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Static and Kinetic Friction

Friction is a key concept when you are attempting to understand car accidents. The force of friction
is a force that resists motion when two objects are in contact. If you look at the surfaces of all
objects, there are tiny bumps and ridges. Those microscopic peaks and valleys catch on one another
when two objects are moving past each other.

This explanation is a little simplified. There are other processes at work, including chemical
bonding and electrical interactions.

The level of friction that different materials exhibit is measured by the coefficient of friction. The
formula is = f / N, where is the coefficient of friction, f is the amount of force that resists
motion, and N is the normal force. Normal force is the force at which one surface is being pushed
into another. If a rock that weighs 50 newtons is lying on the ground, then the normal force is that
50 newtons of force. The higher is, the more force resists motion if two objects are sliding past
each other.

There are two forms of friction, kinetic and static. If you try to slide two objects past each other, a
small amount of force will result in no motion. The force of friction is greater than the applied
force. This is static friction. If you apply a little more force, the object "breaks free" and slides,
although you still need to apply force to keep the object sliding. This is kinetic friction. You do not
need to apply quite as much force to keep the object sliding as you needed to originally break free
of static friction.

Some common values of coefficients of kinetic and static friction:

(static) (kinetic)
Steel on steel 0.74 0.57
Glass on glass 0.94 0.40
Metal on Metal
0.15 0.06
Ice on ice 0.10 0.03
Teflon on Teflon 0.04 0.04
Tire on concrete 1.00 0.80
Tire on wet road 0.60 0.40
Tire on snow 0.30 0.20

These values are approximate.

Now, finally, how does all this relate to automobiles?

In some places, especially Alaska in the winter, you must keep friction in your mind constantly as
you drive, in order to avoid an accident. You have to limit your speed in order to be able to stop at a
reasonable distance, and to negotiate curves.

Braking distance can be calculated using the equation d = V^2 / 2g

d = Braking Distance
g = Acceleration due to gravity (9.80 m/sec^2)
V = Initial vehicle speed (m/sec)
= Coefficient of friction between the tires and the roadway

Notice that initial velocity is squared; this means that if you travel twice as fast, your stopping
distance is squared, not doubled. This is why the two second rule ("travel at a speed so that two
seconds pass between the moment the car in front of you passes a landmark and the moment you
pass the same landmark") is not valid for high speeds; your stopping distance increases
exponentially as you go faster.

A higher coefficient of friction decreases your stopping distance. It is better, therefore, for your tire
to be using static friction rather than kinetic friction. If the tire is rolling along so that the surface
touching the ground is never sliding, then static friction is acting to slow the car. If the wheels are
locked and sliding, then kinetic friction is acting to slow the car. In order to utilize static friction
when you need to stop quickly, there are several options. You can attempt to apply just enough
brake to stay within the static range of friction and not too much to lock the tires. This is the best
option, in terms of stopping you the quickest, but it can be difficult to be that precise with the
brake. It can be especially difficult if you are about to hit a moose. Another option is pumping the
brake, which has the effect of alternating the use of kinetic and static friction as the wheels lock and
unlock. This is not quite as efficient, but easier to do in an emergency. A final option is to have your
car take care of the braking for you, through antilock brakes or more sophisticated computer-
controlled means. Antilock brakes do the same thing as you do; pump the brakes. The best solution
is, of course, to drive slower.

Traveling around a curve causes you to experience a slightly different set of forces, as you must
deal with the tendency for a car to want to travel straight ahead. This is explained by Newton's 1st
law: an object will not change velocity without a force acting on it. In this case, you are causing the
car to change lateral velocity and move to the side by applying frictional force from the tires. If the
tires don't have a coefficient of friction large enough to provide the force needed to move the car
laterally, then you slide straight forward and off the road.

Usually, the tires must maintain static friction in order to turn the car. That limits the maximum
speed to a rate at which the tires do not slip. The equation that models this situation is:

Vmax = square root of ((static) g r)

Vmax = Maximum velocity
g = Acceleration due to gravity (9.80 m/sec^2)
r = Radius of curve
= Coefficient of static friction

If you are traveling around a curve with a radius of 10 meters and no snow or rain, Vmax = square
root of (1.00 * 9.80 m/sec^2 * 10.0m) = 5.4 m/sec, which is about 22.1 mph. Any faster and the
tires would slide.

If you are traveling around a curve with a radius of 10 meters on a snowy day, Vmax = square root
of (0.30 * 9.80 m/sec^2 * 10.0m) = 5.4 m/sec, which is about 12.1 mph.



Static Friction
Static frictional forces from the interlocking of the irregularities of two surfaces will increase to
prevent any relative motion up until some limit where motion occurs. It is that threshold of motion
which is characterized by the coefficient of static friction. The coefficient of static friction is
typically larger than the coefficient of kinetic friction.
In making a distinction between static and kinetic coefficients of friction, we are dealing with an
aspect of "real world" common experience with a phenomenon which cannot be simply
characterized. The difference between static and kinetic coefficients obtained in simple experiments
like wooden blocks sliding on wooden inclines roughly follows the model depicted in the friction
plot from which the illustration above is taken. This difference may arise from irregularities,
surface contaminants, etc. which defy precise description. When such experiments are carried out
with smooth metal blocks which are carefully cleaned, the difference between static and kinetic
coefficients tends to disappear. When coefficients of friction are quoted for specific surface
combinations are quoted, it is the kinetic coefficient which is generally quoted since it is the more
reliable number.

Kinetic Friction
When two surfaces are moving with respect to one another, the frictional resistance is almost
constant over a wide range of low speeds, and in the standard model of friction the frictional force
is described by the relationship below. The coefficient is typically less than the coefficient of static
friction, reflecting the common experience that it is easier to keep something in motion across a
horizontal surface than to start it in motion from rest.

Friction Plot
Static friction resistance will match the applied force up until the threshold of motion. Then
the kinetic frictional resistance stays about constant. This plot illustrates the standard modelof

The above plot, though representing a simplistic view of friction, agrees fairly well with the results
of simple experiments with wooden blocks on wooden inclines. The experimental procedure
described below equates the vector component of the weight down the incline to the coefficient of
friction times the normal force produced by the weight on the incline.

Having taken a large number of students through this experiment, I can report that the coefficient of
static friction obtained is almost always greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction. Typical
results for the woods I have used are 0.4 for the static coefficient and 0.3 for the kinetic coefficient.

When carefully standardized surfaces are used to measure the friction coefficients, the difference
between static and kinetic coefficients tends to disappear, indicating that the difference may have to
do with irregular surfaces, impurities, or other factors which can be frustratingly non-reproducible.
To quote a view counter to the above model of friction:
"Many people believe that the friction to be overcome to get something started (static friction)
exceeds the force required to keep it sliding (sliding friction), but with dry metals it is very hard to
show any difference. The opinion probably arises from experiences where small bits of oil or
lubricant are present, or where blocks, for example, are supported by springs or other flexible
supports so that they appear to bind." R. P. Feynman, R. P. Leighton, and M. Sands, The Feynman
Lectures on Physics, Vol. I, p. 12-5, Addison-Wesley, 1964.


The classic rules of sliding friction were discovered by Leonardo da Vinci (14521519), but remained unpublished in
his notebooks.[7][8][9] They were rediscovered by Guillaume Amontons (1699). Amontons presented the nature of
friction in terms of surface irregularities and the force required to raise the weight pressing the surfaces together.
This view was further elaborated by Belidor (representation of rough surfaces with spherical asperities, 1737)
and Leonhard Euler (1750), who derived the angle of repose of a weight on an inclined plane and first
distinguished between static and kinetic friction. [10] A different explanation was provided by Desaguliers (1725), who
demonstrated the strong cohesion forces between lead spheres of which a small cap is cut off and which were then
brought into contact with each other.

The understanding of friction was further developed by Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (1785). Coulomb investigated
the influence of four main factors on friction: the nature of the materials in contact and their surface coatings; the
extent of the surface area; the normal pressure (or load); and the length of time that the surfaces remained in
contact (time of repose).[7] Coulomb further considered the influence of sliding velocity, temperature and humidity, in
order to decide between the different explanations on the nature of friction that had been proposed. The distinction
between static and dynamic friction is made in Coulomb's friction law (see below), although this distinction was
already drawn by Johann Andreas von Segner in 1758. [7] The effect of the time of repose was explained by
Musschenbroek (1762) by considering the surfaces of fibrous materials, with fibers meshing together, which takes a
finite time in which the friction increases.

John Leslie (17661832) noted a weakness in the views of Amontons and Coulomb. If friction arises from a weight
being drawn up the inclined plane of successive asperities, why isn't it balanced then through descending the
opposite slope? Leslie was equally skeptical about the role of adhesion proposed by Desaguliers, which should on
the whole have the same tendency to accelerate as to retard the motion. [7] In his view friction should be seen as a
time-dependent process of flattening, pressing down asperities, which creates new obstacles in what were cavities

Arthur Morrin (1833) developed the concept of sliding versus rolling friction. Osborne Reynolds (1866) derived the
equation of viscous flow. This completed the classic empirical model of friction (static, kinetic, and fluid) commonly
used today in engineering.[8] In 1877 Fleeming Jenkin and J. A. Ewing investigated the continuity between static and
kinetic friction in their paper "On friction between surfaces moving at low speeds". [11]

The focus of research during the last century has been to understand the physical mechanisms behind friction. F.
Phillip Bowden and David Tabor (1950) showed that at a microscopic level, the actual area of contact between
surfaces is a very small fraction of the apparent area. [9] This actual area of contact, caused by "asperities"
(roughness) increases with pressure. The development of the atomic force microscope (1986) has recently enabled
scientists to study friction at the atomic scale,[8] showing on an atomic scale dry friction is the product of the inter-
surface shear stress and the contact area. These two discoveries explain the macroscopic proportionality between
normal force and static frictional force between dry surfaces.

The elementary property of sliding (kinetic) friction were discovered by experiment in the 15th to 18th centuries and
were expressed as three empirical laws:

Amontons' First Law: The force of friction is directly proportional to the applied load.

Amontons' Second Law: The force of friction is independent of the apparent area of contact.

Coulomb's Law of Friction: Kinetic friction is independent of the sliding velocity.

Dry friction
Dry friction resists relative lateral motion of two solid surfaces in contact. The two regimes of dry friction are 'static
friction' ("stiction") between non-moving surfaces, and kinetic friction (sometimes called sliding friction or dynamic
friction) between moving surfaces.

Coulomb friction, named after Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, is an approximate model used to calculate the force of
dry friction. It is governed by the model:


is the force of friction exerted by each surface on the other. It is parallel to the surface, in a direction
opposite to the net applied force.

is the coefficient of friction, which is an empirical property of the contacting materials,

is the normal force exerted by each surface on the other, directed perpendicular (normal) to the surface.

The Coulomb friction may take any value from zero up to , and the direction of the frictional force
against a surface is opposite to the motion that surface would experience in the absence of friction. Thus, in the
static case, the frictional force is exactly what it must be in order to prevent motion between the surfaces; it
balances the net force tending to cause such motion. In this case, rather than providing an estimate of the
actual frictional force, the Coulomb approximation provides a threshold value for this force, above which motion
would commence. This maximum force is known as traction.

The force of friction is always exerted in a direction that opposes movement (for kinetic friction) or potential
movement (for static friction) between the two surfaces. For example, a curling stone sliding along the ice
experiences a kinetic force slowing it down. For an example of potential movement, the drive wheels of an
accelerating car experience a frictional force pointing forward; if they did not, the wheels would spin, and the
rubber would slide backwards along the pavement. Note that it is not the direction of movement of the vehicle
they oppose, it is the direction of (potential) sliding between tire and road.
Normal force

Free-body diagram for a block on a ramp. Arrows are vectorsindicating directions and magnitudes of forces. N is the normal
force, mg is the force ofgravity, and Ff is the force of friction.

Main article: Normal force

The normal force is defined as the net force compressing two parallel surfaces together; and its direction is
perpendicular to the surfaces. In the simple case of a mass resting on a horizontal surface, the only component
of the normal force is the force due to gravity, where . In this case, the magnitude of the friction force
is the product of the mass of the object, the acceleration due to gravity, and the coefficient of friction. However,
the coefficient of friction is not a function of mass or volume; it depends only on the material. For instance, a
large aluminum block has the same coefficient of friction as a small aluminum block. However, the magnitude of
the friction force itself depends on the normal force, and hence on the mass of the block.

If an object is on a level surface and the force tending to cause it to slide is horizontal, the normal force
between the object and the surface is just its weight, which is equal to its mass multiplied by
the acceleration due to earth's gravity, g. If the object is on a tilted surfacesuch as an inclined plane, the
normal force is less, because less of the force of gravity is perpendicular to the face of the plane. Therefore, the
normal force, and ultimately the frictional force, is determined using vector analysis, usually via a free body
diagram. Depending on the situation, the calculation of the normal force may include forces other than gravity.

Coefficient of friction
The coefficient of friction (COF), often symbolized by the Greek letter , is a dimensionless scalar value which
describes the ratio of the force of friction between two bodies and the force pressing them together. The
coefficient of friction depends on the materials used; for example, ice on steel has a low coefficient of friction,
while rubber on pavement has a high coefficient of friction. Coefficients of friction range from near zero to
greater than one.

For surfaces at rest relative to each other , where is the coefficient of static friction. This is usually
larger than its kinetic counterpart.

For surfaces in relative motion , where is the coefficient of kinetic friction. The Coulomb friction is
equal to , and the frictional force on each surface is exerted in the direction opposite to its motion relative to
the other surface.

Arthur Morin introduced the term and demonstrated the utility of the coefficient of friction. [7] The coefficient of
friction is an empiricalmeasurement it has to be measured experimentally, and cannot be found through
calculations.[citation needed] Rougher surfaces tend to have higher effective values. Both static and kinetic coefficients
of friction depend on the pair of surfaces in contact; for a given pair of surfaces, the coefficient of static friction
is usually larger than that of kinetic friction; in some sets the two coefficients are equal, such as teflon-on-teflon.
Most dry materials in combination have friction coefficient values between 0.3 and 0.6. Values outside this range
are rarer, but teflon, for example, can have a coefficient as low as 0.04. A value of zero would mean no friction
at all, an elusive property. Rubber in contact with other surfaces can yield friction coefficients from 1 to 2.
Occasionally it is maintained that is always < 1, but this is not true. While in most relevant applications < 1, a
value above 1 merely implies that the force required to slide an object along the surface is greater than the
normal force of the surface on the object. For example, silicone rubber or acrylic rubber-coated surfaces have a
coefficient of friction that can be substantially larger than 1.

While it is often stated that the COF is a "material property," it is better categorized as a "system property."
Unlike true material properties (such as conductivity, dielectric constant, yield strength), the COF for any two
materials depends on system variables like temperature, velocity, atmosphere and also what are now popularly
described as aging and deaging times; as well as on geometric properties of the interface between the
materials. For example, a copper pin sliding against a thick copper plate can have a COF that varies from 0.6 at
low speeds (metal sliding against metal) to below 0.2 at high speeds when the copper surface begins to melt
due to frictional heating. The latter speed, of course, does not determine the COF uniquely; if the pin diameter is
increased so that the frictional heating is removed rapidly, the temperature drops, the pin remains solid and the
COF rises to that of a 'low speed' test.[citation needed]

Approximate coefficients of friction

Static Friction, Kinetic/Sliding Friction,

Dry and Dry and
Lubricated Lubricated
clean clean

Aluminium Steel 0.61 0.47 [12]

Silicon Nitride
Alumina ceramic 0.004 (wet)[13]

BAM (Ceramic alloy Titanium boride

0.040.05 [14] 0.02 [15][16]
AlMgB14) (TiB2)

Brass Steel 0.35-0.51[12] 0.19[12] 0.44[12]

Cast iron Copper 1.05 0.29 [12]

Cast iron Zinc 0.85[12] 0.21[12]

0.45-0.75 (wet)
Concrete Rubber 1.0 0.30 (wet) 0.6-0.85[12]

Concrete Wood 0.62[17]

Copper Glass 0.68

Copper Steel 0.53 0.36 [12]

Glass Glass 0.9-1.0[12] 0.4 [12]

Human synovial fluid Cartilage 0.01 [18] 0.003 [18]

Ice Ice 0.02-0.09[19]

Polyethene Steel 0.2[12][19] 0.2[12][19]

PTFE (Teflon) PTFE (Teflon) 0.04[12][19] 0.04[12][19] 0.04[12]

Steel Ice 0.03[19]

Steel PTFE (Teflon) 0.04[12]-0.2[19] 0.04[12] 0.04[12]

Steel Steel 0.16[19] 0.42-0.62[12]

Wood Metal 0.20.6[12][17] 0.2 (wet)[12][17]

Wood Wood 0.250.5[12][17] 0.2 (wet)[12][17]

Under certain conditions some materials have very low friction coefficients. An example is (highly ordered
pyrolytic) graphite which can have a friction coefficient below 0.01. [20]This ultralow-friction regime is
called superlubricity.

"Negative" coefficient of friction

As of 2012, a single study has demonstrated the potential for an effectively negative coefficient of friction in the
low-load regime, meaning that a decrease in normal force leads to an increase in friction. This contradicts
everyday experience in which an increase in normal force leads to an increase in friction. [21] This was reported in
the journal Nature in October 2012 and involved the friction encountered by an atomic force microscope stylus
when dragged across a graphene sheet in the presence of graphene-adsorbed oxygen. [21]

Static friction

When the mass is not moving, the object experiences static friction. The friction increases as the applied force increases
until the block moves. After the block moves, it experiences kinetic friction, which is less than the maximum static friction.
Static friction is friction between two or more solid objects that are not moving relative to each other. For
example, static friction can prevent an object from sliding down a sloped surface. The coefficient of static
friction, typically denoted as s, is usually higher than the coefficient of kinetic friction.

The static friction force must be overcome by an applied force before an object can move. The maximum
possible friction force between two surfaces before sliding begins is the product of the coefficient of static friction
and the normal force: . When there is no sliding occurring, the friction force can have any
value from zero up to . Any force smaller than attempting to slide one surface over the other is
opposed by a frictional force of equal magnitude and opposite direction. Any force larger than overcomes
the force of static friction and causes sliding to occur. The instant sliding occurs, static friction is no longer
applicablethe friction between the two surfaces is then called kinetic friction.

An example of static friction is the force that prevents a car wheel from slipping as it rolls on the ground. Even
though the wheel is in motion, the patch of the tire in contact with the ground is stationary relative to the ground,
so it is static rather than kinetic friction.

The maximum value of static friction, when motion is impending, is sometimes referred to as limiting friction,
although this term is not used universally.[2] It is also known as traction.[citation needed]

Kinetic friction
Kinetic (or dynamic) friction occurs when two objects are moving relative to each other and rub together (like a
sled on the ground). The coefficient of kinetic friction is typically denoted as k, and is usually less than the
coefficient of static friction for the same materials.[23][24] However, Richard Feynman comments that "with dry
metals it is very hard to show any difference."[25] The friction force between two surfaces after sliding begins is
the product of the coefficient of kinetic friction and the normal force: .

New models are beginning to show how kinetic friction can be greater than static friction. [26] Kinetic friction is now
understood, in many cases, to be primarily caused by chemical bonding between the surfaces, rather than
interlocking asperities;[27] however, in many other cases roughness effects are dominant, for example in rubber to
road friction.[26]Surface roughness and contact area, however, do affect kinetic friction for micro- and nano-scale
objects where surface area forces dominate inertial forces. [28]

The origin of kinetic friction at nanoscale can be explained by thermodynamics. [29] Upon sliding, new surface
forms at the back of a sliding true contact, and existing surface disappears at the front of it. Since all surfaces
involve the thermodynamic surface energy, work must be spent in creating the new surface, and energy is
released as heat in removing the surface. Thus, a force is required to move the back of the contact, and
frictional heat is released at the front.

Angle of friction, , when block just starts to slide.

Angle of friction
For the maximum angle of static friction between granular materials, see Angle of repose.

For certain applications it is more useful to define static friction in terms of the maximum angle before which one
of the items will begin sliding. This is called the angle of friction or friction angle. It is defined as:

where is the angle from horizontal and s is the static coefficient of friction between the objects.[30] This
formula can also be used to calculate s from empirical measurements of the friction angle.

Frictional resistance to the relative motion of two solid objects is usually proportional to the force
which presses the surfaces together as well as the roughness of the surfaces. Since it is the force
perpendicular or "normal" to the surfaces which affects the frictional resistance, this force is
typically called the "normal force" and designated by N. The frictional resistance force may then be

= coefficient of friction Standard

ffriction = N k = coefficient of kinetic friction model
s = coefficient of static friction
of friction

The frictional force is also presumed to be proportional to the coefficient of friction. However, the
amount of force required to move an object starting from rest is usually greater than the force
required to keep it moving at constant velocity once it is started. Therefore two coefficients of
friction are sometimes quoted for a given pair of surfaces - a coefficient of static friction and a
coefficent of kinetic friction. The force expression above can be called the standard model of
surface friction and is dependent upon severalassumptions about friction.

While this general description of friction (which I will refer to as the standard model) has practical
utility, it is by no means a precise description of friction. Friction is in fact a very complex
phenomenon which cannot be represented by a simple model. Almost every simple statement you
make about friction can be countered with specific examples to the contrary. Saying that rougher
surfaces experience more friction sounds safe enough - two pieces of coarse sandpaper will
obviously be harder to move relative to each other than two pieces of fine sandpaper. But if two
pieces of flat metal are made progressively smoother, you will reach a point where the resistance to
relative movement increases. If you make them very flat and smooth, and remove all surface
contaminants in a vacuum, the smooth flat surfaces will actually adhere to each other, making what
is called a "cold weld".

Friction and Surface Roughness

In general, the coefficients of friction for static and kinetic friction are different.

Like all simple statements about friction, this picture of friction is too simplistic. Saying that
rougher surfaces experience more friction sounds safe enough - two pieces of coarse sandpaper will
obviously be harder to move relative to each other than two pieces of fine sandpaper. But if two
pieces of flat metal are made progressively smoother, you will reach a point where the resistance to
relative movement increases. If you make them very flat and smooth, and remove all surface
contaminants in a vacuum, the smooth flat surfaces will actually adhere to each other, making what
is called a "cold weld". Once you reach a certain degree of mechanical smoothness, the frictional
resistance is found to depend on the nature of the molecular forces in the area of contact, so that
substances of comparable "smoothness" can have significantly different coefficients of friction.
An easily observed counterexample to the idea that rougher surfaces exhibit more friction is that of
ground glass versus smooth glass. Smooth glass plates in contact exhibit much more frictional
resistance to relative motion than the rougher ground glass.

Coefficients of Friction
Friction is typically characterized by a coefficient of friction which is the ratio of the frictional
resistance force to the normal force which presses the surfaces together. In this case the normal
force is the weight of the block. Typically there is a significant difference between the coefficients
of static friction and kinetic friction.

Note that the static friction coefficient does not characterize static friction in general, but represents
the conditions at the threshold of motion only.

Normal Force
Frictional resistance forces are typically proportional to the force which presses the surfaces
together. This force which will affect frictional resistance is the component of applied force which
acts perpendicular or "normal" to the surfaces which are in contact and is typically referred to as the
normal force. In many common situations, the normal force is just theweight of the object which is
sitting on some surface, but if an object is on an incline or hascomponents of applied
force perpendicular to the surface, then it is not equal to the weight.

The above cases are the commonly encountered situations for objects at rest or in straight line
motion. For curved motion, there are cases like a car on a banked curve where the normal force is
determined by the dynamics of the situation. In that case, the normal force depends upon the speed
of the car as well as the angle of the bank.

Friction Force The friction force is the force exerted by
a surface as an object moves across it or
makes an effort to move across it. There
Ffrict are at least two types of friction force -
sliding and static friction. Though it is
not always the case, the friction force
often opposes the motion of an object.
For example, if a book slides across the
surface of a desk, then the desk exerts a
friction force in the opposite direction of
its motion. Friction results from the two
surfaces being pressed together closely,
causing intermolecular attractive forces
between molecules of different surfaces.
As such, friction depends upon the
nature of the two surfaces and upon the
degree to which they are pressed
together. The maximum amount of
friction force that a surface can exert
upon an object can be calculated using
the formula below:
Ffrict = Fnorm

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