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Anesthesia and sedation outside the operating room:

how to prevent risk and maintain good quality.


Impact Factor: 2.53 DOI: 10.1097/ACO.0b013e3282f06ba6 Source: PubMed


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Claudio Melloni
Poliambulatorio S.Lucia


Available from: Claudio Melloni

Retrieved on: 24 June 2015
ACO/200228; Total nos of Pages: 7;

ACO 200228

Anesthesia and sedation outside the operating room: how to

prevent risk and maintain good quality
Claudio Melloni

Purpose of review Introduction

The purpose of this review is to define risks for anesthesia Identifying the risks in anesthesia means preventing
and sedation outside the operating room, and to suggest adverse outcomes and minimizing their impact when
how to prevent these risks and maintain quality of care. they occur. The most common events in anesthesia
Recent findings leading to injury were found to be respiratory [1]. A
There are no recent data on risk for anesthesia outside the recent report [2], however, suggests that cardiovascular
operating room, except information derived from the events actually represent the majority of complications.
American Society of Anesthesia Closed Claims project,
which indicates there is a higher risk for office-based While risks and complications of operating room anesthe-
anesthesia. sia have been defined leading to measures able to
Summary minimize them [3], data on complications induced by
Complications of anaesthesia outside the operating room nonoperating room anesthesia (NORA) are scarce. Even
are not well studied, although a few closed claims are a monumental task such as the National Confidential
appearing in the literature suggesting there is a higher risk. Enquiry into perioperative deaths (UK) [4] did not
Topics discussed focus on MRI and surgical procedures, distinguish between accidents occurring within or outside
principally dental, plastic, and gastrointestinal endoscopy. the operating room. The American Society of Anesthesia
Risk factors for these procedures are identified and (ASA)-sponsored Closed Claims analysis [5] only recently
quantified and measures to reduce them discussed, with began to examine the litigation from office-based anesthe-
emphasis on full oxygenation and end-tidal carbon dioxide sia, concluding that the injury severity was greater than for
monitoring. Nonoperating room anesthesia requires skills, other ambulatory anesthesia claims.
experience and organization. Quality can only be assured by
ensuring all alternative locations adhere to operating room As NORA may not follow the same patterns of compli-
standards. cations as operating room anesthesia, statistics validated
in the operating room do not necessarily apply outside. It
Keywords is therefore of paramount importance to define the risks
complications, liability, morbidity, mortality, nonoperating of performing anesthesia outside the operating room. Our
room anesthesia, office-based anesthesia, risk discussion will encompass a few topics and be limited to
management major morbidity and mortality.

Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 20:000000. 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Radiology: MRI and computerized axial
Consultant Anesthesist, Villa Torri Private Hospital, Bologna, Italy tomography scanning
Correspondence to C. Melloni, via Fossolo 28, 40138 Bologna, Italy Thirty-three cardiorespiratory arrests with 11 deaths were
Tel: +39 0513 90048; fax: +39 0513 05034; e-mail: melloniclaudio@libero.it reported in 2 045 954 patients undergoing MRI [6], giving
Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology 2007, 20:000000 a complication rate of 16.1 per 1 000 000, that is 5.3 deaths
per 1 000 000 MRI procedures. Three hundred patients
undergoing MRI per year received sedation, but dis-
GA general anesthesia
NORA nonoperating room anesthesia tinguishing between deaths in sedated and nonsedated
patients was not possible. Anesthesia or sedation is
2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins needed because patients should not move during exam-
0952-7907 ination. All uncooperative patients should be anesthe-
tized, but anesthesia services and equipment are scarce
in MRI centers [7]. Since MRI is a highly expensive
technique, procedure prolongation through poor quality
imaging due to movement artifacts should be avoided.
Aborted procedures are costly, as well as inconvenient
for the patient, who would need to undergo repeat
imaging under general anesthesia (GA). Consequently,
the cost/efficacy of the anesthetic technique, and the
ACO/200228; Total nos of Pages: 7;

2 Ambulatory anaesthesia

failure rate, should be considered. The failure rate for permanent neurological injury, 12 occurred at home or
chloral hydrate is less than 5% [8,9], but even in the during transit [30].
absence of failures [10], prolonged sedation and emesis
take their toll and severe desaturation or adverse respir- Dental office
atory events have been noted [11]. Increasing chloral Approximately 300 000 patients per year undergo GA for
hydrate syrup dosage to 100 mg/kg [12] was found to minor dental procedures in the UK [31]. In deaths
increase the success rate but led to an incidence of occurring on the dental chair (26 between 1984 and
adverse reactions of 21%. 1993) following cardiorespiratory failure, the postmor-
tems did not clarify the cause of cardiac arrest [32].
The efficiency of the procedure depends on the interval
from drug administration to scanning and emergence A mortality rate of nine in 1 000 000 was reported following
quality: chloral hydrate needs time to act, and post- administration of oxygen/nitrous oxide/halothane [33].
discharge side effects can be disturbing, when not serious The number of deaths in the UK, however, has decreased
[13], with a high percentage of prolonged sleepiness, from 100 (197079) to 20 (199099) [34,35]. Inappropriate
almost 70% unsteadiness, hyperactivity, poor appetite patient selection (ASA 3) may have contributed to anes-
and vomiting. Benzodiazepines [14,15] and barbiturates thetic complications [36], but deaths in young healthy
[1618] do not rate any better. patients have also been described [37]; overall, care was
judged to be poor.
Propofol requires a learning curve [19] and experience,
but offers short recovery times [20,21] and good mental The incidence of mortality in GA perfomed for dentistry
discharge. To avoid involuntary movements dosage procedures has decreased in the latest reviews to 11.5
should be in the range of 100 mg/kg/min, corresponding cases per million [38].
to a target controlled infusion level of around 2 mg/ml
[22]. An airway is needed in 20% of cases because of Pediatric sedation
respiratory depression, tracheal intubation being rarely Exploring sentinel events that is events that, if left
required [23]; simple manoeuvres like chin lift help to untreated, may progress to major accidents is crucial for
maintain the airway [24]. The higher cost of the drug prevention. These events include hypoxemia, hypoven-
is largely compensated by savings in postanesthesia tilation, airway compromise, and unplanned hospital
recovery and nursing times, with faster turnover rates admission. Hypoxemia was reported in 0.89% of chil-
[25,26]. dren sedated for MRI and computed tomography (CT)
[10,15,3942], and airway compromise was reported in
Imaging quality is better with spontaneous breathing 1.36% [4345]. Unscheduled hospital admission ranged
under pentobarbital sedation than with intermittent from 0.03 to 0.07% [46].
positive-pressure ventilation/GA, which may lead to
atelectasis obscuring small pulmonary metastasis [27]. Nitrous oxide added to chloral hydrate increases hypo-
Five centimeters of positive end-expiratory pressure ventilation from 70% to almost 100% of patients, trans-
(PEEP) completely prevents GA-induced atelectasis in ferring them from consciousness to deep sedation [47].
children [28].
Therapeutic endoscopy
The literature [29] and our experience have led to the The overall complication rate for upper gastrointestinal
conclusion that, with the proper equipment, GA offers a endoscopy is 0.130.08%, with a mortality of 0.71 per
safer and time-effective way to provide conditions for 10 000. Cardiorespiratory problems account for half of
high-quality scans, accompanied by quick recovery. complications and 65% of deaths [48]. Most patients
receive sedation [49] with midazolam, diazepam and, more
The radiology department is probably the most demand- recently, propofol. Intra and postprocedure occurrences
ing area for anesthesia; their needs vary from resuscitation are strictly linked [50]; 69% of patients experience occur-
of cranial disasters to monitored anesthesia care. The rences both during the procedure and the in-hospital stay.
main problems arise from irradiation and contrast media The most common intraoperative complaints were pain,
reactions; complexity and demands also stem from inter- hypertension, hypotension, bradycardia and oxygen desa-
actions with other specialists, such as gastroenterologists turation, while hypotension, weakness, abdominal discom-
and cardiologists. fort and dizziness followed the procedure in over 25%
of cases.
Since sedation needs time to take effect, anxyolitics and
sedatives may be given before transferring the patient to Sentinel events in gastrointestinal endoscopy were arter-
the procedural area. Among 118 serious adverse events ial desaturation, ranging from 0.4% with oxygen to 70%
following premedication in children, including death and without, and tachycardia (3040%). Cardiac arrhythmias
ACO/200228; Total nos of Pages: 7;

Anesthesia outside the operating room Melloni 3

occurred in 36% of patients with cardiopathy, 25% with cases, unplanned intubations in 8%, local anesthetic
pneumopathy and 16% for apparently healthy individuals intravascular injection in 3% and there was 1% mortality.
[51]. Anesthesiologist attendance was rare.

Risk factors for adverse outcomes in endoscopy with Mortality following liposuction averaged 19.1 per 100 000
conscious sedation have been identified [52,53]. Topical (one in 5000) [67], pulmonary embolism being the most
oropharingeal or nasal anesthesia is considered to be frequent killer [68].
absolutely safe but, besides methemoglobinemia [54],
significantly increases obstructive and central apnea [55]. Since 320 000354 000 liposuctions are performed yearly
in the USA [69], these data induced the Florida Board
The above considerations imply that patients, especially of Medicine to declare on 10 August 2000 a 90-day
if premedicated, should receive supplementary oxygen moratorium on office-based surgery because there is
[56], since arterial oxygen saturation in ambient air very an immediate danger to the health welfare and safety
often ranges from around 89% to 92% after premedication of patients. An analysis of deaths 6 years later [70]
alone, and further declines during endoscopy and benzo- revealed 46 cases in more than 600 000 procedures per-
diazepine plus opioid administration. In children, GA formed in the office. The great majority of these cases
with oxygen/nitrous oxide/halothane plus intubation were related to nonboard-certified plastic surgeons and
ensures higher oxygen saturation than midazolam seda- specialists in other fields, raising the issue of the creden-
tion after topical anesthesia [57]. tials of anesthesia providers. The guidelines for qualifica-
tions of anesthesia providers have been discussed by
Pharynx obstruction, tracheal compression, gastric dis- the ASA [71], which documents that the door should
tention, drugs, and local anesthesia contribute to oxygen be left open to other anesthesia providers, like operating
desaturation during esophagoduodenoscopy. physicians or other licensed physicians.

Sedation for diagnostic endoscopy is recommended The mortality rate in the office is greater than in free-
for ethical and physiological reasons, since sedation standing centers and hospitals [72]. This contradicts
and analgesia at least partially counteract the pro- statements (founded on settled insurance liability claims)
cedure-induced rise in cathecolamines, responsible that office-based liposuction is less risky than hospital-
for hypertension and arrhythmias [58]. Complications based procedures, as the latter accounted for 71% of
following endoscopy relate to team experience, with malpractice claims compared with 21% in the office
some centers presenting excellent results [59] even in setting [73].
extremely old patients [60]. Capnography is most useful
during and even after endoscopy, as it may identify Liability risks
hypoventilation and apnea that may not emerge during NORA claims were found to more frequently involve
supplemental oxygenation [61]. substandard care (63%) than operating room claims
(29%), and may be prevented by better monitoring,
The National Confidential Enquiry into perioperative Payments made, however, were similar in NORA and
deaths (UK) [62] examined 1818 inpatient deaths within operating room claims [74]. NORA claims have
30 days from gastrointestinal therapeutic endoscopy pro- increased sixfold over the decades (from 0.2% in the
cedures. Fourteen percent of patients were judged to 1970s to 1.2% in the period 19902001). Other specialists
have received excessive sedation; monitoring was poor in may be more exposed [75].
23% of cases, and care was suboptimal in 27% of patients
with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Thus, the quality of Special problems of NORA
care in these very often elderly and fragile patients needs NORA problems derive from remote locations, limited
to be improved. working space, electrical interference with monitors and
phones, lighting and temperature inadequacies, lack of
Office-based anesthesia, with special skilled personnel, drugs, and supplies.
emphasis on plastic surgery
Office-based anesthesia appears to be safe, as a 0.0017% Noises are unsettling for the patient and disturb the
mortality rate (1/57 000) was reported in accredited anesthesiologist. As alarm recognition occurs 34% of
institutions [63], with better results in the office than the time under ideal conditions [76], noisy areas like
in ambulatory centers [64,65]. MRI centers make sound recognition and alarm percep-
tion very difficult. A presumed reason is that many alarms
Greater figures may emerge from nonaccredited centers, have similar sounds [77]. Since alarm volume and recog-
however, because plastic surgeons declared in a ques- nition rate are correlated, we suggest that alarms be set at
tionnaire [66] that respiratory arrest occurred in 13% of maximum levels in NORA environments.
ACO/200228; Total nos of Pages: 7;

4 Ambulatory anaesthesia

Inside the operating room every effort is made to access sedative and hypnotics titrated to effect, this is not the
the patient easily; when this is not possible, special case, so the ASA published its Practice guidelines for
equipment and precautions are needed. Bulky equip- sedation and analgesia by non-anesthesiologists [86],
ment may impede access to the patient and warrant which have been endorsed by several scientific colleges
airways to be secured even for minor procedures. and associations.

AQ1 Anesthesiologist(s) . . . and not only, other consultants I believe that the main questions are as follows: what
as well. would happen when a patients condition abruptly
changes or the patient moves to another stage of seda-
The National Confidential Enquiry into perioperative tion? Who would be responsible for complications? Since
deaths (UK) [62] found that the number of yearly pro- every patient may become unstable, every single seda-
cedures performed by some consultant endoscopists was tion analgesic given outside the operating room should be
too low to ensure proficiency and skill. It recommended done by one anesthesiologist/patient/unit of time, and
that competency in endoscopy should be assured by the anaesthesiologist should be an experienced intensi-
national guidelines. No such recommendations exist vist should a crisis occur.
for anesthesiologists, however, whose competency is
simply assumed by the specialist diploma. Patients
Patients undergoing NORA may be more ill than those
NORA requires special skills and attitudes; for instance, attending an operating room, as most NORA claims
among 25 neuroanesthesiologists, only three were found to involve higher-risk, elderly patients undergoing nonemer-
administer anesthesia with the magnet inside the operat- gency surgery [72]. Preanesthetic preparation is very often
ing room [78], intrinsically recognizing the need for a done by others, who may not consider the interactions
higher level of technical skills. Nontechnical skills are also between a patients physical condition, medications taken
important [79], since NORA also stresses other qualities, and the effects of anesthesia.
like task management, team-working capability and
coordination, situation awareness, and decision-making. Quality issues
Since NORA involves special risks and difficulties, anaes- Quality improvement should rely on raising the standards
thetists that are unsafe due either to a lack of knowledge of every location where sedation and anesthesia are
and skills or old age need to be identified [80,81]. possible to operating room standards. In the meantime,
the following recommendations taken from the ASA
Many centers and countries have adopted the post of guidelines for NORA locations [87] should be followed
sedationist. In Italy, this task is very often assumed by and implemented.
the physician performing the procedure, but nurses have
been more and more involved, with excellent results and (a) Reliable oxygen source including a backup supply.
enviable safety records [8,14]. (b) Adequate and reliable suction.
(c) Adequate and reliable scavenging system if anes-
The issue of quality of care and outcome has been raised thetic gases are to be used.
[13], and the cost implications of anesthesia services [82]. (d) Self-inflating resuscitation bag capable of delivering
Anesthesia is a discipline that requires the constant an inspired oxygen fraction (FiO2) of 0.90.
vigilance of well trained and experienced providers; (e) Adequate drugs, supplies and equipment for the
safety derives from high-level dedicated care, teamwork, planned activity.
and rapid availability of physicians, especially during (f) Adequate monitoring equipment to adhere to stan-
medical crises. Clinical evidence supports the anesthe- dards for basic anesthetic monitoring.
siologist-led anesthesia care team as the safest and most (g) Sufficient electrical outlets, isolated electric power
cost-effective method of delivering anesthesia. Death or electric circuits with ground fault interruption
and failure to rescue were more frequent when care in wet areas like cystoscopy, arthroscopy, labor
was not directed by anesthesiologists [83]. The reasons and delivery suites, with access to emergency power
behind nurse rather than physician organizations are supply.
likely economic, since nurses cost less [84], are probably (h) Sufficient space for equipment and personnel and
more attentive to protocols, and may be more manipu- transportation.
lated by economy. The debate [85] will continue for a (i) Immediate suitability of an emergency cart with
while, at least in countries where certified registered defibrillator, emergency drugs, etc.
nurse anesthetists are numerous and well trained. (j) Reliable two-way communication.
(k) Observation of all applicable building and safety
Sedation cannot be restricted to anesthesiologists. codes and facility standards.
Even though practitioners should be able to administer (l) Appropriate postanesthesia management.
ACO/200228; Total nos of Pages: 7;

Anesthesia outside the operating room Melloni 5

A reliable source of oxygen adequate for the procedure or postoperative periods [5]; therefore, strict surveillance
duration and a backup supply are critical. Virtually all should be exercised until full recovery.
facilities in which anesthesia is administered are
equipped with a central gas supply system, at least in During transportation all the equipment necessary for a
the more industrialized countries. Cylinders (E type) are safe journey should be at hand. The ideal recovery area
rarely seen on anesthesia machines today; if anesthesia is should be near the location where the patient was
to be delivered in a location without a central medical gas treated. The safe solution is to place patients in the
supply, the anesthesiologist and local personnel must first postanesthesia care unit (PACU) or recovery room, as
ensure that an adequate supply of oxygen is available. for surgical patients.
The gas amount left in the cylinder must be continuously
monitored and the cylinder replaced before it is com- Measures of outcome
pletely empty. As a rule of thumb, an E cylinder of Critical incidents may be more frequent in NORA;
5 l capacity at a pressure of 200 atm roughly contains emergency treatment of airways is paradigmatic [90].
1000 l of oxygen; at a pressure of 135 atm, 660 l, and at The availability of a difficult intubation cart in the
100 atm, 500 l. If 6 l/min are consumed, a full cylinder will ICU or PACU that can be called upon for rescue would
last 160 min; if half empty, 80 min. If oxygen is delivered be optimal, but distant locations should have their emer-
without flowmeters, its consumption is unknown and gency trolley with a reasonable choice of airways. Since
extra care is recommended. outcome is influenced by care quality [91], specific pro-
tocols should be adopted for NORA and personnel
Equipment in nonoperating room anesthesia organized accordingly.
Old equipment is often kept in NORA areas, so new
anesthesiologists may be unfamiliar with it and machines NORA activities require time, which means adequate
may no longer meet standards. Since such equipment is staffing: consider how many NORA activities should be
not used on a daily basis, it has to be carefully checked covered every day. An invitation is being made to sche-
before each use and a program of maintenance should be dule fixed days for different tasks in order to organize the
instituted. The same considerations apply for monitors. anesthesia services.

How to proceed
After carrying out an anesthestic and monitoring equip- Conclusion
ment check, the anesthetic plan should be followed but No anesthesia or sedation performed outside the operat-
the anaesthesiologist should always be prepared for a ing room should be considered minor; it requires skill,
change in procedure. The few data available do not seem experience, and organization. Anesthetic needs should be
to prefer monitored anesthesia care to GA. Bhananker evaluated from a safety point of view. Patient prep-
et al. [88] found the same mortality and morbidity rates aration, consent, sedation, analgesia or GA should be
during monitored anesthesia care with a greater pro- performed utilizing the same standards as adopted for
portion of respiratory depression after absolute or relative the operating room.
overdose of sedative or opioid drugs. It is my personal
opinion that sedation and analgesia with spontaneous References and recommended reading
respiration requires greater skills and experience than Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
been highlighted as:
general anesthesia with airway control. Monitored  of special interest
anesthesia care for disabled children is much less expens-  of outstanding interest
Additional references related to this topic can also be found in the Current
ive in the dental rehabilitation office than GA in the World Literature section in this issue (pp. 000000).
operating room, but more sentinel events have been
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ACO Current opinion in Anaesthesiology
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