cups received aspen litter,
revealed differences in the abundances of mesostigmatid mites, coll-
15 received pine litter and the remaining 15 received spruce litter. As a
embolans and rotifer, and in fungal, bacterial and nematode commu-
result, leaf litter from each tree species was incubated with soil biota
nity composition (Ayres et al. 2009b).
extracted from beneath each tree species in all possible combinations,
Litter quality (%N and lignin:N) data were analysed using anovas.
with each treatment replicated ve times. Five additional specimen
To assess litter quality across all four sites the mean of the three subs-
cups received neither soil nor litter and acted as controls. The speci-
amples of each litter type at each site was used and the anova included
men cups were placed in air-tight mason jars so that respiration,
litter type and block (site) as main effects. As only litter from the low

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904 E. Ayres et al.

a measure of decomposition, could be determined over time. A repli- analyzer (PP Systems, Amesbury, MA, USA) placed on the plastic
cate of each treatment was placed in one of ve cardboard boxes, collar (i.e. measuring combined heterotrophic and root respiration
which corresponded to the block effect in the statistical analysis. A from the litter and soil layer). Respiration was not measured at the
small amount of water was placed in each mason jar to maintain a last sampling date due to inclement weather. Following the collection
humid atmosphere and the jars were incubated at 20 C, which was of a litterbag, a soil core (3.4 cm diameter, 10 cm deep) was taken
approximately equivalent to soil temperatures on a hot summer day. directly beneath the centre of the litterbag to assess soil inorganic N
Carbon dioxide concentrations in samples of headspace air, sampled concentrations. Soil nitrate and ammonium concentrations were
via rubber septa, were determined using an infrared gas analyzer determined via potassium chloride extraction and analysed on an
(LI-COR, Lincoln, NE, USA). Mason jars were vented whenever autoanalyser (OI Analytical, College Station, TX, USA) and
CO2 concentrations exceeded 20 000 ppm in any jar. Initially, head- expressed on a soil dry weight basis (soil was oven-dried at 105 C to
space samples were taken daily, but sampling frequency was gradually determine moisture content). Litter was oven-dried (65 C) and
reduced over the course of the experiment. The experiment is ongoing, weighed to determine mass loss and subsequently ground for total C
but results are presented from the rst 225 days. Based on mass loss of and N analysis on an elemental analyser (LECO, St Joseph, MI,
the same litter species in a similar incubation experiment (unpublished USA).
data), litter mass loss after 225 days in the laboratory experiment Litter mass remaining, litter N remaining, soil and litter respiration
should be similar to mass loss observed at the end of the 2-year eld rates, soil inorganic N, and soil moisture data were analysed using
experiment. anovas (a repeated-measures anova was used for respiration data).
Cumulative respiration data were analysed using a repeated-mea- The anovas included litter type (aspen, pine or spruce), stand (aspen,
sures anova including main effects and interactions among litter type pine or spruce) species, day (repeated-measure for respiration data)
(aspen, pine, spruce or no litter), soil biotic community (aspen, pine or and block (site) as main effects, as well as their interactions. Soil inor-
spruce), day (repeated-measure), and block (replicate). Where signi- ganic N data were log-transformed to meet assumptions of normality
cant effects of litter type or soil biotic community were observed, Tukey and homogeneity of variance. Where signicant effects of litter type
HSD tests were used to determine which treatments differed signi- or stand species were observed, Tukey HSD tests were used to deter-
cantly (P < 0.05) from one another. See the section on Calculating mine which treatments differed signicantly (P < 0.05) from one
home-eld advantage for details on how HFA data were analysed. another. See the section on Calculating home-eld advantage for
details on how HFA data were analysed. Mean monthly soil tempera-
tures were calculated for each time of day (3am, 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm,
11pm; Mountain Standard Time) and analysed using a repeated-mea-
In October 2006, 3 g of air-dried aspen, pine or spruce litter from each sures anova, which included stand species, block (site), time of day
site was placed into 54 litterbags (10 10 cm, 1 mm mesh), i.e. 18 and month (repeated-measure) as main effects, as well as their inter-
litterbags per litter species per site. Since there were four sites, this actions.
resulted in a total of 216 litterbags (3 litter species 4 sites 18 litter
bags = 216 litterbags). The litterbags were placed in the stands of
aspen, pine and spruce in a reciprocal litter transplant design, so that
each stand received 18 litterbags (six of each litter species to allow for Calculating HFA is more complex than simply comparing the decom-
multiple sampling dates) and litter collected from each of the four position rates for a litter type at its home site and an away site,
sites was only returned to the stands within that site (for instance, because differences in environmental conditions (e.g. microclimate or
litter collected from the lowest elevation site was only returned to the nutrient availability) between the sites could also inuence decompo-
stands at the low elevation site). The litterbags were deployed on 78 sition. Previous reciprocal litter transplant studies that have
October 2006 and freshly fallen litter was removed from the surface attempted to identify HFA have focused on the interaction between
of the forest oor prior to place the litterbags on the ground (the rest site and litter type. If this interaction does not signicantly inuence
of the litter layer was not disturbed). The six litterbags of each litter the measure of decomposition, then there is no HFA; however, if
type within a stand were placed in a ring around a 10-cm diameter, there is a signicant interaction, it may indicate HFA, but not neces-
5-cm high plastic collar, which was used for in situ respiration mea- sarily. In addition to this ambiguity, simply identifying a statistically
surements. The plastic collar was inserted into the soil and 3 g of air- signicant HFA does not provide information on its magnitude,
dried litter was placed in and around the collar (litter type corre- which is probably more relevant.
sponded to the litter in the surrounding litterbags). The litterbags and Here, we calculated litter decomposition HFA using a method
plastic collar were covered by a coarse plastic mesh (1 1 cm holes) originally developed to calculate HFA in sports (Clarke & Norman
to minimize disturbance of litterbags by animals. In addition, one 1995). This method allows an HFA value to be calculated for each
iButton temperature data logger (Maxim Integrated Products, Sun- species involved in a reciprocal transplant and it is expressed in the
nyvale, CA, USA) was placed in the surface soil (3 cm deep) of each units of the measurement (e.g. % mass loss or g CO2 m)2 h)1).
stand and set to record temperature at 4-h intervals. Home-eld advantage is calculated using the following equations
One litterbag of each litter type in each stand was collected over ve (adapted from Clarke & Norman 1995):
sampling dates: 1415 May 2007 (day 220); 2324 July 2007 (day
290); 2425 September 2007 (day 353); 1011 June 2008 (day 612); ADHi HDDi  ADDi  H eqn 1
and 910 October 2008 (day 734); the remaining litterbag acted as a
spare. Thus, the experiment design was: 3 litter species 3 stands spe- HDDi DiI  DjI DiI  DkI eqn 2
cies 4 sites 5 sampling dates + 36 spare litterbags = 216 litter-
ADDi DiJ  DjJ DiK  DkK eqn 3
bags. Each year, the early-season sampling date corresponded to the
sites becoming snow free and the late-season sampling date corre- H HDDi HDDj HDDk =N  1 eqn 4
sponded to anticipated snowpack development. In situ soil respira-
tion rates were measured at each sampling date using an infrared gas where ADHi is the additional decomposition at home for species

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Home-eld advantage hastens decomposition 905

i; i, j and k are litters derived from plant species i, j and k, Table 1. P values from anovas of cumulative respiration and
respectively; I, J and K are areas dominated by species i, j and k, additional cumulative respiration at home (ADH in eqn 1) from the
respectively; D is a measure of decomposition (e.g. litter mass loss laboratory experiment. The biota treatment does not apply to the
or respiration); HDD and ADD represent home decomposition additional respiration values. Note that P values relating to
difference and away decomposition difference, respectively; additional cumulative respiration at home refer to differences among
H represents the total HFA for all species combined; and N rep- treatments, not whether there is a signicant HFA or not. Asterisks
resents the number of species. If ADHi > 0, litter from species i on the corresponding graphs (Fig. 2) indicate whether there is a
decomposed faster than expected when at home (i.e. HFA); if signicant HFA (i.e. whether the data is signicantly different from
ADHi = 0, litter decomposition at home occurred at the rate zero)
that was expected (i.e. no HFA); and if ADHi < 0, litter decom-
position at home occurred slower than expected (i.e. home-eld Cumulative Additional cumulative
disadvantage). We calculated ADH for each species in each block respiration respiration at home
(replicate in the laboratory experiment and site in the eld experi-
Litter <0.001 <0.001
ment). anovas were performed on the resulting values to test for
Biota 0.002
signicant (P < 0.05) differences among treatments. The anovas
Day <0.001 <0.001
included species (aspen, pine or spruce), day (which was a Litter biota 0.490
repeated-measure for the analysis of respiration data), and block Litter day <0.001 <0.001
(replicate in the laboratory experiment and site in the eld experi- Biota day <0.001
ment) as main effects, as well as their interactions. Soil inorganic Litter biota day <0.001
N data were log-transformed to meet assumptions of normality Block 0.030 0.001
and homogeneity of variance. We used t-tests to determine Litter block 0.948 <0.001
whether the ADH values from equation 1 differed signicantly Biota block 0.593
(P < 0.05) from zero (i.e. whether HFA occurred). To limit the Day block 0.005 0.007
Litter biota block <0.001
number of t-tests that were performed, data were combined
Litter day block 0.001
across sets of ve sampling dates.
Biota day block 0.508

greater from microcosms containing aspen litter than pine or
spruce litter (Table 1, Fig. 2a) and from microcosms contain-
ing aspen or pine soil biota than spruce soil biota (Table 1,
Litter N across all sites was 0.84 0.08, 0.47 0.03 and Fig. 2b). There was a signicant interaction between litter, soil
0.41 0.01% (mean SE) for aspen, pine and spruce, biota and day on cumulative respiration, indicating a potential
respectively (species P < 0.001; block P = 0.808), whereas for HFA (Table 1). Indeed, there was signicantly greater res-
lignin:N was 24 1, 73 6 and 47 2 (mean SE) for piration when litter was incubated with its home soil biota for
aspen, pine and spruce, respectively (species P < 0.001; block all litter types combined, but this effect varied with time being
P = 0.570). At the lowest elevation site only (i.e. the litter used signicantly greater than zero from day 0 to 7 and day 97 to
in the laboratory experiment), litter N was 0.74 0.03, 225 (Fig. 2c). The magnitude of HFA also differed among the
0.56 0.02 and 0.41 0.01% (mean SE) for aspen, pine three tree species (Table 1), being greatest for pine (Fig. 2d),
and spruce, respectively (species P < 0.001), whereas lignin:N intermediate for aspen (Fig. 2e) and least for spruce (Fig. 2f).
was 27 0, 61 2 and 51 2 (mean SE) for aspen, Pine, aspen and spruce all had periods where respiration was
pine and spruce, respectively (species P < 0.001). signicantly greater at home. However, both aspen (day 954)
and spruce (day 61127) also had periods where there was a
negative additional respiration at home (i.e. home-eld disad-
vantage), and by day 225, there was no additional cumulative
Since the laboratory experiment is currently ongoing, we are respiration at home for these species (i.e. values did not differ
unable to directly assess microbial and faunal community com- signicantly from zero).
position in each re-inoculated soil as this would severely dis-
turb the samples. However, cumulative respiration from soil
re-inoculated with biota from aspen, pine, or spruce stands dif-
fered signicantly from one another (Table 1, Fig. 2; see During winter, when the forest oor was snow-covered, soil
Fig. S1 for all combinations of litter and soil biota), indicating temperature was similar in stands of all three tree species at all
that we successfully established distinct soil communities dur- times of the day (Fig. 3). However, following snowmelt, day-
ing the inoculation process. time temperatures were highest in aspen stands and lowest in
Substantially, greater amounts of CO2 were respired from spruce stands, particularly during spring and summer
microcosms that contained leaf litter and soil than from soil- (P < 0.001 for time of day month species interaction;
only microcosms indicating that most CO2 was derived from Fig. 3). There were also differences in soil moisture among
respired litter (Fig. 2a; Fig. S1), although some of this addi- stands of the three tree species, with soil moisture being great-
tional CO2 may have resulted from a priming effect on soil car- est in spruce stands and least in pine stands (P < 0.001;
bon (Dijkstra & Cheng 2007). Cumulative respiration was Fig. 3).

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906 E. Ayres et al.

(a) (c) (e)


(mmol CO2 microcosm1)

Additional resp. at home
Cumulative resp. (mmol 15 * * * * ** * * *
CO2 microcosm1) 1.0

10 0.5


0 1.0
(b) (d) (f)

(mmol CO2 microcosm1)

Additional resp. at home
Cumulative resp. (mmol

15 * * * * * * * *
CO2 microcosm1)

10 0.5

0 1.0
0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200
Day Day Day

Fig. 2. Cumulative respiration from microcosms containing (a) each litter type regardless of soil community and (b) each soil community regard-
less of litter type (aspen: solid line, pine: dashed line, spruce: dotted line; soil only: grey line) and additional respiration at home for (c) all litter
types combined, (d) pine litter, (e) aspen litter and (f) spruce litter. In c-f, positive values correspond to greater than expected respiration at home
(i.e. home-eld advantage), while negative values correspond to lower than expected respiration at home, and asterisks indicate signicant differ-
ences from zero (P < 0.05) across the ve sampling dates beneath them (denoted by the horizontal bars). Values are mean SE.

Mass loss was greatest from aspen litter (43% mass loss after but only approached being signicantly greater than zero
2 years) and least from spruce litter (27% mass loss after (P = 0.09). However, an additional respiration at home was
2 years; Table 2, Fig. 4a) and greatest in aspen and spruce signicantly greater than zero for pine (Fig. 6d), but not for
stands and least in pine stands (Table 2, Fig. 4b). In addition, aspen or spruce (Fig. 6e, f).
there was a signicant interaction between litter type and stand Ammonium was the dominant form of inorganic N,
indicating the potential for greater than expected mass loss accounting for 91% of soil inorganic N (data not shown).
from litter at home (Table 2). Indeed, there was signicantly Soil inorganic N concentrations were greatest in spruce
greater mass loss from all litter types combined when litter was stands and lowest in aspen stands, but did not differ with lit-
incubated in its home stand over the ve sampling dates ter type (Table 2, Fig. 7a, b). Additional soil inorganic N at
(Fig. 4c). Consistent with results from the laboratory experi- home was not signicantly different from zero for all litter
ment, an additional mass loss at home was greatest for pine types combined, pine or aspen (Fig. 7ce), but was signi-
(Fig. 4df). cantly greater than zero for spruce (Fig. 7f). See Figs S2, S3,
Aspen, pine and spruce litter lost 16, 59 and 61%, respec- S4 and S5 for graphs of mass loss, N loss, respiration and
tively, of its initial N by the rst sampling date, but subse- soil inorganic N concentration for each litter type in stands
quently immobilized N resulting in a net increase in litter N of each tree species.
after 2 years (Table 2, Fig. 5a). At the nal sampling date, N
immobilization was greatest in spruce litter and least in pine lit-
ter, and was greatest in pine stands and least in aspen stands
(Table 2, Fig. 5a). Similar to litter mass loss, there was a signi- Several authors have speculated that soil biota associated with
cant interaction between litter type and stand in relation to N particular plant species specialize in decomposing litter pro-
loss (Table 2). In this case signicantly less N was lost (or more duced by that plant species (Bocock et al. 1960; Wardle 2002;
was immobilized) from pine litter at home, while additional N Ayres et al. 2009a) and our laboratory experiment, and two
loss at home did not differ from zero for aspen or spruce litter other recent studies (Strickland et al. 2009a,b), validate this
(Fig. 5cf). hypothesis. When all litter types were considered together, the
In situ below-ground respiration rates varied by stand, but additional respiration at home accounted for 2.2% of total
not by litter type (Table 2, Fig. 6a, b). Respiration rates were CO2 production from litter incubated with its home soil biota.
signicantly higher in aspen stands than in stands of pine and However, there was a considerable difference in the magnitude
spruce. As with litter mass loss, there was a signicant interac- of the HFA among the three species. After 225 days, the addi-
tion between litter type and stand, potentially indicating tional respiration at home for pine litter accounted for 7% of
greater respiration rates when litter was incubated in its home total CO2 production in microcosms containing litter and soil
stand (Table 2). Mean additional respiration at home values biota from pine stands, while there was no signicant HFA for
was positive at each sampling date for all litter types combined, aspen and spruce at this stage. This pattern was mirrored in the

 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation  2009 British Ecological Society, Journal of Ecology, 97, 901912
Home-eld advantage hastens decomposition 907

(a) 20 Our data also suggests that the relationship between HFA
and time is more complex than the simple pattern we predicted
Soil temperature (C)
in Fig. 1. For example, both aspen and spruce litter, but not
12 pine, exhibited an HFA at the beginning of the laboratory
experiment. One possible explanation for this is that soil biota
from aspen and spruce stands have developed characteristics
4 that allow them to rapidly colonize (and start decomposing)
aspen and spruce litter, respectively. Pine litter did not show
this early peak in HFA, possibly because lodgepole pine was
4 introduced to this region recently (Paulson & Baker 2006), and
as a result there might not have been sufcient time for the soil
(b) 20
community to develop characteristics to colonize it rapidly.
16 However, this explanation is inconsistent with the large HFA
Soil temperature (C)

that was ultimately observed for pine litter over the duration of
the laboratory experiment. A second unexpected observation
8 in the relationship between HFA and time, was the negative
HFA (or home-eld disadvantage) observed on some occa-
sions for aspen and spruce litter. Although it is not clear what
0 caused the negative HFA, one possibility is that changes in lit-
ter structure and chemistry during decomposition result in the
litter becoming more similar to another litter type at some
(c) 120 stages, which would allow an away soil community to decom-
pose it rapidly.
Soil moisture (%)

90 Our data provide some support for the hypothesis that

HFA increases with decreasing litter quality, since litter quality
60 (based on lignin:N) was lowest for pine and HFA was greatest
for this species. However, HFA was greater for aspen than for
30 spruce, despite the lower quality of spruce litter. A more com-
prehensive assessment of litter quality, including the abun-
0 dance and composition of other important compounds (e.g.
0 400 800
phenolics), might be necessary to accurately predict HFA for
different litter types. Strickland et al. (2009a,b) also observed
Fig. 3. Mean monthly soil temperature at (a) 3am and (b) 3pm and (c) an increase in HFA with decreased litter quality, with HFA
gravimetric soil moisture content at each sampling date in stands of being largest for recalcitrant Rhododendron maximum litter,
aspen (solid line), pine (dashed line) and spruce (dotted line). Values
intermediate for moderately recalcitrant Pinus taeda litter, and
are mean SE.
smallest for relatively labile grass litter (Hordeum murinum or
Panicum virgatum). The fact that Strickland et al. (2009a,b)
eld experiment, where only pine litter had signicantly greater observed a clearer relationship between litter quality and the
mass loss and respiration rates at home. For example, after magnitude of HFA than we found in our study probably
2 years of decomposition in the eld, 16% of total pine litter results from the greater dissimilarity in the litter types they used
mass loss at home could be accounted for by HFA. Therefore, (i.e. tree and grass litter rather than just tree litter). In addition,
it is apparent that HFA can have a sizable effect on the decom- other factors may also contribute to the magnitude of HFA,
position of some litter types. such as the degree of dissimilarity in soil community composi-
We speculated that HFA would initially increase, plateau tion (or functional traits) among the sites, since it seems unli-
and nally decrease as decomposition proceeded (Fig. 1b). kely that highly dissimilar communities will be equally efcient
This pattern was supported by the HFA for pine litter in the at decomposing a particular litter type.
laboratory experiment, which increased over the course of the As with the mass loss and respiration HFA, the N loss HFA
experiment, but appeared to be approaching a plateau by day was most pronounced for pine litter. However, rather than
225. Similarly, although the HFA for aspen litter never accelerating N loss, pine litter had lower N loss (or greater
reached the magnitude that was observed for pine litter, aspen immobilization) than expected when at home, which was con-
HFA peaked between days 119 and 176, and subsequently sistent with our hypothesis of changes in litter N during the
declined. However, spruce litter did not exhibit this relation- early stages of decomposition (Fig. 1d). However, if pine litter
ship. It is difcult to investigate the relationship between HFA mass loss occurs more rapidly at home than away throughout
and time in the eld experiment due to the limited number of the decomposition process, we expect that litter N loss will be
sampling dates and reduced experimental control; nonetheless, greater at home than away after a longer period of time, e.g.
the patterns do not seem inconsistent with those observed in after 5 years (Fig. 1d). Our ndings are in agreement with the
the laboratory experiment. study by Hunt et al. (1988), who also observed greater litter N

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908 E. Ayres et al.

Table 2. P values from anovas of three measures of decomposition (litter mass loss, litter N dynamics and soil respiration) and soil inorganic N,
and the HFA corresponding to those measures (ADH in eqn 1), from the eld experiment. The stand treatment does not apply to the additional
decomposition at home or additional inorganic N at home values. Note that P values relating to additional mass loss, N loss, respiration or soil
inorganic N at home refer to differences among treatments, not whether there is a signicant HFA. Asterisks on the corresponding graphs
(Figs 4, 5, 6, 7) indicate whether there is a signicant HFA (i.e. whether the data is signicantly different from zero)

Additional Additional Additional Soil Additional soil

Litter litter mass Litter litter N loss respiration inorganic inorganic N
mass loss loss at home N loss at home Respiration at home N at home

Litter <0.001 0.596 <0.001 0.041 0.950 0.060 0.111 0.074

Stand <0.001 <0.001 0.001 0.027
Day <0.001 0.462 <0.001 0.580 <0.001 0.598 <0.001 0.873
Litter stand <0.001 <0.001 0.002 0.316
Litter day 0.013 0.398 <0.001 0.098 0.397 0.038 0.573 0.574
Stand day 0.962 0.006 0.172 0.081
Litter stand day 0.449 0.038 0.133 0.983
Block <0.001 0.556 <0.001 0.377 <0.001 0.734 0.219 0.976
Stand block <0.001 <0.001 0.003 0.215
Litter block <0.001 0.014 <0.001 <0.001 0.136 0.002 0.067 0.795
Day block 0.180 0.718 0.002 0.981 0.001 0.647 0.004 0.979
Litter stand block 0.011 <0.001 0.006 0.952
Litter day block 0.685 0.038 0.989 0.981
Stand day block 0.737 0.151 0.095 0.002

(a) (c) (e)

Additional mass loss
Mass remaining (%)

at home (% initial)

90 8 *
80 4
50 4
(b) (d) (f)
Mass remaining (%)

Additional mass loss

at home (% initial)

90 8 *
80 4
50 4
0 400 800 0 400 800 0 400 800
Day Day Day

Fig. 4. Litter mass remaining for (a) each litter type regardless of stand and (b) each stand regardless of litter type (aspen: solid line, pine: dashed
line and spruce: dotted line) and additional litter mass loss at home for (c) all litter types combined, (d) pine litter, (e) aspen litter and (f) spruce lit-
ter. In cf, positive values correspond to greater than expected mass loss at home (i.e. home-eld advantage), while negative values correspond to
lower than expected mass loss at home, and asterisks indicate signicant differences from zero (P < 0.05) across all sampling dates. Values are
mean SE.

immobilization at home than away during the early stages of The magnitude of the mass loss HFA that we identied for
decomposition. Interestingly, although decomposing at home aspen, pine and spruce falls within the range of values calcu-
inuenced litter N loss for pine, it did not affect soil inorganic lated in a literature study of HFA in forest ecosystems, where
N concentrations beneath the litter. However, soil inorganic N mass loss ranged from 9% slower to 29% faster at home than
concentrations were greater than expected at home for spruce away; mean: 8% faster at home (Ayres et al. 2009a). Thus,
litter, despite the fact that spruce exhibited minimal HFA in while it is clear that the primary factors that control decomposi-
relation to the other measures. It is not clear what caused this tion rates are climate and litter quality (Aerts 1997; Gholz et al.
response. 2000; Trofymow et al. 2002; Parton et al. 2007; Cornwell et al.

 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation  2009 British Ecological Society, Journal of Ecology, 97, 901912
Home-eld advantage hastens decomposition 909

(a) (c) 20 (e)

Additional N loss at

home (% initial)
N remaining (%)
100 0
50 20
0 40

(b) (d) 20 (f)

Additional N loss at
125 *

home (% initial)
N remaining (%)

100 0
50 20
0 40
0 400 800 0 400 800 0 400 800
Day Day Day

Fig. 5. Litter nitrogen remaining for (a) each litter type regardless of stand and (b) each stand regardless of litter type, and additional litter nitro-
gen loss at home for (c) all litter types combined, (d) pine litter, (e) aspen litter and (f) spruce litter. In cf, positive values correspond to greater
than expected N loss (or lower than expected N immobilization) at home, while negative values correspond to lower than expected N loss (or
greater than expected N immobilization) at home, and asterisks indicate signicant differences from zero (P < 0.05) across all sampling dates.
Values are mean SE.

(a) (c) (e)

Additional respiration at

home (g CO2 m2 h1)

(g CO2 m2 h1)
Respiration rate

0.0 0.4
(b) (d) (f)
Additional respiration at
home (g CO2 m2 h1)

(g CO2 m2 h1)
Respiration rate

0.0 0.4
0 400 800 0 400 800 0 400 800
Day Day Day

Fig. 6. Soil respiration rate for (a) each litter type regardless of stand and (b) each stand regardless of litter type (aspen: solid line, pine: dashed line
and spruce: dotted line) and additional respiration at home for (c) all litter types combined, (d) pine litter, (e) aspen litter and (f) spruce litter. In
cf, positive values correspond to greater than expected respiration at home (i.e. home-eld advantage), while negative values correspond to
lower than expected respiration at home, and asterisks indicate signicant differences from zero (P < 0.05) across all sampling dates. Soil respi-
ration was not measured at the last sampling date due to inclement weather. Values are mean SE.

2008), HFA should be recognized as a secondary factor (2004) reported that of 162 litter mixtures, mass loss was
controlling decomposition. Indeed, the inuence of HFA on slower than expected in 31 cases (on average 9% slower),
decomposition is comparable in magnitude to the effect of faster than expected in 77 cases (on average 17% faster),
litter interactions in mixtures (McTiernan, Ineson & Coward while mass loss occurred at the expected rates in 54 cases.
1997; Wardle, Bonner & Nicholson 1997; Gartner & Car- In addition to demonstrate the role that HFA plays in litter
don 2004). For example, in a review of studies involving lit- decomposition, our data also challenge two widely held views
ter decomposing alone or in mixtures, Gartner & Cardon in soil ecology: (i) soil biota are largely functionally redundant;

 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation  2009 British Ecological Society, Journal of Ecology, 97, 901912
910 E. Ayres et al.

(a) (c) (e)


Additional soil inorganic

Soil inorganic N (g g1)

N at home g g1)

0 6
(b) (d) (f)
15 18

Additional soil inorganic

Soil inorganic N (g g1)

N at home g g1)

0 400 800 6
0 400 800 0 400 800
Day Day

Fig. 7. Soil inorganic N concentration beneath litterbags for (a) each litter typ e regardless of stand and (b) each stand regardless of litter type
(aspen: solid line, pine: dashed lin e and spruce: dotted line) and additional soil inorganic N at home for (c) all litter types combined, (d) pine litter,
(e) aspen litter and (f) spruce litter. In cf, positive values correspond to greater than expected inorganic N at home, while negative values corre-
spond to lower than expected inorganic N at home and asterisks indicate signicant differences from zero (P < 0.05) across all sampling dates.
Values are mean SE.

and (ii) decomposition is a highly non-specic process. A few 2008). Aspen litter decomposed faster than either pine or
handfuls of soil typically contain thousands of microbial spe- spruce litter, a result that matches our litter quality data and is
cies and hundreds of animal species (Torsvik, Goksyr & Daae in agreement with a previous study of the decomposition of
1990; Bloemers et al. 1997; Gans, Wolinsky & Dunbar 2005; St these litter types (Stump & Binkley 1993) and of litter from
John, Wall & Hunt 2006; Wu et al. 2009) and several authors related species (McClaugherty et al. 1985). Decomposition also
have concluded that most of these soil organisms are function- occurred more rapidly in stands of aspen and spruce, than in
ally redundant (Andren, Bengtsson & Clarholm 1995; Groff- pine stands. In part, this may have been caused by greater soil
man & Bohlen 1999; Setala, Berg & Jones 2005). This is temperature in aspen stands and greater soil moisture in spruce
because experimental manipulations of soil species richness stands, both of which are known to inuence decomposition
have revealed only very weak effects on ecosystem functions rates (Russell & Voroney 1998; Chapin, Matson & Mooney
once 10 or more species are present in the community (Grifths 2002; Hobbie et al. 2006). We also observed differences in N
et al. 2000; Liiri et al. 2002; Setala & McLean 2004). However, immobilization in litter decomposing in the different stands,
our study indicates that soil communities associated with dif- similar to other multisite decomposition experiments (Hunt
ferent plant species are not functional equivalent, which is why et al. 1988; Hobbie & Vitousek 2000). This may have partly
we observed HFA. Strickland et al. (2009a) reached the same resulted from differences in the rate mass loss among stands of
conclusion based on similar results from their reciprocal trans- the three tree species, since mass loss is related to N immobili-
plant experiment. Thus, while functional redundancy may be zation (Parton et al. 2007). In addition, the laboratory experi-
high for species within a community (Grifths et al. 2000; Liiri ment indicated that biota from aspen and pine stands
et al. 2002; Setala & McLean 2004), functional redundancy decomposed litter more rapidly than spruce soil biota. While
may be lower among species that are present in different soil the decomposition capacity of these soil communities has not
communities (e.g. communities associated with different plant been investigated previously, other studies have shown that
species). Moreover, we observed functional differences among soil communities associated with three European tree species
these soil communities in relation to decomposition, which is (Ayres, Dromph & Bardgett 2006) and three geographically
generally considered to be a highly non-specic process and, as isolated North American ecosystems (Strickland et al. 2009a)
a result, relatively insensitive to changes in soil community differ in their capacity to decompose leaf litter. This presum-
composition (Grifths et al. 2000). ably results from differences in the composition of soil commu-
As well as providing information on HFA during decompo- nities associated with different plant species, since soil
sition, our reciprocal litter transplant experiments also community composition is known to vary among plant species
revealed that both the site and the litter identity inuence (Grifths et al. 1992; Grayston et al. 1998; Priha, Hallantie &
decomposition, which is similar to many other studies (Mc- Smolander 1999; Porazinska et al. 2003; Bardgett & Walker
Claugherty et al. 1985; Hunt et al. 1988; Aerts 1997; Wardle, 2004) and can inuence decomposition rates (Cragg & Bardg-
Bonner & Nicholson 1997; Gholz et al. 2000; Trofymow et al. ett 2001; Grifths et al. 2001; Heemsbergen et al. 2004; Setala
2002; Hobbie et al. 2006; Parton et al. 2007; Cornwell et al. & McLean 2004; Strickland et al. 2009a).
 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation  2009 British Ecological Society, Journal of Ecology, 97, 901912
Home-eld advantage hastens decomposition 911

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 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation  2009 British Ecological Society, Journal of Ecology, 97, 901912

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