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Clinical Nutrition (2004) 23, 11761183



Deleteriuos effects of immobilization upon rat

skeletal muscle: role of creatine supplementation
M.S. Aokia,c,*, W.P. Limaa, E.H. Miyabaraa, C.H.A. Gouveiab, A.S. Moriscota

Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Muscle Plasticity, Department of Histology and Embryology, Institute
of Biomedical science, USP, Marcelo Saldanha Aoki, Av. Lineu Prestes, 1524., CEP 05508-900 Sa* o Paulo, SP,
Department of Anatomy, Institute of Biomedical ScienceFUSP, Brazil
Laboratory of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical EducationFUniFMU, Brazil
Received 16 July 2003; accepted 10 March 2004

KEYWORDS Summary Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of creatine
Creatine; feeding (5 g kg1 body weight day1) upon the deleterious adaptations in skeletal
Immobilization; muscle induced by immobilization.
Skeletal muscle Methods: Male Wistar rats were submitted to hind limb immobilization together
with three dietary manipulations: control, supplemented with creatine for 7 days
(along with immobilization) and supplemented with creatine for 14 days (7 days
before immobilization and together with immobilization). Muscle weight (wet/dry)
was determined in the soleus (SOL) and gastrocnemius (GAS). The analysis of lean
mass was performed by DEXA and myosin heavy chain (MHC) distribution by SDS-
Results: After 14 days of creatine loading, immobilized SOL and GAS total creatine
content were increased by 25% and 18%, respectively. Regardless of dietary mani-
pulation, the immobilization protocol induced a decrease in the weight of SOL and
GAS (Po0.001). However, creatine feeding for 14 days minimized mass loss in the
SOL and GAS (Po0.05). Our findings also indicate that creatine supplementation
maximizes the expected slow-to-fast MHC shift driven by immobilization (Po0.05).
Conclusions: Previous creatine supplementation attenuates muscle wasting
induced by immobilization. This effect is associated with the increment of
intramuscular creatine content.
& 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction decrease in force generation capacity.16 These

adaptations have been observed in various condi-
The deleterious effects of hypokinesia upon skele- tions, such as immobilization,7 hind limb suspen-
tal muscle have been intensely investigated for sion3 and microgravity,8 although it is clear that
over 40 years. Generally, hypoactivity induces other specific modifications in muscle function
muscle atrophy, slow-to-fast twitch shift and a occur in these models.
Creatine is an organic compound that is directly
*Corresponding author. involved in the muscle energy buffering system.9
Email-address: msaoki@usp.br (M.S. Aoki). When phosphorylated by creatine kinase, the

0261-5614/$ - see front matter & 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Creatine supplementation during immobilization 1177

resulting phosphocreatine can donate inorganic and received water and food ad libitum. The
phosphate and energy in order to rephosphorylate animals were anesthetized by intra-peritoneal
ADP, thus providing the proper energetic environ- injection of a mixture of ketamine (30 g kg1 body
ment to the skeletal muscle contractile apparatus.9 weight) and xilazine (10 g kg1 body weight) before
Creatine loading has also been widely studied due the immobilization procedure. The following
to its potential ergogenic effect in sports perfor- groups were studied: control supplemented with
mance, for example in increased power output and saline (C; n 6), supplemented with creatine
muscle mass gain.9 In addition, recent studies have during 7 days of immobilization (Cre7; n 6) and
shown that creatine can enhance muscle functional pre-supplemented with creatine for 7 days before
capacity in patients with neuromuscular diseases or immobilization and also subsequently for 7 days
muscular dystrophies.10,11 after the onset of immobilization (Cre14; n 6). In
Experimental evidence indicates that creatine order to ensure that the contralateral leg was an
might modulate skeletal muscle tropism in specific adequate control reference, a fourth group of
conditions. For example, recent studies have shown animals, non-immobilized age-matched controls
that creatine feeding induces satellite cell prolif- (NI; n 12) was studied. The experimental protocol
eration12 and expression of specific muscle tran- (# 097/2002) was approved by the Institute of
scriptional factors.13 Vierck et al.14 were able to Biomedical Sciences Ethical Committee for Animal
show a direct effect of creatine on satellite cells in Research, University of Sao Paulo.
culture; it was observed that the cells differen-
tiated earlier and to a greater level. In line with a Supplementation protocol
stimulatory effect of creatine on satellite cells,
Dangott et al.12 demonstrated higher satellite cell All groups were fed with standard rat chow. A high
mitotic activity in creatine-fed rats submitted to dose of creatine monohydrate was administrated
plantar skeletal muscle hypertrophy in the ablation daily via gavage (5 g kg1 body weight). In order to
model. avoid gastrointestinal disturbance the daily dose
Another study conducted by Hespel et al.13 was divided into three rounds. The control group
investigated the effects of creatine supplementa- (C) received the same volume of 0.9% saline.
tion during immobilization and rehabilitation on the
expression of muscle myogenic factors in humans.
This study revealed an over expression of muscle Hind limb immobilization procedure
regulatory factor4 (MRF-4) in the creatine-fed
group during recovery. These findings suggest that A mono-lateral hind limb immobilization was
creatine can also modulate skeletal muscle plasti- performed in all rats, with the exception of the NI
city by molecular mechanisms. Still the mechan- group. The left limb of each animal was immobi-
isms underlying the beneficial effects of creatine lized (I) with a cast on the total plantar exten-
loading on skeletal muscle remain largely unknown. sion.15 Gastrocnemius (GAS) and soleus (SOL)
Given that creatine is involved in many processes muscles remained in shortened positions for 7 days.
that regulate skeletal muscle tropism, we aimed to As previously described,16 the contra-lateral leg
investigate whether creatine loading is able to that remained loose was utilized as a control for
attenuate the deleterious effects of disuse. The the immobilized leg of each animal. The legs were
identification and characterization of strategies subdivided into: contra-lateral leg of control group
prone to minimize the effects of skeletal muscle (C-CL), contra-lateral leg of creatine-supplemen-
disuse, will certainly contribute to a better out- ted group (Cre7-CL), contra-lateral leg of creatine
come of a large number of individuals subjected to pre-supplemented group (Cre14-CL), immobilized
hypokinesia. leg of control group (C-I), immobilized leg of
creatine-supplemented group (Cre7-I) and immobi-
lized leg of creatine pre-supplemented group
Material and methods (Cre14-I). A fine-meshed steel net involved the
cast to avoid chewing.16 Great care was taken to
Animals make sure that the cast did not cause ischemia.

Male adult Wistar rats, weighing 200220 g, were Measurement of total creatine content
obtained from the animal breeding facility of the
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of Sao The SOL and GAS total creatine content were
Paulo. The animals were maintained on a constant determined by reversed-phase high-performance
light-to-dark cycle (12 h:12 h) in metabolic cages, liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique. Frozen
1178 M.S. Aoki et al.

muscles were powdered in a stainless steel percus- MHC isoform distribution. To determine dry weight,
sion mortar cooled in liquid nitrogen. The powder a small aliquot of each muscle was weighed and
was homogenized in 0.4 N perchloric acid at 01C then dried for 48 h at 601C. The weight of adrenal
and aliquots of the homogenate were removed for glands was determined to estimate the level of
protein determination. Samples were centrifuged stress in all experimental groups (C, Cre7 and
at 3000 g for 1 min and the supernatant buffered to Cre14) in relation to rats not submitted to
pH 7.0 with 0.2 mol l1 Tris and KOH, 40% weight immobilization (NI).
per volume, in 60:40 mix. Further centrifugation at
room temperature and 3000 g for 1 min was realized Myosin heavy chain analysis
to remove the precipitate before 50 ml of the final
supernatant was analyzed.17 The muscles were frozen in liquid nitrogen and
The HPLC system consisted of auto-injector (SIL- stored at 701C. Muscles samples preparation to
10AD; Shimadzu, Tokyo-Japan), a liquid chromato- electrophoretic separation were conducted as
graph (LC-10AD; Shimadzu, Tokyo-Japan) and UV described before by Talmagde and Roy.20 Proteins
visible spectrophometric detector (SPD-10A; Shi- were separated by SDS-PAGE gels containing 30%
madzu, Tokyo-Japan). The column utilized was an vol/vol glycerol, 8% wt/vol acrylamide, 1% vol/vol
Absorbosphere HSC18 (250 mm  4.6 mm, 7 mm pore glycine and 0.4% wt/vol SDS.20 Stacking gels
size; Alltech, Deerfield, USA). The column was contained 40% vol/vol glycerol and 4% wt/vol
perfused at 0.9 ml min1 with a mixture of Mg2 acrylamide. After electrophoresis (275 V) for 20 h,
Tris buffer containing MgSO4 (4 mmol l1), Tris gels were stained for 60 min in Coomassie Brilliant
(4 mmol l1), KH2PO4 (22 mmol l1) and NaN3 Blue and destained with 20% methanol and 5%
(0.2 mmol l1) and a solvent consisting of methyl acetic acid.20 MHC bands were scanned and
alcohol: water mix, in a 60:40 volume per volume analyzed by the Kodak Digital Sciencet 1D Image
ratio at pH 6.05.17 To improve retention times for Analyses Software.
PCr and Cr, samples were isocratically using a
phosphate buffer (90 mmol l1 KH2PO4 , 10 mmol l1
Statistical analysis
K2HPO4 (pH 4.75) containing an ion-pairing agent
(5.9 mmol l1 tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sul-
All values are expressed as mean7SE. Differences
fate) that improves the retention of PCr.18 In order
among groups were determined by multivariate
to minimize mislead results, since high phosphate
analysis of variance (ANOVA) with three levels for
breakdown is extremely rapid and would not
treatmentFC vs. Cre7 vs. Cre14 and two levels for
represent the animal living content, according to
immobilization CL vs. I (3  2). Subsequently, a
Robinson and Loiselle,17 we report only the sum of
Tukey post hoc test was applied using Prism Graph
Cr and PCr (Total creatine content).
Pad Software&. For comparison of NI and CI groups
an independent t-test was utilized. The P value of
Lean mass determination confidence for statistical significance was estab-
lished at 0.05.
Lean mass (LM), which is mainly composed of
muscle mass, was evaluated by dual energy X-ray
absorptiometry as described before by Brommage19
using the pDEXA Sabre Bone Densitometer and
Total creatine content
Software (Norland Medical Systems&), both espe-
cially designed for small animals. The animals were
After 14 days of creatine feeding, total creatine
scanned under anesthesia just before immobiliza-
content of immobilized SOL of Cre14-I was in-
tion (basal scanFday 0) and after 7 days of
creased by B25% (Po0.001) in comparison to C-CL
immobilization (final scanFday 7). The lean mass
and C-I. Compared with C-CL, immobilized GAS of
changes were expressed in grams (DLM LM day
Cre14-I also responds to supplementation protocol,
7LM day 0).
however, in a less pronounced manner (18%,
Po0.001) (Table 1).
Tissue samples
Mass parameters
The muscles (GAS and SOL) were removed and
weighed for relative mass determination. Immedi- Body weight after immobilization suffered a mild
ately afterwards the muscles were quickly frozen, (but not statistically different) decrease until the
and stored at 701C for posterior determinations of 2nd day, after which it started to increase at the
Creatine supplementation during immobilization 1179

Table 1 Body weight (g) and relative weight of Table 2 Muscle total creatine content (mmol kg1
adrenal glands (%) of NI, C, Cre7 and Cre14 groups. dry weight) of NI leg, C-CL leg, Cre7-CL leg, Cre14-
CL leg, C-I leg, Cre7-I leg and Cre14-I leg.
n Body Weight of
weight (g) adrenal glands (%) Total creatine content
NI 6 239.878.1 0.03270.003 n SOL GAS
C 6 232.7710.1 0.03870.004
Cre7 6 228.376.1 0.03670.003 NI 6 88.779.0 113.3711.4
Cre14 6 238.476.2 0.03670.003 C-CL 6 90.275.2 114.877.4
C-I 6 93.976.7 119.175.9
Values are expressed as mean7SE. Non-immobilized Cre7-CL 6 119.478.8a,b 129.976.1
group (NI; n 6), control group (C; n 6), supplemented Cre7-I 6 104.176.8 122.077.0
with creatine during 7 days along with immobilization Cre14-CL 6 122.377.2a,b 138.479.8a
(Cre7; n 6) and Supplemented with creatine during 14 Cre14-I 6 118.375.2a,b 135.078.4a
days (7 days before immobilization and along with
immobilization) (Cre14; n 6). Values are expressed as mean7SE. Non-immobilized leg
(NI; n 6), contra-lateral leg of the control group (C-CL;
n 6), immobilized leg of the control group (C-I; n 6),
same rate as that of the NI group (Table 1). Food contra-lateral leg of the Cre7 group (Cre7-CL; n 6),
intake (data not shown) in all groups accompanied immobilized leg of the Cre7 group (Cre7-I; n 6), contra-
the body mass change profile. No statistical lateral leg of Cre14 group (Cre14-CL; n 6) and immobi-
lized leg of Cre14 group (Cre14-I; n 6).
differences were observed in the weight of adrenal a
Different from C-CL (Po0.001).
glands among all groups (Table 2). Furthermore, no b
Different from C-I (Po0.001).
differences were observed in the wet and dry
weights of the SOL and GAS muscles from the NI
group, as compared to the contra-lateral leg (C- legs (C-I, Cre7-I and Cre14-I; Fig. 2Po0.001),
CL). The immobilization markedly decreased rela- indicating a main effect of immobilization. While
tive wet weight of GAS and SOL muscles in all the C-CL, Cre7-CL and Cre14-CL displayed more
groups (Po0.001) (Table 2). No statistical differ- than 90% of MHC I expression, C-I, Cre7-I and Cre14-
ence was observed between Cre7-I and C-I relative I expressed approximately 84%, 78% and 80% MHC I
mass, however, the relative muscle mass of the SOL expression, respectively. These changes were also
and GAS of Cre14-I were 21% (Po0.05) and 15% accompanied by an increase in MHC IIa (Fig. 3)
(Po0.05) greater than C-I, respectively. As ob- (Po0.001) (see also Fig. 4). Thus, immobilization
served in relative muscle mass, the dry weight, led to a shift in MHC (slow-to-fast) in the postural
mainly composed by muscle protein, suffered a SOL muscle. In addition, it is noteworthy that MHC I
marked decrease in SOL and GAS muscles of all content of Cre7-I and Cre14-I legs were reduced in
immobilized legs (Po0.001). SOL of Cre14-I de- comparison to C-I, thus creatine loading further
monstrated a greater dry weight in comparison to enhanced the MHC I to IIa shift in the SOL muscle
SOL of C-I (Table 3) (Po0.05). induced by immobilization (Po0.05).

Lean mass determination

The longitudinal analysis by DEXA allowed us to
follow the lean mass changes over time (Fig. 1).
In order to verify the role of creatine supplementa-
The D lean mass was markedly decreased (B70%)
tion in skeletal muscle plasticity during disuse, we
by immobilization in all animals (CI, Cre7-I and
utilized a model of hind limb immobilization-
Cre14-I; Po0.001). A slight lean mass loss reduc-
induced hypokinesia. To estimate the level of
tion was observed in the Cre14-I as compared to CI,
stress, adrenal gland weight was determined in all
although this decrease was not considered statisti-
immobilized groups and compared with rats not
cally significant (Po0.1). No statistical difference
submitted to immobilization (NI). No statistical
in lean mass change was noted between the NI and
differences were observed among all groups,
CL of all immobilized groups.
indicating that immobilized animals did not suffer
significant additional stress. The lack of variation
MHC distribution in weight gain and food intake indicated that
the disuse model used in the present study did
The decrease in type MHC I induced by immobiliza- not interfere with developmental aspects of the
tion was observed in all SOL muscles of immobilized animals.
1180 M.S. Aoki et al.

Table 3 Relative muscle wet weight (muscle weightbody weight ratio) and dry muscle weight of C-CL leg, Cre7-
CL leg, Cre14-CL leg, C-I leg, Cre7-I leg and Cre14-I leg.
Relative wet weight (%) Dry weight (mg)
NI 12 0.5070.03 5.4970.13 12 25.870.9 343.2714.1
C-CL 6 0.5170.02 5.4470.11 6 26.970.7 335.3710.1
C-I 6 0.3370.02a 3.9170.15a 6 16.070.8a 225.7711.0a
Cre7-CL 6 0.5570.01 5.5770.12 6 26.471.5 326.970.9
Cre7-I 6 0.3870.02b 4.1570.13b 6 18.570.7b 242.4712.3b
Cre14-CL 6 0.5370.01 5.7170.12 6 26.271.0 336.7718.9
Cre14-I 6 0.4270.02c,d 4.6370.13c,d 6 19.971.5c,d 245.4719.9c
Values are expressed as mean7SE. Non-immobilized leg (NI; n 12), contra-lateral leg of the control group (C-CL; n 6),
immobilized leg of the control group (C-I; n 6), contra-lateral leg of the Cre7 group (Cre7-CL; n 6), immobilized leg of the
Cre7 group (Cre7-I; n 6), contra-lateral leg of Cre14 group (Cre14-CL; n 6) and immobilized leg of Cre14 group (Cre14-I;
n 6).
Different from C-CL.
Different from Cre7-CL (Po0.001).
Different from Cre14-CL (Po0.001).
Different from C-I (Po0.05).

0.6 100
Delta leg lean mass (g)

0.4 90
MHC I (%)

0.3 C
a b c 80 bd Cre-7
0.0 70
NI C-CL C-I Cre7-CL Cre7-I Cre14-CL Cre14-I

Figure 1 Leg lean mass evaluation (DLM) of C-CL leg, 60

Cre7-CL leg, Cre14-CL leg, C-I leg, Cre7-I leg and Cre14- CL I
CL leg. Values are expressed as mean7SE. Contra-lateral
Figure 2 Myosin heavy chain I distribution of SOL from C-
leg of the control group (C-CL; n 6), immobilized leg of
CL leg, Cre7-CL leg, Cre14-CL leg, C-I leg, Cre7-I leg and
the control group (C-I; n 6), contra-lateral leg of the
Cre14-I leg. Values are expressed as mean7SE. Contra-
Cre7 group (Cre7-CL; n 6), immobilized leg of the Cre7
lateral leg of the control group (C-CL; n 6), immobilized
group (Cre7-I; n 6), contra-lateral leg of Cre14 group
leg of the control group (C-I; n 6), contra-lateral leg of
(Cre14-CL; n 6), immobilized leg Cre14 group (Cre14-I;
the Cre7 group (Cre7-CL; n 6), immobilized leg of the
n 6) and non-immobilized leg (NI; n 6). (DLM Scan
Cre7 group (Cre7-I; n 6), contra-lateral leg of Cre14
day 7Scan day 0). (a) Different from C-CL (Po0.001), (b)
group (Cre14-CL; n 6) and immobilized leg Cre14 group
different from Cre7-CL (Po0.001), (c) different from
(Cre14-I; n 6). (a) Different from C-CL (Po0.001), (b)
Cre14-CL (Po0.001).
different from Cre7-CL (Po0.001), (c) different from
Cre14-CL (Po0.001), (d) different from C-I (Po0.05).

In order to refute the argument that the contra- decline in the cross sectional area of immobilized
lateral leg is not an adequate control reference, an SOL fibers (type I, 26%; type IIb, 23% and type IIa,
age-matched group of animals that were not 18%; data not shown) in comparison to C-CL.
submitted to immobilization (NI) was utilized. Since This result combined with the observation of a
no difference was observed in muscle mass (wet reduction in muscle weight, confirms that the
and dry) between NI and C-CL, as also demon- hypokinesia model utilized was effective in
strated before,16 we concluded that the contra- promoting skeletal muscle atrophy.
lateral legs are appropriate controls. A recent study conducted by Hespel et al.13 also
We observed, as described before,7,21 a marked investigated the effect of creatine supplementa-
muscle mass loss (wet and dry weight) in the SOL tion during immobilization and rehabilitation in
and GAS muscles as a result of immobilization for 7 humans. These authors observed a mild decrease
days (Table 1). In addition, we observed a marked (B10%) in the cross-sectional area of quadriceps
Creatine supplementation during immobilization 1181

bd viously and is shown to increase free creatine
cd (30%), phosphocreatine (15%) and total creatine
a (20%) levels in the rat SOL in just 5 days of creatine
feeding.22 In humans, lower doses have also been
MHC IIa (%)

15 C
Cre-7 found to be effective for boosting up intramuscular
10 Cre-14 creatine content.9,13,23 The supplementation pro-
tocol adopted in our study successfully increased
5 total creatine content in SOL and whole GAS (red
and white portions). As expected, SOL (mainly
CL I composed by slow-twitch fibers) showed higher
creatine uptake capacity after creatine loading as
Figure 3 Myosin heavy chain IIa distribution of SOL from
compared to GAS. Opt Eijnde et al.22 also
C-CL leg, Cre7-CL leg, Cre14-CL leg, C-I leg, Cre7-I leg
demonstrated a significant increase only in the
and Cre14-I leg (%). Values are expressed as mean7SE.
Contra-lateral leg of the control group (C-CL; n 6), red portion of GAS, while the white portion of GAS
immobilized leg of the control group (C-I; n 6), contra- showed mild increment (7%) in creatine content.
lateral leg of the Cre7 group (Cre7-CL; n 6), immobi- Accordingly, other studies utilizing muscles which
lized leg of the Cre7 group (Cre7-I; n 6), contra-lateral are composed by a mixture of fast and slow twitch
leg of Cre14 group (Cre14-CL; n 6) and immobilized leg fibers (red and white portions) such as vastus
Cre14 group (Cre14-I; n 6). (a) Different from C-CL lateralis also showed an increase (20%) in creatine
(Po0.001), (b) different from Cre7-CL (Po0.001), (c) content after creatine loading13.
different from Cre14-CL (Po0.001), (d) different from C- The present study demonstrates for the first
I (Po0.05). time, to our knowledge, that previous creatine
loading (Cre14) minimizes skeletal muscle mass loss
1 2 3 4 5 6 in a hypokinesia rat model. Creatine supplementa-
tion only during immobilization (Cre7), however,
failed to promote the same response. The creatine
uptake by skeletal muscle is modulated by many
factors, such as the intramuscular baseline level of
creatine,23 muscle activity,23 insulin sensitivity24
Figure 4 Representative SDS-PAGE of SOL muscle from and extracellular sodium concentration25. Muscle
C-CL leg, C-I leg, Cre7-CL leg, Cre7-I leg, Cre14-CL leg inactivity and insulin resistance observed during
and Cre14-I leg. Lane 1, C-CL leg; Lane 2, C-I leg; Lane 3, immobilization contributes to decrease creatine
Cre7-CL leg; Lane 4, Cre7-I leg; Lane 5, Cre14-CL leg and uptake capacity. This decreased creatine uptake
Lane 6, Cre14-I leg. capacity may compromise the effect of creatine
supplementation upon skeletal muscle mass during
immobilization (Cre7). This might explain the lack
after 2 weeks of immobilization in both creatine of protection against muscle mass loss observed in
and placebo groups, although no changes were Cre7. It could be hypothesized that creatine
observed in the fiber cross-sectional area after loading in association to normal muscle activity is
immobilization. Conversely, in the rat hypokinesia required for the attenuation of muscle wasting
model (used in the present study), a severe loss of induced by disuse.
muscle mass and fiber cross sectional area was Our results demonstrated that the effective mini-
observed after 1 week of immobilization. It should mization of muscle wasting observed in the Cre14 is
be pointed out that, in contrast to the rat model, associated to the increment of muscle creatine
immobilization in humans is not performed in the content. One of the proposed mechanisms for the
totally shortened position, a condition that is well effect of creatine on skeletal muscle mass gain
recognized to be important for accelerating the includes higher mitotic activity in satellite cells.12
rate of muscle atrophy.7,15 This may, at least in Also in line with a relationship between creatine and
part, explain the apparent discrepancies between satellite cells, it has been recently shown that
our study and the study conducted by Hespel et al.13 creatine activates the satellite cell differentiation
who were not able to show a protective effect of program in vitro.14 It is possible that creatine, in
creatine load upon muscle mass loss under hypoki- addition to a satellite cell mitotic effect, is also able
nesia. to activate signaling pathways, protecting the skele-
To ensure the effectiveness of the creatine tal muscle cell against proteolysis.
loading, we used a high dose (5 g kg1 body It has been reported that creatine feeding is able
weight day1). This dosage has been utilized pre- to increase water retention, due to its osmotic
1182 M.S. Aoki et al.

property26 and some evidences suggest that the cell shift towards to the fast phenotype observed during
hydration state is a major factor in controlling immobilization. The mechanism by which creatine
protein turnover.27,28 In hepatocytes, an increase in determines the MHC phenotype is still unknown,
cell hydration state (swelling) acts as an anabolic but it may include the modulation of intra-cellular
signal, stimulating protein synthesis and attenuat- signaling pathways involved in slow twitch
ing protein breakdown. In fact, it has been already phenotype determination, such as the calcineurin
suggested that water retention induced by the pathway.
increase in creatine content might function as an The fiber phenotype was affected by creatine
anabolic proliferative signal, which would involve supplementation in immobilized SOL, however, its
MAPK signaling pathway that plays a pivotal role in adaptive role remains to be elucidated. Since
protein systhesis regulation.29 Although no effort postural maintenance requires tonic contractile
has been made to address the effects of swelling in activity, the slow-to-fast shift in postural muscles,
skeletal muscle, Parise et al.30 showed that short- observed in disuse conditions, might represent a
term creatine supplementation presented an anti- deleterious adaptation. Other clinical conditions
catabolic action in men, indicating a direct mecha- such as hyperthyroidism clearly show that shift to
nism of creatine upon skeletal muscle protein turn the fast phenotype is associated with diminished
over. Our results demonstrate that pre-creatine muscular endurance.34 We speculate that the
feeding (Cre14) attenuates SOL dry weight (mainly increase in slow-to-fast shift observed in the
composed by muscle protein) loss, which is in line immobilized SOL of creatine-fed rats could also
with the idea that creatine supplementation lead to early fatigue. Functional studies should be
involves reduced muscle protein wasting. conducted in the future to determine the role of
The lean mass loss (indirectly determined by the slow-to-fast shift driven by creatine supple-
DEXA) in all immobilized legs confirms the results mentation in rats in skeletal muscle inactivity.
obtained from muscle weight (wet and dry). Since pre-treatment with creatine before immo-
Furthermore, DEXA analysis also showed a similar bilization attenuates the muscle wasting, we
muscle mass in the NI vs. C-CL groups, reinforcing suggest that creatine supplementation might be a
that the contralateral leg might be used as a suitable strategy for individuals who will be
reference control. DEXA analysis also showed a submitted to hypokinesia, particularly athletes in
tendency (although not statistically significant, the pre-operative phase involved in osteo-articular
Po0.1) of the pre-supplemented group (Cre14-I) injuries. In such conditions, to ensure surgery
to present a decreased muscle wasting induced by success, which is followed by a prolonged post-
immobilization (C-I). Although DEXA analysis has operative immobilization, an intense muscle re-
great potential to be used as a non-invasive method inforcement program should be initiated prior to
to address loss of muscle mass,19 our results suggest surgery. Therefore, creatine supplementation dur-
that the sensitivity of this method is not suitable to ing the muscle reinforcement program might be a
follow the effect of creatine during immobilization. viable dietary manipulation to maximize muscle
This is probably due to the fact that DEXA only mass gain before surgery and also minimize muscle
allows analysis of the whole leg. It is well known wasting during immobilization.
that muscle length during immobilization deter-
mines muscle atrophy or grow.15 Since certain
muscles (such as the Tibialis anterior) in the leg,
in our model, are immobilized in a full stretching
position (conditioning that stimulate muscle long-
We would like to thank FAPESP for financial support
itudinal growth), the effect of creatine supplemen-
(#03/00431-0). We also gratefully acknowledge the
tation is likely to be underestimated.
contribution of Mr. Yuri Borges for the creatine
As previously described, hypokinesia leads to a
slow-to-fast MHC shift.3133 These studies have content determination, Mr. Vagner Raso for statis-
tical analysis, Mr. Antonio Garcia Soares and
shown that the proportion of MHC IIa isoform in
Mr. Luiz Carlos Carnevalli Junior for the outstanding
SOL increases after hindlimb suspension. 3133 To
technical support.
characterize the effect of disuse and creatine
loading upon the MHC profile, we chose a postural
muscle (SOL), which predominantly expresses the
MHC I isoform. Our findings are in accordance with References
the previous data. Furthermore, in the present
study, the combination of immobilization and 1. Fischbach GD, Robbins N. Changes in contractile properties
creatine loading had an additive effect on MHC of disused soleus muscle. J Physiol Lond 1969;201:30520.
Creatine supplementation during immobilization 1183

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