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Rodney Ferreira

FFLCH/University of So Paulo


Objective Although we are investigation question

around more properly of the analytic of the
The systematic investigation proposed in our project aim sublime, it is essential to a possible answer
to find not only a clear vision of Critique of Judgments a comprehension of the analytic of the
general articulations and its relations with other works of beauty and the aesthetic judgment. Since
the critique project, but almost enfatize its singular link we already did it, our objective is now
between art and truth, it is, of art in agreement with properly put in orbit the possible resolutions
reason. What make this possible is a previously lecture to the question, on which we actually did,
of sublime as a moment where imagination and its the reasearchs textual body, an exposition
aesthetic dynamic point and make itselves the key of the reasonably insistent, that will guarantee to
possibility of affirmation of mans rational destine and his the future reader a comprehension of our
moral superation, being a factual prove of the mediation aims and possible resolutions.
made possible through reflexive judgement.

Materials and Methods References

BURKE, E. A Philosophical Inquiry into the

Our methodology have three moments: 1. General
origin of our ideas of the Sublime and
investigal of the work, and then an identification of its
Beautiful. South Australia: The University of
immediate references, in order to treat the concepts as it
Adelaide Library, 2005.
appears inside the kantian project and, too, the history of
HEGEL, G.W. Enciclopdia das Cincias
concepts. 2. Systematic exposition of the analytics of
Filosficas. Castelo Branco, Portugal: Edies
beauty and sublime, that give us the ground where our
70, 1988-89.
project questions are putted on. 3. A final approachment
HUME, D. Of the standard of taste.
of analytic of the sublime since its central concepts, in
<http://www.bartleby.com/27/15.html> Acesso
order to resolute the central point of our investigation.
em: 16 Fevereiro 2017.
KANT, I. Crtica da Razo Pura. 4 ed.
Results Petrpolis, RJ: Editora Vozes, 2015.
______. Crtica da Faculdade do Juzo. 2 ed.
Our results are, yet, reflections about the ways that the Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Forense Universitria,
concepts of Kraft and Vermgen appears inside 1995.
Kants work. Also, a lecture of the analytics and the LEBRUN, G. Sobre Kant. So Paulo:
identification of the object of our work as a conclusion of Iluminuras, 2010.
that lecture. LONGUENESSE, B. Kant and the Capacity to
Judge: sensibility and discursivity in the
Conclusions transcendental analytic of the Critique of pure
reason. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton
We conclude, thus, that our investigation University Press, 2000.
has been a work of comprehension of the SCHILLER, F. A Educao esttica do
principal concepts of the third Critique, as homem: numa srie de cartas. So Paulo:
well as its evident link with the whole of the Iluminuras, 1989.
kantian project. WERLE, M. A. A questo do fim da arte em
Hegel. So Paulo: Hedra, 2011.

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