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1. Co-primes( 3 prime numbers). Product of first 2 prime numbers is 551 and 2nd and 3rd prime
number is 1073. Find the sum of 3 prime numbers.
2. Cylinder dimensions were given ( Height ,Thickness) as well as outer diameter ( also density was
given). Find the weight of cylinder.
3. How many non zero digits will be present in number representation by base to 6 and base to 7.
4. Number series 62,36,27,? A)11 b) 16 c)8 d)7
5. 7^700 %100 = ?
6. Work & Time model.
7. Percentage model.
8. OPTICAL number of way in which all the vowels can be arranged together.
9. 2 pens,5 Eraser,7 sketches costs 30 rs. 3 pens,5 sketches cost 15 rs more than 6 erasers. How
much 39 erasers,1 sketch cost more than 6 pens?
10. 5 Red, 7 Green,3 Blue balls. How many way we can pick up a red ball?
11. Ratio of speeds is given, Time ratio?

Basic Electronics & Analog:

1. What is IDSS in nmos?

2. If the ratio of w/l is __________ then the CMOS inverter characteristic curve will get steeper

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