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Developed by
Uzma Sagheer Janjua & Prof .Dr. Allah Bakhsh Malik

May 2017
What is meant by System & Government?
A system in general is a collection of elements or components that are organized for a
common purpose. A government is the system by which a state or community is
controlled. The word government also used as collective group of people
that exercises in a state. A government is a protective body setup to protect the people
from domestic and foreign threats .A government is like a scale, balancing the needs
and the wants of the people.


System developing process

Phase 0
Diagnosing Phase 5
Phase 6
Phase 4
Phase 1
Concept Phase 4 Phase 7
development System Continuous
verification Assesment

Phase 2
Phase 3 Phase 8
selection Planning maintenence


In phase 0 which is very important phase is the studyof gathering knowledge

about different and main forms of government systems using in the world. The
process of diagnosing will also help us for ongoing systems weaknesses and
strengths and on which bases we will develop our concept for the right and
suitable system selection according to our environment.
To diagnose which system is best we will follow the process of:
1. Evaluate Alternatives
2. Plan
3. Determine objectives


Evaluation of alternatives based on a question that how do governments

compare? Governments around the world differ from one another and they can
be compared by asking the following questions:
a. Who holds power?
b. How do they get to be in power?
c. What rights and freedoms do people have?
Six Main forms of Power, or Government
1. Monarchy
2. Democracy
3. Oligarchy
4. Dictatorship
5. Communism
6. Socialism

A type of government in which a country is ruled by a king or queen.

At the stage

Democracy is taken from a Greek word which means government of the

people, by the people and for the people .Demos means people and cratos
means government .The term Democracy has been claimed by both the
capitalists world and the socialist world .Man attains power when he develops
his intellect and will.
Direct democracy
Representative democracy
Direct democracy
Every citizen has an equal say in the working government.
Representative democracy:
In a representative democracy set-up, citizen elect representative who actually
make the law.

All power resides with the few people .question arises that what is power?
Power is the ability to achieve goals even is some people in society hold
differing opinions and goals. A government in which control is exercised by a
small group of individuals whose authority generally is based on wealth or


A form of government in which a ruler or small group use absolute power (not
controlled by a constitution or laws).

A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a
single -- often authoritarian -- party holds power; state controls are imposed with the
elimination of private ownership of property or capital while claiming to make
progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the
people (i.e., a classless society).

A government in which the means of planning, producing and distributing goods is
controlled by a central government that theoretically seeks a more just and equitable
distribution of property and labor; in actuality, most socialist governments have ended
up being no more than dictatorships over workers by a ruling elite.


To develop understanding of love for other creatures of Allah in the mind

of every individual.
To develop the concept of sharing of ideas.
To develop peer learning environment.
To develop nationalism in every individual of the society.
To develop the concept of individual development.
To develop the concept of maximum participation of an individual in all
developmental activities positively.
To change the behavior of the nation (negative to positive).
To educate the individuals to adjust themselves according to the
To develop concept of adaption &adaptation.
To develop the concept of creation and innovation in a friendly and co-
operative environment.
To develop the concept of to be an authentic Human.
To develop the concept of intra (within a group) and inter (between two
groups) relation of different aspects.
To develop the concepts of intrinsic motivation & internal discipline in
every individual by focusing the prosperity, unity, liberty, equality
fraternity and justice.
Plan about to achieve the determine objectives andto develop understanding
that in which departments we should apply the selected system. So by
following the process of strategic planning process we will identify how we

can reach to our destination in an effective manner.as moving on to Phase 1
we will make a plan.

Where do we want
to go ?

By whom we go? How do we get there?

How did we do ?

These questions are developing a concept so we are moving to phase 1 which to

develop a concept.
Is about to select a suitable system of government to achieve determine objectives for
the desired outcome which is the welfare of every individual. As I studied all the main
types of government systems in the world and gather the knowledge that democracy is
a system which is a contract between individual and society. Its an arrangement of
group of people to develop relationship among them .Interaction with maximum
individuals for their welfare is the spirit of democracy. It develops the concept of
maximum good for maximum individuals.

Why I recommended Democracy as a best system for a state?

Democracy is based on a faith in people - in the dignity and worth of the individual
and in our shared humanity. It assumes that the basic objective of social action should
be the welfare and happiness of the greatest number of people.

Democracy is a society characterized by equality of social power.(Dr. John S. Atlee)

Democracy is not merely a form of government, but a kind of society. Effective

democracy requires democratic control of all social power, not merely government

The vote alone is relatively ineffective unless there is also equality of other forms of
social power, such as knowledge. Voters must have ways of learning about candidates
and issues and when the media are controlled, once again, by those with money, then
the ballot can't fulfill its democratic function. I recommended Democracy as a best
system of government as it focuses the needs, demands and interest of an individual
and power belongs to the people. In a democratic society every individual is
important. It needs supreme intelligence, especially the emotional intelligence.
Emotionally intelligent person know:

His self
Means know yourself,
His emotions
Your emotions and manage them
Emotions of others and respect them:
To have good relation and to be with them
Emotional intelligence have three Aspects:
1. Condemn
2. Affiliation
3. Affection
Democracy is not a naturally occurring phenomenon .Its birth was from noble but
radical ideas within a few Greek city states before 400 BCE .It is the most wide-
spread political system in the world today .It allows every person to have a voice in
their government .It enables great freedom for individuals .People wants to have and
express their individual and collective identities, which may be an even more
important concept than freedom itself. Democracy has proven best for obtaining goals
of identity, individual freedom and collective wellbeing.
Democratic government system focuses co-operation of departments, co-operation
with other provinces .it is most difficult form of government because every individual

is free to act and react what he want. In a democratic system people are treated as
treasure .they know how to co-operate with others and do respect of others right.

Social,Economical and

of thought
and ownership
of status and of opportunities and
to promote among them all

Assuring the dignity of the individual

Key elements of Democracy:

Accountable form of government
Improve the quality of decision making
Provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts
Suitable for the countries having diversity of languages, religion and culture
Make possible the unity in diversities
Allows to correct its own mistakes
Enhances the dignity of citizens

Demerits of Democracy
It leads to instability
No scope for morality
Leaders dont know the best interest of the people
Leads to bad decisions
Lack of communication
Leads to corruption

Keeping in view the merits& demerits of the system and to strengthen the merits and
to overcome the demerits of the system we will move to the Planning phase:

Planning phase involves
Selection of philosophy according to the selected system
Selection of Aims of education according to the proposed system of
government and its philosophy.
Selection of content according to the aims of education
Selection of methodologies according to the content selected
Selection of evaluation process according to the methodology
Overall judgment about the outcomes that whether plan, system, philosophy
,aims, content, methodologies and evaluation process were interrelated with
each other or not was effectively implemented or not .



For the purpose of verification comparison of different forms of government was

Name of System Definition Advantages Disadvantages Countries

OLIGARCHY System governed Individualism, Complete China, North
by a few Self- control with the Korea, Russia
powerful people empowerment wealthy, ,South Africa
for people, Decisions made Cuba, United
voting for all by a small States of
matters group, Racism, America,
Slow process for Venezuela (Not
the system present).

COMMUNISM System with an Efficient Central state Laos, North

elected president distribution of authority holds Korea, People's
and elected resources, all means of China, Vietnam,
representatives Equality, production, ever Cuba,
Establishment changing Kampuchea,
of stronger principles, No Mongolia, North
communities, individual Korea, Hungry.
Every citizen freedom, relying
has a job, on violence and
Internally terror, Workers
stable treated like
economic machines
system, No
DICTATORSHIP A type of Faster process Bad leader can China,
government for the cripple a nation, Philippines,
where political system, less No economic Germany, Russia,
authority is room for freedom, No Nigeria, Zaire
controlled by an corruption, individual (Not present)
individual or a lesser crime freedom, No Argentina,
political entity rate political Mexico,
freedom, and Ancient Rome,
Single person in Germany, Italy,
power Soviet Union,

MONARCHY Government led Faster process boader, Difficult Bahrain, Bhutan,
by a king or for the to change Brunei,Cambodia,
queen system, Law internally, Japan, Jordan,
making higher chance of Kuwait, Malaysia,
process rebellion Oman, Qatar,
simpler, Saudi Arabia,
Stronger Thailand, United
Military Arab Emirates
Belgium, Belize,
, Netherlands,
Norway, Spain,
Sweden, United
Samoa, Tonga
Korea, Nepal,
Yemen, Finland,
France, Germany,
Greece, Hungry,
Ireland, Italy,
Egypt, Ghana,
Iraq, Libya,
, Tunisia,Haiti,

SOCIALISM A form of Absence of Artificial People's Republic

government in business system, No of China,
which instead of fluctuations, individual Communist Party
individual people Absence of freedom, of Vietnam,
and companies monopolistic Inefficiency, No Democratic
owning practices, economic Socialist Republic
industries, they Better freedom, No of Sri Lanka,
are controlled by welfare, political Portuguese
the government Economic freedom, Republic, United
itself. growth, Republic of
Greater Tanzania,
efficiency Republic of Cuba,
Republic of

DEMOCRACY Government for Majority rule, Favours rich, Bangladesh,
the people, by People's May involve Bhutan, Georgia,
the people, of the rights, Power immoral practice India, Indonesia,
people of voting, during election, Israel, Japan,
Prevents Misuse of public Mauritius,
monopoly of funds, Take Mongolia, Nepal,
authority, longer time to Pakistan,
Promote take decision Philippines, South
change, Korea, Sri Lanka,
Protect Taiwan,
interest of Australia, Austria,
citizens Belgium,
England, Finland,
France, Georgia,
Germany, Great
Britain, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania,
Netherlands, New
Zealand, Norway,
Poland, Portugal,
Scotland, Spain,
United Kingdom,
Benin, Botswana,
Cape Verde,
Ghana, Kenya,
Niger, Nigeria,
Senegal, Sierra
Leone, South
Africa, Tanzania,
Tunisia, Zambia,
Belize, Canada,
Costa Rica, El
Salvador, zz-
Jamaica, Mexico,
Panama, United
States of
Argentina, +------
Bolivia, Brazil,
Chile, Colombia,

Paraguay, Peru,
Uruguay, Papua
New Guinea
Ancient India,
Ancient Greece,
Ancient Rome

Source : http://www.governmentvs.com/

Phase 5: System Transfer:

Democratic system will be transfer to the targeted departments and education
department is at the hit of the list because Education and literacy both have a pivotal
and transcendental potential to solidify democracy. The relationship between
knowledge and power is explicitly addressed by Michel Foucault who posits that
knowledge produces a certain type of society. And through his rationale, an education
system based on principles of reason and logical thinking is likely to be recurred
within the society as well. Mrs Zubeida Mustafa stated that, a seasoned journalist,
when she affirms, Education is the basic requirement for democratic transition but
not the kind of education which we have in our country which perpetuates the already
entrenched class system. Secondly, the other very important role of education is to
develop the capacity to think on a collective level which, unfortunately is also
lacking. Democracy and education are two virtues congruent with each other, and if
our democratic system reserves strong value for reason and rationality, we can help in
establishing a more humane and literate society, which can stand against feudalism,
religious fanaticism, social inequality and poverty, terrorism and discrimination.

Phase6: Implementation:
Implementation is the carrying out, execution, or practice of a plan, a method, or any
design, idea, model, specification, standard or policy for doing something. As such,
implementation is the action that must follow any preliminary thinking in order for
something to actually happen. The targeted department is Education, where the
system of democracy will be introduced.
Phase 7: Continuous Assessment
"Continuous assessment is used to decide whether or not we have attained our
targets and the derived objectives have been achieved or not

Phase 8: System Maintenance:

In this phase, periodic maintenance for the system will be carried out and
continuously systems performance will be evaluated, it also includes providing latest

updates regarding global environment, needs and demands for certain components to
make sure it meets the right standards and the latest technologies to face current
security threats.

Democracy is the best form of government because, as much as Democracy is
understood, it is government of the people, by the people and for the people. The
ability of the people to have a voice in the running of the State, in the economy,
health, education, infrastructural development, etc. It is as much about having checks
and balances to the executive, the media, and some time the judiciary all keep an eye
on the executive. It respects and promotes human rights, and gender and animal
rights. The self-evident and God given rights of man are secured in a democratic
system. All are equal before law this is because democracy incorporates elements of
nomocracy (the rule of law) and pantisocracy (the rule of everyone equally).Equal
representation of both majority and minority interests as it is the system of equality,
not a system of only he-is-quality, it is a system of justice, not that of just-us.
In a democracy people get what they deserve, they get what they desire .If there is
corruption and insecurity, it is because the people are working towards them. Finally,
democracy paves way for man to have fundamental freedoms. The freedom of
movement, vote, to go school, use Facebook, twitter and so on .Above all it also
guarantees the freedom of speech .Tomas Garrigue once said: Democracy has its
faults because people have their faults; like owner like store. So whatever fault we
fined to malign democracy is not because of the system, but those running it .Thus,
the efficacy of democracy may be got only from the sincerity of humanity.
To conclude, I hope, Just as Abraham Lincoln hoped on November 19, 1863, that the
government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the
earth. I want democracy in constitution, in government structure, in all departments
especially in education As Abraham Lincoln said that the philosophy of the school
room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.


"government& System ". Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford University Press.

"government.". Oxford Dictionaries e. Oxford University Press.



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